D.. A. BIJELLI.ER i EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. VOL. . FOR , RENT ) 'bonaopn'i next, , 'Two-story Brick HOUSE AVM eglibitgf AND STAIDLY, &0. OH CHAN . • grgignna rragrr. APPLY TO • D. M'CONAUG/if. ' pobragey 4, 1848.-4 roTA Rll7/Vr, Went the bit of Aprll next, a ngenAt lave Two•otory: Brick DWELLING, .014.istinale.on On corner, of. High • sod 11 111, 111 - 100 el s, (known formerly so the Old alfi :ileadonky.)..and now necapioilityldmen.on,=, a are, from whom, on application, tho terms can be learned. , Mach 3,1848-3 t . ITOTTOM. E'rTERS -Testamentary on the Es . tate of ELLS/METH WILSON, late of Straban township, Adams county, deceas ed,_baying been granted to the "subscri bers, residing in the same township, notice is hereby Rives to all persons indebted in laid'estate to call and settle the same with and those having claims against said *State ate requested to present the Sane; priztpeily 'authenticated, tor settle meat. • - WNt V A NORSDA L, JOHN WETHERSPOON. Executors. Feb. 11,1846. 1N THE MATTER of the intended application Ilottre D. Sterns for lieemo to keep a Per in Frinklin'township, Adams county—it be ing weld stand. . E, the subscribers, citizens of.the township of Franklin, in said coun ty, do hereby certify, that we are person- Wily ahd wellicquainted w ith Jon D. B i cx sca, the above, named Petitioner, that he is, and we know him to be of good repute for honesty and temperance, and that he is wolf provided with house-room and oth er roaveniences for the lodging and accom modationoreitizens, strangers and tray offers; and we do further certify, that we know the house for which license is pray ed. and irons its situation and neighborhood believe it to be suitable for a Tavern, and that finch Inn or Tavern is necessary to ac commodate the public and entertain man gem and travellers. John Walter, Jacob betel, Philip Hann, John B. Phut., lean' Yount, James Ewing. James M'Cullough, :tempo. I..l;frivi. George B. Salver, Jacob Mitlttev IMMEI I). Chamberlin, March 10, 1848 IN THE MATTER of the intended application of !See II D. 'Pauses& for n License to keep *tar ' ern 'in Menallan township,Adatna county—hri ins an old wand. E, the Subscribers, citizens of the w township of Alenallen in said coun ty. do hereby certify, that we are personal ly a ntl well acq tt ain ted with Jacob B.Trost le. the above named petitioner, that he is, and we know him to be of good repute for hon esty and •temperance, and that he is well provided with house-room and other con \ eniences, for the lodging and the accent dation'of eitizetos, strangers, and travel lers; and we do further certify, that we know the House-for which License is pray ed, and frosts its situation and neighborhood believe it to be suitable fora Tavern, and that such Ina or :Tavern is necessary to accent:nuclide the public and entertain strangers and travellers. Joie Houck, Charles Myers, Jacob Harsh, Eli Cover, George W..Beir, Jacob Gardner, florightelitt. Joseph Dull, Wm. G. Eicholts, 'eolcunan Peters, hem Slaybaualt, - J. Y. Bushey. .March 10, 1848.—at IN THE MATTER of the intended application °Fiona KEG', for LiCCIIIPIS to keep a tavern in Hundataion towruilitp, Adamseounty—being an oW stand. Wit,' the tindorsiined, citizens ofthe township of Huntington, do here. by certify that we are well acquainted with the above named petitioner, and ItatoW' the 'louse proposed to be kept by hint as on lan or Tavern, and that such Inn or Tavern is necessary to accommo (late• the public and entertain strangers and travellers; and that the petitioner is of gond repute fur honesty and temperance, end is• well provided with House-room and conveniences . tor the accommodation Of eKrattgars and travellers. • J. W Patron, E. A. Weskloy, Wia. R. Strivtart, George Jacobs, Wo, W. Hairiersly, Joseph Jacobs, John S. YKAAN Chronister, D. R. tittle, Win. M. Keelewell, Joke Haw, J. W. Spinal:nap, Illirpesn - Whirnsen, James WEltree. , March 10, 1040.-11 t. INMIE MATTER of the intended ap , ~OA of Mom Gamuts Bum, jhr Jima to keep a Tavern in Cash, _4l6l.l l tanikkhautniiiip. 41.01131_121,—.. VVlll, o the undersigned, °Wiens of the w township ofFranklin, in said coun troltroeitify that we are peranliallyi mid well iniquainted with Mom and GEORON fisnrzt, the above named Petitioners, that they are, and we know them to ho, of good repute for honesty and Temperance, and that they are well provided with House room and other conveniences for the lodg ing and accommodation of citizens, stran gers and travellers ; and we do further cer tify that we know the house for which li cense is prayed, and from its situation and neighborhood believe it to be suitable for a 'ravern, and that such Inn or Tavern is necessary to accomodate the public and entertain strangers and travellers. finks Hensel, Adam Iliesecker, Dartl4 Chamberlin, Hugh U. dingy, John Welter, Samuel Cover, D.,l4vid M ' Murdie, John 1). Becker, ,ititl'iticer, Joseph Bear, Lady, John Bucher. /faith 17, 1848,-3t Carden Ar Flower Scram, OF every variety, from the celebrated StlithEß Gardens, New Lebanon, NArnrk.:also RISLEY'S Garden and Flower Seeds —just received and for sale at the• Drug and Book Store of • 8 . H. BUEHLER Gellysburg, March 17, 1818, SOMETHING GOOD IN EVERY HEART. IT DDDDD 0111 A. COULD Would's( win the erimaahrinod %Tandem lock From Vice's dark and hidePos trade let trot a frown thy brow deform. 'Twill add but fierceness to the storm : Deal kindly—in that bosom dart, Still lingers Virtue's glimmeringepook Plead with him—'tie t h e nobler pert— There's something good 41 every heart Bring to his mind the early time Ere sin had stained his soul with Crime; When fond afibctkrn blest his hours And strewed his joyous path with flowers; When sportive jest and harmless gito Bespoke a spirit pure and trot : Pleat& with the nobler pate-- ThereeeePtthing.iie ifi4t.r7ke l lo TheOs war; a time that head did rest Close to a mother's yearning bread-- A timid' ear the precepts caught A kind rind virtuous father taught. It inatfiirs not what treacherous ray First lured His steps from Virtue's way— Enough to know thou yet nory'st save That soul from Sin's enguiphing ware : Plead with hhn—act the nobler part— There's something good In every heart I WHAT IS GLORY 1 WHAT IS FAME What is Glory I What is Fame I The echo airs long lost name; A breath, an idle hour's brief talk— The shadow of an arrant nought ; A Bonier that Mamma fir a day, Dying nail memoir; .• A stream that hurries on its way, Singing of sorrow ; The last drop of a bootless shower, Shed on a sere and leafless bower; A rose stuck in a dead man's breast,— This is the world's fame at the best ! What is Fame 1 and what is Glory I A dream,—a jester's lying story, To tickle fools withal, or be A theme for second infancy ; A joke scrawled on an epitaph ; A grim at death's own ghastly laugh ; At visioning that tempts the eye, But mocks the touch—nonentity; A rainbow, suhstanceless as bright, Flitting for ever O'er hilltop to more distant height, Nearing us ' never ; A bubble blown by fond conceit, in very sooth itself to cheat; The witch-fire of a frenzied brain, A fortune that to loose were gain; A word of praise, perchance of blame ; Tho wreck of a time-bandied name,— Aye, this is Glory !—this is Fsfine: ------------ KITTY COLEMAN An arrant Piece of mischief was that Kitty Coleman, with her deep, bewilder ing eyes, that said all sorts of strange things to your heart, and yet looked as in nocent all the time as though conducting themselves with the utmost propriety, and her warm ripe lips, making you think at once of"the rose's bed that a bee would choose to dream in." And so wild and unmanageable was she—oh, it was shock ing to proper people to look at her! And then to hear her, too why, she actually laughed aloud, Kitty Coleman did ! I say Kitty, because every body called her Kit ty but her Aunt Martha : she was an order ly gentlewonian, who disapproved of loud laughing, romping and nick-naming, as she did of other crimes, so she always said Miss Catharine. She thought, too, that Miss Cailiarine's hair, those long, golden locks, like rays of floating sunshine, watdering about her shoulders, should be gathered.un into a comb, and the little la dy was once really so obliging as to make triitef theacheme, but at the first bound she made after Rover,. the burnished cloud broke front imignoble bondage, descending in a glittering shower, and the little silver comb nestled down in the deep grass, re s ign ing its office of jailor forever. Oh,Kit ty was a sad romp. It is aitard thing to any of one we all loved so well ; but Aunt , Martha .said it,. and shook her head the while and sighed; and the squire, Aunt Martha's brother, said it, and held out his arms for jiis pet to spring into; and sera one old ladies said it, and said too,—what a pity it was that.young people-nowa-days had no more regard for propriety. • Even Enoch Snow, the great phrenologist, bu ried his, fingers in those dainty toast that none but a phrenologist had a right to touch, and waiting only for a succession of peals of vocal mimic, Which interrupted his aci anti& researches, to subside, said that her organ of mirthfulness was very, very strik ingly developed. This, then, placed the matter beyond all controversy; and it was I henceforth expected that Kitty would do i what nobody else could do, and say, what 1 nobody else had a right to say; and the sin of all, luckily for her, was to be laid on a strange idiosyncracy, a peculiar mental, or rather cerebral conformation, over whisk i she had no control; and so Kitty was . or. , given, forgiven by but wehad 1 a little Story to tell. :, • I have heard that Cupid is blind ; but of that I do not believe a word—indeed I have "confirmation strong" that the malicious little knave has, gift of clairvoyance, aim ing at heartsvwrapped in - the iripple folding.' 61113trishneae,tbneelt he perch himself, now in Milroy° and now. on itte lip of Kitty Coleman, and with mar. 1 venous steady aim, imitating a personage a trifle more dreaded, "Cut down all, both great and' small I" Blind I no,. no-ho saw a flirt too well when he counted out his arrows ; and the laughing rogue was ready to burst with merriment, as he peep. ed into his empty quiver, and then looked abroad upon the havoc he had made. But people, said there was one who had escap ed him, a winsome gallant, for whom all but Kitty Coleman had a bright glance, and a gentle word. As for Kitty, she eared I not a rush for Ilarry Gay, and sought to annoy him all in her power ; and the gen-1 tleman id-his turn stalked past her with all the dignity of a great man's ghost. Bitter, hitter enemies were Davy Gay and Kitty Coleman. Ono eveniag, just because the pretty belle wns present, Harry took it in to his hEad to be as stupid ns a block or a I scholar; for, notwithstanding his promis ing name, our young Lucifer could be stu- Old. Kitty Coleman was very angry, as was proper—for what right had any ono to be stupid in her prostitute Thu like never was heard of before. Kitty, in her indignation, said he did not know how to he ; and then she sighed, doubtless at the boorishness of scholars in general, and! this one in particular; and theta she laugh- GETTYSIRIRG, PA. FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 24, 1848. ed so long and musically. that the lawyer. the school-master. the Sow clerks, the mer chant, and Lithper Lithpet. the dandy, all joined into the chorus, t ho ugh for the life of them, they eould‘not have sold what the lady laughed at. Harry Gay thew tap her head with as much dignity as though be had known the mirth was at his expense; cast contemptuous glances toward the group of nod-waiters. and thee, .tp,oatt his own superior mate, attached' br attorW" the uglieet woman in the room. It was very strange that Kitty Coleman ithoeld have disregarded entirely theopitio• such a dialogue gendanan, but she only laughed' the louder when abe tair.,that be was annoyed by it; indeed AM striae; F.fie teemetTo" fait - die if "" '''' the concentrated, doubkod* • enemas of mirth into her; and - a more frorrelitsolie creature never existed than the Was. till the irritated scholar, unable to endure ft any longer, disappeared in the quietest manner possible. Then all of a sudden the self-willed belle declared thirfarbe hated parties, she never wuuld go to another; and making her adieus iu the most approved don't-care style, insisted on being taken home at once. Harry Gay was not a native door he came from one of the eastern cities to spend e summer there ; and Aunt Mar tha said he was too welt.bred to byre any patience with the hoydenish manners of her romping niece. But Kitty insisted that her manners were not hoydenish ; and if her heart overflowed, it was not her fault, she could not shut up all the glad feelings within her, they would leap back to the call of their kindred, gushing from other bosoms, and to all the beaaiti- . fur things of creation, as joyous in their mute eloquence as she, was. Be sides the wicked little Kitty Coleman was always angry that Aunt Martha should at tempt to govern her conduct by the likings , of Harry Gay; she would not be dictated to by him, even though his opinions re- ceived the sanction of her infallible aunt.— But the lady made a trifling mistake on the subject matter of his interference. He did not slander her, and always waived the - theme of her follies, when her . Aunt Martha introduced it; indeed, he. never was heard to speak of the belle but once —once he swore she had no soul-06 shameless Meohamteedan a remark which was only five minutes in reaching its ob ject. But Kitty Coleman, though very indignant, wits not cast down by it. She called Harry Gay more names than be. scholar as he *as, could have thought of in a month, and wound up with a remark ; no less formidable than the one which had excited her ire, And Kitty was right.— A pretty judge of soul was he, to be sure —a man that never laughed ! how on earth can people who go through the world cold and still, like the clods they tread ripen. pretend to know anthing about soul ! harry Gay used to go up to squire Coleman's very often, and sit all the eve , 'ling and talk with the squire and Aunt Martha, while his great black eye turned slowly in the direction Kitty moved ; but ! Kitty would not look at him, not she.— What right had a stranger, and a !Asher, too, to make such a very great parade of his disapprobation ! If she did not please him, why site"pleased others; and that was enough, she would not torn over her ! finger to gain his good will. So Harry . and Kitty never talked together; and when he went away, (he never went fill the conversation fairly died out, and the lamps looked as if about to join it.) he bow 'ed to the old people " gracefully and I easily, hut to the young lady be found it difficult to bend at all. Conduct like this provoked Kitty Coleman beyond endue. Hems; and,one evening, after the.. . squire and eisiter bad left bee alone, slit sat down and io very spite sobbed away as though her little heart would break. Now it happened that the squire had lent his viaiter a book that evening. whichLstralege enough for such a scholar, he had forgot. ten to take with him; but Harry remem bered it before it was too late, and turned upon his heel. He had gone oat bat a moment before, and there was no we in ringing, so he stepped at once into the parlor. Poor Kitty sprang to her feet at the intrusion, and Crushed with her fingers two tears that were just ready to launch ; themselves on the roundest and rosiest ! cheek in the 'world, but she might - have done better than blind herself, for ber foot touched Aunt Martha's fauteuil, and, in consequence, her foreherd the neck of Ro ver. It was very awkward to be serprie ! ep_ the luxurious imdolgenese Ofitmers at I s hytime, and it is a trifle more awkward I to fall, down, and thee be raised by the last person in the world you would receive a favor from.. Kitty felt the awkwardness of her situation too much to speak; and. of course,' Harry, enemy as he was. could not releameher until he knew whether she I was hurt. It was certain Shames not faint, , -for.thatoeimeon-ttleed ileed the sips ef her fingers, and Harry's face immediately took I the same hue, probably from reflection.- 1 Kitty looked down until a golden arc of fringe rested lovingly on its glowing neigh bor, and Harry looked down, too, but his: eye rested on Kitty Coleman's lace. HI , soul and heart aro, one and the same thing,' : as metaphysicians 'tell us, Harry must now have discovered the mistake he once made, for there was a strange commotion beneath the bodice of Kitty Coleman ; it rose and; fell, as nothing hut a bounding, throbbing,' frightened heart, in the wildest tumult ofi excited feeling, could make it. And then, (poor Kitty must have been hurt, and needed support) an arm stole softly around her waist, dark locks mingled with herd sunny ones as a warm breath swept over! Iher cheek—and Kitty Coleman hid her; face, not in her hands. Harry forgot his book again that night, and never thought of it until the squire put it in his hand the next morning ; for Har ry visited the squire the very next morn ing, and had a private interview; and the good old gentleman tapped him on the shoulder, and said "with all my heart," and Aunt 'Martha looked as glad as propriety would let her. As for Kitty Coleman, she . did not show her face, nut she,—for she know they talking about her, the sober old people and the meddling Harry Gay.— •1"ILfUlai:88 AND iREF-" But when the arrant mischief-maker had accomplished his object. and was bound ing from the door, their came a great rust among the rose-bushes, insomuch that a shower of bright blossoms descended From them. and Harry turned a face, brim ming over with joy. to the fragrant thicket, and shook down another fragile shower, in seeking out the cause of the disturbance. Now. as ill-luck would have it, Kitty Cole man hid hidden illurav Itocii her enemy, in this very thicket ; and there she was dis covered, all confusion. trembling and pant ing, and-- lam afraid poor Kitty never quite recovered from the effects of her fall -,-for the arm _ of Harry Gay 'seemed very neatitsmy to her forever after. ONE OP BANVAXO'S STORIES. Banvard tells the following good joke of fooling a Mississippi steamboat :'He was laying is, wind-bound. with a small trading boat, at die bead of the "chute" of Pro plies Island. sail being the first of April, he hands were determined to have a "lark" . of route kind. Daring the day they hid observed *sewer close is shore, about half a lode above where the "fiat" lay. -This ertu.. had been constantly bobbing its head d • and down , all day long ; trete this, ' the hint, th ey procured some i to„ ifirang4 Oak a neighboring tree; then making a paper face, and surmounting the whole with a palmate bat, they made quite a respectable looking backwoothasin. After sundown, near dark, they took this imitation of hu manity up the river, to where this indite trions sawyer was working.—(As proba bly many (Wow readers do not exactly un derstand whet% Aliseissippi sawyer is, we will say for their information, that it ii merely a loose snag, which is kept in mo tion, swinging up and down by the force of the contestant utdthe a panne sawing.) When opposite the sawyer, they drove two upright stakes - into tbentuth. and drew the pantaloons of the figure' over them, so as to make it stand perpendicular ; then ty ing an unlighted torch in its hand and pla cmg a couple of, empty boxes and' a keg item hegira -the appearance of "plunder," they had quite a -.— - . _. All things prepared they sat down to wait for a steamer. It was nor long before they heard one "sciPing"roind the point, and coming into the `Mute,." They then has tily kindled a fire near by, lit the torch-i* the figure's band. conveyed a small cord from the hand that held it, over a light Milt oat to the slug orsawyer, and made Man. ' The motion of the snag kept the torch in the figure's hand waving up and down, exactly like a person hailing a steamer. The waggish boatmen thee jumped into theirskilf, and polled of into the shade of an adjacent core, to watch the result. Soma the steamer cane in sight. The captain seeing the light. supposed of course it was a hail, (as the projectors intended he should,) atone commenced ringing his bell to answer, and gave orders to "lay o ver" towards where Mr. Stuffy, as the boatmen had named him, was busy sha king his tomb. Dingo-link, went the bell, and the engines ceased their motion. "Orl" pen the fire4oors!" sheeted the engineer, 1 sod away streaked the light from the fiery furnaces.lightingopthe surrounding gloom, and hiss west the escape steam. reverber- [ a tiall through the everlasting cotton-wood roseate ; say there was as much bustle Bud noise on board of the "Clipper." for th at proved so be her name, as if she was go ing to take on twenty cabin imissesigers. "Stand by die yawl there!" the captain or dered. Seal the yawl was of, with two - bands poling. and the mate, as Min na!, sanding up in theaters. steering, ma-, king for Mr. Stay- "Stop shaking your fight--iimm'tyou think we see your s ho ot ed tbe mate front the yawl. 'Get, your •plesder' dews ander die lbank.thers. if you want to aims absent," sung oat the exp osit from the deck tithe steamer, "or we will put of again. and leave yos I"- Bat Study baud sot. ta'hie stood, waving up and down the fire-brand he held in his hand. "The fidlow's cross." said the captain. Mile's a kill," muttered the mate with as oath braces his teeth. "No be aint," said cue of the hands; -"but be is drank ! see, be has tembkd - down the bank there." Just at this woman the yawl was run in tutor the shore. and pawing between the sung nader the lime attached to the die line caught under the mate's chin, throwing bits back lathe banau thesame time Jetting Mr. Only over the bank. and be rolled into the river. "Man overboard!" Iran them the cry. and the puiseegers rush mil from cabin miles deck to behold the ca tastrophe. • "Catch hint quick !" shouted several voices at once."or he will drown!" A few harried smokes brought the yawl to the drowsing num. The mate seized him, drew his aboard the yawl. and rhea pulled for the steamer. When raising the drown ing man on board, he split in two, and the mow falling out, they all discovered that i he was neither crazy.druhk, nor drowned i ' but that he was a regular sucker; for he had sucked in the captain, mate, and all the hands of the summer Clipper, handsomely. —Then such a laugh and shout went up t from the passengers and all hands, as to drown the escape steam of the boat as she was put under way again by the captain's hearty •-Go-a-head. ' Banvard and his 1 men joined in the laugh, and returned to their boat to laugh over again the success 1 of their juke.—lleme Journal. It is said of Jr. Giddings, the famous anti-elae•er representative from Ohio, that from his tenth to his twentieth year, he attended school only four weeks. The makidg of sugar froin the maple tree was his sole interlude between the felling of timber and diggingthe soil. He frequent ly slept in the woods, with no pillow but the turf, and no covering but the canopy of the heavens. In spite of these and o ther obstacles, Mr. G. contrived to study. By the indulgent beams '3f the moon or by fire-light, or the uncertain flickering of a pitch-pine knot, he pursued his studies deep into the night. He at length became r. school-teacher, then a lawyer, and final ly a member of Congress. The amount of specie shipped friim the port of Bostoo ‘ during the month of Febru ary. was $30,211. From the North American Review A NIGHT WITH THE DEAD. Cmist.—.o, I have passed a miserable night, kto full of fearful dreams,'of ugly sights, That, is I am a Christian, faithful man, I would not spend another Each a night, Though 'twem to boy a world of happy days fto fill of dismal terror was the time." Many years ago, before the facilities for professional education were as great in this country as they are at present, I was pur suing my medical studies at one of the u niversities on the Continent of Europe. Subjects for dissection were at that time obtained with considerable difficulty from the hospitals, on account of an excited state of public feeling on the subject, similar to that which has since frequently prevailed in different parts of the country ; conse quently. whenever, after a world of trouble, we obtained any bodies for the amphithe atre. we were compelled to observe the strictest secrecy among ourselves, and to watch them with the greatest caution, to present the discovery of the fact, or an at tempt at rescue in case of such a discovery. The exhibitors of anatomy, who were usually young medical men who had re ceived their diplomas, but who continued their connection with the institution for a further prosecution of their studies, were charged in turn with the duty of watching with the bodies. It happened one evening that one of these young gentlemen, with wheal' I was intimate at the time, was ap pointed to spend the night in the exercise of this unenviable prerogative. This was particularly annoying to him, as he had re ceived an invitation to a ball for that same evening. and was anxious to attend it. I may here remark, en passant; that the most grutecoutindile prejudice which now pre- melle-in—Franceimd - traly 'against medical men, and which, particularly in the latter country, excludes them as a class from di , society, a ire than professionally, did not - then o In the the town where the institution 'which I belong was situated. The young ithysician enjoyed equal social privileges with the educated man of any o ther proforsion. Tu return. , My .friend lamented his M in& is my presence, with a free outpour- .4. .4 , 4 . i - able tolnd.* nubitituto take .Ide place in the 44",4 111 4-1 . 9 0 i!. 3 2 Mid remarked , in a bent erinkway.. that .were_ itfor my. youth and, ittuidit .he vhould ask favor of me. us con ess a no 'particular ambition itt that way,..but yet I felt still less dispo sed to be taunted with an unmanly weak ness of nerve, real or 'opposed; and I ac cordingly volunteered with a most excel lent grace to exchange my snug chambers and comfortable bed for a solitary watch with the . dead. About nine o'clock my friend, after hav ing *mted hiMsell elaborately fur the ex expenteil entertainment, called at my room to accompany me to the amphitheatre. It. was a cold, cheerless mouton evening. The atmosphere had all. the asperity-of winter, without its bracing elasticity.— Such as it was, it had been 'for the last three or four days.oa heavy, steady rain. igtsgTP.4449, l AAPe lo•tiale with gusty showers—accompanie4 with occasional thunder, which cheated you into the belief that the storm was about to break up, but which gradually softened down into the same,ntrinutonstus dripping. Of all possi ble weather it was precisely that which' requires.tho most cheerful associations to knep_the.spirite.iniune. A good fire, a pipe, and a room full of jolly companions, were the only possible non-conductors to the glonmyinfluance of out-door things.— I must confess that as I etept into the car- • nage with my friend, my heart rather tail- Oil Me, reflecting upon the unpromising auspices ender which I had volunteered for so unenlivening an undertaking. The dissecting amphitheatre, as is usual lythe case, was situated in the upper sto ry of the building. It was only lighted by a sky-light from above, there being no lat eral Windows. A cheerful wood-lire was burning on the hearth as we entered. The subjects, which were five in number, were lying on an ordinary dissecting table. Two placed side by side constituted the first Iftratum ; two others were in like manner rittee4 upon thistle, and the fifth body upon the last, forming, as it were, the apex of of the pyramid. Drawing up our chairs to the fire, we remained for some time chatting upon indifferent topics—l, at least, making an effort to keep up a n animated conversation, in order to cheat my com panion out of the longest possible time be fore he left me,for the night. At length a church clock in the neigh borhood struck ten, and my friend, spring ing up, protested that, he must be off im mediately. I plead for another,half hour of his company, urging the impropriety of his going to a large ball at so unreasonable an hour. It was of no use ; he perceived easily enough that my real motive for wish ing to detain him was of a more selfish character ; and * sort of waggish malicions nens was a sufficient incvntive on his part, if he had no other, to render him callous to my request. Ile accordingly seized his hat, and wishing me as agreeable a night as he expected to spend himself, left the room. Hardly had he closed the door, when lie returned to tell me that he con sidered it necessary, to secure the fulfil ment on my part of my promise, to lock me in, and before I had time to protest against the absurdity of the precaution, the key was turned upon me and the bolt barred. As much annoyed as alarmed at this summary and forcible confinement, 1 called to him at the top of my voice to re turn and unfasten the door ; but the only answer I received was a whistle and a mocking laugh, which gradually died on my cars as lid descended the staircase. Returning to my seat by the fire, I light ed my pipe, and endeavored to calm by its sedative influence the excited state of ima gluon on produced by my hopeless impris onment. Whiff after whiff rolled front my lips, tint it was of no use. It ,was im possible for ine, either by reflection or by any mechanical process, to divert my thoughts, and every few minutes, as if by a fascination beyond my control, my eye would steal round to the table behind, Inti l and its ghaahtly occupants.. Every freed gush of wind, every new noise in the street below, would cause me to start with in stinctive terror under the fear of some su pernatural apparition. At length, when all sounds had died away, except the mo notonous pattering of the rain upon the skylight above and the throbbings of my own heart and arteries, which I could dis tinctly hear in the silence around me, I mastered my feelings sufficiently to rake the fire, wrap myself in my cloak, blow out the light, and throw myself in front of the hearth to sleep. It was long before I could compose my self sufficiently even to doze ; and when at last I was able to do so. it was at best but a sort of feverish nightmare, in which confusions of vampires, wehr-wolves, and Frankensteins revolved through my brain in intricate confusion. I had been in this intermediate state be-, tween sleep and wakefulness I know not how long, when I was suddenly called to consciousness by a severe blow on the fore head. Instinctively raising my hand to my head, a few drops of blood trickled down . my fingers. Still under the influence of the horrible visions with which my imagi nation had been teeming, I sprung to my feet perfectly frantic with terror. I rushed to the door; it was locked! there was no other door to the room ! no egress of any kind ! Almost sinking under the intensi ty of my emotion, I groped along the wall to the side of the room opposite the fire.— A brilliant flash of lightning, succeeded al most instantaneously by a roar of Wunder, which broke over the building as if the ele ments were being shattered, passed over the sky-light, and illuminated the room for a moment, sufficiently long for the to observe that there were but four bod ies left upon the table ! Had one of the bodies come to murder me for sacrilegious intentions or had it never been dead, and was my murder equally inevitable ? A host of dreadful conjectures overwhelmed me, and involuntarily sinking upon my knees, my consciousness fur a few mr ments was suspended. When I came to myself all was quiet. The crisis was over. Begining to recollect, I thought if the spirit ghost. reanimated body, or whatever it might be, had any ter rible intentions towards me, it had ample time to execute them. I begaq to feel a shamed of my panic, and to admit the pos sibility of the agency of natural causes,— ' My blood began to flow a little more freely, and I gradually grew sufficiently master at myself to crawl back to the fire, uncover the ashes, and endeavored to light my can dle, which, after n considerable waste of spermaceti, I was enabled to accomplish. The first object that caught my view was a grim corpse stretched on the floor between the fire and the table. The trunk alone touched the floor. The legs at one end, and the shoulders and head at the oth er, were elevated at a considerable angle. The explanation rushed upon my mind like a flash. Alter I had covered the tire, the room growing colder, the bodies had gradually stiffened. The table was an or dinary dissecting table, intended for a sin gle body. The equilibrium of the five placed together upon it was at least of very doubtful stability. As they had gradually stiffened, the lower corpse on the side to wards the fire had been gradually _pressed upon, and so forced out of its place, and in falling au arm or a leg had struck me on the forehead ! This explanation was as reasonable as it was satisfactory. Taking hold of the cause of my to-' ror, I dragged it under the table from which it had been so frightfully ejected ; and re installing myself in my chair, I again light ed my pipe. and determined to passs the remainder of the night without again endea voring to sleep. Many were the whiffs which I puffed from my meerschaum before the grey light of morning lifted the • , blanket of the dark." And I have still the confession to make, that more than once I stolen furtive glance to the table, and under the table, although the intensity of the fright 1 had endured, and the simplicity of its explanation, pre vented me from again relapsinginto a state of spasmodic excitability .—Ckscus. [Richard 111. As EXAMPLE OF Tuk; Gitowrit OF THE WEST. en years ago, at the month of a little river in Wisconsin, on the border of Lake Michigan. a solitary cabin stood amid the wide spread forests, the residence of an individual who united in his person the characters of farmer and hunter. For Lou miles on every side no trace of another civ ilized human being could be found, and the Indian traced the deer through the woods, unmolested by the white man, and unob structed by fences and green fields. At the present day, the occupant of that ca bin, who was also the owner of at least a square mile of ground, is the Mayor of a city which has grown up, in the short space of ten years, on the limits of what was once his own property, a city containing over 13,000 inhabitants, with a commerce which promises to make it one of the most flourishing Lake ports of the West,-and the seat of wealth, intelligence and indus try. We mean Milwaukee. We went to war, it seems, according to Mr. Polk's manifestos, fur indemnity for the injuries inflicted upon our people by the Mexicans. The Treaty, as we under stand it, not only sacrifices these claims,but compels our own government to pay our own indemnity ! We could, prior to the war beyond all doubt, have secured the boundary line of the Rio Grande, and Up per California for less than ten millions of dollars. The war has cost us a hundred millions in cash, and an entailment of pen sions that will exist fur half a century,— while we now stipulate by Treaty to pay the Mexicans $15,000,000, and some $5,- 000;000 more of our own indemnity. We notice that several persons have been imprisoned in Philadelphia in default of bail to answer at court charges of libels, contained in Valentines written to young females. This is as it should be, and a few examples will be enough to learn them that abuse of this kind is not to be tolerated. WINTER van Sramo.—.-The Agnate Democrat chrpniclas the marriage in that country, of Mr. George Frenger.aged six ty.ei ght years, to Miss Frei:mem M'Farland Merchant, aged four* en y ears. . . . . TWO DOLLARS OMNI; I NEW SEIES-10. IL THLEORAPUIC !-A POWILR Two men from the interior, apparently marketers, halted at the corner of our al ley last evening, and listened attentively a few moments to the clicking of our rue. What on yearth is that mullet ma chine ?" inquired one of the other. ..D'no," 'answered the questioned pert'', standing ready at the Caine time, to bloat a retreat if the noisy varmint' should make a sudden appearance. "Waco what doe thunder it is, but it keeps on a tremendw ous racket—it must be the tderti, Ike." "Good as wheat, by gravy, 'tis the ads graf, shure enuf, Sam, replied Ike. »I heered tha wur gettie it fixed slur in St. Louis. 'Spns'n we take squint at thetlatik• in' thing while it's a goin' !" They cautiously approached the pre - / room and peeped in. They first eyed the machine, then the negro at the wheel, then the pressman, and finally, stooped down to look beneath for the lightning. "That's it, shure enuf," says Ike, "awl that fellar is takite down on them sheiets what thur sayin' in New York. Well, if. these times don't beet hoein' raters, thee I'm a sinner. What on airth's goin' to come of these poor printer fellers, when tha gits telegrafs guilt ginersl-411 swat, it tha don't drive 'cm all -to plantin' corm" . "But war is the lightnin,' Ike 1 " amtd red Sam, "I don' t see nuthin' but black streaks shout the thing." "I reckon it's wra pped up in that wheel thar, where the fellar , s puttin' on the sheets —you see lidtir it keeps them yur things is a continual jerk, jest as it might be ex, petted thundr and lightnin' would do." "IVltat in the yeirth ar' the dole with that nigger then?—what's he holdin' on to one of the wheels for ?" inquired Sam. "Now }toll stump me," says Ike, "for cuss me el I kin see what he is doin' that, 'cept holdin' the thing, to keep it from to. kin a ginral rip." "I never know'd," says Sam, "that a nigger could hold the fluid that-a-way a fore ; an' now I've found it out, thl my nigger Jack perfect Israel when I git home, fur lettin , diellehtnie kilt them steers of mine last Jnly. The nigger said he could'nt help it, but I know'd he could, of he'd a mind to. Jest see that vallysble boy thar, how he holds on to the'fluld I" "Stop 1" shouted the pressman to the negro ut the wheel. "Lean, Sam !" cried Ike, "she's goin' to rip, sartain, an' I'd ruttier have two shakes of agur than one of lightnin' any time I" Satisfied that they had seen the telegraph in motion, Ike and Sam siopedi—St. Lou is Reveille. IDINIRTANCE OF 11UMILITY.---Dr. Frank; lin once received a very useful lesson front Dr. Cotton Mather, which he thus relates in a letter to his son : "The last time I saW your father was in 1724. On taking my leave, he showed me a shorter way out of the house, by a narrow passage, which was crossed by a beam over-head. We were still talkingns I withdrew, he accom panying me behind, and I turning towards him, when he said hastily, .Stoopildtpopr I did not u nderstand him till I felt my head hit against the beam. He was a man who never missed an opportunity of ,giv ing instruction ; and upon this, he said ND me, 'You are young, and have the world before you ; !rant to stoop as you go through it, and you will miss many hard thumps.' This advice, thus beat into my head, has frequently been of use to me ; and 1 diet think of it when I sec pride mortified, and misfortunes brought on people by their carrying their heads too high." TRUTH.—Truth is undoubtedly the pro. per basis upon which the mind of mil should build. His most earnest midi* vora to acquire wealth.or fame of WS world, should he guided by and based open truth. A writer says, in advising parents: ..Accustom your children, from their ear liest youth, to speak the truth, and -this they will do, if not prevented by amain* or their parents." What responsibility rests upon parents ! All should see to this, and by example and advice, learn their children to TEL!. THU TRUTH. EXPENSIVE SUIT,--A crowning beauty of obdurate litigation has just been dereb. oped in Wyoming county. N. Y. A case had been three times before the court previous to this, and at each time the jury had disagreed. At this hearing the jury agreed on a verdict for the full amount claimed by the appellee, 828,08--the prin. eipal and interest of the balance of a note given for the purease money of a horse.— This suit has been so long pending, and has been tried so many times, that the coats have accumulated to a very large anseent, estimated at 8800 or $lOOO. The pay ment of the paltry sum 4625,07 would have saved all this litigation and its atten dant costs. A STAELTLMi _MI, AL the Temperance meeting in Fanau i Boston, on Tuesday evening last, stated that the report of the Committee appointed to inquire in regard to the idiots in that Commonwealth, showed that there were from 1200 to 1300 of that unfortunate class, and also the astounding fact that 1100 to 1200 of them were born of Break.. en parents ! DISTRIOU7ION 07 WEALTII.--The UMW value of property in Great Britain is esti mated at $25,000,000,000, and the aimed value of the product at 52,500,000.000. The total value of the property in the V. States does not exceed *6,000,000,000. and the total annual value of oz o groducts too is timated at about $1,200. .060. HA. property of Great Britain were equally di vided among the population, it would ro nearly $5,000 to every family of live, per eons; and if the anual income Were gip divided, each family would have fillieliotr The same, division in the Valet fkalo would give each family $1,500 of Yelipap. ty, and for an an annual share et the ducts. $4OO. LOVKLY W 01114141.4. Wollllllllllthiettiii. ' arrested in the Weaken for having killed bee son she assigns, wee et , ling a pig. for too intall a taus.