Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, January 21, 1848, Image 2

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    ""'" TI7II7ftetSFION AL.
S 1:: :N. .1 Pt:ARCE, of Maryland,
nun for himself n proud and elev,ttert past.
lion to-day, by his effort on ihtt.war. and
the question oktitle to the territory between i
the Rio Grande and the Nitre. AS a
contrast, in ability, in reasonite; anti re
search, to that of his colleague, It will long
stand to the Lenor of his rcoration as a
statesman, hid to his personal credit as a
patriot. The respectful and constant atten
yr the Noma horn honorable testimony to
to merit of this valuable, and enlightened
production. 1p every partividar the speech
was, admirable and excellently arranged,
Thb Wile Was dignified, the manner forci
hillkeited,lllla- logic was irresistable. Roth
sides of the chamber accorded to it superior
ahilily`and to its author unqualifit t?appro
batkul for his manly and indepcitient hear-
IliftESE.—The President communica
ted 'a message to the !loose of Ropresenta
tiett,t'refitiiing to answer the inquiries coll
o:143nd in Ilte Resolution, calling for all in
firtnation compelled with the return of
Santa Anna to llexieo, and for the origi
nal instructiotis to 11r. Slidell. • his apol
ogy was. that in his opinion the information
woultdhe injurious to the pithlic interest—,
the ritfenipted justification, was a mess:ige
of Gen. Washinzton in 17711, by no means
An important and exciting debate en- .
sued. Mr. AD %Its felt himself calico upon
to,prittest against this highhanded proceed
ing. The Executive had denied a right
which affected the House and their eon
stituencies. Ile hail assumed to preclude
ihu!wat•makitig power front ohtaining in
tion w Melt applied direetly to the
questions of war or peace. It was wholly
unprecedented in our history. and without
any claim to justification. The President
hail cited front Gen. Washington's flies
sage,in a case which was tint in point.—'
Its , hail only told half the story—for the
esll 4 ist answer to which it was written,
contained a qualification. leaving it diserc.
tianary with tho Executive, to consider
how the public interests were to be effect
cit.,. Much us he reverenced the name anti
ebaratter of IVashington, he felt constrain
ed- to stir, he thought that act wrong.. dm
how , did tint noose act OR theft Ori'.l!siOt) !
It seas onemiteratic,"—they took the ino, , t
decisive steps and asserted the right of the)
hotly sit the information required. Ile !
thought this message entitled to serious
notice, and he would, therefore, in defer- 1
linen to the President, move a select tour
The people can now judge for them
selves as to the secret and corrupt history
.f' the President's war. Ito has spurned
their Representatives and taken upon him
self not only the insignia, but the authority
of &malty. His next step will be to dis
tniss Parliament. He has arrogated more
than that already, and why should he hes
itate, to go on. Less usurpation than this,
before to-day tumbled down the thrones of
the old world. litre our countrymen be
cotne so indifferent to their liberties, as
to permit this weak and wicked tyrant to
revel 'over theni, as the spoils of his unholy
passions! The patriot looks upon this
'dreadful degeneracy, with the [Oust painful
einotions, not only for what is, hut with
anxiety and apprehension, for what is to
WAsinNoioN, Jan. 17
SENATlE—Se'veral petitions, praying
foOtte speedy lerminationof the war, were
Pr**, Mid front different sections of the
The following resolution, submitted by
Aff.afAsoux, on Thursday last, was ta
ken up fur consideration :
Peeked, That the President of the U.
Stites lie requested to lay before the tien
nte all the plans, estimates and calculations,
presented by Gen. Scott, as in his opinion .
best adapted to :wain the objects of the;
war, and his opinion touching the military
moans necessary to accomplish the objects
of our government in any and all the alter
native views that have been considered by
the !Executive or suggested by General
Seoh,:to brtng the war with Mexico to a I
chute. if not inconsistent in the opinion of,
tho President with the public service.
Mr.. ass opposed the resolution, and;
said its passagewould be injudicious now.;
Mr. Mangum repelled the idea that the
plant ought not to be given to the Ameri!!!
ran peopki when the Mexicans! had been
put in possession of them by the publica-;
'Maid' the orders of Gen. Scutt.
Mr. ALLEN moved to lay the resolution :
on the table.
Mt: Mangum rejoined, and the rcsolu
firm was 4heu passed over informally.
The hour of one o'clock haiingarrived,
the utoraing business was laid aside, and(
the Is/estate resumed the consideration of;
the tea regiment bill.
Mr. Burma addressed the Senate at
some length. He commenced by estima
ting the troops already in the field, form
ing u busts of 30,000 regulars and 30,000
►oluttteers. Of these it appeared that a
bout 411.000 u'ere available. The Presi
tient.ise ['untended. had full power to raise
this to the bill complement of 60,000 etii-
cient Own•
The bill, he remarked, now before the •
Senate. gives 10,000 regulars, and another
hill had been reported authorizing 20,00 t)
voltuitemu—sidtl to these the seamen and
marines who are cogged in the Service
and there will be an army of 100,000 men;;
and this great military force was placed at'
the power oldie President Mr the purpose
of invading the only republic on our coati-'
neat, except our own. Were this a pop
ular war the President would not have had
clause to complain of the difficulty he had
tact with in raking the entire force which
he had been authorized to raise. If it was
a popular war. lit c times the number asked
fur would have marched to the field—and
if the President has not been able to do i
this, it was his duty as a wise magistrate
to regard the failure :is one of the omens I
which indicate that the publie is not with!
lie did not propose to r . fuse die num
ber of troops asked for, but he proposed to
raise them ill il different mode. Ilia prop
usidint u-ais not intended to emharass the Wwsnitmeros, Jan. 19.
President; but he thought that this was a, SiI%:CITE — Mr. I.4) °"` °I. Mi6sissl P
juncture in which every man was ca ll e d • pi, addresse,l the Senate to-day in favor of
upon to spe4 his opinion s freely--which ; the Ten litgiorient Bill ; he was in favor
etery man should make his own reckon- i of a vigorous prosecution of the war, be he believed we were daily going ! lieving that it was a glorious one, and that
into a labyrinth of inextrirably policy, i it commanded the approbation of a large
Air.ilii which there would soon be no avenue i majority of the people. Ile endorsed part
ttt, which to retreat. He believed that ill of Mr. Johnson's speech and defended the:
the President had asked for 200,000 man. i President from the assaults made upon i
there are pM.IIIIVI here and in the other, him by the opponents of the war. With-I
hour a ho would hats toted them merely ! out concluding he gave wav for an adjourn- i
tvozause ,of his recononeudation. And if no" '
tote mut:Wit-eta vision of conquest in l IiOUSE.—The House was principolly
a hi/termite had indulged was to be matt- i engaged in debating the President's ,lies- I
1411119,909 men will yet by necessary. I sage—Messrs. Tuck and Tompkins cen
: .:4 1 e0Itchtd to eeee n t indications, that the l staring, and APLatie and Hall defending it.
ttall01014t."0 bungee to be yairried On with i Mr:. Vinton, reported a bill authorizing
141,4* ~ot earl" and'houorable peace, but , a loan of 1118,500,000.
with a far more amhitionsdcsign. The ob
ject now appeared to he to conquer the whole
of the territory of Mexico,. lot the purpose
of attaching ii to our country as a province,
or annexing it ns a territotial government.
Ile remarked on this change of sentiment
on the part of the administration as very
recent, because, when his colleague, Mt.
CAtitouni, first stated that the tendency of
our policy Was. to the annihilation of the
Mexican nationality and its annexation to
the U. States as a province or a territorial
wocrament, the organs of the government
repudiated the idea as entirely foreign to
the intentions of the administration.—
He went on to remark on the difficulty we
should find iujustifying our course according
the established laws of nations.
Ile might, as a Southern man, iz,l into a
scheme of extended conquest, but as a Sen.
ator of the U. States, he must oppose it.
Ile believed that Mexico as a matter of
policy might give up all that we claimed,
but he was not disposed to press her to
this point. Ile would not infuse the sick
ly blood of Mexico into the veins of our
republic. We should only thus, by en
deavoring, to give life to her, yield up our
Own life.
lie criticised the recklessness which
our government had exhibited in permit
ting the landing at Vera Cruz with such a
limited number of troops. lie alluded to
the propriety of recalling some of the reg
iments of volunteers and replacing them
by new regiments. lie did not suppose
that his suggestion would have much
weight, but he hoped that we should bring
the war to as early' a termination as possi
Mr. B. concluded with moving a recom
mittal of the bill for the purpose of being
amended, as follows :
St :Ike out all after the enacting clause
and insert : That the regular army shall
he increased as follows, to wit: To each
company of artillery, infantry, and regi.
meats of riflemen, there shall be added--
privates, and to each company of the
regiments :iforcsaid, as many subalterns as
will provide two first lieutenants and two
second lieutenants respectively: Provided
That the said troops shall he required to
serve (during the War with Mexico, but
may lie sooner discharged by order of the
11011 SE.—The resolutions of Mr. Bort)
for closing the debate on the President's
annual message in two hours after going
into conunittee of the whole, was, 00 mo
tion of Mr. STKVENs, of Georgia, postpon
ed until Monday next, by yeas 99, nays 98.
ik. CHASE. of Tenn.. offered a resolu
tion declaring it inexpedient to withdraw
our troops from the position they occupy
in Mexico for the purpose of falling back
on a defensive line.
Thi-7, on motion of Mr. Stephens, was
laid on the table. by yeas 913, nays 89.
A series of resolutions were oifered, and
lie over, declaring it inexpedient for Con
gress to make appropriation for internal
improvements, as the revenues of the gov
ernment arc all necessary while the Mexi
can war continues, fur prosecuting the
same to an honorable conclusion.
A resolution of inquiry was adopted as
to the expediency of providing a continu
ance to the heirs of soldiers killed in battle
the pay such soldiers would have been en.
titled to hao they served out their time.
Mr. GIDDINO3 offered a resolution for
the appointment of a committee to investi
gate the circumstances of the alleged seiz
ure, last Friday. at a boarding-house in ;his
city, by three slave dealers, of a colored
woman who hud contracted to pay 8300
for her freedom, and had paid all but $OO
On !notion of Mr. HARRAT.SII7k; this was
laid on the table by a vote of 98 to Of.
Mr. Wrxrwon - rir offered a resolution
of inquiry, which lies over, as to the pro
priety of amending the constitution so as
to make collectors, postmasters, &tr., eke
tire by the people.
Mr. Trroam offered a joint resolution
for annexir , New Mexico and California,
which lies over.
Mr. Borrs offered a resolution calling
on the President to communicate the spe.
chic object of his application, at the last
session, fir the appropriation of three mil
lions of dollars ; whether any disposition
had been made of any portion of that ap
propriation : or whether any proposition
had been made to the Mexican authorities,
or Mexican civil or military officers, in an
attempt to secure peace.
Mr. TomPirixs offered a series of resolu
tions calling on the President to state the
specific objects fur which the war is pros
ecuted, and the means he may deem ne.
cessary to accomplish the same. Lies
SENATE.—Mr. MANneue's resolution,
calling on the President for official and o
ther correspondence relating to the future
prosecution of the war, was taken up, and
after a short debate, laid on the table by
the following rote:—leas 22, nays 20.
Mr. Bunn' presented a resolutions, de
claring that Congress had no pourer to
clear harbors, Sac., which was laid over.
The ten regiment bill was then taken
up. and Mr. Manua made a swoog argu
ment against its passage. lle declared
that the war svas the result of the course
the President had pursued. lie was op
posed to giving him any more aid to carry
out his plans. so long as he kept them
front Congress. Ile said the President's
words and conduct varied very much.—
Conquest and annexation would be alike
disgraceful. Military- glory might betray
us, but the future would bring disgrace.—
Military despotism would disgust ',llexieo
and present an honorable peace. To in
crease the forces would add expense, and
prevent all hope of indemnity other than
territory. Ile said that annexation would
destroy this Union. After he had conclu
dcd, on motion of Mr. FOOTE, tha Senate
then adjourned.
110PSE.—After some unimportant bu
siness, the President's message, relative to
his veto of the River and Harbor bill of
the last session, was taken up and debated
Sin the hourof adjournment.
TAP, ;T'As;ll 4 lti.l,l,lV:Eitn
1; ElVir VS II 17 11 t;
Friday Evening, Jan, 21, 15,1.3,
CFI',- AGENcv._v. Esq. at the
corner of Chesnut f‘e Third street, I'hi/mit/oin ;
Ho Nassau street New Fork; and Soutli•east Car•
ner of Baltimore and Calvert street. Miltiemer—
and E.W. C• RR, Esq. Sun Building. N. E. Corner
Third ifv. Dock sta.and .110 N. Fourth at. Philatra
arc our anthorizedA gents for retch ing Advertise.
otents and Subscriptions to the collect•
ing and rereipting for the same.
rir We are again indebted to our Representa
tives in the Legislature, Mr. tiAnutik, of the Sen
ate, and Mr. M'Sitankt, of the House, for sundry
interesting documents.
—The juries were discharged on Tues
day morning, but two causes having been pnt on
trial. The Court itself, after hearing sundry ar
guments, adjourned on Wednesday. The follow
ing were , the cases called up: (Both culprits are
"gemmen ob color.")
Commonwealth Indictment.for Larceny.
Plea—Guilty. Sentence
Thomas Armstrong. ) —two months imprison
ment in dm county jail, and pay the costs of
Commonwealth ) Indictment for malicious mis•
vs. `, chief. Venlict—Guilty. een-
John Freeland. ) fence $l,OO fine. 3 months
imprisonment in she county jail, and pay the coats
of prosecution.
•Tho Locofoco county comention, on Mon
day last appointed JORL B. DANNIN, Esq., dele
gate to the State Convention, vtith instructions to
support Mr. BUCIIINAN for the Presidency.
STATE FIN A NCES.—Judge B a 's annu
al report gives a flattering picture of the condition
of the State finances. Ile estimates the receipts
of the present fiscal year, as fellows:
Receipts from all imurees, *3,921,900 00
Balance in the Treasury on the let
of December, 18.17, exclusive of
the unavailable deposit in the
United States Bank, 930,1596' 95
Total mount.
Estimated expenditures,
Estiinnted balance in the Trealltl.
ry on the tat of December, 1848, 1,026,400 165
The total funded debt of the Commonwealth is
$39,2'20,325. " Relief" notes in circulation,
ANA 1,66 I. Outstanding interest certificates, $353,
956. Domestic creditors scrip, $96,095. Judge
Berms is decidedly in favor of the immediete
withdrawal of all the outstanding "Relief" issues.
17'Froin the Adj. (tonere' Report we gather
the following items in regard to the sth Division
of the military force of the state :—Tha sth Divi
sion, eni,bracing York and Adams counties, corn
prises 2 Brigadet, with 3 Regiments each. , The
Ist Brigade numbers 5,557:m0n, including 10 vol
unteer companies ; the 2d Brigade. 2,795 mat.
including 4 volunteer companies. The Ist Brig•
ade returns 329 muskets; the 2d, 71 muskets.—
Aggregate of the Division, 8,293 men.
RELIEF NOTES.-13y the Auditor 'Gener
al%) report it appears that the amount of Relief
Notes in circulation, in thislhate, amounts to
1 488 1, 66 4-550,000 haying bean towelled on
the first of December, 1847.; Of this ineOunt,
$70,000, issued by the Bank of the Northern
mica, are at par. The other inner are now at a
discount of to 21 per cent It May be proper
to state that the Carlisle Bank charter has expired
—the Meyamensing Bank changed itri 'name—
the Lewistown, Susquehanna, Boldititi;2l.,..
thampton and Towanda Banks have hroken—but
this does not affect thews notes—the Bute being
bound for their ultimate redemption. The Berke
county and Towanda Bank imam have , all been
redeemed and destroyed at the Treaitury.
fir AN•vray, Jr, of this place, " returned from the
War," on Wednesday evening hut; having volun
teered his services early in the commencement of
the War. Ho is in good health, and, we, believe,
left all his comrades well. H • gives a good ac
count of the conduct of the young men from this
place in the several battles in which they partici , '
pated--.ALL of them haring behaved diaaaselviai
Law's Rammat, step-brother of the above,
died at the hospital of Perote, of dysentary.
DR. NES, our Representative in Congress, has
written to the editor of the York Republican a tart
letter, in reply to some strictures of the York Ga
zette upon his vote in the House asserting the war
to have been "unnecessary and unconstitutional
ly begun by thu President of the United States."
The Dr. reaffirms the correctness of that vote, and
gis-es to Gazette some thrusts that mint " tell."—
The Dr. voted 111 , 111 T, and will be sustained in his
vote by the District he represents.
in a verbatim, a laeraiim, et pungarolins copy of a
written handbill posted on one of the corners of
die public square in Selinsgrove, Pa. It will be
Krell that poor Piggy is in great danger of having
his mental faculties sadly neglected, in consequence
of his connection with the erudite and liberally
disposed advertiser !
1848 this Ith: of Jantivary Pig for Sall
buy the tinter siner in Midd[meek Town
ship if aney Man Wounito havf Den Mack
a Call to sorer to hater than yong pigs is
her for salt or olt Pig how the Mane
%vomited, so I hab *
STATE TREASURER.—On Monday last,
ARNOLD PIA-men. of Venengo county, WAS dee
ted State Treasurer by the two Houses in joint
session. Mr. i'LemLit received 76 votes; Jrnon
, T7On Tuesday the ceremonies of the inaugu
ration of Governor Siturra were attcntled to. The
Inaugural sill be found in to-day's paper, The
one idea of the Governor--eotporations and mon
opolies--stieks out "a feet."
frrOn Saturday, in the If ousp7.Nir: MAR in
troc:ueeda read the following joint resolutions:
Whereas, The recent revulaions in
trade, and the consequent eitraordinary
demand lbr money in Great Britain, have
so reduced the prices of iron in that coun
try, as to cause it to he imported into the
United States, and sold at rates far below
what it can be procured for in this or any
tither country, where labor receives a fair
reward, thereby endangering and threaten
ing to prostrate the great iron interests of
Pennsylvania, Therefore
Resolved, By the Senate and House of
Representatives of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met,
That our Senators arc hereby instructed,
and otir Representatives in Congress re
quested, to introduce, and vote for, a bill
which shall restore the import duties upon
iron, as they existed under the Tariff act
of 1842,
['The Whige of New York City, friendly to
the nornivation of Gen. TA rLoa, intend making a
Jemonotration in Ma favor on thf 24ur
8. Senate is still engaged on the
Ten Regiment Bill, which hoe elicited an unusual
; ly able and interesting debate ire regard to the war
and its Accts. The Whig Senators, we are glad
to find, affirm an Unwillingness to continue to vote
men and supplies for a War whose cominetioernent
they believe to be "unnecessary and unconstitu
tional," and in regard to the ultimate objects of
which they are studiously kept in the dark. Res
olutions, it will be seen, by a reference to Our
Congressional Reports, have been introduced into
both Houses demanding to know the plane and
intentions of the Administration. should the
President refuse the desired information, it is to be
hoped that not another dollar will be ircited by
Congress beyond what may be necessity to sup:
port the army already in the field until it can be
It begin* to ho doubted whether the Ten Regi.
ment Bill. now before the Renate, can pass the two
Houses- The New York Tribune thus speaks of
doe.e Mr,,Cass ask for the organization of
other ten regiments? To enable Marcy,
Walker, Polk At Co. to electioneer for the
Presidency-, with the patronage annexed
Ito the creation of new batches of officers.
The regiments already in the field lack
8,000 men. Why not send recruiting of
ficers to fill them up first I Why not em
ploy recruiting officers to complete the old
regiments before you create officers for the
new ? Because .the party' desire to con.
vett the officers of these regiments into
"an organized band of electioneering a
gents to be scattered through the country
during the ensuing Presidential canvass.
Will the Whigs allow this ? Will honest
men of any party vote for it ? Never!"
tint has been frequently charged upon Prrai
; dent Polk that he was guilty of criminal negli
; genre in permitting General TAYLOR and Seery
to meet the enemy under the desperate odds which
they have been compelled to encounter in almost
every battle fought since our armies entered Mex
ire—and that the immense loss of life at Monterey,
Buena Vista, Contreras, Churubusco, and Cha,
pulteper, wee owing., to their not being-properly
supported by the Adtainistratioe. This view is
endorsed by the remarks et the vilest CoLlvb
• DATIII, hl the 111..S.'Senete, last week, On
the Tisis Regimdntsi►l. Col. Davis led the &moue
Alissiasippe Rides ;at Buena Vista, and.' le now
the hoofers Senator from Risliatippi; bat with
the hominy ottt inns soldier, doe, tiotabritik ffinn
paying proper Ititoiage tilliatb, MU alto vita:re
it may. We keprthe followmg paragraph disn
the official reporter Coi. parieierairktz.
4,002,190 113
3,570,390 00
"What has been theieausis ofso much losi
of life' already I would sac, if it has not
been owing; in a conaidentble 'degree, to ,
the tardiness in furnishing the* suttplies, ae
well u the deficient quantity 1 nut for
the Smell shunt of fories ' furiiistied; the
battle of Buena 'Vista would never have
been fought ; and if Ocri: Scott, sir; had a
powflifiil einiy. *kb which Mhave follow
ea close Upon the' heele of the retreating ,
Santa Anna; no 'fortifications would have
been thrown' up, 'and no' fighting *bald
have taken place, or resistance been made
before the walls .oft Mexico. What indu
ced Santa Aneacatlktena Vista, to attack
Gen. Taylor, but the belief that his troops
were numerically exhausted, and were not
sufficient in number to repell such an at.
tack.?" ,
The heehaws hi bre ebler then„ thet, Plea.
ident 1 4 elk had properly supported Generals Scott
anti Tayloy, these bailee voila never 11'614 been
fought—hi other-Wins* the Ptesident Li ceiponat;
qie for dui 'iron:4ns, esesiace of life which occur
red in those desperelecontlicts, and fee the wretch
edness god misery , which that sacrifice has scatter
ed over the country in the shape of widowed and
~orphaned-blighted h9P , at. attd desolated
honow. , , A
,hpstfol eervelaibility 1. ,
THAT . PAt3B.—Tle President has refused to
comply with the resdlittion the' of Rep
reentitiosi for cop* or all in-
I strudons in nilation to the ass" of Suits Anna
intn . kteiico. Mr. Polk ii , afraid to tryst the peo.
pies reptopentatiree with WP omen history of that
dark traas lloloo . JI Win POI tieet,the light. Mr.
Adam, was very indignant at the, estiseel of the..
President, and eemestl, called 9mi the Horse to
vindicate its'pretognitices; . "
117" The. Rao. L Paw Barers, fume of the
'Lutheran Canvhatien ialWinebeatar, {s , r
many a atutlent it this place,) has been appointed
Theological Proiliaaor in the Auburn (N. Y.)
Theological Seminary, in the place of Rev. Dr:
Dickinson, resigned:
THE FRUITe.--Tha Taritrot 1848 is Ewen
ing to work finely. The amount, of spode ,ev.
ported from N. York during the weak (mango*
Friday last, was $1744,436, or nearly there ' qurr
tern of a million of dollars—to pay far British
goods imported ander the new TOW! No won
der that there is untual tightness 'ln the money
ETTho Frederick Examiner publishes a com
munication from a member of •the Maryland Le
gislature contradicting, the assertion that the mem
bers of that body aro " unanimously ,in Lavin •of
nominating Gen.Tartna for tlut Presidency," and
affirming it as his belief that a majority are "for
Clay and a National Convention."
113 - The "Daily News" reads some of the Phila
delphia City Press a sensible lecture in regard to
? manufacturing public opinion" for particular
candidates by misrepresentations of expressions
of public opinion in the interior. The News in
right; but the City Press is not alone at fault.—
Last week a Harrisburg paper, the zeal of whose ed
itor for the nomination of Gen. Taylor has got the
better - of his judgment, published the proceedings
of the Perry CoUnty Whig meeting, arid, in order
to make it appear that Perry goes for Taylor, ea
pied the resolution complimentary to the old He
ro, but carefully withheld the resolution which
immediately preceded it, expressing unlimited
confidence in WI yin st.o .Sctr7 ! Now thin is
an unfair game. If Gen. T.,:r.ort be the first
choice of the Whig party, ho will of course he
nominated by the Whig convention and elected
without the intervention of the "brag game." If
not the first choice, why seek to deceive and gull
the party into his support. Let us have fair deal
ing, gentlemen, in this matter--ja fair expression
of the popular voice, and all will he,well. Other
more mischief may ensue fitful sonic good
Whigs dream of.
re" The Whigs of Pittsburg have taken action
on the defection of their representative in Congress,
Mr. HAMPTON, on the War question, and resolved
unanimously that in voting against Mr. Hudson's
Intendment, declaring the War "unneees,ary and
unconstitutional," and in voting in favor of the
annexation of Mexican territory, Mr, 11. does not
reflect the views of his constituents. The Whig
party u getting right at lust on this War ques
tion. Scheming demagogues and corrupt parti
zans will yet find out the folly of attempting to
sacrifice truth, justice and honor at the altar of ex
1:7 - The French &rimer Missouri arrived, at
New York OR Tuesday—no intelligence ipijok
port nee.
THE OFFIGIA VOTE.---On l'hursday last
the official returns of the last October election for
Hoerr:tor were opened in the pttrenco or the
members of brlth branches of the Legislature.—
Tho returns correspond Very nearly with those
publishod in the „ Star," soon after the election.
287,343 votes were polled, of which rIAKCIR R.
thittsrx, roceited 10,084; J amen hurl re; 128,148;
E. C. RCIOART, I I,X•17; J. F. LLIIIOTXX, 1,801,
and scattering, 6.
The Harrislitirg Correspondent ofthe Dai
ly News gives the folliming as the preferences of
the members of the Legislature on the Presiden
tial question :--‘ o l'inong the Whigs of the Sen
ate, there are iii favor ; 'of Scott 12.0 f Taylor 4, o f I
Clay 1, doubtful 2. In the House, for Scott 22,
fOr Taylor 10, for Clay 4. Among the penies's
cy of the House, Buchanan numbers 49, Dallas 4,
Van Buren 2, Cass 5, Wilmot proviso candidate
4. In the Sgnate, Buchanan 10, Dallas 2, Cass
I, Wilmot proviso candidate 1.
The York Republicansays that at the January Sc..
Rion. of the York County Court there was not a
rase for jury trial in the Criminal Court. The
gentleman who is Prosecuting Attorney, being
asked the cause, pleasantly replied, " 'that the
Temperance Societies had in a great nirneure
kroyed the huniness of the Criminal Court—that
people would not quarrel and fight as heretofore
—they would not Meal, and evert ',the cotnmon
and natural sin of forrifirotion and Ninny was
greatly diminished in York County." Ito added,
"If this slate of things continues, prisomkeepers
and Criminal Lawyers must sfird up ebb or live
on half allowance !"
Fr The Indiana Loeo Foco State Convention
has nominated Gen. Cass for the Presidency—.
but two dissenting vote*.
COLONIZATION.—Tho annual nuatiwir
the American pokOntion, incise) , cams. of at
Washington on Tuesday evening. Wt, ,Csas
prasiding. An immense concourae of perndo was
in stimulative, who, upon the illustrious atiessnum
taking his ssat, vents, a innuendo" end rekaut
ed cheating. ' Mr. Care +mode a brief ipttech in
fay.* of ti 4 * l ** a ; 014 .
oolotoitkuoti whale. ' '
Erria *PAW Wm, remark t the Memerabarg
Jounsat think* of commencing' any Ordinary ink
aims, without placing "reign over' the door of
stove; shop, or dhot i to inform the . public that
these lives storekeeper A., or ambit 8., of tailor
who is ready; for a et 'inaideratkut; to dispose of
something to; tar std *initiating ho neighbor,*
Wier, If it is good rilicy to pat up these p ainted
boards, and every SiteS6:ii Skit& nikeVV or alter
thim ; they harp the least t e ndency to attract '
ciAntom, hoer much better is it to have a thomeed
tips, mindabba at pleseure, and. which traetl, once
• week, 10he Awn* ec even! 11 0 11 464 resAligh
man in Abe eoutauanity, and forge:gketo upon his
notice. Advertisements in a newspaper are web
signa....thedie between them and the 'whit
ed boards is that they 'go Is tire pia* to be raid.
while the' other steratLitillaml require the •
to go out of the , way to nod them.
BO it is not new discovery that atiertiting is
alwohilely nedetiliWyltd render bosinese eitcpsirit
enough to be' profitable: Shrewtt deader's bars
!ling been acquainted with, and lutv'e 'mid* by'
$ knowledge of the Secret—the voiY "philosopher's
sterte,' Uit may be called— r and the public here
now, beet/Mesa sectuttomed .to. look to gut news
papers to be Mfortned where their wants can be
supplied mow folly and cheaply, „qsat they natu
rally conclude that' the merchant "who ,does not
advarthicluts nothing to sr% dire tent — rseli to care
about selling on restionatite _terms; and that the
mechanic Who does not , Invite cifetontere to his
shop is eh Poll of °Wenn or so lazy, that it is not
worth while to Mil upon him.
caster Examiner gives Old Berke a hard dig in
the following paragraph :
Frtfin the rbee •
nt 'Report of the Su perin- .
tendent of Cotnnioll Sehooltwive learn that
there 'wire 'OOl ichofars in lattendanie
at 'the Common &hails of Berks
isisfletit, and that the tax 'levied to ear- ' :
port the Schools 'wag 60,633: 'ln' Lan-
easter - count); for the sarne"perfod, 14,644
eie4olkis atteviditlystlibol;''and 113S - ,RAff of
sehitol tat' wig levied.' There is 'as little
similarity bettrien these etiithtles in the
matter of edneation istheta: is in'Oblities.
, WIPE WANTED:•-•-•Tiw Pkihnleighia
Daily 'Nowa of 14onday ham an adwartistanent for
young math Virgin/ 'of age, of plepoweemsini
apileanince, and 'enjoying it modehloAnionie,"
whe meanie i wane: . It' is reltthed thit the hitt
be oriel wet the abet.* age, of feapetable, aitd un
,exCeptiorsaide iiaoeiatlon, comeo in Suture and
&Om; of Otilliteled tial* arid Of a Beal educa:
don:" Dent i t.:ail slink at once, Orb. !
01• The friends of , Con. TAT toot held.aineet.
ing in Harrisburg on Monday evening last. Wo
'have not yet seen the 'proceedings. One of the
speakers wee /on* C. Koran, Esq., who ill rep
restrded to have declared, In his speech, in (e or
of the justice and necessity of the war, andagainst
a Whig National Convention.
far A number of fires have for a few nights past
oceunted in Philadelphia, the work of ineendiaries.
Early on Monday morning several buildings were
destroyed, among them. we regret to observi, one
oectipied by Mr. HARVEY W. Ar;Alli, as a':hat
ter's shop.
IG - 7'he lion. J. W. lionstsizerc, member of.
Congress from the Bucks and Lehigh district, in
this State, died at hie residence in Allentown, on
Sunday last.
LEUISLATIVE.--Nothing of interest has
transpired in the Legislatve proceedings during
the past week. On Wednesday, in the House,
we obgerve that the resolution requesting Com
mittee on the Judiciary to inquire into the expo•
diency of repealing the law inflicting capital pun
ishment, was agreed to, yea's 50, nays, 40.
r.„7"Fhe steamer Cambrinarriyed ut.N. York
on Wed nesday—rosnmercial ncHN is favorable—
lolly WAS still in a disturbed state, although Ferre.
ra had been evacuated by the Austrian troop.
IWThe Whiga of Huntington county have
appointed A.•litso, Em. and JOHN
SON, Esq. delegates to the Whig State Conven
tion, with instructions in favor of Gen. &OTT.
SCOTT MEETING—A laige and enthusiastic
Whig meeting was held in Harrisburg, on Tues
day evening last, called to take into consideration
the treatment of Gen. Score by the Administra
tion. Non Minntosw,s writ, of the Senate, presi
ded, assisted by a host of Vice Presidents and Sec
retaries—among them W. R. Sa exam, Esq. A
series of riming resolutions were adopted, declaring
the determination of the NVhig party, of Pnnnsyl•
vania,to support no num for the Presidency. wino
is not openly pledged to carry out Whig millet
plea in his adinitMtration. They also express a
preference ler W INHELD SCOTT. The resolutions
reflect the sentiments of the Whigs of Ada MB coun
ty, and will be fully endorsed by them. We shall
publish SONIo of them next week.
Ambin;lhe speaker.{ were, .141110.1r0x, Es9,ail
Hon. Alex. liamvey, rf Dnupl ur ; non. Wm. F.
Johnston, of ArniAtron,t; nldenn J. Mill, Egg., of
Frio: David 4181 r, Esq., of Huntington: Pitt!
Thomas Nicholson, of Beton!,
' Corretpandrnee of the "Star and Banner."
W•sIIINOTON. inn. 15, 1849.
,The President and Santa ./hina's Pass
Supreme Court—Airs. Gaines-Z-llenn
The Proceedings of Congress St this timO
sesses considerable interest.. Both branches of
ilk National Legislature have got to work in
earnest since the holidays.
o The Senate has been engaged with the debate
on the Ten Regifnent Bill, as it is usually called.
On Thursday last, Mr. Pearce, of Md., hid the
floor, and made a speech in opposition to the bill,
and in reply to his colleague, (Mr. Johnson.)—
Alter ho concluded, the Senate adjourned to Mon.
day neat.
The. Hoot of Representatives received ■ Mee.
sago from the President, on the lame day, in reply
to a reentution of the House, asking for inhinria.
Lion respecting the admission of Santa Anna into
Mexico, in which he declines giving all, the infor
mation. ho possesses. He says, .1 transmit, here
with, reports from the Secretary of the State, the
Secretary of 'War, and the Secretary of the Navy,
with the documents accompanying , the, same,
which contain all the infortnation in the ponies-
Ilion of the Executive which it is deemed compotible
with the public interests to communicate." When
the Clerk of the House read this part of the Mes.
ssge. there was a general laugh. A motion was
male to lay the Message on the table, which was
finally withdrawn. A motion au then made to
refer it to the Committee on Foreign Affeirs—
John Quincy Adam. then rose and addressetthe .
House, respecting the right of the House In call for
information and the'duty of the President to cont.
ply with their request: When the "old mart
commenced speaking, neatly all of thit
members crowded around him, his voice being tog,
weedi to be beard at ttio umml,ttitaiscs- When
itercencitemd - hhi ftmiitrb, WMch triers listened to
with , greet deal of attention . and ;tollivet.
Robyn% Cs in, the_T.tridiewthe
his-admiretion, as, he (upraised it. far the wriamir
coma be panted in tailing them that there were
aeons& connected with the. existing, war whit
_ought net to be ateekiee. , tad which' be qthe
Niegient) IQeiatuml promulgating. 'Tar 1 / 4 iskißolj
Wired by .MN erObib,*tin he
atilt] net' -0 . It Wind," and 'thee Wiottd not
crivato:tike:folit of the; throne of Milk' 'inenerch,
asd tell him thit,be was ready to do his bidding,
but that , ha Wmind fightf 7 -infoirostion .en this
subject, that he. might exercise his towajnOltazott.
lie alio plaid that when confidential comiunnice,
dona were made, there was a rule. this House, di
recting the flail to be closed of, all but .ite officers
and merebseivand that tha .President in refusing
to comply with the resolution of the House, had ,
as meatus said, that they were not glide be trust
ad with the secrets orthe *Coverer/lent. 'He was
soceirededby Hamden, of Alabaind, Ineet , '
aislT; Webidet Menial; and 'AM!, When:on -
Metimi: the Message was made the Miler. Vl*
Mondriy l next. Y °sterility the itepeit.:4 Soni- •
outlets were made, and some pri vate end, runirar
portent bills introduced into the Has — ac, whiA
Tro adjouriied to Mppday. . , .
The OupternaCoort decided a.x!ery
and important can case on Thursday hurt—that,
generally known se the Mrs. General Guinea' care..
Mu Justice Wayne 'delivered the decision of the
Court in favor of Mrs. thrinCtit. *Thlifil**o
I am informed, a large fortune of Aileen 'Willmar'
of dollars. The decision is important in another
point of view, is itestablishes the fierof berheing
st legitinutte child, upon the'dotibtfulnesabt which,
I onderstand,the Circuit Condor Louisiana de
cided the suit against her.
Hoff. CLAT is now 'in Washington.
stopping at United StaCes Hotel, whence he
will remove in a few days to Mr. gales', (one of
the proprietors of the "icatiosu4 Intelliiteuccr,")
with whom lie will remain as issues& for p short
time. I saw hi►u this morniqg end wes surprised
to see him look so young and well. He is enjoy
hag excellent health, and appears to be in the
vigor of his intellect. He is a man of greet con.'
remanent) penitent, and no one can fait to be in-'
tweeted in hid society. He is to address the
meeting of the Colonization Society', on 'recedey
evening mat, in the Hall of the Ilornie Of Repre
.sentatives, which will no doubt prove a rich treat.
Hoit nitrous Coe vin ix 'also lo addrem the raft.
There air iieveral distiniiiiihed u viiiiers in thin
city al Oriental. Oen'ii. Quitman,' Aida . and
Major . p'en.l4 6 qnlica:l,4, 'Of the
Tease aaniproi and Copt.' C. Magruder, of
the U. d, Light Artillery. . The 6:Wart two are
st9 POng at F-1 4k r. " , Ar' l 4e hitter quee't Brow"
The Female Benevolent Society ere holding
Festival or. Pair, at the Odeola in this (A% kwithe
pupate Of obtaining feuds to alleviate the suffer.
ingrolthe poor.' On hat evening , a harp. find
splendid Cake wu drawn for. On, gentkonan
took a chance for Mr. Clay, and when the draw•
ing took phicei at the sixth npmber the cake Wes
Milk by Mr. Cies. It is I bestititut celia and
whet 'night U tinned the , ariedify" •of cakes. It
was set rip at $ll5, and although 4, Warty of the
West" drew the prize, he'could not /min it.
Brown's Hotel, on the Avenue between 6th and
7th attars, is by the bye a se pita uhra saablish
meat, and if any of the many , readers,rtf the 'Star'
vial Washington, they will find the Messrs. IL
gentlemanly and attentive hosts. Moreover they.
take good care to provide well for the comfort of
the "inner man,'' as is abundant!, neastautiaini
by the alniclstante and quality of the substantial:
and delicacies they load their tables with. They
go in for "feeding the hungry," and I assura you
they con "dolt up Brown !"
The Original Ethiopian Serena,lera arc per
forming- to fashionable bounce byre now, and their
enemas is mainly , attributable to their ininticoblo
This city is very gay this whiter, and there ap
pears to Lea great deal of enjoyment notwithstand
ing, the arduous duties connected with this impor
lard session of Congress. , VILUIT•11.
Ma. M.'SlttalCi—A call Inserted in your last
paper, for the holding of a Sabbath Convention
in ChainlbeisEintgon the 20th of the present month
halt suggested the following queries
Did not our Court, not a twelve month ago, re
mains all the lieentaid public houses in the county
to be cLossu on tho Sabbath day
How many of our public houses iu your town
and throughout the county obey that requirement,
or regard the sanctityof the day!
Have not our merchants and mechanics an
equal tight with these '•licensed" houses to pursuo
their business, and make their gains on that day?
If the bar and bar-room are opened every Sab
bath dity for visitors, why may not the stores and
the work-shop be opened for the name purpose on
the Sabbath day ?
Have not Courts in other ports of the state de
poyff hooses, which they ha() 'licensed, of their
privileges feesast they were tpcled on the Sabbath !
Cannot tho Court romp?, at least, an outward
re•pect for that holy day I - .
It it required either from' ntrissity ar . chan'iy,
that the Itar•room of our public houses should be
ripened on the Sabbath day I • '
le thu attending to that devartinent of tavern
keeping a worldly rotplqrnent
Perhaps the proceedings of the proporred Con
vention will furnish a reply to some of the ahoy o
suggestion& Tv others of them oar own observa
tion and judgment may- prompt an answer.
Ate meeting of the citizens of Fairfield and vi
cinity, hclif fn Fairfield, on Jan. 17, to appoint del
egates to the Sabbath , Convention to be held in
Chambersburg on the 26th inst., the following
delegates were ditty appointed Rev. E. D. clarke.
Ron. James Wilson, Col. J. D. Paxton, Jacob
Weldy, Amos W. WGinley,Samuel Eiker, Wa s h.
ington Heagy, John iM i l l ie '9 , ; B l l "Thell 6° ? 1,
John Marshall, John' CrisefordiJoliir Miter,
Satotel - Culbertson, Andrew Marphadl e ilgeptjta
ferisperger, and John Mickley. Sen.
J. D. PAXTON, Chairman,
Inns ACCitntarr, /
lea,txt FRAIIII,
GRAHAM'S MAGAZINE, :for Fobnistr .
a superior Number, both in embellishment iind
matter. "Beauty's Bath," "nridai moriaing 'e n d
"Paris Faibion," are all finely finished engnarrinmi.
The publisher gives notice of his intention kvpub
lish a series of portraits of 514110E1%401 °Ricers,
commencing in the next number with Gen:Sekrr.
Worth, Walker, an Rattling Iffil
per year, or 2 copiesfor $2.--George R. Graham
Sc Co. publishans, Phila.
GQDEY'S LADY'S BCIOIC gine 12 pittra
pages in the Fibres/ay and sow area&
lishments, including. Model Oedipal, Crotchet
Work, &e. pus' eontrilintiens aie tiquito
writers, end are in. 60141 ';f 1 1 11.. . 4 4 1. embellish
ments. The Lady's Book , and Lady?.. Dollar
Newspaper, are'giieitl6t OR &Ali* ei Wee co
pies °tenth for $3. L. A. Clesnit, 113 Chesnut
street, Philo. ,
THE LADIES' DIARLAND4or Jaliusitt, has
been received. Mm. Pierson, R.. T. Conrad, W.
H. C. Homer, antlattiar goad wyperis crotbuto
interesting srtieles.. The "Rettor's daughter," and
"Walla° at Maitre," cinuititilte the ainbelliehthimts.
Although, gotten tip in iood dyie, the Harlpnd is
furnished irralthaatthrfaa*L - ifiudi%#.4Scr.
-reason, 98 Chat ssoi lind, Philadelphia' •
GER has rathentd inereirted Milne than other
wise, since it has pima into the hands of Mr.
THoorsort. The January No; ems us 64 pages
of well tilled mattereemml.sabstatztial mutter. By
a judicious mingling of the light ind gay with the
more substantial and sober, 'the Wine:Met wilt
hare attractions with many who altogether discard
the popular magazine literature of the day; while
it will not loom east with thee° who octasinnidly
prefer the latter. The present number coin Men•
cos a new volume-45 per annum—Jens R.
Timerson-, Editorr and Proprietor, Richmond,
hie's, 3 and 3; hero
• been received ftwin the ptebllshers. It is* thickly
publication, devoted to the hunioroui, and abounds
iu wit—"iieal IfilL.steatcal._cleriest d‘itnastinen.l—
wit." Reader, if you. wish to sluthe'oti
the "blues," here is an "unfailing remedy." The
designs by Dinky are pCrlbet grins in their way..-z
vide 'This gockl 4 ber - reeftifig hie lemon," in No: 2,
or "Mr. Clay's.ntode or.Failli;'," in
Published weekly by U. ZaFitx*,*
61 cents per No. For side also in Gettysburg by
Keller Kurtz.
ltrThe advertisement of • W awn-ea C Ail 1g re
—en excellent mad cheap monthly publication,
pubfisliell ender theAnuipiees.‘if
the " Amoriesin Society for the Diffusion of
Knowledge." will 'I.S, G,una in 10-day's paper. The
Caplet esclutlesi from it, columns this trashy lite
rature whirl) characterixei mane of the . city :
publications, and aims at the useful aud,prextieal.
It will be Mand' vary safe family paper,
FROM MNXICO.--Ily an' errivel 'ar
N:Orleanit later advicei hare beea
cei reit from the Army. ' •
Gen. Scott has issued• orders directint
the' Army to take positions 'in different
portions of the Mexientrßepublic and tie
cupy them till the Goveinmeni sues for
peace on terms which 'will prove aeCepta
ble to the U. States.- Numerots-ntherar:.'
dent hid - bee" Woe& riquiringihe taxes
of sfl ItiodiCheretolbre paid to the Gurein. l
meet or Mexictr . to :be' paid hereafter for
the support of the Ainerican tirtriy.
A Queretaro letter in the Monilittr, rinb-r
liehediri the city
,of Meairo; suites that the'
present Congress, in session' at that piece.
will email' together' again. ''Sernial
Deputies had left there, and the letter siddi
that' heti ''Peituties and Sentacire **flit
satin he in the city. The iliorertithent
was silently taking measures foil the
preiniiiii or ikriguel ,in connection ;With
the - monatehielt marement. In editite:
quencc of the
,Governors of the different
States not having fulfilled their promise to
aid the GoVernment with such resources
as they could command, it was _ Math
cramped for amens.
" Lien'. M'Donald, of the Third Artillery.,
and 'two other officers,. with a small party,.
left Puebla on the 17th tilt.. for Jalapa, hay!.
ing in charge a considerable quantity
money, and were attacked by a band 'Of
fourteen robbers. Although only three 'o
our countrymen were armed, they defeat.;
the Ladrones, and arrived safely at thitir
Correspondence of the U. States 6stette.
.1 Court of Inquiry ordered—Suites.
: charges against Pillow and Bonefish'
and Worth's against Scott, lo &Aka
=Scott's against Worth distnished
The President has this day ordered-
Court of Inquiry for the purpose of '11144
vestigating the charges aguinet Gem Pil
low and Col. Duncan, which have 'been
preferred by Gen. Scott. After that itt-.
vestigation has terminated, the Court ittr
further directed to inquirc•into the charges'
preferred against Gen. Scott by Genera!'
Worth. The charges against Gen. Weigh..
submitted by the commanding General,
have been dismissed by the President:
The Court is directed to assemble ot
Perote, at as euriy a day as the members:
can convene. It is to consist of General-
Towson, Paymaster General, as Prest.' .
dent, and Gen. Cushing, and Gen. Bader.
of Lonsiana. Gem 'Fowson will start for
Mexico on Monday.
The selection of Gen. Towson is an
anomoly in Court Martinis, and wilt doubt
less lead to difficulty. Ilia office of Pay..
master General is ucivil one, and might 1)6
conferred upon any individebl in.private:
life, and he holds no rank in the regular
of the tu•my
•The command of the minty in .Mexicol
will necessarily devolve. on Gen. limier;
of Kentucky, he being the officer nett in
rank to Gen. Scott, whose- 7)reseeee'
be required at the Court of Inquiry. r
t7•'l'he Washington corregpondent
of the Philadelphia Ledger, dateoor
Jan. 18, says positively that clan.'
has , been'auhpespled and ardertq to 1ra414- .
ington I
, ~ ~D BLfISREU JANUARY 18, 18.18.
appearing before you, to renew the solemn
.obligation of fidelity to the Constitution,
and my pledges for the faithful execution
of the duties, to w Inch the suffrages of the
people have again culled me, I avail myself
of your presence, to express to you, and
through you to my fellow citizens of the
Commonwealth, my gratitude for the favor
with which - they have regarded my efforts,
to discharge the duties of my trust, in good
faith. The practical knowledge which I
have acquired, of the various and cornett
'Fated duties of the Chief Executive Meg.
nitrate of the Sate, increases the distrust
which I have always felt, of my ability so
toyerforin them as to justify the public ap
proiel and constrains me to solicit a con.
tinuanCe :the _earn° iadtiliileetle _Which
has beam hitherto extended to me so gene
rously.. '
In taking the solemn 'oath, which the
etritatittnien 'exacts from all who are With
eld'wlth the didegatcd Will of the people, it
j 4 proper-4n
,recall to mind the‘ principle*
,upon.. , which • our, government is hesed--(
thav tkeito spirit and meaning maybe. ap
prelmadell, 'their Vane appretiatdd, and
thedhllgatitin to paid then), widt'untiting
La the formation of our government, po
litical power has been resolved into its
simplest element. It is the towtot or THE
rebot.e, by the expression . of their will, in
free and equal electious, to next t and this
assumes for its belie, the great fundamen
tal truth, that man is capable of' self:gov
ernment. ,
The great political principle, only par
tially developed before, was, by our repub
lican'fathers.. made the' green& work of
written Constitutions, whit!' defined and
limited the .powers' of goverment, and
Peletibed the duties of those to, whom its
.adminhusastinx.witaitotrueledi. This is the
animating principle,of our whole system:
it shields Rife and liberty, the'acquidition
awl elieystseat of property and reputation.
AssumlngAhe iteiteleuland exclusive right
of the - people to institute government for
their peace,, safety and happiness, it se
cures religious freedom, free 4nd equal e
leetimat#theAriakkyjury.general education,
„ the liberty of die prom, mull& the yore n
tialguartr of religious, political, civil mid
personal right, This democratic power
01' government is the security of liberty in
all ite_forme.t---and no other fundamental,
political power is riscognized in this couvi
Its happy int:Loewe is traced, in the re
wards Which tallow industry and enter
prise iunong 111, with such astonishing ra
pidity. ,But as Wealth increases, causes
that areinherent ht liftman nature. produce'
inequality. in its distrllnition. The fathers
of our goaeratuent forsaw the tiutileoey.of
this, aioLUtat. it might eventuate lathe cre
ation ofa,pertmuient aristocracy of Wealth.
Wisely guarding against it; they not on
ly abolished the laws of primogeniture end
entails, and ell:A:tell iittreqiiiillartv's of de
scent and_disttibution,but theysoured to_
us, esteritc. the equal right of ac
quiring; e t/5'8(4164 1g and protecting proper
ty, try oinking, it wit essential article of the
Stilt. „pirliticill society is, and always'
most he intlinaneed; to a considerable ex-'
tellh 14',4 0 - 111 0masig PirvutuGta k uee m ut.ole
per, 'One Inbur, - ; if otkarticd
NCR miellt n hkes Pispircntly
es •- 4 4,01,11liettNiftiCefbrs, If 411 tolh'eir
unrestricted actiant,`under.. tfui salutary in
fluetice.ufoureysietn, mutually sustain and
cherish each other. Those who represent
each. the progress of affairs. change . '
their positions.: tatxtrers will become cap
i oil lets; alid capitalists laborers :--and these - '
quiet, and peacitful„ and equalizing revolu
fi l ms, will be ewer in progress; neither
power predominating, or injuriotudy con
trolling the other ; but. both contributing, I
in perfect harmony, to the promotion of
the general we#are, '
It Ist° this free and
.natural combina-,
tion of labor .and capital, under the con
trolling influence of religions and civil lib
erty, that we must inscribe the unexampled
pre ass tirmirilization and 'refit - lenient a
mongstas,,the advance and the arts, and
the illustrations which surround us ouevery
side, of the power of man to exalt lib, nye
retain& intellectual unwire. Yet it is a fact'
not ,trt he .ctinrealed, that the interests, so
.and justly united, by the wise
policy afoot aystem, are not always , con
tent adds that equality of right*, which is
in.Ganttlie . best security of both. Capital,
with -untiring industry, ie ever seeking,
from the tegialature, the giant of special
poise:doe tall,perpetuity of privilege.--
This, it eiltnitscil. is at once destructive of
the balarimbetween these powers. which
it should' bekthe aim 'of gevernment kteatli
lytto•nutialeitt, end works most injurious
ly to the 'mitilea, leading lo oppreesitili
on the one head, and to dependence on the
other.— Thns.ll3o .beautiful order off the
whole system ,is deranged, and the founda
tion...4lpin this noble structure of
gu,eraltient Ist• ;leen, to commend the ad
natation Ana coritiol ,the destinies tifthe,,
world, are „undermined, To counteract
this injurious .tendency of capital, and to
confine titsvithin the just limits prescribed
hy,thetConstitution, is the high and im
,penitisi.daty of every citizen, and espe
.cially lot those la 'whose official guardian.
ship the,Pnblie interests are confided.
intpreasedwith the force of this obliga
itiehintoulosiith a,fixed purpose to maintain
all the prineiplmolour government, I ad
diete 'WtheropiniOns I had the honor to an
inoithinsia My rust Inaugural Address!, and
'I avail myself el this occasion to add, that
I hold .4Yery attempt on the part of those
'who p.reAntrusted with delegated and lim
ited powers, toicreaM public debt without
providing ample 'paeans for its payment,
within a reasonable period ; to make con
trgegk4,.the, form of grants to individuals
f o r bin4ing,peeterity ; to create new pow
ers ciigoVerament, without the consent of
the people'; to place any delegated pow
which are dependent upon the popular
will, beyond its control ; to increase or
di m i n i sh any "(Twice, legislative or judi
cial poWer, as defined by the Constitution,
is interdicted by that instrument, or mani
felity unwise and impolitic. These ()pin-
ions are only a response to the public sea
!ilium, is regard to the principles of the ;
government, Which sentiment is nl ways iii
advance of those wltn :Sect to distrust the
Judgment of the people, mil doubt their ea
petty to rule themselves. "
With an earnest desire fully to realize
the imposing solemnity of my position, and
feeling my dependence upon our Ilea
t•only power, I liumblv invoke his :ISSlA
taner, that His strength may sustain, and
His ,wisdoin direct toe in the performance
of all the duties of the high office to which
I am called ; that I may always recognize
Ihr revonsihaity of those to whom lit
people have delegated any portion of their
..overeiguty, and use the power conferred
on me, for the single purpose of promoting
the public good, preserving inviolate all
the cherished principles of liberty, and ad
ding to the stability of the foundations up
on which they rest.
urged by Gen. Cass, Chairman of the
Committee on Military Affairs in the Sen
ate. and the T.oeofocos of that body gen
erally, is looked upon as a magnificent e
lectioncerintscheme, rather than called
for by the public exigencies. The regi
ments already in the field lack 8,000 men.
and of course the most efficient and econ
omical plan would be to fill them up first.
There is no lack of officers in these skele
ton Regiments, for as -fast as one falls or is
discharged,-his-place is supplied by pro
motion, ' , But this method does not snit
the: policy! of the Administration. A new
*bate - hot °Moat* - With the additional patrott6
age that would be created thereby; are re
quired by Cost, Buchanan, Dallits,.& Co.,
to electioneer - for the Presidency in 1848.
The spany' desire to convert the officers of
Abe- riew regiments !take& for-into clamor-.
gairitedtand oteleetisbeering agents, to
tee scattered through the country during
the ensuing Presi4stiol,eanctoss I' ;Will
the-Whir oilow this l Walthey lee the:
money ; :of the ~people esuandered for the
parliele . otaaitimmodsliog the beads of the
44,cofaao party 1; We trust not... Let the
Regiments tdready ittservice be filled up
as speedily as:possible, and then, if requt.
red, it will be time , enough toz.oryfanize
new fore's. -
At the last accopnts the Reading Como-
pany had but a mere Corporal's guard fit
for duty, and this, we presume, is a fair
average of all the rest. Why not fill up
these companies first f Let that be done,
attd . the force will be round amply sufficient
to overawe the :Viexicafts, and accomplish
all, that can be accomplished towards 'Con
quering, a peace.'—Reading Journal.
PIA PATO* ....VALAIS* sus.—The.
question las to the title,, or • ownership,' .of
the Pea •Patch island in the Delaware tie
er,'opposite Delaware eitvi•which was re
ferred tardier an act of eotigre'ss, and by
appointment of President, to the Ron.
Julia Sergeant for argument and decision,
and which, by agreement of the -parties,
was recently argued in Philadelphia by the
Hon. John M. Clayton and lion. ,JalltOs
M. Bayard, of Dela Ware, on the iiart of
the .United States, and the lion. fiedige i
M. Bibb, of Kentucky, and Gen. John-K,
Eaton, of Tennessee, on the part of the
NOW JetillY clOiMants,„, WOO . decided om
Saturday at Washington, in favor of the
claim of the flailed States, under title from
the State of 'Delaware. This deciefon, br
the agreemetit of the parties, is final and
eonelostie, and terentiteS a`ecnitroveniy.
that has been, pending for upwards of di‘n
ty-yearevandhae-been 'thy subject offre.
quent suittat law in the federal courts
EXPLANATION.--WO well remember,
that, when the newspapers, thrd'e or four
years ago, were in the habit of publishing
the votes taken on board of steamboats,
that all steamboat travellers were Whigs,
the Democrats staying at home and Mind.
ing their own business. Now this, we
take it, explains Mr. Polk's veto of the riv
er bill Ha•cares - not how-nurny"travel
lera on steamboats aro ki lled by snatrs and
sawyers, fur he thinks they are all Whigs.
He has no notion of letting the public mo•
slay be used for saving Whig lives.—Pren-
lice. '
From the report of its Superintendent
of Common Schools, it appears that the
number of schools in this, State is seven
thousand three hundred and twenty, of pu
pils three hundred and thirty-one thousand
nine hundred and seventy-six, end ofteach
eis eight thousand six hundred and seven
ty7ftiut, . •
—Chet Consumption is almost always pm
duccd hilt cold that miglit.easily be cured.
That Wisiar's Balsam of Wild Cherry
will cure aiiy — Cough or Cold, no matter bf
how long standing. That the milder form
of Consumption itself is also cured by this
Balsam. 'Thai it is conceded' by many
lawyeis; clergymen and'phy*cians, that
this Balsam' has 'never been equalled fiir
efficacy in all affection, of the Lungs sad
Liver. That scores now rejoice in. the
possession of good health who, but for
this Balsam, would have been in' their
gmies— , having been given tip to die by
their friends and
_physicians. Above all,
remember that this invaluable Medicine
has been imitated under various names.
and that Dr. Friatar's genuine Balsam of
Cheiry only can be relied upon to
CORN. It has been warranted to cure
Asthma in every stage—what no physi
cian Vitas ever achieved--and 'has .never
been knowo to WI. For delicate health
in young females it stands unrivalled— , as
it does for all diseases of this climate.
li.'ieFor" sale by SAMUEL BUE
LER, only A,put for Oettyaburg.
,SANOI §ARWARU.L.A.—This, prepira
tion is a combination heretofore unknown
in the• history of medicine, differing entire
ly in its character and operations from the
various preparations of Sarsaparilla which
have been at different times offered to the
Public. It acts specifically upon the whale
system, thereby bringing it under its direct
and immediate influence. Although pos
sessed of powerful and controlling effects,
yet it is entirely harmless, so that it can
not injure the most delicate constitution.
When in perfect health, no ellitct is pro
duced by its Ilse O:Cpt an increase of ap
petite ; but when disease is seated in the
frame and hurrying fast its victims along
the path of life, then its mysterious influ
ence is felt and seen ; it enkindles new life I
and vigor and brings health and strength
back to the suffering and diseased.
ILY - For further particulars and conclusive evi
deseeol its superior ellicacy tiee Pam phlets,which
may be obtained of agents gratis.
Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by
A. B. k I). SANDS, 71; Fatten street. Now York.
Sold also by appointment of the Proprietors by
S. 11. 111 EULER, Gettysburg, Pa. Price $1 per
bottle. Six bottles for $5.
man. 14, 1847.—1 w.
1110 % Tin: II 1:11 , :01116 SUN or NY linNIE:1410 itT
BEEF' CAT"l'LE.—'l'hete were 950 head of
fered at the irides on Monday, 521) of which sold
j at $4 50 a *6 75 per 100 lbs. net.
11 -..des of Live Hogs at ti 4 75 a * 51 4
FLOUR.- —The floor market dull :std few sales.
Holders of Howard street brands generally ask $6.-
00-a lie Hales made at this place. Receipts aro still
light. City Mills $6 12. Corn meal sold at $3
25 a :17, and Rye Flour at $5 OR
(IRA IN—The receipts of grain continue small,:
good to prime red wheat sold this morning at $l.-
30 a 1 35; ordinary 4o good at $1 20 a sl'3o;
white far hunily flour at $1 38 asl 48. Whits
Corn 57- a 08 cts.; yullow, 60 a 61. , Oats 4-1 it 47.
Rye 73 a 73. Clorerseed $4 25 a $4 50. nal
rev] $l3O.
On Tuesday the 11th inst., by the Rev. E. V.
Gerhart, Mr. I)AP ID WOLF, and Mk" Ft LIZ A 111CTO,
daughter of Mr. Philip Bearner, all of Menallen
On Thursday the 13th inst, by the same, Mr.
DANIrr. STALLSMITIT, and Miss MAnaaxrr,
'daughter of Mr. Peter Tronle, all of Straban town
On the 13th inet. in Littlestown, by the Rev. J.
Sechicr, Mr 11Ar.L HITT...IIIUL. and Miss ANIELIA
K.E11.111, all of this county.
On the lath inot., by the Rev. Septitnus Tustin,
Airs En 11. SmiTif, Esq.. ( junr. editor of the Cum
berland Valley sentinel, Chambersburg.) and Miss
MAIL, E., youngest daughter of John Currie, Esq.,
of Hagerstown, Md.
On Tuesday the 18th inst. by Rev, J. Albert, Mr.
Mantis . Eicnista 'Await of Heidelberg township,
York county, and Mild/ CATILLICINk GLIMsaLMa N,
of Berwick township, Adams county.
on the 18th inst., Mann CATII 111 NE, tillUglaCT
of Mr. Wit. WL/GANDT, of this place, aged 4
yeant and_ 2 days,
On the 12th inst. in this llorough, Marzt.nA,
daughter of John P. lioffinan, aged 2 years 5
months end 18 days.
OrtFriday last, Mr. J *co m Brmrstr, of this
place, in the 72d year of his age.
. On the 14th inst., at him father's residence, in
Conovrago township, Adams county,
Otrr, aged 22 years.
On Mondaythal.7lhinstt., Euar4zres, daugh
ter o f John and Eliza Jenkins, of , this borough,
aged 5 yeas, 9, months gml 27 days.
Round her;ye Graeae, constant yigils keep,
And guard. fair innocence, be ractetrileep;
Till that bright morn shall wake the bee Meats clay
To bloom and sparkle in-eternal day.
JOHN SHRPFNR• svibi kena i n
&teasel Einsrrmt. D ivorce.
rirtAKE notice that an Order of the
Court of Common Pleas of Adams
County has been diade, fixing
Monday the 22d day of February next,
for the hearing and determination of the
said eta* and that the Reid Resportdimt
is hereby required to appear on said day:
and answer the complaint Of` the Libellant.
shed4 4 .9l#o* Gettysburg. t
Jautuetril, 1147. S '
Appeals- . for 1848..
llE,Commissioner! of Adams Coun
ty h'erebygive notice :16 • ,thoie
pens concerned, thin they have; appuitiv
ed day, Tetetday and Wednesday, the
7th, 'Blli and 9th of lie#, for
the hearing of appeals' f6r thb respective
townships and botooths; In the Commis
sioners offi6e, in Gintysburg.'
By order of the Commissioners;
Jan: 21, 1848.—=-8t
Valuable :Tan Yard Property
D- I ;
1, -
1,7143 .4 r0. 1 r1E° La.V . D
On Monday, .klse 71A of Iltruary next,
W li r j o l llo l4 %Vi tlE g Rela ta Es P l u at b e lie' a S it a tte t nl
FaitfieW.Adataccounty.T.s., VIZ
V A t trA B L 8
to which is Attached an the neeeFearir
Pools. Bark Sheds, Tan Shope, Rai*. Mill,
and Leather Roller. Also a
House,, ;
and good STABLE, togeth
er with about
There is running water through the 'pre
mises, and the facilities for , supplies o
Bark are equal, to those of : any other in
the county, and superior to.toost.of them.
A. L s 0,--at the same time and plea° wt
be sold 9 ACRES of
adjoining the shove, and divided into lota
of from one 16 'ttvo Acres each—all of
which are now in grass,
The attention offarmers and others wish
ing to burn. Lime icdirected to,these lots,
as they `will yield ' large cpiantithie of
Lime to' the burner. Persoutwiehing tee
view the premises will be shown them
by the subscriber. ,
"Terms will be made easy, .and the
Property will positively be sold.
Fairfield, Pa. January 17, 1848.
LETTERS of Administration on the
of Cumberland township, dec'd. having
been granted to the subscriber,.residing in
said township—Notice is hereby. given to
all those indebted to said estate to make
payment, and those having claims upon the
estate to present the same, properly au
thenticated, for settlement.
Jan. 21, 1848.-61.
T EWERS of Administration on the
IA Estate of JOSEPH Cosuut, late of Mt.
Pleasant town'p, deed, having been grant
ed to the subscribers, residing in Adams
county, they hereby give notice to all why
arc indebted to said Estate to call and pao
the same without delay, and those having
claims arc desired to present the sante,
properly authenticated, for settlement.
Thefirst named Administrator resides in
Nlountjoy, the second in 111ountplessant
Jan. 21, 1848.-431
ALI, persons having claims against
the Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia for services, &c. rendered in the Militia
service within the bounds of the 2nd Bri
gade fith Division of Penn's Militia, are
hereby' notified to present their claims :to
the following persons, who will receive
them for me :
rot. John IL Martian,
Maj. .lanag IL 7Firkes,
Col. Sarand N. Bulky,
Maj. John latt;Th,
Col. John Rankin.
A prompt eMnpliance with this notice is
requested. JOHN SC orr
Brigade hrpeetor, .2(.1 Brig. sth Div. P.'M
Jan. 91, 1848.-31
Cilianover "Spectator" and York "Gazette,"
insert three times, mark cost, and charge this office.
O 1 RY,ofnll kinds.eonstantly on hand
and for sale, id Mc lowest prices, at the
Boot; and Stationery Store of
Dee. to. S. H. BUEHLER.
IUST received and for sale a large as
psortment of the most chaste, delicate,
fanciful and beautiful, sentimental, Comic
and Grotesque Valentines, which, for beau
ty, elegance•and chasteness, stand unrival
led. As the introduction of Valentines is
new to many, in our community, there may
be those who wish to know what they
mean, what they are good for, and how to
be used. Cupid says :—They are the
very things to get you a new Sweetheart,
or secure the affections of the one you now
hold most dear. They are the best articles
in the world to dismiss a disagr.'eable
beaux, or a coquettish belle. They cre
ate new feelings, awaken the most indiffer
ent to a sense of the most delightful emo
tions and set all sorts of people crazy for
matrimony. Also, Cupid's Valentine,
written; The Lady's Own, Sentimental,
do. ; The Gentleman's do. ; Floral Valen
tine, do.; The Belle's and Beaux's do. ;
and the Valentine Poetic Gem. Persons
in the 'country. by addressing a line (post
paid), can have them sent to them. Re
member that St,,Nalentine has his Head
quarters at the Bookstore of
P. 8. No man of any spirit or spunk,
will anew . the present Festival (14th Feb
ruary) to pane over without sending a val.
MAW!tp hie favorite nor will any Littly.
Fissessingieal afreciions neglect her beaux.
Jan. 21, 104.8.
M 11404 tlngt
ditigrrirsauigG, P.I.
THE Subscriber tenders his acknowl
, edgments to the Public for the liberal
and steady patronage with which he has
been favored fur q series of years, and re
spectfully announces that he his jest re
ceived, at his old letebtlished stand in
Chambersburg street,, a large and 'fresh
*-• - etrPrLe
DRUGS 8z 11111DICINES fig
Paints Varniih, Dyestuffs ,
and every , variety of articles usually found
in a Drug store, to which he invites the
attention of the'public, with 'assurancel that
they, wail be furnished. at ; the most 'reason
The subscriber has also largely increas
ed his assettment of BOOKS, by'an addi
tional supply of '
' • , glase4l4 - 77seological,
- ..- -\\ Schoc•Cgrael Mir.
.. ~ \
--------. -.
' . ..) . ' _
embracing aintost every variety of Stand
ard and Popular , Literature;:also; ' .
Elnk 11110 4$ Pad. 4so l lo, l oc , iry
of all kinds, GOLD PENS, Pencils, Via
itYki and Printiotgaidet Dasit CallesJulbr
stands, &c. &a., all of , which willow usual,
be sold w - j...,11T THE 'LOWEST PRI,
4 :7 - Avvanryneata l have been; made by
NhieVitasibuwatikAttellidetLialis &Mori,
meat will be promptly ordered from• the
Cities. • ,
, . S. .13VEHLER.
a:ri have at 'present on hand app' tOtn. ,
lent assortment of BIBLES, plainstn&tin.
ey, for edam!, and family use--Lat very low
NOTI•t,m. '
A BRA•fIAM SHEFFER. lOorpenter%)
aw of Tyrone township, Adonis county;
Pk:, fraying eirecuted a deed of voluntary
assignment to the subseritier,• maid* . in
Siraban totinshi(i,:in said county,' an trust
for creditors, nottitt is hereby given•to ell
persona indebted to said Sheffbr tomato
paptient without delay to; the imbirtilmr,
and . to+all permits hiving claim* urptekent
them. properly anthennekted, for *stela
Jan. 7, 1.84€1-4t • '' `l9etlignee.
TAOOlf AwrgApr, ofpuny
J thwhiltip, 'Adams county h sing
eented a deed of voluntary atungnmen to
the lubScriber, residinp, in . /3:616Rn tilothi
ship, hi said minty, in trust for creditor's,
be heriby rivals all persons, indekited to
the said Hartman, to make payment im
mediately of their respective duem and all
persons having claims to present them,
properly authenticated, for seutlecaeat.
Jan. 7 1848.—0 t
AM. herebYwerned not to leq or
telt he &Meowing : perso'nel property .
remaining in the hands of Joust . HOFFMAN,
of Freedom totinship, Adams &flinty, Pa.
as the said property was bought at Consta
bles sale by Dr. John Carpenter, and by
him sold to me, as I have loaned the said
property to the said John Holtman, subject
to be reclaimed whenever I may *deem it
proper, viz.:-1 grey Mare, t black Marc,
I black Colt, 2 Cows, 6 head of young
Cattle, 16 head of Hobs, 2 sets of hind and
I set of front Gears, CSaddle, 1 Wagon, I
Grain Cradle, 1 Grindstone, Double and
Single 'Frees, I Wheelbarrow, 1 Burshear
Plough, 6 Chairs, 1 Table, 1 Bureau, 1
Ladder, 1 Shovel Plough, I Harrow, 1
Cutting Box, and I pair flay Ladders.
Cumberland tp., Jan. 14, 1848-30'
MONDS, 'Six., of the beet quality
to be had at the Confectionary of
IV ILI, be made and put tip by the
VY . subscriber, who will attend prompt
ly to all orders, and upon as reasonable
terms as can he procured at any establish
ment in the county.
G - 1 , ;(11. E. lIUE}ILEH.
Gettysburg, October 15, 1847.
Jewelry, Watelt-C
ATCH Chains. Keys, Spectacles,
v &c. &o. can always be had at the
Clock & Watch Establishment of
wißurr TREES, of all kinds, (grafted
JE in the root,) can be had of the sub
scriber on reasonable terms. Please call
and judge for your-elves.
am *MLA AlLNUT_llt46,ffltmo
1W v Atom's msps
FOR dT 1711,5 OFFirl;
pcjt!..Now is the time to subsert7e.-17VE Copies for 81, or fl copies of 'Fright's
Paper awl two of the Casket for one year; for 81 !
Mothers. mad Gtrotto of useful knowledge for the Wumen of America
; 11.11711 - ir, BE 411 - lira lirliF.' feWii
j CAP PLEAsiN(; AND usEri:L iNt'immATioN,
.itlOR the Mothers and Daughters of .liiii rica—devoted to Univeraill Education, the ialuention of
m o th ers , th e prom o tio n o f I f ume Joys, the itillowlee of Women. nod F finnan Improvement—(m
-i der the supervision of the Ameriean Socicty for the Diffusion of li ae ful Know ledge.)—Will be published
monthly, (commencing with January. 1818.) Oct a large sheet, line white paper, new type, :tiled with
pleasing and instructive matter designed to educate the hearts and minds of women, and. fit them for
;119efulness in their important relations to society, and the station they neces.iarily occupy in the great
i work of Human Progress. Each twitcher will contain articles on various aubjetts, such as Useful Re
ceipts, Moine Education, Training and 31anagetuent of Children, Natural history, Medicine, Domestic
Economy. Us.ful Advice, &c.
THE CASKET WILL CONTAIN NO SILLY LOVE TALE, er other deleterious matter,
but the great aim will be Is !NIT M:CT, cc well its .n St CSE--10/1killi: a desirable Companion for every
family in the Union—a complete Cabinet of lisefill Iliforination, embracing ell the branches of general
knowledge—in short, just such a Paper as any well meaning man would wish to hose his wife, daugh
ter, or sister toad. o.
13 During the year we will publish ill the "Casket" I,'Ainie sir oelehreted Essay 011 the Civili
zation of the Human Family, entitled the ''Education of 3lotherr." For this work the author received
the premium of 25,1 , 00 francs from the French Chamber of Deputies. us the hest essay that was offered
lit' Europe, on the Civilization of the Ilimuln Family. 'file translation is a literal one, and bon all the
beauty of diction and power of thought embodied in the original. "'ref. Bassett, of Waterford College,
is the translator of oft hie invaluable work.
The original and selected matter will be of the choicest kind. Mitch of it was written or selected for
a Magazine which we purposed publishing; being beyond the reach of those whom we wished to benefit
we have concluded to publish it in this limn, giving the Mlle annelit of matter us we should be obliged
to charge $2 per year for in a Magazine, for the trifling stint of '25 cents.
EV'To facilitate the making of Clubs, ire will wend five copies for tit, remitted free of postage. A
twenty-five cent piece can be enclosed in a letter sheet, without increasing the postage.
1, Postmasters, Clergymen, Teachers, and all friends of Ilmitan Progress, are requested to net as agents
for the "Casket." Counnunicationa uhould be post paid and addressed
A. E. WRIGHT, 65 South Third Street, Philadelphia,
Actuary of the American Society for the D:lfosion of Useful ICnowledets
t PREMIUMS EXTRAORDINARY !!—A parse of $lOO hag been made up be the friends of the
Cause. to be distributed in premiums no (oiler:B,-I'o the Clergyman who will procure the largest
number of subscribers to either "Wright's Paper" or "Wright's Casket." env the lot of May, a. 7.2.5,1,10.—
To the Teacher who will Fend the largest number of aulweriliers before the lint o(jilay, to either, or both
papers, $25,011. To the Pest-Nlaster who will procure, iteirpendent of the alive, the largest number of
subscribers before the ISt of May, to either it both rapers. $ 75,00. To any Mau Woman or Child
who will send the largest number of subscribers to either or both parent. duritig the year, $25.00. •We
do not include in this, our Agents in the large Cities. All will have an equal chance thr these premi
ums. Competitors for the Premiums, will incise state the fact in their letters, which will Le filed away
until the awards are made.
COUNTRY EIHTOIIS giving the above one or more CilllClliClloll4 illatirtillllN including this notice
(double column) anti noticing the paper. will receive per mail, a copy of Trumbulf4 IVashington and
two copies each of "W'rightha Paper' anti "W right's Casket." For the silnie in 'single column. n copy
of the magnificent mezzotints, Sully); celebrated Portrait of James K Polk,by Sartain, or Nagle'a cele
brated Portrait of Henry. Clay, by W. Warner, Esq.; these portotito Me' admitted to be the hest like
wows ottani, and will be mailed so nit to carry wifloint breakage or other injury, on the receipt of the
paper with the adv. !narked—addressed "'Wright's Casket," Phila. [Jam 21.
. .
VORI SPRINGS- SEMINARY ( . ons tt mp ti yes Read—Let now
•FOR FEMALES. 41e,spair.
. .
THIS School is located in a health}' THOMPSON'S
• part of the country, within i of a Compound Syrtrp of 'Prir ti• n'ood Nop/h
mile of YorksPringe. and 2o miles west of Ma, Me 111; SY' RE AID i'Vthe day
York; ativfiTeh .place„ persous arriving in for CONSIJiMPTIO IV Wirrihma,
the morning nitin of Quri. by a pply ing to Caught', Colds; Liver Corn- ,
Samuel Hays, 3 4Ill ' inter'Wi r th ready con- plaint, 4.1., 4.c., e.
~ ••
vdynifititithis Plidt‘On the saufd dny;antl . and all kindred diseases of the respiratory
these ' Coining in the afternoon train can organs.
take the Gettyibtirg Stilge intuiddiately for it s preparatiim• now en extensia/rly need
Giles Tavern, on the York .and Geitys- . hew no parallel, as an efficient remedy. in
the class of diseasest or which it 11 iipplicabh:.--
burrturapike, where they will , be neeotn- •
Its peculiar composition enables it to, act in a
felfitiltted. saver night.upd convoyed here the, kindly manner upon di Seared organs ; Bowlin; ir
rictOday..„: Th 4 School is also entity of ac- ritatimi, quieting the 'cough, and inducing an ea
cou from Baltimore, Carlisle, Harrisburg, sy t..v pectorat ion, thus freeing the lungs and air
iiitrGittkeburg,as stages front moth (tidiest: vessels from otfenove matter. W isthich olnerw
' would aggravate diwasta and ultimately result in
places pass through l'etersburg (one mile ;
confirmed consumption. •
northof this) every other (lay of the week. .
r, public shakers this Medicine is invaluable
- The course of - instruction comprises all rendering the inter clear and idiom:, and rettieV
tbc branches of ,a solid liberal English Etl- ing any predispuotion to diease in the Lungs an
ttetttioni together with Atte French and Geri.. Bronchia . . • • '
man .language, and Hrawing. .
The tollou•ing is tram Dr. 'Youine. o the distin.
'rho summer 4essien will ennunence on.. • : -'
goished roc ills[;;_
- the - frfetreemni'dayiwthe• - 501 - mootht - arIITT - ' ' Fliilndelphia„lan. 18, 1817.
'that for the winter on the {'first second day... having ivied in Inv practice, as well as in my
in the. I(th.luouth, and each contiune 2.4 own family,"Thomisoit's Compound B.yrup of Tar
weeks. • .. ).: .1 :-.. .; ,; I mid Wood Naptha." I have no hesitation in say
l'uttriti.--,-.Ftir-Tu itiolt, Boardidg, Witsh. ingWtitt.itill'the. triter eltaisiaavinat of the kind
at use for persona autleting from Consumption.
ins, dte•.; llsti - :per sesasiett•pf '22/wdelt4;, I . • • . .
ir , . , . Coughs,Sollie, soil all allectiona -of he thrat,
; one-halr Piyahle in advance, and the. itl- breast, tqc , .. sla firbs'aleni this smitten of the year.
maindrt at pie end of lie„terAp i ...Di. , e l .'- ,:, wM. YOUNG, M. D.. 152 tiptoes! rt.
' Ira chatet eicerfir tr . ' the Fielfp ti'' iit d Ge)r- .' ' ' 'READ 'ling, rot.r.owt NG! •
man .hingutiges, i ii4
,hrtiwthg,' The use Ilartisburg, Nov. 18, 181.1.
q-jt t or nir , ll o il i k ii i tr id..y . ibt. nr yi iii t h u l f t, iI)r.S.•P. T:hompson--sDear cir: I eonsiderit a
1 ratenfl duty, to publicly acknowled‘w the benefit
eline gr ';'ailiel.Benk " ' " ll.9t4ii°66i Y; ' " k' .T have derowd from the use ol 1711 - illVilillable
needed c furitialttl'itt•thi Mina!' prieesi - ..
medicine, the CoMpoutid Spill, of 'liar and Wood
Ma& 'Pupil Amu Tnritish•lier oWit wash. NaplitlA: - In the sitting of Is 11, I wit: taken ill
'bialiVenir ttidieVied hide' ettelt . • . .artlefe 'Of with bitirids fever, and was very ill for a long
t albiltit Millie& With her erniie Mime. ' ... time. After I had partially recovered , my physi•
, ~,, I , ia .. jo u r, .w iEnv n AN. ..,
.. ciao informed two my lungs; were affected. mid
1.111k - S. WIERMIN' treated me accordingly. His skill had ma effect.
5i , ,,,60, ,
jpa,... 2 3 . n , s i, lee instead of getting better,l daily grew worse.
' I Was fi nally Maimed by ini that •1 was inem
. •--- , ~..... . rable,and must die, and Allid : wothieg remained .
•TRE , WAR IN -MEXICO AND ho.p-, 001 ,,,,,,,„ lint another is orld.” My weak• i
nest incont•ed u n til I %% 11, ....Willi,' 10 INS!: I 110 d
Plai Eicrpßiß,* ~.., very serete rairla in my breast• side anal hark:
mertg - tsWeitiblintits - ticett ~.
, ~.,A , 1,66,,,, shortitew or breath,. and Pit its so itity hoarse that
The famous battles in 'Mexico; my voice tint not be heard, a IIII?Fli 1110 ear 55115
' 'Node dais dispute, but must confess,' I ; .- `• applied' eloia! to tiny mouth- My conch was ter•
The glary of our arms' suitcase.: • --. ' Obit!. lanai:sing me night and day, Cr, Illi.! I could
.Bllltisitgittia . r victories than. these ' obtaid very little rest, While stitleritig in this
,Here long been made with greater cave; w xy, with no relief, I ww your ad , intiseinerd in
the -II
iiiriii," of this hotaiich. w itt, the certificate
' Victories triumphant and complete,
At 'Marcus Samson's, In York street.
of ii lady nt Philadelphia appended. u hid' so neat-
For Clothing Choi), there'sllollo dare try
. •ly tlewi i bed my caw tit it I i eso I i ell to try your
To rival him in quantity : medicine and Its Ctliv 1. 41 , 1111 !W. I accordingly
In styliefoldintikti.vind fit arid easel i ' sent to your agent; fir. 3l'l'lierson, and merely.]
His patrons he is sure to please, a bottle. I had not used mole than 01 e•thild 0
Hits stock is great, his prices small,
it, before the IMaistmess lett 1111.. I then took it
Who would buy cheap, had better roll.
.:. 8
legal:id). -,the pow in my 1.164. he. len roe; the
• ~ .Arc you going to buy CLOTI lIN f: ,
. ,
liiirtnei. isi' Itrea e: th mid cough %ytam ed an
110 ' . '
I am now aide to walk admit u it h renewed Itealthi
,this fall, and do you want to buy cheap? • anti vigor. You can make it tat use of ibis you
If so, call at $A M SON'S Malin , and Ira- please. I ain williog to give any soli:tactual
riety' Store, nearly opposite the Batik, inl t
tau_ may he requited sil me it called on personal
Gettyiburg, where the largest and best as. iy. With great respect. I rem ,,,,, mu !, 1 3 ,,,
sortment of _ _..... - . JA con SQUIRE. ,in
iftrady-m ad e (1 h
for BOYS' and MEN'S wear, ever re
ceived in Gettysburg, is now being opened.
It is unnecessary, us it would be impossi
ble. to enumerate the 'different articles com
prising the assortment, which includes cv-
cry variety of Boys' ;Ind Men's Apparel,
such as superfine Cashineret and Cloth
Dress COATS and CLOAKS; fine and
superfine Tweed Coats ; Cassinet do.;
plain and fancy Cassimer, Cloth, 'l'w•eed,
and Cassinet 1 3 ANTS; Silk, Satin. Cas-'
simere, Cassinet, Plain & Fancy VESTS;
rapper,;, Shirts, Bosoms, Collars.
"" 711 0 C l'ti, Cravats, liaudkcrchicfs, Sus-
penders, Gloves, :Stockings, lz C. Also, a
largo variety of
Jewelry, Spectacles, Perfumery, Pen
knives, Co nibs, Shaving Apparatus, Pur
ses, Dish-shades, Umbrellas, V iolins, GM.-
tars, Violin and Guitar Str'ns, Need!-;s,
Pins, Dish-shades, &e.
rr Having purchased an unusually largO
supply of Goods, liar Cash, and haying de-
term ined to sell an the Cashand One Price
principle, my(:nods have put down to the
lowest prices, and will he sold at asiMlisle.
itighj !nu re/es. If you want to save 50
per cent. in purchasing your Fall and Win ,
ter Clothing, call and examine the splend
id assortment now opening by •
Not•. 5, 1847.—tt
104)0 L"B. of WALNUT KER
NELS, (in good order;)
wanted at ir 7' C. Weaver's Confectionary
in Gettysburg, for which 121 ets. a pound
will be paid in Cash. Inunediate,atten,
lion is required. As the above article enti
be prepared by those who have Wahnon
ou hand, at leisure hours, attention wilt
well pay. ("Dee. 10, 1847.
IL)I CILS, (hest quality) Card Cages,
Visiting and Printing Cords. Fancy Note
Paper, Envelopes, Motto WPrers& Fancy
Sealing Wax, Letter Staanps, lir sale.
December 10.
Try-This invllunble remedy Is prepared only by
A ne:ney tia DickPon, N. Cornet of Fifth end
Spriten etreets. l'hiladel phia, end con be had of the
. • S. S. Forney, Gettysburg.
. . I?, .llngney, CaFlisle.
D. I'. Lange, llanover.
C.. 1. Morris t Co„ York.
an.l by respectable Drovints geeeral
Price :it, cents, or $l.OO per butllr. noi ate of
11111 tilt j01t.,.
Jan, It IS IS
[April y]
/. --'crA-,.----
7 - 4 E A
z ,
z —_---& k
ti- ... \4 a/1 r......) ..T. m
Te 4 -,-. r -Q - ii: -3 ‘ ,7 c. - .. - 2.::". 1
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E• 4 ~.1 =' =, E.t - i. , A - 2 i' '' Z - ,' t 7)
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aE.- 4 t i - 4 '''. .Z.: -.-.. r 3
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'.' ' '''
MN 71 2:: , :Z E ta Z -
":". ,
kso :21
the very best quality, and different
jr flavors, can be had, at all times, at
AVENVEIFS Confectionary in hamhers
burg street. Families and Parties will he
suptilli-11 with ah V desired 4111111161 v, at the
shortest notice. CAKES and CONFEG
'PIONS of all kinds always on hand, and
will be furnished to order on reasonable
Gettysburg, July 23.—tf
hoev6r wants a First-rate
C) AN he accommodated by railing nt
FRAZER'S Clock , & Wnteh Estab
lishment, in ('hambershorg street, Gettys
burg, next &Mr to Mr. Bitebier's Drug
Store--whcrc a now ilot of beautiful 24,
}WM : am), day„pLot . lis have just been
merited from the City. They arv' of the
best inanufnoture, and nill he warnlntvd.
Gnu us a call—they n lil he :-Qlkl diva
Stanton's External Iternedy,
it ierw'rr S _lola IX Esi"
Is How Ittiverstilly :Acknowledged t• kt• the
For Rheumatism, Spinal A trectione,Contraetions
of tic Muscles, Sore Threat and Quinsy,
Meer*, Pains in the Beek *Ai
( hest, Ague in the Breast awl Faee,
'faoth•Ache. Sprains, Imm:,
Salt Rheum, Burns, Croup;
Froaftd Feet and all'
:Venous Diseases.
ITT 1: `T'S E.\ r sti,taininir a notati ,
sty unequalled by any similar remedy. It
re.itures tin puilling to give it a rel utarion, it toqx
been (or some Tirne silently rind surely scenting
it, and now, when itr beneficial effects hike t
experienced by FC, many, the expretiiona of eret
itude trio continually aptearing, arid those who'
have teen raids whole hy its means, aredesironA
that the afflicted should no longer remain ignorant:
of ile invaluable and infallible efficacy.
• Mr. Geo. P. Stanton. the Proprietor. le con
stantly receicin4 teldimottials of benefits receitcl
1 . 1 - 0111 al use, and (natty of the cures it has effected
dlitioq exceed belie,. In one case a child hail
been a cripple lOr eight pears, haling mimetic'
the spine. m lieu at the age of two yeses, by •fall
from a chair. Aledical treatment tailed, but four
bottles of the Liniment restored him to strenith,.
and he now joins milli his playmates in gime.
youthful gambols. a. robust to. the lc althitst r:f
them. and only a small hump on his back to. re
mind him of his early sufferings. Price t.f.5 teat•
pet bottle.
The .I . itexe 7 x Triebod
cKNOWLEDGED to be the mol‘t•Yetuable ,
=44 turned). Oat has yet bern diseoveied.o.nd
may be relied on %% it h confidence !t11%%110 may
haVe oreaion ("01 its use ft •
. .
Thi:Ointrwmt is p'ait'cularly in eilded . forthroc
complaints that !Anthers are liable to during' the'
DM al IT nt infants, and may he truly called "11,e
Nurse's Friend. I :!..;") cte per box.
G. E STANTON, Proprietor, Sing Sing. New
York. FOll by
S, Buehler and S. S. Fornry, Get
tysburg; /Toy'. East ;
Ahbottsnswn ; Lilly mid Inky,
Oxford ; Jacob .lulabuvgh. Hampton ;
Zurk. New Chester; Kin g . liuit
terstown ; //o/tzinger Perer, Peters
burg, (V. 80; G. Jc. //mph !airfield.
Jan. 7, IS H.—t;
The Repressions "rieh . blood,"' and "poor
blood," have a scientific basis. The ri
dicule which many have wimple(' to
cast on these common sense opinions,
must recoil upon themselves as Jure&
as that 'Prath prevail.
The effect 01 this celebrated medicine is to pu
rify Oar blood, to convert the poor. colloid blood
into healthy. rich blond. Arid it iv became they
do this that they have been 50 steadily sought al
ter by all classes di our citizens w ho hat e
red medicine. And it is became of the rowel
Btandreth Pills rue NOW known to FlOlO4lB as
health restotels, that renders them so popular.
The) nine all allertim a. simply because they
make the blood pure—abstiact out of it these
qualities produce disease. and gike to it
those qualities tt bleb plod-Lee health.
Now, every solid part of the human frame is
made from the blood. and the Mod we tilt 15 con
verted into blood to supply the waste out bodies
are continually sustain rig. !o in the Auditing
comet. of nature we manufacture our ratite he
dies in about nine years limn the Moil ink. n into
our stomachs, S. , .tippo t e the blood made in this
stomach of ours h+ unsound, impute, occasiot.ed
by - snme . eausenrollierT it may refiq to th e
ceding generation: no mutter, we make impale
blood, and if so, it cannot be healthy. Or sop
pone the air we have lived iu for sonar tin e Los
been loaded with matters detrimental to health,
Or our tond 10r II long peliod has been 011111 un.
wholesome kind • or that the mind has been gulch
troubled—'or grief. anxiety, or great attentiar to
any parch 'liar point is sine to occasion bad Pb.
feels on the blood. Any lit these ci uses existing,
pond Mond eve hot treatrillied to the b il ly.
But let Ilianilleth's Pills be used daily tit 4'r
these ciretire•lni es in dn,en nl 111411111 0 10 tax
pills, or as the ca,e shall determine. What is
their (Arco I It is to cony' Mr the impute mat.
tors lions the Ear 1. Icahng rely ilie kife.(l to le
nein' m cry rut of the b, sly. What mos
now become,. 111111,11, ;mil the sic trod, seen gets
into to healthy a botalition that men had air 11r
1111W1101,01r.eloodlor a time err linable In Mi l re
the health materially. Even when the climate r'
Mod contimic unhealthy. the ocraidomil
Braialreth Pall. it ill rep:nate I) c impute putts
and cause their exptils.r leaving what it, girt
to supply lite and Ft length to the lady.
1 1111'11 the hor.cs ale tMeaseil, when et are ram
ification of the trance a rut 11l order, 11,e Ctnrd
crib Pills in 11. in I , llleTtell cairn out of twenty,
cute. Itenietulict that ti.e body can he entirely
onmole from the mod, bone; aid :01; . and ordeal I y
this most betwixt:lt mobrine, ire 11101111 r Of I) o
time it Ink., in the ordiu;uyceur.eolnatine. In
lion tee to lour yeaiii all entirely tielA
body can he a t hanged for the nmue JAI, the 111•
erased, the 011 1 ,1,t1/ 1 e one. The ,101.111ebi, or
(111;0mo - qt.. nt the change altered er de; et ds 111,n
the elitel the 11talutllelli Pills ale if,irt . l, Its pli.
(lure ; whilh dicer raw he podium 11 or to
patient pleas - is... 1111,S,11:e II (lilt
60111 1111.1; noillit I; Intl good-cum 10111%t. I:s1,1111e
the oh et ut Biondi/til - e: fills eroung n w 111.10e
jntlited f lend,; you will Lear ,1111;e4 , 1 to
you that there in ins risk in nuking tie trial 101 iY
that you will not be doing )(mire!, justbn with
out it.
ql The ilmutretii l'ills ore sold for *25 tit to
per box at Dr. D. 11 rend reth's Principal Mee.
Broadway, N. Yolk. and by the ;allowing , duly
authorized Agents:—J. M. Stevenson Ot Co.. (Icl
hnba ; .1. J. Net:Teary, Pctemburg:t . Abrahain
King, lonterstown ; A, ikrraclanol. A Ithnitstnw It To
I). M. C. 2 . nueriflger c@ fink,
LittlrPtovll; Mary Dimeon, Ca . slitown; Den, V: ,
Ileagy.Tanlield ; J. If. A Waking ii; EnAt Berlin
D. Neweutner Mcrhuoicoville ; shirk. Hon.
()Ver. LJ:M. 7:164e.
To.Farniei.s and Lime Burins.;
IVOTICEas hereby given that JA(-tar
IN H. BOWER, of Juniata comity; Pa•
has recently invented and procured Leiters.
Patent air an improvement in the rotten-tr
tion of Lime Kilns, to which the attention
of Farmers and lime (turners is respect+
fully requested. A Kiln can be censtrort:
ed according to this patent, to yield ono
thousand bushels of Lime for about 1H cm
tv dollars, and larger kilns can be built at
the rate of six dollars per arch. Kilns ran .
be made any size to suit the conveniene'e
of persons. The ,System has been - welt
tested, and has proved to be vastly supe
rior to tiny system ever tried, as kilns van
be built for one-hall the cost fornierly at
tending their construction.
The subscriber is duly' authorizer) a
gent to dispose of FARM InGliTti, ito
Juniata, Ac sins. Franklin, Union and . lied
fiird counties, and to furnish Letters pat
ent, Schedule, Drawing and Deed fir
same. any pv;sott wishing further infor
mation, or to procure a flyrin right in eith
er of the above eounties,, van do so by en
closing f.'is in a letter, or by personal appli
cation to • DAVID
WALNUT J uniatit roinny,
Sept. 21, 1817.—Gut
, Dr. Cullen's indian regetutle SperiPt.
I ror rem ale Co mPi a inIN •
itMS meiliebTe iY (list taking the piker 'br'esei
ry prepay:lTbm beretotere toed tor drteuree
arising from ‘T.'enkumos Of Other CAUliti. All 64
is neressibr to secure this medieire a plicre iii tbis
Dottiest:: l'rartire of eYei y latnity:iikebsbek it
medicine is needed, is u iiiiii. Iterrblia I. r Itubli
is innocent in its tweratini , , and nu ioiturY ail N'
one front it , mi.! 41 .my tae
irrYnt 510^. 11/IPleuld'llllll Feria by II eirmtvi
4 ; NV+ I.;tf ,:.;; , 1 ' , ; - ;rr;e lout .1; a. :\fvrket it. Phila. sod
br S.ll tirl:lll , Elt e: ,t-,..tag ; wry) twnger,
Ah 1,; ; ,...;.,,, I ;qv A R o r , timyrd, end by 'I. 4,
1 :" . ' ~ i 1 wi,l“: , i , ',Au.; i.,..4i-.-ly