Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, January 07, 1848, Image 1

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N pursuancosof sundry writs of null
' Nola Expamis, end alias .FYeri Patios,
issued out of the Court of Common Pleas
of kaarai;UOtttfty,. Pennsylvania, and to
me directed, will be exposed to public sale
un“Saiterdhy the 15th of January, 184E4
at 1. o'clock, P. M. at the Cotirt-house, in
the Hot4Oltigh of Gettysburg, the following
Real &tune, to wit :
A rot - of - Grotind
.4006 in Union township, Adams county,
Pa.,containing 4 ACRLS. more . or less.
• e
on which is erected a l story
Log Dwelling-house,
seid property adjoining lands of Enoch Le
fever, Philip Beard and others.—Seized
and taken in execution as the Estate of
CASPSR M. B. SitaxEnnootc.
A :Lot of Ground,
situate in Oxford township, Adams coun
ty, Px., containing 2 ACRES, more or
leas, on which arc erected a two-story
V i r . Log I}welling,-house,
a v Stable, a young Orchard, adjoining
hinds of Samuel Lilly and others. Seized
and taken in execution as the Estate of
No, 1— Lot of Ground,
situate in the borough of Gettysburg. Ad
ams county, Ya. ailjoining lots of N icholtis
Codori and others,—to which the defend
ant is entitled to the undivided half.
No. 4—A. 'Lill Lot of Ground,
situate in Gettysburg. Ada ms county, Na.,
adjoit nig lots of John .Adder and others, in
11 ash' gton street.
No. 3—A Tract of Land,
situate i o (7unilterland township, Adams
county, l'a. adjoining hinds of Alexander
Currons, Hohcrt and 114101 .WGintgliy. and
others, containing 6 Acres. wore or less.
1111dit ided interest
of the +Amid:tot in a 'Tract of Land, situ
ate in Cluntberland township, Adatms Collll'
ty, l'a. ntliottittrz lamb; of Alexander tor
rens, Nathiinicl Randolph, and others, and
lying int the Getlystiorg and Entinitsburg
)toad, containing Inn Ares, noire or less,
<III W1111:11 are erected a 11 story
- stone - and pirt lti l r Barn.
:said tram having- a fair, proportion of Tint-
Ityr tliertion.—Setzell and Liken in ext.rti
lIIP Estate of Iton ' •r W. M's
A Tract of Land,
sitttate in liainiltonban and I.lberty town
ships, A.tlanys county, Pa., containing
runre er ierle, tin ce Itieh a re erected a
. ,
1111T.(,1,INli HOUSE,
• 4 . part ,log and part stone,) a
1 / 4 11_;ilotti
with two pairs of Burrs. and one pair of
11'011,111-y Stone, a SA W MILL, a same
B 1 N li, BARN. Wagon Shed. Corn-crib,
:mil other oat- b uilding'. Also a TEN
ANT HOUSE, a well of water near the
(Low. Illil' a variety of Fruit Trees upon the
premises. Said property is situatc on
Mithile creek, adjoining lands of Jacob
NVeldy, John hiker, Wm. Loudon and oth
gi, ere. Also.
A TRA ll'T OF ,
MlMntaln Land,
Con/grilling '2Oll ..I/To-A,
more or Irss, adjonimg I.lnds of John NIL],
i.rlinan, Hobert Slentintins, and utiocrs.—
SIVIZIIIIi and ta krn as tlie Es
tate of Marlin _V4irototi, ili•ocasral, at tlic
time of Iti. deiTasa, with notice to widows,
and terre-tenants.
situate in Nlynallen to‘ruship, Adams coun
t I,', adj (( i(( lug lauds of Joseph Ta) lor,
cholas Hear, andothers, coutainihg
more or lean, on whielt.are erected
Log I)welling House,
'lt • ono and a half story Log Dwel
ling House and Kitchen ; a Log Stable.
with Teeshing-Iltiori Sheds, &c., and also
a hog Stable.
A portion of this,Tract (about2o Acres)
is covered with timber ; about 12 Acres
of Meadow.; a entail Nursery; the balance
is in a' good state of Cultivattion, with
Springs through the premises'. Seized
and taken in execution as the Estate of
John Stettrar4 7 • •
othto—.qt the same time and place,
, Lot of Ground,
shalt 'tithe Borough of Gettysburg, Adams
rAMetyc4t6,-in East - York street, adjoin- -
ing lola of John. Weikle and Widow Her
rider, bound by : a twelve feet alley ou the
North, lutd by•the , York and. Gettysburg
'Turnpike Bead on the •South—on which
are eel:whit' lone and a•half story ‘„..
11 ouse,
•with a back-building'' ineltiding a "
,room and kltotauCcattuoltpd-,,-also a shed
at the East end of the dwelling—a well of
• first-rate Water near the' kitchen door.-:-
:Seized and taken in eiteeution as the Eel.
• t4tet of Philip J.
trfaria3tii iitnitiasittir' - pointy et Sheriff's
,Astie, *Whore to pay kir per Mi. of tho titanium
, mina) , so the clamor ofsale.
-,5.' lilyliAiAMiil tieIfRIVER, Swims.
•tlilberlirs Omar, Gelq 'burg,
• ,Doessubez 17, 1847.
T A ETTEIN of Administration on the
Estate or :Ronicier TitomeisoN, late of
;the borough of (;eitysburg, Ace's!, having
teen ousted to the subscriber, residing in
-staid borough—Notiee is hereby given to
all those indebted to said estate to make
jiiiyinent, sod those having claims upon the
.r.tate to present the same. properly an—
.ilientiraital. for settlement.
1.1 t:N U \V ELTY,
Nut., 20, IS 17-61
On Saturday the 15th of January next,
at 1 o'clock, P. M. on the premise:,
subscriber will expose to Public
Sale.the valuable FARM on which
he resides, situate in Cumberland town
ship, Adanis county, about mile from
Gettysburg, on the road lending to Mum
inasblirg. ft contairfo
more or less, and adjoins lanes of Moses
M'Clean. Poor-house, and others. The
improvements. are a good , - - -- -
• T W 0.111 TORY i
. • at•le UP CUN 9 .
(part brick and part log,) a good Barn, with
Sheds all around it; A Corn Crib, an ex
cellent Apple Orchard; a Spring of water
near the Barn, and a good well convenient
to the Ilouse. A fair proportion of the
Farm is in excellent Meadow.—A L s o,
~ilt the same time and place, well be sold,
containing 6 ACRES, more or
less, situate in the same township. and ad
joining lands of Jacob Ilankey, Geo. Mil
ler, and others.
OCTPTIie terms will be made known on
the day of Sale by
Derember 17, 1847.—td
VT OW there is a rare chance for Mer
-I_ll chants to get one of the most valua
ble situations fur business in the State.—
The subscriber will expose to Public Sale,
en Jaluntoy the 81/ of January. 18.17.
at 10 o'clock, A. M. on the premises, his
Valuable Property,
on which he nnw resides, situ- s• n
ate in PETERSBURG, (V. S.) I a
Adams eennty, Pa., on the corner of Main
and Harrisburg streets. The Buildings are
first-rate. Call and see them, and judge
l'or yourselves. Terms made known on
the day of sale.
N. 11.—If the above mined property is
not sold on or before the Bth of J anuary,
it will be FOR. RENT.
lit - j7.11e would also inform the public
that lie has a splendid assortment of
WAN G 00110.4,
which he will sell off at wholesale or re
tail, at reduced prices and great bargains.
AM going to Schuylkill county to com
mence the Coal Mining business, (I
want money,) and give notice to all per
sons indebted to mu to call immediately
and settle the seine. If their accounts are
not settled on or before the Ist day of Feb
ruary next, they will not blame me if they
find them in the hands of an Officer.
Petersburg, (V. S.) Nov. 28, 1847.
Subscriber, Executrix of lIENtly
I NI E us, deceased, and testamentary
Guardian of his minor children, offers for
lt ENT. from the Ist day ofApril next,
the valuable property known
as the
"Virginia Alills."
They are situate in linmiltonban township,
Adams county, 11, miles from Fairfield,
and in one of the best Grain-growing sec
tions of the county. The Mills are newly
erected, and in complete repnir ; they con
sist of a Grist Mill, Saw Mill, &c., all in
F ootrorder. There are about 500 Acres
in the Farm, with Dwelling-house, Ten
ant House, Barn, &c., a large quantity of
meadow and arable lands, &c.
1/L7-The Terms will be made known by
the subscriber, residing on the premise's.
Applications must be accompanied by pro
per recommendations.
Virginia Mills, Oct. 20, 1847—tf -
IWOULD respectfully invite all those
ladies and gentlemen who havii - not
ybt supplied thentselves with Annuals, Al
bums, Gift Boons, BiblerY Prayer and
Hymn Books, to call and examine my as
'sortntnnt. A great variety of Poems, (mi
niature editions,) by the roost celebrated
and standard authors, got up in magnificent
style—a large collection of new JUVEN
ILE BOOKS, adapted to both sexes of
different ages...constantly on hand, with a
general assortment of Family and (Murat
Bibles, Theological and Poetical Works,
Histories,, Plidoenphical and. Classical
SCHOOL BOOKS of every variety,
foreign and,domestic Stationery, such'as
Cap aud Letter Paper of every variety,
Note Paper, Letter and Note Envelopes,
Visiting Cards; black and blue Ink, Wa
fers, Pocket Books, Pen Knives,
Pens, Drawing Paper, Perforated Paper,
Deed• Paper, Paints,'dtel
-- PFAPUMEItir; - etit; lie.' French . Ex‘'
RoiavViniferta, Goraneum; Windsor
Soap; • Palm, Rose; - Musk; Almond' and
Saud Soap, 'Shaving Cream, llitircastiir I
Oil, Boar's Oil, Beef Marrow, Fein:input,
Milk of Raabe, Cumin of Almonds, Silent
Bari, Flesh Drops, Pink Saucers, &c. •
COMBS and BRUSHES, of different
kinds, with a variety of articles too nume
rouslot Mention; which the public arc in
vited to call and see for themselves.
I retuiti:MY - sliMere thanks for the libe
ral encouragement which has been extend
ed Me since I hove been in business, and
respectfully solicit a continuance of the
same. KEI,LER KuirrA.
31. 18.17.
.11mantak for 1818 just
received and for eale-12i cis.
ZPIPLULIaciO 011.120
GE T'llr-SBURG,' PA. FEIDAt EVENING; lANUA,AY, 7,2 1'8,4
TO the Honorable *tr. lc: teem, ilfreii&at o
the wend Courts, and to hie Atimberite 'Judges
of the Court of Common Pleas Ibr the 'nicety
of Adams.
THE petition of Maur Girt respect
fully showeth that he still occupies
the Cross-Key Rouse, now in Ox
ford township, Adams county, where he
has provided htmself with every neeessa
-7 for keeping a tavern god house of puh
he entertainment, for the accommodation
of strangers and travellers. Your petition
er therefore respectfully prays the court to
grant him a license to keep a tavern and
house of public entertainment, for the ac
commodation of arrangers and travellers.
and your petitioner, as to duly bound, will
ever pray. Hens Gm.
Wa, the undersigned, citizens of Oxford
township, where the above petitioner,
H/MAY Otte, resides and wishes to con
tinue a tavern, de certify, that the said tav
ero is seeessavy to accommodate the pub
lic and entertain strangers and trayellers ;
and that the aforesaid petitioner isa Orson
of good repute and temperate in his habits ;
and that he is well provided with house
room and other necessaries for the accom
°dation of strangers 'and travellers.
Michael Reny, George Hersh,
Jno. C. Ellis, Edward Weigle,
Jacob Ilgenfrim, David Weaver,
James Lilly, Peter Feiner,
G. Ed. Hersh, Jacob Martin,
George }limes, George Lough,
Oxford tp., Dec. 24-3 t •
4 MONO the Records of the Orphans'
/1. Court of Cambria county, of July
Term, 1847, it is thus contained : In the
case of the Real Estate of Henry Musser,l
late of Lancaster county, deceased, Notice
having been given of the Rule obtained at l
the last Term of the Orphans' Court on
the Heirs and Representatives of said de-1
ceased, to appear on the Monday of the j
present Term to accept or refuse to take j
the Real Estate of said deceased, at the val
uation, and none of the heirs or represen
tativea appearing in pursuance of said rule,
and the matter having been continued by
the Court until - this day—the Court, en
application of Moses Carlin, Esq., in be
half of Susanna Reigart, one of the heirs
of the deceased, granted a rule on the heirs
and representatives of said Henry Musser,
deceased, to appear on the first day of next
term of the Orphans Court of Cambria
county, being the first Monday iu October
next, to show cause why the Real Estate
of the said deceased, in said county of
Cambria should not be sold—notice there
of to be given in a newspaper published in
this county of Catnbria and in each of the
counties in which the heirs reside.
And now, to wit, at October Term, 1847,
the above rule enlarged until the next term
of said Court, to be held on the first Mon
day in January next, with notice to be giv
en as above ordered.
Ebensburg, July 7, 1847.
of the Orphans' Court of said
„ county, do certify the foregoing
-; to be a true extract from the
proceedings of the Orphans'
Court of Cambria county, at July and Oc
tober Terms, 1847. In testimony where
of 1 have hereunto set my hand and affix
ed the seal of said Court, at Ebensburg,
the 14th October, 1847.
J. WDONALD, Clerk.
Dec. 10, 1847-41
THE undersigned, Auditor, appointed
by the Orphans' Court of Adams
county, to distribute the Assets the
hands of JOHN DEARDORTF, Administrator
de bonie non ,with the will annexed of DA
VID M'CREARY, dec'd, to and amongst
the Legatees, will sit for that purpose on
Priday the 14th day of January next, at
10 o'clock a. ei.ost the public house of A.
B. Roars, in Gettysburg, where all per
sons interested may attend if they see pro
Dec. 24, 1848.-3 t
ETTERS Testamentary on the Es-
L a d tate of 30 II N RIFE, late, of
Franklin township, Adams county, deceas
ed, having been granted to the subscri
ber, residing in the same tosinslip, notice
is hereby given to all persons indebted to
said' estate to call and settle thesame with
out delay, and those having claims against
said estate , arp requested to present the
same, properly autheiiticated, tor settle
ment. • , •
ANDREW RIFE, Executor.
Dec. tl, 1847.-450 •
, .
HE Account of Tlioat o ts BLocnnt,
' Assignee of GEORGE W. RICE,
of confirm township, having been pre
stinted to the. Court of Common Pleas of
Adams cininty—the said court have ap
pointed Monday the 17th day'of January
next, for the confirmation and allowance of
said acioin.
.. _ . , A. B. KURTZ, Proth'y.
PrOtbonotary's Office,
Gettysburg, Dec. 24, 1547.5 31*
ETTERS of Administration on the
'11 . 4 Estate of SAMUEL Itcons,late of Ham
ilton township, dec'd, having been grant
ed to the subscribers, residing in Adams
county, they hereby give notice to all why
are indebted to said Estate to call and pao
the same without delay, and those having
claims aro desired to present the same,
properly authenticated. for settlement.
Nor 28.--(lt' :Mtn in isiraters.
5 4 /The Grit named Atiminiitrator wiider in
Reading toweihip,tbe litter in liannboe tp.
Tut CAKE '!1
To' ilts.inavagsrs or
JANUARY 1, 1848
Kinn Plistos : •
Wsiteodednees to-der, vier lightly @round thee,
And brobsn the chain* care which had bound
While whines of blisU ars flitting befbre the •
Width, *anaia
Turn holy in thou%bt 'a other year lkd,
Unwept for, "Way where the Past waits her deed.
It requites 1:0 marble nor t on er . tea:
tilllaatowei ts 0 6 W 0 644. ' PA *a OPP*?
Whim Meaty opens bet trinmpbant pep,
'4lde:l with the glorious hail of this lige.
With a wariar's netts 'ad a conqueror'e pride
'Twill stem the mitt wave* of oblivion's tide.
'Mkt die &deka of the wontidid and dy big it woke,
While Essufill hung round lithe bottle's thick smoke:
And etitlio'd ix deatli IV the victor and foe,
Embnieed en the red pbehts of Gene Gordo.
But there will the eagle of vietot soar
Tat UM itandard ilia bealfill spode." no More!
Inscribed cm its page, though flighUhl and gory,
Wurriarn and &cc:Naar—equal in glory.
But the Chmitia which led him in Serest fight,
Fearful and grand as the storm in its might.
' Hovers triumphant o'er tbs President's chair,
And calls on our Cherepies' • to follow her there.
Silently vanishing, its last day has gone,
And the tread of suecasii n. comes hasening nn ;
But the horrible voice from Mexico's plains
Yet chills the blood in humanity's
While he whore blind impotence struck the first
Would mangle the form of a . printrated foe !
The Orphan shall eurse him—the Widow invoke
Justice' torture on him who ruthlessly broke
On the peace which had ncatl'd so long in hrr home
And plants:el dark sorrav where pleasure had grown.
A nation must charge him with digging a grave."
Whom Weep the cold forma of her noble and brave.
A nation must charge hitn, pow in her last throe,
As the cause of all her miefertune -and wo.
But When where he trembles am Rem shall stand,
Golden hour. will spring to the stroke of his wand,
And lull you in alunobwr of enchanting ease,
Then too, with a giant's strength, Coorea shall
The etoerlalorAtate burping, which SNUNIE hail
long tried,
With vainest endeavor, though glory to guide.
Internal improvement—the pride of your bands,
And firstin importance--4tention demands:
Behold ! every maniion an. boast of its !tram
Of elixir impell'd by machimety . unseen. -
No longer will summer's thirst burning invade
Where dashes in heanty the private cascade.
Ye who have been startled in downiest dream,
When wildly and piercing the reveller's scream
Rose horribly strange on the dead of (ha - night—
Sleep soundly hereafter: the Constable's might,
By flogging aril caging, has set all aright.
And ye who inhabit &native brightnewi,
Whose forms, like clouds of the morning in light-
Bear a spirit of beauty wherever they move,
Which turns all it touches straightway into love—
If a Carrier's wishes are vreleeme to you,
Believe we, you'll never find any more true.
To all of both sees—a happy N tw Yua !
Lite lightest around you—of sorrow no fear—
May virtue with roses fresh scatter your way,
And make each succeeding your happiest day
E'en now let meek Chitty gain roof first Joy,
By giving a FEE to the
Piscvmz, Dec. 27, 184—
To Ma Toomrsom
Dear Sir :—Cristone is over, and the
thing's did. You know I told you in my
last letter I was gwine to bring Miss Ma
ry up to the chalk a Crismos. Well, I
done it, slick as a whistle, though.itcome
mighty- nigh being a serious undertakin,—
nut I tell you all about the whole cir
' 'l'he facile, I's made my minanp moren
twenty times to.jest go and come rite out
with the whole bisiness. but whenever I
got whar she was, and whenever she look
ed at me with her witchin eyes, and kind
o' blushed at me, I always feltimrt o' skew
ed and fainty‘and all I made up to tell her
was forgot, so .I couldn't think of it to save
me. Butyou'ss married man,Mr. Thomp
son, so I Couldn't tell youi nothing about
poppin 'the question , as they call it. Its a
mighty grata favor to ax of a rite pretty
gal, and to , people as aint used to it, it goes
mighty bard, don't it t They say widders
don't mind it no more'n notliin.' But I'm
inakint a transgression, as thepreaelter ses.
Crimes eve I put on my new snit, and
shaved my face as slick as a smoothin
and went over to old Miss Stallinses. As
soon as I went into the parley whar they
was.allisettin round the fire, Miss Carlin
and Miss 'Coltish both laughed rite out.
liThere;there,"ses they, HI told you so ;
I knew it would be Joseph."
"What's I done, Miss Carline 2" ses
"You come under little sister's chicken
bone, and I .do believe she know you was
comin when she put it over the door."
"No I didn't—l didn't no such' thing,
now," see Miss Mary, and her face blush
ed red all over.
"Oh, you necd'nt deny it." sea Miss Ko
ala(' : "you 'long to Joseph, now, jest as
,sure as there's any charm in chicken bones."
I knowd that was a fust rate chance to
say something, but the dear little creator
looked so sorry and kept blushin so, I
couldn't say nothin zactly to the pint, so I
tuck a chair and reached up and tuck down
the bone and put it in my pocket.
"What arc you gwine to do with that old
bone, now, Major ?" sea Mary.
"I'm gwine to keep it as long as 1 live,"
sea I, "as a Crismus present from the hand
somest gall in Georgia."
When I and that, she blushed worse
and worse.
"Aint yon abareted,llsjorrr see she.
"Now you ought to give her st Crismus
t ft, Joseph, to keep all her life," sed Mies
"Ah," sea old Miss filtallins," when I was
a gall we used to hang up our storkius--"
"Why, mother 5" sea all of 'em, "to say
stocking rite
1 . -Then leit'ilittle streaked too, 'cause
they wets all blushin u hard as they could.
.."Mighty-tity I" seathe old ledy—" what
otonstronktinentent.. I'd like to know
trin-itoeltirm.- People
nowm-days le gittlo s 6 mealymouthed
'they 'can't call nothin hy'its rite name, and
1 don't see : fit.May's any hewer than the
old time people.was. When I was a gall
like - ym*, - *ettitd; - l - mesdrio . bang u p my.
stocking entree in full of presents. "
The galls kept'laughift.'
Never Mind," les AAisis Mitryt"lffejor's
got to give met CAMP* gift—qvon'tyou,
Major t" : •
"Oh, yes," sea I, "you know I promis
ed you one." • -
."But I didn't mean' that,"'fies 'slte. '
..rre got. one for you, whet I want you
to keep all your.liG4 but it would take a
two-bushelibag tO huldit."*Mmi. f• - • - •
"Oh, that's the kind," sits Wm. • •
'But , keeplt ii lung as you
lire '1" sets I.
"Certainly I will, Major." . -
"Monstrous•finement now a day—old
people don't know nothing-bout perlite
nese," said old Mica Stallings.jest gwine to
sleep with her nittin in 'her and.
"Now you hear that. Miss Carline" see
I, "she see she'll keep it all her life."
"Yes, I will," sos Miss Mary--"but
what is it ?"
"Never mind," see I : "you hang up n
beg big enough. to hold it, and you'll - find
out what it is, when you ace it in the [nor
"Miss Carline winked 'at Miss' Kesiali, I in the.. Three Guardsnien." ' TheWOrld
. .
and then whispered to her—then they both I says
:, ...rim., is , „Asps. no single s w ir l, sp i.
laughed and l6oked at me as mischievous l sods ' in', . • . . .. - '
t ode in the 'history of Sim temarkable
a" they_ _could, They viciened some- s 0 , - - - •-.
thing : -.; ,:.- - ~ - , -telfin , - lid' InrildlNKt ' 01)004ierisfie, 10 dm
*You'll be sure to give it to flits now, if , spirit of the :age and the extent to whirl'
I hang up a bag," sea Mist Mary.. - • - intrigue. iy akr i are t ut i,,,, it is, phreoulogia
-“And manse 10 keep 14" 4 ,0 l ' ''' ''
- . N speaking , the very romance . of ,fiecre
“Vtrell, I will, causi, I k n o r otio you ”,
_, ~ ~ ..
would tit give me nothin that wasn't worth '''.7 l ".""s' ~1_ • .• •
keepin." .-- , , . • "' •s, 4 ' The Queen then wrote a let-,
They all agreed they would hang up a,ter to Buckingham ' , in which she besought
hag for me to put Miss Marra I
Orialtnts him 'immediately to Icave'France. This
present in, in the hack porch, atid . bout - done; she gave into the charge of her at
nine-o'clock- I told 'eta good evenin-and _tendon!. not only ...the....letter, but also a cas
went home. . , ket containing the uiguillette with its dia
-1 sot up till midnight, and when they mond pendanas, , which, had been presented
was alt gone to bed I wem softly into the to,her by the King. and in which she op
back gate, and went up to the porch. and reared at the ball of 'Madame Chevrouse.
thar, shore °null; was a grate big meal- irlir firet she• knew would inflict a pang,
bag, hangin on the jint. -It was, m e n - and the second' was intended to heal the
strous unhandy, to ;tit to .tto.hitl,irais tag a , y:Oity serving as a mm
eorial' of their
.mined not to ,back -oat. So 1.,404 OM. hilin ipi -I , # •
chairs rto . 11 of a 'trench notget - kohl - of r*ritnier.ftwif montent creme surprise that
the rope an let myself down into the bag; the Queen should venture to dispossess
but jest as I was getting itr,therintgEWUnt I - bereeli of so recently_ acquired and so re
again the chairs, and_down they went with , markable au ornament ; but, be it resume
a terrible racket. But nobody ilid r iti Wake Ilietili.L.that her resources were scanty, that
up but old Miss Stallion!' grate big cur ' she had already done honor to the present
dog, and , here lie cum rippin and win !of the King by appearing with it on her
through the yard like milt, and round and person in public, and that while as a stir
round he l trying to find what was the ereign she could not offer‘to the magnifi
matter. I sot down its the hag and did't cent Duke, a reinembrance without some
breathe louder nor a kittin, for fear he'd intrinsic value., she was also enabled by
find me out, and atter awhile he quit link- 'sacrificing the jewel, in question togratily
in. The wind begn to blow,aboniiiihTe s L iterSufterfortirqr, - brthe conviction that,
cold, and the old bag kept turnip routul i W this intnii &commie worn indifferent
and awin,gin so it Made ate seasick as the l iyity both ,sittasts, Buckingham would he
mischief. I was afraid to move for fear I reminded or her whenever it formed a por
the rope would brake and let sae fall, and !lion of his dress,
there I sot with my teethiratlin like I had' ' On the morrow Anne of Austria took
a agar.
It seemed like It wonld never come atty
light. and I do Wave. if .I did at loVe Miss
Mary so powerful t would &ciao to fifth;
for my hart was -the oolFittot
. 041011
warn, and it dido'lliekt More n ttidlisite
a minute, only when I thought how 84
would be sprised in the morn in, and then
it went In e canter. 'llinieby the cussed
old dog come up on the:porch and began to
smell about the bag, and 'then be barked,
like he thought he'd treed oottiethilit
.Bowl wow! wow!" sea ho. Then ed
smell *gin; and try id git to a bai t
"Gil out I" ses-I,..very lbw, fur ear they
would hear me. "Bow Wow ! wow 1"
"De gone! yod abominable fool," see
and I felt alt-Over - in spots,-for 1 spected
every minis he'd nip mo, and 'what made
it worse, I didn't know what boats he'd
take hold. ' , Bow ! wow !
.Wow Then
I tried coszin—"Cdthe here, shod feller,"
sea I, and whistled •ii little to him
wasn't no use. Thar be' stood and kept
up his eternal- whinittand Whin:all night.
I couldn' tell when daylight was breakin'
only by the chicken crowin, end I was
mostrous glad to hear 'eta, for if I'd had
to stay there one hour more, I don‘t blieve
I'd ever got out of that bag alive. •
Old Miss Stank* eorne oat fnst, end as ,
soon as she saw the bag, sot she t
"What Upon yeath his Joseph went and
put in that bag for IVlaiy I'll lay it's a
yearlin, or soma live. animal, or llruiti
wouldn't bark at it tin.” ,
, She. Went in Weill the galls, and 1 sot
thete, shiverin all over so I .could hardly
speak if I tried to—hut I didn't say no
thin, Simeby they all come Tannin out.
"'My lord, what is it 2" ses Miss Mary.
"Oh, its alive I" sea Miss Kessiuh ; "1
seed it move."
"Call Cato and make him cut the rope,"
ses Miss Carline, "and lets see what it is.
Come, Cato, and git this bag down."
"Dont hurt it for the world," ses Miss
Cato untied the rope that was round the
jice, and let the bag down easy on the
floor, and humbled out, all covered with
corn meal from head to foot.
"Goodness gracious!" ses Miss Mary,
if it aint the Major himself !
"Yes," ses 1, "and you know you pro
'miscd to keep my erismus present as long
as you lived ! '
The girls laughed themselves almost to
deth, and %vent to brushin off the meal,
saying they was gwine to hang that hag up
every Crismus till they got husbands too.
Miss Mary bless her bright eyes—she blush
ed as buffet as a morning glory, and sed
she'd stick to her word. She was rite
out Of bed, and her hair wasn't koined, and
her dress wasn't fist at all, but the way
she lgoked pretty was real dititractin.
do believe if I was froze stilt, one look at
her charmin face, as she stood lookin
down to the flour with her roguish eyes,
and her bright curls falling over her snowy
neck, would fotch'd me too. I tell you
what, it was worth hangin in a meal from
one Crismus to another to feel as happy as
I have ever since.
I went home ufter we had the laugh out,
and set by the fire until I got thawed. In
the forenoon all of the Stallinses came
over to our house, and we had one of the
greatest Cristmus dinners that ever was
seed in Georgia, and I don't believe a hap
pier company ever sot down to the same ta
Old Miss Stallins and mother settled
the match, and talked over every thing that
sver happened in their families. and laugh
ed at me and Mart•. and cried bout their
dad husbands, cause they wasn't alive to
see their children married.
It's all settled now, cept we haint sot
the weddin day. I'd like to have it all o
ver at once, but young galls alwayc like to
be engaged awhile, you know, so I spose
mum wait a month or so. Mary (she
lies I moan% call her Miss Mary now) has
Seen a good deal of trouble and bothera
tion tome; -but if you could see her, you
woultrnt, think I ought to grudge a little suf
ferin te gm !Mb a sweet little wife."
You must come to the weddin if you
possibly' kin. I'll let you know when.—
No more from
Your frierid, tit deth.
Jum. Jour,.
The Literary World, in a notice of bliss
Psnloe's nevi work, "Louis XIV, and the
Court of Fran' in the 17th Centaur,"
quotes the foll Owing account of the simple
fiats of the stair of the diamond tip; ciut of
Which Dumas has made so pleasant a story
leave otthe Engliahsenvoy in the presence
a alma court, and his bearing was that
of a- duitilmd gentleman and respectful
courtier. No eye could detect a clanee,
no ear could . gather up a sentence, which
was ntit in aceordlince with the most sent
pnlons ' etiquette, Buckingham carried
.away with him a ple*e of royal regard
.which almost consolea Min fir his depatt
Meanwhile Madame de !snowy, the
litadotti spy of the cantina!, had detected
the illieappearance of the diamond aiguil
leßeirtten the Queen's casket, and, with
this ready pe rception of malice, she ling
gelded to 1 ichelieu that it had in all prob
ability been sent to Buckingham as a part
ing present. The cardinal lost not an in
stant in writing to one of the ladies of
'Charles' plum who was in his interest—
for,,like a spider. lie attached his web on
isreey_sideolfering to present her with
5(4000 Byres if she should succeed in cut
ting-away a-couple - of the tags of the shoul
der knot;' the first time that Buckingham
appeared in it, and forwarding them forth
with,by a teats messenger to himself.
A fortnight afterwards, the two tam;
were in the possession of Richelieu. The
duke Net *Oen the nignillette at a state ball.
and the_ emissary of the cardinal hail cut a
way a . couple of its ,pendants unobserved.
The, vindictive minister gloated over his
prize 1 Now, as he believed, his revenge
was certain.
The first care of Richelieu was to carry
the diamonds to the king, and to acquiiiiit
hint with the method by which they had
been procured. Louis examined them
closely. There could be no doubt that
they had indeed formed a portion of the or
nament which had been his last present to
his wife; his pale brow flushed with indig
nant rage, every precaution was taken to
insure the speedy exposure of the Queen.
On the following morning. Louis him
self announced to Anne of Austria that a
ball even by the civil magistrates of Paris.
at th town hall, would take place the day
but one following: and he coupled this in
formation with the request that, in order
to compliment both himself :ma the magis
trates; she would appear in the sigh
which he had lately presomed to her. She
replied simply and calmly that he should
be obeyed. •
The eight and forty hours which were
Still to intervene beftne his vengeance
could be accomplished, appeared sn many
centuries to the cardinal duke. Anne of
Austria was now fairly in the toils, and
still her tomposure remained unruffled.—
How was this apparent tranquility to be
explained? Richelieu had already expe
rienced that, aided by Buckingham and
gadame d r y Chevrouse, she bad poisoned
the power to buil4e even his ingenuity fi
but she now stood alone, and even had
' Vitt+,
rwoDOLLMffi wit A Fr—
she ventered upon so dangerous - s - ittep "as •
that of replacing the jeweils, he lvell 'ki*W
that on the. prthient occasion she possessed,! .
neither the time nor the Winans.
The hour ofdlC festival at length struck;
and it had been arranged that the King
should first make his entrance into the holt
room, accompanied by his minister, anti
that the Queen should folloW, attended by
her ow•n court. Richelieu was misblett to
calculate upon commencing his triumph
from the very moment of her appeartaao
on the threshold. • -
Precisely an hour before midnight the
Queen was announced, and every eyeltiltn
ed eagerly towards her. She was magui
ficent, alike in lowliness and apparel. , Sho
wore a Spanish costume,. consisting. oi,a.
dress of green satin embroidered with gold
and silver, having hanging sleeves, Which
were looped hark with large rubies, serv
ing as buttons. 11cr ruff was open, and'
displayed her bosom which was extremely
beautiful, and upon her bead the had a cap
of green velvet, surmounted by a heron
feather, while front her shoulder deseend
ed gracefully the aignillette, with its twelve
diamond tags.
As she entered the King a pproackedber
-avowedly to offer her his compliments
upon her, but actually to count the tags.
Ilia arithmetic annulated to a dozen. The
cardinal stood a pare behind him, quiver
ing with rage. The twelve tags were
hanging front the shoulder of the Queen,
and, nevertheless, he grasped two of them
in his hand at the same moment. Aye, in
his hand! for lie had resolved not to tote
an instant in triumphing over the proud and
i n s o lent beauty who 11... d laughed his pas
sion to acorn, and wade him a mark fur the
ridicule of his associates. The vow that
he uttered in his heart, as he gazed upon
horcalm and defying, brow that night, prob
ably cost IhMkingliain his life; for Riche
lieu was nut duped by the belief that the
shoulder knot of the duke, from whence
hie own two tags had been severed, was
not identieni with that now floating over
'the arm of Anne of Austria.
The plot bad, nevertheless, failed,, and
once more the cardinal was beaten upon
his own ground.
It is, however, time that we should dis
close the secret of this apparently myste=
rious incident to our readers.
On his return from the state ball, at
which he had appeared with the aiguilleue
of Anne of Austria, - Buckingham, who
Would confide to no one the care of his pre
dims ornament, was Anon to restore it to
his casket, w Iwo he perceived the subtract
ion which had taken place, and for awhile
abandoned himself to a lit of anger, believ
ing he had been made the victim of iteum:.'
mon theft—an instant's rtillection, howev
er, convinced him that'sueli was not likely
to be the case. as he had upon his perso'n'
jewels of greater value, which it: wninit
have been equally easy to purloin, and
these all remained intact. A light broke.
upon him ; he suspected the agency of his
old enemy and the cardinal duke;.
and his immediate measure was to place
an embargo upon the English ports, and
to prohibit all toasters of vessels from put
ting to sea, under pain of death.
During the operation of this edict, which
created universal astonishment throughoitt
the country / the jeweller of Buckingham
was employed day and night in completing
the number of the diamond tags ; and it
was still in full force when a light fishing
smack, which had been exempted from the
general disability. was scudding across the
channel on its way to Calais, und e r t h e
cominaml of one of the duke's confidential
servants, and having on board, fur all its
freight, the aiguillette of Anne of Austria.
lo the course or the ensuing day the
ports were opened • and the diousand and
one rumors which had been propagated by
the people died gradually away, as no es
planades of the Memo prehensible and rig
orous measure ever transpired. The 11'..
stilt was the reveipt of her shoulder-knot
by the Queen the very day before the ball
of the magistrates.
Thus die apparent tranquility of Anne
of Austria, which had been for the firenfeir
hours the apathetic calmness .of despair,'
ultimately grew out of the eertaintv of se
curity ; and the ready wit and ehivaliii"ide
rotimt of Buckingham. which .lutd so ,CCV:
tutu thicatened her destruction, fur.
once supplied her tregis
A New ltEsoiso or n N OLD VitoOti:- 7 '
A gentleman travelling: , DOwn Ems' e
in a one-horse wagon. elinneett to stop at
a small country tavern, which rejoiced in
the possession of a very intelligent...lrish
ostler. Handing the reign to this worthi,
as he alighted, the traveller requested the
man to take his horse to the stable and /wit
"Sere Me I will, yer hmmer," answer
ed the Milesian, brisklv,and away he went.
In about 'half on !emir, the gentlemati:'
having refreshed himself sii file
rally concluding that his four-footed ,og,.
cant was in equally good case, orilered:ltici
team to the door.
'l'he horse was ranting, and trembline:
“What's the matter with my htiOn
asked the traveller; "what hitv you.tgiitti
doing to him r ,
"Ounly what yer honifir orderid mevt!
,•lbe don't look no II he'd .anyulitteto
"Is it ait yer bonnet' said rt.'
lt "To be sure."
"Sorra the word like it dii yer l aontieV.,
say to me. Wire he token yerbonnet
me to bale the baste and not to aithimP
"Why, you stupid meal—what 'hair
you been doing '
Orli! 'just tied him to the stsblo sA r t,
a halter. and I out wid ohickory
hate him till arm was tired out !"
The outporiug, of indignant wrath, eon
sequent upon this nhnoUtu Non hers
Ironer unabated than described.—pi4fl
GOOD. llsit.—A blacksmith tldtetl-00 4 ' .
born, offered himself as bail, ittlt)o4e"
of sessions , fur a prisoner whose . 0 ?
put oil till next term. • .
"ire you surely worth 01100 eltemsidis.„ ,
your debts I'%inquired the libressrateti `• a
"Why, sir, 1 hold my wife tow 14Weitfli
8500, w ithout counting 'property,
-The Court is sasttslieti—liake
replied the Recorder. • _