Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, October 15, 1847, Image 3

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    Philadelphia Advertimements
Watchec 3 Jewelry, Bze
Jewelry ,t 1 Silver Ware
.may he had wholesale and retail,
guarariki) better for the price than at any
tither store in Philadelphia, at (late Nicho
las he Hatay's) No. 72 North 2nd street,
above - Arch, Philadelphia.
WATCHES, *II klads, tine, mcdii
tat aiirl low qualities, among which are
Osildisto 4 ni, Adl Jewelled, :ma to Imo
. Lep net - 2s to so
2344 Lowers full Jewelled, 20 to 30
beldnew 12 to . iN
gatetteeto fine 9 to 10
/KIIELRY, Diamonds, Gold Chains,
Gad Peaa with Gold L Silver Holders,
Teasels. Breastpins, Ear and Finger Rings,
Billeslets, Cameos of Shell, Coral and La
evety other article of Jewelry of i
tlia*hest and most fashionable patterns.
h,VER WARE,PIate, Forks, Spoons,
Cops, Le., of standard Siver.
/PLATED WARE. Casters, Cake Bas
kets, Fans, Vases, ('and Cases and other
JlichFancy Goods in great variety.
'Wholesale Buyers will save money by
calling here before purchasing.
?Keep this advertisement and call at
No. 72. You will be satisfied the goods
are-really cheaper and better than are of
fered in the city. For sale low, a hand
• 11,1411,404 . of SHOW CASES, su it a ble
for . Jewelry or Fancy Store, apply as
Sept. 3, 18 17. I y
Choy_ Watches and Jewelry.
Jewelled Gold
ears for $4O, tear
ranted by
Jacob Ladossitin
No. 2.48 Markrt street, Phil
adelphia, who
la AS constantly on hand a large assort
-1111 went of Gofd and Silver Watches,
at the following low prices :
Full Jowdkdkold Levcra, $4O 00
20 00
Gokl Lcpines, Full Jew - ethyl, 30 00
Sawn Lepinco, 12 00
barer Quaniers, 8 00
with a large assortment of Fine Jewelry,
such. as Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Breast
Pins,,Bmeelets. Gold and Silver Pencils,
Gold Chains, ace. Has also on hand a
cOleplete assortment of patent and plain.
Witch Glasses, Main Springs, Verges, Di
ale and Hands, of every description—in
fact, a complete assortment of Watchma
ker's tools and Watch material% to which
he would call the attention of the Country
Trade. Those wishing anything in the
-above line, will find it to their advantage
tu'eall and examine his stock before put,
chasing elsewhere.
Philadelphia, Aug. 6,1847.-6 m
Si the Philadelphia lrateh and Jewelry
No. 96, North Seem' street, corner of Quarry.
Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled,
18 car. cases, $45 00
Silver Lever do. full jewelled, 23 00
Silver Lever do. 7 jewels, 18 00
Silver Lepine do. jewel'd, let qual. 14 00
Superior Quartier Watches, 10 00
Imitation do. not warranted. 5 , -00 .
Cold Spectacles, ' 8 00
Fine Silver Spectacles, 1 75
Gold Bracelets, with topaz stones; 850
Ladies' Gold Pencils, `!B taws, 200
Gold Finger Rings, 37 curto $8 ; Watch
Glasses—plain 13 as; patent 18; lunet
25. Other articles in proportion. All
goods warranted to be what they are sold
for. 0. CONRAD.
On hind, some Gold and Silver Levers,
',spines and Quartiers, lower than the a
bove prices.
Dec. 4,1846.—1 y
The largest and'eheapest Stock
CleiPviitt i cOataigte .
Plain and Fancy Jewelry,
)6.. i ' '."'
•Wh° 4 l- 13 1 ; M ark e t -idliet"
street.. '
' No
Gold Leven, full jewelled, 18 carve
rape, gold dial,
Gold Lepines, do.
Silver Levers, full jewelled,
$4O 00
do. $25 to3o 00
Silver Lepines, jewelltvl, IS 00
Silver Quertier Watches, splendid
Silver imitation Quattirra,
Second ham) Gold and Silver Watch-
es, at all prices, from
Gold Peneib,
Gold Bract&la, with tops and other
Diamond point Gold Pens, with pen- •
ail and solid silver hoidens, only t f.'l!;
• Gold chains, breast-pins, finger-nnr, ear
rings and Jewelry of every description, at
the lowest Philadelphia or N. York prices;
gold and silver Levers. Lepines, and Quar
tier watches, still much cheaper than the
above prices. A call will be sufficient to
convince purchasers that this is the place
to get good and cheap articles. All goods
warranted to be what they are sold for.
Orders from the country punctually attend
ed to. Old Gold and Silver bought for
cash, or taken in exchange. All kinds of
watches repaired and warranted to keep
correct time.
N. B. I have a splendid gold independ
ent seconds watch - for liming horses. Also,
Gilt Ind Galvanized W3ICIICS, for traders'
tuie, and goods of all kinds in my line, at
lilleiteb, Clock, amt Jewelry store, No. 4 I3i
Market Sr.. above 11th. north side, Phila.
Philadelphia, Aug. 8,1847.-7 m
Clocks, 11 etches, Jewelry, &c.
• . - ... THE Subscriber offers
, in to the trade, or by retail,
liff a large assortment oldie
following articles, being
all of his own importa
tion or manufacture.
'tgentea of goods in this line are invited
Is itatuiLe the assortment, and orders arc
y. 0 11611.4. with the assurance that every cf
het will he mule to give satisfaction and in
sate 6 vont i , I t: r. rt.": of custom.
Goil Lacs Wskhos of ordinary quality
D o n., kill of superior finish.
Do ,1 0 Anchors & Lepines.
Ditent. skiable ce-4 d il , s'oh and Swiss verge
tk with li d awe* and heavy cases.
1= alt One and common.
.and sli e r Warm.,
34„ playing 4,6, 8 and 10 tunes.
t]oifyrialtallay taiwytaties.
Diatotwataimad Oak Prow
MagitAal d o*. Clacks, is Rik awl wkw fina les .
leakkatelawi. 'rants sad ilatetiala of as aorta.
Psuey AttadwaYwory Fans. Mori 8e..]., en,
11110411$ every tscility l'orobtaiu ins pods
M -111 e osimit sdrattutrous tetras, ewes
puska( ittdoeituteuts w ill be offered to per.
soboinnu, . JOHN C. FARE,
0 Amidat. PhiladelpAia.
4 i: • *
1 3
1 1
Ijll rj cnlT l?
s -
IN pursuance of an order of the Or
phans' Court of Adams County, will
be exposed to salo by public voodoo, on
Friddy the 15th and Saturday the IWh
days of October next,
commencingat 12 o'clock, M., at the Man
sion House, on the Home place, the fol
lowing property, late the Estate of FREDE
RICK Sum.t., deceased :
No. I—The Mansion Farm,
Or Home Place, situate in Tyrone town
ship, Adams county, adjoining lands of
Henry Myers, Samuel Hoffman, and oth
ers, having the Big Conowago Creek on
the South Sidr,—lying 1-2 mile from My
er's Mill, one mile front Newchester, (or
Pinetown,) containing
233 A.Clitra%,
more or less, of good Land, principally
cleared, with a large quantity of meadow,
and a tine body of excellent woodland.—
The improvements are a
or: Dot: slat Two-areas BRICK
with a Brick Back Building, a large double
Bank Barn. Sheds and out-buildings, an ex
cellent Spring House, and other improve. -
mews. There is also upon this Tract a
with log stabling, and a spring of water
near the house. There are also
Excellent Orchards,
on this plantation, containing a
rariety 01 choice Fruit Trees.
The Mansion Farm will be sold entire
or in two portions to suit purchasers
The Ist part, containing 157 acres and
77 perches, and having thereon the man
sion House and excellent orchards.
The 2d parreontaining 75 acres, with
the Tenant House, a good Orchard, &c.
Each Tract will have a good proportion
of arable land. Meadow and Woodland, and
a good supply of water.
N 0..
48 i1ik033211 CP
more or less, situate in Stmban township,
adjoining lan& ofJacob Ceased, heirs of
Philip Graft, deceased, and others, lying
on the public Road, distant two miles from
Pinetown,_ and, two miles from Hunters
fown---einedy eliiiiitil land, part Meadow,
with about lOacres of good Timber Land.
No. 2—Twoi full Lots of Ground,
inthetowntif Htinteratuw it, frutiti ng ..n - the
road leading to Cidimbersburg. adjoining
Lots of Jacob Greed, John Felty, and °di
ces, and =mining about ONE ACRE.;
on which are .erected a
Kitchen, Shop and Stable, with a well of
water on the. premises.
pJ"The sale will be held at the Home
Place, when the terms will be made
known ;and until the day of sale the pro-
perty will be shown to persons desiring to
view the same, by
.Idneri e Prak Shun, dec'd.
By the Court—Wx. S. Ilamuzon, Clerk.
Sept. 24, 1847.—te •
NOTICE is liernby given to the heirs
, and legal Represeulntives of JOHN
'form, late of Laming township, Adams
county, deceased; to wit: Elizabeth Top.
twidstw,jJesse P. lepper,_ Green,
P, Topper. and Peter Eline, (Petitioners.)
John Topper,'William Topper, (by Na
thaniel Stout,) James B. Topper, Simon
A. Topper, Adam Sanders and Susan his
wife, (by Henry D. Allvight,) Blasius
,Kibble and Catharine Ann Ms wife, and
Samuel Elias mui ; Susan Eline. children of
Mary Eline, (foK, , , Mary Topper.) de
ceased, who are e surviving children and
representatives e said deceased—that
will be held on Iliday 20th day of
October inst., at 10 o'clock, A. M., at
the late residence of said deceased.litt
Liberty township, A.dants county, Pa., for
the purpose of - making a partition of the
Estate of said deceased to and among
the heirs and the legal representatives, if
the same will admit of .uch partition with.
out prejudice-to,orapoiliugdiewhole there
of, but if the saute will not admit of such par
tition,theu to part and divide the same to and
among as many of them as the Same will
conveniently accommodite, but if the same
will not admit of division at all, without
prejudice or spoiling the whole thereof,
then to value and appraise the same, whole
and undivided ; and further to enquire and
ascertain whether the said Real 'Estate
will conveniently accommodate more than
one of the heirs of said intestate, and if so,
how many of said heirs it will convenient
ly accommodate. . .
.115 00
1 73 to 11 00
Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg.
October I, 1847.
JAMES' last Novel, Margaret Graham
or the Reverses of Fortune, 6 cis.,
good ; Legends of Mexico, 25 cts. ; Mag
dalena, or the Beautiful Mexican Maid, 25
cts.; Fitzhenry, or Marriage in High
Life, 25 eta.: The Ranger of Raventream,
25 cis. ; Flirtation, The Ensnared and
the Divorced, by Lady Charlotte Burg,
each 25 cts.; Camp & Quarter Deck, with
numerous Battle Scenes and Portraits, 25
cts.; Fanny Elton's Comic World, 25 cts. ;
Log of a Privateersman, 25 eta. : The
Heiress and the Fright, cacti 2 ets. ; The
Corsair King, 25 as.; The Bandits of the
Osage, 25 cts. ; Norman's Bridge, or the
Modern Midias, 25 eta. ; The Countess,
or the Inquisitors' Puninshments, 25 eta ;
Gallant Turn or the PPrils of a Sailor;
Ringwood the Rover, 25 ets. ; A Simple
Story, very good, 25 eta. ; Laughable
Stratagems of Three Witty Wives for the
Reformation of their Husbands, vastly a
musing, 12 1-2 cts. ; Isabel of Bavaria,
50 eta. ; Hagerstown Almanacks, English
and German, 6.14 cts.; For Sale by
N. B.—K. K. will open soon a large as
sortment of Hooks` from Philadelphia,
which he will he able to sell very low, in
cluding a variety of elegant Annuals, Gift
Hooks, and splendid editions of the Poets,
&c., suitable for the approaching 11611i
Oat. 1. 1847.
1011 ESPECTFULLY informs his friends
IA and the public generally that he has
now on hand a large assortment of TIN
WARE of every description, which he
will sell at moderate prices—all warranted.
Persons wishing to purchase at low rate's
will do well to call before purchasing else
ROUSE SPOUTING will be made
and pm up at 1 2 cents a foot.
Gettyebuegfr ereb-12, 1847. - - -
haever - wants a First-r 4
11111116•11 PIECE ••,;
jrl . AN be accoMmodated . by eallidield
fRAZER'S Clock & Watch Estab
lishment, iu Chamhersburg street t Gettys
burg, nest door . to %Mr. Buehler's Drug
Store—where a nevr !pi of beautiful 34
hour and 9 day CLOCKS have just been
received from the City. They are of the
best manufacture, and will be warranted.
Give us a call—they , will be.sold cheap.
FSAIAS J. CULP respectfully informs
his friends and customers that lie has
removed his
- Tailoring Establishment
to the room fornierly occupied •by Wm.
BELL, deceased, opposite W AMPLER'S
TINNERY, in Baltimore street, where
he will be pleased to attend to the orders of
all who wish to have work done up in
fashionable style, and at low rates. Ar
rangements have been made to receive the
Latest Fashions,
from Philadelphia and New York, so that
customers can rely on having their gar
ments made in the most approved styles.
o... Country Produce will be taken in
exchange for work.
Gettysburg, Aug. 20, 1847.-3 m
Dr. Cullen's
(INDIAN Vegetable Piles Remedy, is a domes
deb tic preparation, which has beau used with en
tire success for many years. tieing an internal
medicine, it has a decided preference over outward
applications, which are but palliatives and not cu.
ratives. This medicine -acts upon the di,eased
parts, producing-healthy action and a liennarient
_rift--wittice Wi WARRANT.OII RIFUND
LTSold, wholesale amt retail, by ROWAN]) &
WA 'ton, Proprietors, 376 Market street, Phila.,
and by S. H. BUEHLER, Gettysburg; Wm. Bit
T. J. Cooper, Franklin tp. [Ang.l%, 7—iy
TS" HEREBY - GIVEN; Thzit appliesi
j Lion will be made by the undersigned
and others, to the next,. Legislature of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, (or the
incorporation of a Company under the
name and style, or intended name and
capital. Fifty Thousand Dollars, designed
as an office of discount and deposit; and
to be located in East-Berlin, Adams coun
ty, Pa.
David Mellinger, John Dellone,
William Wolf, George Schwartz,
J. J. Kuhn, J. H. Aulabaugh,
Charles 'Spangler, Barnet Hildebrand,
George King, Isaac Trimmer,
George H. Binder, Abraham Trimmer,
John'Diehl. David Hollinger.
June 25, 1847.-6 m
' 111,0'1` iC E.
LETTERS of Administration on the
Estate of PHILIP HARTMAN, late of
Hamilton township, Adams county, domes
ed,, having been granted to the anbscri
ber, residing in the same township, notice
is hereby given to all persons indebted to
said estate to call and settle the same with
out delay, and those having claims against
said estate are requested to present the'
same, properly authenticated, for settle
titent. JACOB HARTMAN, Aftn'r.
Aug. 20. 1847.—fit
Goods selling off at Cost !
THE undersigned having dissolved
Partnership and determined to with:
draw from the mercantile business immedi
ately, have reduced the price of their goods,
and, now offer them at
The stock is large, select, and fashionable,
and edibraces every variety of goods usu
ally found is a Dry Good Store, including
Cloths, Cordillera, Campine's, Calicoes,
Muslin de Laina, ✓llpaccas, Bomba
zines, Silks, Muslim, Thread,
• .Cotton, at. Lisle Edgings,
Ladies' limey .4dides, ate., &c.
As it is our intention to close up busi
ness immediately,, persons wishing bar
gains woulddo well to call Without delay.
o:7•The Partnership-between the Sub
scribers havingelosed on the 9d of Sepiem
ber' 1847, all persons indebted to tho Firm
on Book Accounts are requested to make
payment on or before the 15th of October
next, as after that date our books will be
placed in the hands of a pioper collecting
officer. Those having claims against the
Firm will also present them for settlement.
Gettysburg. Sept. 17; 1847—;.tt
My Books and Accounts have been
placed in the hands ormybrother CHARLES
RUTIIRAVFV. who is authorized to—make
collections on toy account. Those 'who
are indebted to me will please call and
settle with him on or before the 15th of
October next. Those having claims a
gainst me are requested also to present
them for settlement.
Gettysburg, Sept. 17, 1847
TWO stray HEIFFERS were taken
up by the subscriber residing in'Li
herty township, Adams county, about the
10th of August last. Both are of a red col
or, With some white on their backs and
bellies, one of which is a mooley. No ar
tificial marks observed on them. They
had been ranging in the neighborhood since
last April. Tho owner is requested to
prove property and take them away.
pt. 24, 1817.-4 t
Aid and all Diseases of the Stomach and
YMPEPSIA, or , Indigestion anti its
consequences.—An eminent Profes
sor snyP: ..Itchietly arise!, in persons who
lead either a very sedentary or Irregular '
life. Although not regarded as a fatal di- ,
sease, yet, if neglected. it may bring on in
curable Melancholy. Jaundice, Madness.
or Vertigo, Palsy. and Apoplxy. A great
singularity attendant on it ►s, that it may
and often does continue a great length of
time without any remission, of the symp.
toms. •
OAURES.—Grief and uneasiness of
mind, inMicse:study, profuse evacuations,
excess in ibnery, excessive use of spiv
itous liquors, tea, tobacco, opium mid
other earcoties, immoderaterepletion, o
ver distatition-•of the-stoitach, adefi
.in the secretion of the bile or
gastric juice, exposure to cold and damp
air, are ihe chief causes of this disease.
SYMPTOMS.-1 4 oss of appetite, nau
sea, heart-burn, acidity and foetid eructa
tions. gnawing at the stomach when emp
ty, uneasiness in the throat, paili in the
side, costiveness, chilliness, languor, low
ness of spirits, palpitations, and disturbed
Ar_fitiledlaaffordia4 immediate relieLand
a radical cure for this disease.
Principal Office, No. 77 N. Eighth st.,
east side, Philadelphia. For sale in Get.
tyeburg by 8. S. FORNEY. •
_July 30, 1847.--1 y
Compound Medicated Candy.
1;4 OR the Cure of Colds, Coughs, Spit
r ling of Blood, Bronchetis, Asthma,
Whooping Cough, Pains and Oppressions
of the breast, and all other. Pulmonary
complaints, and other clisepies which have
a tendency to produce Consumption. It
serves also as an effectual clearer of the
voice. ,
This Candy is entirely a vegetable pre
paration, the principal ingredients being,
Horehound, Wild Cherry, Sarsaparilla,
Boneset, Eleeampane, Liquorice, Flax
seed, Iceland Moss, Prickly Ash, Ate. and
will, if taken in time, relieve the system
from those distressing afflictions that tend
to Consumption.
One great advantage in this valuable
medicine is its cheapness, the public not
being imposed upon by the enormously
high prices which are generally exacted
for Patent and other medical Preparations •
Each package contaitm-directions. Call
and try it
Prepared and sold at the Confection and
Variety store of the Subscriber in West
York street, one square from the Court
house, and next door to Thonipson's How
tel. It can also be had at the Drug Stores
of S.
ii...7•The- subscriber as usual continues
his Bakery, and is prepared to supply
parties at the shortest notice, with choice
cakes, &e.
rRUIT TREES, of all kinds, (gra ft ed
in the root,) can be had of the sub
scriber on reasonable terms. Please call
and judge for yourselves.
Gettysburg, May 20, 1846.
MONDS, Am, of the best quality
to be had at the Confectionary of
Gettysburg, Aug. 6, 1847.
Dr. J. Lawrence Hill,
RESPECTFULLY offers his profes
sional services to the citizens of Get
tysburg and surrounding country. He is
prepared to attend to all eases usually en
trusted to the Dentist, and hopes, by strict
attention to Dentistry alone, to be able to
please all who may see lit to entrust their
teeth in his hands. Office at iHr.3l'Cosit's
Gettysburg, July 23.—tf
OFFICE in the South-east Corner of
the Diamond, between A.B. Kurts's
gotel and R. W. M'Sherry's Store.
Gettysburg, Dec. 12, 1845.—tf
OFFICE in the Centre Square. North
of the Court-house, between Binittri3
and Stevenson's ellt
Gettysburg, Pa.
TE undersigned having formed a
partnership for the practice of the
Law, will attend the Courts of York and
Adams, and also visit the neighboring coun
ties if desired. Office in York street, Get
tysburg, between the Bank' and Public Of
fices, where one of the firm will constant
ly attend, and where communications 'will
receive prempt attention.
June 18, 1847.—0 m
(Of Carlisle,) .
DRESENTIT hie respec.ts to his friends
JIL: and informs them that he has Inade
arrangements to continue topractice as usual
in the Courts of Adams county, under the
new regulation of the timis for holding
Jan. 80, 1846. ' if
Suorney al Law,
OFFICE in the S. W. corner of the
Public Square, one door West of G.
Arvid's Store, formerly occirpied as a
L(w Office by John M'Connughy, dec'd.
Ile solicits, and by prompt and faithful at-
Loudon to business in his profession, it will
be his endeavor to meriti'coupdende and
110m1). M'Copuiutinv will also attend
promptly to all business, entrusted to him
as 451.111 and Solicitor for Patents and
Pensions. Ile has made arrangements,
through which he can furnish very desira
ble facilities to applicants, and entirety re
lieve them fom the necessity of a journey
to Washington, on application to him per
sonally or by leuer.
Gettysburg, April
For Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Bron
chitis, asthma,- Croup, Whooping
Cough, Spilling of Blood, Sore
Throat, Pains and Oppres
sions of the Breast, Dif
ficulty of Breathing,
and all other di
seases of the
Read the follorting Certificate ciente performed
by the use Of Ross's Experterasd end - say if you
will longer neglect your cough, or doet its office.
BsPhnom March 12, 1847.
Mr, JAI. F. Ross. -
Deer_fflt—About three weeks ego my wife
caught a severe cold, which troubled her a . good
deal and gave her groat uneasiness vide - repro!
a great many ankles which were , recommended
toler by her Weeds, btd,without receiving the
benefit from any of them ;liar stiggh_ was getting
wotss.eiery day; her appetite was fast tai atria
and to sleep was impossible: the pains is her
breast end side became so livers that that she
had to go to bed, and my friends advised me iq
call in a Physician. I thought I would call in
the store where you were engaged and see if l
could not get something that would relieve her,
when you gave me a bottle of your Expectorant,
assuring me that it would cure ber, she common
ced taking it that night, not, however, without
great opposition on, the part of some of he
friends, who said it was - only some "Quack
Medicine," and' 'woilld do her more harm
than good. But 1 determinedie tette your advice,
and now ter istf knourrhe Rode 1 From taking the
.first dose she fill t easier, though .uwible .te sleep
on account of me yvantity of phlegm Mt loosen
ed and would almost choke her, but which she
could spit up with but little difficultyt the follow
ing day she continued it actuating to the direc
tions, and that time, for the first time for nearly
two weeks, she enjoyed a good night's rest and by
the time she had finished the first bottle, she was
entirely cured. Make what use of this you think
proper, for such an invaluable medicine should be
mete known to the afflicted every where.. With
best wishes for your success.
remain yours he.,
CAUTION! !I Beware of Counterfeits and
Spurious Imitations. See that the initials ''.J. F.R"
arn on the seal : also my IVrirten Signature on the
wrapper of each bottle, without which none is gen
uine. Prepared only by James F Row Druggist,
Baltimore Md. tUr Fur sale in Getlyaboirg by,
SAMUEL H. BUEHLER, and in Afillerstrurn by
May 28, IS4 7. I y
Will be published in Washington, D. C.,
on the Seventh of December next,
The United States Reporter,
A Daily Journal of Go%erninent, Legaslati‘e and
General News.
THE subscriber is now enabled to announce
the completion of his uriangements for the
establishment of a well organized and independent
Journal of News at the seat of the General Gov•
ernmeut. The 'leading tea: uri sol "1 he United
States Reporter" will be the :
1. Early intelligence of the movements of the
various Departments of the Government, in refer
ence to Domestic affairs and to the Foreign iela
tions of the country, will be given with scrape
lons fidelity. Possessing peculiar facilities forob
taining information, the "Reporter" will be ena
bled trequontly to communicate, exclusively, in
telligence of Use moat tmpcatant character.
The verbatim Reports of the Proceedings
and Debates of the U. States Senate, which the
proprietor is bound to furnish daily to that body,
in accordance with the terms of the contract made
at the clone oL the last session of Congress. The
arrangements now made will at once lully secure
to the Senate of the United States an authentic
and complete record of its debates; and to the peo
ple--in a greatly enlarged degree—the benefit of
the experience, sagacity, and statesmanship of
that body to which they have ever looked with
solicitous and respectful regard.
111. The Proceedings and Debates in the House
of Representatives will also be given, with full
ness, impartiality, and the utmost promptitude.
Each day's record will be completely matte up,
and appear in the "Reporter" next morning.
IV. A Synoptical View of the Proceedings and
Debates of all the State Legislatures vi ill be regu
larly given. Members of Congress, and all clas
ses of readers, will thus be kept fully and syste
matically informed of domestic legislation iu all
sections of the U. States.
V. Early intelligence of all important move
ments in the Legislatures of Gieoar Britain and
Trance will be communicated by every steamer
from Europe, through Reporters in London and
Paris, who possess peculiar facilities for obtaining
VI. The General News of the Day will be giv
en in a condensed form, with industry and atten
Such is a brief view of what the "United States
Reporter"-is designed to be. All the plans and
arrangements have been %ell matured, and the
hope in confidently cherished that the -Iteportei
will prove itself an energetic. industrious. dignifi
ed, and pertectly independent pinion!. It will
have no party views—no political bias. The pro
prietor, by the terms of Lis contract milli the
Senate of the U. States, is bound to the condition
that "the paper shall contain no political discus
sions except the debates." It will be a vehicle of
ness, not the organ of any set of opiriuna. The
grand aim drthe subscriber is to:establish at the
seat of Government a faithful and prompt reporter
of all sorts of intelligence—a respontibie aged, no
which the politician, the business man, the manu
facturer, the mechanic, and every one interested in
the affairs of Congress and the Government, may
rely at all times with implicit confidence.
It is believed that the establishment of such a
reliable Journal of Intelligence, on terms which
place it within reach of the great masses of the
people, at the commeficement of what promises to
be a most interesting and eventful period in the
history of Congressional proceedings, will be re
garded with favor by all classes Of the communi
ty ; and, having thus stated his objects, the sub
scribe,/ respectfully solicits a liberal and general
support from the enlightened public of the United
Stenographer to the Senate of the U. States.
TheoNted States Reporter" will be printed n
a large and handsome sheet, and issued e ry
morning, except Sundays, at the rate of $O ran
num i single copies 2 cts.
In connection with the daily paper, there will
be issued from the same establishment,
This publication will contain exclusively the
reports of the proceedings and debates of the Con
rem of the 11.§tates. It will be issued semi
weekly, in an elegant quarto form, throughout
the sessions of Congress, and will be furnished us
subscribers at the rate of two dollars for theta's*
session, and one dollar for the short session. His
believed ?that this great national 'work will be
deemed indispensable in the library of every pub
lic institution, politician, and professional man,
throughout the country; and that it will be re
garded by the great mass of the people as the very
belt political text book for their own instruction
and that of their children.
session of Congress, Extrai will be issued (rem the
ales of the."Unlted States Reporter," containin
the reports'of all such debates as may possess .•
tic:Warty exciting interest.
All subscriptions and communicatious to
postpaid and . addressed to "S. A. HotttroS. V. 81
Reporter, W again tbn, D. C." • '
Dr. C. W. .11ppliten's Celebrated Remedy
imitaris in. and discharge of matter from, the
tiF ear, togethet with all other unpleasant symp
tom, which either accompany or announce els.
proaching Deafness. This invaluable medicine is
the result of s long and faithfully puraded course
of experiments instituted with the sole view to
discover (if possible) a certain, and. at the same
time, a safe remedy for this dreadfully af fl icting
disorder, and after being extensively used in the
private practice of the subscriber during thelast
eight years, in very numerous cases with the moat
remarkable success, is now offered to the public,
for the benefit of those t%ho, from distance or other
causes, cannot have the personal attention of the
proprietor, in the fullest confidence of its efficacy,
and in the firm belief that it will not disappoint
the expectations of those who may haveoccasion
for its use ; in short, that it is the most VA LUA.
BI.F. article ever offered to the public for this di•
scale. •
01^For sale in Gettysburg by S. H. BUEHLER,
in Abbottstows by Wis. Burr' arum, in Oxford
byLicLy h RILIT, and in Franklin townalsips, by
1 soma*. J ("noun. I: b47-1y
Stanton's I,xlerierd Remedy,
Ts now universally acknowledged to be the
MI INFALLIBLE REMEDY (or ltheumati.m,
spinal erections, contractions of the muscles, sorw
Carnet and quinsy, issues, old ulcets, pains in the
back and chest, ague in the breast and ince, tooth
ache, sprains, , bruises, salt rheum, burns, croup,
frosted (ae r ated all nervous diseases. The trim-
Float success which has attended* application
of this most wonderfla ibiedititi curing the most
seve cases of the different eascit above named,
and the Aif<A encomiums that Skye been bestowed
upon it; wherever it has been introduced, gives
me the right to call on the aillided to reapit at
once to the oollyireweedy Oust cant/ 'Wieder*.
The faculty unite in recommending the cede.
brated External Remedy; Hunt's Liniment ! ' '
The following letters trout the highly eminent
Physicians who have been attachedlo the Mount
Pleasant Snail Prison for many years, is the best
evidence of the vale of this celebrated Liniment t
Store Sine, Dittswaest 90,1!46. : '
Mr DIAS Si !---1 received your note of yester.
day, asking my opinion of Hunt's Liniment, as
prepared by Mr. George E. Stanton. Knowing its
composition, and having frequently übed it, I can
recommend it to you as a safe External Remedy,
and. in my opinion, the best Liniment now in use.
Very truly and respectfully yours,
Col. Pierre Ven Cortlondt, Groton Manor.
1 fully concur in the above opinion.
YOIRTOWX, Lint:may 14, ISO
Si* reply to your letter I would say that
I have used your External Remedy, called Hunt's
Liniment, in my practice since you made me ac
iptainted.willt its composition, and unbnintanneY
say that I believe it to bethe best External Rem
edy now in use for the complaints for which you
recommend it. Yours respectfully.
,/ MILLER, I). M. I).
Gsonal E. SfAirroN,
From the New York Sun.
Among the mass of worthless articles and hum
bugs thathre poured forth at the present day up
o n thecountry, it really refreshing to find some
thing of teal practical utillity, something simple,
speedy, and effectual in its operation, and at the
same time free from those injurious effects which
generally attend powerful remeilies. Gimes Lin•
invent prepared by George F. Stanton, of Sing Sing,
though it has been—but a short time before the
public, has already obtained the confidence, not
only olour most wealthy and influential citizens,
but our most eminent physicians. All acknowl
edge it to be a sovereign halm for many of the
ills that flesh is heir to, soothing the 'china limb,
and by its genuine stimulating influence, banish
ing disease from the system.
This Liniment is sold at 25 and .5n cents per
bottle by all the prineipal Druggists and Merch
Orders addressed to me at Sing Sing, N V, will
be attended to. E STANTON, Proprietor.
Wholemle .9crnts-1104dly, Phelps h Co 1.12
Water street, Rushton tit Co .IR) Broadway, A B
h I) Sands,corner Fulton and William, Aspinw all
St; William street, New ; Cuthirer t & Weili
erill 76 Smith Second Phil/We/phut.
AGENTS.—Saintiel Buehler & S.
S. Forney, Getlyiofturg; Abraham King,
flunterstoten; E Zuek, Pinetoum ; Ja
cob Hollinger, Ileidlersburg Hollinger&
Ferree, Petersburg. (7'. S.); Jacob Aula
baugh, Hampton ; Geo. S. Bentzel, and J.
S. Hildebrand & Co., East Berlin.
June 11, 1847: [Dee. 2-7y]
ar ,F all the teniedirs leer n tut rd. il. in lat
rise years. fur the cure 01 (71)Nsl'!111'11(1:\
Coughs, Cob!, Aethma. Pronchil;a. l.ner Con,.
plat, I, Spitting Blood. Udl,entry 01 Itientbing,
Pain in the :side and &Iraq, Palpitation 01
the Heart, Influenza, Croup, Broken
Constitution, Sore 'I lariat. Ner
vous Debility. and all there
see 01 the . 11no.t, Breast
and Lung,:
None has been found Illole reams:] and ri:11 , 4 4-
NICNT in its curative lamer over these. so general
and often fatal diseases, Ova , the above prepara
tion The 1. ompotind Syrup 01 Tar and Wood
Naptha is an unparalleled icinedy. la addition to
the healing power of Tar—the a attics 01 whick.
in affections of the is universally ricknou
ettged—there is comlorteil with it in thieprepara•
lion the active principles in ,oine 01 the most car
tain Tonic Vegetable Pectorals, which unite to
make it ;he moat valuable toe icine ever °dated
to the public for the cure of the diaeases for which
it is employed, so that it Iterer fails, if taken in
time, to produce the intended effect.
Among the testimonials to the a alne of the a
bove medicine, are several from distinguir hail phy
sicians of Philadelphia. Head the following from
Dr. Young, the eminent or I/ list :
Philadelphia, Jan 1 14 , I -17.
Having used in my Trochee, as well an in my
own familv,"Thomvon'h CoMpound Sy flip ol Tar
and Wood Niipt ha." I have no lie. itailor in saying
that at is the heat preparation of the kind in ore
for persona starring trout Connumption, Coughs,
Co:ds, and all aqeclions of tiaTThrout,Hresst,&e.
SO prevalent at tWaktanon or the Year. •
W.M. YOUNG, M. 1k
1:2 ziproce stieet.
Read a1..0 the , following from a nun who w ill
at any time corroborate it. ntidementr,
PAikidelpLiu,Drc. 4, :N47
Penetrated with is deep sense of gratitude for
the benefit experienced by the Mc of Thomson's
Compound Syrup or Tar, and that others who,
like me, have languished through years of affliction
and suffering, without being able to limits remedy
may know where it can be obtained, I voluntarily
make the following statement.
About tour yeara_since, alter being affected with
a violent cold, it left upon me a troublesome and
severe cough. Whilst the cough continued, which
was with scarcely an intermission during 'this
long period, language fails to tell what I hate suf•
feted from debility, pains in the breast and side,
night sweats, difficult expectoration. oppressed
breathing, and in fact all those symptoms which
mark a severe pulmonary atli , ction. The relief
• • nally obtained by the ihschasge of the mat.
ter whieh °burgled the healthy action of my
system, but increased my fears, as the purulent
matter discharged was frequently streaked with
blood. • , ,
Buthreelteter Wets tinder the treatment of
several' p yaleilans and look many of those preps
raticiiiteltaintisimenUied u serviceable in the cases
of othattAutiwithout relief : and 1 at length coo
eluded that a cure in my case was hopeless. But
how agraeablY changed is now my opinion! I
have used for sibout three weeks Thomson's Com.
pound Syrup irr Tar. By the use of one bottle my
cough has beim:relieved and my system reinvigo
rated, and by, .continuing the use of it up to this
time, I am satisfied that my compialot is entirely
removed and eradicated.
- R. REARNEY, 242 S. Seventh at.
11:1 - Thi r s invaluable remedy ni prepared only by
Angney & Dickson, N. E. Corner oft Fifth and
Spruce ihreete, Philadelphia, and can be had of the
(lowing Agents
S. Forney, Gettysburg.,
„., I. 44:inge,Manover.
, large bottle! SI,QO. Beware of imitar
. [April 311,1817-1 y
S. it. TIFTON.
FASHIONABLE Barber and Asir ,
Dresser, has removed his "Temple
to the Diamond, adjoining the County Buil
dings, where he can at all times be found
prepared. to attend to the calls of the public.
From long experience he flatters himself
that he can go through all the ramifications
ofthe Tonsorical departments, with such an
infinite degree of skill as' w ill meet the en
tire satisfaction of all who may Submit their
chins to the keen ordeal of his razor. He
hopes, therefore, that by attention to busi
ness and a desire to please, lie will merit
as well as receive a liberal share of public
patronage. The sick will be attended to at
their. private dwellings,.
stoat regeitoble 1 - aistititteq.
lI.C-% experienced the extraordinary efficacy of
your Dr. Cullen's Indian Vegetable Parmenanima
my own person, a feeling of gratitude for 'y,otar
wonderful discovery, and a desire that youtlled
iclnes should, he ,kquwn mid' apprecinted hy liff,
public, bat indneed me thus volulitsurily,to gi‘o
you an account of my case, hoping tbaj titbits
who may bent unfortunate as I hetti.been,,ndy
be ;Wilco.' to throw prejudice eteklteshdgive, 9 o
Panacea a falr trial. ' ' ~'• ' :.
so il
In February, 1840, a IUMP, or i, m Ap
peared upon the spine of my'rhitittless, . , smith.
er on the lower part of my built our t a June
tioll of The rite ; they increasedthidisallY`ntititthe
early part of June,abont.which time they bosuns
very Paicfel- Iff JSIJ Om 40111 M WA .lkiLlelkkag
ut.eattalso and became II innaluf Merl,
itself' until it was half the else 'o a &Wt y
il ,
and bad eateninto the bone,-indbiiirdrithWsinel
ler olcera appeared•balow the auks • My piryw
clan and others pronouoced it .fictofula. 41p io
this time every remedy used gave no relit'; Me
leg continued Meet worse; durink,the early park
of August my sufferings were 'intense. I neither
went to bed or slept regularly rot nearly ,two
weeks, being compelled to set up, with my leg
supported on *chair. About this time my son
brought home with him from Cincineutti`arkat
one of your eireutara, which had here thnownia
to the wagon. I read it, sod knowing tome
the signers to the Certificate of the cats .of Ildr.
Brooks, and believing from my knowledge of their
characterrthutheymoutd - ant - fendllari ihure
for the purpose of palming an • imposition upon
the public, . 1 conclsded to try what diet it would
have upon me. On the 901 b of August I procu
red the first bottle, commenced taking it accord
ing to directions, and in four hours the pain was
so much relieved that I fell asleep and enjoyed that
greatest of blessings, a few hours repose. Leon
tinoed using it until the 28th of August, Wir 1
found myself so much better that I went to Cin
cinnati to your Agent, Mr. Dammbour, with whom
I made arrangements to mike 20 bottles, provided
he would guarantee to cure me. Ii :agreed to do
so, and gave me the privilege of stepping slioirt of
the 20 bottles, whenever I Considered rn . yseil *4l.
I now telt encouraged, and continued - Ili use it en
der Mr. D's instructions, until I had taken 12 bot-
tles, (using no other mediciue whatever.) when I
found myself entirely well ; the tumor oo my
breast having softened, it opened, rime out, and
was healed up when I had taken 6 or 7 bottles.
I will here observe, that for many years I hail
been troubled with a kind of dry 'Vetter, which
greatly annoyed me, purticulaily when heated or
wlrin in bed ; I have felt nothing of this since ta
king your metlicihe, and have no doubt That my
system is now entirely free from disease, my gen
eral health never having been better.
on the 7d of December I again called on Mr.
Daneithower. I then pronounced myself well and
offered to give him a Certificate id that effect,
which I promised to send him in a few days. A
few days thereafter, however, a Nile killing hep,
I hurt the same leg badly, in consequence *1
which I postponed giving the promised Caitiff . -
cute, wishing thoroughly to test the peronaelnyy
of the cure. I now used nothing but the usual
simple remedies Inc ire h wounds. tied fatted my
flesh perfectly healthy, and in the usual time for
such cases my leg healed. Sufficient time hiu,e
la f e.ed to convince me that lam now a sound man
and that I have been cured by your Panacea alone.
In short. I have every Ws Thrwter....-•
Persons desirous of obtaining further particular,',
C.lll be gratified by calling at my residence. at
Muddy Creek, Ildruiltou county. Ohio.
Pert'onally appeared before me, the subsrriter,
mayor of said c.ty, D•rin KIROAN, who. being
sworn, deposes and says that the forts *et forth iu
the foregoine statement are true. In teat
0i1er...4,1 have hereunto set my name, and reused
the Corporate Seal of the 'mid City to be Mace!,
this fourth day of Match. IQI7.
H._E, SPENCER, Mayor,
Sold, wholesale and retail. by Row• 31111 & WA L.
Toy, Proprietors. 370 Market street, Philadelphia,
and by the following Agents:
S. H. Ihtehler, Ortipibtirg.
Bittinger, Abboustown.
Lilly 4' Riley. Oxford.
T. J. Cooper, Franklin ip.
August 0. I 547
Pruittlion a;ai►isl Lo►iii by
lIE -Cumberland Valley Mutual Prorectitin
44 Company, - being incorporated by an Act of
the'Legislature, and luny organized and in opeio
tion under the direction of the follow ing Board of
Managers, viz . T C Muller, James Weakly, I) W
M'Cullinigh, A G Miller. 'l' A Al kinley, Philip
spangle, simnel Galbraith. Samuel Trill, Mini
ding, r Adams,) JAR Zug, Samuel J T
Green, J Bear—call the attention of the inhabit.
antsol Cumberland al d Adams counties to the
cheapneas of the rates. and the many advantages
which this kind of insurance has over any other.
Ist. Every peison insured becomes a member
of the company and takes part in the selection of
°dicers and the direction 01 its concerns.
For insurance no more k demounted than is
necessary to meet the expenses of the Company,
and indemnity againai looses which may happen.
311. The inconvenience of fiegiterit renewlts is
avoided by insuring born term of five : years..
4th. Any person applying for insurance midst
give his premium note for the cheapest elaseyit
the rate of five per cent., which will hes so *lithe
1000, for which he will have to pay $2 51) forfite
years and St 60 for surrey and policy,and on
more unless loss be sustained to a greater meant
than the funds on hand will cover, and - then Ito
more than a pro rata share. These intik are
much cheaper than those of other companies., ex
cept such as are incorporated on the same prinei
dles. T.' O. 3 MILLER, President.
A. G. Mutts, Secretary.
117 The following named persons Levi lbetlATp
pointed Agoras for AdameCounty I—Wm W Pis
ton, Esq. General Agent for Adams county; J A
'Thompson and D Ziegler, Gettysburg; Dr; Wm
H Stewart, Petersburg: Henry , Myers, NOW Ches
ter; Henry Mayer, Ahbottetown ' • Daniel Copt.
fort, Stratum township ; Abraham King, Horde's
town; David Blythe, Fairfield; T T Wiegman,.
Arendtaville; Win Morrison and Abel T Wright
Benderaville; Dr. D Mellinger,Eut *Mai :Wm
Scott, Cada-own.
I:;ept. 13, 1846.--tf
.111'./1//ixterla 01 emitkl,
FOR the cure of external Siires.Berqf
ulous affections, Liver Comp!Mut.
Quinsy, Sore Throat, Bronchitis pi in,
the Chest, Tumors, Biseases of the {Shin.
Piies a Corns; Rheumatism, dre . .pictr.apr
side at the Drug Store of
Gettysburg, June 25.-41
••• WATCHES, of all kintig,
Opp wilt be cleaned and repaired,Aq t the"
orteet notice, at FRAZER'S 'Toil .Ac,
Watch Establishment; in' Getti.sbal.`"
july . l6, 1847. ' Lir"
, •
hpubNified every Aiday Nvotaileiti Me
• County Building, oboce the - Regiettio
• • and Recorder's Vet', by
- :
Ie paid in advance or within the yelirs 62 rt
annum—if not paid within the Yen' , 4%°
paper dirContinued until all vicarages are
except at :the option of the Editor..
vents. A failure to notify a dincooditwence
will be regarded as a new engagerneel
advertise:news not exceeding a square insertcd
th ee ti mes for IF —eiery auhkeyoeut Artesilii
25 cents, Longer ()nee in the amine ploi•ottion.
All ailveirthetnentb not apecitill:i mitered for a giv
in time, will be continued until forbid. A Oriel
reduction will be made totboae who adveitlee by
the year.
Job Printing o! all kinds executed neatly pad
promptly, and on reasonable feints.
I tilers and rommuairotiona to the Editor, (ex
cepting inch an contain Itlnney or the nottoeit'el
new imbvertherv,) mat be rota rata, in Older i 9
bemire attention.