Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, December 24, 1847, Image 3

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'they bloom no more, the Summer !lowers,
Those children of the s ,,n__
put smattered lie, like hopes that die ,
When life it jind. twitun :
And ty and dead, the Aiitiiinn leaves
Around my path ore strow it,
'Like CA`ti upon heart
NV hen pleasant dreams ho to flown.
Hew like my life yon azure sky,
Where stormy clouds are driven
Like dark and gloomy frtirs. that bide
The golden light of heaven i
The balmy winds that fonnod my cheek
• And dimpled on the river,
Like miler of those we love and leer,
Are flown away forever.
0, not forever! though the chill
Of Winter hovers near um—
' For Spring will make new leaves and flowers
'And golden light to cheer me:
The Autumn leaves are given to teach,
Like clouds by tempests driven—
That Sprint is Winter's coMmernr,
And Earth must yield to Heaven !
PEAS.—The principal crop of peas
should be planted in this month, and the
earlier the better. The Dwarf Itlarrowfat
and Green Imperial are generally prefer
red. Knight's Dwarf Marrnwfat are high
ly spoken of. At the same time we should
recommend some of the early varieties to
he planted, such as the Early Frame, Ear
ly Charleston, Bishop's dwarf,
These will come into bearing earlier than
the first mentioned. The tall varieties
should be planted in rows five feet apart—
the Frame and Charleston. four feet, and
the Dwarf varieties, front eighteen inches
to three feet. They should be hoed fre
quently, which will materially assist their
growth, and as soon as they aro high e
nough, say about six inches, they should
be stuck. If planted in single broad rows,
one row of sticks will be sufficiet* In
cutting them out of the woods, let all the
twigs and stnull branches remain their full
length, and when using them, stick them
obliquely, and not more than one-half will
be required, of what would have been nec
essary, if they had been stuck straight, as
the branches will act as conductors for the
young peas to climb on. Peas should not
be highly manured ; it causes them to grow
too much to vines, and they do not produce
as well as when only moderately =floret].
SPENAGE.-YOU will continue sowing
crops of this vegetable—either the round or
prickly will succeed and in fact I have
never discovered any difference in this re
spect betwen them. We prefer, however,
the new variety called the Flanders Spin
age. It is far superior to the old varieties.
ONIONS.-W here small sets can be ob
tained, or where they have been, from seeds
sown in the summer, this will be an excel
lent time for planting them out. Form
small beds, four feet wide, manure it with
rotten manure, and plant the sets in rows
pine inches apart
Nies.--Should either of the above be want
ed, a small quantity should be sown, but
the chance of success will be small, unless
great care he taken of them, and protection
alrordeil theM whenever the weather is se
vere. They will paticularly require pro
tection when they are coming up, and
whilst young.
Csansos.-11 it has been neglected, this
will be a very good time to sow cabbage
seeds for spring use. The early York and
Emperor are to be preferred. The Sugar
Loaf and Battersea will succeed these.—
Sow on a seed bed, and make a shelter over
them with pine boughs or straw. Let the
covering be from two to three feet above
RADtsuEs.—lf the weather should prove
mild, a small quantity may be sown in
someprotected spot, or they may be protec
ted in cold weather by a little straw thrown
over them, which, however, must not re
main long on them, but should be removed
as early as practicable.
IRISH POTATOES.—It is not usual to
plant Irish potatoes until February or
March ; Yet for an early crop, we would
recommend some to be planted in this
month,, let them be buried deep and be
well manured. They lie x long while in
the ground, and will not come up before
February, unless the winter is very mild.
They will, in all probability, have their
tops killed several times ; but if they have
not advanced so far - air to form tubers, this
will be of no consequence, as the tops will
be killed only to the first joints below the
surface, and new shoots will spring up,
while the lower part will be sending out
roots, anidestablishing itself, and will, if it
escape entiredestruction, poduce earlier tu
bers than those planted so late as not to be
injured at all by the frosts. Should, how
vier, tubers, ever so small, be formed on
the shouts, and a frost occur afterwards,
the plants will be killed in nine eases out
of ten, to the very routs. Some risk is to
be °immolated, and we recommend, on
thititcrount, a few to be planted now.
W Y OMING HORSES.—Tiltse should be
well fed, wordily •hedded, cleanly bedded
and curried and rubbed down twice a day.
The it food should be given them thrice a
a day, and they should be watered
as often ; they should receive salt or a mix
ture Of salt, lime and well-sifted ashes Sw icc
a work, With such attention they will
hr 41M* toga through their work well; with
out it. they will lack the physical strength
to etia~arr the calls made upon them,
rr'rfie ropubor of Hogs assessed in
Oinothteyeariiiii i :749,9B3-1134,14)0 more
thou last year.
T6' Farmers and Lime Burners.
NoTicr, is hereby given that JACOB
11. BOWER, of Juniata county, Pa.
has recently invented and procured Letters
Patent for an impriivement in the construc
tion of Lime Kilns. to which the attention
of Farmers and Lime Burners is respect
fully requested. A Kiln can be construct
ed according to this patent, to yield one
thousand bushels of Lime for about twen
ty dollars, and larger kilos can be built at
the rate of six dollars per arch. Kilns can
be made any size to suit the convenience
of persons. The system has been well
tested, and has proved to he vastly supe
tier 'to any system ever tried, as kilns can
be built for one-half the cost formerly at
tending their construction.
The subscriber is duly authorized a
gent to dispose of FAH Hicarrs, in
Juniata, Adams. Franklin, Union and Bed
ford (mutates, and to furnish Letters Pat
ent, Schedule. Drawing and Deed for the
same. ,:ny person wishing further infor
mation, or to procure a farm right in eith
er of the above counties, can do so by en
closing $5 in a letter, or by personal appli
cation to DAVID KEPNER,
Wiastrr P. (I. Juniata county, Pa.
Sept. 21, 1817.-lint
.1•0 TICE
S ILREBI • LN, That applica
t tion will be made by the undersigned
and others, to the next Legislature of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for the
incorporation of a Company under the
name and style, or intended name and
TION, capital Fifty Thousand Dollars, le
signed ns an office of discount and depos
it ; and to be located in East Berlin, Ad
ams crummy. Pa.
David Mellinger, John Bantle,
William Wulf, George Schwartz,
J. J. Kuhn, J. 11. Aulabaugh,
Charles Spangler, Barnet Hildebrand,
George King, Isaac Trimmer,
George H. Binder, Abraham Trimmer,
John Diehl, David Hollinger.
Jane 25, 1847.—0 m
&c., of best quality, ran always be had at
the Fancy Store of C. WEAVER.
April 10, 1846.
Dr. F. E. Vandersloot,
"13 ESPECTFULLY informs the
zens of Gettysburg, and vicinity that
he is prepared to perform every operation
appertaining to his Profession, such as
cleansing, filing, plugging and inserting
Teeth, from a single tooth to a full set. An
experience of more than twelve Years in
the Profession lie trusts will eLable him to
operate to the entire satisfaction of those
who may wish his services. All work will
be warranted. For his place of residence
enquire at the store of Samuel Fahnestock.
Reference is respectfully made to the fol
lowing gentlemen
Rev. Prof. Daugher,
Dr. D. Gilbert,
Rev. E. V. Gerhart,
Prof. M. 1.. Slaver,
9,1847-1 y
!Irv. Dr. tichitiurker,
1)r. 1). Unmet,
Dr. C. N. Fierlucliv
Gettysburg, Oct
J. Lawrence Hill, M. D.,
13 ESPECTFU LIN offers his profes
sional services to the citizens of Get
tysburg and surrounding country. De is
prepared to attend to all eases usually en
trusted to the Dentist, and hopes, by strict
attention to Dentistry alone, to be able to
please all who may see fit to entrust their
teetbinhis hands. t.T Office, second door
abw;e Furry's lintel, S. Baltimore street.
Gettysburg, July 23.—tf
". FFIC E in the South-east Corner Of
the Diamond, between A.B. Kurtz's
Intel and U. %V. 11I'Sherry's Store.
Gettysburg, Dee. 12, 1845.—tf
(I,FFICE in the Centre Square, North
‘-JF of the Court-house, between Smith's
and Stevenson's corners.
Gettysburg, Pa.
1 E undersigned having formed a
11 . partnership for the practice of the
Law, will attend the• Courts of York and
Adams, and also visit the neighboring coun
tics if desired. Office in York street, Get
tysburg, between the Bank and Public Of.
where one of the firm will constant
ly attend, and where communications will
receive prompt attention.
June 18, 1817.—Onv
TIMES G. REED, lately from Pitts
• burg. designs making Gettysburg his
permanent place of residence, and to pur
sue there the practice of the Law. Ile
has made arrangements with his father,
JOHN REED, Esq., of Carlisle, to hare his
aid in such cases as may require it. lie
will he found at all times at his office, on
Chambershurg street, opposite the hat
store of WM. PAXTON, or, at his lodgings ;
at the Hotel of James M'Cosh.
Oct. 29, 1847.-8 t
Jr., MIL Val 1E AM.
(Of Carlisle,)
. 111 RESENTS his respects to his friends
31: and informs them that he has made
arrangements io continue topractieeas usual
in the Courts of Adams county, under the
new regulation of the (lines for holding
Jan. 30, MG. tf
D. 31000NATIMIY,
.111orney at Law,
OFFICE in the S. W. corner of the
Public Square, one door West of G.
Arnold's Store, formerly occupied as a
Law Office by John M'Conaughy, dcc'd.
Ile solicits, and by prompt and faithful at
tention to business in his profession, it will
be his endeavor to, merit, confidence and
rt...L.rl ) • M'CoNsuonv will also attend
promptly to all 'business entrusted to him
as dgent and Solicitor for Patents and
Pensions. He has made arrangements,
through which he can furnish very desira
ble facilities to applicants, and
lieve them fom the necessity of a journey
to Washington, on application to him per
m:m*lly or by letter.
Gettysburg, April 2.—tf
rhilladelOtia Ailverliscinents
Cheap Watches and Jewelry.
Jewelled Gold lc
rers for $4O. war-
Fn "
Jacob liadouabs
No. 211.; Mork, t Ftwirt, Phil- r ,
:1411 , 1pliiii, who 4651.-
II AS constantly on hand a large assort
-11 mem of Gold and tiilver Watches,
at the following low prices:
Full Jewelled Gold I, e v en ,, $lO 00
ilver " 20 00
Gold Lepinen, Full Jewelled, 30 00
Nilver Lepines, 18 00
Silver Quartiers, 8 00
with a large assortment of Fine Jewelry,
such as Ear Rings, Finger Hines, Breast
Pins, Bracelets, Gold and Silver Pencils,
Gold Chains, &c. Ilas also on hand a
complete assortment of patent and plain
Watch Glasses, Main Springs, Verges, Di
als and !lands, of every description—in
fact, a complete assortment of Watchtna
kcr's tools and Watch materials, to which
he would call the attention of the Ommtry
Trade. Those wishing anything in the
above line, will fi n d it to their advantage
to call and examine his stock before pur
chasing elsewhere.
Philadelphia, Aug. 6,1847.-6 m
The largest and cheapest Stock
!Ma ti # : e nttletzto
, •
4 , Plain and Farley Jewelry,
'' • ) :a. , ‘:' (: 1
1 : N .,,
I r e ! I 1 . 1. , A , 1 1 1 E I LLI t t %I ,
k \ ‘ .2)k... 4 , L . l . " 1-. " ' 4135 !Market street.
Gold Lever , , fall jet , . cited, IS carrel.
$4O 00
do. • $2 to 30 00
ease, gold dial,
Gold Lepines, do
Niker Lepines, jewelled, 12 00
Biker Quarticr Watches, splendid
quality, 8 00
Silver imitation Quartiers, - 5 00
Second hand Gold and Skver Watch- - •
es, nt all prices, from, *2' to 25 00
Gold l'encila, 1 7 . 5 to 2 00
Gold Bracelets, with topas and other
sets, - A• 00
Pure Silver Teaspoons, 4 50
Diamond point Gold Pens. with pen
cil and solid silver holders, only 1 25
Gold chains, breast-pins, finger-rings, ear
rings and Jewelry of every description, at
the lowest Philadelphia or N. York prices;
gold and silver Levers, Lepines, and Quer
tier watches, still much cheaper thin the
above prices. A call will be sufficient to
convince purchasers that this is the place
to get good and cheap articles. All goods
warranted to be what they are sold for.
Orders from the country punctually attend
ed to. Old Gold an d Silver bought for
cash, or taken in exchange. All kinds of
watches repaired and warranted to keep
correct time. .
N. 13. I have a splendid gold independ
ent secionds watch for timing horses. Also.
Gilt and Galvanized Watches, for traders'
use, and goods of all kinds in my line, at
Watch, Clock, awl Jewelry Store, No. 4133
Market St., above 11th, north side, Phila.
Philadelphia, Aug. 6,1847.-7 m
Ileverls First Premium
Silver Medal just awarded by the American Insti
tate, New York, 1847.
lam HE following testimony from distinguished
Itrstitntions speaks for itself :
• University of Pennsylvania,
. Philadelphia, May 11, 041.5
Having tried, for some time, the Black Ink .
manufactured by Mr. Joseph E. Hover, w•e have
found it well suited for manuscript, by its running
treely, and its exemption from coagulation. Its
shade also we are well pleased with.
W. E. HORNER, Dean of the Faculty.. -
SAMUEL B. WYLIE, Vice Provost.
HENRY REEL), Sec'ry of the Faculty , .
ROSWELL PARKE, Prof. Natural
losopy and Chemistry.
W. W. GERHARD. Lectuser.
We fully concur in the above—
S. G. MORTON, Dean of the Faculty of
Pennlylvania Medical College.
A.D. BACHE. Principal,
IL M'MIJRTRIE, Prof. of Anatomy in
Central High School.
F. FRALEY, :Secretary of the American
Fire Insurance Company. •
J. D. GEORGE, Phil. Custom House.
Hover's .61dantantItte Cement
♦ SUPXRIOII ARTICL6-111/1•11Tr1),
For sale, wholesale and retail, at the Manufac
tory, No. Si. North Third street, opposite Cherry
street, Philadelphia, by
JOSEPH E. HONER. Manufacturer.
117 For sale in Gettysburg at the Book and Sta
tionery store of S. H. BCZIII.III,
Nov. 12, 1847—Am.
Allegheny House,
111 1 .- . THE subscriber (late of the
Washington Hotel, Harrisburg, Pa.) takes
this method of informing his old friends
and the public generally that he has taken
the above named noTEL. The House
is airy and comfortable, and has been ex
tensively altered and improved, and the
proprietor hopes by strict attention to bus
iness, and a proper care for the comfort of
his guests, to merit and receive a share of
public patronage. The House is situated
very convenient for the Travelling Public,
being only two doors above the Harris
burg and Pittsburg Depot, and within two
minutes walk of the Baltimore and Read
ing Depots. Stabling attached to the pre
mises. Terms 81 per day.
E. P. HUGHES, Proprietor.
Sept. 3, 1847.—tf
Watches, Jewelry, &c.
WATC II ES, Jewelry & Silver Ware
may be bad wholesale and retail,
guarantied better for the price than at any
other store in Philadelphia, at (late Nicho
las Lc Huray's) No. 72 North 2nd street,
nabove Arch, Philadelphia.
WATCHES, all kinds, fine, medi
um and low qualities, among which are
Gold Levers, full Jewelled, $4O to $lOO
liepinea 25 to 40
Quarters Imitation,
Bilver Lever., full Jewelled, 20 to t 0
" Lepines 12 to 18
Quar tiers fine 9 to 10
JEWELRY, Diamonds, Gold Chains,
Gold Pens with Gold & Silver Holders,
Pencils, Breastpins, Ear and Finger Rings,
Bracelets, Cameos of Shell, Coral and La
va, with every other article of Jewelry of
the richest and most fashionable patterns.
SILVER W A RE,Plate, Forks, spoons,
Cups, &c., of standard Siver.
PLATED WARE, Castors, Cake Bas
kets, Fans, Vaues, Card Cases and other
Rich Fancy Goods in great variety.
Wholesale Buyers will save money by
calling here before purchasing.
Keep this advertisement and call at
No. 72. You will be satisfied the goods
are really cheaper and better than are of
fered in the city. For sale low, a hand
some pair of SHOW CASES, suitable
for Jewelry or Fancy Store, apply as
Sow. 3,1817.—1 y
Clothing' Establishment.
Tha mod extensive Chithin Wnrchouge in the
0 netted St(ates.
100,000 Gannet - Os on hand. and ready for diva
rr 0 patrons we would say, that having
hut one price, those who are not
dealers, or do not understand the real val
uation price of goods, will have an oppor
tunity of purchasing garments as low as
professed judges. Jobbers and dealers in
ready-made Clothing, can replenish their
stocks for the winter, and we guarantee
the largest establishment in Philadelphia
to select from. We attend personally to
the packing of goods and see that a good as
sortment of sizes and well-made articles
arc put up. Single suits forwarded as per
114.7="0ur goods arc for sale only at the
large building, 128 Market st. Southeast
corner of Market and Fourth streets, Phil
adelphia. C. It A 12K N ESS.
Sept. 21, 1817.-3111
`William Keillioltz,
Dealer in Paints, Oils, Brushes, Glass)
Varnish, Putty, and Mixed Paints, of
all colors, at the lowest rates,
Corner of Franklin and Green streets, opposite the
Penn'a. Avenue, Baltimore
N. B. WILLIAm KEILHOLTZ, having had
a long experience in Paints, 0i15,&.c., be
ing a practical House and Sign Painter,
will give all information, respecting mix
ing Paints, Azc.. gratis. Country Mer
chants and others supplied on moderate
Oct. 29, 1847.—1 y
Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, &c.
•••• THE Subscriber offers
to the trade, or by retail,
' 79 a large assortment of the
following articles, being
- - • all of his own importa
tion or manufacture..
Buyers of goods in this line are invited
to examine the assortment, and orders are
solicited, with the assurance that every ef
fort will be made to give satisfaction and in
sure a continuance of custom.
Gold & Silver Lever Watches of ordinary quality
Do do do of superior finish.
Do do , do Anchors drtillittit
Silver double cased English sod 'Swiss verge
Watches, with light medium and hew cases.
Gold Jewelry in all miens., fins and common.
Silver Plated, and' Silver Wares
Mugioal Boxes, playing 2,4, 6;8 and 10 tunes
Gold and Silver Spoil=len
Diamond Pointed mold Pen..
Mantel '& Office Cloch, in gilt and other frames.
Watehmakere Tools sodldateriala of all sorts.
Fancy Articles, Taney Patuctilteel Deeds, &s.
Having every facility for obtaining goods
on the most advantageous terms, corres
ponding inducements will be offered to pur
chasers. , JOHN C. FARR;
112 Chesnut al. Philaddphia.
July 16, E 11347.--8 m • -----
To Country Merchants and Others
wont:stn.* AND RETAIL,
N°' I!" Maitet übore 12th South side
AS; Po" on
_hand end °onotlindt
JUI receiving a lair and'well sClected
stock of 'every article in his line, consist
ing in part of Oranges, Lemons, Prunes,
Figs, Dates, Haim*, Grapes, and every
other fruit in A full assortment
of Bordeaux, and Soft-shelled Almond*,
Filberts, Ground Nets, Cressn'Nuts, Eng.
lish Walnuts, Cocoa Nutsoli.c. His as
sortmen4of CANDIES &relit lower pri
ces shad can be ,bought in the. City. He
requests an examination of his stock be
fore purehasing -Isttiorheie, as he offers
goods at !!,i rmall alipance, being anxious
to do business for GASH.
Ilic7Cut out this* dve.rtisement and bring
it with you. ,
Sept. 24, 1847.-3 m
ESPECTFU MN informs his friends
IV and' the public generally that he has
now on hand a large assortment of T/N
WIRE of every description, which he
Will sell at moderate prices—all warranted.
I'ersons wishing to purchase at low rates
will do well to call before purchasing else
HOUSE SPOUTING will be made
and put up at 121 cents a foot.
Gettysburg, March 12, 1847.
rinlE undersigned has connected with
IL his Coachmaking Establishment a
large Smith Shop, and is prepared to do
lie would say to those who have Horses to
shoe, that he has in his employ first-rate
hands, which, with his personal attention,
will enable hint to give entire satisfaction
to all those who may favor him with a call.
(warranted).,will be promptly made to or
der at all times.
Icg"All. kinds of REPAIRING done,
both in Wood and Iron, at the most reduc
ed prices.
OCP . Thankful for past encouragement,
the subscriber solicits a continuance of pat
ronage, and invites his friends to call at
his Establishment in west Ohamhersburg
st., a few doors below Thompson's Hotel.
Gettysburg, October 15, 1847.
[AR QIIRAity )
F the very best quality, and different
flavors, can he had. at all times, at
WEAVER'S Confectionary in Chambers
burg street. Families and Parlies will be
supplied with any desired quantity, at the
shortest notice. CAKES and CONFEC
TIONS of all kinds always on hand, and
will be furnished to order on reasonable
Gettysburg, July 23.—ff
PROSPIWITS I , olt r ,
The most P,polor ,ituuthly Mr Irewhi.
Fru , . leadin g writers all in "Graham"—
\\ idiom C. Bryant, . Fermi in ore t 'ooper,
William'Henry Ilurhert, Theodore S. Fay,W.
Gihn.fre Simms, Fanny Forrester, Mrs. A. M.
F. Annan, Mrs. Amelia li. Welby, N. P.
Willis, Professor I.ongicllffw, J. K. Paulding,
Charles J. Jlodhian, Edgar A. Poe, E. P.
Whipple, Mrs. Stevens, Mrs.Sigourney. •
" Graham, "is now universallvficknowledged
to surpass, in the excellence and variety of its
contents, and the style of its execution, any
periodical published in America, and it is ques
tionable whether any magazine in Mu world—
not excepting evenlllackwood's—ever presen
ted an array or contributors of shoal reputation.
Its cireulatien is about one-third larger than
that of any other monthly in the English lan
We have resolved, as far as "Graham" is
concerned, to give a proper direction to tho'pop.
ular taste; and purpose, in the coming volume,
greatly to amplify the literary department of
the work—to engage none but the very best
writers—to open a field for young Writers of
merit—and, in tine, to cultivate a Natio:oil Pe
riodical Literature, which shall command re
spect at home and abroad.
"%Virile all the other monthly periodicals are
crumbling to decay, and resorting to every ex
pedient to save themselves front destruction,
"Graham" pursues the oven tenor of its way,
proudly at the head of the periodical literature
of the day—with its 50,000 readers, gradually
widening its influence, and extending its circit
lation.—The policy adopted in this Magazine,
of giving the best, both in Literature and .Irt,
has established it upon the sure-basis of public
Elegant Parir Fashions in rrtry :cumber.—
"Graham," for IEI4B, will he beyond all doubt
RO fir superior to the class of small magazines
Which attempt to imitate it, that in every post
town it will utterly route them out. For why
should any mail or woman pay money for a SO..
cond rate article, when the best is ottered at
the same price. header, think for yourself,
examine and subscribe for the hest periodical,
and do not ho deluded by the stale and never
redeemed promises of tIIOSC whose words aro
its worthless as their wares. It is a fact, that
for the last a' years, promises have been
made of excelling "Giuliani" by every petty
pretender; yet the `Magazine cull maintains
triumphantly the ascendent.
We promise our renders in January such a
number as shell pale "the theffiretual•fires"-of
our imitators; who seize a good idea which we
have executed, and make it common by the
baseness of the copy. •
rortraitid our Army Ileroes.—We have al
ready given our readers a magnifieent likeness
df GRN. TAYLOR, and have now' ready ex
ecuted a magnificent Ukases/L.or GEN. BUT
LER, end ,shalifollnw , ipipidly with portraits
of all the fisididg men' who have distinguished
themselved !lithe present wir. This series of
portraits will be priged.hy every patriot.
Wer• doings to continence in the January
number, in addition to New Novels by Willie
and Pay„, a moat beautiful SEA STORY,
which has highly' praised by the • best
judges, and bet only been withheld from our
readers in the, list volume as we had already
running thro' the Magazine the Novel by Coop
er. For the New Year we have made the most
liberal arraegeracuta la rerganilo the work,with
a determination to make GREAT NATION
AL MAGAZlNE— T oontributed to by the high
est talent in,therceantry÷(ree from all cliques
and sectiddir dltretrinerol, atidi relying on the
merits of i slits= • tier, and excellence of
its illustrations, or a all wt, or supp. . e
voluthe toile opened with a new and beautiful
type,the.finest white paper, and with a series
of embellishments qnsurpeseed . bfany which
hove yet approved in any magazine
Our; Mezzotint 'Env:langs.—ft affords us
much iattifictilia to be able to state; that we
hale trade arrangements with Mr. &nein, the
-aocomplished 'mezzotint' engmver, ' whose
plates 'have contributed Se much to the beauty
of the Mnazine heretofore, by whieb we ware
his meazetiets for the work alone.
His beautiful engravings will therefore. form a
feature of Graham's Magazine, io that we shall
be able to distance any thing like competition
on the ground. ;
Our BeatilifulFashion Pkires.:- 7 -17note ex' qu
she creations of taste and skill We have engaged
exelifirively, from the publisher of "Le Follet. •
and all other efforts to get them have failed.
An attempt has been made to deceive the public
ro-engraving the old deeigraii but these du
plicates areso, far beneath the original Paris
aealgot 'mist to "anthem," that they excite ots
ly contempt. Onr arrangements are complete,
and we cannot bs-equalled in the beauty and
correctness of this dcplirtmentor the Magazine.
These Odell appear in every number..
1 2
copi copy, , * 9 per annum.
es', . 6 "
5 coplett, ' ' 10 "
11 copies, • 20, and 1 copy
gratis 4o the Postuuutter, or others, forwarding
the money.
Subscriptions must tnnriably be accomputi
ed by the cash, free'of postage.-- Addsessi
Dec. 6. 98 Chesnut st.,
FASHIONABLE Barber and Hair
Dresser, has removed his "Temple'
to the Diamond, adjoining the County Buil
dings, where he can at all tunes be found
prepared to attend to the calls of the public.
From long experience he flatters himself
that he can go through all the ramifications
of the Tonsorical departments. with such an
infinite degree of skill as will meet the en
tire satisfaction of all who may submit their
(-hills to the keen ordeal of his razor. He
hopes, therefore, that by attentiim to busi
ness and a desire to please, he will merit
as well as receive a liberal share of public
patronage. The sick will be attended tout
their private dwellings. . .
SAIAS J. CULP reapectfully informs
IPA his friends and customers that he has
removed his
Tailoring Establishment
to the room formerly occupied by Wm.
BELL, deceased, opposite W AMPLER'S
TINNERY, in Baltimore street, where
he will be pleased to attend to the orders of
all who wish to have work done .up in
fashionable style, and at low rates. Ar
rangements have been made to receive the
Latest Fashions,
from Philadelphia and New York, so that
customers can rely on having their gar
ments made in the most approved styles.
KT. Country Produce will be taken in
exchange for work.
Gettysburg, Aug. 20, 1847.-3 m
Ready-made Clothing
Samson'/ Clothing Store,
in East York street, embracing every
rimy of Boys' and Men's wear. ICfCall
and see them immediately.
Nov. 20, 1847.
✓ll'Jl[lister's Oisitinenti
FOR the cure of external Sores, Scrof
ulous affections, Liver Complaint,
Quinsy, Sore Throat, Bronchitis. Paine in
the Chest, Tumors, Diseases of the Skin,
Piles.' Corns. Rheumatism, &c., &c., for
sale at the Drug Store of
• S. H. BUEHLER.:.
Gettysburg, June '2s.—tf
Indian Vegetable Panacea,
DR. CULLEN AGAIN virromors
ITIOWAND & 'WALTON. I'l l ik,hdoda
4../1 Cents —ln justice to you as well as a duty.
I owe the public, I Mel constrained to furnish a
short ctatement of the wonderful suffi , rings ot my
son William, and many who read this testimonial
w ill h e surprised to find that heis still living, and
still more so, when they learn that he has entire
ly recovered from the dreadful Scrofula with which
lie has so long suffered.
It is now more than four years since the dis•
ease first made its appearance on one of his legs, l i
in deep and running ulcers. These continued
more than two years, confining him to his bed.
during which several pieces of the bone came a•
wny. It then attacked his arm, causing severe
painful ulcers. Several pieces of bone cattle from
the arm also. In this time (two years :And six
months) he was under the treatment of several
of our best physicians, (and took some thirty or
more bottles of Sarsaparilla and and wns
pronounced by the Doctors, INCURABLE. fie
was then, upon the recommendation of Mr.
zlehnrst, token to "Will's Hospital," where he
continued under the care .of Dr. Parish, three
months. Ile was then sent home ns incurable,—
In a kw months the other leg broke out in open
ulcers. Spirits of Tar was recommended by a
friend—he took this about four months, without
benefit—indeed he got Morse, when I must sat',
I gave up till hope of hie ever getting well ; at
this stage of the disease, I was advised by the
Rev. A. D. Gillette, to try your medicine. I had
very little faith in it, I confess. (having tried so
many medicines without benefit.) He, however,
commenced taking the PANACEA on the first of
of March, A. D. 1846, and has been using it 'ten
months, Three months afier he began the use of
the. Panacea, an ulcer made its appearance upon
his neck above the collar bone. This continued
open until about three weeks since, wars Sr
'mute. Ile is now sound, and in the enjoyment
of perfect health. I gratefully add my testimon
ial to the many already in ye& possession, of the
wonderful efficacy of your "DR. CULLEN'S IN•
Respectfully yours,
(Late of Philadelphia,) now Brainard Street
Mount Holly. New Jersey. January Id 1847.
CM this sixteenth day of March, A. D. 1847
before me, the subscriber, an Alderman Wand for
the city of Philadelphia, personally came Harriet
D. Barker, who being duly sworn according to
law t doth•depose and.say. that the_factsset forth
in the above statement are true. llaa>•rrr D.
Beaten. Sworn and subscribed before me,
Sold, wholesale and retail, by RowA to & WAL
TON, Proprietors, 370 Market target, Philadelphia
and by the tollovrtne Agents:
S. IL Buehler, Gettystiorg.
Bittinger, Abbottstown.
Lilly 4 Riley. Oxford. ,
7. J. Cooper, Franklln tp.,
Dee. ID, 1847.-2 m [Auguet 6, 1847.]
Protection against Loss by
' 1 HE "Cumberland Valley Multiatricitettion
11 ,
Cornpany,". being incorporated by sin Act of
the Legislature, and fully organized and in vein
Lion under the direction or the following Board 01
Managers, visa T C Miller, James Weakly, rl Ng,
M'Cullough, A G T A M'Kinley. Philip
spangles, Samuel Galbraith, Samuel Tritt, A b
king, (Aitsins,) Juba Zug, Samuel Huston, J T
Green, .1 Bear—call the attention of the inhabit.
ants of Cuinberland ail Adams counties to the
thee nese of the rates and iheriniii itliintages
w ac t is in o insurance. as over any
let. Every person insured becomes a member
of the company and takes Partin the selection or
officers and the infection of its concerns.
2d. For insurance no more is demanded than is
necessary to meet thoexpenses of the Company :
and indemnity against lows which may happen.
3d. The inconvenience of frequent renew Cab is
avoided by insuring for a term of five years.
Ahy persooapplving for . insurance must
give Iris premium note for the cheapest. class at
the rate of five per cent., which will he $5O on the
1000, for which he will have to pay $2 LU for five
years and $1 50 for survey' and policy. and on
more unless lose be sustained to a greater amount
than the funds on hand will cover, end then no
more than a pro rata share. These rates are
mach cheaper than those of other companies:ex
cept such as are incorporated on the same princi
dles. • . T. C. MILLER, President.
• A. G. Nitt.tan. Secretary.
fThe following named persons have been ap
pointed 4gents for Adams County :—Wm W Pax
ton, Fig: General Agent for Adams county; J A
Thompson and D Ziegler, Gettysburg; Dr. Wm
R Stewart, Petersburg; Henry Myers, New Ches
ter Henry: Mayer, A bbottstown : Daniel Com
fort, %Atm township; AbrebernKing,Htioterr
tows; David Blythe, Fairfield; T T IVieitmtn :
Arendtsrille; Wm Morrison and Abel T Wright
Bendersville; Dr. D Mellinger,East Berlin ; Abln
.SOott, CastitAwn,
Sept.l3, 1646,—tf,
dind and all. Diseases of she Siomach,and
• .• Rowels.
IIYBPENMA, or Indigestion and its
consequences.--An eminent Profes
aor says: chiefly arises in persons who
lead either a very sedentary , or trregttlar
life. Although not regarded as a fatal di
sease, yet, if neglected, it may bring on in
curable. Melancholy. Jaundice, Matineii,
or Vertigo, Palsy, and Apoplexy. A great
singularity attendant on it la, that it may
and often does continue a great length of
time without any remission of the rytnp
torns. '
CAUSES.—Grief and uneasiness of
mind, intense study, profuse evacuations,
excess in veneryi excessive use of spir
itous liquors, tea, tobacco, opium and
other narcotics, immoderate repletion, o
ver distention of the stomach, tide&
ciency in the secretion of the bile or
gastric juice, exposure to cold and damp
air, are the chief causes of this disease.
SYMPTOMS.—Loss of - appetite, - n'au
sea, heart-burn, acidity and foetid eructa
tions, gnawing of the stomach when emp
ty, uneasiness in the throat, pain in the
side, costiveness, chilliness, languor, low
ness of spirits, palpitations, and disturbed
er failed in affording immediate relief and
a radical cure for this disease.
Principal Office, No. 77 N. Eighth at.
cast side, Philadelphia. For sale in Oct
tyaburg by S. S. FORNEY.
July 30, 1847.-1 y
Dr. C. Il' .Ipp!don's Celebrated Remedy
paAINS in, and discharge of matter from, the
ear, together with all other unpleasant symp
toms, which either accompany or announce ap
proaching Deafness, This invaluable medicine is
the result of a long and faithfully pursued course
of experiments instituted with the sole view to
discover (if passible) ascertain, and, at the name
time, a safe remedy for this dreadfully afflicting
disorder, and after being extensively used in the
private practice'of the subscriber during the last
eight years, in very numerous cases with the most
remarkable success, is now offered to the politic,
for the benefit of those %rho, from distance or other
causes, cannot have the personal attention of the
Proprietor, in the fullest confidence of its efficacy,
and in the firm belief that it will not disappoint
the expecuitim.s of those who 'nay haveovea s sion
for its use ; in short, that it is the roost VALUA
BLE article ever offered to the public for thin di
RCYFor sale in Gettysburg by S. 11. BUEHLER,
in AbboitstoWn by Wnt. Birrinoxa, in Oxford
bylay.s. &Lay, and in Franklin township by
TUUMAS. J. Coors's. [Aug. O , 19.17 -1 y
Perfumery, 'Soap, Re. •
ARTICLES, TOYS, &e., fot4 sale
by (' WEAVER.
ROSS' rxrEcTc NT.
Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Bron
chitis, - .lsthma, Croup, ll' hoopittsr
Cough, Spitting of Blood, Sure
Throat, Pains and Oppres;' • '
sions of the Breast, Dip
lieulty of Breathing,
and all other di-
seases of the ,
1 - r 4 the most EFFECTII4I... Remedy hitheito
offered to the public Tor the CORK 'Or:the
above complaints. Being five from ell deleteli
ous and nauseating Drugs, it may be likens by
the must delicate person, or given to the itifihlat
the brew; without fear of ally unplealtant talkie
being produced by its use. There is another his
periority which RW•S' s
over every other preparation, and that it, it•it Me
most pleasant! ; : 1.1.
ILrßead the following Certificate from
S. Allen, a gentleman well known in this City,
who was cured by the use of two bottles of the Ex
pectorant, after every thing else had failed to af
ford any relief. 'this is but one of anumber of
which the proprietor has in his possession, all' of
which, in due tittle, will be laid before the 11011 C.
BALTI.I . 4OTIE, April 3, 13:0, : ,
Mr. Jan. F. Eoss—llear Sir About fakir weeks
ago I caught a severe cold which fell upon'my
breast, accompanied with pains in my sideisnd a
dry hacking cough. I commenced takinig sr
up that was recommended to me, but from which
I derived not the least benefit. I then commenc
ed drinking freely of composition tea; hut;ifth
the same result; in fact, my cough was getting
worse, and I became so hoarse that it watyy,ilh
difficulty I could speak above a At
your request, I was induced to try yourspectii
rant, and i am happy to inform you 1 , was entife
ly cured by the use of two bottles.
I remain, very respectfully. yeure,&e.
T. S. ALLEN, No. 5 Fayette L st.
ta'CAITTION!—In consequence of the many
preparations now before the public !irides the
mulles of "Extriets." "Balsams," "Sirttrps,' +e.
end even of a 11611110 T name, the prom:dot dekins
iineceseari . to caution the afllietedageirMirn
terfeits. Each kaittle of ;the genuine baa the
words ‘.'.lfors' Exparereat— l n9mrsed—giskietert,
Md," blown in..she Otis ; the initilde
in connected . Capitate' stamped on the end
my' toriften 'signature on the wrapper, Withgrat
which it cannot be gendine. • '
.11X.Prite. Kevin/ .pet hottle.a.H. the snooty to
be refunded H a cure be not effected, when taken
according to directions! Prepared 'only by • '
7. F. ROSS, Druggist, BallimerrN
For sale by the foßovring Agents
Samuel H. Buckler; Gettysburg.
Geo. Fr.. Nog Fairfield.
Wm. M. Kettlewell: Petersimig; '
Nov. 12,1547. ' [MO SO, 1541,4
More fads iw relation to the wondirful efficary bf
Compound Syrup of Tar 4. trood Nopth
tha, the BEST REIIIO Vol the day
for CONSIIMPTION, JistAtiur,
Coughg, cords, Liver (Coin
plaint, 4.e., 4.r.,
,trnt EAD 'the following from Mr. ssharp, a well
ifsisi, known and highly respectable citizen of the
Northern Liberties, L'hilailel plan County. This is
one of the most astonishing cures oh record, and,
i: will be seen, is attested by the Rev, 1141•:*.ra
and by other citizens of that district:
Near the close of the year I hadan ;Attack
of the Pleurisy and while recovering Wont it, I
took a severe. cold. My condition soon became
alarming and I grew gradually worse and worse.
The symptoms manifested by my ilisertii were
those ordinarily found in pulmonary' afigetionti—
'but mine were of tin ex ergedi ngly aggravated elver.
acter. For a long-period laxpemormed a gtoht
(pointy of matter, which appeared a 01,tisfir of
pus aril blood...sit times it seemed as it l waxilia
charging the very hulotance of the Lungs. ,My
voice was gone so as to Le unable to utter a fiw
words without great difficulty, and I experienced
a thousand °thin'. painful sensations that cannot
be told. One of the most unpleasant attendants:
of my disease ' were chilling awaits.- The cold
perspiration ran from nie continually, hot only ht
„night, but also during the day so as to keep toy
cloths at all times coutinually wet,
I employed every means of cure I could hear,
and wus attended by several eminent and skillitil
Physicians. But the obstinacy of my disease
baffled all their efforts. They indeed toned me
from my bed, but they also pronounced me incur
able. The last Physician attending me, told me
at one time, that 1 bad but a few days to live—at
another time I might linger on a tow weeks or
months, but that it was utterly impossible that I
could get well, Of ever be AU ffs Ittehd to my
business. Thus, with no privspettof nicovery I
lingered on dining the greater petit' it the year
1846--for three months of whink period my
friends sat up with am, expecting every night to
see any sufferings end kti death.
.But lauLll, &Indy residing in SouthwurVai Vim
had been cured of somewhat similar sufferingsby
"Thompson's Compound 8. imp of Tar end sph
thst;' tame end urged upon 'ime &trial of it. Al
most despairing of anv relief, andwith ne hogificif
recovery. 1 Commenced ita tom isnagiee then
my sallae,tion in being able to stale that lam
IVRW 1.1 and I attribute my restorationep
tirely to the wandet Cut efficncy of the above Medi
cine:. From the time' I commented its use, the
disease began to yield its hold upoit roe, and hy
steady perseverance in its employment I Mersey
it has raised me from the pave. All unpleasant
symptoms have vanished and I have for severe'
months attended to my business as foinierlYretid
(except some less degree of strength than I oroto
possessed,) as . well as ever. '
People come from various places to see me, in
milting for the man cured of Consumption I Thais
who have known me and are well acquainted with
my long continued afflictions, stop with aetonish
ment When they meet me, at seeing the wonderfild
change wrought by the use of the above Medicine.
WM. W. .`4IARP. •
No. S Charlotte st., Philadelphia!
The undersigned, friends of Alf. W. W.tShanti
are limiter with his cue and rufferings, and testi
fy that the statements are true.
John Street, Missionary, No. 113 York
Thomas Street, No. lOa North Second street.
Addison Hines, Grocer. No. 124 Brown Street..
Jacob Knows, No. Bits North Fourth:street.
Garret Vancoot, No. 221 North Second street.
'ID - This invaluable remedy is prepared only By
Angney is Dickson, N. E. Corner ofFiftkrmji
Spruce streets,Philadelphia, and Cunha had Of tßer
following Agents : , "
S. S. Fornry, Gettypbtirg...
R. .97igney:Carliele.
I). P. Lange, Hanover..
and by respectnble Druggists generally. + 'I
Price 5U cents, or $l.llO per bottle.. Bewared
imitations. •
October 15,18.11, [April 30,1817.••rtY] j,
MONDS, <SLC., of the best quality
to, be had at the Confectionary of •
Is published every Friday Eveningiih the
County obore the Register ,
and Recorder's Office, ly
DAV ID A. II 15 Ell I. 1.1 R. • •
In paid in advance or within the year, $2, Ter.
annum—if not paid within the year, $2 50. •
paper discontinued until all arrearaget. pale—
except at the option at the Editor. dingle copies.
ni cents. A Minna to notify a dirauritinuaries
will he regarded as a new engagement
Adverli exceeding a tqoaro insertrdf
three ti mes tor sl—every riib e 4114 eta iiitettli
25 cents. Longer ones in ilia rsn o t proportion.
All advertisements riot specially oitlfnedinr a
in time, will be continued until forbid. A
reduction will he made totlioNe '‘‘ ho adr ertitelY
the year.
Joh Printiott of all kinds exerutod ne . atlr i aai
Promptly . , and on rem-unable Lulus,
Letter's and C'onurrunicaliorin tbia Prlilleit, (4.
eepting such as contain Money or rho ran ea bl
n ew subacriher,,) mu.,t be POST rat iu piett tia
secure att rill l on.