Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, October 29, 1847, Image 1

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    ' t.
P. 4.
1"4841410. SDITOR PRoPluvrox
ere 110111011)tis
.iv neximr ravren. , , ,
it is recorded, that whose the *Lest of the TA*
buttes" saw in this diteranteritme. the:. people, 'sad
the with i kawal:er the .faver, of the Oen*, ap
proaching peril, babe& hliyoung with seskshelter
with these who would cherish and shield hero and
leave blth to mat danger alone, But she nobly
prefened:aufotiAt and, death with hint, she loved
to We whits/potation kora him. -
„Leave thee, Rienzi! Speak not 014
Why should I quit thy aide 1
y shall I shrink with craven fear •
Thins thrn, and freedont'a bride !
When! Comm the sternness on thy lip—
. -Needs Nina to be tried?
I leave thee I dhl'st thou win and wed
A fond, weak girl—to twine
Her gins around thee in thy joy—
Taittlith9l. HIM ta 'Wart, -
- -
And breathe a love, borne o f t the heart,
, • Mit not the soul divine !
. To thrill with childish awe, whene'm
Thy brow grow dark with thought,
And when tlarthreat'ning lightnings gleam'd,
Thy dark'ning sky athwart,
.. Shrink from the crash, and leave thee lone,.
. Amid the wrecks it wrought!
Am Imot thine—wedded to thee
la limit, and soul, and mind—
Them and free Rome, within my breast
As one, one altar ,brined— •
My destiny, my very , life
Closely with thine entwined!
Thou calrdst me thine, when freemen Rung
Tames laurel on thy brow,
And ant I lees thine own—my love
Less fondly cherished now,
When Romeilishonoring tniscreants dare
• That fame to disavow! -
Look in mine eyes! thou know'et thy love
Hsi been to me a heaven
In which my soul has footed, like
The one pure star of even. _
Of glory pined 'and given !
strive wet to look coldly, love,
Thou recks't not of the power
With which my heart sill cling to thine,
. In mad miseortuue's hour—
Glowing more bright its changeless truth,
As tlarker storms-shall lower.
And, oh, Rienzi I. should heaven deem
Thy leere d mission done,
Bow glorious- 'tam to to the with thee,
My own, my worshipped one.
As, bathed in living light, the day
Alias Tith.thr.settingsam !
— A
- Ntnw - farertinit reiF , my arest
Q o
For 't is my bitter fate.
Nut only to outlive thy love,
But to incur thy hate.
Yet tears of mine shall never tell
My bosom's inmost woe;
Deep in my heart I'll hush my sighs, '
And none my griefs shall know.
And if in secret i may mourn
The bright hopes now o'erthrown,
I'll wear a smile when friends are nigh
,Amlweep nay teartglonc..,_
Look back on all my happier hours,
And all thy smiles to Inn,
• Thee ask tin heart if I ileeerve
The frowns I've borne front thee.
I have borne—and will bear—the last,
Nor mummer at my lot:
The erne will come,tbou woukl'at give wort
The past could be forgot.
No more—the days of joy are gone,
And fled the smiles I won ;
Thy heart is sear'd and mine is
If we mast meet no more.
Pewee College, Oct. 19th, 1847.
,We are acquainted with two men, resi
dents of this city, (says the Cincinnati
Chronicle,) who are fair types of human
character in general. The one has been
blest with all that wealth can bestow ; lives
in luxury, takes his ease "in the inn,"
rides in coaches, and, in a word, cuts a
"grand flourish" in this little world of ours.
Ile is fond of contributing large sums to
public enterprises, particularly when - his
name is likely to appear in the papers in
connection therewith—boasts of his public
spirit and liberality, and , is punctual in his
attendance at church on each-Sunday.—
Hut withal!, he is proud, vain, haughty
and imperious. He looks upon those leos
favored by fortune, and beneath him in so
cial life: as unworthy his attention. He
has not a grain of charity ip his soul. Ile
wonld pass by a poor man, in suffering,
without deigning to look upon him. Ho
never contributed. perhaps, in all his life,
a dime to relieve the distresses of the weak
and suffering. Humble want, the wail of
the son and daughter of adversity, have no
claims upoa ham. He walks by them
with a pompous step and an unfeeling
The other character is just the reverse
. of this, both in condition and in heart.—
Poor from childhood, he has never known
the moment when he was free from want.
His means have been =all. his wants nu
, mecum.. Yet in poverty and in gloom,_
he has endeavored to do what little good
; he cound to relieve the miseries of his fel
-1 lb* Aniferevit. TOding incessantly for
.small wages, he has ortea'divided the re-
Wards of his labor with some poor, needy
widow. He has - 1 soul—a soul full of
..e.barity, of love, and of truth. His heart is
~ as-braid as
wants of humanity itself.
This man is neglected, unnoticed, un
cared for t, while the other is the object
..of adulation aid eulogy. How unequal,
how anjust prelim rewards of this world
did:milk all - thin, we would rather be that
pouf ittglecatuk-nesia • with his broad ex
paru're, gush than ;
ieg heart, than the haughty
aristocrat, with's!' his wealth, station and
,pOwer. =
'ITWATOILT••••••ThoUght is the electricity
.or the brain ; it shoots to the remotest toe
i rioait of history, and touchte the first link
.of life. It passes through the elements of
;lire, air, earth and water, It penetrates to
ita tlepths of knowledge and rises to the
i fittee of Heaven. Thought is an infinites
tiiitlray of the Deity bestowed on hunt:lll
- t it returns to Him, from a corruptible
'to it, spiritual existence. Cultivate it, end
-you will be refined; neglect it, and you
.Will be debased.--./. R. Prior,
4tAVY.-A man said to another, "which
heavier, a quart of ruin or a quart of
water t" "Rum, tnost assuredly." said the
.other, "for I saw a man who weighed 220
pounds staggering tinder a quart of rum,
when he could have carried a gallon of wa
ier'itith ease."
- -
A FALUN FRIEND is like a shadow on
; it appears in clear weather, but van
irdies us boon as it is cloudy,
" . ‘ jr. F grAn AHD 3A F
As I eat on a tomb in the Turkish eras
etry the next morning, (March .104 watch
ing the preparations for oor departure, I
almost •dreaded - the 'interest which every
day would now bring, after the calm and
quiet weeks we had spent in the Desert.
,looked much the swipe
as it had done every morning for a assuela
past, the Arab servants busy* takingdown
and packing the tents, and a noisy quarrel
going on in the midst--(this wanting about
a pistol having been stolen from one of
tents*) arid'iliedifforairista 'WM ably Oat
there were spectators standing by, and that
our camels had given place to hones and
asses. But, instead of the rocks mad sands
of the Desert, Hebron was before my eyes,
and the hills where Abrahate spread
flocks, and the spot where he and his fam
ily lay buried. And before night I abowli
see the place where David was bona and
lived his shepherd life, and Jesus was bora.
We had only twenty miles to travel this
day to Bethlehem ; but it was quite estregh
for ~fere eager about every old tree, and
well, and hill-top. The shrubs grew finer,
and the 'wild flowers More abundant, the
whole way ; though the hills of Judah were
wild and stony in parts, and no longer
for pasturing such flocks as covered them
when Abraham lived among them, or when
the Hebrews drove in their cattle from the
Desert, or when David in his boyhood w.
mused himself with slinging smooth stones
froth' the 'breok, while hie - father's sheep
were feeding on the slopes. We sat down
to rest and eat under the abide of a rock
and a spreading tree ; and for the hundredth ,
time since we left Egypt, it occurred to me,
how little we in England can enter into the
meatting of David, when, 'in his divine
songs, when he speaks of the shade of,
rocks, and of the beauty of '•a tree planted
by rivers of water," and all such cool im
ages. When one has been slowly pacing
on. hour after hour, over glaring sands or 4
heated rocks, under a sun which makes
every bit of leather or metal, and one's . ont r
erelothing„ feel scorchA . hot, and oppres
sing—On-ea veiTlireittßing, ace sight of a
patch of dark shade is welcome beyond be
lief; and when one has dismounted, and
felt the coolnessof the rocky wall and of
the ground beneath it, and gathered the
fresh weeds which cluster in its crevices.'
phrase after phrase of the Psalms and Pro
plieries comes over one's mind with a fife
and freshness as sweet as the blossoms in
one's lap. '
Oil Taig'ht of ire - thlehirii — W was beanti,
fill. We came upon it suddenly, just when
the yellow sun-set light was richest. Beth-
Ichein was on the rising ground on,pu i r .
right, malisive-looking (as all the villages,
of Palestine arc) and shadowy, as the lair
sun rays passed over it to gild the western
hills and another village which there lay
hid up, emhosomed in fig and olive or-'
chards. The valley between. one ofwhieh
we were rising, lay in shadow. Before
us, perched on a lofty ridge which rose be
tween us and Jerusalem, was the convent
tit. Elias; which we were to pass to-mor
row. I was sorry to turn away from this'
view ; hut wcliad to take the right-haml,
road, and ride through the narrow streets'
of the village to the great convent, built over I
the spot where Jesus is believed by the:
friars to Lave beenborn:
It was too late this etening to see arty of
the sacred localities; but ►t was quite
enough to have the moonlight streaming in
during the whole night through the win
' dow of lofty convent chamber, and to think
that on this hill took place the greatest
event in the history of the world ; and that
in the fields near, the gentle Ruth went
about her gleaning, little dreaming, in those
days o f her poverty, that from her meeting
with Boaz, among the reapers of his har
vests, would arise such events to the ha
man race ; that the shepherd grandchild.
whose divine songs were to soothe her old
age, should be the mighty king he was, and I
the father of a yet ; mightier, who should
build 'the great Temple of the Lord; and'
that a more distant descendant should make ,
these glories appear as childish toys, in
the presence of His greater sovereignly
over the universal human soul. A wise
man of a late century has nobly said, that!
"Prosperity is the promise of the Old
Testament, and Adversity that oldie New.
On this hill was born the prosperity of the
Old Dispensation ; and on this hilt was
born the Man of Sorrows, who knew the
secret -of true peace, and taught it in the
saying that it profits not a man to gain the
whole world; if he lose his own soul.
In the morning, we weal intadifeekaods
of the convent. I eared little for the 8,-
1 per part, with its chapels for Greek, Latin,
and Armenian worship ; and not me*
more for the caverns under ground, where
the friars believe that Joseph wok Mazy
remained while there was no room for deem
in the inn. Itthe town was too fall to ro
4eiVe them while the people wenrcollected
for the come, it ie hardly Probable *ay
Weald repairio an underfatinal cave; bat.
in this cave mass was going on. thia snow.
ing ; and striking was the effect, after com
ing down fro? the 'sunshine, of the crowd
ed cavern, with its yellow lights and their
smoke, and the.eohoes of the chanting.—
We returned when the
.service waft 'over
and saw the star in the marble door whieb
marks, as the fliers believe, the precise
spot where Jesus was born, and the war
ble slab which is Mid in the place of the
manger. When I saw, throughout the.'
country. how the Arabs now use the caves
of the hills to bed their goats and cattle. ,
this belief of the friars appeared less ab
surd thou it would with us ; hut still. it is
so improbable that the precise spot of these ;
transactions (whose importance was not
known till afterward) should have been
marked and remembered, that I felt little
interested in them, in comparison with the
landscape outside, about whose leading
features there could be no mistake.
From the bottom of the garden we over
looked the great valley which expanded to
the northeast ; and oneenclosure there—a
green spot, now occupied by olive trees;
was pointed out to, us as the fiela where
the shepherdit were abiding on the night
ri..1°141 a"' fogivie
THZ 10X LAMM .1411.1.1.
liiiii Cliiii . I Nal barna: lieltiiid it, to the . MAJOR Aleut! r,:i . ,
. . _, ..,. . ,
mese,leyeamgelliellialleiemeelfhilktielecich- - of '.. I f wetit
ea air s. dm midi; and among these, we A correspondent o die . 0 Daily,`
knew, lay die'lleall Sea, and de Jordan , Ad v erti s er„ who eireine . Mille 'fortunate iii.
!ahem it lama Igo into dell Weill the poseeiniion of eundryAorione- °ldle-,
l e" mellecildir bile ' le " Willie cad ' and othermenuariala dr the Put, se
I i teat
railar. sad
the rocky
well of mei nai kifewbsige.init
nod, arid' i seirraiedl siineyaalls sad olive •we a s co PC' rig y ,
seal.iderloodose ham that .loseph memory, has furnished for the columns of
and Miry mesa hale came dos way from 1 th a t paper a document Witreli we do not ree .
jethrwile a tim . " be° " theitthlea , ~...I"..hilt census; member to have ever seen hefore-the dee
the errs ele ar kowit -wm ae . 7„ i i 7 their— Vi m;Te fence read by Maj. Anivekbefore the Court
=and ri a l awaL ar e l at h e d h a at the tomb , which condemned him to death as a spy:
of Bathed, awl at the cement of Elias; t. We have no'donbt dial it will he read with
"'clew thawed' were beat tau"' 'eruct': lively interest by mail; , • . ~- 1
km. I mateindier, however, that here 1 I el Game." be esid. 4, to bold a eommunie
.fireterrie die watery of die:DiesdlSea.lying; eatitm . with a muta t o the ee .4.ih e mom.
We hi *Ude gap betty link
can army, by the order of my own cost,
4.... A5 " aill
.4 . 21111 k.....1.8111.Wir my ass
be ,i r L re mender. I entered the Amorleco lines by
-- eiminmi- --- .:_ - _,.....__ sui --- _, °ur 7 5 Z unquestionable authority; when / peeled
swiwe „.. w th ' ~.,..."'"'6 s' , w e " from them it was by the same authority.
mew mot=or ' "''' lia . ing nilt I used to d tion. I had /heard theta
liesemsiohdy email What they were: but provincial officer bad repented of the course
the sews sown speed moon us. That he had taken, and that he•had avowed that
riblf Mc" was s e , and those bead l e he never meant to go eo far aft lie had gone
befogged l i a_.,_ihnismaideoh,_____ . thteabth th e l stmhl in resisting the autfitir °fide King.
outride .„, a6 .,, if ~...,.`"' '"" 1 .,....,__, L.,;..._ws'_ir' the “The British commander was will;
theLhige..-"mas t eir e " the ''' perty ''''';". 7. `"g eee d 7 s o e n p. g extend to him the King'b cienitincy--yea,
, hie.bounty, in hopes to allure others to do
rthilea- I was thic - iewlY because ' the same. I made no plans ; I examined
I knew that wie weir appreochieig it from no works. - I only receivedhis communi
i' the jeart________,..____Efirirrlde._,,eidieliwedPred___,_,Y bemuse cations, and was on my way to reuirn to
' ' D T 'r"'' .. ......„...7 . ,..,.."'_,_"f r a i ,'" u ,_. the the army, and to make known all I hid.
I size ....1
=--- s'''''''''' ~....''' "" . ..F . M . ... - ''7 we learned from a general officer in your camp.
'"'" Mir le " a ""` '" "'"'" w a ll s on a ls this the office of a spy ? I never should
Tull Wide ' with some and have acted in that light, and what I haVe
while domes eisicir withal--
- done is not in the nature ors spy. --- 11iiiiii -
I I lima " the rellr°lr th e way. ‘ i our ( noted neither your strength nor weakness.eight were gas- the sla th a L t ef°° l °' If there be wroug in the transaction, is it
''id!'" '"' s Afieldetha •b as e tt "J the P'' eets mine 7 The office of a„spy a soldier has
with the inewes- which the wretched Judas
lemma so II " , ' ben be had found ~_.. """ a right to, refuse ; bin, to carry and fetch
communications with another army. I nev
i bre a..... w u lha l I... Jim h a d d ose- i n t o er heard was criminal . The eireumstan
- ""' '"'""-" 1° a'fiert Him claim t° , a ces which followed after myinterview with
I rettarr 3l ,- °3 ______,* ° "`", wat ur Gen. Arnold, were not in my power to'
IP Z2iI.I ealr O areal- "'''''" at t u e control. He alone bud the management i
brow of the high gesond we were on, we , of them.
I were oleo by sanewite by the grandeur ofl
.It is , said that I rode in disguise. I
1 thelecthe- Zama tarsaliceseed wort h y o f I rode for security inrog., as far as I was
her cothe.isad at her place re' the hymns able. but other than.,criminal.deeds induce
Ilif Dana. sad in history: We were now one to do this. 1 was not bound to wear
overlooLiaig the valley of Gilson, more my uniform any longer than it use expedi-
I ersteatakr known b y th e, " of _
_ llinhedit s ' eat or polite. I acorn. the, name of a spy.;
Ma- lea - Alvah& am-bi- -PecciPuou- brand - my - offence with , some : other nfieWif
reas Ith ear sides I awl ram it a ravine ' it change not my punishment, I beseech
This deer da amaims th e I°llVeT EIX 4 ' you: It la not death I fear. ' lam buoy • ed
now dry; aid th e alleedicet from So lo- above it a consciousness of having in - - -
mow's' Pool is sera ciossemg it obliquely. tended to discharge my duty in an honora-
Its ("Pantie sage ili Zi° 4l * iris* very "eV" bre manner. . ,
1y sad! term for tillage is some parts, I "Plans, it is said, were found with me.
and crowned by die city walL To the I This is true, but they were mot mine. Yet
* i d. salmi.* away from the ravine of I must telP you honestly that they would
Gihoci- as th e deello led raid valley ct „ Je - have been communicated ill had not been
hasa Pbe‘ebtersedathirreeb"the s ed h Y
Tateii: - They wale sentlirfie - 6 - /rni - olt , i
ett”, and kadiag the eye m ead ' 1° the : to the British commander, and I eh:6l'll'
slope of ( *owl- sobeh- lie__ 'seem is hest have delivered them.. From Me bottotn”of
Ifilea „_
_, ha ' s ._ _ the a tber lath of Davidthetaw" The' my heart I spurn the thought "of. attempt
""ars "'me ef de swath of w a s the ' ing to-sereen myself by eritninating °cloth
-I"lert °b i er "; "dallier that the most sou- :.Cr• but so Itir as I ate concerned the truth
cfithloockfiniot 12 the egy - the great dome shell be told, whoever suffers, It was the
of ihe .Msewsse of Omar. which occupies allegiance of Gen. Arnold I came out to se
de site of Solomon's Temple. cure. It was fair to presume that many a
By this time their was silence among brave officer would be glad at this time to
co . - I walked bolded me cavalcade. as it tbe able to retrace his steps ; at least we
slowly aseeaded the leeeka.,,w 2 Y - gbd O f: have been so informed. Shall I, who
the Aram pensained limos/elk so all; for it; came out to negotiate this allegiance only,'
was 'we Pesethhe al the aseialeat• - • ( "
~_‘. will i be treated as one who came to spy out the i
fi ever be ma de--tospeak °' ' fin " i weakness of a camp? If these actions are
Pr'etsisass of that hear- We en t ered by I alike, I have to learn my moral code anew.
-the Jaffa gate; and every echo of our 1,.
Gentlemen, officers, be it understood
heirs& fret in the marrow. saeur- /
e ! that I am no suppliant for mercy ; that I
mime wilmecl. cidd„ . ' air be "„.,. w . I ask only from Omnipotence-not from hu-i
use vaid t L elmelles is Jetemaiese., We era* l -1 ' f man hands. Justice is all I elelm-thit i
! justice which is not swayed by prejudice
nor distorted by passion-that which dowel
from honorable minds and it directed by i
virtuous determinations. I hear, gentle-1
men, that my ease is likened to that ,of ;
Capt. Hale in 1775. 1 have heard Of him !
and his misfortunes. I wish, in all that
dignifies man, that adorns and elevates hu.
man nature, I could be named with that ac
compliShed but unfortunate officer. His.
fate was, wayward, and untimely cut oti;
yet younger than I now am. He went out
knowing that he was assuming`the charee
' ter of a spy. He took all the liabilities
into his"hend at the request - of his great_, .
commander. He was ready to meet what ;
he assumed and aim consequence", His , i
death the law of nations sanctioned. It
may be complimentary to compare me
with him, still it would be unjust.. lie
took his life in his hand when he assumed
the character and the disguise of a spy. I
assumed no disguise. nor took upoS myself
any other character than that of a British
officer who' had - business to transact with
an American officer.
uln fine, .I ask not even for justice; if
you wauta vitnim to the manes of these
fallen untimely, I may as well be that vic
tim as another. I have-in-the•mostundis.
guised manner given you every het in the
case. I only rely on a proper construction
of those facts.. Let me be called anything
but a spy. lam not a spy. 1 have ex'
amined nothing., leaTned nothieg, commu
nicated nothing,liut my detention, to 4r
nold, that he might escape, if lie thought
proper to do so.- --Us was, as I conceiv
ed,- my duty. 'I. Inipe the gallieroffieer
who was then unsuspicious of his General.
will not be condemned for the military er
ror he corhinitted. .
"1 further state that Smith, who was the
medium of communication, did not know
any part of our conference, except that
there was some necessity for secrecy. He
was counsel in various matters for Arnold,
and from all the interviewe I had with him,
and it was Smith who lent me this dress
coat of crimson, on being told that I did
Time is a soot 41(pr/wilier pas known.
we believe. mows gamesiers—at low
tasted or very isipticidy, we remember,
I among selitelbey ganiestesea—what which
asimemices a tad goad lack: When
the auras. se doe dies, hare been cruelly
I against es, if the tide once tam it will flow
I ateadily be same time in ism new and hap
pier dametism. In she palace of a certain
Ross an Prisme, where SUM. of C0111111e; it
nusember, far it is one of
dimensions yen do not** of attempting
to pronounce even to yeurselfLyou look
it it, msimily,and mare it as the Chinese do
their mere lessened amibinniimas of etsiiac,
tern, where they pins at owe Irma the vis
ible sign to the hides--is the palace of this
primer. yen are amprined bp:mein die most
splemSd of its spirombd suit of apartments,
'impended be a gigs ease—a set of
harness !--sammion hareem for a emiple of
tooth homes. snek t as you may see , in any
pedaloes stable- Of alarm it attracts
mare attention than all die pianos', sal
mauls sables, with *Sir porphyry tams
and gild dacha.
"The 3rusa brow is seler nor ram,
~m...+rrr..ibe &qui riolibese r
Yell imptite ant told the (allowing
The IPrinee was ow sig . ht led into deep
ad despirsoe goy. He bad staked es
tate ober estate, and lest rhea ; he had
endued bis phis.. his *hues, hie jewels,
the fmnitane of his basso and bat them ;
waartiWa bodf. sad Iwo it. - , The leek
wai' not sm. His carriage and bones
101 l been bog wait* for biasat the door.
ie sedhed thentaad lost! He had nothing
more: be *brew ',do window.aad lean
ed eat of it in toter despair. There stood
his inatitge and boom the sabjeet of his
last wager. He bad now nothing left.--
Tea Thew was the harness I No
thing bad bees said of the harness. The
carriage ad the bonito were lost, but not
the banoeso. the opponent agreed to this
intespotamos of the Wager. They played
for the hang. Ile won They played
fix- the caarriut,!e and horses----he won.—
They played goir the rodam for the plate,
the pit-mires. the famitcre—he won.—
They pEtwed for Mate—he still won.—
He woo all her IL more. 4.71 d rose from that
table the same nth etas he had sat down
to it.. Bad he mad gocKl reason to suspend
that harrals in has very best saloon !
ETTLe 14 or Itnir Ertottstc..—A little
hoy about ten or twelve rears of age, came
heore the Recookr of New Orleans a few
doss sifter, =I stanti that his mother, his
father; his tweeter and two fisters, had
been e-Arruz 0c.7 with the fewer, and that
without a nca. hr 'sr a* hit moue in the
) 4 ..LAL ,
not wish to be known by English or A
i mericans. I do not believe that he had e
ven a supposition of toy errand. On me
your wrath should fall, if on any one. I
know your affairs look gloomy, but that is
no reason why /should be saerifted. My
' death can do your cause no good. Mil
lions of friends to your struggle in England
you will lose if you condemn me. I say
not this by way of threat; for I know that
brave men are not awed by them—nor Will
brave men bo vindictive because they are
desponding. I should not have said a word
had it nut been for the opinions of others,
which I ant hound to respect.
"The sentence you this day pronounce
will go down to posterity with exceeding
great distinctness oil the page of history ;
and if huminity and honor mark this day's
, ,
decision. your tunnel., each and all of yon,
will be remembered by both nations when
thety'ltave grown gilmter and more power
they now nit. ' Bet, If misfortune
tiefilht me, Ishiil in limo hive all due ho
morlidd to my memory'. ' The martyr is
i teft_ ll -frcrtkein,bs l lllre when, the tribunal
t tatclooneumeu hin rp
t, is rotten: I trust
this houO'rable Court wilt believe the whdn"
reay,tiat What hive spoken was from no
.410 Moil of a eoivard. I . five done."
The town of New&ati. in,lhis cmonly,',l
was many •years since the birth place , of
an infant who watehristerted
As hergreirmrstrmanhoed, the
spirit of,V,italtee enterprise carried/Ibn 49
Canada, andin the interior oldie cogeltlvi
lie commenced the practimi'or
industry and perseverance Tiverarewitridedi
with anemia, end after *time ha removed,
for 11, more lutirative, practice * to the,eity Of,
Montreal. Prosperity and imed„, Alaimo
still attended hint, and he item laecainte
candidate and we; elected lothe Canadian
Parliament. where hie abilitY nod good
judgement secured to him a tespemalde,po.,
sition and influence. Nyhile a member cif
parflament. he received a letter purperting
to be written by ao old, lady in , gieg4n
also of, the name of ettaungla Pub
-810000, that she lied net a,aiegle relative.
and, was alone in, the world,' that , peeing
hie • name iu the papers, as a member of the,
Canadian Parliament, .and it being. the
same asliars,lheWnght perhapatto might
be of the some family. She further atated
that she was possesited of considerable
property, and kne w.of no kindred to-whom
to leave it, and that if he would comm te
see her, she would pay all his expenses,
and make him heir to her property, Mr.
F K.,,supposing this to, be a hoax. made no,
answer, and paid no attention to it.. -Two
, or . three months after, Iteseeeived,amidier
letter, from the same perien, urging in still.
stronger terms his: visitto her, and With so,
much apparent sincerity , and earnestness,
thatim.reAolycd to. Rn. w.Englatil imokmm
what truth there , was itt it. He did, go,
and found the lady as she •had described ,
herself. She, was , living in , an elegant
- ratinsitersmtitt ham -- ite
delighted with the, v sit ltortv
red no pains to make it agreeable to, 1ne1,;,1
After, having spent some time ,thero l he
preparid to returns home. 'rite old lady
defrayed all his expenses. aittl.rnade hint.
many presents. and before4ta departure.
she renewed to him her promise ni leave
hint all her property, and related
dent which. led to the corregimndenct
tSlte ifillififfed - hint
the, betrothed 0,1 a lemeg man by the name .
of Paul kilolland, who was an ot6ae, .in the
British Arsuf. That htthadjalletbithAssiv:
tle before tbe,contimnotation of their auk:
dale, and she had remained unmarried and
' true to his mammy, That seeing his Rattle.'
i uniting the name of her lover to her owe.
she was struck with the singelei °Mod
deuce,• and thought that elle could not het.,
ter show her devotion to the,memory of
her betrothed, than to bestow her property
upon him •who leemed by his name to, , be
,the representative of both.
lie left her, returned to Mentreal, and
within a year afterwards received intelli-
Igenee of her death. and that'by tiervilthe
was made sole heir, to her estate., He set
out immediately fur England, and cm , his
arrivalJountLelLthier preeKet
• lipe_hint,
ille claim WAB •
and ePte rect
at once • into the possesstott'of a.large 61, 1
tune. fle is now in the enjoyment of, Ins
gelid fortune at. Montreal, and is , noel!, or
recently has been, a - thember of the Cana
dian Parliament.
This id a true sketett_Of the history or
one Vermont boy,-:and there are donbdese
many such. The regions of liation,- and
the highest flights of imagination, do not•
furnish a more romantic adventure.--Ver
mont Patriot. • • I
ItAIIITS OF ANONALO.--NOU cannot alter
the nitrite of an 'animal-hy'•ehangitig,isi
food, It-will atilt - belting to - the family.
In this particular bees are better instructed:
When they lose their queen bee—which
is an entirely 4itrorunk. animal ; (rpm the
working bee—if you present anoiher with
in twenti- four hours they . will not accept
her nor obey her. They prefer taking an
ordinary grub, before he beconies it Hier;
and feeding it with a particular food and
treating it in a particular way, and when it
leaves the'grub state. it becomet•a queen
bee, and they always suffer.thetneelvel
be - goverened by her. . ,
• The babits.of tutu are - extremely curl.
out. We elllbees beard •of .ant houses,,
mementoes twenty fest in- diamete4 Mad.
with halls and rooms of great strength.—
Themeand beaver detrurareconstroeted ttpOn
strictly mechanical principles.
In some .insect speeies, she males have
wings, while the females have none. This
is the case with the glow worm, and the
featale'hils , the property oteitti Ring phos
phorescent light, and were Wein for 'this,
the gentleman -glow - , worn would not
hold As way to his lady's chamber. The
Ostrich. unlike_ other birds, is not. provided
with means of sitting down. She cannot,
therdare, hatch ,her eggs, but buries them
in hot sand, and leaves nature to hatch them
for her. Some birds build no nests, like
the cuckoo, which deposits her eggs in the
nests of others birds—but she knows e
nough always to select the nestfl of birds,
that have bills shaped like her own, for
then she is. assured her young will have
the same kind of food as she will procure.
A. GRAVE IMPLV,—"Suppose now that
A, for instance, should let you a house,"
said one of Bob's clients to him, "and sup
pose ho should be taken sick and die t"
"Why, then," said the wag, very grave
ly, "then, of course, A would be a—dead
"In n hotel here," says the Trinidad
Spectator, "a man named Drum is the bar
keeper. His friends call him 'spirit-stir'
ring Drum.' "
There are two things which ought to
teach us to think but meanly of human
glory :—the very best have had their cal
umniators, 'the very worst their panegy•
Written at the request of the Committee of
Arrangement for laying the corner atone of the
Washington Monument, at ffamiltmusquare, in
the city of New York, on 'Tuesday. the 19th of
October; 1841, and sting by the members of the
Sacred Music Society.
M va1e... 0 Old If mid NA"
A iiionument to Washington
A:tablet graven with his name
Omen be the mound it stands upon,
Ag 4 everlasting as his fame.
'Hiss Om. Alla the land—the plain, .
Moremoor, the mouittain, end the marls—
Mere nem than 'Oakum', urn, or farm,
His Monument—the human heart.
The Cbristian—patriot—hero--aage !
Thsighlef that heaven in metev sent:
y:Aus deeds ore written on the age—
iliesiountry ie his monument.
"The sword of Giddeon and the Lord,"
Wan mighty in his mighty hand:—
TheOod who guided, he adored,
,Ana. with His blessing, freed the land.
The first in war—the tint in pear-e—
-lle Ilnit in hearts that freemen own :
time shall cease—
He lives imniortnt sind atone!
„.I"et let the rock-hewn tower arise,
High to the pathway of the sun,
' And opeiik to the approving skies,
. Our gratitude to Washington.
Pretty Thought.
The: n hi ;nether of the day,
The Winter of the Spring,
Aid ever upon old decay
,The greenest moolisps cling.
Behind Ote cloutla the etarlintj
Through showere the euttbea ues Gal;
t'oe Unti who loveth all hie wyrke,
talt - hb - hope NM itlrr
hpitapli on •n infant..
Rtain not this urn with sorrow's tear,—
*aught hut a blighted leaf is here ;
The cherished dower not rally blown,
ha opening beauties scarcely known.
Wag savored tram. inyearthly atem f .
To dock an angers diadem.
Ad lce.
BiYtemperstd-401: no stiisive word
, Lay liattetini unction to your soul,"
TO : tempt yon to the tippling hi:ad,
Octane the proffin'il wassail bowl;
Ph,'"tpuch AUL," 't is the silder's sting.
At Last ‘ 4 01 . 1 want and misery, bring.
•,. Tbe of luelowyrs.
Them:magma areedo,that clew in every field,
Ana tbi4-phniliet*gfit-elimetes
VlTlFllkaitntmtnnfirot , icthitirfading blue,
raFeTrardinal, of hue,
Allegan rote U*olo - 6 the trusting eye,
Antliety that love, and ever nigh,
/Of wajl knana ' man'
44 • ,-' 1 !"
vuiouLturning machines in operation for
turninglehtss•andliont lasts:=A-axe handles,
ttretatitristif leitteka,
0,40.4 t11e ist , rn .fr e h it o4 rinc io ip g le q r o ill o s a l:te o l f t
, = - Vherwhnistisistry.of she dig.
covets', `and'br its OrWi r itor,:ir, ill be found
1 1
intereeting.' A peitiefejaribiti g the Bust
Inatthine in the Bosuns out;rier,exclaims :
Imagine, voile reader, a steam engine,
in rapid rnmiqpiityliirling round, and torn-
Mg out the human hotiti tied face divine,
with nose, 41 . sith lipijurehead, eyes, ears,
neck bract-anti stioulderth 91 s perfect pro-
Poktiel, ,, enkt aetteitt?) ! Imagine
such an eccsntrie Machine, and you will
"hese lunner:Ootrof the wonderful stretch of
itsfantiOn wbialaponceived 'and completed
sueh4t;factuity.; • -
Such a ,woutlarful machine is now in
1140;34W1Ct4-OpiHll44ll in4lqatori, and-if any
patron of genius, or any inquiring mind. or
luirOttowthisill. take the trouble to search,
he Can eeetkituat of Daniel Webster rapid
ly revolving in one end of a lathe, and at
the.other s he will.see afac simile head of
the great, sxpounder;. of any desired size,
turnotl out froumunrble, by machinery.
littate.of JtitliitilVoodbitry, of the Su
lwelsefe'ol4o, ,have also been turned front
'the emu lathe- Busts and cameos may be
maned, after, one. lOW the same inciAeL in
imilation,nf arty sizes. from a colossal bust
:Ws ; miniature. taco, suitable for a lady's
-•- I
~A,,genins damdilerofsuch au achievement
ought to be widely known.; and we are;
told dun he is ;costive of Massachusetts,
T4owas.,lllanpliprd by name. Ilisgenius
its developed:early. Its first manifesta
tion wattin the Contrivance of: a machine
for paringapplea: , •
ilis nest desice was a machine for as- ;
certaining, without the trouble of counting
in.the usual way.-the number of tacks Made
in't Amory rat' whiblt he' was at work foi'
his brother.,was a rnech*for making the
tielta-therneelvee; * *Weill, prior to that, had
been.tOrned.out by, the hand. It made 500
a•minuth and much more perfectly than
by. dm Old method.;
%Next he sm. about and perfected a lathe
forterniog gun barrels. It was an easy
process to tura the muzzle end, but at the
lower part, the machinery, by a self-acting
change, was made to accommodate itself
adroitly to the oval and octagonal parts of
the breech. All this was accomplished
with great facility by steam power.
liVhen this apparatus was first started at
Springfield, the workmen came round to
witness the experiment. On its success
ful operation, one of the workmen remark
ed to another, "this man has upset our art."
One of the gun-stock makers said hecould
"not upset him, for the stranger cot id not
turn a gun-stock." Blanchard replied that
"he would try."
Ile finally rucceeded in making a lathe
to turn out gun-stocks with accuracy and
facility, by steam power ! Ile secured a
patent for the invention, and it is now in
successful operation at Springfield and
Hapees Ferry, and it has literally "upset
the art" of making gun-stocks by manual
This curious machine was at once ap
plied to making shoe lasts, hat blocks,
tackle blocks, and all similar Utensils; and
while it put an end to the tedious process
of making such articlCs by hand, it produ
ced far more perfect specimens.
Next he invented an: improvement in
steamboat machinery to enable boats of
small draft to ascend the rapids of rivers,
and his plan itilow in general use for as
cending rivers of narrow, shallow, and rap
id channels. '
Such are among the valuable inventions
. •
TWO 1)01.1. AR$ PEI -
NEW SERIgg-40,
of Thomas Blanchard, a farmer's sew.
whose only means of education wets the
common country schools, in a winded
part of the country-.
And finally, Mr. Blanchard now makes
statues by steam. •
• But it is a most beneficial achievemetlo.!--
a triumph of Inventive Power—which will
multiply the pleasures of mankind and help.
to diffuse enjoyments among them,
will. iniprove their sensibilities and refine
their taste. Its improvement may not app--
pear at a first glance. We base playfully
supposed it to be the knell cathe sculptors.
But •the sculptor will yet live ; for, so it ie,
there is no probability that machinery cost
ever do the work of pure intellect. The
immortal conception of the sculptor must
irradiate the marble model before that mo
del can be set in the lathe. The great art
ist will not therefore be superceded , - ' bat
will perhaps be more frequently eallelltip
on than now to supply originals, when
the desire for exact copies shall have been
increased by the facility of obtaining theft
through the wonderful contrivancesaf Me.
MRS. LAFAYETIE.—III 1784, Mr. John
Adams; wlto was afterwards - President of
the 11. StateS, was residingin France fora
season. His Wife, who was a Very
emu plish ed wonian, called one day on the
lady of Gen., Lafayette, and soon this lady
visited Mrs. Adams in return. Mrs. Ls
fa yette' was very modestly 'dressed, while
the American ladies present were in very
gay attire. While at the table, oneoftliose
who sat near - Mrs. Adams Whitiperad To
her, saying. "Good Heavens! how awfully
she is dressed !" Mrs. Adams rebuked the
observation by saying that "the lady's rank
placed her above the little formalities of
dress." 'We wish it was the case min',
that all who pccupy honorable places would
feel themselves above such small matters,
and, indeed, that every one would consider
that a brilliant and well trained mind,good
conduct, and agreeable manners, set those
oft' that possess them to almost infinitelti
better advantage than costly array and
sparklingdiatnonds.—ExelerNews Let.
A etymons ECH0....-4 must tell you of a
curious echo we heard while lying on the
Naples. flats, The orders of the captain
to the crew given from the upper deck, and
the reports of the soundings on the flats,
("two feet scant,") were heard repeated
among the tall trees on the eastern shore,
without the stighest variation. Some of
the passengers, observing this curious ef
fect, began to call. out in various tones to
Mr. Echo, and they were always favored
with e repetition of the question asked, or
the latter tiartofit. Hear some specimens
*lloilo the shore !''
Echo—.• I allo the shore !"
"Ilow are you P'
Echo—"llow are you ?"
"Shall we stay here all night !'"'''t
Fleho—"Stay here all night!"
"Tell me if Gen. Scott has entered
that there nre
Echo—" Scott has entered Mexico."
"Hurrah for your good Rows!"
Echo—"llurrat fur your good news!"
"Who'll he the next Preeident f"
Echo--"Zach«ry Taylor/"
"Well, that is a curious echo, sure e
nough," exclaimed au elderly lady, who
was rocking hersellon the afterguard, and
smoking a pipe at the same time. We
were all somewhat startled by this unex
pected answer to the question concerning
the next PreSidency ; but after a short
pause the questions were resumed :
"What is the price of corn ?"
Echo—" The price of corn."
"What WaS the reason that Pratt and
Campbell didn't fight r'"PrattandCampbell (titbit fight."
"What are you doing out there!"
Echo--"Calehing Cat fish!".
"Ha! ha! ha! ha!"
Echo—"!La! ha! ha! fra!—hol ho!
ho! ho!"
Thus ended the cat-echism. A sucker
W:l9 discovered sitting on a log, down et
the point, quietly pursuing his evening
sports, and brushing olf the mosquitoes.
Some of the answers hid evidently been
given by him.—St. Lords Recei le.
Some days since there was published an
account of a suicide by a young girl in St.
!Alois, committed fo , being charged with
theft. While ineiti very agonies of death
she declared her innocence. Since that
sad event the following has made its ap
pearanee in the papers :
ry alleged to have been stolen by the per
vast girl at St. Louis, Elizabeth Reddick,
who committed suicide recently, has been
found at the house of her former miatress,,
and in the very spot where it was placed
by her accuser, who afterwards forgot the
CER.—CoI. Haskell, who lately' rett — Etheit
to Tennessee from service under Uenetak
Scott, in Alexico, and who has siiw; *ea.
elected to Congress, Om supremo: bit,
opinion upon the manner of corm:Finkle
the war, and the prospect of committing
peace :
have contended and do so still, that
the course pursued by the Prenident, iti
.this war, will not conquer . a
peace in ten yeara, the army will have to
e recalled from the heart of Mexico sn4
: to hold a line. I nreilict that this
will be the result of this unhappy ,war.
day week, the little daughter of Mr.-Hollis
Davis, of Lancaster, six years old, was in.
stonily killed by the body of a cart falling
upon her. The cart body was standing
upon end, and the child overturned it in
attempting climb upon it. When will
men learn the danger of leaving cart-bodies
in such a position where there are child*.
Repeated accidents have happened kotti
that cause.—Worcester Trantenpt.
rir An awful calamity mewled 44 7thillaok)
Tenn, on the 12th inst.. by the siplisia st. •
powder nsaguArte, which heol boon etritch II NOM
ning. Ow hundred Winer wevedeeh,Anilifili
number of FROS lost. Tea Who -hail
covered item the ruins. ' -