peSitlen. It may now depend on the number of old volunteers who may re-engage, and the number of new troops that may arrive fronithe Brazos in time, as also in some deigree, upon the advance of Major General Taylor. whether I shall find this army in strength to leave thegarrisons and to occupy the capital." I may add that only about fifty ink date old volunteers re-engaged under the Provisions of the act of March 3d; ' that durremainder were discharged, May , 4th ; that Major General Taylor made no 113Jleentent in advance of Saltillo ; and that' theliow, regulars. including Bride, only born to conic up with the at, at,able. in Ju y, but not in sufficient; nutifiers till August O. The next day the Ansteoniumnced its advance upon the ea p ital. with a little more than I 0,000 effective Mel It it not extravagant to say that, if Brig. 00,4 Cadwallader's forces had not been diverted from me to the Rio Grande, where het vim made to loose, without any benefit Strillej. Gen. Taylor, much precious time, Insight easily have taken this city in the month of June, and at one fifth of the loss stisteletedin.August and September. The enemy availed himself of my forced delay at Puebla, to collect, to treble, to organize and discipline his forces, and, also, to erect numerous and powerful defences with bat- Mee. Nearly all these extraordinary pre parations for our reception were made af ter the middle of June. And it is known that the news of the victory of Buena Vis ta reached Washington in time to counter feited •Cadwalader's orders for the Rio Grande, before his departure from Newl Wines. Two rifle companies, with him, reseeited the countermand there, and joined me early. I know that I had the misfortune to give *Renee to the department, by expressing myself to the same eflect from Jalapa, :Mayl Ins reporter that date I said: .*The subject of that order (No. 135 old volnnteers r ) has given me long and deep! *elicited& ' o part with so large and so mopeetahle a portion of this army, in the Middle of a country which, though broken in its power is not yet disposed to sue for pesos; to provide for the return home of. seven regiments, from this interior position, at a lime when I find it quite difficult to prOvide transportation and supplies for the operating forces which remain—and all this without any prospect of succor or re intonniments, in, perhaps, the next seven months—beyond some 300 army recruits --present novelties utterly unknown to any invading army before. With the addition of ten or twelve thousand new levies, in ; April or May—asked for, and until very i rtieendy expected—or even with the addi- ' tic,* of two or three thousand new troops, destined for this army, hut suddenly, by the Orders of the War Department, diverted to ! the Rio Grande frontier, I might, notwith-' standing the unavoidable discharge of the old volunteers--seyen regiments and two independent companies--advance with oonfidence upon the enemy's capital. I shill nevertheless advance : but whether beyond Puebla, will depend oil interve ning information and reflection. The gen eral panic given to the enemy at Cerro; Outdo still remaining, I think it probablel that we shall go to Mexico; or, if the ene my recover from that, we must renew the I emieternation by another blow." Thus, like Cortez, finding myself iso lated 'end abandoned, and again, like him, I ilwaysafraid that the next s hip or messenger might recall or further cripple me, I resol ved no longer to depend on Vera Cruz or home, but to render my little army "a self satitaining machine"—as I informed every . bodY, including the head of the War De. partment—and advanced to Puebla. It was in reference to the foregoing sc.! Anus causes of complaint. and others, to he found in my reports at large—particularly in respect to money for the disbursing staff officers, clothing, and Mr. 'l'rist, commis-; sinner; that I concluded my report from Pitiably, June 4th, in these words: "Considering the many cruel disappoint meets and mortifications I have been made I to feel since I left 'Washington, and the to- tal want of support or sympathy on the, part.of the War Department, which I have so long experienced, I beg to be recalled from this army the moment it may he safe for say person to embark at Vera Cruz— which, 1 suppose, will be early in Novem ber. Probably all field operations will be I over long before that time. ' Rut my next report (July 26th) from Puebla; has, no doubt. in the end, been deemed more unpardonable by the Depart ment. In that paper, after speaking of the nhappy change in my relations, both ofil cis' and private, with Mr. Trial," 1 cumin.' nod ; "Since about the 25th ultimo, (June) our intercourse has been frequent and cor dial. and I have found him (Mr. T.) able, discrest,courteous and amiable. At home it 10 chanced that we had not the slight est possible acquaintance with each other. Hance more or less of reciprocal prejudice; end *I the existence of his feelings towards me, 1 knew (by private letters) before we met. that at least a part of the cabinet hail a-full intimation. Still the pronounced misunderstanding between Mr. Trist and myself could not have occurred but for o ther circumstances : 1. Ills being obliged to sand forward your letter of April 14, in stead of delivering it in person, with the explanatory papers which he desired to communicate. 2. His bud health in May and June. which I am happy to say, has now become good ; and 3d. The extreme mystification into which your letter, and particularly an interlineation, unavoidably threw me. So far as I ant concerned 1 ant perfectly willing that all I have hitherto written to the Department, about Mr. Trim, should be suppressed. I make this decla ration as due to my present esteem for 1 thalgeotleman ; but ask no favor or desire Imus s. at the hands of the Department.— Snake to myself; however tardy, I shall Oki care to have dune. • • • Ido not acknowledge the justice oh either of your rebukes contained in the letter of May 31. (in ligation to Mr. Trist and the pris taWs etc erro Gordo,) and that 1 do not here.triamphantly vindicate myself, is not from the want of will, means, or ability, !cid !Jig. The first letter (dated Feb. 22) Meinved from you, at Vera Cruz, contain 'N censure, and lam now rebuked for Am' unavoidable—nay, wise, if it had not unavoidable--release, on parole, of tha.prisonere taken at Cerro Gordo, even Wm one word of commendation from • Qoverenteat has reached this army on ac irlOtutt uf its gallant conduct iu the capture 'of three prisoners. CNo such commends tits• has yet beep rnenived.Feb.lB4B. So sn, pink, progression. I may, sho uld the *NO army gallantly, bear me into the city 911004/40.10 the , neat six or seven weeks niOlikatiis pratoabla, if we an not arrested * a rearm ors Trace—look to be distnis -41401000(Ahe esrcwe of sty gauntry. You eartitse ill i am aware. (as I have long been) of the dangers which hang o-: of turning that knowledge to his own ben i ver me at home ; but I, too, am, a citizen all. No, there was recently still another of the United 'States, and well know the oh- ' "lenient associated in the work—kept as ligations imposed, ender all circumstances. far as practicable out of the letter of re by an enlightened patriotism. In respect call—an influence proceeding from the o to money, I beg again to report that the; Cher arrested Getteral—who is quite wit- Chief Commissary, (Capt. Grayson) of ling that it should generally be understood this army, has not received a dollar from, (and who shall gainsay his significent ac the United States since we lauded at Vera! quiescence !) that all rewards and punish- Cruz, March 9. He now owes more than , meas, in this army, were, from the first, $200,000 and is obliged to purchase on .to follow his recommendations. This, credit, at great disadvantages. The Chief the more powerful of the pronunciados a- Quartermaster. (Capt. Irwin) has received gainst No. 319, well knew, that he was perhaps $OO,OOO and labors antler like in- justly obnoxious—not only to the anima& cumbrances. Both have sold drafts to' versions of that order, but to other cen small amounts, and borrowed la Tidy of sures of yet a couch graver character. the Pay Department, which has received . In respect to this General. the letter of about half of the money estimated ffir.— I recall observes, parenthetically, - but with Consequently the troops have some four' an acumen worthy of more than a *gladly" months' pay due them. Our poverty, itr notice, that some of my specifications of ' the neglect of the disbursing Deparnnems his misconduct arc hardly consistent with at home, has been made known, to our "your (my) official report and cornmuni shame, in the papers of the capital here, i cations:" , through a letter from Lieut. Col. Ilont,l Seemingly, this is a most just retinke.-s. l that was found on the person of the special I, But, waiting for the trials, I will here brief. messenger front Washington. The army ly state, that, unfortunately, I followed that is also suffering greatly front want of t 0...! General's own reports, written and oral cessary clothing, including blankets and I —that my con fi dence, lent him in advance, I , been bit m great coats. The new troops, (those who had it very slightly shaken, is ear have last arrived,) as destitute as the others, ! lv as the first week in October—that up to were first told that they would flint! abort- , that time, front our entrance into this city, dant supplies at New Orleans ; next at !I had been at the desk, shut out front all Vera Cruz, and finally- here ; whereas, ' personal intercourse with my brother offi we now have perhaps a thousand hands en- leers, and that it was not till after that con gaged in making shoes and (out of bad ma- tinement that facts, as to conduct, and mo terials, and at high rates) pantaloons.— , tivesibegan to pour in upon me. T I 'These articles, about 3000 pairs of each, A word as to the fifth article of war. I arc absolutely necessary to cover the na- !can truly say that, in this and other com kedness of the troops. Fell. 28, off lot- ' munications, I hare hottlesignecrthe alight= hos, I wrote to Brig. General Brooke to i l cst disrespect to the Commander-in-Chief direct the Quartermaster at New Orleans ;of the Army and Navy of the United States. to send me large supplies of clothing.— } No doubt he, like myself and all others; March 10, Gen. Brooke replied that the !may fall into mistakes as to particular men: Quartermaster at New Orleans had neither and I cannot, having myself been behind clothing nor shoes, and that he was fear- the curtain, admit the legal fiction that ALL ful that, unless they have been sent out to . arts of a Secretary are the acts of the you direct, you will be much disappointed. IPresident. Yet, in my defensive state- Some small quantity of clothing, perhaps i menus, I have offered no wanton diseour one fifth of our wants, came to Vera Cruz 1 tesy to the head of the War Department, from some quarter, and followed us to Ja- I although that functionary is not in the e lapa and this place." numeration of the above mentioned article. I must here specially remark that this re port, No. 30, though forwarded the night of its date, (July 25) seems to have mix- , carried. Perceiving, about November 27 that it was not acknowledged by the De partment, I caused a duplicate to be made, signed it, and sent it off by the same con veyance with my despatch No, ad, and the charges against Brevet Major General Worth, Major General Pillow, and Brevet Lieut. Cul. Duncan, together with the ap- peal, against me, of the former. All Lbw are acknowledged by the Department in the same letter. Jan. 13, that recalls me. . It was that budget of papers that tam ed the blow of power, so long suapeadled. to fall on a devoted head. The_ibree w rested officers, and he who had endeavors . ed to enforce a necessary discipline against them, are all to be placed together _before, the same Court. The innocent and the guilty, the accuser and the accused, the judge and his prisoners, are dealt! with;a like, Most impartial justice ! But there• is a discrimination with a vewgemsee ! T ri.! While the parties are on trial—,if the Up: peeler is to be tried at all, which. sweolti doubtful—two are restored their corp.-- one of them with his brevet' rank—andi deprived of my command! There can be but one .step more in the same direct ion :—throw the rules and articles of war into the fire, and leave all ranks in the ar my tree to engage in denunciations and a general scramble for precedence, authority and executive favors. The prononciar mentor on the part of my factious juniors, is mort triumphant. 1 g My recall—under the eireenunanees, a severe punishment bVote trial—Ana to:be followed by a trial here, that may main; to autumn—and on matter! I ant but par? tinily permitted to know by ,the Papas* meet and my accusors—is very ingenious? ly placed on two grenade :-1, My, ewe request, meaning that of June 4, (quoted above, and there was no other before {ha Department) which had been previously [July 12] acknowledged and rebukely de dined. 2. The arrest of Brevet Major General Worth, for writing to .the De partment, "under the pretext and forts of an appeal," an open !otter, to be sent through me, in which I was grossly and falsely ae,. cused of "malice" and "conduct unbecom ing an officer and gentleman," in the.mat ter of the general order No. 349, on the subject of pulling letters, fur the newspa pers at home. On that second point, the letter from the Department, of January 13, is more than ingenious ; it is elabnrate, subtle and profound—a professional dissertation, with the rare merit of teaching principles until now wholly unknown to military codes and treatises, and of course to all mere sol diers, however great their experience in the field. I have not in this place time to do more than hint at the fatal consequences of the novel doctrine in question. According to the Department, any factious junior may, at his pleasure, in the midst of the enemy —using "the pretext and form of an ap» peal" against his commander, insult and outrage him to the grosseStextent—though he be the General-in-Chief, and charged with the conduct of the anst critical ope rations ; and that commander may not ar rest the incipient mutineer, until he shall have first laid down his own authority, and sumitted himself to a trial. or wait at least, until a distant period of leisure for a judicial examination of the appeal And this is precisely the case under eon.; sideration. The Department, in its eager ness to condemn me, could out take time to learn of the experienced, that the Gen eral-in-Chief, who once submits to an out rage, from a junior, must lay his account to suffer the like from all the vicious un der him—at least, down to a rank that may be supposed without influence, in high quarters, beyond the army. But this would nut be the whole mischief to the public service. Even the great mass of the spir ited, intelligent and well affected, among his brothers in arms, would soon reduce such commander to utter imbecility, by holding him in just scorn and contempt for his recreancy to himself and country. ,Intl are diripline and efficiency of no a vail in the phi ? But it was not my request of June 4, nor report No. 30, (of July 25] so largely quoted from above, nor yet the appeal of one pronwtciudo that has at length brought down upon me this visitation, so clearly predicted. That appeal, no doubt, had its nterits—considering it came from an erra tic brother—a deserter from the other ex treme—who having first made his peace with the (rut faith, was bound to signalize apostacy by acceptable denunciations of one—from whom, up to Vera Cruz, he had professed, (and not without cause,) the highest obligations. It was there he ktareed from we that I was doomed at Washington, and straightway the apostate began to leek, through a quarrel, the means Closing my correspondence with the Department until alter the g ippronchin _ . . I have the honor to tumuli, venpoitfully, Tear snout obedient servant. WINFIILD "scorn. The Bat. Seetetsay of Wle, Walbillitite. Dr, , • Seveim Day, latar pow Europe. ARRIVAL OF Tat STEAMER. A MERIc4. Thg Ch91:014 Are River Mien Irilerul.4atis Quiet—Ger-, • WAY' Odd. 41:ir The new. Cunard steamer America. Capt. hiatus, arrived at her dock in „ler thy City, jest. blond; twelve o'clock on Baterday: , , /31re nude the passage in kit thus fourteen days. The Chaiiist meetieg was attended by 240400, and was' held on Kennington Comuiens. Their petition • was. sent. to Parlianseetbrdepeties, nod was Rol Car rie' d by the masawf dm people. • Iledandatilt remained quiet. the Govern- Meat herier tererawed' die .revolt for the present. Anne • were still. being manufac tured..however, and the' peasants preens mg_the whootirig. liolleedwid Belgium were tranquil. • Teritirrltair selkurirkidged Ili. French Republik,. - • TheKing.of , Detnuark. had left Copen lieges to join 'his army. , liengary hes .deelared herself indepen dent. and choseir the Archduke Stephen King. Al flotzen; in the Tyrol. the citadel Melded toile provisional government. All is quiet in ['nisei& end preparations for wataie.eetice. ,Serions disseetwobte hare broken out in St., Patentor*. . . • Miens haw - been-some di'sturbauees at adore, but they have been suppressed. Amman troops are leaving for Vienna. The Austrian tied Sardinian troops are approsehing each other in Lonsbardy.—. Radetaky hair eoneentrated.his forces be tween Verona and Mtuttua. - The Lorsbar• do- Piedinontese army. embrnanded by King Charles Albert, is on - the road from CM . mona to Mantua. In the Venetian territory every defile of the Frill is guarded to prevent Austrian re infonmments front entering Italy. In Poland there is' nothing decisive.... The report of a rising ao.Warsaw wu not confirmed. Paris continued in ■ state of tranquility: There has been some disturbances in the Provinces. The Goverbment Commis sioners have in some places been obliged to give up their offices. A new Ministry has been formalist Na ples of a much more liberal character. The Sicilian Independent Parliament are in session. Large numbers of troops are couctestra ed on the Sardinian frontier. There have been serious disterbauees among the laboring classes at Havre. The National Guards were all on dutyeand had made several arrests. The District of the Landes, hear for• dean'. is in a state of insurrection'. Ledru Rollin is organizing a guard for the frontiers. Austria, it is belieied, trotwithvtinding her warlike pieparationi, will be disposed to cede Lombardy upon condition of that country taking a (air share of the public debts, and at:reeding to other apparently rational terms. Denmark is reported to have gained a victory in one oilier resat. ted Duchies, but Prussia. is lending active aid to the insurgents, and therefore there is little chime for her ultimate success, the beet she can hope being some arrangement by mediation. Russia, [with an available army of 800.- 000 men] announces her intention to keep quiet unless she is attacked. in which case wo betide the "anarchists." Naples has received from her King an almost democratic constitution. The Sicilian question still remains in slate: quo. Spain is quiet under the mil itary despotism of Narvares. Germany is busy in arranging her confederation, and Italy is conscious of hut one public pulse, which beats fur an Italian league. In France the elections fur officers of the National Guard have just terminated— all in favor of advanced Republicanism.— Meanwhile the financial condition becomes daily more deplorable. CLTThe Sona and Cadets of Temperance had a Public Pronesaion•at Westminster, Ma , on Easter Monday. A Bible was presented to "Carroll Di vision," by the Ladies of Westminster, and an Oration delivered by E. YATES REESE, of Balti more. The Carrolhonian says that about 1,000 persons were in attendance. ErThe Whip of Oswego County, N. York, have resolved • preference foir Hiatt"' CL•r for the P re"dinc7; but deeming hit election hopeless, they go is kw Gen. Barer, who they think can be elected without a doubt. Erne Whigs of William county, Ohio, go for Gen Score u their dot choice for the Presi dency. PK *TAR & BA\II !Kilt G irr s n Friday Eveninz, May 5, 1843, CITY AGENCIES.—V. B. Planta. Erg. corner of Chesnut & Third streets; and E. W. CARR, Esq. d un Building, N. E. Corner Third & Dock streets. l'hiladelrhin null Wm. Tisomrsosr, South-east coiner of Baltimore & South sta., Baltimore—are our antliorized Agents forreceiv ing Advertisements and Subscriptions for ''The Star and Banner, — and collecting and receipting fur the same. ' FOR PREr3IDENT, • GEN. WINFIELD SCOTT. WIIIO CANDIDATE. FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, 1111110DLID14*ART111, Of '17.44ut ,t orate. 811SNAVORIAL ELISCIOR4r . J.'hn P. lllenderson,. orf.ebannn enmity, Thomas M. T. 51 1 ,Kenuan,s( Washington enmity. RIMitERENTATIVE ELECTO4ISI 1. Joe. G. Clarkeon,, 13. Hem" lamas. 2. „In°. P..WetheeiJi, 14. W t .CoWipllen. 3. JameeM. Davie, 15. Wm. lelleake. 4. Thou. W. Duffield, id. Chia, 1 , 444, 5. Daedel 0. Millet, 17. And. 0: tlortitt o 6 • . 1 2 31 . 1110 th l 1 11 111 11 $' ' Is. Thee It Drelaeou, 7 John D. Bora; IL 'Joseph I B. J o h n 9. Jos. mammary; 21. A,, W. Lembo, 10 Charles FlAyoler. 2 2. NCI/J l 4 l l riP•__,L 11. Wm. 0. "23:'Tflowas aw. Pl. ?ma& Try; ' ' 94: SA'. PitMerict. •-tr - • We V" W1 4 9.9148118 4013 ..X- 1 42K9...PAR• :too, STSWAIIT, Nos, Berroo, • eta 11149,, •at WaJdoington, fro smoky poblie docomemos. ,• • noßottni EI.E.OTIONy 7 -414 *4°4h • • kctiou Fogad eff,my quietly roo Torulig lam, no °wielder' bebop. mode to the rmmterip ‘ei4tled Whig Ticket, frbe colfipereeleetel me m &Rows : norifeeN-Almoim Mudd.. Town Cetxil—C. W Ifeeromb D. M. 89Mer, WW worn. Boy*, pTlTtiOalas &boa Ilinbaetr43elimel SM'Creary +Mina L ' Tate (8 yoams,)ind 1). A. Deshler (9 years.) Street & Read Coneraisiommt—Qoiatin Aim etros& Gump C. Btrickhower. cOttlrtitit RETIHM.,-WettniiMetand thi4 l!Aters him been received, within II few daTe. from 14r. Cmipme, Meting that he inteink sailing for the United States about the 10th *Nay. He was in Patin at the time of writing, but designed kertiqg for Lieetimet, to nuts arrangements for his ritani. We pregame he may be expected haute by the lest if the moath. LifirrEfit Filoll GEN. BCOTr.—An im portant and deeply intereering later from General Serrate Um War' Department, will, be found in today's. peper, which we trust wilt be carefully gamma by every raider. It is a liable and manly vindication' Odle greatOhleftais in his controver• rry *Rh the-War Department, and • Infested, ex position of the petty meanness, jealousy, and die. hOniety which 'have charactnised the A &dints. tmtion in its whole intercourse with the Conquer or Of, Meilen. As a Mint renew of the filets con nected:With the icemen of Mexico, from 'the land ing at Vets CM" to thertaking of the Capiu;l, its &broom and iustice Will not fail to impress the reader; the evidentdetsnuination of Menem Polk, Marcy & Co., to crash and min the now ter mind, whom genius conceived, and whose skill, and energy ,wel heroism executed, the plan of this memorable campaign, without , a parallel in the history of war, and so honorable to the repo laden of the A manes arms—this evident determi nation, so clearly developed by the plain facts here brought to light, must emir the' blood to tingle in the. cheek of every honen-hearted reader —every milder who hes heart enough to feel, intel lect enough to think,. and spirit enough to express indignation at, sash: official meanness and petty &spoliate. Th• annoyances, neglects and persecutions, to which Gen. Score has been subjected by Mr. Polk and his Monk, damigned to break down the CoomandsFia ckisf and blast a reputation inter- woven with the blighted haloes of the natidn's glary, too far from effecting the purpose for which they were intended, will only, when property made known to, and understood by, the American pro. ple; serve to :increase Art prattler adruinttion of the extraordinary genius and ;mew which wu ca- Pablo of accomplishing so much amid se many ernbuniadoents. WI ens ur Scam b ".. b "nbldiy 4 " o6 o l l 1 , 14 1. 4 by me ^Mg of uns props. The people thenmelvea ,will are Wad hue oppedaskr. !ID maks slid the bout of the ash Palk Willt trentetettert *het bow everofficialdernarmgewism ammo:sea in corrupt ing and..indnenang the prodipt . • minions that mem admit streond the fabled of POWOr, the na tional heart is dill did* rusk will see that proper homage is paid to the Nation% bseefadoc riri‘re fret to nianwre* temper 1111Mirtili. 44 by ° Fr y e & m i g hti c 4, i. repni to the action of 4mA:emit Conferee *cant We have nothing to do with *4lloi:sat" Conferee from York—he esti na di* take good camel himself. Bat nu. der the, petal* einnuestanong of the rase. cower 40.14 OA gee side or the other was usomeary, and as Adams County yielded her preferences in 1844, and speed to the iebetion of a CLAY delegate from Yogi, it *toilet wasohable that her right to a delegate of her osin vit;ws should be rampaged thla time, and we presume Mr. &exam's was in gnawed by this'ilew of the matter-4 view as just as it was amenable. • • . • We obese , els ,tliat purreapondent of the Philadelphia writ*. from Yodt, ttot AM* Bed with deumuming Mr. Idesaotma for daring to tannin the right of Adam. the Dale. tab% undertakes to impugn •the, integrity of the the Conferees from this county, and insintratcs that the refusal to vote for Dt.Ninixtota's propo sition was induced by a want of confidence in the people. Not en, we take it. The preferences of Adams county on the Presidential question had been long entertained and frequently expressed, and when, in the face of this fact and her acknow ledged claim to the delegate this year, our friends in York county instructed their Conferee., to sup port no man but "an open and avowed friend of Henry Clay," the inference was irresistable that it was designed either to force a second concession, or to suppress the voice of the district in the Nee tional Convention. The• proposition of Dr. Nab inger was by no means calculated either to con tradict this inference or remove the difficulty.— The preferences of the Whigs of Adams county were well known to our Conferees, and taking for granted that the representation as to the preferen ces in York county were correct, there was no probability that any different result would have been arrived at. Believing this, and claiming the delegate as a right, hey very properly insisted on a choice being at once made by the Conferees. We go for Gen. Scotr, believing him to be the moat available candidate, in the field , and if the National Convention place him in nomination, the "Young Guard" will give a little tallest Preiii• dentist vote ever cast in these parts. If, however, the Convention, in its wisdon, see fit to ro-nomin ata Mr. CLAY, Adams county will, u heretofore,' do her duty, end faithfully discharge her obliga tions as one'of the firmest Whig counties of the fitate. EUROPE—An abstract of the latest intelli genre from Europe, by the steamer America, will be found in a preceding column. The great Char tist Demonstration in England has proved a fail are..-the number in attendance being estimated at 200,000 by the Chartists, while others contend thet but 15,000 persons were on the ground. The English Government had adopted the most energetic measures to suppress the movement in case it were attempted to march into London and overawe Parliament in its deliberations. About 200,000 citizens of London were sworn in as special constables to support the Government, and . 1 1 1 0 1 r Pis Oren Jo the, Chartist leaders that the redastikei would Inc! be !Permitted to crows the tidge,huttlitg . from Kennington Commune into . the city proper. The proposed prcavesioni was very predindy abamdcoid, and the Wrest* Pad , doh sent into Parliament by • Deputition.' wet them wibmiled to a rigid Seramlnitlint • by re Committee' of the Houselir Commenii; *he eel' poked thit instead otbeilif signed by . 5.70800 peisrms. as hipresented,ll4re but 1.973,406 slsnsi an imm ense number irrigniriAlarii• ly . .ketitle4 ? such Oh • " a own, ug.Nose "plai-rtase," "Irieloria Rex," "Duke ,of *Siting t°l4" "bit Hobert 4'. 1 41: C/OStir we balm). denim their utt from winks . tliay can "the peoplie theeter,", whisk they fwepoin enact into laws awl whisb demands the:Follcrwing Reforms I.lirivereat Suffrage. :,4. - Vosir by ballot :3. No , property quallileertioni: 4. An. nth.Pariliatients:. 3. Aymrort 'ot letemberf..;-' a; ItqUal elebtoral - The ititetihteniMi fron'a ihe Contineat contitili d quhUy. Aethte eontinotni is ;mtoiNittlY nat 4 _ *Mart tam Mal* ntrainnt dmiltuatriaittunpa. : am as and. Turkey had maanaidered Chair detaratbm. 6 011 'VW. le the *Republic of Fromm, and , re. !oohed to •mcogniae the new government, Our. many, AmiNa, Pima*, Policed: and the Italian ewes waramill mach agitated by political discus. eionstand'dhtarbancec " ' PROM MAXICO.—The steamer Avon ani ved at New Orkutne on the 2241 elk with intelli gence tiom.Vons Crux 10 the 16th. nod front the ciar of Maxistoiss thalails .A-spaortua or Congress had not yet assembled at Queretaro: Mr. alter!, the Commissioner, had reached the Capital. and was handsomely received by the *elope: Mr. Sevier had also left Vert Cruz for the capital, where he was daily expected The acconnte in regard to the peace prospect, are very contradictory, althoogh the hope MOMS to be generally entertained that the treaty would be ratified by Mexico. The Court of Inquiry was still in seesion, but wee expected to adjourn about the 20th, of Apia The : entire testimony seems most decidedly in fa vor of General Scott, and equally decided a gainst Gen. Pillow. Gen. Cadwallader and .Mr . Triat had lett the Capital for the U. States. YECATAN.—On Eatiirday lasi, the President rent in a message to Congress, dating that be bad been applied to by the Commisaioner from Yuca tan, with urgent solicitations to extend protection to the white people of that unhappy country against the war of extermination being waged against them by the Indiana. The President “eubmite to the witelorn of Congress to adopt inch measures is, in their judgment, may be expedient to prevent Yatatiot from becoming a cookery of any European power, which, in no event, could be permitted and at the' sa me time to rescue the white tact from extermination or expulsion from the country." The reception of the message gave rise to an an imated debate in both Houses. In the Senate Mr, Calhoun reviewed with much severity the doctrine of political interference in the 'raking of other govenamenta, avowed by the manage, and thought it looked too much toward further "annex ation" and more wens The message was Ailey referred to the Conran tere on Foreign Affairs Aid will no doubt be extended in some shape to the people of Toeatan ; but, if so, it should be placed on the ground of humanity and no such miserable *tetras that urged - in tha - meatato - tif President Polk,. • CffEAP POSTACE.—Tbe singular delay of Conroe' to reilkind to the general wish of the country in • modification and_roductioss of the rates Of postage on newspapers and letters, is be ginning once more to stir up the P'rees in favor of the poky. Why - this deley should hare occurred is hard to say. That the propoeed reform W do. aired by the people s has been abundantly eviden ced. by the numerous .petitions that have been poured in upon Congress, and by the unanimous support Om to it by the Prom Why then, the delayl At. the 'same secret lafinencei which elfmtedl the pump of the law of last session, at work now to prevent its repeal or modification ? This is • matter which peculiarly concerns the publishers of papers. Let them, then, speak out and give their Representatives at Washington dig thMtly to understand that it is expected of them to urge upon Congress the pro Posed Reform in the Postage lairs, and that at once. We observe that the City publisher have been moving in the matter, with the view of securing Ow adoption of s law making the postage,on news papers owe Gent for all distances. The object, .of mule* is to place the lolls mammoth City. papers on a footing with the Comely perm, and thus enable the tumor more aneeessfully to compels with the latter ha tbe Country eirtulatiow This wouldhe inineaS to most of the interior Prowiii, MA their conductors must to it. 'lf the Reie. noes of the Deputmerit will not allow it free culation of all newspapers, let the law , r inning postage within Ittl miles he to-enacted. 'Such a lair is essential to the prosperity'of the country f'ressi, and its absolutenecessity should be distinct ly and promptly urged upon Congress. THE NOMINATION.--The Reading •Jour. nal, a Taylor paper, thinks that the nomination of Gen. Smarr by the National COnvention, is be. coming daily more probable. If that be the cue, remarks the Journal, the success of the party at the election is a matter of certainty. Scott is sure to carry Ohio, Pennsylvania and New York to start with ;—a very good beginning. Ho will have every State GCB. Harrison carried, and the hired builds of office holders will contend against him in vain. SCOTTF.4 RECEPTION.—The City Coun cils of New Orleans, Mobile, and other southern Cities, are making extensive arrangements for Gen. Scow ' s reception on his return home. The authorities of the Northern Cities aro also moving in the mat te r, The Court of Inquiry, it was thought would adjourn about the 20th of April, when the great Chieftain would at once leave for the United States. His reception will ho a glorious one— worthy of the first General of the ago—worthy of the people of the U. States. U. S. SENATOR DEAD.—lion. ANFILLI, U. 8. Senator from Arkansas, died in Washington, on ttatorday last. 'rho customary marks of respect were paid to his memory in both 'louses of Congrtior. The Whig members of the Massachusetts Le gislature beim published an Address to the Whgs tithe 'Union in favor of Mr. Wavily's for the esidency. (U N. TAYLOR .S LAST—The N. Orleans Picayune publishes another letter from Gen. Tat. Lon to Capt. J. S. ALL, sox, on the Presidency, dated April 22, 1848, and designed to correct mis-conceptions and mis-representations of his pa. sition. He says that he has consented to the use of his name as a candidate for the Presidency, and having taken his position at the request of many of his countrymen, he does not feel at liberty to surrender that position, until his friends manifest a with for him to retire from it. Having no pri. vate purposes to subetrve, and having a distrust of his fitness for the station to which it is proposed to elevate him, he will be perfectly contentoif the Amitrican people see flt to give their suffrages to some worthier citizen. Tiiilfigerern ',age; that he "is a *big, but not breast Whig,' and if clerk,' he "would not be the mere President' aa party, but would en. deriver to act' independent of party domination?' In retardla the, exercise of the veto power, he thinks *kit is, a high ooneervative power. which should never be exercised except in cases of clear violation erthe Constitution, or manifest haste and want ardleerimlrratien by Congress. The person. al opinloni drib° 'Executive ought not to influence , Congress hi its deliberations on domestic Subjerpts. nor ought. hie objections to be interposed where constitutional questiolea hive been previously set tled by the various departments of Oevernaseut; and sepriesend in by the pug*. -•‘• • • The subjects of** TarifE the burrs:icy, die Imptevement of our great highways, Rivers, Lakes and Harbors, ate disposed al** theringle, remark that "the will of the peep* as aspeasead OW to be respected and reeled 'Ceti Vthe Eloredvo.", Ho rejoices at the pnrePe4tt !et I dale of the War - with - Itadas, rd-tl¢olta VW in dictating terms of peens ens thwevessite aimed be fdibiar ing and magnanimous sea felksw foss..-fithe prin. ciples as well as the ttne'polley tithe Goverimient being opposed to the subjugation of other nations and the dismemberment of other countries by con quest." • • • ' These the General. affirms to be his views re far as he 'demi proper"td unfold them; and *in cludes by remarking that he does not know that he shall spin write upon the mildeet of national Whim - Nirablilliergirp iture schemes. no COM• binations, no intrigues. If the American people have not oaniklence in him, they ought not to give him their suffrages. STILL ANOTHER.—The Richmond Repub. I ican bringetolightanotherletter from Gen .T a, r Loa dated April 20, in which he positively denies ever having said that he was in famed the Tariff oi '46, or that he would withdraw from the field in case Mr. Ct..' t were rrominited by the Whig National Convention. He has never expressed any opinion on the Tariff; Sub-treasury and War, and assures the editor of the Republican that lOU* he will not refuse the nomination of the Whig National Con vention, provided he is left free of pledges, yet he will not withdraw his name from the mow, be the nominee of the Convention Mr. MAT or any other man ! BENEFICk:NCE.—The Lutheran Qhmarter states that Mr. Isaac Blitomaa,dearased. late of Frederick county, Md., made . the fbiknving be. quests in his Will : To the Luth. Parent Lluesstipn Society, $2,000 " Theological Seminary. Gettysburg, 500 " Penney lye niatollege, " 500 44 American Board or Commissioner* for Foreign Marione, 500 " American Tract Society, 500 lOWA.—The official returns of the late Elec tion for Superintendent of Public buotruction in lowa, show the election of HARLAN (Whig) over. Taos. H. Haarron, jr. (Loco) by 78 majority. ID - The Locoforo National Convention will meet in Baltimore on the 22d Met. Gen. CANA, President Pots, and Judge Wootiouov, are the moot prodlinent candidates, with the chatter% in fa vor of Gen. Casa. Some rich scenes are anticiiik tad. Now York /en& two sets of Delegates,. one rinwesenting . "Old Henkerism" and Pm...glover", the other reimrsenting the "bonito:inters" and No exteumon.otalavery. Jo mro VAN Boa CS2 OA lead er of the latter division, addressed a recent meet. ing of the r ßarnbnmen in N. York, end delivered himself in this wise: .The electoral ticket thins attempted to be put (won the democracy is irregular and, bolting, and no bonnet democrat will sustain it , by his vote. The delegates se lected by the Utica Convention are the coo ly rightful representatives of the Democra cy of this State t they will be received et Baltimore. (Sensation.) Their brethren throughout the Union will neither desire nor dare to reject them ; let them be threwa out or neutralized by the admission of thir ty-six irregular delegates ; aml let the test imposed by Alabama and Georgia, South Carolina and Florida, be applied to the nomination of the Presidential candidate, and while I do not undertake to say what 1 shall do, I do venture to , predict that the political, like the meteortdegical, almanac for November next, will read,'"albelti ihette days, expect strung ,gales from the North and West: [Tremendous laughtqr an 4 Plause.] ' • In a subsequent speech, John delivered himoelf of deo follow* - . : "Let *initial aware COnSetitkin 'forte up pon ahe Mirth theltarro* and mitterahle teat to Which some gentlemen of the South have committed themseives--6let them ex clude our delegates from their Convention, and banish the advocates of freedom from the liet'of Preeidential candidates, and the nominee of their Convention, when the pile dose in this State, will require affi davits to prove that he has been running at all!" . L IlgrThe Whigs of Genessee county, N. York, send /IXLS D. MeattlLL to the National Con vention, with resolutions in few* of Henry Cloy and Millard Fannon,. rirNATit•stat lilArnes has been eripointel dtdegate to the Whig National Convention from the 16th (Ohio) Congressional district ? , with in. structions in favor of Gen. Scott. trrJonx A. Cnottan, delegate from the Itel district, (Tennessee) is instructed for Clay. The 4th goes for Taylor. CZ"The Whigs of Bedford county, at a recent county meeting, adopted resolutions complimen tary to both Scott and Taylor, and resolved a read iness to support either for the Presidency. I'V'The Boston papers announce the death o Mrs. Samuel Appleton, only daughter of Daniel Webster. Don. Joust W. Hocirroa, member of Congress from Delaware, in a published letter, states that, al• though be at one time thought Gen. Taylor the most asailsble Whig Presidential candidate, he how believer Gen. Dwelt to be the man for the cjrThe cell for a Meeting Of the Ileidletsburg T. A. Society, thbi evening, blinded to us last week, was mislaid and not recovered until th`r pa peri had been betted. The Rev. Mr Diana will addreza the meeting. SCHOOL MEETINf;.—In ecconlance with the usual notice, the citizens of the Borough as sembled in the Court-house on Tuesday evening lost, to determine the amount of Tax to be levied. for :ichool purposes, the coming year. E. W. Srint.z having been called to the chair, and .1 a con AVOaINBAOon appointed Secretary, H.J. Ben ICI 'SRI, Ewl., in behalf of the Board of School Directors, gave the following synOpsisof the finan cial strain, connected with the Schools: Estimated Receipts during the. Salon' yen therklng June I, 1817, and ending June 1. 1848, *2290 00 Estimated Expenses for same time, 310 E 00 Supposed funds on hand, June 1, 148,1 10) Estimated expenses of schools during uefl yew. ecittuftedelng Jane I, 'lO, (10 tuna''' . as follows : Teachers' PAY. , gitspit et gente'nfliletaiol.ffouSea ' ' '211040 Fuel, Repaiss, , ,Priuting,. , 200 00 Collector a It ' 6124 and Releases, I=l 00 • Estimated Receipt,. during lime lime: from State Appropriatimut.i *1225 00 , Three timer tin. swum to be, - , , levied by the Di •flestote. ? • 00 00 , : . Supposed funds on hands, Jule A 110 I'vesving *deficit foe'the next teit pf 1 17111711 7 The,lttltem•nt That the' noa4 a( Ma* tlkeettini be aitthottsed to . levy ma itddittetral dui 111101.6100; fiver sattabaie that phiablefit by int,oliellehaat impale 4buing I • On' mike 'thaw otthiviil` ll lo2.otPtallii rd *III the ps. 'E. W. OtAlltLE.' .1. Ara iii 11 mues - • 5 aa1•0444444 , one of the battle. In Mexkr, • molars. allot Omit kr* bon*. vain hood lass she( hawked ell the .11 1 4/sony est kitmee— Wltarsuplat Ppm**, el theJoarnal.mastilio alma otlta fair pratunptios laded Vie abet erniad mew a groodportion of shs rslbwh braliff" • ... iMrriarnas Marling, indicted tor Os tininta.i Nowt hviiumf a , wu, bend 1141I‘der in thertirst - tiarse,' In Daoplun COlllll4 - Can't last Manley. • i MAD DUGS.—Med Dog. and Dotilir' Gdai Hydrotillable hays been anti/many mittmertioe this Spring. We observe' that the euthorkies ur differ ent hierne erridopting ottuentror br of their claws. Would. it not 4. won fi. eur Borough often' to attend to the timensria liar! p,'fbe Now York Mir or Tiylor japer) bu come the conclusion" that the States of New York cod New Jamey will send s.maJorlti 'ol' &l egatee to the Whig National,Corneutire. who will support Wr atm Wore. as the newpweeise candidate. foe the Presidency.' ; (ronimo EFTA. Loeofiasoe of Bolti ItineWeitY his pointed Joao 'Kerrutwiat.. E. 14.1 r . of this county,) their Music, to thie Nitiesid ; on rendre). It wu Mr. ifirru.swat.Othirfininowl. hinted Mi. Pall in the National itoriventioW of 1844. Ho is said to be for him gain. ''" ' CCWOdg• PATTON!. of Pittsburg, has deeidot that when a, man becomes an Whited drunkard after receiving an apprentice, it irwfa3ent caw for tho apprentice to elides a died:wry &Oro his in dentures. VIROINIA.—The - Virginia Election has re sulted in • Inas of seine 6 or 8 Whig inembeht the Legislature.- 'The Liieoforan no doubt' hove • majorityin both ccyThe National Medical Convention is in ses sion at Baltimore—Dr. Chapman, et:Philadelphia, presiding. ILT Mr. •Nraaxr, the Mush ington -Correspon (lent Of the N. Y.-11011114 who tollbood to bestiry before the U. S. Senate'Committes M regard to the publication of the Mexican Treaty, .witedlistil from custody on ?tidal last. k , , GRAHAM'S IIMiIAZINE., ior MaYs onee thee of the emit* of "Army* Famine." 'silk ethic the enterprising publishes* babe been listripriog patrons: - The to in's - beat Style. - The pmeent ny of contributor seldom equalled sees bjr One ham itaslf—ientbreeing the meet pripuhir et Amer- Men Meiresine wrilara.,VUeo. R. Grahams 4, C. pi!r annernor two copies fox Sh• BALIIAM or WILD Qgllar .-- Thar is one of the vary , few, patent medicines of the dsy whieh'we'eatt meqhfroend with confidence to all who are affeptcd, with' Coughs, Colds, or Consumptions, oi l wilo whb are predispoied to OM lido' com plaint. . has 'wen uhetl srlih'eboeitleti ble advantagelry' many families In town. and' in a few stubborn eases ltas petidaecd highly benefielal'effecte.—Rochtsfer Daily hdverliser: ' ' iri•Ter'ialit by , SA MUEL 1111E111- LF.R, only Aro,* petwsbarg. Miii a, itHe:,=te HEA LTH 1-0 BLFSSEU HEALTH ! .- - - Thou art ettapill golitanitelipiestres ho enlartiert the 1110111—and openeth all its ma tte to WOW* hintructidir, and to . reSitt . He that has,,Mer„ Mut little / Mete to wieh,l4l: andhe this; is eo wretched as to bas• *re not, wants every thins beside: . Let no be tbaektel for Brindreth'S Pills, whiellia Cetilllffli ute he" fully established to be Hiti best medicine ever bestow ed on man: For the preyouling colds and coughs, they will bi Mood every thing that medicine it capable of in:matting. In Cholic, and 1111 Inflammation of the Bowels, these Pills will at Mice relieve, and perseterance in their use, according to he directions, ,will surely do all that medicine can do to , restors the health of the patient, • In diseases arising from the one of mercury, nr from any cause or vitiation, from bad blood or otherwise, their use will produce the most hair results, In' all attache of Rheumatism, Eritirpe las, f?alt Rheum, and in cases of chronic or se cent Vostiveness, tbe ute of firandreth Pills will be productive of infinite service—sometimes occasibning so great In change for the better as to cause great thankfulness. In all cases of Indigestion, Worms, A ;thesis, Diseases of the Heart, and in all Aflections ash* Stomach and Bowels, the Brandreth fills am found a never-failing remedy., To insure the full benefit of these celebrated Pills, they should be kept in the house, so that upon the first commencement of sickness they may be at (MCC resorted to, One dose then ia better than a dozen after the disease hai begotee established in the system. The Brandreth Pills are purely vegetable, and so innocent that the infant of a month old easy use them if medicine is required, not only with safety but with a certainty of receiving all the benefit medicine is capable of importing. Fe males may use them in all the critical periods of their lives. The Ilrandreth Pills will insimithefr health, and produce regularity in all the functions of life. • Mr. Circovioli, of Caracas, says. "I bare en. ti rely cured myself of the FeverioncliAguir, which I have hail for six months, by taking from 8 to llrandreth Pills for ono mourb.'-....Viihe his letter to Dr. Diandreth, dated February 8, 18+17. LYAII persons should carefully putter BRANDRETIVS PILLS, only of the rep at y appointed Agents. They would thusinsuretheoP selves the genuine article; otherwise they mar often light upon a Counterfeit article. Ed musful. ll:rTite Drandrotb Pills are sold for Y 5 cents, per box at Dr. 11.11randreth's Principal Ofike.l4l Droadvray, N. York, and by the _following duly authorised Agents M. Stereusno it Co., Get tysburg ; J. Di WL'reury, Petersburg; Alludtem Xing, Illunterstown; A. M'Farlsrul, Abbot D. M. D. White, Hampton i kineeringee & 'ink. Littlestown ; Mary Dittman, Csaldown ; Geo. W. Hearty, Fairfield J. N. A 011114004 East Hedin i D. Newcomer Mechanicsville; &al fibidg. llBo ` Over, [ May 5. 1888,. LANOZNIIILIIN ' S DAGITERRFOTVPF. ESTAD- Lasaltailt, Drehange, Third Story.—The Hoe. HOORN CLAY, visiting this Estab liehiiiiii fair the purpose of having a da gderrelotype taken, expressed flattering :pstions on this favorite place of the "beau ty od fishion" of Philadelphia, and vast numbed) of strangers resort to it to pro cure a Daguerreotye. The Propri etors wi ortke every exertions to extend the brag established fame of this well known establishment. Family grou pes, troupes anti single portraits dell sizes are.asecoted equally well. .':April 21 4 1848.--ly .11#i'PYI►YORE MARKET. tt "'l,l4_,,LitSii r'n sa a•veeas ssa sex or wsonae. -I•J irrooVier-The' flour market continues dull NA eitiiiiiihederni or importance hare taken place. Hollinsef i ll i oanant street brandi generally ask $5,- tIIP- h' il' iled lao purchasers. City Mills sr, Iq. . 26 to $2 97. Rye flour $3 fq. ::-The'reireirris.of grain continue mar :' intiMialsilof good to prime red wheat iit sl,:,' a' ir.4,,drillirsaiy to good at $ I 28 a $1 88'; Ih audrY flour at pi 48 asl 58. Whit* ' 40 a'All'ai.; yellow4B a 49. Oats 38 • '4l; 1110211 it 00. Maimed $4l 50 a's4 Ott Irlas:.' ritris 10148.—N0 special chop ill *lliiil; Nisi - 'Apithi it CO do, sad" ?thist $5 50t slllnk - IMO Beef $l2 00. ' Iti.l, $0 11 584 Ott' isnas--Ndes and Shouldersat 44 a 6; ItiWki 71 •1, 1401—kega.hald at 71 a L and his t a 71 • T i eads , ? ‘l,9,i‘ c A , , • , • ',, to:: . Oa Pal* jditit "tasi , " N" OttP4ts!* .119 1 NIOAT. ilkd OW 8 4 firm - • • Ti Dirierterett. en Ai Ud uk urtetutrli3itu* la; giml , • Web 'Mr. A 6 Ikai Ha et iti s, ; Idtlerniiii efanis Sliatidtaaid.lo'll4o.% -`.;On Ilatueitt .644 vett eiddisty e k ;Jamie Jwaskitikonben teirtattlp, asiYabrag,ito Arreemaid, while ingigtal at hie usual 7 31 6; f1s - ind„laultißdhaNt Opited, • ' irteititatXtithatirLof Me ialliitlowiefiip,in the 77th year of his age". Q D. &tetdlay last, 1:44LLIII ATLIII4 youngest isialS erne. D:43llbeit, orthar %orbiter, • egad 11 Team and 7 montit+ Ea Nashville, Tillntelte. oh the 16th nit., D. Jess P Lief I .llthee4 Deineasee, and for- Audi 01 A.1 614 A‘i /Wu. .1* *!1,1I 0111 , PP-WO% 60111.111exioo, hiving hose ot Iltis'relgiSteatt Teena ge* Velinitievii • IN irestiains • Were iakeh 'to A thens liar latseiaott. GETTYSBURG FOUNDRY asiscurale &KO"' aubscriber_ respectfully informs his friends and the public generally that be,still ~ n entinnes to carry on the FOUNDRY BUSINESS, in all its branch es; at his old iistablishtnent. in the'Western part otGlettieburg,* here he hail constantly on hand 'all siitti of tirigiistaaPiiigia 9 • such as Kettle*, Pots, Ovens. Skillets, Pans. Gilddles, L. ittc,_of All ...sizss ; also, vravEs - 9 ( ivory size and variety, inclu ding Common, Parlor.Aimight end Cook ing Stovee—among them the far-famed To Farmers he would say, he has on Unit an excellent assortment of ' Wires/king 'Olnclaitioes. nitvfly's tvlebrateif Strawcutters, the re nowned Sayler Plows ; also Woodcock's and ”Widaarew's i also Points, Cutters, 13 bites. Ice—. • • ' '.. BL ACKSMITHINO is carried on in its present breaches, by the best of work :men. , xwowi, The subsclibcr has also opened a . 11100 T & SH()E i. Shop in the South end of the ' ndry - attiliiing. where, with good work- Meng sad extiellent materials. the neatest its iiW best work will 4 made. p:3.1,a -die* Wilt be waited on at their residence. orthe abokm mentioned'artielen will Jia:Guptithe4 tastie'Aß, fa. tub orgountiy Produee. as :they. ran be had any where else. All Were will be promptly attend• all kinds, done at the shwtigt , G.ityebar c May 8..48461. .416 EXC r lbt - iiie Sale.ofAii,iietr• Cc/debts:a (4 4 44rMidgi . eirfiawev.„ 'a • AbIUffACTURED at No. I I 4Ches # ' het Creel, Philadelphia% The sub '6, :01 0 4, ff ileell appointed Agent for mok eels elt***lebitiled articles of ,p,i. alwary•uutuuteeltwidby Eugeno Rottasell; wield carne the attention of the:Lodi.' lolliVelltlenten of Gettysburg and vicini iy th Cill'ind 'e . /fUeps, les:St• sattileilethe stock of NMl .tt* Toirey Artic Kollt**Vertuetery, No extensively in wrestle Hi _ Wur,larger cities. where it has wapfdly , supplanted both Anterioirt end Eh lhviittan drdelwr. le tow offered to the ill, Itabitaust of this place, by tte subscriber,' Militia drained an aOtogetuent such as sloweahhilitht,to dliPoieol tte various ar- 1 Itiales:ollbiustell's tuarturactstre, at the lie. l all Aistus charged by the Manufacturer Al 101144141 a. 'May 11; 18419...,3t KELLER KiJRtZ: . I. I UP :47 4ti • - . 11[111111111$111E151,41r, of Moutitpletwant ilky'diMiiship, Adams county, having ex inntele# ~ii:Dtiod valamiry Assignment for taiebamatior the undorsigned, amillise in Alountjay Grawaship, notice is limmbr giros se all pereoas indebted to eliddillitmday to make payment without de- Innitlndlio dome having claims to present ilipmprepetiy &When Cleated, forsettlemenk. • SAMUEL DURBOR.A.W. may i , 1848.--dt elowmrax. 24r' 0 z m /. .ETTERS Testamentary on the Es xj, *wolf ADAM HAUS, late of Germany township.•dec i d, having been granted to the subscribers, notice is hereby given to all who' are indebted to said Estate, to mike payment Without delay, and to those living claims to present the same, prop 01,114Othenticated, for settlement. ANDREW H,AHN, WM. HESSON, May A.—:fit• Executors. The first named Executor resides lit Clenaliny township—the latter in Roder-. ink 'Aunty, Md. agents Wattred.• rriillEE,Agents wanted to oireulata II number of New and Popular Works in Adants'eounty. For further particulars call al Ale ,Rookstoie of • • KELLER KURTZ. NEW SPRING & SUMMER AS just opened a fresh stock of sea sonable Fancy and Staple Goods, which will be offered at a tremendous re duction on al7formerprices. lie respect fully invites the attention of persons wish ing cheap goods to an examination or 4is selection, ind a comparison with the Pri ces of goods sold elsewhere. Apra 28,1848.--4 t , JOT-IN M. STEVENS° , H..AVINO just returned front the ; Oit : Hitteif is receiving, at the' old stand, a ' astinsomplenTaiThilio *tit• of , , thiieerks, jjard ware, ~Queen, witre, &c. &c. ' iyily;i/I; 11 1 . !3e jirist oE ' ; ll 'P ' I'OAN; • " ' 4 4IL • (Ocpcti'B , preii , f6) - 441, ipoki?Ttit he 4r, &inhaled' mid relY ' with 'calk anti will biiii•ld'atlfie smallest adylnee.. • . iirefaN4‘4ree'eHtlASTHellAFifie._* Jargels , frresh ' OZPCOUNTRY P RODUCE, of all inthrtinentath-frot-etietrefirltighest prier will be ailiiijed. ( # 4 lX il l i ngat A l4 l 14 , 1840.---cr • tfr ' 11Agjoit received I tah4otar"e'liening "11 his old stied en the Cornet. es large and handsome a stock V Goods is he ties ever tigered to the public s consist- iug.o[ :. . DRy e 0 ons, Grucerier, China, GlaaP, and Queensware. Hardware, Hollow-ware, Bonnets, Caps. 4-c. The above goods have been selected in Philadelphia and Baltimore, with care and upon the best termsyand will be sold CHEAP ; and, as Grua , the LADIES' at tention is invited to a great variety of FANCY GOODS, - among which are very superior SILKS, GINGHA MS, LAWNS, Ate. &e. Please call, examine, and judge fur yourselves. Qtr' Persons *oing to housekeeping can be tarnished *uh almost any article they may want. April 7, 1848.--et Decidedly the Cheapest Goods in 'fowl ! THE subscriber respectfully • invites dui public to call and examine his NEW FANCY GOODS, consisting of -Handkerchiefs, Ribbons, Pa 'pee, Mains,' Worsted Binding, Scarfs, Needle-worked Collars, Cravats, (a beau tiful variety,) Spool Cotton, (all colors,) Purses and Pocket-books, Suspenders, Gloves, (the greatest kind of an assortment) Mitts, Hose, Tapes, Whips, Ivory Studs, Pear and Agate Buttons, Boot Lacers, Fail cy Net, Dishoploivits, Bobbiet Lace, Ed: ging and Laces, Pinsand Needles, Knitting Cotton, Mixed Cotton Yarn, Wadding. Black Gimps and Fringes, Green Gauze Veils, Fancy Silk Ties, Wooden Moles, Cotton Laps; Steel Pens, (six for a cent!) Let it be, borne in mind, that all thia: Move articles will be disposed of twenty five per cent. cheeps,. than ever, positively. Wl' and examine for yourselves,' and be Convinced. April T. - • SCHICK:- ash and only One Price ! Quirk Sates alic. Small Profits . a IRE believed to give most satisfaction CV to' both porehaser, and' seller, and - to be an' hohorable mode nr dealing. The undersigned tenders his thanksto his friends . and customers fir the very liberal Petro: nap hitherto extended to him, and re• span:Ally solieite a continuation of it: T. WARREN, He. is happy so say that,'Doods being mach that& than Abel' were - hist year, he to, olrei stiII GREATER OAR- . GAINS_ 414411: heretofore. :Hwang seat's sd bit SYPRifera abut 20 v./swiss n ClZektitta* embrachig . e*ry variety`of Menand•Boy's wear, he *Ai Pno ll esent and the Peblie iletterlAY tq,potgp/nd stook_ before, pnehatsillg elsewhete4 for he,nst- ten Wessell it advance to be able to. show all geld made dothlitg, fits and- styli*, as can Tonnd attywhere,' independent' of ate ol,eitinheis thb goods. • ' HAR - Cl.lB SAMPSON . Oppos the Back, Gettysburg, f_to - A.. very good second-hand PiAtflo and a BERAPHINO for sale. Also Bev. oral second-hand Buggies and Carriages, font $l6 to 11100--being of so low fok want of room. ' April 7, is4B.—im REMOVAL. BOOTS & - d r ht OES.L D K WOULD most respectfully inform his friends and the public in gene ral, that he has removed his BOOT & SHOE Establishment to the house for many years occupied by D. larn.c, as a Sadler's Shop, (opposite the Post office, and in the immediate vicinity of FAIESESTOCK'S Store) in South Baltimore street, where he will be happy to attend to those who may pa tronize hiat as heretofore. Thankful for past favors, the subscriber solicit a continoanceOf the patronage here. tolore'so liberally extended to hint. • D. KENDLEHART. Gettysburg, April 7,11318.-3 m V. hoever wants a trst-rate ,runtr r imteCE CAN be accommodated by calling at. : FRAZER'S ClOokAr. Watch &tab lishment„•in•Chambersbu It street, Gettys burg! qui dbdr to Mr. Buehler's Drug ISuireveherei new' lot of beautiful 24 hour and .8 day CLOCKS have just been received from the City. They are of the best manufacture, and wilt be warranted. Give us a call--they will be sold cheap. D. MIDDLECOFF NEW, GENIDL ASSORTMENT' OF NUM 4 ittlat S;T ailF4 ETTV'S BURG, 911 HE Subscriber tenders his acknowl- I etlgnients to the Public far the liberal and steady patronage with which he has ; been favored for a series of years, and re spectfully Announces that he has just re ceived, at. his old established stand in Chanabersburg street; a large and fresh SUPPLY OP DRUGS 4'; MEDICINES, ikaatir.p.treTentt„ Paints,ira.r' 4igh, Dyestuffs' 'l l ankl Orel 'variety of articles usually found in - a - bing 'Stare,: to lilitch he invites the attention ektheputdia, with assurances that thee, willbe furnished et the most reason- . abfe 'prices. Tie subscriber has also largely increas ed his assortment of BOOKS, by an sddi tiOiial's4,lll3' of , • • . t ' \ •' Sehbol, and IWk- " . \ \ celltditout 4.-.2.,._.._:—:::.... B O OKS, snabracinraintost every variety of Stand. aidand Papule( Literature ; also,' , Blank , . nooks baud Stationer,' uf all kinds, GOLD PENS, , Pencils, Vie iting and Printing Cards, Card Cues, Ink. star,ds, ite."&e., all of which will, as Wind, be sold litZ7•4T TH.4' .1 4 0TA'ST-PRI- Otr Arrangtmepts have been: . made Eby whioh anythibt not included in his assorts mint Will be /Nippily ordered froth` 'the Cid. Geotyaburg. Oct. 22..11349. - • ifhave,at present on , hand an creel,. lent assortment of BIBLES, plain and fan' cy, for school' end fimily ese—st very low prices. COUNTY CONVENTION. T,IIE Bentocovie,Whig Votere of Adams entintritre requettedtwiesimilileintheir respective townships end bornughs„(at the plaCes Whieh township' and borough elections are held.) on Saturday the 21th day of Makrte,tl, to select ,two Delegates to represent each township and borough, in a Whig County „Convention, which is hereby called to he held at the Court House. in the Borough of Gettysburg. on Monday the 29th day, of May next, at 10 o'clock A. M. of that day, to place in 'note hiation Candidates'for the several offices to be filled at the approaching geoeral Elec tion. , 7 4 the delegate meetings on tiatuiday, will open at 3 o'clock P. M., and continue Open until 8 o'clock I'. M. It is desired that a full and , general at: tendance of the Whigs of the the town ships may be secured ; that ,in ;he ap proaching contest we may be found, en gaged in an undivided effort to secure the triumpliof the principles We maintain. J. B. AnPutitsoN,-- ' Ntit. Cinisisr Corn. A. , IL STEVENSON, .erretery... - BRIGADE ORDERS. J'BE Enrolled inhlibitants of jthe 2d Ilrigade sth Division , Pennsylvania .ldiliva are required to be Paraded and , train ed us eullows, viz . : , ' IN BATTALIONS, AS FOLLOWS! The, let Battalion of the-4 Regiment, ,Slonday the sol of May,next; the 2d, do, of do, on Tueedny the fith; theAddo. of do. on Tnesday,the 'rho let Battalion of the 3(1 Regiment, on, Wednesday the 10th ; the 2d do. of do. on Thursday the The let Battalion of the let Regirnesit. on-Friday-the- : l2th-t,the 2d ddo . -.of aio, on Saturday the 13th of May next—unless the commanding officers should direct Re gimental trairdngs imitead thereof. Voltinteer Companies, 1 withinilie bon' oda of the. tit, 2d and 3 Re , giments. may attach themselves to either Battalion most eottienient for. inspect ion. Cornmanding officers of Compaq ' ice are required to furnish copies of' their Rolls to the Brigade Inspector on tho.daY of the Regimenud or Battalion training; and they are hereby required to furnish complete lists of all the ;absentees of 'their teepecOre Companies for both days of training. Under oath pr aflittitation, mark ing,diattnetly •the township,. town. or , bor. ough, in. which each absentee, resides. - Na returns ban' he aeceptsit tif,..'unletis they are properly and legally made. either on the day of Ttaiiting or within ten day, thereafter. p,:eqos , , . , Persons not desirous of rtvun , gmi It l fail duty;' can excnipt "themselves by plying amlithilly ti the ladtuAt iTreasury SI 'tor the Ilse9of the military fen d. in act cordanee -*Oh the Act bl i the 2 of April, • tOr Appeals for Volunteer pa Wednes day the tat of Plovemberneat. . , ' •• .11,0IIN •BOOTT, ,' 8.1.21 d Brig. sth Me t P. M. • April 7, 1848.—id , ' . ' . . , ANOTHER .A.I4RIVAL. Qvinc,N. hnsjtiet riturniulfrom the,eity "?' of Philadelphia, with an EXTENSIVE ASSORTMSNT OF NEW and Fashionable Goods, Which he will sell CHEAPER THAN EVER, to a certainty: This he will prove to tke satisfarthm of any who may call. Gettyabu.g, April 7. 1840. AT TEE VARIETY STORE, Lt Baltimore Street, Gettysburg, Ci AN be purchased, as cheap as may I L. ) he expected, Steel Bead Reticules and Purses, Bends and Clasps, Purse Twist, Scissors, Thimbles, Chenile,Plow erg, Cords, Worsted and Worsted Patterns, Card Boards, Combs, Silk Caesium, Lilly White, Cologne, Hair Oil, Head Dresses, Tooth Brushes, Hooks and 'Eyes, Bed Lace and Carpet Binding, together With an assortment of JEWELRY. April 7, 1548.- 7 *-11 1: GLOVES END STOCKINGS. llANEenerinthetiestUiortinetits L-Glovm and &ticking* (just .from the city) liver Offered in this Borough. Ilion don't believe it, call end be convinced ; end of the matter is, they will be sold elinget for nothing. . • ' J. L: sclucx. ON hand rind fir sale. a lot of nava ing Bags and Baskets, very handy and cheap. • J. L. SCHICK. April 7, 1818. L DR_CULLEN'Sj Indian 'Vegetable Panacea, 9111)0WAND h WALTON invite attention to tag4ll the following nilvertkernent. DR:CULLEN EVER VICTORIOUS! Asa proof of the continued success of DR. CULLF.NS INDIAN VEGF. TABLE PANA CEA, we refer to a few of the many Certificates in our posession for cures peiformed by this great Purifier. Capt. T. L. Sanders, Constable of South Mul berry Ward, cured of Barber's Itch. Mr. J. P. Reese's child, No. S 3 North Seventh street, cured of hereditary Teller, which covered its entire body. Mr. M. M'Cleatt' child, No. 3SO Market street, afflicted with Scrofula from its birth. .Mr. E. W. Afaxwell, Grape Court, Market st., above Eighth, cured of Scrofula, had fourteen open ulcers upon his body at the time he com menced taking the medicine. Miss Christian/omnd,, West Spruce street, be. tween Beach and Willow sta., near the Schuylkill, cured of Scrofula i had suffered eight years; er bead vrip - so enstcflaffectad that tea soid edOe would pass out at her ear—this is a strong case. Capt. John IGilarclay, No. 400 Market street, Philadelphia, cold of Scrorulinis Sore Leg of 26 yews standinr. .This case is well known to ma ny of our best phyalifisos, who have frequently advised amputatioll. ' • Mr. lease:Brooker ..Je4l l to• 6 Jefferson, wed of Schuylkill sigthr *Wet, below Visiust. This was undoubfedlrwrie . of the'most 'severe cues of Scrofula ever eared, sad is certified to by, many of IWO. best, physicians and elergyles pod also by himself.' • • ,• ' • ' Joseph Bartow, No.;1 Rion Done, 'east from , Twelfth j. fet, above Race, cored of Scrofulous Mfr. r:P . ." - s-nott's c , nip. 13i Dock street, Philadelphia. , Mk Michael Duffy, Na. PO North Front milk, (et Rißrady keds.l) Philadelphia, mod MITS• toreltwenty, e, pore, • • . ' • , Mc. V Y , fbam leuttuips,ti, stiesi,l4tviadn ghtti-turd intiv-PbUFMPtilfi doled ffitsipehtS of four years, itdhieli delkey- Mt the Binh lb 'the 'honk ' ' • ' . William llatket,:dated of Scrofula: ' Thbriase hail,been in the tinelduel, many months and, kr charged as incurable—be is now well cod may be seen daily at, put ?qCit. i , ' Mr. DMA Mikan, Muddy Creek, 'Hamilton County, Ohio, eared' er Scrotal.. This *lli s very severe case, and Hirgan says that could-nra ner reveal, be would , out undergo the same at- Al-fliolt. for,,Ten..,...Vslwaseilksarre,4andlet he was cured for, a fewdolbtrs by Dr. Cullen's In dian Vegetable PrittacNt. . Jitr. John W:l4eiletort, or Mullimt TIM; gea , Jewel, tubed" , r Tenn of over ten yetis stand'. Ing, with 'a few battles of the Panacea. Mr. John. Brochers,lGermansown. , at the age 'of 61 years, was ctired of a violent Tester, bat had tiotibled Mu* eiiihtilenJOlMl. . 't' Mrs: tvi Sififioe, N 6. 63 South street; between Third and Fourth, Atom. Schuylkill, carol of Fe ver Sores on her nintles, after suffering twelve Ye!') lifiAthem • its;s. is:62 yeartWilittej„, Vrilliffstbsthayieistr, Second at.,. dears above ..ldroiktoglan at., was eared of a 'pr . on her*Aletlelt bud troahlitel her tojltrtste *lllarit. ' WWII& •filadipf, .kttlekrorek.-Besdie-mas y Pa. , Cli* le Salt Rheum. Thu bid? , . Prolffnffnsool4lltable tly some 12.. be 4 clans Of the first standing—se a last resort had teentastier (I akrario's PA. c se, and was . COM completelyin• a fewllll,llthl4 - itter iifibrinte 17 years—she disease bad covered almost hie entire person.- Mr, Charles Otis. late of Psrieh street,'no* of Manayunk, cured of"letter of b yeirrs in hands and feet. . . , .: ;qr. Mellott Grubb, Juni perstrut.nest spruce, cured of Scrofulous ulcers ou the : shoulders, which had 4elied.the,dottour year. tuoreihart Afflicted leder, tgen4 to orsr • abd get these CertiticateS, frpm which yoo-will learn the extraonlinary sufferings Of these room, u well c u the mude of cure. • ' Sold, wholesale and retail, by 11oRANb do Wit: TON, Pordiatatio, 376 Narketstraai,Ptkilodelphia and by the iollowina Agents.:" , S. IL Buehler, Gettysburg. Abboustown Ziliy Riley.gircrrti. T. J. Cooper, Franklin tp, :tray 5, , (August 8,18471 COLLEOE HNAlrni i 407 31iiirstseet,,Thank r I ) R G. C. VAUGHN.S V .... gretableLithontrAr tic Mixturyla cahliVWed medicine which hiss made L A- , GREAT EIVRT:9 ErrawDuceAst.q, is now intr•-•• jintir: , thii. , ;:sailOon. The limits of an .di'.,til . iisaist will atter • tended notice of ibis remedy; we 'lave only to o, 3l l l;hiri;i its'eatitAin 0r.% Nita achcito *du a large number of educated • MEDICAL PitterttioNffits in high professional standing, who make a gen eryal of it, is their pray-tics to thee (alarm* • PRO SY, 0 , R,, 1 1, , add'liiiiiikieetirtinfolirinaiitvgatil; Vila and all' diseases, of 'the Wired, derangtnileniii bf tae L ifer, dic.i and allistaaral. disease, of the boats'. It particularlyy st,qUisted that , all who , contemplate, the use of this article, or who desinsisfiamiritrogi Ont'Alhl . A PA4tP LET 0f32 Agenti*traderiarises arehelow will gladly give. hcaraY.: ‘\ilbArriaotillt , treats upon thei'rgetNad ,rofture—tresplikine the pirtkliert sto- Portifil O . the lodic's, and digt,., the 'diseases it has been Used fiir over :this, coiritrY arid Enrape_ for our pearl gith:lorch perfect in pclsiVithiniafiray (rain 'Oa iiigbeht Auirliers atilt be found with• • i ''''• "" • :4 4 f_4ME41, - rLACES AND DATES. VriAtist to ttfoltY one lotorostod, end thOPOrtes sOll opposes post patiticousssupicatipus. 11:!" Do Pokrticular and ASK POD: THE PAMPHLET, es nn *their such pamphlet has ever bath' teen, Tbe evidence of thepower of tbis medicine over all diamelitetis guaranteed by persoes.of well known' standing An society. , • Put up in 4t, oz. and 12 oz. bottles. Price $2 oz., $1 ,for 12 oz., the 'larger being the cheapest. Every bottle has "G. VAUGHN" written on the directions, Ac. See painphle4T -213. Prepared by Dr. G. C. Vaughn, and sold at principal office, 207 Main street, Buffalo, N. Y. Offices devoted to sale of this article excLositrzus 132 Nasals'', New York, and corner of Essex and Washington, 'Salem. Mass , and by all Druggists throughout this country end Canada. 11:1 - Anawrs.—S, H. BUEHLER, Gettysburg; JACOB MARTIN, New Oxford ; WM. WOLF, East Berlin; WM. BE RLIN, Hanover; JOSEPH R. HENRY, Abbottslown. March 3, I 849.—1 y NOTICE. THE Account of lonts Despoonrs, As signee of JACOB B.HAtlrleAN, has been. filed in the Court of Common Riess of Adams county, and the Court brie itp• poi Med the 88d day of May tint, for the confirmation and allowance of said account 4 unless, canoe to the contrary be shown. A.B. KURTZ, Prothonotary.' Prothnnotary'n thico, Gsttriburg. April 28,1847. 5 3t• ,NOTIOE• , . r :Acc o u n t of MoSES M. NEE'S, 1 Trustee of ABRAHAM, KiTcHEN, an habitual drunkard, has been filed in the Court of Common Pleas of Adams CminL ty, and the Court have appointed the 23d day of May next, for the confirmation and allowance of said account, unless cause to the contrary be shown. A. B. K U R.TZ, Protley. Prothonotary's Orrice, Clettystiqrg, April f:S, 1848.-3 V 5 NoTicE is hereby given to all Lega tees and other persons concerned, that the .I.IIMINISTRATION -de- COUNTS of the deceased persons herein after mentioned will he presented at theOr plms' Court of Adams county, for confir rmution and allowance, on Tuesday the 23d day (f Nay next, viz : The account of Jacob Newman, Admin istrator, with the will annexed, of Eliza beth Eyster, deceased. The- account of Jacob 1 3 ewman, Exec utor of Michael Newman, deceased, who was one of the Executors of Elizzabeth Eyster, deceased. The second account of John Stoekslager, Administrator of the Estate of Joseph Stockslager, deceased. TM:tact:omit ofJohn Boblitz and George Mum - tort, Executors of the last will and tenement of Samuel Mummert, decased. Tha i account of William Moorhead, Ad ministrator of the Estate of Fletcher Moor head, deceased. 'Tbe second account of Jacob B. Meals and Philip 'Deemer, Executors of the last will and testament - of Semuel Meals, de -134914 ... The second account of James Crabs, 'Executor of the last will and testament of Peter Crabs, deceased. The final and final account of John A. Myers and Moses Myers, Executors of the last Will and testament of George Myers, deceased, The l r igal ac count of George J. Hartzell, EXecttdor of the last will and testament of Jehit Mywra, jr., deceased. Tile account of Jacob D. Dull, Adminis trator of the Estate of Catharaine &aim, -dammed, . . . The account of Jacob Raffensperger, Adroihistrator of the Estate of John Top per,:deceased. The account of George Will, Executor of the isst Will and testament of David Shriver, deceased. 'The final account of Emanuel Pitzcr, surviving, Executor of the last will and les isment.of Daltzer,Pitzer, deceased. - ROBERT COWEAN, Register. Register's Office, Gettysburg. to April 28; 1848. ESTAtE OF'GEORGE MATZ, btqD. hereby giTen to the heirs IN and legal lieliresentstives alTistosarts Wontz, late of Cotiowagoi township, Ail anisi deird; Jacob Warta, (Petitliner, and ghee a cirPitai Wortz,) Baranyder;lease & *oily Ohnner,,4aeob & Mary Petare,ll4rii & Ciateli merman, Jacob. Ryderjr. Serals.Ehrebart. Jab* end Elizabeth, Ebriattninv David =Ryskr. Jetta Ryder, Joseph and Snaannah Illika l / 44 Cities Stouffer,. Beery Worta,and Marcus , Worts, who are the' surviving repreiseotatiretelei the said deceased--thav „ • , AtAir tIiVRI,T EST • will be held 'Otr Ti etridei the 18th May or t, at 12 , p'elock, M,, at the lateieStilitnetibf esid decesittdOiCtidottit-, I go townshipt-Adantittoutly,,P4toiyl'a, for the Intlese. of nteitifg a .partition of the Estate 'of said doomed to and among the heirs and. the lewd representatives, if the same will admit nf, mph pastitiop with trn I in l Pluliieof!P , or B Reih'l4 the. 11v,.10 1 ,e there' of but if the same Will not ocanch par , : tition,tyen to part ami (llyidetlie'rnei to and among, drat, ati, the came w ill, conytimentlypecommodate,liut if the earns!, will.not admit of division at All, witheut piejudiee or Spoiling the, whole thereof; _than to value and appraisC the *type, whole anti ; rurthpr . to, enquire tied, ascertain whether tie &aid Amid: Eat*, will conveniently aeentmodatilirteretitan one of th e heirs of gat I nfos*, Mid Tao. how many of said. Item it 7illdcc'n79l"eql•-, ly accommodate. BENJAMIN SdaLIIYATI I4 ._S:Actig Sheriff's Office, Gettyshiirg, i,;‘,ILVER AND •GEEMAN z PEWCILS. VIOLIN , IST ' • !ftt., ka.,,otbmttguality. eamel.wayche 1840 the Fattey,Swre - of , C.,WEAVER- April 10, 1846. 1., DWAY'B . • 4r • ••• reAT ED SOAT'!•;—Patronised byr *unwinds of individu als throughout tbe :United Stites %and Canadas, giving thermal* flattering satisfaction to all who h__ Aefl,ga,cligrtiiitts have, wondered at Its oitYfteflone many . Of them have en. deavOred to diicover.tbe were' of its wonderful eciffibitittion Ofefftcftoions balnis and extracts. whicinrender Teen speedy end efficacious in the reumat of Pimples, Botches, Postiilee, 'letter. transforming, so, if be' magic, dark, sallow, yel low snit unhealthy skim, to soft. smooth, fair, pureend healthy complexions. For the cure of Presti, Rough , Crarlad and Diinotaal Skis, Salt _Rheum, Meg Worm, F.rosipeln,, Scurry, soul Abet heed, FtikAWA :41:1)1. CATED SOAP may truly be called en inesti ma. ble treasure. Excrescences of the Cuticle nia spedily rekrprnefandcured--the cuticular vessels aro t iaatan‘ly . c,;eanited of all impurities—the hand • neck au face present a beautiful, clean, sweet arerliealthy-appesrance. Por 'Moping, gentlemen will find this soap a great desideratnm, it produces n rich. creamy lathei:eaftens the beard, and renders the skin smooth and pliable. For Cleaning Teak Rail. way's Soap is, superior to paste or powder. it makes the teeth white and beautiful, sweetens the breath and protects the gums front scurf. As a general Toilet Sonp, it superior to French and English Soaps, it is entirely free from irritating ingredients—it is purely balsamic and soothing to the skin, Each cake, to be genuine, must be signed R G. Itadway t J. & R. G. r. DW A Y", 2 Couritand St_ N. Sold in Gettyititirg by S. H. BUEHLER. March 81, 1898.-2 in FANCY ARTICLES, Cologne, Soaps Hair Oils, Tooth Brushes. Toilet Brushes, Tooth Powders, &e., &c., for subtby S. B. BUEHLER. AP & LETTER PAPER, of beauti- IL) ful quality, foi sale at April 7.—tf I, L. SCITICK'S. Perfumery, Soap, •te. IDiERFUMER Y, 'SOAPS, FANCY ARTICI 4 ES, &c. for sale by , , ~ C. IyE4V,ER. alicHoor..Book§ . AND STATIO.N- EltY,Ofallltinds, constantly on hand and for sale, al the lowest prices, at the Book and Stationery Store of Dec. 49. , s. 11. BUEULEP. Jewelri; Watch-G uards. ATcli Chains, Keys, Spectacles v &c. &c. can always be had at the Clock & Watch Establishment of ALEX.FRAZERs HOUSE SPOUTING 11 - 17 ILL be made and put up by the V V subscriber, who will attend prompt ly to all orders, and upon as reasonable terms as can be procuredat any establish. Witt in the county. (EO. E. BUEHLER. Gettysburg, OFtobcr 11S, 18147. Candidates for the County Offices. PROTHONOTARY. To the Independent Votern of Adann; Counts FRIENDS and Fellow-Citizens----I of fer myself to your consideration as a Candidate for the (Kee of Prothonotary of Adams county, (subject to the (IMMg . of the Whig County ('onvention,) and re- - spectfully solicit your support. Should I be nominated and elected, I will ho thank ful for the favor and discharge the dudes of the office with fidelity, to the best of my WM. W. PAXTON. Gettysburg, March 3, 1818. to the decision of the Coun ty Convention. I again offer myself as a candidate for the office of PROTHO NOTARY. Thankful for the liberal en couragement I received at the last nomi nation for the Mike of Prothonotary, I re spectfully solicit the support of my fellow citizens. GEO. W. iIFCLELLAN Gettysburg, Feb. IS, 1848. TO THE PUBLIC GENEIMLLY. I,ELLOW-CITIZENS and Friends :•.- I respectfully announce myself a can didate for the office of PROTHONOTA RY of Adams county, at the next election, (subject to the decision of the Whig Coun ty Coeventien,) and respectfully solicit your support. Should I receive the nom ination and be elected, discharge the duties of said office with fidelity and to the best of my ability. JOHN PICKING East Berlin, Feb. 18, 1848. REGISTER & RECORDER. To the Voters of Adams County. T too suggestion of many friends in ditlerein sections of the country. I am induced again to offer myself as a can didate for the office of Register and Recor der, subject to the decision of a Whig County Convention. Three years ago, through the kindness of my Whig friends, I was enabled to come off second best in Convention as a candidate for Register & Recorder; and this year I trust, in like manner, t..) be so fortunate as to secure the norninaticht: I return my grateful thanks to my friends for their limmer support, end respectfolly solicit of all such, and of the Whigs of the county generally, their favorable consideration in the present can- WM. W. lIAMERSI,Y. Petersburg, (Y. S.) March 3.—te ''T o the rot,. os Adams County. rkEthow.cinzENB offer my candidate for the office of RtatSTER At RECORDER, at the nest eketibrii. (subject to the decision of the Whig nominating Convention.) R. W. M'S;IIERRY. 'Gettysburg, Fub. 18, 1848. ' To the Tigers of .Hdams county. A.OFFV I II myself to your consideration its Witintlidate for the ottice.of Regis tehtud:Reeimler; at the ensuing. electioii, (subject to the decision of the Whig COun ty Cquvetition,) and respectfully solicit your support. If nominated and elected, the will he thankfully received, and the duties nithe'ittlicc discharged faithful ly to the best Of inv ability. „%jAIVIES WILIIENNY. Ilfotintjny tp., b'eb. 2i, 8 18.—te. CLE4 OF THE COURTS, To the 9oiWs'of Attains Covnty FELLO W -CITIZENS :—I offer mt - - . self to, your consideration up, eantli diklit fog- (34,0i,K‘ OF TIIE COURTS, (4411100441 tiLthe l 4lecisign of the Whig eon v0411611).); .4$ ligulinated anti elected, I will faithfully and impartially perform the du ties of the tralee to the best of toy ability. S. R. RUSSELL Gelyshurg. Feb.:lB, 1848. ToVoters of tons , onnly. the Ad C 1. - a IELLOW:CITIZENS.—Through the versuinuton or numerous friends, I offee'thyself for your suffrages, as a candi date for the CLERK OF THE COURTItS, (subject to the AV hig Convention) and re spectfully solicit your support. If nomi nated and elected, I will endeavor to dis charge the duties incumbent on toe, to the best of my ability. EDEN NORRIS Straban township, .larch 31. ENCO UR A GED by numerous friends respeetfully oiler myself to the cit izens of Adams county, as a candidate for theofficeof C 1,17,111 i OFTIIE, COURTS, (subject to the decision of the tVhig Coun ty Convention,) and respectfully soliet their support, with the assurance that, if nomi nated and elected, the favor shall be ac knowledged by, a faithful and proper dis charge of the duties of the office. 11. DEN WIDDIE. Gettysburg, Feb. 18, 1848. SIIERIFFALTY. To the citizens of :Moms county. FELLOW CITIZENS :—I again offer J.- myself to your consideration as a can didate fur the office of SHERIFF, at the next General Election, (subject to the deci sion of the Whig County Convention.) Thankful for the liberal support received at the last Sheriff's election, I respectfully solicit your support, and pledge my hest endeavors, if nominated and elected, to dis charge the duties of the office with prompt ness and fidelity. EPHRAIM SIVOPE Germany tp., Feb. 21, 1848.—te TO THE VOTERS OF ..11D.IMS COUNTY. HEREBY again announce myself a 7' candidate for the office of SHERIFF (subject to the decision of the 'Whig Coun ty Convention,) and respectfully solicit you support. 11.1 MeMURDIF,, Franklin (p., Feb. 25, 1898. ' To the Citizens of Adams County. 1 HAVE been induced by the encour agement and representatiOns of numer ous friends to announce myself as a can didate for the office of SHERIFF, (subject to the decision of the Whig County Con vention.) Should Ibe nominated and e lected, my best efforts shall be . directed to a faithful and proper discharge of the du ties of the office. DANIEL MINNIGH. Latimore township, March 10, 1848 Friends and Fellll.o-Wizens of Adams co. EI A NCOIJRA GED by my, friends, and r suffering under the loss of my right arm lately, loiter inysefrUs a candidate for the office of SIR:RIFF, at the ensuing election, (subject to the decision of the Whig- earthly ConsintionObilliffebt ht fully soTieit your support. If isbin lett and eletted;my best eftotts iheil bi ht into action-to thseltarge the dog's Ai office faithAally. ,- . _;,,-, LEONARD, WELVIEE Huntington township, March .••• To the Linen of itldams e,venty. , 1,1E1,1',0W CITIZENS :—:You . wilt please regard , mo as a eandithitelet, the office of SHERIFF, csubiect to the' decision of the. Whig County Coovine. tion), Should yon nottrinate and elert me, your kindness will be acknowledged ,My directing my best aorta to Ai faitlifiskip4 impartial discharge of the chaise of. the office. AARON Latimore tp., Feb. 74, LB4B.—tea TO TM: CiTiZkNS OF ADAMS" C01.46TY. HEREBY announce myself n eandi didate for the office of SD ER IF F at the next election, (subject to, the decal sion of the Whig County Conveittieiti.) . and respectfully solicit your support.—, Should 1 be nominated and eileeted,;•mf best efforts shall be directed to a faithful and proper discharge of the duties of the Office. . . WILLIAM FICKES. . Reading tp, Feb. 11, 11348.--te REGISTER AND RECOEDER, To the Free and Independent Votvl , lll Adams County. T the earnest solicitation of rhirty' tlk friends, I am induced to offer my self as an Independent candidate for_ GISTER & RECORDER of attclams county. Should Ibe elected, 1 aka -feel tinder, many obligaions to the MID; end shall endeavor to discharge the ditties of the office to the best of my ability. WM. V. WALTER: Straban tp., April 7, 1848—tr. aeomo' ATTEND TO YOUR TEETHE Dr. F. E. Vandersloot; SURGEON DENTIST, ' RESPECTFULLI informs the Citi zens of Gettysburg and vicinity those he is prepared to perform every op:wallop appertaining. to his Profession, such as cleansing. filing, plugging anti inserting Teeth, from a single tooth toe full set. An experience of more than' twelve genre in the Profession he trusts will eLable operate to the entire satisfaction sf Weise' who may wish his services. All tvorkisillf be warranted. For hie place of resid4nCt enquire at the store of Selene! Fahrientoat. Reference is respectfully made to the fol lowing gentlemen : Rev. Dr. Schmucker, I Rev._ Pmf. Baugher, Dr. D. Horner, Prof. 11. Haupt, Dr. D. Gilbert, Rev. E. V. Gerhart, I Prof. M. h. Starves, 9, 1847--4 y Dr. C. N: f3eriurhy Gettysburg, Ot. J. Lawrence Hill, M. D. DEXTIST, . . 11 . E t : p e l e . Y to t the offers ettiz e h n i s of p!Ofetc; 14 - 4 tyshurg and surrounding country. ilijs prepared to attend to all cases usually, en;' trusted to the Dentist, and hopes, by stri.o:' attention to Dentistry alone, to be able 10- please all who may see fit to entrust their : teethinhisitandit. (r.. 7 Office, second tictitr, above Forry's Hotel, 8. Baltimore sti,eet,; , Gettysburg, July 23.—tf - D. 111 9 CON AUGLIY, .Ittorney at Law, ITICE in the S. W. cornet'. 'Of :ti. Ai Public Square, one (I.o r wpm 4 G. Arnold's Store. formerly Ocettpi;edl is a Law Office by John M'Conutigliy., iitateo He solicits, and by prompt and faithful at tention to business in his profession. it will be his endeavor to merit, uottlidettae 24' patronngo. 11CP1). Aremi?many will also—vitteridi r promptly to all business entrusted to hiimi as .'agent and Solicitor for Paienit and l'insionx. Ile has made arrangeautatNi, through which he can furnish very ilemilv , tile facilities to applicants, and entirelyortw lieve them from themeressity of *journey to Washington, on application to Ititu'peir-; sonally or by .letter. . Gettysburg, April 2.—tf ALEX. It. ST EA: ICSt•ON, 41701:x1:r -IT LAW, IFFICE in the Centre Square. North., lvl of the Court-hont.e. betweenlhaith's • and Sievenson'a corners. . . Gettysburg, Pn. • DI A MON I) TONSQR. S. R. TIPTON,"' F ASHIONABLE Barber and -Hair r Dresser, has removed his to the diamond, adjoining the County BUii. dings, where he can at all times be found prepared to attend to the calls of the public From long experience he flatters himself that he can go through all the rimifioation• ofthe tonsorical departments, with such an infinite degree of skill as willmeet the en tire satisfaction of all who submit theins chins to the keen ordeal of his razor. Hfi hopes, therefore, that by attention to buift-'- fICSti and a desire to please, he will meth as well as receive a liberal share of-public patronage. The sick will be attended to their private dwellings. OLD PENS AND SILVERPEN‘' G CILS, (best quality) Card - Coe.. Visiting and Printing Cards , Fancy Drols Paper, Envelopes, Motto Wafers, rainy - Sealing Wax, Letter Stamps. die., for istla by S. 11. BUEHLER. Decetnber 10. SUll3lEkt HAPS. A LARGE assortment—at cheep sl ut A conafortablc—juitt received and for sale by J. L. SGIIIICK. April 7,181 R. '' ~,,.;'Si IPE Cant O F fi t a h r e o :• s e t r y :, n b c i s ) e t q h u n e a l t S a n il d tliffereM WEAVER'S Con feetionary in burg street. 'Families and Parties riillb" supplied with nnv desired quantity: Sit shortest notice. , • CAKES sad COMIC* TIUNS of all kinds always on 40,190 will' be furnished to order oti terms. • • Gettysburg, July 23.—tf ittik_ WATCHES, elf WM4 c a ll will be elianed and eltiodettlP - shortest notice, et FR \ AZEJII I /PSO NVatch Establishmen t, ' 04 1 8 0"1 1 1? July !er,1f47.! ,