%toils intelligence of the plot, corium ent et! their designs. The National Guards, _ r as well Us the Mobiles, tt•ere called out, and the criticals tate of things which threat 111111P0iill'ANT FRO:111t I'lliCirl'lL' I toed i complete reign of tat roe, furnished &tempt of Ledrir Rollin to &afro?' * the Provisional Go i rumens with the pre- Preeinonal Government—lie/rend on' team to military display. the Verge of War—England Quiet. 1 gust happily the National Guards stood The Steamer Britannia arrived at [los. I firm, and presented so imposing an attitude ton on S un d ay h at .. Th e news is t h e lin defence of the Provisional government and public order, that the display passed greatest importance, the most intro-cantle of whith Amalie following kerns : 1 off without any overt attempt, pretty MUCII The Prussian Diet has dissolved in a 1 in the same style as the English Chartist most undignified manner. demonstration on Monday, the 10111 April. ~c " ys froiroworia am! Italy ~ nut' to n hich the imoeinetit bore very consid implliiant. I crable resemblance. Yesterday, tort% thou ians have gained some slight i san d troops of the line were to assemble .staniallertliss fn rims, for the first tone since the revo advantage titer the Ausiriaim ~,,r nec ip oisttati froret , s were invading ; l lotion, to fraternize with the National w hitha iii, i ndi the n t „A were defrayed in 1 Guards and the people ; and if this be 101-.ftltiaiNk. I dune cordially and with sincerity, the Pro. I Thlitteha elf Egypt lets' hnhg r , & row ,. 1 visional government may be considered ii i i ,,,,i f si ka -b rt , ~,,,,,,im.,., who had b een I safe against all attempts of its enemies, wal l ap owi th o in Tai bdo ,,, h T tit the otni d„i nts l of the enemies of order and the public albs' "&ople.' peace. i Vhh'rfilke arid Thiehess or Xfontpensier , All classes now deeming the lately pros hleitfi Wien banished front the capitol of scribed troops of the line as defenders of Silent - l' ! order, life and property, a couple of regi ' Tfili'Atuiffian government has: expe ll e d men's were brought into Paris. No few- Iht , / c hi t , n rm,,,, , „ Inc h re, great sat. I er than one hundred and twenty thouiand istrietm to even the C a tholics. I men assembled at the quays and Bottle -IN` `abollatel the Chartists are regularly 1 yards, joined b oi y forty thousand of the Bon rWt)zeff: ' ' hen or suburbs. kttit.a'slh.—A fresit agitation has been 1 To these were added 20,000 of the g64`htill in tenth:et' for the extension ~s t Guards Mobilerand this body, between los il , i tli b t e , laxai i„„ , re d„,.,,,„ of which and the National Guards some jeal. mit hiesiit expendititres, and the advance- "us,' had previously existed, fraternized ifi lse. rtitelifl rßelorin principles throughout the I as they passed each other, and their coin klitatifit.. Forty Members of Parliament 1 inon dif fi culties were buried in oblivion. astillaVed if its formation. hamartme has prepared an oftentive l n some of the districts the middle class. Land defensive alliance between the French es'i We Thu6ll2llll with them, and at 80.-' and , the Swiss Republics. oinownit find N ott i ng h ww, „,,,..,i„0 oft 'The report that Lord Brougham had ap otthyot,,, r a 4,,, s im e to some points of t h e I plied for letters of naturalization as a eliiitOr have been held. I French subject proves to have been cot-. "filelibtite id Commas of FAO:milli:iv. rest, for the French papers publish a Car. big liaised the Crown and Government 1 respondence on the subject between hint Security hill by an to ern !whiling majority, land M. Creinieux, the minister of Juane,. shield!". aAjoorned on Wednesday eve- I The French minister, in answer •to LANII nun, 10th April, for Easter reeess. I Brougham's application, informs him that 'Pi* Metterinch, his Princess, Prince lie must renounce all his privileges in liiihAttl,'Bartin Charles Hazel, aml suites, England, if lie becomes a French citizen. ' filiire ititiVed hi London. GLRNI t‘ V.—lt had been agreed, by the Tlie 'red on the Savings' Bank of Eng- GerMJII States that a Nate:mai Assembly • isiff,fit Mill cei the increase. or Parliatlent for all Germany, .should "410 lings, in favor of the Charter, hate meet in I. ranlifort on the ,Ild of, May. to Brett held during the week in almost every I confer with the Diet on the Jeform of the litAtaii (it England and Scotland. - I Confederation. No sooner had this prom- The Chartist Convoirion, before ad-Ilse been given, than i ,selfelenced club, jdrird ; 'appointed deputatums to visit ; from which all the known statesiiion or tit vinces, adopting a petition to the 1 the nation were defacto..eitalledfrasoft,'"- j , ii praying the dismissal oilier Minis- bled in irankfurt, to anticipate the delft . , 4 te yvii rations of the legal represeetati es the Y 1 4 Aiehaidist organization has ta k en pl ace country ; and these persona, though invest-I iw i lgeotfankatnl is spreading throughout ed with no sort of authority,, passed rests-1{ the country with great energy and vigor. tenons of their own, and virtually' eel aside I the actual Diet of Germany. , Pl hiitcAND.—lreland continues in a ver • Y !' he whole of that part cif ,Europit , soya eritvq state, and the excitement among di? peeßie continued to increase rather the European Tunes, tv,hiell skirts Mel thaii ihMtnish. disorganized. The wildest radicalism has, 'Ai:no u s - are in brisk demand, and the peo p 4 DSP being openly.dr died %yob pikes amid_ii?le nd t l i h r e o s o e t e i r n et t s h oc e l e ; t r i a u nd ot D o uc er ly aoil oc i ll s a w de ie n4 Baden radicals aryl Freechemutearies earn r is„tlesiiite the threate ne — d interference is the. Government. Indeed. Mere seems organizing an armed itivarden. Af i llestiti toM qt longer any doubt of die Net that ' Cassel the soldiers and the , eitizene are at lit i rbti is on the eve of a civil war. oh alarthine demonstrations of public rail eth 'one , th e thilitairY having att,e9iPted i... ( Y 4" , 3 tare their former reign or p arw hysicel °Ruin continued to be made, and it was 1 ,t () re 't he Duke of Ileille CAW' etas le general opinion that bloodshed was " in. "' not far oft expressed his indignetiott at the mumps ar l i le, t ins have been found nga ins , !attempted by his guards, whose dlisolu -1 non as a r egiment he has ordereti,and Mitthek O'Brien and Meagers, the three some of the culprits are to be tried by most energetic of the Irish leaders. courts-martial. In Saxony a frightful in- The differences between the repeaters, headed by, a. 0.c0n..01.„ die , one bide and centhin'Y insurrection 8 194' 1 ;4 ° l?';going Mitchell o on, which the government cannot succeed, on the is becoming greater . . . every, diy,„ ,The rent has fallen to .£25 le putting down In Aleane a complete in , anal die evident that l , ity of , ihe Irish peop l e i s in favor o f v i olent troops have been attacked at Mormontior, MCASUreII. In the Meantime, the people la n d 15 werP killed, Trioters : were he at continue to supply themselves t$ ith arms .: length' repulse d : with great loss. an d their ,' Great and influential bodies sent in ad- : leader eaPtered* douses to the Lord Lieutenant, expressive I ArSTRIA AND Saantbiza.r—Atlvices front of i their determination to support the gov. Milan announce that the 'Sardinian troops I e i rnment, Ireland continues in a state of great en- had gained some advantages over the An a ; / i trians at the bridge of Goito, and it 'was hippiners and agitation ; however, great stated that 2,000 Austrian prisoners had fear o r an outbreak of the peasantry elm. fallen into the hinds of the Piedmonteee. al , l' Ills statement was greatly axagerated, as' , . e speakers of the meet i ng at c oon '. the number of prisoners dill not exceed 1 ilitionJfell were nioderate, aml the .con-;' 100 - ._,_ federates are as warlike in their harangues ! The basis of the new Austrian consdin aelieretofore. . tion has Just been pu Imbed. It is fut. ,pPublic demonstrations in support of lows : All the prat inces are constituted gigernmeet n ere held in several parts of , into one body, with the exception of Run tKemintry., 1 gury, Scis voma, Sievenberger, and, for t!te FRAN'CR.—The Britannia brings intelli present, the halide provinces. The diei genre that M. Ledru Rollin had at length ' inn "the Empire shall remain as it exist* the at this nine. The person of the Emperor made the formal attempt to destroy is declared to 1;e inviolable. The Empe• Provisional Government in France, and and.that troops were arriving every mo. ror is to have full power over the land and and the right of making war or toss in France from all parts of the coup- sea rflrees ' peace. Treaties of e very destwiption with loreige powers canOilly be made with -die The greatest excitement and alarm had i sanction of the two houses of Parliament. been created in Parts and throughout the settente by these astounding events, and , file attribute of mercy, and the right of sees* of the most monteutous character bestowing rewards belong to the Emperor, were daily expected. 1 but mercy cannot be extended to the ministers, without the sanction of the , The financial crisis in Paris was apps- I 1 Parliament. The laws aro to be Efrain ready subsiding, though business and trade weessaill!much depressed. !sacred publicly in open courts, by oral -. The rause of quarrel between Ledru proceedings, and trials to be by jury ; the Rollin anti his colleagues, is said to have judges are to be appointed for life. hetetu follows s 1 All projects of loans are to be proposed. as well as sanctioned by the Emperor.-- At deputation came to Parts from Amiens, , The Emperor will assemble.the Purim e removal of Ledra itollin's cummissa. forithe purpose of presenting a petition f o r meat annually, and he must call them to. thl 6004 Olt &dam' of some violent proceed-' g nu ''' . at stated intervain " He has 'he! right to prorogue and dissolve them. The legs, he had indulged in the exercise of the ' freedom of religion, of speech and of the uattmited powers with which he and his . pres, ent red, and the rightof petition and fedlow-sioniusissaries had been invested by lof b old in g public meetings is granted to e- Mykollin. M. de Lainartine and several Wirer tabtabers of the Provisional Govern- very citizen, subject to future laws. I 'he Austrian Government has ordered mestere said to have admitted the iniscon the Jesuits to quit Lititz. 'Phis step has ddet of; thei commissar!. , and stated that he steitht.to hive been removed. 1 given considerable satisfaction even teethe m m , Mr Rollin refused to sacrifice a lone.' Roth " Catholic P o p ulation ' tio . ttary who, if to blame ill all, was only I Rtss".—The cologne Gazette, of the Steil,, foyer zea l to t h e cause o f t h e re 113th of April, quotes a letter from the Bees plitdka, Upon this, a violent scene en. 1 /au Gazette, by a traveller, in which be aued o sed words passed between the dif. says "that the Russian Government is e legem members of the provisional govern. dopting every possible measure of defence, 'Went *Web ensured a wide breach in the land with every forbearance. The mina emeeeils oldie nation. rz reinforeerneuis demanded by Prince . . Atriral of the Steamer Britania.j 7 DAYS LATER FROM EitoPl:. Paris has been the scene of one of those 4aztraor7llmtry, demonstrations which can ok occur in the capital. Fortunately it 14:15,1t_,ei0 off It ithout blOodshed, M.'l3,oOlflue l having been stung to matl -414 #VbillY ilvt Poblicstion of certain papers 1 . , •li?,tave been found at M. Guizot's *, litcl . i, impeached his political char . ',,,Tultottlated a most bitter plullipte a* die provisional government—de ' "the documents published to be for teti---and inveighed most bitterly against ' .Merrat and M. Lama rtine, in terms , i ttfot , .icily to be forgiven. lie swore to ''siiliiihrow the government. 1 . 11 seems that apt was actually formed • temelaireidebaibe provisional tioternUletit „poi liew,lk.aleartine, *wrest, and other OPALIPONNIIIIIMIIMPI therefrom, and form a 41;0010 ittentutueati, eoneialsng of Ledru , Rodeakeritnat Skin:pi, Albert Louis Blanc k, rale*. AestriorßaapeieL and Pierre Le. -1110110 , tukap. , iimpling wee accordingly got op for lAggoCgemeges de Mare ea ttowdey sight, ettedn't object. However, Mons, • Leewatios and Manuel betieg got pre. Paskiewitsch has arrived, and set off for the frontiers. 100,000 are to follow, if necessity should require it. Warsaw is perambulated by patrols, but it presents more of the life of a carnival than of a scene of war. Everywhere strains of lively music resound, because the Poles expect their deliverance by Germany, and hope to secure it by remaining quiet to the end." . ITALY.—The later news from Italy is not important. It appears from the Bol ogna papers that Signor Carlo Ruseorti has addressed the Pope, inviting the Holy Father to place himself at the head of a great Italian Confederacy, and to assemble a grand General Diet in Rome. Nitetits.—The greatest enthusiasm pre vails iu the cause of the liberation of Italy, and numbers of volunteers are dailyainrol ling themselves to proceed on the Holy Crusade against the AuStrians in Lowlier • dy. • Eeerr.—Advices from Cairo to the 29th ult. state that a meeting had , been held at that city, where speeches were made on the grievances of the people. A deputa• lion was sent to the Paella ; who seeing the greatness of the demonstration, made fairritontises. Some of the pricipal speak ers were subseq tinnily sent for. Partin charged them with treason, and at once hanged them outside the walls. There has since been great excitement and dissot iofaction in the city. PRESENT FROM THE POPE.—WO learn from the Washington Union that the Pope has forwarded to be presented to the legis lature of New York two cases, one con taining the complete collection of the Calleographia Camerale, a magnificent set of engravings, ita lose loge FOrtfcilios, representing the antiquities of Rome; the other, three Bets of the . meter ltrbottese; silver, and gold, 841 , 14 enqur, the pontifi cate of Pius IX.: NEW COUNTERINCITIL—SettiaI new Icounterfoitg.lisva made their„appgarance within a 're* days. fdllitivitig is a descriptiiin of a note otroreil'isday Or two since : $l4, Washington "edenty Bank, Md., dated Aprit eth, IBC", payiL Eitnithr Vignette, Indian gazing al a train of ears.; Indian on the left `Ship on the right; the• paper dark end engraving rough,. A five, Blink of Ihleweire; 'Vale also offered about the seine time; paper story dark and - gretay•ltroking, dates, &c. nor reeul • • firm soivrr, T —The authuridomiin wad), ingtoP , City areA4301.416.4 1 11ree firs the frceptilmleflew - S*lokOraiii7eglibiii; (ion of lila viclorAga;achiared by the 4 11 0 Y under his command, on hie return, , tos the national metropolis, La.connectiou with resoltitions of thnks, kh.httnioell. cora and Maul. , expressive ,of, r high ad miration of their counsge, prowess, and mititsFy arrience.". the Mayer of ;he city is reflPamed..to call a public meetimg of the citisenant,au early (hay, to make necessary armilipm!rmus for,“mird,lying their esteem and athotration for , the .vetesen cokiiar."--- The:;M.syor,is to present the resolutions to Maj,l,lon4cott nu the day of his public reception:. , , , Clio-Nur us oir'inst TtsiostaPa.— T !The Phitssilelphia 'paPeri are now publishing nett's Awn' St. up to, (be' hour of their going ,to 'preirs—the in tellifeheitiiiiig eniitieyed along thnWfres in a Yew seconds of lime. ' 1 , 'Pout ' AND Plit.ovr.---The New York I , 'Courier and Enquirer' hits Polk's '. , near neighbor" stret}y' hard, in th . e following squib. .Ibrtune," it is said, .ftsvors fools;"—and certainly she never did so more decidedly than. when she granted to Gicletedn J. Pillow the privilege of hold ing, office under James K. Po)k, instead of Ahe,Ensperor_of the Celestialli,ingdom.- 011. , Perbett, in a recently' published des erlittion orChinai-glier art 'outline df the Chinese articles off taar; l among which we 'find the following B. • The soldier • who bravely kills one enemy shall be rewarded t--but. he ,who is-deteotetl in • lying-pretatts about his own merits,: or who by false tales u ,surps the meiit.s of others as his own, shall he decapitated." - What would Pillow's head have been woith, had he been *Brigadier in the Ce iratial Einpirel Not the price of one o his.spurn. Ray. EDIT?* BROWNI.OIII . IN NISW Oa" Likss.--"--Ilev. 0. Wm. Brownlow, of the iiinestrorough (Tenn.) Whig, writes from Neiv-Otteatis to that paper. giving an ac count 'by no means flattering, of the Cres cent City. HP devotes a page of the Whig to the 'description, which is exceedingly rich. We give a specimen : "New Orleans is a head and shoulder taller than , any city I ever was in. Nay, it is Aa Ole'and compass' deeper in the sinks 'of iniquity than any city I ever was The devil operates here upon a large scale, and really has his lunTacks here, 0 . - gether, %kith Most of his recnriting Viter ultev.,--Dt..-Clap of this-May. 4 +as deliv ered a sermon, ,n which it is made to ap pear that there is no hell In the next'life in which to' Pdeish sinners This is an , inaportint discovery. add revives the dropp ing spirits of thousands here,, who know that if the vulgar notion of a hell in the next life be true, they *ill hive to pay it the roast. It is more important 'to the in habitants of bieur-Orleans,to have doctrine of hell fire padfialrov yuhi‘knent done a way viith, than hf 'any other city I was ever . „ , , nentwrap i P - Tare „IN 1101 1 1 CL.— L Jill a - ted that in 1030, there were but .50 evan geliral and leag,than 4q Coipor-, tour.;employed in ' France. There are, now over 300,ininiatere. nearly 80 even pilaw and between 200,and 30Q colpor- A COSTLY PAIR or Hosx.—The Boston Chronotype states , that yoang lady of wealthy connections,' was detected latelY in the act of secreting a pair of'hote while in the store of an extensive dry goode deal er in Washington street: The fashionable shop-lifter begged hard to bp lefoff, and nally the matter was compromised by the young lady's paying a bill . of4ver one hundred dollars, which Wei tha value of articles plundered from the'store at various times, of which the shop-keeper, kept' a' correct account. The Washington Correspondent of. the; North American charges President Polk with having taken steps to prevent there— turn of Gen. Scott until after the meeting of the National Conventions for the nom ination of candidates for the Presidency. Mr. Polk, it is said, has not the courage, or the reliance iodie justice of his outrages on the victorious General, to meet the popular judgment, and he is tob much of an intriguer to hazard it, by the presence of the man whom he has so deeply wronged, and to whom he and the country owe so much of gratitude and admiration. THE Locos AND THE PHESIDENCY.-It is thought that the contest in the Locofoco Convention will be narrowed down be tween Mr. Polk, Gen. Cass and Judge Woodbury. The others have but little chance. Buchanan aid Dallas are regard ed as mere ciphers, who have not for a mo ment been regarded as serious candidates. Since it was proved that Pennsylvania can be so easily gulled, the party do not care about considering their claims for a share of the honors. A DISTX.SBING OCCURREINCg took place at Fall River on Wednesday last. The wife of Mr, Laderieh Borden, during a tempo rary estrangement of wind, drowned her two children in a cistern in the cellar of her house, and then out her throat. Her husband was in good oircumetaneci, but she had been heard to express fears of her children coining to want. During the recent trip of the ..Northern er" steamer to New York front Charles• tots, the watch on deck were alarmed at about daybreak, one morning, with the cry, "a than overboard!" and a boat was instant ly lowered and manned for the purpose, if possible, of rescuing the sufferee. After pulling back in the wake o(the Steamer some three-quarters of a mile, the custom er was found manfully pulling foot and hand for New York, but exceedingly tired of his efforts to keep, pace with the vessel.' Ile was hauled over the side, and the stea mer, having laid to during the interim, he yap lort•placw i l in his ma t te•ro?m, Whfir thhalived, bita:not initterielfy drowned:4— h seeded thet c ,in fit of night walking, he tats' ailse'n Eli parat hions and slippers,l guntlovarattVas far as the windhisis,,when stepping upon the. raU ing, he, nude , diet plunge, ; with , .the words; am going-!':: The , splash sad exclaim-, tion were Iteard•bg. the watch;on deck, and. the alarms given, which •resulteffin his res. cue. Huts elpetlernan, doing business the lelYet-Part ;atNew,Ylo4(.- He knew nothing of-thevireutnitance.untli he Sound. himself in the Atlantic.. off Cape; Hauenka. RA114049? Ace ; Di f iT:--011 May fith the aftern.o ol l, up-iiiiititenger train, when, wifh r in abont Ulf a mile of Readiog;,ran over three children; 'kirling ono ? aMI horribly mangling another—the third escaped' un hurt. The y were: on the dotost crack and a non! VitiO :coming along, drove them to - atiMr; iifscnn, moment the 'pat sen#er train ,Minio "up, and their, faces be-, ing turned ' towards Reading , the Up-train was not nero;, and the noise of the coal tritipt prersilted their hearing - die - Whistle,' They were the children of a laboring , man named Itoung, " _ . We arb treditably informed, says the Merceraburg 'Journal, that a hone belong. ing to 'Michael Stiekit, of Antrim tow nigh iy, in this county, latele!'died et the age of ierlyfliter years and sit months, and that until **dr:before his death he could hot be managed by a rider. A New War.--At the editorial head of the Knoxville (Tenn.) Standard, of the llth alt., we find the following new way o telling , i 'ntait's death : Then, on Saturday.evening last, within twenty minute' after. reception - of the contents ore piatol„fired by 'llowas Murrip—lPapt. Henry-11. Newnan, a len of thin place, and in full vigor of man. hood. ARRIVAL Errnaoantriatl.--4fie New York' Ootirier and' Enquirer notices the ar• rival st New Yorkof the brig Walhonding, °apt. Higgins, from Marietta, , Ohio, from which piece she sailed on the 28th of Marchlast:- Her carg&of flour was ship. pett at Madhron; Indiana, sad-descending the Mississippi-cake arrived at New Or leant on- the rni or lldsval.•FOß OZN. TAYLOR.—The U. S. Mint, at Pldludelphia, has just tom pleted the gold medal fur-Gen. T 4 Yklrv - ordor o4l. by the vote of Congress. Lie neat, chaste, and approprlatc, and cost about aeven haw dred dollars. It has already been forward ed to the Deparunent. ELECTION§ IN 1803,—The State elec tions-fur the present.year have already been held in N. Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode bland and' Virginia. Those yet to take place will be held as follows : North i Carolina and Tennessee, on Thursday, the 8d of August ' ; Alabama, Kentucky, Indi ana, Illinois, Missouri and lowa, on Mon day, the 7th of August; Vermont, on Tues. day, thesth ofSeptember; Maine, on Mon day, the 11 th of September ; Arkansas, Georgia and Florida, on Monday, the 2d . of October; Maryland, on Wednesday, lite 4th of October; SOnth ,Carolina, on Monday, the 9th of Octoher ;Pennsylva nia and Ohio, on Tuesday, the 10th of October ; Michigan, MiisisSippi, Louisi ana and Texas, on 'Monday, the oth of November ; NeW York and Now Jersey, on Tuesday, the 7th of No'vember ; Mas sachusetts. on Monday, the 13th of No, - veittiet'biqa*sitS, -- 6ff tieidiy;" the of November. The Presidential election Will be held in' all. the Statisi : on:Tuned Tuesd a y, " the 7th of . , . NoveMber. • Members of Congress , will be denied in the 'following Males :Haab!, Missouri; Verinont, Maine, Arkatunis, Georgia, Flor ida, South Carolina, Pennsylvania. Ohio, Michigan, New Yo rk ? 'Nit* Jersey, Mas aiChusetta and Dela Ware. AN Harmon/trait 1.F.t0r.--The fol lowing fact speaks volumes es to the proi peets of England and the Unitedlltates: "At the dedication of the Hancock School, iii Boston, Mr. Mann edited as an interesting fact, that for the lain ten years the expenditures of the -city-of Bosom for schools were equal to thlt whole expendi tura For Ichools in England by the GOT ailment for 17,000,090 of people. They had kept pace with'eich other from year to year," JonirDoniterienso+—Thefollowing cap• ital hits are taken from the last No. of ifittsr DoSinai.' We May dif that no oth er paper hits the news,4 Recerrtou or Vottitaiek Scon.-r-The 'committee of citizens,: ,without respect to parties,, appointed to superintend, the pre, permit: os, report that Pen, St orr will.be received on: h e .arrival Cl Castle Garden' by a Court of Special Insult, commission ea by the Prestident,, who will cut off his; epaulettes and,take from him his sword., , The General will then enter u furniture car, prepared for the occasion with. an In. din rubber inflated . Pillow, and ride to the tombs. where, after being allowed a hasty plate of soup, ho will be taken back into the yard and hung. The editor of the Union will wear crape on the pen and arm for thirty days. And thus will end the career of a man who has had the audacity to cover himself with imperishable glery, while the special favorites of government and power sneak home wrapped in disgrace and infamy..-. Near Republica. A Louisville Paper mentions that a Mr. N. Guthrie, of Shelby county, in that State, being taken sick, was attended by a Dr. Mitchison, between whom and Mrs. Gu thrie such an intimacy arose that they agreed to poison the sick man. that they might be married. The scheme was for tunately exposed in time, and Mitchison fled. [1" in Buffalo a man is tined 015 if he meta.* a building without setting out shads trees in front of it. ffrAn essociation hae been Conned at Gratz, in Austria, to keep down the tost of funeral ceremo nies, by abolishing all intakes parade. mu is calculated that more than £65,000,000 are annually expended in the UnitalKingdonylo intoxicating drinks—ten tithes the natal "Apar of the English poor rates. 'ERA qll.lit 8g BkNNE GETTYSBLRG. Friday Evening, May 12, 1848. CITY AGENOI 0.-. V . B. PA La cp, Esq. corner of Cheinut &, Third streets, aad.E W. Cult, Esq. Sun Building, N. E. Corner Third lk Dock streets, Philadelphia ; and Wx. Teoxssos, Esq. South-east corner of ialtimere & South sta, Baltimore—are our authorized Agents for receiv ing Advertisements and Subscriptions for "The Star and Banner," and collecting and receipting for the same. P ' sifilliENT, ,GEN,--WINFIELD. SCOTT. aNDwiTt TOR ciriAbcoadireiiioirgit, Of Union Conekty. elOOL"taitiAt. si:Xcraps, J6hri P; tlaiitlersok, of I,e6aiimi coniltY. not T. Widelinan orWashingstai (tun* , I. Jut/. Clarkson, 13: Haney Johnson, S. Jno. P. Wetherill, 14. Wm. Cloldar,Ren. 3. JamssatiDaviss .16. Wm' istei l miine ' 4.Thos. W. Dtfl t 4 - 10. Chu. W. Piano ? 6. Daniell o.llltnet,, 17. And. Q. Curtin, 6. Joshua Dunkin,' 18. nos R. Davidson, 7.' Johan Stash; 19. Joseph Markle, B. John Landis, 20. Daniel thgnaw, 9. Jos. ISahniuckar., , A. W. iti 10 Rhviee 8_!1,044 • Al. Ri 4 thani Jiving!, 11. Wm. 0. Hurley, 23. thomas H. 8114 P121141113 , 14r; - 8.-Av furvianee. T,h'& "Mailinglth pot bleabeet Pictorial Brother .lonethaN" for 4th of. July, 18411, Komi. lea I to tvi 'll6 'pliNtshars hare rerw,o l4 4 le Ott a irsolooPy of portraits of Mesita. Clay, 'Calhoun, Webster, and Beni" * 16 4 ' re to occupy the entity titer 7 4 1te siesult on the Castle of CkIiPPIUIPeo by the Anwican troops under Gen. ficott, will be npnwented in a very large Sagreving, 2 filet by nearly 4. It will be ready fordelivery in a few days-.-1 af, cents per copy, or 10- aipies for *l. Address Wilson & Co., 15 Spruce street, N. York. p`j'Thr • letter of Oen. &Orr to the War He- Puissant, published hod week, and which has de. velopeti so much feeling throughout the country, has arousedthe Admiaistretiort to a sense of the ne cessity of doing something to shield itself against the serious charges of the gallant old veteran, sad to stein, if possible, the tide of popular indignation every whenrietting in against it. Accordingly, Mr. Secretary Minor; of "breeches" notoriety, is set to work to elaborate a defence of the Adminle 'ration, which appears in the shape of an almost interminable reply to Gen. Score's letter. The Secretary!, production is characterized. by extraor dinary bitterness of feeling towards thc old Hero, plainly showing that the charges in Gen. Hcott's letter. were well directed. Hut all will not do. It will take something more than Mr. MAll c eirsophistry andeunaing to convince ths people that Wisein‘a Score has not been shamefully treated by the Administration. As xemarks a co. temporary, the truth is. that there eta only two men who 'have written very bitterly againd Gen. Ikon. They are Santa Anna and Wm. L. Mar cy. Of the two, Marcy seems to be the bitterest Maltase. He writes with more for 7, more ven geance against the General-in-Chief of the A trier icon annythan his coadjutor, Santa Anna. We be , lieve Mr. Marcy, as a member of the Cabinet, agreed to pass Santis Anna into Mexico, where he forthwith took the field against Gen Scott. The gallant General, however, provieg to be more than a match for "uld wooden-leg" and his sword, •'old Patch" comes to the conflict, and *Fie* to do with a,gociso gull what his friend Santa Anna could not do with his glittering steal. WHIG NA TION L CON VENTION.—The Whigs of Philadelphia are making extensive an rangements fur the Whig National Convention, and the Grand Ratification Meeting, to assemble in that City on the 7th and Bth of June. The Daily Nears states that the upper saloon of the Chinese Museum has been secured for the sittings of the Convention, and will be fitted up in a style of unsurpassed magnificence. The lower four will be devoted exclusively to the delegates, the exten sive galleries being set apart for spectators. Orßecifiliiiii hails been appointed, and it has also been determined that the ratification meeting, to be held the day altei the adjournment Of*, Convention, shall be held in Independence Square. CHEAP PABTAGE.—The Washington - tor. respondent of the Baltimore Sun says thXt the Post iiifice Committee in the House have propo• sed a Bill thing the rates of postage on all hums weighing half an ounce or less at s,estits for , all diatanees; .irellimpiptmleotateettablig 130 0 owe inches in superficial *Si are to be oliteriied o half cent; on all over this size the present rates are to be continued. r It is ohm' proposed to make postage free ob all nowspaperi for the distance of SO miles from the publication office. • An °Meted itatetnent from the And Star of thi Plitt Office depayttnent, made in answer to a Mal fi:om one of the iiew:York Members, "dimes that the State of Pennsylvania paid about one hominid theusavul,doUaca into, the_ Tieasery for pontgor, b,l" reteitheleserend upeodfd ire this Shaffer the Inner partition of mgils. , Mawar,hasette *Wed even, a hitgeretuPhle than this, sod New York immiderat bly neete. Awitnie mach. New of the Neve Staten, wet little Delaware, pays . the amount ax-, pooded by the Government in mail novice, and aU the Free States, mom one, we think, yielded "a sue plii—evert.lbr itfr yladde The excess of espeeillturtis o4er reeelpts in the Carolinas, Alabama, Misoissippi, Gledrgie, led par ticularly in Virginia, are immense, and yet these ititeti are gettentiii knind ofmtetino ' t all poetise. Far There 'is evidently something wrong among the vd.hanoemer •of Pennsylvania, It has been thought advisable to require hem each of the Del gates to' the Lod(' National Convention a 'refitted pledge that be would support the nomination of hir: BTICNA . NAN, in good faith, at least until the rtinjority of the delegation shall deter Mine other- wise. The majority being understood to be op posed ,to ..Pennaylvatiia'a Favorite,", pf course this pledge will extend no further, than the first PAYING FOR THE WHISTLE —lt sip pears tiom official statements that tlies Public Debt of the U. States, at'the end of the present financial year, (lit July, 1848,) will be, If the ,tMSty goes into effect, ninety-eight nallions, foul hundred and forty-strer; rhousarid, eight hundred and, three dol lars, So,much for the election of Jades K. Polk to the Presidency I PirA new Counterfeit made its appearance in Baltimore e few days since, in the shape of a well executed $3 note on the Western Bank of Balti more. The Bank has never issued a note of this denomination. ayThiWashington correspondent of the New York Herald states that. there is a movement on foot among the "Democracy" at Washington, to nominate Francis It Shunk for the Presidency ! aCrThs Eris Bank has filhd. eo say tha City papers. THE VETO POWER.—The Whig idea of the Veto Power, and of the proper time to eler• die it, hoe always differed from the the theory, that what tilts itself "democracy" attached to that power:, ;Whigs would not expect even their Po deserid to est° the mere legislative measures of a asmocraticcongreas,—althfrugh they in!ght not likeibem.' The Representatives-oth, People are elected to exercise their discretion as to internal improvements, a tariff, a currency ; and the Whig ides is, that the will of the People, as exposed by Congress, should be, it if not clearly unconsti tutional, the law of the land. The democratic idea, ( just the reverse,) atoms to be, that Congress is to represent the Executive, and that there is the ra l l 6 „, t ,!!Pr-!.J.lf t .:llf- People ould not be so wise as the one than Emotive is,—in short, the demireradaideit Want to be, that the Executive is the Government, and amt the. Biondi of Represent atives, Senate, end Executive together ! „ As to the Tariff, the People will have Protec tion in all thing,' emential to them, if theEiiicn tire will let themxtonc; . ---but If a majotity Of them /rich not to be fingemed, thereto W 4 Mien why the Executive idionid interpose his will and dom 'phut the will of those Whose votes created him. But for the interposidou of Executive in fluence, Penntrylvanii, alvniyi a Ptotectiv6 Tariff Btate by its great coal and iren interorts o Would have secured sufficient protection to the , nwintrY even for a Free Trade President, if all the whole power and patronage had not been deleted' to cor rupt and overawe the poPularWill. , As it Misr& lt-Nak,sl Bally 1k!•0144.'-i646' now do not bapPente want operi—but if Buty.did, there is no reason why their will should not be gratified. What right haw one man happening to be the Executive to at up the whole will Of the people, and *I too lo a,matter of dollars and cents The Veto power IS a useful And necessary pow er in the Constitutiou, if wielded only in a =emu , I retire manner, and in flagrant ears of violating the fundamental law, or temporally,'WOrteet an inadvertence in Congress. It was given to the Executive mainly to protect himself from other branches of the Government. But "the democra cy" of the country has lased, orjuittiiLd the use of I it, for very light causes, and several times (vide the pocket retook) in the most objectionable forms. The veto of Mr. Polk upon:the set of Congress providing for the French claims Prior to 1800, wu cruel, and in spirit; utterly unconstitutional His vetoes of River and Harbor Improvements, have all been at variance with the popular will,: and in defiance of what the framers of the Constitution intended, being merely arbitrary eserchea of a prerogative, because he has the prerogative. "Democracy" thus we see in thew United Stales presenting the singular spectacle of defending and justifying the prerogatives and monarchical kat ores of our Government; while all over Europe, a more real and true democracy is in arms against Executives, Monarchies and Teeregatives York Exprtsa. GEN. SCOTT'S PROSPECTS.—The prow poets of Gen. Scorn fur the Whig orimination are brightening every day. Th 6 plans and intrigues of the Administration and its minions to crush him have the very opposite effect. The people will not see a feithfuipublic servant—acknowledg ed even by his (Mettles to be a brave and skilful soldier—slandered with impunity, rind just in pro portion as the Locofocua abuse him the Whigs and the people will rally around him. In Berke coun ty a complete change of feeling has taken place in his favor, and hundreds of Whigs, who, • Icw months ago, preferred one or the other of his com- Fathers, are now among his warmest friends.— Throughout the State we notice the same feeling among the Whig party—and as a national index we may Mute that (freely in one of his recent letters admits that the Scott feeling is loudest" at Washington. Will the Whig Convention run counter to the voice of public opinion so plainly expressed. We think not. What every tit.° Whig desires it nereess—and that, it is plain to be seen, can in no way "be better ensured than by the nomination of the popular favorite—Gen. W is /Ism) Scutt.—Reading Journal. Mr. Oa , of the New Tort Tribune, has been spending some time In Washington City In one of his letters, referring to Presidential mat ters, he comes to the onicttudon dug Pennsylvania will be represented In the National Convention by 10 !Scott, 10 Clay, and 6 Taylor men. Indiana, be says, has pronounced for Judge M Leant Ohio for M'f.ean and Scott. He thinks there is no State which has not chosen wormer Amer Clay dela gates i lhlett," be concludea."are the fide Which I have beeti able to gather during the last • three days: Twill not say that they indicate that Mr. Clay Will certainly be 'nominated, but I do say that it seems to me a moral catithrty that Gan. Taylor will not be." • ID - The Boston Atlas, the leading Whig pew in New -England.. le .begirMing $0 lake "ma grounds against the nomination of Mr. Clay. The editor respects him as much ma erne, but whin It is asked to urge bin again for the nomination, or or to keep quiet and let others ale: so, the Atisi must demur. The /littera ecirrtletlen le entiseetud thst i Mr. Clay ti the weakest candidate ,pollen of by the Whit, and that with him es Oer stindidg. bearer, defeat will be mutable ; while a inn, can didate—us candidate from the '44, Ststen-will be calthin l 9 lead the Whiptc . 4114 "Ph' m r e ri 'METHODIST E. 'GENERAL CONFEL BENCE. , --The Genets' Conlbrance of tholifelbo odbut Eplecopet Chuith it novels melon at Pitta. bike ' Atabirthe roma* we °barns that the Cominittelion the Mite date . Church, to which had been referred the letter of tti knee, the d 4. eiNte '6.init the 24, ehtirabglOntly repotterftlist , the Oe9uwal Conference doe, not free prollur 'to en ter into tionirnii relations With the C,hur"eli South, but are reedy to,,reseive qOO3 him or oth ers, any rxwOwt4tioatiorte in rotation to the digicul'ies be tween the two bodies. The Report was adopted', aye 141 nays' o,..abeent a. A motion to , incite Dr. , Pierns to a seat within the bar, nu:lost by a strong majority, showing that the Conference does not mean to haternize with Slavery in any shape. rir The Whip of CieaTeland, Ohio, in a large and enthruia'etio meeting, recommended General SCOTT for tho presidency. 03Phe Plymouth Memorial, and the Yarmouth Register, Massachusetts, hare hoisted the Scar? flag. A NEW CANDIDATE.—BIum Mixes announces himself in the Baltimore Elmo a candi date for President of the U. States, "subject to the decision of any of the political parties, either Whig or Democratic, except the hypocritical Abolition ist's." lie calls himself a "Progressive Democrat," and will go in for what ho thinks will "produce; promote and extend life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, to the utmost extent-,-which is ladies, health'and plenty." He is willing also to run tail or head to any of the big men, either military or civil. CHILD DROWN. D.—We' regret to !cam that, a child o f wt. E t .ra s Guortsa, of York • Springs, about 18 months old, was groomed on Pride) , last. It seems that the child had boon mlip. rod fot a few !momenta, and upon search being de, it weenie toned in a vessel of water near the door ! and although, efforts were made to resusci tate it, life was entiiely eitinct.—Compihr. CONGRESS, during the past week, has keen almost exelwisiody engaged in discussing the Yu catan Bill in the Senate, and the Bill mdmitting Wisconsin as a State, in the House. ElTThelagraph line between Baltimore and Yo'k des Mien completed. 87The Proud ' dent arot wk ,adtbeßank of Gettysburg have declared • Dividend of 8 p er mt. payable on or after the Bth inst. in addition to the bequests' teach bit amide Issab BM:1011Na, Esq., in his w.otimaltrorWm liberating all his Slaves. trA Washington caulk- 64644 stock is rising rapidly at the seat of v ner"„ g liiranahvtirs'iwimrtalimp derags=443tikdanritt tys A 0":0.71:rhe r iiieniMsork.. 'et lye Lod t _liseArgeet ly se knout Wiesep •tp file sears ups burg,. / getwril Patttialal 8 counpetsd wWithe ssaelbsut Hew Omit" MiN t ior, for , *Jr ,k,;(44ogi and ismr . tall4 catatlllatA ba.4 ll 4‘, o B,thejr Ir,tatt toy that Puttaa.,' 14, 0 11 iit.P,reet• Gettysburg, May 10, 1848. FROM Itlitatho.--he gait+ btleans pa pers of the 90th uk. announce the there of the steamer* Auguip l pnd Virgin ia, both of which sidle() fret* Vera Cruse. on the 22d 'OltimO." tee Ilith the F 4 .6411141 from A t iat plane: Prom eilnitippleye r lie th e "piiiiers. ) huttever, there to' be very little news. 9; 3 d.a*tire:i o i via and Mr.Tairt ei( to passengers on the Virginia, but yea- eel. which; slit 410 Ili Mt board, was; detained in the riyer. , (len, Mums,* ism been seri ously, ill at. Vera crux, but at the latest dale was.pro noonced uut of danger., . 1 'rho ,acwounts from . the city of Mexico , are to the 15th, only one day later thaw those brought by the previous Of course. there is no material change in the complexion . cif Oriitt the*. LaTax..----Astolnot BaTni.--The schooner Heroine°dean*. bithighla ter dates from Vera COIF and the 'eh, of Mexico. The prospect of a rati6estioh the treaty was still very uncertain. twittery was no %norm pf the member,. of Con gress pretrial Queretaro. A letter front, Queritaio, hoWevii,'ithtel that theOfitnl ions expressed , , by. member.) of the new Congress were all favorable to peace. -The iinieletter says that from 11 to 20, tileaer, ters from the American army hat 4 repent ly arrived at Queretaro anti eatentil the Mexican service. About the Bth or Marc, Int Gen. Price encountered a Mexican force under. Gen. LTrrea, at Santa:Crew, in llieW 51exicer T some 1500 : or ?,000 siroulk A be'lile en sued, in which die Ansencanti nurse tri umphant, the Mexidans Twits „1 , pieces, of artillery, and 150 killed sled itoundcd. Gen. Price lost 5 killed and 20 wounded- GICN. Scorr.—The flat Ameriein publishes a letterfrogronetal thirmembers of the conipany of Vo (kited To- Luca, March 15, 1948,-m which the wri ter says t—s Mitch dissatielattio4Cantl I may say Severe intlignatien;reiges'in the army on account of the proceedings arts* Gem Scott. Heim, the tlarlingA-ha of it : and even this reginserst, (Pillow's Pets) always distinguished' end favored most (deny in his division by General P. take tip the .bludgtions" against lihn'ire Mit teat, and shout .Scott forever." IT COVES VS some satialsetion to state as a fixed filet that Santa Anna has embarked far Jaraldea.. l -4frushingtot Nib». NRARLY two , years ago *gave you great satisfaction• to state as "a fixed friar Mint Santa Anna had gone into Mexico ; and now it , gives' you "some satisfaction to state as a fixed fact" that be halt gone out of it. Mr. Polk "fixed" the former fact., and Gen.-Scon "fixed" the latter.- -1 Journal. YUCATAIC—From the documents tom municated by The President to ropes. and the private letters, it appetite; that the white inhabitant; ofYucalan are Ira Most deplorable condition. the liidisits Tolosa ereing them without respect to age tem. ThepoPtilstion' of 'Yucitan is auppieed to be 5 0; 0 00, only 50.000 of which `sre *bites. Against such odds it litlbatiesest ble chit the latter can eontend Mith Mit hope of success. scattered as they are; and (multiplied withinne mut stintiusitide.— Hiving appealed to tidy - govenunkof Yet euccOr, it became a grate iinestilia *WA er we'should Matrons antes whin extent. gq° , Nith Propriety. seal vessehitilthe gotten to' emu inch 'as may be sible`a. es cape t,,b0 1 we doubt She eopedieneb to say notiblt6f the jusdsie,ioreitstAiiii the contest. The Indiana of Yucatan possess the \g AIM *id ptdithsat: riga *Pipe whites-.they , ale altalike citheermf tie i though, the war is one'of esetee4ad Sy be waged for eltemination on , the wed the 'lddiata,' 'weaver our sympathy may imp enlisted (bribe *bite., it Irma Visas to beg violation of the.priseiples , ' which , we profess. to put down by force id , anis nineAmiths , Of the population or the stibn terfor the' benefit Of the rentstindise. , 341. sindftiodpli to Yucatan, might involve the nation in along and expensive , war ; for it would be a difficult matter to subdue the Indian, so as to give safety to the whites.. without much trouble and expense. The moss that we would advise the government to do in the matter, would be, to afford such of them as might seek it; protection, on board our' vessels. TROUBLE IN CANADA.—The spread of Republicanism in France seems-mworry all the old adherents of royalty into Ma d,, ness, and cause them to forget prtukttlee.• The' New York Tribune learns from a, gentleman who left Montreal on Monday noon, that a meeting of the , friends 'hid adherents 01 Mr. Papineau was to be IMO: there at 6 o'clock that evening, to congitit Witte the French on their success in over throwing the monarchy and estahlishing republicanism. The authorities had for bidden the meeting, and the guards at all the posts, were doubled, in 'expectation of trouble, If this be true we may have re' ,sulfa something like that which attended the suppression of the Reform Banquets in Paris. Anutaxttatao pOltion is in circulation, in Alexandria, Va., numerous.. ly signed, praying Congress, toptuni a Illy appointing teepee tors of drugs in the prtn. cipal ports, so as to prevent, as tar its pt. Bible, the introduction of spurious sad adulterated drugs and medicines, With the evil existing to so great an extent is)t now does, such memorials should be'ete ten up everywhere ii;2l 1 a v iiiIIIIIId DAGUERREOTYPE ESTAII. LIS . exchange, Third Story.—'Phe , Hon 4 U VLAY, visiting this Estab- lishrhliftfilor the purpose of having a da- 1 vterreotype taken, expressed flattering opinions on this favorite place of the4.boau ty and fashion" of Philadelphia, and vast numbers of strangers resort to it to pro cure a good Daguerreotye. The Propri etor) will mike every exertions to extend the lohg established fame of this well known establishment. Family groupea, Groupe. of,Ohildrea, and single portraits argil sizes are executed eqUilly well. . '' ' 1 April 21, 1848.-4 y ----._ ' —._,1.-1 BALSAM OF WILD Cezaay.--This is 1 oho Cif Mir iitty few latent medicines of the day whit+ ''We tee , riscsimmitid . ivithl colifidPitdt 0.**70 0 -11 4 , 40 0 4 'Oh ooughtti tAilds,.ov eonsuitspOons,..or who are predisposed to the lawn Complaint.— It•hatr !mimes& wit eendidtwable silvan- MgWiby Many f)tiniiitte itt iown; and in a few stubberit iii,. his Firoduced highly beneficial effitcut,-r-.RUchetieSv:.,Dagy 4d vectiser. .If, - qI. - 7 ~.: • ' Iltr For.aide,brAANUEL H. BUER. LEH; only Agent for Gettysburg. • 1" t 111 Mar"; 1841111.%;-2t "5"7 ALTI*ORE MARKET. rsono Ties a syrixoss dux or watiasaast. FLoUit,Tha dem matiutt a arm t aim of some 1200 bbls. Howard street brand* at 410.70. with* prim bidders are -Ann in asking. The re. yekossi f tsuliply . kre City _Milk is beta at * 6 Hi. 004.41C0m m.4a $2171; Bye dour $8 81,sna ~5 , , GRAIN—The receipts of 'Man conduce small r souse small soles ofigood to prime rtd Outfit $l.- 38 4 *148; .oaltheirlisijooS at4l-0$ $1 44 white Gm family dour at 11 60 a St: 60. ,Whits Coma , a. 46 eta; ye1100r,47 a 504 Oats 86 SO; 1 1,78'1 8 . a 80. cloverseed..ll $4 00. flax. seed 11 $1 26. . PROVIMIONB.--No special change in . prima Mew Pa! *alb at 11110 80, and Hwy at IP 50a VW 00. Moo ,Beef $l5l 00. kto. 140 00 11. 10 . Becien4-odes and Illhonklera at 44 a A; llama 711 a 9. Lard--kegs held at 11l aB, cud Wt. a 74 a 7jedaV• ~I A,BR tE l). On the 2d hid. by Revak. Watoon, Mr. Elp. whiten Trxrktio and Mho SiiAllt Nomb both of patrol' 000nty, Md: ' Oa tbo 13d 'ult. by, Rev. Mr. Driniker,.Mr, JA too Iroritoluoviiit aild‘Mithi Loctin• trace, both of Nest Bodin. [4•The announcement of the marriage of Mr. Garin and Miss Mann, of Petersburg, (Y. s.j • lbw week' since, wu a forgery. The announce ment was handed to us by an individ u al fiomtha same locality, wham name we are in i He may hove occasion sincerely to regret his folly.] DIED, At the residence of Mr. Alexander Cobean, in this place, Yesterday evening, Mrs. M•1111Tas Will ETU eeife of Mr. Frederick L. Smith, of Cumberland sownship„ and ;timelier of Samuel Cohean, sem, ckvessed, aged 41 yeses, 6 months, and b days. The Amend will take place from the residence of Mr. Cobean to-morrow (Saturday) morning, at 9 o'clock. . Oa the 4th ult, in Couowsgo township, Mr. JOax LlrrLa, aged about 44 years. la Outride', N. on the 21st alt., Mrs. lies er D., wife of 0. W. WKiurty, Etxt (formerly of this county.) iu the 26th year of her age. On the 2241 alt at the residence of her sots-in law, Mr. Henry Black. of Frederick county, Md., Mrs. M A 0111.1.1F3 LOTT. relict of Cornslius Lott, formerly of this county, in the 66th year of her age. On the 214th ult. in Hanover, Lorusit H. Sal Esti in the 66th_yesx of his age. On Good Friday, Pctca Jos,ep, son of Mr John A. Coe, of Studien towilithip, gird about 3 On the Ith bid. in Huhierstorrn, Mr. Rica A RD FR \al 1. aged shout 40 years. On rxiday list, *t the residence of his uncle, Mr. Moses Philips, in Hampton, Mr. Joan .110Walit, in the 28th year of his age. The deceased hod vq l 64lasted iskt se►view,foe the 'Mee item war, , and was under Scott at the taking, of the city of Mexi co. Hie t bealth talking, he received his discharge, and 'retufitbd to die aintd hill friends. ' On the inst., at Taneytown, Carroll county, Mit„ Ca Hativs, illiughter of Washington and Catharine tlyittb.:—aged About 10 yearn. Truly wee ehe Like a trud, stimulatati and swoflen Dv the wares and genial rays of a Spring sun, With the promise or beerinaing a beautiful flower; When the Frost, hie a ruthless monster, Nip'd it in the lima, of promise, And it drooped and died ! PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED. IMHE Partnership existing be4ween the subscribers, was dissolved by mu tual consent; on the first day of April, 1848. . sKELLY. .EMANUEL FISHER. J. If. SKELLY STILL continuedln carry on the 'Pail 'bringg bpkiness at the Old Stand, nea# ly opposite the Post Office. where he .is prepared •to execute all work in his line with promptness and dispatch. .:.He ro wans' his thanke td the public for the &itroit's support he has hitherto received, 'and hopes, by attention to husiness,,to mer it a continuance of the_publie patronage. 1112 0 541 l elkerigdung at Jig! "'hop will be At. Li • xactlyablUli Kay 12.-4 Asutlvax. - 1-usT dt,' STEVENSON'S, ej anottter-wuptply itif 'Waite beautiful chinalo4lllr.it'neels . Leghorn eaVoin and , .ll - 01$ AkeelAr l 1 whore is.now,opened a full and splendid seinlattoottt of I ' • 1 11 1, 1 r l‘ C ' :votakttalt THAN 1111W' - - tie;ltr"A.Mpprti) article QI -,OugtikhOwl&MOUSSeN " - jUil rer4l.l.4ery :kkw, jr:yfin day) or two a nother lot of Fmk Herring and Shad, BornAnyl , -ciVee t e. l , Me 12, 11i41.--ir • , 4, I SOI I IIII'VARISITY STORE, "'its Botftiitltb`re' Street; Gettysburg,. CA. kof! Pprchsseq, as cheap as may Jai' expected, Steel Bead Reticules emit .Purses,Beryls and Clasps, Purse Toilet, Schroth, Thimble's, Chorine; Flow eri,.Cords, Worsted and Worsted Patterns, Card. Boards, Combs, Silk Cunvass4illy White, Cologne, Hair Oil, Head Drosses, Tooth Alrushea, Honks and Eyes,. Bed Lace and Carpet Binding, together with an .assortment of JEWELRY. . 4 April 7, lEl•lB.—tf GLOVES AND STOCKINGS. lIA.YE one of the hest assortments. of , Gloves and SlockingB Oust from the ,city) ever ofjored in this Borough. If you don't behove it, call and he convinced ; and the beauty of.the matter is, they will bo sold tilinost.for nothing. J. L. SCIIWK. '(FANCY mrpcLES,Cologne;Boaps L Hair • Oils, Tooth Brushes. Toilut Brushes, Toot! Powders, Acc., &c., for balohy •.• S.' 11. BUEHLER. BURNT, OUT, BUT . AT I'l' AGAIN! • PAINTING I,'l subscriber takes this method of worming his friends and the public. that he is now located in the Alley betwelist North Washingtop and OariisJe streets, im, mediately, in the rear of D. MidtllecOrs Store, where be will be prepared,,as,hefel to,do all kinds, „ .• „ Coach, Cloth In; Sign .Paintingt opbcAititriGE - Attilittiord '6,4 at eipti,notico, and on r,ecsonat4e tonic; for which Cquatry'roduce will be taken. The suilicrii,er'laAtinkfill` ft'r past fa vors, and holiea l ,by attention to business, a fleckg,to,'pleaie, to nortictio'fl re ceive a continuance of public petrouat, i tietkiiiiititg, ay ,8 .—tf BLUE DICKS,!—The beis or the Company are requested to meet at ihe'tngiusOniee, Tills ENTNINC,, at !ti ur,elnek: , rw uin:et a't ' tendanceis de siiedd, 'as, the meeting is for a Doifeh-lig/y: 404. C. ITORNF,R, Seey. PUBLIC SALE O V V Vlalgo VOILA E mill flottiat Tri n E r, su jo b a a m oti oo ber i. , ,h aa t i ! tc a4l 4 !;or F i tederic h;e heir: county, Md., deceasedpwiltolror at Public Bale, qa-tha r pTe44 l 4- - the ttli atty e Juni next, T .114 Er T Arlt U*J). BL B And 132 Acres of First- Rate LAND, situate in Frederick EtidntY,Maryland, on the Road leading frorriletrertion to Sharps burg, four miles W4ll of the former place, two miles east of BitrkittStine, six Jades south of Midi]lettivitn; tittle a'id'e half 'miles north-east of Petersville, within six miles of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road, and Chesepeake and Ohio Canal, and within five hours travel of Baltimore, known as COLE'S MILL, the- property of the late John Cole, deceased, of Frederick county. The Mill is built of Brick, 40 by 46 feet, with five floors, and in the very best con dition that a Mill can be in; two pair of French BURRS, and one Country Stone, with machinery complete; nearly all Iron Gearing. The Water Power is abundant, 18 to 20 feet fall, the Wheels are Oyer- Shot. 40 barrels of Flour can be manu factured in a day. and it is pile of the best Wheat Growing neighborhoods in the State, well known as Middletown Valley ; in short this Mill is complete, and posses ses all the conveniences necessary.— There is also a Site for a Saw . Mill.— The improvements .connected with the Mill are a good ;; ' TWO STORY as s • Dwelling Ilouse, with back building in complete order, and pump of excellent water at the door ; Cooper Shop, Barn with Sheds all around, and all other necessary out. houses. The Land is equal in fertility to any in the county for wheat, or other crops—the fields are well laid MT and watered, a suffi cient quantity of excellent Timber thereon. There is also a FIRST-RATE ORCHAttp, in hearing condition, of choice Fruit ; a quantity of Peach, Pear, Pluto Trees of the choicest kind, situated in a beautiful and healthy neighborhood. • A further description is deemed unnec essary. as those disposed to purchase will no doubt view the premises. The above property is well worthy of the consideration of enterprising individ uals. Any persons wishing to view the premises, can do so by calling ou the sub scriber, who will take pleasure in showing it. TERNS OF SALE.—One-third of the put , chase money to be paid in hand, and the balance iuthree equal annual payments. the purchaser giving note bearing interest from day of sale. When the whole purchase money is paid, and not before, a good and stiffididiit deed will be executed. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M. GRAFTON A. cLAGErr, Jgeiti War. B. 'Nettie, Auctioneer. May 12, 1848.—ts • HEALTH 1-0 BLESSED HEALTH Thou art above all sold end treasures; listhou whcrenlargeuthe soul—and openethall its pow ere to receive instruction, and to relish virtue.-- Ile that has thee. has little,more to wish tor; amlite that ht writehed airto have thee nor, wants every thing beside. .Letalbethanklal for Brandreth's Pills, which a century:a ens has fully established, to tattle beat medicine ever bestout, ed on man. For the prevailing celdearittcpliglet. they will be found every thing that medicine is capable of imparting. In Cholie,and in Inflammation of, the f b i eta. these Pills will at once relieve, and perseverance in their use, according to .be directions, will surely dcr all that medicine can do to restore the health of the patient, In diseases arising, frona the use . pf memory, or from any cause or vitietion, from !Ad blondes otherwise, their,twe will produce the most happy results. ameba of Rheumatism, Erysipe las, Salt - Infanta, f chief of selificinie, lir re cent Costiveness.the,ose.ofßrandreth Pills will be productive of infinite ..service--sometimes occasinaing lip greet *Silents ; ter ; the hotter as 19 cattle, great thankfulness, 'ln all' calOs 'ef Indlgeitton, Anhui"; Diseseeildf the titled, and in all Affeettents'Oftlia Stomach and Bowels, the Bteedeeth ` Pille; are found stievils4fitiliectereedo. To insure the full benefit of these celehrated Pillsravey'sheuld.he kept hi *lit ideals,. so that' , u p on sho..first c.orpmeneenfint may, be al once resorted to, One dose then better than a dozen after the disease has become established in the system. ' • • The Brandrath Pine ire 'purely vegetable, and so innocent that the infant of a' month old may use them if medicine is required, notonly with safety knit with a certainty of receiving all the benefit medicine is capable of imparting. Fe. males may we them in all the critical periods of their lives. The Brandreth Pills will insure their health, and produce regularity in all the functions of life. - Mr. Circovich, of Caracas,says, "I have en' ti rely cured myself Gitlin Fevevand-A gun, which 1 have had fur six months, by taking from 8 to la of Brandreth Pills fur one month,'—Vide his letter to Dr. Brandreth, dated February 8, 1847. TTAII persona should carefully purchase BBANDRETIPS PILLS, only of the regularly appointed Agents. They would dins insure them selves the genuine article; otherwise they may often light it non a Counterfeit article. Be careful. trrl'ho Brandreth Pills arc sold for 25 cents per boz nt Dr. B. Brandreth's Principal Office, 241 Broadway, N. York, and by the following duly authorized Agents:--J. M. Stevenson & Co., Get tysburg J. D. M'Creary, Petersburg: Abraham King, Henteratosyn ; A. M'Ps riand, A bbottstown; D. M. C. White, Hampton; Sneerlnger & Fink, Littlestown ; Mary Duncan; Caslitown ; Geo. W. Homy, Fairfield; J. 11. A ulattongh, East Berlin; B. Newcomer Mechanic:irate ; Soul Shirk.Non over. Mr) , 5, 1194111. BOROUGH ACCOUNTS. ROBERT G limtrza, Treasurer of the Bor ough of Getlyeburg, for the year end ing .Iprit 28,1848, 11),72% • To balance . in hood of Trosonter st lut settlement. , 25 91 " ",; J. Slants, 18 12 U " Q. Armstrong; 29 94 " " 'J: Bowen, 985 51 Borough and goad Twaneesed for 1947; 1000 92 Stall Bent.T 20 00 Cash received from Burgess Sniy ser forlictinstWin'l94fl, '' - 17 00 " Thompson, for do. in 1847, a oo MEC; (grliks By orders paid out as follows to wit 'vows. ere. 011iens o f Eleedon, 9 121 George Swope—lnterest, 15.60 Mary Russell, do. 15 00 Daniel M. &Drier, do. , 68 88 A. 'Heintzelman, do. ' . 10 50 Solomon Powera-4or , work for Borough,. 93.041 Peter Aughinbaugh, Street and Roud.Co - amiss loner, Geo. C. Strickhouser, do. - 105 45t Gemtrb .- Tinede-`4ol4ttilher; ' 10 14- A10441;041' Frasayr-. -windingeloelt.lo :00 Gabriel - Ideals—repairs to Engine ;House, and timber s 82 52 R. G. HeivefT-7--primlngateounur,- otatiopory, &a., D. A Buehler, do. H. Y. Slaymaker--for fire plugo, George Wampler—work at fire plugs, 1 75 E. W. Stable, do. 4 60' Geo. Chritzman, do. 11 18 Henry Rupp—repairs to Engine, 644 P. A. & 8. Small—for lead, 4 03 Thos. Warren---ethithworic & drag, 4 00 Adam Darsorn--for Work, 3 43 Benjamin H,eir-:—ror logs, 5' 00 J. Brown—Tax on borough pro- pony, . 4 55 J. Mathias--for winding clock, in 1045, &c., 11 00 E. ilanaway—for work, 5 50 J. M. Stevenaon—for Gravel, 4 15 John Kane—stone, 4 56 David Sweney—painting index boards, and work, 5 371 Henry Little, work, 11 50 James Little, do. , 8 ,25 Edward Little, do.' ' 225 Adams Fong's. . do. 20 62i Francis Lee, do. 18 87 i Nicholas Hoffman, do. 17 43j Charles Buck, do. '2 25 S. W itherow, crying sale and work, 3 00 M. Neff. ' work, 75 J. Winebrenner, dn. 87 i E. Buckingham, do. 1 00 Kinsey Dennis, do 675 Michael - Say, do - WM' John Auer, do 7 .87; M. Reiling, do 4 87 _ _ George Codori, do 6 871 Duvid Sloniker, do 14 00 Henry Rine, do 12 374 John Norbeck, d 8 2 311 Henry, Welty, do o.Bl* Luuis . lloopey, do 2 621 Jacob Cutp, do 1 00 Henry Steitz, do 1 50 Peter Lutz, do 3 75 Geo. Hawiser, do 10 50 Samuel Filby, do 3 62k Henry Aughinbaugh r do 3 56k Q. Armstrong, do 925 Sell—fnerehandize, 193 i D. 51iddlecoff, do 1 36 D. Ziegler—hauling and merehan d tze, 14 48i Tliomsae Warren—Timber for Engine-house, 34 39 J. Slentz , L-constable services, 4 00 H. J. Schreiner--qualifying Coun- cil, Arc., George Swope—Culvert at Wine• brenner's, J. A. Thompson—hauling, 26 00 John Houck, do 6 00 Win. s:Hamilton, do . 600 T. Stevens—Stone, 21 31.1 John Brown-•-fees and releases, 67 49 James Bowen—releases ,40 07 ' Burgess and Council, 80 00 Clerk arid Treasurer. 30 00 Balance in hands of J. Menu, 18 19 Do Q. Armstrong, 18 08 Do J. Bowen, 155 76 Do J. Brenta, . 46 88 Do Treasurer, 82 93 1848, April 28. The Town Vouncil of the Borough of, Gettysburg do ,certify. that they bare settled the account of Ron LIT. G. HARPER, Treasurer of said 800 ough, for the year ending this day—mthat his accounts are correct.- end ;that thereis a balance id the'hands of the Tiesettrer, Eighty-two Dollars_ awl liinetrilfree Cents. „ J. Li M'PHEIO3OI% R. VI9APSHERRY, DAVID TROXgLL. May • ' r #'l COUNTY CONyEIiTION. ,„•, -1,,,,,,„ , •„ ~ ~,,,, ry HE toetnoirair6Vhig Voleas dt ideate - 11 - ctiemiyare,tiottaiedioaimoOtileibthei reepective toWaships' nitl bordughb,' (it 'the plaetri'‘etl-Whklt''toWnship sell' imirquiN eleetiena are held,lon Siattedisy 'MO 117th' day o Afteynat; tb %debt WO Delegitei to re Iteent each ' iplithihip and'hotongh, in a Vhig County 'Convention, which le hereby 'called' to !he ' held • at the' Court House, in the Borobgh of Gottyilnwg; on MOnday the 119th day V. may licit ? at 10 otelOck A. hil'of that day, to place in nod). illation Candidates the laereral office tin - bellied at tht, approaching general Elea- Is:7'Th° delegate meetingeon Saturday will open at II Alock P. M., and continue open until 6 o'clutk P. M. It is desired that a full and general at tendance of the' Whig* of the the town ships may be secured ; that in the ap proaching conteet we may be found en gaged in an undivided effort to secure' the triumph of the principles we maintain. J.. 13. IVITHERSON, Pres't. County Com. A. R STEVENSON, .Verretary. HOUSE SPOUTING va7 ILL be made and put up by the V subscriber, who will attend prompt ly to all orders, and upon as. reasonable terms as can be procured at any establish ment in the county. GEO. E. BUEHLER. Gittyslallite October 15, 1817. GETTYSBURG FOUNDRY .111.1C1IIXE 81101'. 1.1 E subscriber respectfully informs I. his friends and tho public generally .that he still continnes to carry on the FOUNDRY BUSINESS, in all its branch• es, at his old establishment, in the Western 'part of Gettysbiirg, where he has constantly on hand all sorts of DOLIS. C rdtPaCt/VPialr,fiati mode ad ' Kettles, Plti, Ovens, Skillets, Pans, Griddles, Ifre.; of till • sizse ; also, STOVES efevety bike and variety, iaele ding Common, Parlordiiir/light and Cook ing Stuves.+ , ansong • them • the farhfaeted Holfratoogi; , ‘; To Farmers he' would ify.. he his ati hatul • an. estelloot assortment of ThreBAENg 411ffelaNest liorey's ceichritted Strarenters, the re• nowned Seyler Plosi , ir'; also Woodcock's 'and Witherow's Shib Veinal, Cutters, Shares, df.c. BIACKSMITHING is carried on in its different' bnuichea, by the best of work men'. ' ' • 01504 41 LThe subscribOr has siscropt . neds BOVICiir. SHOE Shop id the South end of the Froundry Building, w,here, vrithg* work men and excellent materials, the neatest fits and host orprkw(llbtnuide. dies will be.wsited oq # their residence., ' 58 50 All of lite &hese Mentioned articles will be fursfitthed s Weifi;ffir-Cilb.(;r-couhiry Produce, si they 'end be had any where else, All Oiaerellill - bst promptly eaten& ed to. icrßepairingi of ell-kinds,-done - stib 'shortsat notice, . • • , T. WARREN. Gettysburg, May 6, ARAB.: 114 00 For the Sale of Roussell's Ceklebraied Gold' edal Ptifinnel, ICE A Ntitl:C 4 lllß - tti i No. 4 Chia + in. nut street, Philadelphia. The sub scriber, having been appointed Agent for the sale of trilbies of Per fumery; Minn faetts rad by Eugene Roussel!, would invite the attention of the Ladies* and'Gentlenten of Gettysburg and vicini ty to call and examine the stack of Perfu mery, Fancy Soaps, Toilet Articles, &c. RousselPs perfumery, -so extensively in vogue in all our larger cities, where it has rapidly supplanted both American and Eu ropean articles, is no offered to the ih habitants.of this piaci' by the subscribes., who has effected an arrangement such as to enable him to die o poso of the various' ar ticles otßosisselPe Manufacture, at the Re.: tail - Prices charged by- the Manufactur.er in Philadelphia. KELLER KURTZ. - May 5,1848.-7-3 t Whoever wants a First-rate I TME*PIECE CANT be accommodated by: calling at - FRAZER:a Clock & Watch &tab. lishment, in Cfutmbersburg street, Gettys burg, next door, to Mr. Ruchler's Drug Storg--y, here a new lot of beautiful 24 hour and a day CLOCKS have just been received from the City. They are of the best ruauufacture, and will be warranted. Give us a call—they will be sold cheap. ANOTHER ARRIVAL. fgCHICK. has just returned from the city " Philadelphia, with so EXTENSIVU Ai3ORTMENT New and FOshionable Goods, !Rich he will sell CHEAPER THAN'EVER. to a certainty. , This he will prove to satisfaetion'of any who may 'call. • Gettysburg, April 7, Jewelry, Watch-G uards. w ATCH Chains, Keys, Spectacles &c. &c. can eta Rya be had at the Clocker Watch Establishment of ALEX.FRAZER. NOTlalls ' LET"RS Testamentary on •the Er. taw of Arose HMIs. late of Germany township, (Iced, having been granted to the subscribers, notice is hereby: given • So all who are indebted to said Estate, to make 'ilaymentiorithout delay, and to thole having delete; to present the 'satrie, prbp erly authenticated, for settlemeat. , ' ANDREW HAWN, WM. 1-lESSIK 1ktay.506 , 13t0 Wirecutiirsi The 'first named. Eieeutdr. Germany. townehipc.ethe latter nailer« ick county, Md. . .110_04,41 10' 0 I 11. I. IVERS bf Admitlistration'c on the i II Estate ofluras frl'Oavenir. sera. late of 1-lamiltortban township.. dec'd, having been granted to the subscriber, residing in said townaltiir4simico is hetet giyen to an thosejddebted to said estate, to make pay , tritinl, and those having ditiiins u'orf ttie estate to plesdnt the , tame; ,proilerky thenticated, for tiettlernent. HUGH P. M s OAUGHT,' Adni*f. Aril 21; 1040..6t -NOTICE. TOHMSHEELEY, of Mountpleasam towashipi , Adams couatyi having ex eouted Deed of voluotarrAtaignmentloc the benefit of creditors, to the undersigned,. 'residing' in -Mounijoy townshim *nice is hereby given to all persons indebted to 'said Shoeley tomake payment without do , lay, and to thestithaving claims to present illinnPrnperly authenticated, forsettlenieut. . SAMUEL DURBORA May IS, 1848.—0 t L E TTERS of Administration on the Estate of Joint M'BRIDE, late of Lat imore township, deed, having been grant ed to the subscriber, residing in said town ship—Notice is hereby given to all those indebted to said estate to make payment. and those having claims upon the estate to present the same, properly authenticated, for settlement. JOHN WOLFORD, April 21, 18-18--Ot* Adm'r. ILVER AND GERMAN SILVER ►7 PENCILS, VIOLIN STRINGS, &c., of hest quality, can always be had at the Fahey Store of C. WEAVER. April 10, 1846. 02141.0(talviaiza. ON hand and for sale, a lot of Travel () big Bags and Baskets, very handy and chop. J. L. S.CHICK. Apra '7, HIM aIIGEXCr NOTICE. RE.7IOI:IL. LBOOTS SHOES. D. Kendlehart AA;OISI,D most respectfully inform Ar t his friends and the public in gene ral, that he has removed his BOOT & SHOE Establishment to the house for many rears pccupied by D. Lrrux, as a Sadler's Shop, (opposite the Post office, and in the immediate vicinity of FAIINCSTOCK ' S Store) In Smith Baltimore street, where he will be happy to attend to those who may pa troniae,bina as heretofore. Irbankfutfor past favors, the subscriber bolicit a continuance of the patronage here tofore so liberally extended to hint. D. ICENDLEIIARgT. Gettysburg, April 7,1848.-3 m Mt% ROI MINI, GErrrsatraeri rrinE Subscriber tenders his *aelrnow I - edgments to die Publie-for the liberal and steady patrittage with which he has been favored fora series of years, and tit 4 spectfully atomised. that he his jest re ceived; at his old 'established stand id Charnbershong street. * large and fresh serrt.r DRUGS k-IdEDICINES, • VairafiscaMisokaas, g Paints Virnistcpyestatrs a nd every variety of articles usually found in it Drug - store, to' Which he invites the the publieorith assurincesaat they will Ate furniabed,st the most Mason able prices. The subscriber has alsolargely incises ed his assortmentpf BOOKS, by an addi- Mina' supply of ' •1' • " ~...' ' GYaisidal, Theaki ' tlid. : - 'School, atuk' - cellameola.`" ..., .... \ :... Ir.' 0 111 ' l . ,_ ... 7 . 0 .; embracing idimisi every mud; and and Popular Litermiarer,P.,` .' Bliudt. Books and lititUesery of all kinds, GOLD PENS, Pencils. Vis iting and Priming Cmds, Card Cuestak star.ds, &,e. &e., all of which will, as uitiaL, be sold 1i7".177 - TILE LOWEST, 111, CES. IrrArrangements hare been made by which anything' not included in his taisort moot will be promptly ordered from the 8. H. BUEHLER Gettpburg.Qct...22. UN& Otrl hare at resenlok'hind an excel lent assortment of BIBLES, plain and fan' cy, for school and familynse-Lmt' very low, pricei. "- , CITOOL BOOKS AND. STATION gIint.. gall kinds, cooeteetlY olk heed and,(orplc,at tke lowest prises, ..at, the Book and Settioaery Steve , Dec.. 1 0 4' 8., H. 01.1EIILER. - • Soap i are: u ARTICLES, TOYS, &c. for soli! by C. WEAVER: . .IXXAX GO 4 " IP' ( V V a; 1 11" • IfEzTf:ll:4 NEW YORK : COLLEGE OF .'HEALTH, 207 Main Merl, Buffalo, N. Y. MR. G. C. VAUGHN'S Vegetable Litliontrirr tic Mature, a celebrated medicine which has made i GREAT CURES IN ALL DISEASES. is now introduced into this section.' .Tbe limits wren aduertinauesat will ant permit anti tended notice of tbia tuned,: we tam only to 4y it bas for iteagenti in tbeL'. - Buitos and eau as a large number of educated ,MELDIVAL FRAC - 11'11011EM" P in high professional statidina, who mike C tom" eral We of it in their practice in the following' DROPAY,,"aIIAVIEL, end dooms of the Usiitary Orgass, Pilp sod diseases of the blood, desaageostots of the Liver, &e.. and all genens/Aksataft- . 01 : 11 e.littern • it is particularly requeeed did - elf*** hootentplate The *WO qa. *tie* of 04 desire imbrication rospectiag it, , WILL OBTAIN A PAIRPHBET orn pert; rinFb Awls ssibeet Oasaes sue %elder will - gladly give Sorer. 'This book bests °mon tee Ile /that of cests—explaias She Focal*/ Pta pestles of' Ate article, - and alsdr die names bas berm Intrif for Mrfibir forrtYPO for lour jean wide such perfect :mem, totsk pages of tottliscaty froarthibisheat qtterters be food web -.! • NAMES. PLACEg, AND, PATIPS t ,,' which can be written tyke an ope itql,Dll l 4 1 04 the parties willanswer pletle4coancntote,he. .QT *ticabr. 'and , ' AMC 'FOR THE PAMPHLET. ' Is no 'Abet Nth PtladPf, ilaeeier bin wen. the evidence Of ibe pewee-of sortheiterlover all disoloo 4 Parilalleed by Tommie eq. Wows etambeqr., ip society.. , • Put •P-In '3O OIL Srld Nee for 311 ter_l2 oz the lict,vi hying tbe ebeapest Every' biologies ' '' • • • -G. C. VAUGHN" written death. alitietinataAt. r Sao Patippblet, p. 18. Prep* by; Or. G. C. Taughts, and old at , principal adieu, 2WI Maio anent, Bairalla, N. Y. Offices denoted to aloof this ankle itteakiiie sat 132ftlastain, Near Tort, Esseg and Mutineer' s Salem, Mans . tald by all . Druggists throughout this gauntry and Canada. 0711sescains1—.13. H. BUEHLER, Gettysburg JACOB MARTIN, New Oxionl; WM. WOLF, ;Fag Partial; BERLIN, liaon%er R. NEN RY, AbbnOstown. DR.. ILALSEY'S GOLD AND SILVER PILLS are founded upon the principle that near ly alldiseases •rise from the same causes, or that a morbid condition of the bra, stomach. and bouvls, predisposes the system to resety class of dieate. When these important functions become obstruct ed with superabundance of bile and viscid mat ter, Nature ceases to fulfil her proper office. It is then that the Used becomes impute, because the secretive organs of the liver. chose office it is to separate the worri.out principle of this vital fluid are no longer tit for f;.eir office, and the wasted part of the blood continues therefore in its circulation and becomesditrused throughout the whole system. Thus filed with infectious humours the body is made liable to sickness. If. by chance. it is exposed 'on sudden change In the weather. a bad cord of com-umption would be the result—it in the vicinity cot contagious disorders, it would imbibe the twertion. Dr. 11,1,1., Cr :1 a nd Satyr Pillx. althoug, pleasant to Like and inrceent in (+Fermium is the roost eneeiitmt rned.eire in 11:e world. to remove the tale Fri vitriol matter kern the ilstem, and ;to restore the hoer, stomach and bowels, to the recformance of Men proper tonetions, thereby renderinq the blood pure, and disciting the aye. tem from all morbid and infectious humors, which wilt !Malls - remove every diseate.hovrareir long standing , . and endow the system a Lib health, strength and vigor. A circular giving a full erpl anation of the two. fold action of the Cold owl Silver Pitts, can be bad of the agent gratis. Price only cents containing both kinds. and for sale ru I Depot, No. 2 Coartlaodt street. New York, and in Gettysburg by S. H. BUEHLER. April 7, 11itQ. Cat Candidates for the Connty Offices, PROTHONOTARY. TO THE PUBLIC GENERALLY, YELLOW-CITIZENIS and Friends A: I respectfully announce myself a can didate for the office of PROTHONOTA RY of Adams county, at the next election, (subject to the decision of the Whig Conn ty Convention,) and respectfully solicit your support. Should 1 receive the norn• ination and he elected, I will discharge the duties of said office with fidelity and to the best of my ability. JOHN PICKING, East Berlin, Feb. 18, 1848. To the Independent Voters of Adams County, 'RENDS and Fellow-Citizens-1 of fer myself to your consideration as a Candidate for the Office of Prothonotary of Adams county, (subject to the decision of the Whig County Convention,) and re spectfully solicit your support. Should 1 be nominated and elected, 1 will be thank ful for the favor and discharge the duties of the office with fidelity, to the best of my ahility. WMI W. PAXTON. Gettysburg, March 3, 1848. ÜBJECT to the decision of the Coon• 10 ty Convention, 1 again offer myself as a candidate for the office of PROTHO NOTARY. Thankful for the liberal en couragement I received et the last nomi rustion-for the office of Prothonotary,'l re ireantly solicit the support of toy fellow- Citizens. GEO. , W. M'CLELLAN -0441,ye!burg.Feb.•18, 1848. .• REGISTER & RECORDER. rdihe Voters of :Moms county. OPFER' thyself to your consideration Jir 'tie 'a Candidate for the office of Regis ter and Recorder, at the ensuing election, (subject to the decision of the Whig Coun ' ty Convention,) and respectfully solicit . your support. If nominated and elected, the favctr,vrill be thankfully received, and I{he duties of thi office discharged faithful. 'ly to the best orihy ability. JAMES WILIIENN Y. Mountie) , fp., Feb. 25,1848.—tc. • To the Voter* of *lame County. AT the sggeskiun of many - friends in different - sectiuna of the country, 1 am induced again to,ofrer myself as a can. didete,f9r theAfrme of Register and Recur. der.,etthjeck, to, the decision of , a Whig County Convention, Three years ago, througiv_the kinduess of my Whig friends, I was ennitleirt6 Come oft second best in Convention, as a candidate fur Register elt,ltecorOor, and this year I trust, in like manner, Li'bo so fortunate us to secure the . , noroinetin.!.. I return my grateful thanks to•mtliledsffer their former support, and,reifiectrdlly solicit of all such, and of . the 'Ayhe of th e enmity generally, their faiorahleCohiiditration in the present Can. "" 'WAIT W. HAMERSLY, l!elersliprk March Tothi raft s of Minns County. pia,Lc.)lV-CITIZENS :—I offer ray stiff an a candidate for the office of RE(ISTER lc 'RECORDER, 'at the next efeetm, (a4bject to the decision of the Whig u'oalinattog Cimvention.) , W. M'SIIERRY. ( . 4itystiurg, Feb; /S. 1840. • CLERK illF ,TIIE COURTS.. , 13; NCO V RA 0 Eb by nnnierous friends IP . 41110 , tfulfy offer to'yoult to 04'64- izenl.lsll e conoty,til candidate for c theop*r SARK OPTHE C O •. . . . (subsOlVdthe decision of the Whig Coon. ty COli!v r entiOn.) and respectfully solict their.. eupppet, with the assurance that, if hotoi• stated iiii4 elected, the fav or shall he ac know by a faithful and proper dis charge'or the duties of the office. ? ' - 1.1: DEN WIDDIE. ' Gettysburg, Feb. 18, 1848. *lb the yours • Adams Coto:fli t gIiFLLOW-CII7ZENS y - otter m- A: self to your consideration es a can& date for CLERK OF I'HE COURTS, . (subject 'Yo the decision of the 'Whig con vention.) Itnotninated and elected, I will faithfil)ly perfurin the du ties of the cilllee.tit the best of my ability , ..‘ s; R. RUSSELL. GetystUrg, Feb. )18, 1848. ; 174 fig ,Figirs of Adana County. IELLO.W-QiTIZENS.-I'hreugh the permission of numerous friends, I mtresimysell for your suffrages, as it candi- Oittrforllie CLERK OF THE COURTS, (eubjeM to the Whig Convention) and re ilecifulitsolicit your support. If nomi• nataitteral elected. I will endeavor to dis- Atarge the duties incumbent ou me, to the .beets of my ability, • EDEN NORRIS. Straban township, March 31. SHERIFFALTY. TO THE CITIZENS or ADAMS COUNTY. -11 HEREBY announce toysell a eandi didatee for the office of SHERIFF at the next election, (subject to the deci sion of the Wliig County Convention,) and respectfully solicit your support.-- Should I be nominated arid elected, my best efforts shall be directed to a faithful and proper discharge of the duties of the Haim WILLIAM FICKES. Reading tp, Feb. 11, 1848.—tc 713 the citizens of adams county. VELLOW CITIZENS again offer myself to your consideration as a can didate for the office of SHERIFF, at the next General Election, (subject to the deci sion of the Whig County Convention.) Thankful for the liberal support received at the last Sheriff's election, I respectfully solicit your support, and pledge my best endeavors, if nominated and elected, to dis charge the duties of the office with prompt ness and fidelity. EPHRAIM SWOPE. Germany tp., Feb. 21, 1848.—te TO THE VOTERS OF .41).4MS COUNTY. HEREBY again announce myself a candidate for the office of SHERIFF (subject to the decision of the Whig Coun ty Convention,) and respectfully solicit you support D.kVIDMURDIE Franklin tp., Feb. 25, 1848. To A. Cilizens of Adams Comity. 1 HAVE been induced by the encour. A sgemeni and representations of numer ous friends to anttonnce myself u a can didate for the office of sugleirtr, (subject to the declaim, of the Whig . coutttre• 'renting.). ,Shouitl . I be übaifts4 NA 41; Jetted, my but efforts shall be direeiod to a faithful and proper discharge of die do, ties of the office. DANIEL MINNIGD Latimore ktwnship, March 10, 111411 Friends and Fdlo.o-citizens of Ada*, es. INCOURA GED by my friends, 'wad EA suffering under the loss of my right arm lately, I offer myself as a candidate for the office of SHERIFF, at the ensuing election. (subject to the decision of the Whig' County Convention,) and respect fully solicit your support. If nominated and elected, my best efforts shall be brought into action to discharge the duties of thg office faithfully. LEONARD M'IELIVEE.' Huntington township, March 10. To the raters of Adams county. 11,117.1,L0W CITIZENS •r-lfoti will please regard me as a candidate for the office of SHERIFF, (subject to Oe decision of the Whig County Colleen. lion). Should yon immlnate and eleet me s your kindness will be' acknowledged by directing my best effort's to a faithful and impartial discharge of the duties of the office. AARON COX: ' timoTe, tp., Feb, 2D, 1848r-le. REGISTER AND RECORDER. To the Free and IndeMndent Patti of Adams county. A T the earnest solicitation of many, /A friends, I am induced to offer.my, self co an Independent candidate for RE GISTER & REEORDER of Ads comity. Should I be elected, I shall feel tinder many obligaions to the public, and shall enifeavor to discharge. the duties of the office to the best ants , ability. WM. P. WALTER. • , , Shaba!) tp„ April 7,1848-IL. 1 :0160 J. Lawrence Hill, iti; DEol'7l'll7'l 111) ESPEOTFULLY offers his profes sional services to the citizens of Get tystiurg and suirounding country., ,ile is prepared to attend to all cases usually en trusted to the Dentist, and hopes. by str,ies.' attention, to Dentistry alone, to be able kr, please all who may see fit to entrust 'l4sijr; teethinhis hands. (KT Office, seconOleor, above Ferry's Hotel, S. Ijoltimere•striej,.,, Gettysburg, July 23,11 *. ATT}ND TO YOUR TREII'I,..I Dr. F. L. Vandersloot,' SURGEON DENTITT, I 1 ESPECTFU informs the Chi. - , zens of Gettysburg and vicinity that{ he is prepared to perform every opiralion " appertaining to his P,roles3ioni . loch 'ee l ,cleansing, 'filing, plugging arid insettlie Teeth, from a single tooth to a futile!. experience of more than twelve years in the Profession he trusts winnable him tti , operate to the entire satisfaction of thole who may wish his services. All work will be warranted. For'llis place of residenci enquirer at the store of Samuel Patinestviell; : ' Reference is respectfully made to the fol; lowittg gentleMeu flee; Dr. tilehmucker, Rey, Prof. Datigher,' ' Dr. D. Harrier, Dr. D. Gilbert, I. . Prof. IL Haupt, Iter..t. V. Gerhart, • Dr. C. N. lierluchy, Prof M. L. Starter,. , Gettysburg, Oct. 29, 1847—.1y I). icilleON A I' GUY, .111orney al Law, Ot:TICE in th e S. W. corner of: Public Square, one door Waste' . Arnold's Store, formerly occupied tus a Law : Office by Julio M'Conaughy, deh!cl.: - He s olicits, and by prompt and faithful at tention to business in his profession, it will be his, endeavor to merit, cdttfidence and patronage. ill, M'Cortsunitv will ,tilso attend promptly to all business entrusted to 4illl Sgent and Solicitor for Palerto and Pensium, . lie has made arrangements, through which he can furnish very desires file facilities to applicants, and entirely re lieve them from the necessity of a journey to Washington, on applieution to him pet,' actually or by letter. Gettysburg, April •t,---tf ALEX. U. ST 11' . VEN ,ATTOPNEY AT .LAW, OCTICE in the Centre SqoarecNotithlo I t." of the Court-house, between fifatitlsSikt , arta Hierensoo's corners. . (iettysburg, l'n. , DI A MONA) TON&OR , . . T S. ft; IPTON. FASHIOINABLE I.larber and Dui! Dresser, has removed bis “Temple to the diamond, adjoieing tbecouniliDdil• dings, where he can at all times be found prepared to attend to the calls of the public From long experience he flatter, birosel4 that he can go through all the ritunficatiodl-; of the tonsorical departments, with suchiui„ • infinite degree of skill as willmeet the ett•; ; tire satisfuetion of all who eubmit diem. , chins to the keen ordeal of his razor. De, hopes, therefore, that by attention to ness and a desire to please, he will merit„ as well as receive a liberal share of public, ; patronage. The sick will be attended Me their private dwellings. GOLD PENS AND SILVER PEN. CUSS. (best quality) Ostrt.Caies• Visiting aitd Printing Cards, Fancy No. Paper, Envelopes, Motto Wareto; Sealing Wax, Letter Stamps, tte., file by S. U. RUMMER:" December 14, SU MIVIER LARGE nssortment—as ,ehtuip r Alt comfortable—just received and for, , sale by J. L, SCHICK. f, • April 7, 1838. (IF the very beet quality, mia iiitreretti, 11 flavors, can he had, ut. all titneg j oie , WEAVER'S Confectionary is Chambers.. b urg street. Fatjnificr . ygtl Faqir, willh« supplied with any .tleeired quaniityeet Otit shortest notice . CAKE;S and copirgeo -rtoris of all kind's always , on luukilogml 11411 be furnished to order un re4oosohir tering. Gettysburg, July 24...1 WATC tio, of a nk ,ri ur l,ti will be cleia 44 at... t d lr d r4' s o ttis 3 t sauce, st PRALr, .' v Wateh'astabitsbilieist,i# gietkfiltiu I t 4 July IL A- ' ? il. . , , i - -4'l-:. . 4 , ,4-tit'