'rug trri,triu: OF THE ORAPE The fillowine remarks of Dr. Under- MO, 4.trareessful ctidnirist in the vicinity of Mom Y9rit..were, made at a meeting of the a Nrrners' Club of the American In stOttierilint we have taken them front the "Nit* tind Mechanic" grape is most delicious, most sal- utery44:liinting the blond and causing it to fltiwAessily thrinigh the veins ; there is no thittg'crinitl to it for old age. In this corm ,. try 'tibia will grow—will increase till its • consumPtion is prodigious. It will sup- PhtlitOWnne . of tluw articles which destroy metkand - establish the cheerful body in Osten tir the 'diseased system of the intern- Nu disease of the liver—no dys pepsia sos,foutid among those who freely 111 . kieapii. This remarkable fact is stateik in reference to the vineyard portions france. Persons who are sickly in grope countries arc made well when grapes arW'ripe. And this milk is familiarly Nlll'4lllo grape cure. In this country, ous *Ovation has been long misdirected.— Wshave spent years and sums of motley tinlinpritted vines. We have proved the falatei Of all this. The fbreign grape will notfucish in our open air. I suppose that saillions of dollars have been lust on these foreign vines during the past mom. ; n. Climate has settled that question.— Otriextremes of heat and cold are incom putikitic with the character of the foreign vine. 'rime will show that our native sir:kb-of grapes will, by cultivation, grade linprove in quality. It is witlethem as it is with animals—great amelioration follows care and proper knowledge. I spent some thousands of dollars on the forergy . gape vines without success. In 1436 ranee produced fourteen thousand millions of pounds of grapes ! two thou saii4 pounds of which were consu med' On thetables and exported in the forms of rosins, Ste. We want to supply-oar tvibetitimillions of people with fine grapes. Are you afraid that our market will be o verstocked from the few vineyards which we-Rave **There are many books on the culture af-thkgrape -vine, but- their doctrines-a • gen* not at all applicable to our cdun try::::"Eumpe has the moisture from the ocean; we have the dry winds blowing over oar continent. More heat penetrates our ground in one of our hot, bright days, thin - England has in a week. The books of Europe are an honor and an ornament to the world.. but they load .us from As. truth frequently ; such is the great-differ ence of the climates of Europe and Amen ca. We' must here select our beat native grapes ; there are many, of which we have tolaved, _the _lsabella nut Cates! , b excellent. Plant vines on deep, dry sada. where there are no springs of water or 'shy, calcareous, or other soils, but the dryer ilfcy are, the better for the grape. brick clay will not do. The * roots must be deep to avoid our severe droughts. Plow the ground exceedingly deep beforo"you plant your vineyard. I have found that in seven years' culture, the pavage part of my Isabella has vanish 7 ei, , Ito character is greatly changed ,•frit the better—,its pulp is almost gone, its seeds are less. • "The culture of the grape has one great advantage over all other crops if Yriii planfit well, you will get an Moen - interim fur twenty-five years; and every year, with rare exceptions, for fifty or sev tyltur years, a good crop. Vines will sometimes live a hundred years ; and from aureative vines you can have double the quantity which is obtained front a vine in Eureite; Where it has, from ages of 'short pruning, become enfeebled and attained its perfection. We do not lot the vine bear half. is Many grapes as they would if all witraleli on. Thin them out well—you willimve richer and better fruit. "In pruning I don't spur them. I cut a way-the old, and bring the new to bear.—' l'iineteencut of twenty persons spur-prune their vines in this city, leaving two eyed IW-4- heap my vines about six fist in height for convenience in gathering the clusters of fruit. .!Alt kinds of animal substances are good for our vines. -Street manure is excellent fur. them. They ought not, however, to boatimulatod too highly, for then they be coinoprofute iu foliage, and the fruit mu-- Jainism* rots. An even, regular growth lobs kept up. Rotten sods mixed w • tud manure is good for vines.— . ; is, good. Long Island might, by means of the fish called Menhaden, be mail. nbeinitiful vineyard. Take the fish in Juni; Mike a hole near the root with a crowbar, push down the fish ; there will be so smell from it, and .it is an admirable manure tor grapes. Composts of sea earth, and cow and horse dung, =rod: Ashes ars excellent on sandy them their phosphates are leached off kiyawins s,?a sin Mereb. They bleed, and mriliarligiortinet present a magnificent i=aelglit in the rays of the sun. Slight does not hurt theft—the bud starts 4beintittrior -it. The Germans say, ..if the Mao Itarei Qui of the vines, we know to r we she ll gi good `crop," :In France anti. p 'ier. th ey do not prone so es Ark *Oh" ' - giewilersC woo wooo...—Tiee Mom:feet; ro!oele414140otwo the *Mowing ; »Wh en 04. end roe know not of =MO' two or . corn , et rad • ,* heiliAlP4l4 llo4 iikAdiPtier., 'Tea to etivimp.dint &we atiliTtriftirei ibeS4IIIIMINMAX.--,- Phllndelpbia A dverliscinetilm The largest and cheapest Stock rft, OF GOLD AND SILVER OW UV:II2IWe • Plain end Fancy Jewelry, . ,L IX PRILAOKLIPNIA. Wholesale owl Rehul—Nu. 0 ) 16, - 4131 Market street. Gold Lever., full jewelled, 18 curet ciw, gold dial, Gold I.cidnes, , do. do. $25 to 30 00 tiiher Levers, full jewelled, 20 00 silver Lepines, jewelled, Silver Quartier Watches, splendid Silser imitation Quartierso second baud Gold and Silver Watch. es, at all prices, from Gold Pencils, Gehl Bracelets, with tope. end Other Pure Silver Teaspoons, Diamond point Gold Pons. with pcnr cil and wild silver holders, only Gold chains, breast-pins. finger-rings, ear rings and Jewelry of every description, at the lowest Philadelphia or N.York prices; gold and silver Levers, LeOnes, and Quer tier watches, still much cheaper than the above: prices. A call will be sufficient to convince purchasers that thie is thil , place to get good and cheap articles. All goods warranted to be what, they ere mold for: Orders from the country punctually attend ed to. Old Gold , and Silver bought for cash. or taken in exchange. All kiptle.o watches repaired and. warranted to keep correct time. ' • N. B. I have a splendidgold - Independ ent secculds,,atch for timing horses. Also. Gikand Gslimited Wotan's. for traders' use, and - Ronda of all Itindelniny line. at LEWIS, LADOMUS'S Watch, Clock, and Jewelry bore. N0.413i Market above I ith. north side. Phila. Philadelphia, 6ot. 6,1847.--7 m ( locks, -Watches o leweiry, &c. - In THE Subscriber offers it. .... to the trade, or by retail, art a large assortment of the 4 4 11 ‘ ; following ertieles, being •• all of hts own impurta- C .s. l , - bon or manufacture. Buyers of goods in this line are invited to examine the assortment, and orders are solicited. with the assurance that every ef fort will be made to give satisfaction and in sure a continuance of custom. Gold do Silver Lever Watcher of ordinary quality Do do • do of superior finish. Do do , do Auctions & Imputes. Silver double cased English and Swine verge Watches, with light medium and heavy cams. Gold revVelrY in alt Varieties, Abe and common. v Silver Plated, and Silver Wart& Muclealliotes, playing St, 4,8, 8 and 10 times. Gold .and Silver Spectacles.:: —-- - - Diamond Pointed Gold Pens. - . Mantel dr. Mei Clocks, in gilt and other frames. Watefunakere Tools and Man:lrish; of all sorts. Frarici Article, tankgrins, Steil Bead., &c. Raving every facility fbrobtaining goods on the most .advantageous terms, eorres pontlintindueetnentsvivialbeoren;d_to-flnr- chaser!: - JOHN C. FARR, 112 Chesnut it. Philadelphia. July 16,1647.-6 m Watches, Jewelry, &c. WATCHES, Jewelry & Silver Ware v may be had wholesale and retail, guarantied better for the price than at any other store in Philadelphia, at (late Nicho- HitraY'SYNO:ll North 2nd street, eboveA r h,Philidelphist. WATCHES, all kinds, tine, medi um and low qualities, among which are Gold Levers, till Jewelled, *4O to $lOO 25 to 40 Quartieto Imitation; Silver. Levers full Jevrefled, L e o n a ' N Quiutiers fihe JEWELRY, Diamonds, Gold Chains, Gold Pens with Gold At. Silver Holders, Pencils, Breastpins. Ear and Finger Rings, Bracelets, Cameos of Shell, Coral and La va. with every other_ article of Jewelry of the ri c hest and Most fashionable patterns. SILVER WARE,PIate, Forks, Spoons, Cups, die., of standard Slyer. PLATED WARE, Castors, Cake Bas kets, Fans, Vases, Card easel; and other Zell Fancy Goods in great variety. Wholesale Buyers will save money by caltiitt het - before purchasing. 11:7 iceep.this advertisement and call at No. 72. You will be satisfied the goods are really cheaper and better than are of fered in the city. For sale low, a hand some pair of SHOW CASES, suitable for Jewelry or Ferry Store, apply as above. Sept, 3, 1841.=1y Cheap Watches and Jewelry. RN Jewelled Gold Le- very for $4O, war ranted by • - 14 Jacob Ladotoius t No. 246 Market street, Phil- adelphia, who \ "'- HAS constantly on hand a large usort !tient of Gold and Silver Watches, at the following low prices: ' Full Jewelled Gold Leven, ' $4O 00 " Silver " I 20.00 Gold Lepines, Full Jewelled, 80 00 Silver Lepines, . 12 00. Silver Quartiers, 8 00 with a large assortment of Fine Jewitlry, such as Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Breast Pins, Bracelets, Gold and Silver Pencils, Gold Chains, Ace. Has also on hand a complete assortment of patent and plain Watch (flosses, Main Springs, Verges, Di als and Hands, of every description—in fact, a complete assortment of Watchma ker's tools and Watch materials, to which he would call the attention of the Country Trade. Those wishiN anything in the above line, will find it to their advantage. to call and examine his stock before pur chasing elsewhere. Philadelphia, Aug. 6,1817.-6 m •.6 WATCHES & JEWELRY .1t the Philadelphia trateh and Jewelry Store, No. 96, North Second street, corner of Quarry Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled, 18 car. cases, •45 00 Silver Lever do. 11111 jewelled, 23 00 Silver Lever do. 7 jewels, 18 00 Silver Lepine do. jewel'd, Ist qua!, 14 00 Superior Quartier Watches, 10 00 Imitation do. not warranted, 6 00 Gold Spectacles, 8 00 Fine Silver Spectacles, 1 75 Gold Bracelets, with topaz stones, 3 50 Ladies' Gold.Peneils, 16 carats, 2 00 Gold Finger Ring's, 37 qta to $8 ; Wsteh ,glasses—plain 12 ets ; patent ; lunet 25. Other articles -in proportion. All goods warr.inted to be what they are sold for. 0. CONRAD. On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers, Lollies* and Quartiers, lower than the a bove prices. -- Dee. 4 - , 1840.-1 y Allegheny house, 'kw iii 280 MARKET ST. PHILADELPHIA. Ili Tile subscriber (late of the NVashington lintel, Harrisburg, l'a.) takes this method of informing his old frion and the public generally that he has taken the above named HOTE'L. The House is airy and comforuble, and has been ex tensively altered and improved, and The propriettir kopes by strict attention to bus iness, anU a proper care for the comfort of his guests, to merit and receive a share . of public patronage. The House. la ailifated very convenient for the Travelling Public, being only:two doors above the Harris burg and Pittsburg Depot,. and within two minutes Walk of the Badtimere•and Read ing Depots. Stabling attached to the pre mises. Terms 81 perday. . E. P. HUGHES, Proprietor. Sept. 3. 1847.7—1 f *2 to i 5 00 1 75 to 00 To Country Merchants and Others STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, CONFECTIONER & FRUITERER. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, No. 426 Market street, above 12th South side aqualarowaueunta o HAS now on hand and is constantly receiving a large and well selected stock of every article in his line, con ing in part of Oranges, Lemons, Prunes, Figs. Dates, Raisons, Grapes, and _every .other fruit in season. A full assortment of. Bordeaux and Soft-sheiled Almonds, Filberts; Ground Nita, Cream Nuts, Eng lish Walnuta,-Cocoa ' Nuts, &c. as sortment of CANDIES are at lower pri ces than can bobought in the City. Ile requests an examination of his stock be fore purchasing elsewhere, as he offers goods at a entail advance, being anxious to do business for CASH. 7' Out out this advertisement and bring . it Wittryou. ' "_.._........- Sept. 24, 1847.-3 m C. JJA at iKNEss' ('lOthing Establishment. The most extensile Clothing Warehouse in the United States. RE-OPENED FOR WINTER. 100,000 Oat - manta on hand, and ready fur disix)- sal, WHOLESALE & RETAIL. F 0 patrons we would say. that having hut one price, those who are not dealers, or do not understand the-real val uation price of goods, will have an oppor tunity of purchasing garments as low as professed judges. Jobbers and dealers in ready-made Clothing. can replenish their stocks for the winter, and we guarantee the largest establishment in Philadelphia to select from. We atrehdlieffsictially to -the packing of goods and see that a good as sortment of sizes and well-made articles are put up. Single suits forwarded as per orders licrienrriculs — arerlbrioldironly -- arthe large building, 128 Market at. Southeast' corner of Market and Fourth streets, Phil, adelphia. C. HARKNESS. Sept. 24, 1847.-3 m First Premium Writing Ink. Fir HIS Ink has kr. a long.wldle become established_esa Nationalurtide, and. the following testimonials from Washing tati city, prove its merits in that direction:. House of' Repretruatives, Waiiiington City, Feb. 24, 1843. I state that I have used the Ink, during . • • aternresa, andutt'. .- Lured by Joseph E. llover, Esq., of Phil adelphia, and I have found it to be an arti cle of moat excellent quality. JOHN WHITE, 20 to 30 12 to 19 9 to 10 Speaker Ammo( Rrpreseatatires. Paleni Office, Wadunglon, D. C., February 24. 1843. SlR—Your Black Writing Ink has been used in this Office since October last, and is eniirdy approved. I am respectfully, J. W. HAND, Chief (Yrrk. Mr. Josami E. HOVER, Philadelphia. llover's Adamantine Cement. The following from ilieknell's Reporter will best illustrate its value : "Mr. Hover manufactures ...4danumtine Cement" for joining broken china, glass, &c.; we have have tried the article and found it_to be excellent." For Sale, Wholesale and Retail, at the Manufactory, No. 87 North Third Street, opposite Cherry Street,ilhiladelphia, by JOSEPIPE, HOVER, Manufacturer. pc:l7For sale in Gettysburg at the store of S. H. BUEHLER. August 13, 1847.. - Oro Feathers ! Feathers ! Proms 124 to 45 Cent. per Pound CHIA, FOR CASH. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FREDERICK GI, FRASER, Uphol sterer and General Furnisher, No. 415 Market St. above 11th, North side, opposite Girard Row, Philadelphia, where may be bad at all -times a large assortment of Beds and Mattresses, Curled Hair and Feathers, Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads and Looking Glasses.together with all other ar ticles in the above line of business at the very lowest Cash prices. N. B. Goods warranted to give satis faction. Sept. 2,1847.-3 m +. A CERTAIN CURE FOR THEPILES Dr. Cullen?* NDIAN Vegetable 'Piles Remedy, is a domes tic 1,1 preparation, which has beep used with en tire success for many years. lain an internal medicine, it has a decided preference over outward applications, which are but palliatives and not cu ratives. This medicine acts upoit the- diseased parts, producing healthy action and a pernureent care—W/1111C11 we WAILIIIAXT.OI 11.55011) TUN NO NIT. dTSold, wholesale and retail, by ROWAN], & WALTON, Proprietors, 370 Market street, Phila., and by S. IF. BUEHLER, Gettysburg; Wm. Bit tinge:, Abbottatown ; Lilley & Riley, Oxlord, and T. J. Cooper, Franklin tp. [Aug. ti, '4 7 I y tQC P 11.0116 • (IF the very best quality, and different flavors, can be had, at all times, at WEAVER'S Confectionary in Chambers burg street. Families and .Parties will be supplied with any desired quantity, at the shortest notice. CAKES and CONFEC TIONS of all kinds always on hand, and will be furnished to order on reasonable terms. Gettysburg, July 23.—tf ELVER ,AND GERMAN SILVER PENCILS, VIQLIN STRINGS, &c., of bast quality, can always bo had at the •Fancy Store of C. WEAVER. April 100848. -- • 110VER'S U., E. BUEHLEIV • 1 40ECTFULLYinformablarrienwlk lit and . . the public generally that he heti now on hand a large -assortment or Thy 94RE of every description, which he will ap~r at moderate prices—All warranted. Persons wishing to purchase at law rata will do well to call before purchasing else where._ HOUSE SPOUTING will be made and-put up at 121 Fonts a foot. Gettysburg, March 12, 1847. BLACKSMITHINCI. HE undertigned hat connected with his Coaebmaking Establishment a large Smith Shop, and is prepared to do ALL RINDS OF BLACKSMITHING, _ INCLITDINO IRONING CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WAGONS, E. lie would any to those who have Horses to shoe, that he has in his emphry first-rate hands, which, with hie personal attention, will enable him to give entire satisfaction to all those why may flivor him with a call. CARRIAGE & BUGGY SPRINGS, (wasranto) will, be promptly matla_to or, der at all times. PCPAII kinds of REPAIRING done, both iu Wood and Iron, at the most reduc ed prices. - . - . I:7•Thankful for past encouragement, the subscriber solicits a continuance of pat ronage, and invites his friends to call at his Establishment in west Clunnbersburg st., a few doors below Thompson's Hotel. C. IV. HOFFMAN. Gettysburg, October 15, 1817. NOT IC IK S HEREBY GIVEN , mat applies j . ti9n will be made by the undersigned and others, to the next Legislature of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for the incorporation of a Company under the name and .style, or , intended name and style, orrin BERLIN SAVINGS INSTITUTIO N , capital Filly Thousand Dollars, designed as an office of discount and deposit; and to be located in East-Berlin, Adams coun ty, Pa. David Mellinger, John Dellone, • William Wolf, George Schwartz. Charles Spangler, Barnet Hildebrand, George King, Isaac Trimmer, George H. Hinder, Abraham Trimmer, John Diehl. David Hollinger. June 25, 1817.-6 m DIAMOND TONSOR. S. IL TIPTON. FASHIONABLE Barber and Hair Dresser, has removed his "Temple' to the Diamond, adjoining the County Buil dings, where he can at all times be found prepared to attend to the calls of therniblie. From long experience he flatters himself fliaTh - e — Fairge - thrmirathhe ramiti rations of the Tonsorical departments, with such an infinite degree of skill as will meet the en tire satisfaction of all who may submit their chins to the keen ordeal of his razor. lie hopes, therefore, that he attention to busi ness and a desire to please, he will merit as well as receive a liberal share of public patronage. 'lii sick will be attended to at heir private dwellings. Stasdota's Exiirnat Remedy, CALLED I-lUNT'S LINIAIENT, ITS now universally acknovi ledged to be the diA INFALLIBLE REMEDY for II beumuttsni, spinal affections, contractions of the muscles, sore throat and quinsy, issue., old ulcers, pains in the backend cheat, ague in the breast and face, tooth ache, sprains, bruises, salt rheum. burns, croup, frosted feet, and all nervous diseases. The from'. phant swiss which has attended the application of this most wonderful medicine in curing the most severe cases of the different diseases above named, aid the MO eivionlurns that have been bestowed upon it, wherever it has been introduced, gives me the right to call _on the ajlieled to resort at once to the only remedy that can be relied on, The faculty unite in recommending the ark. brated External Remedy, Hunt's Liniment: The following letters from the highly eminent Physicians who have been attached to the blount Pleasant State Prison for many years, is the best evidence of the valve of this celebrated Liniment: Stag Sine, Dsciim aim 26, 1945. Mr Dealt Si* received„your note of yester day, asking my opinion of Ifunt's Liniment, as prepared by Mr. George E. Stanton. Knowing its composition, and having frequently used it, I can recommend it to you as a safe External Remedy; l i and. in my opinion, the best Liniment now in use. Very truly and respectfully yours A. K. HOFFMAN. Col. Pierre Van Cortlandt, Groton Manor. I fully concur in the above opinion. W. N. BELCHER Yomuroww, — JAN'opti 14, 180. SIR :—ln reply to your letter I would say that I have used your External Remedy, called Hunt's Liniment, in my practice since you made me ac. quainted with its composition, and , unhesitatingly say that r believe it to be the best External Rem edy now in use for the complsinteler which you recommend it. Yours respectftilly, H. MILLER, X. D. Gamins E. STANT., ERR,. From the New .York Sun. Among the mass oI silia thleitsarticles and bun bap that aro poared firth attbe4resent day ripe on theconntry, at reallrrisheeht to 111fd some. thing of real practical Willy, something simple, speedy, and elfictual in its opeintion, and at the same time free Atom those in °6et-004th generally, attend powerful remedies. Hunt , sLin hoer prepared by George E. Stantcreoof Singing though 'it has been but a short time before the public, has already obtained the confidence, ,not only Mom most stealthy and influential citizens, but our most eminent physicians. All acknowl; edge it to be a sovereign balm for mail of 414 Ills that flesh is heir to, soothing the &clung stun , and by its genuine stimulating influence, banfah• ing disease from the system. This Liniment is sold at 25 and 50 cents per' bottle by all the prineipal Druggists and Merch , chants.. Orders addressed to meat Sing Sing, N Y, will be attended to. ,G E sTANToN, Proprietor. Wholesale Age ate—lfok4ly, Phelps & C0,.,142 1 Water street, Rushton di Co' 110 Broadway, A' RI & D Pands,corner Fulton and William, Aspinwall 86 William street, Netc York; Cuthbert & Weth-' erill 76 South Second, Philadelphia. AGENTS.-t—Sainuel H. Buehler & S. f. 4. Forney, Gellyalmrg; Abraham King,' Hunters/own ; t.tuck, Pinetown'; Ja cob Hollinger, Heidlersburg ; Hollinger& Ferree, Pectrsburg, ( Y. S.); Jacob Aula bough, &nylon ; Geo. B.Bentzel, and J. S. Hildebrand & Co., East Berlin. June 11, 1847. [Dec. 2—ly] SPEPSI , .and and 011 4isegirei of the 6tornactiiaul low a. . 18 004140br:Thdimlion and lii `corileqiiendeor.--An eminent says: .11t chiefly arises in persons who lead viler.' very sedentary or irregular life. Alth'inigh naVregiirded as a fatal di sease, yet, if neglected, it may bring on in: curable Melancholy. Jaundice, Madness, or Vertigo, Pale,y, and Apoplexy. A great singularity attendant on it is, that it may and often does continue a great length of time' without any remission of the syrup- tAUSES.:-. 7 Grief and uneasiness of mind, intense, altdyi , profuse evacuations, excess lit' venery, excessive use of spir lions liquors, tea, tobacco, opium and other narcotics, immoderate repletion,- o ver distention of the stomach, adefi. ciency in the secretion of the bile or gastric juice, exposure to told and damp air, are the eltieLtauss of this disease. SY NI PTONIS.—Loss of appetite, nau sea, heart-burn, acidity nod fmtid eructa tions, gnavviog , ot the stomach when emp ty, uneasiness in the throat, paiii in the side, costiveness, chilliness, languor, low ness of spirits, palpitations, and disturbed sleep. TREATMENT.—DR. ALIEN' S VEGETABLE COMP OEND has nev er faded in affording immediate relief and a radical cure fur this disease. Principal Office, No. 77 N. Eighth st., east side; Philadelphia. Ffir sale in Get tysburg by S. S. FORNEY. July 30, 1817.--1 y TO THE AFFLICTED ! Compound Medicated Candy. the Cure df Colds, Coughs, Spit -112 ling of Blood, Bronehefis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Pains and Oppressions of the breast, and all other Pulmonary complaints, and other diseases which have aiendertcy to prodnre Consumption. It serves also as an effectual clearer of the voice. This Candy is entirely a vegetable pre paration, the principal ingredients being, Hore-hound, Wild Cherry•, Sarsaparilla, BOUCSPI, Elecanipane, Liquorice, Flax seed, Ireland :lloss, Prickly Ash, &c. and will, if taken in time, relieve the system front those distressing afflictions that tend to Consumption. One great advantage in this valuable medicine is its cheapness, the pablic not being imposed upon by the cnornumsly high prices which are generally exacted for Patent and other medical Preparations. Each package contains directions. Call and try it ! Prepared and sold at the Confection and Variety Mae of the Subscriber in West York street, one Square from the Court house, and next door to Thompson's Ho tel. It can also be had at the Drug Stores Iti'fF.7lCt'ti,`ati 1 otter. 'The subscriber as usual continues his Bakery, and is prepared to supply parties at the shortest notice, with choice cakes, &c. SCEPTICISM CLKFCONLED. More Atria in retatiopeto the scantier/0 efficacy t,/ THOMPSO SIS Compound Syrup of Tar 4• Wood Nap the BEST REJMI' tf the day for CONSUM PTIUN, disthin a, C 0712118, Colds, Liver Com plaint, 4-r., $ c., ($-c. EAD the following from Mr. Sharp, a well .S..‘l' known and highly respectable citizen of the Northern Liberties, Philadelphia County. This is one of the most astonishing cures on record, and, will be seen, is attested by the Rev. Mr. STass - r, and by other citizens of that district: AVOrIIT t t , IPI7. • I Near the cto'e of the year 1845,1 had an attack of the Pleurisy and while recovering from it, 1 toot, a se,ere cold. My condition soon became alarming and I grew gradually worse and worse. 'the symptoms TAM tested by my disease were those ordinarily found in pulmonary aflictions— b it were of au exceedingly aggravated-char ...ter. For a long period I expectorated a great quantity of matter, which appeared a mixture of pus and blood—at times it seethed as it I was dis charging the very substance of the Lungs. My voice Nas gone so as to be unable to utter:4, few words without great difficulty, and I expelienced a thousand other painful sensations that cannot -be told. One of the most unpleasant attendants of my disease were chilling sweats. The cold perspiration ran from sue continually, riot only at night, but also during the day so as to keep my cloths at all times continually wet. I employed every means of cure I could hear, and was attended by several eminent and skillful 'Physicians. But the obstinacy of my disease baffled all their efforts. They indeed raised me from my bed, but they also pronounced me incur able. The lust Physician attending me, told me at one time, that 1 had but a few days to live—at another time I might linger on a sew weeks or months, but that it was utterly impossible that I could get well, or ever be able to attend to my business. Thus, with no prospect of recovery I lingered on during the greater part of the year 1846—for three months ef which period my friends sat up with me, expecting every night to see my sufferings end in death. But last fall, a lady residing in Soutbvvark, wbo had been cured of somewhat similar sufferings by "Thompson's Compound Syrup of Tar and Rapti tha," came and urged upon me a trial of it. Al most despairing of any relief, andwith no hope of recovery, I commenced its use. Imagine then my satisfaction in being able to state that I am 11;OW WELL! and! attribute my restoration en ti rely to the wonderful efficacy of the above medi cine. From the time-I commenced its use, the disease began to yield it; hold upon me, and by steady perseverance in its employment I may say it has raised me from the grave. All unpleasant symptoms have - vanished art 4 I Mace for several months attended to my business as formerly, and (except some less degree of strength than .I. once porsesilea4 well 'as ever. - - , People come from various placesto see me, in: for the man cared of Consumption ! Those ;who huvonown me and are well acquainted ti nth My long continued olliactions.. stop with astonish ment stitlehtlhey meet me, at seeiag the wonderful change wrought by the use of the above medicine. ._. ”.• ' WM. W. SHARP, . •No 8 Clintlotte The undersigned, friends of Mr, W. W. Sharpy are familarvaithida,nnt and sufferings, and_ mini fy that the statements are true. John Street, Missionary ,N 44. 113 York Road. Thoints _treat; t o.l'Ot3 rth Second street. Addison Blocs, Grocer, No. 124; Brown stietit.„ Jacob Knqvcs,&.3o9Fertn i Fourth street. Garret YnnzatiteNts: SAlNorth &toad street. fir This invaluable remedy is prepared only by . Arigney& Diekstrir, N. h i . Corner bf Fifth and Spruebetreeta t PhiladelPhia, end can be had Of ibe followinglipmaa ' .$ S.•Forney 'Gettysburg. *..angisey, Carlisle. Wanover. and by, respectable Pniggiate generally. Price de cebta,Or sl.oo..per bottle. Beware of October 3847. fAfiril':lo, 1817.-1 y) HOUSE SPOUTING : Y "IM7 ILL be made and put up by. the subscriber, who will attend prompt ly to all eiders, and upon as reasonable terms as can be procured at any establish= mom in the county. GEO. E. BUEHLER. Gettysburg, October 15, 1847. ROSS' EXPECTORANT REMEDY ibr Consumption, Coughs, Colds, ron chid*, dithina, Croup,. Whooping • Cough, Spitting of Blood, Sore Throat, Pains and Opp7s gone of the Breast; flcully of' Breathing, and all other di stases of the PULMONARY "ORGANS! Read the following Certificate of Cure performed by the use of .Roses Expectaraat and. say if you will boater neglect your cough, or doubt its erica. Baltimore, March I'2, 1847 Mr. he. F. Roes. Dear Sir—About three weeks ago my wife caught a severe cold, which troubled hers good deal and gave her great uneasiness: she prepared a great many articles which were *recommended to her by her friends, but without receiving the benefit from any of them ; her sough was getting worse every day; hi.r appetite was fast tel ling and to sleep was impossib'e. the pans in her breast and side became so severe that that she had to go to bed. and my friends advised me io call in a J'hysician. I thought I would call in the store where you were engaged and see if I could not get something that %took] relieve her, when you gave me a bottle of your Expectorant, assuring me that it would core her, she common ced taking it that night, not, however; without great opposition on the part of some of he frionds, who said it was only some "Quark Medicine," and would do her more harm than goo d. But I determined to take your advice, and now let all know the Result From taking the first dose she felt easier,, though unable to sleep on account of the quantity of phlegm that loosen. ed and Whith.l almost choke her, but which else could spit up with but little difficulty; the follow ing day she continued it according to the direc tions. and that time, for the first time for neariy two weeks, she enjoyed a good night's real and by the time she had finished the first bottle, she was entirely cured. Make what use of this you thank proper, for such an invaluable medicine should be made known to the afflicted every where. With best wishes fur your success. I remain yours &c.. CHARLES PASSWAY. _ CAUTION! !I Beware of Counterfeits and Spurious Imitations. See that the initials 'J. F. 12" are on the seal • also my itien iurr on the wrapper of each bottle, without which none is ern- Prepved.orily IJames F Baltimore Md. it.r Farr sale in Gat sisburg b t . SAMUEL. Ft. BUEHLER, arid in Milirr 'town by G. W. II EA La. May 28, 1847.—1 y Inll be published in Washington, 1). ( on the Seventh of December next, The United States Reporter, A Doily Journal IA Government, LegiblatlVtl and General News. PTIHE subscriber is now enabled to announce the completion of his art utgenx•nts for the e , tablishotent td a well ta t :an ted and Independent Journal of Neu', at the Cent of the Gerona! Got erninelit. The Icarian:, lemon a tit United Ntates liepoite•r - v ill he the tollowing I Early intelligence of the mut einents the yahoos Departmeots of theGovertiment. in ref ei• -tore to Domestic atiairs and to the Foreign rely lions at the country, will be given a ith syrups luu.tidelity. Possessing peculiar facilities int ob. taming intoriiiation. the ttileporter %Ili be ena bled trequently to communicate, exclusiiely, in , tell igence of the most impoi tont character. 11. The verbatim Ileprirts of the Proceedings and Debates of the U. bnates Senate, to hilt the proprietor is . hound TOrtitiiinf daily to thJt lai4v; in accordance with the'terms of the contract made at the cline 'of the last session UI Congreas. The arraneem••uts no,c made will at once lolly secure to the :Senate of the I 'titled States an authentic and complete record of its debates; soil to the no. pie—it is greatly enlarged degree—the benefit al the ex patience. sugacit t. and statesibmiship 01 that body to which they have ever 1i,04.ed with solicitous and respectuil regard. 111. The Erivmedinc,- mid Debates in the Mose or Representatives will also be given, with fon: ness, if - optimality, and the utmost promptitude. Each day's furor,' will be completely mule up, appear in the - Reporter next morning. 11 . A synoptical 1 new of tI. e Proceedings and Debates 01 all the State Legi‘latures will be regii laily gisen. Members of Congtess, and all clay es leaders. will thus be kept fully and syste i-me+ieseHrtmormerf-artlomestir tegrstatiptria-titt— sections of the U. States. C. IVEAVER V. Early intelligence of all important move- ments in the Legislatures of Great Britain and France will be communicated by every steamer from Europe, through Reporters in London and Paris, whir possess peculiar facilities for obtaining information. VI. The General ,yews of the Day will lißgir en in a condensed form, with industry and Mien Such is a brief view of what the "United States Reporter" is designed to be. All the plan, an arrangements here been ...ell mantled, end the hope is confidently cherished that the Ateportei , will prove itseli an energetic. indmtrione. diva • ed, and perfectly independent journal. It will have no party views—no political bias. The pro prietor, by the terms of his contract wigs the Senate or the U. States, is bound to the condition that -the paper shall contain no political d•scus , sinus except the debates.•' It will he a vehicle of news, not the organ of any set of opiriona. The grand aim of the subscriber is to:establish at the seat of Government a .faithful and prompt reporter of all sorts of intelligence—o respotasible ggeut, uo which OM politkiaay•tho business man, the menu. lecturer, the mechanit, and every one interested in the affairs of Congress and the Government, may rely at all times with implicit confidence. It is believed that the establishment of such reliable Journal of Intelligence, on terms which place it within reach of the great masses or the people, at the commencement of w bat promises to be a most interesting and eventlul period in the history of Congressional proceedings, will be re garded with favor by all classes of the communi ty; and, having %line stated his objects, the sub scriber respectfully solicits a liberal and general support from the enlightened public of the United States. JAMES A. HOUSTON, Stenographer to the Senate of the U. States. Theo United f >totes Reporter h. will be printed on a large and handsome sheet,..and issued every morning, except Sundays, at the rate of $0 per's'. num ; single 'icipies 2 cta. In connection with the daily •paper, there will be issued from the same establishment, .. • This publication will contain exclusively the reports of the proceedings arid debates - of the COn• glees of the U. States. It will be issued-semi weekly, lb an elegant_ quake' form, throughout the sessions of Congress. and will be furnished to subscribers at the late of two dollars_for the long session, and one dollar for the short session. hi* believed that this great national Work b. deemed indispensablerin the library of every pub. lie institution, politician, and professional man, throughout the country; and that it will be ie. gardnd by the great mass of the people is the very best political text book for their own instruction and that of their children. I X POILT A 'FT Asa ousesstawn.--Tbrougbeot the session of Congress; ,txtres will be issued from the °stifle of the "United - litates.Repoiter," containing the ‘repons of ail truth debates as may possess par ticularly exciting interest. • , • All subscriptions and Communications to be postpaid and addressed to "J. A. Holman, U. S. Reporter, Wailiingten, D. C." • Dr. C. W. Applames Celebrated Remedy FOIL, DEAFNESS, 1112AINS in, and discharge of matter froth, the lA. - ear; together WittiTallether - titillettarit symp toms, which either accoMpsny or announce ap proaching Deafness. This invaluable medicine's the result'of along and , faithfully; pursued course of experiments, irmtituted with-the Pole view to discover (if possible) a. certain, lied. at the gamer time,fithafe remedy-for: this dreadfAly afflicting ,diecordee, and after* beirig,mtteneliilrtiled in the priliate praetiee of the itiketThet during thilaet eight year, in werypurtterous take with the most remarkable suecess,fle nine vatted td the public, ' for the benefit of Oar who, from Aisian ce or other causeli, cannot have the pemonal attention of the froprietor, in the fullest confidence of its efficacy, and in the firm, belief that it, will not dliappoint tie expeetationit of those %silo may haveoccasion for' ite use; in short, that it is the most VALUA BLE article ever offered to Die phblic for this di sease, 00^For sale in Oetryaburg by S. H. BUEHLER, in Abbollitown by Wu. Brrrisioxii, in Oxford byLimor & RILZT, and in Franklin township by 11110XIAL J. Conran. [Aug..d, 1647.- ly ME MIRROR OF CONGRESS Dr 3 CULLEN_ISA Indian Ilweiable Petunia,. AN EXTRAORDINARY CURE. zuESSRS. ROWAND & WALTON—Having experienced the extraordinary efficacy of your Dr. Cullen's Indian Vegetable Panacea open my o wn person, a feeling of 4ratitude for your wonderful discOvery, end. a desire that yOur Med icines should be known and spfneeimed by the public, has induced me.thus voluntarily to give you aft account of my ease, hoping that other* who may be so unfortunate as 7 have been. Muy he induced to throw prejudice said and give your Panacea a fair trial. In February, 1840, a lump or Merin Ant ap peared upon the spine of my right leg, sl i d mot h_ ex on she lower part of my breast near theytme tion of the ribs; they increased gradually...4olAm early ) part of June, about which tithe they bees ie very, painfid. In July the tumor on the left leg otertatran and became', running vote; extading itself until it was hilt the size of • man's hand, and had eaten into the bong, and one or two smal ler ulcers appeared below the ands.. My pbysii clan and others pronounced it Scrofula. Up to this time every remedy used gave no, relief; the leg continued to pet worse ;' &nifty the cooly pert of August my sufferings were intense. I neither. went to bed or slept regularly for nearly two weeks, being compelled to set up, with my leg supported on a choir. About this time my son brought home with him from Cincinnati market one of your circulars, which had been thrown in to the wagon. I read it, and knowing some of the signers to the Certificate of the case of Mr. Brooks, and believing from my knowledge of their characters that they would not lend their names for the purpose of palming an imposition upon the public, I concluded to try what effeet it would have open me. On the 20th of Anguitricieih red the first bottle, commenced taking it fluent ing to directions, and in four horns the pain was so much relieved that I fell asleep and enjoyed that greatest of blessings, a few hours repose. I con . trotted using it until the 28th of Angara, when 1 found myself so much better that I went to Cin cinnati to your Agent, Mr. Danenhou r, with whom I made arrangements to take 20 bottles, provided he would guarantee to cure me. He agreed toil* so, and gave me the privilege of stopping short of the 20 bottles, whenever.) considered myself well. now felt eneouraged, and continued to use it un der Mr. D'stristructions, until hind taken 12 hot Iles, (using no other medicine whatever.) when I tonne myself. _entirely _well; the tumor. on my breast having softened. it opened, came out, and was healed up when I had taken 6 or . 7 bottles I will here observe, that for many years 1 haul been troubled with a kind of dry Toter, which greatly annoyed me. particularly when heated or vv inn in bed have telt nothing of thin shire to !Ong your medicilie, and have no doubt that nay system is now entirely free from disease, my gen eral health timer having been better. on . the 3d of December 1 again called on Mr. Datienhower. 1 then pronounced myself well and ofhoed to give hint a Certificate to that edict, which I pron:i•eil to send him in a few days. A few days thereafter, however, %bile killing hogs, I hurt the same kg badly, in consequence of which I postponed giving the promised Certifi cate. wishing theronglily to rest the permanency of the rune. I now used nothing but the usual , imple remedies tor tre,h wounds, and found my dedi pereetly healthy, and the ',soul time for such casts my kg healed. .t. , 1111: tient time has e lapsed to convince methat I am now a sound man mud that I have been cured by your ratiacea alone. In short. 1 have every confidence in its virtues.— Persons desirous of obtaining further pariierdars, ean be gratified by calling at my residenae. at MtultlySteck.limnikon. count-yelttrirs. - DAVID K MOAN. ( M ITT OF ( * Ulf iNNITI, SS Peiminally appeared before me, the subscriber, 111 01 said c , ty, DAVI!, Blasax , Wbo r being sisorn, depose 4 and says that the facts NM forth in, he lore:ming statement are true. In testationy o he , em, I have hereunto ~et my no me, and sauced the C.itimiate Seal of the said City to be :Wined, this tourth day of March. IR ii—i.L.-44 2 K4E1EF1 ; Mirror. - Sold, wholesale and letsil , by f uWAWAD & WAIL. TON, i'mpriews.n :Market street, Philadelphia, and by the I ollmi trig Agents: S. 11. Buehler, Gettysburg. "rm. Bittinger. Ahhottstow•n. Lilly 4 Riley. Oxford. 7'. C'ooper, Franklin t_p, frail WT. TF.r =TM rrotection against. toms by Fir". HY. , Cumberland T alley Mutual Protection ielln Company, being incorporated by au Act isf the Legislatine, and frilly organized and in opera tion under the direction of the following Board of Managers, viz T C Miller, Janie' Weakly, 1) W M'Cullough, A G Miller. A til"Kinley, Philip spangle.. Samuel Galbraith. Samuel Tritt, AbM king, (Adams.) John Zug. Samuel _ Huston, J T green, J Bear—call the attention of the inhabit ants of Cumberland sod Adams counties to the cheap '+h of the rates, and the many - ad) swages which this kind of - insurance has (tier any other. tat. Er cry inn,on insured . becomes a member of the company and :nkes part in the selection of officers and the direction of its concerns. 2d. For insurance no more is demanded than is necei•sary to meet the enmities of the Company, and Indenmity against losses which may harm. 3,1. The inconvenience of frequent renewals is avoided by insuring for a term of five years. 4th. Any person applying for insurance mart give his premium note for the cheapest elms at the rate of live per cent. ' which will be PO on the 1000, for which he w il l hare to pay $2 ftti foils* years an $1 fit) for survey and policy, and on more unless loss be Sustained-to 'greater amount than the funds on hand will Omar, end then no more than a pro rata share. Them rates are much cheaper than khose of other companies, e:- Sept such as are incorporated on the same princi dles. T. C. MILLER, President. A. G. Mt sum, Secretary: 113 - The following named persona have been ap pointed ..dgctils for Adams County s•r-Wm W Pax ton, Esq. General Agept for Adams county; J.A. Thompron and I) Ziegler, Gettysburg; Dr:WM 11 Stewart, Petersburg; Henry Myers, Neer 110-. ter; Henry Mayer. Ahbottstown ' • Daniel .COM fort, Straban township ; AbraharnKing. Hunters. town; David Blythe, Fairfield; T T Wie/MllO, Arendtsville; Wm Morrison and Abel T Wright: Benderaville; Dr. D Mellinger,East Berlin; Akinb Scott, Csebtown. Sept. 13 1846.—tf BIRDSELL'S PATENT SYE.F.I. Shovel Ct. Meat rs GAN bo had for Cumberland township at C. W. ilosTstsst's Coach - Shop, Gettysburg, Pa. Please call and see Assn and judge foryountelf. Gettysburg, May 29, 1946. PEA NUTS, FILBERTS, .411. ItIONDS, dte., of the best quality to be had at the Confectionery of C. WEAVER, Gettysburg, Aug. 6, 1947. ______ Ibertioneril, Soap , 4 100. PERFUMERY,SOAPB E RASQX ARTICLES, TOYS,. 4c., for sale by C WEOER. THE. STAR AWBANNER Is pi/dished en," FridcrkEtieiiirti ! fit County Building, above tile ,Begieler . and, Records.r4 eltikeastiti , DAVID - .111.1BILIER, Taitisto. .• „, Ir paid in advance or the Part rat annum—lf not paid Within the year, $2 DO. A, ID Wier, discontinued.untll all arrearegee are except at the opttonAf the Editor. Single eerie' cents. A failure to notify a discontinuanc i e, will be regarded as a new engagement .4dvertisernents,not exceeding a squarcinierteti three times for ,sl—ever' bubtequent inaterti(44 25 cents. Longer ones in the same proportion, All advertisements not specially ordered -tot igiv. in time;will be continued until forbid. A libnal reduction will be made tothose who ad vertise'br, the year.. Job Printing of all kinds executed neatly and promptly, and on reasonable termr. , Letters and Communication* to thi cepting 1.61 t an contain Money or the minter of new subscribers,) Intuit be miry r..lfp,ip order tO secure attention,