WAR INTELLIGENCE. a lame lone of :Mexicans. The Mexicans sere netted—one of the Mexican Goiter- THE CAPTURE tW xis tilled and another wounded badly— TILE CAPITAL OF MEXICO. they had about two If usand five hundred LA4 an d 'sounded. We had General nATTLE OFILIIII•Pri.TEPEC. Worth dangerously wounded, and about Terrible and Bloody Connie's. elk-ten bond rod of his inert killed and . o . liard . the 10th instant our whole n emm i num l,W f iviif e _Th; night of force was etWared, and made their way into dr ity &Mk Anita fo Guadeloupe —Sania.ln- c Na Wounded—General &aro one of d ie city and the Mexicans theforces occupying cu r am our other, and Winne still going on." The steamer James L. Day armed at The National Intelligencer of Monday the - pehlolies the following extract of a letter Now Orleans on the 25th ultimo, nicorinotiortint intelligence yet re ' e 7 c - ised feed an officer of rank at l'uebla, hie wit in la ash' sigrum. dated Mol scat of war. -Pueblo, Srpt. 10, 1847. In lie extract from the New Orleans Pie- °AI the expresses sent by Gen. Scott aloe oldie 26th ultimo, received hr the le l i eebla base been cut off: but one has elloind express. the following pa rucuises: -a ha pi. ‘e d. official . intelligence ivi since General Scott left lrbe -A ~ Iris of Vera Cruz hail franc. hew. An exprese Caine in me yesterday ed Wets from Mexico, ender date of the arid reported that lie left Mexico on the 1 4110 elating that on the 7th the Mexican,Rth. and eras robbed of his despatches.---1 commissioners had declared that the pro- I am. and have been, hemmed in by 4,000 positions made by Mr. Treat were . mexicana for the last three weeks The inissebte; in consequence of which Geer- Mexicansrepres•cut Major Lally. with 1.- rel. inta Anna had couvoked a council of coo men. ats sum/untied and hemmed in at Metals , whinieeeled that notice should Jalapa. and cannot venture out. Major bis•loran to General Seott that the armistice Lally ~fit to hate been here fifteen days ems man end, and appointed the 9th for mitre. The st hole eountry sw arm s with the recommencement of hiwtslittes. On the 6th of September, General Scott f rom THE PE ‘CIE N13:0T1ATION8. addressed a letter to Santa Anna uhaya, accused him of lying %minted icy- The last adrieell heta Mexico Win the end articles of the armistice, one of which P n ' hl " slifthe emninissinners viii that not allowing the American army ed neretiale a peace allakqe in Ihn - arM' govern to obtain supplies front the city of Mexico. her.Trist. the ageet one General Scott demanded an explanation °teat" Propos ed aerie. " artic l es aa th - e and conclndea as ((Aloes : basis of a treaty, providing the usual stip •• • • I here b y r oma n, 5 , 0.• ulations za such cases, an immedia t e mae. sasion of hostilities. an exchange of prix' you that if I do not receive the moot complete satisfaction on all these points. oath, 4 t-e- The main proposition was before 12 o'clock to-morrow, I shall con- that contained in Articles 4,lland 6, which Bider the armistice as terminated from establishes the boundary between the- two that hour." countries, under the following conditions: An. 3. As soon as the Present treaty TO this letter General Santa Anna re plied at considerable length, and with , grist shall hare been duly ratified by the ilet soVerity. He accused General Scott of red Si as" el Malik°. "den wilt he bathed having violated the terms of the armistice; wtthoet delay to the Ime„letaladete, of - both in refusing to allow flour, from the mills Pattie-• had" ea sea and neat that heaai in the vicinity, to be brought into the city. t'el are aaaPeadells an d OW such =open and says that the American wagons were aim' shall b e °tied! tdeletled- Imatedi. driven out of the city on account of the ob- 3 : el Y after the radian's' of ''C ' ,•• ■6 oent of jectionable conduct of the officers at'irOnl- ' De P" "rain al die pms, territories, totem and poasts °revery kind, which panying them. Santa Anna also climes may hare been captured by the United our troops with hating "sacked the Mes han towns in the vicinity of the tapes': State ' fing. Iht Maltit Stgerallelie4l Lai, and robbed and desecrated the church-, deeitl. the war, except those comprised es, and stealing and destroying ankles' aidna t he 1 7. - ; las 4 the United Slates " held sacred by every Mexieart." He con- darts" hlr thane Nat. 4101 this treaty, will eludes as follows: • I be given mp withoutdelay and without oc . "I flatter myself that your excellency ceeettake °ay theatire we without any ex will be'convinced, on ralm reflectima, of P °l " th ils airlater,*• to InuPertY mix-" captured Gm' iota' By • ist staid ports or towns, the weight of my reasons, but if, by fortnne, yOu seek only a pretext to d eprive or whir& may be therein at tbe ratification the first city of the American Continent ofan trest lr - Att. 4. The Irma! line between the obiortunity to free the unarmed popoletiou of the, horrors of war, there will belch tote ; -111 R, itewel l e " th e.. lathe m ar other means of salvation but to repel" aealglara Or leagalell force, with the decision and energy which sllns,dicd.„hil_the,Ri°,Glll"4l_, thence my high obligations impose upon me." L'Y m idrib "a'" ricer to On the 7th General Ilerrefa, as Cora- P °isit whet° it "n et " tea-t a aridta a haa . " mandant of the city of Mexico, addressed New Mesien " dime° "wants th e we f t the clergy, exhorting them to exert all the their influence to incite the people to arm New kingithde of the southern limit of henc wt_es__tinfthe.,e themselves, and prepare to resist the A- " me " of the northern line of New Mexico , until merican army. a intersected by the first arm of the Rio Ott die Bth General Scott attacked the Mill del Rey or King's Mill, in the irnme- Gib' or it not be intercepted by any arm of that river. thence - to the point lisle vicinity of Chripultepec, and accord ing to the l)utrio del Gabirrno. and the nir " id hie m are " t° mid win ` thence in Rvtelsn, published in Atlisco, near Puebla, direct line " the swat° and delleandt Plo4. our army was repulsed, after a short con- °nal and by the ,_ szid river nthlt diet. in which we lost about four hundred . r i tglitai;o44 and in killed and wounded, and fell back upo n I "' " mad° and the middle of the GulfACidiforoia to Tacuhaya. A Mexican letter announces that Riley, and his legion of Sr. Patrick, 70 in i "," " le n bir, were ordered by the court mariial `Ly : "" ° P reen be hung. The sentence was approved by r wing article w` d l s' "tiwtitins wi,:e " will appear in initAe No. & the Unite d Gen. Scott, and on the Silt of Seprembc;„ the whole legion were hung in p aband " , thee s elrs all claims against of the army ; as also of the enemy. r the United Stales of Mexico, on account The only reliable account of the last enraw°„,. pave the United States of 4 the war; and besides struggle before the capital, is in a letter f""' tee ... „_,... n g addressed to Mr. Dimond. our Collector .D l6° unn is not Wei at Vera Cruz, from Orizaba, as follows: At. IL cesside' ratio' uof article N 9.4 "Orizaba Sept- 19, 1847. the United States agree to guarantee and • "I have the honor to inform you that an! pay to die rhino' ots all the obligations expresso arrived here this evening front which are sow dye and which may fall Moak** 'shirk brings intelligence thaet due atcordisigto theeosWeiliOil tOnehuUd tioneral Scott was in the city of Mexico. 1 between the two Republics, in the city of That on the 13th the American troops took f Mexico, on the 301 t of January, 1843, Chapultepee and the Citadel. and went in-! and to peptide for the payment of the de to the city that night. General Bravo was claims in favor oldie elai , naints. given un killed, Santa Anna was wounded in the der a contention between the United States arm, and has retired with the remainder of;: and the Mexican Republic, under the ate his troops, which have suffered much. tol of the 11 t h of Ism Geedaloupe. Your friend, Ike." ! To these propositions, which make the A letter from a creditable source con- Rio Grande the boundary. and give to,the first's all that is said in the above, and on-, 1.7. States a very large portion of Mexican ly disagrees with it in stating. that the cite territor y , including New. Mexico. tfler'Cal was carried by assault on the 14th. The ifonnia;„ Ac ti the Mexicans would not for a Sun of Anahuac has it on the 13th, the moment batten. They subsequently pro. heights and forks of Chapultepec were! posed to our Commissioners their vitiate carried on the 14th and 15th—the city was' turn. which_ besides the usual provisions, bombarded, and that a part of our army en- contained the following articles : • toted it on the morning of the 16th. the Art. 4. The dividing line between the balance remaining at Chapultepec. two Republics shall commence in the Gulf In regard to the American bats the Pica- o f M exico , three leagues from land, in yune says: --'As to our loss before the ar- front, from the Southern mouth of Bay taf my entered the city, we have nothing; an- Corpus Christi, to run in a straight line theistic. We fear this new victory has throw+ said bay to the mouth of the Rio not been achieved without great Pisa office. de las Nueces, to follow thence the course The Mexican accounts show that active of that riser to its source ; from the source hostilities commenced on the Bth, and of the river Nueces a straight line be were continued with more or less activity traced idl it meets the acme' frontier of until our army took possession of the city. New Mexico, in the east southeast part. A passenger by the James Day in- It will thence follow the actual frontier forms us that it was reported among the ,of New Mexico by the east, north and Mexicans at Vera Cruz, that we lost 1700 west of New Mexico, until it meets latitude men in killed and wounded. but he could 37, which will serve as the boundary be trace it to no authentic source. Another, tween die two Republics ; froth the point passenger estimates General Scott's loss at which it :ouches the northern frontier at squatter to a third of his army' j. of New Mexico to the Pacific. The Gov_ ! raiment of Mexico agrees not to found any THE NEWS FROM MEXICO. new establishment or colonies in the spate New Orleans Delta of the 26th 111 -1' of Land which lies between the Rio Grande titte, hl referente to the important and the Nucces. len" fisen the seat of war, bays: An. 5_ la consideration of this eaten s.ioni of the territorial limits of the United ;:olifUr did our army encounter a barban- - States. the Government of the said States Mi t cowardly suer imbecile enemy. All agree to pay to the Guverntnent of the U. airek Cotner that they stood bravely by S:ates of Mexico *—,at the city Of Met tbetr homes and firesides, and fought with leo, on the day of the exchange of ratifica. its of men determined to holy theta/Ores in the ruins of their eapital.-1 Inn " this trezi-Y -artict 'Asir President bravely placed himself at Arts. 6 and 7. By these their head, and fe ll wounded in the con- States "Tee to release the Mexi e the U. Mexican Gov ernment from all claims of the Government filet. The veteran and idomitable Bravo.l whose name brings to mind many a gal-I . or citizens of the United States ' lapt deed of the War of Mexican Independ-i This propositiondiffers from Mr. Trist's once, °fend up his life for the countrvl, chiefly in making die Notices instead o f the et). , be had so long and faithfully sect-' Rio Grande the boundary, and ceding to The blood of hundreds and shettsanes as hear territory thanSD. Trist demanded. ofillexicabs stained the streets and house- Mr_ Trist not thinking the territory pro. oldie fated Capital, b e f ore the inv . P ala 1.13 be Or" to EIS siffficiently large ""). • • • dned Mile superiority of American polices was I weePu " the Mexican Prsi e,outtedcd. and our army occupied thew! li o n. The Mexican Commissioners refus- Oitid. tag to surrender more, the negotiations of oWe twilit with the most frail-kb conr4e tioltd, and hostilities re-commenced. „ ghee . d i e details o f these dutanees ; .. ki - becre they will end, Heaven only Lomas. • .l „ selth ergetsthath" • T ae f &Won DALLus.—George M. rto Pensacola Gazette of Monday coo-1 Dallas is out in the Western part of this tai ,so extract of a letter received there, I I Stale maw= stump spreeches. his last which moo strongly ha maws the shaw l spina was on the subject or the Wilinto proviso. is whirl' be took occasion to go a 001116 1 thill‘a It in OA follows: step sr two farther in servility to the south hestatte the anthatica was, thus eves Janes Buchanan. Poor Penn. Woks* Wpt i led lhastitifies misarcared.—; sytrama, is she to be still led like a blind tiommel WOW* disisissi was sthathild by i glint by seek marmot* to freedom I TJJJE aTAJt 4 BkRIV.F,:ltt, GETTYSBURG. Fridity Evening, Oct. 8, 18 , 17. FOR PRESIDENT, GEN. WINFIELI) SCOTT. CITY AGENCY.-I'. B. PALMER, Esq. at the corner of Chesnut k Third street, l'hilodelphia 160 Nassau street New York; and South-east cor ner of Baltimore and Calvert street, Baltimore— and E.W. Cs's, Esg. Sun Building, N. E. Comer Third & Dock sts.and 440 N. Fourth at. Philad'a are out authorized Agents for receiiing Advertise., meats and Subscriptioni to the uStar - anil collect ing and roeoipting for the same. TURN OUT' WHIGS .• - - - rXI G 1r et" The Whigs of the Bor ough will have a GRAND RALLY ON MONDAY EVENING NEXT, at the IfterfAssireS. 40 make arrangements' for the Election on Tuesday. Let there be a full turn-out of am. the friends of cor ree.t principles. and of the - -YOUNG MEN especially. VICTORY is before us—but to secure it, there is WORK to be done. KrThe Meeting will be addressed by Messrs. COOPER and SMYSER, and probably other speakers. , Front lA. Washington Union 01 May I 1; 114 7 (MIL POLK'S Orrieuc ORGAN) "It may become a matter of grave con sideration, if the church continue to op pose a peace and furnish the fuel of war, WHETHER THE IMMENSE REVE NUES OF THE CHURCH IN MEXI CO SHALL BE LEFT UNTOUCH ED—whether they shall be suffered to re main at the disposal of the enemy, and to be applied to sustain the war against us— whether justice and policy do--not equally dictate that they should at least be SE QUESTERED, during the continuance of thtlivir, as a legtimate means of cut ting off the enemy . *supplies." Whigs of Adams County, are you Ready ? Before another number of our paper shall have been issued, the political battle of 1847 will have been - fought. - for the last' time, then, we 'ask you, ARB YOU READY I Have your districts been properly canvassed t Have your like-warm neighbors been spoken to Have the doubtful votembeen_visited I Has- all beta -done that is necestatry. to‘se:eitre a full Whig vote ? If not, GO TO WORK IMMEDIATELY ! Bute few tla A rrtentain=let them be improved as days nev er were bekais. Eiery thing depends upon get ting out the full Whig vote. We have glad ti dings from every part of the State. While our opponents are divided and distracted by internal dissensions, our own friends are putting their 'Moulders to the wheel and working with a exter mination worthy of the great cause for which we are contending. The .YOUNG GUARD" must not falter when all others do so well. Retnembes that, under present circumstances, A FULL WHIG VOTE IS BUT ANOTHER NAME FOR .VIGTORY Remember,abcnre all, to Be at the Polls EARLY ! -Beat the Polls ALL DAY ! Keep a sharp eye on the BALLOT BOX ! See that every WHIG VOTES ! See that OUR FRIENDS have the REGULAR TICKET ! Challenge all SPURIOUS VOTES ! Get out the LAST MAN In all things be firm and vigilant, and VICTORY IS OURS-I--_ Young Whigel—While ail will he ex pected to Jo their duty on Tuesday next, the bur then of the fight must after all fall upon you. See that you bear yourselves well in the conflict. , Be at the polls early—remain ,there—AND SEE THAT EVERY WHIG VOTE IN YOUR DISTRICT IS POLLED. DON'T MINH THE RAlN—That is, if it aletild rain on next Tuesday. Pennsylvania was carried lad fall in a rain. No matter how hart it pours, pour in the Whig votes ! If tno day is fair, salute the sun at its riming with three hearty hue us, Air the story is told. But let no Whig fail of doing his whole duty became the day is stormy. We shall need harder wort toilet out all our votes, and must do.it. BE UPON YOUR OUARD.—The Whig voters of the county will be upon their guard against any statements and misrepresentations that may be put afloat fionvhis until the election. The in famous character of the snicks with which the presses of our opponentes teem, gives evidence that their game *a desperate one, and that nothing will be left undone to Atilt the Whig candidates. BE UPON' YOUR WARD ! HO FORefVIGTORY !—The busy note of . . preparation is beginning every where to be heard. The Whig camp is *Or. Ths Arm of '4O and '44 are rekindled. A settled determination to *own pervedes our ranks. The importance of. organi sation is tett; and victory awaits , ns. Fellow- Whigs : keep yourbyei tired on the one great point--VirTO PGLL. THE WHOLE WHIG VOTE 0? THE COUNTY:au The Tax on Tea .and Coffee: Soma fr of the more reckless of ,the Locofoco prase* continue to charge Gen. JUIN with having voted in FAVOR OF TAXING TEA & COF4 FEE. There can be but one reply to thii state ment, mado in the fare of truth midlac. Is false—and not an Editor has published the charge, but Kaows it to be &Ise. Gen. Irvin Naval' voted in Mvor of imposing a duty on Tea and Coffee, but univenuilly ioarati the pmpoosk tion, as the journals of Congress show. • But Mr. Pout and Mr. Waimea DID urge up. on Congress to levy a duty of 20 PER CENT. ON TEA AND COFFEE, and - While. the Locofoco membera of Comps", with few excep (ion; voted in favor, EVERY WHIG VOTED AGAINST IT. And yet we have not heard a single word of censure against Mr. Polk by the Locofoco Press for so doing. On :ho other hand the Shunk County Convention unanimously pass ed a Resolution APPROVING OF TBIB among otheiacts of Mr. Polk! Which party then goes in for taxing Tea and CVdree. rirliemember the meeting at MORlTZ'B'to• morrow afternoon. Good *peaking marls, ex pected. gy-Gen. Kasarrar i jtAsaid, blur been order ed to Metre° to take command of tbe. Dragoons, and keep the road open between Vera Crux and Den. Scott', army. THE NEWS FROM MEXICO. The Cloven Foot Displayed—The War one of CONQUEST! In another eohnnn we give the news from Mex ico. It possesses startling and exciting interest.— ' The armistice has been annulled, and been follow ' ea by more hantlighting near and in the city of Mexico, attended with tgrrible slaughter. Scott sod his troops are surrounded by difficulty and danger, and although his loss in the battles from the Bth to the lath, has been severe, victory, as usual, perches upon his standards. The City of Mexico is, at length In our posseeskaa, and the dr e alo Sot th Washington Union about our troops arevelllng in the Hall. of the Montezuma.," have been reellbred. Ent the Union's other dresmi as to the Peace that was to be "dictated" there, hare all been tihilpated The accounts thus far ate not as definite as could be wielhd, the regular despatches having been intercepted by the Guerillas. Enough is known; however, to show that the slaughter on both aides wes terrible—the American loss amount. ing lo 1700. Gene. Worth, kith and Pillow, are reported, arson, the-killed,- but-the easterner* doubted. Theme is one item in the intelligence which dis covers the true object of.lbe War, and the aims of the Administration--en item which ought to re ceive t h e serious consideration of every citizen. We allude to the ceuee of the failure of .negolia tions between Mr. Trist and the Mexican Cone nataitiottenv'. It: will be seen that Mr. Trio propo: sod to abandon all the claims of the U. States a phist Mexico, pay all the expense. of the W a r, I and give a large sum of money, additional, upon the'condition of Mexico yielding the territory de manded brew' government. From this the Mex ican Commissioners disunited, but offered to sur render • prams of New Mexico and California for an equivalent in money. The territory pro pinie—d-f6 be given us by Mexico, however, was not large enough to snit the purposes of our Govern ment, and hostilities were recommenced. Here we have it, then. The speciotis pretexts which have hitherto been thrown beforic& nun try by the Administration as causes for which the War is waged, are thrown aside, and tho veil is withdrawn from the real aims of Mr. Polk and his partizans. Despite the protests of the President in his message to Congress, ■nd the repeated de nials of the Washington Union, it is a War wag ed not tbr a redress of grievance,, not to "conquer a peace," 2 -but a WAR OF CONQUEST, *ra ged for the subjugation of Mexican 'territory, and the DISMEMBERMENT OF THE M E X I CAN REFFBLIC Else why offer to abandon all claims against Mexico as a condition for the surrender of,hieterritory—why refuse to close in with her offers to cede Portion of that territory , if territory be not the end in view—why prolong hostilities and subject the two countries to all the horrors of War, if peace be the object so ardently desired by the Administration. But that , is not all. As if conscious that it could no longer cover its duplicity, the Adminis. tratiorritself- lm unveiled its real purposes, and thus announces them through the Washington Correspondent of the Baltimore Sun : "WAOHI Nwrox, Oct. 4, 1847 The Administration have decided on vigorous measures. Nothing but A COMPLETE SUB JUGATION OF MEXICO seems to answer the present emergency. Foraging on the enemy and lolying of contributions were at last agreed upon. It is to be hoped, indeed, that our brave troops shall not in future pay for the quarters they cou pler with their swords; nor pay two and three prices 'for every article of food. The anxiety in every nittn's countenance to dam is strongly de picted, and the universal cry is "war in 'earnest 1" —WAR, NOT FOR PEACE, BUT FOR CONQUEST AND 13BJUGATION—a' real bona fide war, which supports itself and seises up on - the enemy's treasure. Unless we distress the Mexicans, CARRY DESTRUCTION AND LOSS TO EVERY FIRESIDE, and make them feel a rod of iron, they will not respect us." Do you hear that, people of Pennsylvania?— "A War not for peace, but tbr con- quest and subjugation 1 1 ' Are you ready to go in with the Administration in the prosecution of its unholy schemes, and sham with it the awful weight of responsibility that must cling to the souls of those who wage an un necessary, cruel and unrighteous War LET YOUR ANSWER BE GIVEN AT THE POLLS ON TUESDAY NEXT ! car The doctrine of Passive Obe dience to Power--ac taught by Messrs. Poza,Situitx, and the leaders of modern "Democ racy," and promulged in the columns of every ser vile Locofoco press that lives by eulogies on the President, from the Washington Union down to the obscurest county printo—is one which should command the profound attention and excite the apprehension of every independent voter through out the land. Let it but once be acknowledged by the people of this great republic, that the A merican citizen has No atom totntemine the hn duct of his rulers, or question the propriety of their official deeds, that ado so makes him a TRAITOR to the country, or itubjeets him to all the infamy that, by common =rut, is the rightful heritage of TREASON—Iet this doctrine, so taught by Locofoco leaders and affirmed by servile tools, be once recognized by the American people, and wo have lest the dearest right that belongs to us a sa na tion of freemen. The great artery, by whose health fid circulation the purity of our political constitu tion has thus far begat preserved, has been destroy. ed, and from a nada* of FREEMEN we become at once transformed into an .unmitigated DES. POTISM. • Yet the doctrine If taught us, and that, too. by men who are accuirstemed to vaunt much of their "tientocracy," and rater flippantly of their great love for the "dear people I" It is unblushingly avowed by Mr. Sau ric. and the entire Locofoco rem, and the peoplelof Pennsylvania are called upon to endorse this Infamous bantling of bastard Democracy by voting for, and expressing their confidence in, the me` who stand up as its apon soist WILL THEE DO IT 1 On Tuesday next they will` be - suaimoned to answer ..yea" or “no." By voting for! Mr. Surma and the Loco foco ticket they will Mermd in the affirmative; lay_moting for Gen.- Mori -and2-the dates, they will rerxditte the doctrine of Passive O bedience .to Power, as tire aPProPriate badge of Dimpotiam. and nrallitm, the glorious principle so aoleguily declared in die charter , of our rights, and pervading all our, Insfitntonw--oTHE 'FREED OM OF SPEECH A'ID OP, THE PRESS." MR. COOPER.--- t iost of our readers are no doubt alresialy aware tit is the intention of our distinguished townsmisi to make a trip to Europe fertile benefit of his befit, which has been more or lads affected for sonny years past. Ho will leave about tha 20th of this cionth in one of the Liver pool packets, and remain in Europe until next Juno or July. Wo beliwe that it had been Mr. Coorsit's intention to kayo a month earlier, but finding that his politicalfriends were deairotts of availing themselves of • services in the present contest, his departure deleYed, and, in the self-rtscrificing spirit wh h has hitherto character ixed his devotion to W • principles, he has since been earnestly laboringia behalf of the Whig cause. Last week he addressei Ow Whigs of Union comp ty; to-night be speaks le Lebanon —tamnrrow in . Dauphin county—and on Monday night in Get tysburg. The Administration and Its War of Conquests—As usual, after a hard-fought battle, in which our troops hive been forced to 'obtain an unequal and murderous conflict with a superior foe, the Administration is once more a roused by thehiseistrons Intelligence from our ar 1114114,bitflOreiukuily about its intention of Pros. ecuting the war with "vigor and energy." "No thing," says its apologist, writing from Washing ington, to the Baltimore Sun, "hut a COMPLETE SUBJUGATION OF MEXICO seems to answer the present emergency. Foreginiiththe eiretiik and levying of contributions were at last agreed upon. It is to be hoped, indeed, that our brave troops shall hot ill futons pay for the quarters they conquer with their:swords; nor pay two and three prices for every article of food. The anxiety in every man's countenance to-day is strongly de picted, and &universal cry is "WAR IN SAWN. WIT !"—WAR, not tbr Peace, BUT_ FOR CONQUEST AND SUBJUGATION--a real bona fide war, which supports itself and seises on the enemy's treasure. Unless we 114 tress the Mexicans, CARRY DESTRUCTION AND LOBB 10 EVERY. /IRE-BIDE, and make them foal a rod of iron they will not respect Wrapt up in its ambitious dreams of glory and conquest, and the "manifest destiny" of our coun try, Mr. Polk. and the men composing his Admin istration, deem unmoved by one single thought of the heart-rending consequences that mark every Arpin the progress of this disastrous war. The brave men who have - responded Witte call °Melt country, and volunteered their services in a war which they were told and made to believe, was wa ged to vindidate the national honor and win back an early peace, are regarded but as so many oxen, which can be led up to indiscriminate slaughter —the groans and shrieks of our wounded and dying brat hren, which come up from every battle field, and make sick the lu:art, fall unheeded upon the ears of those our royal rulers,. who, far beyond the reach of danger, sit calmly in theirpalaces, pro. jecting schemes of conquest and subjugation, and rock not of the bitter tears, end sighs, end agony, and blood, that go to make up but a portion of the fearful cost at which they are to be consum mated. "Nothing but a complete subjugation of Mexico will answer the present emergency,"—"WAß, NOT FOR PEACE, RVT FOR CONQUEST ♦B a SUBJUGATION"—"WE MUST CARRY DE STRUCTION AND LOSS TO EVERY MEX ICAN EIRE.-SIDE!" Robespierre, and his revo lutionary associates, also had their ambitious schemes, anti waded through rivers of blood to ob tain the Power they so much coveted: but Robes pierre was content with carrying ruin and death into the homes of his countrymen. Mr. Polk and his advisers outdo the partizans of RevOlutionary fury : The American people, it is true, have suffer ed much in the prosecution of the War thus far— the treasure of the country has beeen lavishly ex pended, and the blood of its best citizens been freely poured out,—desol ation and mourning reign over ten thousand homes, where but yesterday all was bright and lovely—but enongli of rum has not yet been wrought. Mexico has not yet felt • Lt. of War's direst curse, and she must feel it—even though it he at the expense of AmeriCan blood and treasure: "WE MUST CARRY DEsTRUC TION AND LOSS TO EVERY MEXICAN FIRE-SIDE !" Such are the sentiments boldly uttered by no American Administration in the midst of the Nineteenth Century—and with ouch sentiments its partizans dare to enter the political field and ask the people, the Christian people of this Repub. lie to give them their confidence and their support. VOTERS OF PENNSYLVANIA—voTERs OF ADAMS COUNTY, WILL YOU, FAN YOU DO ITT MASSACHUSETTS WHIG STATE coN EN'CION.—The Whig State Convention of Massachusetts net at SI Odd, on Wednestlay ; the lion. Geo. Ashinun, President. On the first In the language of an eloquent Whig of the last ballot, Gov. Briggs and Lieut. Goy. Reed were a Congri‘ss,—"it is n doctrine thnt can command the nanimously nominated for reelection. The Hon. homage of no heart that was not made for the ho- Daniel Webster made a speech one hour and a.tsont of a slave !" We utterly abjure, loath and a half long, and defined his position stronger than repudiate it, and will always, as long an we live, ever on the Mexican war and slavery questions.— hold on to those who believe that, neither in The resolutions of the convention, which were !Ware nor War, is there any citizen in this land so adopted unanimously, were strong against the high in public function as to be above the scrutiny Mexican war and slavery. no followtng were ofthe people into all his acts, his declarations and adopted : his principles. That above all, Congress being the Resolved, That the great and perma- only war making power, and being itself but the nent interests of the Atnerican Union as it lterrementstive of the people, it is the first and high is—and the highest and brightest hopes cat privolege and duty of every citizen who elects of the liberties and ._rights of our race on that Congress, to assert its prerogative against the the American Continent—require of the invasion of the President, or any other man what great North American Republic to stay „. 0 ,. Them are Whig principle . and will he ot her hand, alreidy too deeply stained in the tarsi andctised longas there is-a Whig Li,- blood shod in this unnatural war between practised 81" ' ing in the land.- r -J. P. Kennedy's ;tans to de the two great Republics of this Continent, and inscribe on her standard now waving Ci "'"" ° f 11°1timur _ e ' victoriously over the Halls of the Monte zumas, and deeply on the hearts of her ru- , lers—as he; well censider4l and unchange able. purpose—" Peace with Mexico with out dismemberment—no addition of Mex ican territory to the American Union." Resolved, That the Whigs of Massa chusetts earnestly and untintectously,„,r,% ., commend DANIEL WEBSTILII, chusetta, to the favorable consideration, of the Whig National Convention, as a can didate for the office of President of the United States. A resolution was introduced to the effect that the Whigs of Massachusetts will support no can didates for the Presidency and Vice Presidency that are not opposed to the extension of slavery.) This resolution was rejected, alter a spirited dis cussion. no Hon. Rufus Choate and W. O. Bates were appointed delegates at largo to the Whig National Convention. LOCOF6CO ARGUMENT.--Gen. Invis is notentitled to support of the people of Adiuns county, because hi is rich. Joss,. W. PATTON cagnot be trusted because he ispoor. FRANCIS R• ' Bsoxc is entitled to the suffrages of the people, because he is poor, ,Mosars Lox.- antlers is erolnendy entitled to their votes, be cause he is rich/ Timm you have it in h condensed form. At a glance you can see what .iprogressive Democracy" ia, as' understood and urged by it. advocates.— Riches and Poverty are democratic or intkiento 'cratic as may suit the purinwes of cannprodema gniinen• MORE Itrl , HB,—The-Locofoco Prow luta a. peculiar , capacity for devilling title: 'foram, 4hhtttsii for offiee. iatest prepared for Gen. Lavin is that of "The •Cons Meal end Meaing-homie Candi date I" Gen. Irvin, it may be recollected, gave mom banek of Flour to relieve the starving people f Ireland, and has men distiguished for his liberality In giving of his means Co Religiouti end' ducational purposes.. ' r Hence tocofocoism, to evince its love for Ireland and Religion, Idol?' him MTbe Corn Meal and Meeting-house Candi date !" Aro we to infer from this that Mr. SHUNK opposed to giving to the ,distressed,,.or erecting Meeting-houses I ..._i.-.....i....,_ r LAROE DEET.--Otir good Whig friend.. lattits.OVltel ooksti - E14., of Fnlerom township, has raised on his Qum • heel measuring over twenty inches in eircomkTenco ! Ho lhioks it is like the Whig pertyr—liartl to beet • _ - Who CoM m Child the Whit—When Mr. Polk, on the 13th of January, 1848, ordered the army to leave Corpus Christi and to march to the Rio Grande, and there to point their guns in to the windows of the people of Matamoros, Ae command hostilities against Mexico—just so much as if ho had ordered the army to hint in the neigh hothead of Vera Crux and erect its batteries a round that city. The tenitory on the Rio Grande did not belong to us. It did not belong to Texas, and therefore was not coded by Tetra, to us. Mr. Polk sap himself it wee in dispute. But, in het, , there was nerdissputo about it. Congress, when it annexed Texas, refused to consider it as indispute. Admitting that it was, however,--certainly we have no right to take owsoseiqn of territory to which our title is not aseertalnOL By saying it was in dispute; nothing' else is meant than that it is not settled to whom it belongs. Mr. Polk, i therefore, had no more-rightto take posenesinn of' it than the. Mexicans hid. But his did take post eersidon of it, and erected a battery against Materno- roe, “within good range for dono/ishim the town," as General Taylor says., This was commencing hostilities. And thicrensok. poor, . Congress was sitting.--done without consulting them, and, of course, without their authority. Is there a roan in the U. States who will contend that the President may, of his own heed, use the army and navy to provoke a conflict with another country, by drawing•them up in array before their towns,—and thus bring on active war, without obtaining the riuthority from Congress to do so I If the President may do this, what becomes of that great fundamental principle in our Conltitution which gives the right to make war exclusively to Congress I The President may, in this manner, I involve the country in a war whenever be pleases, lie his only to order the army or navy to provoke a collision with another power, and, forthwith, as to the phrase of this new political bonny, war would exist by the act If the ether party, and Congress would be allowed to have nothing to say upon the 'abject, or do in the matter, but to vote supplies ; and not only this, but that the whole nation must be compelled to abstain from all in quiry or discussion upon the manner in which the war is brought about under the penalty of being slandered with the charge of giving “aid and corn fort" to the enemy—in other words, of committing trctann. ibis is the doctrine of the new donee's- cy of this day. It is not the doctrine of that old and better democracy, with which the present has no kindre.l or affinity/ I LOCOFOCOISM AND FREEDOM OF i SPEECH —We have been accustomed to regard ; the names of Cu ATII* MI and Ilcaec as embalmed , in the richest unction of freedom—honored in all the recollections associated with our struggle for independence. Wi3 are not aware that, in the phrase of this day, these men were traitors, and dishonored the rand o 7 their enceatars - --Liliairaeing their Saxon Stock by their freedom of sperd, and , eloquent denunciations of a war waged liv their monarch against u distant people. They had not AkVII taught, however, the great truth that, in war, freemen in ust Is. silent ! that constitutions ore on ly sacred in time of peace ! }:very ' Frenchman who gliestiulm the ',Airy of a campaign in Algiers, in this new phil.ssiphy,i4 a friend nod ally. of Aisle!lir.—and every lishnian who condemns the waste of men and 1110- ' ney upon Indian conquests, is Liking aid and 0.111, fort to the Milani. But unenlightened France and England have not yet advanced so far in civiliza tion as to arrive at that unonentnua p •iple of lieedom, that when the sword is drawn upon a fa■ oft people, men may no longer speak their minds! They must come to free America to learn from her aspiring Democracy the doctrine of passive obi"- dieneo to a reigning power. We are not of that school. The Whigs have no alli,ction for this doctrine. They think it abject and obsequious Mrs ility—aml will have none of it. STATE WORKS.--The Locofoco papers publish a steternent to show that the revenue for the public Works during the present year will a mount to $457,978 more than last year. But 'they are very careful to conceal the fact that this increase has occurred since the election of Mr. Powea, the Whig Canal Commissioner! If the treacnce of ova Whig in the Canal Board saves half a million of dollars to the State, how much will the presence of two Whip save I Elect Mr. Parma, and you will have two. WHIG REFORM.—Tax-payers should re member that the Whig Legislature, of last leer, which did more business than it■ locoroco"irede eeSSOTS, saved to the Commonwealth at least TWENTY THOUSAND:. DOLLARS by its short session. Also, that by the election of JAMIII M. Powsi to the Board of Cana Commiasioners, from TWO TO THREE HUNDRED THOU SAND DOLLARS have been saved to the State by the expuliiion of dishonest. unfaithfurand in competent officers, and the appointment of honest and faithful officers on the Public W orbs. These facts should indkoto to every tas-payer his inter- est and his duty. They are the forerunners of what will be done if Whig policy Is allowed to control the interests of the Commonwealth "POWER AND PLUNDER," was the Lo cofoce Rallying cry last fallrtme it is "PATTON AND PLUNDER!" -Wetl,' as the election Of "Pow se" has Mr eri‘"Pixtrnin" from the Pub lic Winks to the tune of halft-mlitionlof dollen, it may be fair to infer that the electinn of "PsTrol" will banish "Ptuarese" altogether. Thenfccesasy that Oen, Inersilwirs the father of the Bankrupt Lew. In 1844, that paternity was assigned to lintrar Caer. We suspect the truth lies betwilm the two—Mr. Pollen &ewer) , of the Treasury (Rabat .1. Walker) soenual to' be 'more interested in its passage than any other man we wot of. • ETA mar coveting of the Whigsof BGui soars- ty, held on the 22d. ult., well add/sued Mr. DAN MAIIIIIBBI4 Esq., and several other able speakers. Resolutions in favor of Gen. Scow for the Ansi idency, and complimentary to Mr. Coors', were inumlmotaTdopted. WHAT' ARM /1.48 IT DONS I—The wife of Ci r o. THORNTON, whoop tide it was to, earn. Ace hle life in tide Mexican war, is nor in a coun ty poor-Louse, in Delaware, in a atm° of partial derangement, the wadi of the unfortunate keel or her husband 1 FORWARD TO VICTORY ! Push on the Column ! When the Iklor of Waterloo, lays the Lanais- 6 l er Examiner, mw by the wavering lines and bro• ken ranks of the enemy that the moment had ar rived to decide the fate of the battle, he sent an aid to the reserve with the - older to .roi Ua Tilt COLV.IIIN Such is the present mina in the litical couleat, whew 'ens PLOPLN aaallllll 11. star, and locisfoceism the tonittem enemy agginit which all are cootessfing: and sill 'we bane bode to ensure sueoma, is to • PUSH ON THE COLUMN ! Let the FARMERS of the lurid c—thepelt servative power—who think much, but do not !a gale actively in politics, call to mind th; indittions they bare wand under the bob role of leeofocreetn. Let thaw ponder well the acts of the State end National Administratins—let theft think of the IMMENSE DEBT Polk has brought on the land ; of the MILLIONS on MILLIONS of . dellarelt wiS require to pay. the memeseary ex penses and monstrous mate of this moot extrava gant and unneeesouy war; 6zra// cif Whirl swot yet be paid by die harelserned sages of Mora is" doistry,CD Let them remember dim things, sad he prepared with the spirit of mass max. when the wordis given on the nth of October, to PUSH ON THE COLUMN! Let the MIC•ANICI and MANariterrit UM lend yy their aid. They se well others need the halter ! ing rare of good government; and will be the first to feel the blighting effect. of loerfaco which has thrown dawn the barriers erected by the Whip to enable the manly ammo and Dwar f • thy brow of American Industry to contend on fa vorable terms with the oppressive rivalry of for eign pauper labor. Let them look well to their own interests, and guard themselves from the storm which even- now gathers on the horbton and will most surely burst upon them if the protect. jtire policy be not soon restored. Let them re member these things and be prepared also, on Um veciitid Tuesday of October, to PlittH ON THE COLUMN Let the L also gather in their strength. They who knder the burning sun and wintry cold toil from the rising to the setting sun for their daily bread—let them. above all others, reflect on the fart that the certain effete nflaroforo policy is to les- SCIS Ike glemaad for Jabs. Let them remember that when work is plenty w• 51111 RIME, and Then work is scarce WIG as FALL. Let them consider whether having our manufacturing done in Eu rope an rope or Da ism's' the demand for labor eras; and then let all who go for good wages and protection to home labor take off their emirs and cheerfully aid to Pl7Bll ON THE COLOMN Now is the very time to charge! The elements of dissolution are at work among our opponents, and thousands who supptart ed Shook at the last election will now la bor zealously for his defeat. The friends of Irvin and Patton have but tcrexert them selves, and success will as surely crown their effitrts as that the sun will rise upon the election day. We have a chance to thorotiahly redeem the State. With such a prospect before us who can refuse to lend his assistance to PUSH ON THE COLUMN! -NO Vs."—t'ire President DJILL46 IMIINAed through. lamest/err City oh Sabbath last, (Min his idertioneering tower. It will he recollect ed what a ss-nsation was inside in the Lorofoco ramp in I itit, by the dna-every that Mr. ULAT was Sel.ll on a steamboat on a fiaMandl some years amt. anal with what is holy horror the idea of vo tive.; fora •-tiatitsith breaker,” was treated by the leceMee pnws! re - The Philmlelpltia spirit of the Times dm ninnils of the Administration ■t Washington the diseharitc of oil Ike Aftchenws in the Navy Yard who are not Locolocoi. It is the same spirit that induced President Polk to denounce every man ns ■ Traitor to his country, who would not servilely bend the knee in obedience to Executive dictation. re - The Taylor portion of the Democratic party in Berke county, duktuted with the dernagogucisus of the Locofoco lewlera at Washington and Har risburg, hare nominated s full County Ticket in opposition to the regular Loroloco ticket. Thu friends of lads and Pas-row will support tho former. !D - On Friday last, the building on Pearl street, Philadelphia, known as Abbott's Old Brewery, was destroyed by fine—lore *20,000 "Iloxisr" Fithian Sousa !—This is a title with which the Locos arefond of dub king their candidate for Governor. The Harrisburg• lntelligenccr shows whether he deserves it or not by a table which it has compiled from official documents, exhibit ing the fact that when the Locos were in power and had the printing in 1840, the printing of Mr. Shunk's School Report cost $10,045 12 cents. In 1841, when there was a ll7ig printer, Mr. Shuttle's School Report was printed at the trilling cost of $428 32 cents—making the differ ence between the two years of NINE THOUSAND, SIX HUNDRED AND SIXTEEN DOLLARS!! Do the Locos rely on such facts as these to prone Hr. Shunk's honesty ? Why this isas bad as his receiving ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLA RS for 41Ye days services as Clerk of the House.' 'Honest lap." ARRIVAL OF THE HIBERNIA.— The steamship Hibernia attired at Boa ton from Liverpool on Sunday afternoon. Her news in a commercial as well as in a political point of view is highly important.. The panic still prevails on the other side oldie water in consequence of the ned suspension of houses,embracing names which for nearly a century have ranked amongst the highest in the peat commer cial community of Europe. Affairs in Italy continue to attract much interest. The pope is standing up man fully against the intrigues of Austria, anal rapidly gathering around him the-sympa thies of all the Italian Stites. his thought. however, that Austria will finally f oredo from its pretentious and thus avoid the COth filet of arms which otherwise is inevitable. WING RALLY. The' Whigs of Freedom town'p wILL assemble at MORITZ'S Tav ern on Saturday the 9/11 inst., at 2 o'clock, r. N., and they invite their friends of the neighboring townships to be present with them. Let there be a full turn-out of all who go in for Economy anti Reform in the Suva Administration— all who believe American Industry should be protected from the competition of for eign pauper labor—all who condemn Yolk's war for the dismemberment of Mexico and the extension of Human Slavery, and who believe it to . be their duty to express that condemnation at the ballot-box—let all at. tend, and lend a hand in furthering the good work. • ecrAddresses will be delivered by able and popular speakers. • Oct. 1, 1817 FREEDOM. I4XER FROM MEXICO. FUR' *R PARTICULARS OF THE BAT ATLE OF CHAPULTEPEC. The New York Sun published on Mon day evening a letter from a Spanish 'Mexi can in the city of Mexico, to a Spanish house in the city of New York, which gives a more full account of the recent pro ceedings in Mexico than has reached us froin any other quarter. Indeed, its nar rative comes down to the 1 ath, three days later than was received in any of the ac xounts brought by the James L. Day, at New Orleans, which haveibeen published. This letter, which moreover is Mexican authority, states that General Scott was in actual possissitni qftlie capital. It is said to have come by way of Orizaba, under cover to Mr. Dimond, at Vera Cruz. We give the followl.nr extracts : -- 7 Otte'or Maxica, Strr. 19, 1847. On the 18th instant the Americans made a demonstration on Chapultepec and the mill of El Rey, but our Generals were pre . pared tor them." .' o ".`.•. • • • • Ciispidtepee, you know, is situated between Caenbya and ;the city, within cannon-shot of-the.former.endrsome three miles of the latter. it is a bold kill oveflooking'R vast range of coun'try which enabled our sol diers to watdit every niameuvre of the em emy. 'lt also commands the road from Tacubaya to the city, which runs close to its b*se, and it only be ascended by a circuitous paved way, which after turning a certain angle, j exposed to the full range of the fortress guile, As ,the Americans ascended the,hill a perfect storm of mus ket balls and grape shot drove them back with heavy loss. They recovered and ad vanced again, but were repulsed. Our troops fought with desperate valor, worthy the character of Mexicans. The enemy also fought bravely—his men seem ed like so many devils, whom it was im possible to defeat without annihilation.— He made a third and last charge with fresh force and heavy guns, and our gallant troops having exhausted their grape-shot, were forced, very unwillingly, to retreat and yield up the fortress, of which the en emy took possession y Our soldiers retreat ed towards the city, but were unfortunate ly cut Oil by a detachment of the enemy's cavalry, and about a thousand were made prisoners, but were soon released, as the enemy had no men to guard them. 'rho enemy then opened his batteries on the Mill of El Rey, (King's Mill) close upon Clittpultepec, wit ch,alter obstinate lighting and great loss to the Americans, we were obliged to abandon. ,The two actions continued over nine hours, and were the severest, considering our small number of soldiers and the ene my's large forte, that have been fought.— Our loss in killed and wounded was not snore than three hundred, while the enemy lost over four hundred, or at least such was the report of deserters from the Amer ican camp who came to us in the event Seeing that the city would inevitahy be at tacked, General Santa Anna, during the ac tions, caused a number of trenches to he cut across the road leading to the city, which were flooded with water. On the morning of the 1.1 th, before day light, the enemy with a part of his force, commenc ed hiv mars+ upon the city. Our soldiers, posted behind the arches of the aqueducts and sev oral breast works whicli had been hastily thrownup,annoyed.him so severely, 4ugether with. the trenches Willa lie had to bridge over, that he did not arrive at the Kates until Into in the afternoon. Ilere he halted stud attempted to bombard the city, which he did during the balance of the day and the day following doing, immense dam age. In sonic eases whole blocks were de . stroved and a great number of men, wo turn and children killed and wounded.— The picture was awful. One deafening roar filled our ears, one cloud of smoke suet our eyes, now and then mixed with flame, and amid it all we could hear the va rious shrieks of the wounded and dying. But die city bravely resisted the hundreds of flying shells. It hurled back defiauce to the blood-thirsty Yankee, and convinced him that his bombs could not reduce the Mexican Capital. The enemy then ehang ed hie plan, and determined to enter the city, Where we prepared to meet him. Baying barricaded the streets with sand bags, and provided on the housetops and at the wiudows all who could bear arms or missiles, stones, bricks, &c., to throw on the heads of the enemy. Before General Scott had fairly passed die gates he found the difficulty of his position. A perfect torrent of balls and stones rained upon his troops. Many were killed and more woun ded. Still he kept advancing until he gained the entrance of two streets leading direct to the Plaza. Finding that he could not oppose him self to our soldiers, and that he was losing his men rapidly, Gen. Scott took posses sion of the convent of San Isador, which extends back to the centre of a block, and at once set his sappers and miners ti) cut ting a way directly through the blocks of buildings. In some instances whole hou ses were blown tip to facilitate his progress; but after several hours he again emerged into the street, and finally regained the Plaza with great loss. On entering the Plaza a heavy fire was opened on him from the Palace and Cathedral, which were filled sad covered with our. patriotic troops. Finding himself thus assaulted, the ene my -d Pew out his forces in the Plaza, and .opened a canonnde'on the Palace and Ca thedral; firing over one hundred shots, whiCh did immense damage to the build ings and -caused a severe loss of killed and wounded.. Seeing further resistance use,, less, our soldiers ceased firing, and on ..the . 11 5 01. of September (sad day) the enemy was in posiession of the Mexican capital. Though we. inflieted havoc and death upon be Yankees, we suffered greatly ourselves.. Many were killed by the blowing up of houses, many by the bombardment, but 'snore by the conßuflon which prevailed in. the city, ;end alteliitherHei, eanpot.Count .our killed, wounded and missing since the ' xcijou commenced yesterday at less than 4;000, among whom are Many women and childten. The enemy confessed a lose' of over 'l,OOO it ie no doubt inttch greater. What, a calamity! But, Mexico.•will Yet have vengeance. God Will avenge , us fur Santa A.nna has gone wit hhis gener a l s - glad .the,. troops he could draw _off to • Vultdcloape. 'Ho is said to be wounded iseverely. We have lost heroic offieens nd'hintoi men in thesis two days. I ean ,,,„l Whit. is to come. Thousands - 4ro gathering upon the Ittliaround the ci . ,ty determined to cut off all supplies and "•s-''snittre the enemy who has so audacioisly entered it. General Scott may yet find that Mexico. is nultanquiabed. Ile may find our lakes bursting „their hurlers and filling this beautiful valley, to 'annihilate the infamous Americans. 4111 11 r---. MARYLAND ELECTION. Last night's mail brings the result of the election in Baltimore City on Wednesday. In the first 15 Wards of the city, ROMKST M. McLain' (Loco /Oro) is elected to Congress over .101111 P. Keyes- DT (Whig) by a majoriry of 541. Two years ago, Mr. Giles (Locofoco) was elected In the tame dis trict by 932 majority. Although the election shows a handsome Whig gain, every Whig will regret the defeat of Mr. Kennedy, whom the Whigs. had hoped to elect. The effectst of the Adminis tration, however, were directed exclusively to this district, andany thing that money can accomplish In a loose population was effected. The majority of the Locofoco candidate for Governor in the en tire city was 1,566. The return from a few neigh boring precincts give a small Whig gain over the last Governor's election. IN CARROLL county, it is rumored, the whole Locofoco ticket has succeeded by about SOO ma- HEAVY RAlN.—Last night this section of country wax visited by one of the heaviest rains of which we have any recollection. It had been raining more or less during the two preceding days, but from last twining until this morning, it poured down, as it were, in one continued sheet of water, accompanied by thunder and lightning. The streams around us have risen to an unprece dented height, destroying fences, and breaking up roads in all directions. Rock Creek was so high that on the York turnpike the 'water rose above the piers of the bridge, and rushed across the road in a pxfort t e nant. Immense damage, we fear, has been dustained by the milldams, &c., along the differpnt streams. par-No additional newsfrom the army by last night's mail. BILTIMORE MARKET. 111=r1 BEEF CArl'l.E.—There were 650 head of fered at the Scales on Monday, all of which sold at $4 50 aso 25 per 100 liar. net. These prices 11Aow an advanee. HOGS.--isles of Live Hogs at $0 50 a $7OO —a good demand. FLOUIL—There were less persons in the flour market to-day, and prices arc rather giving way, though the market is unsettled, and no sales of considerable moment have taken place. Hold ers of Howard street brands are asking 3 6 , with out fintlig purchaser'. City Mills is also held at $O, but small sales are reported at .$5 876. Buy ers and sellers have not yet been able to settle upon terns for any considerable onantity of flour. GRAIN.—The receipts-of all kind.; of grain are small. Sales are making at $1 20 asl 25 fur good to prime reds; $1 30 a $1 35 fur white, and $1 40 a $1 45 fofeatra family flour white.— Nothing of moment doing in Corn; white held at 62 a 63 eepts, and yellow at 65 a 68. Oats 33 a 43 rcaN ; Rye 75. PROVISIONS.—This intact is rather quiet. Sales yesterday of prime Pork nt 311. rash, sod Mors at $l4, 4 months. Nothing doing in Beef. Sales Or Bacon shoulders on Saturday and Mon day at 8 a HI rents, and some very prima parcels bought at 86. Sides have declined; sales at Hi a 9 cents. Prime Hams cents. No sales of Lard, and no change in prices. MARRIED, On the 23.1 nit , by Maxwell Shields, Esq., Mr. PETER BR,i,,xa. and MISS MART ANN 811INDLE 11Er K TR - , -1111 Of Liberty township. (hi Tueaday evening last, by the Rev. B. Keller, Mr. PE-rick So sans, Jr., nod Mims MAIITMI (daughter of Mr-Andrew Miller deed.) bath 01.4iiis. On Tuesday laid, by the Rey. Mr. Gracy, Mr. .14,1 KM Wu yrs, AOll of I apt. Samuel White, and Mi. M a n r Jive, daughter of Mr. Abraham Scott, both of Freedom township. On Thursday the 30th ultimo, by the Ree. C. F. Hoffateier, Mr. WI LLI A m B. W Amen nnd Mi. A a N E. B writEn, daughter of Thus. Bloch er, E` RI.-110111 of Bendersville. On 28th ult., by Rev. Mr. Moore, Mr. JOAKPII 13 az la, of Cumberland township, and Miss Han nl KT RANI LTON, of Jacksonville, Westmoreland county, formerly of this county. On 30th ult., by Rey. E. V. Gerhart, Mr. Sax t•st. FIISLM AN, of Hunterstown, and Miss M• A, only danughter of Mr. Rudolph Montan, of Stra ban township. On the same day, by the same, Mr. Gxontra Low ait and Miss Cant mit NE. daughter of Mr. George Arendt—all of the vicinity of Arendtsvillo. On the SUMO day, by the same, Mr. JOHN DE novr, and Miss PuLox Siumcm—both of this borough. On the ,tamo day, by Rey. T. Tanyhill, Mr. Gsosar.ll. BEAR and Miss I . :hail IL .Nlut.t.irr —both of Franklin township. DIED, On Sunday the 3d instant, at his residence in Hampton, very suddenly, Mr. WILLItA YakTrs —sued 28 years, 5 months and 29 days. On 1' ri,cuy last, at bia traidenco in MenaHen township, CLIARLVI F. KENTER, lisq„ aged above 80 years. On the 24th ult., in Cashtown, Mr. likzeity 8w AIN, aged 19 years, 11 mouths and YO days. On the 27t1f,in the Sllnio place, M Cll. GASOLINE Iforrave; aged 24 years, 6 months and 8 days. On the 3 . (1 inst., at the residence , of Capt. Wm. Jones, of Reading township, Mrs. MAST Was 8- Ler, in the Slat year of her age. On the 20th, near Mark's Church, Jelin, • HAIITS AN. aged 3 - years, 6 manta and 18 days. Wood ! Wood ! lalarA few cords' of good HICKORY WOOD wanted afthis office, in payment of subscription.' Sept. 17, 1847. Plain, French, _and English ME 11.1 NOICS, Thibet, Lyoneee and Parometta CLOTH, beautiful articles for Ladies' Cloaks and Dresses; plaid and striped,silk and Worsted CASHMERES, • Silk, Woolen and Cotton,Tarlton, Bue na Vista, .Oregon and Caliornia PLAIDS, very handsome and cheap. Woolen Piano and Table Cover, ,s —a beautiful article. Also, CARPETING, A great .variety on. hand and for etdo by • GEO. ARNOLD. Oct. 8,1847.--4 t CHEAP STOVES N band apd for sale by the subscriber ILP a large quantity of §TOVES, all si zes, which will be sold very cheap. Call and see— GEO. ARNOLD. Sept. 24, 1847.-2rn -alma COSTSI THE subscriber is in went of money, 'and requests those persons who know themselves to bo indebted to him to settle up immediately. Ho hopes that, those, in terested will attend to the matterpromptly, and thereby-save themselves Irom costs. I can be found At all times either at my res idence or my foundry. THOMAS WARREN. Gettysburg, Sept. 24.,1847.—tf NOW IS THE TIME Mal %%VA a gsra HASjust received-and is now opening as large and handsome a stock of FALL GOODS as has ever been offered to the public in this place. They have been bought upon the very best terms, and will be sold at prices that cannot fail to please. The Stock consists, in part, of =SLOP CCATILI9 Coatings, Cassimers, I assinets, Jeans, Velvets and Velvet Cords, Pilot and Beaver CLOTHS---cheap Plaid, Striped, and Plain Goo' of every variety, for Ladies' Cloaks, VERIt LOW ; al so Figured, Phiid, and Plain FR EX(' II CLOTHS, a very superior article for Ladies' Cloaks, with Trimmings to suit—very cheap ; also Plashes, Velvets, Satins, & Silks, every variety of color, for Ladies' Bonnets, with Trimmings to suit ; plain French and English Merinoes, Plaids, Stripes, Plain Goods, every variety ; Mohair Silk-warp Alpaccas--superlor & verytheap. Also—Rep-Cuaktheres, -- M. de Ddaines, Gingham, Calicoes, silks, plain, figured, plaid, and striped, with almost every variety of articles for kitig,Okr Silk Velvets ands black Ital- ian Sara; - • for Ladies' Cardinals ' with trimmings to suit. Also, cheap Domestics, Queens ware, Hardware; FRESH GROCERIES, &c. &c., all of which will be sold at prices that cannot be beat. Er Please call—it will do us pleasure to shew the Goods and give you BARGAINS, such as you have not had heretofore. P. S.—lf you want to buy per cheap STOVES, call with GEORGE ARNOLD. Gettysburg, Oct. 1,1847.--8 t PUBLIC SALE. vyILL be exposed to public sale, at the Tannery of JOSEPH RAMMER, Fountaindale, Adams county, Pa., on Tuesday, the 16th day of November, Six Horses, Horse Gears, Three—WAGONS, one of them a broad wheel Road Wagon, the other Bark Wagons. Also, two pairs of Ladders. The horses tire excelllent team horses. Sale to comment at 11 o'- clock A. M. ,when the terms will he made known by BAIrGIIER & CO. Sept. 17, 1817.—ta PLAINFIELD NURSERIES, NEAR YORK SPRINGS, ADAMS COUNTY. THE subscriber has from twenty-five to thirty thousand trees in his Nur sery, READY GROWN for this fall and next spring's planting, comprising a large amount of Apple and l'each, together with a general assortment of all the liner fruits ; also various kinds of shade and•ornamen tal trees, which he will sell either at retail or by the thousand. Persons wishing to procure trees fur planting, or to sell again, can be accommodated any time after the 25th of October next. WM. WRIGHT. August 27, 1847.-2 m NOTIOE. ESTATE OF JOHN TOPPER, DECEASED. NOTICE is hereby given to the heirs and legal Representatives of JOHN TOPP£H, late of Liberty township,-Adams county, deceased, to wit: Elizabeth Top per, (widow,) Jesse P. Topper, Gregory P. Topper, and Peter Eline, (Petitioners.) John Popper, William Tappet', (by Na thaniel Stout,) James B. Topper, Simon A. Topper, Adam Sanders and Susan his wife, (by Henry D. Albright,) Blasius Ribble and Catharine Ann his wife, and Samuel Eline and Susan Mine, children of Mary Eline, (formerly Mary Topper,) de ceased, who are the surviving children and representatives of the said deceased—that AN INQUEST will be held on Friday the 29th day of October inst., at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the into residence of said deceased, in Liberty township, AdaMs county, Pa., for the purpose of making a partition of the Estate of said deceased to and among the heirs and the legal representatives, if the same will admit of such partition with out prejudice to, or spoiling the whole there of, but if the same will not admit of s►fch par tition,then to part and divide the same to and among as many of them as the same will conveniently accommodate, but if the same will not admit of division at all, without prejudice or spoiling the whole thereof, then to value and appraise the same, whole and undivided ; and further to enquire and ascertain whether the said Real Estate will conveniently accommodate more than one orate heirs of said intestate, and if so, how many of said heirs it will convenient ly accommodate. • • BENJAMIN SCHRIVER, Stumm Sheriff's Office, Getlysburg, October 1, 1847. NOTICE. EWERS of Administration on the 1, 4 11 Estate of Rusts WILL, late of Hun tington township, deceased, having been granted to the eutiscriber; residing in Ger many township, notice is hereby given to all those indebted to said estate' to niake payment, and.those having claiMs upon the estate to present the same, ' properly au thenticated; for settlement. JONATHAN :C; FORREST, Oct. 1, 1847.--Bts kTOTIOE. TTEIII3 Testamentary on the Es -4 tateof Join GETZ, late of Mounipleas ant townebip, &ceased, having been grant:. ed to the subscribers, residing in Adams county, they hereby give notice to all who are indebted to said Estate to call and pay the setae without delay, and those having claims are - desired to present . the same, properly - authenticated. for settlement. per The first named Executor resides in 'Hamilton township, and the latter in Mouutpleasant township. JOHN LAUCH, DANIEL OROSCOST, October 1, 1847:—0t. Executors. CLOSING. UP 1 Goods selling off' at Cost ! THE undersigned having dissolved Partnership•and determined to with draw from the mercantile business immedi ately, have reduced the price of their goods, and now offer them at COT PRICE. The stock is large. select, and fashionable, and embraces every variety of goods usu ally found in a Dry Good Store, including . Cloths, Cafsimeres, Cagle:els, Calicoes, Muslin de Leine., Ra)Paceas, Bomba- • rifles, Silks, Muslin, Tliread, Cotton, & 'Lisle Edgings, Ladies' Fancy Artiela, &e., &e. As it is Our intention to close op busi ness immediately, persons wishing bat% gains would 414 r well to call without delay. Otr - The Partnership between the Sub scriber,' 'having closed on the ad of Septern her, 1841, all persons indebted to the Firm on Book Accounts are requested to make payment on or before the 15th of 9etober next, as after that date our books will be placed in the hands of a proper collecting officer. Those haring claims against the Firm will also present them for settlement. WM. RUTHRAUFF, CHAS. RIYPHRAUFF, _ Gettysburg, Sept. 17, 1847—tf NOTICE: My Books and Accounts have been placed in the hands of ray brother CHARLES IturaitAurv, who is authorized to make collections on my actouut. Those who aro indebted to me will please call awl settle with him on or before the 16th of October next. Those having claims a-. gainst me - are' requested also -- td 'present them for settlement. WM. RUTURAUFF. Gettysburg, Sept. 17, 1847. ONLZ $1.60 FOR THE BEST C9LORED DA. aumutscrrm LIKENESSES ! WEtROY & THOMSON RESPECTFULLY inform the Ladies, and Gentlemen of Gettysburg and its vicinity, that they havetalken rooms, for a few weeks. - ar Kurtz's - Hotel, (third story) where, with the best apparatus ex tant, and materials of the finest quality, they are fully prepared to execute baguerreotype Likenesses, ' • of all sizes, in a style not to be surpassed by any other artist in the country. Likesses of children, as young as two years, taken in exquisite style. Family Groups taken in splendid style and at moderate prices. Miniatures of deceased persons can be, copied. Miniatures made, without regard to the state of the weather, between-the hours al 8 o'clock, A. M., and 5 P. M. Gettysburg, Sept. 17,1847. . VERY IMPORTANT NEWS FROM MEXICO, I 8 daily expected, and as soon as receitr ed will be made known through the medium of the press. In the meantime the public curiosity in this neighborhood can be occupied in examining the extraor dinary supply of Ready-made Clothing, for fall and winter use,. just received, and for sale at-astonishingly cheap .rates, at 03-Samson's Variety Store, s a in Gettysburg, immediately opposite the Bank. The Block has been purchased with a view to the season, and embraces every variety of Gentlemen's Apparel, such as superfine Cashmeret and Cloth Dress COATS and CLOAKS; fine and superfine Tweed Coats ; Cassinet .do. ; plain and fancy Cassimer, Cloth, Tweed, and Cassinet PANTS; Silk, Satin, Cas sitnere, Cassinet, Plain &Palley VESTS; Shirts, Bosoms, Collars, Cravats, Hand kerchiefs, Suspenders, Gloves, Stockings, together with every thing belonging to a gentleman's furnishing line. Also a large variety of FANCY ARTICLES , Jewelry, Spectacles, Perfumery, Pen knives, Combs, Shaving Apparatus, Pur ses, Dish-shades, Umbrellas, Violin and Guitar Strings, Needles, Pins, &c. &c. Also, a few CLOCKS, which will be sold low, as I wish to clear off the lot. Also, some cheap home-made Carpets. Coach-makers willffind among my stock a lot of Coach-Lace, Canvass, Curtain Frames and Knobs, and a small lot of I. ron—ell of which wilt be sold very cheap. 1110"1 have also on hand several Bug gies and second-hand Carriages ; also Fly nets, and several sets of new Harness— which can be had very low. My goods having been purchased under favorable circumstances, and having deter mined to adopt the cash and one-price sys tem in my dealings hereafter, I am ena bled to offer them at lower prices than they hasi aver hitherto been purchased in this place. 11 I ask is an examination of my goods, whitiv.4 shall be pleased to show to purchasers at all times. MARCUS SAMSON. Sept ; 10, 1847.—if TAMES' last Novel, Margaret'Gmliam or the Reverses of Fortune, 0 cis., good; Legends of Mexico, 25 eta. ; Mag dalena, or the Beautiful Mexican Maid, 25 eta.; Fitzhenry, or Marriage in High Life, 25 eta.: The Ranger of Raventream, 25 ets. ; Flirtation, The Ensnared and the Divorced, by Lady Charlotte Burg, each 25 eta.; Camp & Quarter Deck. with numerous Battle Scenes and Portraits, 25 eta. ; Fanny Elton's Oomio World, 25 ets. ; Log of a Privateereman, 25 eta.: The Heiress and the Fright, each 25 eta. ; The Corsair Ring, 25 eta.; The Bandits of the Osage, 25 cis . ; Norman's Bridge,. or the Modern /*tidies, 25 ets. ; The ermines/, or the higuisitors' Puninshmente, 25 ets:l Gallant Tom or thd Perils of, a -Sailor; Ringwood the Rover, 25 eta- ; A Simple Story, very , good, 25 cis. ..I‘aughal4e Stratagems of Three Witty Wives for the Reformation of their Husbands. vastly ,a musing, 12 1-2 cis. ; Isabel of Bavaria. 50 ets. ; Hagerstown Altuanacks, English and German, 6 1-4 ets.t. For sale by KELLER KURTZ. N. K. willopen,soon a large as aortment of Books from Philadelphia; which he will be able to sell very low, in. eluding a variety of elegant Annuals, Gift Books, 'and splendid editions of the Poets, (Cc., suitable for the approaching Roth days. Oct. 1, 1847. Perfumery, SonPs Sc. PERFUMERY, SOAPS, FANCY ARTICLES, TOYS, dm, for side by WEAVER. VALUAIILE Enn AT PUBLIC SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Or phans' Court of Adams County, will be exposed to sale by public vendue, on ,friday the 45116 and Saturday the Ifith daye"of October neaX, commencingit 'l4 o'clock, M, at the Man sion Homo, on the Home pitiee, the fol lowing property s lati he Estate of FRILDE RICK Stivt.t, dereated : ' N 6. 1-L;The Mansion Farm ) Or "lODIC Pine, 141OptAlin Tyrone 'town ship, Adams couotx, adjoining leas of Henry Myer!, Samuel Millman, and oth ers, hawing the Hite Conowago Creek on the South Side,—d ying 1 . 2 mile from My er'e Mill„one mile from 'ltivichester,'(or Pinetown,) containing 2133 ACRES, more or less, of good Larld; - prineirially• cleared, with a large quantity of nieadow.l and a fine body of excellent woodland:— The 'improvements are a DOUBLE Two4riinv Briton ' MANSION MOUSE, with a Brick Back Building, a large double Bank Barn. Sheds and out-buildings, an ex celletwarirrg House; and rotherwnprov • memo, • There is also upon this Tract .a TWO-STORY LOG TENANT HOUSE, with log stabling, and a . spring of water near the house. There Ire alo alb • THREE Excellent Orchards, on this plantation, containin g a `vinety of choice Finit Trees. • The Mansion Farm will be , sold entire or in two portions to suit purchasers: The Ist part, containing 167 scree and 77 perches, and having thereon the man sion House and exeellent2ithards. The 2d part containing 75 acres, with the Tenant Blouse, a good Orchard, &c. - titeli‘Trtia will have e goodfirfitiortion of arable land, Meadow and 'Woodland, and a good supply of water. A TRACT , OF . LAM, se &Anus . more or less, situate in Straban township, adjoining lands of Jacob'Cassitt, Heirs of Philip Graft, deceased, and others, lying on tbo public Road, distant two miles from Pinetown, and two miles, from Hunters'' , town—mostly cleared land, part Meadow, with abont 10 acres of good Timber Land. No. 2—Two full Lots 31 Groun d,. - iwthn town - of /I untetstowrii fronting - on - the . . . road leading to. Chambersburg, adiotamg Itifi of Jacob Grass, John Falty..:aud nth-. era, and containing about ONE ACRD ; • - on which are erected a TWO-fTORY ROUGH-CAST HOUSE, Kitchen, Shop and,Stable, with a well of water on the premises. 11-_ - _7The sale will be held at the Itome Place, when the terms Will be made known ; and until the day o l f sale the_pro• perty will be shown to persona desiri ngto view the satno, by JOHN SHULL. DAM SHULL, By the Court—Wm. S. HAMILTON, Clerk Sept. 24, 1847.—te NOTICE TO BRIDGE-BUILDERS. THE Commissioners of Adams Coun ty will receive sealed Proposals-at their office in Gettysburg, until Thesday the 20th day of October next, for building a BRIDGE across Little Conowago Creeh, on &mad leading from Adam's Mill towards Kano• ver, near Conowago Chapel. 11CrPlans and specifications can be seen at the Commissioners' Office. J. CUNNINGHAM, JOSEPH FINK, A.' HEINTZELMAN, • 'Corninisionera. ATTEST—J. AIIGHINDAVON, Clerk. ~. Sept. 24, 1847.—td ' To Fanners and Lime Burners. NOTICE is hereby given that JACOB INII. BOWER, of Juniata county, Pa. has recently invented and procured Letters l'atent for an improvement in the construe lion of Lime Kilns, to which the attentloti of Fnrtners and Lime Burners is respect. fully requested. A Kiln can be construct ed according to this patent, to yield one thousand bushels of Lime for about twen ty dollars, and larger kilns can be built at the rate of six dollars per arch. 'Kilns can be made any size to suit the convenience of persons. The system has been well tested, and has proved to ber vastly supe rior to any system ever tried, as kilns can bo built for one-half the coat fohnerly at. tending their construction. The subscriber is duly authorized a gent to diepoee of FARM RIGHTS,' in Juniata, Adams, Franklin, Union and Bed ford rountiei, and to furnish Lettere Pat ent, Schedule. Drawing and Deed for the same. Any , person wishing further fakir minion, or to procure a farm right in eith er of the, above Countlits, tan do so by en closing $ in a letter, or by Personal appli cation to DAVID , kEPNER, " WALNUT r. O. huthita county, Pa. , Sept. 24, 11347.--Bm‘ STRAYS. T" stray 11EIFFERS were taken up by•the• subscriber residing in Li berty towoehip, Adman County, about the lethpf,August last.. A . M . are of a red col or. with some' white on 'their backs and bellies. one oftvhickis a mooley. No ar ti4eild marks observed on theiti. They had been rangingiathe neighborhood since last .-The owner is—requested to prove property and take them away. MAXWELL SHIELDS. Sdpt. 14, 1847.-4 t SILVER WARE,PIate, Forks, Spoons, Cups, &c., of standard Slyer. PLATED WARE, Castors, Cake Bas kets, Fans, Vases, Card Cases and other Rich Fancy Goods in great variety. Wholesale Buyers will save money by calling hero before purchasing. 11..lieep this advertisement and call at No. 72. You will be satisfied the goods are really cheaper and better than are of fered in the city. .For sale low, a hand some 'apair of SOO W CASES, suitable for Jewelry or Fancy Store, apply e* above. Gettysburg, July 23.—tf I Sept. 3, 1847;-1y • In cum!, kfitik F the very best quality, and di ff erent flavors, can•be had, at all times, at WEAVER'S Confectionary in Chambers burg street. _Families and Parties will be supplied with any desired quantity r at the shortest notice. CAKES and CONFEC TIONS of all kinds always on hand, and will be furnished to order 'on reasonable terms. Philadelphia Adverlixergentos Clocks, Watches,. Jewelry, &c. `^ THE Subscriber offers ,„,„. to Th e trade, or by retail, I 'OPY a large assortment of the • (47 11111 0 following articles, being --• all of his own importa .l)l, . • • - non or manufacture. • Buyers of goods in this line are invited to examine the assortment, and orders are solicited, with the assurance that every ef fort will be made to give satisfaction and in sure a continuance of custom. Gold & Silver Lover Wadies of ordinary quality Do _ do do of superior Do do. do Anchors & Lerieett. Silver double called English and Swiss verge Watches. with light medium and heavy caws. (iald Jewelry in all varieties, fine and common. Silver Plated; and Silver Wares. Musical Boxes, playing 2,4, 6, 8 and 10 tunes. bold and Silver t 4 pectacles. Diamond Pointed Gold Pens. Mankil & Of fice Clocks, in gilt and other frames. Ws4chmakers' Tools and Materials of all sorts. Fancy Artides, Fancy Pans, Steel Breda, &c. Zaving every facility for obtaining goods on the most advantageous terms, corres lolniding inducements will he offered to pur . . chatiers. JOHN C. FARR, 112 Chesnut st. Philadelphia July 16, 1847.-6 m 'The largest and cheapest Stock - OF GOLD AND SILVER ' ' loTPati l cif2ltaglit , Plain and Fancy Jewelry, , i • Wholesale -pull Retail—No. 41.3 i Market street. Gold Levers, full jewelled, 18 carrel • ease, gold dial, $4O 00 Gold Levities, ' do. do. $25 to 30 00 Silver Levers, full jewelled, . 20 00 Siilver LOpihea, 'jewelled; " 12 00. Silver Quartior Watches, splendid quality, 8 00 Silver imitation Quartiers, ' ' _•)5 00 Second hand Gold and tailver'Wateh- • do, at all picas, from . $2 to 25 00 Gold Panel* . . , 173 to 00 Gold Bracelets, nips itnii other • Pure sll4Trearainto, 4 60 Diamond ^point Gold Ptins, withrest- • ell and solid iilvarholdets, only - 125 Odld chains', bretnn-pine, finger-rinks, ear ringe-and-hwelkylot-every4&etviiitionl al the:lowest Philadelphia or'N. York prices ; gold and silver:Levers, 'Aplenty, and Quer. tier w0 , 01100••litill' deeper thin , the above prices. ''A gall will be•sufficiluit to eon virtue :intrahlinarty that this is the place to get good and cheep arikles, All goods warranted to , be what they are sold.,,,fbr. Orders from the country punctutillyauend. ed to. Old 'Gehl and Silver bought for cash, or taken , in'exchange.•Ml kinds of Watches repaired- ~ dad , wittrinted to keep correct time, •"'• N. B. Howe' a splendid god independ entseconds.Sta4.blor..timintherses: Also. Oi andifislvanized -- Wainhes,-for traders' use, and gootle.of all kinds in my line, at LEWI I4 .1-A riC1A4.1.1.T.8—.. Watch, Clock, and Jewelry Store, No. 413 i Market St.. abovellth; north aide, Phila. Philadelphia, Aug.' El,t I 8.17.-7rn wAtinirksk.TElarinarst thi raladdp/4 - wpihWildicibelt . : • ' Aore, l• Na. 06 7 krortli ii amd street erne, I Qiiarty. Gold-rover 2. lAch { L. 'o $45 00 Silver _Lever dit. fokietkilkede, :20:00 Sihrer Lerer'tfiti 7 a,. 00 Silver-LepiugH4-intekgauqual.„l. - 4 _ 00 SuperiorQuiltfier Watolee;' ' 10 00 imitetiotl'do. nor warraitted, ' 5130 Gold Spectacles,. ' ' ' 8 1 00 Fine Silver Spectacles`, • 175 Gold Bracelets, with topaz stones, ' B'so Ladies' Gold Pencils, 115 tarot*, ~ 200 Gold Finger Rings, 87 ots to $Bl W, 5 4 6 Glasses—plain -12 Cie, raffia 25. Other articles in proportion: ' All' goods' wairituted 16 be Whittlhoy - 84 Wild for. O. 00NRAD.',-4 Oo hand,. motile CO Id and B&W.lieveis, repines antll;l"rdore, lower ,tltan the a bove prices," Dec. 4, - Cheap Watehes and'ltivelry.. 1 hill Jewelled, Gold very for $494 I rattled by. • . Jacob' Callousing No. 248 Miket adelpidit, who' 11AS'eo' ntitandy on'harid a Large" assort etent-orGold and Silver Watches, at the following tote priees: • Pull Jewellae*skti-Leterii, t f. 40 00 " /*lvor ," 20 00 Gold Le . pities, Fall JeWolled, 30 00 silver Lepines,' 12 00 Silver Quaitleto, '• ' 800 with- a largefaieortmeit Fine Jewelry, such as Ear BMW., Finger Rings, Breast Pins, Brat:elev. 'Gold and ;Sitter Pencils, Gold Chains, Ace," lias alto on hand a complete assortment Of patent and- plain Watch ()tastes, MiitiSpririkri, Verges, 1)i -ale and Rands, of every description—in fact, a complete assortment of Watchma ker's lords and Watch materials, to which he would calltheatiention of the Country Trade. Those wishing anything in the above line will find it to their advantage to int/ ilettnine his stock before pur chasing elsewhere, Philadelphia. Aug. 0, 1847.-oin . . :Watehes,. Jewelry, &c. WATCHES, Jewelry & Silver Ware may be had wholesale and retail, guarantied better for the price than at any other aior, e in Philadelphia,at (late Niglio. las Lolluray.'a) No. 72 orth 2nd *urea; :I?bove Arch, Philadelphia. 4 4 i f t , WATCHES, all kinds, tine, media um and low qualities, among which are Gold Levers, full Jewelled, $4O to $lOO Lepines 25 to 40 Quartiers Imitation, Silver Leveru, full Jewelled, 20 to 30 " Lepiucs 12 to 18 Quartiers tine 9 to 10 JEIVELRX, Diamonds, Gold Chains, Gold Pens with Gold & Silver, Holders, Pencils, Breastpins, Ear and Finger Rings, Bracelets, Cameos of Shell, Coral and La va, with every other article of Jewelry of the richest and most fashionable patteros. To C'ountry Menlfints and IMft: STEPHEN F. IVHITMAN, CONFECTIONER is raminunti WHOLVIALS AND RETAIL, No. 420 Market street, above 12th Sol* frisk, AS receivingnow on a t i t a n r n g d e and i w a n c i rstsady eleetetl stock of every article in his line, consist ing in part of Oranges, Lemons. Prunes, Figs, Dates, Raisons, Grapes, and every other fruit in season. A full assortmeat of Bordeaux and 'Soft-shelled Alnionds, Filberts, Ground Nuts, Cream Nuts. Eng lish Walnutb, Cocoa Ne ts, &e. His or sortment of CANDIES are at lower pri ces than can be bought in the City. He requests an examination of his stock be fore purchasing elsewhere, as he torero goods at a small advance, being elisions to do business for CASH. • rOut out titioadvertisement sad bring it with you. Sept. 24, 1817.-3 m C. HA lIKN PAS' . Clothing Establishment. The most extensive Clothing Warehouse in this Untied State*. RE-OPENED FOR WINTER. 100,000 Garments on hand, and ready for &q>* sal, WHOLESALE & RETAIL TO patrons we would say, that having but one price, those who are not dealers, or do not understand the real val uation price of goods, will have art oppor. utility of purchasing garments as low se professed judges. Jobbers and dealers is ready-made Clothing, can replenish theit stocks. for the winter, and we guarantee the largest establishment in Philadelphia to select from. We attend personally to the packing of goods and see, theta good as sortment of sizes and well-made articles are,put up. Single suits forwarded wiper orders pzpOur goods tire for sale only at the large building, 128 Market st. Southeast corner ofMarket and Fourth streets, Phil- adolphia. C. HARKNESS. Sept. 24, 1847.-3 m UOVIJWS First Premium Writing Ink. /1111 IS Ink has for a long while become esiablished as a National article and the following testimonials from Waiiiing ton City, prove its merits in that direction: House of Representatives, Washington City, Feb. 24, 1843. I state that I have used the Ink, during the present session of Congrese, manufac tured by Joseph E. Hover, Esq., of Phil adelphia, and I have found it to be an'arti.. die of most excellent quality. . • JUAN Speaker Boaseof nrprestistatires. Patent lOce, trashinglon, D. C., Stn—irour Black Writing Ink has been used iu this Office since October last, and is entirely approved. I am respectfully, j. W. HAND, chief clerk Mr. JOSEPH E. HoyEn, Philadelphia. Ilovers Adamantine Cement. - Thei following from Bieknell's Reporter -will best illustrate its value : "Mr. Hover manufactures ..Jidamantine Cerizent" for joining hrokcn china, glass, ilr.e.; we have. have tried the article and .found it to I;ie excellent." . NI. Sale, Wholesale and Retail, at the Manufactory, No. 87 North Third Street, opposite Cherry Street, Philadelphia, by JOSEPH. E. HOVER, Manufacturer. 10'For.sale in Gettysburg at the store of . S. H. BUEHLER. Aisguet• i 3,4847: ' - Om Feathers !, Feathers ! .Fkom 12i to 415' Cents per Pound. • CHICAP FOR JABH. -WHOLESALE-AND RkITAIL. .1191RELIER1CK, G. FRASER, Uphol r nterer and ,General Furnisher, No. 41;8 ,Market St. above 11th, North side, opposite, Girard Row, Philadelphia, where may be ad at all times a large assortment of Beds and Mattresses, Curled Hair and Feathers, Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads and Looking Glasses.together with all other ar ticles in the above line of business at the very lowest Cash pric e s. N. 11. Goods warranted to give satis faction. Sept!2, 1817.—am Allegheiil House, ; 3 80 M ARKET ST. PHILADIMPHIA. THE 'subscriber (late of the Washington Hotel, Harrisburg, Pa.) takes this method of intbrming his old friends and the public generally that he has taken the above named HOTEL. The House is airy and comfortable, and has been ex tensively altered and improved, and the proprietor hopes by strict attention to bus iness, and a proper care for the comfort of his guests, to merit and receive a share of public patronage. The House is Situated very convenient for the Travelling Public, being only two doors above the Harris burg and Pittsburg Depot, and within two minutes walk of the Baltimore and Head ing Depots. Stabling attached to the pre mises. Terms per day. E. P. HUGHES, Proprietor. Sept. 3, 1817.—ti NEW ARRANGEMENT. A DAILY LINE • BETWEEN GETTYSBURG & BALTIMORE. riiIIHE Subscribers have the pleasure of ju announcing that they , have completed their arrangements for running a NEW. DAILY' LINE between Gettysburg and Baltimore; via Littlestown, Westminster and Reiaters. town. An entirely new line of superior and elegantly built , TROT COACHES have been put on the route, wlpich. togeth er with trusty and accommodating drivels, they feel assuried mast give entire *Jake lion to the Travelling Public. ICP,The line will run through daily, (snminya excepted.) leaving regularly at 7 o'clock, A. M. • JOHN L. TATE 4 00. September 17, 1847. Jewelry, Watch -Guards, wit ATCH Chains, Kor4 1 r IC am always be atilhor Clock & W4wli Ertabliiturigat•of, , 'AISLOIASAL