Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, November 05, 1847, Image 2

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    Late aid important News from
Attack of-Sento Anna
tletrrom at Puebla—Rerolt of Santa
Anse; Trtmipal—llis Sadden bcpar
tantio Oaxaca.
Theirteamer Jame* 1.. pay ?virtivetl st
Neve Weans on the 23d, frost Vera Cruz,
bring* . g dates to the 1716. There has
been so later arrival direct from the Cap
IMPOR'ft;a7 DEisr.vcciiEs FROM NIAJ.
Carr Or ataxic., U. STATK.,
firpitont<T, %:7, 1847.
MR. GALES & SF.AiON : My dear old
friends, I'm alive vet, though I've been
through showenrof balls as think as hail
stones. I got
,t our paper containing my
lemertli4l twroto on the road , to the War.
The Fetters I wrote afterwards, the gueril-
Lei and robbers are so , thick, I think it's
, ten chances to one if you got 'ctn. Some
&its Amia was at Puebla on the 25th l ot General Scott's letters-is missing just in
September, and hail addressed Childs, sta- !the same way'. Now we've got the city
ting that he ha d ! ta k es te,„ess;„„ of t h e of Mexico
ought to have a inure regular . I think. Merest mas
city with ) 8000 men, and requesting his ter General',
bookie:Olio! evacuatitin of that post, permit. line of stages running here, so our letters
4111141410,!., , IO form a junction with Gait. I may. go.nale. I Isiah you would touch the
Semi or the American forces at Penne, but ; Preeident null Mr. Johnson up a little about
threiltenittii, in the event of a refusal, tliitl this they may keep
ati tiediate assault would be made upon all the coachmakers at work, and See that ,
positions. Col. Childs replied that' the farmers raise horses as fast as they can,
with tepid to the threatened attack epee for I don't thiuk they have any idea how ;
the phititiOna ander his command, he was long the roads Ls this way, nor how fast we';
tlifffeatiafied that he should be able to de- are gaining 'multi, If we keep on annexin
Med them successfully, anal having been as fast as'wo have done a year or two past, !
!tenured with the duty of guai!diug them, it . wouldn't take mach more than h alf a
area determined to defend them tia the last, I dozen' ears to get clear down to t'other
' The Arco Iris, of the 13th of October,l end of South America, clear to Cape Horn,
famished flintier important news. A let i which- would be a very good stopping i
ter'from' Pncbla, dated at live o'clock on ! place ; for then, if our Government gut, in
the e e e s hi g o f the „7th September, 'says i to bad sledding in North America, and
the 'Mints of Sail Juan de Dina. San Juan, found themselves in a dilemma that hadn't
Santa Rosica and Santa Monica corn Me- ia horn to suit 'etn, they would have a born
calf* heavy caner/node upon the Americeni in Smith America that they mightliold on to.
wotits. • 'The latter immediately began to! I hope.,ffiere aint no truth 9ti the story
tlitiaw Cannon shots, bombs and ,grenades j that was buzzed about. here in the army.l
inisi the eentre of the city; which :suffered.; aalay.tir..twittago...thattddr...: Polk- hadtml
sainAditrable injury. ,'ii idea, when he got through animate down !
'About 3 o'cl o ck thb cannonade ceased,; this, way, of. tryin his hand at it over .in i
hateommenceil again at dawn nit the fot-i Europe and Africa, and round there. And,!
hitting thee. fly order of Santa Anna a 4 l to prevent any quarreling befurehand about !,
lietaatWoric arc:Min bales had been erect , ! it on this side of the water, he's - ageing to
etkilittlr four hundred cotton bales, which agree to mu the Alissoun compromise line
lllofhMil ettinnitinded the commercial hottittis over there, and cut Europe into free States !
ofValetteo to furnish fur the defence of the and Africa :into sham State*. Now, 1--!,
city: To prevent the completion of these Mink lie had better keep still about that till t
aiorks; the Americans from the first had' *e• get this South America business all
kept up a continued tire from Sun Jose I done, and well tiedup. It, isn't well for a'
upon the workmen, which being briskly boffrteheve too much busitiess on his hands
merited by the Mexicans, the dischargerof
bintibs and grenades from the Antennae &lilies we nosy get unto yet. and there's al
litnia greatly increased, but night superre. ways &tiger if you have too Mitch sail
Mat; every thing became quiet, - spread in
.asquall. However, I hadn't
September 30th—A partial tranquility time hitalk. about this now.
reigns. in the city, but Gen. Rea. having You will got the accounts of the battles
concluded the erection of a buttery-to - ripen in Gleeful Scott's letters, so I needn't say I
upon San. Jose, the greatest. multuettle a4......**Affstlfilegts!....X-e-QA-beeo a
egaimit the Americans prevails throughout her' up-ht work all the , way from Veils
the city. Oruz here; andi don't think any!whilrietni;
Ott the Ist of October, Santa Anna,at GineralJackson hianselfeould have worked 1
the head of 2000 cavalry and infantry and I through all the difficulties and dune it up ;
dike leimis of a r t ille r y, salli e d out front better than Gineral Scott has. Hut the j
Pmstilit, intending to attack the American killed and the wounded, the dead and the I
train Which left Jalapa on the Ist inst. and dying . scattered all along the way for three ;
reached l'croto on the 9th, but before arri- hundred mile, jet! a hearlaachisig thought.
ring bi Topeyahualco, his designs were I don't love to think about it. It is too
whotely frustrated by all of his men, with bad that we didn't bgve more men, so as to
the exception of 130 huzzars, composing march straight thmligh without fighting,
hie pet anal guard, having pronouneedi- inateitd tai vlfl jiiat elittitgli to ratictwrage
gainst him, attributing the unfortunate e- the enemy to bring out their largest armies
vents of the war and their want of snccess and tight their hardest battles.
gain's, the invaders, to his incapacity and One of the hardest brushes we had;
unsumessfidness. Sonic loudly declared terl-gotberaearas-the-attaek-aat Glepek!
him* traitor, and unworthy of holding any tepee. 1 bed been in the • city trying to :
dintmatiti in the Mexican army. bring Santa Ann* to terms; but. when 1
Santa Anna having readied Topeyahu- it was no use, 1 come,out and told Gineral
alco with his 130 huzzars, received an or- Scutt there was no way but to fight it out.
der from the government at Quererito, or= and. although I was only the l'residenie
ilittilig'him to repair thither at once with private enthasseder, I didn't like Act stand
all his troops, but he did not think it Con- and look on whets he was so weak,handed,
veident to comply with the demands of his and if he would tell me where to take hold
government, and took up his line of march I would give hint a lift. The Giueral said
thetaajata, - he haviiie b publicly ' declared heielpected there would be a hard mill at
hie intention of proceetling to that 'place, Chapultspec, and as Gineral Pillow was
where he designed to raise another army, placed where he would be likely to have
with which to renew the combat with the the heaviest brunt of it, I might be doing
eireinies of•the Republic. the country a great service if I would jine
Alt the , letters from the interior coincide m with flitter/id Pillow, as 'my experience
tn{Hip;nipifiio tha t Santa'Aitaa.tottakteied. :ander. DinetiLlankaortMaight—inte
it iihecif as impotent to effect any thing military affairs would no doubt be very
neare. and state that he was making his useful to that valient officer. So I took
way towards Guatemala, for the purpose hold for that day as one of amend Pd
of•leaving Mexico forever, and that his low's aids.
mart* to Oaxaca is only a pretext to aid When we came to march op and see
in the accomplishment of his designs., how strong the enemy's works was, says
'Puebla, Oct. 2.—Since Santa Anna's 1. Gineral is as much as all our
deliartute, the cannonading has entirely lived is worth, to go right straight up and
blackened off. The cotton house of Va- storm that plaits in the face and eyes of all
learn tank lire and burned down. The in-: their guns ; I think we might• to fortify a:
Pueblo, hearing the fillet% of little.
_ktippesta wedig a ditch_toundhere
the belfa - iihicii announced this incenther- in /milt of the enemy's . works. At that
ism; were very much alarmed, believing the Ginerel's eyes flashed, and he swore
the Americans had left their entrenchments right out. Says he, the ditches, '
and we'restormitig the city.' no opinion of-'am ; they are nothing
It is reported that Gen. Scott has grant but a bother, and never ought to be used.
erl`a passport to Santa Anna. Other Mex- The best way is to go right into the enemy I
ican miners, dent' that he is endeavoring to pelt melt." SO, on we went, and Pillow „!
reach Guatemala. and insist that he will fit like a tiger till lie got emended, and'
carry on the war without respite. then the rest of us dust wasn't shot down
The genius of Liberty says that Peria y had to finish the, work up the best way we
• Pena was discharging the ditty of Presi- could.
dent,' it Quererito, but had refused to re- The languid short of it is, we fit our
°"gara . bie ass°6°°' appointed by S an . wayrinto the city of Mesita, and annexed
In Anita, amid proposed that Congress shall 'it. Santa. Anna cleared out the night afore
elect. with whattreops he hell left. and is scour-
A' petort prevailed at Vera Cruz on The ing sheet the country to get some morel
18th, that company of Texan Rangers i place, ready for us, to annex. When he
wereattaeked by Guerillas, twelve miles gate another, placeall ready for the cere-i
distant, and all but two cut off.. An ex-11,,,, I , an d letr , ig, we n,j-,, n ig, s t, en d h as a ,
pike had arrived , stating that one man'. ar m y of r s o e my er thirty thousand men in
waskithal and eighteen missing. the forts end behind the hreasiworks. we'
Staitiedifileulty had occurred in vibe Max- we shall . rearth down upoeem with Heel
pachilitetat regiment. and Gen. Cushing had or six thousand men and go through the
dideattied and detached 65 from the regi- flurry. After they have shot down about
s " fit halt df us, the rest otos will climb in, over
„Gen . :Cane was at Perote on the 4th of the mouths of their cannon. and annex that
October, and no doubt entered Pebble a pl ace; mi d so ~, one after ma k er .
fear days afterwards.
The' of the ltlith, speaks pretty hard work ennexin this way ;
of but i th is alistie only way it can be done. it
e r ne(extensiarations making to despatch wilt be necessary rorike pivotal , to keep
.a grain fiir the interior, and says that more
rt 4,000 troops are all armed and rea d hurrying onhis men this way trriteeroor
y ranks full, for we've got a great deal of;
to sta.
l'he editor ennjeCtures that Gen: Patter' grou nd to go Over yet. What we've an.'
son has! a new expedition in prospect a- 'sexed in Mexico, so far, iez't but a mere eireumstanceto what we've got tede.
raisin white State not hitherto invaded by
Some think the busidetlelsn't profitable ;
the Americana instead of joining General
&att. • but it's only because they haven't cipher
ed into it fur enough to understand it.—
Upon an average, we can get at least ten
to one for our' outlay; any way you can
figure it up—l mean in the matter of peo
ple. 'take, for instance, the city of Mexi
co. It cost us only two or three thousand
men to annex it, after we got in the neigh
borhoood of offt ; and we get at least one
hundred and fifty thousand people in that
city, and Some put it down as high as two
hundreithriataiid. Same ihni , fatilt with
the quality of the people we get in this'
country, jest as if that had pay thing to do !
!with the merits of the cape. They ought
to remember that in a Goventment like
ours, where the people is used for voting,
and where every nose counts one, it is the:
member that we are to stan about in annex
in, and not the quality, by no moans. So`
that in the matter of people we are doing a
grand business. And as to the :money, it
is no matter what it costs es, for money
grows in the ground of Mexico, and can
always be had for digging.
There's a thousand things in this cone
try that I should like to tell you about if I
had time; but things is so unsettled here
yet, that I have rather aeonfinted chance to
write. So I must break off here, and
write a few lines to the President; but re
main your. old friend in all latitude', clear
down to Cape Horn.
The same paper contains some specula.
inmates to the probable action of the Mex
ican Congress at Quererito, and among
others, thinks that the minds of the people
of the interior had undergone a change
mire the occupation of the capital, and
were disposed to favor a peace. -
The expedition against the Guerillas,
planned by Gen. Patterson, had returned
auceatisfialy encountering and disper
sing several parties.
AlUvratt quiet at Col. Hughes' camp, at
the National Bridge. The American force
them 111,11* strongly fortified and well pre
pared ta *mice and repel) any attacks.
Bite according to the Arco Iris, hid
rollotted 16,000 men at Quererito, all of
the National Guard. Tholluerillas have
lull sway at Jalajta, making war only up
on -their Aefioseeleas ctuntrymen, and the
Mintierm authorities (edict State of Vera
Crui Wert stalking of adopting measures to
.ho s t
P .itustola has threatened mahout all
that essay pravisiosis fore Vein Cruz.
Thirilialta publishes a protest issued by
the City Council of Memo on the entry
44 1411.100.04. ,ftither with his matter.
It * prockaustioa of, martial
14 4fitt 4W . ...044:,
040. TitiAn t insieadefreturniag ham%
441 4 11 0 8 1. 14 Mba ilb g fat riiiiifigVeMillt.
To Jams A. Polk, President of the U.
Stales, and all the .initreed Countries.
DEAR Ste: I've done my best, :wetted
ing to your directions, to get round Sauta
Anna. btu it is alt no trse. Ile's as slip
! ' miry as an eel, and ham as many lives as a
• I cat. Trist and I together can't hold him.
I and Scott ,and Taylor rant kill him off.
We get hist holdlin him with our diplo
rustics, but he slips through our fingers;
and Scott and Taylor cuts his head off in
every town where they can catch him, hut
he always comes to life in the next town,
and, shows as many heads as if he had
never lost one. I had a long talk with him
in the city, aird'pinnerl hint right down to
the bargain he made with you when you
lethim tato Vera Cruz, and asked him why
didsCx stick to it. He said he did stick
to it as Tar as circumstances rendered it pru
I "But," says I, "Gineral Santa Anna,
that aim the thing ; a bargain's a bargain,
and if a man has any honor he'll stick to
it. Now," says I, ~ didn't you agree, if
tlltt President would give orders to our
Commodore to let you into Vera Cruz,
didn't you agree to put your shoulder to
the wheel and help in this annexin
Ifloss, so as to make easy work of it- t And
now. I ask you, as a man of honor, have
!you done it?"
"Circumstances alter cases, Major,"
says Santa Anna. ""When Mr. Polk and
I had that understanding, he thought he
needed a few more votes than he could
minder in his own country to bring him
!into•the Presidency another ter m. So we
agreed, if I would turn over the votes of
Mexico to him to bring him another term,
he would afterwards turn over his share of
the votes in North America to me, so as to
bring me ifi next time. But I soon 'Sound
it would be throwing our labor away, for
Mr. Polk's part of the votes in his country
was getting to be so small that they would
not do much goad to either of us. So I
concluded to hold on to what I had got,
and stick to the Presidency of Mexico."
"Then," says you aim going 'm stick
to your bargain, areyow."!
"No," says he, "circumstances alters
Then I tried to scare him out of it. I
'told him our folks would whip the Mexi
cans all into shoe-strings in a little while,
!and it made no odds whether ho fit for an
nexin or against it, we should go ...on jest
the same, and before another year was out
I Mr. - Polk would be President of every foot
lof Mexico ; for we should get through an
; nexin the whole of it.
"Very well," says he, "go on the Mex
icans like the business; they can stand it
longer than Mr. Polk can ; for Mr. Polk
will have all the work to do.over again as
long. as he lives, for there, isn't a place in
Mexico that.will stay annexed any longer
chap _jest you are holding onto it."
So you see there's no doing any thing
with Santa Anna. IVtrat course it is best
to take now seems rather a puzzler. I
havn't time to give you my views about it
fin tfiie despateTi. - but will try to 'soon.
Give my love to Mr. Ritchie. I meant to
wise him too, but 1 shall have to wait til
next time.
Vour faithful friend and private embassader,
—Among the noble spirits who fell at the
taking of Mexico, was Col. MAUTLN Scurr,
who was eulogised by one of his men as
the best soldier of the sth infantry—his
regiment. Col. S. was a native of Ver.,
writ. Pi his youth he was famous among
the sharpshooters of the Green Maintains,
very few of . whom could perform feats to
be evirriparecl- with his; riever sitiot
game in the body ; but at whatever height
or distance, always struck the head. Ile
would drive a uail into a board, part of the
way, with a hammer, and then taking the
farthest distance at which his eye could
distinctly see it, drive it home with his un
erring bullet.
Col. Scou is the same individual so cel
ebrated as Capt. Scott, in the anecdote mid
of the coon, who, hearing his name pro
nounced by-some-bunters, told him not to
fire, as he would come down from the
GC:W.SIOEII as BsAvr..--SeVeral of COS.
siaa M. Clay's company of volunteers
who were prisoners in Mexico, have pub
lished a card, in the course of which they.
say : .
'When Capt. Henry made his escape,
and the Mexican Commander, excited by
that event, gave orders for the massacre of
the Americans, Capt. Clay exclaimed :
"_'Kill the officers--spare the soldiers !"
A Mexican Major ran to him, presenting
a cocked pistol to his breast. He still ex
claimed : me—kill the officers—but
spare the men—they are innocent!" Who
but C. M. Clay, with a loaded pistol to his
head, and in the hands of an enraged ene
my, would have shown such magnanimous
self-devotion; If any man is entitled to
be called the "soldier'. friend," he is."
A meow scuievanzxr.—The several
accounts we have had of the suffering and
mortality of a party of emigrants to Cali
fornia, in the mountains last winter, have
been rather imperfect, leaving in uncer
tainty the fate of a few. By a letter in the
CaliforMaßtar lira learn that passed mid
shipman Woodworth organized an expedi
tion to the mountains in March, and saved
from death forty of the emigrants who
were lost in thessnow storm. The suffer
ings of the men, women arid children were
terrible. ..Two of Mrs. Grase's children
that died, were eaten by the survivors, and
when the party was found, they had eaten
the breast, heart, liver, and lungs of Mrs.
Craves, who also died. The undertaking
to save the lost ones was difficult and clan
gerou?, and Woodworth himself was 24
. dap in flesnow, and crossed Bear Moun
tain four times. •
Gen. Sixrrr, in one Of his orders, calls
on the commanders of regiments and Corps
to furnish the names of Sergeants, Corpor
als, and other enlisted men who distinguish
ed themselves in the recent battles, so that
they may receive the benefit of the am of
Congress of March 3d, I 847, which author
izes the Government to promote such per
sons to the rank of Brevet Second Lieu
tenant. This is right; the glorious victo
ries could not have been woo without rank
and file ; they have, many of them, earned
advancement, and it should not be denied
them.--IV- 0. National.
declare in the lace of day
,that this
Government was not instituted for the pur.
pose of offensive war. Not it was framed
(to use its' own language) for the cennaion
defence and general welfare, which are in.
nonslitent with offensive war. leaf' that
ofrensive war which goes out of our own
limits and jurisdiction for the attainment
of objects not withih those limits and
thatjurisdiction.—John Randolph in 1800.
Friday Evening, Nov. 5, 1847.
CITY AGENCY.—V. B. l'sr.stla, Esq. at she
corner of Chesnut &l'hird street. Pktferlelphie
IRO Nassau street Mm York; and,Suuth-east cor
ner of Baltlinore and Calvert street, Rokinumr--
and E. W. CAII4II, Esq. Nun Building, N. E. Corner
Third & Dock ats.and 440 N. Fourth et. Philatra
are our authorized Agents ter receiving Advertise.
mints and Subscriptions to the ',star" and, collect.
ing and receipting for the same.
Err Will he taken at this Office, if earl• applica
tion ho made. The applicant must he possessed
of correct habits, and froth 14 to 17 years of age.
Fehr. Conran sailed for Europe, from Phila
delphia, on Monday lest, in the Saranak, for Liv
erpool. On the Friday precious, the Whigs of
Philadelphia tendered him a complimetary dinner,
%hid' is thug noticed by the North Amerienn of
ontlav :
"On Friday last a large number of the M'higs
of Philadelphia united in a public entertainment
to Mr. Coorea, as a manifestation of the high es
teem in which they held him, both kir his political
and personal good qualities. Jussen R. CHAND
LER presided 011 the occasion, assisted by Alder
man Eruty, of the Northam Liberties. Mr. Coop
er's reply to the welt-merited eulogium of the
Chaintialt Wail frank, fervent, and feeling,and was
received with earnest sympathy by those who
beanl it. lathe oouae of the evening, speeches
were made by Hon. J. P. Sanderson, lion. E. Joy
Morris, Messrs Gilpin, Hanna, Wetheril,
cline'. and others; and numerous patriotic senti
ments were proposed and duly honored. Gen. Is-
Pt N'S health was given with a hearty "three times
Mr. Cooper will bear with him on the voyage
on which he is about to enter, the cordial good
wishes not only of the whole people of Pennsylva
nia, in which State he is admired and honored by
men of all parties; but the good wishes also of the
entire Whig ptrty of the rnion,to which he is fa
vontbly known by his steadfast devotion to their
interests, and his brilliant advocacy of their princi
We unite with his other friends in hoping
that the period of his absence may prove both
pleasant and profitable. and that he luny return
fully restored to health."
AMERICAN ART UNION —lna late num•
her of the Star a Corresrxindent drew die attention
of its readers to this association, established in N.
York City for the promotion of the Fine Arts, and
the encouragement of native Artists. To accom
plish this truly national and laudable object, "The
American Art Union" was incorporated by the
Legislature of 111. York. we believe, in 1840. fly
the act of incorporation every subscriber of $5 be
comes a member of the Association for the year,
and entitled to all its privelers The money thus
obtained is applied, under the management of a
Board of Directors chosen annually; first, to the
production of a large and costly Original Engrav
ing from an American paining, of which Engrav
ing every member reeeiyes a ropy ; and second, to
the purviews of Painting-and Sculpture - by tuitive :
and resident artists, which are publicly exhibited .I
at the Gallery of the Art Union till the annual
meeting in December, when they are publicly die
tributes' by lot among the niein . fiCrs, each member
having one share for every five dollars paid by him.
Ely this arrangement every member is certain of t
securing a full equivalent for his subscription.
in a large and costly Engraving, and may also re
ceive a painting or other work of art of great value.
Each member also receives a full annual report of
the proceedinge of the Association.
Last year the income of the Art Union was
$22,295, and 146 paintings, richly framed, varying
in price from $l5 to $6OO, were distributed by lot
among- the- mendwritt-aud- each member of that
year also received a copy of a large line Engraving,
representing the "Parting of Sir Walter Raleigh
with his Wife." A copy of this splendid Engrav
ing can be seen at the office of D. M'Coasrour,
Esq.othr Corresponding Secretary for this place.
We have been favored with a Catalogue of the
Paintings, &e. intended for distribution at the an
nual meeting in December next, and find that 151
Paintings have already been secured by the Asso
ciation, which number will be increased by the
purchase Of others es rapidly as the funds will per
' mit; 250 Bronze Medeler, commemorative of the
late WIIIIIIIOTON ALLSTON, Will also he distribu
ted among the members. This year, also, each
member will be entitled to Two large Engravings,
"The Jolly Flatboatmin," and "A Sybil." From
the design before OS we take it that "The Jolly
Platboatmen" will be a capital picture, and alone
worth the amount required for memhership.
Such are the purposes and such the plan, of the
•"Anterican Arr Union," We feel assured that it
requires no comment of ours to commend it to the
favor of one readers. Several of our citizens have
already become members. Others wishing to do
so, or desiring further information, will be cheer
fully attended to by Mr. IWCossrolifr.
"The New York Herald learns that the Secreta
ry of State has entrwand to an enment citizen of
Pennsylvania, who has lately met out on a tour of
Europe, the pleasing office of assuring his
ness, Pius the Ninth, of the warm sympathy. of
our government and people in his present liberal
and well-directed efforts for the amelioration of
113 0 " We believe it isi generally understood that
the •"eminent citizen'! to whom reference is made
in the above paragraph, is the Hon. JAMYS COOP
la. cr this piece. •
standing the loud bums of our opponents in pol
itics, there is much in the aspect of the recent ec
limn which is gratifying to us as Whigs. A bei
ance of the books will show that in Maryland we
gained two members of . Congress and an. bide' se
ed majorityef the Legislature, losing the Governor
on local questions. In Georgia we lose the Gov
ernor, but gain the Legislature and secure two U.
8. Senators. In Ohio we gain the Legislature
and a U. 8. Senator. In Pennsylvania we lose
the Gorerhor and the Ronne, but inaraPeotrrna
iority in the Senate. In , Florida we elect for the
Brat time-a Whig Legialittre;ind secure a .Whig
U. S. Senator. Thus, in all national aspects, the
recent elections have been advantageous to the
cause ot Converses' u.
DAGVE REOTYPEll—hiesers. M'Eraor
& Tausrsoir have cloastithirir Dagueniau nooma,
sod ielt Gettysburg to give citizens of other places
this privilege of turiling themselves of an oppoitu
nit-y-1e secure faithful an e'er/1 , 41.Y flubbed min
iatures. It may be no more than due to the akin
of these, artists to say that the pictures taken by
them while bore were beautiful apeciments of art,
and will compare favorably , with the productions
of the bast Dsguerreotypirnta.
Don't of this State, now in session at Pittsburg,
hove deceived the"No License" law of Pennsylva
nia. unemnaltraMmtA. , The opinion of the Court
has not yet been published, but we suppose it lakes
similar ground with that of the Delaware Court,
against the constitutionality of legislation, which
refers the law-making poem to the ballot-box.
11:113ov. Paarr, of Maryland, has appointed
ed the 25th of November • day of thanksgiving
and prayer—making 14 tlt•tas that have already
•etrcted that dar.
GEN. SCOTT.—Winvir.n SCOTT, says the
N. York Express. lett New York "Under& cloud,"
in /armory or February kit. He had solicited a
rosantand, and been rudely 'repulsed byJtis Oov,
ermined, this excuse Aar which was aortae linpoli
tic e!"orreipondenee. We welt iememter seeing
hitt.lts She AtliseticarsiJoßel, thw eveningCbeforche
sailed for New I.:ltfeana, aurreurided by a Ninon
group of officers, and, without exchanging a word,
marvelling what would he the end of hint and his
chivalric expedition. The "cloud" that hung over
him, we km w, filled the minds of almostall the
volunteer, .a the country with hesitation and
doubt. They wanted to he led by General Tay
lor, and were willing to be led by almost any other
man than Gen. Scott. His past history had been
forgotten, or dimmed in that "clowl,"—and there
was a want of confidence in his capacity by almost
all save the officers of the regular army, who knew
him well, and who, therefore, had the utmost con
fidence in his ability. This confidence was not
restored until, by his happy disposition of the fifteen
or twenty thousand men concentrated in our trans
porta before Vera Cruz, they were landed, as if by
magic, and the city and castle of San Juan d't;lloa
were besieged and bonibunted. The
.a-rent soldier
then began to shine mit so gloriously, that the
cloud could no longer conceal his brlllll., and the
radiance of his first but forgotten fame ag.iiii ll
!unlimited the country. The combinations at Cer
ro Gordo, and their complete success, again restor
ed Gen. Scott to the,favor of his people and the
populace of his country—end from that moment,
there was not a man in the would under whom ail
officer or a soldier would rather serve than under
their own most illustrious general.
Co' We are indebted to a friend, who is “at
home" in matters connected with the war, for the
following correction of a mistake into which no
had fallen in regard to the Alums of the Vultigcur
Regiment :
MR. Branum :—Allow me to conrct an error
in one of your editorials of last week, in which
you say that the l'ottigrur regiment, under
R NI!iST, with which the young men this
place are connected, was engaged in the recent
battles under the walla of Mexico.
That regiment w a.; engaged in those banks, and
behaved most gallantly : but you arc in error as
to the name of iia Colonel. COL AYnnn:w,, and
not cot. RA PIPET, commands the Voltigeura.
RAPIPI.T is the Cololonel of the 11th 12:raiment of
the line--a portion of which 1.11111.17 ito I teut Vail.
Gall., who was killed at the battle of El Mod-
no drl Bryr, was also engaged. S.
a -7-We notice the name of Sergeant P.
mori, of Company H., of the Volticreurs, among
the wounded in the late battles. This, welieve, is
the RAI mc individual who, last spring, was rvm-uit
ing in this plaee.
Di NTH VISI r% ire of I pt. (;. K. Smith,
of syracibw, N. Y , who Wail killo i in the bank of
King's Mill, is a perfect 'nimble, and refuses to be
lieve that her husband is dead.
1.1:r eat, the Woshington Union tell how irian
acres of Mexican territory will werre to bind tip
the wounds of this one bleeding heart, and re-tune
the shatterd chords of this maniac mind 7
.IAII. FOR SALE.—Too Whig, published at
--Ilidills4owny - Frederick - minty, ltd - , - ettllallie at
tention of neighboring towns, in want of a second
hand Jail, to one advertised for sale in that place,
b 1• a constable. The sale, it appears, is at the
snits of I). W. H. Creager and Win. J. Ross, ad
tniuistrators of Thomas C. Worthington, deceased,
against the goods and chattels, lands and tene
ments, of the corporatirin of Middletown. .
BIS 110 P DERDONK.-11'0 learn from the
Commercial Advertiser that the final disposition
made of the application or demand of Bishop 13. F.
0 it,: a ~ vs, for restoration, made by the House
of Higher*, now siting in New York, is as follows:
As soon as the liaison placing the power to remit or
modify such sentence as his in the 11mk.ge_.of
Bishopi had become a law, b . ) the action of both
BMWs, a committee of five Bishops, elected by
ballot, brought in a report reemiummdlog urusnimous•
I y that the Riolsop 'quart leave to !tido-draw his papers."
The report went largely into the reasons for reject
ing his demand. Among others, it is stated that
there was no reason to believe that he had repent
ed of that which he had been found guilty, and
that until there should he received from him an
ample confession of guilt and satinfactory proles
slot, of repentance, restoration was impossildc.—
The report went further, and aimed at impressing
on the mind of Bishop Onderilonk that, since the
°thee of a Bishop w• is given him, not fur his sake,
but the good of the Church, there was nothing letl
to hint but the bait "legal possibility" of being ever
restored, and no such possibility as should be the
basin in his mind of any expectation.
The vote on the restoration was siriren to fix.
The sir were precisely the same Bishops who, on
the trial, voted sot guilty. Two Bishops, who
would certainly have voted with the sixteen, were
absent, viz : Bishops Smith and Potter. All prep•
eat, the vote would have been eighteen to six. •
JOURNAL," a monthly publication, by Mews.
Fowssa & Watts , 131 Nassau street, N. York,
is regularly received at this office. The Journal,
as its name indicates, is devoted to the diasemina
lion of knowledge on the subject of Phrenology,
and is edited with marked ability,. „Plates and cn=
gravings of distinguished persons, in illustration of
the articles which appear in the work, accompany
each number—the No. before us having an en
graving of SrLAI WRIOIIIT, the late distinguished
leader of the Northern Democracy, with an inter
esting exposition of his Phrenological and Physi
ological character. Terms $1:00 per year.
13ACHELORS.--A bill has paced to a third
reading in the N. York Legislature to tax old
bachelors and widowers seven dollars each, the
proceeds to be applied to the "support and com
mon school education of the poor orphan children
of the towns in which such bachelors and .widow.
era shill &tide."
(CC/en. Tartan has written a letter in reply
to one frors the President of the Maryland Whig
Convention, which pawl) a resolution in favor of
his nomination' for the' Presidency. He ncinow,
ledges the honor conferred, open him, and re
fers to ids previous letters forhis views in relation
to tharuse of his name as a candidate.
COUNTER , FEllB.—Counterfeit Wis on the
Men:hints Auld Manufacturers' Dank of Pittsburg,
ere in eiretilation in Chanthersburg. The Whig
says the general appeanutee of the notes is rough
and the paper flimsy they are *honor than the
IWThe trial of Mout, cut. FRIXONT Wore a
Court Martial on the the Charges preferred against
him by Gem . Kearney, is now in 'prognew in
Washington City. Tim trial excites a good deal
of interest:
Tat NEw r..soLattn asonsairr.--The
Hartford Times states, on the authocilY of
Jotters from Lieut. Col. EisTmoust, in cow.
mend of the New F.lnglandltegiinent, that
its numbers are reduced one,lialf. The
body of Col Ranee* will be sent -
STATE ELECTIMS:---The Maisachusetta
State Election idea place on Monday next. Mi
chigan, MiedaniPpi, Louisiana and Texas voted
on Monday fut. In Louisiana and Alimiluippi
niatiabeni of Congress went chOtwn.
arm,. WESPITIII is lying ill of a bilious
It his fain! in Now Alampshire.
A case is now being tried in Philadelphia,
before JOHN SERGEANT, ES% es arbitrator,
to whiCh the United. States And several cit
izens or Isl. Jersey are the - partici,. It is
'known as the "Pea Nitta/land" dile,
idvolvibethe title to this . iiland, : and has
been In litigation fora:number of years.—
Jottrillt. CLAYTON opened the case oh Fri
day last in behalf of the U. States, and in
•support of his claim produced a number
of rare and interestingdoeumentS. One of
these was nothing less than the original
deed from King Charles the 11. of Eng
land, with his autograph and royal seal, to
his most dear brother James, duke of York
and Albany, (afterwards James II.) in
which. the King conveys New Castle and
twelves miles round about it, to the duke
for TEN THOUSAND YEARS, in considera
tion—if we remember--of the duke's yield
, ing and paying to him four rabbit skins an
nually on each feast of Michael ihe Arch- I
,angel. Then came several deeds from the
duke, afterwards the king, with his sigma- .
lure and arms, to,Williani Penn, in which
out of special regard to die memory and 1
many eminent and faithful services which
Admiral Sir 'William Penn, father of the'
founder of Pennsylvania, had rendered to
him, the duke, for ten shillings, conveyed
the same property to our Quaker progeni
tor. These deeds having hcen lost for
nearly two centuries, were found recently
in the charter-room at Stoke Fogies, the
seat of William Penn's desentuns, in Eng
land. The exteriors of them were black
with age, hut the signature, seals, einblax
onry, and royal images on the interior,
were as fresh and as clear as though but
two days, instead of two centuries, had
passed since their delivery.
Wirry, IF NUT ALL TRUE.—A friend at
our elboviLstieks to it 'that the returns for
Westmoreland are the same tally-sticks
that were sent in in 1844, with only some
verbal operations. In Tioga they use a
pine stick. On one side they put au owl
for -"Democrat," and on the other a coon
for "Whig," and as every elector conies
with a *knife, he notches knowingly on
the side he wants to vote.
In most pans of [Jerks county they use
beans. The small white ure the Whigs ;
the speckled, green, white, and yellow arc
for the Democratc; and black beans are
allowed to the abolitionists. A fier they
are counted, the beans are put hack, and
remain for the next eleeti9o , liir I;overnor.
Then, as a Locolovo or Whig dies, tlwy
take tine out ; amid if one comes of age
they put one in.
They have one I rule there, which
might be adopted to 4t.dvipitage elsewhere :
they tie‘er allow a man to vote until lie is
married. This is under the supposition
that he has little thseretiou until he gets it
from his wife. By the saint, process of
reasoning. they allow him to vote mi soon
as he has a wife, the filet of lids itiarring
being taken as evidence that he has %tome
to the Risccirnot years, a disVreliOnr, A
minor marrying there is railed "taking the
beans."'" But 'kits, like Saxon England,
has commi t law usages peculiar to only
certain thstriets.—Pillsborg..linethum.
#4 4 a4 =-4 -
G 1,011/01'S I? E S
c i n, ay 14.1-au -electiuu u4i4o. hula dirosmir
-out ti : 4 Lite of New Vock (:IVIII
110 r. ( 7 011/10;r011Vr, 111111 OthtT State oakn+, and
Menthe', of the I,egiluturo. The• result is aOm
rious triumph for Whig principles. Annexed are
the mums as far as iilcll4% 'l•hey exhibit un
expectedly large Whig gains, and leave scarcely a
doubt hut that the Whig nominations have heel,
sustained by a very large majority:
New York City elects the Whi t t Lezislin
nee ticket. 11.1,1 tiro!, Fl VIII, the Whig
candidata for 1.1, ut.. Governor, :moo mn . Tority river
his opponent. N tint.% s DATTOi. At the last
Mayor's election the Lorofeu majority in the City
wdot 2,56:1!
Onandaga gives Fist' a majority of 325, Utica
019, Little FOll5 249, Albany 1900, Tiuy 1000,
ltensulaer 1200, Poughkeepsie, 500. Hyde Park
500, Dullido 1000, Geneva 200, Ith aca Kin gs
15 ,1 0. Schenectady gives Dayton 2 , 0 majority .
The result of this election was looked to with
more than usual interest, as probably influeneing
to a great degree the next Presidential Election and
the future prospects of parties. A direct and pos
itive issue was made between the two parties on
the question of the annexation of new Slave Ter
ritory. The Whig Convention unanimously re
solved in lavor of the Wilmot Proviso, while the
Lucofoco convention, on the other hand, refused to
adopt a similar resolution. The Anti-81uvery-Ex
tension portion of the Democratic party, with Jutiv
NAN Buttes, Mr. CA l l n nstsso, and other leaders,
immediately called another “Democratic State
Convention," and with a devotion to principle and
an integrity of purpose, that does honor to the
head pouf hurt, denounced and repudiated the
Pro—Slavery action of the Locofoco Conventitm,
and resolved not to recognize its nominations.--
The result is before the country, and a glorioua
one it is.
LATER.—Additional returns by last night's
mail leaves no doubt that the Whigs have invert
the entire State. The Whig State candidates are
elected by from 20,000 to 30,000 majority. lloth
branches of the Legislature will also be decidedly
NEW JERSEY.--ftetums of the election in
New jersey on Tuesday last, give the Whip a
decided majority in both"beanches 0 . the Leg',la
tura. Owing, however, to the personal untiopuler
ity of the Whig candidate for Governor, he is de
feated by about 2800. • '
~FROM THE ARMY.—Nothing of importance
has ,heen received from the army aince the attempt
of Santa Anna against the garrison at Puebla,
the particulars of Which will be found in. to-div t a.
.paper. The garrison atPueble, uiuler Col. Online,
included, at the kat, scroubtai sin companies; of
the first Pennsylvania regiment. The balance
of the regiment, we believe, was garrisoning .
Peron!, under CoL Wresroor. On the 24th
of August, Col. Wynkoop • engaged about. 2r
000 gacreittstp, Whom alter a severe contest of
about an beer, he eurcended in dispersing, leaving
ten of his own men killed and several wounded.
ID - The French 'wallet Philsrlelphis arriverk
at New York on WednoWloy Witb_s-fow days la
ter European advicett Mercantile Failures in
London continue to be •annouaoed. In Spain
Nailing triumphed, and a new Ministry had,heen
formed by the queen. A grelt battle had been
feught, in Africa between Maid Keifer and the
'pope of Morocco, in which the Emir lost 4000
men. The tmublet in Switzerland still eminent
'JAW It%PIiACOCK, Esq., for a long Li/no the
(Ina.% roe at Darrishurg, has been re.
moved. glen. G. ItrKt Nutt., of the ..1/nielf."
appointed in his place. The offence of Mr. Pea
cock is understood to ho hie having participated in
the Democratic Taylor meeting held in Harrisburg
acute weeks since,
Counties._ Irvin. nhunk.
Adams,' ' , - - 4 ' 1946' 1652
A Ilegbeny4 5763 , 4453
Armatrono 1518 2136
Beaver,. 2203 2034
.i ~
8i460, ; . v .405 2458
Barks, i 3347 8088
• lithr 1854. 1204
Bradford, '•- 2520 3058
Bucks, • ' ' ' 4341 - , 4885
Butler. ~... -, .' 'lBBO .. 1831
Cambria, 974 . 11311
Centre, • 1782 ~ .2477
C II e x t o r , 5152 4614
Cl.,rion, 631 1607
Clearfield, 582,
;. 667
Clinton, ¢Bi ss f ' AIM
Columbia, 1508 2013
Ursa kud,
Carbon, •
DU uphi a,
Elk, •
Philadelphia City,
W 11,41 . 11 /IgiOnj
NV urrun,
ity no,
128,138 149,113
Shrink's majority 17,977. The vote for t.anut
Cotnnti►►toner curre►ponds very neuty with that
for Govern:, Longetrelh'► majority over Pitman
being 17,718.
Irvin's vote is 27,1182 short of Markle . * in 1844,
t ool ethinik's about 14,289 abort of it. The cuhro
vote is over 42,000 less than that east in 1844.
The Natives rolled 11,6ti8 votes. 13,150.1c**
than kat year. The Liberty cuittlabite pulled 1,-
677, 648 low than 3cur.
To “..k W 111“."
tii n-111 the ..eiiar", of Friday last there.appear
ed 1111 article from your pen deanineil. l atippuee, to
b the %chicle whereby • .4. 111 e wh o
prolvaii to belong to the Whig party," ore to Ile
made aware of the fact that, according to , Yout
gie, by nut aupporting Mr. N tllll.lill lIWC have beau
guilty of treachery: amt et trenrhery-iii-WViii
To the •'glorious principle* of the %V lug party,"
)0 0 reply. Vt by real!), air, are you so lrsuscen-
Jrutul in your political ethics, us to user that when
.Itnericatt freemen cannot conscientiously support
411 individual for office, they commit treason to the
priniditles of their party by withltubling titan hint
their support 1 Or, is it your desire to lot under.
KIOOII as expressing the 01.111 . 1011 that whenever the
. .liffity Convent.uu (no 'miner whether honestly
or dishonestly gotten tip) en.ct an idol, the party
is bound to worship that idol I • list., Heaven save
WI from tot/. -glor au. principles." And 1 now
ask yog, sir W Itig, in all ettialpwaras it not matter
"! surprise, even to yourtwlf, that, front the lone of
inure of those individuals, who pr..-
te.s to belong to the Whig party, did not swerve
from that practical tertliness to adhere to all nom
inations which you seem to pO.OIIII, and thereby
Mr.-ervtreira 1 -- votttatnt
did 11.1 t retildhl itoll. the Polls ! conic s. duel, was my surprise. But I have no faith that
tour ouoswcr would he in the ; for a p,,..
lineal bigot is constantly mote to condemn the ex
enise of it privilege by others in a manner contes
t-% to his own exercise of it. Heme the acerbity
with which you dealt your anathemas—anuthe.
Inas showing you to 1w a man of fierce teal and
arrogant temper, and governed by a spirit of iti
tiderarler ; for if not, why did you nut hurl the
malediction of your district upon those who, front
roost.« best known to the mielves, did not support
Mr. H sar an I Can you not tee that the treueh
ery (if treaciery it is) is as glaring in the one case
as in the other ! 1 opine nut, inasmuch as your
political optics seen-to be darkened by somewhat
of the "selfish motive' ou attribute to alit rd.
Hut. sir Whig. you have evidently, either not
considered the motile 'dile provocation which led
to the seression from Mr. ri t uteri, and the matters
tit•ternining the true nature of the case, or, from
desire to lippedr ellltSpletlOUN Ild%lo 1 / 1 .0 , 1110 de
elarstory of the intentions of your district (for
pscounieffilr. atlier'N is also )our district) to -ei
nem/ter" those to whom you so freliosidy apply
treachery, 'elfishness and dishonorable cooduct.—
'l'llat the result of the election shook! draw from
the exclusive friends of Mr. Sant an expression* of
peevishness end discontent, iihsturitl ; but that "A
Whig" should, meteor-like, burst and scatter upon
us the rich scintillations of his imagination is more
than we thogght trod I assure you, sir, the
pains you have taken 'to impress them upon us
will never be oblitcrate4 from our memory.—
Claiming for yourself all prctiorninant textiles/Rige l
to excellence in support of tho "glorious principt
of the party," you felt yourself privileged,
pose, to calumniate those whose belief in those,
principles is different front your's, and hurl upon
them your threat of romembrance. Nola, can yon '
for a moment suppose that we heed your threat I
Do you not know that if we can be constrained at.
ono time to cast aside party shackles, we can be
again, if necessary I Or, do you view the party as
a political Juggernaut, before the wheels of whose
cat all are to prostrate themselves? If so, yon
grossly err.' That we did not support Mr. SADLER
was matter and moment of our own. If we, as
freemen, saw proper not to support him, how dare
you censure ue I If, in the exercise of a constitu
tional praniative, we stepped asidafrom thb beat
en track, how dare you calumniate us I We hoot -
net yet learned in 111 111110 j, and until we do learn,
we will continue to exercise our political rights in
such manner as to us scemeth Inert, revardleas a
like of censure and denunclatiodon the erehand,
or approbation on the othet. '
And now, sir Whig, when you again desire to
lash yourself into significance; do not do het Me
expense of the Whig cause. Think not to detec
us from following the course we Approve. Think,
not that by uttering Or cohVentn,ation you strength*
en the 'glorious principles" of the party ; for, be
lieve me, you cheat yourself with ari Minim, and
while you dreamingly luPP oBo ,YOUreelf Prero l le
our downfall ; you ate sappimi the veeffoundahen,
'of that &brier you so religiously admire. Much
better would it have beat to lot pees,Udnotleed,ali
deviations from the ticket, all feelings of discon*
tent, end went of confidence, than to hove combed
the wounds afresh, by Maiming in Roy very 144444.
charges of treachery, of eeldshnese, mil of &how.
or. Ag to 'Your tbroeli T wif 6hly ittethat is *A
amtervible es contetoplibili7 itself, and atdeuce
of bet by the demagogue and political in likt
Oct. 26, 184 y - . 7. Vikithli
Ma. Branum yniepuper clerialaierthen
"Ilia returns of ths.Electlon in this county, tho
vote of the totinhipsie giten in the York Springs,
and Milientonn districts to show how muck each
'of then contributed in noticing up the email
jority in the county. Per finther reference will'
you favor by importing she entire vote cast in Ox,
A . -as below, as it dcreanot appear in your oil.
alai table, end oblige many friends is
Virus. *um!,
Gorcroor—Francis R. Shrink 49, Jamee Irvin 42,
C. W. tto
rommissioar r --Morris Longstrcth 42, Joseßts,
Pan 64.
Stator—Jemes J. Rennerty . 43, Wm..g,Wier.
39, Daniel M. Sipper 2.3,
Assembly-Iw. Patterson 39, Win. 1 41kbessy 66
Rstrrnoperger 42, .1. King 64.
auditor—Win. Ycatta 8, A. W. Maundy 88.
Direr/or—G. Brinkrtbooft 4?, Itreleary 04.
Trrantrei—O. shryork 10, It. G. Harper 60„
2559 27867444
e4B4i r. llll
2798 to
016 0484
2586 1728
93 *
2113 241
2219 27 2
RBO 1914
2062 1641
21.'12 1415
454 709
975 986
8741 4931
2119 16.41
2239, ..8643
2017 3296
15 . 11 180
262 .313
2616 8617
1289 ,1431
31r 1418
3723 *5141
.2369 - 2862
1231 1671
1106 1728
6512 auks,
7606 12691
142 671
188 . 680
2838 3720
2168 N 913
120 , 1 (17
1468 68
.. 9711 ' 60
2463 1178
802 1326
1331 - -- 7 - ;Vfi
G 39 — 649
686 1291
2337 4626
653 819
3103 4006
rived -Tow Hill, Pa., on Monday last,
in see O a fugitive slave, whom he dis
eove ilitl named in a cornfield. The
tivrnel. - and his party started for Lancaster
with theft priie, but were overtaken by a .
large delegation of men and women, who
bid' determined on a rescue. Theysoc
eerfded, and conveyed the slave back to
Tow Hill.
Tue WILItoT Pnoviso.—The principle
involved In the Wilmot proviso seems to
be taking firm root in New York. The
democratic counties of Herkimer, Dela
ware, Onondaga, St. Lawrence, Suffolk,
Cayuga, 'Wayne, Tompkins, Ch urning
and Westchester, have endorsed it fully in
their county meetings. These counties
gave majorities fur Polk over • Glny of
biuttEartiio DECIMON.—It was deci
dedln the Heston Court of Common Pleas,
lain weak, in the ease of Win. White cs,
Asapli E. Hues, that money lent at a card
table while the parties were playing is not
recoverable at law.
HRANDIIETH'S P 11,1.5. n vel:eial.le and u
niversal Modieine,--These Pills cure all disettoeo
by purifying the blood. They gi‘r to all the or
gans of the body the proper amount of life necro
sis', to their puril'n•ation. They are n 11117NTAIN
Or NNALTII to all mankind, and may be justly
said to give the beauty and vigor of youth to the
weakener and decrepitude of age. Can it be be
!keyed that after being before the public for ninety
ono vein, their sale shook! only now be a little
rising a mill' boxes per year ! But so it is, and
it is only to be attributed to fatal prejudice, or
their sale would be at least twenty millions °litot
es per year instead of only one million. Let all
the sick use them—they will soon be among the
healthy, let all who would secure themselves front
sickliest have them by them, in case of a sudden
Attack; for a few doses taken when the body
commences to get out of order, and the benefit is
secured at once. Fathers and mothers, attend to
this subject; 1111718 and daughters, attend to this
subject; let all men and women ask themselves
the question, whether what has stood the teat of
time so - long does nordeserve some attention.
And who is to he benefited! Those who use
_the Brantleelluelliss__Thes are..ilie_ouestAlutt.
Iroise the intereit of a thousand per cent. —How I
In a present payment of health, of vivacity for
dullness, of brightness and clearness of perception,
itt place o' cloudiness and mifusion of mind.
Brandied'''. Pills are aMC preserver. Those
who know their qualities feel secure in their
health and faculties being preserved to them to an
indefinite period. They are equally good in all
kinds of disease • no matter how culled, because
they cannot lie used without taking out impurities
from the blood, and petite...ranee will cause its
perfect purification. and no disease can he present
when the blood is pure.
7'4..61710,14,11s from 23 citizens of Tarry toe n, N ew
York, concerning the vein"( Brand, etll . /1 Pills
OS a cure for Hili tug and 111 M-S:
lacuary li, 1847.
. .
Dr D. Brandreth—Dear Sir. We, the under
signed, being fully COW. ineed of the superior qual
ity of your Vegetable Universal Pills user all °th
en aa Cathartic klotheina, which opinion is
fiminled on our own personal experience—having
used them for years as a family medicine. NVe
therefore take pleasu re n thus recommending them
as specially evirllent in preventing and curing
those bilious difficulties to which almost every in
onTiii year, siiiiji;ef.
In all dyspeptic cases in which we have Sc,,, them
used, they have effected a perfect cure. The
method of using theta wits to take one or two eve
ry Night before going to bed. Whoever that is
dyspeptic. and follow- this advice, will be Rite of
a NM. so we believe. Ma we have never known
them to fail. Nothing but the welfare of our fel
low-heings has induced us to write this; you will
thendbre confer a particular favor upon us Iry hav
ing it mitilidied.
Sigurd by M. I. Loikwood, County Clerk, F. J.
4 tolfin, Surrogate, Jacob Odell, 1/. M. 11.ent. J.
F. Child. Elias Maim. Geonte Mills, John Be
ware, Steuben Swartwout, L. Hall, f o lio
Liainard. M. 1). Marling, John L. Weeks. C.
Underhill, Willet Carpenter, W. F. Von
Well. b. e. Clapp, 11. B. Toll, minh .Wel
-114. Wm. D. Ward..l. H. Vail, 'Flionin a Dean.
- erntrrefittictstaig: - W7:k. T: 8 see:
VlThe 13„randreth Pala are bold for 25 crap
per loin at Dr. 11.11randretles Principal Office, 241
Broadway, N. York, and by the following duly
authorized .it M. Stevenson de Co., Get.
tuldikirrr ; .1. B. M`('reary: Petersburg: Abraham .
King, tint eratow ;A. !ilTarlanil, A libottatow n ;
1). M. C. White, Hampton; Simeringer A; Fink,
Littleatown ; Mary Duncan, Unslitown ; Geo. W.
/litany. Fairfield ; .1. H. Aulabaugh. }butt Berlin ;
D. Neweonier, Mechanic/wale ;‘Sam'l r•lhirk. Han
pct. 29, 1947.
fppM TIIR R %LT( , 101 IF .41" , ( (IF W FAIN 1,1(11 A T
11EEF CA TTLE.—There were 221i0 !wad of
ferml at the Scalex au Monday, I 39 , i of which xold
at $9llll x*s 75 per lOU Ilia. net. These prices,
chow an advance.
HUl:S.—saki of Live Ilop at $6 25 a $6 623
qa4Hl demand.
FLoilt—Hol,leng of flair are firmer to-day.
Holden; of Howard slreel brands generally ask $6,-
25, without finding pun•lmsers. ♦ sale of 200
barrels at $6 12a. City Millers art-asking 650.
('OM meal sold *3 37. Rye flour $ 5 .
GRAIN—The receipts of grain are moderate;
good to prime red wheateold this morning at $l.-
25 ■ $1 30; white is nominal at $1 28 a $1 33;
white for family flour $1 38. White Corn 68
Ventl; yellow 68 a 70. Oats 38 a 41. Rye 88
rents. Cloveroced 144 50.
PROVISIONS.—This market is a little firmer.
Men Pork dells at *l4 50 and Prime at *ll.
Small sales of No. 1 &alai $ll, on time. Ba
ron—Sales of Shoulders, in large lots, at 75 a 71
cents ; sales of 30 lihtli‘ Sides sohl at cts., and
small parcels choice at 8l and R. We quote
HainS at II a 111 cents ; prime lots 11 a 13.
Nothing doing in Lard—kegs held at 12 cents . ;
and Ethic at 10 alo6.
On Tuesday morning last, by Rev. Prof. Jacobs.
lons M. nsr • uon, Esq., of Chambersburg, and
Miss MAST Any, daughter of Gen. David Middle
calif': of this place.
On the 28th ult. by Rev. Dr. Watson, Dr. J. L.
ii, LI. and Miss M 411110 ARUM, daughter of Mr. Win.
Witherow, both of this place.
On the 24th ult. Rev. J. Rosenburg. Mr. Wv.
II tic* g and Miss CAROLINIIDeTANT, both of
Menallen township.
On thi Name day, by the same, Mr. SIMI'EL
E TTTTT and Miss Sins sr Bottum, both of Mo•
nation township.
At Yrnit, on Saturday last, Mr. Pulite SAND-
Ens. lately Of Oda place, aged about 85 years.
On &Wilily last, at the residence of her daugh
ter, near Fairfield, Mrs. ELI3IIIIOIII WALKER,
Dissolution of Partne rship..
. Partne,
riIHE Partnership heretofore existing
gl: lietween .rildeb ran d 4. Co. has
this day been dissolved by mutual consent.
All Ordens knowing themselves indebted
to raid Firm are respeedidly invited to call
and Beide their accounts immedi a tely a t
the Store. The books and accounts are
in the hands of L S. HILDEBRAND, jr. who
is authorized to settle alt 'accounts.
Otri huvepnrchased CIIARLRe BARNITeB
interestla the Store, and take this opportu
nity eikinforming the old customers, tpid as
nlanrneW as may patronize me, that I still
contlmie in the same room, end have just
receives, s fresh supply cf
Dry Goods, Dirdware, Groceries
and Liquors,
of alt kitida, and a large and general assort
ancht of BOOTIS'& SHOES, of all kinds
and prices; and would be happy to wait
on all who may favor me with their cus
tom. J. S. HILDEBRAND, Jr.
La.t 10, I eil7. [Nov. 5-30
Much talked about has been, you know, •
The famous battles in Mexico;
' None dare dispute, but macadam,
The glory of our arms auccess.
But mighter victories than these
Haim long been Made with greater ease;
Victoria triumphant and complete,
At Marcus Samson's, in York street.
For Clothing Cheap there's none daretry
To rival him in quantity ;
In style and make, and flt and ease,
His patrons he is sure to please.
His stock is great, his prices small,
Who would buy cheap, bad better call.
IrrAre you going to buy CLOTHING
this fall, and do you want to buy cheap ?
If so, call at SAMSON'S Clothing and Va
riety Store, nearly opposite the Bank, in
Gettysburg. where the largest and best as
sortment of
' Ready-made g,
for BOYS' and MEN'S wear, ever re
ceived in Gettysburg, is now being opened.
It is unnecessary, as it would be impossi
ble. to enumerate the different articles com
prising the assortment, which includes ev
ery variety of Boys' and Men's Apparel,
such as superfine ('ashmeret and Cloth
Dress Ct lA TS and CLOAKS; fine and
superfine Tweed Coats ; Cassinet do. : 1
plain and fancy Cassimer, Cloth, Tweed,
and Cassinet PANTS; Silk, Satin, Cas
,simere, Cassinet, Plain & Fancy VESTS;
Wrappers, Shirts, Bosoms, Collars,
wi lfh CAPS, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Sus
penders, Gloves, Stockings, &c. Also, a
large variety of
Jewelry, Spectacles, Perfumery, Pen
knives, Combs, Shaving Apparatus, Pur
ses, Dish-shades, Umbrellas, Violin and
Guitar Strings, Needles, Pins, &c. &e.
O Having purchased an unusually large
supply of Goods, for Cash, and havingde
termined to sell nn the Cashand One Price
principle, my Goods have put down to the
lowest prices, and will he sold at astonish
' girkscrrates7 --- ityrar Want To lawn
per cent, in purchasing your Fall and Win
ter Clothing, call and examine the splend
id assortment now opening' by
Nov. 5, 1847.—tf
List of Cheap Publications for
The Pe - ople.
SVint, Lennard, a record of woman's
life. the Greatest Plague of Life, com
plete, Homer, personified in numbers.
Graham's, Gotley's, Columbian, and La
dies National Magazines for Nov., Agnes
Lurie, by Mrtirl'ickering, Memoirs of the
Literary Ladies of England, Marmaduke
Herbert, The Conunander of Malta, by
Sue, The Virgin of the Sun. Legends of
Mexico, by Lippard, The Castle Fiend,
or the tale of the Loved and the Lost, The
Adventures of Capt. Roberts, The Castle
of Eltrenstein, by James, Beauchamp, by
_James,. The String of „Pearls, by James--- ,
each 25 cents. Margaret Graham, by
James, al cents. The Rose of NV isahi
kon, by Lippard, lq cents. Ottawahe,,
ellegantly illustrated, Isabel of Bavaria,
Vulcan's I'cak, Cooper's new sea novel
-50 cents each,—with a variety of Miscel
laneous, Theological, Classical and School
Books, at a small advance upon cost, at
Kurtz's Cheap Book Store, opposite the
Gettysburg, Nov. 5, 1847.
Grand Jury—Nov. Term
WlTlliltOli—john Picking, Jacob Renzi.ll, Wm.
Minot Ilen—James J. Will, 1 7 riall Carson, Conrail
Doll. Mirboel Hoffman, Henry Drainer, John
Jacobs, Win. Heller.
Berwick—John C. Ellis, Matthew Eichelborger.
Borough—John Houck, Samuel S. M'Cruary.
lermany—Samuel Shod,.
Franklin—Hugh Henry, John Hoover.
Reading—John Dossierman, D. M. C. White,
Huntington—Win. Holtzinger.
Liberty—Nathaniel Eraygou.
Cumbeilantl-11 ugh M. Mljaugliy,
Freed inn—l arOh era.
Latimore--John Ziegler.
mherland Walker, Abraham Trestle,
John slentz. sem, Janus Thompson.
Menallen—Andrew M'Kendriek, Frmlerirk Wolf,
Daniel Plank. Jacob Builiey, Henry Hartzell,
John Latallaw,lmepli Cline
Huntington—John Sadler, Solomon Bender, Ar
nold Walker.
Berwirk—Jacob Bender, Daniel Mller.
Reading—Abraham Bushey. John Brough, Jacob
Hollinger, Emanuel Drieh.
Mountpleasunt—VVni. Kohler, Peter Smith, An-
drew Howard.
Hamiltonlaui—James Wilson, Adam Butt, Tame
rr in.
Struban—John Brinkerhoff.
Borough—John Brown.
Freedom—Henry Hann, Wm. Bigham.
Mountjoy—Michael Trostle, Jul. Wilheny.
Conowago—Jaeoh Adam*, Bamuel Sneeringer
'Ronne—Peter Ilarerstock.
Liherty—Barnaban Belly.
Trial List.
Jacob Hildebrand es. Samuel Wolf and John
David Hoffman vs. Adam Stark,
Peter Kaltreitler vs. Peter Fetzer and Anthony
Wm. Douglass vs. David Chamberlain.
James How vs. Levi Miller and John Group, Ez-
ccutors of Philip Group, demised.
Wm. M'Creary vs. Wm. Topper.
Commonwealth, use of John Shull and uxor,
vs. ';..antuel Hoffman.
James How vs. Philip Group's Executors.
James Baxly, use of D. 11. Thompson 4 Co. vs.
Samuel L. ',Mali.
D. 11. Thompson At Co. vs Samuel L. Linah.
George Smyser vs. David Little, with notice to E.
Z Little, and J. A. Little, terretenants.
The members of the Gen.
at “Headquarters" to-morrow night, at 4
o'clock. A full attendance is desired, as
matters of importance will require their at
Oct. 5, 1847.
efir We are requested to an
1191112C0 that the Salosf Personal Property,
advertised by JOSEPH BAUGHICR, Esq., to
occur on the 113th of November, will not
take place—the propertamiqug already
been disposed of at privets sale. •
Oct. 29,1847.-4 t
Dr.sculleres Iridian Vegdabli Specific
For Female Complaints.
1411.H1S medicine lariat taking the place *fare
d& ry preparation heretofore used for diseases
arising from Weakness or other causes. All that
is necessary to secure this medicine apiece in the
nominal.: Practice of every family, when such a
medicine is needed, is a trial. It speaks for itself
is innocent in its operation, and no injury can a
rise from its use at any time.
irrFor sale, wholesale and retail, by Rowewo
& WALTON, Proprietors, 376 Market at. Phila. and
by 8.11. BUEHLER, Vettylburg ; Wm. Bittinger,
Abbottstown ; Lilly & kiley;Oxford, and by . Ti.
Cooper, Franklin tp . tAug. 6, '47—ty
Wood ! Wood ! . -
it NEA few .cords of good
; WOOD wanted at this office,
n payment of subscription.
Sept. 17, 1817.
THE Subscriber, Executrix of lINNItir
Mynas, deceased, and teititmentary
Guardian of his minor children, offers for
RENT, from the la day of April next,
the valuable property known'
as the
"Vitinia Mills."
They are situate in Hamiltonban township,
Adams county, I} miles from Fairfield,
and in one of the best Grain-growing sec
tions of the county. The Mills are newly
erected, and in complete repair ; they con
sist of a Grist Mill, Saw Mill, &c., all in
good order. Thera are about 500 Acres
in the Farm, with Dwelling-house, Ten
ant House. Hard, Sc., a large quantity of
meadow and arable lands, &c.
It__The Terms will be made known by
the subscriber, residing on the premises.
Applications must be accompanied by pro
per recommendations.
Virginia Mills, Oct. 2U, 1847—if
%% hoever wants a First-rate
C 4 4N be accommodated by calling at
FRAZER'S Clock & Watch Estab
lishment, in Chambersburg street, Gettys
burg, next door to Mr. Buehler's Drug
Store—where a new lot of beautiful 24
hour and 8 day CLOCKS have just been
received from the City, They are of the ,
best manufacture, and will be warranted.
Give us a call—they will be sold cheap.
ALL TAXES on Duplicates in hands
of Collectors at the present time will
be required to be paid on or before the 1.1
day of January, 1898. pt:T.On all 'fax
es unpaid after that date, 8 per cent. inter
est will be charged, according to law.
Attest—J. Aughinhangh, Clerk. Commisen.
Commissioners Office, Get
tysburg, Oct. 29, 1947. td
Notice to Assessors.
V OU arc hereby -notified to attend at the.
Commissioners' Office, in the bor
ough of Gettysburg, on Tuesday the 23d
day of November next, to receive blank
Assessment Duplicates, and the necessary
By onler of the Commieeioneee,
ennunbotioners' thrice, Get
tyeburg, Oct. 29, 1847. 5
William Keilholtz,
Dealer in Paints, Oils, Brushes, Glasss,
Varnish, Putty, and Mixed Paints, of
all colors, al the lowest rates,
Corner-et-Franklintnd-Green-streets,-oppoatte the
Penn'a Avenue, Baltimore
a long experience in Paints, Oils, &c., be
ing a practical House and Sign Painter,
will give all information, respecting Mit
ing Paints, &c., gratis. Country Mer
chants and others supplied on moderate
Oct. 29, 1847.-1 y
ON hand and for sale by the subscriber
11, a large quantity of STOVES, all si
zes, which will be sold very cheap. Call
and see. GEO. ARNOLD.
Sept. 24, 1847.-2 m
Stantote's txternal Retnedy,
S now universally acknowledged to be the
ENF.A LIABLE REMEDY for Rheumatism,
spinal affections, contractions of the muscles, sore
trirot4 mu) quinsy, issues, old ulcers, pains in the
backend cheat, ague in the breast ar.d face, tooth.
ache, sprains, bruises, salt rheum, burns, croup,
frosted feet, and all nervous diseases. 'Thedrium
phaut sucaze which has attended the application
of this most wonderfwl medicine in curing tbe most
severe cases of the different diseases above named,
an! the high enconiume that have been bestowed
upon it, wherever it has been introduced, gives
no the right to call on the afflicted to result at
once to the only remedy that can be retie/fon.
The followin . g certificate of the restoration to
health and the perfect. cure of a deformed and',
crippled child, who was thought to be beyond the
reach of hope, shows that, no matter how spelling
the case may be, there is a remedy in Hunt's Lin
iment, that will conquer the most desperate ca
ses sod that, if the disease is curable, this ode
brated external remedy will do it. It has never
failed in giving immediate relief when timely ap
plied, as proved by the abundance of high and un
impeachable testimony, the particulars of which
are-twin found in the pamphlets which are to be
had of every agent .
Oesinsing, June 10, 1843
- .
G. E. Stanton, Esq.—Fir: I feel called upon by
the tie of gratitude to offer the following testimo
ny in favor of your External Remedy, Hunt's Lin.
invent, My grandson, Clark E. Evans, who is
now ten years of age, has been for the last eight
years a cripple, caused by falling from a chair
when be was two years old, and wrerching his
spine. From the time of the occurrence we have
tried every means to restore him to his natural
shape, but all without avail. We took him to N.
York, and placed him under the cars of a physi•
cial of skill, and, after remaining there for some
time, we brought him home no better than when
we took him there. For several days at • time
be was so helpless that he could only walk by
placing his hands upon his knees for support, giv
ing him the appisanm co of a deformed hunchback.
He was also taken to Newburg and prescribed for
without any better success. At times he would be
strong enough to go out of dwits, but after play
ing an hour, would come in perfectly exhausted,
and for several days alter would be again perfect.
ly helpless. We hid bit all hops of seeing him
restored to t natural shape or strength ; but a
kind Provide ee placed your External Remedy in
my hands. I have used but four bottles, and am
rejoiced to say that the boy is now as'straight as
any boy of his age. Any of my neighbors will .
testify to the truth of this statement. I take sin
cere pleasure in stating these faits for the benefit
of others suffering under a like calamity. Your's
respectfully, • RACHAEL SHUTE.
This is to certify that I am personally acquaint -
ed with Mrs.-Shute, aswell as the boy alluded to,
and frankly bear witness to the deformity with
which he was seriously afflicted, apparently for
life, Dated Sing Sing, June 9, 1845.
HENRY HARRIS, Justice of the Peace.
This Liniment is sold at 25 and 50 cents per
bottle by all the principal Druggists and March
Orders addressed to me at Sing Sing, N Y, will
be attended to.- G k 'STANTON, Proprietor.
Wholtrale Agentr—Horidly, Phelps & Co 142
Water street, Rushton & Co 110 Broadway, A B
& D Sands,corner Fulton and William, Aspinwall
80 William street, New York; Cuthbert & Web.
erill Sonth,Second, Philadelphia.
AGENTS.—SamueI H. Buehler & S.
S. Forney, Gettysburg ; Abraham King,
Bunterstown ; E. Zuck, Pinetown ; Ja
cob Hollinger, Ileidlersburg ; Hollinger&
Petersburg, ( S.) ; Jacob Aula
baugh,llamplon; Geo. B.Bentzel, and J.
S. Hildebrand & Co.,,East Berlin.
Nov. 5,1847. , [Dee. 2-Iy]
ite., of beet quality, can always be had at
the Fancy Store of C. IVEAVER.
April 10, 1840.
A Daily Line between
THE Subscribers have the pleasure of
announcing that they have completed
their arrangements for running a
between Gettysburg and Baltimore, via
Littleatown, Westminster and Reisters
town. An entirely new line of superior
end elegantly built r •
have been put on the route, which, togeth
er with trusty and accommodating drivers,
they feel assured must give entire satisfac
tion in the Travelling Public.
la - Thu line will run through daily,
(Sundays excepted,) leaving regularly at
7 o'clock, A. M.
September 17, 1847.
RESPECTFULLY informs the Citi
zens of Gettysburg and vicinity that
he is prepared to perform every operation
appertaining to his Profession, such int
cleansing, filing, plugging and inserting
Teeth, from a single tooth to a full set. - An
experience of more than twelve years in
the ProfessiOn he trusts will enable him to
operate to the entire satisfaction of those
who may wish his services. All work.will
be warranted. For his place-of residence
enquire at the store of Samuel Fahnestock.
Reference is respectfully ma t e to the fol
lowing gentlemen : •
Ray. Dr. Schniucker, Rev. Prof. Daughn ... __
— 7l.ll.lfroiiiiir; '-' 717.137. - Gn&lt,
Prof H. Haupt, Rev. E. V. Gerhart,
Dr. C. N. Berluchy, Prof. M. L. Stever,
Gettysburg, Oct. 29, 1847—1 y
RESPECTFULLY offers his profes
sional services to the citizens of Get
tysburg and surrounding country. He is
prepared to attend to all cases Usually en
trusted to the Dentist, and hopes, by strict
attention to Dentistry alone, to be able to
please all who may see fit to entrust their
teeth in his haiids. Office at Mr. M'Cosh'e
Gettysburg, July 23.—tf
JAMES G. REED, lately from Pitts
burg, designs making Gettysburg his
permanent place of residence, and to pur
sue there the practice of the Law. He
has made arratigeMdiftio wttli " fits at ~ei,
JOHN REED, Esq., of Carlisle, to have his
aid in such cases as may requiie it. He
will be found at all times at his office, on
Chambersburg street., opposite the hat
iitore of Wx. PAXTON, or, at his lodgings,
at the Hotel of James M'Cosh.
Oct. 29, 1847.—5 t
ar • MIL 7E7
(Of Carlisle,)
PRESENTS his respects to his friends
and informs them that he has made
arrangements to continue to praetireas usual
in the Courts of Adams county, under the ,
new regulation of the times for holding
Jan. 30, 1848. tf
ill:0mq at Law,
OFFICE in the S. W. corner of the
Public Square, one door West of 0.
Arnold's Store, formerly occupied as a
Law Office by John M'Consughy, dec'd.
He solicits, and by prompt and faithful at
tention to business in his profession, it will
be his endeavor to merit, confidence and
M ' CONAUCIHY will also attend
promptly to all business entrusted to him
as .14 , eni and Solicitor for Palents and
Pennons. He has made arrangements,
through which he can furnish very desira
ble facilities to applicants, and entirely re
lieve them fom the necessity of a journey
to Washington, on application to him per
sonally or by letter.
Gettysburg, April 2.—tf
U FFICE in the South-east Corner of
the Diamond, between A.B. Kurtz's
'lntel and R. W. M'Sherry's Store.
Gettysburg, Dec. 12, 1845.---tf
/IFFICE in the Centre Sqnare, North
‘-" of the Court-house, between Smith's
and Stevenson's corners.
Gettysburg, Pa.
111 H E undersigned having formed a
partnership for the practice of the
Law, will attend the Courts of York and
Adams, and also visit, the neighboring coun
ties if desired. Office in York street, Get
tysburg,between the Bank and Public Of
fices, where one of the firm will constant
ly attend, and where communications will
receive prompt attention.
June 18, 1847.-8 m
TIRE '—a truth as solemn as it is impor
tant, and yet him , small the number who
act with promptness and decision in cases
of the most vital importance. When dis
ease invades the physical frame, no tune
should be_lost in procuring the right med
icine nt once, and get cured without delay.
For chronic consupitional diseases, such
as Rheutnatism.g's Evil, Scrofula, af
fecting the glands;olstinate Cutaneous E
ruptions, Ulcers, White Swellings, En
largement and Pain of the Bones, and oth
tr similar dioceses, SAWA' SARSAPARILLA
has been folind in numerous instances to be
an efficient remedy, operating mildly and
pleasantly on the general system,,purifying
and cleansing the vital fluids, givifig tone
and energy to the nervous system, and im
parting stamina to the debilitated frame:—
Numbers who haie taken it merely with
a view of alleviating their sufferings, have
by using it a short time, to their infinite
pleasure and delight, rapidly improved in
health, until it has become fully established.
!t7For further particulars and conclusive evi
dence (Jas superior efficacy see Painphlet.s,wilich
may be obtained of agents gratis.
Prepared and sold, veholesslo and retail, by
A. B. & D. SANDS, WI Fulton street New York.
Sold also by appointment of the Proprietors by
S. H. BUEHLER, Gettysburg,Pa. Price $1 per
bottle. Sir bottles for Sc).
October 22, 1847
Dr. F. E. Vandersloot,
Dr. J. Lawrence Hill,
WWI Wr§ 7 ,4l,
1011[ AS just received his Fall supply of
LE Goods direct from Philadelphia, of
The Latest and most Fashiona
ble Styles,
which have been purchased fur cash, at
the present
Redotred Prier*,
and will be offered at very moderate pro.
fits, in order to yield QUICK RETURNS.
Ladies will find a beautiful assort
ment of rich Dress and
r GOODS, -
very cheap.
Oct. 15, I 847.—tf
MIMI ttittllfilVa
tiza .Ir,rai . N.oni .
H AS just received and is now opening
as large and handsome a stock of
F.IILL GOODS as has ever been olrered
to the public in this place. Thlf have
been 4ought upon
..the very best terms, and
will be sold at prices that cannot fail to
please. The Stock consists, in part, of
0311211.412 DIVICIEto
Coatings, assimers, I assinets,
Jeans, Velvets and Velvet Cords, Pilot
and Beaver CLOTIIS-...ekeap s- -
Plaid, gltripid, and Plain Goodi . cir every
variety, for Ladies' Cloak*, may tow;
so Figured, Plaid, and Plain
Flt lEXI) 11 CL 0 TIVIS,
with Trimmings to autt— ; also
Plashes, Velvets, Satins, lc
every variety of color, for Ladies' Bonnets.
r with Trimmings to suit; plain French and
English Merinoes, Plaids, Stripes, Plain
Goods, every variety ; Mohair& Silk-warp
Alpaccas--superlor & very cheap.
Also--Rep-Cashmerea, M. de .Delaines,
Gingkanur, Calicoes, Silks; plain,
figured, plaid, and striped, ,
with almost every variety . of articles lot
LAID tits 4
Silk Velvets and !' black
for Ladies' Cardinals, with trimmings to
suit. Also, cheap Domestics, Queens
ware, Hardware,
of which wiltiretrofditt - pri
that cannot be beat. Please call—it
will du us pleasure to shew the Goods and
give you BARGAINS, such as you have
not had heretofore.
P. s.—lf you want to buy
STOTT S, call with
Gettysburg, Oct. 1,1847.-8 t
ETI'ERS Testamentary on the Es=
tateofJOllN GETZ,IIIte of MOUIllplOBll
- township, deceased, hating been grant
ed to the subscribers, residing in Adams
titnity;itiey - liefeWy - gifire'ii6ffce
, are indebted to said &tate to call and pay
the same without delay, and those having
claims are desired to present the same,
properly authenticated, , for settlement.
Ocr•The first named ExeCutor resides g
in Hamilton township, and the latter in
Mouutpleasant township.'
October 1, 1847.-81. Executors
Novi - cm
.ETTERS of Administration on the
1.411 Estate of RUFUS WILL, late of Hun
tington township, deceased:having been
granted to the subscriber, residing in Ger
many township, notice is hereby given to
all those indebted to said estate to make
payment, and those having claims upon-the
estate to present the same, properly au
thenticated, for settlement.
Oct. 1, 1847.-80
LETTERS of AdminiStration on the
_ Estate of YEATS, deed, late of
Reading township, Adams county, deceas
ed, having been granted to the suliscri
ber, residing in the same township, notice
is hereby given to all persons indebted to
said estate to call and settle the same with
out delay, and those having claims against
said estate are requested to present the
same, properly authenticated, for 'settle
Oct. 15, 1847.-6 t
yETTERS of Adininistratioh . on - the
A Estate of WM. RUTBRAUVF, late of
Gettysburg, Adanis county, deceased, hav
ing been granted to the subscriber, resi
ding in Gettysburg, bO hereby gives no
tice to 311 indebted to said estate, to make
payment without delay, and those having
claims to present the same, properly au
thenticated, for settlement.
Oct. 29, 1847,—Ct - -
THE subscriber has from twenty-five
to thirty thousand tees in his Nur
sery, READY GROWN for this fall and
next spring's planting, comprising a large
amount of Apple and Peach, together with
a general assortment of pll the finer fruits ;
also various kinds of shade and ornamen-.
tat trees, which he will sell either at retail
or by the thousand. Persons wishing to
procure trees for planting, or to sell again,
can be accommodated anytime after the
25th of October next.
August 27, 1847.-2 in
VRUIT TREES, of all kinds, (graftetl
in the root,) can be had of the sub
scriber ott reasonable terms. Please call
and judge for yourselves.
Gettysburg, May 20, 1840.
I N pursuance of sundry writs of I
tioni,.9liaaVenditioni Eaponae. and
Berl Facia', issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Adams county, and to
me directed, will be exposed to public sale
on Saturday the 13th of November, 1847.
at 1 o'clock, P. M. at the Court-house, in
the Borough of Gettysburg, the following
Real Estate, to wit :
A Lot of Ground,
situate in the Borough of Gettysburg, in
East York street, adjoining lets .of John
Weigle and widow Herrider, on which are
laerected a OND AND ONE-HALF "roar
Shed, &e., &t. Seized and taken in ex. , '
eeution as the estate of Nair J. Tiosit.i.
-A L
A Lot of Ground,
situate in Mountjny township, Adams
county, Pa., adjoining lands of John Black,
James WA Ulster, and others, containing
TEN ACRE S, more less, on which
aro erected a one and one-half
ti story Log
(one-halt being'huilt df lbga and the onto{
of stone and rough coated) trsik*KitChen
attseited r and. a frame Stable, *rro' . iftnif-11 - .
in a good state of ,cultinition, oalunt'
riety of fruit trees upon it. .saw and
taken in execution as the estate of . JOHN
Tewxxv. • . - •
A Traet, of Land,
situate in Huntington township, Adams
county, Pa. adioininglands of Thomas Ste
phens, iiihn Sadler; John Collins and oth
ers, containing FORTY ACRES, more
or lees, on whioh are erected a one and
one-half story Log
'lrinnaitatabte; - a -- spring "triter
near the dwelling. The lands are divi
ned into 4 portion of cleared, about Fi YE
ACRES of TIM ER, and about THREE
ACRES of MADOW, with an Orchard
of fruit trees, consisting of Peach, Apple
and Peer Treed.. There is also a quarry
upon the premises. Seized Ind taken in
execution EA the estate of ROBERT NICKEL,
Xxecutor.of Wm. Nickel, deceased.
A Tract of Land,
situate in Huntington township s Adams
county, Ps. o adjoining lands of David Map
David Sower, Peter H. Smith, and
David Harman. containing
125 Acres
, _
[PON bieteila; VitTen - ireirnietifir
. story
l one-half •wesither4board and one
. U'-brickewitilAtiosi.filoolte
House, a well of water with aintittp in it,
'heir the dotit,"a - Lotiliiiii;With
&e. Also amariety of Fruit trees. Selz
ed and taken in execution as the eatitd of
A Traci of 141Wd
situate in Mounteleuant tovitta*Atlanai
county," tsiitingl3o4ersiciiiortaiwiretty
adjoining lands of Patrick WSherry,
Fredrick Plunt,• and others, on which are
erected a -oria-wroas Loo
1 Log barn, Spring-house. with 6
CUES of the, above Tract is good ,Timber
or or Woodland, and about 1; :Acres of
Meadow, and the residne is in,a good state
of cultivation. Seized and token InExecu
tion as the Estate of DAVID SNYDZIII.-
No, I—, .Lot of OrtiViand 7
situate in the borough of Gettysburg, Ad.
ems county, Pe., adjoinieg lots of Nicht,.
las t'
,odori and Others. and fronting My
East York street—to Which the' delltritlem
is - eittitled - to - the:undithied
No.l• % bat - Lbt — ctruiodid, -
situate ru Gettysburg, Adams county, l'a.,
adjoining lots of John Adder and others,
in Washington street.
O. 3—A Trict oftituid
situate in Cumberland' township, Adanti
county,Pat, - adkiining*da of Alexander
Curraiiii;Thibert and Hugh M'Gaughy, and
others, containing 6•Acres, more arias's..
No. 4—The undivided.inierest
of the defendant .in a Tract of; Land,•sitii
ate in Cumberland township, Adams coun
ty, l's. adjoining lands of Alexander Cur
rents, Nathaniel Randolph, and tithe - is, and
lying on the Gettysburg and Emmitsburg
Road, containing 100 Acres, more or less,
on which are erected a 1} .•
story • • •
DWELLING-110118E, itttf
part stone •and part log, slog . • .
Barn, Sic. said tract having a fair, propor
tion of Timber thereon.--Seixed and taken
in execution as the Estate of ROBERT
IR'Peraous purchasing property •at Bberirs
Bale, will hove per ant. of the purchase,
money on the day of orsek. •
aberifrs tiettylburg. j
October 211, 1847. 5 ' •
'Valuable Town Property at
riraltsc sake.
On 7'ueeday.,the 18th ofNoveinber next.
Al , I tempi:P.N., ON risk PaNNINNOr
WILL oiler at Public Sale my House
aittl'Lot' situate in , West Chainhers
burg street, Gettysburg, - fronting on said
street, and adjoining iota of Conrad Wen
ver and, T...SuWeits. The improvements
are 'a large Two-swim
with a good Kitelaen and Pantry, "
a large Brick Barn, with Carriage-house
attached, and whet out-buildings ; also a
fine Garden, with some choice Pruit-trees,
eitc. The premises are in good order, and
conveniently located for a pleasant resi
dence. Hydrant water is supplied in the
Kitchen. •
The.terms will he made known on the
day of sale by the subscriber. Pongees
sion will be given on the first day of April
next, and a good title made 4o the pur
Gettysburg Oct. 29,, 1847.-3 t
gIF the very best quality, and different
flavors, can be ,had, at all times, at
WEAVER'S Confectionary in Chambera
burg street.. Fornilles,and rather will be
aupplied with any desired quautily.atAlto
shortest' n otice. CAKES and CONFEC
TIONS of all kinds ulways on hand, and
wit' be furnished to order on reasonable
Gettysburg, July 23.—tf
lifierearnit ,sherd
Courts of Common Plain, iildltPlatnitiles
composing the littlr Dietritt, 'SS Vantlini`
of the Courts of Oyer and remitinerosal
General Jail Delivery, for ffia Ditt'd
capital and other offenders in the eihilati
trict--and GOOt SWIrSti . and Jim*
Nl'Dorrr, Empi., Judges of the Cimino of
Common Pleas, and General Jail Delivery(
for the trial of all capital and other offend
ers in the county of Adams—here issued
their precept, hearing date the 18th day
of August in the year of our Loan one
thousand eight hundred and forty-sin, and
to me directed, for holding a Court of Com
mon Pleas and General Quarter Sessions
of the Peace and General Jail Delivery,
and Court of Oyer and 'l'erminer, at Get
ycburg, on Nonlay the 151 k day of No
vember next—
all the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner
and Constables within the said Comity. of
Adams, that they be then and therein their
proper persons, with their Rolls, Records,
nquisitions, Examinations and other Re
membrances, to do those things which to
their offices and in that behalf appertain
to be done, and also they who will prose
cute against the prisoners that are or then
shall be, in the . Jail of the said County of
&nisi and tote then and there to pros
vcute against them as shall be just.
Shears Office, Gettysburg,/
October 15, 1847.
To Farmers and Lime Burlier&
OTICE is hereby given that) AC6R
IN B. BOWER, of Juniata county';
has recently invented and procured Letters
Patent for an improvement in the construe
,tion of Lime Kilns, to which the Attention
of Farmers and Lime Burners is respect
fully requested. A Kiln can be construct
ed according to this - patent,-to - yield - ant
thousand bushels of Lime for about twen
ty dollars, and larger kilns can be built at
the rate of six dollars per arch. Kilns can
be made any size to suit the convenience
,bf persons. The system has been Well
tested, and has proved to be vastly supe
rior to any system ever tried, as kilns can
be built for one-half the cost formerly at
tending their construction.
The subscriber is duly authorized .a•
gent to dispose of FARM RIGHTS, in
Juniata . , Adams. Franklin, Union and Bed
ford counties, and to furnish Letters Pat
ent, Schedule, Drawing and Deed for the
same. Any person wishing further intim ,
mation, or to procure a farm right in eith
er of the above counties, can do so by eh
elosing 15 in a letter, or by personal appli
cation to DAVID KEPNER,
.WALNUT P. O. Juniata county, Pa.
Sept. 21, 18.17.—0 in
national Whig
61_6 City of Washington, at S o'clock, P. Nl.
Sundays excepted—and served to subscribers in
the City; at the Navy Yard in Georgetown ; in
Alexandria and Baltimore on the seine evening,
at 6 cents a week. payable to the sole Agent of
the Whig G. L. GiOchres, Esq ,or his order. It
is also malted to any part of the U. Stares for IN
:par annum, of $ . .2 for six months• payable in ad
-Nance. Advertisements of ten lines or less in
'reifid-One time Mr - 30 cents ; two times for 75
cents; thir e times $1 ; one week for fl 73, two
wanks (01 . 1.277, ; one month $4; two months $7 •
three. months 4); six months $l7 ; one year; 36
--payabl<always in advevees
THE NATIONAL WHIG is what its name
indicates. It speaks the sentiments of the Whig
y_of ..the-Llatiou on every .question a..pablia
pokiey. It advocates the election to the Presi
dency of ZaCitiiiiir TATUM, subject to the deci
sion-of the Whig National Con; ention. It makes
Oar to the,knite upon all the measuretrand mete
of the Administration deemed to be adverse to
the interests of the country. and expmes without
fear Or favor the corruptions of the party no pow
er. Its columns ale open to every roan in the
country for the dtscunsion of political or any' oth
er questions.
. -
In addition to politics, a large portion of the
National Whig will be devoted to publicaticin•
,upor Agriculture, Mechanic and other metal
arts, Science in genet:4,lAm, Aledicine,.btatist--
ice. &c. Choice specimens of American and Fo
'reign Literature will also be given, including
Reviews, &c. A weekly hat of the Patents is
■ned by the Patent Office will likewise be pub
lished—the whole forming a: complete Wail/
one of the largest newspapers in the 11. States. Is
now made up from the columns of the Daily Na
tional Whig, and a published every Saturday for
the low price of per annum; payable in ad
vance. A double sheer of eight pages will be
given whenever the mess of matter shall justify
it. The memoirs of Gen. Taylor, written ex
pressly for the National Whig are in coarse of
publication They commenced with the second
number, a large number or copies of which hate
been printed, to supply calls for back numbers, ,
Proprietor of National Whig.
Washington, Oct. X 9, I 547.—tim ($8)
Jewelry, Watch-Guards. ,
" ATCH Chains. Keys. Spectacles:
&r. &c. can sissy* be Htst•
Clock & Watch .stahlishment of
SAIAS J. CULP respectfully informs
,r,, 1 11 his friends aud_custurners that hubris
removed his
Tailoiing Establishment
to the room formerly occupied by. W*.
deceased, opposite W MAIPLEWO,
'ZINN - II:RV, in Baltimore street, where
he will be pleased to attend to the orders:4f
all who wish to have work done up in
fashionable style, and at low rates. Ar
rangements have been made to receive - the
Leelest Frothiest",
from Philadelphia and New l'ork,.so AMC,
customers can rely on, having their gut%
ments made in the most approved stylee..'
111`="Country Produce will be 'taken
exchange for work. ".
Gettysburg, Aug. 20, 1847.-3 m
IMNDIAN Vegetable Pile* Remedy, is a demon"
tic preparation, which btu been used wide**.
tire success for many years. Being an internal
medicine, it has • decided preitirenceweerantward
applications, vs -Lich are but palliatives sad Not csk.
natives. This medicine acts upon the amend
parts, producing healthy action and o perstutisaille
curt--waica we 11•111111/137.01111 RZ/V/111 Ina torio,
E/'Sold, wholesale and retail , by Reirmis hp
Mumma. Proprietors, 378 Market street s Ihit.
and 'by S. H. 13U Ell L k:R, Gettysburg; We. sft
tinge:. Ahbottstown ; Lilley Ott Nary, Oxiimiairi
T. J. Cooper, Frsuklin tp. (Auf,lll4
•?rwlllis teem Oisetainit
LOUR the cure of extsratit 80010:: :
AL . Wong affections: - Lists ---":"`
Quinsy. Solo Thro4. Bronchial.
the Cheat, :rooms. Dismal. Orallol4v
Piles, t.!urne. Rheumatism. iftrx.i t
40,.. '
bale at the Drug Store of i:,
S. 11. 1111 E
Gettysburg, June Y6.—t(
Dr. irmitiesihe