D. A. BUEHLER., EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. VOL, 1V111.7-29.1 bfBMORIBB SMIRK , BY THB SIGHT OF TLOWEIRB,FROM AN OLD HOME. 11r10112, 1 4 MLIOASIXI. Sacred to me, B°Werl4 facia ye are ! p m yo hale bloomed in that home of ours, TINA home ahrr ; Where in the frashowes of childhood's hours We need to dwell; • Ye have been plucked from thole leafy. bowers . We loved so well; And ye bring back the memories of other times fair the music. of oldamembered chimes. Almada ye bring of bright days departed, When children, we, Full of gay hope and summer-hearted, Darned life to be A world, wherein yawl& wes thwarted. How fait* the thought, The 'neath WWI we since have 'matted Too soon have taught; Yet each year has swept by with an autumn blast, Beating tallest hopes to the buried past. Others noturdwell ht that cherished place; Strange footstep' tread The selfrneme paths wbere, in sportive chase, So oft we've sped ; Yet of our pretence remains no trace, NO single one; The flowers laugh on in their gleaming grace, Though we are gone ; And no eternity's* burden the joyous wind Of the thousand sights we left behind: They've chanted and oew•modelled the aspret old Of Mat loved spot; They have made it better and fairer, told; I nhould love it not. oh, dearer to roe ten thounand-fold It unaltered face ! And better to see it deserted and cold, A silent place.; Where would every stone and every weed liter a tale to tell and a cause to plead. Where each would with touching voice recall Sorneehrgone sport. • Teeming with thmurand tnernorica, all Of joy estioi sort ; Of some gleesome game of hoop or ball, Some playful strife, Now laid aside for the sterner thrall Of remelt life; Whilst others reap the smiles and flowery, Whit* once we deemed Do fondly ours. And he before whose glance of light Pale borrow fled, Whose soul wu the home of all things bright. Sbeeps with the dead. Howisoiny eyes did the welcome sight Of his smile rejoice ! How many hearts listened with fond delight To his kindly voice ! It is hushed, and those hearts bent ea light as the wave Of the grass that grows over his silent grave. Alt this is the bitter and desolate thought, Death's chirkst wo, To feel how soon wesre deemed as nought When laid below; Forgotten by those who our presence sought With loving hearts, When in this regent of honors bought We bore our parts. We din, and the title of Ilk's inlay scene Rolls onward as though wo Itad newer been! TIIE PRAIRIE-COD'S GARDEN God formal the world for beauty, And hung it in the ■ir, Then clothed it in its loveliness, And called it "good" and fair. His are the humithed Heavens, With all their orbs of fight; He gave the stars the luster That they shed upon the night. He made the Mighty Ocean, Its grandeur and its grace, And gave its mystic splendor As a mirror for his free. No nolderenthleut bath He, None greater, none more free, No symbol halloo touching As the bounding Mighty tics. The Mountains in sublimity, As monuments shall stand, To teach us wondering mortals The workship of his hand. Upon their mighty hill-sidle , Amend their summit high, His name is wr o to in glory, In power and majesty. But oh I the blooming Prairie, Here are God's floral bowers; Of all that Ho bath made on earth The loveliest are the flowers. This le the Almighty's garden, Alrzl in thewtsajgdauskstafif, and sea, g mompared in beauty With God's garden Prairie her. 'Few know the treasures in their own bosom—very few the elasticity and capac ity of a well-regulated mind for emjoyment. The' whole world of philosophers. and his torians and poets, seem, to the secluded student, but to have labored for his pleas ure; and as he comes to one new truth and beauiiful thought after another, there answers a chord of joy, richer than music, in his heart—which spoils him for the coarser pleasures of the world. The mind is like the appetite—when healthy and well-toned, .receiving pleasure from the commonest food; but becoming diseased, when pampered and neglected. Give it time to turn in upon'itaelf, satisfy ha rest less thiestfor knowledge, and it will give birth to health. to animal spirits, to every t.thinagg which invigorates the body. while it 311 **Aiming by every step, the capacities •of the soul. Oh! if the runners after plea 'sure weidd stoop down by the wayside, i'they might drink waters eiren better than : thede *birth they see only in their dreams. They will not be told that they have in tAbir pOsksision•the golden key which they . covet; they will not know that the music they seek to enchant them, is eleSping in their untouched instruments; that the lamp • which they oak Stent gie enchanter, is 'burning within ein4r own hose= A Rousing Can.—. The Boston Tray - elide says A young girl has lately been brought to this oity for the benefit of emi nent medical treatment, who has been suf -, fering for several years with.a strange in ifivisity.,, It is a noise in the throat, loud aid distulol, - and sounds like the striking two metals together, er , castanets used by boys Lin the street. The noise is with.. nut intermission, save perhips ;ler a few minutes oemtsionally. As yet the cause of the noise hes not been ascertained, or any means found to abate the disorder, which so far has been on a gradual increase. It is Mildly distinct from the motion of the lungs. while breathing, and altogether is one of those cases which arc beyond the ken of human wisdom." The death of Simeon Hays, a famous police Mlicer in Baltimore, was announced J,►at week• THE SLAVE. Iv ROBIRT DALT OM N. In the pleasant and Odle Island of Mar. Unique there lived, about thirty years ago, a rich planter named Monsieur Hainsa.— Possessed of a princely fortune, gilled with a polished address, and a mild and friendly character, he as one of the most popular and influential colonists on the island.— His plantations were numerous and flour ishing, and he was the master of Amity hundred slaves, whom he usually treated with humanity and gentleness. To one of these be accorded the most im plicit confididenee. Antoine was a Artie in nothing but the lame. lie had but t 2 express a wish, and it was gratified. His master made him general overseer of his property and manager of his affairs, and Antoine might be seen mounted on a su perb charger, with silver bitiffi'd spurs, the adopted son, it seemed, rather than the servant of the opulent planter. Monsieur Haima's possessions Consist ed, besides his landed property and slaves, in large droves of mules and numerous herds of oxen. He bad been for a long pe riod fortunate in his stock, which increas ed year by year. At last, a mortality ap peared among his mules, and he lost a eon siderahle number both of these and of ox en. A few oThis negroes, too, died sud denly, and the nature of the disease which carried them off did not appear to be un derstood. The next year the mortality continued, apparently with increasing virulence.— The negroes died in number, and, among the rest, the-parents and. telations of An tonio felt victims to an unknown disorder. The ablest physicians on the island were consulted, and several of them gave it as their opinion that the mortality was caused by poison. The third year it raged to a frightful ei tent. Men, women and children, as well cattle of every kind, died daily, until this mysterious calamity seemed to threaten M. Haima with the loss of his entire prop erty. The symptoms of poison were now too evident to be mistaken; but who could have conceived and executed so frightful , a revenge remained unknown and uninispec ed. M7liii7 illaitalwaysitred - onlie m. at friendly terms with his neighbots; scarce ly any man had fewer enemies than he, and no one could imagine the cause of an animosity so persevereing and fatal. One day, when the mortality was at its height, several friends of M. Haima called to consult and condole with him. ...Let me advise you," said one of them, "to ap ply to the sorceress who lives at the foot of the mountains." "What!" said Haima, in surprise, "old Catiche? You suspect do not too of lend ing credit to the foolish stories, which are circulated and believed by the slaves, of her supernatural powers ?" 'By no means. But a character like' hers is seldom acquired without some foun dation. Do not imagine that I give her more credit than yourself for powers of witchcraft. But for shrewdness and sa gacity, ldo give her credit. By her spies, or otherwise, she obtains lrifermation re garding the most secret doings of her neigh bors ; scarce a whisper Mtn be spoken, but it comes to her ears; and if any one can inform you who is your secret enemy, it is old °stiletto." Haima recurred to his friend's advice.— "1 shall be a beggar," thought he. "if this mysterious mortality continues much long er. And, after all, a wise man may profit even by the superstition of fools. At all events, I cannot loose much by the trial." So he mounted his horse and rode, unat tended, to the hut of the sorceress. Site sat at the furthest corner, muffled in a huge blanket, and muttering unintelligibly to himself, and did not, by word& gesture, intimate her recognition - of the planter as he entered. He seated himself by her, and inquired if she could throw any light on the cause of his late misfortunes. "How should 1I" returned the hag in her sharpest key. "How should a poor old creature like me know any thing of such things?"' Haim repressed his impatience, while he replied, "I do not suptiatte, as many do, Catiche, that you have other means of in formation than any one else might have, with the same acquaintance and opportu nity. But you do get to know almost ev ery thing that passes on the island." "And if I Cannot speak with spirits, why do you come to mc, when you have your own eyes, and can use them as well as I can I" The planter was little accustomed to be teased or contradicted, but this was not a moment to resent the old woman'a peculiar temper. He drew a couple of gold pieces from his pocket, and as he put them ►n her withered hand he said, ueatiche, I have not time to argue with you. Tell tne, if you can, who ►t is that poisons my slaves and cattle." The old woman looked at the gold, cast a searching glance around the room, and then, appraching her lips to the , planter's, ear, she pronounced, in a low whisper the name of "Antoine." "How," said Haim*. out'of all patience. "Him whom I have treated as a eon, and kia4ed with benefitst You rave. IV* are your proofs t But Catiche remained obstinately silent, and not another word could theplanter draw from her. 80 he was forted to take his leave, very little satisfied with his visit. "As I said,' was the reply to his friend's inquiry regarding his success. "'The old fool knows nothing of the mattdr, and out of envy, or want of some one else to ac cuse, she lays the blame on poor Antoine. But I merited no better answer for my fol. ly in going to consult a sorceress." "Be advised," rejoined his friend. "Ca fiche is well informed regarding all that passes on our plantations, and she would hot hazard such an assertion without good reason. You have unlimited confidence in Antoine, but see that it is not misplaced ; he has opportunity enough, if he be so dis posed, to do you this injury," "But how should ho be so disposed I I have shown him more favor than to any one else on the plantation. Ile has what soever he asks or wishes for. Interest, if GETTYSBURG, PA. FRIDAY EVENING, OCTO \ BER 1, 1847. not granted', would make him regard my welfare as his earn." "Well," said his friend, "do not trust too much le probabilities. Order Antoine to be seized ; tell him that ill his villany is discovered, and see how he willionduct himself." • . 2 • fri. Halma was exceeding loth to agree to a proposal which seemed to cast an un just imputation on his favorite, but at last his friend's repeated representations indu ced him to adopt it. Antoine was manacled and brought be fore him. He uttered no word of eons• plaint, yet neither did he evince any signs of trepidationor guilt. His master already began to repentthe course he had adopted; • and, as he looked on Antoine's steady eye and collected demeanor, be found no Bide difficulty in acting the part he bad so un willingly consented to assume. "It is you, then," at last he said, "who have been my secret enemy ; who have wantonly, destroyed my property, and all but effected my ruin ?" "I, Monsieur Haima 1" "Yes, you. Disguise is no longer ne cessary. All your plans are discovered. Everything is known to me, except the motive that could have induced one on whom I had conferred such benefits toilet the serpent towards his protector and ben clutter." Antoine was silent, but a slight, scarcely perceptible, yet contemptuous curi-of the upper lip, aroused his master's suspicions, and determined him to Mow up the ex--, amination iii a similar tone. "I treated you with the care and lonfi- dence of a father. - I distinguished you *- hove "all your companions; and you have abused my favor, repaid my kindness with the blackest treachery. You have plotted and too successfully effected a revenge such as the cruelest mind conceives against its bitterest enemy." Antoine still remained silent, but the kindling, almost oinking expression of his eye confirmed all Haima's surmises. "Antoine," he continued, with 'increas ing emotion, "have I merited this at your handet Have I given you cause for this deadly revenge t Interest, if not- gfati tude, might surely have secured your fi delity. What was wanting I to your com fort ETIP - Pitielitit — braywhat could you wish for that you did not possess ?" "My liberty !" said the African, in a tone of mingled pride and bitterness. "And did I not,grant you more than ev ery thing which liberty could have afford-, ed you ?' "I was your slave I" and Antoine drew up his tall and hilidsome form to jts full height, and clenched-tha manacles that bouud his hands, as if he-would crush the iron chain in his grail. "Wretched man," said his master, as a conviction of the truth at last settled on his mind. "These, then, were your motives 1 IBut your own father and mother—your nearest relations !" "Had I not poisoned them,l should my self have been suspected." "Good God!" exclaimed Abe planter, "and this is the man I had treated as my own child, and to whom I had confided all I possess!" "He was but a part of your property," said the slave, with a scornful smile. "Do ypu feel no compunction, no re e merge for the multiplied and ungrateful ' crimes you have committed I" "None." "Have I ever given you the shadow of a cause to complain of toy conduct towards you 2" "Never." Antoine was forthwith conducted to pris on, tried, and executed. He died tran quilly. Haima's fellow-planters moralized on the danger of evincing partiality to a slave, and bade their overseers double their vigi lance and increase their security, while the philosopher and friend,of Freedom thence deduced, with greater reason, a striking se gument against slavery itself, be its form or disguise what it may. . I have not related a tale 9f fancy. I had the above - facts from a French gentleman who resided on the island at the time they happened, who was personally acquainted with M. "Haima, and who had seen the high spirited, misguided Antoine in the height of that favor and prosperity which could not weigh with him against the name of—snevs. "A MAN'S A MAN FOE THAT.".....H0W.• itt relates an anecdote, wisociated with the poem from which this, finnan line is so of ten quotec4 which may not be familiar to our readOt. Burns being invited to dine at a nobleman's on a certain occasion, wag turned off to eat his dinner with the butler. After the repast win over, le *tut sent for to the dining-room, a chair placed for him at the bottom of the table, and he was cal ed on for a song, Controlling his Indig nation he sang.— kls there, for haunt poverty, Wha hanp his heid and a' that 1 The toward, slave wopion him by, And litre be poor ttri a' that. For a' that and a' that, gatat's mintier a' that.. 46You 'see ybn birds, tai'd lord, (Pointing to the no Manus It the heti( of the labia) Mao 'Sines and own and a' duet, Thoagie hatatlreda winaltip at hip word, lie's but *coot for that. Nolr a' that and a' that, A nean's ktalitt thaV • As the last-words homed from Ids lips, he role and not deigning the company a syllable of adieu, marched out of the room and the house. SLANDER.—It i 8 a poor soul that cannot bear slander. No decent man can get a long without least, mine who are engaged in the business pursuits of life,— Have you had a bad fellow in your em ployment and discharge him—he goes round and slanders you ; let your conduct be such as to excite the envy of another, he goes round and slanders you. In fine, we would not give a cent for a person w is not slandered—he is either a milksop or a fool s No, no, earn a, bad name by a bad fellow, (and you can easily do so by cor rect conduct,) it is the only way to prove you entitled to a good one. ' , FEARLESS AND FREE." TEE INTERIOR OF A HAREM. "The woman made me, sit down; and when I placed myself in the usual Europa an manner, they begged me,in,a deprecat ing tone, not to remain in that constnined position, but to put myself quite at my ease,erif I were mmy house. Hors far I walk - it mT ease, installed aht tisrque, on an ieiinenrxt pile of cushier', I leave to be imagined by any one who ever tried to ra.. main five minutes in that pout*. I was determined to omit nothingthat should give them a high idea of my gsavoir VIVO; according to their own notions, and began by . once more gravely accepting& pip*. At the pasha's I had managed mere. ly to hold it- in:-my- occasional Witching it with my lips, without really using it; bat I soon saw that, with some t twenty pairs of eyes fi xed • ly upm me, I must smoke here ,-- p us *Warr' Wally smoke—or be nocisid a violator of all the laws of good breed . The to- 1 1 bacco was so mild and fragrant that the penance was not so groat al might have been expected;.but icould scarcely help laughing at the ludicrous position. I was pla ced in ; seated in state on ' square cushion, smoking a long p other end of which was supported *kneeling slave, and bowing solemnly r e sultant between almost every whiff. Vti , sweet meats, and sherbet, (the mostritlightful of all pleasant dratights,) iverer*ght to Me in constant succession by thWo little not grotty, and a pretty young gitt, whose d . ty it was to present me the richly embr •• erad napkin, the corner of w 'eh I was e ! • peeled to make use of . lay on her shoulder, as she knelt befit . ..• These refreshments were offered 'me in bean dila crystal vases, little g*. ceps,. and silver trays, of which formf inisfortune, they seemed to possess a large supply, as I was obliged to go through a never-end ing course of dainties, in order that they might have an opportunityilif displaying them all. • t • "My bonnet sadly puzzle them; and when, to please them, I •torik it off, they were most dreadfully scandalized to see me with my_ hair uncovered, and could scarcely_ believe that I was not ashamed to sit all - day without a veil or - handkerchief; they could notconceive, either, why I should wear gloves, unless It were to 'hide the want of henna, with which they of :bred to supply me. They then proceed to ask me the moat extraordinary questions —many of which l•found it really bard to answer. My whole existence was as in comprehensible to this poor princess, sw t getating from day to day within her four walls, as that of a bird in the air must be to a mole burrowing in the earth. Her life consisted, as she told me, of sleeping, eating. dressing, and bathing. She never walked farther than from one room to an other ; and I can answer for her. not htiv• ing an idea beyond the narrow limits ()Cher prison. It is a strange and most unnatu ral state to which these poor women are brought ; nor do I weirder that the Turks, 'dame own detestable egotism alone cans- I es it, should declare that they have no souls." AN EGG HATCGING IMPOSITION The'- Rochester Advertiser tells a capi tal story of egg hatching by steam. While the operation was going on in Baltimore. and while hundreds were examining its wonders daily, an old lady called et the door and paid- her quarter for admission. Once inside, she took the gentlenum who conducted the apparatus by the button, and wanted he should tell her all about it : how the machine worked—how much it cost —where they were to be bought—and whether or not it was really erect that the brood -of little chickens running about the floor were actually hatched by steam. She then gave a detailed account of how much poultry she raised, how much ma ney she made by it, Am, adding that the profits were aorjltily small," aild - if theie machines would do the thing cheaper she would buy one. After she had made a thousand inquries the gentleman proceeded to show her the drawers wherein were deposited the eggs, in different stages of incubation. 'The old lady looked astonishment. - "La, me 1" she exclaimed, do you use eggs T' "Certainly," was the answer. "Then," said she, "I consider this a perfect piece' of imposition—A downright swindle, to pick the pockets of honest people 1 Why, anybody can hatch chick. ens with eggs. Icon do it myself, and not charge nothing for the sight either." And the old. lady made her way out in a mighty huff, muttering to herself, "What impudence! to charge a woman ' two shit ling to see chickens - hatched oat of eggs!" W 41," OT Gough, the temperance lecturer, is, it seems, not firmly established ipitis tempe rance principles. lie said, in aldcture re clutlY, that he had so little confidence in his own power to resin: temPistiOnt ends° fearful lest at any time he should again fall, that no sum of money however large, no prospect of worldly advantage, would in duce him to pais a night in a room, with no companion but a bottle of.rum. 11 ;min wrrivotrr MMUS &limo.— We find in the Elehnel!post an account of a method olcompelling the wheat plant to become perennial, like grass. 'and to per fect its grainannually, without annual sowing of mewl, which has been success fully practiced at Constance, in Germany. It was discovered by a steward of an es tate named Kern. His method, after plowing and manuring the land and sow tug it with summer or winter wheat, is to mow it in the spring, before the ear makes its appearance. This process is repeated several times in the season, and the pro duct is us ed as hay. The plant is then allowed to grow and be cut in the °Mina way. 'rho next year it ripens earlier. GOOD.-A youth, who, it is charitably presumed, hasl never "seen the elephant." recently (built; himself in the company of three young ladies,and generously divided an orange between them. "You will rob yourself, said one of the (lamas's." "Not at all," replied our innocent, "I have three or four more in my pocket !" POLITICAL. Toter. or Adams County, REMEMBER, That James K. Polk recom, l mended the REPEAL OF THE TARIF OF 1842, and approved the British Free-trade Tariff Of 1846, by which American Industry must be brought into ruinous competition with,foreigstpau rw Labor. REMEMBER, That Jam" R. P6lk, by lump ping rowers deleptedby:Bie Cooothution to Con-1 harilitWifyid is'an trri- NECESSARY WAR, 'word for the 11111110121- bimment of a doterllep . and #ol o ol l6 lPithit REMEMBER, That Soma K. Pl* VA. or. Agota,tiw cienln* 4.4 our egiUkkita AA the OW!**Obitret time ,PASSAig. Or WI TA ANNA , INTO NEXICO,!;11 which as the "*- brOkoo nei t her ' of the enemy wan farm With a favorite and iopttler leades.. REMEMBER, That James' K. Polk exerted hiuteehrto the utmost TO DEGRADE 01lbig. 11(XrrT ilk TAYLOR, b! lultwilnillf urging uP. an Congress the appointment of • Lionnettent Gen eral w ape nn* tim both! • _ REMEMBER, that Jeans K. mit, by with holding the requititellolollll 061011. luta. through out the *Mire minialgit,iteharesied the operations of these Alien* and ibreediitem to engage the en emy under desperate odda. • ' REMEMBER, that James R. Polk's aria! the Washinton Uoieu, recommended t " ibe win be convected " CRUSADE A . . • 1, • ,THE EBTAR RELIGION • kw°, and that the Religion ~ bsdiswerated and pit4god. to., wan" for Curl's* en thews , . REMEMBER, test lamer K. Polk, in the true *tit bbirk-cookade .11*as, CHARGED TREASON upon all wild speak of these things, or call In Tumble, the merits of his admire , isthmian. ' ' itehnsmißEwThat UntieA. Polk warmly urged upon tb• last coholi to lay , a mono too Of 20 per cent. on 'Mk AND COFFEE. mut that the y deoonnoed thane nuaibeii of ' u tim?Pit4 ehellience to Ws io4kuloy'a osiers. w ‘ • , 4111/ IrPla attratininkytraia DENfEhtIIER—ALSOrtitiV molbes Comity, Convention, Which, caked'-upon you to panesar mirrages Bit Mr. Surlia, APPROVED of all these acts of Mr. Pots by adoptiUg the fol. lowing resoluddrar Resolved, That the warm pursued by Lours K. Palm, during hh truly trying administration, MEETS OUR MOST HEARTY APPROBA TION.; and that the lgonesty, ability and liminess nuirdhsiPth the prommutwof the preterit war, notwithstanding the opposition he,mette with in the Federal party, eminently entitle him to the es. teem and admiration' of the AMerican people. _ TESTIMONY OF A DEMOC R AT A. OAINST THE. WAR. • GiiMMI (Prom the The Locefeco, journals who take their • cue from the Washington Union, add oth er unscrupulous Locofoco organs, have at tempted to manufacture capittiy gut of the oppoaition expressed'hy, ;gang: Whie.49 , the War, as, to its origin and commence. meat. The sjtention of these as' well as the public is called to the following Hindi , cation ot the opinions of the Whigg by the tesfimenrof one - of the ,Bopters.and Fath ers of the Loeoroce party Mr. Brownson, the able editor of. the "Brownson's Quarterly ideview." in the July number of that "exponent Of •Demos , racy," "conclusively proieit that ;ty re War with Mexico is uUNOALLED. An; POLITIC AND UNJ U, 8 T. 7 , Mr, Browneon is known to be one of themost powerful champions of Derecietriey in• hal Union; and as nuchebtaineilireatcidebritt, As editor of the "Democratic Ile is the political friend of the President,. sedan adherent' of the Leaden& party.—, It at wag...therefore. certelt- - -no to bo -ex . • t . pected that such a iitiNist such s„ position, would ido completely demolish every argt ment advanced by Mr: Polk andhisrriendi in support of the. present _War, as 'Mr, Brownstin brie done. , Be has thug volurp; tarily rendered a service to troth for which the Tkioofeceit will ma*" forgive him:— . But let hits speak tor himself: ; . • , "Foe ourselves we have regarded ihri Mexican War from the first as ,totgalled or, .inipolitic and . unjust. - We_have' ex amined the documents published by order of the Voverament; we hive read' tbe of ficiad,defenire *l i the war in the list annual Message 6f the President to Congress, and'argh every diepogititiii to find our own governnient in the right but We are bound to say, that our original impressions have been' strengthened rather than, weakened. The President undoubtedly makes it clear that we have many just causes of com plaint against Mexico, which at the time of their occurrence might have justified re prisals, perhaps even war, but he cannot plead these-in justification of THE PItES ENT WAR; for they were not the ground on which we professed to eng age in it. The official announcement of the President to Congress was that war al ready existed between the two republics, by the act of Mexico herself, and whatever use we may make of old grievances in ad justing the terms of peace, we can make no use of them, in defending THE IV AR.— e can plead in its defence only the ffiet on which we grounded it ; namely. war exists .by the act of Mexico herself. But unhappily, at the time of the official an nouncement, WAR OW NOT EXIST between the two republics at all, for neith er republic. had declared war against the other. There had been a collision of their forces, hut this was nut war, as the people would probably have conceded, had he known or recollected the distinction lw tween war and hostilities. By placing the war on the ground that it existed by the act of Mexico, and that ground being FALSE, he has left it wholly indefensible, whatever the old grievances we may have to alledge against Mexico. “The act of Mexico in crossing the Rio I Grande, and engaging our troops on terri- tory which she had possessed and still cial publication of a palpable FALSE claimed as hers, but which we asserted HOOD, sullied the national HONOR.— had, by a recent act, against which she had It is with no pleasure that we spook thus protested, become ours,—the act which the of the chief magistrate of the Union, for President chose to inform Congress and whose elevation to his high and responsi.. the world was war—may or may not have ble office we ourselves voted. But what- been a just cause for declaring war against ever may be our attachment to party, or her, but assuredly it was not war itself.— the respect we hold to be due from all good We have no intention of justifying Alexi.; citizens to the civil magistrate, we cannot co. She may have been decidedly in the I see the Constitution violated, and the no wrong ; she may have -had no valid title tional honor sacrificed, whether by friend to the territory of which the President had or Me, from good motives or bad, without just taken military occupation; that terri-1 entering, feeble though it be, our stern and tory may have been rightfully ours, and it - indignant protest " may even have been the duty of the Pres- ' ident to occupy and defend it ; hut it cannot bedenied that she once possessed it ; that it .was stills partof one of her States or provin ces; . that she still claimed it, and had con tinued to exercise jurisdiction over it, till driven from it by our army of occupation ; that.she invaded it with an armed force, ifinvasion it can be called, not as territory belonging to her; and that she attacked our: troops, not for the reason that they warp ours, but for the reason, as she held, —and she had as good a right to he judge in' her Own. case as we had in ours,—that they were intruders, trespassers on her soil. .The motive of her act was not war against the United States, but the expul sion of intruders from her own territory ' , )‘ - No sophistry can make her act WA It - . •.certainly not without conceding that our act in taking military possession of that territory was also ; and if that was Wei.. then the war, if it existed at all, exist ed WY OUR ACT, and not by hers, for her act was consequent upon ours. The most that-the President was at liberty to say, without condemning his own govern ment, was, that there had been a collision of the•forces . of the two republics on a ter ritory claimed by each ; but this collision he had no right, to term war, for every bo dy knows that it takes something more than collision of their respective forces on a dis puted territory to constitue war between two eleilirted nations. In no possible point dtvie v , *at the announcement of the Pres ident Alit war existed between the two re public*, and, existed by the act of Mexico, corral. IT.AIU NOT EXIST AT ALL; or : if it4li4it existed not by act of Mexico, but by' nth. ad: ‘'ln either case, the official announcement was FALSE, and cannot be defended.. oThe President May have been govern ed by patriotic motives; he may have felt that prompt, and energetic action was re.: (mired ; be - mny have believed that in great emergencies the chief magistrate of a pow erful republic, having to deal with a weak end distracted state, should rise superior to mere technical forms, and the niceties truth and honor ; but it strikes us that hi would here donebetter, proved himself even more patriotic, and sufficiently prompt n"erfgeflo , it he lnul confined himself to the ordinary volts ainordify, and the well defined principles of international law.— By aspiring to rise above these, and toap pear original, ho has placed his country in ' a false position, and debarred himself, what ever the just 'causes of war Mexico may bare given us, from pleading one of them in justification Of *the actual — war. We must be pennitted to regret that he did not reflect beforehand, litat, it he planed the de , fence (Odle war on the:ground that it al ready existed brdtelet of Mexico herself, and mt-that-tround-demanded of Congress the means of prosecuting it, he would in me that ground proved to be untenable, as he must have known it wonld, have nothing's whatever to alledge in its or his 4ov/ft - jurisdiction: • He should have been lawyer 'enough to have known that he could not , plead anew, after having fliiled milts brit issue. It is often hazardous in our •pletulinge.to . plead what is not true, and in rdoing so. in the present case, the President has not only offended morality, whioit4te may regard as a small matter, but has even committed a blunder. • "The course the President should have pursued is plain and obvious. On learn mg the state of things on the frontier, the critical 'condition of our army of occupa tion, he should have demanded of Congress the reinforcements and supplies necessary to relieve it and secure the purpose for which it wee avowedly sent to the Rio Grande; and, if he believed proper or no cessary,lo have, in addition, laid before Congress a full and, TRUTHFUL state mentsof our relations with Mexico, inclu dibg all the unadjusted complaints, past and present, we had against her, accompa tiled.by the recommendation of a declara tion of war: BEM9 4'He would then have kept within the limits of his duty, proved himself a plain constitutional President, and left the re sponsibility of war or no war to Congress, the only war-making power known to our laws. Congress, after mature delibera tion, might, or might not, have declared war—most likely would not; but whether so or not, the responsibility would have rested with it, and no blame would have beet] attached to the President. "Unhappily, this course did. not occur to the President, or was too plain and sim ple to meet his approbation. As if fear ful, if Congress deliberated, it might re fuse to declare war, and as if DETER MINED TO HAVE WAR at any rate, he presented to:Congress not the true is sue, whether war Should or should not be declared—but the FALSE ISSUE, wheth er Congress would, grant hint the means 01 prosecuting a : war, waged against us by a foreign power. In the true issue, Cob gress might have hesitated—in the one ac tually presented there was no room to hes itate, if the official announcement of the President was to be credited, and hesita tion would have been criminal. By de claring that the war already existed, and by the act of Mexico herself, the President relieved Congress of the responsibility of , the war, by throwing it all on Mexico.—! But since he cannot fasten it on Mexice— for war did not already exist, or if so, by our act, and not hers--it necessarily re coils upon HIMSELF. and he must hear 1 the RESPONSIBILITY of doing what the Constitution FORBIDS him to do— of making WAR without the intervention Of Congress. In effect, therefore, he has trampled the Constitution under his foot, seta dangerous precedent, and, by the ofti-, TWO DOLLARS PER. ANNUL NEW 11L. .I . lle Tariff of 1842 is safe in the heads of' Mr. Polk." "Mr. Polk is a better Tariff with than Mr. Clay." "The annexation of Takao cannot and will not endanger the peace of the countr y These were the talismanic primitive which won the triumph of Polk in 1844.. Was this the answer of 'truth? Let . . History an. ! Or - Let the clouds that haritovetlite mestic industry of the country, soon to break upon the laborer and the manufactu rer, tell whether Mr. Polk is a better Tit rill num than Mr. qpi t y ! oz:r. Let the graves of dead men, and the groans of the dying—let the tears of the widow and the forlorn condition of the or phan—tell whether Annexation was a work of Peace ! • people were deceived: they have bee*Orayed by those whom they have honored—basely, outrageously betrayed !„ The Tariff of 1842 is not. Peaeo an its blessings, that were—are no more! ri t ..-NV ill not those who have been thus deceivod and betrayed—will they not cast oil' and put down those who have ao gross ly and shamefully imposed upon final [Village Record.. [From the North American THE PUBLIC WORKS. The statement of the new Collectet on the Public Worke loCated of PittsXurg, shows that although the number of boats passed from the opening of-navigation to the first of August this year is 755 less than last year up to the same period, the tonnage is 3,602 306 lbs. more, and the tolls near $lO,OOO more than they were during the whole of last year ! What is the unavoidable inference from these facts ! What but that the State, under a Locofoco Canal Board, has been plunder ed systematically from a quarter to half a million of dollars a year 1 how has the robbery been discovered and checked ? By theklection of JAMES M. Powka, the Whig. ual Commissioner, whose pros, ence at the Board compelled salutary re. fornt7 and honest returns. Our State has witnessed strange sights of late years in the management of the public works. We have seen men go in to the public employ penniless, at small salaries, and in the course of a year or two become the owners of large farms or the possessors of funds to enter largely into speculative business. We have seen em ployees, whose wages were set down at $1 50 or $2 50 per day, voluntarily leave their situations, and live subsequently on their means like very nabobs. We have seen the State encumbered by debt and its citizens tax-ridden, until endurance at most ceased to be a virtue, and we have seen at the same time our public works losing money when under locofoco control. But as soon as there was an infusion of Whig energy and Whig honesty given to the Canal Board, the aspects are all changed —the works become profitable, and, while the number of boats passing has decreased 25 per cent. the tonnage and tolls of the present year have already exceeded those of last year. Will the people need prompting to apply the proper corrective, which they commen ced last fall ! Will they require to be told thnt a Whig Canal Board will prevent fu ture frauds on the public works, when they see what has already been accom plished by the election of Mr. Power?— We think not. Give the good old com monwealth the services of POWER and PATTON as Whip, and Mr. Beasts, who, though opposed to us politically, we be lieve to be an honest and conscientious public officer, and we need have no shad. ow of distrust concerning the paymenLof the State interest, and a surplus of availa ble means towards the creation of a sink ing fund for the eventful liquidation, of a portion of the principal. Gov. SHUNICS DEmocaacv.—The Whig Legislature of last winter passed s bill au thorizing the People of the several counties to elect their Prosecuting Attornies in the same manner in which they elect the other County Officers. This mode of choosing these ollicers has long prevailed in Ohio and many other States and has recently been introduced into the new Constitution ' of Illinois. Gov. Shunk, however, was not willing to relinquish so valuable a branch of offi cial patronage. The power of appointing the Attorney General subjects all his Dep uties to his control, and insures him the possession of a servile tool_ in every coun ty. An old office holder himself, without any qualifications (of merit or service) to recommend him to the People he relies on the exertions of these official dependants to secure his re-election. He therefore quietly pocketed the bill , When it Was presented to him, and Slink prevented it from becoming a law as CAW! tually as if he had vetoed it. But he did not dare to veto it—he would have been obliged to give his reasons for doing air! And he hail not the maillibetot to avow, as Martin Vanillin:it • did in the New York Con vent iine," that "Meier/her Potor, ,etiat removed /rout the People, the Wilt I" He wished to secure liithrlocdoo Anal Then he eau apply the veto withllll4o7 . : But should Gem Irvin be eleoletkltill WAX let the bill become a law simply byl :' ;.}. it lie in his pocket. Win the poop :' ' . •:,, donee this kind of dentegoiluim by A thotr-votes to - Mr. Shank l'-.-4101. *MO;