Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, October 29, 1847, Image 2

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Wei copy from the New Orleans Cour•
ier the subjoined extract of a private letter,
w hich the Courier states to b 6 "from a high
source of military information," and says
that "every word may be implicitly relied
upon." Besides recapitulating the victo
ries obtained by Gen. SCOTT on his way
fount' Puebla to the city of Mexico, it gives
the amount of force with which he cam
menetxl hfii'mareh, and the number of lives
lust on both aides doling the insurrection
ullifOililtoived the entrance of our army
inwths capital:
if or Mt.ircn, September, 19, 1847.
0449i098.18 FIit.END ; At lata we are in
pliasesaion of the (-vital of Mexico. and
riliyaqtnirlared in the far-famed "Halle
of Montezuma."
-.lll46enius that it will interest you to un
dotetatait the principal movements of our
itilietyl Mate it left Puebla, as I am tionver-1
sitatteeith them all, I will relate them, en d !
yentarill find them among the most inter-1
mint nperstiona of war that have occurred ,
deteltetthe nineteenth century.
Ceaii./lentt had completed his ar- 1
rilaftements'and concentrated his forces at
'Ohe hist in ttw early part of August, and
whisis he saw the sudden disappearance of i
t he speck of peace which had been held
tiiitinitint and Mr. Trist, he at once de.;
tersaintel w move his whole available force
upint the tamed, by which demonstration!
he Isniped to compel the Mexicans to accept
one Offer of peace.
Abeerdingly, our advance division!
(Tedsegs's 2,1100 regulars) took up the
'fientifearch in the morning of the 7th of
August; the divisions of Quitman, Worth
teed Pillow (2,300 regulars, 5,200 volun
lidlowing the above order, and at
ititerials of twenty-four hours.
We expected little or no resistance until
reached the valley of Mexico, nor did
. metet any. We encountered strong
*d i rt (Unifications at and ill the vicinity
of Rio Frio. But the enemy seemed to
to liuld himself in reserve for the determin
ed'iasistance we met with after passing
thatiegion,- midway between Puebla and I
this City, and after we had entered the val.
lef . of Mexico.
The reconnoissance of our engineers and
infoimation derived from other sources in
(Need Then. Scott to make his first demon
upon the Pinot', so called—a
lii ht very . strong by nature and doubly
sit 4, the science of the Mexicans, who
lift nothing undone to niake the posi
tion impregnable. A further reconnois
sance satisfied Gen. Scott and induced
him to believe that the Pinon could be
Uir red by the flank ; which was according
ly; done, and we retired from Ayotla, pas
sed ahrough Undo), and, alter innumera
hle,difficulties, reached San Augustin, tell
India from the capital, on the 18th August.
division was thrown forward a
leave t 0 San Antonio, on our right, and
.Pillow, with Cadwallader's and
Shield's brigades, and Twigg's division on
opr left.
Worth's division was much annoyed by
the enemy's guns at San Antonio as we'
were, trying to turn that position, while a
Igiok cannonade was carried on by the
troops ender Gen. Pillow against the ene
my's battery at COntreros. hi the morn
ing of the 20th August, Riley's brigade of
regulars, supported by Cadwallader's bri
gade, assaulted the strong works ; while
the rifles stood ready to flank, and at a sig
nal one rush was made, the works carried,
twenty-two guns (some eighteen-pounders
and O'Brien's guns taken at Buena Vista)
captured, and also eleven hundred -prison-
Cr., sixty wagon loads of aminunition.
three, hundred pack mules, and eighteen
thousand dollars in money. besides killing
more than seven hundred men ; and all
this was done in seventeen minutes by the
watch, with a loss on our part of only for
tyaseven men killed and wounded.
leaving our prizes, Shield's brigade pur
seed the enemy to Tlalpan, followed by all
the troops under Pillow ; when General
Senn ordered Twiggs by one road, Pillow
by another, and Worth by a third, to ad
vatiee upon the enemy, then in large force
and strong posiuon (18,000 men) at Chu
iehuseo. and the fete du pont near by.
Worth drove the enemy front San Au
who fled to the fete du pont. At
these places an obstinate resistance was
matte for two hours and more, when the
enemy Red to the city, followed by the dra
goons and light troops to the very gates,
leering upwards of three hundred dead and
we thousand prisoners, besides a dozen
ens and large quantities of fixed ammuni
tion. Our loss was about one thousand
aild forte killed and wounded. Here we
captured about sixty of our deserters, fifty
of whom where hanged last week.
In these three fights we lost many of the
beetsnd noblest officers in the service.
General Scott wisely recalled the troops,
as. by entering the city, (which could most
readily have been done,) the authorities
would have been dispersed, and all chances
apace dispelled forever.
Ow the 21st Gen. Mom, chief engineer
of Mezieo, came out, and, meeting Gen.
Scala at Colucan, made propositions for a
truce. The advance of the army moved
to Misguka and Tacubaya. and on the 24th
a truce was signed, and Mr. Trist met the
rour Mexican Commissioners, when nego
tiations were commenced.
During the first tour days of the truce
there vt 4 srt: so many palpable violations of
it, in stoning our teamsters, murdering our
malt, sweeiving reinforcements, laboring on
gleir r forts, d.c., that, finally, on the 6th
• September, Gen. Scott demanded explana
tion; apology, and redress, or the•
ibt tirWitiliticii. Santa Anna having sent
air Undignified and impertinent answe4 to
Glen. Scott on the 7th. Gen. Worth, with
2,200 regulars, assaulted the mill of San
Saltisior, defended by the Mexican army,
16,000 men, commanded by Santa Anna in
tan. drove the whole of them from the
. blowing up the foundry at the mill,
19t its guns, a good supply of ammuni.
Pon, seirtik hundred prisoners, and killing
wounding two thousand five hundred
10140etiii. Our loss was above seven
hundred killed and wounded.
41.1.,,.. morning of the 12th September, l
• 91110141NrIkera had made a thorough recon.
r ximeasee of every position; and while
yreigs'e division was making a strong
titration et the San Antonio. gate,
tt /lid mowed his plans to take
trots castle of Chapulteper by assault,
thelltth wan occupied in bombarding
t „ mid is the morning of the 13th
ileOtiatidrell picked men,• supported by
,Q•itaiswan our right. Pillow in the centre,
4 4 w,,,,,kh un oar lett, carded Chapultepec
allteingot of the bayonet. -At this place
101 i. - Immo three or four hundred, and
' OA* throe hawked prisoners and an
, quantity of aninionitien. A
. .
& i.
Liras killed in the am of setting fire
• th em minas, with the intention of blow.
ing up the castle and killing every soul in
it. Gen. Smith's brigarlejoined Quitinan's
division in this light. Riley's brigade was
ordered up from the San Antonio gates.
Having secured our prizes, Quitman's
division and Smith's brigade (Riley's sub
sevently joined) took the Tacubaya road,
while Pillow's and Worth's divisions took
the San Coeme road, and pursued the ene
my to the gates of the city, which after
seine fighting were carried. At these
places our loss was very great, but it is not
yet ascertained. NVorth's division dug
their way half a mile through stone walls,
took to the house-tops. and carried every
thing before them. Santa Anna, knowing
that next morning we would drive him out,
evacuated the city with all his army, and
on the 11th we took possession of the pal.
On the morning of the 14th September
General Scott and staff entered the city,
and after reviewing the troops were escort.
ed to the palace.
As the troops were about to move to
their quarters, a large body of leporos com
menced firing on our men from the house
tops, and a general street fight ensued,
which was kept up for two daysand nights.
when the priests and authorities. finding
the lepero. worsted, called on Gen. Scott,
who stopped the further effusion of blood
by recalling the troops, and every thing
is now as quickie if no hostilities existed.
We killed nearly one thousand lepecoe,
and lust in killed and wounded about one
hundred men.
litstory cannot point to more brilliant
actions nor to a more successful campaign.
Every effort of our arms hasheen crowned
with success, and every officer and soldier
has rendered himself worthy of his coun
try's everlasting gratitude.
WAR ITENS.WC (id the following
paragraphs among a mass of War matters,
which appeared in the New Orleans pa
pers, most of which, however, is only
confirmation and repetition of what has
already been published in the papers :
Occupation of the Copital.—.than. Scott
issued an order on the 17th of Septeniber,
promising to protect the property of the
citizens of the capital, and levying a eon
tribution of $150.000 to be appropriated
for the comforts of the Army,especially the
linticipated insurrection.—Gen. Scott
issued an order on the 231.1 of September,
warning die Army spins an insurrection
being organized for the purpmeforpouing
to death the Americans. He says that
Mexican otfizers and soldiers. in disguise.
wI,o had not the courage to defend their
capital, are the leaders of this conspiracy,
aided by some fifteen hundred thieves and
mu r dere r s, who were turned loose forlhat
purpose and- to prey upon the -pinceidihs
inhabitants, the night before the triumphal
entry of the American army into the city.
lie warns the Arm to be on the alert.
heaped to Church Vitentortier-Li en.
Scott calls on his troops to pay all respect
to the Church ceremonies, including the
frequent religious processions in the streets
as well as in churches, such all the elves
non of the host, the eistfcure, funerals,&c.,
and earnestly requests all Protestant Amer
icans either to keep out of the way or to
pay to the Catholic religion and its etre
monies every_decantmark-of respect...and,
Requiaitilen complied with.--According
to the Monitor Republimino, of the 27th
ult., it was intimated by the. civic adtbori
ties to Gee. Brou s on the 28th. that the
contribution of $1110.006, levie& upon the
population, - iris /Cady for him. The a:
mount was raised by a loan. so as not fur
ther to distress the inhabitants.
Mexican Priaonera.—Mr. Kendall, in
one oihis letters. say. that five generals,
three colonels. seven lieutenant colonels.
and near one hundred majors, captains and
lieutenants, were taken prisoners together
with 800 more rank and file.
Mr. Trial and She hishaunt.—Speak
ing of Mr. Trist reminds me (says Mr.
Kendall) of a story current on the
It is said that shortly after Chapuhepec
was carried, that gentleman rude up the
height, and, on being recognized by a
gallant Irish soldier, the hater tiorsoated - hlm
w i th, " I say, sir, it's a beautiful thraty we're
made wid 'em to-day, sir."
Meeting of Gene. Scott and Brava.—
Capt. Davis having reported to Gen. Scott
that he had taken Gen. Bravo and staff
prisoners of war, the General ordered (Yip;
taro Davis to bring the prisoners forward
where he was, when the general-in-ehief
addressed Gen. Bravo as follows:
deeply regret to meet the valiant Oen.
Bravo in misfortune. I have long and fa
vorably known him by fame. I trust we
may soon be friends. I honor and respect
him as an enemy."
General Bravo expressing his thanks for
the courtesy extended towards him by the
general-in•chief, the latter directed that the
former be taken into the citadel and fur
nished with as comfortable quarters as the
conveniences of the building wonld admit of.
Mexico, received by way of Hay.n., dated
September 27, says :
""As humiliating as may be our condition
that of the enemy is daily becoming worse.
Our army has gone to Queretaro, where it
is intended to reorganize it for the contin
uation of the war, which, in my opinion,
has just begun, since the popular efferves
cence after what has happened at the capi
tal is daily increasing. Pena y Pena, the
Chief Justice, now occupies the Presiden
cy. lle is decidedly in favor of the war.
lie is a man of known probity, and we all
believe will bring the war to a successful
"Santa Anna has 2,000 cavalry, which
with 3000 infantry under Gen. Rea, are at
Puebla,oecupy ing die mostelevated heights
and doing great injury to the enemy. The
latter have thrown into the city more than
three hundred shells and grenades."
Similar letters are given in other papers.
One from a Spaniard or Mexican states ex
plicitly that upon the departure of Santa
Anna a thousand convicts were released
and arms placed in their hands with which
they fought our troops who entered the
cit .
Orleans Bulletin has conversed with an
officer of the army, recently from Vera
Cruz, who states it . wire asserted and be
lieved there that Santa Anna slept in Vera
CruS on the 80th ultimo, and that his ob
ject was to leave the country. Various
circumstances bad occurred, which went
to coda.. th of this report.
Tut blaxicss DRAIN.--The N. 0. cor
respondent of the National Intelligencer
states that since the let August, one million
right hundred thousand dollars in specie
have been shipped from N. Orleans for
Mexico. Besides this a large amount of
bills base been drawn on Mexico by the
Quartermaster at New Orleans.
TRIR writt IKTI.II,Et.
Friday Evening, Oct. q 9, 1817.
curl - AGENCY.-1' B. PALM t, Esq. at the
corner of Chesnut & Third street, Philadelphia;
Nassau Direct New York; and SollitHellt
ner of Baltimore and Calvert street. Beeltisesore—i
and E.W. CARR, Esq. Sun Building, N. E. Corns/
Third & Dock sts.and 440 N. Fourth st. Philsda
are out auttwrtzed Agents for receiving Advettiie.
meats and Subscriptions to the "Star"and collect.
ing and mreipting for th, same.
LT Will be taken et this OHM, if early appaeo
dm he made. The eppticent moo_ he pommeled
et °erred Wits, lad Met 14 to 17: new tee's.
THANKOGIVINO—Ie Mill b• Men by the
ennead Proclamation of Gov. Shank, that Penn,
sylvimis is to be added to the list of States which
have set •part Theo* the Mb of November u
• day to be publicly dedicated to the duties of
prayer. thanksgiving and mini. Nine peat"
have already selected the same day. -
in dee um. and by the authority of the Common
wealth et Pesittayleania, Francis IL Shenk, thre
ats*: of the said Commonwealth. •
FULLOw-crYti ISO God is i grealindgood.
It is oar duty to adore His greatness, to
acknowledge nrus goodness, to confess to
Him oar sins, and humbly implore their
forgiveness. It is fit and becoming that
we should do so, not only as individuals,
but as a Commonwealth of free citizens.
who, during the past year. have received
unnumbered benefits at His hand.
Under Ilia guardianship our free lead
whorls, founded by the wisdom of the
Fathers of the Republic, have been pre
'Awed to us inviolate. We have richly
enjOyed All our civil and social privileges,
and the tight to worship God as our con
aciernees dictate. We have been preserv
ed from wasting pestilence. Enterprise,
in its various forma, has been earnestly
put forth, and has yielded a rich niturn.—
The fruits of the earth have been gathered
in abundance and safety. Our garners
are filled with the finest of wheat, to minis
er to our own wants and to the necessities
of the destitute. Intelligence and morali
ty have steadily advanced, sustained and
invigorated by a pure and heavenly reli
gion, whose institutions and ordinances, un
sullied by any alliance with the State, con
tinue to be cherished by the voluntary de
votion of the people ; and though in the
righteous judgments of God we have been
involved in the direful calamities of war,
yet we bowknot been given up to faintness
of heart, but the noble courage and con
duct of our soldiery have wrought for us
victory in the midst of danger.
Tit do here:
by recommend Thurarkty the 25th day of
November next, to be observed as a day
of Thanksgiving to Almighty God; and
that the citizens of this Commonwealth do
abstain on that day from all their ordinary
worldly avocations—assemble in their re
spective places of worship—humble them
selves before the Almighty, for their sins.
individual and national—render Him their
hearty thinkt for bisinany and great mer
cies—depreeste the judgments our trans
gressions have merited—beseech Him that
peace may be speedily restored, and the
blessings we now so richly enjoy may be
continued to us and to ours, down to the
latest genersuotr, and therthe whole fam
ily of man, united in one vast brotherhood,
may share His richest mercies.
Olsen antler my 'band, and the OrAt Beal of the
State, at Harrisburg, this nineteenth day of Oc
tober,in the year of oar Lord one thousand
eight hundred and fortreareas, and of the Com
monwealth the serentremond.
By the.Govemor: J. Minas,
Sec etary of the Commonwealth
FIRS COMPANIES. -In accordaoos with
the-call of the President of the Council. a spirited
meths, was held at the Cowt-hoose on eattuday
evening last, 01 consider the propriety of effecting
Aproperfintaganhatkm Atterionte &Ribes
-dal items detoienined to onanhe him compauioa,
MS to take charge at the "Blue Dick" engine, and
the other the "General Taylor," with the appara
tus belonging to each. Committees toe:oder with
dee Town Council, the Board of Canniissioners,
were appointed, and we are plowed with the
assumes that there is every.prospect of an *di
ciest organhatken being at once effected. The
newnhara of both companies will hold weetinp to
eabrrow evening, to bear the reports olVonunitesee,
adopt Constitutions, Ac.,—the "Blue Dicks" at
Mr. Mutes, and the "Oen. Taylors" et "Head.
quarters." All who desire to connect thenuadrei
with either of the cowponies are requested to be
in retwedanee.
gcluyirry COMMISSIONER/ . —On Wed
nee* last, J. 00• Mae, Esq., the Commissioner
elect, took the oath of office, and the new Board
organised by appointing Josue Frei, Eq., Pm;
Wet, and JACO. AIMILIMPAVIIIIII, Clerk. It may
be no mon than justice to the retiring Commis.
Omar, Mr. Ctrwes , to may that he leaves
the Beard with the conacioweemo of hewing faith
fully diwbarged the duties which three years ago
were impaled upon hian by the masses ofhis fid
low citisene In his successor the 001011ty will find
an efficient, competent, add bithful officer.
Cr At the lad meeting add Board of County
Commierionen, JACOB Anoet> aaoot was reap
pointed Appraiser of Mercantile Tana for the
County of Adama.
'Lenox and lady, and Rev. R. S. MACLAT, sailed
from New York on the the 19th inst. for China,
as Missionaries ander the Bawl of Missions of the
Methodist Episcopal Church. Their destination
is Futchow, a city of some 600,000 inhabitants,
about five degrees North of Canton. Mr. Ma
c LAT is a young man of fine talents, devoted piety,
and much energy of character, and will undoubt
edly prove an efficient and successful laborer in
the missionary field. He graduated at Dickinson
College about two years ago, since which he has
resided in this place, as a minister of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, to the members of which, as
well as to our community generally, he had en
deared himself as a faithful minister and excellent
Coxesseame, Eeq., of Freedom township, has
presented us with a large Beet measuring 261
inches in circumference, and able* fine Mammoth
Radish mewling 141 inches in circumference and
254 long : it is solid and of about equal thickness
the whole length, end weighs 7 lbs. Freedom is
great on good things—:whether it be in the line of
big-hearted Whip or mammoth vegetable', she
is hard to beat.
g7An election for State officers, members of
the Legislature, &c.„ takes place in New York On
Monday nut. New Jersey elects a Governor and
members of the Legislature on Tuesday.
SCOTT A 8 A GENERAL.—The successive
brilliant achievements of Gen. SC OTT since his
sumption of the command of the army, extort even
from his political enemies the highest eulogies.—
The Washington correspondent of the Baltimore
Nun, known to be an especial confidant of the Ad
ministration, in • late letter, thus speaks of the
gallant hero :
"L must also tell you an anecdote of
Gen. Scott, which , him not yet found ha
way into the pabfic prints. Otis of his
aids, who had to join him at the palace,
and Well detained two hours by an engage. :
me " be l i toua out foa o Maltsl Ws citizen.
firing from the windows and
at last penetrated to (kn. Bootee room,
where he fiiund the war-worn veteran quite
at ease, Writing despatches, while the en
emy's balls want flying about him in every
direction; be not 'heeding tin= a bit more
than Citadel XII. did when placed in a
sintilat - pmkfcament. The *kill, bravery
and indomitable courage of that greatest
livitig Captain have not been half enough
acknowledged by his countrymen ; and
yet ancient and modern history may well
be challenged' to show greater feats of
arm*, or greater and sterner devotion to
d ut y, and mouthy than are exhibited by
We seem to be so much cowed by Eu
roic.tsn criticism, or possess so little mag
nanimity, that we dare not do justiceto our
own_ great men ; or Scott's march, with a
handfti - ut inen.llom the first moment of
his landing at Vera Cl= to the final eel-%
sure of the Capital of the Astecks, might
well be compered to the proudest achieve
ments recorded in the history of Greece
or Rome. With twenty thousand men
Scott, if called upon, would march down
to the Straights of Magellan."
Orleans Delta gives the followini summary of the
number of killed and wounded in the attack on
Chepultepec and the city of Mexico:
Killed. Wounded. Misting.
Worth's . Divigion, - 140 766 . 27
Twinge' •• 36 194 10
Pillow's " 21 111 10
Quitawin'a .. 41 267
- Total, 238 1338 47
KiOad, wounded and missing in the four
one, 1623.
It seenui that. after all, the Pennsylvania Hog
merits were present at the battles near the City of
Mexico, and, as might have been expected, did
good service. The City mem are filled with
lists of the killed and wounded in the several di
visions. Of Pennsylvanians, the names of I I are
given as killed, and 147 wounded. Among the
latter we observe the names of Captains hats
M. F►tacatca.
The Voltisenr Hagiment, under Col. Reasev,
was !leo engaged in the fight, and lad 5 men kil
led, 39 wounded, and 4 missing. As this is the
_RflgkleAt.NitientildiAin_salms-nien - fiwre - this
neighborhood ate eammeeted, and as the names
of none of them appear in the list of killed and
wounded, we infer that they are all Safe, and with
the rest of out brave' troops "revelling in the Halls
of the Monteeumas." Their Captain, Alnico I.
BA an aim, was twice wounded during the engage
t7 - Maj. LALLY loot 1:1 men killed and 105
wounded in skirmishes with the Guerillas, while
taking his come:mod frorn Vera Cm: to Jalapa.
Lir Among the wounded at the storming of
Chapoltopee we•obeane the name of W3I. FIT.-
Nuee,of Washing eo., Md., formerly resident of
this place aeit student of Pann's College.
The Washington Union says that no official
communications have been received from Gen.
Beare since the 4th of June. It infers that him
despatches must have been intercepted by the Gu
113 - The Locofocos profine to think, says the
Lontille lowest, that the acquisition of New
MeSid) and the California. would be an ample re
muneration for all our losses in the war. l& a year
ind a half ago the question had been asked wheth
er our country ought to be willing to purchaae
those territoript.a‘the cost of a hundred and fifty
millions of &glom - 4W the lives of ten or fieeen
tbounand of ber heroic yeomanry, who is there a
mong us that would not have thundered forth an
indignant negative 1
Where is the Locofoco that can tell us the rela
tive value of wild lands and human RAO How
many am* of Mexicrui ground will reimburse us
for the death of Ringgold ? How many for the
death of Ridgely I How many kr the death of
Clay I How many for the death. of Hamer I
How many for the death of Butler 1 How many
for each of the heroic privates that fell at Palo At
to, at ROMP, at Illstiterey, at Buena Vista, at Ve•
m Cna, at Cerro dernio, at Contrail" at Churn
tame; and at the City of Mexico 1
OFFICIAL VOTE.--010cial returns from all
the counties in this State, excepting Elk, Jefferecns,
Greene, and Armstrong, give Shank 146,778, and
Irvin 130,362 votes. Shank's majority will be a
bout 18,000. The whole number of votes polled
will probably reach 280,000—about- 40,000 lea,
than was polled 'for Governor in 1844. Next
week we will be able to furnish the full vote in all
the counties.
gaited a Senator in the Clearfield district, (Mr.
Johnston) the Senate will stand 19 Whigs to 14
Locelocos. Oftbe hitter, one (Mr. Small, of Phil
adelphia county,) is absent in Mexico, so that the
Whig majority during the winter will be al:—
enough to keep the other depirtrnents of Govern
ment from doing mock mischief. The House will
intobaby stand 37 Whip to 63 Leedom&
rflr Among the roesabeta elect to the,Lepala
tore, we nodes the =UM of Litton Lantvaa, of
Cinabildal4 county. awl./*cos ZAzer,eak, of
ler county. Both these gentlemen were foram
ly reaidenta of this plate, and both. we belkive.
are prudes! rani-nuas.
far The following item from the Baltimore Sun
of Wednesday last, will beano. in these parts :
WA6OIO wsarse.--in consequence of the
damage done to the Pennsylvania Canal by the
late freshet, the Gettysburg Commission Mer
chants are necessitated to employ a large number
of wagons in forwarding merchandise to the West.
One house is in want of 100 wagons, for which ad
vanced prices will be given. Freight for Phila
delphia is abundant at Pittsburg.
LW The Election in Pennsbury township, Ches
ter county, was held in a wagon stationed in the
middle of the road. In the wagon bed were seat
ed the Judges, Inspectors, and Clerks. After the
election, symptoms of a storm having shown them
meiv"r Judges, Inspectors, ballot-boxes and all,
were wheeled off to a school-house ' near by,
where the tickets were counted. The cause of
this singular proceeding was owing to, the fact,
that the owner of the house, heretofore a public
but now a private one, where the election is di
meted to be hell, would not pennit the election to
be held on his remises.
ale. Mr. J. CLIPIIILL, a highly respectable old
gentleman, of Colon, Michigan, was recently bru
tally murdered by a son, who lived with him and
was of intemperate habits. The father', age was
89, the eons 61. The occasion of the murder was
the frequent expostulation• of the father with the
win in regard to his intemperate entirec. The son
immediately after committed suicide.
met with any expression of opinion by ■ public
assembly more distinctly exhibiting at once the
intelligence, dui spirit, and the port of Freemen,
than the following Resolutkone adopted at the
Whig Convention lately held in the State of New
Rampahint, sad to every word of which we ree
pond a hearty amen:
• Resolved. That, as citizens of* free coun
try. we claim and shall exercise the right
at all time. in a candid but fearless manner,
of expressing our opinions of the acts
whether of the State or National Adminis
tration. sod 'whether thosit,acts relate to
peace or war; and that we regard the at
tempt of the President of the United States
in his but message to brand as traitors all
those citizens of the Republic who do not
yield a blind obedinoce to his will, and
approve his conduct in the unconstitntionsl
commencement of the -present war with
Mexico, as an insult to freemen. and fit on
ly to emanate from one who rules over
Resolved. That War is to be avoided
at all times as a great calamity, especially
by this country, as not congenial to•thi
spirit of" our institutions, or the feelings
that should animate us in our intercourse
with the nations of the earth but that
we regard the present war with Mexico
as doubly hateful, inasmuch as it was un
constitutionally commenced by the act of
the President, in disregard of the rights of
Congress, and as it Is waged for the dis
memberment of a sister Republic, upon
pretexts that are false, and fur a purpose
that is abhorrent to all feelings of humani
ty and justice ; and that, although we a
ward to the officers and men engaged in
that war all the praise that is due to skill,
energy, and courage, yet we regard the
glory acquired by our arms as an inade
quate compensation for the blood that has
been shed, the treasure that his been wast
ed, and the indelible stain that has been
cast upon our national character by the
prosecution of a war of conquest and am
bition. the first, as we hope it may be the
last, in the history of the Republic.
Resolved, therefore, That it is the duty
of the Whigs of die country, by , all exer
tions in their power. to extricate the coun
try from the condition into which it has
been plunged by the madness of its rulers,
and to procure a peace with Mexico as
soon as it can be done consistently with
the true honor and dignity of the American
name, and, by the termination of the war,
set an example of justice and magnanimity
that shall reflect as much honor upon the
character of the American people for the
exercise of the moral virtues as they have
acquired by the display of those of a mil
itary and heroic kind.
a:rBr. D. 8. W has sold out his interest
in the "York Advocate" to Mr i } WIRT Y. Tatou
sa. who, in a neat introductory, promises to do all
he can to prove himself wrathy of patronage and
_ _
"The Democracy of N. York have been rent
asunder by the Wilmot Proviso question. A ma
jority of the late State Contention, obedient to the
mandate of the demagogues at the head of the
national administration, refused to adopt resolu
tions recognizing the principles of the Proviso.
The "Young Democracy" of the State, represent
ed by Bryant, of the Evening Post, and Attorney
Generfill r Yiut Buren. taking exception to this un
worthy servility of the "Old Hunkers," denounce
it in unmeasured terms, and have called a State
Convention to give expression to views more in
consonance with the great principles of Democra
cy and Humanity. The result may be the defeat
of ,the "Old Hunker" nominations, and the election
of the Whig candidates.
On) , the Mormon prophet, has order
ed all of his followers to Beaver Island, in Lake
Michigan. He has bought up that spot, contain
ing forty square miles, and expects to gather the
Mormons there this fall.
Ur An American paper, called the "American
Star," was issued in the city of Mexico imme
diately after the occupation of the capital by Gen.
IST Prot A. B. Beeves has been chosen Pres
ident of lefk-rson College. at Canonsburg, Pa.
Liberty Convention ckeedits labors at Buffalo, N.
York, the 21st Mat., after nominating Joni P.
Hs to, of New Hampshire, far the Presidency, and
Lamm Hera, of 0140, for the Vies Presidency.
Mr. Hale received 103 votes, end Gerrit Smith 47
—the contest for the Presidential nomination br
ing between these two. .
8:7 - The Whip of New Hampshire ham nom
inated N Hu. 8. Blume, as their candidate
for Governor, and Mr. Waseca* for the PreM
li:r The New York and New Jersey Synod of
the New School Presbyterian Church, while in
session a kw days since, adopted a preamble and
resolutions expressive of their belief of the "wick
edness" of the preema war with Medea They al
so urge their ministers M "impress the minds of
men with • sus of the sinfulness and evils of the
war, and the desiniblenem of its speedy termina
MEXICAN WHIOIEN.—The Locofoco or
gans seem of late not to know any name
for the Whip but "Mexican Whigs."—
Let ns mention a few facts for the benefit
of these callers of hard names. Two Ken
tucky regiments destined for Mexico are
now encamped near this city, and we are
sutured by gentlemen of the highest re
speetability, who profess to know the fact,
that a large majority of the rank and file
of both regiments us Whigs. The regi
ments are made rip of men from nine of
ten Congressional districts of Kentucky ;
but Lynn Boyd's district, the' only Loco
foco district in the State, is not represented
by a solitary volunteer ip either regiment !
Let the Locoing:on, whose tongues are so
familiar with the phrase ..Metucan Whip,"
digest these facts u they may.—Lossis
viile Journal.
A Snows/mom. —The ..Mexican Whig"
State of Kentucky has furtifshed for the
Mexican war five companies more than is
wanted, or will be received by the Presi
dent; while the patriotic, Democratic
State of Alabama, that has been called on
to furnish only five companies, lacks just
five companies of the number required.—
Now, e have to suggest to those compa
nies :lean Clay Whigs of Kentucky,
who re desirous of engaging in the ser
vice of their country and have been refused
there, to come down to Alabama and they
can have a chance. We want just five
comanies, and there seems to ho no pros
pect of getting them in this Democratic
State. Our people seem to have a decided
dislike to "villanous saltpetere."
Will the Kentucky papers have the
goodness to lay this proposition before the
..Mexican Whigs" of that ..rascally Whig
State," and if accepted let the five compa
nies come on forthwith !—Mobile Adver.
WII9TIIR 18 COMING—The mercury last
ight stood St 23°-9 below (ree l ing Nint.
handed us a copy of the new constitution adopted
by the recent State Convention in Illinois. Among
its provisions, we find the following stringent sec
tion' in regard to duelling. Similar provisions
engrafted on our State constitutions would soon
inn an end to the •code of honor."
Sec. 25. Any person who ',hall, after
the adoption of this constitution, fight a
duel, or send or accept a challenge for
that purpose, or be eider or abettor in
fighting a duel, shall be deprived of the
right of holding soy office of honor or
profit in this State, and shall be punished
otherwise in such manner as is or may be•
prescribed by law.
Sec. 26. That from and after the adop•
Lion of this constitution, every person who
shall be elected or appointed to any office
of profit, trust, or emolument, civil or
military, legislative, executive, or judicial,
under the government of this state, shall,
before he enters upon the duties of his of
fice, in addition to the oath prescribed in
this constitution. take the following oath ;
*I do solemnly swear
_(or affirm, as the
case may be,) ,that I have not fought a duel
nor sent or accepted a challenge to fight a
duel, the probable issue of which might
have been the death of either party, nor
in any manner aided or iksistetl in such
duel, nor been knowingly the bearer of such
challenge or acceptance. since the adoption
of the constitution; and that I will not be
so engaged or concerned, directly, in or a
bout any-such dual, during-my-continu
ance in office. So help me, God."
"THECHOLERA--The Great Scourge ofhn
manity--a scourge more awful than ATI LLA and
hie Huna—more terrible than the eruption* of a
volcano—more devastating than theijkow of an
earthquake—the Great Scourge of thrrik olera is
at this moment advancing towards us with silent
but indomitable rapidity, if we may believe the in
telligence received almost daily from the frontiers
of the Ruasion Empire. It course is described as
being northwesterly, and it is said to have already
penetrated into the interior of Europe. Goo de
fend us from the agonies which desolated the world
in 1832 !"
The above, from the London Sun, of Oc
tober 2d, the opening of a pretty long lead
er couched in language of similar character.
expresses the feeling, almost amounting to
panic, with which some of our European
cotemporaries seem disposed to regard the
continued progress of the Oriental pesti
lence, which threatens a renewal of the ca
lamities of 1831-2. The Cholera is, in
fact, once more in Europe, sweeping, with
all its ancient slowness of pace, but breadth
of devastation, along its ac4ustonted path,
from east to west; and, as we have every
reason to suppose that it will pass, and, ul
timately; disregarding the barrier of the At
lantic, reach our own shores, as in 1832,
we have looked over our foreign file for
notes of its progress, such as must natural
ly interest'American readers.
The last intelligence that we have from
England shows that the cholera is already
at Riga, on the Baltic, which seems to be
the most easterly point it has reached, and
from-which it extendeinit
through Kieft' (Kiew ) to Trebizond, on the
Black Sea, and farther south, through Asi
atic Turkey, into Persia. It made its first
appearance in Trebizond on the Bth Sep
tember, and in Riga on or before the 12th.
Thirty cases were reported in Trebizond
on the llth, described as being "not very
virulent." About the same number of
cases daily, are reported at Erzoroutn
(near 'Trebizond.) w4crebne-third of the
eases were fatal. The mortality in the
Russian towns is stated at two-thirds the
number of eases. The disease had not
reached Constantinople, where, however,
it was daily expected, (a filial case had oc
curred on the xteain packet Sultan, coming
from Trehizond.) and where a quarantine
of observation had been already establish
ed. Rigid quarantine regulations had been
instituted at Genoa and Palermo ; and
they were talked ofat Malta and Marseilles.
It is impossible to divest the mind of
awe, and even terror, while brooding over
the anticipated advent of a dreaded epi
demic, in which so many will apprehend
the direct judgment of God upon an age of
light and wickedness. But the ignorant
suffer with the wise, and the wise are cal
led upon and permitted to lessen the afflic
tion which would otherwise fall upon the
masses with unequal weight. Experience
has already proved that the resources of
science in Europe and the United Statei
are competent to the successful resistance
of the East Indian plague, whose ravages
were lessened, and, in many instances,
prevented, duiing its former visitation,
fifteen years ago; and now, with a better
knowledge of it titan we then enjoyed, we
have every reason to believe that, should
it visit us again, it will present few of s its
former terrors.
Nor is there, perhaps, any occasion to
expect that its passage to the New World
will be a speedy one. Looking back to
the records of its former occurrence, (from
which we may compute its rate of travel,)
we find that it made its appearance in east
ern Russia in the fall of 1830—et Moscow,
for example, on the 28th of September.
It was not until thirteen months after
wards that it reached England, (it broke
out it . Sunderland on the 28th of October,
1831,) and it was not until the Bth of
June, 1832, that it appeared at Quebec,
upwards of twenty months after its ap
pearauce at Moscow. Anticipating for it
a similar rate of progression now, (and ex
perience shows a remarkable uniformity,
generally speaking, in its advance,) there
would seem little occasion to expect its
appearance in England before next Oct°.
ber, or in America before the summer of
Science and benevolence, however, are
now busily engaged in watching its steps.
Governments and municipalities stand in
readiness to prepare, at a moment's warn
ing, for its approach vend we may expect
its coming hereafter, should it come, as.
cured-that-it cannot take us by surprise,
and equally assured that all the resources
of knowledge and hunianity will be in
requisition to deprive it of its danger.
THIC "VOUSO Ditatocamlv."—The Herk
imer Masi Convention of the Young De.
mocracy,of New York, or those opposed
to the regular nominations, assembled oe
Tuesday. Churchill C. Cambreleng, of
Suffolk county, was President. An ad
dress was reported by John Van Bured.—
David E. Field, of N. York, raported res.
olutions repudieating the proceedings of
the Syracuse Convention, and advising the
Democrats of New York to vote as though
there were no nominations pretending to
be regular. They reaffirm and stand fast
by the principle of the Wilmot Proviso.—
These resolutions were unanimously adopt
ed. No State Ticket was nominated.—
lion. David Wilmot, of Pennsylvania (au
thor of the Proviso,) . C. C. Cambreleng
and John Van Buren were the prinoipal
tErTh'it Onderdonk caw continues to engross
the attention of the Episcopal Convention in New
York. Much learning -anol eloquence hes been
&own out in ite discuudion. It is now thought
hat the ant to restore the jfiehop will fail.
(f 7 The Washington Union contradicts the ru
mor that Gen. TAILOR is about to return home.—
He has never signified any such intention to the
War Department, and cannot of course have his
poet without obtaining it. permiwion.
[sr Accounts from Ohio spe a k 01150 unusual
quantity of rain during last week, which has can.-
ad much damage by the rising of the streams, the
destruction et dams, bridges, fences, Asc.
Nisi, It Lawns. of Alaboni% hag pub
lished • letter in which be denial tlhatlie has com
mittal himself in focor Of Oat: Tarui• for the
frlreJoks ('rocket" will appear next week.
'BRANIri.ETH'S PlLLfi, a vegetaidci Mad u
niversal Medicine.--These Pills ewe all dime...
by PatilYbur the blood. They glee te hall'emueo•
guns of the body the proper amount of life weft
eery to their purification. They are a reosrats
or "maws to all mankind, and may be Jeet l 7
mid to give lie beauty and vigor of youth to the
weakness and decrepitude of ago. Can it he be
lieved that ill* being before the public he ninety.
one years, their sale should only nay' be • little
rising *million besot per yeas I But se it is, and
it is only to be. attributed to fatal prejudice, at
their sale would her atheist twenty million' of bog
es per year instead of only one million. Let all
the sickles. them---they will woo be among the
healthy, let all who would lecture thermally , from
sickness have theta by them, in case of a sadden
attack; far a fans doses taken when the body
commences to get out of onier,gued the beiefit is
secured at once. Fathers and mothers,
this subjoin; sons and daughters, attend to this
subject; let all men and women. ask themselves
the question, whether what has stood the test of
time so long doe" not deserve some attention.
And who is robe brenditted I These who Use
tbs Brandreth Pills. They are the ones that re
ceive the interest of a thousand per cont.—Bow
In a present payment of health, of vivacity for
dullness, of brightness and clearness of perception,
in place of cloudiness and confusion of mind.
Brandseth's Pills are a life preserver. Those
who know their qualities feel secure in' their
health and faculties being-preserved to them to an
indefinite period. They are equally good in all
kinds of disease, no matter how called, because
they cannot be used without taking out impurities
from the blood, and perseverance will cause its
perfect purification, and no disease can be present
when the blood is pure. - -
Testaavaaals from 23 citizens of Tarrytown, New
York, concerning the value of Brandieth's Pills
as a cure for Bilious and Dyspeptic cases:
• January 14, 1847.
Dr B. Brandreth--Dear Air : We, the under
signed, being fully convinced of the superior qual
ity of your Vegetable Universal Pills over all oth
ers as a Cathartic Medicine, which opinion is
founded on our own personal experience—having
used them for yours as a family roedielne. We
therefore take pleasure in thus recommending them
as specially excellent in preventing and curing
those bilious difficulties to which almost every in
dividual is, 44 certain periods of the year, subject-
In all dyspeptic eases in which we have seen them
used, they have effected a perfect cure. The
method of using them was to take one or two eve
ry night before going to bed. Whoever that is
dyspeptic, and follows this advice, will be sure of
• cure, so we believe, se we have never known
them to fail. Nothing but, the welfare of our fel
low-beings has induced ndrii;write this ; you will
therefore confer a particular favor upon us by bay
ing it published.
Bigned by M.l. Lockwood. County Clark, F. J.
Coffin, Eturmgate, Jacob Odell, D. M. Lent, J.
F. Child, Elias Mann, George Mills, John De
were, Rtcuben Rwartwout, E. L. Hall, John
-Leonard, M. D. malting; Jaml..7 Wats. C.
H. Underhill, Willet Carpenter, W. F. Van
Wert, B. C. Clapp, H. B. Todd, Elijah Wel
day, Wm. D. Ward, J. H. Vail, Thomas Dean,
Cornelius Loose, W. A. Welday. J. b. See.
C . f . The Brandreth Pills are sold far $6 cents
per box at Dr. B. Brandreth'• Principal Office, 114 1
Broadway, N. York, and by the following duly
authorised Agents:—J. M. Stevenson & Co., Oct.
tyaburg ; J. B. M'Creary, Petersburg: Abraham
King, Hunteratown ; A. M'Fariand, A bhottatown
D. M. C. White, Hampton; Sneerinim* Fink,
Littlestoirn ; Mary Duncan. Carl:town Geo. W.
Beau, Fairfield ; J. H. A utabaugh. Zoi, Berlin ;
D. Newcomer, Mechaniciwille; Sansl Shirk, Han
over. [Oct. 89, 11117.
rano TRW 1114tTTWOjti Itt•N or v. goIrgoo•T
BEEF ' Arri.E.—There were 1900 head of
fered at the Scales on Monday, 550 of whirl sold
at $3 25 ass 75 per 100 lba. net. These prices
rhow an advance.
HOGS.—Sales of Live Hogs at *6 25 a *6 62
—a good demand.
FLOUR.—The flour market remains inactive.
Holders of Howard street brand+ generally ask 66,-
50, with MUM sellers than buyers. The tenden
cy is to decline, and sellers could doubtless be
found at less than *6 50. City Millers are ask
ing *6 50, but find no buyers. Corn Meal with
out inquiry. Rye flour 65.
GRAIN—The receipts of grain are moderate
good to prime red wheat sold this morning at 61.-
25 a lilt 30; white is nominal at $ I 33 • $1 31
whits for family flour *I 37. White Corn 63
cents; yellow 65 a 69. Oats 30 • 40. Rye 05
PROVISIO N B. This market is a little firmer.
Moss Pork sells at 4114 a $62. Prime ►t sll.
Small sales of No. 1 Hee( at $ll, on time. Ba
con--Soles of Shoulders, in large Ida. at 71 ► 7i
cents ; males of 311hbdii. Sides add at 74 eta., and
small parcels choice at 84 and 84. We quote
Hams at 10 a 114 cootie t prime iota 11 a 13.
Nothing doing in Lard—kegs held at. Meant* ;
and bbl. at 10a 104.
On the 10th halt. by Rev. P. &bearer, Mr. Pa
raa and MSS Mai' BSCIESIL, both of
this county.
On the 17th inst. by Rev. J. Albert, Mr. Heist:
8. Passe and Alias BALM ANS Ausairr, both
of Hanover.
On the same evening, by the same, Mr. JAM.
MORIII/MJS and Miss Maar him Tautimi, both
of Berwick township.
On the llth inst. by the Rev. T. Tanyhill, Mr.
issue C and Miss Maar Gout.str, bothof
Cumberland township. •
On the ;Ist inst. by the Rev. I. Ulrich, Mr:
Wasatairros Powsa and Mist Maar Diu, all
of Aflame county.
On the same dey, by the Baum, Mr. Ww.
Emma, all of this county.
On the same day, by the same, Mr. DAire ',r
um and Miss Baas* LOUISA MIIAJCI, all of
York 'wanly.
Oa the 25th inst. Etna Rind Trending, ai
Oar of Robert Thompson, of Ciuidedand totraidisis,
ha the 95th year of her age.
Oa the 17th inst. at Littlestinin, of Constant
dm, WOXLIT 9Prossinna, aged .111' re"
months, and .14 day..
Oa the doming of the 121 h Wt. ai the•sedn
den, of Jesse Cook. see, near YorkBgtio94 4 11 11
• leir days illness IMasa j, Cops, 4111.11101Vr
Sunned and hiarginet Cook. to the id* yell of
her age.
THE Subscriber, Ette , eutrix of HEW
MYRRH, deceased, and testamentary
Guardian of his minor childiPto. offers for'
RENT, from the lat day of dpril next,
the valuable property known
as the
"Virginia Mills."
They are situate in Hain iltonban township,
Adams county, 14 miles low Fairfield,
and in one of the best Grain-growing secs
tions of the county. The Mills are newly
erected, and in complete repair; they eon,
sist of a Grist Mill, Saw Mill, dt,c., all in
good order. There are about 500 Acres
in the Farm, with Dwelling. ouse, Ten
ant House. Barn, drc,, a large quantity of
meadow and arable 'stile. 40,
•The Terms will be made known by
the subscriber, residing on the premises,
Applications must be accompanied by pro,
per recommendations
Virginia Mills, Oct. 20, ISO—t(
TlNle t —a truth us solemn as it is impor
tant, and vet how small the number who
act with promptness and decision in cases
of time most vital importance. When dis
ease invades the physical frame, no time
should be lost in procuring ?he right med
icine at once, and get cured without delay.
For chronic constitutional diseases, such
Ulf Rheumatism, King's Evil, Scrofula, af
fecting the glands, obstinate Cutaneous E
ruptions, Ulcers, White Swellings, En
largement and Pain of the Bones, and oth
eraimilar diseases, iSasins' SARBAPARILLA
haa been found, in numerous instances to he
an efficient remedy. °Pealing mildly and
pleasantly on the general system, purifying
and cleansing the vital fluids, giving tone
and energy' to the nervous system,'and
parting Mandan to the debilitated frame,—
Numbers who have taken. it merely with
a view of illeviating their sufferings, have
by using it a short time, to their infinite
pleasure and delight, rapidly improved in
health, until it has become fully established.
__ll:rfor tnrther particulars and conclusive evi l
lience of its superior efficacy see Pam phlets,which
way be obtained of agents gratis.
Premed and sold. wholesale and .roldfrliky
A. D.& D. SANDS, 76 Fulton street New York.
bold also by appointment of the Proprietors by
S. if. BUEHLER, Gettysburg, Pa. Price $1 per
Valle. Mix bottle* for $5.
'October 22, 1847.-
Wood ! Wood !
. _
s ett rA few cords of good
lIICKORI WOOD wanted at this office,
iu payment of subscription.
Sept. 17, 1847.
Or We are requested to an
nounce that the Sale of Personal Property,
advertised by 'MPH BAUCIIIER, Esq., to
occur on the 18th of November, will not
take place—the property having already
been disposed of at private sale.
Oct. 29,1847.-3 t
Valuable Town Property at
On 71teaday the 16111 of November nix
WILL offer at Public Sale my House
I and Lot situate in West Chambers
burg street, Gettysburg, fronting on said
street, and adjoining lots of Conrad Wea
ver and T. Stevens. The improvements
are a buy Two-eroaY
1 .11
with a good Kitchen and Pantry, e
a large Brick Barn, with Carriage-house
attached, and other out-buildings ; also a
fine Garden, with some choice Fruit -trees,
dm. The premises are in good order, and
conveniently located for a pleasant resi
dence. Hydrant water is..suppliell in the
The terms will bepide known- on the
day igsale by_ the subscriber. Possses
sion will be given on tile first day of April
next, and a good title made to the pur
Gettysburg Oct. 29, 1847.—5 t
,AM, TAXES on Duplicates in hands
of Collectors at the present time will
be• required to be paid on or before the , lot
day of January, 1848. Ila"On all Tax
es unpaid after that date, 6 per cent. inter
est will be charged, according to law.
Attrit—t7,4loBisluttsgh, Clerk.' - Commlienr.
Comtniasioneri Office, Got
, tyaburg, Oct. .9, 1847. 5 td
Notice to Assessors.
YOU are hereby notified to attend at the
Commissioners' Office, in the bor
ough of Gettysburg, on Tuesday the 2311
day al November raext, to receive blank
Assessment Duplicates, and the necessary
BY order of the Commiesioners. -
Commisstonere Office, Get-
tystourg, Oct. 29, 1847. s ld
William Keilholtz,
%/Baler in Painis, Oils, Brushes, Glass,
Varnish, Putty, and Mixed Paiute, of
all colors, at the lowest rates,
Comer of Franklin and One, divots, opposite the
Fenn`a Avenue.
N. B. WILLIAM Kim novrs, having had
a gong experience in Paints, Oils, &c.,
ing alractieal House and Sign Painter,
will give ail information, respecting mix
ing Paints, &e.. gratis. Country Mer
,cbasta and others supplied on moderate
Oct. 29, 1847.—1 y
ETTERS of Administration on the
La Estate of 'Wm. RUTUILAUFF, late of
Gettysburg, Adams county, deceased, hat , -
been granted to the subscriber, resi
ding in Gettyabnrg, he hereby give& no
(ice to indebted to said estate, to make
payment without delay, and those having
claims to present the sane, properly au
thenticated, tor settlement.
Oct. 21, 1847.-81
'TAME G. REED, lately from Pitts
burg, designs making Gettysburg his
permanent place of residence, and to pur
sue there the practice of the Law. He
hilk.matle arrangements with hie father,
JOUICRSIID ) Esq., of Carlisle, to have his
sid in molt eases as may require it. He
will be (bard at ail times at his office, on
Clistabersburg street, opposite the hat
stare' of Irw. - PairToe, or, at his lodgings.
at the Hotel 'of James M'Cosh.
Oct- 29, 14147.--13 t •
Dr. F. E. Vandersloot,
fIIESPECTFULLY informs the Citi
-2611414f Gettysburg and vicinity that
he is prepared to perform every operation
appertaining to his Profession , such as
cleansing, Jilin, plugging and inserting
Teeth, from a single tooth to a full set. An
.experience of more than twelve years in
The Profession he trusts will enable him to
operate to the entire satisfaction of those
who trim wish his services. All work will
be Warranted. For his place of residence
enquire &tale store of Samuel Falineetock.
Reference is respectfully made to the fol
lowing gentlemen :
Rev. Dr. &braucker, Rev. Prof. !laugher,
Dr. D. Homer, Dr. D. Gilbert,
Prof. H. Haupt, Roy. E. - V. Gerhart,
Dr. C. N. Berlurhy, Prof. M. L. Strarcr,
CCltyaburg, Oct. 0, 1817—Iy ,
D & DINK S, I', tilt
. I qm Subscriber tenders his acknowl
edgnients to the Public for the liberal
and steady patronage with which he has
been favored for a series of years, and re
spectfully announces that. he has just re
ceived, at his old established stand in
Chambersburg_sweet, a large and fresh
1 - F aastIciLOMIDOMEREt o
Paints, Varnish, Dyestuffsg
and every variety of articles usually found
in a thug store, to which he invites the
attention of the public, with assurances that
they Will be furnished at the most reason
able prices.
The subscriber has, also largely increas
ed his assortment of BOOKS, by an addi
tional supply of
Classical. Theological. ,
School, and Mis- . .A. ~
•se , 0
embracing almost every variety of Stand
ard and Popular Literature ; also,
Blank Books and Stationery
of all kinds, GOLD PENS, Pencils, Vis
iting and Printing Cards, Card Cues, Ink
stands, ,ko. &a., all of which will, as usual,
be sold 11:7b.47' THE LOWEST PRI
OtrArrangements have been made by
which anything not included in his assort
ment will be promptly ordered from the
Gettysburg, Oct. 22, 1849.
0:7-1 have at present ow hand - an excel
lent assortment of BIBLES, plain and fan
cy, for school and family use—at very low
tliglAP . NEKS.O
THE undersigned has constantly on
hand a large assortment of Family and
Pocket Bibles,
Prayer and Hymn _
Books, in. every :style ‘ . s
of binding, 111..11NK \ • ..r `c. ,
BOOKS, Journals, 1 \ \;;.;....
I,edgers,Receipla,llle- ,\• __—
mormulums ;
quality at the lowest Cash prices, with
frames to match.
Lead Pencils, Slates, Inkstands,Wafers, Ru
lers, Copy Books, Cyphering Books, Al
phabet Cards, Arithmetical Tables, Letter
and Cap Paper, Note Paper, plain, gilt,
embossed; laced ; Envellopes, French and
American, of all sizes.
ANN_U ALS_olallkin.ds. C hristaxas atul
New Year Presents, suitable for the com
ing Hollidays. Persona wishing to pur
chase will find it to their interest to call up
on the subscriber.
VALENTINES, in season, sentimen
tal and comic.
such as are at present used In the College,
Publie-and Private Schools, will always
be kept on hand, and supplied to all who
may favor me with their custom, at very
low prices ; to test this I invite a call from
purchasers and others.
TOY BOOKS.—A large assortment of
Toy and Juvenile Books; kept constantly
on hand—also a large stock of Perhlingry &
rangy ariiiTt &c.
Walk in, Ladies and Gentlemen, always
happy to show goods and answer ques
tions, at the Cheap Book, Stationery and
Notion Store, opposite the Bank.
Gettysburg, Oct. 22.
TILE accountsand notes assigned by
ill ROBERT W. M'SHERRY, have been
left by the subscriber in the hands of Ran-
ICRT U. M'Citamtv, Esq. for collection.—
Persons indebted either by note or book
account will be good enough to call and
settle the same between this and the first
day of December next. Indulgence be
yond that date cannot be given.
The accounts, notes, &c., due to the
subscriber, will be likewise left in the
hands of R. G. M'Creary, Esq., who will
have charge of all his business during his
absence. JAMBS COOPER.
Oct. 22, 1847.-8 t
THE subscriber has from twenty-five
to thirty thousand trees in his'Nur
sery, READY GROWN for this fall and
next spring's planting, comprising a large
amount of Apple and Peach, together with
a general assortment of all the finer fruits ;
also various kinds of shade and ornamen
tal trees, which he will sell either at retail
or by the thousand. Persons wishing to
procure trees for planting, or to sell again,
can be accommodated any time after the
15th of October next.
August 27, 1847.-2 m .
xRUIT TREES, of all kinds, (gra ft ed
in the root,) can be had of the'sub
scriber on reasonable terms. Please call
and judge for yourselves.
Gettysburg, May 20, 1848.
n hoever wants a First-rate
(lAN be accommodated by calling at
it) FRAZER'S Clock & Watch Estab
lishment, in Chambersburg street, Gettys
burg, next door to Mr. Buehler's Drug
Store...where a new lot of beautiful 24
4dur and 8 day CLOCKS have just been
received frdm the City. They are of the
best manufacture, and will be warranted.
Give us a call—they will be sold cheap.
araillisterls Ottanselst,
FOR the cure of external Sores, Scrof
ulous affections, 'Liver Complaint,
Quinsy, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Pains in
the Chest, Tumors, Diseases of the Skin,
Piles, Corns, Rheumatism, &c., &c., for
sale at the Drug Store of
Gettysburg, June 25.—tf
Perfumery, Soap, Ike.
ARTICLES, TOYS, &c., for sale
OF i 9 1 .1110 U$ RINDS
Wit SIM%
Mt Liannu
H AS just received and is now opening
as large and handsome a stock of
FALL GOODS as has ever been offered
to the public in this place. They have
been bought upon the very best terms, and
will be sold at prices that cannot fail to
please. The Stock consists, in part, of
03111.0.11 5 024
C 2111111 e
Coatings, assimers, ass inets,
Jeans, Velvets and Velvet Cords, Pilot
and Beaver CLOTHS--cheap;
Plaid, Striped, and Plain Goods of every
variety; for Ladies' Cloaks, VII* LOW ; al
so Figured, Plaid, and Plain
FR Jewry cLoTIES,
a very superior srticle.for Ladies' Cloaks,
with Trimmings to 'un--very cheap ; also
Plashes, Velvets, Satins, & Silks,
every variety of color, for Ladies' Bonnets,
with Trimmings to suit; plain French and
English Merinoes, Plaids, Stripes, Plain
Goods, every variety ; Mohair & Silk-warp
Alpaceas—euperler & very cheap.
Also—Rep-Cashmeres, M. de Delaines,
Gingham., Calicaei, Salts, plain,
figured, plaid, and striped,
with almost every variety of articles for
Silk Velvets and black Ital-
ian Silks,
for Ladies' Cardinals, with trimmings to
suit. Also, cheap Domestics, Queens
ware. Hardwere...,.
Atc., all . olx,hch will be sold at pricel
that cannot 46 beat. Please call—it
will do us pleasure to show the Goode and
give you BARGAINS, such as you have
not had heretofore.
P. S.—lf you want to buy Irrcheap
STOVES, call with
Gettysburg, Oct. L1'1847.-81
HAS just received his Fall supply of
Goods direct from Philadelphia, of
The Latest and most Fashiona
ble Stiles,
which have been purchased for cash, at
the present
Reduced prices,
and will be offered at very moderate pro
fits, in order to yield QUICK RETURNS.
icrLadies will find a beaMiful assort
ment of rich Dress and
F. 1 0 ,111: r GOODS,
very cheap.
Oct. 15, 1847.—tf
Adjourned Public Sale of New
kat' (i4l.lltti&
'II HE Subscriber will expose to Public
Sale; at the Store-room of W. & C.
(RUTHRAUFF, in Gettysburg, a large
stock of STORE GOODS, on
Monday the lit of November inst.
commencing at 9 o'clock, A. M. and to
continue on each day thereafter until all is
sold. The stock is large, select, and fash
ionable, 'baying been recently purchased in
the cities. It includes
Jeans, Calicoes, Ginghams,
Chintzes, Lawns, M. Detainee, braille,
Vestings, Plaids, Silks, Muslins t Cambrlcs,
Jackonets, Alpaccas, Cashmeres, Swiss
and Book Muslin., Shawls Handkerchiefs
G loves, Hosiery, Ribbons, La E
Combs, Buttons, Queensware, Cu
Spices, Looking Glasses, Brooms, Brus -
es, Ropes, &c., and a great variety of oth
er Goods usually found in a large Retail
Store. Attendance will be given and the
terms made known on the day of sale by
Oct. 22, 1847.
T4ETTERS Testamentary on the Es
tate of Joux Gm, late of Mountpleas
ant township, deceased, having been grant
ed to the subscribers, residing in Adams
county, they hereby give notice to all who
are indebted to said Estate to call and pay
the same without delay, and those having
claims are desired to present the same,
property authenticated, for settlement.
The first named Executor resides
in Hamilton township, and the latter in
Mountpleasant township.
October 1, 1847.-8 Executor..
t it‘
0T I 16.
:LETTERS of Administration ,on the
Estate of Wx. Yawn, dec'd, late of
Reading township, Adams county, deceas
ed, having been granted to the subscri
ber, residing hr the same township, notice
is hereby given to all persons indebted to
said estate to call and settle the same with
out delay, and those having claims against
said estate are requested to present the
same, properly authenticated, for settle
ment. .„
Oct, 15, 1847.-8 t•
TAETTERS of Administration on the
Estate of RUFUS WILL, late of Hun
tington township, deceased, having been
granted to the subscriber, residing in Ger
many township, notice is hereby given to
all those indebted to said estate to make
payment, and those having claims upon the
estate to present the same, properly 'au
thenticated, for settlement.
Oct. 1,1847.-6 to
ON hand and for sale by the subscriber I
a large quantity of sTovEs, all si
zes, which will be sold very cheap. Call
awl see. CEO, ARNOLD. 1
bept. 24t1647.7-2ut
At Private Sale.
[ WILL sell at Private Sale, the HOUSE
I and LOT in which I reside, situate in
the borough of Gettysburvand fronting on
East York street. The House is a large
a and convenient TWO-ST ORY
with a good Brick BACK BUILDING.
and is in the very best of order. There
are on the premises a Frame STABLE,
Wash-house, Woodhouse, and Smoke
house ; a well of excellent water, with a
new pump in it, convenient to the door.—
All the improvements are in the best order,
—the garden being' regarded one of the
most productive ist the harbugh . . The
Property is pleasantly and Kasai
ses every convenience fstOffitatlate fami
ly residence. =PI hivb ohm a NEW
which I will dispose of very low.
Gettysburg, Oct. 2/, 18.47.-8 t
At Public Sale.
On Saturday the 4th of December.
WILL sell all my land lying within.
I the Borough of Gettysburg, Adams
county, Pa., consisting of a
of excellent land, on which are erected a
large Brick BAREki r tmd good
FARM Housz,
Wagon Shed, and Granaries.
There is a large quantity of excellent
MEADOW,andSO Acres (more or lessy of
Much of the land might be sold
as Town lots, as it fronts on sev
eral principal streets.
Several Town Lots
and other property will be offered for sale
at the same time. JAs I reside at a
distance from the property, I am determin•
ed to sell it without reserve. The Farm
will be sold in two tracts if purchasers de
sire it.
TERMS.—One-third part of the pur
chase money on the lit day of April next,
when a good tide' will be given, and the two equal annual payments with
interest. . ,
Lancaster, Pa. Oct. 22, 1847.
Vintinit PAW
THE subscriber offers for sale the val
uable FARM adjoining tlitit on
which he resides, in Cumberland town
ship, Adams county, containing
SigS &CM&
more or less. The improvements are in
good condition, and 'include a new two•
story Log Dwelling
[lit] . .zotroz,
with a Cellar under it, a Frame
Rarn,..a _Garden-enclosed with_.a,paling
fence ; also, a well of water and a young
bearing ORCHARD of Grafted Fruit.—
There is a good Meadovi, and more can
be made, if desired. About 70 Acres are
well set with good thriving timber-35
Acres . " of 'which can readily be cleared,
leaving still a sufficiency pf timber for the
use of the farm .
This property lies about 8 miles south
of Gettysburg, nearly joins the road that
leads from Emmitsburg and Millerstown
to the Two Taverna. on the Baltimore
turnpike, and within 1-2 - inile - Ordii food
tbatleads from Sell's Mill on Marsh Creek
to Taneytown and Baltimore. About
miles from the farm there are too Lime
Kilns, and plenty of limestone, near the
Millerstown road. •
The neighborhood in which it Is located
is not surpassed by any in tit county'for
intelligence, sobriety and good morals,
there being stated religious worship by dif
ferent denominations within * convenient
distance—all making it a very pleasant and
desirable residence.
IlcrThe Farm will be sold entire, or di
vided to suit purchasers.' The terms will
be made easy, and the payments to suit
purchasers. Persons wishing to view the
premises, can do so by calling in the sub
ICP•IT the above property be not sold
before Iliday-the 12th day_ of
next, it will on that day be offered at Pub•
lie Sale.
Oct. 15, 1847.—te
V i SAIAS J. CULP respectfully informs
his friends and customers that he has
removed his
Tailoring Establishing t
LO the room formerly occupied by Was.
Blau.; deceased, opposite NY AMPLER%
TINNERY, in Baltimore street, where
he will be pleased to attend to the orders of
1.4h0 wish to have work done up in
ashionable style, and at low rates. Ar
rangements have been made to receive the
Latest Fashions,
from Philadelphia and New York, so that
customers can rely on having their gar
ments made in the most approved styles.
11CPCountry Produce will be taken in
exchange for work.
Gettysburg, Aug. 20, 1847.-3 m
;,, • WATCHES, of all kinds,
ont will be cleaned and repaired, at the
shortest notice, at FRAZER'S Clock Si.
Watch Establishment, in Gettysburg.
July 18, 1847. tf
Plain, French, and English
Thibet, Lyonese and Parometta CLOT!!,
beautiful articles for Ladies' Cloaks and
Dresses; plaid and strined,Silk and Worsted
Bilk, Woolen and Cotton, Tarlton, Bue
na Vista, Oregon and Oalifornia
very handsome and cheap. Woolen Piano
and Table Covers,--a beautiful article.—
Also, CARPETING, ' . A
great variety on hand and for sale by
Oct. 8, 1847.-41
1 N pursuance of sundry writs of I endi
lioni, /Pica Venditioui Exponas, and
.FTeri Facial, issued out 'of the Court of
Common Pleas of Adams county, and to
me directed, will be exposed to public sale
on Salurday the 13th of November, 1847.
at 1 o'clock, P. M. at the Court-house, in
the Borough of Gettysburg, the followihg
Real Estate, to wit :
A. Lot, of Ground.
situate in the Borough of Gettysburg, in
• East York street, adjoining lots• of John
Weigle and widow Herrider, on whieb are
erected a ONE AND ONE-HALF nom.
Shed, &c., k.e. Seised and taken in ex
edition as the estate of Pntiar J. Tanana..
-A L
• A Lot of Ground ,
Curate in • Moutiljoy township, Adams
county; Ps.. adjoining lands of John Black,
James •M'Allistcr, and others, containing
TEN. R E 8, - more loss. - on - which
Illi k are erected a one wad one-hay
story Log .
(one-half being built of logs and the. other
of stone and rough waited) with a Kitchen
attached, and a frame. Stable. The land is
ina, good alata of cnhivattou r aiuthaa a va
riety of freit trees upon it. Seized and
taken iti'execution arthe estate or Jona
Tavrtszv. • '
A Tract of Land
situate, in Huntington township, Adams
county, Pa. adjoining lands of Thomas Ste
phens, John Sadler.Jolitt ollinq and nth
era, containing Foirry' ACRES, more
or less; on which are erected a one and
- one-half story Log
I I t small stahle, a spring of water
near the dwelling. The lands are divi
ded into a portion of cleared. about FIVE
ACRES of TIMBER. and about THREE
ACRES of MEADOW, with an Oichard
of fruit trees, consisting of Peach, Apple
and Pear Trees. There is *leo- a quarry
upon the premises. Seized and taken in
execution as the estate of Roam NICKEL,
Executor of Wm. Nickel, deceased.
L 8
A Tract oT Land,
situate in Huntington townihip. Adams
county, Pa., adjoining lands of David Mar
tin, David Sower, Peter - IL-Sinith. and
David Harman. containing
125 Acres,
more or less, on which are erected a two
1 I one-half weather-board and one•
• -brick.witittwo4Ci • • , • •• • •
Reuse, a well of water with a pump in ft,
'thiitr the door, a Log Barn, 'rah Sheds,
dm. Also a variety of. Fruit trees. Seiz
ed and taken in execution as the estate of
JOHN Ficxzs.
Tract of Land •
situate in Mountpleasant township, Adams
county, containing 120 Acresdnore or lass
lin& of - Pail& NFigerry,
Fredrick Plum, and othera, on:-which are
U Log Barn, Spring-house, with i
ned_ep.ringlitit,—Ahout. '
ORES of the above Trait is good TiMber
or 2r,Woodland, and about 12 Acres of
Meadow, and 'the residueis in It 4020il state
of cultivation. Seized and taken miEmpu
tion as the Estate of DAVID Saynr.n.
No, 1-1 Lot of Ground;
situate in the borough of Gettysburg, Ad
ams county, Pa., adjoining lots of Nicho
las Codori, and others. and fronting on.
East York street—to vvltich the defendant
is entitled to the undivided half.
No. 2-1. half Lot of Ground,
aitestarin Gettysburg" Adams'enunty, Pa.,
adjoining lute of John Adder and others,
in Washington street.'
o. 3—A. Tract of-Land,
situate in Cumberland township, Adams
county, Pa. adjoining lands of Alexander
Current!, Robertand Hugh MlGaughy, and
others, containing 0 Acres, more or lam.,
No. 4--:-The undivided interest
of the defendant in a Tract of Land, aim
ate in, Cumberland township, Adams coun
ty, Pa. adjoining lands of Alexander Cur
rens, Nathaniel RaidOlph, and others, and
lying on the Gettysburg and Enunitsburg
Road. containing 100 Acres, more or less,
on which , are erected a I}
part stone and part log, a log
Barn, &c. said tract having a fair propor
tion of Timberthereon.--Seixed end taken
in execution aa the potato of Ronan. W.
OrPersona purchasing property it Sheriff's
sale, will base to pay rat per-omit. of the purchase
money on the day of oreale.
Sherif!'s Office,Gettyskurg;
October 22, 1847... .
A Valuable .Stock Farm
TILE subscriber otrers at private
the FARM he resides on, situate in
Washington township, Franklin county,
halls mile.south of Mr. Samuel Bubrman's
Tavern, on the South Mountain, containing
.200 ACRES,
more or less, 160 or 70 of which is clear
ed and in a gond state of cultivation, a good
quantity of first-rate Meadow, and more
can be made on the place.
The improvements aro a convenient
with a spring of never-failing wa
ter under it, and another close to the door,
a large double log Barn, with sheds, a hog
stable, and carriage -house, and other build
ings necessary on the farm, and a great
variety of fruit. If not sold by Tuesday
Nov. 23, it will then be offered at public
sale at 10 o'clock.
Terme made known by
Zero, October 22, 1847.-3 t" •
'FRE subscriber is an want of money.
and requests those persons who knot;
themselves to be indebted to him to settle
up immediately. Ile hopes that those in
terested will attend to the matter promptly,
and thereby save themselves from costs. I
imin be found at all times eitherst my res
idence or my foundry.
Gettysburg, Sept. 21, 18.17.—tf
HEREIS the Hon. VVm. N. la.!
visa. Esq. President of the several i
Courts of Common Plea", in the counties
composing the 19th District, and justice
of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and
General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all
capital and other offenders in the said dis
Esqs., Judges of the Courts of
Common Pleas, and General Jail Delit•eryf
for the triatof all capital and other offend
ers in 'the county of Adams—have issued
their precept, bearing date the 18th day
of August in the year of .our LORD one
thoesand eight hun dred' and forty-six, and
to me directed, for holding a Court of Corn
inon Pleas and General Quarter Sessions
of the Peace and General Jail LeliVery,
and Court of Oyer and l'erininer, at Get
ysburg, on Monday the 151/i day of No
vember next—
all the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner
.and Constables within the said
. Countv of
Adams, that 1114 he then there in'tieir
proper persons, with Rolls, Records,
luquimitiens, Examinations and other. R
emembrances, to do those -things which to
their; offices and in that hehaffappertain
kiln, done, and also they who will prose
cute- against the prisoners that are Or then
shall be in the Jail of the said County of
'Adami, and to be Ahen and there to pros
actstaAmfaitiattliem as shall be JuSt. •
'Sheriff's Office, Gettysbuig,
October 15, 1847, S
11 4 .1Mit2110:7) EZ*l:2o3i4
OTICE is hereby given to all Legs
_eteee and other persons concerned,
)UNTS of the deceased persons herein
after mentioned will be presented at theOr
pherne Court of Adams cot", for confir
mation and allowance, on • Alo»day, the
15th day of November next, viz:
The second Account of Joseph Cline,
one of the Executors of the lest will and
testament of John Cline, deceased.
The second account of Jesse Cline, one
of the Executors of the last will and tene
ment of. John Cline, deceased.
The third account of Samuel Isaacs, one
of the Executors of the last will and testa
ment of Daniel Eyster, deceased.
The final account of John Dickson, jr.
One of the Executors of the last will and
testament of James Lockort, deceased.
The final account of Moses M. Neely,
one of the Administrators of the estate of
NO. Deardoeff, deceased.
The account of John Deardorff, Admin
istrator do bonis non, cum testamento an
nexe, of David M'Crearv. deceased.
Thp firtal account of Moses Lockart, one
of the Executors of the last will and testa
ment of James Lockart, deceased.
The first account of William Cobean
d Alexstuler Cebean, Executors of the
last will and testament of William Cohost),
The - Recount of Jonas Spangler, Admin
istrator of the estate of Jonas Spangler,
The account of George Ley, Admin.
istrutcn or the estate of Geofge Loy,
Theacelimit of George Spangler, Ex
ellobt Of fife Wiliiiiiiiiidiestameni of Ja
cob Spangler, deceased.
Register's Office, Oettriburg. ? to
004. 22,1847.
To rarmers and. Lime Burner?.
T ()TICE is hereby given that JACOB
11.10WER, df Juniata county; Pa.
has mead . ) , invented and procured Letters
P,l.ent for au improvement in the construe
4ion of Lime Kilns,. to which the attention
Hof Ft.mtiis and Lime Burners is respect
fully requested. A Kiln can be construct
ed according to this patent, to yield one
thousand bushels of Lime for about twen
ty, 'dollars, and larger kilns can he built at
The rate of six dollars per arch. Kilns can
he made , any size to suit the convenience
of persons. The system has been well
ieetedi and has proved to be vastly suite;
rior to any system ever tried, as kilns can
be - builtfor one-half the cost formerly at
tending their construction.
The subscriber is duly authorized a
gent to dispose of FARM RIGHTS, in
Juniata, Adams. Franklin, U pion and Bed
ftird counties, and to furnish Letters Pat
ent, Schedule, Drawing and Deed for the
same. Any person wishing further infor
mation, or to procure a farm right in eith
er of the above counties, can do so•by en
closing $5 in a letter, or by personal appli
cation to DAVID KEPNER,
W•LNUT I'. 0. Juniata county, Pa.
Sept. 24, 1847.-0 m
The Daily National Wliig
City of Washington, at 8 o'clock, P.
Sundays excepted—and served to sub,cribers in
the City; at the Navy Yard in Georgetown , in
Alexandria apd Baltimore on the same evening,
at 6 cents a week. payable to the sole Agent of
the Whig, G. L. Gillchre. E•ri ,or his order. It
Wats° m tiled to ant , part)of the U. States for $4
per annum, or $2 for siicrionths, payable in ad
vance. Advertisements of ten lines or less in•
aetted one time for 51) cents ; two times for 75
cents; three times $1; one week for $1 75, two
weeks for $273; one oionth , B4: two month , $7;
three months s 4 p; six month. st 7 t one year $3O
—payable:always in advacce.
THE NATIONAL WHIG is what its name
indicates. It speaks the sentiments of the Whig
patty of the Union on every question of public
policy. It advocates the election to the hest
dency of nurser TA rum, subject to the deci
sion of the Whig National Convention. It makes
war to the knife upon all the measures and acts
of the Administration deemed to be adverse to
the interests of the country, and exposes without
fear or favor the corruptions of the party in pow.
er. Its columns are open to every man in the
country for the discussion of political or any oth
er questions.
In addition to politics, a large portion of the
National Whig will he devoted to publications
upon Agriculture, Mechanic and other useful
arts, Science in general, Law, Medicine,,Statist•
ice, &c. Choice speci:nens of American and Fo
reign Literature will also be given, including
Reviews, &c. A weekly list of the Patents is•
sued by the Patent Office will likewise be pub
lished—the whole forming a complete family
one of the largest newspapers in the U. States, ie
now made up from the columns of the Daily Na•
tional Whig, and is published every Saturday for
the low , price of $6, per annum, payable in ad.
Vance. A double sheet of eight pages will be
given whenever the press of matter shell justify
it. The memoirs of Gen. Taylor, written ex.
niesely for the National Whig are in course Of
publication, They commenced with the second
number, a large mother of copies of which have
been printed, to siipply calla for back number's,
Proprietor of National Whig.
Washington, Oct. 2:1, 1647.—em ($6)
Jewelry, Watch-Guards,
ATP H Chitins, Keys, Spectacles,
vv. &e. &c. can alwayi be had at the
Clock & Watch Establishment of
8 daily expected, and a* so* adracat
. ed will be made knowti throll the
medium of the press. In the atimmlime
the public curiosity in this netOttmtheed
can be occupied in examining the extraor
dinary supply of
Beady-made C lothing,
for fall and winter use, just received, and
fur sale at astonishingly cheap. rates, as
0-Samson's Variety Store,.,)
in Gettysburg, immediately oppoeite the
Bank. The stock has been purehestat
with a view to the season, and embraces
every variety of Gentlemen's Apparel,
such as superfine Cashmeret and Cloth
Dress COATS and CLOAKS; tine and
stipertine Tweed Coats; Cassino, do.;
plain and fancy Cassimer, Cloth, Tweed,
and Cassinet PANTS; Silk, Satin, Cas
siinere, 'Cassinet, Plain St Fancy VESTS;
'Shilts;posebti, Collars, Cravats, Hand-
Silipentleht, GloverOitockinet,
together with every. thing belnagiso to a
gentleman's furnialiihgline. Also a large
variety of ; ' • •
Jewelry, Spectacles, fierfumiry, Pall
iatives, Combs, Shaving Apparatus, Pur
ses, Dish-shades, Umbrellas,. Violin and
Guitar Strings, Needles, Pins, 411“6 Am,
Also; a few. CLOCKS, which will be sold
IoW, as I wish to clear off the lot. Also,
some.-cheap home-made Carpets.
Coach-makers will find among my stock
-a lot of Coach-Lace, Canvass, Curtain
Frames and Knobs, and a • small lot of I
ron—all of which will be sold very cheap.
act 1 have also on hand several Bug
gies and second-hand Carriages; also Pip
nets, and several Aims •of new f latness--
which can he had very low. -
My goods haying been purchased under
favorable circumstances, and having deter
mined to adopt the cash and one-price sys
tem in my dealings hereafter, I am ena
bled to offer them at lower prices than
they have ever hitherto been purchased in
this place. All I ask is an examination of
my goods, which I shall he pleased to show
to purchasers at all times.
Sept. 10, 18&7.—tf
A Daily Line between
THE Subscribers have the pleasure of
announcing that they have completed
their arrangements fur running a
between Gettvsburg and Baltimore, via
Litilestown, Westminster and Reisters
town. An entirely new line of superior
„Acir d , L. and elegantly built .
have been put on the route, which, togeth
er with trusty and accommodating drivers,
they feel assured must give entire satisfac
lion. to the Travelling Public.
o.2>Thu line will run through daily,
(Sundays excepted,) leaving regularly at
o'clock, A. M. •
September 17, 1847.
Dr. J. Lawrence Dill,
I], ESPECTFULLY .offero his proles
' 11, alone' services to the citizens of Get
tysburg and surrounding country. He is
prepared to attend to all cases usually en
trusted to the Dentist, and hopes, by strict
attention to Dentistry alone, to be able to
please all who may see fit to entrust their
teeth in his hands. Office at 111r.11'Cosh's
Gettysburg, July 23.—ti,
D. :It 9 CONA
&Wiley al Law,
fIFFICE in the S. W. corner of the
Public Square, one door West of G.
Arnold's Store, formerly occupied as a
Law Office by John M'Couaughy, deed.
He solicits, and by prompt and faithful at
tention to business in his profession, it will
be his endeavor to merit, confidence and
-NlTostaimity will also attend
promptly to all business entrusted to bins
as ilent and Solicitor for Paimls and
PCllll{Olll. He has made arrangornents.
through which he can furnish very deSira-
Me facilities to applicants, and entirely re
lieve them fom.the necessity of a journey
to Washington, un application to him per
sonally or by letter.
Uettysburg, April 2.—tf •
.4 ; 170111VEY AT LAW.
O FFICE in the South-east Corner of
the Diamond, between A. B. Kurtz b e
Motel and It. W. M'Sherry's
Gettysburg, Dec., 12, 1845.—tf
t)FFICE in the Centre Sqnare, Ninth
of the Court-house, between Satitli'a
and Sterenson's corners.
Gettysburg, Pa.
11 E 'undersigned having formed a
Tartnersliip for the 'practice of the
Law, will attend the Courts-of York and
Adams, mud alsovisit the neighboringeouw
ties if desired. Office in York street; Get
tysburg, between the Bank and Public Or
fives, where one of the firm will tobatarit.'
ly attend, and where communiestions•will
receive prompt:attention.
June 18, 1847.---6 in
aW - 2.VOTICE.
111".. .11111LIKI MEC 1111.
(Of Carliele,)
D RESENTS his respeets to his Ids's&
I: and informs them chit be hasumile
arrangemehtatn continue to practices/ ulna
in the Courts of Adams county, uttdortlim
new regulation of the times tor holding
Jan. 30,1846.
`Dr. Cullen's Indian •PligOoAte Spete4
For Female Cotintlafatak
mgHtoototbeici 4 tot elk ag the plane *firs ,
ry prsereton e l oad). * &ma
arising from Witakailos ovothsr mason. AU isitt
is noesatary to wean tkiv =Akio* a pisteladltio
Damson:. Practice ottvery family. tin I
medicine is mobil. 0.. . ow. It spantts deittlasit 3
la iinocant in tto trasratian,' sad no J4O 1 011 *'
rise from its we at any Ititika ' ''
117 Pat solo, velaidasodis oral Tana b
Sr WILTON. iomprolittilin,loB" -II '
by S. If. St!EHLEit.Carstrillar, t
Abbottsro An: lath I ,l r 'Lary. Oxford, • J•
k.valbor.., i (oakum ti? imin. - o• 41'""i/