IktrEilLlß, ZDITOR4(I I4I4 PeOPRIZTOtt. VOL! XIX..-Iti • Usai.trm 4.l..'Bolinsr. • , J udi. Lima. , N. ageasx,T, wAi . eyen, I:her4:tib sett they frillght abbollim that ewJ4fd :• wic'epoin l 4." - -st• Misei. iurawithirwanta;oin ,--- , bar*baa yak sail plain, Amami*"HeinerHosier, throned ' Mt leneeeillil *min' • mho gadgfilatber,—the tee* cheek, • f glppki bent with ears; • • Mal ls, Whose soul dark denims laded t To, onwolsmo, wee thuts, raised'Hs his hurl—the lune man leaped, The blind forgot bid woe— ' with a startling rapture geed altutes glorious show. 111761;? • ;;i:;;;. Tile paraiitie Arid the laird / Ups* dared erase more ills idieudatte to hall. A iltarliOnthe'erte ufpltylug lore, • The beetle tuelined-- ,Witilaredaesselaneed words of praise .Itelkned his draggling mind. • • The ineffid, to her idlothoy, -The name ef hens te*rt,— Who thus with sudden touch had fled The chau.of his thought. Tor all that sad. hiaplering train, • "Ai* klpard are Weeiag And spouhleas jay that eight was born in many a lowly veil. Era awoke jiff ii—Oh I ye who find The chills of age.descend,— And with the lustre of y an locks, The elmond-bleesoms blend : Yet hare not o'er an erring lika With deep repentance grieved But let the safety of the soul . Vustudied,—nnachiet'd "An the hopekris Andel of night '• Pie their baleful dew,— Hunfl—beed the Heavenly Rellees Where mercy waits for you. From the National Intelligencer ei RHYMES FOR THE PEOPLE. Worker Own or tt.a Males* War. W he toot the city I . HI!" said brave Scott. soldiers end shot, I took the city !" Where's Santa Anna 1 Running and boasting, After his routing. Since the tau route He wants is gel out— There's Santa Anna Who let him in •1[ !" mid James Polk ; ••Meet fairly he spoke, But hie bargain he broke...- 1 let hint in !" Who does the fighting 1 "War, say the b'hoya ; .'Gunn moor ter n A nelhettles net We do the lighting 1" Who gm. lho glory Old "Rough ■nd Rends !" Quick, daring. end steady ! He Olathe glory I Who does Omit/aping Tho miaow and orphan I Alec bat too often, O'er many • eatTnn. They de the weeping ! Who rends despatches ! "I," said bold Gideon: Ay my carrirv-pigeon. I write my own story, And fill it with leery! sand despatches!" Who - Mille martyr ! "1 !" said proud Worth : erm.pressedi to tats tenth:" That Scott is too partial— TI have a court martial-- I am the martyr !" Who made the ?Sway 11. Nicholas Trist ! 1 brought out the grist ; Aid wareldiet revoke. Per Buchanan or Polk— I mad* the Treaty !^ Who pays the money I “We !" says the Nation ; ".titan and lislyntion ! We're kited like creation ! We pay the "',C7.1" CHILDREN AND ANOLLE.—.4I DIZAM.--- We , romenkber a remarkable dream which occurred , at a„ time when a little being came but to keave us spin, Whom we had hirdly thought Could tube claimed a place in our heart, but fot the void it left ; and it ;away* , Meets to- our Mind when we hear of 'neve MI mid old death meeting thus in 'tautly Mt tiwthreabold. . Wedtettait 't* we were conveyed by some myeterionsluide to the entrance of the earth. It was a kind °killer'', through whieh:> 'beht,gs. 'winged and beauti ful. were' rapidly ?Wising. all towards the earth; abate with gravevothers with hope ful upsets. *halt expreisions as various as they were. legible. • “What does this • *rater wei said.— " Who .'ire the passing: spirits that go all OmA/flowed. why are their countenances 0.0 I toestpeWion ,ieplieds "TM* fOrliattinagels, each on his way JelitakC 4 Arse of a noWrbord infant. Theylfitivi not iti %tidbits diniith'brif they kri n esnfithatorphere Ma *WO ii is beret and 1 the probable sum. And teeop,hhiess it - will be e .., is t9qk it the angel:' be said, 1 w l / 1 4 3 , 4 'mien, se if, a hard duty Nspt uni we lOO . His charge is the chil4 of the Ch and noble of, his land, Who will br' Mg up, in pride and luxury ;ea his, t o k " ,grow hard and *elfish, itii, sel : as - ' in high pieces has few twitre'ett• an without sorrow the voice of this good angel roill,hardly'he heard. 44.01 see that spirit who passes with eagekluopsfUl look! To him is commit ullgitichild of a vioious father who is ri. t ' *tux* at the moment that a child is born ; 1 Onto hies, But open vices are not so home fill a specious virtues. The child's heart will Wounded and humbled in the sins of his father, and, in paying the penalty of 1 another's guilt, he will himself seek the pathh'of virtue." Thell another spirit passed, with firm but peaceful aspect. ' "liii charge will be %rattans. The child now born will have willful' and tumultuous pusions, and his heart wilt bestubborn and perverse, and he will defy authority., and go far wrong, and the world will say there is no redemption for him, and even his father's face will be turned from him. But, in the .sil once of a sick chamber, a mother will plead immavently for him, and the child of yet be ST CSAIIITS bit'SZSIL many pearl . ' shill • , brought home to the fold.' • The lark went up to heaven seaming to' When mime one with anxious mien, an d beat his breast against the ancient sky ; ho was guardian tO A genital who wo uld yet tiny speck as he wits—scareelydiscern win the applause and idolatry of thousands; able to the keenest vision, his song Was and a second, with heave nly compassion. audible to Lucy Hinchliff in her mother's beautiful, and moving to behold, and he little garden.. Lucy was a daily govern- Was hurrying to the obscure offspring of sin and shame ; and a 'third, calm and en, and was in the act of plucking a rose to adorn her bosom, batons .she set out to peaceful, summoned to preside over the enter upon the day's routine. she cut even tenor of a poor orphan, whoinherited her eyes , around the modest garden--it the blessings of sainted parents, and a was a moded, very little garden—looked fourth, full of solemn anxiety, who hest', up at the lath once more, received the last cued to receive his charge from a ro y al I note of its sOng into her soul, 'smiled at the cradle ; and a filth, whose countenance of 1 r , grs headed mother in the pinched widow's . • of heavenly woo we dared not ask the ' cap, who was standing it the win d ow, wa cause of : and . many more , all going to ved her adieus, and dosed the small gate theirfrriedllits=l , 6* thlrettitdrett - or the efte - r i n t r. • , . good Mid bad,' the high and` the low, the 1 'There was net in all the suburb in which careless and the unbelieving,—till we were we lived a better, a prettier girl, a more tired of asking ; when, suddenly, came 1 loving. more dutiful daughter. than Lucy one, distinguished from all by the radiance 1 ilinchlitf. She Soot attracted our atten- of joy upon him. "What is hie charge 7" wersaid: "surely it muit be that of soate. future saint upon earth 2" , 415i0," said our conductor, "he is the an gel of a child who has died at its birth, and is going to carry it straight to heaven." And then we woke and found it was on ly a dream ; but ever since then we have never heard of the death of an infant with , out thinking of the joy_ on that angers countenance.—Fraser, March, 1848.. Evn, CoMPA\Y.•—The fit - Wowing beauti ful allegory was translated from the Ger• Sophronius, a wise teacher, would not suffer over. his grown up sons and daugh ters to associate with those whose con duct was not pure and upright. "Dear father," said the gentle Dulalia to him, one day, when he forbade her, in company with her brother, to visit the volatile Luciana, "dear father, you must think us very childish if you imagine that we should be exposed to danger by it." 'rhe father took in silence a dead coal from the hearth and reached it to his daughter. "It will not burn you my child--tske it." Eufalia did so, and behold her beautiful white hand was soiled and blackened, and, as it chanced, her white dress also. "We cannot be too careful in handling coals," said Enfulia, in vexation. "Yes truly," said the father, "you see. my child, that coals, even if they do not burn. blacken. So it is with the compa ny of the vicious." - HAVE INSECTS A LANGUAUE.-TIIEEC seetn to be reasonable grounds to infer that insects communicate their ideas and wishes to etch other. , Dr... Franklin relates the following, (rem his own observation: lie found some ants feasting on sonic molasses in his closet.— He shook them out, and suspended the pot by a string from the ceiling. One ant remained, and after eating its till, counting way up the string, on to the ceiling, and thence along the wall to its nest. In less than half an hour, a great company of ants sallied Out of their hole to the ceiling, and crept down the string into tile pot. This was done by others, till the molasses was all consumed; one body passing up the string from the sweet, tOnle another pass ed down to it. The Dr. inferred that the first ant had communicated to its comrades the new position of their delicacy, and di rected them to the only accessible road to it.-e—Kahm's Travels. GOING TO LAW Going to law is another word for going to ruin, as few get into, court without get ting into debt. lit rare eases persons go to law frOm necessity, but usually angeior pride, or some other passion leas a baud in it. Men quarrel about a claim, or get vexed at not promptly receiving a debt, and without waiting till their exaspera don cools, plunge into a law-suit. We do not know where we have seen a better il lustration of this thanin the folloWing little story, which is so true to 'human nature that most persons can see themselves as in a mirror in it : • There was a certain lawyer to whom, one day, a client came in a violent rage. •• Look-a-he re, squire," said he, ••that ere •shoemaker down in Pigeon Core has gone and sued me for the money for a pair of boots•I owed him." "Did the boots snit you ?" "0 yes--I've ' got 'em on—fust rate boots." •Fair price l" "Oh yes." . , ' oThen you owe him the money hon estly 1" • , Of course." . • . ' "Welk why don't you pay him I" "Why, 'cause the blasted snob went and rated ens, and I want to keep him cid of /he money to as ng ael - kin"." -- will mot you something." donh hoer for that. How much mo ney do yon: want to begin with I" "Oh, ten dollars will do." "Is that all I Well, here's an X, so go ahead, and the client went off very well pleased•with the beginning. Our lawyer next called on the shoetna or and asked him what he meant by com mencing legal promedinge• ignited 'Mr.'M mentioning his 'said he, ' "l kept on sendm vid ' midi& niter The money till I got ti- red ; know'd he ttrits able to pikr=4, tvas iiernitried'ko mike hint:—.timei the tong and 'short 6110' "Well," Mid the lawyer, "he's always ,been a gii4d custinnetto yea, and.), think you acted 'too hastily. ,:There's a tripe s to pay ottaccouttt of your proceedings—but . I think, you hid better,!ake these 0114,41- lars add call it square; "C'ertainly, squire, if Y€ l 9. say SCO, and glad to get it," was the answer. So the lawyer paid over the V, and kept' the other. In a few days Ms client tame along and • asked how he got on with his ease. "Rapidly," cried the lawyer—" We've nonsuited hint he'll never trouble you." ..Jerusalem ! that's great," cried the ell ent : I'd rather a-gin Jiffy dollars than had hint got Ms MoneyfOr thini bools."— N. Y. Spirit of the Times. GETTYSIVITRO: PA. FRIDAY EVENI:I9, THE DAILY GOVERNESS. lion when we went, with satchel on our back, willingly enough, to school. She was younger by two years than ourselyes --a little, amid thing, as we remember her. She had a father at that time, but we could see that the old gentleman was poor; and once we were prompted to offer her some of our victuals which we bore in our hag (for we dined at school). fearing•that she lied not enough to eat at home. It was on ly a boy's thought, and now we are more happy that we did not commit ourselves by insult, than we had realized our early dreams, those bubbles bred in a child's ac tive brain. Her father died, end they became poor er. A rich relation took Lucy away, to bestow upon her a euperior education. It was all he could do for her, he said: though he kept his carriage, and servants, and cast bread to dogs. She returned to her moth er after three years, to aid their mutual support by teaching. Who knows, besides themselves, the lives that daily governesses lead? Who I has tasted, besides themselves, the bitten ness of the bread they eat? The fine milt ' tress may not frown too severely upon her cook or footman. They would resent it. and would seek another place. But the poor governess! That she will resign her engagement is not tobe apprehended. And are there not dozens—scores, who would be glad to succeed her, if she gave herself airs? There are tragedies in real life more sad to witness than any of the histrionic art, and the life of the daily governess, in meager circumstances, is one whole trage dy. I Lucy H i nchli ffelosed the garden gate, and passed from her mother's sight. It was a fine morning, and she was early. She I had, therefore, uo occasion to hurry, as she was sometimes obliged.,to do. She felt very glad that the morning was fine, for to tell a homely truth, her shoes—well nigh worn out—were far from being Wa ter-proof. She had sat all day with wet feet once before from the same cause, and much need she had to be careful of her I health for tier mother's sake. She had ! few acquaintances on the road she traversed —though she was familiar as their own children's faces to all the small tradesmen —they saw her pass so regularly morning and evening. The green-grocer would frequently tell his wife that it was time to get breakfast, for the young lady with the music-paper was abroad. The toll-gate • keeper was Lucy's only speaking acquaint ' ance of the male sex. Ile had always a kind word for her. Nur did Lucy fail to ask him after the child that was scalded— a frightful accident that—or whether his eldest girl was at home yet, and other little queries. "There she goes," the man would say, when she had turned from him. "Her's is a hard life, poor thing !" I "Not hard at all, Mister Marton," re- , torted Dame Wringlinen on one occasion. I "Hard, indeed. I think she's got a very easy berth o't. Put her over a washing tub, and give ber three or four counterpanes for a morning!. work, and see what she'd make o't." - I "Ah, you don't know all!" said the toll keeper, significantly. And he was right. The lady at whose house Lucy corn metered the instfintions of the day, was a very nervous lady indeed; and like your , nervous people, she was extremely irasci ble. Lucy's knock offended bar. She hated !tingle knocks. Why had they a bell, if it was not to exempt the house, from the vulgarity of single knocks 2-- Once in a fit of forgetfulness, the governess ' gave a palpitating double knock, and then Mrs. Robert Smith was astonished at her presumption. "Miss—Miss--, I forget I your name—" Mrs. Robert Smith often contrived to forget a mime which was the property of an humble dependent and was so much better than her own. "Hinchliff, ma'am," prompted Lucy on the occasion referred to. Well; Miss Hinehllff, if, for the fitters, you would remeniber unit to give a double knock, you wouliroblige err. I really thought it was visitors, and. as I am in my dishabille; it set me all in a flutter —you should consider my nerves, Miss Hinchliff."! • ' " Poor Lucy t ',lrshe could hat% afforded to be so 'Pinch id, the fashion 'as to own the, possession or narks; the lady's 'nor-, 'oneness would' live fancied bet.: "Now, Miss Ilitiehliff;' said Mrs. Rob l . ere smith, when the governess had teksh of her bonifel *howl on the morning' we make , her acquaintance, "are you up In those new fp/adrift& yet,' • ' • „ I am . ye iy , bo i l ahem, bet I haVer 'been so much eugsged-;—I only look theM home tlerditytiefore'yeaterday. and so lit de of my time iit'MY otrn."" • ' Mies'lthichliff, of course, if you hare _too teany'engaigetnents, and my dear children are Mlle neglected on that account, It will be M. Robert Smith's duty to seek another responsible person, whose engage ments ere not so numerous ; you cannot obj ec t to that, I am sure:" "Oh, ma'am." was Lucy's faltering reply ; "I am too happy to be employed by you. I:will be sure to get the quadrilles ready by to-morrow." God pity her. She spoke the truth.— She was too happy 'to be, employed by Mrs. Robert Smith. "I will excuse you this time, Mite ~.rEAVALUSS ANA FREE:f Ilinchliff," said the lady, conciliste4'lY Luey's aestver o abut ihall certainly %ex pect the quadrilles ternierectue. ltltihk . you said when wettest engaged youohat you taught Italian? :Primal* is to learn its' "I shall'be most happy, metre replied Lucy, brightening - • ' ' "Mr. &beg' Smith says that hahaa mad is a grer a reader, as you know--that there are some youry pretty poems. in Itali an, though he mVed one by a shocking name---a kind ariisy-hoise thin." ~ w hish was that, ma'ml" inquired Lit cy, mentally reverting to Goldoni andbie taitade. - ' , You ought to tell nit," replied 'the Ti dy. ~ Y ou knollif of eenree—the pretty It lieo poem with the play-house neat:" Otilitd* •Yea, that is it--a very pretty poetiPid— is it not!" "It is.eoneidered • a very fine poem, "Yee. pretty or fine--that's • what , Mr. Robert Smith called it; though I think, If 'tis a comedy, It shouldn't be called Df- Lucy assured the lady that the Melee Corneae was net s 'play in five sets with stage directions, but . rather sieligious "I understand your meaning!' said her employer."something like Milton, I sup pose. I have heard Mr. Robert Smith re , mark—his remarks are so to the purlieus —that Milton was a tragedy, quite. You will understand that you are to teach Pris cilla Italian. And about the terms, Mr. Robert Smith says that you arc not to in crease them. as be really can't afford it." "Ma'am," said Lucy, astonished. "If you object, of course we must find another responsible person. who will in clude Italian for the amount of your pre sent salary." Lucy's mother was in failing health, — , Need we say thrsj site was "too happy" tit l Italian without remuneration, untler the circumstances. On the same morning Mrs. Robert Smith dismissed her' cook, who blundered at a pate de foie Bras, and hired another at mady enlarged wages. - The widow Hinehliff was not only fail ing in health. but she was nearer death than I t ucy had any idea of. When the pear girl returned home that evening—she went to six houses, and walked a distance of seventeen miles—she found that her pa rent had been obliged to retire to bed--1 Thi servant, alarmed by her mistress's condition, had called in a neighbor, who , only waited for Lucy's return to urge the propriety of sending for a doctor. Lucy not only assented, but ran herself to fetch one. can give you no hope," he said ; and she felt shat a Llight had indeed , passed over her young life. When one that we dearly love is stricken down to die, we look out upon the world, as if we had no longer hope, or part, or any lot, therein. She had to practice the quadrilles that night, on her hired piano, in fulfillment of the promise made to Mrs. Robert Smith. Iler mother had fallen into one of those dozing restless slumbers, peculiar to a . state of sickness, and the thought of wa king the notes of gay quadrille music in the house on whose threshold, even at that moment, Death, the destroyer, stood, shocked Lucy's feelings. No, she could not do that, let Mrs. Robert Smith say what she pleased. She sat through the longest night she had ever known—for the heart measured the I hours—not the clock—a wateherby her mo- ther's bed. When the glad sunlight came gushing in at the easement, and lark after lark poured forth his jubilant th an kagiving for hie Bleep in the dewy grass, she undressed herself, and wept to her chamber. leaving the 'errant to supply her place. There was, no visible alteration in. her 'parent when, with many fears and with one of the saddest hearts that ever beat in human bosom,ohe left the soigne upon het-conl etant diurnal mention. She was late, and hatito walk hurriedly. _it tained_too. and the water soaked through-dot leaky,ehoee. She had no stride for the toll-gala keeper. . He saw that she was sad, and contented himself with a touch of his hato by way of recognition. He was sad too, for the scalded child had died during the night.— "Beet not tell her now," he, thought; "the has her own trouble this looming." God help her. She had indeed. "You, are , full ten minutes behind your tittle. Miss Hinchillf. I never find you staying ten minutes over your time," was, , Mrs. Robert Smith's salutation. left myam very sorry, ms'arn=brit left my mother at home very ill—dying. ma'ani, the doctor says," replied Lucy, bursting into mars. • ' ' "Dying—dear me. Of course you lbel very much.put out; 'but punetuility. Mr. Robert Smith' says, is the soul of, art C 1, 17 gagenumt—and you have a character to keep are tome, you den set Ptiticllle't Mind at ease ; she id dyine to play the quadrilles, end to begin tier Italian." - I "I-4 was , unable , to" ran them through. last n4ht,metim," stammered 44cYs":1DY. mother was so ill." "Then you are not reedy with thine quadrilles again,Miss Ifiectliff ex elsimed Mrs.. %not -"really, it your .tigi,l a young woman- , should know , .lholfilunor,,her promise." disturb guy Aosotherr, said Lucy appealingly. "Of course, I take all that into tionsider.: Om*" 'replied 'her employer. g' "Bin tdtf; u cnsponsible person,••stiouldlinongtie value of tt promise. Ho*trirert.lVilLot.4 cuss, you at you.t:Mothet j le 'dying-110- ly don't refillisrPfl.n l 4os.l, 431 &M44an morning d course 1'; lincirlieen ski UilfOrttniOtteil ib fur et my own grimmer, but it pistil* No.. vided with and . . -alter father, says that ke.oannot afford books—her , French ones came so expensive. He thinight you mild hare no objection to lend her yours." What could Lucy say, but that her books were at Priscilla's service Her mother was worse that evening, an/ had been, as , the neighbor said, delir ious during her absence. Lucy asked herself whether, she should practice the EMMEN '. -, “•.:P1• • • ' '?,,,, . , c.IC 'ILS '. •I 0 • ~,•, 1 clnaergilvtoi felso4olnlanntiongth deciding. Though theyeikotdd,go•without bread, she would not forget her duty as a daughter. Her place vas srt , her imetheroo-bedstde. Thattlarber.4ltobbet filmbh Mid a Atilt to - a ' flitentii'fvihteee•goVirtutis 'net 'Only , taught Trilistr for the itartie'ialiiiiihat, was piftd to tukt r!`pOilitt. btirstlep ox:feat:ea til - tkiliiie Sii s niuti.' When Intkir watrove• mitten the n e xt morning, thirlady , placed a small sum of money in herbal:divine id' Tortned her that idennestio'arringemmite would' IfendeF het attendant:o lb einfgrult. `nereinnri- ~ The poor girl Mar, hal' A i i p cast 4otsh ',by, this oircuturti. O AV ail not beg Iticithstill..LOying, at wee I,' Sho would not be obliged to leave her aolarly 1 I in the morni liiiibqtki died ` ie e idalti4iiketeWrds- ATettglent fralliiihrt riniittiffeir brought a cool anawerbapk, in which the writer recogimpn,49o by ,to bpindustrious, and to , :keerrheillfifactif.' - - And now Lucy*eitdone in the world, in which.artmcwqmor ifiusisa,itidi so many' , hearts beating with warm lib:: Even the 1 toll-gate keeper had ititipl:eared. His place was auppliodbya stranger, a man of coarse, repulsive aspect. Lucfelt the illfilt loss, even of that acquain tances Withho• artinefith , &MN hiii other's death, she rm . compellmkto Fs • f nother of her engagemenis ;her entploy,or, a wid ower, hail:4 iintAti tildfanbiable 'Proposals to her. She adrertised-in the papers, but could, not, meet with ,an appointfpent.- 1 She fuld rein - tired - IMO lcidgfegi kiw. One nigin---it Was a eel& reitttNovem bet. night—.-Lucy IlinofdiB set in Winds room by her fire, pondering ever many things, but chiefeat , whit was fitting for a young girl DM nerAct davwbo; being so unprotected, was exposed to so many in sults. She gazed at her mother's portrait ,bung over the neeittelteMAC and seemed to ask advice of the dead t , of the dead replied 'neot. NO the 'bliati wind whistled. Only the rein beat the Window panes: . ' - There was a stii•below, ae of feet,enni' ing up stairs. Lucy heard it wittiontheisto The feet came higher and higher, howaveti and baked at her door ; upon the- Pooolt of which a,rap, 1'01;004, ea from detaeatinv ed, 4turdy knuckles. , The governeea etarto. and cried; ufi,onin and--auzan-carsio. in. It • was het old actoaintanee,,Ahe toll 4 keeper. But net . dressed as'he Was formerli,- 7 .rj No. Ile Wore a bran new tinitislififiiss . T: flue Barony clefts; atillsi gold'ivatehinart communicated" with hie veil pocket. ' Ah far as equipment .went; he wild In oft species the gentleman.- And 'in • the - heire. besidasv-in the hearthesides, • ' befit your pardon, miss, - for intttiding upon you," he said; bashfully: 'ern . come to speak to you about educating my children." Lucy bowed, She thought sho - had. misunderstood . • • • "1 am come into a large fortune lately, miss,—a very large fortune--a matter Ma thousand a-year. I knew no more of is, three months ago, bless you, than the man in the moon; and I think,, and my wife thinks,'that our girls ought to be educa ted." "Certainly," slid Lucy, vacantly. She; thought she was dreaming. "And an we agreed that'if you Would' come and live with-us—we live in all Or house now—and be one of ourselves, old teach the children, _wa. thought that we would talt,e,it very kindcf you?' • • ' "Yes," assented Lucy? , meohankalln for elte.waluot a whit the nearer working: "And if you would think two huadreci• pound a . ..yraroud,oviroonwzofryour . owo4 enoug ;us yours to 7 megoowi tAd4htsVe. all about it." ThißOakert Wthi,x e tt e pus. 1 4ht,Yr Alt gieecimplislied _erred hat on' his head', had breiihedliwely." put he reeolleetethitnablf; end took his Fiat 6 again. oirealviiik-inesotie governs/esti' tadi childrew:- DO 6 tavdefsten& yob arielitt" 'said •Luey, only half .corsolowi . that' "the ;steno was real. • • • ":Xes. miss., if you. please ; 'And ittwo hundred a-year , would atittisfy , you,,,,whr --why. in' doue ma that's just where it is " '• 4 , 1 thank God," cried. Lucy, ,b l lFltting int 6 lairs., She was wide awaksouttun dere -ea ill new. ' . It was all true--41 was Owl. ,Islil of t Ilie ti•ti had 'really pdinrimd ;Ogg ,fPrr tunt, 'left him by sem? relative, li pro misheard of.. And Wits 6011111 eirlit o i ught, abowt the poor geyerneia, who gave him a good'wdrd every tnertiirtg, and inqifted after Billy, who was tea Med I 'Yetq'thr he had heard of kw titothees , .deithilind the proud eonseionsimesirof beingabler to 'confer • benefit an an • orphan girl; Mite* his: heart as.,maelt at the immissign _of:* lholltlarld.lmwedwites annum, , Laws -of •ourse, would not Cellol , to irceeive, the • 1 saltri he hittnupg4 wit. Wan (lol ly settled this cilt9glAir. kllooll awl; bAI Lucy 64115 - with the itimridein nill-Inmper, sad r?9ki,iliPt") #- 3 4 7 /apply .” , ` ketwo ll willlfPllllle has 40,,u!eItIcled sl her,trtgihe .grave. rou.mpy atm, it, if, von will alltibl the, ktttp9se, to Abney Park Cemetry; eiokell-Tfewlngfon. 11 MittifaVritattsiticlf there is a hum ,buirthat la more idokldridly a humbug than all °that, it is' militia trainings. A. more completw and - thore ridiculoutt farce could 'IRA be cionjuredmp if our legislators were to pat their heeds together for the next half century., If the art of war must be studied, iFt• it not be libelled .by such supreme folly dfiviog a.snan, through some corn-field `two„tlayp in. year with a broom-suck ffr Mullen-stalk on hisshoulder. Our last 'Legislature wanted but little of haviog itense enough to abolish the system ; but the great misfortune is that that small por tion was wanting, which just prevented one of the moat rational acts that could have been committed. It affords some consolation, however, to itiow that in this progressive age, every yeas. 'Strengthens the hope that the time is not fir distant when the State will cease to be disgraced by pee -1 itive orders , from its statutes..—ilis:///in Sentinel. MIMMi ffMla !. 7,0.141234'.; I , .o , a A KauTroor Joitz.—A correspondent otthor..llOnitteky -IFlrig gives an amusing Amount *I urfprogreas of a recruiting ofli os;,,Cuptv;llfacalfe; in the county of Car los.. is :throe or foot to one Demo orotiol:And oak would suppose would be , vortrsulkof valoroif •their professions are 10 be; takes aw e'vidence. Capt. M. being ! no borne ,it the recruiting service, looked' Cartsrovlncli has often tendered but xievekr,givera Abe prosecution of the . wet, so, the place, above all 'others, for a mruiting station. Ile accordingly went itherecipoStedtup hie bills, and offered all Portent inducements to those disposed to "lisittleojiat theireountry;' and, atter sev eral days spent in hard work, recruited filistnafta sad left in despair, A day or Apso•aAer,he ;ell, a notice was posted up siilitsraguaseiliotel•the patriotic war De incutraoy..at .court-house, for the pur- PQM Of iseleoting a candidate fur the legis lature. This announcement, as usual, pro titiee4 sl great excitement, and the citizens Alm, all parte were preparing to attend. Meanwhile; however. some waggish (hi 41W Alldetl , postscript to the call for a atosibigt announcing the fact that Captain Metcalfe would attend the meeting for the poecto ofrieruiting such able-bodied 'men Ate mews ..rhaposed .to go forth to the wars blefld,!and die fur their country. The Aisles. spread like wildfire, and, mos promptly 'contradicted, the altWtOdisti:vsen•did net ccme to the meet itigtSWllwAs not a quorum present, and, for the Ann time in• the history of Caner. the atutoutpleul,ent cif a Democratic Meet . inchousekno rasponse in the. hearts of the indomitable:, lot:whams •of the "ever Arne and .glorioui Old. inth," and it is further ,1111 4 Ahe. opinion of those who • ought to.IMPW, *bat Vlore , Reser . a Meet ; laut ,thomitorritiell.,while;',aoxseeniting usmaits-iiii.thataugiodt: . : - • Emmalit* , .or ,11. rinit t Ycitms. Childreutshutthibelleiely ittOght edloaltstit sed4thlskeicAttestiliod of the .coonntia ;threat.; wlllsoyl"innitditt - tiest 4141 taught to rest contentestiloiniedvity, or that 'yrovideuse,Wotila hoe Owl aittfiftetlittlth aatamaß•atedatieetettioaletagr as • higher aUtuststeollitate , within "Ake) teeth of their 'iltdicieLairseete. PiicriridOtteli eine no child 40,stitutdowsLiti1112AU.K.Mlidianttitoo itself witti enah'ployithings•Asit Vlow4vomts and saail•altaßsc Thar ereileAtlled to higher sphereis..4l soar amoterthe eters; to roam tear mou make tops, thpanetrate the deinlts; :andio.l3olWMUlleilonithT •' they are oalltatupont to •iihsoliktbevtaad never restuigtsatialied !ulna theithevelpla ded their. Piet alove milloinier.fottt-prints, and , marved , 444-4waaate-akett* *ft mdier natuei. ~.Exiseluittes• sltektid 40ter be the • Motto. He who looks trOvri'the`killtdretti ' lit our Otreete, fait growing, many aln them, to be vagabdnds and - pestsvin sticiaariand , is satisfietkeither • is-deaf so hhervMee" of duty and of Godoor htris guilty *Obesely^ dieregarding•that vehovt. HW only, who itr wall,* to labor for the elevation Of 'the' rising, race-I—to• guide:them•intastphereil insprovemeattand•usitulneis; and to Rutter within.thent, a disposition; to raw•the Tien , for honorable and meritonotts distiootkow is a ttme patriot.. Re, only,• isthmoid his' nature, true to posterity, tree te• his oottfl ry, true to his God. • • t: .1' ,Wirral Hownro Ptittiwit u+-11t NOW York, on Midi,- lash four entn'whoViiti so drunk , ,that they *mild leartkly" ,were Peen bearing winnintrinoWlitinhtedni " 7 " d“ullg194:104-NtA thy tvkyOnidl2,iit44 l o l 4 c‘rtfYl 1 41'4'044 p ol * ; posed 44) „,... ,. . t. ~ o..:"::...TitmvPu ,/, . i i„y e l , , r . .., pc 44.4 'l t Te'' 'd,e-ciiimi, , tti.,.” , TPZOi' 6( 1 . ' Aei 1 6 14.4. 'OP .1%0 moll' ee#110.1401,411,L,_•%7Th on to ~..1414 tpt,slP6ick I FR . I 07..,a,c of every We' ai'lcite bitnufii v" thi i11ii44,104: It 7 ,eafdply Inv '4ll, coutpareil to a poison -1.1 11tc11.4'iteli'viettotite4. that if, it oval) OitillO-8 bilf)i. Tory, daorous, but if ,t drat* titisOtrft ra irrevocab E boat. WHIG COUNTY CONVENTION. -. -a' ' • • 'i , . --• , irrtrsiusta, a. May 29, 184 n. - 1 /010'b'elok, A. M., it(' pursuance of a tall tor the . 06iir4 remmittee, the Dele- Oki triiiiille • seyet4 townships, appoint sdliiitellet it Ticket lobe supported by the tWAIWZ'nf A4nts county, assembled in the VdtiMtoiise tied Organized by appointing W . ; 11 : 81 PLER ,. rsq., l'resident, and D. ! i l to and lenzsitsit A. AUL LL ABAVU, Secretaries ~.,1 The - following delegates appeared and _presented their credentials : TilliettOborka-J: B. l'Al'herson, D. A. Buohkr. tirsirprlsnirl—loiork.Belleyi Jamas Blacks der M►J .Henrryy SpsuWing, Dr. Jos. 6hotb. Oxford:-6. X. ITerah, Jacob Martin. lagntittfloh—Witi. B; Sealer, J I). Worley. Latintbrei—:George Dentrdorfl; Jacob Grist. Hansiltohbo'n--Josoph Kittinger, Samuel Knox. Liberty--. 8. B. A. Moore, Christian Frey. Borlba--ritobt. M. Butt:lin:ton, Eq. 1). Mellinger. Monallen--Jueoh Comfort, jr., jacub I....Bushey. §tratort--IVin. Van Cradle, John Brinkerhoff. Trstiklin—' , :Ahdrew liefntzelman. Motes Smith. Oonowegki—J. A. Aulabaugh, J. L. Gutiernator. 'Tyrone—Baas Ferree, Solomon Routzong. 1 Mountjoy—Joseph Fink, Samuel Iturborov. Mountpleasaut.--Yeter Nmith, Sebastian Weaver. Beading---,John Trimmer, Samuel Cot erholtzer. Abbottstown—Aa.sph Abbey, F. B. Reber. Freedom—Jarob Myers, Phineas Itodsors. Union—Enoch Lefever, George Basehoar. Berwick—John Elder, Levi Kepner. On motion it' vas agreed that the Con . Vention proceed to nominate and ballot for CLERK OF THE COURTS, Mr. M'Pherpon nominated Hyatt Dzsartnnta. Mr. Brinkerhoff .411LN NOARII, Mr. Ilerah , S. R. Rnsur..4. BAT,LOTINGB Ist 24 3d 4th 6th 6th Hugh Denwiddie, 14 13 15 17 21 23 Eden Norris, 18 14 18 15 21 Samuel R. Rumeli, 10 16 -11 10 A resolution having been adopted pre view; to entering upon the 4th ballot, to drop the lowest candidate after the 4th' bal .lot, Mt. Eusszuls name • wits ' withdraveit. Mr. DEN WlDDlEwasdeolaredthenotn/ inee on the Bth ballot. For Two D'01 : 410 rOi *r* INEW SEtigs—Na 54. REGISTER AND RECORDER, Mr Stoller nominated Wx. W. Riesintnir. Mr. Durboraw Jima. 'Wigan's *I. Mr. M'Pltetson R.,W. assasr. zau.oritcsat. Wm. W. If:twenty James Nl'llhermy, Robert W. Al'Mainly. Maj. HAMERSLY, having meshed a majority of the whole vote ea the id ballot, was deehired the nowise . .. 4 the Convention. On motion, adjourned to lane at II o'- clock, P. M. eeteee, The Convention re-aseeinbled. sod pit,- eeettett to nominate oeui ballot for • - • PRarnortarrapt , Mr. 34 Phereon nominated War. W. reArtor. Mr. Hutchinson 4. Jogs Pratrio: Mr. Comfort " Gee. W. Iti*Gtellieet. NALLOTINUS. John Pielking, William W. Paxton, Geo. W. M'Clellan, JOHN PICKING, Esq.. baring re ceived a majority of all the votes' on' die 4th ballot, was declared the nominee. ' FOR SHERtFP. Mr. Overholtser nominated Baseboar " Mr. Hui:it:ken:in " Mr. (hist Messrs. I.zoasetri M'Et.wes and Dial- MI. Mtnsten were also nominated as iiiii didates for Sheri ff , but their names Were withdrawn, at their own request, to 646- tate the balloting'. SALLOTINOS lit 2,1 34. 4th Sob 111 , 40.„Picir" /4 14 IV 14 10 pbnrim Sw o pe,2o 2 0 20 1V 20 06G 4 , `Raton Cox, • 2 2 R,egolution to drop the loWeit Oaths &Ye after the 4th ballot, having been 460= Mr. M'Munnts's name was withdrawn,. EPFIRAIM SWOPF:, having teetivOilit Majority of all the votes, on the 6thisft, teas declared the nominee of the Cosiya* non. For CORONER, Mr. Ilciptplrrion ricrininauza Dr. Gllllll. Ifonntillk lietthipion' G. C. STlSlCiAllifiagai On the lit ballot, Mr. Hoontga meth' . eel 23, and Mr. STlttcxxoilees 18 iota; whercupnri DR. (.111,ARLES211ORNOR. wad declared the , nominee of the,COßlffa, . „ . FLAX" DIRECTOR OF '' HE pops. Mr. V *adla nominated Meant amantrnars.. Mr. Obliainatiwv « trod TateavNa. Mi. Ridelinston ' Jamie DACreaMair.. Mr. Etdati • • "" Prieto Baintini vi'• ",., Healy Brlidiehet ` 21 Seeehl.eibear; ' •O' . 14 14 it Jesse D. Newaoasi.. -3S 43—'4' , • r Philip BeVao l o... .1> • '0 Jll , - I Mr. BRlNKERMOFFereeeivielti ma jority of all the .irolee; :w.a. duly led. For • - • • • l iv irrporar. Mr. Hutchirsitot _norniiiiil443,ll,loEL DURBORA.Mr:_:7I . 6aVkwI944IOI be ing made, M. Do6lololjlroo,l,lna unanimously nondmiied. - • SO M 5 41181 ° 54 1 4. ! - norainsted Maxwell 1111614. iow 4r e . , , t4 J.O. 14.1 "i' - ' ' sari.. ; /4r, thoisir. 'e , Jelar iladcheider. " Charles WUL " bow Welt. 111/MUMNISS, Airmen Shields, John Ma&IY. John Moirninptar, Joseph .12 Henry, 'I, Charles Will, Isaac Wolf,. 4 ; John Burkholder, 3 lv ', 1 MR. MORNIINGSTAR !invitee rtteeiv.;• mi the highest number of votes, was decli- Ted the nominee of the Convention. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. Mr. Ileintsplman nominated .130114111 Co Mr. llersh Wm. Mlthisly. Mr. Overholt:47r " JAR ftrimpOi.. • Mr. NlTherson " 11. J. Selpiser, TIALLOTINUS James Cooper, Wrn. reCriburry, John Brough, H. J. tichreiner, Mr. COOPER, having received a tnajoek* ef • ell the' wises, was declared the norniotwof s Gear retinue. Upon the nomination being awiteualailk Mr. Schreiner returneithis aclurowledvarets So Ole Cottrell tiros kir the support evert to his name, and pledged his meat zealous elterta in Wok of the ticker. On motion of JoSzPit Esq., it iris Resolred, That John C. Ellis, A. 8, , Kurtz and John Illrough, Esqs. be appoint-. cd Conferees, (in conjunction with Owner Conferees from York county,) to nomi nate a candidate for Congress in ibia Coo-. gressional District; and that said Confer nes are hereby requeited to urge Dasiffu.,, M. Sinvszn as the candidate of the distriet: provided that, in their opinion, the interests of the Whig party ,be subaerved by maiti nomination. On [notion of D. A. Buehler, it .wes nanirnously , . • Resolved. That the Ticket this (Iv Otto tied receive the unanimous confirmation of this Ounvention, and that we. pledge or best exertions to secure its trioniphantelee tion in October next— , On motion of Mr. Hoteltinieb. it wall liesolvid. That the President be tutbatis; ed to appoint the usual number of individ uals to constitute the County Coe nitiie. On motion. the Convention . ad t erniet sine die, with an order to have Fr!. ceedings published in all the Whirperiell of the county. , ICrThe President of the CarteOft* hu announced the failistritg ammi,P C4ll * mittee for, the ensttinitYear'r . .11: 4 7 ". ! SW R. 81evrition.. Dr; sz , Won. D. Him's. Ora d ''' l ' Dr. D. Horner, LC 24 $4 20 •20 22 16 ISt 13 $ -7 14 26 3.1 44 16' 20 '21'24 17 17 18 18 Mr.s. rictus, L~rtslCMtrrFrs•Ati Swot A A DON Obi. lot 'tit, !a ld 2d ' '3d 14 111, 14 II 17 ,fl 4 3 ~.b Id 2d IT 23 Il II 3 S II 111