8=13:1 ...„,...--:-__. ----''' FItUM AND FOREST l'ItE13::. OM OM leisure of the young farmer— especially when ho has erected n new res idetigthould be eployed in laying out a Mho guilett, and it T planting his fruit and slitiV*iWith oppropriatc care and taste. That /Meg done, the trees and shrubs will be Cl** on with annual increase of beau- Visstkß:this and.produce, to enhance the COM ortiir pf.hbolructil home, and solace the lan guikliOur.s of and infirmity. This is a fluty :which has been sadly neglected hisiii*,llPennsylvania. It is really dis tress.* to the eye of taste to witness the inialber of farm-houses in our ancient commipatrealth, which stand exposed, as it were in the open field, without a shrub orlisigraiwplot, to cheer the inmates, or evigivormuch as a friendly tree to protect them' . 'Avnin the glare of the summer's sun. Nosealtient-of our naked villages, who haii:e4Ored a promenade beneath the arch ing ellamwhich adorn the avenues of New Hired add other Eastern towns, can fail to I)4i:humbled by the contrast, and lament the - Nitrites, cruel negligence, the mei:ln dio* want of forecast which has prevail edOMong nor own people. This repel siti &attire of barbarism should be no longer tolerated. Every farm should be mitlea beautiful country seat. Such or namental feats, instead of interfering with the - essential duties of agriculture, tend rather', to animate and cheer the labors of every 'homer who has a soul susceptible ortrue enjoyment. The beautiful shade trims which surround the dwelling, as they grow Wld;becoming associated with plea sant reminiscences in the family, and ex ert" stpelightful influence. The children wit, have grown upend disported beneath their spreading boughs become fondly at teclied to them, and strongly disposed to guard and preserve them. The touching song of countryman, Morris, owes its poptilittity no less to a deep-seated princi ple in our nature, than to the engaging sim plicity: and pathos of its numbers. Every one who has spent the sum merdays of youth under :the lovely shade around the paren- MTtlottemile f will be- as ready as the poet to exclaim -. Woodman ! spate that tree !" Every descendant of the patriarch who planted l it; wiU , interpoee to save the ven erable tree ,which sheltered the home of Childhood, and will remonstrate with the Vandal who may threaten it, in the earnest moving accents of the bard: tqlfolictiliy.,iorefather's hand That placed it near his cut ; Them, woodman I .kt it stand—. Thyomishan harm k When brit asidle bay, I isougittille paheild shade; Io AlltlekigalinjoY. - 11eira,lko, my sisters played. - My. mother hissed me there ; „ Hy father mimed my hand. ~.Forgive this foolish tear— Bat let that old tree stead! SuAtverniaiseenees of our . purer &ye deserves to be fondly cherished, and should never be obliterated by the 'sterner pur sOts of after life, The tasteful arrange itteukotirees and shrubbery on a farm not only conduces to real comfort, but is the surest indication of a gentle, cultivated and tridi'ciiillied people. It demonstrates that boorish rudeness has been superseded by refined_ feeling, and a just appreciation of the beauties of nature. how delightful to the toil-worn farmer, in the evening of to repose in the shade of the trees whieh:he has planted with his own hands ! dew grateful to the heir of the parental mansion to enjoy the umbrageous shelter provided by the care and taste of his rev erend progenitor! The shade tree, thus plaited, ;beeornes, as it were, a cherished mernbernfai affectionate family. Its lon gevity renders it an abiding friend of sue eeeding geserations--a silent but most in teresting witness of the advent and depar ture of children, and of children's children, I , tittic its aged trunk remains an emblem and oecitins memorial of a long line of vener ehle apeoFtry.—Dr. 7filliuni Ikrlington. • WHEAT CROP INCREASED BY AMMONIA.. CAL MANDREL.—On a space of ground cul tivated in 1843, by Mr. J. It. Lawes, of licidosnaled, England, which had not been mounted, the yield per acre was 16 3-4 bushels of wheat, and 1,115 lbs. of straw. This may b 3 considered as the natural pro dooe,uf the soil, sublect only to the stows rzie infhienee of that particular season. same space of ground was cultivated AO moored for three consecutive years, With the following results Is 1644, the application of 560 lbs. of burnt bones and 220 lbs. of silicate of po- Wito produced 16 bushels of wheat and 1,- 113 lbs. of tow la cwt. each, of sulphate and eaudaWisiumamtia, produced 313-4 bush .4llllt*lntd 6.244 lbs. of straw, Ald. o ll ewl. of sulphate of ammonia itipshisti Intl bubo& of wheat and 2,244 ilmadeptnier. - "In- initiate experiment. a quantity of ilailture was weighed into two pertkist, at the rate of 14 tons each' per ~,ogini s enimiesitig burnt to ashes, and the oth pi4lllo44 into the soil ; the product of ffio soktrot t;lareg was 12 bushels of wheat end 1.419111 n. of glom ; and that of the ash, 16 WM* sintheat and 1,104 lbs. of atrawC . iteestattio kkoccooity of supply log ottrastiV(dtli imarostid port of sumo rile) to orombio tie food to predate store toltootukras it code do Is I 'Murat state. G. E. BUEHLER RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public generally that he has now on hand a large assortment of TL\' fI:4RE of every description, which he will sell at moderate prices—all warranted. Persons wishing to purchase al low rules will do well to call before purchasing else where. HOUSE SPOUTING will be made and put up at 121 . cents a foot, Gettysburg, March 12, 1847. 11hoever wants a First-rate TIME-PIECE CN be accommodated by calling at FRAZER'S Clock 6t, Watch &tab lishmeni, in Chatnbersburg street, Gettys burg, next door to Mr. Buehler's Drug Store—where a new lot of beautiful 24 hour and 8 day CLOCKS.havejust been received from the City. They are of the best manufacture, and will be warranted. Give us a call—they will be sold cheap. REMOVAL. -- WISAIAS J. CULP respectfully informs ■ A his friends and customers that he has removed his Tailoring Establighment • to the room formerly occupied by Wit. deceased, opposite \YOWLER'S. TINNERY, in Baltimore street,.wbere he will be pleased to attend to the orders of all who wish to have work done up in faidlionable style, and at low rates, Ar rangements have been made to receive,* Latest Fashions, from Philadelphia and New York, so that customers can rely on . having their gar ments made in the most approved styles. ocr•Country Produce will be taken in exchange for work. Gettysburg, Aug. 20, 1847..=.3m A CERTAIN CURE FOR THE PILES Dr. Cuilrsea NDI AN Vegetable Piles Remedy, M a domes d_a_ tic preparation, which has beets used with ca ttle success Cur many years. Being an internal medicine, it has a decided preference over outward applications, which arebut Ind not eu• retires. This medicine acts upon tbe diseased parts, producing healthy actioa and a persaussat . curt—WSICII WS W 1,01 itarosn MM. d..FSold, wholesale and retail, by itow'swn & WA uroar, Proprietors, 370 ilarbet stnert,:Phila., and by S. 11. BUEHLER, Gettysburg; Win. Bit. tinge:. Abbottetown ; LiUey dc. Riley, Oxford, and T. J. Cooper, Franklin tp. [Aug.°, '4,l—ly NoTice S lIEREBY GIVEN. 'That applica tion will be made by the undersigned and others, to the next Legislature of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for the incorporation of a Company under the name and style, or intended name and style, of Tagßaat.txSAVlNGSlcesta TION, capital Fifty Thousand Dollars, desikried as an offir.e of-disamint_and . deposit; -and to be located in East-Berlin, Adams coun ty, Pa. • ' David Mellinger, John Dellone, Wolf, , George Schwartz, 3. J. Kuhn, J. H. Aulabaugh. Charles Spangler, Barnet Hildebrand, George King, Isaaa Trimmer, George 11. Binder, Abraham Trimmer, John - Diehl. David Hollinger. inne 23t • Dr. J. laviirence BIIROZON DENTIST. 113 ESPECTFULLY offers hisprofes- IX atonal services to the ottit tysburg and surrounding country. He is prepared to attend to all cases usually en trusted to the Dentist, and hopes, by strict attention to Dentistry •alone, to"be able to please all who may see fit to entrust their teeth in his hands. Office at Mr.3ltosh's Hotel. Gettysburg, July 23.—tf THOMAS M'CREARY, .ATTORNEY AT Law. OFFICE in the South-east Corner of the Diamond, between A.B. Kurtz's . lotel and R. W. M'Sherry's Store. Gettysburg, Dec. 12, 18415.—1 f ALEX. H. STEVENibON, ATTORNEY AT 14W, OFFICE in the Centre Sqnsre, North of the Court-house, between Smith's and Stevenson's corners. Gettysburg, Pa. LAW PARTNERSHIP. H E undersigned having , formed a partnership for the practice of the Law, will attend the Courts of York and Adams, and also visit the neighboring coun ties if desired. Office in York street, Get tysburg, between the Bank and Public Of fices, where one of the firm will constant ly attend, and where communications will receive prompt attention. JAMES COOPER, R. G. M'CREARY. June 18, 1847.-8 m I Air NOTICE allr • REED (Of Carliele,) PRESENTS his respects to his friends and informs them that he has made arrangements to continue to practice as usual in the Courts of Adams county, under the new regulation of the times for holding hem. Jan. 30, 1840. tf D. 31'CONAUGHY, • .911orney at Late„ OFFICE in the S. W. corner of the Public Square, one door West of G. Arnold's Store, formerly occupied as a Law Office by John' M'Conaughy, dec'd. He solicits, and by prompt and faithful at tention to business in his profession, it will be his endeavor to merit, confidence and patronage. • ocr.D. Arc...Hy will also attend promptly to all business entrusted to him as Sgent and Solicitor for Patents and Pensions. He has made arrangements, through which he can furnish very desira ble facilities to applicants, and entirely re lieve them foul the necessity of a journey to Washington, on application to hint per sonally or by letter. Gettysburg, 2.—tl Philadelphia Advertisements locks, \% atehes, Jewelry, &c. THE Subscriber offers to the trade, or by retail, • „Pe a large assortment of the i c following articles, being all of his own importa \4 tion or mairufactore. Buyers of goods in this line are invited to examine the assortment, and orders arc solicited, with the assurance that every ef fort will he made to give satisfaction and in sure a continuance of custom. Gold & Silver Les er Watchesofontinary quality Do do do of superior finish. Do do do Anchors & Impines. Silver double cased English and Swiss verge Watches, with light medium and heavy cases. • Gold Jewelry in all varieties, fine and common. Silver Plated, and Silver Wares. Musical Boxes, playing", 4,6, 8 and 10 tunes Gold and Silver Sp:041110e. Diamond Pointed Gold Pens. Mantel & Office Clocks, in gilt and other . ftentaS6 Watchmakers' Tools and Matitials of all sotto. Fancy Articles, Fancy Fans, B,teel Heeds, ilke. Having every facility forobtainiug gouda on 'the moat advantageous 'teisus.-earres pending inducements willheofferedistiour chasera. C. - Fhin.R•' 112 Chesnut 4t. Phikulelyika. July 16, • Watehei, Jewelry, Pizeo [,jr ATCIIES, JeWelry & &dyer Ware Ar- 7 mar be had wholesale and:tete% guarandintbe,tter for' he p r ice than at any other, stare in Philadelphia, at (lite Nieho laa • Le'littray's) No. lit North 2nd street, •-• above Arch, Philadelphia. I t (c- WATCIIVA, all kindi. tine. medi um and low qualities, among which are Gold it/waled, 9140 to $lOO Lepton 28 to . 40 Quattiero Imitation, , 8 Silver Laves full Jowellat, _;,. 20 .to --80 .1 es 12 to 18 Quattleio fide •" 9 to .10 JEWELRY, Diamonds, Gold C hains, Gold' 'Pens 'with Hold Ar' Silver 'Holders, Pencils, Breastpins, Ear and Finger 'Ritmo, Bracelets, Cameos of Shell, Coral and La va, with every other. *Mete of Jeivelry of the richest and most faslifiihahlo paperns. .SILVER WARE,PIiie, Fbrks, Spoons, Cups, &c:.. of staiidarsi.Siveril • - PLATED WARE. Caliiirs, bake Bas kets, Fans, Vases, Card Cases and other Rich Fancy Goods in, great variety. Wholesale Buyers milt save money by calling herebefore porolotsing. irriCeep thinadvertisement and cal at No. 72. You will be satisfied the „goods are really cheaper and better , than are of fered in the city. For sale low, a hand imme pair of SHOW CASES, suitable for Jewelry or Fancy Store, apply as above. Sept._ 8, Cheap Watches and. Jewelry. • vertfor - .4o,ver rented by - ' • -111; Jacob Ladonsais No. 248 Market street, AA- • \ adelphia, who '` l " ' EIAS couttautlfon hand a large assort . meat of Gold and Shires Watches, at the following loir prices: Zull.4eivelle4 fkold. Levee,.. $4O 00 Y Silver. " 20 00 Gold Lepitel, Foil Jewelled, 30 00 Silver Lepines, 12 00 Silver Quartiero, 800 with a large assortment of Fine Jewelry, such, as Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Breast Pins, Bracelets, Gold. and Silver. Pencils, Gold. Chains, &c. Has. ash on hand a complete assortment of patent and plain Watch Glasses, Main Springs, Verges, Di als and. Hands, of every description—jo fact, a complete assortment :of Watchma ker's tools and Watch materials, to which he would call the attention of the Country Trade. Those wishing anything in 'the above line, will find it to dieiradvantage to call and examine 'his stock •hefore , pur chasing elsewhere. Philadelphia, Aug. 6, 1847..--flm • CHEJP WATONIZIE at araravaustar .as ihe Philadelphia Teateh and Jetaelry &ore, No. OA, North Second street, corner of Quarry. Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled, 18 car. cases, -, $45 00 Silver Lever do full' jewelled, 23 00 Silver,Lever do. 7 jewels, , 18 Q 0 Silver Lepitte lowerd, Ist qual. 14 00 utterior Quaetier Watches. 10 00 Imitation do. not warranted, 5 00 'Gold SPectsclei, - 8 00 FineeSilver Spectacles, 1 75 Gold,Bracaleta, with - topaz stones ,.. 3 50 Ladies' Gehl Pencils, 10 carats,.,' 200 Gold Finger Rings, 37 Ms to $8 ; Watch Glasses.--plain 12 cis; patent 18 ; lunet 25. Other articles in proportion. All goods warranted to be what they are sold for. 0. CONRAD. On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers, Lepines and Quartiers, lower than the a bove pricea, Dec. 4, 111148..,--ly The latgest and cheapest Stock „ • OF GOLD AND WINER AP— it ia tilaqataeip• • at Plato and Fancy Jewelry, 'IN PHILADELPHIA, Wholesale and ► , 413} Market street. Gold Lever,, full jewelled, 18 carrel —' case, gold dial, $4O 00 Gold Lepiois, do. do. $25 to SO 00 Silver Leven', full jewelled, 20 00 Silver Lepinea, jewelled, 10 00 Silver Quartier Watches, splendid quality, 8 00 Silver imitation Quartiem 5 00 Second hand Gold and Silver Watch- ea, at all prices, from $2 to 25 00 Gold Pencils, • 1 7510 200 Gold Dracelelz, with topaz and other sets, a 00 Pure Silver Teaspoons, 4 50 Diamond point Cold Pens, with pen cil and solid silver holders, only I 25 Gold chains, breast-pins, finger-rings, ear rings and JeWelry of every description, at the lowest Philadelphia or N. York prices; gold and silver Levers, Lepines, and Quar tier watches, still much cheaper than the above prices. A call will be sufficient to convince purchasers thif ibis is the place to get good and cheap articles. .All goods warranted to be what they are soldfor. Orders from the country punctually attend. ed to. Old Gold and Silver bought for cash, or taken in exchange. 'All kinds of watches repaired and warranted to keep correct time. N. Al. I have a splendid gold independ• ent seconds watch for timing horses. Also. Gilt and Galvanized Watches, for traders' use, and goods of all kinds in my line, at LEWIS LADOMUS'S Watch, Clock, and Jewelry Store, No. 413 Market St., above I Itb, north aid*, Phil.. Philadelphia, Aug. 6, 1847:-7m To Country Merchants and Others STEPHEN F. WHITMAN, CONFECTIONER & FRUITERER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, No. 420 .)larket street, above Ittth South side, Ld Li' t) HAS now on hand and is constantly receiving a large and well selected stock of every article in his line, consist ing in part of Oranges, Lemons, Prunei, Figs, Dates, Raisons, Grapes, and every other fruit in season. A full assortment of Bordeaux and Soft-shelled Almonds, Filberts, Ground Nets, Cream Now, Eng lish Walnuts, Cocoa Nuis, &c. His as sortment of CANDIES are it lower pri ces than can be boughtln the gity. He requests an examination of his stock be fore purchising elsewhere, u • he, offers goods at a small advenie, being's nions to do businren.for CASH.. - o:l°TaiepX.:thiendiertisement Ind tip* it with you. Sept 61413 . 1847.-llm • " C. HARK N ESS' ( nothing Establishment The non eatestsi!e Clothing Warehouse in the flutjed Stutes. RE-OPENED POR WINTER. 1 oo,oock garments on hand, and newly for dip*. sal `WHOLESII‘LE dr. RETAIL 0 11" pitions we would say, that having II but one price, those who are not dealers, or do not understand the real val uation price of goods, will have an op,por : tunity of purchasing ifirmentslut low as professed Judges. Jobbera sod dealer) in ready-made Clothing, can replenish their stocks, for he winter. and we guarantee the largest establishment in-• Philadelphia to select froth. We attend personally to the paelttngofgoods and see that* good as sortment of sites and well-made articles are put tip. single suits forwarded as per orders per Our goods are for sale only at the large btiilding, 128 Markel at. Southeast corner of Market and Fourth streets, Phil adelphia. C. HARKNESS. Sept.'24, 1847.--8 m HOVER'S First Premium Writing Ink. - HIS Ink has for'a long while become T . established ita .11 , Tallorird article, and the following. testimonials from Washing ton City; prow its merits in that direction: House of Representatives, Washingtonng - C . oy, Feb. 24, 1843. I state thatl have used the Ink, during the present session of Congrese, manufac tured by Joiteph E. Hover, Esq., of Phil adelphia. andl [ninth: mud it to be an :tra de or p r at excellent quality. 'JOHN - WHITE, Spakrr *mare Repreireiststires. ----Patent rt e, Washlligtun;ff: C. Fibruary 24. 1843. SlR—..Your Histek.Writinglnk. has been used in this Office since October last, and is entirely approved. I am respectfully, J. W. HAND, Chief Clerk. Mr. Josaeu E. Hovsa, Philadelphia. Athunantlise Cement. The following from Bieknell's Reporter will best illustrate its value: "Mr. Hover manufactures "Atamemtino Cement" for joining broken china, gliss, &c.; we have have tried the article and found it to be excellent." For Sale, Wholesale and Retail, at the Manufactory, No. 87 North Third Street, opposite Cherry Street, Philadelphia, by JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer. ICr•For sale in Gettysburg at the store of S. IL BUEHLER. August 13, 1847. flas Feathers ! Feathers ! From lti to 45 Cents per round. CHEAP 'OA CAM. WHOLEsAIJLAND RETAIL. , FREDERICK G. FRASER, Uphol sterer and General Furnisher, No. 415 Market St. above 11th, North side, opposite Girard Bow,Philadelphis, where may be had at all limes a large assortment of Beds and Mattresses, Curled Hair and Feathers, Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads and Looking Glasses, together with all other ar ticles in the above line of business at the very lowest Cash prices. N. 13. Goods warranted to give satis faction. Sept. 2,1847.-3 m Allegheny House, [llll 280 MARNE? PE. PHILADELPHIA. Tus—aujoscriber (late of the Washington Hotel, Harriaburg.°Pa.) takes this method of informing his old friends and the public generally that he has taken the above named HOTEL. The House is airy and comfortable, and has been ex tensively altered and improved, and the proprietor hopes by strict attention to bus iness, and a proper care for the comfort of his guests, to merit and receive a Mans of ,public patronage. The House is situated very convenient for the Travelling Public, being .only two -doors ttboire khe Harris burg aid Pittsburg Depot, and within two minutes walk of the Baltimore and Heed ing Depous. Stabling attached to the pre mises.' Termslll per day. F.. P'..H UGHES," Proprietor. Sept. 3, 1847.—tf NEW ARRANGEMENT, A DAILY LINE BETWEEN GETTYSBURG & BALTIMORE THE Subscribers have the pleasure of announcing that they have completed their arrangements for running a NEW DAILY LINE between Gettysburg and Baltimore, via Littlestown, Westminster and Reisters- : town. An entirely new line of superior and elegantly built , t , TROY COACHES have been put on the route, which, togeth er with trusty and aeconnnodating driyers, they feel assured must give entire satisfac tion to the Travelling Public. • firJ'"Tho line will run through daily, (Sundays - excepted,) leaving regularly at 7 o'clock, A. M. JOHN L. TATE & CO. September 17, 1847. Jewelry, Watch-Guards, W ATCH Chains, Keys, Spectacles, w w &c. &c. can always be had at the Clock & Watch Establishment of ALEX.FRAZER. Stanton's Extrrnal llesettly, I imm lIITINT'S 14\131E:NT. S now urtiversale aehri.w4eepod to be the IA IN FA 1.11 EiLE: kVWI:DV Litescasat spinal MT, con Zractint. co' rEe icassitlet, sere inroat and go in 4y. eij eFtasi.. toms se the track and chest. al:ue in the %imam wad fact snob ache, sprains. Waite*. waft vihrinaa, boas. atop. frosted tett. nod all IletwelndairaSell The trine phial arenas t hick has attended the application of this most srenderfialasetFaciee in caring the wont mere cases of the ifilletent disessisabarenaawsg, sal the hivit etanninetee that hew been ,seemed upon it, wherever it has Ins nendhovd, ems IMP the, right totall ea the spirted he twit at oace to the sap ressaig Met con k 'Whiten. The ilindhy mite I. reeersteerheretba ode; heated Esteemed Renedy-_ Linineat 3 The fillepsiag genets ham the higbily a. Physieleanwhisharreberps atnehed Phoned Rule Trindi kr !nary yenaa ie ~tf slit eviderne et theredeint famin finsa„, Mr Dion Sear-I neraisedynew wisest imam. day, asking airy (vitls er Ilsors .Liaissert. es prepared by Mr. Gene E.ftwiteet. Kinerleg its congiesition, biesperiettraned it, I as recommend it I. yes as a wale Eineml ileseily, and, be goy opinion, die len Unload maw is Very truly and nwportisey pm% 01731LAIL Col. Irene Yen Coat en& Gone 1 fay main ia the about avian. W. IC DEMME latrrenra. Jammer 1.11.11144 Sin "—ln may ws year bazar I wassid nay dot I bane ward yew External Bawdy. allied limes Liniment, in ar panne since ys made site ac quainted with its expaspasi tira. and minsitatinglly say tbat I behest it to bean ben Enema &m -idi:in* Wine W . ' the esio*iimitslow yew nnoansend it. __ Yawns senneetistly., BUM D. MILLE-11,1a. EL Gasman E. Simms, Ewa. Ike New Th& Sint. Ameesqg the mom ef weethatesamides WNW bogs that ere poured feeds N doe passe day op: o a therms:tr, a really refresbmg to God sinter thing of real practical many, semetliiag sisal speedy, and eareteal in its operatina sea et the tame time free Mum those Mperieme eartsaltich generally attend preetfal semelbea. • ihmeslia Main palpated by csorpe E. SemitemaiSitagVaig though it has been ha a siert time hellos Om public. bas ahead,- demised the essaieneq ant only of nor nest mealary and isamatial citing's. but oar must eminent phymesams. All ocksseirl edge it to be a lasetriwa ham her many el the ilia that lash is heir to, sesairig die adios* ask end bry its genuine stiadaciag imamate. hribli log disease from the system_ Ibis Liniment is sold at S'S and SO rests per bottle by all the principal Dnogpsts and Meath aunts. Groins addreeseet to me an 1 4 iac. Slog_ 28' T. mill be attended to. G E :..47.11.14TM,Proprieteff. 117soksalit IPtielps & Co 142 Water street. lattabtom & Ces IIU Ilsoalla ay. A B & D Sands.conser Fakes mall Williams. Asisowall 86 William stmt, tic Tor*: Cotlibest & Weds erill 7 t Smith Aeeeted Pholool4kiw AGENTS.—Sammiel H. Buehler & 8. S. Fonley, Gettysburg; Abraham King. Hunterstvira ;E. Zeck. lawn Ja cob Hollinger, Heidlersteserg ; Hollinger& Ferree, Petersburg. ( 5..); Jacob kohl bangh,Ranyien; Geo. S. Iknteel. and J. 1 3. HildebraniTik C r o.. Bola= June 11, 1847. [Her. 2-1 y). And awl all Diseases of the sere attells soul Amt-ds. DYSPEPSIA, or hisfigestion and its consequences.—An eminent Profes sor says: "It chic" Ay wises in peness lead either a }cry sedesuary or angular life. Although not mania as a fatal di sease, yet, if neglected, it may bring ea in =aide Melancholy- Jaamdfice. Altdislals or Vertigo, Palsy. and Apopleaygneat singularity aura/taut on it is, that st may and often does continue a great length of time without any wet" siission oldie symp toms. CAUSES.--Grief and • mind, intense study. profuse excess in calory, excessive use of spir itous liquors, tea, whores, opion sad other narcotics, immoderate irpktion. o ver distention of the Stomach, adefs cieney in the secretion of the tide or gastric juice,. exposure so cold and damp air. are the chief cameo of this disease. SYMPTOBIS.—Loss appease, ear sea, heart-burn. mislay and timid einem none. gnawing of the swam& what amp ly, uneasiness in Lire &seas, pain I. the sids,eostissasso. elvil/iaaso,lantwor, low ness of spirits, palpitations, sad &samba sleep. TREATMENT----DR- ALLEN' S VEGETABLE C al/POCND len nev er failed in Jointing inambeitiase sad and a radical cure kit this disease. Principal Oct.ffi No. 77 N. Eighth at, east side. Philadelphia. For sale its Get tysburg by" S. S. FORNEY. July 20, 1847.- Iy TO THE AFFLICTED ! Compound Medicated Candy_ - LI OR the Cure °Molds, roses, Spit ting of Blood. Brorchetiv, Asthma. Whooping Cough, Pains and Oppressions of the brass, and all other Pamooary complaints, and other &seises which have a tendency to pavilion Conimmprion. owes also as an eliFecrepal cleans id the voice. This Candy is entirely a regetalde re paration, doe *Weird ingirtheens betty. Horehound. Wild Chewy, sap a. Boneset, Thwasipane, Lissiorix„ Flax seed, leeland Moss, Pliikly Ash, ke. and will, if taker in . tio&-ndiese • dre system frost these distressing idnie that told to Consumption-. One tea[ advastage is this valstalde -medicin _e is its eliesmsenn o dis pshbe sat being imposed epos hr the essemosdy high rims which ans steserally szaesd for Palma swlolheresgiirsi Areparations- Each package minisins Garetinsa. Call and try it! Prepared and sold at the Confection and Variety store of the Subseniber is West York street, one square boss the Court house, and nest door to Thompsos's Ho tel. It can also be had at the Drag Stores of S. H. licsurza, and S. Foessr. per The subscriber as sand costinues his Bakery, and is prepared to supply parties at the shortest sober-, with choice cakes, Ace. C. WEAVER. DIAMOND TONSOIL S. IL TIPTON. F ASHIONABLE Barber and Hair F Dresser, has removed his " , Temple' to the Diamorutradjoiniaz the Counts Buil dings, where he can at all times be found prepared to attend to the calls of the public. From long experience he dames hintse/1 that he can go through all the ramifications of the Tonsorieal departments, with such an infinite degree of skill as sill meet the en tire satisfaction of all who may submit their chins to the keen ordeal of his razor. He hopes, therefore, that by attention to busi ness and a desire to please, he will merit as well as receive a liberal share of public patronage. The sick will be attended to at their prirate dwellings. ROSS' EXPECTORANT A REMEDY For Consumption, Coughs, Colds. Bron c.tit is, Asthma, Croup, Whooping Cough, Spitting of Blood, Sore 7hroal, Pains and Oppres sions of the Breast, DV . - Acuity of Breathing, • and all other di stases of the PULMONARY ORGANS! lipid IS following Certificate of Gum porionpod trilihnian of Rara's Expectorant end city if you will WOK neglect your calash, or doubt negate'. - - hs • Bala/sort, Mai& 2, 1841 : Reim Dew Sis—Afratit, three weeks , ago my wife elm& a erne cell, whith troubledlbm, A good , deal Ind gave hei gmat uneasiness; she . prepared a game noisy iiitieles which *Me reco mmended to her by her fries,* but without receiving the hash fesarirry of them ; her sough was getting groan emery den her appetite was fast fel ling and to sleep was impossible: the win in bee Inert and side became so severe that that she bad ep sole beit'uld my friends advieed me io eall is a Illysiefina. 1 thought I 'Mold all In the stem whams you were engaged and tee if I meld net get semething that would4qlliaselatr, rebels yen gam me a honk" of yrs* kapeetomat, as uO9 me that it would .cure her, she commit cad taking it that night, nbt, honorer,' without glum imposition on the parrot seism of ;Ili friends. tabs said it was only: , sow. Nitpick Maiden," and would do her, more harm than geed. But I determinedto tike your advice, and wow kt all know Air Result 1 From taking the int dose she felt ruler, though unable to sleep eitaccennif °fine quantity of.pblegm Mat.loosen od and would almost choke her, but which Oho amid spit up with but little difficulty; thi follow ing day she continued it according to the direc- , boas, and that time, for the first time for ninny tw'' weeks , she enjoyed a good night's rest add by she time she had finished the first bottle, she was et/timely - ears& Make what use of this you think pamper, for such an invaluable medicine should be made known to the afflicted every where. With hem wishes for your success, I remain yours dre., CHARLES PASSWAY. CAUTION!!! Beware of Cotinterfeite and Sposiaas Imitations. See that the initials''J. R" ant as the seal : also my Written Btigrtareon the wrapper ofWeb bottle, without which bona is gen- P l epared only by James F Rrisi,Druggist, BaWiliam Md. For sale in Gettysburg. by, SA4ICEL H. BUEHLER, and in Mahrsiosote by O. W. HEAGY. May 2S, 1847,—1y Will be ptddished in Washington, D. C on the Seventh of December next. The United States Reporter, A Doily Journal of Gosernment, Legislative awl General News. THE subscriber is now enabled to announce the completion of his arrangements for the establishment of a well organized and Independent Joann! of News at the Seat of the General Gov ernment The leading feaiurea of "The United States Reporter" will be the following: 1. Early intelligence of the movements of the sariows Department, of the Government, an refer ence to Domestic affairs and to the Foreign refs lions of the country, aill be given with scrupu lons fidelity. Possessing peculiar facilities (mob tau sing inter/nation: the "Reporter . ' will be ena bled frequently to communicate, exclusliely, 'Alia:mice of the most iinpoitant character. IL Tim verbatim Reports of the Proceedings -ani-Thibritilis-of-the-U,Stirtes-benste, - -wbietr - the peeprialtor is bound to furnish daily to that body, in accordance with the terms cif.thsconitart mane at the due of the last session of t'inigrem. The annutgani-ms now made will at once fully secure to the Renate of the I.Tnited States an authentic aadcomplete record of its debates ; and to the peo pte—rn a greatly enlarged degree—the benefit of the cinema:ice, sagacity, and statist:unship of that body to whith they have ever looked with solicitous and respectful regard. 111 The Proceedings and Debates in the House • ... seas. impartiality, and the utmost promptitude. Each day's record will be completely made up, and appear is the "Reporter" next , morning. IV. A Synoptical View of the Proceedings and Debates of all the State Legislatures will be regu larly given. Members of Congress, and all clas ses of readers, will thus be kept fully and syste matically informed of domestic legislation in all sections of the U. States. V. Early intelligence of all important move. weals in the Legislatures of Great Britain and Franco sill be communicated by every steamer from Europe, through Reporters i■ London and Paris wits possess peculiar facilities for obtaining information. cL Tbe General News of the Day will be giv es in a condensed form, with industry and atten tion_ Such is a brief view of what the "United States Reporter" is designed to be. All the plans and arrangements have been well mature& and tip. Isopeiceordidentlys.hetiabed that ilse......Reportee_ will prove itself an energetic, industrious. dignifi ed, and perfectly independent journal. It will have no party views—no political bias. The pro. primer, by the terms of his contract with the Ste is the U. States, is bound to the condition that 'the paper shall contain no political discus. aims except the debates." It will be a vehicle of .tress, not the organ of any set of opinions. The grand aim of the subscriber is to:establish at'tbe seat of Goiernment a faithful and prompt reporter smste of intelligence—n responsibk agent. uo which the politician, the business man, the menu. tactuner,tbe mechanic,and every one interested in the affairs of Congress and the Government may rely at all times with Implicit confidence. It is believed that the establishment of sock a reliable Journal of lotelligence, , on terms which place it within reach of the great masses of the people, at the commencement of what promises to be a meat interesting and eventful period in the ' biseery of Congressional proceedings; will be girded with favor by all classes of the communi. ty ; sod, having thus stated his objects, the sob. , Imam respectfully solicits a liberal and general ' support from the enlightened public of the United Stites. JAMES A. HOUSTON, Stenographer to the Senate of the U. States. Tbe.Usited States Reporter',' will be printed on a large and handsome:sheet, 'lnd issued every morning, except Sundays, at the rate of $8 per art. swam ;Single copies,2 cta. bt - essnection with tint daily paper, there will be loused from the MOO 11016111111 Meat, THE MIRROR OF COhlf4Mcg This publication will contain exclusively 'the repents of she proccedinca end debater,' of, this con gress ef-thelltif. States.: It will be ivied MCA" weettly,_in an elegant. quarto form, - ilithWit isesaiesu of Congtgas_Nand Tiehunished to sistinctibere at the rate of two dollars for the king aeries, and one dollar for the theft seei4eet. ' if ie bellevei that 'this great national worlrwill be Awned indisperisable in the library,Of every pqb he irititution, politician, and prefeseional man, tlunechout the country; and that it will be re canted by the great maw of the peoples, the very best political text book for their own instruction and that of their children. ' • ' • breehtestrr Axtrilittscamxisr....Througluint the session of Congress, Extra, will be issued from the caste of the "United States Reporter," containing the reports of all such debates as may possess par ticularly exciting interest. • All subscriptions and communications to be postpaid and addressed to "J. A. Hoysrox, U. S. Reporter, Washington, D. C." Dr. C. W. rippleton's Celebrated .Remedy FOIL DE A FIVESS, IMAMS in, and discharge of matter from, the ear, together with all other unpleasant symp toms, which either accompany or announce ap. proaching Deafness. This invaluable medicine is the result of • long and faithfully pursued coarse of experiments instituted with the sole view to discover (if possible) a certain, and. at the same lime, a safe remedy for this dreadfully afflicting disorder, and after being extensively used in the private practice of the subscriber during thelast eight years, in very numerous cases with the most remarkable success, is now offered to the public, for the benefit of those who, from distance or other causes, cannot have the personal attention of the proprietor, in the fullest confidence of its efficeey, and in the firm belief that it will not disappoint the expectations of those who may haveoccasion fee its me • in short, that it is the most VALUA BLE article ever offered to the public for this di: Sea Se. al.For sale in Gettysburg by 8. H. BUEHLER. in Abbott/acorn by Wr. !hr. - viols, in Oxford byLos...l & Rucr , and in Franklin t0v.1410 by Tsoins. J. Conan. (Au - g. 6,1847-1 y • DR CULLEN'S Indian 111 , getable Panacea. AN EXTRAORDINARY CURE. MESSRS. ROWA ND & WA ' , TON—Hack( am__ experienced the extraordinary efficacy of your Dr. Cullen's Indian Vegetable Panacea spies' my own person, a feeling of gratitude for yaw wonderful discovery, and a desire that your Med icines should be known and sppreelated ity the public, has induced me thus voluntarily .to you en , aecouot of my case, hoping that ntbeiri‘ who may be so unfortunate as I have beim, be induce.' to throw produdice eakittculiitirtfclef Panacea a fair trial. la Yebniary, 11146,4 Nip of tunny/ :Mt ar peered Ellin, opine of ray right hrg, end tine* et be l lower putt of my binastiesittiejtitio Lion Of vibe; they intressiddinedeally militant early part of June, about which time they beck.* very paintel. ' July diet tomorin the' hely leg ex.catt ism Ind Winne reiningeore,metimplialg itself Until it Wee half the Mee df a ayes beedij and 'had emelt kstd the home; hand one two Musk ter dkeviiippeimid Sane the ands, My lays& eta* and othrtni'prarnounted it Second". up to this thin'tverrhismidy used pre' no relief; the leg continued toyer wane; dining the eralywatt" of August my enthrinp intensit; I adthier went to bed or slept regularly for 'marl two beleg - teithellitteethe , supported on a elude.. Alma ; Hi time My eon brought home with hint from Cineinnati market one of your eireulan,'lsiiith had bee. ihtNrltla to'the Wagon. I reedit, and kninvingestivoil the signers to the Certi6es.l of lb* cm OM* Brooks, end believing from my knowledge oftbeAt chnrecters that they would not lend timpietwitstes for the purpose of palmist an-impeeitiew ere the public, I conclude) to try what *feet It would * have upon me. On the 110th of August triteu red the fint bottle, commenced takier it semi. ing to directions, and in four hours the pain itsi intlehtiiMivisd eg)*Nfilkst greatest of blessings,. Wet boon repose. I con tinued using it until the 2fith`of Auguit, when I sound myself as much better that I went teCin einnati to your Agent, Mr. IDanenhour., with wheel I made arrangements to take 20 bottles, provided he would guarantee to core me. He sanded nude so, and pro me the privilep of "topping thong( the 20 bottles, wheiteveri considered enroll well. I now It encouraged, and continued to use Wun der Mt. D's instructions, until I had taken 12 lets ties, (using no other nnedieiue whatever.yaihem I found myself entirely well ; the tumor ea'.my breast having softened. it opened, came out, sod was healed up when I had taken 0 or 7 honk*. I will here observe, that for many yeassl-ked been troubled with a kind of dry Tinter ' which greatly annoyed ma, particularly when b ested or warm in bed ; I have felt nothing of this since ta king your medicilke, and have no doubt !hit thy system is vow entirely free from disease, my gen eral health never. having been better. (hi the 3d of December 1 again celled on Mr. Danenhower. I then prononneed niyielf well and offered to give him ■ Certificate tif that effect, which I promised to send him in a few days. A few days thenrafter, however, While killing hogs, hurt the same leg badly, in consequence of which 1 postponed giving the promised Certifi cate, wishing thoroughly to test the permanency of the cure. f now used nothing but the final simple remedies for fres. h wounds, ard found my flesh perfectly healthy, and in the usual time for such cases my log healed. Sufficient time hes e lapsed to eonvisce me that lam now a maid arm_ and that I hard been citied - by your Pummel - gone. In abort, I have every confidence in RI vitiate— Persons desirous of obtaining further IwniettlArs, seal t grafifiscLAvralliim - Muddy Creek, }families county. Ohio, ' DAVID ICIRG'AN. OTT or CISCIFF7C•IrIi, S.S. Personally appeared before me, the raberrillier, mayor of paid city, DVITO Kumasi", who, Whig sworn, deposes and says that the fastanet ford in the foregoing statement are trite. In testrasour where:4,l hare hereunto set my name, and teased the Corporate Seal of the said City to be sJOied., this fourth day of March. I At - 1LE1. , 5Y-43C-Eire,AoPll. whaleisideand rotaitilly RavraM4ll" Wm roe, Proprietors, 376 Market street, Plidarletldtia, and by the following Agents: S. H. Buckler, Gettyaborg. Bittinger. Abbottstown. Lilly 4- Riley. Oxford. T.J. Cooper, Franklin tp. Angus? G. 1847—^_m Protection against ,Loiloo by Fore. , oCumberhied Valley Mated ProtectionMig Company," 'being incorporated by an Act of the Legislature, and fully organized and in apes,- tion under the direction of the following lioant•of Managers, rig: T C Miller , James Weakly; pp IT M'Cullough, A C Miller. T A 34"1Cinley. Pretty,. Spangler, Samuel Galltraiik, Samuel Trite, Able , King, (Adamil) Jobe Zug. Semite! 'Huston. 3 , 1' Gress, y , atikg--esil-thr emotion of the itnabir ants of Cumberland aed Adams counties to the t press et the ralesiriad many advantages which this kind of instance bar over any mina Ist. Evell person insured becomes a mamba of the company and takes part in the Selection of officers and the direction of its concerns. - 241. For insurance no more is demanded, thin is necessary to meet the expenses of the Company, and Indemnity 'taint losses which may happen. 3d. The inconvenience of frequent, renewals is avoided by insuring for • term of five years, 4th. Any person applying for Itnerrasica must give his premien- note for the eliespest elms at the rate of-five per cent., which will 1,000 oath* 1000, for which he will bare to pay $2 30 IDEA , * years and 111 SO for survey and policy. and pit more unless loss be rustained to a greater onotiot than the funds on band will cover, cod Drell so more than rr pro rata share. These. rates an much cheaper than those of other composiles, ex cept inch as are incorporated on the some prioei dles. T. C. MILLfiR, President. A. G.•NillttAxii, Secretary. 112 - The following oamertperson have beeriap pointed-Jonas for Adams Connty Pax ton, Esq. General Agent for Adams county ,_.• .1 A Thompson and D Ziegler, Doltisballg4 :ol .li 7 ln It Ste Bert; Petersburg; Henry Myers,•Ntrw nee ter; Henry Mayer,:Abhottstewo t_Daniel Com fort, Suakin township; Abriham King, Huotgri town; ~11)anki tythe, , Fairfield; T T Wienoltn, Arendtaiilley_ m Morrison end Abel T Wright BenAonville ; De. D Mellinger, Haat Berlio.; Be* Cashtoito., - y._1ttA.11146.-4f efrallister's (100;lisftior f '- . IvOR the Curd `or siterostBSitee, OPP* Wei affeeimini. 'hirer Complaint, Quinsy, Bore Thvos), Brooel‘itisMllid Ia the Chest. tumors. Dimities of Oki BUN Piles. Coins. theumatism, Ate., 4244 for sate at Pie Drug Strife of 8. H. BUEIILit. Gettysborg, June 25.--tf WATCHES, of catkin &A will be cleaned and repaired. ittleat shortest notice, at FRAZER'S Clock Watch Establishment. iu July 16, 1847, , , THE STAR AND BANNER Is publislied every Friday Cousty Building, above the Nerisloi" - end Recorder's Ofee, by DAVID A. BUEIILEII., TERM. , Tr paid in advance or wait , the yell , 9 2 4" annum—if not paid within the year, $2 60, y ri paper discontinued until all arrearages are raja.— except at the option of the Editor. dingle comea fi cents. A tailure to notify a discontiorance will be regarded as a new engagement lidwertistoirnis not exceeding a square inserted three times for $l.-every subsequent inaertiega 25 cents. Longer ones in the same proper All advertisements pot specially mitered J oe a gh in time, will be continued until 'orbit'. A likeral, reduction will be made tothose who id vat tier by the year. , Job Prioritised all kinds executed peat a i l promptly, and on reasonable terms. fl Later+ sod Ceramairotema to the Erliror, (a x , reprint each tie contain Money or the names et new subsenbers,) must be rosy rs CO. ip uidgr to, , secure attontifin,