Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, December 17, 1847, Image 3

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Plnwing late in the Tall and luring win
ter may in some instances be bentiticial ;
in °theirs injurious. As a general rule, the
principal reason that can lie given in favor
of the practice, is that the wort, is perform
ea at a time of leisure, and the farmer is
relieved from the pressure and hurry which
'omnld attend the crowding of all his plow
ing into a few days of spring. Loose
gravelly and sandy lands are not, proliably
injured by late plowing ; lint compact
if plovted in fall, are sometimes so beaten
down by the heavy rains of winter and
spring, that more labor is actually required
ur bririg them into suitable condition for
crops, than if they had been touched till
near die time of sowing or planting.
The idea that anything is gained by the
decomposition ofsward by late fall plowing.
is, we are convinced, a mistake. On the
contrary, every one who has had an op_
immunity of observing, may have seen
that sward which is broken up after the
weather has become warm, and the grass
somewhat started in the spring, rots much
sooner than that which was plowed in fall
or winter.
But clayey soils, which have been well
drained, may be greatly improved by fall
plowing if it is done in the right way.—
The ground should be thrown into narrow
ridgr;s; Which should run in such a direr..
tion as will most readily turn tithe water
from the field. Let two furrows, as deep
as can well be plowed, be turned together,
in the form of what are called "back-fur
rows," and the whole field be plowed in
this way. This will expose a large por
tion of the soil to the action of the frost and
air. The ridges will be dry, and the soil
being frozen and thawed while in this state,
it will become loose and friable, and on
cross-plowing the ridges, when the proper
time arrives for seeding, the soil will be
mellow. and in excellent condition for a
crop. This course has produced good
crops of grain and vegetables on land which
would yield little or nothing in any other
Land which is overrun with couch-grass,
Wray also be plowed in ridges in the fall to
good advantage—especially if the soil is of
a compact nature. The freezing of the
roots will tend to weaken their vitality, and
greatly facilitate the cleaning of the land,
which should •be'' done by a thorough fal
lowing, and working out the grass roots,
which should be collected and burnt the
next season.—.llbany Cultivator.
lleNs.—These useful fowls should at
all times be carefully attended and provi
dedfor. Comfortable lodgings in severe
weather ; a plenty of food, drink, and oth
er articles required by their peculiar hab
lILS and constitution, should by no means
be denied. An old farmer informed one
recently that he considered the neat profit
of six hens, properly attended, equivalent
to the neat income of a tolerable cow.—
"But," said he, "they must be fed and ca
red for, else they will nut only prove an
annoyance to the owner, but a source of
greater expense than income." As a gen
eral rule, it may be remarked, that the bet
ter we keep our domestic fowls and ani
mals of all kinds, the greater profit
they of us. A half starved cow, ox,
horse, turkey, duck, or hen, is not only a
pitiable but a profitless object. liens
should be constantly provided with meat,
as this constitutes, during summer, their
chief substance ; hence, tvhen they are
confined during the inclement nBSOBS of
the year, they should be favored with it in
proper quantity, and at proper times.
Lillie, sand, bones, &e. are necessary to
their health, and to promote fecundity.
Germantown Telegraph.
l'arsEavixo, airma.—The farmers in
the parish of Udney, in the county of Ab
berdeen, Scotland, practice the following
method of curing their butter, which gives
it a great superiority over that of their
neighbors :----Take two parts of the best
common salt, one part of sugar, and one
part of saltpetre ; take one ounce of this
composition for sixteen ounces of butter ;
work it well into the mass, and close it up
for use. The butter cured with this mix
ture appears of a rich and marrowy
consistence, and tine color, and never
acquires a brittle hardness, nor tastes
salty. Dr. Andersen says. "1 have ate
butter cured with the above composi
tion, that had been kept three years,
and it was as sweet as at first." But it
must be noted that butter thus cured, re
quires to stunt] three necks or a month
before' it is required to be used; if it be
sooner opened, the salts are not sufficient
ly blended with it; and sometimes the
coolness of the niter will then be perceiv
( d vihich totally disappears afterwards.—
Theabove is worthy the attention of every
dairy woman,
Matsysta.—The old Scotch proverb that
"many a little makes a muckle," ought to
he borne in mind by every one who is de
t‘trous Of economising. Franklin has said
that "a penny saved is two pence earned."
In the business of accumulating, and econ
omising Materials for manure, the applica
tion ut the principles of industry and fru
gality, are indispensable. No business is
of more vital importance on a 1 . ,1 rm. Let
c vet y particle of manure--evety substance
capable of being converted into the pabn
innt or rood of plants, or of contributing
to the productivenes of the soil, be care-
Lille preserved for use.
Were this injunction more generally ob.
set ved, we should hear far less of short
reap, eat:at:sled and sec far fewer
tm‘ssne.cs of that poverty which is 'men
,'zvd by slothfulues and idleness even in
1.,0 midst of 'wealth. Remissness in this
i , l44,Ant 114111 V. 'town:. carries disappoint
-4,ltt ittlitteXity, uasst and too, into
rrin , rEcri - r< um:
41,MAELVii'S eseA
lionthiy . in the irnr:.l
rpm: "Gr,"—
I WIN Bryant, l'ennimore Cooper.
William 11 , pry rt, Theodore S. Fay.W.
Gilmore Simms, Fanny Forrester, MN. A. 7q.
F. .Intem, Mrs. AnWlia It. Welbv, N. I'.
Willis, Prefe, , ser Longiellely, J. h. l'anhliwr.
'I tries J. IlniTman. Edgar 1. Poe, E. P.
whipple, Mrs. Stevens. \tea. Sigourney.
sham is new uni rersally ark nowled ;zed
in surpass, in the cxe Hence and variety of its
contents, and the style of its execution, any
periodical pull khed in America, and it it ques
tionable Nvhother any magazine in the world—
not excepting even lihek wood's—ever pre Sl`ll
- an array of contributors of equal reputation.
Its circulation is about one-third larger than
that of any other monthly in the English lan
We have resolved, as far as "Graham" is
conc. - reed, to give a proper direction to the pop
nlar taste; and 'lmpose, in the pouting volume.
greatly to amplify the literary department of
the work—to engage none but the very best
writers—to open a field for vouno writers of
merit—and, in tine, to cultivate a S - atienn/ -
rioiliral Literature, which shall command re
spect at home and abroad.
While all the other monthly periodicals are
crumbling to decay, and resorting to every ex
pedient to save theinselyen from destruction,
Graham" pursues the even tenor of its way,
proudly at the head of the periodical literature
of tho day—with its. 50,000 readers, gradually
widening its influence, and extending its eircu
lation.—The policy adopted in this Magazine,
of giving the best, 10,111, it; Literature amid .drl,
has established it upon the sure basis of public
Elrgaut Paris FaAhitaar 4 . 41 terry Number.—
"Graham," for ISIS, will he beyond all doubt ,
so far superior to the class of small nimmzines
which attempt to iriiitate it, that in every post
town it will utterly route them out. For why
should any man or woman pay money for a se
cond rate article, when the best is offered at
the saute price. Reader, think for yourself,
examine and subscribe for the best periodical,
and do not be deluded by the stale and never
redeemed promises of those whose words are
as worthless as their wares. It is a fact, that
Gtr the last seven years, promises have been
made of excelling .'Graham" by every petty
pretender; yet the Magazine still maintains
triumphantly the a s cendant.
We promise our readers in January such a
number as shall pain "the ineffectual fires" of
our imitators, who seize a good idea witted' we
have executed, and make it common by the
baseness of the copy.
Portraits of our army Ifrroet.—We have al
ready given our readers a magnificent likeness
of GEN. TAX Lon, and have now ready ex
vented a magnificent likeness of GEN. BUT
LER, and shall follow rapidly with portraits
of all the leading men who have distingUished
themselves in the present war. This series of
portraits will be prized by every patriot.
We design to commence in the January
number, in addition to New Novels by Willis
and Fay, a most beautiful SEA STORY,
which has been highly praised by the best
judges. and has only been withheld from our
readers in the last volume as we had already
running tbro' the Magazin: , the Novel by Coop
er. Tor the New Year we have made the most
liberal arrangements in regard to the work,with
a determination to make A GREAT NATION
AL MAGAZIN E---e ontrilmted to by the high
est talent in the country—free from all cliques
and sectional differences, and relying on the
merits of its literary matter, and excellence of
its illustrations, for a still wider support. The
volume to be opened With a new and beautiful
type, the finest white paper, and with a series
of embellishments unsurpassed by any which
have yet appeared in any magazine.
Our Mezzotint Errzraviarrs.—lt affords us
much satisfaction to be able to state, that we
have made arrangements With Mr. Sartain, the
accomplished mezzotint engraver, whose
plates have contributed so notch to the beauty
of the Magazine heretofore, by which we secure
his splendid mezzotints for the work alone.
b e a u tiful engravings will therefore form a
feature of Graham's Magazine, su that we shall
be able to distance any thing like competition
on the ground.
Our 'Beautiful Fa.ifirion PlateA.—'These exqu
site creations sit taste and skill we h ave ng-,,grd
exclusively, from the publisher of "Le Toilet,"
and all other efforts to get them have failed.
An attempt has been made to deceive the public
by re-engraving the old designs; but these du
plicates are so far beneath the original Paris
designs sent to "Graham," that they excite on
ly contempt. Our arrangements are complete,
and we cannot be equalled in the beauty and
correctness of this department of the Magazine.
These plates appear in every number.
I copy, $ 3 per annum.
2 ropirq, 5 "
5 copies, 10 ii
II copies, dO, and I copy
gratis to the Postmaster, pr others, forwarding
the money. .
Subscriptions must.invariably be secompani.
cd by the cash, free of postage. Address
98 Chesnut st., Philadelphia
rASIIIONABLE Barber and hair
Dresser, has removed his “Temple'
to the Diamond, adjoining the County Buil
flings, where he eau at all times be found
Prepared to attend to the calls of the public.
From long experience he flatters himself
that he can go through all the ramifications
of the Tonsorical departments, with such an
infinite degree of skill as will meet the en
tire satisfaction of all who may submit their
ehins to the keen ordeal of his razor. He
hopes, therefore, that he attention to busi
ness and a desire to please, lie will merit
as well as receive a liberal share of public
patronage. The sick will be attended to at
their private dwellings.
11 .4 1 811 A S' J. CULP respectfully informs
his fiends and customers that he has
removed his
Tailoring Establishment
to the room formerly occupied by AV's.
deceased, opposite IV AMPLER'S
TINNEIIY, in Baltimore street, where
he will be pleased to attend to the orders of
all who wish to have work done up in
fashionable style, and at low rates. Ar.
rangionents have been made to receive the
Latest Fashions,
from Philadelphia and New York, so that
customers can rely on having their gar
ments made in the most approved styles.
ItCpCottutry Produce will be taken in
exchange for work.
Gettysburg, Aug. 20, 1847.—am
Iteady-made Clothing
Samson's Clothing Store,
in East York street, embracing every va
riety of Boys' and Men's wear. vp•Call
and see them immediately.
Nov. 2G, 1647.
'IVOR the cure of external Sores, Scra
m- ulous affections, Liver Complaint,
Quinsy, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Pains in
the ('hest, Tuniors, Diseases of the Skin,
Piles, Curtis, Rheumatism, Sze., &e., for
sale at the Drug Stoic of
Uenysburg, June '25.-11
The largest and cheapest Stock
or (1111,11 AND 1511.11.111
1 )9 4 , 1 1:2 1 0a12:31;11
/ \ i„ ) i Plain and Fancy Jcwelry.
NVltol,ale mid Itonil—Nu,
\yak 1111} Market street.
(10111 Lever , , full jewelled, IS carrel
N. B. \VILMA)! Krirmourt, having had
a long experience in Paints, Oils, &c.; be
ing a practical House nod Sign Painter,
will give all information, respecting mix
ing Paints, are.. gratis. Country Mer
chants and others supplied on moderate
Lepinrs. jewelled, 12 00
Oct. 29, 1847.-1 v
QuArticr M'atches, splendid
140 00
do. 1,25 to 30 00
ras^. Fuld dial
Levers, fill jewelled,
quality. 8 00
SO, Or imitationQUllTfierS, "'" 5 00
venni' hand Gold and SPIreT Watch-
nt all priers, from
(irk! Penriln,
hold Bracelelo, with Copan and other
3 OA
Pure Silver 'renvpoonti, 4 50
Din mond point Gold Pens, with pen
cil and solid silver holders, only 1 25
Cold chains, breast-pins, finger-rings, ear
rings and Jewelry of every description, at
the lowest Philadelphia or N. York prices;
gold and silver Levers, Lepines, and Quar
tier watches, still much cheaper than the
above prices. A call will be sufficient to
convince purchasers that this is the place
to get good and cheap articles. All goods
warranted to be what they arc sold for.
Orders from the country punctually attend
ed to. Old Cold and Silver bought for
cash, or taken in exchange. All kinds of
watches repaired and warranted to keep
correct time.
N. B. I have a splendid gold independ
ent seconds watch for timing horses. Also.
Gilt and Galvanized Watches, for traders'
use, and goods of all kinds in my line, at
Watch, Clock, and Jewelry Store, No. 413 i
Market St., above 11th, north side, l'hila.
Philadelphia, Aug. 6,1847.-7 m
Mover's; First Premium
Silver Medal just awarded by the American Insti•
. tuts, New York, 1847.
VI gilt: following testimony front distinguished
• Institutions spealis for itself
University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, May 11, 1511.5
Having tried, for some tune, the Black Ink
manufactured by Mr. Joseph E. Hover, we have
found it well suited for manuscript, by its running
freely, and its exemption from coagulation. Its
shade also we ale well pleased with.
W. E. lIORNER, Dean of the Faculty.
SAMUEL B. WYLIE, Vice Provost.
HENRY REED, Sec'ry of the Faculty.
ROSWELL PARKE, Prof. Natural Phi
losopy and Chemistry.
W. W. GERHARD, Lecturer,
We fully concur in the above--
S. G. MORTON, Dean of the Faculty of
Pennsylvania Medical College.
A. D. BACHE. Principal,
H. M'MURTRIFI, Prof. of Anatomy in
Central High School.
F. FRALEY, Secretary of the American
Fire Insurance Company.
J. D. GEORGE, l'hil. Custom House.
/rover's adanaasetine Cemenl
For sale, wholesale and retail, at the Manufac
tory, No. Si, North Third street, opposite Cherry
street, Philadelphia, by
JOSEPH E. HONER, Manufacturer.
ID - For sale in Gettysburg at the Book and Sta
tionery ,tore of S. H.
Nov. 12, 1817-251 n.
Allegheny House •
_ THE subscriber (late of the
Washington lintel, Harrisburg, Pa.) takes
this method of informing his old friends
and the public generally that he has taken
the above named HOTEL. The house
is airy and comfortable, and has been ex
tensively altered and improved, and the
proprietor hopes by strict attention to bus
iness, and a proper care for the comfort of
his guests, to merit and receive a share of
public patronage. The House is situated
very convenient for the Travelling Public,
being only two doors above the Harris
burg and Pittsburg Depot, and within two
minutes walk of the Baltimore and Read
ing Depots. Stabling attached to the pre
mises. Terms $1 per day.
E. P. HUGHES, Proprietor.
Sept. 3, 1847.—tf.
Watches, Jewelry, &c
ATC HES, Jewelry it Silver Ware
W may he had wholesale and retail,
guarantied better for the price than at any
other store in Philadelphia, at (late Nicho
las Le !fumy's) N 0.72 North 2nd street,
above Arch, Philadelphia.
W ITCHES, all kinds, fine, medi
um and low qualities, among which are
Gold Levers, full Jewelled, *4O to #lOO
Lepines 25 to 40
Quurtiers Imitation, 6
:Silver Levey:. full Jewelled, 20 to 30
Lepine •• 12 to 18
Q outliers fine 9 to 10
JEWELRY, Diamonds, Gold Chains,
Cold Pens with Gold & Silver Holders,
Pencils, Breastpins, Ear and Finger Rings,
Bracelets, Cameos of Shell, Coral and La
va, with every other article of Jewelry of
the richest and most fashionable patterns.
SILVER WARE,PIate, Forks, Spoons,
Cups, &c., of standard Slyer.
PLATED WARE, Castors, Cake Bas
kets, Fans, Vases, Card Cases l and other
Rich Fancy Goods in great variety.
Wholesale Buyers will save money by
calling here before purchasing.
rcplieep this advertisement and call at
No. 72. You will be satisfied the goods
are really cheaper and better than are of
fered in the city. For sale low, a hand
some pair of SHOW CASES, suitable
for Jewelry or Fancy Store, apply as
Sept. 3,1847.—1 y
Cheap,Watehes and Jewelry.
Full Jewelled Gold Le
vera for 4140; war
ranted by • 44
Jacob Ladoi.iul ( s A NI
No. 246 Market street, Phil- •
adelphiu, who
11 . 1 AS constantly on hand a large assort
'', ment of Gold and Silver Watches,
at the following low prices :
Pull Jewelled Gold Levers, ti4o 00
Silver " 20 00
Gold Lepines, Full Jewelled, 30 (10
Silver Lepines, 12 00
Silver Quartiers, 8 00
with a large assortment of Fine Jewelry,
such as Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Breast
Pins, Bracelets. Gold and Silver Pencils,
Gold Chains, &c. Ilas also on hand a Let pit A*
complete assortment of patent and plain J
Watch Glasses, Main Springs, Verges, Di- tiF the very best quality, and different
als and Hands, of every description—in II
.1 flavors, can be had. at all times, at
fact, a complete assortment of Watchma- . WEAVER'S Confectionary in Chambers
ker's tools and Watch materials, to which burg street. Families and Parties will he
he would call the attention of the Country supplied with any desired quantity, at the
Trade. Those wishing anything in the shortest notice. CAKES and CONFEC
above line, will find it to their advantage 'PIONS of all kinds always on hand, and
to call and examine his stock before par- will be furnished to order on reasonable
chasing elsewhere. terms.
Philadelphia, Aug. 6, 1817.—Gin Gettysburg, July 23.—ff
neater in Paints, BrnAhr,l, Glassm,
Varnish, Putty, mut Mixed Paints, of
all colors, at the lawtst rates;
Corner of Franklin and Green etreet,, opro , itr the
Penn'a Asetiar, Baltimore
Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, &c.
THE Subscriber offers
to the trade, or by retail,
a large assortment of the
?t. following articles, being
all of his own importa
tion or manufacture.
1;2 to 25 00
1 75 b 200
Buyers of goods in this line are invited
to examine tl,o assortment, and orders arc
solicited, with the assurance that every ef
fort will be made to give satisfaction and in
sure a continuance of custom.
Gold & Silver Lex er Watches of ordinary quality
Do do - an of superior finish.
Do do an Anchors & Lepines.
Silver double c.isea English and Swiss verge
Watches, xvith light medium and heavy eases.
Gold Jewelry in all varieties, tine and common.
Silver Plated, rind Siker Wares.
Musical BOXCIi, playing '2, 1,6, S and 10 tunes
Gold and silver Spectacles.
Diamond Pointed (;old Pens.
Mantel & Oilier. Clocks. in gilt and other frames
Watchmakers' Tools and Materials of all aorta.
Fancy Articles, Fancy FRDA, Steel Breda, &c.
Having every facility forobtaining goods
on the most advantageous terms, corres
ponding inducements will he offered to pur
chasers. .1011 N C. FARR,
112 Chesnut at. Philadelphia.
July 16, 18.17.-6 m
To Country Merchants and Others
No. 42.6 Market street, above 12th South side
iLIAS now on hand and is constantly
11. receiving a large and well selected
stock of every article in his line, consist
ing in part of Oranges, Lemons, Prunes,
Figs, Dates, Raisons, Grapes, and every
other fruit in season. A. full assortnlent
of Bordeaux and Soft-shelled Almonds,
Filberts, Ground Nuts, Cream Nuts, Eng
lish Walnuts, Cocoa Nuts, &c. His as
sortment of CANDIES are at lower pri
ces than can he bought in the City. He
requests an examination of his stock be
fore purchasing elsewhere, as he offers
goods at a small advance, being anxious
to do business for CASH.
$c Cut out this advertisement and bring
it with you.
Sept. 24, 1847.-3 m
C. HA It KN -
. Establishment.
The most extensive Clothing Warehouse in the
tinned Stater..
100,000 Garments on hand, and ready for dispo
T o patrons we would say, that having
but one price, those who are not
dealers, or do not understand the real val
uation price of goods, will have an oppor
tunity of purchasing garments as low as
professed judges. Jobbers and dealers in
ready-made Clothing, can replenish their
stocks for. the winter, and we.guarantee
the largest establishment in Philadelphia
to select from. We• attend personally to
the packi ng,of goods and see that a as
sortmentgoo4 of sizes and well-made articles
are put up. Single suits forwarded as per
rrOur goods are for sale only at the
large building, 128 Market st. Southeast
corner of Market and Fourth streets, Phil
adelphia. C. lIARKNESS.
Sept. 24, 1847.-3 m
:)ATA.):4- - ikvilliVO:OC:.'iceM
THE undersigned has connected with
his Coachmaking Establishment a
large Smith Shop, and is prepared to do
Ile would say to those who have Horses to
shoe, that he has in his employ first-rate
hands, which, with his personal attention,
will enable him to give entire satisfaction
to all those who may favor him with a call.
(warranted) will be promptly made to or
der at all nines.
kaz•All kinds of REPAIRING done,
both in Wood and Iron, at the most reduc
ed prices.
fr - r Thankful for past encouragement,
the subscriber solicits a continuance of pat
ronage, and invites his friends to call at
his Establishment in west Chambersburg
st., a few doors below Thompson's Hotel.
Gettysburg, October 15, 1847.
ESPECTFIJ LIN informs his friends
11, and the public generally that he has
now on hand a large assortment of TIN
Irdla; of every description, which he
Will sell at moderate prices—all warranted.
Persons wishing to purchase at lOW rates
will do well to call before purchasing else
HOUSE SPOUTING will be made
and put up at 12 cents a foot.
Gettriburg, March 12, 1847.
Compound Medicated Candy.
mit the Cure of Colds, Coughs, Spit
ting of Blood, Bronchetis, Asthma,
Whooping Cough, Pains and Oppressions
of the breast, and all other Pulmonary
complaints, and other diseases which have
a tendency to produce Consumption. It
serves also as an effectual clearer of the
This Candy is entirely a vegetable pre
paration, the principal ingredients being,
Here-hound, Wild Cherry, Sarsaparilla,
Boneset, Elecampane, Liquorice, Flax
seed, Iceland Moss, Prickly Ash, Ate. and
will, if taken in time, relieve the system
from those distressing afflictions that tend
to Consumption.
One great advantage in this valuable
medicine is its cheapness, the public not
being imposed upon by the enormously
high prices which arc generally - exacted
for Patent and other medical Preparations.
Each package contains directions. Call
and try it !
Prepared and sold at the Confection and
Variety store of the Subscriber in West
York street, one square front the Court
house, and next door to Thompson's Ho
tel. It can also be had at the Drug Stores
of S. H. BUEHLER, and S. FolttiEv.
Irr•The subscriber as usual continues
his Bakery, and is prepared to supply
parties at the shortest notice, with choice
cakes, Sze.
.411(1 and all Diseases of the ,Vtonlach and
• Bowls.
DYSPEPSIA, or Indigestion and its
consequences.—An eminent Profes
sor says: "It chiefly arises in persons who
lead either a very sedentary or irregular
life. Although not regarded as a fatal di
sense, yet, if neglected, it may bring on in
curable Melancholy, Jaundice, iMadness,
or Vertigo, Palsy, and Apoplexy. A great
singularity attendant on it is, that it may
and often does continue a great length of
time without any remission of the symp
CAUSES.—Grief and uneasiness of
mind, intense study, profuse evacuations,
excess in venery, excessive use of spir
itous liquors, tea, tobacco, opium and
other narcotics, immoderate repletion, o
ver distention of the stomach, adefi
ciency in the secretion of the bile or
gastric juice, exposure to cold and damp
air, are the chief causes of this disease.
SY MIPICIMS.—Loss of appetite, nau
sea, heart-burn, acidity and fouid eructa
tions, gnawing of the stomach when emp
ty, uneasiness in the throat, pain in the
side, costiimness, chilliness, langa?r, low
ness of spirits, palpitations, and disturbed
a radical cure for this disease. • - -
Principal Office, No. 77 N. Eighth et.,
east side, Philadelphia. -For sahr-io Get
tysburg by 8. S. FORNEY.
July 80, 1847.-ly
To Farmers and Lime Burners.
%TOME is hereby given that - It:COB
H. BOWER, of Juniata county, Pa.
has recently invented and procured Letters
Patent for an improvement in the construe
lion of Lime Kilns, to which the attention
of Farmers and Lime Burners is respect
fully requested. A Kiln can be construct
ed according to this patent, to yield one'
thousand buthels of Lime for 'about twen
ty dollars, and larger kilns can be built at
the rate of six dollars per arch. Kilns can
be made any size to suit the convenience
of persons. The system has been well
tested, and has proved to tieirastly Supe
rior to any system ever tried, es kilns cam
be built (or one-half the cost formerly at
tending their construetion.
The subscriber is duly authorized a
gent to dispose of FARM RIGHTS, in
Juniata, Adams, Franklin, Union and Bed
ford counties, and to furnish Letters Pat
ent, Schedule, Drawing and Deed for the
same. Any person wishing further infor
mation, or to procure a farm right in eith
er of the above counties, can do so by en
closing $5 in a letter, or by personal appli
cation to DAVID KEPNER,
WALIITIT P. O. Juniata county, Pa.
Sept. 24, 1847.--Orn
Dr. C. W. .fippletaa's Celebrated Remedy
imAINS in, and discharge of matter from, the
‘46". ear, together with all other unpleasant syrnp
torn*, which either accompany or announce ap
proaching Deafness. This invaluable medicine is
the result of a long and faithfully pursued course
of experiments instituted with the sole view to
discover (if possible) a certain, and. at the same
time, a Inge- remedy for this dreadfully afflicting
disorder, and after being extensively used in the
private practice of the subscriber during the last
eight years, in very numerous cases with the most
remarkable success, is now offered to the public,
for the benefit of those who, from distance or other
causes, cannot have the personal attention of the
proprietor, in the fullest confidence of its efficacy,
and in the firm belief that it will not disappoint
the expectations of those who may haveoccosion
for its use ; in short, that it is the most VALUA
BLE article ever offered to the public for this di
crj-Forsale in Gettysburg by S. IL BUEHLER,
in Abbottstown by Wm. BITTING ER, in Oxford
byLiLLY & BILLY, and in Franklin township by
THOMAS. J. COOPY.R. [Aug. 6,18.17—1 y
Dr. Cullen7s
UNMAN Vegetable Piles Remedy, 19 a domes
tic preparation, which has been used with en
tire success for many years. Being an internal
medicine, it has a decided preference over outward
applications, which are but palliatives and not cu
ratives. This medicine acts upon the dibeiued
parts, producing healthy action and a permanent
I.o'So ‘vliolesale and retail, by Row Arn
War.-rox, Proprietors, :lin Market street, Phila.,
and by S. 11. BUEHLER, Gettysburg; Wm. Bit.-
tinge;, Abbottstown ; Lilley & Riley, Oxford, and
T. J. Cooper, Franklin tp. [Aug.
Dr. Culien's Indian Vegetable Spreffie
For Female Complaints.
Q{piHlS medicice is fast taking thu place of eve
-6-119 ry preparation heretofore used for diseases
arising from Weakness or other causes. All that
is necessary to secure this medicine a place in the
Domesti: Practice of every family, when such a
medicine is needed; is a trial. It speaks for itself
Is innocent in its operation, and nu injury can a
rise from its use at any time.
11, - rFor sale, wholesale and retail, by Row ANI,
& WALTON, ProptictorN,37ll Market St. Phila. and
by S. H. BUEHLER, thitty.burg ; Wm. Bittinger,
Abbottstown ; Lilly Ai Riley. Oxford, and by T. J.
Cooper, Franklin tp. [Aug. 0, '47—ly
RUPP TREES, of all kinds, (grafted
j a: in the rout,) call be had of the sub
scriber on reasonable terms. Please call
and judge for yourselves.
C. W. 110FTMAN.
StanAm' s Ext( mnat Remedy,
TrS now universally acknowledged to Isc the
i s A INFALLIBLE REMEDY for Rheumatism,
spinal afTections, contractions or the muscles. Sore
throat and quinsy, issues, old ulcers, pains in the
back and chest, ague in the breast and fare, tooth
ache, amain', bruises, salt rheum, burns, croup.
frosted Met, and all nervous diseases. 'fir e
phmrt 511 Cf f.' , N which has attended the application
of this most womb-, fur medicine in curing the most
severe cases of the different disensr+aborenamed,
and the high enconiams that have been bestowed
upon it, wherever it has been introduced, gives
me the right to call on theof/tie red to resort at
once to the may remedy that can be relied on.
The following certificate of the restoration to
health and the perfect cure of a deformed and
crippled child, who tvas thought mire beyond the
reach of hope, shows that, no matter row ap;rlliug
the case may be, there is a remedy in Ilunt's Lin
iment, that will conquer the most desperate ca
ses ; and that, if the disease is curable, this cele
brated external remedy will do it. It has never
failed in giving immediate relief when timely ap-
Plied,M , proved by the abundance of high and 1111-
itnpeachable testimony, the particulars of which
are to be found in the pamphlets which are to be
bad of every agent.
OSSIDS tog, June M. 1 u 15.
G. E. Stanton, Esq.—Sir: I feel called upon by
the tic of gratitude to offer the following testimin
ny in favor of your External Remedy, Hunt's Lin
iment. 'My grandson, Clark E. Evans, who is
now ten years of age, has been tar the last eight
years a cripple, caused by falling from a chair
when he was two years old, and wrerwhing his
spine. From the time of the occurrence we have
tried every means to restore Mtn to his natural
shape, but all without avail. We took him to N.
York, and placed him under the cam of
,a physi•
cial of skill, and, after remaining there for some
time, we brought Min Ironic no better than when
we took him there. For several days at a time
he wag so helpless that he could only walk by
placing his hands upon his knees for simport,giv•
ing hint the appearance of a deformed hunchback.
Ile was also taken to Newburg and prescribed for
without any better stalceSs. At tines he would be
strong enough to go out of doors, but atter play
ing an hour, would come in perfectly exhausted,
and for several days after would be again perfect.
ly helpless. We had lost all hope of seeing him
restored to his natural shape or strength ; but it
kind Providence placed your External Remedy in
my hands. I have used but tour bottles. and am
rejoiced to say that the boy is now as straight as
any boy of his age. Any of my neighbors will
testify to the truth of this statement. I take sin
cere pleasure in stating these facts for the benefit
of others suffering under a like calamity. Yntir's
respectfully, . RACHAEL SHUTE.
This is to certify that I am personally acquaint
ed with Mr.. Shute, as well as the boy alluded to,
and frankly bear witness to the deformity with
which he was seriously afflicted, apparetdlY for
life, Dated Sing Sint, Julie 0. 1845.
HENRY HARRIS, Justice of.the Peace.
This Liniment is sold at 25 and 50 cents per
bottle by all the principal Druggists and March
Orders addressed to me at Sing Sing, N
be atteaded Ip, G E STANTON, Proprietor.
WholeseiT Agentr—Hoadly, Phelps & Co 142
Water.street, Rushton & Co 110 Broadway, A B
& D Srinds,earner Fulton and William, A Binomial
86 William street, Nno York;. Cuthbert & Wear.
erill 78 South Second. Pkilede/pkia.
AGENTS.--Samuel H. Buehler & S.
S. Forney,Gettyabterg; Abraham -King,
Hunierstown; E. 'Luck, Pinetown ; Ja
cob Hollinger, !Millersburg ; Hollinger&
Ferree, Petersburg,' Y. Sj Jacob Aula
baugh,/lampton; Geo. S.Bentzeli and 1.
S. Hildebrand & Co., East
Nov._ 5,_1847..... • [Dec. 2-Iyl_
Protection-44'181.11st' Loss by
Fp HE "Cumberland Valley Mutual Protektion
Company," being incorporated by an Actol
.the Legislature. and fully organized, and in opera
Lion' under the direction of the following Hoard et
Managers, via : 1' Miller, James Weakly, 1) W
M'Cullough,l,o2r Miller, T A lil'Kinley, Philip
!I/angler, Saffi Galbraith, Samuel Tritt,
(Adams,) Jobs Zug, :Samuel Huston, .1
Green, J Bear—call the attention of the inhabit
ants of Cumberland and 'Adams counties to the
cheapness of the rates, and the many advantages
Which this kind of insurance has over any other.
Ist, Every person insured becomes a member
of the company sod takes part in the selection of
officers and the direction of its concerns.
2d. For insurance no-more is-demanded than is
necessary to meet the expenses , of the Company,
and Indemnity against losses which may happen.
3d. The inconvenience of frequent renewals is
iniaring for term of Gveyears.
4th. Any person applying for insurance must
give his premium note for the cheapest chum at
the rate of five Fir cent., which will be $3O en the
1000, for which he will have to pay.s2-30 furtive
years and $1 30 for survey and poliey.and on
MN% unless lose be sustained to a greater *mount
than the funds on band will cover, and then no
more than e pro rate share. These rates ere
much cheapir than those of other companies, ex
cept such as are incorporated on the same princi
dles. T. C. MILLER, President.
A. G. MILLI*. Seenetary
ID•The following named persons hate been ap
pointed ..dgents for Adams County :—Wm W Pax
ton, Esq. General Agent for Adams county; J A
Thompson and D Ziegler, Gettysburg; Dr. Wm
R Stewart, Petersburg; Henry Myers, New Ches
ter; Henry Mayer, Abbottstown ' • Daniel Com
fort, Straban township ; Abraham King, Hunters
town; David Blythe, Fairfield; T T Wierman,
Arendtsville; Wm Morrison and Abel T Wright
Bendersville; Dr. D Mellinger, East Berlin; Alirn
Scott, Ceslitown.
Sept. 13, 15413.—ti
The Daily National Whig
City of Washington, at 8 o'clock, P. Al:
Sundays excepted—and served to subscribers in
the City; at the Navy Yard in Georgetown; in
Alexandria and Baltimore on the same evening,
at 6 cents a week, payable to the sole Agent of
the Whig, G. L. Gillchres, Esq., or his order. It
is also mailed to any part of the U. States for $4
per annum, or for six months, payable in ad.
vance. Advertisements of ten lines or less in-
serted one time for 50 cents ; two times for 75
cents; three times $1; one week for f t 75, two
weeks for ;275 ; one month $4; two months $7;
three months $10; six months $l7 one year $3O
—payable always in advavce.
THE NATIONAL. WHIG is what its name
indicates. It speaks the sentiments of the Whig
party of the Union on every question of public
policy. It advocates the election to the Presi•
dency of ZACHARY TAYLOR, subject to the deci
sion of the Whig National Convention. It makes
war to the knife upon all the measures and acts
of the Administration deemed to be adverse to
the interests of the count ry, and exposes without
fear or favor the corruptions of the party in pow
er. Its coluirms are open to every man in the
country for the discussion of political or any oth
er questions.
In addition to politics, a large portion of the
National Whig will be devoted to publications
upon Agriculture, Mechanic and other useful
arts, Science in general, Law, Medicine, Statot
ics, &c. Choice specimens of American and Fo
reign Literature will also be given, including
Reviews, &c. A weekly list of the Patents is
sued by the Patent Office will likewise be pub
lished—the whole forming a complete family
one of the largest newspapers in the U. Slates, is
now made up from the columns of the Daily Na
tional Whig, and is published every Saturday for
the low price of $2 per annum, payable in ad.
vance. A double sheet of eight pages will. be
given whenever the press of matter shall justify
it. The memoirs of Gen. Taylor, written cx.
pronely for the National Whig are in course of
publication. They commenced with the second
number, a large number of copies of which have
been printed, to supply calls for back numbers,
Proprietor of National Whig.
Washington, Oct. 22, 1847.-0 m ($8)
&c., of best quality, can always be had at
the Faacy Store of C. wEAVER.
April 10, 1810.
Dforr Is tri reltillorg fo !hr rjficory of
c„„ lpmin d S . i/rup of Tar (S• H Napth
tha, t h e BEST REM fir of the day
for CONSUMPTION, dsthma,
Coughs, Colds, Liver Com
plaint, 4.c., 4.r.
F.A I) the tollowing from Mr. Sharp, a well
041. 2 " known and highly repectable citizen of the
Northern Liberties, Phil adel 'Alia County. Thi s i s
one of the most astonishing cures on record, and,
i: will be scour, is attested by the Rev. Mr. STRUT,
and by other citizett,..d . that district
PHI 11.1 luBLPIII A Al7o UST 11, 1847.
Near the close of the year h. 15, I had an attack
of the Pleurisy and while recovering from it; I
took a snare cold. Sly condition boon became
alarming and I grew gradually worse and Worse.
The symptoms manifested by my disease were
those ordinarily found in pulmonary affections--
but mine were of an exceedingly aggravated char
acter. For a long period 1 expectorated a great ;
quantity of matter, which appeared a mixture of •
pus and blood—at times it seemed as if 1 was dis
charging the very substance of the Lungs. My
voice was gone so as to be unable to utter a
. few
words without great difficulty, and I experienced
a thousand othees painful sensations that cannot
be told. One of the most unpleasant attendants
of my disease were chilling sweats. The cold
perspiration ran from me continually, not only at
night, but also during the day so as to keep my
cloths at all times continually wet.
I employed every means of cure I could hear,
and was attended by several eminent and skillful
Physicians. But the obstinacy of my disease
battled all their, e ff orts. They indeed raised me
front my bed. but they also pronounced me inctM•
able. The last Physician attending me, told me
at one time, that I had but a few days to live—at
another time I might linger on a hew weeks or
months, but that it was utterly impossible that I
could get well, or ever be able to attend to my
Thos. stills no prospect of recovery I
lingered on during the greater part of the year
IS-Ill—for three months of which period my
friends sat up with lite, expecting every night to
see my stabilities end in death.
But last fall, a lady residing in Southwark, wbo
had been cured of somewhat similar sutl*erings by
"Thompson's Compound Syrup tit Tar and Naph
tha," came and urged upon me a trial of it.
most despairing of any relief, anda ith no hope of
recovery, 1 comtnenced its nue. Imagine then
my satisfaction in being able to stale that I am
NOW WELL! end I attribute my restorationen
tirely to the wonderful efficacy of the above medi
cine. From the time I commenced its use;the
disease began to yield its hold upon me, and by
steady perseveranee'in its employment I may say
it has raised me troin the grave. All unplttasaat
symptoms have vanished and I have for several
months attended to my business as formerly, and
(except some less degree of strength than tout*
posseiried,) as well as ever. •
. People come . from various places to see me, in.
gulling for the men cured of Consumption I Thaw
who shave known me and are well acquainted with
my llng continued atilictions,stop with astonish
ment when they Meet mc, at seeing tbe Wonderful
change wrought by the use of the above medicine.
No. S Charlotte et., Philadelphia.
The undersigned, friends of Mr. W. W.deharp,
arelaMitar with - his ease and saffetinge,and testi
fy that the !statements are time. •
John Street, Missionary, No. 113 York Road.
Thomas Street, N,o. 108 North , Second street.
Addison Hines. Grocer. No. 24 Brown street.
Jacob Knows, No. Ult. Nowt h Fosirth street.
.-Ctorret-Vonsorth-N0..141-lio . stk.Sesooll-dreet...
tcn , This invaluable remedy ts prepared only by
Angney k Dickson, N. E. Conner of Fifth ind
Sprott streets., Philadelphia, end cite be had of the
following Agents :
' _ S. S: Roney, flettiiburg.
R. Angney, Carlisle.
D. P. Lange, Hanover.
nut by respectable Druggists genevelly.
Nice 34; cents, Of $l.OO pyr bottle. 'Beaune!
October 15, 1047. [Apia 30, 1817.—ty]
Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Bron
chitis, Selina, Croup, Ifihooping
Cough, Spitting of Blood, Sore
7'hroat, Pains and Oppres
sions of the Breast,Dif
ficulty of Breathing,
and all other di-; ,
senses of the
TIP the most EFFECTUAL Remedy hitbei kr
offered to tie public for the CURE of the
above compleints, ileitis free -from all deleteri
ous and summating Drug., it may be taken by
the most delicate person, or given to the infant at
the breast, without fete of any naplemant-elless
being produced by its use. There is another su
periority which ROSS' EXPECTORANT has
over every other preparation, sad that is, if is At
most pleasant
g 7 Rend the following Certifrott ilea) Mr. T.
S. Allen, a gentleman well known in ibis City,
who was cured by the use of two bola*: of the Ex
pectorant, after every thine else bad failed to %Il
ford any relief. This is hut one of a number of
which the proprietor has in hi's possession, all of
which, in due time, will be laid before the puWie.
BALTIMONS, Aril 3, 1.347.
Mr. JAL F. ROW...Deal , Sir : About four weeks
ago I caught a severe cold which fell upon my
breast, accompanied with pains in my side and a
dry hacking cough. I commenced tildes a syr
up that was recommended to me, but from which
I derived not the least benefit. I then commenc
ed thinking freely of composition tea, but with
the same result; in fact, my cough was getting
worse, and I became so hoarse that it was with
difficulty I could speak above a whisper. At
your request, I was induced to try your Expecto
rant, and I am happy to inform you I ou entire
ly cured by tho use of two bottles.
I remain, very respectfully. yours,&c. '
I'. S. ALL.KN , No. 5 Fayette st.
ItrCAUTION!—In consequence of the many
preparations now before the public under dile
names of "Extracts," "Balsams," "Syrups,',' Arc.
and even of a similar name, the proprietor deems
it necessary to cnutio❑ the afflicted against Coun
terfeits. Each bottle of the genuine. bas the
words " Ruse' E pc, ot a nt— Improved--Ba bloom
Md." blown in the glass ; the initials "J. F. B."
in connected rupitals stamped on the seal, and
my noittro signature on the wrapper, without
which it cannot be genuine.
Lr Price, 50 cents per bottle, and the money to
be refunded if a erne be lot effected, when taken
according to directions! Prepared only by
J. F. ROSS, Druggist, Baltimore.
For sale by the following Agoras:—
Samelelll. Buehler, Gettysburg.
Geo. fr. Heagy, Fairfield.
Thu. M. KeMerrell, Petersburg.
Nov. 12,18.17. [May 28,1547- 7 ly
Jr MON DS, &c., of the best quality
to be had at thclkonfeetionary of
Is publiehrd every Friday Ereoivg,io th.
C'ounly Building, above the Begiaq
and I?ecorder'e 04fice. kft,
Ty paid in advance or itbid the year, $2 ver,
annum—il not paid within the year. *2 tiO. AO.
groper di,colitinued until all urresrnges arc Rale,
except at the option of the Editor. Single capita
11 cents. A failure to kiotily a dkcotithau rine*
will he regarded us a new engogevient
.thleertisrinrutir not OX ,;(011111g a r cpiorc jo ci to
three times for $1 —c‘ er) sub:4g nem iobertitgi
ii cunt ii. Longer ones in the Plilpe propel' ii rm ,
All advertiEernent6 not i•pcciolly nideiedror
in time, will be lointinued until toibitl. A liberal
reduction will be made tollime wkio rjr4.4ii", 1
the year,
Job Printing, of ull kinilti executed neptly esti
promptly, and on reummutile teinns.
/Arias and Counnurtir•uliona to the Editor, (ex
cepting such us contain :Money or the names 0(
new HilveriberF,) inui , t cosi rAlpoil pact 19
.ccutc iittentiun