*Atli -anottagi le• in qtali Mit; 'flag* ti ti olnaimix •• Jr, • . '2.011 116d1M111/114:EDITINI AND.PROPRIO'OII. - f ,r ` ""- • " i' di 11 •50.1. , , -14 4474 -Ili' leiWtt tint . ' ' ',•: laiLwi.' t : 4 a...in' ' ' ' 6ET T r sat su Ai 0 1 , PA. ' ~,...a...:., ,;) : .: .., • : • ~ • , ::.k llMlbaselibar , tenidek hist belt haw,' , 4 4 ,,, : , . ilkijoatill9 l ll4f gib libitl 4 . 14 41, 47, .piktviipi .iithio / I)#4E ~ i O 'a soca of 'vario,jtacl Iv -•.:',r • ' . , 0 hei r t hat he iiiaii . a4 4'' •': 1... ' •1. #'6l . .istitialied - 'Srbija' 11 i i • ~11 •• • .. lig ..i ee c s i ft Jame and ritiih s t ..s ''. ' a 0011" i; -WM k a li Ci f ittS. ig , .sezaitdowia anim) I aiiiß i sA I Ngf i unk s l i sli6+Drlituiret : . \ bitt'APy Nakty tytAtliiiea 1144 Wend Dat...t 46k, o):4Veti !, %ites' the ' lifCei ifia I Taaaan- ' 14. 11,, 1317EHLER. • . /.1 1thfi*M*.tocii t 2; 1049. ' ' 0* - 1 have it - prO y aetie tin hand' in eteel !lptit school apd tool and amity use—ai very low pricff ik o r o „, , ~-, ~. ; , 7 ~ i -,. LEAP • MAPAR--NAI•ENTINES. • •.11") erli t.., ~:n, •• ',.;_l_i. '' . ' • ! ri. i_ ltift KIJRTZ has nova rcalived rN-T IR a iniPMfilinetP hie tut rivalledessortment aLti VIE IMENTIrk V ALE N'Pl NEIS, 3 liflikk liir elegant% tifidetigni beauty of fin “ithviltnetillor tnd chattiness, are unegnilleil, MIAMI tiPirhith kettil tin the moist magnificent ' 4 O rllit'llhititEdVenchased and embossed. il fti 1511 . 1i :.' ' l '..” rii W l too is Wealth. ammets and love, r'lkwiNirtmat alleprowerit on that fateful, dry . i ;Which ,orras iti4,. raktg(aea felifikli Maly ; .. r q ii 01014 may X,H.aa I(t.-pvz'a,.glittering store,; IlhOir crowds of bciutiva thronging 'round Ilia i Liiiiiidillt hfindling , mild and sighing swain 4 ..'k,10 . a. i d,'lnor blush not , aleh M vain. d IZi l l a • Idly' point the ifkrwari . way . ....Idtaa i on thid eiMdtlif da. And l nrWelrebefoildWpratropiatrrwrai. That 12 ill the, seat of line. I rei eilftitt 'invite the ' 'Public to call, • nihlP n Int \t It igfreaupply now -open ' '414 liffilieNVeitirtiee with' what tokenism I ' ' 9prafi'dltliti . thiettYpittettranseirtment for brilliancy, mihlllairkeheareef.a. '. - '-- K E Li, ER KURTZ,i % Bookiletkr and Statiairew. reti.'lli" . " ::::r4)11K: - .'gP111$48, SEMTNTRIT. tral( (IA Ell *ll . 14 tin QV. • !, :I, , .,llialoC,lticeied in a healthy Att part oUthe country. within I of a 4161110rq York Springs. and 2W miles west of •••nprit,lltitrthich pra6e portione •Urriving in 444, 33 f." 4 1 1 11114 14 " tt: r tit . 4ltit ti'3 l y con, • atmyamce Una place on lissome tiay.iout -. : aarese coming trt the-afternoon train can - c. Itet.thecGettyabattifillageica•••••• l l.lely-for 4 .. r i , Tiveiviypti the Toth' and Gettys• ' - 1 41 4 31441p* wheri ice" will be aeeem- It 1 Ail aeliexisghiaad.conie)'estliest he 1 , wick tidy., Theathool is also elay,iarae -4 , Mile baciiiiititimaraiCar li alaa Half 16 0 1 4. :" I ltliilltle* iltwik,tio Spey kora each althea's( let itlititeNtrt Poterebeig (one mile 9 ( 41 ,;11 4 trai, ~ oeirit4oi fi erthit of thlte'week• 44 sr ;flastaiesitinaisaf ate,Optli3n ,Olitin.iles .811' ~' therbetOlicalefc.seli4,liheaalKaglitli'gd ,, tusodasi er with witty the French sad Ger ". 7 9 ,12 .a., „f et, ettaliitien*ill ientniettee on ~.to t,iyp iK il atity,Sayttil sth #tianiti,Vtiati. wihica / •1 1 1•11 1 4‘r:ct4,4" e .4 6 'n.q •.•141vtlawilAhniatithatacti,pach,eoWillac t 2 'oc e eeett,•.•o4 'cal ..4 -,:r .1., ..• ..: .; . cri ). . , '' ; '"lritit ..4-traegrettkittlitoeirtilaviirash-: . 14 -1-1 42.1/ . liefiglhlltiott of 92 weeks, t ,„,paw F ,ifieii4le la i jikkake, 4 4a, • the ' l to. i ftscsatierhiellii 4.,,/tie,,lerul . "V. ).ix •••heit _ littespeact•tliefealsch and tiler tnlellesa • •i• ansillhitwing..: , The use 'l l 4 l ' aeii : '',ildaltail'allitVisititerr Without , y • . • - 1 , I, c, (', liY i a„alitl, itationerjr; ttehOn t . ..:t±, .. . , • .440411944 Pricel!•..... 44;as W 14416i # attiliatwitish:hef owat.weah nt Isesisne . itaiwek cad have each attiolc i of "i!hoitittirmittketheith , hehantive erotic' , :old* .i ,2:...11 , • jot% ierigiimAN.., ' .'• LIIIIA. 'R:VirIERMAIq'; •auttior t i t* •. . A . 4 . it , , Nom he stags, ems Ca . , , A. 7-314 -W, A, r • • ' ....• ' - CI ')t ,I , */1... /WM') t. .. tO railnOrs. ~ 4 , l .:4Trill i tt:Arrit4•7. 7 t•G 1 1111711- -- . ' °- 0_ , V) , ,.1' KIL.7r. '' ,7 1 , , z ft 441fkle'-i f• .. ! . : ""-- , , . 4, II Urbilludersignea re'speetfullyinforms 'if . 11 31111.:Pariners of Adams County, alnd .'I Iteispeinterested, that he has tfurehtlieil g ''''.46501. Bowen, or Juniata county, ...1 4%..; en the right, tide, and interest or itiiil Joßletter in ..eortaiti Improvement' for,:the ealdstruetioni'ef Lime Kilos, patented Ethe isill4l)...inf ildeptenaber. 1547-14)1t ADAMS ~ s illikelibrrYvantl that he will dispose of . 1141FAtiall - RIGHTS to such as wish. to avail Iftignlints:olthe,iesults of this iinportnit le. -Autsnfoti, on reasonable terms. Tho great tifn 6fttii4 invention consisis in the Al ' fad Ate eStnenie and labor incurred in itlittk'nf,the ordinary kiln tiredis , ..f!with, and th'e stack erected on the 3 ithrfultgl i f,lthi ground . on . any part of the Tm a w tiefi May be desired. The si.. 9 l. ein .hus been 4c4Ptiifed, inti -has proved to be )`: Itserior to uny system ever tried. Th ifp e subseriber will burn Lime in 4 4 .,1ti1i Audition of the countr, where hie scr tio, Olic644l4iit'hi dtkired, on re' asonabla terms, l 'illitrrillirny desired information min hoitad '43 l4 lVOlie.titiUn'itd'the subscriber residing in 44 bnitsfdrilillaiwereonnty, 1 4 n.: t " , . . b iinnlisirs t.i li..y ',. tA SI &MEW . LOW. 1 4 '0814' 1 V 14 , 3140.L301 .')';. ' • ~• ; • • .'" • . • j t • • .• • j • • ; 6.144M100;i111 0••1) • 711 • 410 • 'FrbfldQlie Avg. of Xpriliutzil - , l.Nvolee. &Pry moat., i!) ifv:Tuvrts.t • /11 Witli)OalaqlN AXDPIIIIPW,P7IS4F!'•II.ICriII. 1 , . • INASSUR O /WrgT T I. • A 77 . 4 , 11 4%,,,i • -• ' r rebrugy.:4l • _ Val4a* Yors4 l 4 r . L.lOl .iffr PUBLIC eNdizadi ,/ riallE•undersigned. Elections if *a Ell" late orb** easih;4lesteaeadd lads. of liontitpleassut stoweabip, ,Adiutte,aciunlyi will expose to Public Sale, on Friday,and 4'sgurdo,the 10th itife.,llth of .4farch next, at thelitereslienee - esf seiti diceised, inlmilPli e *O.N 4 1 1 1041141 ?" e ll 4 ' a mite of New Oxford;a rge,vari ro vat uable Aisotial Pi6periy, utelUding - --AOO AUSHELS GORN Crib, 18 trrett pf, Wheel .io ttte gioisti'd, 10 pikes oCItye,IPIVr nro asgtoitsEsoui& llorsil s ot o t,'; I'2 head pf, trortiVer Cattle, 8 qhoau, Pliptation *hit loael'VNotif, ne,Moge `aed fI mete, Winnowitig Mill, Crating Bei; trayit.ati ders, Wheclbairctwi ' `PrOujlia," Harrow., , Cultivator. Crosscut Saw, Grain Ciatitei, Scythes. Flour Barrels,,Clovyrsped,double barreled Gun, &e., &c., together wilt large lot of Household ntid Kitt Itiq Fueni lurcr—sue „, BEDS .AND BADDING, Tables, Chairs, Sideboard!, Unmans, Stoves, &e:, together with othet'Perstnial Property belonging to said'dec4ised.• gale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. 11., and continue until Al , the artieleslire sold. Attendance will be given .and terms made know bv ah gat i• • olzcal. caul S of St and- tqfiery lases, Ink u44l, ST BR!- made by iis assort from the • JOHN LAITCII, DANIEL 'GROSCOST, Feb. 4, 1848.—ts ' Etecutoll. Collateral Inheritance Tax. NowiT of .Collateral Inheritance Tax returned to the Retiertit• of the Coentt ofsAdsurts : , *l7O 79 Deduet 5 Fier cent. for ueesiithe liegie ter. Amount pall tdritnlmo*).eltTi;4lBl-e5 t ranuary 2151, 1848.- 7 1. the undersigned Auditor. appointed by the Court or Com mon Pleas, under the prOvision of the 10th Sect, of the Act of 20th April, 1846, dO hereby certify that the above is a cur i•et statcruAnkof the ammint of Collateral Inberitvec • 'Faxes passing ihrough the hands Or ROBERT Congest, Reglster of Ad. ams Count,y, during the year commencing with Oct. Ist, 1840; to 30th day of Sep tember, 1847. E. W. STARE K, Gettysbn, Feb.' • Auditor. ESTATE QFPFX-MiiiiTEFFV, Dpc F.AS'I). • 110 OTIYE ,lierebyliveri' to the, heirs 1111 • legal liepiesentitWee or l'iftia STEFFY,. ioto of Uninit totinsleip, Adams comity, deco:teed, to wit: Martin Steffy, ONtetinner) Chrihtian Shelling, Catharine y Eltzetheth 13, randt,.l 4 .idi a'l;iine, ary; Ai a rd, _Rebecca - ltrineltet, Sarah and,l)w,ehildrette Creinerine,, tiFin are she purveying children and represents ac. of the _ .115441[ 1 . 4:11 4 ;T , will be, held on Saturday .Ike 2 4th day. or -ilfarek,Aqi4.: at . 12 o'cl ock,. M.,, at the lets residence of said oloceaud,.iwl..lnien township/ Atlanta ;county, * Pennsylea, for -the ,purpose of maltiag,a „partition of the Estate.' of said deceased to ai2l .among , the heirs tied , * legal representative:ls, if the some will admit of such partition with- ototapittidieit ta,ovspoirk ir diewtmekherc , of, bu tif tluialaine nniiitlin it of such par-, tiaiuNtlion topartrand divide 142U/ 6 1 ,1 11nd: among as. many of them u the same will. conveniently accommodate, hitt if the loupe- I will not admit of eisision at all, without firej,udietY et- spoiling the 'whole thereof, .016114 villoe' apd epprtiliOlie same, whole . andinclOr:4,eruitert . and '1 isuartaitte-asOthecrthatii444Rait --E . stats swill annvenienily ,aecommodate mare than' l one of tba .:haiivref'said intestate, , and if so, inszik'cif said 04.4 •ttrivenient - ' ly t aemmeletjate, 1 ., , ktiIIEVAIU Sher i alberitrs Cheats 3t . Pot 9 /0441 18 4,,, ; L ta , - bTTEReI Tespitrwttitcy,pn, the Ea wett, pti;ip*T.)Y4sty*. late of Stra n t9wnsinit i Milms 'OtintY; deceas sdribiwing 'hew 4ran Lodi to. ^tie laubscri hers, residing in the name township, notice is hertiby given: Wail :Omens indebted to said esta t te to eall'and sottly the same with iititlitag, iNJ (Abbe' %Mil critpiiihkiinst attitr i iaitate n ireTfeilnblifed. Vi'#reiten; the , storm, proiiirtk antheinicated, lor settle ment. JOHN WE:CHERSPOON, • ' Ek,ectildrs. Feb. 11, 1818. '• . 0„ . CHO& BOOM;Min BI4.IIO NERY; of all kind'', coilstantlY on hand and for'sale, at the lowestt, prittf,'lt the Rook and Stationery Storeof Dtc. 10. • ti. 11. BUEHLER. ~Old) PEN 4 , ANP PEN ~ (hest gnality) Card Cases, Visiting :md Printing Cards, Fancy New Paper, Envelopes, i♦lottu Wafers, Fancy Sealing Wax, Letter Stamps, &c., for sale S. li. BIT EIMER: Pr,..ember TREES,'of all kinds, (grafted iu the root;) tytu.'bu.had of the sub scriber on roosonst`blo, %cm*. , Pleasq .011 and judge foryoUraghtes, • 110rFAI4N. NOTICE:. •.r yyv irliNV VA NORSDA ISABDLLA NURSERY. OKlLflihkillOG, PA. -.1 . .1,i , ,•1 1 , .1 • If ) ~:i .. ! ..,1 . • ,Nit ;17 r , ~, , :!, , , : iif ;7...... • ..,.....,., i:tl `may V.7.1.31-:::ri 7:::.1 ".'"."1 :, 1'.11 01P ' i rlf3Ofil l 1 ' TIL ritip itt I E NI)1 li, FE B RU-A4Y 25 1848 ..t.;. It ,),. ; 0.. .. . .P.if .61 ~ A' 0.. ,1., 'I ' " 14 ' .. ' - . ' ' '• . .'" 't• :. Or ~!, F . 1 ,1 I, - • ! 1 . , . ' Ir,l l 4pr o kepevilhomidenlye t tno (Aiplos , , 0161.14 4 cag*Affft 111 Ait4 1 : 1 111 1 141,14MAP94 1 4 0 0 . ,: .. 11 701 11 144141 1 1 I ' IR I M I VP/PS I NF *4O 's 4/ 41 .4 ,1 4 L ' MC '1"" 4 1; _ 2 Wi t flekthth,Urg 4 W4o: Whi in the vilh3 9ii f slept f ,, 1 . 14 .P . 0 1 9 11 6hkP*. 41 119 2 , 4 t0194:44 • whimb thooreoeur ormw,i, , , 'lfeladaidtmlicat eipedtivieidi ..'Phil *woe.* the vmsning *mess/ Like irikesishithoriben.thisigalistainlni' swill+a/eI U i °treading laiesqind miriade& Mho*. -a .c,..,,, . fl "All bathed is this mellow lightoith f ~:,+, e b fat mus'ilfwith adiyis whielt Mewed footle 11 • . fIU si sweetly pleasing fsiglit.f . ~., . Irifir 1.1, ' tir ih if W* ' trot a ,pliiiitent SI fif ''''f:ff' 't‘ t 6 "' Toil *Mb deldit'Offiroldia' Iftl 4.' ' .,u "... ' thiiiirete Toil AlfridllbiliSlth hersni -4' fq f .vpidithiftr e cfrge owe hi r, , : ,.....f.t. - -2.llll'Unatinliptilobid la 4 4 4 tftit I ' ' Which tits hdbriat Silber yeit'i . ' ''. Were till hb (*id r , qll WI Wonder, &Mel' , ' ' Beldgiuldf pig Ott k*ilittepthiete rA , . *Ulm: the stqt nve 7 f tide . A palace of the w;kre dice to die iivirgiolbitanners guy, 1 '' ' . rI • I ii While fitinl49•llo l. 6 ,efr ' J., A P ERirong o ,l6 , p'tivi tAlnlilf lA , ~, wr 4 grit , fi!44. l o`'■ miwillorf 1 1, #40,:t#. 1 4M 1 7, Coltimbli Wi th Waage. - • ' ' ' ileihonght Odin deeds his slm trod rlope, . , , ' - When brOkrO wee the lrootettOrsoht-- Hs thought of the lloodPfs their 41494 had won.. ff. , OnAttoMY A ht4do Pititn— h i f .. ' . .I .. ~. /10thonithlf,o6ht.otonAry'sont4 1 sirlpowin',, f • Far, hat °Ye* lona 8 04 mpg i , ~: , , ', And lie mtill. in his hiert. Ob I .kiirs lend, ~ I.Fvoil max he, Proud, of 14a.; •;.i. lie Used him boeitio his clay chain, : With dreenay, halkhut eye, 11 While the balmy ensiling; silent , ' , tither dusty unuitleitigh. • • ! As *hue he ad, a wondrous e.boinger. . • • Came hillered valley o'er, • ' AO ell to hint eeemed.teilthimi strange, Tilt he knew the orate netnews: 'l% Whit font stalks forth in the tWiUglit dim l Wheit shadow is on the air! Whence comes that unknown 'Wee, Mysterious—eilent:—then , T . ' ' Be bard him with a noble mien , And coniniesing hero'. tread, And a single esigle-featber graced Like a,pinme'hbr lofty The blanket wrip'd robin) the taw} breast, WJfh'an air kill* niight otvii .The yepow deer-skin moccasin Withlparel'd hada beatywn - -;- - The raven lock--the brow drill:gill. The dark brows underneadi--. ; A li l th e cini w ir l ht i m un a'n k l t Ytn g*L6 o l i l q i t ilu Likn & &cu11:4.110.M hern, , of marble atone, By count ruin'd totnpla gray,, Sublime 'mid piUtur brokesprone 7 ,- In the moonbeamea.doubtful ray , nunnlownoticoalf.ii_snoi stern-, _ Witn a. look aa tile* . And bold, ; , And a port majeatie.as was e'er Carved qutin skuiptu,re,old. With arm ontstrekted . ha pointeli where Fair fickle imilatelisd join, , , All glowinig ben math •thri tettneee,reysi • 5 And rich' with the geklen n. ;Le! leafy forests, tall and 5 5, 5 Beehedemed the lend-;, ; • And wild end. from:by , hill end, itreativ . Roam'd the Indlen hunder band. They 'ehenedihe deer 'neitth 'the artheehigli r Or romedtrom hie altsmbering lair The malting , wolf; the panther dreed.. Or the " Mack and early bear. ~• • Their' drink . ' dried down from thil NWT melt. Their couch Was the henreilltin rude; And.* the *wigwam Arm:they' sloPt; ' , ln Minorca solitude. • ' ' . The arranger cacti tolheirtun!ii . *gliiunds,' m ?ru' cvior thd *eaten) eel(;" ' lla t i rantpleil evin their lath ire' tia:#sw p , , Beneath the greenviocia tree ; Ills at e•wat heard in the imiin still, ' i" • Rinengiathi - theirwnixteitit'Weefi--- -- - They wire *twits meneWith fiery hetwe-i- 'l'he7eleght redress hi blood. , But di invadees ride thl' brell thelehitdos I hey wehihrseelhrthejiToosbt tp rain; Arid the red istsn's brineltrecileftt'blattrh o'll'l6ll4dg s'ri/I battle tilsitt":" , Oh! tsy not Oil 'twit; timvely'dorir, ' ' Telt-me not of the !Whim's dime— Though his handstrem steeped hr thy brothel's blood, Pale stranger, the fault was thine. Skiwiy;hibefOi - I , "rut tiston:ovotheridayt, 1,, Thoth, tint. asifillftl the ektee., r 3, 1 ; , liad.faded the sunieee rays. 4 , , ') DiT,grew thelotat of theybantern chief ! f • While Ina' stern, lepeceOhful . qi. utitafti ligiit*ei 1'47140 Tdte'ettfic ~ql . ' I ' l Med , Men of a'itirketintea , F . 11,1 Why hob they with suebakorromioddrytio o • WA?: Wolk VII' WO ATORPO,IpiI ! J r• 'Ate List? *AP! Noiand4 tOtheißei t 4 ; pm, eiit•in ! , / Ilokr theyinif ' AM /0, aro 4410iy , "heiting0 *" this wife ' 'NOMA& .40 of all • 'Not thehstllepiM.,- ..,! .7 • 'Though droiseledio lotoiodi tind.ordortoi . “..,4410,-sho 1444 irbasipoillh-tti ,t, dtrz,,,„ : „,, I, web; vitilf ry biclierl Vfli'ltT I , ` ) . , ..,. • . o . ii r am Ed w i w. .PJ:'i.n. • • ' li'' :.,y. ii.'e ••••'-',;, • iTiT4iii i'ttAitniliaitatil; d'isaihini ifkorf— • HalaidiVi It•ifiked ilia, p.'• 4 ! , • ,I1:1J But the ensile was go l nalreepAie.ilegemeeig 4y Like lie. golden ligki t _olt . .4, 'Will* gilded*, Trio, ei ,L entern bins, ' - "N.ntli shadiVitibetn — VeniAi l /El added's! eyetneld.th?eitillfid Mo; “ 411 ' •'A4intohishornshemeal .n 3 1 1.1 b:,a,.#4lloiaiter.Dp, iv. ,"Pd , th üßb sa it ilthil4lo.4 /614 • if (Pik ihte P t frit, ca'n „ Bre not as loved in MO 4041 of bcdisti can' 11110% C, • ' torlich'd In the heart; ern ba My borioni was licOthird ih life's warm ppring— sy,heart in earliest youth was, old FOr too tho blight of my soul hith been— All its hopes are dead, nit its throbbings cold Still ? I ran:love with o pensive joy, For lovo is the title; of my being's E imam; The Sarniel of Pitioiton con 'never destroy% The light of my life, whence all feeliiigsfbeann. Hove all that's gentle and beaninoue on earth,- All high and.huly visions of light, .• w ki n h in the deep home of the Soul have birth. And brighten the gloom of the spirit's night. / love—when the Icing of day retires 'Fa his golden couch of light to rest=- ' T" gaze 'Jini his dying, fireii; 'Chat linger on the tnountaireii hroant-- , 'That flit in troauteous lights und shadiro, And o'cr thothought.vvrapt spirit Like a scene. a love that novo fades From tholond landscape of the anal ! • I love.--When evening eliadows,ateal.• , Like imirita from etornity' , - Yo joy in eadneiie, ands to feel tileth Herald ihMgo of degiliny.:'! r" I ; -.-- - A . ~-:- ~ .-a - 1 ,, . ~,,,,o, , 2 'l Itterd..wberisibtip aspityra brie& ,', f, 1 t,lo , I.O. I I3IPSITYI IN ClI1J,J)It1;IN. dAlltlvi;ishe.s saAtAt'hsal/Inl3 kPikr--n..,1 ~, • +, Cariosity; whotild be as carefully' cherish , Tit t :P si Nfl iend •Tyf ti r o. ,l , o l .. r, t c : !:4 •7 lll ll ? Y n i V iarl re , a th ° , ': 11 ' $.ll ea 'lb thild4rien4 idfligr tiplietites suppress l'P.'N,TN ~,, , It t edd' "rife. btit i tidivoAte ilitt•c r knowledge I , l Tis ,' 4" o ' tha f i krY ha )R l i Sks la k ii i tiiginl44iire fn he to b' i d 1 0 giic up 6, tii 4, heavel 4 4 awe . . i , ~, 9 4 ,, A, ,e e! con ‘ rage n ,k m id y on iifiki r hckl4Lt r ida Of 1 1 01., , 1. I" •tt 1 ig!‘,449t,p, y,a4 o gout; Sign, out as a 16 TrIfillbteelt beta Kt's% niaitdklmd4 `-'.I great 1 044tiAtue,nt natu reitois firm tiled, to re- And ditefte earth...arm moucititoheise4 , ,l sd , nunprabal ignorance they , were born with ; 1 'ontwillivta. in aaal, Marl radrillON titimn e , ~ ,1 tumhythioh nithaut this finny inquisitiveness, ' ' lY.illAttfla'rtbeli ia 6fOrA ?Wel, q it't e, ,r.. - lidlilflgiVe iliOiti dull and ow less creatures. iffell l ?'Tk i i rn i m #,V ,P ° ''''' ~ Platfillithidok ili4 some of the, ntany ways e 1 , 1 c m ,,.1'1eP,, VOi l lh‘ 4, PA.,..R.'r•i i n , Jil, ,' 4 )te 1 " )1 ' 4;nl keel) it *elite and hos • Vile r elle qO. , U tiedlreoo tactile az,"Culolgtits nivltt• •„, . I •., ~ , ) • d re` 1144 hirsinaltoeiViit'llireithi, ' . ' ITII ) ' . -of, gfi 14 irking or *lcon ntcna it e i fig any Till memory o'settle renftlatlllaroines .11 to enqulrle.loc tildcfit , Indy make, nor sutler TtiereatruohatainrhttneartheilMl6.4 , i %,r! *ant- ,lo , bit. laughed ut, but to answer all alit *ought nodfiratine tiktodstmflitttag ",,,i t quitstioas'and, explain the matter desired TAtiriivintlL., fell/thatlFFP_, ll, ,._,.l •idt, ~ t 'W# 'be 'Mown, en as to make it quite Intel- Olt m i . b ril wk. ittretr„„ loge, iiiid:„ltt.d to their capacity of age nada o!it, silt tr ~ei ii (ma i l ,. w ig 6 K a i f , , -- git ... ,:, 1,77 . -111,M4 idi;:heettlellt in knot% ledge. Careful Which, threulettian'iliioiriinbiliilll beltright- .40:,84i)c l algo '1;31;oilld ho made not to Irr-i'elagei÷*-- ,, -I'-44144.44 , Vi..4 41 ill - , 1 40440414 4 / 1 1 : 1,, ,tuale,ratand lug with explica- P 04 4 141 1 1 . 14,1444, il?l'W l l4fatffr.",!•esil ' 4011 nor notion* flint are about it; ; or with I love, when the lemma. rocks the 5kie5,.,,,,„1 0 a:variety of other things that are not to the ppich4ln . 0 .4. 0 0 1 011, ' ll ,gia,t,!.l7' 1, 11 telltyltnee. Mark' what it ie the questioner's T. rplam m t a lgi e. u.,;.) . h,........ /... , A 461011 1 ithiitif'ne, , arid not wlrit words ll C VC o else all *anelsitts, shallot, I l' , , , ~.. . '• inflo w & aniamodratti o lvih - m hara , 6 4 4 , Aftin ,, - t ficlifses . t 14,'1 nittl: when you have inform /. Illoonott'svraflinfirromesiauditiflaidiks ,I,i ( lo)llkliiiiiikAtid n t?tui oo the topic, you NV ill -WhottallibststakosafAst .qasits,,,,,, i ," Ti ,i I se)s how his iltou6hts will enlarge, them- And cladtsirsirk..o4lo 'llPi4ll l •llwi',Vrti i IlkilrikilhAti4 WAY, 4ky, fit answers he may be Nom nitg neignesin tp- t, l a .., Ihdrion farthenoitirme,,porhaps you could in calm or storm, i .-i/lPsse•Sittowledge is grateful to 1 datt 1"" : Oft alialo‘taiat an i n . S' .1 ..1 11„ ..... theanderstiftidlggii ns light to the eyes ; wn6te Meaio 'gii hrithlt • 4 c olinki t , i on,wei, I,yr i „ a z , ca ra ,77/7" ~, , reu b iiiijlea; ell and .exceedingly de !!e=3But;SerJoiitls thellese "Sloth slsabsisitytOsili hittWi,% .specially if they see ..nrobsetion. thy wimitesdittAifs.!tast** , .rt•144,44 1 •1*9 riarfle ( lP and, that their ,lAR,l4o4llBl l pirarf tha4 IV i , 1114WIQWsits,att• eNsurageu and coat 'ir ' 6!44 , #MI . 9, -1 . , , ~ t r • in•glonhi.,, I/1/ , t .• ~ I , 1 If t 41. 'rr'. - , a • t rflttloobt enth tie,i 46hi,/, 4 64 ri0,,„t he ti.....1 , ufu i 491%1 ” , ' 11 mow gees Urea don why man , ___,..,..„ . .„ . ".„...„ 4 _ 4 ,,,,„,„ ; .,„1 , 1 , yatilitirdeetkiliiiiintlittrotliitribelves to Silly Lgspa; dipt..cktistisstygssflima. ! sports aild trifle atiejl'iterth6llrthileltiitipid x HE . , of I;, xfx,4 gv F.,,,p ! , . 1 ' 'Fri itAkattibb 'it tivlt ftiutid'tittlie tiori -- - - ----r an'' .., 11 vii tatty' Indleseitantht iritisptiriesonsgiseted, tAq ,49nl,Tmtpi But had they been treatedi with, more A thugsup Ityi kindness and respeetrand their questions 101iiti ! ,l/iftli i tfig o atittwlreitrinklittly should be, to their vans v vi . . nyr 10,1 o'ited in'th .tighi 4ld 1 1 of 14'Urano ti ,., c a semvi l l ; af't d , ,v, f l 4, s ;ifed r af. l :llter, v klo by t o'n nes of magic sWeelifetii. ), ' ," AU wall, Trio ! ~ , ,T4i . nolo'Anct:;gifted pOured info tho gorgeous al9oOtis. '• 'S,ilks ratille4.,plpMos wave s a,:aa letielerl' effn-. hrOlderies i lierkeirfii'M Peit'Oihilfeill'.L'. [ Courtly conerithlatitinsfejllOM#4i , ,ljp, fort. pa Iluke de, ir,l44t:re . 1 1 0,040..a,',nbw step 1,0, 11 )ff!ah. 0 4 1 94', 1! ..‘,, ..NQlo o fkl,,,ed , the laugh wen,t ',folin 61 '' „ant Ittio goests pledged him hi wipe ihiCS'h tidltii&V‘dirs, had melloweil. w ipe tho tlitliJiiiegliiil ; hut kis' ttro Wiliiilipil4,`ao All clifelt 'palrd with j!,4400, 1 1 - iit h'i!l4,l`i - ii# friiitOrit,r,ls!. ,r,60 'his p'pritio 64. - ~ ;; .c" .' i•tivhr4 are is oils r. he ariAtilY''tie mande3. .Alrhen did py r ,q.4l hproiain to ins'ult.lhiS Yitheit"' '„ - ''' ' ' '' ~ Vile i grateftil stliPlititinitig hoiii his seal, ' an & litelf ''ditklY,' Hifillitardiit, His i vuug uplift f9llback,frpm hig i ugl t tirn. ed face, ant hii youtfithr echttifiiiinde' was ' Wtaient wii i dlifite ati&gehtetbei sPiliff: sitathe'i,"`lii'sal, 4, l taireiriklit Witited a lesson that sunk into my hew. Atit itli rqplat4t, a l (when; et . lil,t . •o/e . nititii - liq r I •41114:41/1 * 3 ' 4.411f 14 1 i t the door o a gay shop. 'HO in le hand the earnings of & woe .. , isrfrife. I with a siakly-babsond 4irrt (militia ntieS;'4'ing to his promotes,' r vbssought him tiothb entife,-- -He tortstimself sliray l , 'fosulrls*lrst•wils , adongotwifibut fat the awe of' i straager, , lns Wok: ycnikislistse peou t he'd, I. t" ',..; ~ ~ rt....fit iite!V .1,44- "We went on,.aud Ifetiberw.e teibizettkof ‘traltleraii4nd . . (*eidetic' fox* altseindill the Vide et bitable. mitutaltboi .put ball rite tsertillniud , twateheti,6ibkosr. l fierly.Wirderiebfullresn benrode;uutayti+4, Mies , lie suer eetryaktviiyaillissir tisanes lady: oSthe teem, bin ke ehlideenttlator beartswiartfbet ;ding uts4a* 6 IA,Yi tl W •sawybetellguilaniffiAlltpsteollbs.4ooa* 'plank lathed saltiorit , and.thitsielaepber ',endear the agony art wildrampalb ar,Wbelf we returned, her husband lay helfibiesi,go :e..sfebeb, tend abeittat.weelig INPOPdffihim ..I'slt4Oneir..itdore%' we pattmeda 7 Aigartimir stopped befaretatpehtesszllele'eestiehmitir burnished gold, and the armorial bearing' efwduire ware bisible in the moonbeams. , Wrprealtedirssifslfweilktonaliglft,..llet hp :did "Itottenriker. and 4e.,gais .ratettst rdetabr4 lbo..Mifv*Ml Same", ontwilieg,.,oiu,,-- 1 ItieitileM telly t they./ kflell 9f*Ms. . 4 41AlaW.>Illy4seRne of Ille•Aevil?4, VPre fo?!Th.his (I.nntie , arlO. h4 3 .141"rri,.14'1" w,u.erygttedAtatl soiled, , as if by, the press bee' cif Fitly .fo'ot steps; TheV't;ere'llitn I wonefered if his dii 11retlike the beautiful wife of the ltP C m - • ' • ' ' 4 11:3 1- 1 hiokedim all this, 'my Tutor - told me thiat'illurtiethe'tiork of the red wine; which dears tailrup and laughs aver its'vietims. in deign!' merriment. I shuddered, father. ancb .resolved Dever again to tssto it. lest I .to.o.sbouW fall. .ilut your wool is law to me. Shall I:drain the cup'" ditko,looked wonderingly upon his frok,Oprp and then placing his hand grave-. "N x! ,t fondly upen 11§ head, answered : o, my son, touch it not. It is poison, Se:thY tutor told thee. It .firca the hyain, darkens the intellect, destroys the soul,— Putit away from thee, and so thou shalt gYoor cop wise and rood, a blessing to thy self and to thy entintry,", lie glanced around the circle. Surprise and admiration were oti. every face, :.and, moved by the same hitpulse{hll arose while one of their number !Tole : "Then 'host donotiobly. hpy," he said, "and thy rebuke , b 1141 nut lit; soon forgot ten. We have tmngratulated thy father up• on' the. acquisition of honors which' may peep with the pitheing• season,' We •now congratulate him upon the:frest'of oil pos sessigils, in 'a sun ?vutqty:ol;,Fr,lnep' and of.hituattlf:7 , . „ The haughty courilers.boweda glowing assiint,,and elapsed the hand of the boy. 4-- But' th father look'hiiretti hie itself!, and , tten ecriv, 'iinohg' tllg :treAtittelt ‘bl . _ Al9fig dip w, alJi otrypi the 4'4;661. lax, the .rahithp, ; ,fif 1 apt their fliealli i rote the lirc r p,lo g° l Yn d",,,* l y fol)4: 14 iiOR O li a L Cl M i n il t 1! 1' Ij ine i e e- adi mil the,ttpft' lops 'i . .ittiO'sott, note; , ouirli ihe eali s; . ... . latteldbbstlkii.tibenkitiimitthey esiciald; hare , four articles by Penn hims e fht *tn.' in a, , are 'one npon Whom •agetkai 'fasteded:,no; lakon'tiocinenpleaattrotift,JtooThiporoandtio,hos larger and thief sense titan aiiy•-hf Ills pre- ; silvery tforonett-upon whoitot brwit the! toreastiagitbsielslapolteNtsionlediggrio wioir u o • dpithowtOro•'4ll this now world, the; comer' frosts a/natty winters haveinotochistemedi; 1 140.swOlizlIPP•Itef.thfile 91.41 0 frs o ,4,thrit stikte'attOilkl Anli latigintis liberty': The 1 Anil herein lies your shame,,that4lforget; • ety, and be more What 'thou ty,;3l),RuidV . legislator+ hqtreYer,justly considering that• ting;your invenility r you hurled' your alit , Itgltti,t than in bsinLohlift4' iptuift 9.gi• rim,Pgroppartafivereign and the right to be- I gty tointhentati upon mew'who havegvoten IT I Mid &Ai /IRA IS'ill'issanib l iiliii-eifili&lity- stow the property of other nations, howev,,,! grey in the service of the party , ' who iltlire' things. ' "' o l`l 9 4 I"•,•.‘"''hlll'afilt er *bursitis, purchased again (rein the lii- {battling fur Whig ••printiples-sv.hes- ygo • `'' '9l.'ettillittinlYitirilN.lrehibiltrlhe ; iraliii; iliil 'id . iteltilled! a treaty ' , id' tare 1 were in your nurse ' s ; arms, ttiurely. for 4s6o l );;Ailrktylkl. fl i ~"2 ~s l kiiitt i t " ',l with them ; s his friendl y Mid pacific treat ! ca l m o • i g o tt y oi , eipresaiortat.onoilestl re .ol4,44SY;l4llW,fle,tesnetp, s •, , 9, .41,) ' g!, *MINK Itliolorvage ea t ghboita •• weal reward- sr:rye-invariable. decorum-- cud s wiftly ingligirmo ,. l ,, 'Vh fsAt i t • pirimprq* - ectoriiiiiewnstbehmentto him and Iris peo-.; and classic alltisions--they deserve 'to per -I s AliteciAtlllitamaiikog k PletlWhtitthAtuts become proyerbia/. A long ; Actuate your memory, if not us .a wading, 'leers thart . itsiaknotidtiaglkieti ihaisimulation iffe',ooltite ! soluit activity, and s groat useful- Ossian,itiltast as . a 7'restoo4 Aliontlyt!or 4 Arid!li t hiphoodpipMeilliheo lkollivtigens - , 40;cluis L etl, ! in 171 1 1. lictin,,though tiet,, a justice Deg/Jerry. Itidved,- fa wcy ; might t•to•ti l lto'haitellfri d4WeeNiblilaffyiSlOpitk l lticlk - Inc founder, was the Imlivar; oil his sect,' stretch a point, and sec the redundancy of , tpo s o, , tyfath m io if fly ,c s ? ye . , liffi l s il ' ; I s ! t ip,lf s eltimirtous writings ! soitierif wlij i yh !your juvenile imagivation, lo••=ftT,r,,yeera, litniritlksttliC9TOrmii a l 4 : ay , pre „ still greatly esteemed, ami will s him or ; gathered Itylmite pryttigtoiti9pari!ip,,,mtli t4Affloktrio4,4o,,444l.ol,,,,gi 0 4a, Tx 0. iith9, efliine great ahility,• ; utiltell with ;that ;er to ry s selt a a have representation "iii expoo t t4ijost io odA ti ikir4 l o 4 ,,Arna t y edgf i ,; ihten.4e SpiritOttliisin; wicli . "ier dm embeitlie s , paiitoittinte,' ifi! ! ' ss tO'alicliv + r tisltiit'fili'iirieitig 'tail itiormilititheituittsockonholitylfsm4. laps, !tient 16rg,lauerism; • !' , ' .! . 1 . I 'i - mimic gret;• Itaqinsteit.'''''llitilikiPill+;• OW wistif not , willoakott iselllitthseht esioisitrarw .:"" ." ' -- ' --,," • -,,‘ •• '.!•• • , , sir, 96,3' i t , ',ksip't, li?S9pr rak'lno"iiittll 'jib', 1 gers to ell• • wirlfiglitetittalltiollfilifth , ;t l and 1/SAI - tumor. hlesnoirit.--4The.follawing get Iy:wk.'' ' ', , : ' - 1 ',.. I ' s ' '''' J j“ ; , _,•';; WWlllitilltridkiii ibialljandbeltioitidi .dre/at Viral taentinienis are gleaned from the ilettetnil eel '' trthh'. (!!}Pri'9oc"'e't!intnit welt be nitle' li unknown to them as they "SSt'l s lisre'•in! 'Me Ike John Ilandolph to ' hishefifiew i' ' I' Lli ati4.o ' "tt itiii. l3 ,i -4 4e, 4 , 1 4 1 ohlillit'id'id uBsAnstt!ispoyamotOwsp irming,iispirtru, Tam; aksuodui ., ow . hm . , i cwsivowilh,aiyij , . (lr.scri. n .ms N i: -. ~' , l 'lle- c h. . .tra. c te.it n i t , the', i t c ,,' l Yi a tl r 'i :) , ai : l ?:i e li nt i l '. l l ' h ' i r ', s i l i e ! )2 6 ! t ah t( " d '.!o rs : a v ii i i ri l fi a - b d a i i l i i i( l. 1,00044 web ' ismost; with , , ,,, th0ie , 1 . 00. , teat gent !snarl is ti e . in oost II- 1 1 1 '-et" ' yUtir hist ! t ut'Opislei ' Toni' 'llicri!ed,' tlfedif,' rti f tbdithartt e tAtom t rAltbri k e t f igb fi i t ., .., r 7; , hiong Wen. lt etOis , not iii ,,s pla s te ;ands ; .•polisited a mid .i y, atternOt. lo eliarietWiii ;,I,von fcm.e..l.l..a_s&..titau. 6 ", , ,,,, q , , , e , ,,m; • •.•, Initilittegn i I . 'o rich ; Irving, any inure than me as a roan "whose nitinheri need -dttlllti !!' ac - 1",121N11411111:1Aite01111 1 11ThlittiPri+. +u ,t :, AR s the disease which that life engenders ; ' i ati ,,,i . e i s t n . i t ,.. i iiii . i, It.,),eri(Rik,./ as it ii /jut --There is no sighttiti'thillstitliblerlti that .out iu ; crud', courtesy, bravery, generosity; i • a • et„,,,,(o:l.,iiAties of eirr i v ., boy. , hoo. . . t ilii affordititti4 isOffillittaily) ahildeertlati- mitt haunting, whiub last, altliottgli mot. ea- 1 tru e I ii4 i:,.i i . i .„ iii ltity i si d r.i . o6 , n p or pditot , Oec•theribi k flardatelihipdisor t frore t ti„ l ocitl i .• sentini to it, yet does very mueli•to ;adorn. , modu •dtj xprea r o ,, , r , lurtveilt i g .t, : .,, h, , .,.. f *OP. Plv ditkldolPo ad holiiititoii , itt ..l sh„ hut of ntitt illustrate'tlieltharacter of , !.he true grrt+ , • at i t i lt i,:,,fit,,vpdd",,'rth,i i i b i l ,, As .r:4,l , d or iii. Aleg 4 tWalkfThenik." jAk'ithi l de'ttiedYer the III'mPIL .' ' Ri,cilire n uf i a II ‘s tit loch , (. 1) ). , au cu r -Lay this down as ;I : principle, reds for Juvenility or incipiencs- iihti L*) F , a , - ....;„:7 .... ,,,, fi . , 1 . . ' I . r „Vilii,if,iatr& jr , y4r!thinm.y' , '.1.7 , 1 1, m- Owl. truth is to the other t•irtucs , what vital prprilptCd the giving elk's(' it yolumder-• It able accoinpl , etas, to the excittstert of nit is to the human avatem. • 'They 'eunnat st . .i. i .it.- - • " .' - ••- - . ; litt i mittop t ,,r4yrs, , ,,,,,,,itrcl,•ne,quircinelits. I exist lit mil withotti it ; and as the hotly' ! 'Agar!' : .. , i\iiiii,arecirillng to, Viiitle*'s • i 1m,' , 1 , ;) , 1n91 It?„reigtr , the +piper, Of the [may live tinder many lliileafteS, if supplied ionic, the OPlnneratie tari ff intql'lnt rintn'. Nar ...., is ,very iiliigni I L .puiid ea piible' of 1 with pure air Tor iti - eunsionption,'SO May 1 s ) rlval l ia had nit right to' crtiiitra' t- r cion , ' 'WM Atte gabEiritithei ,-;) , u . ? own children:: 1 tile character survive. many th...,teit.l where th.init George M. Baffin •'for'eastitig" his : i 4 ; ita l f lis i tlthi l 4efth'ai abuse and route trill ! ,;iliert; is a rigid attachment ,to ;the truth. vote in flyeriif the 'll:trill' of 4,348. and yet Aretittsityli , i4refitted-Irhen aged hringft e - 1, All equivocation, is falsehood, which con-. filet' hail the rigl(l,"littd t4ciinstitthinn : peak/614 andseisraseqnsint remorse for the 1 sists, not in using false words only, but in granted thetWthat right, and'they exCitibil soil she ,havziqfiletetl,l anti her • Inca PeNY 1 COD Vily Ing false itopressiott,;no titattm. how: it properly'AT lien they cOodeinttetl Mid for' frilt.disalargob,propetly,.theAiliteresting amid , this art of faitillessnes4 ta lkinivoyfrattiit Amptartikg} Aliajtesg,4 . ?l,er .station,,wlicti it '; Tim. [teener ANn A wrisr.-.-Of what inters sea.'' Now, hoW I.7,etiegti M. Diilliti WWI her rtatural 4 Auty.to hq at once , !II mm . : tuzci is all y our sot dying and your hooks'" !tied his`v,itit4 given while hoftliiig iiitibtic' .00.rotavimp t rri Ole n ' Time Ir,tajtin 'who said an honest farmer to an ingenious art- ' s t at i a i i _iii i i• rif i e , o f fil l : ' fli bili c iri t yd e loi a . igethAMe# C5,14 °6 ,t , file:oe' c'otilliOn, ivill "lit : •:they don't make the corn grow, Mir ' tad to: lfirni hi: • the perrple , which mitherity, moor/tem posiovia s ,aoil l oati;Mu:ar s sensible , pi ! ellitee Vegetables fur market. Ali'l' "cut ' when h e ar eepted ii, matla'hith the ter-void Mint-and should ' efitvotelert a pa rtnur for 'does more good with hib plough in one ()idle peOple.---eart lie (fronts{ ie illeiti-ate life from among her parAuers in Jim dance, month, than you ran do with' your books Hi ,- ..1,, , ,?•,,,,t+1 ~,: „ h i i: d id ni ,. :t h ai lhat .1 , 81 0 0011.1,,w,1ienf i„,ll;is. Hilt'; "late, thalher and pulse" in fine :'ear.'.' • ;'• !,hit ptedie - erirrei: Of Ciente M. bittliiii,;•Eii . sitoice. **on asrMli 44 1 0latet a 4 the Pl a to 1 •e what - filling!' does Your s"" use r' aPtd'• nits eilii?r'servaiii iiiiiie people. is, dpeti hi .. „ . . isisherwOdsmerstistirscteal hismotiee was in- ' the artik' (piled'', . ! • ' the sertitior of every +Mc: But you, did • 1 1" / he tIllifleithill;i111111110hri1004t 'with piin orlon that ~ I'litl, he uses .-._'....... sr,ottgt..ef -- not stop to colitider tire tliiTurCmtd`rof our . ettvgqwttif liittlY . enteril , upon her Seemid stire„ lic enn do nothing , willi aq,other., pi , fritirinv,;—.Pji. lit.ing bkitind to •aceo t iot'r o r 1 era with r fashiyable itletill'ortu l icietly! Ilr I By using this plongh. we saim)ial s st6l.l2.lai hit+ stewatriship; we having no . tribithal. tit' Ilya era hilil44AdviitellUthe attainment i bur, and raise three: times as ;much ast.we i ' v h.,,,h 4, ,iii..t oer .-lit e t o o s yk r ryi l i g but: as' -of - certaiiiiiiliei - xilil systems watch are haft with tho,oltl wooden concern." -. • 'he Suppe-Mil, (for I will not' undl4thltel . tA stiltilriffirAildichlible in the girl-eertaioly : The'artist turned over oue•of his shoetit, ' iifiriiigi, Ills iii,iii,e,,) the intereers of his' censt4ilo4NliliViliire;iiiht Printin'al in the. ; a n d shelved ato . former ; the drawittit of tl masters--err v hi m i ng ." t h e r i g h t , ti e e a th i r i,. 4.nothenti s f em '3:1.1.1 ~ 1 , ov • .. . ,• ' frith , this' iiitlcli praised plenin. sayin s . 7 4 '' It bciroigiatr, to ire of choosing nut tOleirs. l l 1171111 folltitiing remark Bo f flan malt More , t i :1 mule, "1 ant the insieilleiinf.your f avorite Hurl tint t'too • without incitrtinktlie cdnvilte serslllreciblr *ixpress-myrminws o n ;um t a t b. ; ph, it i f ill',"modm s name ts s 5 .,•--- 1 ." ~ ; ;or alliillailYt l rSlllll of any' one.' Bur 'ltir.l . , jeht;dhat • I 'give. then% •in lieu of anything flit. 4stnillsjitil fgnter shook .the artist George M. Dallal hi 4 eh cotatottied fisr that ,tiirthos holt myself! ; I! -at, . . I heartily .Ity the. Itantl, an& invited him in 1 art mat fiiithlesertess 1' - Feu tell u 1•66! Yet . - •••lghen la roan of sense mimes to marry teal' at the farindlottsc, Slid snake- it 'his " Wow lir Vet' n'tettibe:tiilicit as adthntiiiyil it is ii, comp nition ,it Imom lie wants not: 1 honto In lung no ha tikedi ' • I Will tint detei-inine---;let Others ,Itidelw -' not •an artist. It is not merely 'a creature t The, s,Again: o kild 'in iitc(:6 t ir.tting:'erlitisittgl , ire • a who e .lci , sed. with Ii who cart paint and, play well, sing nod' , , ss a arc + -I ' s " . 1 ~ n k , ~..r . ' and condemning the 'notices kir **II er sense, dunce,' it is a being. who can comfort and ,' s ! li g" console item ;one • who. enti • reason ; ,, ruiress than , ac•tive iiilerif h , i r t ite w el l i t t; ' l7l e :he e le r .4iP°ati:it-h:7l..l.Vih.cl°l and the liitid.illuitit' trete itilititterl, , „ I tvelia'ventit 'teariseetided• the btitiridellsild' fleet. and feelinul judge, land discourse und'g io r m e t !.. t ' i t e ,l' i n it [ l i c ti r l ; s t l ih r , l o l, l . l f .l t e ll t e io ti l l i er an h d !' n et i i t t; ;; o; 3 y . : 4l • ll - t! I , ri o t,%it ,,, g b r t t i t t l t t r t i tiri rt l i oi n is n '..b it y g. the trinstitutibb." discriminate--- , 010! Wlitl rim assist ilini in faithful to ; .."' . i led'ne to el:re/B%ll' l in his. arrairs,'lig`liten Ilia sorrows ; gratify Itisi \'`!!!`; ,TeiPtii.,, true anti k t ;we tangtta;cc of one iv ho totivideli idiffielf tothe , tifrong man, 1 ) ''. joy,istrengthen his prirteiliks, and nciurate,..r P .,r wif 1 fiat ... - r i, a g reater than Webster: Lord, oaeth!" &U. i his- children, I r 8 ticir iti the.. woman who is ; whe n t he ) . "' atilt ! exPa...B s the t l' iv c' F l i ' a illier'littylten stitnthi, oi Speak!it Ot - ,;' ‘ lrhat a beautiful' investigutiont--othtolirre I tit for a mother, and the .' inistrclui of a fon- ' only ~... to befotold what a'roreplele tit/oedema( wise khan !hey; wish. . it the rtitiVollatunt I tip A wornun Of the former•tleseription i may ,bi t callett the inerry..iinitatiOt. ape „ a , nothing /4-..apd Mils.; what a ribuld, , ama may odeatienally figure in ,the llratvilig igeniu.s, Mesepare i thu sileat,ssitiows; oprighlit deinuatiort of our azercise -of a• tight + wit h room, and attract the admiration of the cant- whidb you ;had notright to meddle. •; /coo l piny, but she is totally , un fi t forahelp-inute I `''' ) '" l r lne i n ;'',„ l " ''" 1 1, 1( " ca lf fan', tut , h 1 t arr i e d . r h o k c . ° siddr myself...ft greeter than. Webeircrtts4 to a man, and to." train 'up a child' ,iu ifit• .1 P ave s ' s P eee . '' ut e' " (la n gl , 1 , 1 . y „1„, , t lan „ o ,,,, mtic h onu trimpo k . i ethb' -animal?, aro .1.1/n 'dumb of' , fate ',Hitch' - • u '' "' ' - . '. • way it should g 0.",.. l! ' I ' . ., • . .o f . ,' i.' k , Ai r ' deride ''' 4,i t ikti'deil.i,/ 11 ' in N'T.T ;'these 'ir e the dumb heaven.. . • • •• ”. tr, . I ' ; *r ' '-' ' 7' ' ' '.i r. ' ' 1 Wi l' l ' /At :P . P `N ' ' '. ' ' ' ' ' it!itifitlt FriTki.'MPATA'AC l'i SlT.i6triNi.' i . -' tends ''' 'i''' : ' ' i'' The Cineintimi 'Gazette .gives s the fol. • ' l '‘ . . .'I .1' i '''' t f. l y . 1 ... i t , . !tot ter ata mist:lse.lom ic eare ess- the . • , • '!.t "it' Ai*, : -lie C r vl has ,tiflcrittiiktit 1 • •• • • I • - - i• .• ‘ il most initnintoi ai turf s ...ne rouse u., lowing, abatraet of leettireton AV m r Penn, s itest s i s til d a ft s up s otrievar has iieFuife4 at At- t i w ii, if e , i , i i i „,i.h. oi Wil o tit t il t ,. If et iiis i delivered in that city, by the Rev:' S. W. '.. 1 e.riti 3 .0).:41V • . ,4 ', A 14. - t :li'M W' l4 iitir `vs;" to his -•,, stateinMil, and we give ititi liis .' ; ~' ;' ; ..• '• 1;; , i't Antra asp, puiveroceri „clattntrh, ; I,Aatspites 1 e " Fisher ; . ; " own .wtods : +,llutv could i l ripl94 , eat i . l „ iti: , 1 . 1 ; s y, it. , mivitit iii t, u„sts„ i, iet iwillinestiou4 , ..eilled tec ,, s ,. oute 1) . p l' ro • i ii„.,,al ,siY' v ili ett y es 'e c eit t ftr ~. le ki. mu 1 . .., i 1ar,ne r • .; a enn .iiottocri,,cti.tvionc,..uthich Oulu beett:put 1 ; ~, ; ..,..;,; ~ , ;-;-: ; ~, .h" j'' ''' ' foriritiO. lll hPer ' tunt i e ' / ' 4 ,• 1 ! !le ..1114P'...).;1,15i11,,1i1b5.- . aticv a„ .os . l . :titit ,.. o r it the L ., i , ontio . pr . twe „. 4 . bree : si:ioil . tini i not t i . s . lle; uteri . e 1.. i , ,,,i.a t ..i. , t r c l f ' , i t ~i tory,yet tipart (tem ille•cefertnicev trt witicit i Th e , o,6f, A it) ,i;v: f 4 disci' patlii "finri'l'ilVdr, , Pl.rsuu•!..9 l )gc, 1uir~..1 Ilia memory, is etturished by t h e 'tzeit;ii 'tif '. • ,••• 1 t;:- -i t -- I NI , i v P4 , .:., 44 :.- k1 ,....; hupot:h„ ? ,! , Ako.yo ~ f: 4r 4 er. #l,/ Y . . , , . ~,. , o no t' 1 1 0 , co% i ter, an( .r an in - 1.11. •••• -r it i t •. ' ty or MS; tt lotoit riein . lsl OA rott . inly ri l , ll' .I.tim , i . tr , ie..t.,ts - ; the „ is f prestti , n . ka , wok lit! the t hin . a ,. ll 6 ilite -.. 5q 0 . :, t i ; i g.. , . IA!, it .) pyk tit r k e i , 1 wise !emitter till le, 4 tpitnr of a gr eat Com- th .i.hut,0,,.. Neither of e hielilt tleeree' iiittlii tide anotrer ; 1 'non wealthi•thitt`his nione willf I,erpet. I ' . fi llietitigdi the ' ' • • li r, ~, ‘-., , •1, f if .- .. 1 r wii t la ntu - 14101r41 5 1 4' vt.er - iir# 1 esrelessness • of the: arnthiniru; hadilteerti i '• WI -.` • ',...,, , 4' '' pii: , ' ". tutted. Th 6 16einrer 00.1 briltflott'vety !;,fi I NI lii... L. L,... ‘ _,A .. • • i ' 4/0 44 :ittfa ;I: °wit,' , ' .113 .It4lll - . , l, . tatantet . t,r. Van .. uwons.v l menilitesai ;. • - .14' r( , " ,1 - 0,.. •. t . 4 .1 I m eid,nlistract 'Of! tit lite',a.hd Iniftli:q '' cafrher ' , the 4 . leAt i c i ngi. ._ , , , ~, .....,. -._ the , Inli tic! rde f,olllll„ ~.fili , ..w t,,Liil;l,, op,. .- , , Of Peife.' ! Horn to'ittllnift4e.ltisd'ht.triit4..! VIP filie admen" icammungt ,„A,„ „ toe h i he , , . tip destit of one 4 theta ambili.l of,teagprlitsc,l s. 'vVri '' ~,i 77 1 r.if. n'. ~ • r' '+' l'iteti It Ai the Wii'l . 4 . ' i ttsi?iteli, ~„. r ',4 o t• ag - e i : ','" • ' • reir Aeretki f 0 ' ' '4 - ' , .4. ,f' : . • - ' 4 7 I. a ile6i/ . tiiiit libi(thlet4tli6lBlli tiiitikiii rob.. .. _____tvt'Y' , :''' . l , Pm ' fl igOitle, ,t t , . i - t Mined ukti4iandbi'lllutiieic iitizit'l'liiO• Lt :Heil © who% twit gttiliftYg'llitirilit . Heff*Ver e wtirtlalt, 1 ~,,a4m :t • st las Lce, a, Qttaksr, developed'llMfh hoh- fieiitilNitie. I ''''''lt " 4 'd ' - "''' '''' '''' ' r . ; )%lituat II tilWa Abillillt (Villibli . 0 „, ~ ~ , ~,, ~, ~,, •,'S o, \ C . , '.‘‘.: . ' 'rig. pia ._.- ' ~ , . , • , El= , I coniiirMitY, to the dhtsiell'or t tliigiimi t ritidi , •,;‘..-., ~,i, . i,„,. , , teerAttN4l6loo.,,. 1 requited, tt 4 final expuleiou trent *Cullege 1, • ~.; t, TO c.A/INVIlltli.": ~1- r,, i -,,, , , al Oxford. t rreattld.With gleatiPce,l#,Yib.Y,P, trt 2, -.Th'mistflitie,” cm the'l4l6 lof /SW hit father, the ;Itintdral—o stern old eallor,.hry lilst',' lobate the , wicielit sillicitk lett 1 who foresaw for his son contempt tier. ,Iflulli sfor lr y, child*, he its' authet telltlits7 , I secution, in the place of honor , and', prefer- I us, lit Illtmlitt hist' of they altvibe bf gnhit-o• I meat—vcnin Penn became only : the'more itc ith 'Which: for some that' Teet,r,hei hitt i inflexibleond shortly aftet , becarne sr preseli- ' been favitring the public,, , d -, 'here !bet , irtl:'; er ante:lg' the Quakets. This tetni ; the I I churn! to Crate 'pardorettt yobs' hendelhtt • i luyttirette ,, cd as a cp el renient; Opt i 4 tm'ep 7 allou tee So • groaV a' perloct,ui strapeettoOih, I prob;nua L cpittiet-ridilTering in , many Faints calling your` attention Mu review 'tHitrliOtt 4 . of belief and dootrine, %rid' a truly , (eutlio• but as I have, Rip Van Winkle like; itlitokirr • I h, lie Cpirit, he paid a j ust and tietintiful tribute from 'try letlitirgy 'atid comniiiiittetlidvesi-• ! to the many virtues. which hare, adorbed t ling upon• tlimmerits, end pa:446lr theliscf and divided the appellitivuti , I merits, of this the tenderest..tand , deep:, 1 , Ti le soln eque fit career of William Penn l est child of yotir , brain, • you 71wille', treirew ' ;is afamilini story, Alternate Persccutions; iy allots: that you, ivere , wrcntg le lap, and princely favor---the former greatly , posing "I,You bad beat' me tout ' Freer , predominating, 'and borne, for himself, i 80111 e peculiarity itryour ortitiaatiotts, You I u ith in out a armer, thong h, , W ith earnest ( commenced sealing- tho.lud et of an'utihrni / protept fol tint •rights of capsule tteet t -tho ,It ambition., treadingi its llittay.(,beiglas;' dungeon and the presence chamber of ! and giving origin to a series: of cornmeal- ' Kings, found him alike undismayed .and ; cations Which yea etxpeeted‘ would lateet ' tranquil. A polished and' vigorous writer,,, with nanglit hut londnesicatol itfeetior94‘, I an active and indefatigable philanthropist ' ', Alas- how unstable :treat! our Calculations. • n preacher, and is ha liiigest-sertse, the ', lie! Whitt* gave hittlrno these , aitgoyinet, I legislator and s tutesmettr g the vast enragy , bartint 14 . ungoverned ' , Yeeling-4-these'ehil, ' of Pen Ws eharacter is strangely und charm - &en of a distetttpered tined ?I' ~1 1. et, the de-. lingly blended With lie eintplitity, -In ft?til I, inns exhibit.- ,/ '' , • , ' .., ;.It,-,t , Ring Charles 11. granted a jirmiince west, • Itt I)etober lent a 'large portion of - the 1 Of the Ihtlaware, in consideration of sc;rcl, ' 1 A 1 Lin flirty, for-rethatimliot al4ll stersitia , ces from the Admiral, his.. Either, Oa lic; be: ,ty i n ho Vice* here, did tint thinks:pmples. • fore his death had heconto ryteunciledi pnd to MipportNri - Selructr 'for flemitora.-tbat I ' telt hie min a paternal hlessieg,) . prefixed ; frets ;//te' , sole 7 ettliSt. ' Anil' the, it isb Sind , to "Sylvania,' by royal gonnitaud, and a- ' etatrios 'of this unhappy eletitinu • -had `nut gainst the wishes 9( jts / netvproprictor the Isnbeldett--thn dibatfeetion itolloss of cob.. moue of "l'enn." The (Minder of a great Hence on the- port of many. Worthv.ind I commonwealth immediately ; published a I ardent' IV [riga had nelthei been healed alai i brief account of his providte, olt::ietl a pur- restored, unlit yon totik upon irclubstilf the chase of lands, with fivotablelerma oh set , , o nwa r d of so&nolo s olgobiebui l k, of sillie r dernenb-ttnore then ail fie o l ytii: o - fiteed the /it them for Mit bowingermekly to thetlirn. p r ecious ,r l 6of of religious 'freethint. ; No, totes of zi tiibunal in which they honeetljr; W A Wei reilitirbd lief liCli6e in e the xist , , Imil tio faith. , / • "You Icharged them..with sf.a(/213 and the fillitlaininnal constitul- , treirehery, dishOtior, arlfialutess, and *Hat , ill : hi - . Iff reriltiVlvfirdi, ilt.tten tip' in tWetify , ' rich ' • N 0 0 ,,, if Im a right', inf orme d ' you __._ _:~..._.r_...._s~~_'~~_. _ N 1/ •;!.11t1 ?1 , ..1 1417 . tfiCit 1 3": , tioltibwr, -041 ,•11 •,_11_941.1 1 ,,r Pr* 0,..D01.t.A rto fettleAM9ol.l,, (Li ; - I . li 17;7;:777'7:171, $/. e.s I