Spanish up so high that he'll have nothin more to tlo With this annexin business, but I'll make a last appeal to him. 111 re mind hitn of the PallB I 8011 l to him, and many other,obligations that he's under to me, and maybe he'll not ruin all my pros pects. I Wool you Major, to go down to Mexico nninedialely with these despatch- CA. (handing them to Inc.) Give thrill to Santa Anna, and tell him that it is not my fault that old Scott and Taylor are kept at the head of the army. 1 tried to have a Lim/tome Gineral a ppiuted to supersede utem ' in the coultnand, but Congress W1 , 111411'1, du is. To be sure, 1 have p tw ee tt appini w•litt I please to command in M.Lxieo, but it would never do tar the to takrllfe7oiturinad from either of them, for' it I ditl.tlatt 'people would take him right tip and ntakti him President. Santa Anna muidnt be angry with me, lint in return for the favors'l bait° done him, give me the territory I 'Want, ail that 1 can ride upon it into the Presidential eltair another term; an& theitill untforget him." 11 theU'iive me a wink—as much as to aka., . 4 he may he President the next Aer Mexico is annexed," for you bibs/Texas already hail ,a candidate for President. SO l left the nest morning for Mexico, and had' a long trip of it; for the tarnal go erillasirept botherin its all the way. I at length 'Nona Sala Anna just after the bat tle of C" etro Gordo, and yon never seed a feller le as had a humor . as he was. I spoke to him and he'd have nothing to say to Itriel -- 111Veit told hint f had despatches from President Bilk for him, he gruffly saidhOWthated to have aothin to du with them. thew told him he oughent to be angry with'the President ; it was'ut his fault that a Lietmmitt Clineral was'nt whited ; that it was the fault of Congress. With that he snatched the devatehqs from Inc. and looked 'over and over them again and a gain, and•stUdyin the matter over, he at length . Said: "Well, Major, I see that I can pull the moat over Porlk's eyes, but I cant over Ctingress ; so 1 don't care about having a nyftrrther intercourse with him. His in = Iluenee can amount to very little any how, for I've got all out of hint already that he can give the. AA then; don't you think Santa Anna had the impudence to pull that cussed Pass out of his pocket and rub it under my note amain ! I tell you 1 felt kinder all overitrt, but I thought perhaps I'd better keep my dander down. "I'liere." said he, "that's the Pass Polk gave; it's as gouda one as the traitor Ar nold gun, to Andre, and I think a little better ; for I got through with it, and Mu jor Andre did'ut with his." Gineral." sex I, "you ought'ot to be angry with the President; its a shame for old friends to git at loggerheads about trifles ; you had better make up and be good friends, as you were before. .• With that he dew into such a rage that I thotight he iVould explode right off. "Friends!" sex he, "friends again, in deed: • Nu, never ! I see what be wants— it is to be President another term. But Fin thinkin his wantin to git to the Presi dential chair Agin, will turn out like the child's crying to git to the moon : he may cry till he gins as old as his grandaddy and not git there thee. Me help him ? No. upt sue whit; for ill felt,disposed tad° sn, I doh think he email git a Corporal's . Guard (except the office-holders and Imp suckers) to support hon. Me help him I after getting such drobbins as old Taylor gave me at OUCila Vista, and Scott at Cer ro Gordo, where the feller had the impu dence To . iithu not wily my wooden leg,biit toy plate if soup into the bargain—to show I suppose, that old Ritchie was right when he talked about the Ginvral's being fond of Rush/ plates of soup! Me help him ! Ni', see him shot first, when you know he as good as broke the bargain We had Bulk. ItS true he didn't give Taylor ma ny men; but them lie hail fought like old Scratch. And then he sent down Gineral Scott, who, I believe in my soul, would storm- Gibraltar itself, and take it, if he once put his head that way. There were the Castle of San Juan' at Vera Cruz, and the works at Cerro Gordo, that every one who seen them thought so im pregnable that no human army would dare to face them—and he jist martthed up and took then) just as if he ditrnt want to make any fuss about it. Now, if the President had got that Lieutenant Gineral business through Congress, then I might have helpt him ; hut he can't di, that, and as long as lte let's Scott manage the army, you can tell the President I'll have nothing to du with him. So he may jist as well shut up and not bother me ally inure." ..IVeII, but," ses I, ••thneral, &tint you groin to send the President SI 4 IIIIIC auswier to his despatches!" "tor," ses he, oyou may tell the Pres ident that 1 have pulled wool over hie eyes as long as I wanted." Then don't you think the feller had the impudence tb shake tho Pass at me again. I then left him tieein that that there was no use sayin anothing mere to him, and went to see Gineral Scott and the army. I tell you now it was distressin to see the wound ed and hear the groans of the dying. in their last agonies calling upon their fafit ere, mothers, wives, sisters, and brothers, to come to their relief, and upon God to bait. aiterey on them. Oh! I could'nt stand it—it made the very hair stand on urc I emild'ut stand it, and after akin; to (littera! Scott a spell about matters iu Itferieo. I Ht. The (litteral complain ed much Omni out having enough of men, and thought it hard..fliat they should be sent to fight siteh desperate battles in the heart of the vilely** country, and not 'be better lottked tiller from home. A great upoilif the army got to hoar that ,I was from Washington, and they docked round Me. and appeared to be in a tervilite.had humor with the . President.— Tb . ey told me tell hint nut to Jet old fattier Ititctlie 'pnblitilt an many- false statements about the army, making it two or three roues as large as it really is. I then took testae of , the army and left for house, and bad a leant time of it genii' sluing. .liTtion I arrived at the President's house. you never seed a feller gladder to ace, see than he was. lie immediately asked me how I get along with Santa An tia,aud when I told the President what his old ,friend had said about pulling the ertoe?over his ryes(anal all about the corn- Outwit in the army, I rally pited him, for he went on so in his dianes.s that l was a tesol he would kirk the bocket right oft= bemused so troubled about the way nut let! isore.goin on down in Munro and all oeththe country ; there was so much die. 0116111001 SO io inueh opposition. them took leave hint, and mid of you tolef*Prol. 4 l4- - - ...„;.:,;..,: . ,! eursio roil s, Ate. illt HAJOH JOHN C "Er. c` • • Later from Mexico DITIFICULTIES IN THE ARMY. CONF:IHMATION OF REPORTED By the arrival of the Maria Qurt at New Orleans, levers and papers to to the 15th inst. from Vera,Croz have been received. The dates from the capital are to the 97th ult. The Mexican papers claim to have obtained an advantage over a party of A mericans, who having landed at Alttleje, were relisted by the force there all day and again embarked. By the.courier from Queretaro, arrived at the capital the day previous, a communi cation had been received from the Secreta ry of Legation, Mr. Thornton. covering a protest trom Lord Palmerston, the Brit ish Minister of Foreign Affairs, against the forcible levying of taxes against the English residents in Mexico for the pur pose of supporting the war. These levies were Made six months since, when the residents protested against them. A correspondent of the Monitor. writing from Queretaro, says that the greater part of the governors of the di Groot States were present at the seat of government. and that, with one exception, (the Gover nor of San Luis) they were unanimous in favor of peace. The sessions were soon to commence, and President Annyi propo. sea that no line of policy on the subject should be followed except such . as the States suggest, in order to get at once at the national will. Gen. Ilustamente has been- ndtitted by the Supreme Government gene in chief of the'ariny of reserve; and' common& ant general of the State. SANTA ANNA AND HiSPARTIZANS...—Thei correspondent at the capital, under 'date 'of Nov. 9341, says : There has been"' rumor in town for several days past that the par iizans of Santa Anna had withdrawn from Congress in compliance with the instruc tions of dheir chief, for the purpose of-for cing that body to dissolve, not having aqua rum. ostensible, reasim iwthnit they were enraged at the non-sum/as of Cam pl ido in. reaching the Presidency, This rumor has been gaining strength a and the Monitor of this morning refers to it as be% ing true, and threatens to publish the names of the seceders, some of Whom, it says, are now actually in this City. I hear, also, from a private source. that as soon as A-1 naya found out their object, he expressed his determination warrest the delinquinit members. and compel them' to attend to their duties, in consequence of which some of them left Queretaro in a hurry. Thai, partizans of Santa Anna all-belong to the Pura party, and are for war to the knife. The Ggyernors were in session and in conference with the-Ministers. Some ex citement was " occasioned by one of the Governors, whose mien, is not, given, king public the private. deliberations and secrets of the council.. Ho is said to boa partisan of Santa Anna when- finger-is plainly to be seen in this. TIME DIFFICULTI,INT TT/ Asxv,---The difficulty- among prominent officers of our army apppears to have been quite as seri ous as was represented We publiSh here the orders - of Gen. Scott, reflecting • upon the officers who, were _said iu be under or. GENERAL GRouts--No. 3. The following regulation has been re ceived from this War Deparintent : WARD EST, Wilkibill6teflallll: 28, 1947. The President of the United Sixties di rects that paragraph 850 of the General Regulation. for the Army. established on the Ist uf,March, 1825, and not included in - offribose published..Tanuary 26,1841, be now published:and that its observance as a part of the general regulations be strict ly- enjoined upon the army. ,By °nick of the President , W., Iv MARCY, Sec'y.of War. TIM following is, the. paragrapher Gen eral Regulations .for the Army. established on the lit of March, 1824, referred to a bore : 880. Private letters or reports. relative to milittivr.:marchert wruLniterstions, are frequently mischievous in &sip', sod al ways ilirgraceful to the army. They are, therefore, strictly forbidden, and an odicer found guilty of making such report for , pub lication, without special permission, or of placing the writing beyond his control, so that it finds its way to the press, within one month after the terininationof thecato raign, to which it relates, shall be 'hernia ted Inn the service. By command of Mnj. Gen. Been!, %V*. J. FREEMAN, ,An't Adj. Gen. GENIMAL ORDIRE-..N0. 349. Beashpuis tors of the Army, Mexico, ,111 o?. 12, 1847. '. The attention of certain *ricers of this army is called to the foregoing regulation. which the general-in-chief is resolved to -enforce so far as it may he in his power. As yet but two echoes from home of the brilliant operations of our arms in this ba sin have reached us; the first in a New Orleans, and the second through a Tampi co newspaper. It requires not a little charity to believe that the principal heroes of the scandalous letters alluded to did not Write them, or specially procure them to , be written, and the intelligent can be at no loss in conjec turing the authors—chiefs, partisans, and pet familiars. To the honor of the ser vice, the disease—pruriency of fame, not earned—cannot have seized upon half a dozen officers, (present,) all of whom, it is believed, belong to the same two coteries. False credit may, no doubt, be obtained at home by such despicable self-put rings and Malignant exclusion of others; but at the expense of the just esteem and consid eration of all honorable-officers who love their country, their profession, and the truth of history. The indignation of the great number of the latter clads cannot fail, in die end, to Wing down the conceited and the envious to their proper level. By command of Maj. Gen. Scott, • 11. L. SCOTT, A. A. A. 0. The letters alluded to by Gen. Scott as "the echoes front home," are evidently the "Leonidas" letter, and a letter which-ap peared first in the Pittsburg Post, was thence transferred to the Union, whence we copied it on the Btli October, with some introductory remarks, and the whole ap peared in a l'ampico paper. When Gen. Scott's orders were published, Lieut. Col. Duncan Caine out promptly in the North American with a frank avowal of his con nection with the "Tampico letter." l After the publication of the letter con taming this avowal, Col. Dunenn was pla ced under arrest. and subsequently Gen. Pillow was arrested, and next Gen. Worth. The North American is of opinion that Gen. Pillow was not arrested on account of the "Leonidas" low r, but on the follow hug grounds : Gen. Pillow, having taken exceptions to the finding of a court of inquiv, which itsi.ling had been approved by Scott, addrea. sled s paper relating to the matter to the Secretary of IVar, through the command er-in-ohicf, preserving a copy, which he avowed In a letter accompanying, he halt sent, or would send, direct/y 10 the Secre tary ntA ItashinVon. This transaction is judged to he a contempt, and for the so judged contempt Gen. Pillow is arrested. Not understanding the technicalities of tho ease, we arc not advised whether part or the whole transaction is regarded as the con tempt—bin that is immaterial. Gen. Worth's arrest is thus noticed it the North American of the 26th ult : The latest arrest occurred yesterday— that of Brevet Major Gen. Worth, and the charge is, we believe, &intern pt towers the commander-in chief. Without a full know ledge of the facts, we do riot prciribse to" lengthen this article by any remarks upon this proceeding. • . MAZATLAN AND usrx As.—Le non! have been repaired in town from Tampico as late as the 7th of liecostnber f from high ly respectable houses, conveying the infor mation that the ports of Musdan anti Ga. 'quilts are in possession of-the American Naval forces. We trust the occupation of every other considerable port on the Paci fic will soon follow. !.XTES...A.N.D...W.P.QATANT.—.-.Tha barque. rn Tu arrived at New 'Oriesins on the night of the Itlat,beinting,datasfront 'Vera Cruz to the loth inst. Oen. Pattenton; irith theiarge Intim itsd - wkly reactiod the tiepin& reinforcing Gen. &sole the' atheist of owirly.B,ooo efficient ases. Tlll.lliTind of such • Ism fate in the vicinity of the capital, had canoed onto et stir among the illexicww; • - largirportfon et theter;ltitrefit; Misfiled ASV ar rived with any thing but dissatisfaction as they will affetd an ilwrowed demand fix produce and ' The Area Iris says that the „Mexican Govern ing* has called on Generals Camillo, A lcirts and Lombanlini, and tondo* eommiesions to them, for the purpose of raising 11( now army to sustain the nationality of the Republic. The North American, of the 14th inst., gives as account of 'a anions army that occurred et the Capital em Sunday, the Mat ult. Three men, of she Intend second rengsybranie raitinventa - bad been attacked by a mob of Leperos in the street in the Western section of. the city. One, mined Luke Flgd, was badly wounded. One of them escaped and called out the guard to the rescue of timpit)tions, when a general fight ensued. The guard shot three Mexicans deed and wounded several others. The latest dates from the Mexican Congress, received by this arrival, are to the 6th inst., when a quorum was present, and business progressing. Vonte rumors had reached Vera Crus of a design entertained by Congress to seed the three Mexi can Commissioners, appointer! to arrange terms of peace, to Havana, to meet or rather invite the ap• poinenent of American Commissioners to meet them there. Mr. Trist had not yet arrived at Ve ra Crux, though he was momentarily expected, on his way to Washington. STILL LATER.—Advices from the city of Mezico to the 14th inst. have been received at Di, Oaring% There is no additional intelligetwe bf interest. The Mexican Congress was still in ses sion it Queretaro, but the rumors as to its doings were very contradictory. Gitor. Scott has issued an army order dividing the army 'into brigades, under the command of Rotith, cadmallmler, and Col. Ribey. Be has aleo issued a vary severe coder against the gu• reds% who are said to be organizing in larger numbers. They are to he treated as outlaws, and no quarters to be given to known murderers and robbers. A Wealth:glen correspondent of the , N. Y. Herald makes the following interesting statement relative to the difficulties be tween our principal army officers ; "We have in item in relation to this sub ject. from the lips of a gentleman who was in the city of Mexico before the 4th of De cember. He presumes that the writing of the letters is not the origin of the difficulty, though it is subsidiary ; but that the arrest I was , in consequence of the disobedience of orders by — Generk IVonTi, or by Worth and Pillow conjointly, during the late bat tles before the city of Mexico. Worth was ordered to operate upon a certain point at night, and to surprise the Mexican garri son, and take the enemy prisoners. This, however, he did not. He waited until the next morning. By this time, the Mexicans, apprised .of the design of the American commander. prepared furs stout resistance. The conflict ensued, and the brigade led by Hen—Monk _lost night. tundre.d men ! Unfortunately I have not before me the official accounts of the battles, and cannot, therefore.. be specific. I must take the words of my informant as true, he being a man of truth, generally considered, until south other statement shall be given from a mare resoonsible source. .. Major Geoceal Scott has the reputation of possessing much humanity ; a quality, which. coupled with bravery and skill, makes the true soldier. When the army entered the city of Mexico, he gave orders not to molest the kperos ; they were, he said, our friends. In this be is mistaken, as we well know ; for the greasers made an unprovoked auack on our troops, and had to be restrained by powder and ball. To this humanity we may attribute the anger engendered against Worth, who. in the o. Nemo of Scott, needlessly sacrificed eight hundred men. GRN. TAYLOit ON TRNPXRANCE.-A let ter is published trom Gen. Taylor, addres sed to JamtiVarter of Boston ; in which the hero of Buena Vista says : "I am myself virtually an observer of the rule of total abstinence, and find my health and ability to endure hardships greatly increased there by but though in my own person I ob serve this habit, yet when used in modera tion, I am not an opponent to the use of ar dent spirits." THE SOLDIER ' S Tiamore.—The officers and mcn of the New, Orleans Artillery Battalion having invited Gen. TAYLOR to dine with them on a certain day, were sad ly disappointed, by learning that he should leave for home that miming. But this corps were determined that he should have some mark of their gratitude and esteem before leaving. accordingly caused a huge pasteboard turkey to be made, close ly resembling a well-baked natural one, and sent it as a present to him. On the turkey being opened, at the St. Charles, on Sunday morning, there appeared with in it a splendid pair of gold epaulets and a beautiful sash. SERIOUS AFFAIR AT YALE COLLEGE.- A serious affair occurred at Yale College, New Haven, Conn., on Wednesday night, between two of the tutored the College, resulting in the stabbing of one of the tu tors with a sword cane. The other was knocked down with a bar of iron. The names of the tutors are Emerson and Good rich, the latter a son of Professor Good rich, of Yale College. The names of the students are Towers, of Philadelphia, and Ewen, of Tenuessec. The students were arrested and held to bail in $4,000 each ; they found bail and were discharged. The affair produced great excitement. Geed rich is not expected to survixei Mr. Alexander Campbell says of QIIOCI3 Victoria.' that "the youthful face of Eng. land's Queen is ad careworn•as that of any mother in America who can show five such lusty children," 'TIRE STA\R IIVINVP , .), G ETirt u Fri(lat . DPc 31, 1847. cav AGENC V.—V. B. Pastaza, Esq. at the corner of giesnut & Third street, PiiiisicAphis ; Ifu Nassau street Alin York; and South-east cor ner of Baltimore and Calvert street, Boititoort— and E.W. Cams, Esq. Sun Building, N. E. Corner Third & Dock sts.and ado N.Tourth at- Philad'a are our authOriaidAgents for receiving Advertise ments and Subscriptions to the "Star" and collect ing and rtmeipting for the same. trtlio t ; GEL WINFIELD SCOTT. IN IPPRINTICC 19 - 11111111INTING BUBININ Q? Will be taken at this Deice, unity apitlitit - tion be made. The applicant mud he warred of correct Itabitai and from 14 to I? Yeas or eir- tri - To•mornrw morning, ~int r eonlince with time-honored custom, we *VI the ••444rial • tripod, foremen. air; in favor Of our of:testi? who will deliver hie Annual Address to • the ?Moans of of the "Starr bright mind early, by the hands of the Carrier. Vieitins of good litinp bane twin don. -eing before ids mind for some' linter mist, and, to bar the possibility of disappointment, he requests us to give notice to "all ormeemed," , re be pipared. THE WHIG ALMANACK, for 1848, he , been placed upon our table Iry K Xl7/1 . 1111. In addition to the calendats, Celoulatique l ,Notos, &c., usual in an Almenack, the purchasers were a number of interesting and valuable political and commercial Statietlee,.ElectiOn Rettort*Mr.tlay's Speech on the Mexican War, Tom. Corwin', go., Lists of Officers of Government. and Members of Congress. for 121 cents. For sale at Kattua Kcirries Book and Stationary Store. ri^"A Wnta" will appear next week. - MR. COOPER.—Letters from Hon. Jests toomen, received within a few days. dated Liver pool ind London, hi the beginning of December, announce his anipal in England, after apostate of 20 days, in the course of which he was suljeet to the usual Jaime; peculiar to first voyager on the Ocean. At the time of writing his lest letter he was in good health, and designed starting for It• sly in a fine days. al'The Legislature of Pennsylvania will meet on Tuesday next. The femme of the Herne will of eoursesbe Lekofoco. Among others. we notice the name of Jaye' Estate*, Esq., of Butler county and formerly of Gettysburg, in connexion with the Stookership. The Senate officers will no doubt be Whig.— One of the meat prominent candidates for the chief Ckrkship is A. L. RVIIIILL, Esq., of Bedford.— Mr. R. was, last session, Clerk tithe House, and proved an efficient and popular officer. BUTLER COUNTY.,The Whigs of Butler county convened in County Meeting 6n the 15th inst., and appointed Josue IL 11111111311, the - Beni. roost, and Joss M. Sotti•avr,the Ftepresetitative delegates-to the Whig State Convention. Gam W. SMITIII was nominated as ■ delegate to the National Convention, with Instructions to support WINTHELD Scorr for the Presidency. We copy heveral of the resolution' : Resolved, Thal, as true and unyielding Whigs, we are utterly opposed to any po litical movement having for its object the abandonment of our present distinctive party organization, and that we will not support for any office, State or National, any candidate who is not known to be a thorough Whig in practice as well as principle. Resolved. That we are in favor of a Whig Nistional Uonvention for the purpose of nominating candidates for the Presidency and Vice Presidency, to be holden at such time and place as may be designated by a Caucus of the Whig members of Congress, and that we will recognize no man as our candidate who is not presented to us under the sanction of such Convention. Resoked, That we entertain the fullest confidence in the statesmanship as well as military ability of Gen. WINFIELD SCOTT. and that This- meeting most cor, dially recommend him for nomination to the Presidency of the United States by the Whig National Convention. LEBANOS.--The *tugs of Lebenen county have appointed David HOWIIIIM and John P. Ban deMon delegates lo the State DanventiOn. The following is one of the ma Motion, adopted at the meeting : Resolved, That wa will cordially and zealously unite in the, support of the can didates nominated by , a National Conven tion, feeling assured, as we do. that no one will be placed in nomioation for P,nrs- Went or Vice President,.who is not a firm and unwavering Whig:; but that while we thus pledge ourselves, in advance, to the support of the nominees of such conven tion, we avail ourselves of the , same occa sion to make known our own preference fur the Presidency by expressing the opin ion, that in Gen. Warns:lx Bccrrr the Whig, party would have a candidate for that office. whose magnanimous conduct in 1840 and, 1844, bears indubitable evi dence of his fidelity as a noble, and genet' ous-hearted Whig, which, combined with hii high order of qualifications as a states man, his ,infieaible intecity as a man, and his unbounded popularity as a hem, a Pa cificator, and a philanthropist. detwate him as Tag MAY upon , Whorn the Whigs should rally." BLAIR.—Tba Whip of Blair county, on the 21st last. appointed S. S. DLit's, defecate to the State Convention, and adopted resolutions in favor of Coe Boott and a National Convention. GENERAL wort—Rumors from the ar my would 11105R1 to indict' see that some misunder standing has arisen at Mimeo° between the Com mander-in.chief and two or three officers of his of hlicommand. In the absence of any authen tic inkirmaticin on the subject, it would appear to be due to justice and to the brilliant services and and high character of those concerned, not to form any opinion unfavorable till the whole facts of the case are made known. The duties of a Commanding General in tho heart of an enemy's country, with an army flush ed with victory yet inactive, and under the influ. °noes incident to so perilous a position, aro very delicate, and can only be met by firmness and the maintenance of rigorous discipline. It would seem, therefore, but an act of justice not to pre judge the case, and certainly not to condemn the Commander-in-chief until his reasons for what he may have done are fully made known.— Trilune. DENS. SCOTT AND SHIELDS.—General Suisun, understood to be democratic in his po litical views, speaking of Gen. Scorn, at Augusta, Ga., remarked, "that though ho entered the army prejudiced against Gen. Scott, ho considered him, after his experience under his command, u har ing OW firing superior in the qualities of a great commander," CET The Butler County Whig runs up the SCOTT gag. SERGT. WM. J. MILLER.—The friends of this gentleman, for whose fate the gloomiest ap prehension have been entertained fur some months, will be pleased to learn that seveml letters were received from him a few day's since, giving the gratifying assunanceof his recovery from the severe disease which hid confined him so long at Perot°. We ire indebted to the:kindness of H. I. instal - area, Esq., for the following extracts from a letter received by him yesterday. It will be read with interest by the writer's numerous friends : Veen Cavz, Nov. 27, 1847. DEAR Sta :—Since the emotion of Adam :lawn to the prpsqnt dpy there never was cif a warns,lrbuiliteivi that we came out here to fight the Mexicans. Well, we ha* - tbillet thertrimdsivhippetiAtheter te...m ff id that so ball thailtripvirkaa l ef. hat tine .isiisi gto ,; throats left to form ® him a bo Ely guard.— Walter, Ohler and Tillui were in'all the 'attics on theyoute to , the city except Car-. ro Gordo; they behaved like' men, and were greatly praised by our ‘Captinh and other officers. They fought so well thin the General made them a present ofa neve uniform. lam sorry to say that Pattern' died it Matamorns—he was a clever fel low.. was left at Pertne Castle with 'an attack similar to that which Iliad while with you—a yielent c opugh andtigh fever. The doctor had bet poor hopes of my , re- CoVery, and I had none at all. 'I lay there, over four monthein a most critical state, and c alifigvarry to my graie the seers that diseausli l le left on - me, ''thecorieeqiiences of illistiree a soldier's soft bed, inado.up of rum plwt and et bhut.W. ;1 know that you . have no idea of the suffering of sick American soldiers in this country, and if I were to tell you the naked" truth you would not credit it. In the short space of four, months while I was there, over oue thou sand died with disease and neglect. Du ring the month of August they buried from eighteen . ._to twepty-five daily—eight:outil, tin in one hole- Fighting the tWeatieans is not the bird est part to be performed here ; it is the cli mate; the, fatigues of the. march over a mountainous and sandy country, with a burning sun pouring down vengeance on your head, and nothing but miserable stag nant. water to drink: and then the water ing places are so far apart.. For instance, imagine yourself marching along—with a knapenok ou your back weighing hot leak than thirty pounds, a haversack with two days' rations in it, a canteen containing two quarts of water, your rifle and aceop treMents--4rom starlight in the, morning till dusk in . the evening; and after you get your coffee, take your turn for guard at night, which will be tiro hours on and four off; then, when it comes to your turn to sleep, pick out the softest place you can find among , a bed of stones, with the smoothest one you can find for a pillow. If any of my Gettysburg friends fancy this kind of soldiering, tell them to come out and gain all thb glory they can. Theis is a rumor' now afloat, (and I am ! told that it comes from good authority,) that we will all be able to take dinner at our homes on'next St. Patrick's day. If it prove true, I shall gladly bid farewell to Mexico and hereafter let well enough a lone. The crackers that we have to eat are so hard that each has to carry a l sledge to beat them up fine enough to make them eatable. Alas for our poor teeth ! they are all ground off, and gums have no ; business with such hardware, I assure you. Coffee averaging three grains, half brown ed, to a gallon of water, and then weaken ed for fear its strengtn might make you nervous—oh, the luxuries of a foreign eampaign t- Give my regards. dm, to all my Gettys burg friends, and allow me to remain Your friend, WM. J. MILLER. TEN MORE REGIMENTS.—In the U. S. Senate, Mr. Casa, Gem the Committee on Military Affairs, has reported a Sill making an increase of ten regiments of infantry to the army engaged in Metico--the men to be enlisted for the war ; the officers to,he appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Senate. Each regiment to have attached to it a surgeon and two assistant surgeons. 1:0"Ou Wednesday, Mr. Clam reported anoth er Bill providing for the raising of twenty addition al Regiments of Volunteers. LOOK OUT !—The New Hope and Dela: wars Bridge Company has failed—brokers refu sing to purchansits .notes. The. Busquehanna county Bank is also in bad repute. l 'Maj. ifiaN . P. Domes, reeently a prisoner in the city of Mexico, and a member elect of the present (longram, nachad his home in Kentuky, on Thursday week, and met with an enthusiastic reception. In an address to the people he pits it an his opinion that the War had bean 'wrongfully brought Shout, and wretchedly mismanaged by the President, and avowed his intention to vote in Congress ageing the itineration of any Mexican territory to the .U. States, or the incorporation of any portiOn of the people of Mexico with ours. Capt ann. M. CLAY, the pirtner of Major Q•lau in him c n ovity, wassklatrrettered at Lex ington, Ky., with every demonstration of respect rr The Fremont CC 4 Aft Martial Usiiit-in IN* ion. tt ha already cosi sso,obb. ' MARYLAND...4IO Lesi a lasar n 0 Maryland convened at Annapolis on Monday but. W. Wttateitra, Zea. eal elietaddlipeaker °Ma Begat% and Wal. J. Ilteontarairs Speaker oldie House. Gov. Pratt's Message is mainly devoted to the exPoiitionOfthe finances of ihe State. To wards the close he adverts to the &Mollies with the authorities of Pennsylvania in regard to fugi tive slaves,andeontPlains of dui !We pieced at the last session of the Legialitture of this state. He suggests the propriety of an .'appeel to the erney of justice and patriotism orate people of Pennsyl vania," to remedy the alleged evils. . The Mexican War is adverted to, and Generale Score and 'Patton noticed in- handsodia tepee. The Governor announces himself in (twos of the latter for the Presidency. LOCOFOCO DOCTRINE. The following significant paragraph appeared in the Wa:hingtott Union. It is extracted (rota the New York cot respondence of tho government organ, and is evi dently only a foreshadowing of the evils which the policy of the Administration is destined to fasten upon the country—A STANDING ARMY & DIRECT TAXATION: '.Both the democratic papers of this city--the Globe and Evening Post—hare espoused with the utmost warmth the recommendation of the Seem may of the Treasury in favor of a tax on tea and coffee. There ran be no doubt that DIRECT TAXATION is essentially Democratic, and has only to be brought fairly before the people to find favor with the mejority." nal). N. WORDIR, Esq., late (tithe Wyoming Record, has taken charge of the Lovviaburg (If. Mon county) Gazette. rir Oov. Baas, of Ohio, is a eeneible man,— Hie recent annual meow to titeragislature oa rapine about two columns in the Ohio State Jour- SENATOR DEAD.—The Ifon. J. it itrIKLD, 8. Senator from Maine, and Chairman of the Naval Committee, died at his lodgings st Wash ington on Friday evening last, of disease of the heart. He had been promenading in the avenue OA the morning of the same day. • , r Major Geo. gerripor and Brhr. Gen Sot aciiiiiave both arrived al ®'The Whig members of the Virginia Legis lature have called. Whig State Convention to sr , Nimble on the 2941 of February, for the puritoes)of forming an Electoral ticket and making arrange ments to be represented in the National Conven tion. A resolution in favor of Gen. Taylor was adopted. FOR TIPPLERB.—The Wheeling pazotteae noWitallge' in:;l:k4it nftail note thit Farinir's Bank of Cantors- °hits-Aged Atm 1835, on the back of which is written, in plain hand, the follow- olhiendei take warning. We ie the lest dolloi , which I pouwee, of a fortune of 080,000. The oatwe b . whtekey and gin cock-tails. A RUINED );PBAI:Itt—Ww. Kia.r, the keeper of the ode phe47pititiolisti who wit to limb:lusty injured in by ihg (RfellebibiWAlt es described on our find tkage, diati,ort Sittunlay morning of his wounds. nr.hisei'llstsava, Req. of York county, has bed 'Niobium] Revenue Commissioner for pile Congressiotitill'ilistri4 , . lOrTha..kniguanCieffersottAkoitrity, Vaw-hawr nominated Gem T for the Presidency, end affirm in their Resolution that they desire no ',dic tation from a National Convention." Mr. J. H. Kntar, formerly of this place, was among the speakers who addressed the meeting. DISTRESSING ACCIDENT.—On Thurs. ay qua 16th . inst. Mr. Leonard MElwee, Esq., .son of Jas. M'Elarsa, Nog, near rotensburg,(Y.S.) WIN engaged with a threshing machine at the farm of Mr. Kuhrfa,'fieat Hardline*, when his Ilia was caught in the machine, and nearly ono-half of the fore-arm torn off. His arm wasamputated by Dr. Foulke, h, assisted by Dr. Shearer, of *Difisburg, and Dr. ENOIRGIL, of Potersbug.—Strcr. ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER HIBERNIA The British steamer Hibernia, arrived st Boston on Saturday morning, with Oates from Liverpool to the 4th inst. The moss important intelligence by this arrival is of a commercial nature. It is of a favorable character, although a revival of business was not so decisive as ninny had hoped. The apprehension in regard to the sufficiency of food had abated, which, of course, is unfavorable to the prospects of large imports of American grain and flour at high prices. The demand for American flour , during the month had be en moderate, and the price had declined to a small extent. Cotton had also declined. The British Parliament had.been enga ged for some duyb with the subject of trade and the financial condition of the country, which led to the expectation that measures of a salutary Character would be introduced. The state of Ireland is truly frightful.— The land reeks with 'assassination from one end to the other. Government has proposed a coercion hill of a very mild and moderate character. , The afrairs of Italy are in a fair way of adjustment. The l'ope has opened the new Council of State at die Vatican, and his speech has elicited unmixed approba tion'. The Royal Rank of Liverpool, the stop page of which caused so much excitement a short time since, has resumed bio4ii,css under favorable circumstances. The Asiatic cholera is stated to shave ttlwatieed to the Prussian frontiers. The most important twws is that which relates to the etril war in Switzerland. The great preponderance of power on the part oh the Federal, or. as they style themselves, Liberal or Radical party, was such US to leave no doubt from the beginning what must be the result of an appeal to arms. At the date of our last intelligence the troops of the Diet were on the march to invest Priburg, which ulti mately capitulated without resistance as did subsequently several other cautions.— There was; however, some fighting. An arrangement had at last been entered into between the five great Powers for an inter vention for the settlement of differences, and their respective Ministers were on their way to a place of nnell9rg, which seems not to have been defiuMely fixed. A LIRRRAL PRopnsiTWN.—CHART.Es CALVERT, Esq., of PrineC George's coun ty; Md., offers, through die - Marlboro' Ga zette, to present to the Farmers in that .cßUnty, all the male calves from his full bred Durham cows, on condition that the individual shell execute a bond, at the time of receiving the animal, to give hint good treatment, and also to exhibithim for three successive years, at the Annual Fair of the Prinee George's Agricultural Society, or forfeit and pay over to the Treasury of said society the sum of ten dollars for each and every such failure. The Gazette says, that the ealVes thus liberally offered, would readily sell for $3O or'*4o each. YILLDING 1 , 0 PUISLIC SENTIMENT.-- The Pope has lately granted a dispensation in a rase of marriage of a Catholic with a Jewess t and in doing it, suggests that though these marriages are uncanonical, yet, when consummated by the civil au thoritiee, they had.beuer not be denied by the churches. Ermrors or rue WAn.—The Rifles (Brig. Gen. P. F.' Betides regiment) land ed in Meiico 700 'strong, of which only 250 remain fit fur duty. The VeltigoerS; under Col. Andrews,landed 650, and 280 now can be mustered. • Death, wounds, and,Oiefase, account ler the remainder.-- o,4ter tegiments havesufferedas severely. Ea-President Tyler, says the Louisville ,JeUciitil,reeently came to this city and staid all night, yet none of our citizens would have known of his being here but for the the publication of the lists of arrivals at the , hotels in the newspapers. We are told that he was neither called on or taken by the hand by a solitary individual in the city. Ho went from here to Frankfort, and the Frankfort editors did not oven hear of his being there until after his departure. His ex-Accideney's fate will be poor encourage ment to future Presidents to turn traitors. Dr. W. 11. Darlington, President of the Chester County Bank, at West Chester, was robbed of fifty one thousand one hun dred dollars, at the rail road depot. in Phil adelphia, on. the 23d inst., DS he was about starting in the car fur West Chester. This amount was received by him in the course of the regular exchanges made annually with the banks in Philadelphia, and with which he had just let the Bank of Penn sylvania. The Dr. carried the monf'y in a valise, and soon after entering the his attention was momentarily diverted nom his charge, when the valise was sto len. No clue to the robbery has yet beou discovered. CONGRESS lONA L. Wssittrurros, Dee. 23. SENATE—Mr. Johnson, of Mary land, submitted a resolution, which was a "dopted, asking the President to inform the *elute as io the cyst of the War, the num ber of killetflmtl,wounded, and the number now in service. Mr, Crittenden introduced a bill appro .priatjeg twenty-five thousand dollars for Abe ; purpose 'at purchaaing the, ;Nudism) papers, which was laid °ref. Mr. Allen then announced the .death of the Hun. Mr. Harper, of Ohio* rind sOin a few touching and approfinate `ventetti moved the tumid resoin,tinutt,,,,„„ Tutrone ti . einiadoPted u nanimously, the Sen ate,adjounted. 141,.' 4 3; . 40tr IlolHiiE....:Aner iistringhwhP gle Journal, Mr. Morrie, of Ohio, announced the death o(_ .his colleague, the ReClr./ Hamer. After passing the usual rellblu tions of respeet and mourning, thti'lloittre adjourned till Monday. WASIVINOTO'N Dec. 27. 8 ENATE.—The Senate assembhal.,it 12 o'elock, but (lid not proceed to busittees.. t. Mr. - Bradbury announced ivithCli-einO non the sudden decease of his colleague, the Hop. Mr. Fairfield, of Mainei paper an eloquent tribute to hie eminent worth., • i Mr. Niles, of.Connemieut, warm and feeling eulo . gy f 4? thq„Aeigeasgst.. in which ' hw - raitrii frifiute to his open- - character, high integrity and many virtues. Mr. Niles offered the customary' tesohir tion of mourning. Messrs. Niles, Berrien.. Breeze, Dix, Crinentlen and Oreene,were appointed on the committee to make ar rangements for the funeral, which" is to take place to-morrow.. HOUSE..-111r. Jones of Tennessee of- • ferret a resolution directing the Committee .. on Revolutionary J'ensicms }o enquire itits the expediency of aiithoiliing the Searetiw ry of War to employ additional Clerks to attend to the applicationti for bounty lan& or treasury scrip. Various amenthnenti were offered and discussed:lMT thediibite was interupted by a message from the Sen ate announcing the death of Senator ,Fatir-, Mr. Hammond, of Maine, pronounced a brief but touching and eminent eulogy upon the public and private wotth of the deceased. and without any further businese, the House adjourned till to-morrow. W A 4111 mrt.Twc, Dec. SENATE.--Roatilutior t m were ofljred told a dopted, that the tteliate will th • day attend in a holy the funeral of tht, late Mr. ntirileld, U. t 4 tletiattir front Maitre, at the residence remaining hie remain., and tititow said remain* to tie litailmed depot soil that Mr. Clarke. a meitibet ut tha 'lmlay of itcpreiseittatiiett, Ile laWiled to levered , with the body of the tleetrased Heitutor t.the State of Maine. And then, on motion, the *unite ad journed. unt gave nOtk; Lig juiut reaolutions uCtissink• to Maj. Gen. Neott tint his army, for their gallant deeds of arms in the :llex Ernst campaign. Mr. t , tiwyer offered it resolution relative in the tonic carried on by white 'tern with thaireliatos. The :Speaker called on the States for itetitions. Galeb Nmith prettritteti one hOOl citivetis of India int. praying 1M the aboliticat of 41111 Very in the Diaktrat•t of i;ottittibir, and nosed its reference to the committee ou the 1/ietriet Culttitibia Mr. edited moved to lay it on the table—which Illiftinlll%V.l Carried, by 3 cos anti naya, 76 to 711, A inernage from the ttettAte was rend. together With rta resolutittua respecting the funeral I.f Mr. : I't'llenmpo l Alt. Williams, of Maine, 1110%rd that the lIOLINV atijOut ik , which Moti o n %go agrerti to. NV Aso t re•rit v, Due. 29. sENATE.—Mr. ens... fron t the Committee on Matt:Try Affairs. reported a Hill to provide Tor the Wither prosecution 0- the War with Metteo—au amazing the Nei-Jaunt to accept Ilse .4,161%11 Of volunteera, to stifle for ihreie )ears after their arri% al in Mexico, unless aoom,r dig c ha q , ce d. This is additional to the Tilt Ilegittimit • or Regu lars provided tor in another Bill. Agreeably to notice, Mr. Atililey asked and oh. tained leave to iatruclure a hill in relation to the general pre omption law, which was read Ivaco and referred to the Committee on Public Lands. On lifr. Crittenden', motion, the bill to author ize the pureliuse orate Madison paper , wan taken tip, hot alter a abort debate was .postponed until to-morrow. • A message fmin the House announced dm death of Edward 'Bradley, and Mr. ' , visit haw- , nig rovonded in a tranite to his memory, the usual resolutions were passed and Wale:mates& journed. . , • 110 USE —.. 4 16r prayer by the R-v. Mr. Blirvv, Charles E. Stuart 11.1111011111Crd the decease of PA ward Bradley of Michigan, and read an eulogy of his memory. After passing the customary reso lutions the }fount. adjourned. rv-An official statement, signal by Daniel G sham, register of the United bitates Treason's,, shows that the expenditures of the government. for the first quarter of the present fiscal year, were eighteen and a half millions.. it. - 71t - is said that a meeting of the members of Congress, favorable to the elec tion of.. Gem Taylor to. the Presidency, will be held in Washington in aday or two. Mr. Hilliard, the member from Alabama, is mentioned as the prime mover.' o* - The Hon. Samuel, Hubbard, Of /lei Supreme Court of Massachusetts, futploof at Boston on Friday riforning last. A Greek maiden being asked what fot tune she would bring her husband, answer ed—"l will bring him . what is more valua ble than any treasure--a heart Unspoiled and virtue without a stain. which is alt that descended to me from my parents." Hole beautifully expressed. The question was recently alerted in a N. York court whether marriage contracts entered into on Sunday were valid. The Judge and counsel all agreed, however, that they would be valid, as corn* under the head of ?works of nereseity or chitrity." Locx•J4w..—A yriung lad named Dania; BroWn E nt Reading, trod on h nail, on'Pri.: day week, which entered his foot caught' lock-jaW, and on Friday he expired. ' A SOLDIER'S r1118I• soldier of the , 7th Infantry, describing Al!p. first fi ght, at the National Bridge in Illext.. ‘ co, says----"My feelings at the first Oki !t am unable to describe. 1 did not feel in : , dined to run, yet wasgfroidiefiriforfenr I should kill sornehody—but after two or three rounds it was all over, and 1, fired away with the rest of them." Mr. Grooms, of Clarke county, Ohio, has raised a bullock, supposed to be the largest in the world. Ile is now 5 years old, full-blooded Durham, 10 hands 1 inch high ; his weight, the best judges agreed. would be over 9,000 pound gross. A Cine cinnati butcher has bought the animal* 10 cents per pound, nett. In nn affray at Si, Louis, on the 15th instant, Harrington, the celebrated eireul rider, attached to Rockwell's Circus. shot Hiram Franklin, a member of the not equestrian corps. His wound was slight. Harrington afterwards committed suicide by shouting himself twice in the head. BISHOP thielft l3 AMONG TIJE. PURITANS. --..-Tlll3ltetfAl of the dinner of the Sons of Near Ilnitand, at the Astor House, New York,erntain thespeech of Bishop Hughes on-thatrat tibion. lie was drawn out by the fiiiloytitil teak, from the fre'sident: "The present Sovereign Puntiffurlionte, Pius IX." Mr. V. P. Fessenden, in repeating it, ad ded, ',two are glad to find any thing of N. England about him!' This called up Bishop Hughes, who re cognized the compliment as one most high ly appreciated. In reference to the Pope, he had reason to believe him to be a man ethinently qualified - ' fer'the great work to which he was celled. As lo Myself, Said he, so fiighl'y do I appreciate the compli ment, which has been paid to him by this Society, that' it:seems to rme that it can be responded' urappropriately by no ono ex cept a soiVof New - England, which I have not the !tenor to be ; and yet I feel that I have some claim to the honor, for I am at least also a down easier. (Cheers.) To recover from the embarrassment which I have felt, and which I still feel, allow me to tell - yod einnething in :the nature of - A awry recorded among old English legends, which may not be, after all, quite inappli cable to my position. For when 4i l re member how you may have appeared to me in past times,anct how I, no doubt, must linve appeared to you,—for i presume some of you may have seen my name in the newspaper.—and when I rcinentiber that Pius IX is the Pope of Rome—by all these circumstances this English legend is called to mind at the present time. It appears that there was in England a person named Giles Merogginewliether lie was the same gentleman who furnished thy ghost for the song long after, I do not know,—but it ap pears that as lie was jogging home from town where he had been transacting busi ness, he felt tieivy null sleep overtook hint captive without his being at all conscious of the fact. While he was thus resting by the way, a passer-by took his horse from - the cart and treated him to the hospitality of a rack in the manger. The next day, as the sun had made some way in the hea vens, Giles returned to consciousness, bill being a philosoper,—having been under the tniiinng of a schoolmaster—lie called to his aid the rules of Aristranc. to reason out die case ; and said to himself—lf I am Giles Seroggins, then I have-lost a horse; and WI am not Giles Seroggins, then I have gained a cart. (La ughtertind-cheers.)— Barring all the antieedents and a •of the circumstances, I feel something in the same condition. !ro think that I, who used to be culled Bishop Hughes, should find myself in Um midst of the New Eng land Society. and should hear the health of Pop . e Pius IX.. proposed by yonr res pected ehairman in terms so flattering and received with so much enthusiasm by you is indeed enough to make me doubt the reality of things as they present themselves here to-night. The very fact of my being here of itself surprises me ; I did not suppo.e that I should he distin guished by sad] an honor, an.l an honor I do Only regard it and aeeept it a. such.— Not to ire! , pas, too !wig upon your patience, and in expres,s a 54411111WD( wlnrh has sprung up in my heart and mind during the f , stive iirneeedings of thi. evening. I leg simply to remark that England is n o t distiocuiglied as a vottotry of great produc tion areording, to the terms of ?eon- JO' mny• Jt produces granite, to he sore. of which we have a tine specimen before us ; MI II 1M1111104.s jet' t hot there iiiiiMOttg hr prodoetions something which is still more honorable, and which renders it more dis naguished—its teachers : and allow me.— (I anode to its te:whers of rollimiln meimok —to etmelnda with this sentiment :—"Pros 'writ,/ to Ike total that grows SchoolmaN tens.' SHORT ALMANAC FOR FOR TILE IE-4112 OF OUR LORD 1848. t - '*''' , t.:? .. : JANUARY, 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 90 31 FRBRVARV, - I 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 MARCH, ,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 U 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 31 2 3 4 5 0 7, 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 25 20 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5,8 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 • 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 40 31 1 2 3 ' 4 5 0 7 8 9 •10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 18. 19 20 21 .22 23 24 2 6 27 . 28 29 39 3.- ..4 • 5 6 '7 8 1t 'lo 14 12 ,13 14 is 16;11 1 1 18 19 20 21 22 2 3 24 26 26 "37 28 29 -go! 41 4 litsourr,/ `• ' 1 2 3 4 - 5 7- $;-r9`' 10 11 12 ' l3 1 14 ' 1 3 16 17 18 19 20 91' ' 1 92 - --23 •-14 - 26 . :•26 . 2 7 I • 28 3 P, . 3 ,l I .1•TIll !-. °K . 11 :1 4 5 a l 9 2 tb It 12 it 'l4 15 16 7:.18 } `, 215 r t , 2 9 1 1 1 0 2, 1 ;23 ;1. 26 0 sOcronik, 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 A',,9 10 11 12.. 13 14 j ib ;'l6 17 18 19 20 21 , 4 22 423 24 25 26 27 28 29 - 30 31 Nov maxi, ' 1 .2 3 4 b " 7 8 0 10.11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 .27 28 29 30 DEcitimelto 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 BALTIMORE MARKET. =lE=LInl BEEF CATTLE.—There were 430 head of fered et the Scales on Monday, 310 of which sold at :$5 00 a $7 25 per 100 lbs. net—an advance. Gs. .._sales of Live Hop at *4 75 a *6 25 --a a slight decline. FLOUR.--The flour market dull and few sales. Holder, of Howard street brands generally wok $6,- 25, without Grading purchasers. Receipts are sail light. City Mills $6 37. Com meal sold at $3 37, and Rye .Flour at $5 26. , GRAIN—The receipts drain eonlinne anall : good to prime rein - 4cm aidd hM,s morning at $l,- 36 a $1 38; ordinary to good at $ll5 asl 35; white for family flour it $1 42 asl 48. White Cora 57 a 59 eta.; yellow 00 a 01. Oata 98 42. Rye 85 a 88. Cloversead $4 2 2 a s 4 82 . Flu' wed $1 30. PROVItiIDICB.—No special disuse lu prices.. Mess Pot* soils at *l9 a *l4 and Primo at *lO. Was 13041(012i No. 1 0144 and Ow $lll. Ba con dull—sales of Shouldes. it 6 a 7i . ; Bides 8{ • 7A ; Hams 10 a 11. Laid—kegs held at 8, and Ws. s. 7& cents. MARRaII, On the 10th inst. by the Rev. J. Ulrich, Mr YLAT7I, of Ibis county, and Mrs. &sole of Starke cointy, Ohio. On the 22d inst. by the Rer. J. Fohl, Mr. Ea. WARP STK '''''''''' and Misr CATI11•11111i Hon —both-of this county. On the 21st inst., by the Rey. D. Bowerman, Mr. Dascr.t. Drummers, of Hamilton township, and Miss M tar Axs, eldest daughter of Michael Trostle, of Mountjoy On 'Fissialay last, by the Bor. James Marpar, Mr. Amos W. K i te z a t.r, of Fairfield, Adams co., and Miss M NO i art CORR R;WlShipprilabUllg. DIED, Near Littlestown, on Friday laid, Mrs. Maas ELI2•IIISTN ST/11‘611, aged 82 years. Near Washhlgton, D. C. on the 28th inst. in the 59th year of his age, Mr. Ozone! Carr's— formed), of this county. NVILSOIIa NOTICE is hereby given to all ,Lega -13- awes and --other-persons concerned, that the .91):NINLVIRRTION COUNTS of the deceased persons herein after mentioned will be presented at theOr phans' Court of Adams county, for confir mation and allowance, on Monday, the 1714 daY of January next, viz : The account of Win. Wolf. Administra tor of the Estate of Josspb Miller, dec'd. The account of Elias Ilarbaugh, Jacob Ilarbaugh, and Leonard Harbaugh, Execu tors of the last will and testament of Hen ry H arbatigh, deceased. The guardianship account of Israel Ir vin, Guardian of David Stewart, minor child of David Stewart. of Hamiltonban township, deceased. ROBERT COBEAN, Register. Register's Mice, Gvtlyhburg. te Dcc. 26, 1847. LOOK HERE! I WOULD respectfully invite all those ladies and gentlemen who have not yin supplied themselves with Annuals, Al bums, Gift Books, Bibles, Prayer and Hymn Books, to call and examine my as- sortment. A gieat variety of Poems, (mi niature editions,) by the most celebrated and standard authors, got up in magnificent htyle—a large collection of new JU VEN ELK BOOKS, adapted to both sexes of different ages—constantly on hand, with a general assortment of Family and Church Theological and Poetical Works. I I istories, Philosophical and ClasSital Works.—Also, S(111001, BOOKS of every variety, foreign and domestic Stationery, such as Cap and Letter Paper of every variety, Note Paper. Letter and Note Envellopes, Visiting Cards, black and blue Ink, Wa fers, Pocket Books, Pen Knives, Gold l'ens, Drawing Paper, Perforated Paper, Deed Paper. Paints, Arc. PERFUMERY, Cologne, French Ex- tram, Rose, Verbena, Geraneum, Windsor Soap, Palm, Rose, Musk, Almond and Sand Soap, Shaving Cream, Maccassar Oil, Bear's Oil, Beef Marrow, Pomatum, Milk of Roses, Cream of Almonds, Scent COMBS and BRUSHES, of differ= kinds, with a variety of articles too numo rotas to mention, which the public are in vited to •all and see for themselves. I return my sincere thanks fur the libe ral encouragement which has been uxtetici ed me since I have been in business. - and 'PIMA& solicit a continuance of the saute. i KELLER KUM,* Dee. 31, 1847. pre Insig Atlrnanack for 1848 pie received and for aale-12i THE WAR IN MEXICO AND OUR fiCTORIES. Much talked about hue Leen, you know, The famous battles in Mexico; None dare dispute, but must confess, l'he glpry of our struts success. But mightier vietories titan .thewe Have long been made with greater ease ; Victories triumphant and complete, At Marcus Bamson's, in York street. Fur Clothing Cheap there's none dare try To rival him in quantity. ; In style and make, and lit and ease, Huspatrosui ha ta' ; sump please. His stock is great, his prices small, Whe t would buy cheap, had better call. pt..2".Are you going to buy CLOTHING this fall, and do you want to buy cheap If so, call at SAMSON'S Clothing and Va riety Store, nearly opposite the Bank, in Gettysburg, where the largest and best as sortment of ltrady-mode Clothing - , for BOYS' and MEN'S wear, ever re ceived in Gettysburg; is now being opened. It is unnecessary, as it would be impossi ble. to enumerate the dilTerent articles com prising the assortment, which includes ev ery variety of Boys' and Men's Apparel, such as superfine Cashineret and Cloth Dress . COATS and CLOAKS fine and superfine Tweed Coats ; Ctitsihet plaiit and fancy Cassimer l Cloth; Tweed, and Cassinef PANTS - ; Sulk, Satin, Cal! sinters, Cassinet, Plain &Fancy VESTS; ggibWrappers, Shirts, Pesetas, Collars, Cravats, Handkerihitifs, Sus= Pendell, Glove& Stockings, Also, a large variety or FANCY ARTICLES, Jewelry,,' Spectacles; Perfumery, Pen knives, Combs. Shaving Apparatus, .Pur ses, Disk-shades, Umbrellas, Violins, Gui tars, Violin and Guitar Str'sgs, Needhs, Pins, Dish-shades. &c. &e. 1:1::r Having purchased an unusually large supply of Goode, for Cash, and havingde *ermined t o sell on the Cashand One Price principle, my Goods have put down to the lowest prices, and will be sold at asionish ingly low roles. If you want to save 50 per cent. in purchasing your Fall and Vin-, ter Clothing, call and examine the splend id assortment now opening by . _ _ MARCUS SAMSON Nov. 5, 1847.—if [I CllOOl BoOKS AND S'FATION EItY , of all kinds, constantly on hand and for sale, at the lowest prices, at the Book and Stationer* Store of JJ Dec. 10. $, IL BUEIILER;L, YORK SPRINGS SEMINARY FOR FEMALES. IllS School is located in a healthy part of the country, within A of a mile of York Springs. and 20 miles west of . York, at which place persons arriving in the morning train of Ciro. by applying to Samuel Hays, will meet with ready con veyance to this place on the same day, and those coming in the afternoon train, can take the Gettysburg Stage immediately for Giu's Tavern, rem* Yprk and Gettys burg turnpike. where ding will . In.aectun modeled over night and conveyetthere the neat . dky. Th. School is also easy °C an. eesslrein BaltimerikOarlide,illWriahorgt and Gettysburg ea Stages from eachoftheao places pass through Petersbung (one mile north of this) every esker day of the The course of instruction comprisekell, the branches of a solid liberal ErigYelt motion, together with the French and Ger. man language, and Drawing. , The summer Session will commenoe , on the first second day in,the sth month, and that for the winter on the first second day in the 11,th month,; and each•cottt[nflell2 weeks. • Teans.—Por Tuition, Boarding, Wash ing, &c., per eesssion of '22 weeks, one-halt payable in. advance, and the re mainder at the end of the term. No ex tra charges except for the Preach and Ger man languages, and _Drawing. The use of Reading !Lek, and Library withal} charge ; other Books and Stationery, w he. needed, fnrnished at the usual prices, Each pupil must furnish herown wash basin and towel, and have each. article of clothing marked with her entire name. JOEI, wtERMAN. • LYDIA S. WI-ERMAN, . York Springs t Adarns Co. Pa.-3m ITOTIOE. CRAIBRIA COUNTY, HONG the Records of the Orphans' tUnort of Cam - brig' cormtyi - tif - Juty - Term, 1847, it is thus contained t In the case of the Real Estate of .Henry Musser, late of Lancaster county, deceased, Notice having been given of the Rule' obtained at the last Term of the Orphans' Court on the Heirs and Representatives' of said de ceased, to appear on the Monday of the present Term to accept or refuse to take the Real Estate of said deceased, at the val uation, and none of the heirs or represen tatives appearing-in pursuance of said rule, and the matter having been continued by the Court until this day—the Court, on application of Moses Cantu.' Esq., in be half of Susanna Reigart, one of the heirs of the deceased, granted a rule on the heirs and representatives of said Henry Musser, deceased, to appear on the first day of next term of the Orphans Court of Cambria county, being the first Monday in October next, to whew cause why the Real Estate of the said deceased, in said county of Cambria should not be aold—notiee there of to be given in a newspaper published in this county of Cambria and in each of ilie counties in which „the heirs reside. And wit, at October Term, 11347, the above rule enlarged until the next term of said Court, to he held on the first Mon day in January next, with notice to be giv en as above ordered. Ebensburg, July 7, 1847. C.1.1111.1?1:1 COUNTY. SS. IYl'DostAutk. Clerk . 4; of the Orphans' Court of said county, do certify the foregoing '' -t" . :".% co .be a true extract from the proceedings of the Orphans' Court of Cambria county, at July and Oc tober Terms, 1847. In testimony where of I hare hereunto set my hand and affix ed the seal of said Court, at Ebensburg, the 14th October, 1847. J. M'DONALD, Clerk.' Dec. 10, 1847-41 NOTICE. EaTATE, OF JOHN TOPPER. DEC'D To show cause, 4c. STtTL OF PEA. iil AT an Orphans Autry CO U ,IF T. Court held at Gettys % tysburg, in and for the oCountya of th,2 et day of December. A. D. 1847. Before Wil- Gun N. Irvine, Asq. Preeident, and 64 Associates, Judges, &c. us ge. ed, DuE proof having been Made of the service of a rule granted at a forme'r Orphans' Court,,on all the heirs and legal Representatives of John Tepper,late of Liberty township, Adams county, dereas• ed, to appear as this Court to accept or le. fuse to take the Real Estate of the said de ceased, at the valuation made thereof, and they being ievera!ly Called in open Court and making no answer ; whereupon the Court grant'a Thile on all the heirs and ie. , gal representatives of the said John 'Cop per, deceased, to wit: ' Eliztaieth'(widoW,) John Topper, Jesse P. Topper, • William Topper, whose share has been transfemid by him to Nathaniel .Stout, Gregory F. Topper, James 11..Topper,Eirson A. Tap, i per, Elizabeth intermarried with Peter E. line, Susan intermarried with Adam San ders, who have conveyed their share to Henry D. Albright,, in t trust' for his credi tors, Catharine inn intermarried with Dia zius Kibble, arid Siesitellii4 -Sophia E line, children of Mary, tow' deneised, *ha had been intermarried with Wtri. to be and appear at an Orphimit court to be held at Gettysburg on the lid Monday of JanuarY next, to shew cause why the Estate of the said 4eketaseic phould no; be sold egreeiblt to the Intestate Laws'of this Commonwealth. NUtibe to_ be given to such et the heirs as reside in Adams coun ty, persohelly, and to , such as reside out of Adams county, by publication in one news paper in Gettysburg, a copy of which shall be deposited in the Post Office at Gettys burg, addressed to each of the following named persona :—Henry D. Albright, it Hanover, Pa.; to Win. Topper and N. Stout, at Pittsburg, Pa. ; to Simon A. Top der, at Blairsville, Pa. By the Court— WM. S. HAMILTON, Clerk Dec. 24,1847. FANCY ARTICLES, Cologoe,Boalm, Hair Oils, Tooth Brushes, Toilet Brushes, Tooth Powders, &c., &c., for S. 11. BUEHLER sale by Dec. 10 Whoever 'want“ First-rate TIME-PIECE CAN be accommodated by calling at FRAZER'S Clock & Watch Estab lishment, in Chatnbersburg street, Gettys burg, next door to Mr. Buehler's Drug Store—where a new lot of beautiful 24 hour and S day CLOCKS have just been received from the City. They are of the best matitifiteture, and will be warranted. Give 118 a call—they be sold cheap. DRAM ttg sTrAligt G ETTI 4 SBURG, l'a. THE Subscriber tenders his neknowl edgments to the Public for the liberal and steady patronage with which he has been favored for a series of years, and re apeetfully announces that he has just re ceived, at his old established stand in Chambersbyrg street, a large and fresh • SUPPLY Or . DRUGS & MEDICINES, If.4111:0 tribUkiltilWallaWg, faints, Varnish, Dyestuffs and every variety of articled usuallrfonnd in, ii Drug store, to which he invitee the attentibit of OM putiiiii ; 'WM 'assure ttluit .they No furnished t' be furnished the •ntoevre eon'. 'able prided.' ' I, i ! • h ' "' THe subacfriber 'bid AM largely ) irMfeem: ed hid assortment of BOOKS, by 'eh eddim tional sdpply. of -•' . ' ' eict l aii cd, Theofogi l cnt. \\-"\. 7 \ '• , School, and Ar4i=, ' \ \ i :,„ • , ee.ltaneO4. 1 .... \ \.....___\. ~.....\ ii ,Q II k'S , embracing almoat.,_ every, variety of Stand' 1 and and Popular A.dlenaiure : also, , - 1131stok Books alid Stationeiry of 111 kinds, GOLD PENS, Pencils, Vito iting - and Printing Cards, Card Cssesatik. sniirdsolse: dila in riPidtktlO will, or us nit 'be sold jpor.RT - TRE LOWEST PRA CBS. Oz:r Armngementii have been' Mints •by which anything not included in his assort ment will, be :pt raptly prderetlt from, Cities. B. IL BUEHLE Gettysburg, Oer. 22, 1849. • tri have at present on hand an excel lent assortment of BIBLES; plain and fan ey, for school antifamily use—at verrlow prices. A Daily Line between GETTYSBURG &BAtTINORE THE Subscribers have the pleasure of announcing ,that they have completed their arnmgementht for running a VOW DAILY LINE, 'between Gettysburg and. Baltimore, via. Liuleetown, Westminster and Reisters town. An entirely new line or superior .. and elegantly built. 144 - TROY 00AORES .I ii • have been pet on the route, which, togeth er with truityand 'accommodating drivers„ they feel . assured 'must give'entire satisrae-, lion to the Travelling.Public. lry•The will, run thrbugh (Sunday, ,excepted,) leaving regularly at . 7 o'clock, A. NI; ' JOHN 'it. TATE do CO. September rr, 1847. TAVERN LICENSE, To the Honorable Ws. N. IR votz,P-resislent of the several Courts, and to his Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas for the county of Adams. THE petition of HENRY Girr respect fully showeth that he still occupies the Cross-Key House, now in Ox ford township, Adams county, where be has provided himself With every necessa r ry for keeping a tavern and house of pub lic-entcrtainment, for the accommodation of strangers and travellers. Your petition er therefore respectfully prays the cour t to and househim a license to keep a tavern house of public entertainment, for the ac commodation of strangers and travellers. and your petitioner, as in duty bound, will ever pray. HENRI( GITT., Ws, the undersigned, citizens of Oxford township. where the shove petitioller e HENRY Orrr, resides and wishes to emir, tinue a tavern, de certify. that theTslid Lai- ern is necessary to accommodate the, pub lic and entertain strangers and travellers ; and, that the aforesitti petitioner las person of good repute and temperate in his habits.; and .that he is well, pravidtat With house room and other necessaries for , the seccoui odatiwof strangers and traveller!. ~'• Michael Reidy, - George Hen*. Jno. C, Ellis, Edward WeigiN Jacob ilgeorrits, David Weaver, Jam's* . LtEy, Peter Feieer, G. Ed. Hersh, Jacob Martin, George Rime', +George Loaeti", Dec. 24—St , 'WE, DAILY NEWS. firlHE unexampled spectre 'which has thus far attended the News Establishment, encour ages the proprietors to spare n 6 exertions' to make the Daily News a paper which shall be second to none of its cotemporaries in Philadelphia. el'hey. will make it their especial aim to imparts dig nitied and high moral tone to the paper, and to exclude from its columns Seery thing of an indel icate or offensive nature. They have the rriri.,,t ample resources; in every resptet, tei them to glee zto its raiders the latest and must aceurate lucid, foreign and domestic Intelligente. and also lull and reliablo Swoon's of the Markets and Com rnereial news generally:. The Daily News will continno 'idirotate Whig 'pritnifiles as originally expounded' by the Fathers of. the Constitution, and adopted .by the arereditsd'orgatis _pad chimPloist tot that Whig cause at the present day. It will urge the hold. ing of a Whig National Convention Cottle purpose 'of nominating candidates for the +Prandenor and the Vito Presidenty, and will battle with all the abliity.seal enderiergy it can command, to secure the triumphant election of the nominerni Of that Convention:- !I Teads.—To mail sobscribers, ilia& copies Will be fratisbed at St 00 per eardrf.'7l'wdlse or more eopiesi ordered at. tbetparner•dme, and, ad. dressed to the/same Posatolfice,will W siirdlet ibe rate of 113 00 per copf. THE TRW EEKI.Y ;NEWS.% ill. be Waned from the tame office from and after alre:Arst January nett,on TUesdaya,, Thursdays, and Sat, urdaya of each week, and will tontaat the Mow matter m the Daily, including the werewolf , the day on which it thinned. t• • t The regular subscription price will. be $3 00 for a single copy; four copies, $2 30 per copy; ten copies, $2. 00 per copy. THE IkS4..LAR iVEEKLY NEWS, Orbit& ed at the same office, on every Saturday perereing ; is■ cheap Family Paper, will be fumiehtld(Asul>- scribers at the following low terres--,ooe copy. $l; six copies, $5; thirteen copies, $10; titcnty copies, $l5 ; twenty-seven copies, $2O, &c. • . DIE WOCHENTLIGHE NEIJIGFCF.ITEN—a weekly German newspaper, devoted to the advoca cy of wound Whig principles, and to the disaemt• nation of local. foreign and domestic intelligence. will he published from and after the first of March next. Tullius—One copy, $1 50 ; four copies, $5; ten copies, $lO. (Ulu no case will either of the above papers be torwertled unless payment be made in iulvance; and no paper will be sent after the expiration of the time, unless the subscription is renewed, IA" Honey remitted through the mail, will Ise at the risk of the publishers. Notes of all 'specie. paying Banks, in uny part of thu Union, will be eceiveil in pay. PAX ON, NANDKRSON & KILLINGEII. l'hilinlelphia, Dec. 17. 1,447. PROCLAMATION WVHEREAS this nom. Wm. N. IR %INC. Esq. President of the several Courtin of Common 'Newt, in the counties composing the 19th District, and Justice of the Courts of Over and 'Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital and other offenders in the said dis-. trict—and Geontin Smysmt and JAucs M'DIVITT, Eggs., Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas, and General Jail Del iveryl for the trial of all capital and other offend ers itr the, county of Adams—have issued their precept, hearing date. the 17th day of November,-in tit* year of our LORD one thoueantl eight hundred and forty-six, and to me directed,for holding a Court of Com mon- kleas,and General Quarter Sessions of ,the .Peace, and General Jail Delivery, and Court of Oyer and Terminer, at Get- Efsburg, on ltionday the 17th day of Jim tarry next— NOVICE 'IS HEREBY GIVEN To all the Joalittallsof the yeacta, the Coroner and Constables within the saidCountv of Adimik, (hal they be then and Were in their proper tainiette,lritWlltifir Roil* "Retch s, Acquisition*, EtanthwttiOns‘ and ether; Ra nteenbian4a, to do thOilethings Willett to their offices, and iti"'iliactFellitriptiertairt to be ildn6, kridailtd Mei , ' , Who will prose cuteil against the risonera that fare' or thin shall bA ip t ) !til l ofthe if Ill.cpttnly of rn Adaa,ana o r then and thinalo pros zento agfainst.theM as shalt bit'just," , -L..— BENJAMIN'SegRiv - gu,,,S7tertr. I "!Ectertiridffice: OvitYstititz I.': . '. ~' . . • ' r r 'Dec. 17, 1f147, 1 , ' $ : f ' ' . ' . ' a ' • I , 'l'Ht A.FRILIOTEI),.! Compound Medicated: Candy. OR the Cure of Colds, Coughs, Spit. ,' Illboa, 1/VenelickAtJksffintii, Whooping Cough, Pains _and Oppressions l'of the brWtcrnd 11I: %the! jNlimtnary complaints. and,cithe, duleattes,wltilip),ip'ts a tendency to produce Consumption., It semis altio as an effectual clearer, e 1 the VQict”. This Candy is entirely a yegetablr pre, partition, the principal. ingteilieu44rlng, (lore-hound, , Wild Cherry, :Bansaperille, ' noneset, Electintpsnel Liquorice, seed, Iceland Moss,_rricir.lyiAldh4lK:.*q4 taken in 40 1 0,. relieve from those distressing aillielions 'Title/4; 'to Consumption. One great adyantige in this ' vtible medicine is its cheapness, the pub ie not being.iMposed upon by the enormously high prices which are 'generally :efliefed for Patent and other medical Preparations. 'Each package contains. direction:' Call and try isl• 1.• -= ; • Prepared ' and sold at the donrectioniud , Variety store of the Subscribei i n W_el .. York street, one square from the house, sail•next door to Thonapsonts,llo. tell: It , earl vigo, be had rot - the follotying-aw S, Hastier an , l S. S. "Parneri, GeltPel?inTl/.' Brinkerhoff, Penfield; Aire. Dunetin,"l.eehtoWit ;- J: Lower, Arrendistown ; Peter Mickley ; Mato misbarg; u.. , Kttuffrrien, Bendersville ;• ,L Nick: holder, BeAdeeeville ; Stehle, INtterOw's 24111; J. S. Holth*er. Hentler.bu re ; Henry, Abbott.. town ; bhorb end Johnkonc-Emmitibum. Gettyoburg, Der. 17, t 847. -•-• -- FHE UNION iIAGAZINFA OF I,I7'nII.I7URP, 4 slirr; EDITS!) Mir MYI. V. ♦OTOOR OF ",,S' NOM , 'frosiwr vs," eta, • , . „ and filled with eentributiona from the moat eminent. „ ,:writers of, the country. , • : The Second Volume .eammencit it January Number, 1848. iIL'T the cohritiaton of the first 'algyear of the 41,4 Ustox Mies*: x theTublisher feelts•i* pelted to 'nuke some acknowledgment-of hissed° of the favorable reception accorded to it by the: pub. lie. Its.sueeem has certainly been unpreeedeettel ; and while it may he pardonable to ,areribe this iii part to the merit," of the watt, it must mot,be .vied that public goodwill an d and kindnishipivit been abundantly dounmehate,d. :Ili, prase, in all . parts of the; country. lute .Skiett ila, woke Jibe:ally and hat:lily to tho neweaplrant: ; • . To Ass lifter this would dishenatat4iMhted: It 4 um, hope of the publieher, that the urseling enterpriae which belong suritsiii N '_ posm4 •ratherto have stimulated , than alacksned, his 'e n ter. does, ,If there telept ftf o it suitable htttalie the .country, he is determined make it 'the" Union Matfai r ine in the 'iarithie He will .couttme, to give 'at:posopr engreeings . jii Mezzotint,l.tne idulWood, by H. 8. sada, Ttiern • asHonly, Mr. O.borne, Hebert Hinalteiweed, W. S. Barnard,' ' 601114, P. Luoroii, dtc, from orsktaldesigns by P. IC•Mittiisod; Whip his"the sole direction Grail then design. for OW Eitisearittga The Literary matter will continue le 'Ma under: the exthisire control of the Edifori Mrs.' D. M. Kirkland, assisted by a'etirpn of contributeniarbe are either esti:lllU* Minims of the reading intb 7 lie or worthy `to ireeimiti se; • blielf*C' , ' Mrs. " L ' M Cii . llll:Mio4 i i shteu t tiy, tir;6 S Osgood, Mis Embuty, Mrs Eller. Mrs tutll4, Mre 'Oalfa,'• Miss Se.tgwiek, Mai Ocoilltl, Herbert-Dry:ant, Willis, Hoffoisii; Arthur, 'Pee beet, Tucker:nail; Sims, Dewey; Botirmt;Maneirr, WoodwartfiVtattmiti; Pre: Rte. The tieper will be of the same finality, now sed. The Fishions will be "Colored' by 'T. Spearing. • There Will be two rpagini of ofigiptil Mbliik in earl number. •-• •• • f 1. ; In the course 'orris many minutia will be given fae•iimilie'i of the characters need In writing..l . 4 different• lan tea Sea ttiir short translation linto Eitglisli,:strrtilme to that-line:o eml•Persian odes - in the December•number•pf thablagewine; by Ca , • leb -, Gyonl• •tihsanthai,,Chinai 'which, the- euriebs • *id . intqatigent, will be. worth it least a year's , sabre riPtion ;to the. Mega-1 zinc' And -ereiy. akertinti;klll:be made. which,, literary ability; iegenuity of •Artiets,and adequate capital ran do,to make ibe,Ue.ion•Magazipe wor thy of lbefllaca .atrentdy so generously granted it in 44e public esitaeant,v •, , • Dealers in•Periodigals, who wish, to become:a gents 10100• 17 , ssieszine, will please aliply to .ttut publislaer immediately. All• k'ostniastecs ate desised:to act as agent;--the usual discount will b e . T aa q le them, A Specimen number will be t sontlp Spy one ssishing to see it, on appl icat irn to the piihlistier, most isnyl . copy one year, in ti:dcance, $1!), xiiny:c 9 R.i two Pears, s on Two copies one yeekr,. 5 Oil lii" :river " in on , " 15 on , "- 20 BO GftrAt ( lspati)N L PIcTU : We *ill give' the perami tending the largest iltib of Subscribere tothii Magazine with the cash at the abOsse rates. during the time ending the Ist of MayelB4lB, the engraving of the U. S. Senate .:4.lhambst. containing the correct portraits of 97 distinguished gentlemen, then in the senate Chamber, at the time of Mr. Clay's farewell speech. • The Engraving measures :12 by 50 inch es, engraved by Thomas Doney, and publisherUby E. Anthony. with a splendid gilt frame; the en graving and frame costing 15.27, which we will de liver free of freight or, expense, in any way to the person entitled to it, at any place within the U. States i and it will also constitute the perion.send ing the money, a life subscriber to the Union Ma gazine., The picture and frame can be seen at any time at E. Anthony's Daguerreotype Estab lishment,_ 17 Broadway, N. Y. Address, post-paid. ISRAEL POST. 1.10 Nassau street, N. York. _ -- - IRONIC forget the Christmas Presents at WEAVER'S Confectionary—call and see them. CI OLD PENS AND SILVER PEN - - IX OILS, (best quality) Card Cases, Visiting and Printing Cards. Fancy Note Paper, Envelopes. Motto IVaters, Fancy sealing Way. Letter Stamps, &e., for Bale 8. 11. Dec-ember 10 . TO PRACTISING PHYSIfiIiNS!--Liel Mit 1 63 . 0 TAMAN --• impress t* P"" """ r ienti m " Ph.l'icirmr this spot- S lIEREBY GIVEN • l'lmt appben• lance flit trial of the Smoiretbsi Ma. Leftism make only a for trial of the®„ and Cher wall core ! li'm will he made by the viiireThlry4 cede the medicine is the hest esarmost Of ithieSsis-land fillierv. 10 the next Leirstate of Of els hitherto dascosereifi. The! iIIftrITAFICIC24 WV a Commonwealth of Pennsy vistas, for** preparill erprceily l'r the monssicastwer of the ! incorporation of a - Company land* *iv Brandi-flit Pills, awl it is imprestathe is obsaris a hmime and style, or intended Minot - oil purgative of the same properties monist frees Dr. ! sale. of Tim HEREIN sirot _ . . B. Brandreth. Let physicians awl t he wa a ld at idol ....i t r ii . i , ° , II4I "PIP' .._ „ large bear iii mind that the Bramirethi mks... 1, TI°N• "P "IY " 1 ° 111 "mm /Yount*. de. be of e i„,, 46.,_ i sOted as nit office of thaeount and &epos• be taken. if nrcessars, has atm Iv. not only without injury, but eideSi a irestaiato i it: and to he k ea t e d i n l'i s t Saii s , Ad. of beneficial re,ults. 2515 connnty. Pa. This ilither,it n P•firin, erdiEr hot euerly . m a w Al c iii nger, clenoscs the whale ,v-nt nt the afseansltars salad ' mi - iiii , „l wo/i . ; It then gin,: increased power to the irionikstitio of the blood, hy whieb it ilirporirs 31117 iIII9CIFTC.I. ill ' J. J. Kl'l i n • a hz,d, . 4 ... impds ! Charleslipangler, mar contain in the binirefr, them from the MA,. ' Gewere Kum, —.. . This action may cootie:re fie iseelic, months, 114 the mildness,s or weriasy old- diem may demand. or Pinta the entice hcsils - Lac !wens ts-. vocuated and nr-made from di. Mod safflantiesset. How important is it that primers Wrinridefreewe. of impure constitutions. shoal& 1.143.11411 r a7mers and Lime Billet% commence with this pare amt 'shahrumor nseAarine. No time ought to he fast lac Le. .s MIN OTICE is hereby given that JACOIi Candies as otetlieines. whieft sre • if. BO IV It, of Juniata county., Pa. ford* tlestrnetitm of th e teeth.. tFmst tfw eorc of . any rel'ently invented and procured Letters t h at th aaet ,,h,„ m t,,t,,,,i,Ez t . ra9r . ert an d Patent for an improvement in the construe other active ettetnienl areas that hair a seer be- pion of Lime Kilns, to which the attention Inn/live effect, of which there acs tar stony tali- of Farmers and Lime Burners is respect+ vphoilly =nail:iced to their ea.& fully requested. A Kiln can be construct ' Ilte testimony in favor of the Bris4ll . re6 Pins. • • e accortung to this patent. to yield one snit numbers who are '}ails fr.r2 a keyi chrtan , thousand bushels of Lime for about twen of misery by their use_ renter important. who are aukerirra from sieriate,w ah0r.....,11..i5e dicta ty dollars, and larger kilns can be beilt . ut a trial. To at ii.stritanotr— the rate of six dollars per arell. Kilns can ; t Prundrro.'s rah Mace eta.- , j a rotors i.e made any size to suit the convenience yell''' . test in the V. :Swirl- !of persons. The system has been well That they are a vest. tahte and intsweett arJr Ain te:ttetl. and has proved to be vastly cope eine, yet powerfid for the riinVl,lll OiKe-awrs. , nor to any system ever tried, ns kilns can ! • Th a t ;h e " , purify th e he built for one-half the cost formerly at pr:#4,- of disease in the Immtan ftasfy- tending their construction. Tilit rut many where toe aemy eE ' 2 ' 3l " ' The subscriber is deli; authorized a of okeeation had laid b a n ' 57"""" d gent to dispose of FA 12 '.ll RIGHTS, in where, to an arraniner no hoanon awesr s en. JUninta. Ada life, have patients. hriii s. Franklin, Union and Bea t, pool tte ; ford comities, and to furnish Letters Pal- Meting been eynnpfetery era.f.cateiL net, Schedule. Drawing and Deed for the irrThe Briouloob PM , are ssfst ifsw 'ZS ~,r re. sante. ~.ny person wishing. further infor yer hot at Dr. D. Brundreth's P nawitssF Cleans., ci t ation. or to procure. a farm right in pith !Ma'am's, Pi York. and by the iv -r o 1 the above counties, can do so-by en- Asians:—J. & tyabonrm i rmuy. , rinsing *5 in a leiter, or by penional uppli .Kint.livintenisams; A.lll - IPartatal,..lll,4.42.twco,lc.alion to DAVID KEPNER, 1 1 4. Whale, Maroptoo ; t 4 ezeniager whir, P. O. Juniata county, Pa. tittkestosin; Misty Dunena. fashasyres; Sept. 21. 1817.-Bin iota, Fairfield; J. H. Arahaiwoo., Ea.( Nevrcuuser .Mechaoiansillr; t‘ liever4 , fDec.3. storrs's Ssamsrsana.s.—The discovery the art of printing to the fineenth has done more to meliorate and im print the mental condition of man than Any 'other eveit store the introduction of itte Chrisiisn era. From that period eat ti[, 411 f present time the press has cleric.' a plamenful and conuolbeg istbience crs er theihnitnies of man. As the poem over the melital. so does Kenos' Nsesseten..t.a over iheophysierd. manifest its gr..-at. heal ing,,)mktetitervdre powers in • disease,. and giving strength and vivo- to I"thea debilitated • frame. by removing tin- Altalthy octimkand establishing in its place healthy floss throughout the whole Cll7ll - system. Henry diseases arisiim ,fro an impure state of the Mold_ such as Sat alt Rhein), 'Scrofula, or KisT's Er se*. Ringworm or 'Ttner..Scaldhead. dt.c.b areefferinally mined low its use. Al -reenters-of- theniamas mentior asses. each as Chrome' Cat:in* spressforg throsprh the 'basal passages into the bronchia; UMW- I rinet or- the throat; also, Rheumati sm. ,ombsgo, White 'Swaim , . and Hip dis ease, will be removed by this invaluable remedy; I rt. Pre Es oher port iosters ersorlseailne dettorniitseaperiar silleity see Ponapiders...lania may he okanannOadairenin wash*, , Prepared and mai& as intenble amt matt, h A. B. Pill. "SAND* 75•Valliale sere-1 New sc;i4riersn'T.Wirpoisnereer oil thir Propel. i—rt, S. H. BUEHLER, Gettrimr„raL raise SI pea bunk.. taia beaks. (evil& Dec. 3, 1947. WATCH.FA,' of all kinds,. 4 r u i vein be tifteed rod repined, at die shortest notier,st PRAZER'S Mart L W l 4l l lso 4 osl.4hilkieigeofibor& July 16, 18i7. if A. CERTAIN VOIR 'FOR III: PeLI Dr. 4114111r504 TEINTDIILN V,elreitahlre Piles Reterwly. if a .Lamer tic.preparatioa, whirls has &raw a-erl :11 ;fire setup 401 many years. Beta= rar iveartal inedieipe, it War a itaritial prererearn,..e,wan r, ,, d ipplications, which are Lac pair : sits r. az. strza ra nitiVlM This medicine acts ap.a. ilLr a eaksod parts, prailaiiag healthy wrinct, arc ppvraeo, elm.. wit c SR WARILIST,OM RM. IF" Mi. imionia4v. oc_7-1). M'CiisaentiT will also attend promptly to all business entrusted to him :is .1 gt at and Solicitor for Patents trod Prations. Ile has rustle arningemenin. which be can furnish rutty denira- Jewelry Wateit-Gnard ) , ~ i ; to applicants, and entifely re- ATCH Chains. lityys, Spei.-tarles, lieve :limn font the necessity of a journey 7' IF &c. can also ay,c he iiaw at the to W.istiington. on application to him per- Cloek & Watch Estahli.linient of sonally or by letter. A Gettysburg, April 2.—tf 11.175014, wh*Tesate and IVALTax, Psopvietort. 3:6 .M.r.eke tor. r‘wla - `and byB r H. BIT E 11.111.411:. Wan_ PI- Al?bpt t 'Tow /lc Rift; _ `T:J. Coirper,Vranktio.rp.. g , _ .111 :resit .Irlirlr 1 TII t) 31 A S 111 1 ( 'lt EA it ). ' ! . , • 099 LBS. or w m .., r , K . . tj. ra _ i A TT4ORNET A T LA IT . . . 1 . IN E LS, (in ....41 0n !,,,..; 1( )1. 4 1:1: ; 1 0 IL l i l a: ni t: t i l e , b S e t o t ,: t (( 1 1 -e n a A s . t B e . o i lt u ie n r x i , i o f I,wkinted at Vim' c. Wearer's rea.Eirtnear; - -in Gettyalnire., for Winch 12ri, el.. 3 roc iniii .I: 0 11 a nd IL W. 211'Sherr4's Stort , ;. will be paid in Cash_ buanfldiatr agars-' ( " 411 3 -2 tharg. I) er.. 12, 1845.—tf . .. tion is reqnirerl. As the 3fwvire arterkrza' A ',Fs: . it ----. Wei,:v EN p.oN a f , he prepared by thm=e whn, Late Wlanititi , : /TTORNEY AT I.lw, on hand, at leisure hours', 31rcnri ' w2 will 'II II:TIC E in the Centre fignare, Mirth weU pay. [Der. ")^ /817 ' lIF of the Court-house. between Smith's _ I ito w ANDs c. , E3 , r0 , ;.. ..„ 1 --, 1 ,,. I: , vl - 11 - 1 . !am! Siet-eitfon's corners. '' • • , , iii s a certain cure for,nentery_ am , Jiiettysleurg, Pa. . . Oh leis Morbtu, Bowel Com 2 1-tiar._ tic_ ii.c. a- ' I,AW PARTNERSHIP. th0,...41, will certth: who ha,* 7e..Ein9 ol.saillar. within the few mo nths it has NMI, oftineel Cagle • l ' l It E undersigned haying formed public. Read the Certiric-.ifrns flr Itnair.a losdt- ' i_ partner-ship for the practice of .tho' I y respectable ..rt l'hilakt;haa: ILsgr, will attend the Courts of YorlOund Gentlemen—l cherr!ftl I r Feno te.nertee v . c 11Se , „„ idguns nd .aulso visit the neighboring c.nitt-. good e ff ects of - your C. 1.1.. " . 1 . 1 „ . c I - Liri ,. , ties if det•ireti. ()thee in York street, (iet or Diarrhe after having been cured or Tamolt "mei... ar , zett!..l3etween the Bank and Public lig a.. within the. fa-t few rr, o-tt.... Ireirg .I_ pplinsed to gear - Kant to aleF Prelim et T - x.e% um act, Ifirel , ,, where one Of the firm will Yonsiant's persoasion imm a tr,le , lef.. be , keel'S et 32 if. , - , - ~ - o *.f.r 'iv attend, :it'd where corn inunicationo , will as a.-family rnetheic i e: To erietl dee rrger r r.--ra to Inse - - ineretve prompt attention. of it. He :poke ta, confident; y. I tf, Pl.? OE a tir4.4: • JAMES COOPER,... and and i was nut slaw to make. a Trent' .e.e' et_ ieNI flee 4 , second attack. havin_ been teiieacd-' -e. , eon. no %do lt. 6.. M'CitEARY.. first. I have prawnbed the Carminatore .....tanap to /tine IS, 1847.—aut _. . a groat insny of my pstients. aria 1 am ishilimod say, with the same :zoos; rtreePs. 11.ssi areas ty to use this as you plei-e. s Nov. 2 IN.IS. T. P. S. 11.. D. ,te- irrror *akin Getri.-I..hrtrz T'y SM-larillILIER. lei .g. , Ages making Gettysburg in A hnotistown 14 WTI .nri - mmint.. is il)virmdl permanent place of residence, anti. to for. by LILLY 1 4, 1 RICKY, 310 lb Fr&nkfaa re.sAlup by 1 Salle there the rirartice of the I.sw.••lin TllO3l AS J. COOPER. 1 has made arrangements. with his hither. Jugs REED, Esq., of Carlisle, to hitie his Dr. Callen's Indian I'e . zetaarde S"pfefic aid in such cases as may require it.. , iln i For Female Complaints,. ' will he found at all times at his unit e,, fits mellicice I' fe. , r rakir...;. ;Er pi'areo•firre- , a. a t ...."..arla i .mrsourg btreet, opposite the _Wt. Oa. ry preirtratwit here , q ,, r''' '' - '' 7 v"° .2. '"'"*" f r o m 44 Wlll. I'ANIVN. or. a 1 hie itglg ,i,ine ' . * arising from ¶,ealrie,s or 0t1.4 r ~ri.,••••••.. -1:,1 Lima the Hotel of Ilmies M ' (Posh. is lieresrary t c, secure tht, rood,rr, . r , , L., uk , l e,. -at • I t - , 9 l 8,17 r—Fit Doiiiii,ti: erarti,e of eery tart.:; r. wino-a...ix a 4 --• • • Itietivritse is riechlvsl, is :e Rut. re is itill.CClllt in its opemoirm amt r. rte from it., 0.,e at aro/ now . . li 3 - For sole...bole,ale ae.,llreta.l En- k........ ..alr .11. 111111:1110. AM 70111111. . Cr w ALTON, VlVlprlttOlir. 374- Mii4o..". I Ptak and ( Of Carlisle.) .'. by S. II BUJ:III.FR, Getrv..buifr: I.Vgav firinner. Fil RIESE,N TS his respitAsi in iiiit 4nindlti A him-Motown : Lilly dr liiky.( l, lFnmi as ,4 Ls T- 1 - lic and informs their teat lit iitigs in* Cooper, Franklin tr. (An:, e' , .. - 17—ty ' , _ arra we lir nista eon anis r:to pasties gis MINI - - —— A i 'LI ItIENDS' A 1.31 AN AC Cir 154 9 . by in stir Courts of Adam% enneny. tands r Elijah W Pas rr. l'heistelphi-s--for , avrir regulation n( (1 e. auto, jitiommir• sale it C. WEAVER'S Cisat:htt.tunary in Lein. ' '. liettysloirg. • I Jag- • 30' MIR. 1 • John Dellone, (40,1rge Schwartz, J. 11. Anlatasugh, Barnet Hildebrand, Js hr. Trimmer' Georre 11. Binder, Abraham Trimmer, John Diehl, David flollinger, inne 25, 1817.-13 w ' ILVER AND GERMAN SILVER. 1 71 PENCILS, • VIOLIN STRINGS, 4 die.. of hest quality, can always be had at the Fancy Store of C. ' WEAVER. 4 April 10, 1846. J. Lawrence hill, M. D., E.VT I ST. ESPECTFIi LIN offers his prat's- Ul sional services to the citizens of Get tystuirg and surrounding country. He is prepared to attend to all cases usually en itrusuNd to die. Dentist, and hopes, by strict anetnion to Dentistry alone, to he able. 10 please all who may see fit to entrust their teetbinhis hands. LQ Office, second door /Imre Forry's Hotel, S. Daltimore street. Gettysburg, July 23.—tf ATTEND TO Ir,purt. TEETH Dr. F.E.-Vandersioot PI!It Hn\ I, I: llsr, REtiI'IXTFIULLY informs the Citi zens of Gettysburg and vicinity that he is prepared to perform every operation spleens' g to his Profesiimt, such as cleansing. filing, plugging and inserting 1 Treth.from a single tooth to a hill set. Ait experience of more than twelve years in the Profession he trusts will eutible him to operate to the entire satisfaction of those who carat: wish his services. All work will be warranted. For his place of residence enquire at die store of Sallow! Feline/wick. (left-ream is respectfully made to the fol lowing gentlemen : Dr. Schtliurker, Rev. Prof. 'laugher, • lir. D. Horner, Dr. 1). Gilbert, Prof. It. Haupt. lfev. E. V. Gerhgirl, Dr. C. Ceiluchy, I Prof. M. L. illam.4r, Gettiatilueg, Oct. 29, 18.17..-1 y , . U. 1:?1,:,11N AUGHY .91larney al Lau., OFFICE: in the S. W. corner of the Public Square, our door Wittig of (ii Arnolit's Store, forinerly of us pa Law Office by John M'Comitighy,der'd. lie solicits. and by prompt and faithful at tendon to litisitriss in his profession. it will be his endeavor to' merit, confidence and LAW 110'1110E. 11 - AMES G. REED. late ly from Pitts- J burg. design t making Gettysburg his /.?IV