:A. BVERLER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOIL :irk -_,„34 • .•!• ; , ',4SIE7P2WISURG, Pd. 'HE Subscriber tenders his acltuowl ` edgments to the 'Public ror the liberal and steady patronage with which he has been favored fora - series of years, and re spectfully' annennees that he hat; just re ectred at his old established stand in Chanaberitiurg street,. a large and fresh eurt.tor or MEDICINES, al-4 , wußate.toolutitulo c , Paints, Varnish, Dyestuffs ill and every variety of articles usually found I*-a Drug, store, to which he invitee the Raabe of the Publie, with wisurantteslhat they will be furnished at the most reason able pr' s. Thgabscriber has also largely increas ed, his assortment of BOOKS, by an addi .tional supply of Classical, Theological. School, and Mil- A ..2.1,z cellaheous _ \ • - - BOOKS ) embracing almost every variety of Stand ard and Popular Literature ; also, Manic nooks and Stationery of all kinds,'GOLD PENS, Pencils. Vis iting and Printing Cards, Card Cues, Ink stands, &c. &to., all of which will, as usual, be sold g7'.- 4T THE LOWEST PRI CES. o.7Arrangements have been made by which anything not included in hie assort ment will be promptly ordered from the S. 11. BUEHLER. aettyshurg, Oct. '22, 1849. 0.71 have at present on hand an excel lent assortment of BIBLES, plain and fan cy, for school and family use—at very low p rices. '1 he ('Leap Book Store, Opposite the 11.INk,Gettysburg,Penda \_...., Sign o( the .. ----, - 7\ BIG 800K. , \ ..\ \ -\-. \ EMPORIUM OF — 7 .27 STANDARD LITERATURE. w IIEI2E may be found a large and choice collection of the standard works in the general deartinent of Litera ture, including— Agriculture, Domestic Economy, &c. Biblical and Theological Mowry and Literature. Biography. History. Ancient and Modem. College and School Books, • Eisayists, Belles-Letters, Education, c. Mental and Moral Science, Criticism. Nonni Science, &c. Voyages and Travels. splendid Embellished NVorks. Medical and Surgical Science, &e. Dictionaries and Encyclopedias. Politics, Political Economy, and Statistics. Poetry and the Drama. Juvenile Works. Misrell3llCol.ll6 work.. The above with It general assortment of Maps, guide Books, Charts, (lames, Sta tionary, Ste., arc for sale at the Original Cheap Milk Store or KELLER. KURTZ, Opposite the Batik. • March 17, 184 H. 1N THE M A . l TER of the intended application GO A 11 CM A . Tnom r3Ol fora hicenseto keep•ta v ein in the Borough of Gctlyeburg, Adams county —being an old Aland. E, the subscribers, citizens of the township of the Borough of Gettys burg, do hereby certify,thist we are personal ly it well acquainted with Jas. A. Thompson the shove named petitioner, that he is, and we know him to be of good repute for hon . - esty and temperance. and that he is well provided with house-room and other con veniences, for the lodging and the accom dation of citizens, strangers, and travel lers; and we do further certify, that we know the House for,whickLicense is pray ed, and from its situation and neighborhood believe it to be suitable for a Tavern, and that such Inn or Tavern is necessary to accommodate the public and entertain strangers and travellers. Wm. 8. Itsiantoa, Wm. &sinner, Peter Stansmith, Wm. King, I). Ziegler, P. Augbinbsugh, Alien Gtiest, George Litt* J. D. Danner, Nickolas Weaver, George Geyer. March 24; 1848.--.-3 t • votiroz. V HE first and final Account of °sonny AL Swum Assignee of HENRY G. WOLF, has been filed in the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, and the Court'hive. appointed Monday the 17th day qf, 40/next, Or the continuation and allowance Of said account, unless cause to the contrary,be shown. ' • Ar B. K URTZ, Proth'y: Prothonotary'irOlike, GettYs 6 UVIIMINIAIKY4B,S- r- • 3k• *TOTiOg. j iErrelta Tiiiiiirtientary yon the E s . II • tie of Atm POof i ' at k u ' 4° 19 woliii!! oo'd, having been grouted to the svisicliej;micling in said township, be hereby gives notice to all who axe hitiehASti .tos sa i d ESAVO Us call snd PaY, the• sr.itlmut.4olo,, and those hirong 4 4,l4l4o,*ro thttimt , •tq ,Pteoeut th e at ste prcipubf alAillanFipated,krvettientent. 13EQ..licauurvg, March 24, 1847.0 t. , , ter, :GT I , • ~ME4P3 of Administration - on the ,Estate of ANTHONY FLP.9llmAtv. late of Nountpleasant tp. Adams eo. deceased, hav ing, been granted to the subscriber, mei /Jill in said township, he hereby gives no give tti'ill indebted to said estate, to make parh6Ml Without delay, and those having elahnsio present the same, properly au liwnlic4ted, for tlettleinent. InVID' T. SNF,ZRINGER, delner. :IJareli 3,. 18 n 5.-60 i - ;":77.1 FRIItiTDSEITP: at wtiii> l 111. Cll.l . 3lllTtlEc.. Amid the night of ertor's reign, While all is dark and dress; -'Ti. cheering to the weary meal To het a Mend is near One who through trials firm will stand And yield a geberoue aid, To bear above the storm, of time, , A Wag God bath made. We cannot claim a right to live Aloof from others' woes, And peas in splendid luxury On to the grave's repose : The wealth of earth may guild our path And blind the rich mates eyes— hot dt ! itcannot light the tomb, Whene'er the "hit flies I In every being.wri ahould.ses And feel that life's Ant duty is Our fellowship to lend How moth of humeri woe would then Be banished from our race I And ALL our acts would meet the smile Of God's approving grace. in vain the heart that goes astray From virtue's seraph-guarded way May hope that feelings just and free, Meek peace, or firm integrity, Or innocence with snowy vest , Will condescend to be its guest. As soon within the viper's coil Might pure and white-winged spirits dwell, As soon the flame of vivid gleam (Bow in the Chill and turbid sticani; For by strong links, a viewless chain Connects- our wanderings with our pain— And heaven onlaina it thus, to show That bands of vice are bonds of woe THE. POISONED CUP Away ! away with the poimoned cup ! It bath no charms for me I Fill, till to the brim the goblet cup With water pure and free— With water from the mountain rill, i'parkling and cool, the goblet fill. The wineciip you offer, tho' radiant and bright, Is stainod by the sigh and tear ; It may give to the palate a momenta delight, But how soon will Its glow disappear ! Each moment of pleasure In followed by pain, And we fly to the wine-cup for succor in vain. Oh! give me the nectar, pure gashing and free, From the fountain, the streandet, or rill: Sweet emblem of truth, source oral! purity, , From thy offering . , my goblet I'll fill ; From thee will I draw inspiration—in vain Shall the tempter allure to the wino-cup again. SPEAK NO ILL. I 3= Nay. speak no illl-1 kindly word -Can never leave u sting behind; And oh! to breathe each tale we've heard — Is fir beneath a noble mind. Full oft a butter seed is sown By choosing thus the kinder plan ; For if but little good is known, Still let us speak the best we can. Oise me the heart that fain would hide— 4 Would fain another's faults efface ; How tan it pleasure human pride To prove humanity but base I No : let us reach a high t r_mood, A nobler eliluilife of man; Be earnest in the search of good, And speak of all the best we can. Then speak no ill—lint lenient-be To others' failings as your own ; II you're the first a fault to see, Br not the first to make it known ; Fur life is but a passing day, No lip may tell how brief its span; Then, oh! the hula time we stay. Let's speak of all the best we can. FLORENCE AND WALTER. A LOVE SCENE FRQM DOMBEY & SON I=! [ A late number of Llouabey and Son contains a passage that we think will be particularly inter. eating to some of our madam. We would pre mise that Florence—the abuse of her father hay: ing swelled to a point beyond even her meek en durance—has left the house f , and sought a refuge at the "Wooden Midshipman," now kept by Captain Cuttle. Walter has come back from sea, and has been tack three or four days when the following scene cavern: "Florence had been weak and delicate of late, and the agitation she had undergone was not without its influence on her health. But it was no bodily illness that affected her now. She was distressed in mind; and the cause of her distress was Walter. Interested in her, axious for her, proud and glad to servo her, and showing all this with the enthusiasm and ardor of his char acter, Floreuce saw that , ho avoided her. All the long day through he seldom ap proached her room. If she tusked for him, he came again for the moment 'as earnest and as bright as she remembered him when she was a lost child in the staring streets, but he soon became constrained— her quick affection was too watchful not to know it—and uneasy, and soon left her. Unsought he never came, all day, between the morning and the night. When the evening closed in, he was always there, and that was her happiest time, for then she half believed that the old Walter of her childhood was not changed. But even then, some trivial word, look or circum stance would ahnw her that there was an indefinable division betwen !bent which could not be passed. - • And she could not but see that these,re- Voillings of a great alteration in 'Walter manifested themselves in despite of his ut most efforts to hide them. in his oonsid eration for her, she thought, sod in the earnestness of hie desire to spate her any wound from _hie PO hand, he resorted, to innumerable 'Bide artifices and. 4 .141 pl is. So muolt the more did ,Floreuee the giiiinas of this sherution in him, so much the oftener did She Weep at the eitrsnge :Tient of her brether. ' The good Captain—her untiring, tender, overazealcius friOnd—saw it too, Florence thought, and'it pained him. He' Was leek cheerful and hopeful than he had been ai Bret, and would steal looks at her and Walter by turns, when., , then were all three together of an elening, with quite a sad face. Florence resolved, at last, to speak to Walter. She believed she knew now what the cause of his estrangement was, and she thought it would-be a relief to her full heart, and set Nay more at ease, if she told him she had found it out, and quite submitted to it, anti did not reproach him. It was on a certain Sunday afternoon that Florence took this resolution. The faithful Captain, in an amazing shirt collar, GETTABBIIIOI, PA.' FiIIDAY EVENING, MAIV,II 31, 1848: was sitti%by her. reading with his spec tacles on, and she asked where Walter "I think he's down below, my lad_ y lass," returned the Captain. should like to speak to him," said Florence, rising hurriedly as if to go down stairs. "I•ll rouse him up here, beauty," said the Captain, "in a trice." Thereupon the Captain, with much a lacrity, shouldered his book—for he made it a point of duty to read none but very large books on a Sunday, as having a more staid appearace ; and had bargained years ago. for a prodigious volume at a book-stall, five lines of which utterly confunded him at any time, inibibuch that he had not as - certained en - Whiir itibjett it treatetP-Aind withdrew. Walter soon appeared. "Capt. Cuttle tells me, Miss Dombey," he eagerly began on coming in—but stop ped when he saw her face. "You are not so well to-day. You look distressed. You have been weeping." He spoke so kindly, and with such a fervent tremor in his voice, that the tears gushed into her eyes at the sound of his words. "Walter," said Florence, gently, "I am not quite well, and I have been weeping. I want to speak to you." He sat down opposite to her, looking at her beautiful ar , l innocent face ; and his own turned pale, and his lips trembled. "Yon said, upon the night when I knew that you were saved—and oh ! dear Wal; ter, what I felt that night, and what I hoped !" Ile put his trembling hand upon the ta ble between them, and eat looking at her. —"that I was changed. I wassurprised to hear you say so, but I understand, now, that I am. Don't be angry with me, Wal ter. I was too much overjoyed to think of it, then." She seemed a child to him again. It was the ingenuous, confiding, loving child he saw and heard. Not the dear woman, at whose feet he would have laid the rich es of tho earth. "You remember the last time I saw you, Walter, before you went away ?" He put his hand into his breast, and took out a little purse. "I have always wan it around my neck! If I had gone down in the deep, it would have been with me at the bottom of the sea." ..And you will wear it still, Walter, for my old sake ?" "Until I die !" She laid her hand on his, as fearlessly and simply, as if not a day had intervend since she gave hiin the little token of remem brance. "I am glad of that. I shall he always glad to think so, Walter. Do you recol lect that a thought of this change seemed to come into our minds at the same time that evening, when we were talking to gether r "No !" he answered in a wondering tone. "Yes, Walter. I had been the means of injuring your hopes and prospects even then. I feared to think so, then, but I know it now. If you were able, then, in your generosity, to hide from me that you knew it too, you cannot do so now, although you try as generously before. You do. I thank you for it, Walter, deeply, truly; but you cannot succeed. You have suf. fered too much in your own hardships, and those of your •dearest relation, quite to overlook the innocent cause of all the peril and affliction that has befallen you. You cannot quite forget me in that char acter, and we can be' brother and sister no longer. But, dear Walter, do not think that I complain of you in this. I might have known it—onght to have known a— but forgot it in my joy. All I hope is, that you will think of me less irksomely when this feeling is no more a secret one; and all I ask is, Walter, in the name of the poor child who was your sister once, that you will not struggle with yourself, and pain yourself, for my sake, now that I know Walter had looked upon her while she said this with a face so full of wonder and amazement, that it had room for nothing else.• Now he caught up the hand that touched his. so entreatingly, and held it between his own. "Oh, Miss Dombey," he said, "is it possible that while I have been suffering so much in striving with my sense of what is due to you, and must be rendered to you, I have made you suffer what your words disclose to me. Never, never, before Heaven, have I thought of you but as the single, bright, pure, blessed recollection of my boyhood and my youth. Never have I from the first, and never shall I to the last., re(ard your part in my life, but as something sacred, never to be lightly thought of. never to be esteemed enough, never, until death, to be forgotten. Again to see you look and hear you speak, as you did on that night when we parted, is hap. pinata to me that there are no words to utter; and to be loved and trusted as your brother, is the next great gift I could.4* cei l ve andprize 1" . "Walter," said Florence,looking at him earnestly, but with a changing face, "what is that which ia due to me, and must be rendered to me, at the sacrifice of all this I" "Respect," said Walter in a low tone, "Reverence." The dolor dawned in Iter face, an she timidly and thoughtfully withdrew her hand ; still lopking as htm with unabated °immunise. , • • ,'I hare not a brother's right," said Wal ter. 'have neLl_brotheria claim. I left a child. I titiMlrritaan." The color overipread' her face. ENre made a gesture so if intreating diet he would ssy no mote, and her face dropped upon her hands. ," They were both silent fora time; she weeping. "I owe it to a heart so trusting, Pure and good," said Walter, "even to tear my self from it, though I rend my own. How dare I say it is my sister's.' See was weeping still. "If you had been happy ; surrounded as you should be by loving and admiring friends, and all that makes the station you. were born to enviable," said Walter, "and "FEARLESS 'AND FREE:" if you had called me b ther, then, in your affectionate rememb*o of t he past, I could have answered to the name from my distant place, with adt•inward assurance that I wronged your spllees truth by doing so. Via here— r and new r , "Oh, thank you, twins. you, Walter ! Forgive my having wronged you so much., I had no one to advise me. I am quite alone." . "Florence !" said waiter, passionately, "I am hurried on to say. what I thought, but a few moments ago, nothing could have forced from my lips. If I had, been pros perous—if I had any means or hope of be ing one day able torestore you to a station near your own—l would have told you that there was one name yon might bestow-up mrtnefr—ia vight abovelllothersetopreteet- , and cherish you—dnit li was worthy of in nothing but the love and honor that I bore you, and in my whole heart being yours. I would have told you that it was the only claim that you could give me to defend and guard you, whioh I . dare accept and dare assert—but that if I had that right, I would regard it as a trust so precious and so price less, that the undivided truth and fervor of my life would poorly acknowledge its worth." The head was still bent down, the tears still falling and the bosom swelling with its sobs. "Dear Florence! Dearest Florence I whom I called so in 'my thoughts, before I could consider how presumptuous and wild it was. One last time let me call you by your own dear name, and touch this gentle hand in token of your sisterly for getfulness of what I have said." She raised her head; and spoke to him with such a solemn sweetness in her eyes; with such a low, soft tremble in her frame and voice that• the innermost chords of his heart were ruched, and his sight was dim as he listened. "No. Walter, I cannot forget it. I would not forget it for the world. Are you —are you very poor T". "I am but a wanderer," said Walk , "malcing,voyages to live, across the sea. That is my calling now." ..Are you soon ping away again, Wal ter."' "Very soon." She eat looking at him fora moment— then timidly putting het trembling hand in his— "If you will take me for your wife, Wal ter, I will love you dearly. If yuu will let me go with yoti, Walter, I will go to the world's end without, fear. I can give up nothing for you—l have nothing to resign, and no one to forsake; but all my love and life shall be devoted to you, and with my last breath I will breathe your name to God if I have sense and memory left." Ile caught her to his heart and laid her, cheek against his own and now, no more repulsed, no more forlorn, she wept indeed, upon the breast of her dear lover. Blessed Sunday Bells, ringing so tran quilly in their entranced and happy ears ! Blessed Sunday peace and quiet, harmon izing with the calmness of their souls, and making holy air around them ! Blessed twilight stealing on, and shading her so soothingly and gravely, as she falls asleep, like a hushed child, upon the bosom she ha, clang to ! Ohl load of love and truthfulness that lies so lightly there ! Aye, look down up on the closed eyes, Walter, with a proudly tender gaze ; forin all the wide world they seek hut thee now—onlyttlee Do AS YOU aciaer-- T -There is no neces sity of breaking your word. In the first place, never promise anything unless you know it to be in your power to fulfil; and ih the seccond place, make up ybUr mind before you promise, that whatever you do promise you will fulfil. By so doing, you will gain and enjoy the confidence of those around you. When such a chancier is established, it will be of more value than ermine, gold or princely diadems. A WORD.—Say not what you had bet- ter leave unsaid. A word is a little thing we know, but it has often occasioned bitter strife. Suppressing the truth has ruined many a character—many a soul. A word unuttered, and Hamilton would hive lived the pride of his country. Who can tell the good and bad effects of a single word Be careful what you say. . Think before you speak, and you will never be mortified with yonraelf, or cause a thrill of pain to flash through the heart of a friend. AIMICRICANS TORTURED.We find; in a letter from an officer of the U. S. steamer Spitfire, a statement of a horrible affair which took place at Telescope, Mexico, a few days previous to the 20th of February. Five Americans, captured near Vera Cruz, were taken to Telescope, tied to stakes in full view of each other,and then Metongues, eyes, nose, eat's, and hands , of one were& Aberaldy cut oat! After the first one died another was treated in the same vfrap, and so on. If this does notcall for retributive justice, what Will 1 EQUANIMITY OF TEMPZE. Ile who'strives i'tq a long *ad ploasint term of life,*ust agiek to u,latain eTtinual egtuaintity, catefidly to avoid every thing which , mo via is ti, talcs his ihttattlfs. NOhhtlf morn. OCktY amenmes the vigor of INC than the violence of the emotions of the mind. We know that, anxiety Mai care can destroy the healthiest body. We hncd! that fright end km; Yea , even azteat of joy, krona" ilitadly. They who are naturally cool and of totot tiwa ot:othot upon rimpo oohing out n►ako too Potootiolt 'an holtroothlN whit are not WIXOM hie excited, either by gmat inerrow or great joyr have the beet chance of living long and happi• tdsr their manner. Prelate. unties all air cumeteemes, a composure of mind which no happi ness, no misfortune, can too much dieturb. Love nothing too violently, hate nolldnitoo passionate ly, fair nothing too strongly.. For still, eventual ly, everything which befalls thee, the good as well as the bad, deserves neither imrhoderate love nor immoderate hatred ; and already, on many oces &ions, hart thou perceived, though truly often too late, that thou halt placed too high a value on those things which passionately charmed or pained thee.—[M tray Leaves from the Getman TIM 130YgREION8 or:EI7IIOPE' k?" The anneted description of the cheraiter. end hag& of the present thronciolders in, rope, is by Rev. Dr. Birao,,llto recently Minn! ed front an lateral** torn in Europe,And is,at present delivering a course of lectures in N. .York on the political, twist, and religions condition of theZuropenn Mates. The events that have done occurred in Fnuce, will invest the description pith peculiar interest, especially the portion Mating to Louie Phillippe There are in gurope, twenty-two king doms, thirty!two duchies, which are real ly u much kingdoms as the billets, four principalities, and. eight republics, 'nein d ing the four free cities of Ger many,- There are; therefbre; sixty-alk ettetistintents-in Earope..--Two rake affti, there were sixty-eight, but since that time the republic of Cracow, and the duefirof Luce*, have ceased to exist. The number of governments, though still large, is much smaller than it was at the commencement of the present century, as the tendency to consolidation among the smaller govern; menu is very great. In Germany alone, at one period, there were three hundred and sixty distinct governments. There are only twenty kingdoms, twentY=nine duchies, and five republics, which are in independent governments: The others are dependent upon some of these. Fifteen kingdoms, twenty-three duchies. and eight republics, have constitutional gov ernments --in ill, forty-she tort - 914moms which have constitutions. At the epoch of the American Revolution, there were only seven republics, and two monarchies which had constitutions. The King of Prussia, the King of Denmark, and the Pope, will probably soon grant constitu tions to the people. There are twenty sovereigns, three of , them queens, viz: the Queens of Eng land, Spain and Portugal. The male cove reigns are all married, except the Pope. As to their religion, ten are Roman Oath°. tics, eight Protestants, one belongs to the the , Greek—Church, and one is a Moham medan. In point of intellect, Louis Phillippe stands first among the sovereigns of Eu rope_he is above - seventy years of age, but possesses vigorous health—he is a man of fine personal appearance, though evi dently growing old. Louis Phillippe is the most learned monarch in Europe. He has had extraor dinary advantages for acquiring informs lion, and he has diligently improved them. He possesses much shrewdness, a deeply intriguing disposition, extraordinary con versational powers,- and-an-- inexhaustible fund of wit and humor. No one of hie ministers is equal to him in talent. He bends them all to his put.. pose. Lafayette, and other distinguished men who were instrumental in plactoghim upon the throne of France, were not aware of his character or disposition. They did not know the man, but since he has devel oped his character, they have bitterly re. gretted the step they took. His family are well educated. None of his sons possess their father's 'talents... The Duke of Orleans, who was killed ac cidentally some year ago, was, the ablest of them. His widow is, perhaps, the most accomplished woman in France. She is a Protestant, and is sincerely pious. 'Her son is the 'heir , apparent to the French throne. The Duke de Nemours, the second son of Louis Phillipe, is to be regent. in the e vent of the death of the king before the young Duke of Orleant attains his majori ty. Ile is haughty, imperious and unpop ular in his manners, and would, probably, if he became regent, involve himself and the kingdom in difficulty. The Prince de Joinville is quite well known in this country. He is more pop ular in his manners, but possesses little MP ent, except in nautical matters. The Duke d'Aumale is Viceroy of Al geria. Re is-quite young. In private life, Louis Phillipps is very eiemplary, one of 'behest of,husbantbi and fathers. The King of Prussia is next to Louis Phillippe in intellectual ability. He is a bout fifty-four years of age, a fine-looking man, very near sighted, of very- ruddy complexion, and full habit It has been said that he was intemperate; but this ,is untrue. He is a self-made man, having never had the advantages of instruction at the universities, but he has endeavored to supply the deficiency. by every available means. The Baron Humboldt, ens of the most accomplished sobolatein Europe, is employed by him to communicate informs.. tion to him on, all sorts of subjecehduring several hours every day. , The King of Prussia is not exactly pop uler with the people. He is thoroughly' evangelic in hie religious views, and ar dently desirous for the spread of religion everywhere. Heels a man of unbounded wit and sarcasm, and has naturally a south .what violent temper, but governs it better .now than formerly. Bethel , he came to the throne, his wife, to whom he is ten derly attach*l, frequently beithught him to- control the vtohsnceof his' temper, and he always replied that he .would do better when the became , . Boon. alley he , came to the throne,: Calmat siren years ago,) the queen one day,averheirdium in the- adjacent toodr,.thOrictient altescatkut with one of his ministers.::She>itjenedi; ately went into the room, acith-piasing by the kilg began to .search, diligestly for some object. The thing imisediittely left 'the -minister end came to her side,. • "mrY 41w Elise," seiChe l ofarwhat are_ you lookiortl' “I wee searching For &chine' wee her reply. • The king felt the reproof, and accompan ying her to the door, *laid; "The next time you come into the room, my , dear, you shall find him." The next monarch in Europe. in intelli gence and talent, is the Emperor of Rus. sin. He is fifty-two years of age, about six feet two inches in height, and one of the finest looking men in the world. Though somewhat stout, weighing from two hundred,and twenty to two hundred and forty pounds, he is so perfectly formed as not to be at all unwieldy. There is =ISM That' ih ii. eir, 'under whatever circum stantial you may see him, which bespeaks hitt a than borne to command. His calm tenance and disposition are naturally pleas- tint, though, from the multiplicity and wei g ht of his cares, his temper is less a greeable.than formerly. The present form of government in Rus sia is evidently the one best adapted to the peculiar character and condition of the people, but if Nicholas is spared a few years longer, and succeeded by a man of eqtral or superior ability, the people may become fitted, in the course of fifty or one hundietlyears, fur a constitutional govern ment: In his domestic relations, the Ern poor of Russia is extremely happy. His children are amiable and well educated ; hir .wile-ito a very lovely woman ; and he hithself is one of the kindest husbands and fathers in the world. In regard to the other monarchs of En rope, it us not necessary to say much. The, preient King of Sweden, Oscar, came to the throne about five years ago. Ile is well educated, and is one of the best kings in Europe. The King of Holland is a man of considerable talent,.hut a very unpopular and very wicked man. The King of Hetimark. ald the King of Bel ,gium, are both, Able men, hut lack decis ton of charact e r., -, The. King of Sardinia was formerly very unpopular. In the language of one-of his subjects, he was regarded to not fit ~t o cook- broth for the devil." He is now, however, adopting a wise policy, and hia popularity is on the increase..'The Pope is a man aline tal ents; the best Pope Rome halo had for many a day.' tie is epligittened and liberal in his views, and though strongly attached to the Boman catholic hi* yet desires that Italy should take a higher stand among the ebuntrles of E grope The. King of Saxony is a very amiable man. 'rho 4ullau of Tuilopy a m an of fine abilities. The Queen of Spam is ;a young and in totaling woman. She2poesesses coned& erable The Queen of Portugal is remarkable only for her size-:--being very large. The Queen of England is a very proud woman. She does not possess great talents, tiiit is smart—and every year is becoming a bettetyqueen. In private ehiracter, the four worst monarchs in Eu ropa aro, the King of ,Thinover, the King of Holland, the' King of. Bavaria, and the King of Naplea. These_Kings are noto riously vicious. The others are general ly moral, many of them exemplary in pri vate life. , DREig Ole THS 1 4 021 4 4 ( 311 , 0,— "Th1a is generally r ich,, but very • platn, except on state occasions . , It is usually, more or loss military . Qn; Mate, oceaatons, they it generally wear the nniforM, of a ' limy uthaii Of itte . l4lie*,ratili, and th ilges of the di ff erent orders' With which ley are connected. The ladies are generally very well dressed ; bit on ordinary occasions, wear but few jewels, The monarchs of Europe never wear . crowas, except at their coronation, and never bear a sceptre, ex cept on that occasion. .4lOme of them, in deed. 'are never crowned. There are three kinds'of 'Presettleitions 2 l ot. Public— , 49 at a levee, when ,intreduced in company I with many others; by the ambassador of I your own nation. The etiquette:, on these occasions, differs in.different countries. In I England, you m ust not wear gloves, you !must approach the queen in your turn, and !retire dater aariag - a' tow w e ft's. On the continent, You . wear gloves, and the mon arch passes around to each in-turn. It is not the custom to shake , hoods on these oc caeions. '24. Private presentation,. This is also by your ambassador, but not a le ree. The monarch meets you, both stand, he takes' the lead in conversation, speaks of such topics as he pleases, and terminates the interview at his own pleasure. 3d. As a savant or literary man. , These inter views are still more privete—no ambassa dor being present, and frequently the mon arelle_conmee very freely. and Without restraint. ROYAL, utionits.---These are not more splendid than those of private individuals of wealth and 144014tintv• Usually, twen ty or thirty are present ; the conversation is very plemint usually, and moldy on of general or scientific interest." The Freneh style of cooking prevails. The custom of drinking healths does not &eta and no one finds any dif ficulty in mahlutiniftg temperance princi ples. There is .09 diffitulty in maintain ingcouyetaittitmon these occasions„becatiae the mionai•ch, and those who frequent his table, are ao well bred as to make the situ ation of every icill'asikeeable. The boctor had found it ninch easier to converse free ly With distirighistied men of Europe, than with many' woad-be-great men in this country. -, A Pitztqpii,ort DANTOII.--4. singu lar t old the Pue de Chartres, now 'the' King of the Preach, which can hardlyi hisie been published without the vrirrant of that high personage. Some busi nesS called : him from Dumottriez's army to ,Paris soon after the massacres of Septem ber. Dutton sent for him, and informed hint' that he had heard that he ventured to speak too freely on that subject. He told him he WIN too young to judge of such matters, and added ;—.For the future, be silent. • Return to the army; do your du ty,./ but do not unnecessarily expose your life. You have, many years before you. France is not suited for a republic ; it has the habits, the wants, and the weakness of a monarchy. After our storms it will be .brought back to that by its vices or its ne cessities. You will be king ! Adieu, young man. Remember the.pretliction of Danton."---Lowirtine's History of the Girondins. At a late Printer's Festival in Washing ton the following. tOlfAt Ny as given : IV OM . —The fairest work ofereetion: being that the edition is so extensive, let no one be without a copy. 'Tis as disagreeable to a prodigal to keep an account of his expenses, as it is for a sinner to examine his conscience; the deep er lie searches, the worse he finds himelf. TWO DOI,LARS PElt INEW SEIES--NO. 45. • From the Colonisation kiers)d.. IRON FOR DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE Mr. Editor:—The value of your excel lent paper is greatly enhanced by its °col umns being enriched with occasional essays on topics of general interest, while chiefly engaged injudiciously advocating the claims of injured humanity. Thus you not entre quently attract attention to the peculiar:Ml vantages enjoyed by the salubrious and pic turesque regions of Virginia and Tennes see for wool growing. Permit me then to suggest to your readers, among whom I learn there are many Iron Masters, the re lief that might now be afforded to that suf fering branch of home industry, ifso admi rable a material as laoN, was extensively introduced into domestic architecture. Hitherto, its high price has preventedite being generally used in building. But when we learn that the iron which commanded $4O per ton a few months since, is now without buyers at $24, we can conceive do !good reason why our builders should send Ito distant States for granite, or order the brown "gingerbrepAratone at much higher cost, which presents in one striking case, the epectacle of a broken architrave threat ening to fall on the heads of those who may enter its door, even before the noble edi fice has received its roof? We observe that our ever watchful fellow-citizen, Ger. and Ralston, affords some instructive sta tistics as to the immense consumption of iron in England, in the construction of how sea, stores, churches, bridges, 4-c. at home, and for export for similar purposes in In dia, Africa and the West Indies. • Our I ron Masters have added vastly to the pros perity of our common country, enriching the farmer and the operative by the inval uable home market they have provided for food and labour. We regret to learn that the low price of Iron abroad has already closed many of these greatest auxiliaries of national prosperity ; and while orders for $5,000,000 of foreign railroad iron have been recently sent out, many more must close their doors, unless new sources of qmployment be found for this chief stable of. Pennsylvania. Happily, its peculiar value for building purposes has been well ascertained ; fur While granite and stone are highly danger.- ous in case offire, and requireheavy outlays for sculpture, if ornamented; the most chaste and delicate designs may be repro duced in iron a thousand times, at the mere first cost of moulds; and after being used for half a century, the value of the material remains, to say nothing of its be ing fire-proof in the highest degree. We hear much of vast structures in sis ter cities for 'Washington monuments—one of them at least of hideous form. Why not avail ourselves of the present low price of Iron to construct the one contem plated in our own beautiful Washington Square, and founded by Lafayette, in 1824 ?" The dimensions of that Square forbid a broad base, and the monument of Sir Walter Scott, at Edinburg, fortunately presents us with one of the most beautiful models in the world for ours ; especially if its delicate and exquisite tracery be re-• produced in iron, which can be done at one-fifth the cost of sculpture—casts' for other editicea being thus secured at the mere expense of founding. When'-we " -may thus promote the welfare of thousands of suffering fellow-citizens—develops the vast minera resources of Pennsylvania, and consequently diminish the great drain upon our currency in payment of foreign products similar to our own—add to the security of life and property, and part poe m beautify our public and private edifices, 1 kuow of uo subject better calculated for the columns of your invaluable journal, and to entitle you to the gratitude of the com munity at large. E. Co TELEGRAPH IN SOUTH AMERICA.AIII electric magnetic telegraph apparatus had arrived at Lima, Peru, and the account of it, and the various details of this great vention, are copied into the Mercurio from the Peruvian papers. It is proposed to erect a telegraph line between Lima and lao. and the Mercurio recommends the Chitin) Government to establish lines be. twen the principal cities. It is Morsei .legraph which is now in Peru. and the account of it gives him full credit for the inrention. To CUT GLASB WITH A PIECE or Noe. —Draw, with a pencil on paper, any pat• tern to which you would have the glass conlinin, place the patiern under the glass. holding both together in the left hand, (foe the glass must not rest on any plane sure face ;) then take a common spike or some similar piece of iron, heat the point of it to redness, and apply it the edge of the glass, it will immediately crack ; continue moving the iron slowly over the glass. tracing the pattern, and the chink in the glass will follow at the distance of half an inch, in every direction according to the motion of the iron. It may sometimes be found requisite, however, especially in forming corners, to apply a wet finger to the opposite side of the glass. Tumblers and other glasses may be cut or divided very fancifully by similar means. The iron must be reheated as often as the area. ice in the glass ceases to follow. A Suits..—Who can tell the value of a smile' It costs the giver nothing, but is beyond price to the erring and the sad and cheerless, the lost and forsaken. It die arms maliCe—subdues temper—turns hr iced to love, revenge to kindness. and pains the darkest path with gern,,of s 1 fit A smile betrays a kind 'heart, a iireasant friend, an affectionate brother, a dutiful . son, a happy husband. It adds a charm to beauty. decorates the face of the deform ed, and make). lovely woman resemble an angel ofpnradiso. . An holiest man need not feel the assattits of his enemies, 'l'elent will be appreeiwt Jed, industry will he rewarded, andb• whb< pursues, in any calling, en open, mardy. honest coarse, must in the end ttiar over hit enemies, end build frit inewhOis good name, which will asdanirlot his traducers are forgotten. '` The het eaeouele Cruse , 401 t 411100 Etna and Vesuvius were vosoldni times, and an eruption was daily expected..