Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, December 17, 1847, Image 2

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    b TA [Pi'. IN :IT:11 .
by imspirinz., - yen In rubor-, king The to ception of Gen, TA‘ Lon
.bud whether or no you h.,se metal 'mou t h fis! in Neu' Oilcan.; WI . Friday week N yas a
your composition to be aspirlt , •:. I knots' nn; et. !great :Intl plifrion.:, and inust hate
Rom your writings, I 5h , 51 , 13,1, , ,c
r t au ItSvt•tuft:-,teen a ~ r ;fraud:Tr if ever
cleat to he nialevoleat, tfic, show yoo ,),
to Spitit with the veriest Is 1 , 1.1 t W01111" S t lit: heart of N" . (Heim ,
all who. using the right, tjl l priSt , tris 0f.17C4t)'1,•;,. (io,lys the Mercury of th a t c i ty ) w as 1„ ) ,, 1
would frown upon west they neliese to .he cocr. I na g s s ith exultation ;It his fillproaeli, ;rod
clout and tyranny. There iv, however, some ea rh ind a s t i c th„ o l cunhe she. gave
ruse for you, inasintieh contemplated our I him. It was a . , t „ it cp ion su ch a s a great
actions 111 ' 1 ' 0 the "'e"'ofproiudi, e,wh'elt con; I and free people alone could give, grand and
andJr;ncctn:te r ,
impreimg, witlimit pomp or show, and
mutt transformed even'
ye -ter la:nest •
in itii.4l; into aspirit of rebellion. spertful. without formality'. 'she .srCjil`
Again. ..And it was in the ic.irercise of this eon. which presented itself when the :11:try
*Motional prerupitise . that iercalled the attention K ingsland iicarril the city was affecting from
of the Whig's of the comity to the reprcht•iisible I its sublimity. Along the shores of the
co.iree pursued by p ,sfeWines, (to rie- •• ) ) . .
e teat the Whig candidate forSeirator.)ii, order that ' I I I ' 'us f
'" tic
streamers floated on the breeze front
V. 14 puerility. of their etlart= on lin: occa:im: might gay'
la salutary ,ff eet ups , ' ,ti g h t ships of every nation, and the wilier of the
, in ,„
personal ol l iections to the candidates, and to in. , river way tossed loam front Lafayette to
ant* them to aaeritlee a little. rather than that the the furthest extremity of the city by the. in
interettot pithy PotlY 511 ,, tt1d be itkint!"!". l Y numerable stcandma . ts which were then
ed.', Jot call attention to the reprehensible course
"Cae l'n'!;''led Whig'
1 . 0r 00(4
running in every direction. The ship
moult .. ).
whin you J,)jr;„ in .Anterica, which had moved immediately
I mesh k, watch ~,,,i . the 11 ,, A; „,,, 1 cr) .. ) 1,„, when' after the Mary Kingsland in the aquatic
joss aurae o f d anger ! g,t,e you the moi l ,. ! procession, floated slowly down the river.
OU.llt power of I incoleatite; doe- ; and the music which was borne to the ear
trines .10 have it salutary elks t upon those having ;
fruit the deck of every steamboat was oe.
slight personal objections t o the candidate:, and
switall un y Kart
I " I the loud boom of
I) indium them to sacrifice a little, rather then a
that '
ths interests of the p arty should be injuriously af. 1 the cannon and the wild shoots from the
kria,„ an I ;it . I shore. 'rile streets, hold.d.-tops, and the
tack you made! Idle mint hhalio, conclusion to! decks and yards of every vessel within
arise fit from your original the sight were darkened with human forms,
Eleetionhod b . eetr gone thr!'nfth with,ymldrnouu-i and high above the mass of heads rose the
r ed its as divhemorable, treacherous and selfish.— -
When reprinienaed, by
you triumphal arch in the Place A runes, with
intended a salutary dices urn those having dicta • thin s""be""ls pitying on ale words " Wel"
personal -objeetions to the candidates, and an in-j Conic " :Old "INC11:1 VIStl, " which were
ducement for them t, sat rill:, a Mile rather than inscribed in letters of gold.
that the interests of the party should by injurious. I When Gen. Taylor landed, the cheers
of feted. Now, in the mote of all the -saints! c •
which peal e d from tut ass: inorau toofisands .
in the ealender, - how void.l a .inrintoro effect be j
produoisl. or an inducement to Ft icrifice he taken ! ‘, vere eleetril Y m g , " 11 ; 1 the Ce"1"lt"e of
alrantage of, when )'our roe;hnl,uy c 0,,,k, d i d Arrangements, who had flattered them
toitissue until n forr those slight personal objections selves that they could WONT in procession
had been carried to the ballot-box ! In verity, sir I ;liter the Cileiteral, were scatted in it !no
"Whig," you are one °ldle-John Donkeys," ment among the crowd, who evinced the
must get rid of wisdom or burst ! I wonder sou the great( st anxiety to touch the old hero's
did not publish the Riot Act! The truth is, you ,
clothes, of eVell to see him. There was
supposed us, and to wrote 11,1
Again: "Perhaps he f.rgot. when po , iring, out welcome beaming in every face that look
the vials of his wrath, that while the Constitution cd upon kiln, and he was conducted to the
grunts tlie right or prkilege of voting :is' triumphal arch, where. lie was met by the
aeemeth most meet to hint. it also extends to us Mayor, amid acclamations which were ac
-constitutionsl prero 4 ative of freed :al of speech." .
wally deafening.
A-pretty- constitutional prerogative, indeed. that,
grants a rich!, and proves to c.,ndrimu that right, at
. the same time! There is no such blunder in the
spitit of that instrument. What ! allow men the
tight of voting accenting to their pleasure and o.
pinion, and, at the same time, empower others to
condemn them for so 110111.7! It is an absurdity,
and 'mu true and honest ‘Vhig tvill endorse it."
Again: "The tenor of his whole article shows
conclusively that, with hint, the principles of the,
party are bubordinate to private pnjudiee—that it '
is no longer measures lie mieocates, but men—
that it is no hunger a question involving the great
interests of the country, resulting from a course of
policy, which. as Whigs, w o believe efficient and
beneficial—but of auhsenienry to that intolerant
spirit," Ate. Ilere is Is6tifiration with a sen
grafter.. But, apart from that, such dogmas may
do for those who choose to look upon potty an an
absolute master; but they will not do for those
who recognize and adopt only such measures as ;
are founded in honesty of purpose, and who bow
only to obligations imposed by upright public ex-
pees/it'll. An eternal parade anti boasting of what !
the York Springs district has ever done, seems
pleasing to you. If they are the devoted Whigs
you Will have them, what snore than their "hey did
they ever do by battling (or their principles I And
when Aug is performed, is a boast and show to be:
loads of it ! Yet, it seems a din and clash arc f
ever, to be sounded in our ear about their Herm.;
lanean efforts. A look at the reconlsWthlld
other districts to have achieved Mid as much, and
nothing-laid in boast thereof.
And now, Whigs of Adams: not !•in the lan
guage of Webster," but in our own humble man
ner, Inc say—let principles, with you, be paramount
to every other consideration. Let them be feared
. round by habitual reverence. I,:t them he the
sole objects of your political worship. Let no en
cumbering hand attempt to crush them. View
them as the light whose beams brought Freedom
to an enslaved land—the light of Reason: that
light which taught our Fathers to demand and
,procure a title under which a Government sprung
up, at the contemplation of whose institutions the
bosom every patriot warrn--.a Government that
dreams riot of tyranny—interferes with no ono's
opinion—and, a bile i t vp: colt Its sheltering wings!
over all, grants freedom in opinion, frectioin in etc
tion., and challenges any to ••molest or make a- •
fraid. " And remember, fellow-Whigs, that he
who clamors most about principle, and seems
most concerned fee the ttdear people," is the one—
as all history has shown—readiest to become a
erpury ore Calultut.
Dec. 0, 1817,
SNARE.-A remarkable and much lamented
deutli.took'plaee in New York on Friday
night. Dr. Arnold F. Wainwright, one
ol our most respect physicians, died about
midnight. from the effects of a bite on one
of his fingers, received from a rattlesnake
in 'the early part of the day. The reptile
had on the same morning been received by
the Doctor from a country friend; he let it
out upon the door, and in attemptimt to re
turn it to the box, received a bite—the blood
spiittine from the wound several feet.—
Cuuterisin was immediately resorted to,
but in vain. The deadly venom of the
serpent ran through his system with unal
layable virulence, and death soon ensued,
in spite of the best services of his best pro
fessional brethren. The melancholy event
has produced an intense sensation.
A glance at the report of the Postmaster
General gives the following interesting re
sults under the reform postage bill :
l'oel Routes, 153,141.8
Mails transported, miles per annum, 38.887,899
Cos of transportation, *M06.848
Increase of mail routes last year, 9,878
Additional cost of transportation, $ . 42,043
Number of Postmasters changed, 3,430
. . .
Letteto per annum, 52,178,480
Newspapers, 55,000,000
Free Letters, . 5,000,000
Delia Lettere. . 1,800,000
Pamphtets, .
Letter Postage Receipts, $3.254,512
E Mire Postage', *3,945,893
Entire Excess this year Orel last, $458,693
E vies, of Letter Postage, $553,479
Entire elpenses of the year, $3,979,570
Deficiency of whole year only, $33,677
Receipts in the department for 2 years, $7,300,000
Delinquencies in two years, $21,948
Delinquent's 154. out of 15,146 postmasters.
Estimated receipts for next year $4,000,-
200, including $258, 000 fur steamers.—
The Postmaster Ceneral glories much o
-r the success of the reform of the law of
A 845,t0 which lie was personally opposed, .
and which he did in all in his power to de-I
feat. hi reference to all this, however, lie
is very thy,' but tells the world that the'
frientlii (tithe cheap postage system have
had their efpectatioms more than realized.
One 'of the ideas draft 0 out of the Post- ,
msetor 1 14.0erarti Report, and originating!
no doubt with hint, as no one else could have
iilVrnte.4 !nett an absurdity, proposes to
tax 11M1'Ap3i)ert, aecording Iv weight.
He also recommends that the weight of,
single letters he reduced ;.o one third in-1
m e a n t 0,1" one hall an otthcr ; *and that in all!
eases when the postage is not pre-paid,'
Oat doable prettlitc 18 - ‘ required. An abo- I
I, non or motitticallOii of the franking privi- i
lee,e is prop rly rionitaeutled.
A Jt sr VmuneT.—lsaac Bacon has ob.
:"V'Jtiii, ' Itt, i IM 4 Y.-‘l‘' ek'untv• (use oftallied a verdict against the city of Boston
fi,n. damages to that amount of $1, 8 87 50;
C ' it°".""""lvr t"4 " . be losing broken his ankle by stepping
" e`l44ru" mu-." " I ' 144" Pr""ut •11 the sidew„lk left for the ad
th .111.1 ttre court- into lo
44104... y 4 66* • • t
k 7..;kte-m• tuisstun of tg o •
In reply to the address of the Mayor the
General briefly responded thus :
"Mr. MAYOR : The welcome which I
meet this day from the people of New Or
leans, announced by you, their honored
representative, overwhelms me with feel
ings which no words can express.
"Von have been pleased to qualify with
terms of the highest approbation the servi
ces of the army which I have had the hon
or to command in Mexico. Could those
brave officers and soldiers whose gallantry
achieved the success to which you refer be
present on this occasion, and witness the
grand outpouring of gratitude which their
devotion elicited, the measure of my satis
faction would be complete. For them and
for myself I thank from my heart the peo
ple of New Orleans, and accept Mr. May
or, the offer of their hospitality."
This simple but interesting formality
over, Gen. TAY Lon proceeded to the Cathe
dral, where Bishop BLANC addressed him
briefly and appropriately, during Which he;
alluded to the humanity as well as the glo
ry with which the old hero conducted the
war, and concluded by expressing a hope
of a speedy and honorable peace, to which
Gen. Taylor feelingly replied, and warmly
responded to the earnest aspirations of the
bishop that a peace might be speedily se
cured. When Gen. Taylor appeared a-1
gain before the people, he was mounted on;
his famous charger "Old Whitey." The'
excitement at this stage of the proceedings
was intense, and the cheers almost amount-'
ed phrenzied enthusiasm.
Arrived at the St. Charles, Gen. Tay
lor stood on the colon - ride and the whole
procession passed before him. The order
of rank and file was forgotten, and citi
zens and soldiers were mingled in the
crowd, who cheered hint as they passed.—
It would require the pencil of a Vandyke
to portray the changing aspect of the old
man's face, as with cap in hand he witness
ed this closing scene in the great drama
of the day.
The vest extent of the St. Charles sud
denly became one blaze of light about 6 o'-
clock in the evening, and the streets lead
ing to it were densely crowded by persons
of every condition in society. Between
the pillars of the colonade in front orthe
building were suspended large variegated
lanterns under chaplets of live oak. In
front of the ladies' parlor was a large trans
parency of the General, in the old brown
coat, with the motto, "A little more grape,
Capt. Ilra!tg !" In front of the gentlemen's
parlor was another transparency of the
General, with the words, "•I have no rein
forcements to give yon, hut Major Bliss
and I will support you!" In various parts
of the building there were other appropri
ate transparencies and devices, adding
much to the general effect. The Orleans
Theatre, and some of the buildings adjoin- 1
ing and opposite were illuminated.
About 7 o'clock the Mayor conducted
General Taylor into the dining room foi
-1 lowed by his staff, Governor Johnson and
suite, officers of the unity, and other invit
ed guests.
After the cloth was removed regular
toasts were given. The third in order
was "Major General Zachary Taylor," to
which the old soldier responded in an ap
propriate and characteristic speech, and
concluded by otkring the following;
"Tut: Crrizt:Ns OF New OttLgAss
Unsurpassed Inc intelligence, patriotism,
and enterprise of every kind."
From the dinner table the General and
suite visited the Theatres, where it is need
less to say he was received with the most
unequivocal evidences of respect and ad
miration. Altogether, according to the
Mercury. "the weather, the people, the oe
easion, the enthusiasm, and its object, all
considered, it was a glorious day in New
On the next day (the 4th) a splendid
sword presented the General, accom
panied by a speech front Goy. JouNsoN,
to which Gem Taylor replied in a neat ad
On the sth the General left for his home,
accompanied by a tMnitnittee as far as Ba
ton Rouge.
An eminent Doctor of Divinity, residing,
not a hundred co des from New York, and
famous for the originality of his phraseolo
gy, was asleep the other evening in his
chamber, while his wife was mending a
rent in one of his garments. De woke
and asked the lady if she knew why she
was like the devil. "I do not," was her
answer. "Do von give it up ?" "I do,
certainly !" uilecause," said the Doctor,
"while men slept the enemy sowed tares."'
Ere. Post. ,
Friday Evening, Dee, 17. H. 17
ern - AGLNcy _V. B. PALmi.R. at the
coriwr of Chesnut Third street, Phi laddrhla ;
1611 N,lsA,tu st reet Nf e York; and South-east M
oor of Baltimore and Culvert 'street. Pnitimary—
arid E.W. C.1.11R, Fr.. Sim Buildintr, N. E Corner
Third & Dock sts.and 110 N. Fourth St. Philad'a
are our authorit edAcentp for receiving Adverti,e
merits and Subscription; to the collect
ing and rreeipting for the tame.
LT Will be taken at thin Ofbre, if early applica
tion he nude. The applicrant must be posnessed
of correct habitn, and front 1.1 to 1T yearn of age.
7 - We are requested to state that the Stores in
Gettysburg will be elo,ied on Saturday the With
inst.-111 RISTMAS bAY.
r - V - Reall Major Jack Downing's Despatch on
the first parre of to-day's paper. The Major thinks
his friend, the President, is getting' into trouble.
nesdas evening next, he the.qettys Lodge Band,"
and the "iinydn At4:ociation." Lithcr association
is capable of forni,hing a rich entertainment; train
their united efforts itumething extra may ho cal
LEWIS lOW 11.1\ —The Lewimtorm
Gazette of Saturday says that the Lewistown Bank
bna closed its doors, but zetnni mends note-hulders
not to part with theta heedle.ssly.
Fr'Phe President negleetril, in his memsage,to
give Congress his views as to the propriety of San
ta Anna's admission into Mexico. last year he
told Congress that, whether the granting of the
"Pass" was proper or not remained to be discov
ered by future events. Would it not be well for
Congress to roll fur his present views upon that
matter ?
!'HEAP rosTAGE.—Sir. Brodhead, of thin
State, has given notice in the Bongo of Represen
tatives of his intention to introduce a Bill to re
peal the law of last session which laid a postage
tax on newspapers.
" LICENSE " IN NEW JL'lltsEY."—The
question of "License" or "No License" has !wren
determined at the polls in New Jersey. snd "No
License" rules the doh•—a large majority of tho
townships throughout the State having declared
against granting, license; to sell liquor.
rirTh.“.fluntin g ton Journal" expremws itself
"in favor of aNntional Convention, and decidedly
friendly to the nomination of the old scar-cosered
veteran, whose deeds of glory in the last war with
Great Britain forma bright page on our country's
history; and who is miw, with his gallant and
victorious army, in possession of the flans of the
Montezmnas—General Wrart ELT SCOTT."
li=i The whole of the President's message was
telegraphed to Louisville, Cincinnati, and Vincen
nes, (Indiana). The operation occupied about 12
hours' incessant labor.
cri•The South Carolina Ifotspurs are voting
terribly indignant resolutions against the Wilmot
Proviso, and threaten a Dissolution of the Union,
if the General Govennurut declines to second the
efforts of the Slavery propagandists I ,
!V7 Bishop Hun 11 rs, of New Tort, is at present
in Washington. On Sunday last, at the request
or. number of members of CongTvis, be preached .
in the Hall of the }louse of Representatives. Ni,
discourse is b igly spoken of as a masterly effort.
MISSION Rev. C. P. Hr.vrm, miasiona
ary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church to India,
embarked from Boston on the 4th inst. for Madras.
Ina letter to the editor of the Lutheran Observer,
Mr. Beyer says that he has ''received three small
Bibles for Telugu children, connected with the mis
sion. One was sent from Gettysburg, by a young
lady who, a few flays before she exchanged time
foe eternnity, requested her pastor, Rev. B. Km,
L.F.S, to take charge of her pocket Bible, which
had afforded her comrort and consolation in sick
ness and in the prospect of death, to be forwarded
to Guntoor for the purpose above stated."
CHAPLAINS.—On Monday last, Rev. limn
er SLi ern. of the Methodist Episcopal Church,
was electcd Chaplain of the Senate, having receiv
ed 31 out of 16 votes.
On Tuesday, the Rev. R. R. GURLEY, of the
Presbyterian Church, was elected Chaplain of the
HOME JOURNAL--Messrs. Mortals and
%V I cms will, on the 10th of January next, com
mence a new volume of their excellent and popu
lar paper, with improvements and increasedattruo
tions. The January number will contain the com
mencement of an Original Novel, from a distin
guibhed American pen, founded on actual occur
rences in the vicinity of New York during the
Revolutionary %Var. The editors aim at making
the"llome Journal" art Ornamental Parlor News.
paper, and annomee their intention to spare neith
er care nor cost in accomplishing their purpose.—
If any of our friends desire to subscribe for a Lite-
rary paper, altogether worth the suUseription price.
we commend to their attention the “Home Jour
nal," as standing at the head of the list, and worth
a whole host of the trashy, Off-puffing "Dollal"
WEAK-14Es, with which the mails arc burdened.
Address Geo. P. Morris and N. P. Willis, 107
Fulton street, New York. $2.00 per annum.
GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK, for January—
the commencement of a new volume—is already
upon our table; and,, superb number it is. The
Mezzotint, by Warner, and the Title page, by
Tucker, are most bcatiful engravings, and reflect
much credit on the enterprising publishers. The
attractionefor the new volumene° worthy attention,
as will be Seen by reference to the advertisement in
to-day s paper.
criGRAIIAM, for January, also commences
a new volume in dashing style—giving 72 pages
of choice reading matter from the best pens of the
country, and three superb Engravings, including
a fine portrait of Major General Butler. Eith
er Graham or Godey would make a capital Holi
day pre'sent. ForprospectusofGraliam, ace fourth
page of to-day'a paper.
rrlt. W. Nlionr.r.Tost, Esq., of the Lancaster
thlio/1 and Tribune, has sold out hie interest in
that paper, to Gen. W. If a !I! a riots, Esq., under
whose control the Coital makes its appearance this
week in an enlarged and much'improwd form.—
The new editor runs up the. 'Zircon flag, nsub•
feet to the decision of a National Convention,"
but announces his readiness to support the nom
inee, of tho convention, be 14. Taylor. Clay, Scott,
hrLcau, Crittenden, or any other distinguished
Whig. The right doctrine that ; and the only
ono that ran lead to victory.
BTOIOI--After mi aw;1111 spell ofrrift
weathcr, we have suddenly been visited by an old
fashioned "itorth 7 -easter" in the .shape of a snow
'storm, which, front spring temperature, has-all
at once thrown us into the midst of Winter.
piMiran, in an atti. ~r of the lion
" Pat.. 1 ,111-.•, iNrx the Glhnin~ in-
FtnictiNe piece of political lie,tory to its rend e r.
MN, commerndth e moral of the t tory to the 51100-
tilit of thitse Whip who haw, all at otter waked up
tolthe propriety of altruitloning the Whi g organi
Z.WWI, and Windt avail theal 'Chi, of the supposed
poptdarity of n military chieftain to carry them in-
I to power—break down the hitherto domiiiiimt par
: ty, and "crush the monster, party spirit
"We have fropicntly,>says the Republican,
"seen it averred as rt piece of secret political histo
ry, that Mr. Ross was one of the first persons in
the 17nlon to propose Gen. JACKSON' as a carob
date for the Presidency. • lie did it to lirwik down
the Democratic succession in the littctof Safe pre
eedents"—to overthrow the power of the Conarca
atonal ; and no Gen.JACK,ON had written
a letter to President Monroe exhorting hint to crush
"the monster party spirit." fir. floss looked to his
election as the means of opening the way of the
Federalists once mote to cilia The
plan succeeded—bl r, clews were att lined ;
snit no Sooner was Gen. Jackson elected than the :
smiles of patronage were bestowed upon the Ito
chnnans, M'Lat t ei, Woollturys, 'I aneys , Ifuls
bards, Wilkinses, &v., against whom the I
doors of office had appeared to be hermetically
neared. Party spirit in a new fon» raged more
fiercely than ever--the iron ruin of ptoarription
lot oPnlien's sake was introduced—the old fetter
ttlirea, exulting in their new tenon proniteion, thre ty
al their ancient and Iltiropillat title, and . seiring
with n fellonions grasp the old favorite name:ofthe
people, came forth fidly clothed. like the jock-dew
in the peacock's feathers, in the stolen grab of de.
meetaeY, under which they have flourished ever
kl:P"The Om Heston n Free Press dissents from
our remark that Gen. T111:011, in order to be elect
ed President, must receive the nomination of the
\Vhig National Convention, and remind., us ihnt:
"General Taylor never surrenders!" The Free
Press seems to forget that the policy it advises may
bring its Nvorito into collision with other candi
dates equally invincible. It should not be forgot
ten that if ZACHARY "Fir Lon -rime surrenders,"
Wm-FIELD SCOTT always !"
MORE: AUTHORITY —A few Weeks sine°
the Imcnfoco papers published with a good deal of, a letter for Col. WYNKOOP, n mongrel pol
itician, as °Whig" authority on the war: Will
they ropy the following extract from a revere let
ter of Wst. C. Toni - , Esq., tho Army correspond
ent of the North American, writing from Puebla,
June 11, Mir Mr. Ton ris well known in Phil
adelphia an a zealous Locoll.wo
"Let not my brother,democrats, who have
not yet discovered who James K. Polk is,
cavil that I handle hint like a true Locofo
co. without gloves. Ido not know a dem
ocrat in the whole army, regular or volun
teer, (he should have excepted Col. Wyn
keep) who does not execrate the man and
his war measures. Should it ever be the
privilege of us here to east our votes again
for a President of our republic, I am incli
ned to think that we shall require more
than the ip3rdixit of a Baltimore.conven
lion to control our suffrages. For myself,
I shall go with the old toper who could not
be fooled with a choice beverage, which
his landlord said was " whiskey,
and. none of your old oinking stuff twenty
years old." I shall take the twentyyystur
old proof in preference to another ifaew .
THE REPORTB.—The neports of thee:meted
Department; which vim hanentiti4o. qoPirrew
along with the •Pnandent'a messeips,,have,,beeit
publiabecL They. are all very long. solotedthsee
longer than the anevaageitaelf, snaked eowneoesevel
if of aufficienttatantet. coda adimpadliselna&
mune. That of the Bstrereary Ode Treasury Is
principally made oil ofk labored end tedionsjuirlii
ment in 'favor of Pree-tliak and agahre the priaP
ciple of Protection'. The Etelaufri of Walletala
the movements We'd aadetemenb oft lie alio/ . dtt
ring the Pen year Yofextb, lvidi II WWI
our !leadens have lOng iiivce been made fsiiithar;
and the
Secretary o. t he ..avy presents the
tion and wants of Ate IVatalDeparfment.
Mr. Gamma, of the IC Y..Tnlsuns, is
ington, and writes 11 reiard i:tiseeitispates °Alta
Treasury Departments
"I have j ust been enabled to lay.hands on
the Treasury Report (or rather, Letter) of
Secretary Walker in regard to the appro•
priations required of the new Congress for
the Public Service ; and, although evident,
ly pared down and cut!away to the very
last extent. the amount is still appalling.—
Briefly, Mr. Walker requires
For deficiency' in the npproviati,
lions of lant year to June next, $13,932,733
For the year commencing next June, 55,644,942
Total, $89,377,877
For the Mitijary Service alone he 're
quires :
For deficiences up to June, '49, $9,90 . 2,440
For the Army service, June '4B, to
June, 1849, '31.868.758
Fortifications, Ordnance, dcc, ' 1 0 678,341
Pensions and arrearages of do., . 307,266
Nary for one year from June next, 10,906,658
Total for "glory,"
Beside the interest ($2.353,402) on the
present War Debt, the cost of supporting
the Military Academy, and some other
items, I'o/ four milliens of dollars de
manded of Congress at one session to car
ry on the trade of human butchery for a
single year ! Will not those who must
EARN this Immense sum pause and think?
Is it not high time that they should do so ?"
AN IMPORTANT' FACT—One of the best
business Merl in New York, who made himself
rich by liberally advertising in papers of large cir
culation in that city, in writing to a friend and al
luding to the real cause of Ids success while others
have only made a living, and in many instances
failed entirely, Fay a , .the tittle In not far distant
when the merchant whose tent costs him more
than his advertising, will be univermilly regarded
as ono who don't understand his business, and I
will not long have any business to understand."
SOUND DOCTIONE.—The Philadelphia
Daily Nova, in reply to a city cotemporary, who
alluded desparagitigly to the "politicians" of the
Whig party—the men who do all the work, and
reecise little or no emoltuneat—rcada the Whig':
a short lesson, from which may hi, gathered a vol
ume of instruction. Hear it:
"When the Whig party learns to take
care of those who take care Of it—when it
properly estimates the merits °fits
cians"—when it sustains those who give
their days and nights to its welfare—it will
be a much more extensire and powerful
organization than it is at present, and it
will have corrected its most . pernicious
The Daily News given a graphic:account of an up
roarious assemblage of do "Democracy" of Phila
delphia, on Thursday evening last, to make ar
rangements for a great NVar meeting.. The Bu
chanan and Dallas faetions came into collision and a
general melee ensued, in width tlo was consid
erable inunmeling of democratic facto, rending of
garments, breaking of chairs, Are:: The meeting
broke up in Admirable confusioU. ' • •
cti . ehantellor Kerr diodist New York on Sun
day evening, in the 85th year of his age.
('ONC; It E 5519174 II
IN SENA T E.—The Senate met at 12
o'clock. Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Slicer.
The Vice President laid before the Sen-
atc:tho Annual Report of the Secretary
of the Treasury, and, on motion of Mr.
&test, '2OOO copies were ordered to be
printed l'or the ii§e of the Senate.
Ott motion, it was resolved that the Mil
itary anti Naval Committees be increased
to seven members each.
On Mr. Sevier's motion the Senate pro
ceeded the election of officers, when the
old officers were all re-elected almost unan
The joint resolution from the House
providing forthe election of two Chaplains,
was agreed to, and Mr.-Slicer elected on
the part Of the Senate.
On Mr. Manguin's motion, the follow
ing appointments of Chairmen of the stand.
in Committees were made :—On Foreign
Relations, Dl r. Sevier Finance, Mr. Ath
erton ; Commerce, Mr. Dix ; Manufac
tures, Mr. Dickenson; Agriculture, Mr.
Sturgeon ; Military Affairs, Mr. Cass ;
Militia, Mr. Rusk; Naval Affairs, Mr.
Private Land Claims, Mr. Inlee; Indial
Affairs, Mr. Atchison ; Clain's, Mr. Ma
son; Revolutionary Claims, Mr. Bright
Judiciary, Mr. Ashley; Post Office not
Roads, Mr. Niles; Roads and Canals, Mr
Ilannegan ; Pensions, Mr. Johnson, (ot
La.) ; District of Columbia. Mr. Cameron
Patents, and the Patent Office, Mr. West
cots ; Retrenchment, Mr. Turney ; Terri
tories. Mr. Douglass ; Public Buildings
Mr. hunter; Contingent Expenses, Mr.
Feick ; Printing, Mr. Bradbury ; Engros
sed Bills, Mr. l)owns ; Enrolled Bills, Mr.
Rusk; Joint Committee on the Library,
Mr. Pearce.
On motion of Mr. Mangum, the elec
tion of the remaining members of the Com
mittees was postponed until to-morrow.—
IN HOUSE.—The Standing Commit.
tees were announced by the Speaker. We
give the more important ones ;
On Iray.t and tneane.—Messrs Samuel
F. Vinton, Robert Toombs, James J. M'.
Kay, Charles Hudson, Geo. 8. Houston,
Charles S. Morehead, James Polloeki
Samuel G. Hubbard: Henry Nicol.
On Commerm--,Messrs. Washington
Hunt, Josep Grinnell, R. F. Bintpson,
Moses Hampton:Bannon o.l:liibodeauxi
John Wentworth, Dudley 8. Gingery, Ar.
cbibald Atkinson,;; KlngleY4 ainemal•
On Public Lands.-Allsadrs.Jaczb
lamer, Alexander& Eltevens,L
nand, Gerrett Duncan, Richard Brodhead,
Harvey Putnam, John -Jameson, Alexan-
der Evans,: W. IL. W.Cobb. ,
On Ma Pose Offset and Post drloads.—
Messrs. Wm. L. Goggin s James M. Root,
Charles Brown', Daniel B. St. John, Jbhn
8. Phelps, Elisha Embreei• George' Wr
Jones, Abraham Lincoln, David S.,Kaull!
OA Mt Judiciary,...4lfeaarki. Joseph R.
Logone George Aalnun, 'John l'ettik
Nathan K. Hall. Johi) , H. -Le orpkin,' Ines
Dizon:Richard-Fienek John L. Taylor,
Riahard.g. Meade::
On Manufactures.-Messes. - : Andrew
Stewart. 'AMOS Abbots,' Joseph' A.. WoOd
wardaotutsW. Houstan, Joseph E. Edsall,
Elialan , ,Sherrilli Mtn. O. Brown, John
W. Chrisfield. /Imes RD Johnson.
On Joann strairr.—Mosirs. M P Gen
try. D ht -Barringer, Jactob)Thoinpson, A
R, M'llvaine. C W Cathcart,' R Giddingai
L B Peek. ati Buckner. R W Johnson.
On Ifiditarli iiifairs.—..Messmi. John
M Botts. Armistead Burt.jantes Wilson,
11 A Haralson; John: Dickey; Lion Boyd,
Dudley Marvin, Win TA Hinikel. David
On Naval .fiffairs.--Meurs.. Thomas
Buderßiagilmso H Holmes. R 0 Behmok
Hugh. White. Thomoslll Bsy!y.' Lewis
C Levis, 'Frederick P Stanton; E Cardia•
• On AM4 72 •iffarst: , +—ddesarst T , •
man Smith, 'Henry W Hilliard, C J•lngtm.;
soil, George P Marsh, R B Rhin, J S Pen
dleton, %Want Direr, Robert M'Clelland,
Duncan. - - • -
On the Teirilories.—Messrs. C B Smithi
R. B Cranston, Howell Cobb, Julius Roek
well, James Thompson, Daniel Guti, I E
Morse, Nathan Evans, T Pilsbory. •
On Invalid Pensions.—Messrs. Henry'
Nes, A S Fulton, George Fries, W T
Lawrence, A W Venable, - R
A Thompsoni
George N Eckert, J S Wiley, George Metre.
A Message from the Senate was receiv
ed, announcing the order of that body in
relation to the death of the late Senator
Huntington, of Connecticut.
Whereupon Mr. Rockwell, of Connect
icut, pronounced a manly tribute to the vir
tues, private and public, of the departed
Senator, and offered the customary mourn
ing resolutions.
And then the House adjourned.
IN SENATE.—The Senate was called
to order by the Vice President, and prayer
by the Rev. II Slicer.
The Vice President then laid before the
Senate a communication from the Secrets
tart' of the Treasury, transmitting the an
nual report upon Commerce and Naviga
On motion of Mr Dix, 5000 extra cop
ies were ordered to be printed.
Mr Hale was then excused, at his own
request, front serving on ally of the Com
The Senate then proceeded to the elec
tion of the various standing committees.—
The list was read by the Secretary, and
agreed to. We subjoin the more impor
tant ones :
Committee on Foreign Relations—Mr
Sevier, chairman ; Messrs Benton, Web.
ster, Ilmincgan, and Mangum.
On linance—Mr Atherton, chairman ;
Nles.ssrs Dickinson, Clayton, Hunter, and
On Commerce—Mr Dix, chairman;
Met , srs Johnson, Breese, Cameron, and
John Davie.
On illangliicture3—Mr Dickinson,
irman; Messrs Ashley, Upham, But
and Clarke. '
On Military 3ffairs—Mr Cass, chair
man ; Messrs Benton, Crittenden, Jelfer
sim Davis, Dix, Badger, and Rusk.
On Naval Atli - lire—Mr Fairfield chair
man; Messrs )(like, Miller, Bright, R
Johnson, Cameron, Badger.
On the Judiciary—Mr Ashley, chair
man ; Messrs \Vesicant, Berries, Butler
and Dayton.
On Territories—Mr DougWe, chair
man ; Messrs Bright, Clayton, Butler,
John Davis.
After which Mr. Dickinson submitted
the following resolutions:
Resolved, That true policy requires the
governmentof the United States to strength•
en its political and commercial relictions
upon this continent,:by the annexation of
such contiguous territory as may conduce
IVANnus. oToN, Der. 1:1
to t h at Cell i :111d ran hi tiitly nb t;liuril, and
that neither in such acquisitions nor in
the territorial organization thereof, call
any conditions be constitutionally imposed,
or institutions provided for or established
inconsistent with the right of the people
thereof, to form a free sovereign State,
with the powers and privileges of the orig
inal members of the confederacy.
Resolved, That in organizing a territo
rial government in territory- belonging to
the Unitcd States, the principles of self
government, upon. which our vonfetlerative
system rests, will be best promoted ; the
true spirit and meaning of the constitution
be observed, and the confialeracy strength
ened by leaving all questions concerning
the domestic policy therein to the legisla
tures chosen by the people thereof.
A number of bills were introduced, read
a first and second time, and referred to
their appropriate committees.
Mr. Cameron introduced a resolution
providing fur the furnishing of the new
Senators with the usual books, &e., which
was finally referred to the Committee on
the Library.
After sonic mihaportant !niftiness the
Senate adjourned.
IN HD lISE.-00 Mr. Barringer's mo
tion, Mr. A. 11. Sheppard was excused
from serving on the Committee of Agri
culture, o❑ account of a chronic disease
not likely to ho speedily remedied.
Mr Giddings made a personal speech,
in reply to an attack made upon him in the
National Whig, upon his vote and others
at the organization of the House. He at
tacked the paper and its printers,
Mr. C .1 Ingersoll reported from the
Committee on rules.
Mr. Deftly offered a joint resolution - to
amend the newspaper postage law, re
pealing that part relative to newspaper
postage. "
Mr Tallmadge presented it memorial
from James Monroe, contesting Mr Jack.
son's seat, from New York city.
On Mr Pollock's molten,' the House
proceeded to the election eta Chaplain.
tevitr rtiminatell the Rev- R. W.
Cushman, a Baptist.
jtir Ashman nominated Mr Orville De.
weXef New York, Unitarian.
Mr l'Lane nominated Rev. J. N. M'-
Jilton, of. Baltimore, Epiacopal.
Mr 'Adams nominated Royal R. Gurley,
Mr Stanton nominated Levi R. Reese,
ofßaltimore, Methodist Protestant.
On the thini call it appeared that Mr.
Gurley had l'o2, and. Rev. ,Mr. C nehmen
100; when Mr. Gurley was declared e
The, Plpeaker laid before the House sun
dry., refoorts front the Treasury Depart.
Mont., which here refered the the appro
priate Committees, and ordered to be print-
The bill from the Senate for the 'relief of
the heirs of John Paul Jones, was to
ken up.
Mr Eloivlin oppotied it v and moved its
reference to the- Committee on Cleans
which motion was carried.
Mr Vinton introduced a resolution for
a new Committee on Internal , Commerce ;
when, after some further unimportant bo.
ainess, the House adjourned until to-mor
row. .
SENATE,-Mr. Calhoun submitted the
following resolutibue, which were ordered
to be printed: 4.e.
Reifeeed, That tocomper and hold Mex.-
icci, either as a province or incorporating it
into the Union, is inconsistent with the a
vowed 'objett Of the' war, lontrary to the
settled policy of the Government, in con
filet with 'its character and genius, and, in
the end, most be subversive of all our free
and Popular institutions.
Ranked, That no line of policy in the
farther prosecution of the war should
adopt which ' May tend to eonsequedees
so disastrous.
HOUSB.—Mr. Vinton's resolution for
the appointment of a Committee on Inter
nal Commerce came tip, an was debated
for some time by Henri. Rhatt. Vinton.
Smith, Root, Bedinger, Baraboo, Bally,
Stewart & Schenck; In the midst of which
a message was received (*min the President
vetoing the River and Harbor Bill of lam
session. The Watley elf the day Wag bc
copied in debating the message add motions
for its reference, 'without arriving at any
definite conclusion.
LIBERIA.--On the stut of August huit„ the
flag of this now Republic anus 'whirled for the &et
time, amid much pomp, arid ceremony; and' re
joicing -14 full account of which la given in the
Liberia Herald. Oa the 'lst Of ()caber an elee
tion for Preside& and Vice President was held,
which' resulted in' the choice id Goy. Routers' for
President, and Hon. N. BRANDON for Vice Presi
dent—both, of course, colored men. This Repub
lic is one of the fruits or the benevolent operations
of the American colonization Society. A home is
now offered the colored man, in which he is guar
antied the possession of every civil, religious and
political right, and can stand up in all the dignity
of free and intelligent humanity. The happy in
fluence which the new Republic may exorcise over
the destinica of Africa, no one can estimate.
1170" The New York Tribune says that Madame
rstm.. the female abortionist, will have to
undergo a trial on another charge that has just been
brought to light—the victim a lovely girl of highly
respectable family.
aj•Three mon were killed on the Reading Rail
road, on Sunday last; by the break of an axle of
ono of the ears
Cr The Philadelphia Daily Sun, (Native) is be
coming Locofoco es rapidly an it well tan. Some
of ita lota articles on the war would do credit to the
radical absurdities of the Ledger.
phia county is paying dear for the riots in 1814—
Another church case has been decided- 7 thut of St
Michaels—in which the county pays $27,090, for
damages done 5y the mob.
!AIME 11008.—On Wednesday last, Mr.
ELIAS HIILLIIS, of this place, killed three hogs
weighing :14.1, 390, and 401 lbs.-1204 in all.
rv . cut. T. Y. ANDIIEWR, of the Voltigeur IZe
giment, has arrived at Washington.
11.7 - A Telegraph lino is about twin constructed
betwen York null Dultimore.
oz - See Prospectus of the Philadelphia
"Daily News," in to-day's paper—a first
rate Whig journal. Ily-the-by, the "News"
uniformly reaches thiS Post-office one day
(flier publication. Can the matter nit be
remedied by the publishers?
The same difficulty exists with regard
to the "Daily Sun..'
ItcrThe Annapolis Republican, a Whig
paper, in an article of three columns, labors
to ahoiti the propriety of running Gen.
Titimon for.the Presidency—assigning as
the principal reason our entire ignorance
of his political views !
From the New York Tribune
When a limn holding the lofty station of
President of the U. States ventures to reit
erate, for obvious and disreputable ends,
the long since exposed—statement, we will
say—that the last Congress declared
the present "War to exist by the act of
Mexico," with only TWO negative votes it:
the Senate and FoI'ItTEEN In the House,
by what terms can we characterise his de
liberate assertion which shall be consistent
with the respect due the office he unfortu
nately holds ! Let John Jones or Dick
:Smith step into a court of justice, however
reluctantiv, and there make such a state
ment, and the law would send him to an
edifice more substantial and less elegant
than that occupied by James K. Polk,—
Such is the difference between making such
assertions front high places and from low.
We, too, are restrained by respect to sta
tion front characterizing the President's
statement as it deserves, but we will once
more'take the trouble, with the Journals
of Congress open befine us, to expose its
essential and flagrant dishonesty.
On the '27th ollinuarv, 18.16, Mr. liar
raison, of Oa., reported to die ButiSe a bill
(No. 111) "authorizing the President to
accept the services of Volunteers mod for
other purposes," in view of a possible'eol
lision with Mexico—which bill was read
twice and sent to the Committee of 'the
Whole,—and lay there. • - •
On the 11th of May following, a mes
sage from the President announced to Con
gress the startling fact that our Army hav
ing been pushed to the Rio Grande had
there , encountered a superior Mexican
force, and was cas supposed) in a position
of great peril. Pliereupon the House pro
ceeded to take up the Volunteer bill No.
145 as othres.alt, which Was rushed through
the Committee of the IVhole and 'louse
with railroad speed, by means of repeated
applications of the Previous Question ; and,
when at its latest stage=; ;fir. Brinkerhoff.
of OhioonOred to strike out the entire first
section of the bill thus matured add insert
a new.fisst amnion, begining
“Wberaas, loy the sot of the it4nibl7e of hilerieh, -
a state of win exists beta;eatt that Uoverninent and
tha.United States."
There was no chance to resistor to re-
monstrate.--•the Previous Question fotbade
—:and this amendment was forced upon the
bill by a Tole scone hundred and twenty
thi ee ) Yeas to sixty-severs Nays—nearly a
party division. Mr. Brinkerhoff (Loco)
at once moved "the Previous Question for
the third time. and Mr. Garret Davis of
Ky. (Whig) was Stopped as out of order
in assigning his reasons for wishing to be
excused from voting for the bill because of
its lying preamble. Thus driven to the
wall, most of the Whigs (including Mr.
Davis) voted for the bill. having _ Voted a
gai flat the insertion of the, preamble and
exhausted all their means of opposing it.
So the bill passed by 174 Yeas to 14 Nays
—the Whig Yeas being given not for the
preamble,. as ever) . _ _body knaw, but far
sending prompt relief to our beleagered lit
tle Army in spite of the preamble, which
they had dendunced and opposed;
....The bill so passed went of course (next
day) to the Senate, and was immediately
taken under consideration. Messrs. Cla
yton, Crittenden and others tried hard to
have it amended so as tr limit the Military
operations thereby set on foot, to the :ram
ple defence of our own Country ;.but all
such propositions were voted down by a
compact Administration -majority., Mr.
Huntington of - Conn. (Senate Journal,
page 388), moved to amend the bill by strik
ing out the preamble to the some, as fol
lows "Whereas, by the act of the Repub
lic of Mexico, a state of War exists between
that Republic and the United States.'—
This amendment was voted down as fol
lows :
Yzaa..—Meura. Anther, BIITOW, BMW, Cab
hems, T. Clayton, J. M Clayton,Corwin, Crittem
den, Davis, Dayton, Evens, Huntington, It ihtiffie,
Mangum, Morehead. Simmons. 1 441 M. Wood
NATO 28--AII Inebtoties except the two Jphor
eons end Jarnsain of /*din.*
11ere_you_see thatitunead of two_ only.
there were eighteen votes directly against
the lying preamble, being the South Care
lion Senators and all the Whip present
but three; although only two refused to
vote for the bill at its final paisage. They
did their best to strike out the preamble as
false ;—but they still believed themselves
about to rotator supporting our little army
involved in perils, notwithstanding the
preamble. .
Such are the recorded, never disputed
facts. Yet Mr. Polk, knowing that, many
persons would read his Massage who were
ignorant of these facts and would never
see them fairly presented, has chosen' to
make his statement that this lying proem
ble'.was passed with great unanimity by
Congress, tliein being but two negative
voles in the Senate and but fourteen in the
House of Representatives." Surely no
petty-larceny lawyer, defending a pick
pocket in the Court of Sessions, e'er stoop
ed to a more despicable iriek than this of
the President of the United States.
ciThe Erie Gazette pays the following just tri
bute to Scores brilliant operations in MezinO: ,
✓fhese despatches exhibit warlike ex
ploits, which, considering the eireumstan.-
ces under which they were achiekd, are
unparalled in the history of modern. times.
WINFIELD Scoyr has successfully vindica
ted his claim to an association with the
first, the most accomplished of living Gen
erals. Napoleon may have exhibited more
wonderful genius in the conception and
execution of his plans ; but in science, cou
rage, and all the requisites of the skilful
commander and dauntless hero, Scott has
shoved himself fully his equal. It is for
tunate for us that we have such an one to
conduct ourarmies in battle; and, although
we may sincerely lament the seeming tie , -
eessity of human conflict, we vet should
feel prund of, the man who has displayed
qualities fitted for the efficient superinten
dency of our military operations.
U;; The brilliant achievements of Gon Scott
are forcing applause Ironi all quarters. The 8011-
ton Tinici+, a Locoloco paper, concluder an article
on the subject air follows :
"Gen. Neon's conduct was throughout
marked by a happy combination of energy
and humanity: Wo doubt if the history
of war, ni any age or country, can *Wont
instances of superior generalship in the
field, the various paints considered. or o(
more kind forbearance and unselfish action
towards the conquered. We con say that
lie acted in all respects as an Ametiqatik
General, conscious of what is due to hitt
country and to his o‘%ii fame s s hould al
ways act—and higher praise it would bp
impossible to bestow im any man."
SOUTH CAROLINA.—Wo learn from tba
Charleston Courier that the Senate of that,
State, on Wednesday last, rejected tho bill
Which proposed to Rive the election of,
Electors of President alai Vice Prohlent
of the United States to the People, by a
vote of 17 for, and :I'et tigainst the measure,
ANNUAL REPO It T 111"1 . 1Ir. Al,l
The Female. Bible Societe of Cotty•lnur.: wee
organized in November, Mtn, and a new Con.ti
tution adopted. The Executive Committer, to
whom the business of the Society ie entrusted, re
port that they have visited the fatriilics of the bor
ough, and are happy h . ) Mate that in a papulat ion
of from 2,000 to 2,200, they found but two funi-
Lies destitute of the Bible. They also collected for
the cause the sum of $O3 01. Rev. Mr.
Lore, Agent of the Philadelphia Bible Society,
Itho visited wa ll ed u pon us the duty of
plying the County with Bibles, as he thought it
not only important, but really necessary.
we feared, wee too much of an undertaking for 11%
and therefore did not obligate ourselves to do it;
tiut a,young man offering himself for this work, if
our Society would employ him, we agreed to du r;o
for two months. His instructions were, to visit
°eery family, to ascertain if any were destitute of
tho'Biblg, and, if not able to pay fu one, to supply
the r m gratuitously. Ito also instructed to so
licit donations for dir canes. He c onrneneed his
work the beginning of April, and during, the time
Oinployed by visited about h,Ol - of the county ;
snot. 11/.5 ,are pleased to state, succeeded much he
yogvi brgr.etpectstiq TH. lie reports a, follows:
"Tq the Female Bible Society of Gettysburg -
haw* now the pleasure of reporting to your be
nevolent body that I have rrforineil the duty
signed me. I have explored seven townships of
the county, viz Stratton, Hamiltonian, Franklin,
Cumberland, Iluntington, I,atiot ore and New On.
ford. I was twitted very kindly by the people
generally—touch more so than 1 expected to be,
when starting out. It was thought by some that
I would offend many by inquiring whether they
needed a Bible or Testament; hut throne who took
aeries at such inquiries were tiny awl for between,
perhaps not one out of every hundred upon an av
erage. Many good people, after contributing as
inuelti as they felt themselves able, added, as I was
about leaving them, "God speed the Bible cause."
I found some very dark corners in the county.—
Soma people thought my business was a money
making one, or it would not be followed. I was
also asked what kind of Billion and 'testaments I
had—if they were Lutheran or German Reformed
Bibles, or what kind! I was much pleased to find
the destitute families generally very desirous to
obtain a copy of God's word. Marty paid the full
prior (or one, others part of it, and some even the
last, cent they had in the house, fora Bible—thus
showing they were really anxious to have one;
and we may expect—yea, freely cherish the hope
—that they will make a goad use edit. Many
Catholic* asked me if I carried the Downy bible—
Au t. they waned one, but • Holy or Proteettun hi.
ble they would not have,' even if given to them.
The deditution I met with, astonished every one.
in am* email settlements only two oat of *very
an had the IBMs. In other settlements ally half
of the people were supplied. One woman toldtue
they Gould read and had been mended 00 years,
and never had a Bible. Borne told we tarty had
.been keeping hoes. for six, some sight, and soma
twenty year., and never had . a Bible to'their
name. This may 'sound strange hi the airs ,of
may of the friends of the Bible rause, as this a
the third time that Adams county has been euppli
ed ; buten inquiry .I generally found that those
farnilips without the blessed volume had toms into
the county since. it was last explored.
,Itlany of
those destitute tried to excuse themselves for not
possessing a. Bible. Some told me they had not
as yet been able to get *net ; rind others, that they
had not been keeping house king yet; while their
children' may have well have wren some the filth,
and ethers-the eighth-whiten-- -Bus Chaos •
to think, from the anxiety. manifested for Bible. by
the deditute, that many would have supplied
themselves if an opportwohy bad etlorded itself;
while some, I feel assured, were too poor to buy a
expand ail the Matotein in this coun
ty, which is about 7 mike Wide and 20 long. ' No
one can imagine how paw many of the mountain
eers are, unless' be vista them' and how thankful
some of theta were for the Bible. I hope the Holy.
Book: you sent thetn•rnay prove to them an end
lees blessing. Often I turned sway fronfthosellf
tle lute in the 'mountain with a sad heart, on ac
count-to, tiara) end doleful stories which some of
the pair woolen hid to tell me 'of their hardships
and difficulties.
aisileadttitint *Mow
I was employed by your Society, is 4253; 126 of
whom were iiestitute of the Piide. Of these 19
were Protestants, Ittla 23 Catholics. I Aupplled
neatly 111 of the deetituM. orthcia timber
told me they were about getting a family Bible. I
•eollected *7316, which I paid over to your 'Frees
neer. The number of Whew I iliiesitmaktil is /13,
and I6Q Testaments."
Our Treasurer repasts that she has received the
amount that was
Collected id the Beeesill.'
FO: Bibles sad Testaments .o
From Agent, foe sale of Bibles,
Donstisna collected by bun,
Wipling Use sus of *229 47
Of this we pail oar Arai for servicees sod es
ss2 20
'For& on Bible; dec. 2 26
Remitted*. Pa, Bibis Seel% 100 00 ,
Which km. a belana'of
The Young . Men's Bible Society ed Pennsylva
nia College having made us an offer to supply the
remainder of the county with Bibles, if we would
assist than, we agreed to furnish them with Bibles
kit this pummel. This. Ne suppose, will require
most of the funds we ham on hand. If any re
manatee thiiia done; we will nag Ma the Penn
sylvania Bible Society, to which we am auxiliary,
to main them in sending Bibles to the destitute is
impress upon conscientious physicians the impor
tance els trial of the Brandretha Pills. Let them
make only a fair trial of them, and they will con
cede the medicine is the best evacuant of the bow
l& hithdrio discovered. The ingredients are all
prepared expressly or the manufacture of the
Brandreth Pills, and it is impoeeible to obtain a
purgative of the same properties except from Dr.
B. Brandreth. Let physicians and the world at
large bear in mind that the Brandreth Pills may
he taken, if necessary, for any length of time dai
ly, not only without injury, but with a certainty
of beneficial results.
This universal medicine mildly but surely
cleanses the whole extent of the alimentary canal.
It then gives increased power to the circulation of
the blood, by which it deposits any impurities it
inlay contain in tip, bowels, which organ expels
Them from ttto body.
This action may continue for days, weeks. or
months, as the mildness or urgency of the disco:,
map demand, or until the entire body hen been e•
iraculted and re-made from the food consumed.
How important is it that persolet of feeble frame,
of impure constitutionv, ehoubl• without delay,
commence with this pure null wholeioine medicine.
No thou ought to be lost by todie r ; I,ozew_zcv or
Candioa ea medicines, which are better adapted
for the destruction of the teeth, than for the cure of
any diseise. Experience has all hcicntlq tested
that these remedies contain invariably calomel and
ether active chemical agents that have a very de
structive effect, of which there are too many indi
vidually convinced to their cnst.:e
The testimony ; in liteor of the Brandreth Pills,
and tho numbers who are daily raised frond it led
ormlaely by their use, render it imperative that all
whisistsd aultering from sickness should give them
trial. To DE TUNE EM
That Brandretlia Pills have stood a fourteen
years'. teat in the U. finites.
That they are a vegetable and innocent medi
cine, yet all powerful for the removal of tliFeas,
whether chronic or recent, itircutions or ntlicrwit.e.
That they purify the blood, and stay the thither
progress of disease in the human body.
That in many eases, where the dreadful ravages
or Ulceration had laid bare ligament and bona and
where., to all appearance no lurinan walla could
slave fife, have patients, by the Iwo of ti cot
been restored to good health ; the devouring disease
hiving been completely t•ladieated.
Cf7The Dnandreth Pill., are :;‘,1,1 for 25 cents
per box at Dr. B. Draudroth's Principal °thee. 2-11
Broadway, N. York, and by 'rho fdlowing ditty
"Uthcrized Agents:--.1. M. Hteven,on S Co.. Get
n:llllllrst ; J. 11. M'ereary, Poterr,burg ; Abraham
King, Hunterstown ; A. M'Fariand, Abbottsrowii;
D. M. C. White, Hampton ; 1-.lnceringer A Fink,
Littleatow n ; Man. Duncan, Caaldown ; Geo. \V.
Hearty'. Fairfield ; J. 11. Aulabaugb, East ;
D. Newenmor Mechanietwille ; Smug Shirk,
CICC, ine.7. 3, IR-17.
6f die art of printing in the fifteenth cen
tury, has done more to meliorate and im
prove the mental condition of man than
any other event Sine(' the introdtiction of
the f2hristian era. From that period un
til the present time the press has exerted
a powerful and controlling influence over
the destinies nit mim. As the press over
the 111 eutal, SO does SAN Os' SARSAPARILLA
over the physical, manifest its great heal
ing and restorative powers in dispelling
disease, and giving strength and vigor to
the debilitated frame, by removing un
healthy action, and establishing in its place
a healthy flow throughout the whole circu
latory system. limier; diseases arising
from an impure stale of the, blood, such as
Salt Rheum, Scrofula, or King ' s Evil, Ey-
Zellls, Ringworm or ' Fetter,
ALe., are effectually cured by its use. Af
fections of the MUCUS membranes, such as
Chronic Catarrh, spreading through the
nasal passages into the bronchi:lElmm
brines of the throat; also, Rheumatism,
Lumbago, White Swelling , and Hip dis
ease, will be removed by this invaluable
fd7r "or further particular, and conclusive evi
dence Mid: sur fior efficacy see Paniphlets,v. Lich
may lie obtained of agents gratis,
Prepared and sold, whole-ale and retail, by
A. Id & D. SANDS, 7u; Fulton =beet New Volk.
Sold also by appointment of the Propileter, by
S. IL BUEHLER, (etlyThurg,l'a. Price $1 per
bottle. Six bottles fur $5.
Dec. 3, 1817. .Isv
DEEP CATTI.E.—There were 15.50 head of
fered at the Scales o❑ Monday, 550 of wldch sold
at $4 00 as 6 00 per 100 lbs. net. These prices
show a &dill,
HOGS.—Salesof Live Hop at :$5 00 a $525
—a s slight decline.
FLOUR.—The flour ttiarkct dull and few sales.
Holders of Howard street brands generally ask $6,-
25—some are asking higher. Receipts are very
light. City Mills gcerally ask $.O 37. without
finding purchasers. Com meal sold at $3 50, and
Rya Flour at $5 75.
GRAIN—The receipts of grain continue light :
good to prime real
wheat sold this morning at $l,-
30 a $1 36; ordi nary to good at $1 20 asl 30;
white for family flour et $1 42 asl 45. White
Corn 52 a 55 cis; yellow 69 a 61. Oats 35 a 40.
Rye 99. Clowersoad.s4.2s as 4 50.
PROVISIONS.--No {Special change in prices.
Maas Pork mensal $l3 a *l4.and Prime at $lO.
Meld I)4lef $l2; No. 1410 ism! piirne $l4. B
con dull—sales of IShonlders it 6.a 71; Sidra 6 1
a 7 1 ; Hansa 191 a LW: Lard 7 —kaips held ar.9l
a 9 cants.
On the %Unit. by the Rec. Reiesetunisler,
Rey. Joustilisna, of Wayneaboro',lparnbeily of
Oeuyeburg,) and,Miame Asa Zigoaa, of Math.
ington county. kid. . .
On the 9th intrt. by the Her. John Heck; Mr.
Perna FAMMITOCIL, of Waynesburg, end , Mir
Or Franklin county,. • •
An" Sands). night last, at at 4 advanced age; Mr:
'Norris Amu stood, of this place.' The debased
had *tired in the evening in ordinary beelthoLud
lithe raoniing *as finuel;dtaul hie - bed, having.
no doubt been atnical, dttritig tho' Fijght? by ag
AN Examination . of the Public Schools
of the Borough of Gettysburg will
take place unit week as follpws:--;Vllss
M'Cunnv's School on Manday afternoon
and evening the 20th ; Mr. Boucles, on
Wednesday morning; Mrstlipacn's. on
Wednesday afternoon ; Mr. rernitt.eres
on Thursday morning; Mr. PsxToN's,
Thursday afternoon ;, - Miss Scaratzes, cut
Friday morning.
The Parents and Guardians of the pa
pits, as also' the pubtie, are respectfully in
vited to attend the examinations.
By the order of the Board„
J. Schreiner, Sec'y. [Dec. . 1.7.
ZY Etituttune
$63 61
3 90
.98 81
# 78 36
Annuals, Albums, •
I prevatie tu this
country of presenting to our friends Holi
day and Birthday Glifts,is certainly a very
pleasing one Anti nothing, it appears to
us is so suitable for this purpose as an ele
gant and useful Book, which, by means of
Ata choice sentiments, has the power---not
possessed by any other gift—of sweetly
reminditig one of the friend who gave it.
We therefore advise all to repair to the
' CheapPpoksiore i f Keller Aurit,
opposite die Bank, Gettysburg, where may
be found atempting variety of Annuals, il
lustrated editions of the Poets, books of
Piety and Devotion, Bibles, Prayer and
Hymn Books, of all sizes,prices and bind
ings. Stilted to old, young, grave and gay,
and effesper than they have ever been sold
in this market. A few of them are—
411144 48
Gem of the Season, '2Q plates, Leaflets of
Memory, Christian Keep Bake, Gift
of Thenaiship. Friendship's Of.
ering, Flora! Offering, '
Lady's Scrap Book, Poetry of Flowers
and Flowers of Poetry, Garland, Jewel,
Moss Rose, Hyacinth, Mother's Present,
Christmas Blossoms, Poets of America il
lostrated, Dictionary of Poetical quotations
gilt, Religions Souvenier, Christian Keep
sake. Also, a large and splendid assort
ment of other Books Suitable for Holid a y
Presents. Also, an extensive assortment
of JUVENILE BOOKS, at low prices,
and of the choicest character.
The above, with a general assortment of
Miscellan VOUS Books, have just been re
ceived front the Eastern markets at the
lowest prices. and shall bo afforded to pur
chasers at prices that cannot fail to please
all. ri'The Ladies and Gentlemen of
Gettysburg and vicinity are invited to call
and examine the extensive assortment of
Books, Re. fur sale by
Dee. 17, 1847.
A Large asBortrnent of
7. 1 \
71r1-Annuals & Gift
. .... ,mitaide l'or Presents at
the approaching Ilulidays, has just been
received at the Book and Stationery Store
of S. IL BueituAt, in Chainbersburg street,
FririldShlp'S Offiring", The Opal, 'The
11uorinth, 7'he Moss Rose, Christian
l~rrpsa/e, Rclig-ious Souvenier,
Poems by Amelia, Do. by
'Mrs. Sigourncy, •
Ide Darold, Hood's Poems,
together with a ;large variety of GIFT
:1101 O,IC 8, &c., for all ages—handsome
ly bionid and embellished—all of which
will be sold very low. tcyz-Call and see
them. 8. 11. BUEHLER.
Gcttyshnrg, Dec. 10, 1817.
Fin? S.ILE
On Saturday the 15th of January next,
at 1 o'clock, P. M. on the premisrB,
91111 E subscriber will expose to Public
ju . Sale the valuable FARM on which
he resides, situate in Cumberland town
ship, Adams county, about mile from
Gettysburg, On the road leading to Mum
inasburg. It Contains
more or less, and adjoins lands of Moses
M'Clean, Poor-house, and others. The
improvements are a good
T WO-ST 0 It Y •• ••••
PO 1 , .. .
Ord (!) tli"4. . 1 2 q
(part brick and part log,) a good Barn, with
Sheds all aromid it; a Corn Crib, an . ex
cellent Apple Orchard ; a Spring of water
near the Barn, and a good well convenient
to the !louse. A fair proportion of the
Farm is in excellent Meadow.—A I. s o,
at thr same tune and place, will be sold,
containing 6 ACRES, more or
less, situate in the same township. and ad
joining lands of Jacob Ilankey, Geo. Mil
ler, and others.
lit_y.The terms will be made known on
the day of Sale by
l)ecethber 17, 1847.—td .
N pursuance of sundry writs of I endi
tioni Eaponas. and alias Fieri Facias,
issued out of the Court of Common Pleas
of Adams county, Pennsylvania, and to
me directed, will be exposed to public sale
on Saturday the 15th of January, 1848,
at 1 o'clock, P. M. at the Court-house, in
the Borough of Gettysburg, the• following
Real Estate, to wit :
A Lot .of Ground,
situate in Union township, Adame county,
Pa: containing 4 ACRES, more or less,
on which is erected a story . ,
LOg DWeilibthOUSe
to — propertyadjoining lands of Enoch Le
(car,, Philip ,ileard , and *theme— Poised
and Aitken in exenntittn.ati Eaton, of
Com M. if., Snansinficia.
A lAA , of Ground,
situate in OtfOitl"toriPtuthio,4lhisne adult
ty, containing It -ACRESI,' •or
less, on lite (filleted starts... Story
ilk 4,..,...,„„„,. iil.l , Wwl •,..,.. ,• ~ 0
, ' ,4 0 1 Ygi'l l t r We'A IU: 3 ,14 .
_94 40 1 ~
a ag Si4bl4; 4 . 013011.0rPhait0 adjojning
lands af,Olutwel 141/4rautl others,,tileiged
and taken in execution as the Estate of
ANTIKINV .V I , 4 ?KM , C , . " 1 ttt - 1' /• ; Wl'
.'\ • ,
Laid Oround,(togither),
situate iii
Adasta!ocitinti, aulioiding iota ;ol, , Matata
Hagerman, and fronting tmlifsiti stettetion
which tact met tett a story doubly:lc'. . •
Rough-ciist - tirellink,'' -
a WAffithartiell Tram*, S_4lalaa r op, TiT t jlitif
water, Gard en, arid Pititt Trees.—Setzed
and talon, in e.x,eFutipat •as ,tha ,Fislate
§ ' "V:0 1 F 41 $°Ifli••: • . ,
No. ,Lot.of Ground, ,
situate in the borough , of Gettysbuirg. Ada
ama county, Paw adjoining lots of Nicholas
Codori and othersto Arhich the •defeutl.•
ant is'entitled to themndirided - half. .-)
No. '2-IHalf fliottif Otonnd"
' a tiu it' • ;
c.uate ;in, o
ettys rg, cou,n4, _
adjoittidg' lots f John 'Adder and btllers,
Wi!lif!!gt sireft•
No. 3—A Vract of Land,
situate in Cumberland township. Adams •
, Qol.3ntY, I'l4. adjoining foods of Alexander
Currens, Robert mul Hugh M'Gaughy, and
others, containing 0 Acres, more or lees.
No. 4'—The undivided interest
of the deletidatif iti it Tract of Ltintl,'situ
ate in Cumberland township, Maths coun
ty, Pa. adjciihing lands of Alexander Cur
rens, Nathaniel Randolph, and others, and
lying on the Gettysburg and Enithitaborg
Road, containing 100 Acres, more or less,
on which are erected a story
Dwellina• House
part atone and part log, a log Barn, ite,
said tract having a fair proportion of Tim
her thereon.—Seized and taken in execu
tion as the Estate of ROD'T W. M'SIIERRV.
I,7"Perivans purchasing property at Sheriffs
sale, will have to pay ic# . per cent. of tho purchase
money on the day of of sale.
Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg, ?.
December 17, 1817.
Mass Meeting of the Friends of
fi , HE Friends of Temperance will meet
i in Convention at the Ilunterstown
Church on NEW-YEAR'S DAY, at 10
o'clock, A. M. All the Societies in the
county, and the friends of the cause gene.
rally, are earnestly requested ,to he in at
tendance and participate in the proceedings
of the Convention.
The success of the cause depends upon
the zeal and faithful efforts of its friends.
iii:j'Uoud speaking may be expected.
Robert M'llhenny, 11. 1,. Baugher,
John Neely, 11ugh King,
A. K. Myers, Aaron Watson,
S, S. Sehmucker, John Wolford,
Michael Slagle, A. 'l'. Wright,
E. W. Statile, ' JaIIICS Moore,
Dec. 17, 1847. [Coin. of Aarangement
ri-mIE eleventh Anniversary of the" Be
rk lin Improvement Society" will take
place on Tuesday evening the 28th of De
cember inst. in the Church.
Au Address will be delivered on the oc
casion by DAVID ArCONAIIIIY, Esq., of
Gettysburg, Pa.
rt_l7.The exercises will commence at (1,
o'clock, and will be .enlivened wiat
music by the IltanN BAND or East Berlin.
H. S. 1111,DEBRAND,
Committee af *derangement.
East Berlin, Dec. 17, 1817.
CILS, (best quality) Card Cases,
Visiting and Printing Cards, Fancy Note
Paper, Envelopes, Motto Wafers, Fancy
Sealing Wax, Letter Stamps, for sale
by S. 11. BUEHLER.
December 10.
irANC Y A RTICLES, Cologne, Soaps,
' Hair Oils, Tooth Brushes, Toilet
Brit Sites, Tooth . Powders, Az e„ dce,, for
sale,by- S. 11. BUEITLER.
Dec. 10. .
Compound Medicated Candy.
I:10R the Cure of Colds, Coughs, Spit
jir ting of Blood, Bronehetis, Asthma,
Whooping Cough, Pains and Oppressions
of the breast, and all other Pulmonary
complaints, and other diseases which havol
a tendency to produce Consumption. It
serves also as an effectual clearer of the!
'Phis Candy is entirely a vegetable pre
paration, the principal ingredients being,
!lore-hound. Wild Cherry, Sarsaparilla,
Buneset, Elceampane, Liquorice, Flax
seed, Iceland Moss, Prickly Ash, &c. and
Will, if taken in time, relieve the system
from those distressing afflictions that tend
to Consumption.
One great advantage in this valuable
medicine is its cheapness, the public not
being imposed upon by the enormously
high prices which are generally exacted
for Patent and other medical Preparations
Each package contains directions. Call
and try it !
Prepared and sold at the Confection and
Variety store of the Subscriber in West
York street, one square front the Court
house, and next door to Thompson's Ho
tel. It can also be bad of the following a
S. R. Buehler and S. S. Forney, Gettysburg
Brinkerhoff, Fairfield; Mrs. Duncan, Cashtown ;
J. Lower, Arrendtstown ; Peter Mickley, Mum•l
masburg; D. Kauffman, Bendersville; J. Burk-1
holder, Bendersville ; Stable, Dutterow's Mlll ;
J. S. Hollinger, lleidlersburg ; Henry, Abbotts- 1
town; Shorb and Johnson, Emmitsburg.
Gettysburg, Dec. 17, 1817.
VI7IIEREAS the Hon. Wm. N. In-
V V vial:. Esq. President of the several
Courts of Common Pleas, in the counties
corn posing the DM District, and Justice
of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and
General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all
capital and other offenders in the said dis
trict—and Geonot: SmvsEn and Jsm
M'Divnrr, Esqs., Judges of the Courts of
Common Pleas, and General Jail Deliveryf
for the trial of all capital and other offend
ers in the county of Adams—have issued
their precept, bearing date the 17th day
of November, in the year of our Loan one
thousand eight hundred and forty-six, and
to me directed, for holding a Court of Com-
Mori Pleas and General Quarter Sessions
of the Peace and General Jail Delivery,
and Gonrt of Oyer and Terminer, at Get
ysburg, on Monday the 17th day of Jan
wiry next—;•
ail ~he Justices of the Peace, the Coroner
arid CbtiStables Within the said County of
Adakals,that they be then arid there in their
politer persons; With their Rolls, Records,
Inquisitions, Examinations and other Re-
Menibrinces, to do' those things which to
their offices and in that behalf appertain
to be done, and also they who will prose
cute against-thowisoners that arc or then
14,40 ~431 the, said-County of
Adatni, iri,he then and there to pros
ectite sicaiAit 'them its shall be just.,
Shedft's Office, Gettysburg;
11184 it. 5 to
11lily II & b6tNi'eoir,ll )- ,;.
FirtilE-Subsoribecs' have pleasuce, of
• tit, ansounciag that thephatie cbmpieted
their arrangement' for
Itt4l6l4T ri t t ictlE i
liettireen,dettywtnnit . Inn ' , DOUT2Se)
'144 1 §44)%W ;W,e4illiPsteV. 'Kets;er B "
town, , entirely new ,line of superior
• • nd , elegantly built
PI C.: 4- TROY COACHESkii .7I9 .-;""
hare'been pne on the route,•whielf, togeth
er with'trusty and seionintoditing drivers,
they' reel assured 'must give entire satisfac
tion to the Trivelling' Public.
,CPThe line will run through daily,
(Sundays excepted,) leaving regularly at
7 o'clock, A.M..
September 17, 1847.
-fhinit lel
L. 7 a_A)
THE members of "GETTYS LODGE
BAND " WoUld respectfully inform the
Citizens of Gettysburg and vicinity that,
in connection with the "lIANDN ASSOCIA
TION" of this place, who have kindly con
sented to assist, they purpose giving a grand
Instrumental and Vocal CONCERT, in the
Court House, on Irednr3day CVellthg the
22d inst., when a variety of favorite and pop
ular airs will be performed. Special ar
rangements have been made for the accom
modation of Ladies.
A nmissioN.—Single tickets 25 cents ;
tickets admitting a gentleman and two la
dies 50 etc. For particulars see small
Bills. [Dec. I°, 1847.
.1 .Thy .Irtirle!
14A/1 N
1) L"8. ni .
ELS, On good order,)
wanted at - 7' C. 11 - eaner'3 Confectionary
in Gettysburg, for which 12!, cts. a pound
will be paid in Cash. Immediate atten
tion is required. As the above article can
be prepared by those who have Walnuts
on hand, at leisure hours, attention will
well pay. [Dec. 10, 1847.
IpRIENDS' ALMANAC for 1848, by
JU Elijah Weaver, Philadelphia—for
sale at C. WEAVER'S Confectionary in
I)ON'T forget the Christmas Presents
at \V EA V EICS Confectionary—call
and see them.
'Whoever wants a First-rate
41 . `/ AN he accommodated by calling at
V) FRAZER'S Clock & Watch Etitab
lislunent, in Chambershurg street, Gettys
burg, next door to Mr. molder's Drug
Store—where a new lot of beautiful 2 a
hour and 8 day CLOCKS have just been
ecired from the City. They are of the
best manufacture, and will be warranted.
Give us a call—they will be sold cheap.
Perfnmery, Soap, Nc.
ARTICLES, TOYS, Ste., fur sale
by q WEAVER.
EIWATCHES, of all kinds,
will he cleaned and repaired, at the
shortest notice, at FRAZER'S Cluck
Wtitch Establishment, in Gettysburg.
July 16, 18-17. . tf
THE DAILY =llll S.
THE un sxamplcil sneer-, which It^v thus far
attended the News htabli•,bruent_ encour
ages the proprietors to spare 110 rani iron; tout:llse
the Daily News a paper which shall be FCCOOiI to
none of its cotemporaries in Philadelphia. They
will make it their especial aim to impart a dig
nified and high moral tone to the paper, and to
exclude from its columns every thing of an indel
icate or ofronsit e nature They hate the moil
ample every respect, to enable them
to gtve to its readers the latt.nt and most accurate
local, foreign and domestic intelligence, and also
oil and reliable accounts of the Markets and Corn
mercial news generally.
The. Daily News will continue to advocate
Whig principles as originally expounded by the
Fathers of the Constitution, and adopted by the
accredited organs and champions of the Whig
cause at the present day. It will urge the hold
ing of a Whig National Convention for the purpose
of nominating candidates for the Presidency and
the Vice Presidency, and will battle, with all the
ability. ,zeal and energy it can cemmand, to ,ecore
the triumphant election of the nominees of that
TE nme .—To mail subscribers, single copies
will be furnished at 94 Op per annum. Twelve or
more copies, ordered at the same time, and ad
dressed to the same Post-otlice,will be sent at the
rate of $3 00 per copy.
TILE TRI-WEEKLY NEWS will be issued
from the same office, from and after the first of
January next, on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sat
urdays of each week, and will contain the same
matter as the Daily, including the news of the day
on which it is issued.
The regular subscription price will be $3 00
for a single copy ; four copies, $0 50 per copy;
ten copies, $0 00 per copy.
ed at the tiarne office, on every Saturday morning,
is a cheap Family Paper, will be furnished to sub.
scribers at the following low• terms—One copy,
$1; six copies, ; thirteen copies, $10; twenty
copies, $l5 ; twenty-seven copies, $2O, t:c.
weekly German newspaper, devoted to the advoca
cy of sound Whig principles, and to the dissemi
nation of local, foreign and domestic intelligence,
will published Irvin and after the first of March
next. 'Flame—One copy, $1 50; four copies,ss;
ten copies, $lO.
no case Rill either of the above papers
be forwarded unless payment be made in advance;
and no paper will be sent after the expiration of
the time, unless the sob=cription is renewed,
tri'Money remitted through the mail, will Se
at the risk of the publishers. Notes of all specie.
paying Banks, in any part of the Union, will be
received in pay.
Philadelphia, Dec. 17. 15.17.
C.1,118R13 COUNTY, Pd.
HONG the Records of the Orphans'
LA, Court of Cambria county, of July
Term, 1837, it is thus contained : In the
case of the Real Estate of Henry Musser,
late of Lancaster comity, deceased, Notice
having been given of the Rule obtained at
the last Turin of the Orphans' Court on
the Heirs and Representatives of said de
ceased, to appear on the Monday of the
present Term to accept or refuse to take
the Real Estate of said deceased, at the val
uation, and none of the heirs or represen
tatives appearing in purse ieee of said rule,
and the matter having been continued by
the Court until this day—the Court, on
applifttion of Moses Gamin, Esq., in be
half of Susanna Reigart, one of the heirs
of the deceased, granted a rule on the heirs
and representatives of said livery Musser,
deceased, to appear on the first day of next
term of the Orphans Court of Cambria
county, beiog the first Monday in ()ember
nextoo slimy cause why the Real Estate
of the said deceased, in said county ,of
Catrihria should not be sold--=notice there
of lob &limn in a newspaper published it)
thie.cOnnty of Cambria and in each of t h e
epuntles,in which, the heirs reside.
And now, to wit, at October Term, 1817,
the above rule enlarged until the 'next term
of Said CoUrt, to be held on the first Mon
day in January next, with notice to be giv
en as above ordered.
Ebensburg, July 7, IS 17.
of the Orphans' Court of said
;‘,.1" r,county, do certify the foregoing
to be a true extract from the
proceedings of the Orphans'
Court of Cambria county, at July and Oc
tober Terms, 1847. In testimony where
of 1 hare hereunto set my hand and affix
ed the seal of said Court, at Ebensburg,
the 14th Octiber, 1817.
3. NI'DONALD, Clerk.
nee. 10, 18.17-1 t
NOT. 3.
LETTERS of Administration on the
Estate of &mum, JAcous,late of I Lun
ilton township, dee'd, having 'been grant
ed to the subscribers, residing in Adams
county, they hereby give notice to all why
are indebted to said Estate to call and pan
the same without delay, and those having
claims arc desired to present the same,
properly authenticated, for settlement.
Nov 2(1.—11t .IdministraterB.
O The first named Administrator reidiles in
Reading townhhip, the latter in Hamilton tp.
ir EWERS of Administration on the
IA Estate of Ronctur TnowsoN, late of
the borough of Gettysburg, dee'd, having
been granted to the subscriber, residing in
said borough—Notice is hereby given to
all those indebted to said estate to make
payment, and those having claims upon the
estate to present the same, properly au
thenticated, for settlement.
HENRY WELTY, .4din'r.
Nov. '26, 1817-6 t
rEWERS Testamentary on the Es-
A tate of JOHN It I F, late of
Franklin township, Adams county, deceas-H
cd, :having been granted to the uhscri
herd residing in the same township, notice
is hereby given to all persons indebted to
said estate to call and settle the same with
out delay, and those having claims against
said estate arc requested to present the
same, properly authenticated, for settle.
men t.
ANDREW RIFE,. Executor.
Dec. 3, 1817..6t'
ILL be made and put up by the
subscriber, who will attend prompt
ly to all orders, and upon as reasonable
terms as man he procured at any establish
ment in the county.
Gettysburg, October 15, 18.17.
Jewelry, Watch-Guards,
ITC,II Chains, Koys, Spectacles,
tltl Y &c. BSc. can always be had at the
Clock & Watch Establishment of „
A. few cords Of good
wooD wanted at this office; in
. mtnent
of subscription.
Nlueh rolkcd abcmt lots I,en, you know, •
Tho 1A n ,1.1 battles iu Mraies;
None dare dispute, hot intint confess,
The Blot; t..; our tonne success.
But mighty. r victories than three
Ha ve long Lou ; made with greeter ease;
Victories trimbyl.‘nt and complete,
At Marcus zsainson's, in York street .
For r Chcop thOre's 'tone dare try
To rival him in quautity ;
In style and make, arts fit and ease,
Ilia patrons he in sure to pletee.
Ills stuck in great. Li; priers an'tall,
Who would buy cheap, had hrtor
gt_l•Are you going to buy CLOTHING
this fall, and do von want to buy cAeop
If so, call at SA MSON'S Clothing and Va
riety Store, nearly opposite the Bank, in
Cettyshurg, where the largest and hest as
sortnient of
Ready-made Clothing:,
for BOYS' and MEN'S wear, ever re
ceived in Ucttysburg, is now being opened.
It is unnecessary, as it would be impossi
ble. to enumerate the different articles com
prising the assortment, which includelev
cry variety of Boys' and Men's Apparel,
such as superfine Cashmeret and Cloth
Dress COATS and CLOAKS; fine and
superfine Tweed Coats ; Calo+lllet do. :
plain and fancy Cassimer, Cloth, Tweed,
Rlld CaSSillet pANTs ; Silk, Satin, Cos
simere, Cassinet, Plain &Emcy VESTS;
dm Wrappers, Shirts, Bosoms, Collars,
I ff° 6l 6 CAPS, Cravats, handkerchiefs, Sus
penders, Gloves, Stockings, &c. Also, a
large variety of
Jewelry, Spectacles, Perfumery, Pen
knives, Combs, Shaving Apparruns, Pur
ses, Dish-shades, Umbrellas, Violins, ui
tars, Violin and Guitar Str'ngs, Need!ls,
Pius, DISh-shades, &C. &C.
Having purchased an unnsually large
supply of Goods, fir C:l5 h, and havingde
termined to sell on the Cash and One Price
principle, my Goods have put down to the
lo%,Vest prices, and will he sold at astonish
ingly loti , rates. If con want to save 50
per cent. in purchasing your Pall and Win
ter Clothing, call and examine the splend
id assortment now 'opening by
Nov. 5, 1847.—tf
IltrJ"./ T OR RENT—a 'louse in West
York street. Inquire at the Clothing and
Variety store of MARCUS SAMPSON.
S I 400
J. Lawrence Dill, M. D.,
of E.I'T S
pESPECTFULLY offers his prays-
Fiona' services to the citizens of Get
tysburg and surrounding country. Ile is
prepared to attend to all cases usually en
trusted to the Dentist, and hopes, by strict
attention to Dentistry alone, to be able to
please till who ntay see fa to entrust their
leethinhis hands. (t Office, second door
above Forry's Hotel, S. Baltimore street.
Gettysburg, July 23,—tf
Dr. V. E. Vandersloot,
11) ESPECTFULLY informs the Citi
zens of Gettyshurg and vicinity that
lie is prepared to perform every operation
appertaining to his Profes3ion, such as
clealudng. filing, plugging and inserting
Teeth, from a single tooth ton full set. An
experience of more than twelve years in
the Profession he trusts will eLable him to
operate to the entire satisfaction of those
who may wish his services. All work will
he warranted. For his place of residence
enquire at the store of Samuel Fahnestork.
Reference is respectfully made to the fol
lowing gentlemen :
Rev. Dr. tichnotrlter, Itev. Prof. liaugher,
Dr. D. Homer, Dr. D. Gilbert,
Prof. II Ditupt, Rev. E. V. Gerhart,
Dr. O. N. iierlueltr. Prof. M. L. Stover,
Gettysburg, Oct. 29, 11447-1 y
OFFICE in the Centre Square., North
of the. Court-house, between Smith's
and Stevenson's corners.
Gettysburg, Pa. •
"1111 E midersigned having formed a
partnership for the practice of the
Law, will attend the Courts of York and
Adams. and also visit the neighboring coun
ties if desired. °dice in York street, Get
tysburg, between the Bank and Public Of
fices, where one of the firm will constant
ly attend, and where communications will
receive prompt attention.
June 18, 1817.—but
I DIES G. REED, lately from Pitts
.; burg, designs making Gettysburg his
permanent place of residence, and to pur
sue there the practice of the
has made arrangements with his father,
JouN HEED, Esq., of Carlisle, to have his
aid in such cases as may require it. He
will be found at all times at his office, on
Chamhersburg street, opposite the hat
store of \\ t. PA TON, or, at his lodgings,
at the Hotel of James .11'Cosh.
Oct. 29, 1817,--s t
./..1//' NONCE.
jar so ,DrirLDE] BE -4 20 MED tA
ORESENTS his respects to his friends,
and informs them that he has made
arrangementstn continue to practweas usual
in the Courts of Adams county, under the
new regulation of the times for holding
Jan. 30, 1816. *if
.Ittorney at Law,
Ark RICE in the S. \V. corner of the
ity Public Square. one door West of G.
Arnold's Store, formerly occupied as a
Law Office by John ArConau2hy, deed.
lie solicits, and by prompt and faithfulat
tention to husinss in his profession, it will
be his endeavor to merit, confidence and
1177'1). M'CoNhttinv will also attend
promptly to all business entrusted to hint
:IS .!rant and Solicitor for Patents and
Pensions. Ilc has made arrangements,
through which he can furniidi very:dei•dra
ble facilities to applicants, and entirely re
lieve them fom the necossity of a jomney
to Washington. on application to him per
sonally or by letter.
Gettysburg, April 2.--tf
T 11,0 .111 A S 1111." C 12-E All
ArIiFFICE in the So!ith-east Coretr et
"IF the Diamemt, betiveen A. 13. Kurt.f.'3 "wail
Flotel and H. W. M'Shetry's Stnre. vAiztor, , , IS 04
Gettysburg, Dee. 12, 18-15.—tf Fon sdLE .17` 71118 Ornel:
;i:,•t4 T , q ..i:
. ';''1:: , ~.,..'. i , i ,'
Indian rei.,',4l(#l4r
4444 Gents.—ln jusnic4 to p;u n,
I oste OW public, I :ed. otn riaintd
slant statement of the, lti 3 O , t!ertli Ifly
:100 Mihail), and mmy ho I,A
will be surprised to rind th:ti Leer dill 1R mg, and
still more so, whim th,y learn he has e rm,,
ly recovered from thedreaMul a-croiula 14•1111 Whit. It
he has so long suffered.
It is now Mole than lour years since the
ease that made its appearance un one of his Pg„,
ill deep and running ulcers, Triese eomm er ,i
more than two year;. confining him to his bed.
during which reveral pie, es of the hone came
way. It then attacked bur arm, causing net ere
paintul ulcers. `•eieral pieces of bone came trout
the arm also. Its thin time (two years and ore
m `011015) he was under the treatment of
o f cure best physicians, (and took sore thirty or
more bottles 01 San,aparilla and Incline) and was
p rmlou llend by the Doctors, INCIAMILE. lie
was th ei r, upon the recornn:e•ndation of Alt. lia
dlehurst, taken to • shill's Hospital," «•here lie
continued under the care of Dr. Parish, three
months. lie was then sent borne as incurable
In a few montfri; the other leg broke out in open
ulcers. Spirits of Tat was recommended by is
friend—he took this about four months, without
benetit—indeed he got orse, whim I must say,
1 gave tip all hope of hi; e%er getting well at
this stage of the disease, I was advised by the
lien. A. 1). Gillette, to try your medicine. I hid
very little faith in it, I confess, (having tried so
many medicines tilt bout benefit) lit, howe‘er,
commenced taking the PA NACLA on the first of
of March, A. D. 18IY, , and has been using it ten
months. Three months he began the use of
the Panacea, an ulcer saute its appearance upon
his neck above the collet bone. This continued
open until about three weeks since, wilts rr
151,4 Len. lie IS awe SOLlini, and In the enyly merit
of perfect health. 1 grateitilly add my testimon.
ial to the muily already iu yom possos..ion, 01 the
wonderful efficacy of you' CCIA.r:N'S
/tylvet 111 ly yOllll , ,
(Late of Philadelphia.) uow Brainard titteer
Mount Holly. New JerFey. January lat 154
oil this hiveentli day (it Nardi. A. 1).11:47,
before me. tho sunset iber. an Alderman in arid fur
the city of Philadelphia, personally came Harriet
I). Balker, who being duly sworn recording to
laW, Cloth depu-e and nay• that the facts set forth
in the above statement are. true. 11.111RIET 1).
BAILKnit. Su, urn and suMcrii•ed befo r e me,
.101I\ THOMPSON, Alderman.
Sold, wholesale and retail, by BO WAND & WA L
TON, Proprietors, 376 Nlarket street, Philadelphia,
and ty the iollint ing Agents:
S. .11..1.11tehler, Gettysburg.
Wm. BiNingcr. Abl;ottstown.
Lilly .4• Riley, Oxford.
./. Cooper, Franklin tp.
Dec. 111, tr.: i7.— . .2e1 [Aug ont 6, 1647.]
S a certain cure for Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cho
fern Morbus, Bowel Complaints, / 1 / 4 c., &c., of
thousands will ce t tit) . who have wiled its virtues
within the few niontha it has oven offered to the
public. Head the Certificate it Dr Bone, a high,
ly respectable physician of Philadelphia:
"Gentlemen —1 chem hilly bear testimony to the
good directs of your CARMINATIVE SrHUi',
alter having been cured of -tiara severe attacks
of Diarrhea, within the last few months. Being
opposed to Q.l.7Ace an! in any form, it took much
persuasion Irani a friend, who keeps it in his house.
as a 'lamily medicine, - To induce me to niaKe use
of it. Ile spoke to confidently, I gave it a trial ;
and I was not slow to make a trial of it, on the
second attack, having been ivlieved so soon on the
first. • I have pwscribed the Carminative Syrup to
a great many of iny p Mews, and. I am pleased to
say, situ the Sallie gruel ea;!illi. You aro at liber
ty to use this, y ou&C.
NOV. ;25, 1)141i. T. P. S ROBY, AL D:'
iry- For sale in (;etty: burg by S. 11. BUEHLER,
in Ahnotistov.ii by Wsi. Pit rrrintii, in Oxford
by ILLS k. RILEY, and in Fianklin township by
THOM us Courr.u.
and Family Magazine for 18.1 S.
l's;(11 F. A S f:1) ANI) INCREASING AT
THACTIoN, ith largcst circulation mini
greate,4 populmity of any wagdzine in the Uni
ted :!tates.
The TiII:AFL It ir vs 111 contain at titles from 13rt'•
ant, Longfellow, Pei ci al, Wei A r t I l o m e ,, W as h_
imiton Irving, N. P. Willis. llntlinan,'lnckerman,
Halleck, Paulding, Alm Sigourney, Miss
Gould, Dana. Herbett, Miss Sedgewick, 'Theodore
S, ray, (from whom tne have received a novel•
lette, which we shall shortly commence,)
Amen. Park Prolamin. E. A. Poe, /sic.
ments,trom the hands of the first artists, and eon•
sequently far stir -rim to !lime in any other Mag
azine, adorn the Coo,;. oininuent and Utility are
combined. The popular series of article, on
Health, Model Cottages, and Needle.m.ork, for. il
lustrated with line 12110:1‘11112 , , is ill be cromitined,
and such other tenon, as eau he made subi.eivi
eat to the grand design of the work.
To the Mental and Moral impruxernent of its
readers vs ill. froth trine to time be added
every month, altered from the Ftench to suit the
more modest taste of the ladies of this country.
ilirThis is the best time to sultcribe. • Persons
commencing vv till the ,Ltwi SR' !Mini -et, will le
calve MISS LE-LIE S NEW NOVEL, new and
entire, as the portions already published will be
reprintedmi that number. No diminution in the
intermt and variety, hot on iumease in the
number of }rage,
1 I.
One copy one year, including the "Lady's Doline
Ncw,piper," $3 i 0
nue copy two years! to 00
Two copivii one ytut ' , 5 iti)
five cop es one ;Nat, (with an extra copy
to the person peillVpi. , : the order,) .10 rto
Eight copies one 'yea!, 15 Of
Twelt e tin. • I 20 en
Any poittnaster or editor of a newspaper send
ing us for the Lady's Rook alone, may retain
the other dollar as contonission. This corn mix
slot) cannot be allow ell when the Lady's Book and
Dollar Newspaper are expected for $3.
L.:l. GOI)EY.
113. Cheacut aired, Philadelphia
Dec. 17, 1t,17...—:11
ii HEREBY 6IVEN. That applica
-I_, cipu will he made by the undersigned
and others, to the next I.egislallat of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. for the
incorporation it a Company under the
name and style. or intended name and
style, of Tilt:; SAVING
TION, capital Fifty Thousand Dollars, de
signed as an office of tlineonnt and depos
it; and to be loc...itod in East Berlin, Ad
ams counnty, Pa.
David Mellinger, John Dellone,
William Wolf, George S.diwartz,
J. J. Kuhn, J. 11. Anhabangh,
Charles Spangler, Barnet Hildebrand,
George King. Isaac Trimmer,
George H. Binder, Ahraham Trimmer,
John Diehl, David Ilollinger.
June 23, 1817.--Gin
TAxEs on Duplicate:: in ban&
, of Collectors at the pri:,ent tutr will,
be. d to Le paid on or lufori.: Ike 1.1
iday rf January, 18 V , . ECI'On 411 T 1
es unpsid after chit dat,, 6 pr
c.:51 will be charged, according to law.
Attest-1 Aug.'n•ih-oech. Clerk. Corarniu'R...
(:,,reenei,Ainntr: - ." )
ty.butz. Oct. A, 1847. 5 id