Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, December 10, 1847, Image 3

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There are some things that farmers should
know, which. it practiced upon, will result
ill good, oiz :
They should know that it is an error to
plant trees from a State limiter south than
their own.—ln a cold season only the seeds
from a colder climate will ripen well.
Often* breaking up a surface keeps a soil
in heath; for when it lies in a hard bound
state, enriching showers run off, and the
salnbrious sir cannot enter.
\Vends exhaust lII,‘ strength of the
grobnd, and, if Putit red to grow, may be
called girden sins.
The hand and the hoe are the instru
ments fur eradicating weeds ; yet if there
it, room between the rows for the spade,
it ie well to Luc it
Never keep your cattle short--if you
starve them they will in turn start you.
It - *•ilt not do to hoe a great field for a
little crop, or to mow twenty acres for five
triads of hay. Enrich the-land and it will
pay you for it. Butter farm thirty acres
well than fifty acres poorly. ' '
In dry pasture dig water on the brow of
L' hill ; springs are more frequently near
the surface on a height than in a vale.
Rain is cash to a farmer, provided he
has land in order to drink up its riches.
The foot of the owner -is good ; manure
for lank
. . Out bushes:. wisli_to destroy. in
the gummier, and with i sharp intrument
—they will bleed freely anti die.
Never plowin' bad weather, or when
the ground is very wet, because tt makes
the surface rough.
Accounts should be kept, detailing the
expenees and products of each field.
When an implement is no longer want
ed fur the season, lay it carefully aside,
hut first let it be welt cleaned, and a coat
of paint would not hurt it.
Obtain good seed, prepare your ground
well, sow early, and pay no attention to
Cultivate your own heart aright; re
member that whatsoever a man soweth,
that shall lie reap.
Do not begin farming by building an
extensive house, nor a capacious barn, till
you have something to store in it.
Avoid a low and damp sight for a dwel
ling. Build sufficiently distant from your
barn and stock yard to avoid accidents by
Keep notes of all remarkable events that
may occur on your farm.
Recording even your errors will be a
Good remits make good neighbors—as
do.sholtkeyjcm! .. 94p4p long friends,.,
Experiments are highly commendible,
but do not become an habitual experi
The depredations of birds are fully com
pensated by the services they render in
preying upon destructive insects.
Sheep put into fresh stables are apt to
be killed by eating too much grain.
A. hare pasture neither enriches the soil,
fattens the animals, nor increases the wealth
of the owner. One animal well fed is of
more value than two poorly kept. The
better animals can be fed, and the more
comfortable they can be kept, the more
profitable they are.
SOW clover deep—it secures it against
Ground once well plowed is better than
thrice hutxly
Bountiful crops are more profitable than
poor ones. Make the soil rich, pulverize
it well. and keep it clean, and it generally
will be productive.
Weeds that grow unmolested around the
fences, stumps, 'and stones, scatter their
seeds over the farm, and are very likely to
Cows well fed in winter. give an increa
sed quantity of mills, in summer.
An cm that is in good condition in the
spring„ will ill perform more labor, and stand
the heat of suiumer much better than one
that is poor.
When you see the fence down, put it
up—if it.rernains unit to-morrow the cat
tle may get over it.
What ought to be done to-day, do it, for
to•merrow it may rain.
A strong horbe will work all day with
out food, but keep bins at it,. and he will
nut last long.
A iich soil will produce good crops with
out manure, but continue to take off with,
out putting any thing on, and you will
won Gad empty barns and poor kitchens.
Finally : It is an errorlot to have a
perfect system or order of managing a farrn.
Ate large milk establishment, near New
castle; England, the cows are fed in the
following manner : 19 pounds of clover
hay--out or chapped-178 lbs. brewer's
grains. 12 lbs. ground flaxseed, 2 lbs.
salt. sire mixed together, and equally
divided as the daily food for twelve
cows. The hay, after being cut, is put in
the mash tub and scalded with boiling wa
ter. The other articles are then mixed
with it. It is *wed that a gnod cow, thus
led, will yield an average of fourteen quarts
of milk per daY; for eight months in suc
cession. The owner of Mc establishment
stated that he haul one cow which had not
had a, calf (of
,tiairci years and a half, that
was. Lis* liveeste of eight quarts per
(My. A, grpis point observed is, that the
ow,* otypr S in cuaditiund—Ctati
14Jor, • .
Philadelphia Advertisements
Dover's d'/i•Ht Prtneiteni
S;lvn Mani Os! awarded by the American Insti
tute, Neu York, 1847:
2 7/111L fullowin; tcAirnony from distinguished
Inatitationa speaks lot itself
University of Pennsylvania, ?
Philadelphia, May 11 , iSILS
Having tried, for some nine, the Black Ink
manufactured by Mr. Joseph E. Hover, we have
found it well Baited for manuFCript, by its running
freely, and its exemption from coagulation. Ira
shade aleo We ate well pleased with.
W. E. HORNER, Dean of the Faculty.
JOHN LUDLOW, Provot-t,
SAMUEL B. IV Y, LIE, Yfre Provost,
HENRY REEL), Seety or the Faculty.
ROSWELL PARKE, Ptof. Natural Phi-
Ineopy and Chemistry. •
W, W. CERHA RD, Lecturer.
We fully concur in the above— •
b. 0, MORTON, Dean of the Faculty of
Pennsylvania Medical College.
A. D. BACHE. Principal,
H. M'NIUR IRIE, Prot. of Anatomy in
Central High .`.. , chtol.
F. FRALEY, Secretary of the American
Fire Irourance Company.
3. D. UEOlfO E.; Phil. Custom House.
Jlb v, Ardammiti for Crmeitl
A WIrEITIOR A ferrrtt —W AAA • yorrn,
rot sale, wholesale and retail, at the hianufac•
for c, No. )i.7. North Thud street, opposite Cherry ,
lave, Philadelphia, by
JOSEPH i•:. 11l Manntieturer.
rtTrot sale in Gettyrborg At the Book end Sta
tiorrry store of S•. 11. Brkotrx:.
Nor. 1:1, I
-Allegheny House,
11 1 '
THE subscriber (late,_ of the
Washington Hotel, Harrisburg, Pa.) takes
this method of informing his old friends
and the public generally that helias taken
the above named HOTEL. 'Phe house
is airy and comfortable, and has been ex
tensively- altered and improved, and the
proprietor hopes by strict attention to bus
iness, and a proper care for the comfort of
his guests, to merit and receive a share of
public patronage. The House is situated
very convenient for the Travelling Public,
being only two doors above the Harris
burg and Pittsburg Depot, and within two
minutes walk of the Baltimore and Read
ing Depots. Stabling attached to the pre
mises. Terms $1 per day.
E. P. H UGHES, Proprietor.
Sept. 3, 1817.—tf
Watches, Jewelry, &c.
ATC HES, Jewelry & Silver Ware
may be had wholesale and retail,
guarantied better for the price than at any
other store in Philadelphia, at (late Nicho
las Lo Huray's) N 0.72 North 2nd street,
niabove Arch, Philadelphia.
WATCHES, all kinds, fine, medi
uiwand low qualities, among which are
Gold Lours, full Jewelled,
Ler nes "
Quattiora Imitation,
Silver Levers, full Jewelled, 20 to 90
" Lepines 12 to 18
Quartiers fine .9 to 10
JEWELRY, Diamonds, Gold Chains,
Gold Pens with Gold & Silver Holders,
Pencils, Breastpins, Ear and Finger Rings,
Bracelets, Cameos of Shell, Coral and La
va, with ever other article of Jewelry of
the richest and most fashionable patterns.
SILVER W ARE,PIa le, Forks, Spoons,
Cups, &c., of standard Slyer.
PLATED WARE, Castors, Cake Bas
kets, Fans, Vases, Card Cases and other
Rich Fancy Goods in great variety.
Wholesale Buyers will save money by
calling here before purchasing.
J' Keep this advertisement and call at
.11.0,.72._.. You, will satistiekthe,g4Aut..!
are really cheaper and better than are of
fered in the city. For sale low, a hand
some pair of SHOW CASES, suitable
for Jewelry or Fancy Store, apply as
above. .
Sept. 3,1847.—1 y
Cheap Watches and Jewelry.
Full Jewelled Gold Le
vers for $4O, war
by 4/4
Jacob Ladonuit
No. 240 Market street, Phil-ti 5744.,4,
adelph is, who
El AS constantly on hand a large assort
ment of Gold and Silver IVatches,
at the following low prices
Full Jewelled Gold Levers, $4O 00
" Silver " 20 00
Gold Lepines, Full Jewelled, 30 00
Oliver Lepinee, 12 00
Silver Quartiers, 8 00
With a large assortment of Fine Jewelry,
such as Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Breast
Pins, Bracelets. Gold and Silver Pencils,
Gold Chains, &c. Has also on hand a
complete assortment of patent and plain
Watch Glasses; Main Springs, Verges, Di
als and Hands, of every description—in
fact, a complete assortment of Watchma
ker's tools and Watch materials, to which
he would call the ;Mention of the Country
Trade. Those wishing anything in the
above line, will find it to their advantage
to call and examine his stock before pur
chasing elsewhere.
Philadelphia, Aug. 6, 1897.-6 m
The largest and cheapest Stock
Plain a n d Fancy Jewelry,
Wholesale mid Rctail—No.
`.4.)1 1 k. 41.3 i Market street.
Gold Lever- '
full jewelled, 18 carrot
ease, gold dial, $4O 00
Gold Lepines. do. do. $25 to 30 00
Silver Levers, full jewelled, 20 00
Silver Lepines, jewelled, 12 00
Silver Quartier Watches, splendid
Silver imitation Quartiers,
Second hand Gold and SAver Watch-
es, at all prices, from
Gold Pencils,
Gold Dreeslels, with tepee and other
sets, 3 00
Pure Silver Teaspoons, 4 50
Diamond point Gold Pens, with pen
cil and solid silver holders, only 1 25
Gold chains, breast-pins, finger-rings, ear
rings and Jewelry of every description, at
the lowest Philadelphia or N. York prices;
gold and silver Levers. Lepines, and Quar
tier watches, still much cheaper than the
above prices. A call will tv . sufficient to
convince purchasers that this is the place
to get good and cheap articles. All goods
warranted to be what they are sold for.
Orders from the country punctually attend.
ed to. Old Gold and Silver bought for
cash, or taken in exchange. All kinds of
watches repaired and warranted to keep
correct time.
N. B. I have a splendid gold independ
ent seconds watch for timing horses. Also.
Gilt and Galvanized Watches, for traders'
use, and goods of all kinds m my line. at
Watch, Clock, and Jewelry Stole. N 0.41.34
Market St., above 1 i th, nortitsitie, Phila.
Philadelphia, Aug. 6,1617.-7 m
Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, &c.
THE Subscriber offers
to the trade, or by retail,
a large assortment of the
fle }tZ. following articles, being
all of his own imports
(o. 14 Y • ••• tion or manufacture.
Buyers of goods in this lino are invited
to examine the assortment, and orders are
solicited. with the assurance that every ef
fort will be made to give satisfaction and in
sure a continuance of custom,
Gold & Biher Lever Watches of ordinary quality
Do do do of superior finish.
Do do do A nchors & Lepines.
Silver double eased English and Swiss verge
Watches, with light medium and heavy cases.
Gold Jewelry in all varieties, fine and eOmmon.
Silver Plated, and Silver Wares.
Musical Boxes. playing 2,4, 6, 8 and 10 tunes
Gold and Silver Spectacles.
Diamond Pointed Gold Pens.,
Mantel & Office Clocks, in gilt and other frames
Watchmakers' 'Fools and Materials of all sorts.
Fancy Articles:fancy Fans. Steel Deeds, &c.
Having every facility forobtaining goods
on the most advantageous terms, corres
ponding inducements will be offered to pur-
112 Chesnut st. Philadelphia
July 16, 1847.-6 m
To Country Merchants and Others.
CONFECTIONER & rituurEitEit,
No, 426 :Market street, above 12th South side
Lit aid ) ..11.
AS now on hand and is constantly
11 receiving a large and well selected
stock of every article in his line, consist
ing in part of Oranges, Lemons, Prunes,
Figs, Dates, Raisons, Grapes, and every
other fruit in season. A full assortment
of Bordeaux and Soft-shelled Almonds,
Filberts, Ground Nuts, Cream Nuts, Eng
lish Walnuts, Cocoa Nuts, &c. His as
sortment of CANDIES are at lower pri
ces than can be bought in the City. He
requests 311 examination of his stuck be
fore purchasing elsewhere, as he offers
goods at a small advance, being anxious
to do business for CASH.
11:7"Cut out this advertisement and bring
it with you.
Sept. 24, 1847.-3 in
Clothing Establishment.
The most extensive Clothing WuehouK in the
United Stales.
100,000 Garmems on hand, and ready for &spa-
TO patrons we would say, that having
but one price, those who are not
dealers, or-do not Understand the-real val
uation price of goods, will have an .oppor
tunity of purchasing garments as low
professed judges: Jobbers and dealers In
ready-made Clothing, can replenish their
stocks for the winter, and we, guarantee
the largest establishment' in Philadelphia
to select from. We attend personally
the packing of goods and see thata good as
sortment of sizes and well-made articles
are put up. Single suits fortvarded as per:
orders , • t'
pzrOur goods are for sale only at the
large building, 128 Market at. Southeast
corner of 'Masket and Fourth streets, Phil;
adelphia. • C. HARKNESS.
Sept: 24; 1847. =Bm • -
$40.t0 $lOO
25 to 40
William Keilholtz,
Dealer in Paints, Oils, Brushes, Glossa,
Varnish, Putt , and Mired Paints, of
, =armies; --
Corner of Franklin and Green streets, opposite the
Penn 'a Avenue, Baltimore.
N. B. Witusm Kitit.noLri, having had
a long experience 1w Paints, Oils, &c., be
ing a practical House and Sign Painter,
will give alt information, respecting mix
ing Paints, dm., gratis. Country Mer
chants and others- supplied on moderate
Oct. 29, 1847.--1 y
• Stenographer to the Senate (lithe U. Z - tat. •
The'•United states•Reptirter - will be printed on
a laige sod hatalsonits
• sheet, and issued very
morning, except Mandaya, at the rate of $6 plr
n_um;;.gingleeopies 2 eta.
In connection with the daily paper, there will
I be issued from theiame establishment,
ro~a_ --
To accept or refuse,
ST•TZ or PaNDSTLYANIA, AT an Orphans .
ADAMS CocaT!. COWS held at Uettys
cx tyliburg, in and for
s?'r the County of Ad
ams on the 15th slay
)0 , I )(
of November. A.D.
1847. Before Wil
liam N. Irvine, Esq.
President, and his Associates, Judges, &c. assign
ed, &c.
d MOTION, the Court grant a Rule
‘- 7 on all the Heirs and Legal Represen
tives of JOHN TOPPER, late of Liberty
township, Adams eouuty, deceased, to wit :
Elizabeth, (widow.) John Topper, Jesse
P. Topper, Wm. Topper, whose share has
been transferred by him to Nathaniel Stout,
Gregory P. Topper, James B. 'Popper.
Simon A. Topper, E!izabeth,intermarried
with Peter Eiji)°, Susan, intermarried with
Adam Sanders, who have conveyed their
share to Henry D. Albright, in trust for
his creditors, Catharine Ann, intermarried
with Blasius Dibble, anti Samuel and Sophia
Eline, children of .Mary, w deceased; who
had been intermarried with Wm. Eline—
to be and appear at an Orphans' Court to
be held in Gettysburg, in and for the coun
ty of Adams, on the 21st day of December
neat, to accept or refuse to accept the Real
Estate of the said deceased at the valuation
made thereof agreeably to the Intestate
Laws of this Commonwealth. Notice to
be served on the heirs residing in the coun
ty personally, and on thuse out of the
county by advertising the same it) one
newspaper in the county, and depositing a
copy thereof in the Post Office at Gettys
burg, addressed as follows to each of the
following named persons: to Henry D.
Albright; at Hanover. Pa. ; to Wm. Top
per and N. Stout, at Pittsburg, Pa. ; to Si
mon A. Topper, at Blairsville, Pa.
By the Court,
.1:12 to 25 00
1 75 to 2 00
Nov. 26, 1847.-3 t
MR 01414
F the very best quality, and different
jr flavors, can be had, at all times, at
WEAVER'S Confectionary in Chambers
burg street. Families and Parties will be
supplied with any desired quantity, at the
shortest notice. CAKES and CONFEC
TIONS of all kinds always on hand, and
will be furnished to order on reasonable
Gettysburg, July 23.—tf
.111'.1111ister's Oiettnif tot,
FOR the cure of external Sorcs, Scrof
ulous affections, Liver CriMplaint,
Quinsy, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Pains in
the Chest, Tumors, Diseases of the Skin,
Piles, Corns. Rheumatism, &c., &c., for
sale at the Drug Store of .•
Gettysburg, June 25.—tf
WO via. \mi. I'm O,W b. vo AV , hoi d imp
OTICE is hereby given to all Leg n.
111 atees and other persons concerned,
that the . 1 2D.111:17STP.3TION
COUNTS of the deceased persons herein
after mentioned will he presented at theOr
phans' Court of Adams count•, for confir
mation and allowance, on Tuesday, the
21st day of December viz :
The account of Win. Wolf, Administra
tor of the Estate of Joseph Miller, dce'd.
The third account of in. Albright, one
of the Executors of the last will and testa
ment of Daniel Eveter, deceased.
The account of Anthony Deardorff and
Samuel Deardorff. Administrators of the
Estate of Samuel Deardorff, deceased.
The second and final account of John
Marshall, Administrator of the Estate of
Samuel Knox, deceased.
The account of George Hengy and Wm.
Gin, Testamentary Trustees of Mary Ann
Register's Office, Gettysburg. •
Nos. 20 1847.
Will be published in Washington, D. C.,
on the Seventh of December next,
The United States Reporter,
A Daily Journal of Go‘arnment, Legthlative dud
T _
HF. subscriber is now enabled to announce
the completion of his arrangements for the
establishment o! a well or4unized and Independent
Journal of News at the 'eat of the General Gov
ernment. The leader!; foamy , * Cl "The United
States Reporter' . will be the following:
1. Early intelligence of the movements of the
various Departments of the Government, in refer
ence to Domestic all'airs and to the Foreign feta
tions of the conntiy, will be given with FCTIIIIII
thlelity. Pos%eze,ing peculiar lac ilities for ob•
raining information. the '•Reporter - will be ena
bled frequently to communicate, exclusisely, in
telligence of the most important chat acter.
IL Iheverbatim Report•i of the Proceedings
and Debates of the U. S ales Senate, which the
proprietor is bound to furnish daily to that body,
im accordance with the terms of the contract mane
at the close of the la.t, se,sion of Congress. The
arratigemmta now made will at once lolly secure
to the Senate of the United States an authentic
andcomplete record of its debates; and to the pen
,ple7.7in a litSql, I yeitlarged degrec-4 he benefit .cd
the - experience, sagicitii and statesmanship of
dint body to,which they have ever looked with
solicitous and respectful regard.
lit. The Proceeding, and Debates in the Hoose
of Representatives will also be given; with full•
ness, impartiality, and the utmost promptitude.
Each day ' s record will be coMpledely mode_ up,
and'appear in the "Reporter" next morning.
IV. A Synoptical View of the Procordingsand
Debates of all the State Legisispres vrill_beregu
lady given. iiiernbeni of Congress, and all obis.
ses of manes, *ill thus be kept fully and-syste ,
matically informed of domestic legislation in all
sections of the p. States.
V. Early Intelligence of ill important move
ments in the .Leg , slatures of Gnat Britain and
renewwill •be Communicated by every steamer
trona Europe, through lteporters in London and
Puns, who possess peculiar facilities for obtaining
VI. The General News of the Day will be ail;
en in &condensed Conn, with reduatty anti atten
Such is a . brief view or what the "United States
Reporter' is designed to be. All the, plans any
arrangements ban e . been v ell mattned,and:_the
hope is confidently eiteikhed . that the, 'Reporter'
will prove itself an energetic, industrious. dignifi•
and perfectly independent journal. It will
have no party views—.no , political bias. The pro
prietor, hy .the terms of },is contract with the
Senate of the
,U. States, is bound to the condition
that, -the Niter shall Contain no political discus
sions except the debates. - " It will he a vehicle of
naves, not the organ of any set or opinions. The
grand aim of subscriber is to. establish at the
seat of Goverunient a faithful and prompt reporter
of all sorts of intelligence—n responsible agent. on
which the politician, the Inmine.* man, the Mann
tacturer, the niechante, and every one interested in
the affairs of Corigness and the ernment, may
rely at all times With implicit confideece.
It is believed tharthe establishment of such a
reliable Journal of latellseeitce,4,n_teuaLm
p ace it within reach of the meat masses of the
people, at the common- ement of ss hat mantises to
be a most interesting and saenttul period in the
history of Conglessional. proceed:NM %%111 b.,' re.
garderi with fat or by all classes of the c..n.m
ty; mtd , haring thus stated his ulieetf. Tie
scriber sespecthilly iolicits a lateral and general
support from the enlightened public at site Muted
:, A.
Jtates. JAME.
This publication wilt contain exelusively the
reports of ihe proceedings and debates of the t
giess of the U. States. It wilt be issued semi
weekly, in are elegant quarto form, throughout
the sessions of 'Congress, end will be furnished to
subscribers at . the rate-of_two tin the long
session, and one dollar for the short section. it is
believed that this ?test national work will be
deemed indispensable in the library of every pub•
lie institution, politician, end professional man,
throughout the country; and that it will be re.
gaoled by the great macs of the perple as the very
best political text book for their own instruction
and that of their children. •
Ixr •trait A.xooncatsxwr-•Throntthout the
session of Congress, Ertro will be issued tromthe
office of the '.United States Reporter," containing
the reports of all such debates as may possess par•
titularly exciting interest.
All subscriptions and communications to 1*
postpaid and addreased to ".I. A. HOUSTON, U.
Reporter, Washington, D. C."
City of Washington, at S o'clock, P. M.—
Sundays excepted—and served to subscribers in
the City; at the Navy Yard in Georgetown; in
Alexandria and Baktimore on the came evening,
at 6 cents a week, payable to the sole Agent of
the Whig, G. L. Gillckses, Esq., or his order, It
is also mailed to any part of the U. States for 94
Per annum, or $2 for six months, payable in ad•
vance. Advertisements of ten lines or lees in time for 50 cents ; two times for 75
cents; three times $1 ; one week for $1 75, two
weeks for $275; one month $4; two months $7;
three months $ 1 0; six months $l7 ; one year $3O
—payable aloays in advavre.
THE NATIONAL WHIG is what its name
indicates. It speaks the sentiments of the Whig
party of the Union on every question of public
policy. It advocates the election to the Presi
dency of ZACIIAIST Tan nn, Subject to the deci
sion of the Whig National Convention. It makes
war to the knife upon all the measures and acts
of the Admiiiistration deemed to be adserse to
the interests of the country. and exposes without
fear or'favor the corruptions of the party in pow
er. Its columns are open to every man in the
country for the urscussion of political or any oth
er questions.
In addition to politics, a large portion of the
National Whig will he devoted to publications
opor. Agriculture, Mechanic; and other useful
arts, Science in general, Law, :Medicine, Statist
ics, ke. Choice specimens of American and Po•
reign Literature Hill also be given, including
Reviews. Ac. A weekly list of the Patents is
sued by the Patent Office will like..vise be pub
lished—the whole forming, a complete family
one of the largest newspapers in the U. States, is
now made up from the columns of the 'doily Na
:ional Whig, and is published every Saturday for
the low price of S^ per annum, payable in ad.
vance. A double sheet of eight pages will be
given whenever the press of matter Shall justify,
it. The memoirs of Gen. Taylor, written ex•
pressly for the National Whig are in course of
publication They commenced with the second
number, a large number of copies of which have
been printed, to supply culls for back numbers,
Proprietor of National Whig.
Washington, Oct. 22, 1847.-6 m (p 8)
General News
The Daily National Whig
.Wectiloirs d.Altrnal RelnCtiq,
iiuNl"s LiNiIiENT,
r, r S now univerially aekno,iedved to be the
4ss, INFALLIBLE for itheuthathrn
apinal adeetions, conttactiens of the Inn •eles. sore
Throat and quinsy, is: tics, old trice,. ran:, in the
back and chest, ;Igoe ur the breast arc'. lace. tooth
ache, splaws, tht titres, salt rheani. burns, croup.
Hosted Wet, and all new nu a drseases. The trine,
pho ot sticerss w hich has attended the apttheation
of this most woatier jut rati t r oi e in cr,ring the most
severe c ase s
. of the dfferetit diseasisabox e named,
aini the high ea-minims that have been bestowed
upon it, wherever it has been introduced. gives
me the right to call on the jilted to resort at
once to the only remedy that cut be retied on.
The allot% log certificate of the restoratior. to
health and the perfect cure of a deformed and
crippled child. wild was thom:ht to be bent .1 the
reach of hope, shows that, no matter how apalling
the case may be, there is a remedy in Hunt's Lin
inter'', that will conquer the most desperate ca
ses; sad that, if the disease is curable, this cele
brated external rerned, will do it: It has never
failed in giving immediate relict when timely ap
plied, as proved by the abundance of high and un
impeachable testimony, the particulars of which
are to he found in the pamphlets which are to be
bed of every agent .
Ouinsing. June IQ. 114,45
G. E. Stanton, Erq ir: I feel called upon by
the lie of gratitude to offer the following
ny in favor of your External Remedy, Hunt's Lin
illy grandvo , , ' Clark E. Evans, who is
now ten yearn of age, has been for the last eight
years a rripplr, caused by falling from a chair
when he was too yearr old, and wret.ching his
spine. From the time of the occurrence we have
tried every means to restore him to hi, natural
shape, but all without avail. We took him to N.
York, and placed him tinder the care of a physi
clot of skill, and, after remaining. them for some
time, inn brought him home no better than when
we took him there. For several days at • June
he was so helpless that he could only walk. by
placing his bards upon his knees for support giv
ing him the a prearanceof a deformed hunchback .
He vs as also taken to Newburg and prescribed for
without any better success. At times he would be
strong enough to go out of doors, but atter play
ing air hour, would come in perfectly exhausted.
and for several days atter would be again perfect.
ly helpless. We hard Inst all hope 6f seeing him
restored to his natural shape or strength ; but •
kind Providence placed your External Remedy in
my hands. I have used but four bottles. and am
rejoiced to say that the boy is now asatreight as
any boy of his age. Any of my neighbors will
testify to the truth of this statement. .1 take tin.
cete Offal:OM in - it I t frig thole acts for th - e — berTeli
of otherximaiThig tinder a like calamity. Yont's
respectfully, RACRAEL
This is to certify tlAt am personally acquaint
ed with Mrs. libute,as well as the boy alluded to,
and frankly bear witness to the detormity with
which lie was seriously afflicted, apparently for
life. Dated Ring Bing, J une 9. iil4s.
HENRY HARRIS, Juice of the Peace.
This Liniment is sold at 25 and 50 cents per
'bottle by all the ptincipal lltuggists and 3leticb
Orders addressed to me at Sing Sing. N T. will
beatteuded to. G STANTON, Proprietor.
Wholesale Agents—Madly, Phelps & Co 112
Water street, Rushton & Co 110 Bi nada ay. A B
& D.Sands,corner Fulton and William. srnnnall
86 William street, Ntw Dub; Cuthbert St. Web
erill 16 comb ` 4 eennd:Philedelphia.
li.. Buehler S.
$ - ...Nrne - gf.; y . , - Gettyabtirg; Abraham, king,
Hunterstown ; t. Zuck, Pinetown ; Ja
cob Hollinger, Heidlersburg ; ,Hollir ger&
Ferree. Petersburg, (J'. S.) ; Jacob Aula
bough, Hampton; Geo. S. Bnntzel, and J.
S. Hildebrand & Co., East Berlin. '
Nov. 5, 1847. [Dee. 2-Iy]
Consumption, Coughs, Colde, Bron
chitis, ~liethma, Croup, -Whooping
Cough, 'Spitting of Blood, Sore
Throat, Pains and Oppres
sions of the Breast,
peaky of Breathing,
and all other di
seases of the
---4 1 43-6 1 .1411.4411rR
S the moat EFFI Cl UAL Eirmerty hitherto
offered to the piih!ic for tie of the
above being free from al; deletes
nil, aof n iin , eating limes. it ii:aa be ashen by
the rum , ' delicate rer,ton or gii en to t' e ,mart ;at
the breast. a iilinut war ni any oaf les-ant eFeer *
being ruhieed nee' . 1h re arroi,er
petite ehich 111 - k8 EXPEt 1I llAti U
over et sty oilier ptepatat fon, and that is, if as fie
most piraim out
• Rend the following re/tip-we from Mr. T.
S. Allen, a gentleman well kinpari in this City,
who was cured by the use of inn bodes of the
trrrant, - atter every thing eier- ited4fatied-ta_ai.
ford any relief. This is but one of a nuoibet of
'which the proprietor bits in his prrtession. all of
which, in due time, will be kid beters the public.
HALTI7IOIIt, April 3. 1547.
Mr. Jae. F. : About four works
tigo I taught a revere cold which fell upon my
breaei xecatripinied With rains in my side and a
dry harking co, , gh, 1 commenced takirg a syr
up that wairtecomMenileil to me, brit from which
!derived not the least benefit 1 shin commene ,
ed drinking `freely of composition tea. but with
the same result in fact, my cough was gettme
worse, and I became so hoarse that it was with
difficulty. I could Speak above _ a whisper. At
your request, 1 was - hutuced to try your Expecte.
rant, and 1 am happy to intern, you I was entire
ly Cured by the use of two bootee.
1 remain, very respectfiallf yours, &e.
T. S. ALLEN, No. 5 Fayette it.
ATCAITTIONI—in consequence of the many
preparation now before the public u. der the
names of'”Estracts." "Balsams," ".Syraps:•
and even of a similar name, the proprietor deems
it necessary to caution the afflicted against Coun-
terfeits. Each bottle of the mum bas the
words "Rose' Erpeelorant—lmpreted—Rellitetore,
Are blown in the glass ; the initials J. F. R."
in connected ,sapitals stamped on the seal, and
my written signature on the wrapper, without
which it cannot be genuine.
V! Price, 50 cents per bottle. and the money to
be refunded if a cure be not effected, when taken
according to directions! Prepared or,ly by
J. F. ROSS, Druggist, Baltimore.
For sale by the following Agents
Samuel H. Buehler. Gettysburg.
Geo. W. Heagy, Fairfield.
Ma. M. Keltlewell, Petersburg.
rr REMEMBER—NO CURE. NO P.ll !.11:
Nov. 12, 1547. [May 2°,1E47-1y
To Farmers and Lime Burners.
1 ?
OTICE is hereby given that JACOB
H. BOWER, of Juniata county. Pa.
has recently invented and procured Letters
Patent for an improvement in theetistrue
lion of Lime Kilns, to which the attention
1.1 Farmers and Lime Burners is respect
fully requested. A Kiln can be construct
ed according to this patent, to yield one
thousand bushels of Lime for about twen
ty dollars, and larger kilns can he built at 1
the rate of cis dollars per arch. Kilns can
he made any size to suit the convenience
of persons. The system has been well
tested, and has proved to be vastly supe-j
rior to any system ever tried, as kilns can I
be built !air one-half the cost formerly at- ,
tending their construction.
The subscriber is (Hy authorized a
gent to 'dispose of FARM RIGHTS, in
Juniata, Adams. Franklin, U Mon and Bed
ford enmities, and to furnish Letters Pat
ent, Schedule, Drawing and Deed for the
same. iday person wishing further infor
mation, or to procure a farm right in eith
er of the above counties, can do so by en
closing era in a letter, or by personal appli
cation to DAVID KEPNER,
WALNCT P. O. Juniata county, Pa.
Sept. 24, 1847.—Um
- .IIIIIIIIL-. _All_l l lllg - ANC_ -,01
FOR ,S.gLE 37' Tills OFFICE
Compound Medicated Candy.
i l l cm the Cure of Colds, Coughs, Spit
1111_ ting of Blood, Bronehetis, Asthma,
Whooping Cough, Pains and Oppressions
of the breast, and all other Pulmonary
complaints, and other diseases which have
a tendency to produce Consumption.' It
serves also as an effectual clearer of the
This Candy is entirely a vegetable pre
paration, the principal ingredients being,
llore-hound, Wild Cherry, Sarsaparilla,
Bonchet, Elecampane, Liquorice, Flax
seed, Iceland Moss, Prickly Ash, &c. and
will, if taken in time, relieve the system
from those distressing afflictions that'tend
to Consumption.
One great advantage in this valuable
medicine is its cheapness, the public not
being imposed upon by the enormously
high prices which are generally exacted
for Patent and other medical Preparation's.
'Each package' contains directions. Call
and try it!
Prepared and sold at the Confection and
Variety store of the Subscriber in West
York street, one square from the Court
house, and next door to Thompson's Ho
tel. It ran also be had at the Drug Stores
of S. H. BUMMER, and S. FORNEY.
'The subscriber as usual continuos
his Bakery, and is prepared, to supply
parties at the shortest notice, with choice
cakes, Ste. • •
dindecnet all Distal** of the Stomach and
DYSPEPSIA, or Indigestion and its
consequences.—An eminent Profes
soriurr-ult ehiefly-arisesin-persons who
lead either a very sedentary or irregufar
life. Although not regarded as a fatal di
sease, yet. if neglected. it may bring on in
curable Melancholy. Jaundice, Madness,
or Vertigo. Palsy, and Apoplexy. A great
singularity attendant on it is, that it may
andwfiewdoes-contintrir a gnat leneth - of
time without any remission of the symp
CAUSES.—Grief and uneasiness of
mind, intense study, profuse evacuations,
excess in venery, excessive use of spir
itous liquors, tea, tobacco, opium and
other narcotics, immoderate repletion, -o
ver distention of the stomach, Udell
cieney in the secretion of the bile or
gastric juice, exposure to cold and damp
air. are the chief causes of this disease.
SYMPTOMS.—Loss of appetite, nau-
Sea, heart-burn, acidity and foetid einem-
Lions. gnawing of the stomach when emp
ty, uneasiness in the throat, pain in the
side, costiveness, chilliness, languor, low
ress-ofirpiritscpalpitations, and-disturbed
er failed in affording immediate relief kind
a radical cure fur this disease.
Principal Office, No. 77 N. Eighth st.,
east aide, Philadelphia. For sale in Get-
tysburg by . S. S. FOHNEY
July 30, 18 - 1 7.-1 y
.Yore fads in reintion to the icoaderful efficacy of
THOM E":._•.o NIS
Coinpound Syrup of Tar 4 !rood
this. the BEST Ill:AMY t•f the clay
Coughs. Colds, Liver Com,
plaint, 4-v.. 4.c., 4•c.
it) EA 1.) the following trnm Mr. Sharp, n UCH
LCIO , b 4 metty re,iieetoble citizen of the
Nor:hecii Libel tie,. plant'aunt y. 1 his is
of apl the Ul at aalbiliahuir, Citica iiii a neon!. mat.
ia;l1 t.e oeeit,.• •Ltir•tei.l Ls Ina He,. Ms. •Yrii LIT,
and b : otliet citizen. of ‘11,41 tl stnct:
Aubbas 1 L
Near the close o. the tear 1a45.1 bad ,in at'ack
of int l'huitsy Aral bile feCissermng mint it, t
took a aa.ere cold My (mullion soon oeciarne
.611.1 , , , 0g awl I grew gm !daily worse aid] worse.
lite,' iiipiems mum:slued by my risen e wele
thee,. urstmailly sound in prim Mary affectioti , —
but Male N___V of an exceediegly auras atel char•
acres. For a long period I evpecturared a great
quantity Of 01.1:117:, vt bich appeared a mixture of
pus and blood—at times it seemed as ill was dis
chargiug the very substance ot ilie Lungs. lily
voile was gone so as to be unable to utter a few
words %* i'bout great difficulty, and I est eriericel
a thourand at painti.l sem:idiom that cannot
be 104. One of tire tno-t unpledsant attendatits
of my _disease wens chilling siveats._The cold
pert-m*llov ran from me continually, not only at
night, but also during the day so as to keep my
cloths at all times continually wet.
I employed every means of cure I could hear,
and wag attended by several eminent and skillful
Physicians. Baj the iobstinaty of my disease
baffled all their efforts. They indeed raised me
from My bed. bit they also pronounced me incur
able. The hurt Physician attending me, told me
at one time, that I had but a sew &pito live—at
another time I might linger on a few weeks or
meaftw.but that it was utterly impossible that I
could get well s or ever be iible to attend to my
business. 'I bus, with no prospect of tecovery I
linicemil on during the greater part of the year
1846-.-10 e three months of which period my
friends sat up with-me, expecting every night to
see my sufferings end in death.
But last tall, a lady residing itisouthwark, wbo
had been cured of somewhat similar sufferings by
-Thompson's C3Mpound syrup of Tar and Naph
tha," came and urged upon me a trial of it. Al
most despairing ot any relief, andwith no hope of
recovery. I commenced its use. imagine then
my satisfaction in being able to state that 1 am
NOW WELL! arid I attribute my restorationen
tirely to the wonderful efficacy oi the above medi
cine. From the time I commenced its use, the
`disease began to yield its hold upon me, and by
steady perseverance in its employment I may say
it has raised me ruin the grave. All unpleasant
symptoms hare vanished and I have for several
months attended to my business as formerly,and
(except some lets degree of strength than I once
possesi.ed.) as well as ever. •
People come from various places to see nre, in•
quinng for the Mali cur. d of Consumption! Those
who have known me and are well acquainted with
my long confirmed atfuctions. stop with astonish
ment it hen they meet me, at seeing the wonderful
change u caught by the use rif the above medicine.
W .M. W. :HARP,
No. 8 Charlotte st , Philadelphia.
The undersigned, friends of IVIr. W. W. Sharp,
are familar with his case and dufferings, and testi•
ty that the statements are tine.
John - , treet. Missionary, No. 113 York Road.
Thomas street, No. 108 North second street.
Addison limes. Grocer. No. 1.24 Brown street
lien! , fi'now y, No. 369 North Fourth street.
Garret V.mnzant. No. '221 North Second street.
invaluable remedy is prepared only by
A ngney h Dickson, N. E. Corner of Fifth and
`pture streetF,Philudelphia, and can be had of the
following Agents :
S. S. Forney, Gettysburg.
R. :Ingney, Carlisle.
B. P. Lange,- Hanover.
and by respectable Druggists generally.
Price S, cents, or sl.°o per bottle. Beware of
October 1.5, 1847. (April 30, 1817.—ly]
VVT ILL be made and put up by the
subscriber, who will attend prompt
ly to all orders, and upon as reasonable
terms as can be procured at any establish
ment in the county.
qeitysburg, October 15, 1847.
Lrtdirrrt reget able 1-. an
qt` i r RO W A ND 4. W A I,TON —H a v i ng
gikk experienced the cv traordmary efficacy at .
your Dr. Cullen's Indian 1 ezetable Rai/arca upon
niy own person, a feeling of gratitude Mr your
womlertul discovery and a devi e that your Alti
icines should be known and appreciated by the
public,ha> indaccd me thus voluntarily to giro
you an account of In) ca , e, hoping that otbeia
who may be so unfortunate as I have been, may
be induced to throw prejudice aside and give your
Panacea a fair trial.
In February, 1g.1t3, a lump or tumor first ap
peared upon the spine of my right leg, and anoth
er on the lower part of my breast near the junc
tion of the ribs; they inert:aced gradually until the
early part of June, about which time they became
very painful. In July the tumor on the left leg
oLCKRATVD anti became a running wte, eater:ding
itself until it was hull the size of a man's hand
rind had eaten into the bode, and one or taosmal-,
ler ulcers appeared below the uncle. fly physi•
clan and others pronounced it crotula. Up to
litre time every remedy insert gave no relief the
leg continued to eel Worie ; during the early part
of August my sufferings s ere intense. I neither
went to bed or slept regularly for neatly two
weeks, being compelled to set up, with my leg
supported on a choir. About this time my sun
brought home with him from Cincinnati market
one of your circulate, which had been thrown
to the wagon. I rend it, and knowing some o;
the signers to the Certificate of the case of Ala
Brooks, and believing from toy knowledge oftbeit
characters that they would not lend their names
for the purpose of palming an imposition upot,
the public, I concluded to try what effect it would
have upOn me. On the 20th of Auguet 1 prosy
red the first bottle. commenced taking it accort
ing to directions, and in four hours the pain was
io much relieved that I fell asleep and enjoyed That,
greatest of blessings, a few hours repose. ,1 COS.
tinued using it until the 2Rtli of August, when I
;mind myself so much better, that I went to Cin
cinnati to your Agent, Mr. Darienhour, with whom
I made arrangements to take 20 bottles, provided
he would . guarantee to cure me. He agreed to do'
so, and gave me the privilege of stopping shorrfif
th; 20 bottles, 'A benever I considered myealfwel/.
now felt encouraged, and continued to u n it un
der Mr. D'a instructions,. until I had taken 'l2bot
tles, (rising no other medicine whatever.) Olen I
found myself entirely well; the tumor on my
breast having softened. it opened, came out; mid
Atitii healed up_when_ Lhad _or-1. bottles
! will here observe, that for many 'years I bad
been troubled with ► kind of dry - fetter, attleh
greatly annoyed me, - partieularly when heated or
warm i n bed ; I have felt nothing of this since ta
king your medieihe, and have no doubt that city
system is now entirely free front disease, my gen
eral health never baring been better.
On the 3d of tlec — em - tikr'l again called op_Mr:
Danenhower. 1 then prononnced myself well and
offered to give him a Certificate to that effect,
which I promised to send him in a ten days. A
few days thereafter, host ever, chile 'killing lint,
I butt the same leg badly. in_ cumeournce of
which I postponed giving the promised Certifi
cate, wishing thoroughly to !eft the petatianerivy
of the cure. I now used nothing but the usual
simple remedies for fresh mounds. and mend my
liesh - perteetly healthy, and in the usual time for
such cases my leg healed. t , iifticient time has e
lapsed to convince site that I am now a sound inan
and that I havibeen etired'bi yodr.
In short, I have every confidence in its virtues
Persons desirous of obtaining further particulars,
can he gratified by ratting at my residence; at
Muddy Creek; Hamilton,connty. Ohio.
Personally appeared before me, the subscriber,
mayor of said city, Davin KIIICIA.N. who, being
sworn, deitoses and says that the facts set forth in
the foregoing statement are true. In Aestfmony
whereof,l have hereunto set my name, and caused
the Corporate scal of the said City to he Whited,
this fourth day of March, JS47.
H. E. SPENCER; Mayor.
Sold, wholesale and retail, by Itowatin & WAL•
TOM, Proprietors, 376 Market Street, Philadelphia,
and by the following Agents .
S. fl. Ruehler, Gettysburg.
Wm. Biliitager. Abbottatown.
Lilly 40 Riley. Oxford.
T. J.,.cooper,Franklin tp.
Prottel ion against Loss by
Av HE "Cumberland Valley Mutual Protection "
p..V. Company," being incorpolattil by au Act of
_the Legislature, and tally organized and in opera
lion finder the direction of the following Board of
Managers, viz: T C James Weakly. )./ W
M'Culloilith, A G T A Kinley. I tulip
pungler. amuel Galbraith. runnel Trill. Alt . n l
King. Adams.) John Zug, :smile' Huston, J T
Green, J Bear—call the attention of the inhabit.
ants of Cumberland al d Adams counties to the
cheannem of Me rated, and die many adiuntsges
‘vhich this bind of insurance humor any other.
set. Every person insured becomes a member
of the company nod takes part in the selection of
°dicer and the direction of its concerns.
2,1. For insurance no more is demanded than is
neressbry to meet the expenses of the Company,
unit indernuttv against losses which may happen.
3d. The mcomenience of frequent retire ale is
avoided by insuring for a term of fire years.
dth. Any person applying for insurance mbst
give his premium note for the cheapest clan at
the rate of five per cent.,
which will be $5O on the
1 1 . 100 , (or which he will have to pay CI fiti ferrite
years and 111 :10 for surrey and polity. and on
more unless loss be sustained to a greater amount
than the funds on hand will cover, and then no
more than a pro rata share. These rates me
much cheaper than those of other companies, ex•
cept such as are incorporated on the same ,princi
dles. T. C. MILLER, President.
A. G. Nimes, Secretary.
(17 - The following named persons have been ap
pointed .4gents for Adams CS'unty •--Wm W Pax
ton, Esq. General Agent for Adams county; J A
Thompson and D Ziegler, Gettysburg; Dr. Wm
R Stewart, Petersburg; Henry Myers, New Ches. ,
ter; Henry Mayer, Abbottatown ' • Daniel Com
fort, Stratum township ; Abraham King. Hunters
'town ; David Blytbe, Fairfield; T T Wiermen,
Arendtsville; Wm Morrison and Abel T Wright
Banderaville; D , r. D Mellinger,East Berlin ;
Scott. Ga.slitow n.
Sept. 13, 1646.—1 f
RUIT TREES, of all kinds, (grafted'
E . in the root,) can be had of the' sob
scriber on reasonable terms. Please call
and judge for yourselves.
Gettysburg, May 20, 1848.
MONDS, dcc., of the best quality
to he had at the Confectionary of
Gett sburg, Aug. 6, 1847.
Is published every Friday Evening, ii the
"wall Building, above the Register
and Recorder's (Vim Ly
lv paid in advance or within the year, $2 Ten
annum —if not paid within the year, $2 Mi. Ao.
paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid.—
except at the option of the Editor. I. 4 ingle copies,
64. cents. A failure to notify a discontinuance
will be regarded as a new engagement
Adeertisetnetits not exceeding a square inserted.
three times for $1 --every subsequent insertion
25 cents. Longer ones in the same proportion.
All advertisements not specially oideicillor a gii •
in time, will be continued until forbid. A lit err l
reduction will be made tothose who advertise Ly
the year.
Job Printing of all kinds executed neatly aid.
promptly, and on reasonable terms.
Letters and Communications to the rib I or, (ex
cepting such as contain Money or the nun CP of
new subscribers,) Nest' be PUI47 vi s n, in cutler to
secure utt eni