Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, January 07, 1848, Image 3

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    ~Ikftit ;tA.I4IIA NAC TOE
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According to II new Almanac, the. year
of our Lord, 1848 is to be an eventful one.
We extract from said Almanac the follow•
ing iiagarioits,preOietions, which will dtnibti
leas be fulfilled :
..Through the whole course of the corn
ing year, whenever the moon wanes the
night will grow dark.--:--On several Occa
sions, during the year, the sun will rise be
fore certain people discover it, and *be
fore they hare finished the day's work.—
it is quite likely that when there is no bu
siness doing, many will be heard to com
plain of hard times, but it is equally cer
tain that all who hang themselves wilL es
cape .starvation.-..---If bustles and hoops
go out of fashion, a church pew will hold
more than three ladies.-11dandies wear
their beards, there will be less work fur the
barbers, and he who wears mustachiues
will have something to sneeze a t.---There
will be many eclipses of virtue, some
others invisible.—Whosoever is in
love will think his mistress a perfect angel,
and will only find out the truth of hie sus
picion by getting married.—Many deli
cate ladies, whom no one would suspect.
will he kissed without telling their Ma's.
—There will be more books published
than will find purchasers, more rhymes
written than will find readers, and more
bills made than will find payers.—lf the
incumbent of a fat dike should die, there
will he a dozen feet ready to step into one
pair of shoes.-r---If any young lady should
happen to blush, she will be apt to look red
in the. face, without the use of paint ; if she .
dream of a young man three nights in suc
cession, it will be a sign of something ; if
she dreams of him four times, or have the •
toothache, it is ten to one she will be a long
time in getting either of them out of her
head....-...-Dinners and entertainmems• will
he given to those who have enough at
home, and the ptior will receive much ad
vice gratis, legal and medical excepted.—
The public debts of the repudiating States
will hardly:be adjusted, and the same fate
will very probably attend private contracts
in this latititile.lle who marries this
year will run a great risk, especially if he
does it in a hurry.—lle who steals a
match, gives tattlers occasion to gossip, and
will be apt to involve himself and bride in
disagtotable relations.—There will be a
&at, sokat all over the country when it
thueders, and a tremendous dust will be
kicked up; oecasionally, by coach-horses.
---Many young Indics who hope for it,
but littie 'iipeet it, will be married; and
many who confidently anticipate that glori
ous etanshonafinn.‘oll be doomed to Wait
.*Finally, there exists little doubt, this
will he a "meat wonderful" year, surpass.
int in interest an that hate preceded it.
—Politicking will make tools, of them.
salves: pettifilgere will make fools of oni
ons; anti many women with pretty facet
111 drilla° Nola of hoth .—T he world
".•' • wouaual, and come hark to
ovthe : lii:it, net nut, ns will many
* intlitOdintegra in bitsitiess.--Ther e
will ho • iroovey. owl bide wool. both at
Met .tilliessing . e 1 pip, and the meeting of
Vottgrnm." :
.11tinks that it is ray
ifokumn to aii 'II eloela an tot their hunch
To show cause, 4-c.
STATO Of PICNKSTISANIA...7I • Al' an Orphans
Anima Corars. Courtheldat Getty*
rt,e4. I tyshurg, in and for
the County of Ad
; t cf
,a)tuna on the 2 lit day
of December.. A. D.
1847. Before
liam N, [nine, EN.
President, and his Associates, Judges, &c. assign
ed, &c.
DUE proof having been made of the
service of a role granted at a former
Orphans' Court, on all the heirs and legal
Representatives of John Topper, Into of
Liberty township, Ailan% county, deceas e
ell, to appear at this Court to accept or re
fuse to take the Real Estate of the said de
ceased, at the valuation made thereof, and
they being severa!ly called in open Court
and making no answer ; whereupon the
Court grant a Rule on all the heirs and le
gal representatives of the said John Top
per; deceased, to wit : ElizabethlbvidOw;)
John Topper, Jesse P. Topper, William
Topper, whose share has beau transferred
by him to Nathaniel Stout, Gregory P.
Topper, James 11. Topper, Simon A. nip
per, Elizabeth intermarried with Peter E.
line, Susan intermarried with Admit San
' ders, who have conveyed their share to
Henry D. Albright. in trust.for hie eredi
tors, Catharine Ann intermarried with Bla
sius Kibble, and Samuel and Sophia E
line, children of Mary; now deceased, a)io
had been intermarried with Wan. Eline--
to be and appear at an Orphane Cowles be
held at Gettysburg on the 3d Monday of
January next, to shew cause why the Real
Estate of thesaid deceased - shouldnot be
sold agreeably to the Intestate Laws of this
Commonwealth. Notice to he given to
such of the keit* as reside in Adams coun
ty, personally. and to such as reside out of
Adams county, by publioatiOn in One news.
paper in Gettyibitig.i copy of sw . bleb shall
be depobited in the Poet Office at Gettys
burg, addressed to each of the following
named persims :—Henry D: Albright, at
Hanover; Pa, to Wm. Tepper and N.
Stout. at Pittaburg, Pa. ; to Simon A. Top
der, at Blairsville, Pa.
7 8
13 14 15
20 21. 22
27 28 29
4 5
11 12 13
18 10 20
25 26 27
1 2 3
8 9 10
)5 .16 1 7
22 23 24
29 39
6 7 8
13 14 16
20 22
37 28 29
3 4 5
10 _.ll_ 12
17 18 19
24 25 28
Dit I Penh—
WM. k. UAMILTON, Clerk
Dcc. $4, 1847.
7 8 9
Akjit 16
21' 22 23
6 8
12 12 14
Ur 10 - 21%
28 27 28
Tong onexisropliil success width has thus tar
1 0 1 inded Ole .Ne%9 l l:ll*blishment, encour
age* thelooprietors to spans no exertions to make
the Deily Newso paper which shall be second to
none of its eotempormies in Philadelphia. They
will inalre it their especial- aim to impart a dig.
aided void trialaraeral -tone- to the paper.' and to
exclude from its eolianns every thing of as indel
icate or offensive mom. They have the most
ample ei ery respect, to enable them
togive toils readers the latest and rnetdaemiretp
local, foreign' and domestic intelligence, and also
101 l and reliable eecounts Of the Markets and Corn
toertial lotteregenerally,
The Deily , News will coatiine to .advocate
Whig ,prinaplee as, originally expounded by the
Febell-or the Cettetilellons and adopted by the
eccedifed organs and 'champions of the Whig
cause at the presort day. It will orge the hold ,
ingot a Whig National Convention for the purpose
of nominating candidates for the Presidency and
the Vice Presidency, and will 'battle with all the
ability.teal and energy it can command. to secure
the - tstumPliiiiiteleCtiori of thit nominees - of that
2 3 4
9 LO 11'
16 .17 18
23 84' 35
30 -
TER3III.—To mail subreribers, single copies
wilt bi famished at illt4 00. per annum. Twelve or
more Copies; ordered at the same time, and ad
dressed to the same P,,will be sent at the
rate of 03 00 per copy.
TNF Thi-WEEKtY NEWS will be issued
from OM name . Once, him and after the first of
January next, on Tuepdays, Thursdays, and Sat
urdays of esch'week, and will contain the same
matter as the fosily, including Um news of the day
on which it is issued.
The regular subscription price will be $ 1 0 0
fors single.ropy ; four copies, $3 SO per copy;
ten copies. $ tie per copy. ..
ed at the sane office; on every Saturday morning,
ista cheep nuttily Paper, will be funnelled to sub
scribers at the following low terms--One copy.
$1; six copies, ; thirteen copies. $10; twenty ,
copies, $l5 ; twenty-seven copies, p2O, &c.
weekly German newspaper. devoted to the advoca
ce of semi-Whig principles. sod to the dissemi
nation of Neal. foreign and domestic intelligence,
will be eniblidlied from and after the first of March
next. Tonies--Onseopy,lll stli four copies,ss ;
ten copies, Std.
113" In no cowl will either or the above papers
be forwarded unless payment be made in advance;
and no paper will be vent after the expiration of
the time, unless the snlorription is renewed.
to"Aloney remitted through the mail. will Se
at the risk of the publishers. Notes of all apecie
paying Banks, in any part of the Union, will be
•calved in pay.
Philadelphia, Dee. 11. 1817. •
S HEREBY GIVEN, That appliea-
I tint' wittbe - made by the undersigned
and others. to the next Legislature-of the
Commonvrealth of Pennsylvania, for the
incorporation of a Company under the
name and style, or intended name and
TION. capital Fifty Thousand Dollars, de
signed is an office of discount and depos
it; and to be lucated ) in East Berlin, Ad
ems counnty. Pa.
David Mellinger, John Dellone,
- GeorgeiMtwartx,
J. J. Kuhn, J. H. Aulabaugh,
Charles Spangler, Barnet Hildebrand,
George King, Isaac Trimmer,
George H. Binder, Abraham Trimmer,
JoHn Diehl, David Hollinger.
Jnne 23, 1847.-8 m •
THE, undersigned has connected With
his Coachinaking Establishment a
large Smith Shop, and is prepared to do
He would say to those who have Horses-to
shoe, that he has in his employ first-rate
hands, which, with his personal attetnion,
will enable him to give entire satisfaction
to all those who may favor him with a call.
(warranted) will be promptly made to or
der at all times.
All kinds of REPAIRING done,
both in Wood said Iron, at the most reduc
ed prices.
vrThankftil for past encouragement,
the subscriber solicits a continuance of pat
ronage, and invites his friends to call at
his Establishment in west Chamberaburg
at., a few doors beloW Thompson's Hotel.
Gettyobing, October 15, 1847.
U ON"Ir forget the Christmas Pre eats
it WEAVCR'S Confectionary--call
and see them.
iitw Komi," uroaver LIFT.," etc
and faledwith contributions from the most eminent
writers of the country.
The Second Volume commences with the
January Number, 1848
T the conclusion of the first half-year of the
at* thrum Mso•ttits. the Publisher feels im
pelled to make some acknowledgment of his sense
of the favorable reception accorded to it by the pub.
lic. Its success has certainly been unprecedented ;
and while it may be pardonable to ascribe this in
part to the merits of the work, it must not be de
nied that public goodwill and and kindnesshavet
been abundantly demonstrated. The pens. in all
parts of the country, has given its voice liberally
and heartily to the new aspirant
To flag after this would be di•bonorable indeed.
It is the hope of the publisher that theusgege end
enterprise which belong to success. wil found
rather to have stimulated than slackened his eaer
, dons. If there be talent of a suitable kind in the
country, he-is deterusitiod to snake it available to
the Union hbagasine in the various aepti!mooto.
He will condom to live Impeder etirm i tt
Tdeuotiiit;PriiitinTklrosed, - birliE 8044
as Duey, Mr. Ostrom, Robert Hinebelwood, W.
H. Barnard, B. F. Child., P. Loomis, itc., from
vaginal designs by H. Matteson, who bu the
wee diuretics' of ill the designs for the Engravings.
The Literary matter win continuo to be undo'
the axeloarro control of the Editor, M.
laddand a isidated by • corps of contributors who
are eithei established favorites of the reading pub
lie or worthy to become so. Bach ea
Mrs. L Child, Mrs L H Sigourney, Mrs F
S Osgood, Mrs Embnry, Mrs Ellet, Mrs Butler,
-Mn DON, Mac alliuGoadd, • Miss
Herbert. Bryant, Willis, Hotihsra_,n Arthur, Her.
ben, Tackerman, Sims. Dewey , Bourne, Murcia,
Woodworth, Gunter., &c.
The paper will be of the same qualify now u•
sed. The Fashions- will be colored by T. P.
Sabering. There will be two pages of original.
Music in each number. •
In the course of as ni.iny months will be given
facsimilies of the characters used in writing t 4
dillerentAaugusges, with a short translation into
English. similar to the Chinese and Persian odes
in the December number of the Magazine, by Ca
leb Lyon, U. 8. Consul to Slumg.hai, Chime
which, to the curious and intelligent, will be
worth at least a year's subscription to the Maga
tine. And every exertion will be made, which
literary ability, ingenuity of Artists,and adequate
capital can do, to make the Ution - Magazlne wor
thy of the place already so generously granted it
in the public esteem.
Dealers in Periodicals, who wish to become a
gents for the Uni•ut Magazine, will please apply
to the publisher immediately. All Postmasters
are desired to act as agents—the usual discount
will be made le them. A specimen number mill
be sent to any one wishing to see it, on application
to the publisher, postpaid.
TERMS.—One copy one year, in advance, 1100
One copy . two pears, S 00
Two comes one year, " lon
Five " 10 00
Eight " " 15 00
Twelve " " 20 00
We will give the person sending the largest
club of subscribers to this Magazine the cash
at the above rates. during the time ending the let
of May, 1848, the engraving of the U. S. Senate
Chamber, containing the cornet portraits of 93
distinguished gentlemen, then in the Senate
Chamber, at the time of Mr. Clay's farewell
speech. The Engraving measures 39by 50 inch
es, engraved by Thomas Dewey. and'published by
E. Anthony. with • splendid gilt flame; the en.
graving and frame costing RV, which we will de
liver free of freight or expense, in any way to the
person entitled to it, at any place within the U.
States; and it will also constitute the person send
ing the money; • life subscriber to the Union Ma
swim. The• picture and trame can be seen at
any time at EL Anthony's Daguerreotype Estab
lishment. 247 aroadwigy, N.
Address, post-paid. ISRAEL POST.
140 Nassau street, N. York
and Family Magazine lor
fell. TRACTION, with larges! circulation and
greatest popularity of any magazine iu the Uni
ted States.
The T11111(7117 will contain articles from Bry
ant, Longfellow, Percival, Wendel Homes. Wash
ington Irving, N. P. Willis. Holtman, Tuckerman,
Simms, Hidleek, Pudding, Mrs. Sigoumey, Miss
Gould, Dana. Herbert, Miss bedgewick, Theodore
S. Fay, (from whom we have received a novel
lette, which we shall shortly commence) Mrs.
Annan, Park Benjamin, E. A. Poe, &c.
ments,from the hands of the first artists, and con
sequently tar superior to those in any other Mag
azine, adorn the Book. Ornament and Utility are
combined. The popular series of articles on
Health. Model Cottages, and Needle-work, /mil
k:Crated with fine engravings, will be continued,
and such other features as can be made subservi•
rot to the grand desizn of the work.
To the Mental and Moral improvement ails
readers will, from time to time be added
every month, altered from the French to suit the
more modest taste of the ladies of this country.
tu - Thi• is the best time to subscribe. Persons
commencing with the January number, will re
ceive MISS LESLIE'S NEW NOVEL, new and
entire, as the portions already published will be
reprinted in that number. No diminution in the
usual interest and variety, but an increase in 4he
number or pages.
One copy one year; including the "Lady's Dollar
Newspaper," $3 I 0
One copy two years, 5 00
Two copies one year 5 00
Five copies one year, (with an extra copy
to the person sending the order,) 10 00
Eight copies one yeir, , 15 On
Twelve do. _ 20 .00
. - -
Any postmaster or editor of a newspaper send.
ing us $l. for the Lady's Book alone. may retain
the other dollar as commission. This commis
sion cannot be allowed when the Lady's Book sad
Dcsillar Newspaper are expected for $3.
Address, L. A. - GODFX.
113 Chesnut street, Philadelphia.
Dec. 17, 1847.-31
of the art of printing in the fifteenth cen
tury, hoiden*•more to meliorate and ha
"rove the mental condition of man than
any other event since the introduction of
the Christian era. From that pericid un
til the pretient time the press has exerted
a powe r •and controlling infinpnce over
the destinies of man. As the'preas over
the mental, so does SANDS' SARSAPARILLA
over the.phyeicel, manifest its great heal
ing and restorative powers in dispelling
disease, and giving strength and vigor to
the debilitated frame, by removing un
healthy action, and establishing in its place
a healthy flow throughout the whole circu
latory system. Hence diseases arising
from an impure state of the blood, such us
Salt Rheum, Scrofula, or King's Evil, Ec
zema, Ringworm or Totter, Scaldhead,
Ate., are effectually cured by its use. Af
fections-of the mucus membranes, such as
Chronic Catarrh, spreading through the
nasal passages into the brorichial mem
branes of the throat; also, Rheumatism,
Lumbago, White Swelling, and Hip dis
ease, will be removed by this invaluable
!LT For further particulars and conclusive evi
dence ofits superior etliCacy see Pamphlets,which
may he obtained of agents gratis.
l'repared and sold, wholesale and retail, by
A. B. & D. SANDS, 113 Fulton street New York.
Sold also by appointment of the Proprietors by
S. 1.1. BUEHLER, Gettysburg, Pa, Price $1 per
bottle, Six bottles for $5.
bee. 3, 1847. 4w
WA'T'CHES, .of all kinds,
will be cleaned and required, lathe
sortest notice, at FRAZER'S Clock dr
Watch Establishment, in Gettysburg.
July 16, 1817. tf
Philadelphia Advertisements
Allegheny House,
THE subscriber (late of the
Washington lintel, llarrisburg, Pa.) takes
this method of informing his old friends
and the public generally that he has taken
the above named HOTEL. 'rho House
is airy and comfortable, and has been ex.
teneively altered and improved, and the
proprietor hopes by strict attention to bus.
Mese, and a proper care for the comfort of
his guests. to merit and receive .a share of
public patronage. The House Is situated
very convenient for the Travelling Public,
being only two doors above the 'Harris
burg and Pittsburg Depot, and within two
minutes walk of the Baltimore and 'Head
ing Depots._ Stabling ausclusd to.the pre.
mises. Terms Si per da..
E. P. lIUWIE S, Proprietor. .
Sept. 3. 1847.—tf
Jewel - 1i; it,c.,
WATCHES, 'Jewelry Sr, Silver Were
v Vmay be had - wholesale and retail,
guaisatied better for the price than ataxy
other stonily' Philadelphia, at (late Niche.
las Le Nutty's) No. 72 North 2nd street,
fliabove Arch, Philadelphia.
WATCHES, all kinds, fine, medi
um and lot , qualities, among which are
C l O 4 . I•°,.7 l P.l.o l rnee /11q1weitods
Quarti2 tmtuktion,
Silver Ion" fultJavelled, ' 20 to 30
" Lopioes 13 to 18
Quads:* fine 0 to 10
JEWELRY, Diamonds, Gold Chains,
Gold Pens with Gold & Silver Holders,
Pencils, Breastpins, Ear and Finger Rings,
Bracelets, Cameos of Shell, Coral and La
va, with every other article of Jewelry of
the richest and most fashionable patterns.
SILVER WARE,PIate, Forks, Spoons,
Cups, &e., of standard Siver.
PLATED WARE, Castors, Cake Bas
kets, Fans, Vases, Card Cases and other
Rich Fancy-Goods in great variety. -
Wholesale Buyers will save money by
calling here before purchasing.
11:7'Keep this advertisement and call at
No. 72. You will be satisfied the goods
are really cheaper and better than are of
fered in the city. For sale low, a hand
some pair of SHOW CASES, suitable
fur Jewelry or Fancy Store, apply as
Sept. 3. 1847.-1 y
Cheap Watches and Jewelry.
All Jewelled Gold Le-
vera for *4O, war- rap"
ranted by • —l4
Jacob Ladonons
No. 246 Market street, Phil- /
adelphia, who
HAS constantly on hand a large assort
ment of Gold and Silver Watches;
at the following low prices :
Full Jewelled Gold Levers, $4O 00
o Silver " • 20 00
Gold Lepines, Full Jewelled, 30 00
Silver Lepines, 12'00
Silver Quirtim, 8 00
with a large assortment of Fine Jewelry,
sach as Ear Rings,Finger Rings, Breast
Pins, Bracelets.• God and Silver Pencils,
Gold Chains, &c. Has also on hand a
complete assortment of patent and plain
Watch Glasses, Main Springs, Verges, Di-
als and Hands, of every description—in
fact, a complete assortment of Watchma
ker's tools and Watch materials, to which
he would call the attention of the Country
Trade. Those wishing anything in the
above line, will find it to their advantage and examine his stock before pur
chasing elsewhere.
Philadelphia. Aug. 6,1847.-6 m
The largest and cheapest Stock
I.lPattiP(o3l/1/2 0
Plain and Fancy Jewelry,
to rat LLLLLLL ts,
Wholraale and Retail—No.
16 - 413 i Market street.
Gold Lever,, full jewelled, 18 curet
case, gold dial, $4O 00
Gold Lcpines, ,do t do. $25 to 30 00
Silver Levers, jewelid, 20 00
SibrelLepines, jewelled; ' 12 00
Silver Quartier Watches, splendid
quality, la 00
Silver imitation Quattiers, 5 00
Second hand Gold and I:3Aver Watch-
et, at all rims, from
Gold Pencils,
Gold Bracelets, with topaa and other
Rta 3 00
Pure Neer Teaspoons, 4 50
Diamond point Gold Pens, with pen
cil and solid silver holders, only l 25
Gold chains, breast-pins, finger-rings, ear
rings and Jewelry of eilery. description, at
the lowest Philadelphia/or N. York prices ;
gold and silver Levers, Lepines, and Quar
tier watches, still much cheaper than the
above prices. A call will be sufficient to
convince puichasers that this is the place
to get good and cheap, articles. All goods
warranted to be what they are sold for.
Orders from the country punctually attend
ed to. Old Gold. and Silver bought for
cash, or taken in eitchane. 411-kinds of
watches repaired and warranted to keep
correct time. • •
N. B. I hare a splendid gold independ
ent seconds watch for timing horses. Also.
Gilt and Galvanized Witches, for traders'
use, and goods.rof all hinds in my,line,
Clock,and Jewelry Store, N 0.4133
Market St., above north side, Phila. '
Philadelphia, Aug. 1847.-7 m
Hover , * First' Pressfung
Barer Medal just awarded it' the Ametketlblitt•
lute, New Yor k, 1847. '
.following teatimnoy from distinguishad
Institutions speaks Inc itself
Univentity orPennsylvania,.
Philadelphia, May 11, 11341. 5
Having tried, for some. time, the Black hilt
manufactured by Mr. Joseph E. Hover, we have
found it well suited for manuscript, by its running
freely, and its exemptiMi from coagulation. Its
shade also we ate well pleased with,
W. E. HORNER, Dean of the Faculty.
SAMUEL B. WYLIE, Vice Provost,
HENRY REED, Sec'ry of the Faculty.
ROSWELL PARKE, Prof. Natural Phi
losopy and Chemistry.
W. W. GERHARD, Lecturer.
We fully concur in the above
8. G. MOUTON, Dean of the Faculty of
Pennsylvania Medical College. •
A. D. BACHE. Principal,
H. MMURTRIE, Prof. of Anatomy in
Central High School.
F. FRALEY, Secretary of the American
Fire Insurance Company.
J. D. GEORGE, Phil. Custom House.
Iloyer's aldamanttne Cement
For sale, wholesale and retail. at the Manufac
tory, No. 87. North Third street, opposite Cherry
street, Philadelphia, by
JOSEPH K HONER, Manufacturer.
Erni sale in Gettysburg at the Book and Sta
tionery store of S. H. Brunei.
Nov. 12, 1817-Im.
Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, &c.
THE Subscriber offers
I P.:-
C „
0 , to the trade, or by retail,
, - 7 a fe l l a ie rg w e in a g sso e r ot tm iel e e n e t o b f ei ng the
• all of his own imports
,lll / _
, . tion or manufacture;
Buyerc of goods in this line are invited
to examine the assortment, and orders are
solicited, with the assurance that - every ef
fort will be made to give satisfaction and in
sure a continuance of custom.
Gold & Silver Lever Watches of ordinary quality
Do . . ,do do of saperior
Do do do ' Anchors & Lepines.
Mira double cued Engtiph and SWIMS vers.
Witch,,4l.6 light msum and heavy usu.
t old husky M all varitahm, Ana and common.
Silver naiad, and Bihar. Wares.
Musical Boom playing!, 4, !, 61 and 10 time's.
Gold and eihret Spectacles.
Diamond Pointed - 0 - okt Pens.
Mantel & °Mee °load, in gilt and other frames.
Watchmaker.' Tools and Materials of all sorts.
Taney- -ArtieleaTaney-Panc kneel Deeds, &o.
Having every facility,for obtaining goods
on the most advantageous terms, corres
ponding inducements will be offered to pur
chasers. JOHN C. FARR
119 Chesnut al. Philadelphia.
July le, 1847.—em
William Keilholtz,
Dealer- is Pei*, Oils, Brushes,
Varnish, 'Putty. and .Mixed Paints, of
the /meet rates. • - •
Corner of Franklin sod Breen meets, opposite the
. .Pcuut's Avenue, Ihatimors.
_ *4O, %IMO
25 to 40
N. B. WiLusatKasimovirs, having had
a long experience in Paints, Oils, &.c., be
ing a practical House and Sign Painter,
will give all information, respecting mix
ing Paints, &a.. gratis. Country Mer
chants and others supplied on moderate
Oct. 29, 1847.—1 y
Clothing Establishment.
The most extensive Clothing Wiurhouse in the
United States.
00,000 Garments nn hand, and ready for dirpo
TO patronif we would say, that having
but one price, those who are not
dealers, or do not understand the real val
uation price of goods, will have au oppor
tunity of purchasing garments as low as
professed judges. Jobbers and dealers in
ready-made Clothing, can replenish their
stocks for the winter, and we guarantee
the largest establishment -in- Philadelphia
to select from. We attend personally to
the packing of goods and see thata good as
sortment of sines and well-made articles
are put up. Single suits forwarded as per
OcrOur goods are for sale only at the
large building, 128 Market at. Southeast
corner of Market and Fourth streets, Phil-
adelphia. C. HARKNESS
Sept. 24, 1047.-3 m
To Country Merchants and Others
No. 428 Market street, above 12th South side
it /A SID Lila& 0
I[ll A 8 now on hind and is constantly
ja receiving a large and well seleoted
stock of every article in his line, consist
ing in part of Oranges, Lemons, Prunes,
Figs, Dates, Raisons, Crapes, and every
other fruit in season. A full assortment
of Bordeaux and Soft-shelled Almonds,
Filberts, Ground Nuts, Cream Nuts, Eng-
Itch Walnuu, Cocoa Nuts, &c. His as
sortment of CANDIES are at lower pri
ces than can be bought in the City. He
requests an examination of his stock be
fore purchasing elsewhere, as he offers
goods at a small adrance, being anxious
to do business for CASH.
it:73.Cut out this advertisement and bring
with you.
Sept. 24, 1847.-3 m
impress upon conscientious physicians the impor
tance of a trial*** the Brandreth's Pills. Let them
make only a fah trial of them, and they will con
cede the medicine is the best cammant of the bow
els hitherto discovered. The ingredients are all
prepared expressly for the manufacture of the
Brandreth Pith, and. is impossible to obtain
purgative of the same properties except from Dr.
B. Brandreth. Let physicians and the world at
large bear in mind that the Brandreth Pills may.
he taken, if necessary, for any length of time du
ly, not only without injury, but with a certainty
of beneficial! results.
$2 to 23 00
1 73 to 2 00
This universal medicine mildly but. windy
cleanses the whole extenfof the alimentary canal
It then gives increased power to the circulation of
the blood, by which it deposits any impurities it
may contain in the bowels', which organ expels
them from the body.
This action may continue for days, weeks, or
months, es tho mildness or urgency of the disease
may demand, or untdthe entire body has been e
vacuated arid re-made from the food consumed.
How important is it that persons of feeble frame,
of impure constitutions, should, without delay,
commence withihis pure and wholesome medicine.
No time ought to be lost by using Lounges or
Candies as Medicines, which are •better 'adapted
for the destruction of the teeth, than for the corset
any abeam. Experience has sufficiently tested
that these remedbm contain hivariabtrealomet and
- other , active chemical agents that have a very do.
stractive effect, of which there are Me many Mai.
viduslly Convineed to their cost.
The testimony in favor of the Brandreth Pills,
and the numbers who ate daily raised from a bed
of misery by their use, render it imperative that all
who are imilinitig from siekneas should give them
a trial: . -TO is 11 0 1111 x 1111111 °
Erandredes, Pills have stood a fourteen
yam!' tern ic the U. States.
That they ant a vegetable and innocent medi
cine, yet pewerfill for the removal of diseases,
*bother chronic or recent, inhetious or otherwise.
Thitt Illuirpuris , the blood, and stay the further
promo of disease in the human body.
That In many eases. where the'dreadful ravages
of ulceration had laid hare ligament and bone, and
where, to all appearance no human means could
wive life, have patients, by the use of these pills,
been restored to good health; the devouring disease
having been completely eradicated.
ccy.The Brandreth Pills are sold for 25 cents
per box at Dr. B. Brondreth's Principal Office, 241
Broadway, N. York, and by the following duly
authorized Agents :—J. M. Htevcnson & Co., Get
tysburg; J. B. M'Creary. Petersburg; Abraham
King, Hunterstown ; A. M' Fa rland, A bbottstawn ;
D. M. C. White, Hampton; Snecringer & Fink,
Littlestown ; Mary Duncan, Caslitown ; Geo. W.
Messy, Fairfield ; J. 11. A ulabaugh . , East Berlini
B. Newcomer .Mechanicsville ; Sam'l Shirk, Han
over. [Dec. 3, 1547. '
Dr. Cutletals
NrITA N Yegetable riles Remedy, is a domes
IA tic preparation, which has been used with en
tire *toms for many years. Being an internal
medicine, it has a decided preference over outward
applications, which are but palliatives and not cu•
'vices. This medicine acts upon the diseased
parts, producing healthy action and a pqrateent
cure—WHICH WS W ,on ■aruau Tae Ma-
iFYSolil, wholesale and retail, by Rowsen
WA LIPP, Proprietors, 3713 Market street, Phila.,
end . by S, H. BUEHLER, Gettysburg; Wm.' Bit
finger, Abbottstown ; Lillby & Riley, Oxford, and
J. Cooper, Franklin tp. [A ug. 77
And and all Diseases-of the Stomach and
Bowels. -
DYSPEPSIA, or Indigestion and its
consequencen.—Au eminent Profes
sor says: 44t chiefly arises in persons who
lead either a very sedentary or Irregular
life. , Although not regarded as a fatal di
lease, yet, if neglected, it may bring on4n
curable Melancholy. Jaundice, Madness,
or Vertigo, Palsy, and Apoplexy. A great
singularity attendant on it is, that it may
and often does continue a great length - of
time without any remission of the symp
CAUSES.—Grief and uneasiness ..of
mind, intense study, profuse evacuations,
excess in ,vetiery; excessive use of spir
itons liquors, tea, tobacco, opium and
other narcotics, immoderate repletion, o
ver distention of the stomach, ads&
Money in the secretion of the bile or
gastric juice, exposure to cold and damp
au, - are the oliiefciuiei of disease.
SYMPTOMB.—Lois of appetite, nau
sea, heart-burn, acidity and fanid eructa
tions, gnawing of the stomach when emp
ty, uneasiness in the throat, pain in the
side, costiveness, chilliness, languor, low
ness of spirits, palpitations, and disturbed
er failed in affording immediate relief and
a radical cure for this disease.
Principal Office, No. 77 N. Eighth at.,
east sigle, Philadelphia.- For sale in Get
tysburg by -S. S. FORNEY.
July 30, 1847.-1 y
Dr. C. W. .appleion'aCdthraied Remedy
ir D AINS in. and discharge of matter from, the
dsg. ear, together with all other unpleasant symp
toms, which either accompany or announce ap
proaching Deafness. This invaluable medicine is
the result of a long and faithfully pursued course
of experiments instituted with the sole view to
discover (if possibly a certain, and, at the same
time, a Safe remedy for this dreadfully afflicting
disorder, and after being extensively used in the
private practice of the subscriber during the last
eight years, in very numerous cases with the most
remarkable success, is now offered to the public,
for the benefit of those who, from distance or other
causes, cannot have the personal attention of the
proprietor, in the fullest confidence of its efficacy,
and in the tirm belief that it will not disappoint
the expectations of those who may haveorrssion
for its use ; in short, that it is the most V A LUA
BLE article ever offered to the public fur this di-
00" For sale in Gettysburg by S. IT. lIT7EGLFR,
in Abbottstown by Wm. Ilis-rusa tin, in Oxford
byLtasy & RILEY, and in Fraokl.n township by
Tmosisa. 7. Cosseaa. (Aug. 6,1547-1 y
Lathan Wettable Panatea,
lcnt ()WAND & WA LT ON. Ihiladel ph i a
4441 Getits.—ln justice to you as well as a ditty
I owe the public, I feel constrained to furnith
short statement of the wonderful ssifferings ;only
son William. and many who read this testimonial
will he surprised to find that hem still diem;:, and
still more so, when they learn that he has entire
ly recovered irom the dreadful Scrofula with vi Inch
he has so long suffered.
It is now more than four years since the dis
ease first made its appearance on one of his legs.
in deep and running ulcers. These continued
more than two years. confining him to his bed.l
during which several pieces of the bone came m
way. It then attacked his arm, causing sea ere
painful ulcers. Several pieces of bone came from
the arm also. In this time (two years and six
months) he was under the treatment of several
of our best physicians, (and took sonic thirty or
more bottles of Sarsaparilla smith lodine; sad Wtte
pronounced by the Doctors, INCURABLE. Ile
was then, upon the recommendation 01 Mr. Hit.
clehund, taken to •• W ill's Hospital, - where he
continued under the care of Dr. Parish, three
months. Hewn then sent home as incurable—
In is sew months the other leg broke out in open
ulcers. Spirits of Tar was recommended by a
friend—he took this about lour months, without
benefit—indent he got u orse, when I must say,
I gave up ■Il hope of hi; ever getting well ; ai
this stage of the disease, I was advised by the
Rev. A. D. Gillette. to try your medicine. I had
very little faith in it, I confess, (having tried no
many medicines without benefit.) lie. however.
commenced taking the PANACEA on the find of
of March, A. D. 1846, and has been using it ten
months. Three months after he began the use of
the Panacea, an ulcer made its appesrsnce upon
his neck above the collar bone. This continued
open until about three weeks since, WREN sr
assiten. He is now sound, and in the enjoyment
of perfect health. I gratefully add my testimon
ial to the many already in yonr possession, of the
wonderful efficacy of your "DR. CULLEN'S IN
Respectfully yours,
(Late of Philadelphia,) now Brainard Street
Mount Holly. New Jersey. January Ist i 1,17.
On this sixteenth day of March, A. D. t t 4.1 7.
before me, the subscriber, an Alderman in and fur
the city of Philadelphia, personally came Harriet
D. Barker, who being duly sworn according to
law, doth depose and say, that the facts set forth
in the above statement are true. Hiaaraz D.
Haft K ca. Sworn and subscribed hetore me,
Sold, wholesale and retail, by ROWANT & W* L.
iron, Proprietors, 376 Market street, Philadelphia,
and by the following Agents:
S. H. Buehler, Gettysburg.
Wm. Bitlinger, Abbottatown.
Lilly ¢ Riley. Oxford.
T. J. Cooper, Franklin tp.
Dec. 10,1,841,-2m_ . [August 8, 1847.)
Protection against Loss by
tTHE "Cumberland Valley Mutual Protection
Company," being iniorporatcd by an Act of
Legislature, and fully organized and in opera
tion under the direction of the following Board of
Managers, vin: T C Miller, James Weakly, D VV
M'Cullough, 'A a Miller. TA MiCinley, Philip
Spangler, Samuel Galbraith, Samuel Tritt, Alinv
King, (Adates,) /obis Zug, Samuel Huston; Jr.
Gram, I Bear."--call the attention of the inhabit.
ants. of Cumberland and Adams counties to ;be
cheapness of the rams, and the many edvantages
which this kind of insunincebesaver any other.
let. Every Person Insuted - becomeisi member
of the company and takes part in the selection of
Writers mid the direction of it. conceine.
2d. PAZ Meunier:into/Dors Is demanded than is
necessary to meet the expenses of the Company,
and-indemnity against losses which may happen.
3d. The inconvenience of frequent renewals is
avoided by insuring for a term 'of five years.
4th. Any person applying for insurance must
give his premium note for the cheapest class at
the rite of five per cent, which will be $ 3O on the
1000, for which he will haie to pay $2 50.foreVe
years and fit 60 for survey and policy, and on
more unless loss be Sustained to a greater amount
than the funds on bend will cover, and then no
more than a pro rata share. These, rates are
much cheaper than those of other compriel, ex
cept such as are incorporated 401 the 'rune prumi
dles. T. C. MILLER, President.
A. G. %woe, Secretary.
ULTThe following named persons hove been iris.
pointed Agents for Adams County :—Wm W Pax ,
ton, Esq. General Agent for Adams county ; .1 A
Thompson and D Ziegler, Gettysburg; Pr. Wm
R Stewart, Petersburg; Henry Myere,New Ches
ter; Henry Mayer, Abbottatown ' • Daniel Corn.
fort, Straban township ; Abraham King, Hunters-
town ; David Blythe, Fairfield; T 'l' Wierman,
Arendtsville ; Wm Morrison and Abel T Wright
Benderaville; Dr. D Mellinger, Ey t Berlin ; Ab'm
Scott, Cashtown.
Sept. 13, 11311i.-.-tf
Perfumery, 4olly,
ARTICLES, TOYS, ,te., for sale
Consumption, Coughs, coldf i Br 3n*
Jathnia, Croup, inboping
Cough, Spilling of Blood, Sore
Throat, Pains and Oppress
:ions of the .Breast,
ficully of Breathing,
aAd all other di- • •
seases of ihe
fp the most EiTECTUAL Remedy Mihail°
da, offered to the public for the CURE of the
above complaints. being free from all deleteri
ous rin4 Raper:tang Drugs, it maybe joker, by
this most d4licate petscin,nr given to thcf ut
the breast, without fear of any unpleasant effects
being produced by its use. There is mother su
periority which ROSS' EXPECTORANT has
over every other preparation, and that is, it is the
moo pkirse tar I
' la- Read the following Certificate from Air. T.
S. Allen, a gentleman well known in this City,
who wancured• by the use of ewe honks atthe -
pectorant, after every thing else fled failed to e t.
ford any relief. This is but one of a number of
which the proprietor has in his po ion, all of
which, in due time, will be laid before the publi c .
BALTIMORI, April 3, 1547.
Mr. he. F. Boss—Dear Sir : About four weeks
*Aix I caught severe cold whichlall tipon
breast, accompanied with pains in my side and a
dry hacking cough. I commenced taking a ayr
up that was recommended to me, but from which
I derived not the least benefit. I then commenc
ed drinking freely of- composition tea. but with
the same result ; in feet, my cough was getting
worse, and I became so hoarse that it was with
difficulty I could speak above a whisper. At
your request, I was induced to try your Expecto
rant, and I am happy to inform you I was entire
ly cured by the use of two bottles.
I remain, very tespectfully. yours, &c.
T. S. ALLEN, No. 5 Fayette at.
ILTCAUTIONI— In consequence of the many
preparations now before the public tii der the
names of "Extracts." "Balsams," "Syrup.,"
and even of a similar name, the proprietor decals
it necessary to caution the afflicted against Coun
terfeits. Each bottle of the genuine hos the
words "Ross' Expectorant— lerproere— Bell lona e,
/114." blown in the glass ; the initials '-.1. F. R. -
in connected capitals stamped on the seal, anti
my written signature on the wrapper, without
which it cannot be genuine.
ET Price. 50 cents per bottle, and the money to
be refunded it a cure be not effected, whrn taken
according to directions! Prepared only by
J. F. ROSS, Druggist, Baltimore.
For sale by the following Agents :
Samuel H. Buehler, Gettysburg.
Geo. W. Heagy, Fairfield.
Wm. Petersburg.
Nov. 12, 1547. [May 2.,1547-1 y
More forts in relation to Ha yvenderfu rffirury
Compound Syrup of Tor 4• ;rood Nopth
tha, the BEST RE AMY of the doy
for CON SU hi PTION,
Coughs, Colds, Liver Com
plain!, 4-r., 4-e., 4-c.
.019 , EA D the follovving Irutti Mr. Sharp, a tell
el4Q.' kite , to and highly I(.si:eel:tide eitiz. it el the
Northern 'Abort it,. l'hituttelphrut.'oenty. '1 hi e to
one et the meat ;Wont:stung eutea out ieeettt.
it will be aettn, to atte.ted by the Rev. Mr. NI all.l
01111 by other cittzetiv DI that dirUirt
PIIII.ADILriusA. All.. r•r
Near the clove of the year I i 54.5. I had au attack
ot the Pleurisy and while recur eying Ilona it. I
took a sea ere cold. v coialition soon became
alarming and I gam giailiiallv worse and wai l s,
The syniPlomat moat lasted by my drawee went
those ordinarily bound in pulmonary titlectioiii—
but mine were of an exceedingly aggrus sled char
acter. For • long period. I expecturated n peat
quantity of matter, which eppeared a 111133111 e Of
11 , 13 and blood—at tinier it tt cured es It I was dis
charging the very sub: twice of the Limes. Nly
voice was gone so as to lie unable to utter ai
molds without meat difficulty, mid I es perieo,rd
a thousand other painti.l sensations that cannot
he MM. tine of the must unpleasant attendants
of my disease were chilling sweats. 1h• culil
pet:pitmans ran from me continually. but i taly
night, but also dining the day se as to keep my
cloths at all times continually wet.
I employed every means of mire I reek] hem,
and wen attended lay several curatorial and skrlitnit
Physicians. But the obstinacy at soy disease
baffled all theta ellorts. They mitred liaised We
trom my bed, bat they also pionoinietil me wear
able. The last Physician attemlnig me, tcdtl me
at one time, that I had but is leas toys to Iran —tit
another time I might linger on a hew weeks or
months, but that it was utterly impossible that 1
could get well, or raee be able to attend to nay
business. Thus, with no prospect of economy
lingered on during the greater pan at the year
Itidii—for three months of which I mod my
friends sat up with me, expecting every night to
ace my sufferings end in death.
But last fall, a lady residing iu l•loutliviark, w Lo
had been cured of somewhat similar sufferings by
- Thompson'• Conatiotimi ;int!) of Tar mai Naph
tha,- cense and urged upon me a trial at it. Al
most despairing of any tel and as ill, lit , hope 0(
recovery, I commenced its use. Imagine then
my satisfaction in being ableio stale that I env
NOW WELL! and I attribute nay restorationen.
tirely to the worth; ful efficacy of the above medi
cine. From the time I commenced its use, the
disease began to yield its hold upon ate, and by
steady perseverance an its employment I may say
it has raised me from the genre. All unpleasant
symptoms hate vanished anal I have tor several
months attended to my business as tot nierly,and
(except some lens degree of strength than 1 once
possessed.) as well as ever.
People come from various places to see me, in
quirin"e for the man currd of Consumption! 'f hate
whp have known me end are well acquainted with
my long continued afflictions, stop with astonish
ment when they meet me, at seeing the vronderlul
change wrought by the use of the above medicine.
No. 8 Charlotte st., Philadelphia.
The undersigned, friends of Mr. W. W. Sharp,
are limiter with his ease and sufferings, and testi
ly that the statements are true.
John Street, Missionary, No. 113 York Road.
Thomas Street, No. IthiNerth Fecon"treet•
Addison Hines, Grocer. No.l 24 Brow o street,
Jacob Knows, No: Soo North Fourth street.
Garret Vanunt, No. ¶QI North second street
11:7Tb is invaluable remedyis prepated - only by
Angney & Dickson, N. E. Corner of Firth and
Spruce streets, Philadelphia. and can be bud of the
following Agents :
S. S. Forney, Gettysburg.
R. Anoey,
I). F. Lange, Hanover.
and by respectable Ditiggists generally.
Price 5e cents, or $l.OO per bottle. Beware et
imitations. •
_October 18 ' 1847. tApril 30, 1817,-Iy]
MONDS, &e.; of the but 'quality
to be had at the Confectionery' of -'• '
Is published every,..Fildory Rl:coin/qua the
County /*Meng, above the 'fernier
and Recorderl Cilite, by
Tr pallid aditariee et within the year. $2 yer
annum—if not paid , within the Tear, $2 50: No
paper discontinued until all J arrearageo ate
except at the option of tbe Editor. Single pupal
di cents. A, failure to notify a diteontinuante
will be regarded as a new engagement
AdvOr tionneutr not exceediog a square iererted
three times for $ —every subsequent ineertien
25 cents. Longer ones in the same propoitiun:
All advertisements not specially eideirdtor a riv
ie t i me , will be continued until foibid. A liberal
reduction will be nrindetothose Mho advertise by
the year. •
Job Printing of all kinds eseemted neatly eta
promptly. and on reasonable let me.
lifters and Cattronwltieatiortit to the nu tor, (ex
cepting such as contain Money or the loan Co ot
new subscribers.) mat be satyr vsin.ds uit:cr 14'
secure sit ten' mitt