AGRICULTURAL. - - - • Pro Ali, Compco of American A grivnlititc HANDY SOILS AND THEIR MANAGE The diameter and treatment of sandy soils aro in almost every particular the re verikrof those of clay. They do not pos sesilif property of adhesiveness, and they have, but little affinity for water, which es capes from them almost as soon as it falls. They Inive but a slight hold upon the ma nures which arc diffused through them : they are loose in their texture, and may be plowed at any time with equal advantage, provided the sowing or planting is to fol low immediately. As clay soils are much beneitted by a mixture of sand, so likewise are sandy soils greatly improved by the addition of clay; yet in a much greater degree ; for though it Would never pay, as a general ride;lii'idd'itand to clay, yet the addition of's few loads of the stiffest clay to a light sand would, in,ahnostevery instance, much more than compensate for the trouble and eipenee. For this purpose, the clay hbu id be thinly spread in autumn upon •Werd previously plowed, and the winter's frost will effectually separate the particles. It should then be harrowed thoroughly and' deeply in the spring, and subsequent ly' plowed if necessary. Such a dressing on a light, crawling land, is more than an equivalent to an equal quantity of the best manure, and will be permanent in its ef fects. Clay and sand are necessary to each other, as they both contain qualities which are essential to a good soil ; and that. WilF,always be found the best which has the proper proportions of each. :Sandy soils are improved by the fro- Tient use of a heavy roller ; it cannot be used too often. They require to be made more compact, and any treatment that se same this object, will be advantageous. time, by its chemical action on the con stituents of soils, while it separates clay, renders sand more adhesive ; and when cheaply obtained, it is always a profitable dressing for sandy soils, to the full amount they-may- require. Gypsum, in consider able quantities. has an effect similar to day add - sati'd • - added in small portions, produces a stri king increase in the crops of sandy soils. Equally beneficial are ashes, leached or unleached, peat, or vegetable manures of any t kiud. Some calcareous sand, con taining a large proportion of tube, like those of Egypt and extensive regions 'of the. Barbary titates, will produce luxuriant. ly if supplied with a slight addition of ma nure and an abundance of water. Sandy, soils can peyer,be profitably_cultirattultill they have acquired sufficient compactness and fertility to sustain a good growth of grass or clover ; and when once brought to this condition,' they are among.the most valuable. obey are at all times easily plowed and worked; they require no draining; and thought light and dry, are quick and kindly soil*, giving an immediate and fuU return for the labor• nod snanure bestowed upon them. When in a condition to produce rise, idieep are admirably adapted to pro; aerie and 'augment their fertility, and by their incessant migrations over it, their sharp hoops pack the surface closely, pro ducing the same effect as the roller. Gravelly soils are, in some re spects, . similar to sand, but much less desirable. being appropriately termed hungry.— They are also like the latter, peculiarly lettehy, but in an increased degree, permit ting the rapid escape of manures both by evaporation and drainage. Such as are calcerous, or composed of limestone peb bles, are, in a great measure, not subject to those objections ; as the deposing affin ities of the lime, (of which enough will be found to exist in the soil in a finely com minuted or divided state, which, in this condition, is enabled to act efficiently,) have a tendency to retain the vegetable matters, thus compacting the soil, and lioldinrwhat over pabulum or food of plants may from time to time be given to it for the want of litters Drops. Unless of this description, gravelly soils should not he subjected to but appropriated to pasturage, when sheep will keep them in the best and moat profitable condition of which they are capable. Art LAM M—Th is is the proper Ml.' son for draining, and otherwise improving ere naturally moist and wet. Every farmer is sensibly aware of the fact, thetitifiimpossible to realize a remunera ting crop from soils which exist in a state ofrfupzussiturisatiou during a large portion cif•the year, or for a considerable length of time subseipseot to every shower or fall of _.vainoititikisnder crop. With many, the fear of irreurrieet expense is, in this ease, ev' think, reductive of deleterious results. egrothe policy of the husbandman, it illositWirer be a primary and pervading prittitple so tp invest his capital as to insure thi.greatest actual return ; and in me may can this be accomplished more aocceasfully and with more pannaneot &d -rown° Wan by thoroughly draining and beingnig into profit laud* that are naturally low and vet. One acre of swamp soil, propotly drained and reclaimed from the domination of water. will be worth more. lot purpose* of cultivation, than two acres of the boo sod moat productive upland.— We Wiwi litterre several instances where bdirk' %OW bees cleared and improved, in wdk, ,w a ver being laid to grass, told fur .1611 , per were. and the purchaser edcwillokt theft °heap even at that price. 440Possirdewmt Zkironepil. NOTICE. WHE undersigned, Auditor, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county, to distribute the balance remaining in the hands of JACOB Mimns, Esq., Assignee of S'Amutst. B. EPLEY, tO and amongst the respective creditors of said Epley, will attend at the public house of NICHOLAS MORITZ, in Freedom town ship, Adams county, on Saturday the 18th day of Oetobir next, at 1 o'clock, P. ss., to perform the duties . of his appointment, when and where all persona interested are notified to attend. JA Al ES CUNNINGHAM, Sept. 24, 1817.-30 ✓ludilor. NOTICE. r I "TIE undersigned. - Auditor, appointed 11 by the Court of Common Pleas of Adams county. to distribute the balance remaining in the hands of Taoism STE PH K xs, Esq., Assignee of Tuonas to and amongst the respective credb4rs df laid Taylor. will attend at the public house of JOHN W HANLEY, in Petersburg, (Y. Si Adams County, on Saturday th e HU cloy of October next, at I o'clock. r.,*. to perform the duties of his appointnient— when and where all persons interested are notified to attend. CHARLES. KETTLEWELL, Sept. 24, 1847. 7 -3 t ditelitor. - WOODI - 19'001r1 - • DPO POSA LS tor, the deliver!, of FOR TY CORDS-of WOOD (Hickory and Oak) will be received by the Bo4rdof School Directors-4)f the. Borodgh of Get tysburg, between this and the 10th day of October. By order of the Board. H. J. SCHREINER, Seo'y. Sept. 17, 1847:—.4t- Satio's ..SARSAPARILLA will remove and permanendy cure diseases having their or igin in in impure state of the blood and depraved condition of the general constitu tionovix : Scrofula or King's Evil in its various forms; Rheumatism, obstinate cu taneous Eruptioisi, Blotches. Bites, Pim ples or Pustules-on the face, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or 'Fetter. Scald Reid. enlargement and_ in , of the bones and joints, stubborn Ulcers. syphilitic symp toms. diseases sirloins from an injudicious Ilse of Mercnry. female derangements, and other similar complaints. Bas,unoas, February 4, 1843. 4. B. AR* otr Or.—Gentlemen : I have used your Extract or Sarsaparilla since its introduction into this city. It gives me pleasure - to state I have found it to be the best preparation of that valuable article now an use. With much respect. yours; JOIM WHITSRIDOS, M. D. !D For (ruttier particulars and conclusive evi dence otits superior efficacy see Pamphlets,wh ich may be obtained of agents gratis. Prepared and sold. isdasleside-thd MIR, by &D. Sands, J 6 Fulton street New York. Sold else 'try ap pointment of the Proprietor by S. H. BUEHLER, September 10, 1847. - G. E. BUEHLER ESPECTFULLY inforths hie friends I_ll and the public generally that he has now on hand a large assortment of T/N WARE of every description. which he will sell at moderate prices—all warranted. Persona wishing to purchase at low rates will do well 10 call before purchasing else where. HOUSE SPOUTING will be made and put up at 12i cents a foot. Geuyabarip-Mareh 12, 1847. REMOVAL. E!MIAS J. CULP respectfully informs his friends and customers that he has removed his Tailoring Establishment to the room formerly occupied by Wu. BULL, deceased, opposite W AMPLER'S TINNERY A itto Baltimore street, where he will be p ke asekto attend to the orders of sU .who lime work done up in fashionable style, and st low rules. Ar rangements have been made to receive the Latest Pfishiopm, from Philadelphia and New York, so that customers can rely on having their gar ments made in the most approved styles. OcrCountry Produce will be taken in exchange for work. Gettysburg. Aug. 20,1847.-3 m A CERTAIN CURE FOR THE PILES Dr. Cullnes irg ?MIA N Vegetable Piles Remedy, is a domes tie preparation, which his beau used valti en tire success for many years. Being an internal medicine, it has a deeWedpreferenee over'dutward applications, which arebut palliatives and not cu. retiree. This medicine acts upon the dimmed parts, producing healthy action and a permanent Are-WSICS W 2 W ,OS 22/17221 INC MO sly. CPSold, wholesale and retail, by Rowaia & WALTON, Proprietors, 376 Market street, Phila., and by S. 11. BUEHLER, Clettysburgi Wm. Bit. tinge:, Abbottstown ; Li Iley & Riley, °mord; and T. J. Cooper, Franklin tp. [A ug.ti, '47—ly NOTICE TS HEREBY GIVEN. That applica j lion will be made by the undersigned and others, to the next Legislature 9f the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for the incorpbration of a Company under the name and style, or intended name and style, of THE BERLIN SAVINO9 INSTITUTION, Capital Fifty Thousand Dollars, designed as an office of discount and deposit; and to be located in East-Berlin, Matta . coup ty, l'a. David Mellinger, John Dellone, William Wolf, George SchaVtirtz, J. J. Kutn, J. H. Anlabaugh, Charles Spangler, Barnet Hildebrand, George King, Isaac Trimmer, George IL Binder, Abraham Trimmer, John Diehl. David Hollinger. June 25, 1847.-6 m 1110T1LCIE. LETTERS of Administration on the Estite of PHILIP HARTMAN, late of Hainilton township, Adams county, deceas ed, having been granted to the subscri ber, residing in the same township, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to said estate to call and settle the same•with out delay, and those having claims against' said estate are requested to present the same, properly authenticated, tor settle went. JACOB HARTMAN, :Muer. Aug. go, 1R47.--Ot PROCLAMATION. HEREAS, in and by the act of the IV General Assembly of this State, en titled "An Act to regulate the General E lections of this Commonwealth," enacted on the 2d day of July, 1839, it is enjoined on me to give public Notice of such Elec tion to be held, and to enumerate in such Notice, what Officers are to be elected : I BENJAMIN SC HRIVER, Sheriff of the County of Adams. do,- therefore hereby give this PLIIng NOTICE, to le Elec tors of the saidottntfinf , Adanat,lhat a GENERAL ELECTION will be held in the said County, sto the Second Tuesday or October next, (THE 12TH,) at the several districts composed of the followiog TOwnships, via : In the First District, composed of the Borough - Of Vellysbitig;and the ToWnship of ()underhand, at the Court-house in Get tysburg. In the Second District, composed of the Township of Germany, at the house now occupied by Joseph Barker, in the town of Littlestown, iu the Township of Germany. In the Third Dititrict, composed of that part of 'the township Of Berwick not in cluded id the 15th District, at the house of John Miley, Esti., in the town of Oxtbrd. In the Fourth District composed of the Townships "of Latituore and Huntington, at.the housetiol W littera Chronirter, ita-the township of Huntington. In the Fifth Distnet composed of the townships of llamiltonban and Liberty, at the public School-house in Millerstown. In the Sixth District, composed of the Township of Hamilton, at the house now occupied by George Bontzel, in the town of Berlin. In the Seventh District, composed of the township of Menallen, at the house of I saac Yount, in said township. In the Eighth District composed of the township of Stratum, at the house occupied lay Jacob Grass in Hunterstown. In the Ninth District composed of the Township of Franklin, at the house now occupied by Henry Hartmar, in said town ship. In the Tenth District, composed of the township of Conowago, .at the house of John Busby, in M'Sherrystown. In the Eleventh District, composed of the township of Tyrone, at tho house of Samuel Sadler, in Heidlersburg. In the Twelfth District, composed of the township of Mountjoy, at the house of George Snyder, in said township. In the Thirteenth District, composed of the township of Mountpleasant, at the house of Anthony Smith, in said township, situate at- the Bross roads, the one leading from Oxford to the Two Taverns, the oth er from Honterstown to Hanover. In the Fourteenth District, composed of the townahip•of. Reading,- at the public School-house in the town of Hampton. In the . Fifteenth Distriey composed of the Borough of Berwick and that part of Berwick township, ONLY, included with in the following limits, to wit: begining where the Hauoverand ,P_eleotburg turn pike crosses the York county j,ine, thence along said turnpike to the place where the road from Berlin to Oxford crosses the said turnpike, thence along the said Oxford road until it intersects the new road from Geo. Mummert's farm, on the said Oxford road, and thence along said road to the York county line, near David Hollinger's saw mill, thence along said York county Sc.lute the .place olbegtuniug : the. Puli lie School-house io Abbotstowu. $L ,a~ic.»ar~,:us~r,~ In the Sixteenth District, composed of the Township of Freedom, at the house of Nicholas Moritz, in said township. In the Seventeenth District, composed of the Township of Union, at the house of Enoch Lefever, in said township. Al which time and places will be elected One Governor; One Canal Commissioner ; One Senator; One Represer.tativc in the State Leg islature ; One County Comtnisssioner ; One County Treasurer ; One Auditor; and One Director of the Poor. And in and by an act of the General As sembly of this State, passed the 2d day of July, 1839, it is diiected that the INSPEC TORS and JUDGES be at the places of their Districts on the thy of the General Election aforesaid, at 9 o'clock in the fore noon to do and perform the several duties required and enjoined on them in and by the same Act. • . ALso—ln and by virtue of the 14th Sec tion of the act aforesaid; every person, ex cepting Justices of the Peace, who shall hold any , office &appointment 'of profit or trust under the Government of the United States, or of this State, or of any city or' incorporated district, whethei a commis sioned officer, or otherwise, a subordinate . officer or agent, who its, or shall be employ. ed under the legislative, executive orJudi ciary department of this State, or of the United States, or of any city or incorpora ted district, and also that every member of ' ' Congress, and of the Stale Legislature, and of the Select or Common Council of any City, or Commissioner of any incor porated distrust, is by, law incapable of holding or exercising at the same time, the office or appointment of Judge, Inspector. or Clerk of any election of this'Common wealth, and that no Judge, Inspector, or other officer of any such election shall be eligible to any office to be then voted for. And be it further directed, in and by the act of the General Assembly of this State aforesaid, that one of the JUDGES of each of the different districts,aforeaaidgmho shall have the charge of the certificate of the number of votes which shall have been given for each candidate for the different offices then and there voted for at their respective districts, shall meet on the third day after the Election, which shall be on on Friday the 15th of October aforesaid, at the Court-house, in the Borough of Gettysburg, then and there to mate a fair statement and certificate of the number of votes which'shall have been given at the different districts in the county of Adams, for any person or persons for the offices aforesaid. BENJAMIN SCHRIVER, SherV. Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg, ? to September 3, 1847. 5 hoever wants a First-rate TIME-PIECE C4AN be accommodated by calling at 1..) FRAZER'S Clock & Watch Estab lishment, in _Chambersburg street, Goys burg, next door to Mr. Buehler's Drug Store—where a new lot of beautiful 24 hour and 8 day CLOCKS have just been received from the city. They are of the best manufacture, and will be warranad. Give us.a eall—ihey will be sold cheap. DVSPEPSIA, and all Diseasts of the Stomach and Bowels DYSPEPSIA, or indigestion and its consequences.—An eminent Profes sor says: "It chiefly arises in persons who lead either a very sedentary: or irregular life. Although not regarded as a fatal di sease, yet, if neglected, it may biing on in curable Melancholy: Jaundice, Madness, .or Verde, Palsy, and Apoplexy. A great singularity attendant on it is, that is may and often does continue, a great length of time without any remission of the syrup. Tome. CAUSES.—Orief and uneasiness of mind, intense study, profuse evacuations, excess in venery, excessive use of spit.- itous liquors, tea, tobacco, opium and other tumefies, immoderate repletion, o ver distention of the stomach, adell. cioncy in the secretion of the bile or gastric juice, exposure to cold and &imp air, are the chief causes of this disease. symforoms.—Loss of appetite, nau sea, heart-burn, acidity , and fictikeructs lions, gnawing of the stomach Wrien emp ty, uneasiness in the throat, pain in the side, costiveness, chilliness, languor, low ness of virile, palpitations, and disturbed sleep. TREATMENT.—D.R. RLLEN' 8 VEGETRBLE COMPOUND has nev er failed in affordini. immediate relief and 1'441410d eure.for.this disease. - Principal Office, No. 77 N. Eighth et., east side, Philadelphia. For sale in Get. tyaburg by 8. S. FORNEY. July, 30, 1847.—1 y TO THE AFFLICTED . ! Compound Medicated Candy., Iv OR the Cure of Colds, Coughi, Spit ling of Blood, Bronchetis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Pains and Oppressions of the breast, and all other Pulmonary complaints, and other diseases which have a tendency to produce Consuinption. It serves also as an effectual clearer of the voice. • This Candy is entirely a vegetable pre fration, the principal ingredients being, Here -hound, Wild Cherry, Sarsaparilla, 801101434 -Elecampano, Liquorice, .Flax seed, Iceland Moss, Prickly Ash, ike. and will, if taken in time, relieve the system from those distressing afflictions that tend to Consumption. One great advantage in this valuable medicine is its cheapness, the public not being imposed upon ,Liy )he enormously high prices which are generally exacted for Patent and other medical Preparations. Each package contains directions. Call and try it ! - - • . Prepared and sold at die Confection and Variety store of the Subscriber in West York street, ono square from the Court house, and next door to Thompson's Ho tel. It can also be had at the Drug Stores of. S..ll....llvianza, and S. FORNEY. licr•The subscriber usual continues his Bakery, and is prepared 'to supply parties at the shortest notice, with choice cakes, &c. C. WEAVER ISABELLA NURSERY' GETTYSBURG, PA, IRUIT TREES, of all kinds, (grafted in the root,) can be had of the sub scriber on reasonable terms. Please call and judge for yourselves. Gettysburg, May 20, 1846. IDEA NUTS, FILBERTS, .I=AL MONDS, &c., of the best quality to be had at the Confectionary of C. WEAVER. Gettysburg, Aug. 6, 1847. • # .14 Dr. J. Lawrence Hill, SUROKON DENTIST, ESPECTFULLY offers his profes sional services to the citizens of Get tysburg and surrounding country. lie is prepared to attend to all cases usually en trusted to the Dentist, andhopes, by strict attention to Dentistry alone, to be able to please all who may see fit to entrust their teeth in his hands. Office at Mr. M'Cosh's Hotel. Gettysburg, July 23.—tr ALEX. R. STEVENSON, -ITTORA'EY W, OFFICE in the Centre •Sqnsre, North of the Court-house, between Smith's and Stevenson's corners. Gettysburg, Pa.. LAW PARTNERSHIP. TH E undersigned having formed a T partnership for the practice of die Law, will attend the Courts of York and Adams, and also visit the neighboring coun ties if desired.. Office in York street, Get tysburg, between the Bank and Public Of fices, where one of the firm will constant ly attend, and where communieitimut receive pronipt attention. - • AMES COOPER, R. G. 'WCREARY. June 18, 1847.•;—0rn 1.9 W NOTICE. r 3191LHilEa' - .E33.11140 (Of Carlittk) PRESENTEihitr respects to hie friends and informs them thit he has made arrangements tonantinimpractice as netts' in the Courti of Adams county, under the new regulation of the times for holding hem. Jan. 30, 1840. tf D. 31 9 CONAUGHY, .4ttorney at Law, OFFICE in .the S. W. earner of the Public Squareoine door West of G. Arnold's Store, formerly occupied as a Law Office by John M'Conatighy, - deed. He solicits, and by prompt and faithful at tention to business in his profession, it will be his endeavor to merit, confidence and patronage. ill. M'CONAVOIIY will also attend promptly to all business entrusted to him as Agent and 'So/idiot . for Palents and Pensions. He has made arrangements, through which he can furnish very desira ble facilities to applicants, and entirely re lieve them fom thg, necessity of a journey to Washington; on application to hint per sonally or by letter. Gettysburg, April 2.—tf THOMAS .111 9 C1R EAR Y. ) ATTORNEY..4T LAW. griFFICE in the South-east. _Corner of ‘-'" the Diamond, between A.B. Kurtz's Intel ami R. W. M'Shorry's Store. (lettysbmg, Due. 12, 1845.—tf THE AMERICAN REMEDY. THOMSON'S COIPOUND SYRUP or TAR .AND WOOD NNAP'THA. (F all the remedies recommended, in lat Aitif years, for the cure of CONSUMPTION, Coughs, Colds; Asthma, Broochitii, Liver Corn. plaint, Spitting Blood, Difficulty of Breathing, Pain in the Side and Breast, Palpitation of the Heart, Influensa Croup, Broken Constitution, Stan; Throat, Net yous Debility, and all diets- , ses of the Throat, Breast and Lunge: None has been timid more CIIITAITX and riliKA. EMT in its curative power over these, so general and often fatal disclaim, than_ the above prepara tion. The Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood unparalleled remedy. In addition to the healing power of Tar—the virtues of which, in affettioh% of thelungs, is ' , universally aeknowl edged—there,js combined with it in this prepare 'ion the active principles of some of the most cer tain Tonic Vegetable Pectorals, which unite to make it the most 'valuable medicine ever offered to the public for the cure of the diseases for which it is employed, ao that it never "ails, if taken In time, to produce the intended effect. Among the testimonials to the value of the a bove medicine, are several from distinguished phy sicians of Philadelphia. Read the following from Dr. Young, the eminent oculist : Philadelphia, Jan. IS, 1847. Having used in my practice, as well as in my own family."Thomium's Compound Syrup of Tar and Woad Naptha," I have no ifesitatior in saying that it is the best preparation of the kind in use for persons suffering from Consumption, C. . - Cords, and all erections of the Throat, BreaildkC. so prevalent at this season of the year. WM. YOUNG, M. D. 152 Spruce street. ReairiTicahifOlfoirliii - Gai men %Ito Will at any time corroborate its statements. MOST WONDERFUL CURE. Philadelphia, Dec. 4,1847. Penetrated with a deep sense of gratitude for the benefit experienced by the use of Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tar, and that others who, like me, have languished through years of affliction and suffering, without being able to find a remedy m•y know wig.° it , can be obtained, I voluntarily make the following statement. About four years since, after being affected with a violent cold, it left upon me a troublesome and severe cough. Whilst the cough continued, which was •with scarcely an intermission during this long period, language fails to tell what I have suf. fared from debility, pains in the breast and side. night sweats, difficult expectoration, oppressed breathing, and in fact all those symptoms which mark a severe pulmonary affection. The relief occasionally obtained by the discharge of the neat• ter which ob.tructed the healthy action of my system, but increased my tears, as the purulent wetter discharged was frequently stitial.cil with Mood. During this time I was under the treatment of several physicians,and took many of those prepa rations recommended as serviceable in the cases of others, hut without relief : and I at length con eluded that a cure in my case was hopeless. But how agreeably changed is now my opinion! I have used for about three weeks ThomsoMs Com pound Syrup of Tar. By the use of one bottle my cough has been relieved and my system reinvigo rated, and by continuing the use of it up to this time, I am satisfied that my complaint is entirely removed and eradicated. • R. KEARNEY. 212 S. Seventh st. I[l7-This invaluable remedy Is la'r pared only by Angney & Dickson, N. E. Corner of Filth and Spruce streets. Philadelphia, and can be had of the following Agents_: - • - • S. S. Forney, Gettysburg. .11. Angney, Carlisle. I). P. Lange, Hanover. Price of large bottles $l.OO. Beware of iroita (April 0 , !hi:— ly Stanton's Lxternat Remedu, MIMED 1-lUNT'S LINIAIENT, US now universally acknowledged , to be the d, INFALLIBLE REMEDY for Rheumatism, spinal affections, contractions of the inuscles, sore throat and quinsy, issues, old ulcers, pains in the back and chest, ague in the breast and lace, tooth ache. sprains, bruises, salt rheum. burns, croup, frosted feet, and all nervous diseases. The trium phant success which has attended the application 'ot this most worolerfal iteedieine in curing the moat severe cases of the different diseams above named, nil the high enroniums that have been bestowed upon it, wherever it has been introduced, gives me the right to call on the af flirted to result at once to the only remedy that can be relied on. The faculty unite in recommending the cele. brated External Remedy, Hunt's Liniment: The following letters from the highly eminent Physicians who have been attached to the Mount Pleasant State Prison for many years, is the best evidence of the value of this celebrated Liniment r Brno Sum, Damsons 26, 1P45. MnDZAR Si a :—I received your note of yester day, asking my opinion of Hunt's Liniment, as prepared by Mr. George E. Stanton. Knowing its composition, and having frequently used it, I can recommend it to you as a sate External Remedy, and, in my opinion, the best Liniment now in use. Very truly and respectfully yours, A. K. HOFFMAN. Col. Pierre Van Corelandt, Grotorldanor. I fully concur in the above opinion. W. N. BELCHER YORKTOWN, JANUARY 14, 184:1 Sin reply to . your letter I would say that I have used your External Remedy, called Hunt's Liniment, in my practice since you made me ac quainted with its composition, and unhesitatingly say that I believe it to bethe best External Rem edy now in use for the complaints for which you recommend it. Yours respectfully. BENJ. D. MILLER, N. D. Dionne E. STANTOX, Esc From the New Thrk Sun Among the mass of worthless articles and hmn. bugs that are poured forth at the present day up o n thecountry, it really refreshing to find some thing of real practical utillity, something simple, speedy, and effectual in its operation, and at the same time free from those injurious effectserhich generally attend powerful remedies. iment prepared by GeotgeT. StrunomofSingSing, though it has been but a short time before the public, has already obtained the confidence, not only of oar most wealthy and influential citizens, but our most eminent physicians. All acknowl edge it to be a sovereign balm for many of the -ills that flesh is heir toonantwing the aching limb, and py its genuine stimulating iuffuence, banish ing diAsse front 'thy x eyatera.X4.i„:i This Liniment is rid at 25 end - 50 - cents per bottleby all this principal Druggitta and March chants. Orders addressed to me at Sing Sing, N Y, will be attended to. , 0 E STANTON, Proprietor. • Wholesale Agersto—Hoadly, Phelps & Co t 42 Water street, Rushton & Co 110 Broadway, A B & b Sands,corrier Fulton and William, Aspinwall Btl William street, New York ,• Cuthbert & Weth erill 10 South Second, Philadelphia.., AGENTS.--Sarnuel H. Buehler & S. S. Forney, Gettysburg; Abrahani King, .Flunierstown; E. Zuck, ...einerown; .I,a- . cob Hollinger,Heidkraburg;.llollinger& Ferree, Peteriburg, (Y. S.); Jacob Aida baugb, Eampron; Geo. S. Bentael, and J. S. Hildebrand &.Co., East Berlin.. June.ll, 1847. [Dec. 2-IY] DIAMOND TONSOR S. R. TIP-TON, ASHIONABLE Barber and Hair , ' Dresser, has removed his "Temple to the Diamond, adjoining the County Buil dings, where ho can at all times be found prepared to attend to the calls of the public. From long experience he flatters hituselt that he can go through all 'the ramifications of the Ton sorieal departments, with suck an infinite degree of skill as will meet the . en tire satisfaction of all who may submit their chins to the keen ordeal of his razor. He hopes, therefore, that by attention to busi ness and a desire to please, he will merit as well as receive u , liberal share of public patronage. The sick will be attended tout their private dwellings. FOR SALE .17? THIS OFFICE ROSS' EXPECT° R /LIFT, A REMEDY Tor Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Bron chitis, Rsthma, Croup, Whooping Cough, Spitting of Blood, Sore Throat, Pains and Oppres sions of the Breast, Dif ficulty of Breathhog, and all other di seases of The • PULMONARY ORGANS i Read the following Certificate of Cure performed by the use of Ross's Expectorant and say if you will learn neglect your cough, or doubt its office. cy. Ilattimore, March 12, 18.17 Mr. Jas. F. Rose. Dear Sir—About three weeks, ago my wife caught a severe cold, which troubled her a good deal and gave her great uneasiness she: prepared a great many articles which were recommended to her by her friends, but without receiving the benefit from any of them; her cough was getting worse every day ;.,her -appetite was fast Ise ling and to sleep was impossible: the pains in her breast and side became so severe that that, she had to go to bed, and rdY (Fiends advised me io call in a Physician. 1 thought I would call in the store where you were engaged and see if 1 could not get something that would relieve her, when you gave me cbottle of your Expectorant, assuring me that it would cure her, she commen cad taking it that night, not, however without great opposition on the part of wine of he friend., who said it was only some "Quack Medicine," and would do her more harm than good. But I determined to take your advice, and now lel alt know the Result 1 From taking the first dose she fel t easier, though unable to sleep orrecoeunt-of. turiktwarwity of phlegm that loam,- ed and would almost choke her, but which she could spit up with but little difficulty; the follow ing day she continued it according totthe direc tions, and that time, for the first time for nearly two weeks, she enjoyed a good night's rest and by the timeshe had finished the first bottle, she was entirely cured. Make what use of this you think limper, for such an invaluable medicine should be made known to the afflicted every where. With beat wishes for your success.- ' I remain yours &e., CHARLES PASSWAY CAUTION! !I Beware of Counterfeits and Spurious Imitations. See that the initials 'J. F. H" are on the also my Written Signattere on the wrapper . of each bUttle, without which none is gen uine. Prepared only by James F Ross, Druggist, Baltimore Dld. IL/ Fur sale in Garysbure by, SAM I 'EL 11. BUEHLER, and in Aldlrrstuicu by G. W. El EAGY. Nay II•i/1 be published in Washinzton, 1). C., on the Strenth of Ili -emitter next, The United States Reporter, A Daily Junnial Gwernment, Legiblativg and General IS ews TUE !name; iher ix now enabled to announce the completion of his arrangements for the establishment of a well organized and Independent Journal fit s at the Seat of the Genciat (m s . eminent The leading teafures of •'1 he Uinted States Reporter - ,s ill be the following: 1. Early intelligence of the movements of the various Departments of the Government. in refei• fence to Domestic affairs and to the Foreign iela lions of the country, %sill be given with sumps Mu. fidelity. Possessing peculiar facilities lot ob tu,ning information. the “Reporter oil be ena bled Irequently to communicate, exclusively, in. telligence of the most ImPriltant character. ii. The ,cehatiftt Report. Of the-Proceeding, and Debates 01 the U. States :senate, which the proprietor r hmind to furnish daily to that lifsd, in accordance with the terms of th e contract 'o a f , at the elm if of the lust sessum of r 1 , 11V.:1,... The anon:tem fit no of made w of one,. 101 1 4 %fin. to the Senate of the Limed stales an aktlit.itlic and complete record of its debates f and to life ;fem pie—in elt II y enlaiged degree--the lalicht ul the experience, sagacit, , and tattluellialtbliip of that body to iallich they hare ever 100.. ed %%nth solicitous and respecitul regard. 111. The Proceedings and Debates in the (loose of Representatives %sill also be Shen, with 1011. ness, impartiality', and the utmost promptitude. Each day's record will be completely made o p, and appear it, the - Reporter' next mottling. IV. A Sy ',optical View of the PI ocredlingo and Debates of all the State Legislatures will be regio laxly giuen. Members el l'ongte,so,ll,l all elm. ses of readers, will thus be kept fully and syste matically' informed of domestic legislation in all sections of the U. States, V. Early intelligence s of all important Move ments in the Legislatures of great Britain and France will be communicated by every steamer Iron Europe, through Reporters in London and Paris, who possess peculiar facilities for obtaining inforination. vi. The General News of the Day will he eiv en in a condensed (oral, with italmtry and kitten tiun. Such is a brief view of what the "United States Reporter" is designed to be. All the plans and arrangements have been sell matured, end the hope is confidently cherished that the ..Reporter' will prove itself an energetic. iudurariou.. dignifi. and perfectly independent journal. It will have no party views—no political bias. The pro prietor, by the terms of hie contract with the Senate of the U. States, is bound to the condition that -,the paper shell contain no political dawns sioneexcept the debates:" It will be a vehicle of news, not the organ of any set of opicions.' The grand aim of the subscriber is to establish at the seat of Government a faithful and prompt reporter of all sorts of intelligence—a responsible ogeni. uo which the politician, the business man, the menu. lecturer, the mechanic, and every one interested in the affairs of Congress and the Government, may rely at all times with implicit confidence. It is believed that the establishment of such a reliable Journal of Intelligence, on terms which place it within reach of the great masses of the people, at the commencement of what promises to be a most interesting and eventful period in the history of Congressional proceedings, will be re order., with favor by all chrism of the communi ty p and, having thus Matt* his objects, the sub ictiber respectfully solicits a liberal and general support from the enlightened public of the Milted States. JAMES A. HOUSTON _ . Stenographer to the Senate of the U.StatPa. The" United States Reporter" will be printed on a large and handsome sheet, and issued iwery VlRcept Sundays, at the rateof 1.6 per an. non/ single copies 2 cta. In connection with the daily paper, there will be issued from the same eatablishment, THE. MIRROR OF CONGRESS. This publicatfon will contain exclusively the reports of the proceedings and debates of the Con. giess of the U. States. It will be issued semi- Weekly, in an elegant quarto form, throughout the sessions of Congress. and will be furnished to subscribers at the rate of two dollars for the long session, and one dollar for thi short session. It is believed' that this gteae national, work will be deemed indispensable in the Irlitir? , cif every pub lic institution, politicied, end professional man, throughout the country; anti that it will be re garded by the great mast 'of the people as the very best political text book for their own inistruction and that of their children. • . / X 114 , RT. T A 11.1110 U it es XIN T.- -Th roughoui the session tuf Congress, ,Extras will be issued from the office of the "United States Reporter," containing the reports of all such deliztes as may possess par ticularly exciting intsrest. • Ali " subscriptions sad communications to be paettaiidand- *Waited r to "J. A. liourres, U. 8. Reporter, Washington, D. C." Dr. C.JEL dppitlon's Celebrated Remedy Felt , DEAFNESS, quAINS in; and &thaw Pt nutter from, the ear, together with all 'other unpleasant spit p• tomb, which either accompany or announce ap proaching Deafness: This invaluable medicine is the result of along and faithfully Puratied course of experiments instituted with the sole view to discover (if possible) a certain, and. at the same time, a safe remedy for thiridrcadiully afflicting disorder, and after being extensively used in the private practice of the subscriber during diciest, eight years, in very numerous cases with the most remarkable success, is now offered to the public, for the benefitnc these who, from distance or other causes, cannot have the personal attention of the proprietor, in The (idlest confidence of its efficacy, and in the firm belief that it will not disappoint the expectations of those who may haveoccasion for its use ; in short, that it is the most VALUA BLE article over offered to the public for this di. ache. 6:7•For sale in Oettysburis by S. IL iltr.klll:F.R, in Abbottstown by War. Byrn moan, in Oxford bet.; Lair & Rises, and in . Franklin town.hip by •fuumAs. J. Oman. (Aug. 6, e. 17-1 y CULLE7q bullion Vegetable . Panacea. AN EXTRAORDINARY CURE MESSRS. RO WA ND & WA LTON—Having experienced the extraordinary efficacy of your Dr. person, r. Cu r i s l o e n n: ang of gratitudeslnd fee i l o i nVegetablelar; o o r a upon y my own our wonderful discovery, and a desire that ytiur Med icines should be known and appreciated by the public, has induced me thus woluntarily to give you an account of my case, hoping that others who may be ito unfortunate as I have been, nasty be induced to throw prejudice aside and give your Panacea a fair trial. In February, 18411, • lump , or tumor first ap peared upon the spine of my n;bl leg, and poth er on the lower part of my breast near the junc tion of the ribs; they increased gradually until the pity part of June, about which time they became very painful. In July the tumor on the left leg et.c • • AVM and became a running sore, extending itself until it was 'halt the aiwrof a-mates hand, and had eaten into the bone, and one Of two smal ler ulcers appeared below the uncle. 3ty physi cian and others pronounced it Scrofula. Up to this time every remedy Deed gave no relief; the leg continued to pet worse; during the eatly part of August my sufferings were intense. •-I neither went to bed 'or slept regularly for nearly toe weeks, being compelled to set up, with my leg supported Q 0 a chair. About this time my son brought home with him from Cincinnati market one of your circulars, which had been thrown in to the wagon. I reed it, and knowing some of the signers to the Certificate of the can of Mr. Brooks, and believing from my knowledge of their characters that they would not lend their names .for.-tha purpose of palming en imposition -upon the public, I concluded to try what effect-it would have upon me. On the 20th of August I procu red the first bottle, commenced taking it accord ing to directions, and in four hours the pain was so much relieved that 1 fell asleep and enjoyed that greatest of blessings, a few hours repose. I con tinued using it until the 28th of August, when I sound myself so much better that I went to Cin cinnati to your Agent, Mr. Danenhour, with whom 1 made arrangements to take 20 bottles, provided be would guarantee to cure me. 1 - ht agreed to do so , end gave me the privilege of stopping short of the 20 Doilies, whenever 1 considered myself well. I now lett encouraged, and continued to use it un der Mr. D's instructions, until I had taken 12 Loot. Iles, (using no other medicine whatever.) when I found myself entirely, well ; the tumor on my breast having softened, it opened, cantle out, and was healed up when 1 had taken 6 or ? bottles. 1 will here observe, that for many years 1 had been troubled with a kind of dry Totter, which greatly annoyed me, particularly when heated or w-srm in bryl . 1 na re telt nothing of this since ta king your medicate, and have no doubt that my system is Bow entirely free from disease, my gen oral health neser hawing been.better. On the 3d of December 1 again called on bfr. Datienhower. I then prononnced myself well and offeied to gise him a Certificate to that effect, w hull I promised to tend him in a tew days. A lets day, thereufw, huts me', %%Tole ktlliug hogs, I hurt the name leg badly, in cometmence of which I postponed giving the promi red. Certifi caie. 0 tithing liiViolighly to t en t th e p e cous ner r e y of the cure. I now used punting but the usual simple remedies tbr Ire h wounds. acd found my flesh perfectly healthy. and in the usual time for ,itch coos toy Ica healed. Sufficient time has e lapsed to console,. me that I am now a sound Man and that I has been ruled he your Panacea alone. lu short. 1 La v e every confulener .iir its virtues.— l'einons Amamin of ohitaininu "turner pa rt iettlate, can be gratttied by calling at my residence. at Muddy Creek; Hamilton county. Ohio. DAB ID 61RGAN CITY or CV SS. l'el,4 , 11:1:11 appeared berni - e- me, the subscriber, Ittnor sitnl . ItAvin Kt null. who, being dup., and baps that the facts met forth in he toreti,n4ll.; statement are tine. In teor.nnony e. he:nol, I Inn e hereunto set my name, nod canoed the Corpotate Neal of the said City to be affixed, ties fourth dap 01 Match. 18.17 - - E. SI•ENCPR, Mayor. Said, whobe4ntemni rotoil, by Rnor,4Nllk WAL TON, Proprietom a7et Market street, Philadelphia, anti by the tolln, in: Agents : N. H. Gettyshm. !rm. Ilitlinger. A bbotta to n. , /,i//// 4. Riley, find. J 7'. J . Cooper, Franklin ip. August d. 1N.17 Protection agewhal Loxso by Fe re. . 4114 lIE "Cumberland Valley Mutual Protteetion Company, - being incorporated by an Art of the Legislature, and fully rirgartzeil nail in opera tion under the direction of the following Hoard of Managers., viz: T C Miller, James Weakly, 1) W Nl'Cullough, A G Miller. 'l' A Al 'Utley. Philip spangle.. :..anniel Galbraith, Samuel Tritt, rn King, (Adams,) Jolla Zug, Samuel Huston. I T Green„l Dear—call the attention of the inhabit ants of Cumberland ar d Adams counties to the cheapness of the rates. and the many advantages hich this kind of insurance has over any other. let. Every person insured becomes a member of the company and takes part in the selection of officers and the direction of its concerns. 21. For insurance no more is demanded than is necessary to meet the expenses of the Company, and Indemnity against losses which my happen.. 3d. The inconvenience of frequent renewals is avoided by insuring fora term of live years. -Ith. Amy person applying for insurance mast give his premium note for the cheapest class at the rote df five per ceni.lw hich will be $3O on the 'lOlSt, for which Se *ill hove to pay $2 fitr torero. years and $1 410 for surrey and policy, and on more unless loss be sustained to a greater 81110130 i than the funds on hand will cover, and then no. more than a pro rata share. These rates are much cheaper than those of other companies, ex cept such an are incorporated on the same pined. dies. T. C. MILLER, President. A. U. . Mii.can, Secretary. It The follow ing named persons have been op poinked Agents for Adams County m W Pax ton, P.q. General Agent for Adorns (Trll; J A Thompson and D Ziegler, Gettysburg ; ; DI.. Wm k Stewart, Petersburg; Henry Myers: Are Ches ter; floury Mayer, Abbottstown • Daniel Com fort, Stratum township ; Abraham King. Hunters town- David Blythe, Fairfield ; T Winranon. Arendfiwille ; W fli Morrison and Abel Wright Bendersville ; Dr. 1) Mellinger, East Berlin Ablo Scott. Cashtown.''' Sept. 13, , .11% , IllIsterfs ,Ointment, F OR the cure of external Sores, Serof ulous affections ' Liver Complaint,- Quinsy,, Sore Throat , Bronchitis, Pains in the Chest, Tumors, Diseases of the Skin, Piles, Cum. Rheumatism, &c., &0., tot sale at the Drug Stole of S. 11. BUEHLER.. Gettysburg, June - ' WATCHES, of all kinds# off will be cleaned and repaired, at tim shortest notice. at FRAZER'S Clettit:A Watch Establishment, in Gettysburg. July 18, 1847. - it THE STAR AND BANNER' la piiblished every l'riday Evenisig;iohs County Building, above the Registeg and Re eorder's Qffice, by DAVID A. BUEHLER.. msattats. . Tr paid In adv a nce oi►within the year, *2 pes Rollout—if not paid within the year, $2 50. Pita paper discontinued ulifttal I art enrage' aft 'paid.— except at the option of the Editor. t4iogle copies centa. A.tailnre to notify a diet9 6 tibalaturia will be regarded as a new engagenient Advertisements not exceeding a nom inserted. th n i e times for sl—eftry inhieutient insertion, 25 cents. 'Longer ones in the cants proportion. All advertisements not sptvially oidered tor a giv. in time, will be continued until forbid. A litimaA reduction will he made tothuse woo adrottiso !fit the year. Job Printing 0! all kiwis executed neatly sad promptly, and on reasonable let roc ' legersapcl Comintuthittialis to the Edilot, (ex• eepting inch as contain Money ur the names at new sub,cribers.) unlit be char raru,inotdtt tO teCUIC UttClltiol.l.