Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, December 17, 1847, Image 1

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VOL. XVIII.-40.1
rIHE Subscriber tenders his acknowl
-1• edgments to the Public for the liberal
and steady patronage with which he has
been favored for a series of y cars, and re
spectfully announces that he has just re
ceived, at his old established stand in
Chambersburg street, a large and fresh
tPaLla tt'utintMaind
Paints, Varnish, Dyestuffs
and every variety of articles usually found
in a Drug store, to which he invites the
attention of the public, with assurances that
they will be furnished m the most reason
able prices.
The subscriber has also largely 'increas
ed his assortment of BOOKS, by an addi
tional supply of
Classical, Theological.
School, and st
embracing almost every variety of Staml
ard and Popular Literature ; also,
Blank Books and Stationery - -
of allitinda, GOLD PENS, Pencil s,' Vi s
iting and Priming Cards, Card Cases, Ink
stands, &c. dm, all of which will, as moist,
be sold rj..llT THE LOWEST PRI
__Ott Arrangements hare been made by
which anything notineluded in 'his assort.
rnenowiii be promptly ordered from the
. • .
Gettysburg, Oct. 22; 1849.
1);:r1 have al present'on hand an excel
lent assortment of BIBLES, plain and fan-
cy, for school and family use—at very low
Subscriber, Executrix of o tr
I &Nick*, deceised, and testamentary
Guardian_ or his miucir children. otters for I
RENT, from The lyt dayof aril nexl,
the valuable property known
as the
"Virginia Mills? " `An
They are situate in flamiltonban township.
Adams county. 1 miles from Fairfteld,
and in one of the boat-Grain-growing sec
tions of the county. The Mills are newly
erected, and in complete repair ; they con
sist of a Grist Mill, Saw Mill, dce., ell in
good order.' There are about 500 Acres
in the Farm, with. Dwelling-house, Ten-.
ant House, Barti, tie.. a large quantity of
meadow sad arable lands, dm.
the subscriber, residing on the preinises.
Applications must be accompanied by pro
per recommendations.
Virginia Mills. Oct. 28, 1847—ff
IN pursuance of sundry writs of I endi
tioni .Expetuta, and a writ of Testatuns
roldidertißotottas.issued.out of the Court
andof Common Pleas of Adams county, and
me directed, will be exposed to public sale
on Sattirday the 18M of December, 18 47, ,
et 1 o'clock, P. M. at ihe Court-house, in
the Borough of aettystturg,,the following
Real Estate, to wit
. A_Tract. of
situate in. Hamiltonban and Liberty town
ships, Adams county, Pa. containing
sod acitiks ,
more•or, lees, on winch are erected a two
story . ,
, Dwelling House r •
(part log and part stone,) a
(1/11130/LP 411112a4
with two pair of Burrs and one pair of
Co'Lanky Stones, a Saw Mill, a Stone Bank
Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn• Crib, and other
outbuildings ; also, a Tenant Itouse, a well
of Water near the door, and a variety of
Fruit Trees upon the premises. Said
property'ils situate on Middle Creek, ad
joining lands of Jacob Weldy, John Eiker,
Wm. Loudon, and others.—Also,
A Tract of Mountain Land,
more or less, adjoining lands of
Christian Musselman, Robert
Slemmons, and others. Seized and taken
in execution as the Estate of MARTIN NEw-
MAN, deceased, at the time of his decease,
with notice to widow, heirs and terre-ten
A Tract of Mountain. Land,
situate in Franklin township,
Adams county, containing
128 Acres, more or less,
adjoining lands of Joseph Baker, Lawrence
Sheinine and others. Seized and taken
in execution as the Estate of 11ENIVWEA
VER, with notice to Fredetick Herr as ter
re tenant.
L S O-
A Tract of Land,
,situate in nenallen township, Adams co.,
artjoining lands of Joseph Taylor, Nicho-
Aas Akar and others, containing 93 .1.
ewes, wore or less, on which are erected
,a twolstary Jog
a one and s ( half story log Dwel
ding kpute and Kitchen, a log Stable, with
Thresbiueloor,Sheds, &c. and a log Sta
ble. 4. pOrtion of This Tract (about 20
Acres) is covered with 'J'imher ; about 12
Ae'res of Meadow; a Etuail Nursery; the
balsnce is iu a good state of cultivation,
with Springs through the premises.---Seiz
ed taken in execution ;is the Estau3 of
rePersons purcheskig property al Sh"ilra
sale, will have to pay ten per Gott. of the purchase
money on the day of of role,
.',lteritraollO.c. Gettysburg, td
Nyvodor 19, 1817.
On .S'aturday the 18th of December next,
I WILL sell my 110 USE and LOT.
situate in Petersburg. (Y. S.) front
ing on the Hanover and Carlisle Turnpike,
and adjoining lot of Robert Livingston on
one side, and an alley on the other. The
Improvements are a large
Two-story Weather-boarded
00 feet by 30, a one and a half-story Back
building, a Coachmakers Shop, a first-rate
Barn, a well of excellent Water convenient
to the door, and a fine Garden.
dlso, at the same lime and place,
414? (1) :II Lit l !No
across said Alley, adjoining lots of Win.
Gardner, and others, with a good
Apple & Peach Orchard
thereon. pJc.The Lots will be
sold separately or tOkether, as purchasers
may. desire. The Terms will be made
known on the day of sale by
- "Tetiirisburg, (Y. 213.-1.3
Ua1P22i470 ed=2o
N" there is a rare chance fur Mer
chants to get one of the most v'ehls-
Me situatioria for 'buaineptinffie
The aubscriber will expose fo. Adige Silo !
on Saturdq the Bth of January, 1849'
at 10 o'clock, A. M. on' the premtles,
Valoftble Property,.
on which he now • resides, situ- ITU
ate in PETERSBUR(4 (Y. S.)
Adams county, Pa., on the corner. of Main
and Harrisburg streets. Thelthildings are
first-rate., Call and 'see them,. and judge
fur yourselves. Terms made known on
the day of sale. '
N. B.—lf the above awned propeny
not sold on or before the Bth of Jenuatiti,
it will be FOR RENT.
ItZPHe would.•allse inforns , dl4, Pub
that he has • a splendid assortment Of -
• \IRV GOOlOll4, <
which he will sell off at wholesale or re
tail, at reduced prices hut) great bargains.
lAM going to Schualiiit colony to com
l. menee the Coal BEning; business, (I
want Money.) and. give, notice to all , per
sons indebted to me to call iiinaeiliately
and seple the mama. . If their accounts arc
t eeltfed on or bore ihelaticing bb
+wary neat, they will not tf,atary
find them in the hatais of an Oificer.,
Petersburg, (Y. B.)JNpv- Re• 1847•.
N 111611102,111 % KOKUL
ICE is hereby giten to all Lep
steel, and other persons eoneented
that , the ~11.01111NISTR.I.TION. 11C
COUNT$ qiihedeeetsed persons herein
after mentioned will be pre tented at tintiCK
phans' Court of Adims county, forcemfm:
mation and allowance, on,pursday, Me
41st day of December next. viz .
The account of Wm. Wolf. Administra
tor of the Estate of Joseph Miller, deed.
The third account of Wm. Albright, one
of the Executors of the last will and festa
-1 ment of Daniel Evsicr, deceased.
'fhe account of Anthony Deardorff and
Samuel Deardorff, Administrators of the
Estate of Samuel Deardorff, deceased.
The second and final account of John
Marshall. Administrator of the Estate of
Samuel Knox, deceased. •
The account of George Heagy and Wm.
Gilt, Testamentary Trustees of Mar 7 Ann
I Icagy.
Register's Office, Gettysburg.
Nov. 26 1847.
THIS School is located in a healthy
part of the country, within of a
mile of York Springs, and 20,miles west of
York, at which place persons arriving in
the morning train of Cars, by applying to
Samuel Hays, will meet with ready con
veyance to this place on the same day, and
those coining in the afternoon train can
take the Gettysburg Stage immediately for
Gilt's Tavern, on the York and Gettys
burg turnpike, where they will be accom
modated over night and conveyed here the
next day. The School is also easy of ,
cess from Baltimore, Carlisle, Harrisburg,
land Gettysburg, as stages from each of these
places pass through Petersburg (one mile
north of this) every other day of the week.
The course of instruction comprises all
the branches of a solid liberal English Ed
ucation, together with the French and Ger
man language, and Drawing.
The summer Session will commence on
the first second day in the sth month, and
that for the winter on the first second day
in the Ilth month, and each continue 22
TEUNIS.—For Tuition. Boarding, Wash
ing, &c., $5O per sesssion of 22 weeks,
one-half payable in advance, and the re-
Mainder at the end of the term. No ex
tra charges except for the French and Ger
man languages, and Drawing. The use
of Reading Books and Library without
charge ; other Books and Stationery, when
needed, furnished at the usual prices,
Each pupil must furnish her own wash
basin and towel, and have each article of
clothing marked with her entire name.
York Springs, Adams Co. Pa.-3in
ERY,ofaII kinds, constantly on hand
and for sale, al the lowest prices, at the
Book and Stationery Store of
Ike. 10. S. 11. BUEHLER.
Tram the People. Jountal
This day, (Apri fith,) we were to visit
the Jordan and Dead Sea. In the early
morning, about fire o'clock, I ascended a
steep mound near our encampment, and
saw a view as different from that of the
preceeding day as a change of lights could
make it. The sun had not risen ; but
there was a hint of its approach in a gush
of pale light behind Moab mountains.—
The strip t .of woodland in the middle of
the plain looked black in contrast with the
brightening yellow precipices of Quarata
nia on the west_ Southwards, the Dead
Sea stretched into the land, grey and clear.
Below me, our tents and horses, and the
moving figures of the Arab,enlivened the
shadowy banks of the stream.
We were off soon after six, and were to
reach the banks of the Jordan in about two
and a half hours. Our way lay through
the same sort of forest land that we had en-''
camped in. It was very wild : and al- '
most the only tokens of habitation that we
met with, were about lithhah—by some
supposed to be the exact site of the ancient
Jericho. This is now as miserable a vil
lage as any in Palestine: and its inhabi
tants errs as low in character as an wealth.
No stranger thinks of going near it who is
not well awned and guarded. Yet there
is no need to resort to any means but hon
est and very !moderate industry, to obtain
a somforeable onimisance here—if only
honesty were eseonraged, and industry
forotemed by a good soma state. The fine
karma that are sabered around, and the
abundant prairie' oldie few crops that are
sorra. show that the - soil sad dimte are
not to blame. At ilia Owe there is a
Minna barer. amailimms far above the
trees, which sonsetemppme to be the sole
remnant of the grmit_eity4.bau it cm hard
ly be norkeni monk in haver belonged to
On the ham* in the midst °film brush-
Arobdt wit law a fewliads of sash a adze
that one of do pasty in a sanment of for .
cried out, mestriebes r There
ate no ormiehmalism/miry; bet deme
cranes baked very its ihuns.while ma the
Teet . .....Ons*.mne *my mese,sketrhistg out
their ourn.buse behind thew.cendisly the
tartest birds 1 over saw lly—or pmattsbly
shall ewer sea. : - - '
".TIM* wo - ind liewn Idd, and had mead.
that the rive: mild net be des via the
treveller emehed its any beds, we meld
not help leoltio . giselt. Throe bend ter
mem base in he hammed ; -and than it is
Wink its **Op bald, where itaiL.e
dea *meet tie woodhed. he depth d
water: minas noels at irdeniat anseene
though. has'sew dim isnwedy. The
Sotifaltea *peek welnueli of die eneellow
swill* diadem. that it is mippeed that
formerly the fiver was subject to imendr:
deans, *kith —y barn limed dui three
termoiss above memiedd, and crowd the
calnaldthery intiTstir of she plain in old
laws; mar dintthrwild bens which then
barbered is the brakes. came up le terrify
the sheathers in the itilds. flees this
may Wm. it is net so sow. The channel
is ended* deopmedLoad the river now.
io the, haat sesson. only briaMover its
banks into the Wakes, so as to stand among I
the asses. and never reaches the terraces.
Though we awe all ea the lookout, and
thoegh we reaellied4he river at the spot
which is cleared for the approach of the
Eargitina pilgrims, we could not see the wa
ter till we could almost touch it. The
first notice to me of where it was, was
from come of the party dismounting on the
Pilgrim's beach. When I came up—t) !
how beautiful it was !!—how much more
beautiful than all pictures and all descrip
tions had led me to expect ! The only
draw back was, that the stream was turbid;
not only whitish, frorn a sulphurious ad
mixture, but muddy. Rut it swept nobly
along, with a strong and rapid current, and
many eddies, gusbinz throu,qh the thick
woodland, and do w M. , in among the tall
trees, now smiting the white rocks of the
opposite shore, and now winding away out
of sight behind the poplars and acacias and
the tall reeds which crowd its banks. It
is not a broad river ; but it is full of ma
jesty from its force and loveliness. The
vigorous, upspncTirm character of the wood
along its margin struck me much ; and we
saw it now in its vivid spring green,
The pilgrims rush into the sacred river
in such number, and with so little precau
tion as to the strength ofthe current, that no
year passes without some loss of life ; and
usually several perish. This year only
one was drowned. Whatever supersti
tion there might hale been among our
company, it was not of this wild sort ; and
we bathed in safety. The ladies went
north ; the gentlemen south. I made a
way through' the thicket with difficulty,
till I found a little cove, which the current
did not enter, and over which hung a syc
amore. whose lower branches were wash
ed by the ripple which the current sent in
as it passed. On the branches the bath
er might stand or sit without touching the
mud, which lay soft and deep below.—
The limestone precipices and wooded pro
montorr opposite made thei river partic
ularly 6eautitul here ; and sorry I was to
leave it at last.
It is useless to attempt to make out
where the baptism of Jesus took place, or
where his disciples and John administered
the rite. And on the spot one has no
pressing wish to know. The whole of
this river is so sacred and so sweet that it
is enough to have saluted it in any part of
its course.
One thing more we did ; we remember.
cd friends far away, and earned away some
water fur them, having provided tin eases
for the purposes. The Queen's children
are baptized in Jordan water; and I brought
away a easeful for the bap:ismof the child
of a friend who lives further away from
the Jordan than our Queen does. This
business done, we were summoned to
horse, and rode away southward to the
Dead Sea.
The belt of woodland soon turned away
eastward. and we found ourt.e;res exposed
to ratrc:ue !tee, ttrt a pain crust-
ed with salt and cracked with drought.—
There had been a closeness and murki
ness in the air, all the morning, which was
very oppressive ; and now it was, at our
usual slow pace, almost intolerable. I
put my horse to a fast canter, and crossed
the plain as quick as possible, finding this
pace a relief to my horse as well as my
self. The drift on the beach of the sea
looked dreary enough ; ridges of broken
canes and willow twigs washed up, and
lying among the salt, and the little un
wholesome swamps of the shore ; but the
waters looked bright and clear, and so
tempting that our horses put their noses
down repeatedly, always turning away a
gain in disgust. I tasted the water—a
bout two drops—and I almost thought I
should never get the taste out of my mouth
again. And this is the water that poor
Costigan's coffee was made of !
Costigan was a young Irishman, whose
mind was possessed with the idea of ex
ploring the Dead Sea, and giving the world
the benefit of his discoveries. It would
have been a useful service ; and he had
zeal and de:otednes enough for it. But
he wanted either knowledge or prudence;
and he lost his life in the adventure without
having left us any additional informatien
whatever. Ile had had a small boat car
ried overland by camels ; and in this he
set forth, (in an open boat, in the month
of July!) with only one attendant, a Maltese
servant. They reached the southern end
of the lake—not without hardship and chili
' culty ; but the fatal struggle was in getting
back again. The wind did not favor them,
and once blew such a squall that they had
to lighten the boat, when the servant stu
pidly threw overboard the only cask of
fresh water they had. They were now
compelled to row for their lives, to reach
the Jordan before they perished with thirst;
but he sun scorched them from a cloudless
sky, and the air was like a furnace. When
Costigan could row no longer, his servant
made some coffee from the water of the
lake, and then they lay down in the boat
todie. But the man once more roused him
self, and by many efforts brought the boat
to the head of the lake. They lay help
for a whole day on the burning shore,
linage to do more than throw salt water
over each other from time to time. The
eiertmorning, the servant crawled away,
in hopes of reaching Rihhah, which lie did
with extreme difficulty. lie sent Costi
irs's horse down to the shore, with a sup
ply of water. He was alive, and was car
ried- tcr' Jerusalem in the coolness of the
night. He was taken tare of in the Latin
mount there : but he died in two days.
Nets now relating to • his enterprise was
owerfotord , r ant daring his illness he nev
er spoke On this eubject. Any know ledge
thist.hs might.have gained has perished
withbier andfloreliebleinformation could
beololited.frook,tris servant. Costigan's
grans* in*? American burying ground ;
04 7 . the stone which tells his
Melancholy story.
.He died in 1835.
There appere to be no satifactory evi
dence u to whether any fish are to be
found,in the Dead Sea. Our guides said
that some small black fish had been seen
there ; but others deny this. A dead fists
has been found on the shore near the spot
where the Jordan eaters the lake ; but this
might have been cast up by the overflow
;of the river. It is said that small birds do
not fly over this lake, on account of the
deleterious nature of its atmosphere. A
bout small birds I cannot speak ; but I
saw two or three vultures winging their
way down it obliquely. The curious
lights which hung over the surface struck
' me as showing an unusual state of the at
mosphere—the purple, murky light rest
-1 ing on one part, and the line of silvery re
fraction in another. Though the sky was
clear after the morning clouds had passed
away, the sunshine appeared dim ; and
the heat was oppressive. The gentlemen
of the party, who stayed behind to bathe,
declared, on rejoining us at lunch time,
that they had found the common report of
the buoyancy of the water of this sea not
at all exagerated, and that it was indeed
an easy matter to float in it, and very chili
. cult to sink.
They also fourd their hair and skin
powdered with salt when dry. But they
could not admit the greasiness or stickiness
which is said to ai here to the skin 'after
bathing in the Dead Sea. They were very
positive about this, and they certainly did I
observe the fact wry carefully. Yet I
have seen, since my return, a clergyman
who bathed there, .tul who declared to ine
that his skin was se sticky, for some days
after, that he could not get rid of it, even
from his hands. And the trust-worthy'
Dr. Robertson, a late traveller there, says,
"After coming out, I perceived nothing of
the salt crust upon the body, of which so !
many speak. There was a slight prick
tensation, especially when the skin had
been chafed ; and a sort of greasy feeling,
as of oil, upon the skin, which lasted fur
several hours." The contrast of these
testimonies, and the diversity which exists
among the analyses of the waters which
have been made by chemists, seem to show
that the quality of the waters of the Dead
Sea varies. And it appears reasonable
that it should ; for it must make a great
difference whether fresh waters have been
pouring into the basin of the lake, after the
winter rains, or a great evaporation has
been going on under the summer's sun.—
In following the margin of the sea, we had
to cross a creek, where my skirt was
splashed. These splashes turned present
ly to thin crusts of salt ; and the moisture
and stickiness were as great a week after
wards as at the moment
We wound among salt marshes and
brakes, in and out, on the desolate shores
of this sea: this set, which is not the less
dead and dreary for being as clear and blue
as a fresh mountain tarn. As we ascend
ed the ranges of hills which lay between
us and the convent where we were to rest,
the Jordan valley opened northwards, and
the Dead Sea southwards, till the extent
traversed by the eye was really vast. How
beautiful must•it have been once, when the
Jordan valley, whose verdure was now
shrunk into a black line amidst the sands,
was like an interminable garden; and
when the cities of the plain stood bright
and busy where the Dead Sea now lay
blank and grey! As I took my last look
back, from a great elevation, I thought that
so mournful a landscape, for one having
real beauty, I had never seen.
From the Nation) Intelligencer.
Headquarters, Mexico, new addition to the
United States, October '25, 1547.
MR. GALES & SEATON : My dear old
friends, Gineral Scott and 1 find a good
deal of bother about getting our des watches
through, or you'd hear from me oftener. I
do think the President is too backward about
clearing out this road from here to Vera
Cruz and keeping it open, and introducing
the improvements into the country that we
stand so much in need of here. lie and
Mr. Ritchie pretends to have constitution
al scruples about it, and says the constitu
tion don't allow of internal improvements,
and Mr. Ritchie says the resolutions of '9B
is dead agin it too ; and, besides Mr. Riehie
says these internal improvements is a Fed
eral doctrine, and he'd always go agin 'em
for that if nothing else. But 'tis strange
to me the President hasn't never found out
yet that where there's a will there's a way,
constitution or no constitution. All he's
got to do is to call all these roads round
here in Mexico "military roads," and then
he'd have the constitution on his side, for
every body knows the constitution allows
hint to make military roads. I know the
President is very delicate about fringing on
the constitution, so I dont blame him so
much for holding back about the internal
improvements here in Mexico, though I
dont think there's any other part of the
United States where they are needed more.
But-there's no need of splitting hairs about
the roads ; military roads isn't internal im
provements, and he's a right to make mili
tary roads as much as he pleases. And
as them is jest the kind of roads we want
here, and shall want for fifty years, (fur
our armies will have to keep marching a
bout the country for fifty years before
the'll be able to tame these Mexicans and
turn 'Om into Americans,) it is confounded
strange to me that the President is so be
hind hand about this business. What's
the use of our going on and annexin away
down south here, if he dont back us up and
hold on to the slack ? And there's no way
to hold on to it but to keep these military
roads open so that our armies can go back
and forth to bring us in victuals and pow
der and shot and money.
Here we've been, weeks and weeks
since we annexed the city of Mexico, wait
ing and holding on for the President to
setril•us more men and more money,• and
tel us what to do next. This backward
ness of the President since we got into the
city of Mexico seems the more strange to
toe, considering. For, when he was fixin
me otr to come out here and see if I could
make a settlement with Santa Anna, 1 tried
parsaaJe hint to .let the armies hold
still while I was making the bargain. I
told hint lie could Myer bring a man to
reason or to trade when he was knocking
of him down all the time. But I couldn't
make him seem to understand it. lie
stood to it his way Was the best—the
sword in one hand and peace in tattier, all
the way along—a word and a blow, and
the blow always first. •
"Why, Major Downing," says he, "it
you want to reason a man into peace, that's
another thing; but if you want to conquer
a peace, my way is the only way. That's
the way I begun this war, and that's the
way I mean to carry it out."
"How so ?" says I ; "how did you be
gin the Was in that way ?"
"Why," says he,"Slidell was the word,
and Taylor was the blow ; and not only
my friends, but even my enemies, admit
that the blow come first."
The President said that was the rule he
had gone by all the way along, and he meant
to stick to it; and not hearing any thing
from him so long, I'm afraid he's got a HO
lion that peace is conquered. But that
would be a had mistake, if he's got such a
notion ; for it isn't conquered ; it's only
scattered. It's a good deal as 'twos with
Bill Johnson, when he and I was boys, and
he undertook to conquer a hornet's nest,
expects to get lots of honey. Ile tpok a
club and marched bravely up to it anti hit
it an awful dig, and knocked it into a thou
sand hinders.
"There, blast ye," says Bill, "I guess
you're done to now," as he begun to look
round for the honey. But 'twas n't con
quered ; 'twas only scattered. And pres
ently they begun to fly at him and sting
him on all sides. Otte hit hint a dab on
the arm, and another on his leg, and an
other in his face. At last Bill found he
should soon be done to himself, if he staid
there, so he cut and run.
"Hullo," says I, "Bill where's your
honey ?" •
"Darn it all," says he, "if I haint got no
honey, I knocked their house to pieces; I've
got that to comfort me."
I wish you would try to convince the
President that 'tis only scattered here ;
n't conquered, and he must give us the
means to keep moving, or we shall get
badly stung bime-by. If he only hacks us
up well, I'l! pledge myself that we'll carry
out the campaign marked out in my last
despatches, which would bring us clear
down to Cape Horn in four or five, years ;
I and I'm very anxious to get there, it strikes
• me that would be such a good horn to hold
on to in all dilemmas, even if all the rest
lot the country went by the board. I dreamt
'tether night that we had got through an.
nexin all North and South America; and
and then I thought our whole country was
turned into a monstrous great ship of war,'
and Cape Horn was the bowsprit and Mr.
Polk the captain. And the captain was
walking the deck with his mouth shet, and
every body was looking at him and won
dering what he was goin to do next. At
last he sung out, "Put her about; we'll
sail across now and take Europe arid Asha
and Africa in tow--dons stop for bird's-egg.
ing round among the West India Islands ;
we can pick them up as we come back a
; long—crowd all sail now and let her have
it." •
Away we went; I never see a ship sail
faster. The wind begun to blow harder
and harder, and then it Caine on an awful
storm, and at last it blowed a perfect har-
rycane. The sails begun 'to go to tlitters,l
and she rolled as if she was going to upset.
Some of the oldest and best sailors among
the crew told the captain we should all go
to destruction if he . didn't take in sail, and
furl and clew up, and get things tight, and
bring her head round to the wind. Mr.
Richie was standing by his side, and says
he, "Captain Polk, them is all nothing but
Federal lies, as I've shown hundreds of
times, not only in the Union, hut years and
years ago in the Etirmirer. Them fellers
only want to give sid and comfort to the
enemy ; dont pay any attention to 'em.—
Here's the chart, (he held up in his haml
the resolutions of '9BO sail by this, and I'll
risk her on any tack, and in all weathers."
On we went, liekity:split, the harrycane
blowed harder, the timbers begun to creak,
the sails split to ribbons, some oldie spars
begun to snap and go by the board, and
then all at once there was a terrible cry,
"breakers ahead !" The Captain then
jumped as if he was wide awake ; and,
says he, "call all hands and put her about."
But when the officers conic to give orders
to the crew, not one of them Would mind
or pay any attention. The whole crew
was in a mutiny ; and the ship was so
large and the crew was such a mixed up
mess of folks that there was more than
twenty different mutinies all at once in
different parts of the vessel.
"Well," says Captain Polk, "I wash
my hands of this mibehief ; if the crew
wont turn to and help, the ship must go
Then an old sailor spoke up and said:
"All the crews in the world couldn't do
any good now the ship was dished and
must be plumped on the rocks ; her sails
and spars was gone, the timbers sprung,
and the hold was already half full of water."
In a few minutes she struck, and the rocks 1 1
gored a hole through her side,. and the I
water poured in, and down she sunk lower
and lower, till at last she gave one mighty
goggle, and plunged all under the water, I
except a piece of the bowsprit that still
stuck MIL The storm and the waves
swept over her, and the whole crew and
every body aboard was lost, except a few
of us who scrabbled up and clung to the
bu wsprit.
The hard apring I had to make to get on
to the bowsprit waked ins up ; and, al
though I aim one that thinks much of
dreams, I cannot help thinking a good deal
of Cape Horn, and 'laterally feel amrious
to get along down that:way as fast as we
can ; so I hope you'll urge the President
to be a little more stirring, and let us have
men and money a little faster.
I shall have to break off here for to-day,
because I've got to write a little despatch
to the President to send by the same post.
I have received some letters from Uncle
Joshua and other relations and friends in
the old United States, and send some of
'cut along to you, which you can, if you
think best, hitelion to my despatches, jest
as 6ineral Scott takes the letters dins un
der-officers and hitches on to his despatches.
Su I remain your old friend,
No. 11.-7'o JAmEs K. POLE., President
of the United Statcy and all annexed
count, ie.y.
vidquttrtere, City of Wilco,
A ottatexed United BwteB ()Nutter 25, 1817
DEAR COLONEL : Things is getting alma ,
here as well as could be expected, consiti.
erin the help we have, but we are altogeth
er too weak-handed to work to profit. If
you want um to hurry
,alutg down south,
we need a good deal more elp and more
money, It wouldn't be no use to give
that three millions of dollars to Santa An
na now, for the people have got so out
with hint that Ike couldn't make peace if
Ike had six miilions. Ile's skulking about
the country, and has as touch as he can do
to take care of himself. So I think you
had better give up the notMit about peace
altogether, it'll be such a hard thing to get,
and send us on the three millions here to
help us along in our annexin. It's danger
ous standin still in this annexin business.
It's like the old woman's soap; if it dont
go ahead, it goes hack. It would he a great
help to us in the way of holdin ou to what
we get, if you would carry out that plan of
giving the Mexican land to settlers float the
United States as fast as we annex it. I've
been very impatient to see your proclaim-1
non offering the land to seders to come out!
here. You've nu idea how much help it
would be to us it we only had a plenty of!
our folks out here, so that, as fast we kil-
led a Mexican or drove him oil from his
farm, we could put an American right on
it. If we could plant as we go„in this way,
we should 30011 have a crop of settlers here
that could hold on to the slack themselves,
and leave the army free to go ahead and
keep on annexin.
I thought, when I left Washington, you
was a going to put out such a proclamation
right away. And I think you are putting
it off a good deal too long, for we've got
land and farms enough here now for two
hundred thousand at least ; and, if they
would only come on .fast enough I think
we could make room for twenty thousand
a week for a year to come. But I'm a
fraid you're too delicate about doing your
duty in this business ; you are slush a
stickler for the constitution. I'm afraid
you're waiting for Congress to meet so as
to let them have a finger in the pie, But!
woultrnt do it ; if you do, I'm afraid you'll
wish your cake was dough again. From
all lean hear from home, things is looking
rather squally there. Our party seems to
be falling off ; in New York State they are
all faded into Barnbtuners and Hunkers,
and it looks all over the country as if the
Whigs were coming into power and if
they should, it would be a terrible calami
ty, for they are too narrow minded and too
much behind the age to understand the•
rights of this annexin business, and it's ten
chances to one if they don't contrive same
way to put a stop kc,
I've got a good deal more that I want to
say, and sonic advice I should like to give
you, but I shall be obliged to leave it till
my next despitch.• I needn't stop to tell
you about °Moral Scott in this, cause I
spose speak forbimielf. But I must
toll you I went out tother dity tcrsee
oral Cushing, and found him awfully tick
led about being nominated for Governor of
the Old Bay State. At first he was a good
deal amazed at it ; he was as much surpri
sed as you was, Colonel, when You first
heard you was nominated for President.
What amazed hint so much was, that he'd
alwayspeen thinking all along that he wits
a Whig till the nomination route, and then
he jumped up and snapped his lingers, and
said he believed, after all, the Democrats
was the right party.
He is in great speri is, and says he'S no
doubt he shall be elected. He goes fur
annexin now the hottest of any of us, and
says he takes the great Alexander for his
model, and goes for annexin as lung as
there is any country left to annex. His
ankle is quite well, and Gineral Pillow's
foot is a good deal better. •
I have the honor to he your private am
bassador and faithful friend, from fifty-four
forty on one side down to Cape Hord on
[ Following official example, we defer the let
ten; from Major Jack's relations, which he speak•
of; to some time when we have, more room for
them than we can spare tollay.—Eus. NA?. her. 1
TO ~i t WHIG."
Sin :—My reply to your communication ap
peering in the Star of the 2 . 211 of October last, has
called from you a lengthy but aqueous production ,
which it behooves me in come measure to notice,
in order that your wisdom. foresight, and tolen -
lion may be 'a.icertained and duly aPnredared.
Giving scope to your embittered feelings, you have
stigmatized us as dishonorable, denounced us as
traitors—have substantially declares! that our
eistanro to whatyou are pleased to call principle, is
ipso farm, treason in its blackest form—and have
sagely discovered in my answers jacobinical as
sault egainst Whig principle; and, therefore, an
ticipating an utter demolition of that dear fabeic,
have hurried to rescue a sinking cause (as you be
lieve it) &Om impending ruin. We are some
where told in ancient history that Osepho, a Lyb
ian king, /1116.1U3 to have his subjects believe him
a Cod, and pay him divine honors, had the birds
of the groves taught to pronounce, as they flitted
through the tree; -thipho is a God." The words,
were repeal„oad again and again until they were
considered oracular, and the gulled Lybiene bow.
ed in adoration before their king. In our daY,tou,
birds are to be ibund prating this one a 'God and
that one a Demon. Aye, in very truth, can we
find (lien croaking load 0111V118 to the 'people a
gainst thus.t who, scorning servility, sea proper to
exercise their constitutional privileges in opposi
tion to, the dictates of a tribunal in which may
have had no faith.
Prw.sibly, you, sir “Whi's," are one of theme
bird', and, urged on by vanity and selfishness,
have crooked out against us a train of hackneyed
and ti u te•worn invectives, for the bare gratiacatiou
of a willful malice. But let us 50C.
You start with the sweeping and logical asser
tion that my communication "isaltogether a com
pound of erroneous &Kathie and fidlacious reason-.
Mg," nrl, Willtont halthig to alurer the doctrine or
the reasoning, vault to the conclusion "that no
true and honest Whig will endorse them." If, by
true and honest Whig, you mean one who hag
made of himself a party machine, ever ready to do
its bidding, right or aeoo,4—who has squared his
principles in accordance with the precept, "thus far
shalt thou go, and no further,"—thrn I give in and
admit the truth of your assertion. But if, by truo
and honest Whig, you meau ono devotedly attach
ed to cardinal Wing principles—one who believes
it to be the right and duty of every man to think
and net for himself—one who believes it righteouit
ness to trample upon every action of the disergan
izing log-roller—upon the scandalizing rapacity of
sanguinary and headlong wranglers, their I hurl
back your assertion, and tell you it is false, 10
time, the great arbiter, will prove it so. When,
before your memorable cemmunication of theit2d,
were Whigs called dishonest, treacherous and set
fish for not yielding to the ticket entire support I
surely not five years ago, when "professing
Whigs,' if you please, saw proper to &pat the en
tire ticket, with one exception. Ah ! there was
no "Whig" tlien to denounce the traitors mid
brand as treacherous, dishonorable and selfish the
then action of the voters of the county. Surely
H ot two years ago, when Oxford wouldnot yield
her entire rapport to Mr. Kurtz. Why was not
your voice heard then ! Why were von not then
among the "flesh-pots of Egypt," crying aloud, and
sparing not ! Your adherence to prt.iciple want
then dots,' devoted, I presuirie ; or rather, your
• love of unidehers not to enthusiastic as at present
—an enthusiasm that has forced you to prove
yourself a Philip or a Caesar, to torture us into
submission and humility. But
"Lnvy her own snakes shall feel,
And Persecution mourn her broken wheel."
Again, "Ile seems to he thoroughly impressed
with the idea that our County Conventions have
heroine the hotbeds of corruption of late—that he
is no longer hound to worship the idol. it xis up
fur us, and that it is not treason to the principles
or the Party to withhold his support front those
id 01.." I used no such language. I gaVe you no
room to make sorb declarations. I did trot say
ant not hound to worship the idols it sets np fee
you ; but I now say so, and you are welcome to
its broadest acceptation. I put the interrogato:y
to you, whether you aver that when American
freemen cannot conscientiously support an inffi
‘idual for office, they eunimit les.on to the pin:-
elides of their party by withholding hem him their
support! And is it ycur desire to be Understood
as expressing the opinion that whenever dna
County Convention (whether honestly or dishon
estly gotten up) erect an idol, the party Is hound to
worship that idol ! Yon have answered by mi.--
quoting my language, by torturing toy Meaning'
ing and exposing yourself a garbler.
Again : "That this has been the prattle e of thi;
County Conventions, we are bound to betieve
from the assertion of Vindex, and he earleavor•
! j o g to enlighten us Whi g s of tine darktaltdoptira
with his revelations upon this subject." Lord save
utt—hare it wisdom ! But do tell us what as.
*colon I made, from which you arc bound to Ile
hieve that tins has bean the practice of the County
Conventions; and what this subject is upon which
I am .endeavoring to enlighten you. I think I
strove not to enlighten—ratber to chastise. I
made no , reeelations—rather dennaMations.
am no "Joe Smith," but such ei I a4lr L Id nien!
ar ' , dried nor eleepingt" Gad if/ billiArY"'
a just reprirnand toe the Illttalling US - r m.
'your vile rebuking*, you have yourself to
But further: "It is apparent that the aryirwir