Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, November 19, 1847, Image 2

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    YifoU mrteri:
The British courier arrive(l4tl Vern Chi x
on the dirt of October, having loft Air . .sirn
on die 27th. to teir,
st►tl papere.
(et►: Lane enterell. Ptiablialtik the 12..'n
adt. y vitli.3,ooo men ant mix pjr•ece of' at .
having eticemally tliiperFA , tl • the
Guerillas nit his mite.
G.n. Lano haring nrrirett lit Perot.
was there joined by Capt. 'Walker, and
and hie oninmand, and 110 ; w e d to.
gor on, the Peettb. until they reach
ed t of Vrtves.
At this place Capt. Walker, by order of
cowvandim Cieneral, look op his line
bolinaNk-for'lltliiintit.ln, by ‘‘4y of the
rtiAlt rranciseo and Govasila.—
' virnrni - intinintln n sanguinary
e ensued in the streets between
the ores of Capt. Witikyr, consistirqr, of
250 men, and that of the MeNicans num
beriertAld, 'thit result of witich was the
WWI espulsion.of the 0111:1113" from the town
and its occupation by our valiant link army.
Dui thelallanOyalker, after performing
valor.and feats of the most da
ring chtartjular, feu, , according to one ac
count, in aaiagle, combat, pierced by the
. spear of ad enraged father, who, goaded to
actual fronwhy thedeath of his son, whose
fill bentaithAhe. arm of Capt Walker he
had just witnessed,: rushed forward, heed
less of all tianger„to avenge his death, and
attacking the captain witlt almost irresist
ible violence, -plunged his spear into his
' body, anthilest - him almost instantly.
A latewaiwowant says that instead of
meeting his death by tt, NlC,Lit!all lance, he
was iftelt; ilinost at the sane time, by
two balls, one hit hiai in the bindle:id and
the other Illhireed his breast ; as h e 1,11, lie
• exelaimml, -,tiyii; forward, and don't flinch
a foot, I khOW dying but don't give
The MexiCans lost two hundred men
and thrst,piecei of . artillery. The latter
were throw'n into, a gullcv in the rear of
the town by the victors, who, after the
achietishiirt of their object, the dispersion
-which they were de
spatched to . Alusmanda, evaeuated the
--Platm-tuted their course towards I'i
-11111 on the Puebla ruail, which they reach
ed without any opposition, and there meet.
ing Gen. Line again, the combined Amer
ican force continued its march upon Puebla.
Into thistiy, which was in a slate of in- 1
surreedow,ll entered in platoons, deliver
ing at every step a constant and well di
rected Re Of musketry, which ceased not
untiliitPiriediY had retreated and order
4111triettored in evert quarter.
.•t-?ts hat health of the army is far from being
vo4, !I7lto climate of the valley of Mex
ico • is not,"as it appears, congenial to the
constitutions of the South. It is just as
rreiYathig and fatal to the southern, as that
'ilflPdfi'ectiz to the northern constitutions.
forCe' of the entire army is
i 01144 Yen or fifteen user cent.
Tire City of Mexico was Idled with rii
itls4 rd to Peace. but of a very con-
VitteibliThaiLieter. The Mexican Gov
airtutiiiit Quairtaro had given the coin
iditid` oC the 'Artny to Gen. Rincon, and
Santa Anna to rep'ort himself
coittt*Wahl, for at • • 1 . o f
t 'nits 4.‘ ton
Okiiiiii•whieh led to the loss of the Cap
"Majoi (Lines, Major llorland Capt. C.
MA:lay; 'Midshipman Rogers, and other
Uflicifis,'had left Puebla in a train for Vera
`:"* Nig Was fought near Vera Cruz, out
-o,ite of the Mercy, on the let
bitWe'en Captains 'Warrington and
,with muskets. at sixty paces. At
filiettie fiist Capt. ‘Varring:on received a
-wound - throttgfi'tlie - fleshy part of the legs,
below the knee.
Ate ViAS fought about the 2 ith ult.
betwten..Capt. Porter. of the Rifles, and
ileptAreher, of the Voltigeors. At the
iecioadAte Copt, Archer was shot in the
ibdobsent severe but not dangerous
-,iiThercit were several shocks of an earth
qtudsentehe city of Mexico on the morn
ing ofAbe•Sil October, and again at mid
arthe oth.. They do not appear to
Weaken very severe, as no damage was
done, is.ilsw city with the exception of
kritekiete. few walls.
t.tiThoy have an Italian opera at the capi
tal:two tAturerivao and Spanish theatre, sev
eral oirrussee, and besides these amuse
eeenle,-eoncerts and bulls are frequent.
•, , Gen. Patterson's command was to leave
Verallantron the2.d inst. It will he corn
sod of at least 5,000 men. The Texan
taturess pimp with him.
uscrstata.-....The l'enosylrania volunteers
grails:is 'tad at Perot° voted fur Governor of.
Pennsylvania, on the 12th of October, as
funnels .
For Governor—Shook,
•-: Irvin.
C.onhalisaioner—leongstreth, 611
" Patton, 19
4.1 41 Morton, 1
330 . 0 only one battalion of the first
The other battalion is at Pue-
Illit t. aK it,k9 second regiment is at the city
• 'ILATEST. , —The steamer itatiee L. Day arriv
e% iii - WetitOktitta on the Intit, with Vera Cruz
diteis,6l ! fill sth Gen. Scott*" despatches, it
sAiiiit#ieherl - Vent ,Cruz r under the escort of a
Etpi,t olinpany of Mexican hineers; the escort had
. . .
vegetal brushes with the Guerrillas on the road,
as ,lout l,ii,af
its men.
„Opal, Ipcittthail issued a Cirenlar letter ordering
gliltnaoWpt 7.50 111{11 to he alatinned in the Na
tional. Pridge,l2oo atialappa, and 200 , 1 at Puebla.
Arita' Anna Frog Tapusean on the 26th ult.,
reilisord; as is reported, ilmost to destitution. lie
haiiititaisweemtpelled to sell hi* travelling carriage
tta reaaiate funds to satisfy the demands of his body
guard. He had published a prOCiaatal/011 com
plaining oldie active of his enemies and the gov
eittasetshindierowing himself still Mr the war.
On the 'thallium], Pi had issued a Man
ifesto.defting.his position and denouncing Santa
Anna, who is charged with having ..entered into
eiltartuenti with the Government of the United
ktiatal” and with havitirquined Mexico."
I*, time/tibia have got to quarrelling among
thleatea.. The hands at durunia and Uennbia
hese had an engagement in which the latter lost
20 MOM.
.locamr. Quaterainc...—A public
moallior.has beam held in Pittstwurg since
the ttlieittitm of the. Supreme Court, decla
rimp:theitmeaatidicense law to be uucou
atitatillshall:i. Hee. Dr. Campbell urged an
eppeal,Amihilogialature to pas/ a law pro.
Isdiltimethe wile' of ardent spirits in Mic
elle*, .tatimst. it eras argued by him
alai bp' blit gam Illat the county had ex
plored... 6 lipittioalticenthle to the propo
mailhemperanee reform, and that the public
edrttirlmis of the comity was against the
gr=of bemuses, i favor of the pra
t; at even a law applicable to
toiriatotiaty el Allegheuy. Mr. Elder,
ciftthill apnrpnee Banner. argued against
the dee.isitte al the St' tpreme Court, and a
sal* egissee Nam moral session .alone.
A outelthilase of (our gentleman was &p
-* report at a Amite meeting as to
itteitiottateliatail of Meetitt4..the crisis."
Fejaav Evening; Nor, ID, 1617.
oii por:Fim:
CITY AGENCY —V. B tit. E.g. at the
corner of Chesnut & Third street, I'h elon'elphla ;
leor Na4 , au itreet Noe Vorl.-; and :'myth-rart cor
ner of Baltimore and ert street, Mitriusere
Rl' E. C• R it, Esq. Fun Building, N. E. Comex.
Third A: Dock to and 445) N. Fourth st.:
are out :Authorized Agent. tor recei% init. Ark ertise
mem s raid Sul.. , criptiow. to the "Star - and collect.
ing and rtweipting for Ih^ came.
be taken at thin Office, if early applica
tion he made. The applicant must he posaenased
of comet habits. and from 14 to 17 years doge.
pr 7-Ire are requested to stale that the
Stores in this place will be closed on
Thanksgiving day—Thursday next.
rF'The communication of °A Wain" reach
ed us too late for an insertion in this week's paper.
Q7•Tbe press of important matters and adver
tising favors has crowded out a number of articles
intended for to-day's paper, and leaves no room
for editorializing.
Tun COURT.—But little Jury business was
dune at the late Court, no eases having been tried
in tho Common Pleas, in consequence of the
quashing of the renire upon which the Jurors had
been summoned, and hut one ease in the Quarter
Sessions—the Commonwealth vs. James Cham
bers, for assault and battery on John Camp, in
which the Jury found a venliet of gfility as to the
assault; the defendant was fined $5, and to pay
costs of prosecution.
It seems, that a custom had obtained in our
Courts, under which the Vanire for the Common
Pleas J urom had. uniformly been issued during the
sitting of the Court for the Fu c (veil ng iorm, and
the Jury drawn accordingly. Last week the point
was raised in the York County Common Pleas
Court as to the legality of a Ycuire issued. before
the completion of the Trial List. The Court tit
led in favor of the point, and miffed the Venire to
be quashed. 'lrhe same point being raised at the
late term of our Court, the decision was of course
the same.
re*Mr. Merin, the Agent of the Washingtou
National Monument Association for this district,
is now engagal in receiving 'attherziptions. to sua
ble the Association to carry out its patriotic par
poscA, sn,l will call on the citizens of this minty
in thecourm of a few days.' We bespeak for him a
conlial reception.
CAPT. FORRY.—We learn from the New
York Evening Express that a detachment of .100
Recruits for the lit Regiment of the U. S. Ai, an.
der command of Capt. Ww. Fount, was to soil
from Fort Hamilton on Monday last to join the
army in Mexico under Gen. Score. --Captaea.
ar is a son of Mr. Hamar Fatter, of this place,
and firvorably known to our citizens as a jaunt
man of excellent military capacity. Having re
ceived his education at West Point, immediately
after the breaking out of the war he joined the ar
my with a Lieutenant's commission, and was pre
sent at the capture of Vera Cruz and the storming
of Cerro COTtIO. His health failing soon after, he
was ordered to the tinited,§trktes to reentit, and
now returns, with a Captain's commission, to Via
join, his Regiment.
MR. CLAY ON THE WAR-Through the
enterprise of the Philadelphia Pensioned the wa
ry of the Telegraph, we are already in the pe n t
session of the proceedings of the greet meeting held
in Lexington on Saturday last, to hear thane.,
CLAT ' S views on Ple Mexican war. Irk another
column we give the Resolutions drafted and pee•
seined by Mr. CLAY himself. The
they embody are those of the Steinman, the Pa
triot, and the Christian, and will command
the attention, and, we feel assured, meet the
approKithin, of every intelligent, honest-mind
ed Whin. Mr CLAY supported his Resolution.
in a speech of about two hours and a half, which
is represented to have been a most eloquent and
masterly effort. A condensed sketch of his re
marks appears in several of the city papers, but,
in deference to the wishes of the great Statesman,
we shall decline its publication—preferring to
await an authentic and full report.
LOUISIANA.—The returns of the election in
this State are not yet complete. Sufficient, how
ever, is known to ascertain that La Sere, Locofoco,
beats his Taylor Locofoco opponent (Itcattegut)
in the lot Congressional district, and that Harman
son, Locofoco, beats Saunders, Whig, in the
Third district, by a reduced majority. Thibbo
deaux, Whig. u re-elected in the second district,
by 650 majority over Landrya, Loco, and Barkner,
Independent. The Fourth district, last represent
ed by Morse, has not been heard from. As to the
Legislature, the reports are contradictory. The
New Orleans Bulletin claims a Whig majority
on joint ballot--iither accounts leave the result in
doubt. A United States Senator is to be chosen,
to succeed Hon Henry Johnson, Whig.
MISSISSI I.—M svrn ws, the Locofococan
didate for Governor, had no regular opposition,
and is of mune elected. The Whigs have gain
ed a member of Congress by the election of Tomp
kins, in the Vicksburg district, over Roberts, Lo
eoloco. Jacob Thompson, Loco, the author of
the implied censure on Gen. Taylor for the terms
of the capitulation at Monterey, is re-elected over
Josselyn, a Taylor Loccoßico. The gallant Col.
M'Clung, Whig., who was severely wounded at
the storming, of Monterey, gairui largely on Feath
erston, Loco, but we doubt whether he will be a
ble tp overcome the heavy Locotoco majority In
the district. No returns from the fourth district.
which was last year Locofoco.
MASSACHUSETTS has done the matter "up
brown." Damns, the Whig candidate for Gov
ernor, beats CALLA Cosa INU, the renegade, Lo•
rofoeo, War candidate, over 14,000, and has a
clear majority of 2500 over all others. Cushing
is in a minority of over 25,000 votee ! The Senate
has no Loeofocoinn in it, and the House but very
little more, the Whig majority being over 100.
The vote in the State was light, not more titan
half of that in Roston being polled ; had it been
full, the Anti-Polk majority would have been at
least 40,000 !
THE NEXT HOUSE.--The Whigs, having
pined a member in Misriaippi, will have certainly
II 7 members in the next Ileum, cud the /eine.
crate I I—a Whig majority ofcis, not including
Mr. Levin, Natire.
tV'Mrs. Parr, oflttitlge. Md. lest week gala
birth to three 6ne eltildren--two boys and a girl.
'Ile) are all said to be doing well. •
GJyion. Rout• 6. DALOW IN has been appoint
rd S. Senator by this Governor of Connecticut.
to GU the vacancy oerisaioned by lila death of Mr.
trTho 1-larrisbarg Arius expo-toes the 'pin
ion that the receipts for tolls on the Penney Jeanie
,vtiete deal, this year will exceed $1,0904000.
accordance nitli the call of the County Coin
mitte. a large 'meeting of the Whigs of Adams
county convened in the Court-Lori,: on ;Monday
evening laid, • to appoint a delegate to represent
them in the Convention to nominate a Canal
Coinnii,sioner hi March nest—appoint Conferees
to select a Cotigtesonal Representitivc in the Na
tional Convention to noinlnant Whig candidates
for the Presidency and Vice President —and take
such other steps as may he proper to aid in 'nail,
tenting their principles." The meeting was orizan
ized by appointing JAMES CUNNINGHAM',
EN., President, Col. Inns Doe tt 1:1407.," and Col.
ND and FL W. IrSassar t.,cezetaries.
On motion, Messrs. A. R. Stevenson. J. 'Stough,
1). A. Buehler. Joseph Fink. Nathaniel t:raysim,
Wm. Gardner, Samuel Cobean. Ephraim swope ,
Jam e s 4. Rill, H. .1. Schreiner, and Wm. Fickes,
were appointed a Committee to draft and report
Resolutions. During the ah.ence of the Commit
tee, Messrs. D. M. Sxtsis and IL G. Ml:retry,
Esq'rs. Were successively called upon to address
the meeting, and responded in • series of pertinent
and eloquent remarks.
The Committee to draft Resolutions. repotted
the following, which were adopted as the RC n..4e of
the meeting and of the Whigs of Adams county.
In the midst of war, with its thousand
evils—grieved at the lethargy of our friends
at home and abroad, by which political de
feat has recently overtaken us—and alarm
ed at the consequences which are to be
feared as inevitable from these misfortunes
—we assemble to unite in a public expres
sMn of our opinions ; to resolve upon our
course for the future; to shake off our
apathy, stand by our principles, and pre 111
pare for another struggle with our political
foe. And we Resolve,
Ist. That, while we record with pride
the glorious triumphs of American arms on
the Mexican field, and pay our tribute to
the memory of the many gifted and noble
of our sons who have fallen in the achieve
ment of *ictory, we enter our solemn pro
test against the continuance; and urge a
speedy termination, of a. War tineonstitn-
Aional in its declaration, wieletritiadateTiali
'in its prosecution, profitless in its end,and
disastrous in its consequences.
2. That, whether we bestyled.43lexican
Whigs" or .rTraitors," we cannot approve
of the efort . of 'antes K. Polk to extend
the slave territory Ofnitedittates by
an aggressive war; a nte' the pretext of
driving to the petidetit of her debts,
ter na ti on wsth *lons we "wire b ring at
• 3. That the principles of the Whig par
ot the Union are no less important truw
they were in the victory of 1840, "or in
the defeat of 1844 :''and our experience
ttomfinne ns in the conviction, that. to be
prasperons.thwtountr3r ornst-be governed
by them. • '' •
4. That, as tine and unyielding: Whir.
we cannot approte Mawr political exper
iiient, by which we peg, our is • ve
organization, or strike our colors, when
the hour of prePitation'snminons unto the
field. We are fiir Whigcandidatemen
who are open, Avows*, reciaamon WlllO6,
in sentiment and in practice; whose views
ire known, who are for the Tariff of '42
and Distribution, 'gad opposed to Annex
ation and the Subueasory.
fr. That Military Midland success is the
battlefield are not of themselves 'efficient
to qualify for the doves of a Statesman or a
Magistrate. • •
11. That. in view of the importance of
the present crisis in one political history.
the neeeseity`of efficient orpaization in
the Whig - nilm, awl - the elinicersta - enn
dklausior -the Presidency upon whom the
confidence Male Whits can stfdy be cast,
we renew, oar avowal of attachment to, and
preference for, WINFIELD SCOTT, as
our first choice for theories of . President
of the United States t•bot hereby pledge
ourselves to sustain the. nominee of the
Whig National.Convesuic he Score,
CLAY. Tartoz, - or - any other distinguished
7. That the defeat of our candidates for
State offices at the recent election, has
shown that, while our friends have neglect
ed duty, and been temporally-overthrown
by their own default, our opponents, ever
vigilant, are neither to .be coaxed by our
kindnness, lulled by our quiet systems, or
won by our gentleness.
be, and he is hereby, appointed the delegate
to represent Adams county in ..the : next_
Convention to nominate a Whigcandidate
for Canal Commissioner—with power to
appoint a substitute.
9. That llssim. M. SKYKEH, EMI*, JO'
SETII FINK. and JOHN 11510t0114 are hereby
appointed Conferees on the part of this
county, to fleet Conferees that may be ap
pointed in York county, to select a dele
gate to represent this Congressional dis
trict in the Whig National Convention. and
also to select an Elector, if necessary—
with power to appoint substitutes.
On motion it w ay
Resolved, That Messrs. J. B. MT , .14.•
cos Avant:seat-nu, and D. A. licanarat, be ap
pointed Conferees to confer with Conferees from
Franklin county in selecting a t4enatorial Delegate
to the Canal Commissioner Convention,—with
power to appoint anhatitutea.
On motion, it was
Resolved. That the procealings of this meeting
be published in the Whig paiers of the county,
with a request that they be copied by the _Nation
al Intelligence?, and the Whig papers of the State.
Ayrnaaw Mitten, of Philadelphia,
has declined acting as .a member of the "Demo
cratic Central Taylor Committee," because in a
recent letter Gen. Tay ma said that if he had sa
ted in 1844, he would hare voted for Hear Cur.
CO .The notorious Madame REA-rem., of New
York. has been con r lard of misdemeanor and sen
tenced to one year's imprisonment in the Peniten
tiary. An appeal was taken by her counsel, and
application made to admit her to hail pending the
stay of proeetdinga The application, however,
WAS promptly refused.
A "TALL . ' WEDDING—A Western paper
furnishes the following specimen of the way in
which things are done out West
M ARUI CD—ln Mt. Pleasant, Imre, on the MOM
ing of the 11th of October, by J. T. Morton, Esq.
(being six feet three inches) Silas G. Weeks Esq.,
of Warren county, (height six feet four inches.) to
Mtn Misty Robb, of Mt. Pleasant. lowa. (height
six feet one inch) making a total in height of six
yards and eight inches.
ErThe Mount Savage Iron Wort. wen• sold
entire on the II th inst. at public auction. Messrs.
C contolly and Winslow, of Albany, N. Y., were
the purehamerx.
ADVERTISING.-Blackwood'/ Magazine just
ly remarks that •'there it but cue wsy otobtaining
business--pisblicity one way of obtaining publicity
—ulvcrtisements. The newpaper is the flywheel
by which the motive power of business enterprise
is sustained. and mosey the steam by which the
advertising is kept going^
circot. ROZZIRTI, of the 2,4 Pennsylvania
Reyinuatt, died in the city of X.-rico on the 9d ntt•
Tin: (Th I s ICI AI. 11ESPATCHM1.--The
Wsuchington I;nion of Saturday evening last put.-
kishes the lona delayed and anxiously expected
Official 1)11'04'11es or Gen. Score in regard to
the °Perntio of the Army under his command,
during, the months of August and September.--
The despatches air , very voluminous, embracing.
the reports of the different officers who participa
ted in the engagements, and fully confirm all that
has heretofore been published in regard the bril
liant heroism of our gallant soldiers in the series
of desperate conflicts that preceded the capture of
the City of Mexico. Gen. Scott himself charac•
terizes them as 'unsurpassed achievements," and
comments in glowing eulogies upon the ready tr•
lacritvanl determined heroism with whichht
orders were carried into execution by the whole
army. We extract the annexed paragraphs from
the conclusion of his Despatch of August 20, de
tailing the operations of the 20th at Contreras and
Churuhusco, which constituted, in reality, five suc
cessive and distinct hard-fought battles, in all of
which our arms were signally triumphant:
4•So terminated the series of events which
I have but feebly presented. My thanks
were freely poured out on the different
fields—to the abilities and science of gen
erala andtheir officers—to the gallantry
and prowees of all—the rank and file in
cluded. But a reward infinitely higher—
the, applause of a grateful country and
government—will, I cannot doubt, be ac
corded, in due time, to so much merit. of
every sort, displayed by this glorious army.
which has. now overcome l diffmultice---
distauce, climate, ground s fortifications,
It has in a single day, in many bottles,
as often defeated 32,000 men made about
3,000 prisouers..including eight Generals
(two of them ex• Presidents)) and 200 other
officer 4; killed or wounded 4,000 of all
ranks, besides entire corps dispersed and
dissolved.; captured 37 pieces of ordnance
—more 'than • trebling our siege train and
field batteries—pith a large number of
small arms, a full supply of ammuni&iou,
reaults bereilciiverwfid
the cnonty.
inchnling is Pacers wounded 871. With
B;l44fleers. The greater lumber of the
dead' dud disabled wore of the highest
After so many victories, we might with
bu: little additional loss, have occupied the
NOW, the lame evening. But Mr. Trist,
comnii*Sioner, dr..e.,:tis well aelnyself, had
been admonished by"the best friends of
peace intelligent neutntikiida home Amer
ican residentsc o n lest.
by wantonly driving away , the Oovern
ment- and others, dishonored, we might
scatter the elements of peace, excite a spi
rit of national desperation, and thus inde
finitelyLEo4o9e the hope of acrommoda-
Peeidy imp reseed wt 'ih ibis d anger,
and, remembering our mission—to conquer
, .
a peace---the army very cheerfully eacri
want of the coontry—the rant that would
have killowta entrance. sword in lind,
into a' Oval capital. Willing to leave
something ,to this, Republic—of no imme
diate value to its—sin which to rest her
pride and to . recover teniper...l halted our
victorious c orps. at the gates of the city,
(at least for a time.) and have them now
cantoned in, the neighboring villages, where
they are well sheltered and supplied with
all necessaries. .
On the menung ortbiltst, being about
to take up battering and assaulting positions,
to authorize me to summon the city to sur
render, or to sigutut armistice with a pledge
tnectOrAt nemtiutattegotiationo for saner:
a mission came Mil to propose a truce.—
Rejecting its terms, I dispatched my con
templated note to Prendent Banta Anna—
omittiNg the summons. The 224, the
eommtssioners were appointedhy the com
manders of the two armies; the armistice
was signed titer 2,154, and ratifications ex
changed the 24th."
- The Despatch of Gen. Score, dated Sept 18,
details the operattowe that aueceeded the breaking
alike Aratistica i , which smutted is the stoma*
Chapitheme, and del capture ited stespetios of
the City. The felllembm extraet will not be toe
wed reliehed-by4liarVirsabingtoertfulter amt
dry other pardzas )outride, *which, in theirseal to
mess the Adtaishbation 'trota merited meet*
have frequently attempted to blind the public to
the fraprepoitMaitely sins)) fo r ces with which
our CleneVale have, ma .ahnoat every omastion, lud
to nmet the enemy:, •
umy h as been more disgusted than
surprised that, by , some einisteutoreas on
the part of certain:individuals at Ware, its
numbers have heen o generally. almost treb
led is our public-papers.-beginning at
Leaving, as we. all learnt, inadequate
garrisons at Vera„Crnx, Perote, and Pue
bla—withpachlarger hospitals . ; andbeing
obliged, most reluctantly, from :the same
kause (general paucity of numbers) to aban
don Jalapa, wei,utarched (August 7.10)
from Puebla with only 10,788 rank and
file. This nun)* inctudes the. garrison
of Jalatia, and the. the 2,429 men• brought
up by Brig. General Pierce, August a.
At contreros, Ohurubusoo, dr.c., [Au.
gust 20,] we had, butA497. men engaged
—after deducting the garrison of San •Au.
gustin, (our general depot,) the interme
diatelick and the dead.At the Moline*
del Rey (September 8) hut three brigades,
with some cavalry and artillery—making
in all 8,251 men—were in the battle. In
the two days-- • -Sept. 12 and 13—eur
whole operating force,after deducting, again,
the recent killed, wounded, and sick, to
gether with the garrison of Miscoac (the
then general depot) and that of Tacubaya,
was but 7,180; and, finally, after deduct
ing the new garrison ol Chapultepec, with
the killed and wounded of the - two days,
we took possession (Sept. 14) of this great
capital with less than 6,000 men ! And I
reassert, upon accumulated and unques.
tionable evidence, that in not one ol these
conflicts, was this army opposed by fewer
than three and a half times its number—
in several of them, by a yct greater excess.
I recapitulate our losses since we arri
ved at the basin of Mexico.
AUGUST 19, 20.—Ki11ed, 137, inrluding
13 officers. !rounded, 877, including 62
officers. Mia,virig. (probably killed) 38
rank and file. ',tome 1,062.
BarrEmnaa B.—Killed 110, including 9
officers. Wounded, 865. including 49 of.
ficers. Missing, 18 rank and file. To
tal: 789.
SEPTV.MDER 12, 13, 14. Killed, 130.
int:hiding 10 officers. Wounded, 700, in-
cluding 68 officerv. Missing, 20 rank and
file. Toial, 862.
Grand total of losses, 2703, icludintr 383
officers. •
On the other hand, this small force has
beaten on the seine occasions, in view of
their capital, the whole Mexican army, of
[at the beginning] thirty odd thousand,
men—posted, always, in chosen positions,
behind entrenchments, or more formidable
defences of nature and art ; killed or
wounded, of that number, more than 7,000 I
officers and men taken 3,730 prisoners,:
one-seventh officers, including 13 generals,l
of whom three had been Presidents of this
republic ; captured more than 20 colors
and standards, 75 pieces of ordnance, bo
sides 57 wall-pieces, 20,000 small arms,
an immense quantity of shots, shells, pow
der, &c., &c.
Of that enemy, once so formidable in
numbers, appointments, artillery. &c.,
twenty odd thousand have disbanded them
: selves in despair, bearing. as is known, not
more than three fragments—the largest
about 2,500—n0w wandering in different
directions, without magazines or a military
chest, and living atfree quarters upon their
own people."
Gcn. Scores last letter to the Department is
dated, Oct. and encloses official reports of the
gallant defence of Puebla, by Col. Childs, against
the assault of Santa Anna, and the of at Hut.
mantla, in which Capt. Walker was killed. The
following paragraph indicates the future operations
of Gen. Scott:
"After establishing the new posts as in
dicated in my circular letter of instruction.,
(of October,) I hope to have the means of
occupying Atlimo, some eighteen miles
from Puebla, and Toluca, the State capital
of Mexico, forty miles hence, and perhaps
Orizaba; but probably shall not .attempt
any more distant expedition without further
reinforcements. or until I shall have receiv..
ed the views of the department on the plans
submitted in my report."
The hilt reports irilha eewspapsla are, thotthi
Genetil has taken** Ones peon indicated above.
From the Notional Intellliamear, of Tuesday
Henry Clay on the War.
It is barns to our melon dud thq Hon. Ent'
RI Cial had engaged to attend a Nblib misting
of chileas 111 Leizia4ooo4 Kentucky. on Saturday
Met, the lath lament, and there to deliver his
views ets the war with Maxie°, its origin and
juts, on the• conquest at Mexico, and its proposed
rank place, and accordingly Mr. CLAY attended
and fni
.. BITKW B _ it
may appear, we have through'the agency of the
Magnetic Telegraph; already received the annex
ed account of the meeting, the resolutions offered
by Mr. CLAY, and a brief outline of his speech
for all of which we am indebted to the enterprise
of the Philadelphia "Daily News."
We insert the reeolutions, which, both on an.
count of the distinguished source and the wise
and patricide sentimmts which they embody, are
oldie highest interest. In deference, however,. to
the desire expnissed by: Mr. Craw that no skete.h
et hie speech should be published until he could
himself prepare a full and saturate report of it, we
wait the sketch which has reached us, and await
the appearance of the speech In an authentic form.
Lzinsirros. (Kr.) September 13, 1847.
The announcement that Henley CLAY
would address the citizens of Lexington
ay draw Mgether an immense concourse. opened gloomily enough, and rain
fell during the___naptning_t but before the
meeting was ormutMed it had cleared suffi
ciently to be held at the, time appointed
-11 o'cleek A. M.
At that hour a vast crowd had gathered
from all quarters, and it appeared that ma
ny had come a great. distance ; the most
intense anxiety prevailed, and the accua
-coined enthusiasm which Mr. Clay invari
ably, awakens in the people was every
where manifested. The Prophet that had
foretold the war, was to answer the yearn
ing desire of tfie nation to know how the
unholy war, whose advent ho had prophe
sied, - sh6ltldbe brought to a dose ; how the
country should protect itself from the reck
lessness of• a blindly-ambitious and weak
minded President, and the will of the na
tion be made known in its most impressive
form. "All seemed tofeel that it was a deeply
important event, that would stir the Union
from one end to the other; and it was in
that spirit they awaited the advent of the
Sage It dlahkosd.
Mr. Cutt ascended the platform. accom
peeled by some of his friends, amid uni
versal and tremendous shouts, and took his
seat. He looked well, and his form was
erect and his eye as-bright se ever, -
Gen. Limas Canna cal ledthe assemblage
to order, and remarked that he hoped per
fect order and silence would be observed,
as it was probahly the last time the ilnetri.
one statesman then before them would ever
:address a poindaressembly. He had • re
solved-to do it on this occasion from a high
sense of duty to himself and country. The
momentous question now presented to the
American people of annexation,• by con
quest ot, purchase, of an immense extent
of foreign territory,' inhibited by- millions
of people of different races and colors, and
platting theta on an equal footing with the
free - tidings, of thisliepublic, permitted no
man who loved his country to remain si
lent, and HAMMY CLAY would be unworthy
of his past history if he allowed any selfish
eoneiderations to palsy his tongue. He
had rather be right than be.Pruident.
Gen. Comas concluded his remarks, by
nominating :the ;Hon. Mr. Roannow as
ehairrash • and the nomination, together
with those Of. considerable number of vice
Presidents, was confirmed by acclamation.
The meeting being this fully. organized—
Mr. CLAY rose and presented himself to
the people. His appearance was hailed
as before with tremendous shouts, to which
followed a deep and general silence, and he
then offered to read the following resolu
tions, which he had prepared :
Ist. Resolved, As the opinion of this
tneetingthat the primary cause of the present
unhappy war existing between the United
States of America and the United States of
the Republic of Mexico, was the annexa
tion of Texas to the former ; and the imme
diate occasion of hostilities between the
two Republics arose out of the order of the
President of the United States for the re
moval of the army under the command of
Gen. Taylor from its position at Corpus
Christi to a point opposite Matamoros, on
the east bank of the Rio Bravo, within the
territory claimed by both Republics, but
then under the jurisdiction of Mexico, and
inhabited by its citizens ; that the order of
the President for the removal of the army
to that point was improvident and uncon
stitutional, it being without the concurrence
of Congress, or even any consultation with
it, although it was in session ; but that
Congress having by subsequent acts recog
nized the war thus brought into existence
without its previous authority or consent,
the prosecution of it became thereby na
2d. Resolved, That it, the ab4onee of
any formal and public declaration by Con
gress of the objects for which the war
ought to he prosecuted, tile President of the
United States, as Chief Magistrate, and as of the Army and Na,
vy of the United States, is left to the gold
ance of his own judgement to prosecute
it for such purposes and objects us he may
deign the honor and interests of the natiQO
I to require
Mi. Resolved, 'flat, by the Constitution
of the United States, Congress being inves
ted with powers to declare war and grant
letters of marque and reprisal, to make
rules concerning captures on land and wa
ter, to raise and support armies, to provide
and maintain a navy, and to make rules
for the government of the land and naval
forces, has the full and comple war-ma
king power of the United States, and, so
possessing, it has a right to determine up
the motives, causes, and objects of wars,
when once commenced, or at any time du - -
ring their progress or existence.
4th. Resolved, As the further opinion of
the meeting, that it is the duty of Con
gress to declare, by some authentic act, for
what purpose and object the existing war
ought be further prosecuted ; that it is the
duty of the President in his official conduct
to conform to such a declaration of Con
gress ; and if, after such declaration, the
President should decline or mimic Sc, en
deavor, by all the means, civil, diplomatic,
and military, in his power, to execute the
announced will ofCongress, and in defiance
of its authority should continue to prose
cute the war for purposes and objects other
than those declared by that body, it would
become the right and duty of Congress to
adopt the most efficacious measure to arrest
t o
further progress of the war, taking care
tits make ample provision for the honor, the
.safety, and security of our armies in Max
ie° in every contingency; and if Mexico
should decline to conclude a treaty with us,
atipulating for, the purposea
declared by Congress, it would be the du
ly *film Government to prosecute the war
with the utmost vigilanie until they were
attained by a treaty of peace.
ads. Resolved, That we viewwith serious
alarm, and are utterly opposed to, any
purpose of annexation of Mexico to Ate
United States, in any mode, and especially
by conquest ; that we believe the two na
could not be essily...goversed by one
common authority, owing to their greet
rests of Met IsegarcimuLvelig".
ton. arpil the vast extent of their respective
territories-and largesmount of their respect ! . .
the ...sent of the exasperated Mexican
periplik could only be effected and reserv
ed by large standing armies and thrreonstant
appheatien of military force; in other
words. fit despotic-sway, exercised over
the Mexican people in the first instance,
but which there would be just cause to
apprehend might in process of time be ex
tended over the people of the United Staten.
That we deprecate, therefore, such a union
as wholly incompatible with the genius o
our Giseerntnent, and with the character of
our freirand liberal institutions ; and woanx
ionsly hope that each nation may be left
in the undisturbed possession of its own,
laws, language, cherished religion and_ter•-
ritory,. to pursue its own happiness. se
cording to what it may deem best for itself:.
8. Resolved, That. considering she se
-ries---ot-apiendid --and brilliant .i~toues
achieved by our brave armies and gallant
commanders during the war with Mexico;
imatinutled by a single reverse, the United
States,. without any danger of their honor
suffering- the slightest tarnish, can practice
the virtues of moderation and magnanimi
ty towards their diseomfitted foe; we have
no desire fiir the dismemberment of the
Repubtic of Mexico, but wish only a just
and proper fixation of the limits of Texas.
7th. Resolved, That we do positively
and emphatically disclaimand disavow any
wish or desire on our part to acquire any
foreign territory whatever fur the purpose
of propagating slavery, or of introducing
slavery from the Uttiuxl -Static into-such
foreign territory.
Bth. Resolved, That we invite our fel
low-citizens of the United States who are
anxious for the restoration of the blessings
of peace, or, if the existing war shall con
tinue to be prosecuted, are desirous that its
purposes and objects shall be defined and
drown--who are, anxious to avert present
and further perils and dangers. with which
it way be fraught, and who are also anxi
ous to produce contentment and satisfac
tion at home, and to elevate the national
character abroad, to assemble together in
the reeßeetive communities. and to express
their views, feelings, and opinions.
In the commeneement er, hie remarks
upon the above resolutions, Mr. Cas.v sta
ted his objeetions to having them reported,
and made generally knorint, until they had
undergone his own supervision. as the sub.
',Oct upon which he was about to ' speak
was one upon which be. wished , not to be
In' concluding his speech, Mr. CiaT
avowed himself to be strongly uppdired to
the extension of Slavery, deplored its axis.
tenie, but remarked it ma great evil. He
considered the refilled to accept new terri
es the best means of arresting the difficul
ties that surrounded this important - but del
icate subject. • ,
The speech • occupied two hours and a
half in its delivery.. The speaker adhered
very closely to resolutions, and they
embodied all the great principle; which be
advocated and discussed. The resolutions
were adopted by acclamation.
Urn. report of lin CLaa's Resolutions and
apes* at Lexington on Wonky was tarried! by
an expels from thee phee to Cincinnati, 84 tam,
in flip home, on horses; and themes by Telegraph
to Philadelphia. The Washinitbm Lange*q eon.
respondent of the Beltimont Bun thus epteks of
the anxiety at the ascertain his views
"The epee& of Mr. Clay has been looked for
with intense interest by the numerous wirework
em now assembled in Washington, and what of
it has reached us to-day, has produced a most pro
found impression. The interest felt in Mr. Clay's
opinions, has, for a moment, eclipsed even that
produced by the despatches from the army. It is
the general belief that the next whig ticket will
be, nanny CLAY for President, and Governor
SswAan, of New York, for Vico President; and
a very strong one it would be, considering all cir
cumstances, and the present position of patties in
New York."
ITT*The trial of Lieut. Col. Fnioroxr, (says
the Alexandria Gazette.) is to develope, at the out
set, the evils which flow from an inordinate ex-
Pension of territory, in the disputes arising betweett
the pro-consuls sent to rule the distant provinces
of the "empire." The home governmertt js the
seat of patronage to tho Governors of the far-off
territories; the territories themselves are to ho the
object of ambition. The country looks on grul
pays the eaytnses, net only of the conquered pro-
vinces, but of the quarrels which are engendered
for the love of ruling them. Who would have
thought this of this Republic ovonly-fivo yaltre
UTTi t a Whimi of Philadelphia, op the lOth
inst. tendered to the lion. Jj . xes luvirr, then so
journing in that chy, the compliment pre pith*
dinner. Business ongsgententit interfering, the
intended honor was declined.
IT*Tho Whig , members of the (ieorgia Log's.
!afore have nominated the Hon. boa M'Pasa
lioN BURRIS?' for re-election u U. S. Senator,
and Mr. Hs woos to succeed Mr. Celqui!t, on thq
;Firs** of the latter's term.
Joss 131-11 n, a young mars about 21 yens °fem.,
lea hie father's residenc e in Carlisle on Banday
last, and has not since been heard of. Be had
been admitted to the Bar but a few days Wore.
On the day of his disappearance he exhibited evi
dences of mental derangement. The Citizen. of
Carlisk have published a cant inviting pie ener
getic and prompt assistance of the friends of hu
manity in discover* and restoring kito to him
distressed family. Mr. Blair is about 5 ket 10
inches high, compactly built, regales kegareee, Week
hair, and dark eyes. 1k had on a grayish tweed
coat, much worn, Mick. stein vest, black - eicehs
pants, and glazed cap.
SCOTT ' S Orlcial Report of the . stbrtning of the
formidable fortreas of Cbsp•kopec, ma • hitid
some compliment to the Voitigettr Regiment an:
der Col. Andrews. It was in the lloc•ntagof ths
tight, and Captain Barnard (to , whoop. employ
the young men front this nsigislinallana . brkog>
was the first to plant • minimal& suit's en the
assaulted works.
WAR'S DOINOB.--The South Canine Re
giment, about nine months ago, kit the United
States with nearly . eleven Ifundred men. Of thin
number only between SO and 90 Admit:Ay city
of Mexico-46 others bar* either been, Rigid in
battle, or Odle* a prey to tha savages of dietewer
110 - The Wilmot Proviso, sect* of tie rim
Ytalt .Damoinacy have called a Mai. Ocariontioni
to appoint Dakotas in the Natiolad Cadvention
- to nominate a Poiaidential 71-
Erb le reposed that the Widir Netimid
vendee ausetable to the 4di 044817 nett `Phil
adelphia. A pad hies—htt of iave . sbset and
Er The i ; ; .--T itneyittinfaittitat 'Benatore
C• ettivorted the WIN* madidiates at the •
October elactbm I he voted kw Sao isak awl
lETCom. Broccrox Iw artneit, st *mating -
. - _
On the nth ingot by-the Rev. R. Make, Mr.
Jo. Poi-roan. of Ptinkhptoltotedr r awi Mee
Gammas' Eavvca, ofMenallen township.
On tbe ewe day by the eantr. Mt. Darter.
Bias% sad• Mite Ba a. R. Ket.l6l-both of
lifewitom township.
On the 10th hue : by the Rev. R. V.. Gerhart,
Mk. DAVID Ttrvos and Mies Rtasenatre Rapes.
--be* of tide phew. '
On the 11th inst.. by dte we* Mr:. laces
KIIMILIP and kliftlll4lllllll
ef Menntioy toarnehip' ' " •
go the eatendinut. by. the Re,. R.Rpritmen.
Mr. JAC'S STO /11101111HIMbill CAVILS/INX A.
M. Ct.tres....bodt of thieeetraty.
On the Ilth inst. Spar Rev. John Mich, Mr.
Gamma A. Prireweeend Miee Masan 111tuss.
both of this emote..
On thilelblinii the tome, Mr: A attan•e
Matea■ and ?dim Meat Axe BYXIIta, all of
Vim& conott- .- .
On Friday lb* at hismoidenee in Strohm town
ship, Mr. GAIIIIIILL BPASOLta. OVINIM years. 6
months 0nd . 17 Jeri.
In Seneca troorsty, Oftiot ow de- Tsar a &p
-lonks hat, Mrs. Jetts" ZWlrrn. wars/Andrew
Ewing, Esq.. antrdaoshiter of Mr.deralbrinker
hoff, fismerly of ibiowoontsp--......48, Nn 84th of
September last, NINAI6IIIII Ana BMW. wife of
Mr. Eliot Errs, and dinnolbser Hosekish Brin
kerhoff. forma* elf Mtis causalrc.--..- 00 lb* "
of October Idr. Hnausaa 1511121111,1 3 / 4 1017, 63r
mcrly of this coyote. - ••.
On the Bth lint. MA.. Arra Licrwravibroghter
of Mr. Hoary Louver,. aged 0 yaws, 0 osanths
and 9 days.
At his residence, weir Monissadtory. en Soo
ded_litY.7lo.BBBo 1 0 4 3 .1 11 "
and 8 months.
FROM ?RR 111411131 , 1011111 ICf er witestikpay.
BEEF CATTLE.—Thedre were 1500 heed of
fered it the Berke en 1 1 10041,1050 ofiwNith told
et $4 00.115 10 per 100 lbst.stet, The* prices
'how an edeenre. '
HooB.—Sater 4.4 in Hop at *6 73 a *6 0 .1
--II decline.
FLOUR.— , Tie loot motet artl sad ussrbkd.
Haden of Howsni ahem *Hale palmy oink s3e
75. A alb of 1200 bb at City IMiY as 66 76.
Cotsmeal sold et 468 ill.
„ GRAIII-.ThetswPlBBo4‘ol4lses pray %At
goad 10 Ow 1104 wheit sepl6ll* spawn 401.-
80 a 11116; will* is pooll at 016 all SO
'white *slimily flaw $1 86. 56 ,
s6B cis.; yellow 85 s 88: Orb .18 Nye
86 a 88. Olowensal M 37 set SIL
pitovit3lONS..l4askit is whims ebscsip.,—
Mem Pettliells lot *l4 60 end Pita. at Ski.--
Small air of No. 1 Wet $lO. Po :thii•• Bs'
eon—eaks of %outdo* in large lons, It s yi
model Ilidotet 7j, and &olivine It We gismo
Homo at 11 • -114 emir ; pion Ms 11 I Ilk—
Nothing doing iri
,Loni—kego bold et Itkaisits
and bkl..-it 10 101.
N pursuance of sundry writs of I /nil—
tioni,Exponsts. issued out *film / Court
t deo:ninon Pleas of Adams county, sad to•
me directed, will be exposed to public falc
on Saturday the 18111 of December.. 3347.
at 1 o ' clock , P. M. at the Couxt-hourse, its
the. Borough of Gettysburg. tbe fulturri33
Rest Estate, to wit : , •
A Tract of Land,
situate in . Hamiltonban and Libest . tow*-
ship, Adams county, Pa. contallft
• SOO ofeßEfir • •
more or less, on which are erected rl two
Dwellint , House,
lit, 1 1
(part 'log and part stone,) a
LT 1 3 tr artztarb t ,
with two pair of Burrs and one pair of
Country Stones, a Saw Mill, a Stone Bak
Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn-Crib, and'other
outbuildings ; also, a Tenant llonse e a
of Water near the door, and a viriety
Fruit Trees upon the premises, paid
property is situate on Middle ()reek; 'Ad,
joining lands of Jacob Woilly t bhp Viket' s
Wm. Loudon, and
A Tract of Moptain Lod;
mare QV leps, agOiging
Christiim Mossolmam Rohert
Olemmons, and others. Seized an cti;
inexecittion as the Estate of 14411 1 1 1.5 INTIFYO
deceased, at the time cif ttill duos,
with notice to widow, heir? gild terrain-,
Allts •
A I t s 4--
A Tract of Mountaiti
situate in Franklin townshift
Adams nounty,.nuntaining
128 acres, olOto or ipaa,
adjoining lends ofJ,osepli flatter, awrenco
Shetlline pritt §eifef no4 ate%
in excnutiedi as the pante of Ilpsiv \YE4I
vse, with natie Vretleiiek liprr
re tennpt,
of purchasiug property at Sh t yir it
sale, will haver le pay ten per' eche. of the Orate%
money on the day of of wile.
tigNJAMIN ftaituir.
Gettyshurl, e • •
rimember 10, 1t47. S 14
11 10 110 WIADIZB
ITHB Terms are believed tube lower at
dna Institution than at any other of
711brial; opal advantages. The course of
embraces all the branches usually
&essential to a finilhed Female
0 0 0, including Music, Painting, and
Peends. The Boarding Pupils arearthirif
, esansissembers of the Family of the Princi
rifpueelvirti. from him and his lady every .
.01141ititi which their comfort requtres, and
nejoylng all the privileges of home. Such
~; t..aire made to promote their improve
geontin manners, mind, and morals, u on-
- supe rvision exercised over a
dember will admit. A valuable
' =
• •41AbiitTY. Aiipiratus and Cabinet
• . tba,buptitotwo. The location is healthfill,
eimmilid,aed retired. Terms per annum--
Dom* 01001 Redding. Washing, Fuel, and
)... Dighte,,ollll: Tuition, 1120: Total for reg
• - e 1if 64 0 124 .
charges (or instruction in Music,
mad Drawingg are very low, and
4.llreasatmeal Needle Work is taught with
wet sty eitargeormeept for materiate,which
" ewe fortabod at tke lowest store prices.
Alpili, are adulated at any time, but as
ilmountati.esaion Ole the at Amrdem ic
rdir has jest aema paced it wooed be to
lOW @distaste *Cassie who wish to enter
gleMv_ the
to do ro without delay
'Alas tit Day &hobo* sit "Fit
o vi•eis. %mop. sled Tweatruse Dollars.
my had. weather.. Pupils from town
----wiliebbee-baiseeticir,-aranon will
--be mode in proportion to . the time lost. '
• , 'Addrests . Prof. H. HAUPT,
Not. 19, 11117. Gettysburg, Pa.
. , VAS School is located in a healthy
port of the country, within i of a
- of Yak Springs. and 20 miles West of
the erioniiag wain - of Cars-by applying to
Samuel Hayii, will meet with ready con
•, viruses to this; plaee on the same day, and
• those 'mining in the afternoon train can
take" the Geuyshini Stage imMediately for
Giles Tavern, on the York and Gettys
ban turnpike, where they wall be accom
.oSadairecitight and conveye4 here the
wart dap. The School is also easy of ac
cede foam Daltitnore, Carlisle, Harrisburg,
and Oftlyaburg,as stages from each of these
plums pass through Petersburg (one mile
• merthaf this) every other day of the week.
Theorem of Instruction comprises all
- the benches of a solid liberal English 51-
111104ot' ;together with the Preach and Ger
man liteviage, and. Drawing.
The summer Session .will-commence on
the first second day *the sth month, and
that far die winter on The first secontUday
lie - the 11th month,arul each continne 22
weekti. '
Twaus.--for Tallies, Boariliog, Wash
iitth_kr.,.:lllllo-perwessehut of 22 wecks,
one-half ratable an advance, and the re
maiisder at the mid et' the term. No ex
tra c barges eseept for the French and Ger
, atanlaftuages, and Drawisg. The use
'or Zeit& ng SKioks, - aad Library without
e•hogge:._ other flOolim sad Stationery. when
needed, &ribbed at the usual prices,
Each pupil must furnish her owe wash
lassie and towed, and have each article of
.clothing marked with her entire name.
York Springs, Adams Co. Pa.-30
• • A Teacher. Wanted,
TO take charge of a School in Cumber
land township. Applications will
be moire& if node early, - by •
• Fla, School Board.
Nov. 111. 1847.
'UST PUBLISHED, a new and aplen
ti f did OM Book kir all seasons, "The
Memento or Waudering 'Orphans," by
Mrs. 1.. 8 I. Blakesly-16 engravings,
—rick ausalin. lONA paper. Mao-. 1.28
peps, pries SO ma. The above is a mo
ral sale. &elided on feet, illustrative of km
lies and initiative. right and wrong, and
leadiMr the mind to practice the higher and
nobler virtues, and to set in reference to
the Divine Lair ind that higher, nobler
Atli* or being therein unfolded. The work
•la demised to have an immense sale, both
sament of cheapness and its worth.
Also, $ variety of Gift Booke, &hoot
E lawdeat and Miscellsine ono Books,
:fort* a i t ' the Cheap Book-etore, opposite
albs Beak. KELLER KURTZ.
Pletniunt Wrtting Ink for
AA sale at the Book-store of
i'leTbltlikl.ot —The
- Vialllhatardsyoobrier and 'Broth
.er Jonatlo4,lniee 12i per copy, ter sale
'by ' 1 •• • KELLER KURTZ.
•itsirr 14,10TICk.
(4411:11NLIES en 'Duplicates in hands
trik..nrsOolknitors at the present time will
Ibe 4 eftliiind to be paid on or before the Ist
stisqptf January, 1848. ([Ott all Tax
sesigortidfifter that date, 6 per cent. inter
est will be charged, according to law.
A iki.eoso,,cje T k. 4eqqol4so' rs.
,Oftstr, -Vet.
~qtaktur,t94- WV. td
Wallava IceintOitz,
peder ip Panto, Oils, Brushes,,Olasss,
,Vanuak, Putty, and Mixed !Paints, o f
ail the lowest rates . , '
?conks' of rOnkli4, Green ogrean,.qpposite tho
.P4inea Avenue, Baltinore.
, .414. W. 1. 1 .4,14011 basing h a d
,experience &e., be
intft proFtical. Mouse and Sign Painter,
aip information, respeeting mix,
.jaij Taintg. *c.. gratis. Country or.
Anante . ,mid ethers stopyliqd pn moderate
/ Nees.,
..... A00..-Isy
Neatly & expeditiously executed
771$ "Ar.ilß" OF.FICr
Lc the Olarket.
TJIE Subscribers, Ekecutors of the
Estate of Wittasst COLMAN, deceas
ed, will offer nt Public Sale,
On 7'hursday the oth day of December
next, at 1 o'clock, r. 31.
& r&IENN,
late the Estate of said deceased, on Marsh
Creek, Cumberland township, Adams co.,
Pa., about half a mile from the Gettysburg
and Hagerstown road, adjoining lauds of W.
M. Scott, Francis Bream and others,.
Co 1 A I N 1 0
07. - AORES I
, Two Dwelling Houses, ffli
(rwairtorr,) i ensue,' arapca- JJE
novel, a good SAW MILL, and ppm a
(11 , 1BUIVI 11111116
with two pair of Country. Stones, and one
pair of Burs. with Elevatorio. and *II' the
necessary Machinery far' making . ' March
ant work. Theie is one of the finest
MINERAL, SPRINGS in the country, a
few tads horn the Alwelling Meuse.'
A t st 0.--. fit 'the' same time and place,
_corryAlNlNu sae 4iCREIII,
simile' in Hairtiltoribat township, Adams
county, adjoining lands of Wm. M. Scott,
Wm. Wilson and Oters, about 50 Acres
of which are in thriving Timber. The im
provement. are a one and ontOuill story
Log Dwelling-house,
Thereare thrernever-faitii g ses;kigelP E.*
water" the fields. scrOn both the above
Trams thereat. thriving young
Orehaids, oVgrafted FniiL
Pentode wiehi g to - diew the premises,
will call call on %Vni. CAM', residing on
the Mill property, or on Samuel Cobean,
ou the other train. lic7•The Sale will
take place on the Mill Tract. Attend
ance given, and terms made known by
Nov. 10 . , 1817. Executors
N pursnance of an Order of the Or
phans' Court of Adams county the
subscribers. Administratono of the Es
tate of SAMUEL llot.tattaxe. late of Lati
more township, deceased, will expose
to public sale. on Saturday the 11 Os of
December next, at 10 o'clock. A. M. on
the premises. the valuable Farm of held de
ceased. containing
10$ .11• C ES, •
more or less, of Patented Land, adjoining
lands of George Deardorff, Win..,,Wright,
Isaac Griest and George Barman. The
Improvements are a one and a
half story - - • '
• Attl
Log Dwell i ng -houst..
a double Lug Barn, with two Threshing,
Floors attached, together with the usual
necessary' Outbuildings ; there are two
thriving breharde on the premises ; also
two Wells of good water, one. convenient
to the House, the other to the Barn. A
large proportion of the land is covered.
with good
ti 4 3.424.1i2E20
There is also a sufficiency of ,
good Meadow. A part of the land is well
limed, and all is under good Cultivation.
There are on the premises a number of
never failing Springs.
11:7'Tly above .PsOperty.will be sold
entire, or to two separate tracts, as may be
deemed moat advantageous. TOMS made
known on the der of sale by • •
fly the Cotnt—Wm. Et. Hamilton, Clerk.
Nov. 19, 1847. to •
Y virtue of an order, of the Orphats'
13 Court of Adams county, the subscri
bers, Exueutors - of the Estate of Hamm
DMA, late of Berwick township, deceased,
will expose to Public Sale on
Saturday Me I Ith of &ember.
on the premises, the FARM of said de
ceased, situate in Berwick township, about
one mile front Abbottstown: on the reading
leading to Hanover, and adjoining lands of
John Flickingor,and Michael Greist, and
16 Acres,
more or less, on which are ereeted a OSR.
Log Barn, and other out-buildings. There
is a good spring of water convenient to the
noun- The rap, is in go od order, and
under good fencing. Kr rho terms will
be made known by • • •
Nor. 1.9, , Ex're.
THE Subscriber, Executrix of IlEtcnv
Mvxus, deceased, and testamentary
Guardian of his minor children, offers for
RENT, from the Ist day 3,pril next,
,the valuable property known
; as .the t
4 :Virginia Mills. .
'They are situate in Ilamilionban township.
Adams county, l miles from Fairfield,
and in one of the best Grain-growing sec
tions of the county. The Mills arc newly
erected, and in complete repair ; they con
.sist of a Grist Mill, Saw Mill, &c., all in
good order. There are about 500 Acres
in the Farm, with Dwelling-house, Ten
.ant House,. Barn, &e, a large quantity of
meadow and arable landa.„&c.
Terms will be made known by
Abe subscriber, residing on the premises.
Applications must he accompanied by pro
per recommeudakions,
KA Stated Meeting of the
RAL TAYLOR" Fire Company,
will take place, at "Headquarters," to•mor
, row week, 81 o'clock, r.x. . It is desirable
ANNUALS, Books.. /Albums., Let- that all shaJl attend, so that those, members
ter Clips, Paper Folders, Scrap who have not yet attached their names to
nooks, Port Folios, &d. &c. for sale at the j the Contitution, may have an opporturtity
Cheap Book-store by la doing so. D. 111'CoNatmitr, Sec y,
• KELLt:;R Kunz, • 1. .Ntyv. O. 1817.
Virginia Mills, Oct. 29. 1847—if
nu.,q) & Bitim sliftgik7_,,
'IIIIE Subscriber tenders his acknowl
edgments to the Public for the liberal
and stendy patronage with which he has
been favored for a series of years, and re
spectfully announces that he has just re
ceived, at his old established stand in
Chambersburg street, a large and fresh
tY~II~iYo'9i;:~JOLtIidOa `.
Paints, Varnish, Dyestuffs I
and every variety of articles usually found
in a Drug store, to which he invites the
attention of the public, with assurances that
they . will be furnished at the most reason
able prices.
The subscriber has also largely increas
ed his assortment of BOOKS, by an addi
tional supply of
School, and .Mis- ,
embuising almost every variety of Stand
ard and Popular Literature ; also,'
Blank nook* - and Stationfrr
°fall kinds, GOLD PENS, Pencils, Vis
iting and Printing Caids, Card Cues, Ink
star.ds. &a. &a., ail of which will, as usual,
be sold arj...lT THE LOWEST PRI.
-; • •
OtrArrangements. have been made by
which anything not included in his assort
ment will be promptly ordered from the
8. If. BUE4ER.
Gettysburg, Oct. 22,1840.
871 have at present onitand an excel
lent assortment of RIBLES, - plain and fan
cy, for school and family use--at .very low
At Public Sale.
On Saturday the 41h of December.
Iv Girrrnserao,
— WILL sell all my land lying, within
the lb:trough of Gettysburg, Adams
comity, Pa., consisting of a
of excellent hind. on which are erected 'a
large. Brick BARN, and good
- • From Housz
Wagon Shed, and Granaries.
There is a large quantity of excellent
MEADOW t and 50 Acres (more or less) of
Mach of the land might be sold
RR Town lots, as it fronts on sev
eral principal streets.
- .ll4.vcial Town Latx
and other property will be offered for sale
at the same time. ItcrAs I reside at a
distariee from the property, I am detennin
cd to sell it without reserve. _ The, Farm
will be sold in two tracts if purchasers de
sire it.
TERMS.—One-third part of the pur
chase money on the let day of April next,
when a good title will be given, and the
balance in two equal annual payments-with
Lancaster, Pa. Oct. 22, 1847.
BRANDRETWB PILLS, a vegetable and u
niversal Medicine.—These Pills cure ,all diseases
I by purifying the blood,. Theliterive to all the or
gans of the, body the proper amount of life nem
'sary to their purification. They am a POIINTATX
Or to all mankind, and may be justly
said to give the beauty and vigor of youth to the
weakness and decrepitude of age. Can it be be
tiered that after being before the public for ninety
tone years, their sale should only,now, be a litUe
rising a million boxes per year 1 But so it is, and
only .to be. aurthuted to fatal -prejudice, or i
' their sale would 14 at last twenty mil li ons other- '
es per year instead of only one million. Let all
the sick use them—they will soon be among the
healthy, let all who would mount theasselrie from
sickness have them:by them, in cue et ,sadden
attack; for a few dome taken whes Ate body
I cosentenies Otani-0f ordervind the benefit is
' secured et onwl. Fathers and mothers, attend to
this subject; ems and daughters, stied to this
subject; let all ram and women Bak themselves
&Demesnes; whether . hat has stood the test of
thaw so long does not deserve some - attention.
And who le to be benefit* 1 Those who use
the Brandreth PWi., ' t hey are , the ones that re
, ceive the interest of th ousand per oent.-4low 1
I 1' present payment' of beillth, of - vivirity'fin
ofbrightnensand clearness of perception,
in place of cloudless and oonfitsion of mind,
Brandreth's Pills are a lifee'er. These
who knew their
,quelities secure in their
health and faculties being preserved to them to in
indefinite period. They are sneaky good in all
kinds of .theetie, no matter how celled, because
they cannot be used wit out taking oat itnpurities
from the blood, and peromeranee will cause Its
perfect purification,. and readiness, can be present
when the blood farms •
Teshaserifah front 82 eithwes of Tartytown, New
York, concerning the value of Brandreth's Pills
as acute for Bilious and Thiiipeptie Nimes
January 14, 1847.
Brandreth—Dear Net Wis the under
signed, being - if:illy etinvineed, of the superior qual
ity of your-Vegetable Hair/real Pills ever all oth
er!" e ,Caileittiolkiedisine, which opinion is
founded en our own personal eiperience—having
thed them theyein ii a family medicine. We
this fonilakapbaseire in lints recommending them
AM specially excellent in preventing and curing
those bilious difficulties to which almost every in
dividual is, at certain periods of the year, subject.
In all dyspeptic cases in which we have seen them
used, they have effected a perfect cure. The
method of using them was to take ofro or two eve
ry night before going to bed. Whoever that is
dyspeptic, and follows this advice, will be sure of
cure, so we believe, as we have never known
them to fail. Nothing but the welfare of our fel
low-beings has induced us to write this ; you will
therefOre confer a particular favor upon us by hav
ing it published.
Signed by M. I. int kwona, County Clerk, F. J.
Coffin, Surrogate. Jacob Odell, D. M. Lent, J.
P. Child, Elias Mann, George Mills, John De
were, Slculual Swartwout, E. 1,. Hall, John
Leonard, M. D. Marling, John 1.. Weeks, C.
11. Underhill, \Villet Carpenter, \V. F. Van
Wert. B. C. Clapp, li. B. Todd, Elijah Wel
day, Wm. D. Ward, J.ll. Vail, Thomas Dean.
cornclius Loess, W. A. Welday, J. S. See.
4aTirho Brandrctli Pill, are sold for 25 cents ,
per box at Dr. H. Brandreth's Principal Office, 241
Broadway, N. York, and by the following duly
authorized Agents:—J. M. Stevenson & Co., Get
tysburg-, J. B. Nl'Creary, Petersburg; Abraham
kin g , lientemtown ; A. M'Farland, A bbottstown ;
D. M. C. White, Hampton; Sneeringer & Fink,
Linlestown ; Mary Duncan, Caslitown ; Geo. W.
Henry, Fairfield ; J. If. Atilabaugh, East Berlin ;
D. Newcomer, Mechanicsville; Sam'l Shirk, Ilan
over. [Oct.29,
7NN..„' .. .W ,1 .. ''
CM ~\ll•Difji ij
lIAS just received and is now opening
as large and handsome a stock of
F./JLL GOODS as has ever been offered
to the public in this place. They h ave
been bought upon the very best terms, and
will be sold at prices that cannot fail to
please. The Stock consists, in part, of
Coatings, 4 'a&cimers, 4 assinets,
Jethts, Velvets and Velvet Cords, Pilot
and Beaver CLOTHS—cheop ;
Plaid, Striped, and Plain Goods of every
variety, for Ladies' Cloaks, VERY LOW; al
so Figured, Plaid, and Plain
FRATXOII icmaTitor,
a very superior article for Ladies' Clciaki,
with Trimmings to suit—very cheap also
Plashes, Velvets, Satins, & Silks,
every. variety of color, for Ladies' Bonnets.
with Trimmings to suit; plain French and
English Merinom, Plaids, Stripes, •Plain
GoOds,every variety ; Mohair& Silk-warp
Alpacestiwouperler & very cheap.
Mao--Rep-Cashmeres. M. de JJelainea, •
Gingham., Calicoes, pkin,
• kured,ltaid, antritriprit-
with shmist every variety of articles for
LUMP nirittaS . t.
Silk velv e ts and ; black Ital-
ian Silks,
for Ladies' Cardinals, with trio:nit - fp - to
suit. Also, cheap Domestics, Queens
ware, Hardware, . , •
aec. &0., all of which will be .;ta atprices
that cannot be beat. it:7"Please cell- .it
will do usre to show the Goods and
11 144 1 011 BARddHVB,•s4~ch s.-you..
not had heretofore.
P. B.—lf you want to buy Iritocheop
STOVES, call with..
Gettysburg, Oct. 1, 1849.—•8t
II -
AS just received his. Fall supply of
Goods direct from Philadelphia, of
They Latest andr meet Faildona
, ble Styles,
which have been purchased fur cash, at
the present ' • •
• Redtri,ed Prices,
and will be offered at very moderate pro
fits, in order to yield QUICK RETURNS.
ICPLadies will find a beaiitifol, assort
ment of rich Dress and
very cheap.
Oct. 15,1847.-0
XL 1N «I RieLTG 1;.11.10.11e2r.
A A Daily Line betweeii
49F11 - ig Subscribers_hava.tha.pleasure.of
announcing that they have completed
their arrangements fur running a -
between Gettysburg and Baltimore. via
Littlestown, Westminster and Heistera
town. An entirely new line of euperiof
and elegane,y , built, •
TROT 00A013/18
have been put on the route, which, togeth
er with trusty and accommodstingdrivert, '
they feel *mired must give entire setisfac
flout° the Travelling litiblie.•
wilt - vun - thtbrigh
(Sundays excepted,) leaving regulariy . itt
7 o'clock, A. M.
September 17, 1847.
FSAIAS J. CULP respectfully informs
hie friends and coalmen that lie has
removed his •
Tailoring Establishment
to the room formerly, occupied by WY.
BELL. deceased, opposite WAMPLER'S,
TINNERY, in Baltimore eine*, where
he wiU be pleased to auesd orders of
all who wish to have work done up in
fashionable style, and at low vales. Ar;
ningentente have been,niade to receive the
- Latest Fashions,
from Philadelphia and New York, so 'that '
customers earl 'rely" on hairing their, gar- i
menus made in the most approve() styles.
ilicrCoutitry Produce will be, taken in
exchange for work.
Gettysburg. Aug. 20, 1847.-3 m
.lDr,., Cullen,*
1 11NDIAN Vegetable Piles Remedy , iss darner
Mb tic preparation, which has beeu uied with en
tire success for many years. tieing an internal
medicine, it has a decided preference over outward
applications, which are but palliatives and not cu
ratives. This medicine acts upon the -diseased
parts, producing healthy action and a permanent
cure—wiliest wt see,aa,tar, oa RIFIUND TN/ 310-
11.7.501 d, wholesale and retail, by ROWAN°
WA LTON, Proprietors, 376 Market street, Phila.,
and by 8. H. BUEHLER, Gettysburg; Wm. Bo
linger, Abbottstown ; Jolley do Riley, °Mord, and
T. J. Cooper, Franklin tp. [A rig.ti,
110 RUIT TREES, of all kinds, (grafted
a'. in the root,) can be had of the sub
scriber on reasonable terms. Please call
and judge for yourselves.
Gettysburg, May 20, 1846.
11 hoever wants a First-rate
CAN be accommodated by calling at
FRAZER'S Clock & Watch Estab
lishment, in Chanthersburg street, Gettys
burg, next door to Mr. Buehler's Drug
Store—where a new lot of beautiful 24
hour and 8 day CLOCKS have just liven
received from the City. They aro of the
hest manufacture, and will be warranted.
Give us a call—they will he sold cheap.
Jewelry, Watch-Guards.
%%7 ATCIL Chains, Keys, Spectacles,
Ste. &e. can always be had at the
Clock,l Watch Establishment of
Out: i icTOR 11: S.
M , ..r.% taloi alwout hao been, you know,
Taw iLtailvmo. bank. in Mexico ;
Nome dam &Tate. but niuA cattalo°,
law doer of rue arum' ,ucceou.
LIM mial;tar riciorier than throe
Hare knaw born made with greater case ;
1 - arteries tramplmnt and conipletel
At Manrao fiamoonia in York atreet.
1 , ,,, ('?.the e CLeT there's none dare try
To rival hint in quantitv ;
In style 2•Yd make, and - fit and ewes •
lIM patrons he i. Mlle to pkose.
Hit.stoek is =real, his prices snail,
ix - h/ la - , , 01d buy cheap. had better call.
OCT'Are yen fining to buy CLOTHING
essiss: sex. this MI. and do yen want to buy cheap?
13. David Middlecoff, *lO 00 if so, ~..di at SA NISON'S Clothing and Va
-la. William Ruthmutf, 10 00 s witty Store, nearly opposite the Bank. in
14. Cobean & King. 7 od iGettystmes. where the largest and beat as
-14. John M. Stevenson, & Co., 7 Ass on-tment of
12. George Arnold, • 12 50t fteatdAr-stievelr Cloth IRA",
13. Robert W. M'Sherry, 10 00 . for BOYS' and MEN'S wear. ever re
9. Samuel Fahnestock,
7 ,!, ~.0 0
14. George Little, ceired in Gettysburg. is now being opened.
' '''`" It is unne.-er - sary, as it would he itnposii
-14. Alamos Samson, .......
7 °G bk.- to enuincra•e the tliffcirnt articles coal
-13. David Ziegler, (Liquors) 15 00 - - in k the as.,,aarietent, which includes ow
-13. Wm. H. Sell & cm, • 10 txt : er , „ r i ei , of [keys ' and Men's Apparel,
14. Samuel IC Buehler.
7 '
... °° such as superfin e Ca'hmeret and Cloth
14. John Weikert.
-•' ""'" Dress COATS and CLOAKS; fine and
14. William B. Riley,- • ; ' 7 r.„l' superfine Tweed Coats ; Cassinet do. :
13. Abraham King,
10 l ' u !. plain and fancy (' assimer , Cloth. '!'weed,
14. Ephraim 'Leek, (Liquors) 10 50 -.- - an d Cassinet PANTS; Silk, S'atin, CRS.
14: Philip Myers , * . ' ' 7 00; -
„,,„ „„., amen. Cassinet, Plain & Fancy VESTS:
14. John M'Nitsrht,
. ,:4111111rWrapperr. Shirts. Bosoms, Collars,
14. Oliver P. House. 7 7,,,, 5 i ""lI CAPS . Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Sns
'l4. Henry W. Catiffman. . 7 . •"'l peoders, Glove., Stocking., &c. Also, a
T 4. "lease Hotiek", (Lignors).„ . 10 - 50 r, 6 „,.. , ratie ,
14. Peter Hulick, ' ". f" - '.. 7 00 , ' Yo f
14. James •Stimlgrass, 700; FANCY . A RTICLES,
14. Jacob Hollinger, (LiquOra) 1 0 5 0 ; Jewelry. Spectacles, Perfumery, Pen
tit. D av id Di airink, (Li quors) 10 50 ! knives. Combs. Shaving Apparatus, Pur
-14. Jesse elide, - 7 00 ses, Dish-shades, Umbrellas, Violins, Gui
-13. Jacob Hildebrand. (Liquors) 15 00• tom. Violin and Guitar Str'ggs , Nendl l3 4
'l3. Chariest Spangler, -10 001 I l ia. Dish-shades. &c. &c.
111; John A s t s b a b g t., lO 00 , Crllwrint purchased an unusually large
1s; °auto Banta m • 10 00 s t ipple of Goods, fir ('ash. and havingde
-14: William Nolt, (Liguori) ' 10 50 i termiOed to sell on the Cash and One Price
44, 41Astahiltit-Sentt„- • • • • -•-:. -7 t e r pripcipie,. rev Goods have put down to the
14. Thome J. Cooper, • 7 00 ; lowest prices. and will be sold at astonish
-14. Phili p H olm 7 00, use, low ruler. If you want to save 50
14.,Peter Mickley4L iii ignors) . , ' 10 00, percent_ in purchasing your Fall and Win
-1'4:,.... t irita,orirtel , . ‘ 1 0 6. ) • --70--30 S t Clothing, ran and examine the ardent!-
14.;•.lattlb'T•issiv, . . 700 id aseortmcat now °patio!: by
14. Suck & Whitinoie s (Liquors) 10 50: MARCUS SAMSON
14. John W:. y .' ~
. ,' , - : 70 0
13. Jacob Ilrinkerhott ft . . , ' .10 00
14.' Charles T. Weagley. ~ r 700
14. Jacob Heillitigh, 7 001
14. John Nutisiimeltei.' ' 7 ' ' 7 00
-14:-JI &11:Rididhnuoirer, (Ligitioes):lo 50
14. David Newcomer. (Liquors) -10 101
12. Wm .' s ßerij.Vanieter. (L'r.) 10 75
13. Holtainger&Ferrsii,(Liquon) 15 00
13:-John B; M'Crerary; (Liqueur') 15 00
.18. Jacob Martin, (Liquors) 16 00
'lB. Lilly & Riley, (Liquors) -15 00
44.. Bartholomew Sulliven4L'is) 10-10
-14.• John Clunk. •-. --' • • 700
14. Ambrose M'Farland, (Liquors) 111 50
14. Wro.-Bittioger; (Liquor.) - ' 10 50
14. s Eichelberger & Holtzinger. (Ir) 10 50
.12, John Miller: :•::: • - • • • - 12 50
14. David White,, " 700
14...litebb , Aulalriegir,' (Liquors) .11)110
.14. , Jaeob Heiner, , ~ - -''':-• ..7;01P
18. Henry Morten'', • S ~'.%idr 410
18. George Myers &Zon,', , - 16 00f
14. Samuel Berlin,'' 700 Dr. F. E. Vandersloot,
18. Edward C. Bishop, 10 00 •
14.. Tease Snyder & 00..
7 °° It ESPE.CTF( LLY informs the Citi
-14. EuriebitMLOwingir4ignots) le 50
Z^. - 135 of Geitysbure and vicinity that
14. 3. Busby, , , - 7 "'; be le prepared to perform every operation
14. Peter Long (Liquors) ~, .10 50 appemin,r, to his Profession, such as
. • . ,- • Near Storm - , • kek•ansimt. filing. plugging and inserting
14. Sneeri;_& :
'Fink, {Liqsors) 10 50 •
s Teeth from a single tooth to a full set. An
14. David :ftetUS s' .--,,, - • 7 Opr !
~,,.expenenee of inure than twelve years in
- 14,DISiiifra:troiriiitri.1 1 4' 1 "`"
- sera) i° the Profession he trusts will enable him to
14. Jacob - A. Myers.- ', ,• ' 7 1141, ' ;
operate to the entire satisfaction of those
-14. Abel T: - Wriglo4 l '- '- 7 "; whammy vt. oh his services. All work Will
14. Johnlleagy. :_l e. -. 7 11141 ' he emrrime.f. Fur his place of residence
14. J. Ruff.•:: -' - - '.',14.• • ' 7'00; enquire at die store of Samuel Falmestoek.
14. George Little. for Winona^ b 25' It e if ereace i, respectfully utade to t h e f o i.,
'14.. Epbraird Htiffirrl 21.6 isorbdis, 1 50. low in, ~ ..rict:ctheri :
14. Edward Stehle. (Ligaism) 'lO 50 ' g ,_ D,:„..b,,,,nu,,, Rev. Prof. Zaugher,
14. John Sheelyi (Liquors) 10 50f Dr. Li. rica..T. D. D. Gilbert,
7 . ohiciej„kt,,. & Ni t inie w aii .-i na . m ewl . i. Pray H Ifsup,. Rev. K. V. licrlisrt,
.„ „„,./ Dr. C. 37. Illeekwhy, I Prof. M. I. Mkever,
14. 44111.1rokips_ t . , , - ~ 4 vu , Getti - Arurnr. Oct. 20, 1817-ly
14. Jelin Buirklblderi A Llquins) 10 50
14. lachb Lawrence, (•• ore) 10 50- _ -
- •
m'sho* ; -4.,.F.1i0ki • . s y TAMES G. REED, lately from Pitts
14. Francis • o , ll chlens ( ".4 10 501 ell burg. designs making Gettysburg his
14: Mary 1101?erls. : 7 ' Wtpermanent -dace of residence , and to put.
• ' . : DAVID M'CREARY. . i -
sue mere the practice of the Law. lie
Treasurer of .4dwine Calmly.
f has made arram , rments with his father,
Mesmer** Office. Gettysburg, ? s
`.; JOHN REED, Esq ., of Carlisle, in have his
• ' ' Nov. 18, 1847. 5
-........ •
aid in suet, eases as may require it. He
To . Farmers a nd Lime Earners. ; will be found at all times at his office. on
. , 1 ' Chanesershurg street, opposite the hat
; stare of Wu. Piero:v. or, at his lodgings,
VTOTICE is hereby given that JAC011;
at Lie dote' of James SITOS/1.
IA 11. BOWER, of Juniata county, Pa. : ski. 29. i5 , 47.-ss
has ricenify invented and procured Letters i -- - -_ . _
Patent for an improvement in the construe -1 ./.. - I/r NOT-ICE.
_ _
ofof Lime Kilns, to which the attention; -
of Farmers and Lime Ilurners is respect- r t $ ll-00 Alt ]... we. lUD 9
fully,requested. A Kiln can be construct-', (t.ff Carlisle,)
BESEN7II''S his respects to his friends
'ed according to this patent, to yield one;
-thousand bushels of Lime for about twert-', P and informs them that lie has made
ty dollars, and larger kilns can be built at'
in the Coons of Adams county, under the
the raise( six dollars per arch. Kilns can
be made any size to suit the convenience e reguLstion of the times for holding
r n
of persons. The system has been well, ; -
testod, and
,has proved to he vastly supe-, Jan- 33,1846 - if
rier. to any system ever tried, as kilns can D. ..11"CONAUG1117,
be built for one-half the cost formerly at-
.111orey at Law,
tending their construction.
IV. corner of the .
The subscriber is duly authorized a
Public Square. one door West of.G.
gent to dispose of FARM RIGHTS. in Artrold", Store. formerly occupied as a
Juniata, Adams, Franklin, Union and Bed
law Office by John 111'Conatighy, deed.
ford counties, and to furnish Letters Pat- Di .
~...„..1:_,..; and by prompt and faithful at
ent, Schedule, Drawing and Deed for the tentiou to bus:Masa in Ins profession, it will
same. • . .ny 'person wishing further infor- • lie his er ravor to merit, confidence and
oration, or to procure a farm right in eith- „ atr0 ,, , ..„ . „,.
er of the above counties, can do so by en - 1 ' .._-_,,, ‘, ~-..
, _.- re- ...i1"... ON.WGIIT will also intend
closing 05 in a letter, or by personal app,i- 1
osomody to ail business entrusted to him
cation to DAVID KEPNER. ' ` - 3' . S ol i c i tor
Pa ,
Pensions- lie has madarrangements,
Sept. 24, 1817.-6 m
; throes-% which he can furnish very desire
hie facilities to applicants, mid entirety re-
undersigned. Treasurer of the
_I County of Adams, in accordance
With the several acts of Assembly, publish
;.'s the following list of Wholesale Dealer,.
and Retailers of Foreign Nlerchandize.with
in the said County, as classified and re
turned ( 0 hint by the Mercantile Appraiser
of the County—designating those who
have taken out Neense and those who
have not, for one ;ear front the Ist of Pay
1847: •
Retailers who hart tc,:'en cut LiMitt
-- here them font the necessity of a journey
W •
Washington, of Administration on the' to W 2ssl n°" , "12 application to him Per
/ Estate of Was. Ituronsurr, late of 5°1314- or by letter-
Gettysburg,.Adams county, deceased, has Gevysburg, April '2.-11
ing been granted to the subscriber, resi-.
ding in, Gettysbnrg, he hereby gives no-[
lice to all indebted to said estate, to make! drIFFIC 1: in the South - east Corner of
payment without delay, and those haring, qt./ lb. Diamond, between A.R. Kurtee
claims to present the same, properly "- : lOtel =rid R_ W. M'Slicrry's Store.
thenticated, for settlement.
• 1,1e:116 - : , bu. , .. Her. 12, 1843.-1 f
Oct. 29, 1847.-6 t
ALEX. H.. lir Vl' EN SON,
_ITT - OKA - ET .1T LAB - ,
ti PR ' kklir . ilk rnici: in the Centre Square, North
- ---S) ' I " ' of the Court-house. between Smith's
(k F the very best quality, and different ; and Stevenson's corners.
it p flavors, can be had. at all times, at I G en „h ur , g p a.
WEAVER'S Confectionary in Chambers-,
burg street. Families and Parties will be t LAW PARTNERSHIP,
supplied with any desired quantity, at titei, e f t li E untlersigned having fornied a
shortest notice. 'CAKES and CONFE C- partnership for the practice of the
'no Ns of all kinds always on hand. and! Law. will attend the Courts of York and
will be furnished to order on reasonable .Adams.andalsovisit the neighboringeotin
terms. i ties if desired. Office in York street, Get-
Gettysburg, July 23.—tf Iresborg, between the Bank and Public Of
t fiees, where one of the firm will. constant- 1
EIWATCHES, of all kinds, Ty- attend. and where conuentniCations will
will be cleaned and repaired, at the • receive, protein attention.
shortest notice, at FRAZER'S Clock & , ~. JA". 1 11g2, 4 :COOPER'
'Watch Establishment, in Gettysburg. ; R. G.,M'CREAR.Y.- •
July 10, leo. .- tf . June 19, 1847.—0 m
- . .
Nnr. 5. 1S 37.-1 f
11100• FOR PENT ---n House in West
Tort street. Inquire at the Clothing and
Variety Store of M Alters SAMPSON'.
t J. Lawrence Hill M. I).,
RESPECTFULLY offers his prays
siional services to the citizens of Get
, tysburg and surrounding country. ile is
r t revert' to attend to all CREWS usually en
trusted to the Dentist. and hopes, by strict
atlesition to Dosatie , try alone, to be able to
please a! 1 ho may see fit to entrust their
seethiohis hands. fer Office, second door
Acne Forry's Ifotel. S. Baltimore street.
Gettysburg. July 23.—tf
ROW RiZellerolutirr,
" •
Consuesp#o6- wousiis. C 0146, !Mon
ehitis, Ashore, Chno "Nov
r b yt ea SPinio. l B' Biotgli, &nit
..,„ , Paws soselillspa it ..'
'ions of the Bressiiaq
ficulty of Breathing,
and all oilier di
seases of the -
TVS the most .EFFh.ellt.lL Flamed, Itlthenio
offered to the public tor ihd CUMP: of the
above complaints. Being free from altieeklent
ous and nauseating Drop, it may be pike* by
the most delicat e person, or given to tt e intent et
the breast, without fear of any unpleasant Alters
being produced by its use. Thera is another sm.
periorily which ItO 8' EXPECTORAM him
over every other preparation, and that is, if is fk
snag pleasant
ILi - Read the following rerrifratt from 31r, T.
S. Allen. a gentleman well known in this City.
who was cured by the too bottke of the r.i.
pectorant, alter every thine else had failed to at
ford any relief. This is but one of a number of
which the pmprietro has in his prosesaion, all of
which, in due time, will be laid before the
BALTIMORE, April 3, 1847.
I Air. JAI , . F. Roes—Dear Sir : About four vreeko
ago 1 caught a severe cold which fell arson my
breast, accompauied - ovith pains in my side and a
dry hacking cough. I commenced taking a syr
up that was recommended to me, but from which
i I derived not the least benefit. I then contemns ,
ed drinking freely of composition tea. hat with
j the same result ; in fact, my cough Wag gettirox
I worse, and I became so boarse that it was with ,
difficulty I could speak above a whisperr, At
, your request, was induced to try your Expeeto
rant, and I am happy to inform you, I wan entilre
ly cured by the use of two bottles.
I remain, very respectfully, yours. &c.
T. S. ALLEN, No. It Fayette et.
LTC:AI:T.ION: 111 eonsequenee of the 011017
preparations now before the public w der the
names of t•Extracts," "Balsams," usyrnpii," ke„
and even of a similar name, the pmpnetor deem.
it necessary to caution the afflicted against Coun
terfeits. Fech bottle of the gravine has the
words "Bass( Expertorant— m0n ;,,
Rid.' blown in Oe glass i the initials , J.J.147
in connected capital. stamped on the seat. and
my written signettito on the wrapper, without
which it cannot he genuine. •
CE, Price. Cel cents per bottle. and the money to.
Ire refunded it a cute be not effected, when taken
according to directions! Prepared only by
.1. BOSS, Druggist, Baltimore.
For sole by the following Agents:—
Samuel 11. Buehler, Gettysburg.
Geo. ,Ileagy. Fairfield.
'rm. M. Eettlewell, Petersburg.
Nos% 12, 1b47. [May 2 6, ,,1#47—1y •
llover'm Firm/ Prmiftem
tiilver Medal just awarded by the American Insti
tute, New York, In:.
..cTELHE following testimony from distiaguisbed
giAs Institutions speake for itself:
University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, May 11, 1841.5 •
Having tried, for t•ome . time, the Black Ink
manufactured by Mr. Joseph E. Hover, we hate
found:it well suited for manuscript, by its running
freely, and its exemption from coagulation; .114
shade also we ate well pleased with.
W.E. HORNER: Dean of the Facility:.
SAMUEL B. WYLIE, Vice Provost,
HENRY REED, Seery 91 the Parlay.
lit/SWELL PARKE, PIM. Natural Pirti
losopy and Chemistry.
W. VV. GERHARD. Lecturer.
We fully concur in the above—
S. G. MORTON, Dean of the Faculty of
Pennsylvania Medical College.
A.D. BACHE: Principal,
• 11. M'MUWIRIE, Prof. of Anatomy in
Central Rich School.
F. FRALRY, Secretary df the American
Fire Insurance Company.
J. D. GEORGE, Phil. Custom Homy.
flover's wirtlarnatet file Crinfl le
For sale, wholesale and retail, at the :Viennese ,
toty. No. 87, North Thini street, opposite eherrr
street, Philadelphia, by
JOSEPH E. GONER, Manufacturer.
II:TFor sale in Gettysburg at the Book
tiourry store of S. 11. 11
Nov. 12, 18.17—,!3m.
The ;rational
Washington City, District of Co
G. BAILrT, Editor: Joss G. WHITTIER. COMO ,
1 i DE leading purpose of this journal. is ;
the diseussion of the question of t 41-
very, awl the advocacy of the maid princ i
plc of the Liberty party. Due attenthiti
is given to Social and Political quretione
of general importance ; nor are the inter
ests of a Pure Literature overlooked, It,
aims to preserve a faithful record of im
portant events : of inventions or diective
ries affeeting the progress of Society': of
public documents of permanent value: and,'
during the session of Congress, to present
such report of its proceedings, as will row.
vey a correct idea not only of its action.
hut or its Apirit and policy. The debates
on the exciting questions of Slavery anti'
the Mexican War. expected to arise. in the
next Congress, will occupy a large shank
of its columns.
Arrangementq have been made for ek
tending and enriching its already valuable
Department of Home and Foreign Cones.'
: It is printed on a mammoth sheei,,ofthe
fittest quality, in the beet style, at Mt Oti
year. payable in advance . .
The generous spirit in which the Ere
has been welcomed by the Public Preen.
and the very liberal patronage it has re.
ceived during this the first year of its ,e
-istenre, encourage us to hope (hr large ac
cessions to our subscription
It is desirable that subscriptions be
warded without delay, so that they may be
entered before the approaching Congress...,
Address L. P. NOBLE,
Pubbalm' of the National Era, Washington, D.C.
Nov. 12, 1847.
Dissolution of Partnership.
0- III: Partnership heretofore existing
between J. S. liit'ilebratnd 4-Ca. big
this day been dissolved by mutual ociasiint.
All persons knowing themselves indebted
to said Firm are respectiblly invitad Mega
and settle their accounts immediately
the Store. The books and iteceetng
in the hands of J. S. Ilmozgasgo, Jr. who
is authorized to settle all scrolling.
I have purchased C HARLI6II BAIMITIVO
interest in the Store, and take this (ippon**
pity of informing the old customers, and its
many new as may patronize me, shit IEIII
continue in the same room, and have just
received a fresh supply of
Dry Goods, Hardware, GrocerlrO
and Liquors,
or all kinds, audit largo and general anaert•
meat of BOOT.S' dr. MOBS, of all Mods
and prices; and would be •hafpy 044
on all who may favor me will) *if CiOr
t0m..1. B. HILDEBRAND. it'.
East Berlin, Sept. 20, 1847. Allfert:lo..4lll.
&c., of boa qwslity, owl dint* k •
the Fiirm# Store-0- • CWXk •
April 10, 1810.