Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, December 03, 1847, Image 3

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    .1.! .
. '
' tY l'" Nit • '
_49olprr \c\',
ciop sAyt tiir . P . l.oucit
lit• *so. ItjahrliS'tY.' '
oe i tkr
~i. ' it,ei Alining there.
i •
tlii' 'builcitu titr,
,14:11 • ' iu li k , i, b ru ir,_ • '
A 34 : ' 7 ; i s ilnvim miring,.
at Alt., al ilitMiN 41 4t brill .
i. , 0 minip i ll pnknpwtt kinge- 7 -
..el 17.;9 1 1 11- , ! I 'M Plok!gh I,
ow Maiele• bloile,
-While o'er the tented glide
i t: Aulleoliteitthes its vow—
, , •, , ...Wrath, itenoplienthing wakes,
~i .i.'imui 4 / 6 1 18 lightning quako.
4 t'l Airmapiag and Nroe it makes—
"N. I ax.,l,;•.lonve the plough! '
1'• r,the deep may ride, .
" 4 ' lo tidieimi+triCek their bunuered pride,
- 1 Wilms whehe
Uwe lh. h l / 4 •11 leaded wain,
''"ltietiietireq the gebleti
^ t S"' tollithlonftlig the hoteephold
~ .+1 11 011 Pd AMC plouih ! •
a ' la cilah inn the 014 great
poinp and state,
' l4 " '"'Whire the crowd bow
''"""Xtfiretufftltilt orad-fsee.
flien.ds' IR)ett;c.- - - 1
"" twin tlie plonehl
From. the Germantown Telegraph.
icinarkahlit features of the
Agritmluite of France, as well as that of
ecnintries, is 'the use of forest
aCitl ' oilies-isli4o , ati x.faad for stock. For
ttll4/10s , ie'llie •fravet of the mulberry,
po lie:iitid.ollie, are extensive
-1..0.10144- Alley art gathered in autumn.
4 . 11 soon. as they begin to change color, and
acquire • each:trine taste from the opera
tion ol:a circumstance which ren
der*• them peculiarly palatable to most an
lin:1110-'411* fiiliage of the willow is also
much used in i i countries for the same
p4rpetoe, Mid was cultivated by the ancient
Iturlisnisletpresaly for this purpose. The
niiViogoscrpf want leases, as for instauoe,
those of the oak, is esteemed highly meth.
einak . isreciiilir :far sheep. Those of the
hetnleicklals6 exert a highly salutary it'll°.
iwire..on 4t4 saine animal when partaken of
iviimnaltenianties -41uritig the winter sea
,:asa.lai! the riaetious of the pine tree, of
which the sheep are very fond. "Brow.
l*iifitetiee" much resorted to in the
Noi:thern. anti Eastern States, particularly
*Mote •theetis a seareity of hay. •In some
V,IB‘4PCAS• Mdeed, sheep and even neat
stoelcaro.kept almost wholly on "brows ;"
extremely well, and are said even
boifaitern and to be more active and less li
-71)4 !cldisease than when fed on roots,
grails .and bay.
ii'H.AT N EX4
S.,•in this village, claims to
pii . S'elis' l . T.a.fters Patent for an'. ingenious.
bottm i or the nest is so constructed as to
let thq,egg through and out of sight; when
tht , Tleti'lunts round to view her produe
upn, cat*ling We while, she is astonished
tiriltul 4 the heist empty !—so naturally sup
ioNyintig,l,keraplf mistaken, she again sits
down :and • lays untidier egg ; and so on,
n'fi:tithe'neeessary number of eggs are 66-
salmi!, Mr. S. does not manufacture the:
fitit:v!tyers "rights" fur sale. The
neat wroald be - an excellent accOmpaniment
teittheAFlteam Egg [latching 51achine.
• - 1
AY rein when
goes farther than
NyhiAlt,l whisk, hy at least 25 per cent.,
wesrosonsnressi - that all-grain fed to horses
dia l catile'iliculd be tints prepared and
mixed, with cut straw or hay. This saving
t i f
me,ottitinption of grain is worthy
as it will enable the far
friertivaell so much more than he otherwise
' 1 :;111t4i Ate:4'aq putting so snitch more mo
tley-Ipm hiwitocket. But independent of
ib, by 'ol9PPing thc grain; you present it
in a form, to the stomach of the animal•
which is e,usier digested,' and which con
ouisesttly • tends snore to encourage the
*lsbiirittitan of -flesh and fat. '
'". 'ISMOKV,D !dutroN. -
;TN! of thi, Tennessee Farmer
lllevitates his 'preference fur the ovine over
'or the sninish race. ile says
on his knowledge of physiology,—which
trowititiil l diquti, that a pound of lean, ten
cati be procured for half the
'ape quantity of fat pork; and
Utak it,is infinitely healthier, iu summer
tisPeoialty t end that those who feed on it
begor i neylnite ninetil-tr, and can do more
work on it, nktli mere ease to themselves.
liAlruirripl+l nothing 4nore delicious than
smoked mutton lianas.
Lit I
, y j , 000J1), V I I ELO OF POTATOES.
i t His 3 Henry flail, en Englishman, rented
laillitete One erre iind one mood of ground,
S o
t i t o itiitta'hale mile, front Zanesville. Ohio,
s Al . i , ,4 ,' ~,
- **9 l , l 'Plcsl ro ra i s ed more than. '
410 liMobrls ofooporior Pink-eye& Mercer
1016111""sthe restilt, not of high mom
%Ott:4' athlreniiiie and thorough cut
t. arida *as the only imple
-11.101411;40111 is preparing the ground. The
Atisernlereate , pleated early, in drill,. and
47 1 ,0tt; end the ground kept perfectly
it 4.: ~ . , • ,
dib principles of
011PRIPY *re , ll;Plied 4 1 the.s 4 .etails
010010111 1 / 4 040sialsubsumes is mush used
60411101141iimi &main, nuke is di*.
itAiVOII at
ray Aay. grwhivoui.
461101011111110rispaisito sehieik.ihe rumen
• . -;,,Yr
_ 114 1. 0 .
* 414PralmtPi•
Philadelphia Advertisements
Allegheny House, I
le ' tic. subscriber (late of .the
W as hington lintel, Harrisburg, Pa.) takes
this method ofinformbig his old friends
and the public generally that he has taken
the above named HOTEL. The House
is airy and comfortable, and has been ex
tensively- altered and improved, and the
proprietof hives by strict attention to bus
iness, and a proper care for the comfort of
his guests, to merit and receive a share of
public patronage. The House is situated .
gory - convenient for the Travelling Public,
being only two doors above the Harris•
burg cud Pittsburg Depot, and within two
minutes: walh of Jim Baltimore and Read
ing. Dupout., Stabling attached to the pre-
Anises. Terms $1 per day.
P. lIUGIiES, Proprietor.
1. 3, 1817.—tf
Watches, JeWelry, &c 7,
WATCHES, Jewelry & Silver Ware
may be had, wholesale and relall,
guarantied better for the rice than at any
other store in Philadelphia, at (late Nit:tho
les l.a lluray's) N 0.72 North 2nd street,
riabove Arch, Philadelphia. • , .•
WATCHES, all kinds, tine, mai
um and low qualities, among which are
G01da..e.09, full Jenellal, i.s4o to,ooo
tepines " • 25 bif
Quatiiers Imitation, '
titlver Leven*, full Jewelled, • 20.14 .
Lepinea " „
Quarticre fuse
JEWELRY, Diamonds; Gold Chains,
Gold Pens with Gold A:„ Silver fielders,
Peneils,'Etreastpins, Ear and Finger Rings;
Bracelete, Cameos of Shell, Coral and La
va, with every tiller article of Jewelry or
the richest anti most fashionable patterns.
SILVER W ARE.Plate, Forks, Spoons,
Cups; Ate.,•of standard Siver.
kets, Fans, Vases, Card Cases and "other
Rieh Fancy Goods in great va i giry.
Wholesale 136).6ra - will save Toney - by
calling here before purchasing.
Keep this advertisement and call at.
No. 72. You will be satisfied the' goods
I are really cheaper and better than are I
fered in the city. For sale low, a hand
smite pair of SHOW CASES, imitable
t for Jewelry or Fancy Store, apply as
Sept. 3„1847.—1y
Cheap Watehea ,
and Jewelry.
... •
Adi Jewelled Gold Le:
• •
vera for $40," their- AP'
Totted ,
Jacob 11.adonkuo
No. 240 Marketaircei,Pllll; , ' 1
adelphia, who 4.
AS constantly oo.hand a large misortt
ment of Gold and Silver Watches,
at the followingg low prices:
Full Jewelled Gold Levers; ~- . $4O - 00-
" ,Silver " 20 00 .
Gold Lepines, Putt Jewelled, 30 00
Silver teldnee, 12 t t
Silver guertieni, 9 00
with a large assortment- , of Fine Jewelry,
such - u Ear ItingsyFinger Rings, Breast
Pins, Breeden,: Gold'and Silver Pencils,
Gold Chains, &c. Has also on hand a
complete assortment of patent and plain
Watch pli m get,'Main Springs, Verges, Di
als and ttanda,.'of every description—in
fact' a< complete assortment of Watchma
ker's tools:and .Watch materials, o whieh
.44e-wooldleali the ttention-otthelici -•
Tradel theme wishing tenything in the
above line, wilt tied it to their advantage
to. Call end examine his stock before par•
chasing elsewhere..
Philadelphia. Aug. 6, 1847--Gm
The largest nod cheapest Stock
, Plain and Faney Jewelry,
, Wholoode and
't , • - • 419 i Market Atom.
Gold Lever-, full jrwelled, 18 carnet
cam, gold dial, $4O 00
God Lciones, do. do. $2O to 30 00
Sliver Les era, full jets riled, 20 00
Silser Lepines, jewelled, 12 00
Sthrr Quarter Wateb , s, splendid
Paver imintricerguartiers,-
Second hand Gold and raiser Watch
es, at all prices, (icon .$3 to 23 00
Gold Pencils. . 1 73 to 2 00
Gold Bracelets, with topes and other
3 00
4 50
Pure t_4 ilver Tcaspoonp
Dinmond point Cieldwithrca
cil arid solid silv4r holden, o nl y
Gold chains. breast-pine, Anger-nngs, ear
rings and Jewelryot eiery description, at
the lowest Philadelphia Or N.Yer prices;
gold and silver. Levers, ,Lepinesitind.Quar
tier watches, Still much cheaper than the
above prices. ,A call will be , suffteient to,
convince purchasers that this is the place
to get good and cheap articles. AU goods.
warranted to be• what they are. sold for.
Orders from the country punctually attend
ed to. Old Gold and Silver bought for
cash, or taken in exchange. All, kinds of
watches repaired - and warranted-to- - keep
correct time, --
N. IL 1 have splentrul gold independ
ent seconds watch for timing horses. Also.
Gilt and Galvanized Watelies,for•traders'
use, and goods of all kinds to my line, at
Watch, Clock,ind Jewelry Store, N 0.4131
Market St., above. l I lb, north side, Phila.
Philadelphia, Aug. 6,1847.-7 m
Lover's First. Peen:Mak
Silver Medal just awarded by the American Insti
tute, New York, 1 . 841. •
I IHE following testimony from distingnlrdlett
Institutions speaks for itself: •
University of Pennsylvania ;
Philadelphia, May 11, 1841.5
Having tried; for some time, the BlaCk. Ink
manufactured by Mr. Joseph E. Hover. we have
found it well suited for manuscript, by its running
freely, and its exemption from coagulation. Its
shade also we ate well pleased with.
W. E. HORNER, Dean of the Faculty.
SAMUEL B. WYLIE, Vice Provost.
HENRY REM* Sec'ry of the Faculty.
_ ROSWELL PARKE, Piof. Natural Phi
losopy arid Chemistry.
W. W. GERHA RD, Lecturer.
• We fully concur in the above--
- S. b. MORTON, than of the Faculty of
Pennsylvania Medical College. '
A. D. BACHE. Principal, • •
H. MNURTRIE, Prof. of Anatomy in
, .. Central High :_-chool.
F: FRALEY, Secretary of the American
Fire Insurance Company.
J. D. GEORGE, Phil. Custom House.
llover'w.ltlantrontlste Cement
alrtreselori 1111TICLt--MAIIIANTI4,
For sale, wholesale and retail, at the Manufac•
tory,N.e. 117. North Third street, opposite Cherry
street, Philadelphia, by
JOSEPH F. JP:WEL Manufaetonet.
Cr)* sale in,Gettyaburg at the Book and Stw ,
iota's'? wore of S 8
12, Is47—Am.
I'o Country Merchants and• Others
No. 420 Market Alma, above 12th South aide
'1 !.D LI fltt. at ,L 4 0
HAS now on hand and is constantly
receiving a large and well selected
stock of every article in his line, consist
ing in part of Oranges, Lemons, erunes,
I Figs, Dates, Raisons, Grapes, and, every;
other fruit in season. A full assortment
of Bordeaux and Soft-shelled Almond,.
Filberts, Ground Nuts, Crew) Nuts; Eng
lish Walnuts, Cocoa, Nuts, Ike. Mals
sortment of CANDIES are at lower pri
ces than can be bought in the City.. ;lie
requestarm..ezamivadon of his stock be.
fore purchasing :elsewhere, as he offers
goods at a small •adeawceoheing anxious
to do business for CASH.
p:rCut out thisadvertisementand bring
it withyou.
Sept. 24,.184.7.-3m •
C., 11A11KNESS'
(lathing Establishment.
The most. amisiiniviittothijig Warithoune in the
United Stales.
00,600 Garments on hand, and ready y — for dispo
r1"0 patrons we woUld say, that haring
but one price:, those who ate not
dealtin t _or do not underittandlho real sal;
tistiiiiiprieti of gotida, William an -oppor
tunitr of purchasing garments is low as
professokljudges. Jobbers and dealers in
ready-made Clothing, can replenish their
stocks for the wino*, and we guarantee
the largest establishment in Philadelphia
to select from. We attend personally to
the " . ptliting of gooda induce' theta godd'as
siOttertiof - sizes anitlntligutdis artielesi
aretriiiik, Single suits forwarded as per
licirour goods are for sale only at the
large buildingr-428-Market _st—Suutheas
corner of Market and -Fourth streets, Phil.
adelphia. C. 11ARKNESS.
Sept.'24, 1847.---3 m
Feathers ! Feathers !
From yli to 45 Cente per Pound
• CitE/ir FOIL
starer. and. General Furnisher, No.
415 Market St. above 11th, North side,
opposite Girard Row, Philadelphia, where
- ARV be had at-alllimes a large assortment
. of teds and Meares:es, Curled Hair and
Feathers, Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads and
Looking Vlasses,together with all other ar
ticles in the above line of businesi - atthe
very lowest Cash' prices.
N. 8.. Goods warranted to give satis
Sept. 2,1847.-3 m
WATCHES & siturzrair
.41 the Philadelphia if and Jurelcy
if (it% North Second greet, corner of Quarry.
GOld Lever . Watches, full jewelled,
18 cu. eases, *id 00
Silver Lever do. full jewelled, 23 00
Silver Lever do. 7 jewels, 18 00
Silvertepine do. jewel'il, Ist qual. 14 00
Superior Quartier Watches, 10 00
Imitation dd. not warranted, 5 00
Gold Spectacles, 8 00
Gold Bracelets, with topaz stones, 3 50
Ladies' Gold Pencils, 10 carats, 2 00
Gold Finger Rings, 37 eta to 88 ; Watch
Glasses—plain 12 cts ; patent 18 ; lunet
25. Other articles in proportion. All
goods warranted to be what they are sold
for. 0. CONRAD.
On hand, some Gold and silver Levers
Lopines and Quartiers, lower than the a
Bove prices.
Dec. 4,1846.—1 y
locks, Watc'hes, Jewelry, &c
—e• THE Subscriber offers
to the trade, - or by retail,
41 4 19 P a large assortment of the
--.,, fitilowing articles, being
• , all of his own importa
\ A'll.. " lion or manufacture.
Buyers of .gamist loll* line are invited
to eiatnine the assortment: and orders are
solicited. with the assurance that every ef
fort will be made to give satisfaction and in
sure a continuance of custom.
Gold & Silver Lever Watches of ordinary quality
Do do do of superior finish.
Do -do do Anchors & Lepines.
Silver double cued English and Swiss verge
Watehes, ail* light medium and heavy cases.
Gold Jewelry in all varieties, fine and common.
Silver Plated, and Silver Warm.
Musical playing 2,4, 6, B and 10 tunes._
Gold and Silver Spectacles.
Diamond Pointed Gold Pens.
Mantel & (Mice Clocks, in gilt and other frames.
Watclunakers Tools and Materials of all sorts.
Fancy Articles, Fancy Fans, Steel Deeds, &c.
Having every facility for obtaining goods
on the most advantageotis terms, corres
ponding inducements will be o ff ered to pur
chasers. JOHN C. FARR.
112 Chesnut at. Philadelphia.
July 16, 1847.-6 m
Oakridger Select dradetny
LeCEC2 V 071211 &ammo.
Terms are believed to be lower at
JIL This Institution than at any other of
fering equal advantages. The course of
studies embriees all the branches usually
considered essential to a finished Female
Education, including Music, Painting, and
French. , Tho 'Boarding Pupils are admit
ted as members - of the Family of the Princi
pal, receiving from him and his lady every
attention which their comfort requires, and
enjoying all the privileges of home. Such
efforts ate made to promote their improve
ment in manners, mind, and morals, as on
ly parental supervision exercised over a
limited number will admit. A valuable
Library, Apparatus and Cabinet belong to,
the Institution. The lochtion is healthful,
elevated, and retired. Terms per annum—
Board. $BO : Bedding, Washing, Fuel, and
Lights, $2O: Tuition, $25: Total for reg
ular expenses, $125.
The charges (or instruction in Music,
French, and Drawing, are very low, and
Ornamental. Needle Work` is taught with
out any charge, except for materials, which
are furnished at the lowest stole price's.
Pupils are admitted at any time, but as
the annual session for the present Academic
year has just commenced it would be .to
the advantage of those who wish to enter
(luring the year, to do so without delay,
The Terms for Day Scholars are Fif
teen, Twenty, and Twenty-five Dollars.
In very bad weather, Pupils from town
will either be sent for, or a deduction will
be made in proportion to the time lost.
Address Prof, H. HAUPT,
Nov. 19, 1917. Gettysburg, Pa.
undersigned has connected wigs
I. his Coachmakiog Estahliblnen.tti
large Smith 'hop, and is prepared to .jo
ALL/W.4OS Olt .
isap.untno • •
mositia CARBINES, DUNA WlNig. C.
Be would say, to ihose Who hive Mimes to
shoe, that he lute in his employ first-rate
hinds, which, ; with his pereomil iittentiOn.
will enable' hot to give entire ettlierentinn
to all those who may favor hiin with a call.
(warrente(l) will be priniptly Malin to Or
der at all times. .
BCP"AIIi kinds of REPAIRING 4lone,
bOthltiNiund.and Irotti at Ow! rrifinn recluo-,
, ed
00°tThrinkfill for'past encouragement,
the subecriher, solicits a continuance of pat
ronage, and invites his friends to call at"
his Establishnient in iireit chanibetsburg
at., a ti.vr dour' below thorn pson's Motel.
t. W. 11OPPMAN.
Gettysburg,, 1847.-
, ,
.1113-ESPig.GTF-ULLY dor ins lt is friends
att the public generally that he has
now on band a large assortment of TIN
In'IRE of every description, • which he
will sell at mu:Acme prices—all warranted,
Persona wishing to purchase at lbw tales
will dcivirell to call before purchasing else
MOSE SPOUT/NV will be made
and put. 121, tents a foot.
Getty-skip March- 12, 1847.
Dr. Culleta9a
IfriNDIAN Vegetable Piles Remidy, is a domes
lA.. tic preparation, which has been used with en
tile success (or many years. Being an internal
medicine, it , has a decided preference over outward
applications, which are but palliatives and.not
ratives. This medicine arts upon the ch.:eased
parts. producing healthy action and n permanent
cure—wane we MAIR•NT,OIII ssruao TUN xo•
ir_rsola, wholesale Iln.l etail, by ROW/ND St.
IV • vros. Pxoprietorr, 316 Market street, Phila.,
and by S. H. BURBLER, Gettysburg; Wm. Bit.
Abbottstown ; Linty & Riley, Oxtord,ll/14
Cooper, Franklin tp. (Aug.°. ty
3 ix / I \
113 Atln
L. 7
II AS-just received and is now opening
" as large and handsome a stock of
KILL GOODS ae has ever been offered
to the public in this place. They have
been bought upon the very best terms, and
wilL be, LOld_aririces that cannot fail to
please. The Stook part, iii -
Coatings, tassiiners, assinets,
Jeans, Velvets and Velvet Cords, Pilot
and Bearer CLOTHS --cheap;
Plaid, Striped, and Plain Goode of every
variety, for Ladies' Cloaks, %Tait Low ; al
so .Figured, Plaid, and Plain
a very superior article for Ladies' Cloaks,
with Trimmings to suit—very cheap ; also
Plashes, Vettets, Satins, & Silks
every.variety ofoolor, for Ladies' Bonnets ,
withlTrimmings to suit ; - plain Frenchand.
English AI erinoes, Plaids, Stripes, Plain
Goods, every, variety; Mohair& Silk-warp
Alpaccasuperlor & very cheap.
favo-,7-419-PArskpierc.,!?. DM de elainee,
figured, plaid, and striped,-
with almost every variety of articles for
itAfi tt& k ' MIEStRat
Silk IrelvitS - avil black Ital-
ian Silks,
for Ladies'Tardinals, with trimmings to
suit, Also, cheap Domestics, Queens
ware, Hardware,
St,e. &c,, all of which will be sold at prices
that cannot be beat. 11(.7 Please call-4
will d 5 us pleasure to show the Goods and
give you BIRGAINS, such as you have
not had heretofore.
"P. S.-1f you want to - buy irrcheop
STOVES, call with
Gettysburg, Oct. 1..1847.=;-8t
A Teacher Wanted,
T 0 take charge of a School in.Cu mbe r
land townsiOp. Iniplicatiops wil
be received. if inade• earlY., 1:!Y
Pres't School Board.
Nov. 10, 1847. , '
S HEREBY GIVEN, That applies
tiori will be made by , the undersigned
and others, to the*lringislantre of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, (or the
incorporation of, it ,Company tinder the
name• and style, - or intended name and
style, flints IhentaNiltviNos INrrrrurtotv,
capital Fifty 'Mustn't! Dollars,'designed
as an office of discount and deposit; and
to be located in East-Berlin, Adams coun
ty, Pa.
David Mellinger, John Helton°,
William Wolf, George Schwarti,
J. J. Kuhn, '.,. J. H. Aulabaugh,
Charles Spangler, - Barnet Hildebrand,
George King, Isaac Trimmer,
George H. Binder, Abraham Trimmer,
John Diehl. David Hollinger.
Jtine 25, 1847.—0 tn -
jETTERS of Administration on the
jij Estate of WIC HOTIIRAUV7, WO of
Gettysburg, Adams county, deceased, hav
ing been granted to the subscriber, resi
ding in Gettyshrug, he hereby gives no
tice to all indebted to said estate, to make
payment without delay, and' those having
claims to present the earner prOPttrly au
thenticated, for. settlement. . .
Oct. 29, 1847.-6 t
The -Daily National Whig
City of WAntrton, nt v nYiock.
Sundays exPepted—and nerved to aub,crihere in
the City; at the Navy Yard in GeergetoWn in
Alexandria and Baltimore on the mime evening,
at, ti cents a week. payable to the sale .‘ ,Aent of
the Whig, G. 1.. Gil Mires, ,or his or der. It
mailed'in tiny part of.the U. States fOr
per annum, or ,V^ tor six montha.'paYeble In art
vanee. .‘Ativertivemente of len boleti or leen in:
alerted one time for 50 cents ; two 'time for 75
Genie; three times $1; one week tot .fl 75, two
week* for $275 ; one month $4; two,monthss7„;
three rinnthe k six months ; one yesr OA
—payable elwayli In ealv,yee.
THE NATIONAL WHIG 'ls *hie ita mine
indicates.' it speaks the sentiments of the W hid
pulp tat , the Union , ait every'. queirion.of
policy. At edvcteetee the eleetion, to tGe Pro d.
denex of Zaceatty Tepant, subject to tic;
'ion of'the 071401ationitCuni s ptioii: it makes
veer to thd knitb taiton all tbb mai:mires end Kill '
of the Administration &maid 'to be tideetse to
the intemite of theteionatry f ind , expoosevoltliopt
fear tor Apar the eortupti4ne of the.pertyfin4to
er.., ita eolotnna are orent re srery roan in. the
country for the utecuuion Of political or any eth.
er questions.
In addition' to politics, a large pertkoi Of the
National , Whig will - be &voted to publkations
upon Agriculture, _Mechanic ;and other tigetul
arts, Science in: generel s . Lets, Meilicise. Statist. ,
its, Arc. Choice specimens of American and Fel
reign i l e ,iterature will' also be given, inCliuling
Reviews, &c. A Weekly list of the Patents is.
alma Pittent'ellliis will 111teWiselie, pub.
lished--the. whole'for a complete family
newspaper. • .
. WERkt..XIitTA:iiONA L IG,
one of the largest newspapers' in ,tbe U. l.lta ter. is
now Made tip rriiiti dm - OMIT Nil
.tiopal Whivand Ispublished S'eturday for
the low prieq of *it per annum, payable in ad:
some. A double sheet Of eight pages- wilt be
given whenever the pima of , matter shall justify
it. The memoirs of Geo. Taylor, written ex•
pressly for the Natitinal Whig are in course of
publication.. They commenced with the second
' number,' a large number of toPies of which have
been printed, to supplrealit for back numbers,
Proprietor of National Whig.
Washingt on,'Oct. 22, tS4I.-8m (p 8)
Will be published in ifashiogton, D. C
on the Seventh of hecepther,next,
The UnitekStates Reporter,
A Daily Journal of Governinent i 4ttalatite and
General News,
Virg U 1 subscriber is now enabled to announce
theeompletion of his arrangements for the
establishment. of a well organized and Independent
Journal of News at the Seat of the General Gov
ernment The feinting forint , ' of "The United
States Reporter' . will be the following :
1. Early intelligence of the tsof.the
various Departments of theGnivernment, in rrlfer-
ence to Domestic affairs and to the Foreign tela
titans of the country, will be given.Nsith scropu
lons fidelity. Possessing peculiar facilities lot oh
taining information. the "Ilitiorter" will be ella•
bled frequently to crirritruitticate, exclmilvely,
tell of the moat intiimtant eh:Weeder.
11, The verhalim Reports of the Proceedings
and Debate. of
,tbedll. Stales Senate, which the
proprietor is furnish daily to that body,
ill SecOrilance with ItteTifinSortlie - contrtiet martr
at the elate of the lan session of Congress. The
arrangements nbw made will at once fully recite
to the .tienate of the United States an authentic
and complete record of its debates; and to the Peo
ple—in a greatly enlarged degree—the benefit of
the eXperience, sagacity, and statesmanship of
that body to which they linyfe ever looked with
solicitons and respectful regard. •
111. The Proceedings and Debates in the House
of Representatives will also be given, with full
ness, impartiality, and the utmost. promptitude.
Each day's record will be completely made up,
and appear in the "Reporter" next morning.
IV. A Synoptical View of the Proceedings and
Debates of all the State Legislatures will be regu
larly given. Members of eongtess, and nll clas•
ses of readers, hill thus be ket:t fully alld syste
matically informed of domestic legislation in all
sections of the U. States.
V. Early intelligence of all important move.
meats in the Legislatures of Great Britain and
France will be communicated hy_every steamer
learn Europe, through Reporters in Londonanti
Paris, who possess peculiar facilities fur obtaining
Vl. The General News of the Day will be gi v•
en in a condensed form, with industry and atten
Such is a brielview of what the dtlnitel State,
Reporter' is designed to be. Alt the plans um(
arrangements have been well matured, and the
hope is confidently cherilbesithat the —Reporter
will prove itself an energetic. iddustrions. dignifi
ed, and perfectly independent journal. It will
have no party views—no political bias: Thepro
prietor, by the terms of his contract with the
Senate ot the U. States, is hound to the condition
that "the paper shall contain no political d %cos.
sions except the debates." It will be a vehicle of
run 1, not the organ of any set of opisions. The
gtend aim of thci4utorriber is to establish at the
scat of Government a faithful nod prompt reporter
of all sorts of intelligence—n responsible moot, no
which the politician,the business man, the maou.
factures. the mechanic, and every one interested in
the affairs of Congress and the Govelinment,cuay
- rely all - timetwittr imptiriteonfntenee, •
It is believed that the establishment of such a
reliable Journal of Intelligence,„etl terms which
place it within reach of the 'petit Misses of the
people, at the etimmenvement cif what pedinisesks
be a most interesting and eventful period ill the
history of Congiressional proceedings, will Iw:re
garded with. favor - by all chimes of the communi
ty ; and, having thus stated his objects, the sub
scriber respectfully solicits a librall and general
support from the enlightened priblie of the United
Stenographer to the Senate of the U. States.
The:United States Repartee:will be prinfed on
a large and handsome sheet, and issued every
morning, except Sundays, at the rate of $6 per an.
num ; single copies 2 cts.
In connection Wittt the daily Papet, there will
be issued lrotn the same establishinent,;
This publication will contain exclusively the
reports of the prdCeedings and debates of the f'on
giess of the U. States. It will be issued semi
weekly, in err elegant quarto form_throughout.
the sessions of Congress. and Will be furnished to
subset ibers at the rite of two dollars for the long
session, anti one dollar for the short session: It is
helievid that •this great national work will he
deemed indispensable in the library of °via y
lie institiiiidn. politician, slid pro fe ssional man,
throughout the emirate and that it will be re
garded by'llie great mess of the people as the very ,
best polttieil tax' bah% rot their theirpSrr instryrliorl
theiiChildien.• • • -
teistef . liteartinteelisine—Tbronghinit the
session of Cemeresial.E.iiias will be nestled fromthe
°Rite Oithe !Whited Stitesiteporter,".eontailtipg
the reportSpf All such Mattes es may possess par.
timalarlyeiteitlog.Mtereet. , . •
sithse{iptiorst - and coinitiapications to be
postpaid and .agresseci to A. 1101ViT014, IL S.
RepOrter,Weihingteri; 13'. C."
Itiageli43lVi XV.1.0126
Is7o'l'loE 'hi hereby given to all Lege
. .
atees and other persons coneerned,
COUNTS of the deceased persons herein
afteinientioned will be presented at theOr
phans' Court of Adains county, tot-confir
mation and allowance, on 7Viesday, the
21st day of December next, viz :
The account of Wm. Wolf. Administra
tor of the Estate of Joseph Miller, deed.
• The third account of Wm. Albright, one
of the Execntors of the last will and testa
'tent of Daniel Eyster, dectfased.
The account of Anthony Deardorff and
Samuel Deardorff, Administrators of the
Estate of Saltine' Deardorff, deceased. .
The second and final account of John
Marshall. Administrator of the Estate of
Samuel Knox, deceased. • .
The account of George Heart and Wm
Gitt, Testamentary Trustees of Mary Ant
Regioloreo o.4co,„Oatrobburig• tc
Nov. 48 1847.
D V ,Sl.l,kilips.i A,
.47:d and all Disrases affAr. Stomach and.
Bowels. -
bSPEPSIA., or Indigestion and
Y eonsequenees.— An eminent Profe4-
sur says: "It chiefly arises in tiemons who
lead'either a very sedentary or' irregular
life. AlthOugh not regarded ae a fatal 'di:
sdabe, yet, if negieeted,' itititt t y brine on in
curable 'Melancholy, Jaundice ,. Mhtlite4;
or Vertigo, Poky, and:Atoplexy. Kgrent
singttlarity attendant mi 14; tlitteit maY
and often dOes ,continue, a great length Of
time without any remiviiini 'of the symp
CAUSES.-s-Gri4 ant uneasiness of
mind, intetiseltudy; profuSO 'evacuations,
tome s p r in vanery,. excessive use of, spifr
hens liquors„, tea, tobaeco, Opium and
other narcotics„ immoderate repletion, or
ver distention Oc the stomach, i edefi,
elepor . in the•socretiort of the bile or
gastric Juice, exposure to; cold and damp
air, are the chief causes of this disease. ,
vx.ktreroms.-14-. of OEM"
se!}, heart•burn, acidity end ((mid eructs
,tiOns, gnawing of the stomach when empr
ty, uneasiness in the throat, pain in. the
side, costiveness, chilliness, languor, low
ness of spirits, palpitations, and disturbed
rEaer.3.Bl.A . compouND has nev
° faded in affording immediate relief ripti
a radical sure for this disease.
Prieciiial Office, No. 77
east side, Philadelp!iia. For sale In Get.
4:0 1 / 1 1 4 1 )7_ S . :
July 30, i347.7—ty
More flees is relation to the tronderfut efrory of
Compound Syrtip of Tqr iTr Wood oopth
gO, the -11ES7-'-,RJOIDI' Of the dny .
for CONSUMI"FIQN,Wathma,
Coughs, Cohls,,Liver Com
plaint, 4.r., 4-c.,
519 ; EA D. ties .fellowiug:from _Mr...Sharp. A iml.l
.14,7 known and highly respectable citizen of the
northern Liberties. Philadelphia County. Thin is
one of the most astonishing cures on record, and,
t will be seen, is attested by the Rev. Mr.
oil by other citizens of that dietrict:
Poi LA nu' Lein a, Atm ion I I. 1947.
Near the clone otitis year I a 45, I had no attach
Of the Pleurisy and while recovering from it, 1
took a severe cold. My condition soon became
alarming and I grew gradually worse and worse.
The symptoms imindested by my disease were
thoie ordinarily loruud ill inalaionary stlettions—
but Mille were of an exceedingly aggravated char.
ocher. For a long penod I. expectorated n gicot
quantity ormatier.'whiet appeared a mixture of
'pnei blood—nt times it seemed as it I was ilis.
charming the very solemner ot the Linings. My
voice nit , gone ,0 a, to be unable to utter a few
words iii•hout great difficulty, and I e.pertmeeol
a litottkiad other il.rirr,.l betestiens — thir rxtirmt
be told. One et the tl7ll-1 unpleasant uttriolantw
of my disease WOO 0111111)g ruenta. "the
pet - imitation run troop ine continually, not only at
night, but also doting the day so -as to keep my
Cloths at ail times continually wet.
1 ernployerl every means acute I could bear,
anti was attended by several eminent and skilled
Plit , iciatts. Bat the obstinacy of my disease
bailed all their efforts. They linked rake(' me
loin toy bet. b it they also pi ottouneed nee 1111140
able The last Phys.:tau attending me. to'd me
at one time, that I bad bait a few- d. , ys to Ilse—at
another time I ought longer on a leW weeks 01
months. but t hat it was utterly int pos , ible that
could get lien, ni ever lie able to pltentito niy
husine-s. 1 hos. o ith no pro-pert 01 let,. my
hogemil on timing the grater pelt of the yea!
lh4ti-sfor three months -of which permit my
friends sat up with tree, expecting every night to
see my sufferings end in tle.tth
But last tall, a lady residing, in ‘ 4 ollthaVark, , all l l
hadinteu-ri , red ttfatungtt.b.ilatEntii!L
•Thompson s C,nhoad syrup of Par antlWlTrtr
came arid ut;eil upon me a trial of it. Al
most despairing oi any relict. untie ith tio hope of
recovery i commenced its use. Imagine then
my enfibtaetjon in being able to state that I am
NOW W and! attribute my re-toratimi en.
Moly to the won,te I ful ellicaey of the abuse roo4. ll eine. From the time I commenced its tide. the
disease began to yield its hold upon me, and by
steady perseverance in its employment lusay say
it has raised me Irmo the grave. All unpleasant
symptoms have vanished and I have for several
months attended In my business as in. merit ,and
(except some less degree of strength than I once
possessed.) as well as ever.
People come from various places to ass me, in•
quiring for the man cur 11 ol Consumption! Those
who have known me arid are wed acquainted m ith
my long continued afflictions.stop with astonish
ment when they meet me, at seeing the womiorful
change wrought by theme of the above medicine.
No. S Charlotte st.,Fliillidelphis.
The undersigned, friends of Mr. W, W. Sharp,
arc-familar witlihis Case and sufforings.aml teite
fy that the statements are true.
John Strect.'llissionary, No. 113 Truk Road.
Thomas Street, Kn. los North Second street.
Addison Hines. Grocer. No. 12.4 Brown street.
. ) .laeots Knows, No. !MU North Fourth street.
Garret icanzant. No. 291 North Second street.
This inualttable remedrts prepared only by
Angney & Dickson, N. K Corner of fifth and
Spruce streets, Philadelphia. and can be had of the
following Agents :
S. S. Forney, Gettysburg,
.9ngney, Carlisle.
. •
D. P.,Lange, Ilaarner.
and by respertable Druggists generally.
Price :if.' cents, or 1.1.00 per bottle. Beware of
October 13, 1847. , [April ao, 1817 .—ly
Compound- Medicated_ Candy.
Ivoit the Cure of Colds, Coughs, Spit
7 ting of Blood, Bronchetis, Asthma,
Whooping Cough, Pains and Oppressions
of the breast, and all other Pulmonary
cOmplainto„and.othei dieeases which have
a tendency'*produce . Consumption.. It
serves alto as an effectual clearer of the
voice. . -
This Candy is entirely a vegetable pre
paration, thejrinclptd, ingredients being,
Marc-hound, Via Cherry, B,areapailitle,
likunisat, Elecampane, Liquarieq, flat
sect!, ketanct 11 , 14iss, trickly, Ashy Asc. and
will, of taken; in time, Tetley° the system
from those distressing afiljoiona duo tend
to onsumption. 4 ,„
•Ono great advantage in *ie. valuable
medicine iaite eitettloteem :%he public not
being imposed upon by the enormowdy,
high prices which ere rurally exacted.
for Patent and other medical Preparations.
Each package" contains dire:Ctlons. Call ,
and try it!
Prepared anti sold at the Confection and
Variety et . ctro:. Subectilter 'West
York street, one square from the Court.
house, and next door to Thotnpson's Ho
tel. It can also be had at the Drug Stores
of S. H. BUEHLER, and S. FORNEY.
The subscriber as usual continues
his Bakery, and is prepared to supply
parties at the shortest notice, with' choice
cakes, &c.
WILL be nettle anti put up by the
suhseriber, who Will attend prompt
ly to all Orders, and upon as reasonable
'terms as can be procured ut any establish
ment in the county.
Gettysburg, October 18, lBt7.
indfroto 11.getable rtontotee,
ger.riti ft& iIIOIV & %VA LToN'-.. p a s; j as ,
exPeriettced the ext raord uteri ettticati ta*
your„ Ur. Collett's, Indian yeacitable Panacea pi, nn
.. ovvrt person, a fecltog , of gratitude Inc,yptte
wonderful 'diirovery and desire that you '} itled
letnes stiniild be kniiWn ippledlateil' Yothti
has itidleett me thbi« viguntulAly (wilt&
you an account of My care, hotting - then .there
who may be so-unfortunate as 1 have been. rosy
beJntieced trethreW pre)lidrinit e+idthellal Sigel fur
renacea,a fair trio'. , ••'. • • ..1.1 .11/
In Pitbraitrk; 184 d, a lump or tumor ups; y in.
peireillioll the spine of rlght
er , Sn the''lMArparrof irtYllrelnittfeaf 14)100 4
lion of the ribs; they increased graikdallyl ultedthe
eatly part of June, about which time they became
very painful« . In,Julyttnettetannowthe loft:leg
title Iltayeio disk bec‘rn•ok xunni94.FW, oo , ox,g,ecliog
iiseg upot it uf as tiµlt AkiefliN M"" 4, , 1111 '4;
and had eaten intcrtlie Voile lied' oqe twelneal : ,
ler hater, appeiied thyst,
coot and etthere•picinoutited It fteratilei 1 ;111,10
this time every remedy tired gave On relief pthe
leg continued to yet worse ; during the rally pail
of August my angering" %tut intense. L neither
Welit.:te bailer olePt 1 ..Tg. 611 11 1 .1 ( ‘'r Pr!Ytilt.!
weeks, being
.conirlieti to II tip , IN " "
supp4tted on chair. Atio'sit thin time my 'tap
brought bottle •with intittit
one of your cireulars.-Whittli , hid beet; thrown
to the wagon. I read it, and knowing some oi
the signer' to the Certificate; of there're ,of tidy
Brooks, cud believing from toy knowledge "0161
charnel/fa that they would pot I•rod,,their otaxpet
for Abe. purpose of
,palmjng irgposifjon rivet
the public ; 1 concludtvite , try Whatelkei it Whit!.
bare updn min: Oh the 20th-of` August I . .primo
red the first hottle,corritinenced taking. it 'seems
Ing - to - rlirectinne; - stal itHostr•lontrwiledpaies-,Weli
so Muth relieved that - 1,14U osierlloPituilit , /ed that
greatest of blessings, a few ,hours repose. ork
tiruo) piing it until the tlSth of Mips!, wlien I
!pond myielf ao much 'better' that I *eat
toyour Alent,-blr:ltanenhouhlwltlilichosit
I made arrangements to take .90 litittles,:provided
he would guarantee to cure me. Remitted to do
so,end pee ma the, privilege l of atekpipg,sh,ott of
o w 20 bottle', whenever I conaidere4
I now felt encouraged. and' eo4tititl4
der Mr. Ws Inatructliniti'Mail I hadialWiTiWt
tlee. (using no othermedldiue whatever.) *Una
found mini( entirely well; the tumor -.motor
t breast having softened. it opened, .caintr mat s : sisid
was healed up , when I had tokeq,6 0,, 7 bottle*. 1 0t41
-will-here-obterre, that-for-
been troubled with a kind Of dry fetter;' which
greatly annoyed me. purtittilerly when heated or
warm ill bed • 1 hare telt nothing of this sines le
' king your toi , dieihe, and hare no doubt:that my
system is now entirely free ftom disease, toy gen , -
eral health never having been better.
On the 3tl of December 1 again called oh .111r_
Danenhower. 1 then prohonnesd myself Well slid
filleted to give him a Certificate to that effect,
which 1 promised to send him in a tew attys. A
few days thereafter, hoarier. is bile killing hogs,
I Mut the same leg badly. iu consequence of
which I postponed giving the promited t addi
ctive, wishing thoroughly to test the permanency
of the core. 1 now used nothing but the usual
simple' remedies fir ire, h (Mud, and found nay
perteet I y heal , by, and in the usual tittle ler
such Faces my I g healed. Sufficient time has e
lapsed to con% floce me that I am now a sound man
and that 1 heir been curio'your Panacea alone.
In short, 1 hen's every couftileure in its virtuer«—
Persons desirous of obtaining fortheryavicubits.
can be gratified by calling of toy residence. at
Muddy Creek, Ilumilion county. Ohio. •
CITY or Clltt - INNATI. SS.
rer6oually apiipmed Igor( use, the subscriihrt,
tuayor nf outy. DAVID KnilWer %% 1 19. 4eiPig
.v% deposes and any that the fitCl6 aut forth in
the lorepoing atottrinent are title_ n teat tunny
whereof. I have herentan set my name, owl eaunld
the Corporate Seal nl the said City to
this fourth day of Nlatch. 1847 '
11. E. spExcErt, Stynr.
Sold, wholesale snO reisil, by 1144wAatil As %VAL -
Tna, Pooptietnrs, 376 Market atraut,l'isthiiteltAtie.
and by the tolioa hie A ttenlN:
S. 11. Buehler, Gettysburg.
trui.•liiiiinger. A 1)1)01181ov; n.
Li 11224. Iplejt.ltlford.
— 7. J. r - ooirer;riiiiikliirtr---
August G. th4l.--.2n1
Protect iota figiallial L oi s by
n itiE"Cumberland Nalley 3lutial Protection
Ogls Company, - being incorporated by an Act of
the Legislature. and fully organize.) mud tot opei•
tom under the direction of the fullosting basal of
Ilsnagers, T C l.lkr, James Vesely, ll W
M'Cullough. A G Miller. T A IWKinley.
pangle,. t•nmtiel Galbraith. Nimuel Tritt.;.Ab
King, tAilaniel John Zug. L.:moot T
Green, .1 Heat—call the attention of elm inhabit
ant* of Cumberboul aril. Adams trltllttleb •ta the
cheapness of the Wei. and the twiny advantages
which this kind of insurance haeut ru shy other.
iot, Every peraottimouned beronrealf; member
of the company and Takes putt in the eelertiou
°dicer* and the Mart-lion of lit concerns.
2d. For loam ante no snore is ittmeaslert than is
nereseary to meet the raptures at the Conran) ,
atot indemnity agninst losses which may \appro.
:=41., The. ittermreniroseirf Ityrjrketit renewals is
avoided by insuring tut a tetra of liveyrsirs;
4th. Any persoa ("Wirier, fur instance .asst
Rive his prehniuns ante for the clromptst rims of
the gate or Ate per cant,. t high 'vitt he F.^.41 oPthe•
I,UOO, for which he ha%e t• pay Su titt ter love
years and $t .50 for survey and ratio% nod ort.
mare unless lose be austaitted to a akllhatirPil9nDt
than the loads on band Will cosercarnd Jlitn•ite•
more than at pro salts '*hate, salsa ate
mueh cheaper than those of . Oi4el erlltotNtahni
cept such as are incorporated on the *tau , '
dies. T. 4. Aill4LEY,Presitinsit.
' I A. G. ftlrntica, Secretary.. • ' • ;•.' •
117 The following Damediderrodi )race been ap
pointed digest/ for Adams (aninty W
ton, Eaq. General :Agent for Adams county
Thompson and I) Ziegler, Gettysburg ; Win
11 blewart 4 Petersbusg: Henry . bllyers, Now f . Mol
ter ; Henry Mayer. Abbottplowt a...l4aniel Com
fort, Straban ;
town ; David Blythe, Fairfield; T WiPp n an ,
Arendtaville; Wm M ',Oilotrieon and dbel, right
flemlergiillei Dr. D Mellinger, r.sat
Scott. ettetttov, n.
Sept. 13, 1846.—e - •
MONDS, &c. of Olt b,mi.„OitalX
to be had tit tbe. Conteetiopory 4 1 ,
Get. sburp Aug. 8,1847. :.:
Perri_ !mirk,' liefifit
ur VARIOUS' kiNl59
la published every F r id a y Evertinpiaz Iht
Counly above the Register,
and Recorder's Offices by
DAVID A. BlJElllirlit's.
Tr paid in advance or within,the yens, ft,' let
annum—if not paid within the year, fill Sit. na
paper discontinued until all utreaiagce ire void...
except at the option ot the kldit Of. E•iugle copal
61 cents. A failure: to sotiLy a discoutilniaturo
will be rei'artitil as a new . enocenlent
Adoertifcincor• not exceeding a square ickeitid
three times fur sl—every subieguerit insertilm
25 cents. Longer
,oues in the senie plptottix
Allidvert iseni cuts not specially or des cda!! •
in time, will be sontinued until foibid. j 4 0.0
reduction will be made tothose who . nate4ise,lty
the year.
Job Minas e of all kink , executed neatly end
promptlyoind on reneeriebLe terms.
.Lettersand Curnontairetionte .to the Editor, fes•
cepting incb ; as c,ofitain Manny, or the nan,te of
new sutsseers.4.-seltiot be #9lli WA .
secure a eitri',Yu.