Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, December 03, 1847, Image 1

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'fitail/ . 1 TFI tr
I. - ' T
mil ik • & tilt
1 •f O tnoma i
drilitolasiriter 43 fro hip pc now!-
edgmuns Viiblie for the liberal
and iteady patronage with which he has
beeti'farif for a Aeries of years, and re
shilfullx Announces that he has just re ,
eetved, at his old established stand in
qh f r?liioraburg street, a large and fresh
surPt.v yr
walla ttiosimga.l.49o
Paints, Varnish, Dyestuffs
ati s it'elhry variety of ;nicks nautili) , found
in a Drug store, do which he invites the
antitttthit tottnefmtitie, tiTtivAlfraflcVa that
theV" %Wit be furnished at the most reason
able ptitec
The subscriber hem also largely increas
ed G's of 800 CB, by' an midi
tionil itipply, of
School, and Mis-
took s \
embracing tamest every variety or Siand
ard and'lNirtular Literature; also,
Blank •lldoks' ri gtatlonery
ntitiltintik47ol,TYP'MN-Peneils, Vie-
Ptiitting'Califs; Card Oases, Ink
stands; st.e. as usual.
be iidld ijr"7".llT'TliE LOWEST PRI
CES. •'
o:7'Ar'ntgements hare been made by
sthith anything not included in his assort
ment Will be promptly ordered from the
S. 11. BUFiIItER
Getti - sborg. Ott. 22, 1819. •
]lave at present on timid an excel
lent. arisotittieniof 131131.13, plain and fan
cy', fin- Seltool and family use—at very low
' ' ' • '
, :fii:A"he ?Mirka.
0.44 1 t S'ALE.
§ulisr;iibel:s. Executors of the
k:state of WILLIAM COlitAN, deee4e•
ell. will otter at Public Rale,
Uil 2;4ursdaji tht .01h day, of December
o'clock, P. x.
hie theEtitirta of soithlereased. nn Marsh
Crekk,,Cuinberiland township. Maine en.,
I3a4abant. half a mile Irma the tiettysburg
maiklagentto Ira raad.idjoining hinds of W.
M. Scias..Franeis Bream end others,
" ' ".„ •--
•'4 OIN Mint . li AKE , EREVIraD •
146' Dwelling ihinsys, - A .
(rieo-sroi+.) - glut Norm- vire
sn. *
noes,~:' n good SAW MILL. and also a
with tali riiiir`of Ctintitry 'Stones, and one
pali'OttluM, with Elevators. and all the
iteeegsat j y 'Machinery fur making March
ant iitork,, There is one of the finest
MIN'gRAL SPRINGS in the country, a
lUit , nide front' the dwelling !louse.
A.1..a 0,- 7 ,-,iti. the :faint - lime and place,
'' .-A FARM, .
situate in Ilamiltonbatt township. Adams
county, adjoining hinds of Wm. M. Scott,
Wm:Wilson and - myers. about 50 - Acres
of which Mie id thriving Timber. The im
erOyintierits are a one and one-hall story
Log Dwelling-house,
:: ~- . AND A PDVIALK an]
There are three never-failing springs which
water the fields. tg - • On both the'above
.14 to 0 It h er iil ire thriving young
ire1i.r,...,...._ 4sbOftxaf,
_led FE liii.
Perititm 'writhing to view the p lollies,
I ,
willfball Call on' Wm. Cohen*, let ing on
thi Millimbiperty,.br on , Samuel c °bean;
cnt the , :other :tract: 10:7 0 1'he Sale Will
't'thkelihice on the' Mill .Tract. Attebd
awe given; an&tertins made'known by .
!Itttiv, ta,.1841:..- • ...--' :Executors ..
At Public Sale.
(1 :., .
.. 1
: ,„ch,s4o4rrias Ose4th of Pectin/ler.
Arr. IS, riviroon. a., 4? TUN .COVAT•ROVag,
I , ; , tire.: ; ,,.;:1w eGIVIIIIIIIUSI6.I .I. .
Khiglikiieltiall to y litrid lyirrg a , hifin
viltit i•Bokough ~6r, G ettprburg; Achim*
constyit Paci 00011111111* or a. ,
v -
-i-iteNA• i., i . \ • '
d , - -“ , • 41, it, 'rt 11
nl tt r itiMPßED ,ACHES
• •
cofgastallaatlatalood. , w With, ,a ra erected. a
4 ' , Marge aria,' BLRN, and good
• 'p If ~"' *FAitm
Ir 110178E i
iigi'litl§ligd ' and.Gran a ies.
~,i • rge ,quanta y a , *hellcat'
il t o
IA ',.' • • W,a ° 4 4 / 1 1 . .kariniCtrinril or las a
WOOD IiANU, ~,)_
Molt uf the land might be sold
erreahrlias, twit frotaftin atr-" -
Atig,Pi'', l2 qo/ 161/.64; . .
1. 1r4 AO$4 ;1 !iki:1r 0141 1 ; 6 1 0
Aliatil.4ofirOliirtir arili be offerer! for ,sidC'
al, Min ,smet• 44itta• . 1/:741 I. riaide„,at , a
distance frlan die property, lain determin
ed to sell it without reserve. :• The -Farm
iwill lieloldist two reset if purehaseca de
Ar e ii ~„:,1 1, ,,,„ ri, it 1
, Artello.l.-4nothird part 'of the pur-
otalitiVatitiiiiron thelst day of April next, ,
whei - a good nil* 0 1/111 be given, ,and the,
bolmiesialstuefl l 4lFin,nall'aPPeols with
I 010: 11 • I
hineuster, ra. 0(.1,42, 1817,
" Gs:visors 'AM . iitt et.C..afief end 81'040.0AV.
codrpany.trf Mbitillteofill were &boners
in Mexico:4loe puttliehad tr eardAh theemeres:of;
whichffie.Y. Gismo *gal+, mule
hu escape, aqll the hh/lesin Corettuu*, .excited•
by that event, gale enfant - for the massacre 'of' the
Aneritani; event,
Clay' ekclaimed—"Kill ihe
ters. *palm the !" A 111exlehn *NI* rim
to filth, preSenting a 'corked•pistol to his broast..--
lie dill escJahrunl, "Kill me—Atill the officers—.
but ewe the eion—they are innocent;" Who
but C. M. °lay, with a kenled pistol to his head,
and in the hands or en enraged enemy, would have
shoien such ungnanlmoue self-devotion 1"
[ For tho d4titar and Bonner."
Fearless of soul, and brass!
Son ofthe.fossl. .
There. where our banners were,
Would thou could'in. be !
Iris area a soldier's heart,
A dauntless eye.
No peril made him start—
Feared he to die I
lie never knew of fear :
Nor thought of life,
When crimsoned blades rang near
In deadly Wife
Hawk ! plesde that manly voice,
"My home—My wife 1"
His soul has made the choice—
The soldier's life!
"'lola them! my moldier+ save!"
Hr bererhl4 tir6eat—
What guerdon cloth he crave !
"Save—save the rest !"
"Crave," "crave,"—no! no! base wont !
'Tis strange to thee
As to our mountain bird,
Child of the free!
Ayo! nyc! that voice demands,
Not esketh he !
As calm at {weirs mouth he stands
it claims "kill me!"
The munnous weapons gleam
Upon thy brow:
Not tho' thv life-blood streams,
E'rr kilterest thou t
Thine is a heart to feel
- A soul to bravo
Thu slaughter-reeking steel,
Thy braves to save!
A Conies thou art !
Thy country's pride--
Deep treasured in her heart,
There to abide.
4t the Maas Meeting in Lexington, by.,
on &duntoy, November 13. 1840.
After the organization of the meeting,
Mr. °LAI - rose and addressed it substan
tially as follows :
Ladies and Gentlemen
The day is dark and gloomy. unsettled
and uncertain, like the condition -of our
country, in regard to the unnatural war
with Mex Mo. The public 'mind is agita
ted-and RfiXiOlig, and is filled with serious
apprehensions as to its intlefinite continu
ance, and especially as to the consequen
ces which its termination may bring forth,
menacing the harmony, if not the existence
of the Union.
It is Under these circumstances, I pre
sent myself before you. No ordinary oc
casion would have drawn me from the re
tirement iu which I live ; but, whilst a sin
gle pulsation of the heart remains, it should.
if neceasary, be dedicated to the service of
one's country. And I have hoped that,
although I am a private and humble citi
zen, an expression of the views and opin
ions I-entertain, might form someiittle ad
dition to the general stock of inthrmation,
and afford a small assistance in delivering
our country from the perils and dangers
which surround it.
I have come here with no purpose to at
tempt to. make a tine speech, or any ambi
tious oratorical display. I have brought
with me no rhetorical boquets to throw into
this assemblage. In the circle of the year
autumn has come, and the season of flow
ers has passed away. In the progress of
years. my spring time has gone by, and I
too ate in .the autumn of lite, and feel the
front of age. My desire and aim are to
address you. earnestly, calmly, seriously
and plainly, .upon the grave and momen
ta'', subjects which have brought .us to
gether. And lam moat solicitous that not
a solitary word may fall from me, offen
sive to any party or person in the whole
extent of Abe Union. •
War, pestilence. and famine, by the cons
mon consent of mankind, are the three
greatest, calamities which can befal our
species ;'turd war, as the most direful, just
ly, stands ferinost and in front. Pestilence
and famine, no doubt, for wise although in.
ecru nibln, purposes, are inflictions. of Prov
idence, to which it is our duty, therefore,
to Low with obedience. barnible submision
and resignation. Their duration is not
long, and their ravages are limited. They
bring, indeed, great affliction - while they
last, , but society anen recovers from their
effects: War voluntary d work of our
own hands; , : and whatever . reproaches it
may deser ve should be directed tq , our-,
selves. Wheti . ,it briniks out, its duration
is indefinite and Ifni:no:torn-1w vicissitudes
are hidden front our view.:
'ln' the eacrifiee human life, and in the
wake of hUrnatz lreiiilurb, in its, 'Assesses and
and inlis it attests b A oth bellige
rdnenithins i and its rad effects of mangled
bodlea,'Of death,and of desolation, endure
In after its thunders are hushed in peace.
Wiinfillinicasoeiety, disturbs its peace
fhl and regular industry, andscattets poi
sisedeof disease and immorality,
which *edtitiitu6 to germinate and diffuse
their'' hanefbl influence long after it, has
ceased.' Dazzling by otter, ;mini and
pagesidry; it into a spirit . of wild adven
ture and' romantic enterprize, and often die
qualifies those who embark in it,aßer their
return from the bloody fields of battle,
from. engaging in the industrious sad
PeaPeful vocations of life.
:We are informed by it statement, which
is apparently correct, that the number of
our cpuntryinen slain , in this lamentable
Mexican war, although it has as yet beonof
only 18 months' existence, is equal to ono
half of the whole oldie American Inas du
ring, the seven , years, war of the Revolu
tion: And I venture to avert that the ex
penditure of treasure tthlch it has wok
sioncd, whoa j t shall come to be fairly as- ,
certained and footed up, will .be found to
.Qt : Np.A..4.),..i 8 4.;7:,
be rnoreAllertAalf ot the pecuniary eon of
the war of our independence. Ani thts
is the condition of Os party whose ,arm
hive been cverywhere,and constantly vic
torious. ,
flow did we unhappily get involved in
this war? It Wu pt✓edteted as the conse
quence of the annexation of Testi to the
U. States. If we had not Texas, we should
have no war. The people were told that
if that event happened, war would ensue.
They were told that the war between Tex
as and Mexico had not been terminated by
a treaty of peace ; that Mexico still claim
ed Texas u a revolted province ; and that,
if we received Texas in our Union, we
took along with her, the war existing be-
tween her and Mexico. And the Minister
of Medico foritially iiiitionneetT to the Gov
ernment at Washington, that his nation
would consider the annexation of Texas to
the U. States as producing a state of war.
But all this was denied by the partizans of
annexation. They insisted we should
have no war, and even imputed to those
who foretold it, sinister motives for their
groundless prediction.
But, notwithstanding a state of virtual
war resulted from the fact of annexation
of one of the belligerents to the U. States,
actual hostilities might have been probably
averted by prudence, moderation, and wise.
statesmanship. If Gen. Taylor had been
permitted to remain, where his own goof
sense promp'ted him 'to believe ho ought to
remain, at the point of Corpus Christ►; and
if a negotiation .had been opened with
Mexico, in a true spirit of amity and con
ciliation, war possibly might have been
prevented. But, instead of this pacific and
moderate course, whilst Mr. Slidell was
bending his way to Mexico, with his di
plomatie credentials, pen. Taylor was or
' dered to transport his cannon, and to plant
them, in a warlike attitude, opposite to
Matamoros, on the east hauk of the Rio
Bravo, within the very disputed territory,
the adjustment of which was to be the ob
ject of Mr. Slidell's mission. What else
could have transpired but a. conflict cif
Thus the war commenced, and the Pres
ident, after having produced it, appealed to
Congtotes. A bill was proposed to raise
80,000 volunteers, and in order , to commit
all who should vote for it a preamble was
averted falsely attributing the commence
ment of the war to the act of Mexico. 1 ,
have no doubt of the patriotic motives of
those who, after strugglimr ' to divest the bill
of that flagrant error, found themselves
constrained to vote for it. But I 111118 i say
that no earthly consideration would have
ever tempted or provoked me to vote for
a bill with a palpable falsehood stamped
on its face. Almost idolizing truth, as I
do; never, never, could have voted for
that bill.
The exceptionable conduct of the Fede
ral ratty; d tin fig .th it' liisißritiah - War, his
excited an influence in the prosecution' of
the present war, and prevented a just dis
crimination between the two wars. That
was a war of National defence, required
for the vindieatien of the national rights
and honor, and demanded by the indignant
voice of the people. President Madison
himself, I know, at first reluctantly and
} with great doubt and hesitation, brought
1 himself to the conviction that it ought to
be declared. A leading. and perhaps the
most influential member of his Cabinet,
(Mr. Gallatin.) was, up to the time of its
`declaration, opposed to it.. But.nothing
i could withstand the irresistible force of
, public sentiment. It was a just war, and
its great object, as announced at the time,
was, "Free Trade and Sailors' Rights," a
gainst the intolerable and oppressive arts
of British power on the ocean. The jus
tice of the war, fur from being denied or
controverted., was admitted by the Federal
party, which - only questioned it on consid
erations of policy. Being deliberately and
constitutionally- declared, it was. I think,
their duty to have liven to it their hearty
co-operation; But the mass of them did•
not.. They continued to oppose and thwart
it, to discourage loans and enlistments, to
deny the power of the General Govern-,
ment to march the militia beyond our lim
and to hold a Hartford Convention,,
, which, whatever were its real oblects, bore
i the aspect of seeking a dissolution of the
Union itself, They lost-and justly lust
the public confidence. But has not 'an art. ,
pretiehsion of a similar, fate, in a state of a I
case widely 'different, repressed a fearless
l expreasion of their real sentiments in roma I
of our public men t
How totally variant is the present war!
This is no war of defence, but one linne
t cessary and of offensive aggression. It is
i Mexico that is defending her fire-aldes, her
„castles and her altars, ,not we.- And. how
different also la Ate conduct of the Whig
party of the present day from that ofthe I
maim part of the federal party, during the
War of 18121 Far from interposing
obefieles to the proseention • of 'the wer, if
the Whigs in office are reproachable at all
it is forltaving lent too ready ti facility- to
I it, without careful examination into the oh-
Ijeets of 'the war. , And, out of office,
( who have rushed to the prosecution' of the
I'war with more ardor and alacrity than the
Whiget „Whose. hearts have bled more
freely than }those of the Whigs r . Who
I have more occasion to mourn the lets, of
I sons, husbands, brothers. fathers, than wit', L
parents. whig wives, and. whig brother*, ic
this deadly and unprofitable strife I
But the havoc of war is in progress e and
; the no leturdephmtbletliavotrobte in hceipita ,
I ble and yeatilential climate.. •111 ithontindul
ging in, an.. unnecessary Vetrospect , end aut.
less . reproaches :on thetist,.allzheitrur 4nd•
to bring it ton satisfaeturrelosie.- ,le there
'no.way..that this mut .titeslope 1 ..Mnie we
blindly 'continue this conflict, without -any
visible object,or. way proapeet of a definite
termination t, This is .the impottant-sub.
; jet upon which - I desire to •ceusult and
commune with you.. Who, in this free
government, is to decide upon the. objects
of a war,'ut its commencement, or at any
time during its existence t Does the pnw.l
er belong to the Nation in the collective
wisdom of the nation in etnigress assem-i
bled, or is it vested solely in a single fune
' tionary of the government t }
A declaration of war is the highest and
MINIL awful exercise og sovereignty. The
Couveution. which framed our federal cony ,
Citation, had learned from the. pages ,of I
tory that 4, had beeßofte o anli greatly, a-.
bused. It hed_atittetkit war had often
been I colotnitt r eedliTpon the moat itifling,
pretexts ; that ik had been frequently Wa
ged to establish' rittertide a dynasty; to
attach a crowntettilitt4lead of one poten;
tate and place it wpirnlthe head' ofonotherf
that it bad Oftetrbtiewprosebuted to promote
alien and other interesta than those of the
nation whose ohiathed proclaimed it, as• in
the .case , of English wept for Hanoverian
interests ; and, in 'bort, that such a vast
and tremendous power ought not to be con
fided to the perilous; exercise of one single
man. The Convention, therefore, resolv.
ed to guard the "war making power against
these great abuoes. of which, in the hands
of a monarch, it ;was so soseepible. And
the security against those abuses, which
its wisdom devised;.was to vest the war
making power in the Congress of the .
United States, being the immediate repre
sentatives of the people and the Staten...—
So apprehensive and jealous was the Con
vention of its otiosely' other hands, that it
interdicted the exercise of the power to
any State in the Crating', Without the con
sent of Congress.. Congress, then, in
our system of government, is the sole de
pository of that tremendous power.
- ---111e-Comnitatitrittrovidestrattbrigre
shall have power-to deelare war, and grant
letters of marque and.. reprisal, to make
rules concerning captures un land and wa
ter, to raise and support armies, to provide'
and maintain a navy, and to make rules for
the government of the land and naval forges.
Thus, we percieve ‘ that the principal pow
cr, in regard , to war, with all, its auxiliary
attendants, is granted to Congress. Whih
ever called upon'to determine upon the lll
emn qUestion of peace or' war, Congrese
must consider' and deliberate and decide
upon the motives, objects 'and causer of
war. Anti, if a War be commenced with:
out any previous deellwation of its objeets,
as in the. caste of : 010, 'existing war with
Mexico, Congresa ,alust necessarily pea
seas the authority, it any time, to declare
for what purposes it *hall be further prose
cuted. 11 we supposi Congreis does not
possess the controlling, authority' attributed
to it ; if it ho •cooteldled‘ibtei War Heitiiik
been once • commenced, the President 'of
the United Suttee ma r direct it to-the-nos.
complisbanent. , any_ objects he_ pleates,l
without cousulting and without any regard
to the will of Congress ; the . Conveutiou
will have utterly , fails dinguarding the nation
against the abuses and ambition of a single
individual. Either qoagress, or the lies-'
Went, Meat i he right ordeterining Up
on the objects for' a ‘6r shall 'be
prosecuted. There finblither alterriatlVe . .
If the President poser; it May 'presi
cute it for objects against . ' the will of Ciin
greser-where-ie thsiliirerento between-ciur ,
Ireeinvernmenrimd that of any other
Lion which may be governed by as abto
lute Czar, Emperor, or King!•
Congressmay omit, as it has omitted
in the present war; to proclaim the objects
for which Wives commenced oriole beep
since prosecuted, and in cases of such o
mission the President, being charged with
the employment and direction of the' na
tional force is,
necessarily, left to his own
judgement to decide upon the objects, to
the attainment of which that force shall be
applied. But, whenever Congress shall
think proper to declare, by lionacauthentic
act, fur what purposes a war shill be emu
menced or continued, it is the duty of the
President to apply the national force to
I the attainment of those purposes. In the
iinstance of the last war with Great Britain,
the act of Congress by which It. was de=,
clared was preceded by a messagoofPrei
ident Madison enumerating the wrongs and
injuries of which we complained against
Great Britain. That mediae, therelnre,
and withotft if the welikrieWn objeetslof the
war, which Was a wiar purely of defence,
rendered it necessary that Congrhas should
particulariin;lh the act, thispecille'nbjeets
for which it weir proclaimed. Thq whole
world'kpew that it was eihr - i'aged' for
Free Trade and Sailors' rightS •
It may . be urged that the, Pii)tident and
"Senate, porticos the treaty maklng power,
without any express.limitaticinakte .14 eX
ereise tha't.the,natural and ,Ordinify ter
minatipn a Wit* ie by a treatk_of, peace ;
and therefore, that the President and Sen
ate must possess the power to decide what
stipulations and etanditienstMalt enter into
such a treaty: „",.! in hot more true that,
the President and Senate poasepa the, treaty
making power; without liMitation thanl
that Cdttgrests ppssesses the war makieg
power,' without restrietion:' "Those` two 1
power* then ought to bi kit interpreted ad
to reeonelle the One with - thif Abe; 'and.
in expounding the constittititYnt,;'we ought
to keep constantly in trieW the' nature and'
structure of our free government, and ea
pecially the preat object ultheContention
in taking the war making power.outof the
hands of a single man and placing it idthe
safer custody of the representatives of the
whole nation.,The desirable reeentilie r
tiod between te two powers is effected by
attributipg to Congress the right to' declare
what shidi be the objects of a war, and , to
the President the, duty of endeavoring to
obtain those objects by the direction of the
national force'and by dip lomacy.
- • .
Lim broaching no new antl,apequintive
theory...-. The Statute book. of 'the United
Slaw 4411 of.etamples'of prior:dealers
done- by - et:Meese - of riblecis'fis Vinttaineti
by negotiations with Foreign Pdivers,..aild
the archives of the Execiitive PepartMent
, fortilith 'abundant evidepee 4 . the acCom
pl is h Mein' Of t hoseobjeiti; - r the ‘ attempt'
accomplish' thein, by subsequent nego
tiation. Prior to the ileclaratirin of the
last war Spina( Great Britain, in nil the
restrictive measures which Congress-adopt -I
ed, against the Iwo greitt belligerent Pow..
ers of Europe, clauses were inserted in the I
several acts establishing them, tendering i
to both or either of the belligerents the ab
olition of those restrictions if they would
repeal their hostile Berlin and Mila'n dc- I
cress and Orders in Council, operating a
gal nst nur Cointrierce and navigation. And I
these nets 'of Colgress were invariably
communicated,, through the Executive, 'by
diplomatic notes, to Franco and Grea
Britain. as the basis upon which it, ;Wei
proposed to . .,riktore fcieodly
with them.. So, alter, the cifmination„ of ,
the War. various acts of Congress were,
passed. froni-thine`to time, Offering to Prt
illts Powers- the prim:4o94)f teciproeicy
in the comnercte awl navigetion:nt the U.
ailed States with, them, 'Cot ef•tbeite es& I
'have sprung a class, and,s.larett„olass, of
treaties (four or
„five, of, wittch , were ne
gotiated, whilstf was in thedeparreot of
hitate,) cOmMonly' Called rec ipmeily trest
les, concluded under 'all the Presidents,
from Mr. Madison to Mr.'Van Boren, in-
elusive: And, with regard to commercial 1
%emits. 'negotiated with 'ihe sanction' of 1
prior arts of Congress; where they contain
ed either appropriations or were' in conflict
With unrepealed slattaiiif,lt has-liiiiitr , ever
held Lathe republican 41oeteinev from • Mr:.'
Jay's treaty down to the present, time, dust
the passage of acts of Congress , was , neees- 1
sary to secure the execution oft hose treat-,
les.. If in the matter ofFereige Commerce,;
in respect to which the power
,vested , io
Congress to regulate it and the treaty me-,'
king power may be regarded as concurrent,
Congress can previously decide'tfie Object's
to which negotiation shall be applied, r ho*
much stronger is the (mile CT tear ; the pii;i , .
er to Moline which is Confided tzthisieitly ,
to Congress I • ' ' ' '. , •
I conclude, therefore. MiK'Prosident end
fellOWeitioeitb;With - thifire - iiiiigireribli; •thift .
'Congress has the right, the ' , bow
ginning, or during the proseeetioit-of any
war, to .decide the objects, and , purpose.
for which it was proclaimed,-or. for .which
it ought to he continued. And, j think it
is the duty of Congress, hycome dialib,C9l.
and authentic eat, to declare for what ob:.;
jects the present war - ehoubl be longer
prosecuted. I *suppose . the Pri4sider'it`
would not hesitaie to 'regulate his Winilitet
by the"eronounced "Will of Congress - and
to employ' the force- and the' diplomatic
power of the.nation to executethat . willo-T.
But. if the President -should decline torcre.i
fuee to do so, and, in, contempt. of-the:stt.
.4) UAW AlitAllniAW-Gredukgoss
severe in waging the war, fur other : bjeetom
than those proclaimed ; by , A . oogrelint,,,Ahqn.
'ii would 1) 9- the irnPenlllvßiltitY • ,O F, Olt
body.te vindicitiiittatttherityhy4loi meet
.44:effectuitl,.,e , od, tippreprittle
mesisure.",':And. if,, on the contrary, the
enemy should - refuse a treats, rentaining
tetipttlatiens'neetiting` tfiesetli,',l4lg
nated‘by COfigreet4it'will becarite-thii - du.:'
ty of the whsle government tii , 'prosecute
the war. with all the national' enorgy. l otw
Oil those objects` were attained by a treiatj ,
.of pante. • There :can bet no , .insuperable
difficulty in Congress , making, such att au.
thorative declaration. •,/tetit restilmAim.
ply,,that the war, shall,,er nhall,gloi..4o la,
war of conquest, and, ifsWor qf ;comical,
what is to bo coomeMi kjell,tht,CPo6l7,
lution liSsri, didelaintiogifiedesanof con-,
4-quest, penee . wnutafollowifflts**iiiiltriz
ty days, it President would - Linen - rid to
i his constitutional duty. . !, • - .i..4,:t ... - ,
Here, fellow °Moonli t Innight panse,thav - --
ing indicated a mode by which the nation *
through its accredited; and legitimate:repi ,
reenntatiees in _Congrops.nao aituoinwoifite ,
what purposes and objects this war, shall
be longer prosecuted, still rail thus let the
whole people of the United States know
for What and their blood . le' tri bli.faither
shed, and their treasure further expended,
instead of the knowledge of it being locked
up and concealed in the bosom of one man.
We should nn longer_otarceivothe objects,
the war varying. from time to time, accord
iii.g to the changing opinions of the Chief,
Alagisiraie charged with its prosecution.—
But I do not think it right to sag, herid;•;-4 ,
It is the , privilege of thmileople, in their'
primitive assemblies.,. 111.43m4-4stitate
man, however ham*, tct oxpreis eta opin-
ion in regard te.the purpeacefer, which die,
war Should be coutiqued ; ood - soch,DiA c 4.
pression will reeei'veldst Oro Inge!) centild i
oration as` it , is entitled to, and no Al:ire.
Shall this war be prosecuted 4 r ,th c pur
pose of conquering and annexing Mexico,
in all its boundless extent.'to 'die thiiiini
States' ' '‘:l ,
I will not attribute-to tlie-Presidenf of
the United States any. *doh . designii herr
,confess 1 invelbeen whacked. and alarmed
by manifestations of it ht. varioui ghetto*:
01 all the daggers aud , inistiartunes which,
could befill this nation, • I„shoultiregard-that
of becoming .a ,and.,conguering
Power I• 11 S- 11 19nt,Ilireirtll and 441., .7 Itietnty
tellirthe mournful talc NNhio l ' s.
alla s cplNUßWl3l . . thrmtnopt.eglßDra l
ted . conquerers, ihe Wilt;eif wnrlJ, wiry,
Alexanclqr, Cies?r and , Napolenn,,.
first,' aftee'rfi'irrildiung Tar 6 nortpenTif
.Asie;'and sighing ited - IdirAtititik'tfiatltierl,",
were no motet? ofidirriiilliblitie. iiiit A 'tifeln,
mature end Ignntalt 4tith,' Llenten.
ante Quarrelledamt. - work(' with 'other
as to the spoils of his irictories, and , finally I ,
lost them ail: Cresar; •after conquering
Gaul, returned; willtitie,triumphaut legions
to Rome, pasited the Rubicon, wan the
battle of Pharsulittrtracopled upon the ith.l
etues of his country...and expired -by the
patriot hand of Brutus. But Rome ceased
to be free r \%ar rind conquest had ener
vated and corrupted the Masses. The ant-'
rit of true liberty was extinguiiihed; and` a
long line bf Eitiperdte stieceedid; some of
whom were the most eierirtible 4nonstersi
that ever existed id hunihtt form: And '
that most extraordinary:man, perhipal in
all his tory after subjugating ell continental
orcupyin4 almost all it s cupitala,
seriously (greatening, according to, to, Mc.
'riders; piend Albion ,itself , ond' decking
'the brows of vaiititis membecti fa:M.' ,
ly, with crowns torn froth the heads of oth.
er monarchs, lived te,behold his'own , dear I
alloy itself in the possession of his ene
'titles, and was,uiado . himself a wretched
Cap.tive., and far removed from 'country,
family, .and . friends. 4reatiiing ; his lest on.
the, distant and inhospitable rock of t. -4 1..
Helena. The Alps and •the Rhine
heel) Cliiimed as the natural boundaries of
Frei4e. but eVen these . could not be secur
ed in the treaties to which she ME reduced
to submit. Do you believe that the peo
ple of Macedon or Greece, of. Rome or of
France, ; Were benetitied, individually or
collectively, by the triutriplis of their groat
Captains Their sad lot was immense
sacrifice of life. heavy and intolerible bur
dens, and the ultimate loss oflibetty itself.
, . .
.. , .
:That tile power, of the U Ord States bi ccs to' her or tette 2 I(''nprepareil, as I fear
coh i petent to the eb,itiqueet of Mexieo is I her . popula ti n t yet 'is', for the precut al en'..,','
quite probable. But it could not he achiev. joy men tof self-government, end of habits;
erwiflienit 'frightful carnage. dreadful Sae- ' rummies, language, loam and religion, so to i .
rigeo'ef tinnier, life,'
. 134 the creation of an tally thircrelit from It er own, we shoUlti '
onei,one ottiiiinal debt ; 'nor could it be corn- present the revolti ng e spectacle of a 'Foitfu-
tpletely effected, in'all probability, until of, sed. distracted, and ---
motiv government.'
tel. a lapse of many yearS. It, would be 'We v110111(1 have a Nlexica q party, a Pattie t '
I ne c essary to occupy all its 'strongholds, to Ocean Party. an Atlantic Party, in additien
1 elia,,arm its inhabitants, and , to keep them in to the other Parties, which , exist, or with
constant fear "and subjection. which we are threatened, each striving to ,
To einsuirtmate the 'Work, I presume i execute its own particular v ices and pttr
that seandjug'armies, not NSA 1 / 1 011 a itund• Ti
poses, and reproaching the others with
,rd t tliousand,trien, would be necessary, to I thwarting and disappointing them.- re'
be kept perhaps always in the bosom of Mexican representation in Congress would
their country, These standing armies, probably form a separate and impenetrable ..
‘ . - revelling lit'a foreign land, and acchstorned corps, always ready to throw itself into
to trample urn the fiberties tiof a foreign I the scale of any other puny, t, to , advipeir'
i jil t - plo, rt i' l t t p rr n distal 4 3 ,,fi ll i g ht . he fi t, I and PrUntote ' I%le, x ic'a it In wrests." Snclr it.
ane4e4y tostrunteins t tinder the lead' of; state of things o
culd not long eadorei.-- '
sortiedaring 104 tinprinefided chieftain, to I Those whom God and geography have '
return to their Couhtii .. and prostrincthe I pronounced should lire ammeter, eoultlne4-
titaliliWilliefif." ----- . '
f•t t et be 'perreithelltly and haritioniciusly uni-.
.SuPPPaing. l .4egetketteft to 44 VIM' made, I ' e t (' te4elher• ~
i w i un i itg ,o 44, 4 or , toll ii? 1 5, 4, 4 j ;toilee .l. #0 we warn, for our awn happiness or
eterelNlike t AriOtin ItroiAna t ue t by Polecats-1 greatness, the addition of Mexico to the; .
sti l s A ,,. lit. ft ni t ut,..ho, Rtuntt y pi tog o ,,, w i t h thc,existing Cobol ()lour States ! If our pop
,ge,llll4, eltllpflgrian#,,,tmrporcrAttrpte th i gt „,,,-ttlaiion s‘3,l WO tiMiSe fur our territory..
.tofilittiteett.Whttelli,elielk,ngrasAppnntry, ael and there was a difficulty in obtaininsho-.
m l 4 l ,.. 3o ,,,with i a l yi ti p tit wi ttgo c ncpAt t rsts.t h un,4 norably the Ille:1114 of subsistence, there .!
*.fankiProfeili:OffielitfietllAtilantgailitery.,;:miglit,be some excuse for an attempt c to ea,
sulljection? , 1. 1 ., ~,.it , , ~,,, . ~, . 1 large our . dominions. But we . have no,,
! _ shatut.iss . 4 .. 64 to. .. hoz..statosa
_such apology. We have already, itt.tntr...
• Dosis
sarcoosidossto , rowohokissiso , possii. glorious (immix.). a vast and almost bonrisl-
'ble that two.stachitnerepaesseentries c with
,_,l territoty. Beginning at the 'Northqu . ,,,,
terolosies or musts oosisloissos, with' nob , i the frozen regions of the British Prov*es ? ,,... 3
.o hoioist so insoogro so ithffersit I n lit stretches thousands of miles along 011, 4
of the Atlantic ocean and the Megn
Taectieritulangnaginina religion, and laws, I " as "
!eon (:all', until it almost riaches the trop.
tconletbeebleuideilttogetlael ,, inmne harrtieni. I
It ex telids to due .I',lcitlc Ocean, bor..,
lam grele s itausl happilyognverned by one) te B,
on those great inland seas, the, Lakes,
I l'Oetreetteiltheilly4,“ Murinuret,iliscontent. I ' h ''''''
tv Noll seParate us Innit the poviestioiti'itf
t itieUreictittleat , wetbellion,. would inevitably I
1 Great Britain, and - it . embraces the greatensue, until the incompatible parts would
in th ,,, I. father of rivers. from its tipjternitisteiniree .
hes broken Mstithdbri: arid . pertsthlt - .
frightful struggle:our present ei ur i,,,,, r., to the li.tlizo, and thu still longer 31iiseuri
t Rocky
d .
nireui e. dissevered tsoll would bissevered or tlissolv- I front its mo u th to the gorgesthe
ell. A We onght net to forget the %virtu mz ' M. " It 13i118. lt effill P releil d B: 'he greatest
.variety oh the richest soils, Capable of al
'-voitse,of alb history, which teaches the dif..'
%entry. or combining add consolidating to.: """ t au file Productions of Ille earth, ex:.
trethenteenquntlnlg and conquered nations, e el': " e a a"d e° 111 "-' "ad the 9 .0 4 '0 , anil'it -
After the lapse of eight hundred vears, du- : tut:Jude' every varimy of climate, winch
the heart could W i.SII or ilcaire: ' We halveringrwhich ; the iMoors held their conquest I
of Spain,. the indomitable .courage, perseve..;
ranee entbolistinany of the Spanish race fi. I more than ten thousand millions ef acres
. 01 ivaste :mil unsettled lands, enough 'for'
.mtlly, triumphed, and expelled the African i the BubsiSien" oh ten or twenty tiMba bpi''
invaders frout the.,Pettinsula. And, oven! P rc. ' elll P u f"' 1 " 11 ""' ()u g h " we not to he
s' .
Withieriour own time, the colossal power! satisfied with uch a country ? Ought We ''
of Napoleon,
when at its iiinisstr imight,l not to he profoundly thankful to the Giver
of all good things for such avast and boon- '.
ineffinpetent tO etibdUe and subjugate!
blot land ! Is it not 'the Iteisht o f fogrifi:' ''
the proud Castilian. And here itt our owl
' tittle to Ilini 'to seek, by war'and 'congttest,'
',neighborhood; Lower Caninin, which near t
one hundreil years ago, after the - condo.; h " .hli g in g i " a •I'i r it or raP.A.citY. to acquire
ceded by i other , lands, the homes and tiebitations of a' '
rat aritaiivremains a foreign ;. lai•ge 'Kiruna of 111 S emnineit children r refl.
'Ulan in the midshof the British provinces; ' 1"
PnrSile IIIC: üb j erflt. °r sulfa a. e' " hc ( heit ' . •
foroin. iolcselitio
ote.. I besides' inortg.iging the rin'enfie: and 're
.12 _ 4 _,
, reii ,.., iiiii
~ A nd, sotireOs'of tffis enmity for ageil p,Venne ,l In . '
„....r..„..,,,,,, , ,,,, : ,.. 17 4 -,........,.,
_w ar;
.4.sii ; ot
,I, the form oran oncrous i llattinitiPtlebi: tt"ler
... w i t = ostbsopsessod ZiZ t. :. i 'i leatir :f i al, 41,1 hayti'gre:;itly _ to atigni9ite that debt,
rie.anhave,piesent since therwerbstwins. Hs. x .,t . .lT 'ail assum ft tion 01' the sixty 'or' assent
oh•everren mid mut „gated Alm! Emerald I r i"uh't-11.11 ' nl ' a"t ' ha" ' le6t C ' tA l exic(i' ' ' :
or 1 tltke it'thrat nothing is More certain '
hilm,te:Rilvectof ,Irish. blond- have..flowethl '
daring the long and arduous ‘chnteat..; litt,t .}Mart that if we uht t''' "hinhirti,vi'iir by
eurneetimi anei rebellion -herethherviiholoO. l cht 'll' i "` tt ' a cur "ig" " a "" , we', 'a"q".ife' It
ith' ail the ib attimed ter it. .
lien, ensile dara'reml; revolt:to •tHis'itiittet4• i;
irshod"iroir ., iriss.solo ~... roiiiii ., lo . o4ol4 la tali O'Yeillllble op ncain
fnion, rances
we 'are now hound,
kmtsympa ;: t pliimum % it ;: thel : to ' t ,, ltiv hie ty i ; iI) fi!ipoil and Morality, to pay the jesteleht
And we should he eqaulty
has sit long borne her down. Every Irish: l' ' ' ''' '
ni,_aniiiitetiviivith a
loolirai ,w iter , d,, , bliissi. , .., t tiotitidf bli the: saincohligatimis; to pay thC
on. Oppreeseer../ uAltheu4tt. sheers , arde ttn i st , , , , ,i ii t e s o f Pr
' i'll!)littO, if i t 'werti Mittexed to the •,
territorial differences bet weetr theidontlitiooi'cv . ' ''t il' F 4. . .. ; ' •
of England , mid. Irolanel,. t r,r.tytfip t fiti t tl. t „O ~ Cr the - ies.4;ssitt s which t. t
~., , , rt , annex lin 0 i
'that of the 13, States t!naMeitino.theressfa!;:e,il , tf ) )l l l 4 /"2. 1 0tt 07; ipii i irk l 9l l , , solili-
settee- paint - of atrikings.reseeMblentiet- hea !lit:fh i kluntl?Vlß Pa, -Praaur v4 , - aPu - uhRM 6
tweet) them. Both tits !Helmut(' tberMetta ; 011 ...,*f lit Intlfu,sttdnielell g oa d kfti.reititlitttillf,..,
icons are probably eititisarneitOedtkratiehii:arqt9'atiliAlf i at °, l ' Pa analthitelkFlter.ater-r-
Both the. ii 4. iglielt and the , Amerienne lire , It le, l ' il le'Wit'le 1 ° ast.ifnale it, too highly .1.
o f t h e same
,s a i mp ..b r i g i n t „vb.", o ilth mi h .. in isOciety, %ORM attached to,ati indiiidual,, ~
religion prenlorninatee-tolbetth P ihe ;former, nor can eau it bu exaggerated, or ton gr9al-,.
"flirt , Peeteerenthenong-both tiny lattichi Ret , I :2‘ " 1.%'"if1f.,1•, : in a nation : ..Tiutelt!.!vh.e .
ititi on ' tax i lean , t h it orriurni.osultn,nr divas[ - !,use or are tit di trerent to il13CelkIllf: taut ool' ,
, isfacitiou , sind'discontent between ill 0. iris li fleets of scorn and tiontdin pt. Of'.all the t ,
end. the English tiatioort. Je theret' res.' s i) °" 1 :""h!e ,
fru"tmelimis whirwhichaii!lY,tito
i owl to appreheoilhhot.ii,would heroine so pages of history tome exceed iii enormity
Iketweish.the.people tof,,theou t s ts tk, „, i 4 that of Lin dismoinherineet and partitittit or ,
d ime o f,m ex i ce .,, if they, ware nailed 1 ,,,.. l'oland,„ by ' the three }pert t.:.initinettial" ''
getter!.,,; Way should we seek 'to irtterfore .l'i'v all
ers — s'itt , Austria and .Prtectlfmrr
with:them hribeirtmode , or icomhip of n , Iges iimy Pass a way, and tenturieS i rult,
•i nni e ntin ,s tis i k i ner . w e , tw i teett . thet they 'around, lint as long as human records enl
are,, wrong./ tespeoially .itr! the. A c tosie e t elitre all mitilkiiiil will unite in execrating
eitereater of thhir faithviAtti that we are' ' Ilte raltautotts totd.tiotkisutble deed. This ..
right,•o,ll,hey *lntik that they art , right 'n iul • wag "L'ema pi 811, , ,1 by over waelteittg farce,
wo , strong.:::l What ether role esti there h o t and tbettufertiniate ex the-
Ahatipto ienve.tlie followers of•caeh religion I aensio l ls
. iiILI envisions in thelanera of l'o-,
'letha .. in
torn snietreonviethinet eif.Consei..! hind.' li t ilti avoid affixing . to our name
1;n1i1OU1141Way ettrerde.(4odit Who. but the. find national character a similar, •it opt ~,
*at Arbiter off the.Eeti yeller!, rint t jtulgaitt , worite, stignia. I sin afraid that we th.),thrt,
arierlt.ift Alueelintl 'i ,For Inv own, 'pars 1 nifty stand well in the °Militia of other •
Iluef: V' ft le" aft- lbope tbattlinau wit,t,,P": 4 a e ,11 Paull , +ult. iteptitliation .tate
t- re,}` li 1 . ‘‘i ' • II • I ' '- • ' 1
belfJpg 4,4iLilia, thiparientints ;pi the , great I n tirtinglit upon us touch reprouelt,_ All the
OlinFlOttillf - Cbsi4 ifs in ,Irtille• and 014 v, ,pattorts, I iipprt4inial. look ution Ifs, in the,
thnx,ice,mlolM be.thpne;l.n t ..itrines„ which they, t litrogtlititin of the present War; us he
pr0fu5a,,,tni11 , ,,114, 41 21,e)y ,o gniirv . 4 . l W it i ni i n t,aetiiatkl:Py a ipir it Otrapacity; and an lei
Illfiv t ,... erg i gert o f li L , im , si b lo b A ll si l o , ( Wa y
. Qc(titta tO' tlifshie
.' for' territorial vgrariti ixit-, '
ko reach, I.fitinV. fits, t,h orc ip,. 4 „, 0 ,"„ ) .,,,,,ipent.•• tet us nee Fbilitif altogether their
I tote, iti - .Eterope, whot t er e e fii s , re it it ,„ 0 10 y , &dd .' iillti I iiii) . IA IIS 4 . 10 . 4 . 1 In n tul their 'ip-'
kb e, Inura•ellittllttlilled Ur lt•Illia nutntent Plat 3 aY'llyW '114 , 41 , ` ev.reiso of forhearMirci
utter,eatingtaie,lllehbisral boa of Alio Papall
dad idittleb.
.111 the elooatinl station which.,
5 ee ,...... ,, , ,,
, n , r r
,1, 1 ,
4, ,
~ 'se 111310 ' .'Vti 'e all j A aft4ly all'nrtltO Praehro' l '
i p 4t i n t ev i iii , , ,, se ip to i mp „ n il,l e t h at a we, tlffttitllitid'virtii;ii; of ,incid6rittiiln and'atiV",
„h o ,c, i . us, if there b 4 sits
Who fob” , 14, noontide: 4 . 1%. loinsseriei' ii('glori'ausstri'-' '
sans sauna of Mexico to thte U. Slates, clan ; # 4l otia , aAMvcd h's . 'ddl i ialtitaf echita'ah 'i i
think,thftit .q t esi t t,t 4 ,4e„..pgr i vi tit a u r g ., ; ,,, de n ts tittil Orel r b ntrit'irni its, onlitirnditil hr
erne. l l3 ' M il i l 4 rN °NAY: , , l'Arf , :tiektl'4 l llOr; ..a.ailiee I t ifVet:efe!:,lMitif i l; ,. tik; Withont thille r iet -"
tary,,p i huig tt n, jat ml y i , ont ini, A l com ,i k‘ i g hk , olanger .tif'faVeti 4 nth; the ndiitllillf biiiiti., , **
[ that„,a,,Thilagtotv,nlnaulil AI! perpetrntatl„uf;gieititeregitally' holdt lig litit she eili6':'histitlhi.
theareat; principhopitl;our s on
w, revolution, tof Petlet:. ''' We 'elo not ivnnt .the'irlitiei:: .
se . c9rilim t 9 .sphich law 4 ' ,ugh; n o t t o; b e I the . mhiintaibs, the mor'asse's, and thett'sti& '
ena,quo.l; hutl.tcptes ought, ;un i te
,he,ierf e A" k ile lands of Ylexico. .To her th' liii46 4.-
witltnnl . hi t hrei tt tati on of i th e , i p;iyt , 4:) f t h ose
,them iiimict be humiliating, and he e r pert. l ' -
who tve,lo ohny, the one and pay, the oa t . petual .snurce of revel and'inortifliinittlt,;4-
er. T'hen, Aleitirto is to participate. in our ro os they might prove a' hetet akittiiltid4
!Oettlecils end wino Ily share in cur legit:lla- producing distractionoliasetisitti,diefileti„' '
lion and our "government., 13in, suppo s e, possibly disunion: — f,et; therdMer;'lliltlif tu '
she would not vtiluntarily choose repretten- tegrilY of the "": 1 ""Ui P xi s leuel i kii l i ii ll. ' ''
intives to. tho,Dational, Congress, is o ur' 0 }.,. i ti (mat territeiry of Mexieo remain ants:: "'
dihry to f o ll o w tho e l ectors to the, b o th * , turbed. I:‘,r rine, l• desire to See no :OA'
box, and, by force to c o mp e l t h em , n f the ' 1 Pi her territory- torn' from' t herby' witt . -'-`:'
point of thin bayonet, to deposit(' .thcir bal-,I Some or Mir l'e""Pie have Pia"ed 1144' heaths '
lots . ? it.ntl, haw' are thq nine inintons of Upon the ' acquisition , if the Bay_ "of Sl'
Mexican people to he jcpr es oote d t o th e Fran n 1.
cisco in Califtirine. Tdbeekit "'-
congress of the V. States of,, America and a great t i ara time Pit wer.'it. niightpthill'sA t '' '
the Congress of time C., States of thte• Ile-1 be of advantage licerafterin respeht'llVeniti'' - ','
public of Mexico combined : is every uernmercial ,iii! " vi t i(l a tt g jelcdtiliStik ; "l*
Mexican, without regard to color or etude, Meirleo, which-can never-be it irseifiniriV
per espitunt i l e, ekereise the eleetive.fratt; time Power :it Ceti i%erer be orifibtli,W;,'
chisc ! how is the plata' of reresettia• 'woitnge. If *e ;tiii'dhtaik . ifbr "e. ' '
Lion between the two Republics' it 64'14- eila'te with jest e 4 i. ' l • 4 1 ;
.., , v
co I Where. i* their ,seut of colnininfgovs I happy tar , see It Weithfrittt,_
~.,1 '''Aill ,
ernment to be established? , And '
who cant the *nC'e4tOtesi'Mertice'tleilifft' i titl,`'l
foresee or , foretell, if Mexico, voluntarily I red to pit tliti'dehli Vint inn - 1
n , 4 , 1 . 4,. ,''
or by force, were to share in the' comment ,ltelta,ltitietfltii'ale t tr - lb . „0!, '
gin/eminent, what wouldbe the ciiiitieireii. , ', fouttiriti litedelk/o r eilliltritni ,
4 )
- s--1~
• • ", ,„
U '.'