Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, November 05, 1847, Image 3

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Mr. S. Bents, of Boonsborough, Mary
land, has sent us two papers containing
samples of wheat. No. I. is wheat in a
natural state, as grown with the bran on.
No. 2 has the bran taken a, ail is as
nicely denuded uf - its outer coating as is
pearl barley. He has also sent us a third
paper containing the bran taken off of No.
Mr. Bunts is the inventor of the pro,
ctst by which this operation is perforated ;
and without pretending to an extraordina
ry knowledge in die art of milling, we are
to admit that this, improvement appears to
us, what his eirculardesignates it, an Hitti ,
portant". one. Ile affirms that all varieties
of wheat;
, wlvite, yellow, yello, are at
once impravedfroinj.s to 15 per cent. by
the process--end that the red and yellow
wheats will make as goad and fair.meal as
the whitevorleties now do. We, of course,
cannot be presumed to form any definite
opinion open• the validity of his eanclu-
Fiona, but judging by the sample of whor
led, and hulled wheat, we should be dispo
sed to yield our acquiescence sin the just
ness of his declaration, and we arc the more
ready to yield this point, as by the sepa- '
ration of the outer-coating from the farina
cious pari§.o.l*theyry, nearly all the col
oring matter being removed, there can he
but little left calculated to discolor the flour
made from it.
.-imonellie advantages claimed for this
process, the circular of Mr. Bents sets
l'orth that a saving in time in grinding is ef
fccted of from 25 to 50 per cent., while
from 40 to 52 lbs. of wheat is saved in
each barrel of dour : and that this system
imparts to flour made by it the capacity of
keeping in hot climates. This opinion
ho 'predicates upon the hypothesis, that it
is the bran, which remains in all meal
ground after the old method, which causes
it to sour. This opinion derives support
front the fact, that what is termed dyspep
tic flour—flour containing the bran—will
not keep longer than a few weeks without
beitonsirig - sonr. Why this is so, we are
not chemists enough to determine, and on
ly note the tact as one which has come un
der our observation.--:.gmerican Fanner.
As soon as it is determined to have a
poultry-yard; breed or breeds have
ham determined on, for some of them
should be sitters, and others should supply
the nests and tables with eggs. great care
should be taken in the selection of the fowls;
for on their healthiness, or freedom from
tliseaseouceess will chiefly depend. The
signs of health are as evident and as cer-,
taro in the feathered - tribes as in the quad
rupeds. The glossiness and smoothness
of the feathers, the brightness of the eye.
the cleanness of the nostrils, the florid red
ness of the comb, the soundness of the legs,
and the shortness of the claws, will be suf
ficient pledges of health. The male should
be large of his kind, and bold and active ;
the hens should be gentle and tame ; and,
as sitters, by no means above the middle
size; a small comb on the.hen may be par
dotted but should not be chosen." A large
comb is a frequent pledge of her unquiet
ness, awl, rarely belongs to a good sitter
or careful, nurse. They should be of a
middle age, from eighteen months to two'
years. Before that period, the eggs will
not have attained their full size, and the
young broods will be proportionally small.
The first inhabitants of the fowl-yard, and
which will give to it its future character,
should not be bought from a stranger; but
there should be a certainty that the hens
are good and early layers, and that they
begin to lay again as soon as their brood
is disposed of.
When a considerable number of fowls
are kept, a poultry-house, however small
and simple it may be, should be devoted
exclusively to their use. In a farm-estab
lishment it is particularly necessary, other
wise the owner will materially suffer.=
They will wander away, and be liable to
bo killed by foxes, hawks, &c., and the
eggs will be laid in all kinds of places.—
'Fide building, although well ventilated,
should be. warm and comfortable. Few
animals stiller more from cold than our
dometithi fowls. The roosting places
should be easy of access to the poultry,
but sufficiently high to be out of the reach
of varinin, and they should consist of one
or more level ranges. The boxes for lay
ingiad sitting should be convenient and
warntiapart from each other, and suffi
ciently, numerous. H there be sufficient
space, a yard-house should be fenced in,
communicating with the poultry-house,
and in which the whole stock may be oc
casionally antfuted. if it contain a stream
ore pond of water, that. would be a consid
cm* advantage. At all events if the poul
try Whistler about the yard, or other parts
of uhf procaine, their roosting, laying, and
ainimpplace should be comfortable, closed
at aiglit.'ind - there they should always be
fed... Time potiltry-yard should be dry.
*Wald be' sheltered from the northerly
winds ; :4444 er-shell gravel, and
brink-bayere' rubbish, should be strewn in
diffismatiftrUi p( it, in which they may
man .Ontwatetwee at their pleasure. This
011114111411cireert the health of the fowls
160 , OPOimuy imiesed. not only clean
bat getting rid of eruption
tiorikilikkeed &raring that meet import
sot of herliOn*--Cutaikeous Few ira
-11446 • • '
Philadelphia Advertisements
At the Philadelphia Watch and Javelry
No. 9tl, North Second street, corner of Quarry.
Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled,
18 car. cases, $45 00
Silver Lever do. full jewelled, 23 0 6
Silver Lever do. 7 jewels, 18 00
Silver Lepino do. jewerti, let qual. 14 00
Superior Quartier Wateher, 10 00
Imitation do. not warranted, 5 00
Gold Spectacles, 8 00
Fine Silver t3pectaeles, 1-75
Gold Bracelets, with topaz stones, 3,50
Lathes' Gold Pencils,,.ls-carate, 91/0
Gold Finger Rings, 87 eta to $8 ;
.Glasses—plain 12 els ; patent .18 matt
25. Other artielee in proportion. All
goods warranted to be what they are sold
for., 0. CONRAD.
On hand, some Gold arid Silver Levers,.
Lepinea and Quartiers, lower than the a
bove prices.
Dec. 4, 1848.--1 y
The largest and cheapest Stock
it. I.lPua Meat /Jibe
iC • . Plain and Fancy Jewelry, llt
I ?I' ratt.auLarnia,
.:_ Wholmoilo and Retail4 , Nls;
': 11 •• ''' ' 4I 31 Market 'Unit.
Gold Levers, full jewelled, 18 carrel
cane, gold dial, $4O 00
Gold lapines, do. do. $25 to 30 00
Silver Levers, full jewelled, 20 00
Silver 'opines, jewelled, . . 18 00
Silver Quartier Watches, splendid •
quality, 8 00
Silver imitation Quaitims, . 6 00
Second hand Gold and tilliverWaseli- --- - -
es, at all prices, (rem $2 to 2 5 0 0
Gold Pencil., • • I 0 200
Gold Bracelets, dit4 topii 'kind otfie; '
arts, A 00
Pure Silver Tosepoone,a 4 60
Dia mcotg_point Gold Pena, with pen
cil said aliveTe =fors, only
Gold chains, breast-pins, finer-ring!, ear
rings and Jewelry ol every dewription,. at
the lowest Phitsdelphiapr N.York prices;
gold and silver Levers, Lepines, and Quer
tier vistehes, still ,much cheaper than the
above prices. J► call will be sufficient to
convince purchasers that this is the place
to get good and cheap articles. All goods
warranted to be what they are sold for.
Orders from the country punctually attend
ed to. Old Gold and Silver bought for
cash, or taken in exchange. All kinds of
watches .repaired and warranted to keep
correct time.
N. B. - I have a splendid gold independ
ent seconds watch for timing horses. Also.
Gilt sod-Galvanized Watches, for traders'
use, and goods of all kinds in my line, at
- Watch, Melt, and Jewelry Store, No. 413 j
Market St., above 11th, north side, Phila.
Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, &c.
- If ,• THE Subscriber offers
'''-;-- to the trade. or by retail,
• • '7* a large assortment of the
following articles, being
all of his own import°. f t
) C 6-.
, • 1 -,
.-• " tion or manufacture.
- - Buyers - et goods itr this fine ire invited
to examine the assortment, and orders are
solicited. with the stauranee that every ef
fort will be made to give satisfaction and in
sure a continuance of custom. v
Gold .t Silver Lever Watches of ordinary quality
Prodo do or superior finish.
M - 0 do . - do Anclori & Lephrer
Silver double mail English and Swiss verge
Wildies, with lightmedium and heavy cases.
Gold Jewelry in ilLvarieties, fine srul common.
Silver Plated, and Silver WiFes
Musical Boise, playing 2,4, 6, 8 and 10 tunes.
Gold and silver Spectacles..
Diamond Pointed Gold Pans.
Mantel 40144 'olosk4in other frames.
Watchmakers' Tools and Matccials of all aorta.
Fancy Articles, Fancy Fans, Steel Beesla, &e.
llaving every facility for obtaining goods
on the most adraitsieout terms, corms
pondingintlncements_willleoffered to pur
chasers. .1011-ii O. FARR.,
112 Chesnut sl. Philadelphia.
July 18, 1847.--ent
Watches, Jewelry, &c.._
`WATCHES, Jewelry & Silver Ware
• may be had wholesale and retail,
guarantied better for the price than at any
other store in Philadelphia, at (late Nicho
las Le Huray's) N 0.72 North 2nd street,
&above Arch,,Philadelphia.
WATCHES, all kinds, fine, medi
um and low qualities, among which are
Gold Levers, full Jewelled, $4O to $lOO
tepinea " 25 to 40
Quartiers Imitation, 5
Silver Leven', full Jewelled, 20 to 30
" Levine'
Quartile= fine
JEWELRY. Diamonds. Gold Chain's,
Gold Pens with Gold & Silver Holders,
Pencils, Breastpins, Ear and Finger Rings,
Bracelets, Cameos of Shell, Coral and La
ve, with every other article of Jewelry of
the richest and most fashionable patterns.
SILVER 'W ARE,Plate, Forks, Spoons,.
Cups, &e., of standard Slyer. -
PLATED WARE, Castors, Cake Bas
kets, Fans, Vases, Card Cases and other
Rich Fancy Goods in great variety.
Wholesale Buyers will save money by
calling here before purchasing.
IrrKee p this advertisement and call at
No. 72. You will be satisfied the goods
are really cheaper and better than are of
fered in the city. For sale low, a hand
some pair of SHOW CASES, suitable
for Jewelry or Fancy Stivi, apply as
Sept. 3,1547.—1 y
Cheap . Watches and Jewelry.
All Jewelled Gold Le
vets for $4O, war- 4 0 "
ranted by • -':4 1 4
Jacob Ladonius J
No. 246 Market street, Phil- \ 9
adelphia, pho Ojk,
Ij AS constantly on hand a largo Anson
ia ment of Gold and Silver Watches,
at the following low prices :
Full Jewelled Gold Uvers, ,1,40 00
Siker " 20 00
Gold 'airlines, Full, Jewelled, 30 00
Silver Lepines, 12 00
Sther quartiers, S 00
with a large assortment of Fine Jewelry,
such as Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Breast
,fins, Bracelets, Gold and Silver Pencils,
Gold Chains, &e. Has also on hand a
complete assortment of patent and plain
Watch Glasses, Main Springs, Verges, Di
als and Hands, of every description—in
fact, a complete assortment of Watchma
ker's tools and Watch materials, to which
he would call the attention of the Country
Trade. Those wishing anything. in the
above line, will find it to their advantage
to call and examine his stock before pur
chasing elsewhere.
Phil delphia, Aug, 8,1617.-8 m
Yeathers ! Feathers.!
From 124 to 45 Cents per Pound,
sterer and General Furnisher, No.
415 Market St. above 1 1 th, North side,
opposite Girard Row, Philadelphia, where
may be had at all times a large assortment
of ileds and Mamas See, Curled Hair and
Feathers, Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads and
Looking Glassectogether with all other ar
ticles in the above line of business at the
very lowest Cash prices.
N.,.a.4,10,4:.warr0ute4 to give satis
faction. ,
Sept. 2, 1847.-3nt
Allegheny House,
lJ Tux subscriber
.(late of the
Wask)irigton Hotel, Harrisburg, Pa.)) takes
this inathod of inforrating his old
and the public g literally that he has taltet
the abewf named. MOTEL. - The House
is airy and comfortable, and has been ex
tensively altered and impro ed, and" the
proprietor hopes - by btrict attenuo boa
inen, and a proper care for the comfort of
his guest", to merit and receive a share of
public patronage. The House is aituatod
very convenient for the Travelling Public,
being . only Aro Cools elmvo the Harris.
burg and Pittsburg Depot, and within two
minute" walk of the Baltimore and Read
ing Depots. Stabling attached to the pre
mises. Terme $1 per day.
E. P. HUGHES, Proprietor.
Sept. 3, 1847.=—tf •
To Country Merchants and Others
No. 420 Market street, above 12th South side
-- -- 441113416a - Sigk 164 P-Lil It a 9 --
lIAS now on hand and is constantly
receiving a large and well selected
stock of every article in his line, consist
ing in part of Oranges, Lemons, Prunes,
Figs, Dates, Raisons, Grapes, and every
other fruit in season. A full assortment
of Bordeaux and Soft-shelled Almonds,
Filberts, Ground Nuts, Cream Nuts, Eng
lish Walnuts, Cocoa Nuts, &c, His as
sortment of CANDIES are atvierser pri
ces than can be bought in the City. Ile
requests an examination of his stock be
fore purchasing elsewhere, as he offers
goods at a small advance, being anxious
to do business for CASH.
Kr• Cut out this advertisement and bring
tv itit, you.
Sept. 24, 1847.—am
Clothing Establishment.
Untied Slates.
- I T -p r _ FA ED FOR WINTER.
100,000 Garments on hand, and ready for dispo-
T 0 patrons we would say, that having
but oaf, price, those who. are not
dealers, or db not understand the real val
uation price of goods, will have an oppor
tunity of purchasing garments as low as
professed judges. Jobbers-awl-dealers in
ready-made Clothing. can replenish their
stocks for the winter. and we guarantee
the largest establishment in Philadelphia
to-select-from. .-131e.-sueud.persustally-to.
the packing of goods and see thatn good as
sortment of sizes and well-made articles
are put-up, Single suits forwarded as per
110'..Our goods are for sale only at the
large building, 128 Market at. Southeast
corner of Market and Fourth streets, Phil
adelphia. C. HARKNESS.
Sept. 24, 1847cAgin
First Premium Writing Ink.
THIS Ink has for a long while become
established as a Nalionalartiek, and
the following testimonials from Washing
ton City, prove its merits in that direction:
House of Representatives, •
Washington City. Feb. 24, 1843.
I state that I have used the Ink, during
thcr present session of Congrese, mannfac
tured by Joseph E. Hover, Esq., of Phil
adelphia, and I have found it to be an arti
cle of most excellent *slily.
Speaker Haw* Rgresestatiret.
Patent Office, Washington, D. C.,
February 24. 1843.
Ste—Your Hlack Writing Ink has been
used in this 01lice-since October last, and
is entirely approved. .
am respectfully,
J. W. HAND, Chief Clerk.
Mr. JOSEPH E. llovat, Philadelphia.
12 to 10
- 9 to 10
Hovers Adamantine Cement.
The following from Bicknell's Reporter
will best illustrate its value :
"‘Mr.llover manufactures "adamantine
Cement" for joining broken china,. glass,
&c.; we - have have tried the article and
found it to be excellent."
For Sale, Wholesale and Retail, at the
Manufactory, No. 87 North Third Street,
opposite Cherry Street, Philadelphia, by
Ith'For sale in Gettysburg a_t the store
Atignst 13, 1847. fltu
ripE H accounts and notes assigned by
- 11 - ROBERT W. M'SBERBY, have been
left the subscriber in the hand's of Ron-
ART G. lii'Cluthav, Esq. for collection.—
Persons indebted either by note or brieik
account will be good enough to call and
settle the same between this and the first
(lay of December next. Indulgence be
yond that date cannot be given.
The accounts, notes, &c., due to the
subscriber, will be likewise left in the
hands of R. G. M'Creary, Esq.,
who will
have charge of all his business during his
absence. JAMES COOPER.
Oct. 22, 1847.-3 t
Plain, French, and- English
Thibet, Lyonesc and Paromotta CLOTH,
beautiful articles for Ladies' Cloaks and
Dresses; plaid and stripml,Bilk and Worsted
Silk, Woolen and Cotton, Tarlton, Bue
na Vista, Oregon and California .
very handsome and cheap. Woolen Piano
and Table Coverit,—a beautiful article.—. ,
great variety on hand and for rale. by
Oct. 6, 1617.-41
~~ ~~~
.- _. '..._.r.
rl 11. E undersigned has connected with
his Coachrnaking Establiahment a
largelisaithAhop. and is propured to do
""'" e " ALL KINDS OY
lle would say to those who have,llorses to
shoe, that he has in his employ first-rate
hands, which, with his personal attoniism,
will-eaublo him to give entire satisfaction
to all those: ho may' favor him with a call.
(warranted) will be promptly made to Or
der at all, times.
pJAII kinds of REPAIRING done,
both in Wood and Iron, at the most reduc
pa" Thankfu l for past encouragement,
the subscriber solicits a continuance of pat
ronage, and invites' his friends to call at
his Establishment in west Chambersburg
st., a few doors below Thompson's Hotel
C. W. lIOt
Getlyekturg,-October 15, 1847.
4ESPECTFULIX informs his friends
and the public generally that he has
ww - mr - tramtirtavgr - orgament ot - Tt
11:1I111 of every description, which he
will sell at moderate prices—all warranted.
Persons wishing m purchase al low roles
will do well to call before purchasing else
HOUSE SPOUTING will be made
and 121, cents a foot.
Gettysburg, 11farch 12, 1847.
S HEREBY GIVEN. That applica-
I Won will be made by the undersigned
and others, to the next Legislature of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for the
incorporation of a Company under the
name and style, or intended name and
capital Fifty Thousand Dollars, designed
as an office of discount and deposit; and
to be lodated in East-Berlin, Adamii cOtt
ty, Pa.
Will. ingq,_____Johniklione,
\Valiant Wolf, George Schwartz,
J. J. Ichbn, J. It. A olabaugh,
Charles Spangler, Barnet Hildebrand,
George King., Isaac Trimmer,
George H. Binder, Abraham Trimmer,
John Diehl. David I lollinger.
mime 25, 1847.-6 m
- 16 - 1 ASHION ABLE Barber and Hair
I.` Dresser, has removed his 'Temple'
to the Diamond, adjoining the County Bud
dings, where he can at all times be found
prepared to attend to the cans of theirnblic.
From long experience he flatters himself
that he can go through all the ramifications
of the Tonsoriealdeparunents, w ith such an
infinite degree, of skill as will meet the en
tire satisfaction of all who may submit their the keen ordeal of his razor. He
hopes, therefore, that by attention to busi
ness and a desire to please, he will merit
as well as receive a liberal share of public
patrdhage. The sick will be attended to at
their private dwellings.
Slankon's External Remedy,
S now universally acknowledged to be the
flAle INFALLIBLE REMEDY for Rheumatism,
spinal affections, contractions of the muscles, sore
throat and quinsy, issues, old 'dress, pains in the
backend chest, ague in the breast and lace, tooth
_sprains,tintless, salt rheum, burns, croup,
frosted test, and all nervous diseases. The trium
phant micros w hich has attended the application
of this most wonderful Medicine in curing the moat
severe cases of the different diseases above named,
sad the high encomiums that have bees bestowed
upon it, wherever it has been introduced, gives
me the right to call on the afflicted to resent at
once to the only remedy ghat can be relied on.
The faculty unite in recommending the cele.
braled External Remedy, Hunt's Liniment:
The following lettere from the highly eminent
Physicians who haVeteen attached to the - Mount
Pleasant State Prison for many years, is the best
evidence of the value of this celebrated Liniment:
Sim; Siva, Decaseuen lc, ltArt.
Mr Davi Si a received your note of yester•
Jay, askina ' my opinion of Hunt's Liniment, as
prepared by Mr. George E. Stanton. Knowing its
composition, and haring frequently used it, I can
recommend-it to yeti asa sale External Remedy,
and, in my opinion, ttie - best Liniment now in nse.
Very truly and respectfully y o urs,
Col. Pierre.Vtin Cortlandt,thotern-Manor.
I (Lily concur in The above
t oPil!Ilion.
• - irosivro 11441 - , , JA4m4sy 14, Is4o.
. „
Sic reply to your letter I ,woul d say that
I have used your External Remedy, called Hunt's
Liniment, in my practice, since yen made me ac
quainted with its composition, and unhesitatingly
say that, I believe it to bathe lest External Rem-
Ady now in use for thw,complainta for which you
recommend it. Yours reapectfully,
Osonaz E. STANTON, Esti.
l'om the New .York Sun.
- Among the mails of watthlessarticlea and hum
bugs that are poured forth at the present day up
on thecountiy, It really refreshing to find some
thing of real practical utillitq, something simple,
speedy, and effectual in Its operation, and at the
name: time free from thosejnjurious effects which
generally attend powerful rep. Hunt's Lin
iment prepared by George E. Stanton.of-Sinff Sing
though it has been blit a abort time before the
public, has already Obtained the confidence, not
only of our most wealthy andinfluential citizens,
but our most eminent physicians. All acknowl
edge it to be a sovereign balm tor many of the
ills that flesh is heir to, soothing the aching limb,
and by its genuine stimulating influence, banish
ing disease from the system.
This Liniment is sold at 25 and 59 cents pet
bottle by alt the principal Druggists and March
Orders addressed to me at Sing Sing, N Y, will
be attended to, G STANTON,Proprietor.
Wholesale Agents_Noadly, Phelps & Co 142
Water street, Rushton & Co i - 10 Broadway, A B
& 1) Sands,corner Fulton and William, Aspinwall
86 William street, New York; Cuthbert & Weth
erill 76 South Second, Philadelphia.
AGENTS.--Samuel H. Buehler & S.
S. Forney, OW:1404 ; Abraham King,
Hunterstown Zack, Pinetown ; Ja
cob Hollinger, Heidiersburg ; Hollinger&
Ferree, Petersburg. ( Y. S.): Jacob Ante.
baugh;liamplon I - Geo. N. Benue!, and J.
S. Hildebrand & Co., East Berlin.
June 11, 1847. [Dec. 2-13] .
.Jbr Conaump . tion, Coughs, Colde, , Bron
chitia,: t olathma, • Croup, Whooping
Cough, Spitting of Blood, Sore
Throat, Pains and Oppres
eions of.the Breast, ihf
fieulty of Breathing,
and all other di
seases of the
.1 1 11 !MON ART ORGANS !
Read the following Certificate of. Cure performed
by the use of Roils Erpertorant and say if you
will longer neglect your cough, ordouht its aka-
Ballimorc, March 1; 1647
Mr. JAL. F. Rags
Dear Fir—About three weeks ago my wife
caught a severe cold, which troubled her a good
deal and gave her great uneasiness; she prepared
a great many articles which were recommended
to her by her triende, but without receiving' the
benefit from any of them her cough was getting
worse every day ; her appetite was fast fai ling
and to sleep was impossible: the pains in her
breast and side became so severe that that she
had to go to bed, and my friends advised me io
call in a Physician. I thought I would call in
the store where you weir engaged and see it I
could not get something that would relieve her,
when you give me a bottle of your Expectorant,
assuring me that it would cure her, she cummen
ced taking it that eight, net, hmeever, without
great cmpositiuer on the part of some of he
friends, who said it was only some "Quack
Medicine," and would do her more harm
than good: But I determined to take your advice,
and now let alt know the Result From taking the
first dose she fel , easier, though unable to sleep
on account ofthe quantity of phlegm that loosen.
ed and would almost choke her, but which she
could spit up with but little difficulty; the follow
ing day she coarinued it according to the direc
tions. and that time, for the first time for ncariy
two weeks, she enjoyed a good night's rest and by
the time she had finished the first bottle, she was
entirely cured. Make what aye of this you think
proper, for such an invaluable medicine should be
maslek.'noWn to the afflicted every w hem With
best wishes for your success,
I remain yours Ate.,
CAUTION !II Beware of Counterteits and
Spurious Imitations. bee that the initials 'J. F. It"
are on the seal : also my tFrirten Sigae u, c on the
wrapper of eacYbottre7, hout whin' nonelßen•
nine. Prepared only by James 1' Ross, Druggist,
Baltimore Md. A r For sale in GO 1 ysinox by,
SAMUEL H. BUEHLER, and in Millers/own by
MU le published in lrabhington, D. C.,
on the Seventh of December nest,
.The United States Reporter,
A Wily Journal ut Lnnernment, Legiblaty.e. asul
l;energil :e%%
VFW subscriber as now enabled to announce
ji the completion of his uraangetnents tor the'
establishment m a %%ell organized and Inilepeniletit
Journal of News at the scot ut the General Gut.
ernment. The leading le:stuns of rioted
States Reporter' . will be the tollowing
I. Early intelligence of the tiles maims of the
various Departments ut tlielluiernment, in 154.1.
ence to DOmestic affairs and to the Fineige lei,'
firms of the country, will be given with scram.
Possessing peculiar facilities for ob
-taining information. the ••Reporter•" will be ems.
bled frequently to communicate, excluskely, in•
telligence of the most impoltant character.
: I ne verbatim - Repertr - ot - the — Procetklings
and Debates of the U. States Senate, which the
proprietor is bound to furnish daily to that body,
in accordance with the terms of the contract made
at the close of the tart session of Congress. The
arrangements now made will at once fully secure
to the Senate of the United' States an authentic
and complete record of its debates ; and to the peo
ple--in a greatly enlarged degree—the benefit of
the experience, sagacity. anil statesmanship of
that body to which they base ever looked with
colacitoms and respectful regard,
111. The Proceedings and I)elnites in the House
of Representatives will also he given, with full
ness. impartiality, and the utirioSt promptitude.
Each day's record will be completely made up,
and appear in the -Reporter - next morning.
IV. A Synoptical View of the Proceedings and
Debates of all the State Legislatures will be regu
larly given: - Members or Conyers, and all e tas:
sex of readers, will thus be kept tuft}• and syste
matically mformed of domestic legislation in all
sections of the U. States.
V. Early intelligence of all important move
ments an die Legislatures of Gieat Britain and
France will be communicated by every steamer
from Europe, through Reporters in London and
Paris, who possess peculiar facilities for
VI. The General News of the Day will he giv
en in a condensed form, with industry and atten
Such is a brief view of what the "United States
Reporter' is designed to be. All the plans and
arrangements have been x ell matured, and the
hope is confidently cheriThed that the ••Reporter"
will prove itself an energetic, industrious.
(NI, and perfectly independent journal. It will
have no party views—no political bias. The pro
prietor, by the terms of bin contract with the
Senate or the U. Slates, is bound to the condition
that -the paper shall contain no political discus
sions except the debates." It ss ill la , a vehicle of
noes, not the organ of any set of opirionii.
grand aim of the subscriber is to:establish at the
seat of Government a faithful and prompt reporter
of all sorts of intelligence—o rtsponsibk agent, uo
which the politician, the business man, the mune
lecturer, the mechanic, and every one interested in
the affairs o( Congress and the Government, may
rely at all times with implicit confidence.
It is believed that the establishment of such a
reliable Journal of Intelligence, on terms which
place it within reach of the great masses of the
people, at the commencement of what promises to
be a most interesting and eventful period in the
history of Congressional proceedings, will be re
garded with favor by all classes of the communi
ty ; and, having thus stated his objects, the sub
scriber respectfully solicits a liberal and general
support frutn the enlightened public of the United
Stenographer to the Senate of the U. States
The" United States Reporter" will be printed on
a largo and handsome sheet, and issued every
morning, except Sundays, at the rate of $6 per an
num ; single copies 2 cts.
In connection with thesdaity paper, there will
be issued from the sime establishment,
This publication will contain exclusively the
reports of the proceedings and debates of the Con
gress of the U. States. It will be issued semi
weekly, in an elegant quarto form, throughout
the sessions of Congress, runt will be furnished to
subscribers at the rate of two dollars for the long
session, and one dollar for the short session. It is
believed, that this great national work will be
deemed indispensable in the library of every pub
lic institution, politician, and professional man,
throughout the country; and that it will be re
garded by the great mass of the people as the very
best political text book for their own instruction
arid that of their children.
session of Congress, ,Extras will be issued from the
office of the "United States Reporter," containing'
the reports of all such debates, as may possess par
ticularly exciting interest.
All subscriptions and communications to be
postpaid and addressed to "J• A. HOVISTON, U. S.
Dr. C. W...Bppleton's Celebrated Remedy
AINS•in, and - discharge of matter from, the
A I X; ear, together With all othertiriplebliihrlyfflp
toms, which either accompany or announce ap•
proaching Deafness. This invaluable medicine is
the result of a long and faithfully pursued course
of experiments instituted with the sole view to
discover (if possible) a certain, and. at the same
time, a r tiste remedy for this dreadfully afflicting
,disorder, and after being extensively used in the
private practice of the subscriber during the last
eight years, in very numerous cases with the most
remarkable success, is .now offered to the public,
for the benefit of those who, , from distance or other
Causes, cannot have the personal attention of the
proprietor, in the fullest confidence of Rd efficacy;
and in the firm belief that it will not disappoint
the expectations of those who may hsveoccasion
for its use ; in short, that it is tbi,most VALUA.
BLF._artiele ler.offewat tallta Ohne for this Al-
oltFor tale in Gettysburg by S. K BIJEGCFK
in Abbottitown :by W. Ihrreaosri, in Oxford
byLisay & Ruse, and in Franklin ton nship by
Tronss..l. Coors*. (Aug. d, in 17-13 r
More facts in relation to the wonderful effiatry of
Compound Syrup of Tar 4- Wood Neigh
iha, the BEsr REAM'
lha, the B 1 ST REAL.. of the day
for CONSUMPTION, ilsthina,
Coughs, Colds, Liver Com
plaint, 4.c., tr.., 4.c.
ill EAR the folloWing from Mr. Sharp, a' well
421 known and highly respectable citizen of the
Northern Libertiesi.Pbiladelphia Comity. This is
one of the most astonishing cures on record, and,
it will be seen, is attested by the Rev. Mr. tire ler,
and by other citizens of that district:
Near the close of the year 1845,1 had an attack
of the Pleurisy and while recovering from it, 1
took a severe cold. My condition soon became
alarming-and 1 grew gradually worse and worse.
The symptoms manifested by my disease were
those ordinarily found in pulmonary affeetions—•
but mine were of an exceedingly aggravated char
acter. For a period I expectorated a great
quantity of matter, w hich appeared a mixture of
pus and blood --at. 'roes it seemed as if 1 was dis
charging the very a boiance• of the Lunge. My
voice was gone so as to be unable to utter a few
words without great difficulty, and I experienced
a thoutuffidiOther painful sensations that cannot
be told. One of the most unpleasant attendants
of my disease were chilling sweats. - The cold
perspiration ran from me continually, not ouly at
night, but also during the day so as to keep my
cloths at all times continually wet.
I employed' every means of cure! could heat, '
and was attended brseveral eminent and hltillful
Physicians. Dot the obstinacy of my diseitie
baffled all their efforts. They indeed, raised me
from my bed,lnit they also pronounced ate incur
able. The last Physiciiin attending me, told me
at one time, that 1 had but a few days to live—at
another time I might linger on a tew weeks or
months, but that it was utterly impossible that 1
could get well, or ever be able to attend to my
business. Thus, with no prospect of recovery 1
lingered on during the greater part of the year
181 u—for three months of which period my
friends sat up with me, expecting every night to
see my-sufferings end in death. ,
But last fall, a lady residing in Southwark, who
had been cured of somewhat similar suffering, by
"Thompson's Compound Syrup ol Tar and Naph
tha," Caine and urged 'p.m roe a trial of it. AI-
Mit iffirp'XlTMT3l - 811y Yellif, slid - WiTli - no - Ville - of
recovery. I commenced its use. Imagine then
my satisfaction in being able to state that I am
NOW W ELI. 1 and I attribute my restoratiotteri
tirely to the wonderful efficacy ol the above lartil-
CillP. From the time I commenced its use. the
iliseaSe began to yield its hold upon rut-, and by
steady perseverance in its employment I 'nay soy
it has raised me from the grave. All unpleasant
ef 11, 1" ms have % anisheil ood 1 have for se, eral
niooths attended to my business as formerly, and
(except some less degree of strength than I once
possessed,) as well as ever.
People come limn Nations place" to sec me, in•
quiring tor the man cur d nt ('on•nrnpl ion! 'Dime
who hare known me and are well acquainted anti
my long continued afflictions, stop with astonish•
meal when they meet nu•, at seeing the wonderful
change a fought by the use of the above medicine.
W\l. W.tIIARI'.
No. fi Charlotte at, Philadelphia.
'the imilers.igned, of Mr. NV. W. Sharp,
are familar with his case and aulletings, and tertr
ly that the statements are true.
John Street. Nliiisionary. No. hit York flood.
Thomas Street, No. ILLS North :Second street.
Gro.cstr.—No...l2l_Litawn. strett. _
J ircolt Knows, No.:i6t , North Fourth sum!.
Garret Vanzant. No. '221 North Second street.
11.) - This invaluable Terrielly is prepared only by
A ligney ik Dickson. N. E. Corner of Fifth and
1 4 pritce Philadelphia, and can be liotkot the
following Agents :
S. S. Forney, Gettysburg.
R. .Ingite . y, (larlisle.
I). P. Lange, Hanover.
and by respectable Droge.lets generell; .
Prices :At cents, or .041 per bottle, Beware of
(ember Cr, Is R. [April 10, 1817-I}']
Compound 'Medicated Candy.
rut the cum , t,f rotas, cough,, Spit
ting of Blood, 13ronclictis._XstIna,
Whooping Cough, Pains and o.ppressions
of the breast, and all other Pulmonary
complaints, and other diseases which have
a tendency to produce Consumption. It
serves also as an effectual clearer of the
This Candy is entirely a vegetable pre
paration, the principal ingredients being.
Horehound, IVild Cherry, Sarsaparilla,
Boneset. Elecampanc, Liquorice, Flax
seed, Iceland Moss, Prickly Ash, &c. and
will, if taken in time, relieve the system
from those distressing afflictions that tend
to Consumption.
One great advantage in this valuable
medicine is its cheapness, the public not
being imposed upon by the enormously
high prices which arc generally exacted
for Patent and other medical Preparations
Each package contains directions. Call
and try it !
Prepared and sold at the Confection and
Variety store of the Subscriber in West
York street, one square front the Court
house, and next dot* to Thompson's Ho
tel. It can also be had at the Drug Stores
of S. H. 13ummen, and S. FonxEY.
1 - 7-The subscriber as usual continues
his Bakery, and is prepared to supply
parties at the shortest notice, with choice
cakes, &c.
ilnd and all Diseases of the Stomach and
DYSPEPSIA,or Indigestion and its
consequences.—An eminent Profes
sor says: "It chiefly titises in persons who
lead either, a very sedentary or Irregular
life. Although not regarded, as a fatal di
sease, yet, if neglected, it may hring on in
curable Melancholy, Jaundice, Madness,
or Vertigo, Palsy, and Apoplexy. A great
singularity attendant on it is, That it may
and often does continue a great length of
time without any remission of the symp
CAUSES.—Grief , and uneasiness of
mind, intense study, profuse evacuations,
excess in venery, excessive use of spir
item; liquors, tea, tobacco, opium and
other narcotics, immoderate repletion, o
ver distention of the stomach, adefi
ciency in the secretion of the bile or
gastric juice, exposure to cold and damp
air, are the chief causes of this disease,
SYMPTOMS.—Loss of appetite, nau
sea,,heart-burn, acidity . and (mid °meta"
floss, gnawipg of the stomach when emp
ty, uneasiness in the throat, pain in the
side costiveness, chilliness, languor, low , .
ness of spiritsipalpitations - , - end diaturbed
sleep. •
er failed in effort) ing immediate relief end
a radical cure for this disease.
Principal Office, No. 77 N. Eighth Bt.,
oast sideßhiladelphia. For sale in Get
tysburg la S. S. FORNEY.
July 30, 1817.—1 y
WILL be made and , put up by the
subscriherorhO will attend prompt
ly-to --alLordera, and upen as reasonable
terms as can be procured at any establish
inane in the , county.
Gettysburg, October 15, 1847. • •
Indian Pegviahle Panacea
cypEssits. ROWAND& IVA LTON—llaving
sliM experienced the extraordinary efficacy of
your Dr. Cullen's. Indian Vegetable Panacea upon
my owe F raul t , c•feeting of gratitude for your,
wonderful disetwery,'aud a desire that your Med
icines should be known and appreciated hy' the
public, has induced me thus voluntarily to give
you an account of my case. hoping that others
who may be so unfortunate as I have been. may
be induced to throw prejudice aside and give yew
Panacea a fair trial.
In February, 18411, a lump or tumor first ap
peared upon the spine of my right leg, end asiteler
er on the lower part of my breast near 'the luna
tion of the, ribs ; they increased gniduanyentlttle.
early part of June, about wbleh time they beein4
very painful. In July the tumor on the left leg
17LCRRATkEl and became a running fore. ezterding
itself until it was hull the size of a man's hired;
and had eaten into the bone, and one or two soma.
let ulcers appeared below the mete. My byes•
craw and others pronounced it Scrofula. Up ter
this time every remedy used gays no relief; the
leg continued to pet worse; &rime the eatly part
of August my sufferings Here intense. I neither
went to bed or slept regularly for' nearly two
weeks, being compelled to set up, with my leg
supported on a chair. About this time my von
brought home with him from Cincinnati market
one of your circulars, which had been thrown its.
to the wagon. I read it, and knowing some of
the signers to the Certificate of tbe case of Mr:
Brooks, and believing rpro,myrimwelegigerefthoie
cheracters that they would not lend their names
for the purpose of palming an imposition upon
the public, I concluded to try what effect it would
have upon me. On the 20th of August I procu
red the first bottle, commenced taking it accord
ing to directions, and in four hours the pain was
so much relieved that 1 fell asleep and enjoyed that
greatest of blessings, a few hours repose. I con
tinued using it until the 28th of August, when I
sound myself so much better that 1 went to Chi.
cinnati to your Agent, Mr.Danenhourowithwitom
I made arrangements to take 20 bottles, provided
he would guarantee to cure me. He agreed to do
so, and gave me the privilege of stepping ehork of
ih„,.30 bottles, whenever 1 considered myeellsiell.
I now telt encouraged, and continued to use it un
der Itlr. instructions, until I had taken Orbot
iTiTST(iii-ong mcdicTiTesiTireer.) Vl - 6 - 1 - 11
finned tily.cif entirely well ; the tumor on my
breast having i•ofteried, it ripened, came out, bird
was healed up when I had taken 6 or 7 bottles.
I will here oliserie, that tor ninny years Iliad
hero troubled with a kind' of dry 'letter, which
ure.,tly annoyed me, particulaily alien healed or
lain in bed : I have tilt nothing of this since ta
king your medicine, and have tin doubt thin my
syi:iem is now comely free nem direase, nay gen
eral health neser having been better.
On the !Id of December I again called on Mr...
Panel - 1110a er. I then pi ononliced wren well arid
µdieted to give him a Certificate' to that reflect,
shin tI pi oicii.ed to him in a ieW days. A
iew days therealier, hoar. er, a bale killing hogs,
I hurt the same leg badly, in comequerice of
which 1 postponed Rising the mot:tilted Certifi•
cute, wishing theiongl,l) to test the permanency
oh the rote. I now i.,ed nothing but the usual
simple reineiliew-for irnrb wounds.-aed lowed .my
flesh perfectly healthy. and in the usual time for
wieli'vai.eri my kg healed. Still;cieut time has e•
lap,rd to convince me that lam now a sound mart
and that 1 have In-en cured by your Panacea alone.
In short. 1 have every confidence in its *issues.—
l'ersons. desirous of obtaining -fusther-peetientore,
can be gratified by calling at my residence, at
Muddy Creek, Hamilton county. Ohio.
MITT Ili rtverasart. SS.
Personally appeared before. me, the Pabreriher,
mayor of said city. Day u Kt 111/AN. who, being
sworn, deposes and says that the facia, set forth in
the toresming statement are true. In teat , meny
whereof. I have hereunto vet my name, and tamed
the Corporate Seal 01 the said City tQ be tilbtetl,
this fourth day ul Match. IR I
111. E. SPENCER, Mayor.
Sold, wholesale and retail, by Ro w w no & WA Li
T 1 . ,, Proprietors, alit Market street, Philadelphia,
;mil by the tollowing Agent s
S. 11. Buehler, Gettystmrg. •
if iu. Billie err. Abbottatown.
Lilly 4" Riley, Oxford.
T.J.Cooper, Franklin tp.
Atignat ti lAli.=lm
Prattelion against Lusts by
tirprirr. -Cumberland Valley Mutual Protection
On_ Company, - being incorporated by an Act of
the Legislature, and frilly organized and in opera
tion under the direction of the following Hoard of
Managers, viz :T C Miller, James Weakly, W
Cullough, A T A M Kinley, Philip
Galbraith, Samuel Tritt, Ati'm
K (Adams.) .lolin Zug. : . 4111111.el j 1111 1 ,1 0 .11, T
Green,'.T fka:—Call the attention of the inhabit
ants of Cumberland and Adams counties to the
cheapness of the rates. and tire many advantages
bich this kind of insurance hunter any other.
Ist. Every person insured becomes a niember
of the company and takes part in the selection of
officers and the ihiection of its concerns.
For insurance no more is demanded than is
necessary to meet the expenses orthe Company,
and indemnity agCwret losses which may happen.
id. The incon‘cmence of frequent renewals is
avoided by insuring for a term of live years.
th. Any person applying for insurance mast
give his premium note for the cheapest class at
the rate of five per cent., which will be $ 5 O on the
1000, for which he will have to pay $t 50 far live
years and $1 50 for survey and policy. ad on
more unless loss be sustained to a greater .mount
than the funds on hand will cover, and thee, no
more than a pro rata shire. These rates are
much cheaper than those of other companies, ex
cept such as are incorporated on the same priori
dles. T. (4. MILLER, President.
H.) — The following named persons have teenlap•
pointed Agent: for Adams County :—Was W Pax
ton, Esq. General Agent for Adams eciaady; J A
Thompson and P Ziegler, Gettysburg; Dr, Wm
R Stewart, Petersburg; Henry Myers. Iw flee
ter; Henry Mayer, Abbottsiown ; Davie) Com
fort, Stmban township; Abraham King, Revere
town; David Blythe, Fairfield; T T Merman,
Arendtsville; Wm Morrison end Abel T Wright
Bendersvil le ; Dr. 1) Mellinger, East Berlin; Alien
Scott, CaNtitunn.
Sept. 13, Ib4ls.—tf
MOND% dm, of the beet quality
to be had at the Confectionary of
• " C; WEAVER.
Gettysburg, Aug. 6, 1847.
Perfumery,. Soap,
ARTICLES, TOYS, &0., for solo
11131k..4 . 11k..14N - X/ILIN
Is published every,l?iday Eveain' 10 6 1
County Building, above the Register
and Eeenrdeer , OjQectir
Ir paid in advance or within the year, $2 it
"'nun — ll not paid within the year, $2 50. DI 0
paper discontinued until all arrearagte are pitite—
except at tae option of the Editor. Single e•pies
6 # cents. A tailure to notify a discontinuance
will be regarded as a new engagement
.Adrerlisemrnits not eliceedigi a square inserted
three times tor %I —every sebiequent inenrion
25 cents. Longer OM; in the same proPerlielm
All advertisements not specially irderedlor a giv.
in time, will be continued until forbid. A liberal
reduction will be made tolbeso who allttastise
the-year. •
Jolt Mafia, of all kinds executed neatly cusit
promptly, and on reasonable terms.
Letterhind Conteteuitotiona to the Editor, (em ,
cepting such as. contain Money or the mime* et
new Subscribere.) must be COST I.II I M, is order ts
secure at t en t ion.