Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, September 24, 1847, Image 1

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    nurair!ass, EDITOR ANI) PROPIIETOe
• VOL. Vill.-28.1
- Ros*arigßaz
The auwit af .801PROTT" , asd the entente by
Which be 64, Jews always appeared to eel tots two
a( thassit striking thhap in the French Reno.
wortirrow was the work only of a
6 w hours. When he arose to defend himself in
dui th‘witisa, the yelli and Mares were so great,
that hi dolma with mge. "The blood of the yin.
tl Ai/sr War ,, cried the members. He was
gaggiOd, illtoirsollo the gnillotine, and executed,
idl f inibus eersaty-foar hours had pared! Mr.
bielniel, et New York, has just published
voiiios of poems, In which are the following no
ats!imia, commemorating that triumph of freed
om orgr altirdly •
A • •
(l 0 mos, 1794.)
Mere windims and the leads,
And male are crowded !—not a space between !
And in the nid t, lbws that sea of beads,
4ilkteme the black Guillotine. .
A esightly, sutler multitude is there,
And Maddened with Joy, from the unpoopkd
the walls tremble at their shout, erheste'er
That heavy steel comes down !
'Tkr needy over—twenty heads have roiled,
Oho alter one,upon the block—while cheers,
And mretuns, ad curses, headed by hate untold,
is their dying ears!
One mote is lell—and now, amid a storm
The rains uptight a ghastly human Ginn,
Mangled, yet still alive!
loikeone awaking fins a deadly swoon,
His eyes eadose upon that living plain—
Thom snaky eyes!--he Auk them soon,
Never its.ipe spin !
As dug forlorn, last, wandering gaze he took,
Perhaps those cruel eyes, in hopeless mood,
Sought, is their agony, one pitying look,.
'Mid that vas multitude.
Sought, but in vein ! dose wedged, and crushed,
and mixed—
Squaw, street, and house too.crowded—he
A handled thausend human eyes, all fixed
la nee fierce pitiless gaze.
Down to the plank ! the brutal headsmen tear
That bleOdy rag—nay ! spare him needless pain!
One ! God print Chit We may never hear
A erg like that again!
A pause—and the 'axe falls on Robespierr• !
That newts:ant Nark kith done its office well—
Hark to the mighty sear! down murderer!
Down to thy native hell !
Again thatierrildo about! ill also afar
And they in dungeons marvel what it mean!
Hurrah and louder, louder yet, hurrah
Poe the good guillotine !
Well may ye draw a freer, longer breath—
And fettered thousands feel their charms more
Your foe I. lodged in the strong prison of death!
Paris shall sleep tonight !
Acrtos.--Wito ever became a man of
,influence by sitting under the harrow of
despondency ! What slow-poker ever
, benefitted the world, his friends or himself?
There is nothing like action, coupled with
+cheerfulness. We see it everywhere.--
WPM is he, sitting on that empty barrel on
the wharf! A min with uo energy—a
prey to grief. He doesn't know what to
do and how to start. 'Who is that man
with folded arms, standing in the market
place A lazy do-little sort of a vagabond,
who hardly earns his bread and butter.—
Do ♦ou not wish to become such a char-
acter t Then arouse yourself; away from
the arm chair—up from the gutter—ouk of
the downy bed. Move your arms, kick
your feet, and stir about: givd the blood
a chance to circulate through your veins,
and the sir of heaven to enter your lunge.
Seise the first job presented and despatch
it at once—up for the pay and get another
forthwith. - You'll soon earn enough . to
purchase a wheel-barrow or a haud-cart,
and then you'll begin to live. Who knows
what you may become? Energy is half
omnipotent Small beginings end in large
gaits; a penny well turned brings a for
.tune. Resolve then to do something, and
•our word for it. you will bless us to your
dying day for preaching thus faithfully to
you. peso Fork Organ.
-of Choctaw Indians, whose ancestors have
'lived immemorially in our vicinity, says
, the Rawl Rouge Conservator, of the 3d
iinistani, and who, from a once powerful
tliedy, ate now dwindled down to some
UV dozen degraded beings, engaged that'll
selves twit week in the solemn office of a
capital punishment. It has been long
known that one of the family, in a drunk
en brawl, killed another, and' that punish
*tient mast follewybut!the murderer mi.
ih friends of the tnurjlerer, have fol. two
m onths'*t visited and camped together on
ail ? terms, apparently enjoying the most
1 t imolai intercourse. On Saturday rot
i Ist, the poor wretches covered with rags,
g.iiid'sicateely provided with food to keep
t thelt iiituls ami bodies together,eneamped in a
'beediffiel‘piece of woods near our town,
' Commenced the solemn ceremonials
itlitnehd, the victim taking - part in them.
*. tilidi nightfall the preparations were
4 • iti
li i
n and the poor Indian exposed his
inee treast—a load of buckshot, tired by
the nearest relative, pierced his heart and
1 he'llill a`corpse. Nearly three days were
l Metatltited in weeping over his grave, and
,Wen the retributors of justice wended their
Avey'olt to the swamps.
A,FtelinNo QUAKEIt..—.-111 the American
war, a New York trader was chased by a
;stall French privateer, and having 4 guns,
with plenty of small arms, it was agreed
to-stand a brush with the enemy, rather
;than be taken prisoners. Among several
other passengers was an athletic Quaker,
who, though he withstood every solicita
tion to lend a hand, as being contrary to
his religious tenets, kept walking back
wards and forwards on the (leek, without
:any aparent fear, the enemy all the time
pnuring in their shot. At length the ves
sels havingapproached close to each other,
.a dispositions to board was manifested by
the French which was very soon put in
,execution ; and the Quaker being on the
look-out unexpectedly sprang towards the
first rsan that jumped on board, and grap
pling biiu forcibly by the collar said,
o'Friesci, thou haat no business here,'! at the
/same time hoisting him over the ship's side.
le we wish to prevent dissipation, we
should endeavor to acquire a relief* for in
gelleetual pleasures.
A fondness for low company is the re
milt of isooraocu and want of taste.
During our sojourn in Philadelphia, hit
summer, we one day accepted an invitation
to visit the Penitentiary there. We had
letters to the kind hearted Warden, Mr.
Screresnooon, (a most appropriate name;
by the way) who, extended to us all the
courtesy we could have desired. . We were
conducted through the Prison,snd in com
pany with Mr.B. we entered several of the
cells. The Superintendent learning we
were from Boston, informed as that a
prisoner was confined here, for passing
counterfeit money, who hailed from Mas
sachusetts. He kid beimlbele safe tWo.
or three years, and we found him a' very
intelligent man. Hill cell was exceedingly,
cleanly, and upon a table in the corner, we
discovered several standard books; a bible,
&c., which gave evidence of having been
thoroughly read by the primioner: He was
said to be very industrious, and certainly
appeared comfortable under the circum
stances. His name was George --.
He remarked that he was glad to see any
one from Boston, and seriously regretted
that he should have been one of the few
Bostonians, comparatively, who had dia.
graced the Old Bay State. He was hap
-aftpastually...aadrumr, pciedoiaa ,
his hand, and remarked that it was possi
ble we might call on again in a few
weeks. "You will be sure, sir, to find me
at home," said he, with a smile, as we
left the door of his cell.
As we entered the reception room once
more, a bulky despatbh was handed to the
Warden by one of his deputies, and upon
opening it, he informed us that it was a
pardon for one of the convicts. We en
quired if it would encroach upon the prison
rules under such circumstances, to accom
pany the Warden to the cell, while he
should read ii to the prisoner, and were
kindly informed we could join him. We
soon reached the cell, where we found a
fresh faced young man, of perhaps twenty
four, who was busily engaged at a little
loom, weaving.
"Good morrow, John," said the War:
den, blandly, as we entered.
"Good morning, Sir."
"Thee keeps busy, John."
"0, yes, sir; but its very dull."
"Does the tire of work, John?"
"No, sir—but I think of home."
• "And thee would like to visit home
once more 1"
"Oh, sir—if I could but"—
"And thee would not return again ?"
"I would try to deserve better, Sir."
"Well, John, what would thee say, if I
should tell thee I had apardon for thee?"
. tAnt,iiir,' such news would be too good."
•But thee would like to hear it ?"
..4 care not for myself so much," said
the poor prisoner, and tears filled his eyes
—"but for my wife and child, I would be
so happy"—
"And thee would shun bad company,
John r
"Oh, yea, and I would labor for my wife
and little one"—
•Well, John, here is thy pardon," con
tinued the good old man—and he read the
document which freed this unfortunate be
ing, who had been the dupe of other knaves.
We had the pleasure of seeing him releas
ed, after a three years' confinement, and
of learning that he joined his young family
to which he has aince been a faithful guar
dian. ito
We passed out to the anti-room agaiti,
where we encountered a new corner, who
hallinalreached the prison as we entered.
He had been sent up for fire years, on a
charge of embezzlement.
He was elegantly attired in the latest
style of fashion, and possessed all the non
chalance and devil-me-eare appearance of
a genteel rowdy.' %Witted his watch
chain, looked particularly knowing at a
couple of ladies who chanced to be pre
sent, and seemed utterly indifferent about
himself or the predicament he was placed
in ! The Warden read his commitment,
and addressed him with— .
"Charles, I am sorry to see thee here."
"It can't be helped, old fellow !"
“What is thy sge, Charles I"
"A Philadelphian?"
"Well—kinder, and kinder not."
"Thee has disgraced thyself sadly."
"Well, I ain't troubled, old cock."
"Thee looks not like a rogue."
"Metter of opinion."
"Thee was well situated,".--
good:emplo3r I"
"Well—so, so."
"And thee, has parents ?"
"Perhaps thee has a mofOr,tharlea.—
The convict had been standing during
this brief dialogue perfectly uncunesrpod
and reckless, until this last interrogatory
was put. Had a thunderbolt struck him
he could not have fallen more sudden than
he did when the name of "mother" fell on
his ear! He sank into a chair—a torrent
of tears gushed from his eyes—the very
fountain of his heart seemed to have burst
on the instant ! He recovered, partially—
and said imploringly to the Warden—
" Don't you, sir—for Cfed's sake don't
call her name in this dreadful place ! Do
what you may with toe, but don't mention
that name to me !"
There were tears in other eyes besides
the prisoner's, and an aching silence per
vaded the group who surrounded the unfor
tunate convict. He was removed to an
adjoining apartment and stripped, and
shortly afterwards he upon the
corridor. Ile passed silently on, in charge
of a deputy keeper, to a lonely cell in a
distant part of the prison, the door creak
ed on its hinges, he disappeared, the chain
dropped front the outside bolts, and Charles
-- was a close prisoner for five long
years to come !—Boston
A man's life is a staircase of many steps
that, as he toiled' up, crumble successively
behind him ; no going back, the past is an
abyss ; no stopping, for the present per
EARLY maaniNo.-- 4 .11R110, Jim,get up ;
thcsun has boon shining these two hours."
-IVell, if I had to travel us tar as he has
to.dg, I'tl have been up three hours ago."
In the year 1830, there was hovering on
the Moan coast - a cliffer-brifralled die
Brilliants, commanded by a desperado na
med Montana. Romans was an English
man by birth, and was known along the
whole coast and in Cuba, as the most suc
cessful slayer of the day. The brig' was
owned by two inns residing in Hann*,
One an Englishman, the other st Spaniard.
She was built to carry six hundred nerves,
and in her Hotnirtis had Made ten success
&l-voyages, actually landing in Cuba five
thousand negroes ! The brig earrktd ten
uns, hid tinny sweeps and k crew of 00
tde; - "'town'of theist obi . pirater; - tor
desperate as theix commander. - 1 An Eng
lish brig-of-war which attacked her, was
so cutup in hull and rigging, than she was
abandoned and soon after sunk; an Eng •
lish lib:top-of-war attempted to carry the
Brilliants with boats, which were beaten
off with great slaughter. - Now it was
known that Homane was again onto coast,
and it was resolved to make another attemp
tetake him, with the evidence of his guilt
on board. The arrangements for this pur
pose were well made. He wan - allowed - to
take in his cargo of negroes and set sail.
The Brilliants had not lost sight of the
mrririfrimmirrtin .tha CO
der discovered that he was entrapped.—
Four cruisers, three of them English, and
one American, had been lying in wait for
him, and escape was hopeless. In run
ning away from one he would come with
in another.- Night was coming on, and
Homan was silently regarding hie pursu
ers, when suddenly the huge sails of the
brig flapped idly—she wind died away,.
and the slaver was motionless on the wa
ters. "This will not 'do," Homans rant
tered, knocking away the ashes from his
cigar—"their boats will be down upon, me
before I am ready for the visit," and as he
said this his stern face lit up with a smile,
thearitraiiiin of - whichwatt diaboliearz- 7
It was evident. enough that ho meditated
some desperate plan.
A dozen sweeps were getout. and the brig
moved iloWly through the water; :Mean
time, the darkness. having deepened, Ho.
mans proceeded to carry out his design.
The cable attached to the heaviest an
chor was taken outside of the hawse hole,
and earned round the stern, and then fin
ward on the other side. The hatches
were then taken off, and the negroes pas
ted up, each securely ironed by die wrists.
As the miserable wretches came up from
the hot hold, into the fresh air, they ex
pressed by their looks a gratitude - which
would have softened the heart of any hut
the fiend in whose power they . were—
Without a word they weredia . to the side
and made to bend over the rail, outside of
which the chain tan. The irons which
clasped their wrists were then fastened by
smaller chains to the links of the cable.—
It was slow work, but at-the end of four
I hours 600 Africans, male and female, were
I bending over the rail of the brig, in a pain
ful position, holding by their chained hands
the huge cable, which was attached to a
heavy anchor, suspended, by a single sling
' from the bow. _
Homans himself examined the fasten.
ings, to see that every negro was strongly
bound to the chain. This done, he order
ed the pen work of the hold to be broken
up, brought on dffek, bound up in matting,
and well filled with shot, and thrown-over
board. The work was completed an hour
before daybreak, Ind 'now the only wit
mimes of Homan's guilt were attached to
that fatal chain. Romans turned to the
mate, and, with a smile .full of . meaning,
said in Spanish—
"Harro, take an axe and go forward.—
The wind will come off to us soon. Listen
to the word, OW when you hear it cut the
The man went forward, and Humans
turned and in vain endeavored to penetrate
ttfit darkness. .44 don't want to lose the
niggers," he said, speaking aloud, "and yet
I dare not wait until daylight. I wish I
knew where the hounds were."
' At that blatant the report of'a gun reach
ed hie ear, themanother, and another, and
another in difi'ereat directions. Thecruie
era were firing signals. , • • . „
, IThat's enough," exclaimed liomans,
know where you are." Then raising
his voice he cried'
i , illarro,areyou rattly ?
The wind will reach us IMOD.',
"Ay, .ay, sir," was the response.
- In a few minutes the sails began to fill,
and the vessel moved slowly;through the
'How much water do you suppose, w i a
have here I" asked Homan', turanag to the
man at the wheel.
"Fifty fathomsltt least," was the 'reply.
.".. "That will do," the slaver muttered, and
he walked . forward, and examined carefnl
ly- the “chain gang," as ho brutally called
his diabolical invention.
The negroes sent up piteous groans.—
For many hours they had been bent over
in this unnatural position, by which they
were suffering the keenest 'torture. The
breeze strengthened, and the Brilliante was
dashing like a racer over the deep. llo
mans hailed from the quarter-deck, while
his men, collected in groups, saw unmoved
the consummation of his plan.
"Are you ready, Harro 1"
"Ay, ay, sir."
Homans looked round, and into the dark
ness, which was fast giving way to the
morn. Then he thundered out—
" Strike !"
There was the sound of a single blow,
a heavy plunge, and, as the cable fell off
the side, a crash. above which rose one
terrible shriek—it was the last cry of the
murdered Africans. One moment more,
and all was still. Six hundred human be
ings had gone down with that anchor and
chain into the depth of the ocean !
Two hours after daybreak the llrilliante
was overhauled. There was no evidence
that she was a slaver, and her captors were
obliged to let her pass. The instructions
to cruisers at the time did not allow a ves
sel to be captured unless negroes wore
found on board.
Somebody says that in order to got on
well in the world, it is requisite for a man
to have gold in his pocket, iron in his
hands, silver in his tongue Lad brass in his
Frain Campbell's Rough Recollections.
1 irigh`t have slept some four or five
hOurs, and &dreamless and satisfying sleep
it was ; but certain it is—let sciolists say
what thef will, and skeptics throw doubts
by, handsful on the assertion of metaphysi
cions—that below! awoke, and in my
dreaadess.alumber,, I had a visible percep
tion of peril, a consciousness of the hover
ing.presence of death! How to describe
my feelings I know not ; but , as we have
all read and heard that, if the eyes of a
;catcher are steadily fixed .on the counten
ance of a aleisper Mr a certain length of
Eau); lh elumbareir', Will be sure io Mitt
up, awaltened by the mysterious magnet
ism of a recondite principle of clairvoy
ance, so it was that, with shut eyes and
droviaed4ip senses, an inward ability was
conferred Upon me to detqct the living pres
ence of danger near me—to see, though
sleep-blind, the'formlesi shape of a myster
rious herror crouching beside me; and, as
if this peril that was my night mate was of
a nature to be quickened into fatal activity
by any motion on my part,l_ felt in my
very stupor the critical necessity oflying
quite still, so that when I at last awoke
and felt that as I lay with my face levier&
beireefi.-ibew-was-f4l44 l , beacyr
creeping thing on my chest, 1 stirred aot,
liar uttered a word of panic.
Danger and fear may occasionally dull,
the senses and paralyse the faculties, but
they more frequently sharpen both ; and;
ere I could twice .wink my eyes, I was
broad awake and aware that, coiling and
coiling itself up into a circle of (wide, an
enormous serpent was. on my . breast.;—
When I tell you tharthe whole of my chmk,
and even the pit of my stomach, were cov
ered with the cold, scaly proportions of the
reptile, you will own that it must have
been one of considerable site; What my,
thou h were so made u . of ... r, !,_.
dre.., and the expectation, nay, assurance
speedy death that must- follow any
movement on my part,' can neverhope to
tell in language sufficiently distinct 'and
vivid ticonver - thely full force. It was
evident the loathsonte , creature had ;at
length settled itself to .sleep; and I felt
thankful that, attracted <by my breath, it
had not approached the upper part of my
throat. It became quite still and its weighty
pressure—its first clammy chilliness be.
coming gradually (so it seemed to me), of
a burning heat—and the odious, indescri
bable odor which exaled from its body and
pervaded the _whole-air,. so overwhelmed
me that it was only by a severe struggle
.preserved myself from shrieking; '
As it was, a cold sweat binstirom every
pore ; I could hear the beating of titA
heart. and I felt, to my increased dismay,
that the palsy. of terror had begun to agitate
my limbs. It will wake, thought and
then all is over I At that juncture, some
th!ng—it might have been a wall-lizard or
a large beetle—fell from the ceiling upon
my left area, which lay outstretched army
side. The snake, nncoiling its head, rale.
ed itself with 'a low hiss ; and then, for the
first time. I saw it—saw the hood, the ter
rible crest glittering in the moonshine. It
was a Gobra di Capello ! Shading my
eyes to exclude ttni dreadful spectacle, I
lay almost fainting until again all was qui
et. Had its fiery glance encountered 'nine
all would have been over; bat,
it was once more asleep; and presentlY
heard the Lascar moving about, •undoing
the fastenings of the tent, and striking a
light. A thought suddenly struck me, and
with an impulse I could ascribe to nothing
short of desperation, though its effects Were
so. providential, I uttered, in a loud but se.
pulcbraf tone, "Ktdassi: Lases; **Sat
hib With the instantaneous response, and
my heart beat quicker at the limes. of my
attempt. ' • I
I lay still again ; for the reptile, evident
ly rOused! Made a movement, audits head,
as I suppose, fell upon my naked utter. - . -
Oh, God ! the agony of that moinem, when
suppressed tremor almost gave 'way to
madness I I debated with myself *hetber
I should again endeaver to attract the atten
tion of the,Kulassi L er remain perfliictlY
quiet, or whether it would net be better
than 'either tkii start up at once, and* shake
the disgusffsi burden from me. - But the
lanes •atl eetiOit was at once abandoned;
because o the assumnee-I felt that-it would
prove fatal impeded by the heady coils
of the creature, weak and nervous front ex
citement, I could not escape its fangs. A
gain, therefore, I spoke with the hollow
-but distinct accents which arise from the
threat, when the sp‘aker is afraid to move
a muscle: 4.Kulassi chiragh !"—Lascar, a
lantern ! "Latch own, sahib,"—l sin
bringing it, sir. There was then a sound
of the clanking Metal ; light, advancing,
flashed across the roof of the veranda, and,
at the noise of coming footsteps, lo ! one
after one its terrible coils unwinding, the
grisly monster glided away from my body,
and the last sounds which struck my sense
of hearing were the ulra illahi, samp !"
(Oh God, a snake !) of the Lasear ; for I
fainted away for the first time in my life.
INDIAN ELOQUENCE.—The red men of
the fore sometimes critcise the conduct,
sentiments and belief of the whites in a
bold and searching manner. The ingeni
ous and cutting reply of Heil Jacket to the
request to adopt the religion of the whites,
must be generally remembered. Not less
bold and striking was a remark of John
Mitten, one of the Seneca Indians, at a re
cent council of that nation. The subject
of removing these Indiana beyond the Mis
sissippi being under consideration, he said
that he wished to remain near the graves
of his red fathers till the Great Spirit call
ed him home? that he had no confidence
in his white fathers. Why should he
have? His white fathers murdered their
Saviour, and what kind of treatment could
a poor Indian expect from men who had
killed the Son of God.
"I CAN ' T, " has ruined many 'a
ilas been the tomb of bright expectation
and ardent • hope. Let "1 Will try," be
your motto in whatever you undertake,
and if you press °mar* you will steadily
and surety accomplish your object and
come victorious. 'l'ry, keep trying, if
you wu tl prosper in the world.
From the Pennsylvania Telegraph.
Locoloco Calumny—Mr. Patton's
wry After our paper had gone to press,
we seceived the following communications
JACOB M. HALDEBAN, Esq., of Harris
burg, sad others to whom JOSEPII W. PAT
TONi the Whig candidate for Canal Com
missioner, was indebted at the time he be
mune(' bankrupt, who seeing him injustly
-assadislt-have voluntarily come forward
apti,tendered their testimony in his behalf,
that slum *hoar° not_perionally acquaint
ed with his merits and high standing
May not be unposed upon by the unprin
cipled slanders pf the Locoloco Press.
We have received a statement of the re
turn or the /iabilities of Mr. Paget), togeth
ir with the amount paid by him since, and
dip amount now due, which we annex:
LiSbititiAtOoed, • • *21,543
Deduct Mt Hildetuan's claim, 12,000
sines pakl, , 900
Wormier—for which Ifs finds him
taming ku an liabilities,
Pad Mai, (of which (*Mattes sip*,
or 313,000
1141apol # ll 01414
Now t we ask. if There is arrp:ntan Who
has' been bankrupt at any dine of his life,
Who can shoW a cleaner sheet than this !
With these facts sta r ing 14 in the face
* there any, man who dare charge Joseph
W. Patton With owi twent thousand
doltati,lii with, being' a dishonest man !
We raid - the - Tollowing certifi
cates, and say whether Mr. Patton is not
cgreatitpersecaned maa.
Wei should have mentioned in the state.
Mem"' aliove, that when Mr. Petton went
into bahkniPtcy shireed. losses - to 'the
amottut of,l4B,9oo 7 —which he had earned
by dittylff severe applicatiiii to.busineu,
and — chMatendsble enterprise: Besides
this% he hell the misfortune` to': in bad
health front 1840 tolB44,whiolt prevent
d 111 . 9qcola making. money anffpsying off
much of his indebtedness. •
--- Mr. Patton inn thurbeekbons compel- -
led to bring 111 1,priyi119,014. 1 7'Alf9n1
public. It has been doaaseluettuuly ; but
we are mistaken if the.voters of ,Pettospl
vania do not admthister - a 'Wrists' rebuke
to the authors and abettora of Suitt petsw.
firiAllliSlClN, Burr. a,.:1847.
To, the . Editor of the Pettasylvanks Tafel/mph r
stagy--I harm. Wooed, that Joenpla: W.
Patton,is charged bream° of his political
opponents with defrauding hie eteditoroby
meane of the : Bankrupt Law: Helier ,
leg the Amp to be agouti* mitign'ast,
and - having nu intimate it. -
cause of toepecoaaryAlifficulties, I thought
proper, as an act or justice to Mr. Patton,
to make the following statement.
• In 11331,1 ownedrotte.thitd of an Iron
establielitient; in. Comhertand County, at
whickitir. Pattonfrhad - managed the - year
preceding: Mr Pattem;•aldimigh entirely
Without capital, Was iiduceitby the solici.
ations.end libend offers of assistance from
the wonted did other: two-thirds of the
property; ; (who' was anxious to have his
servines , in ;the management of the con
cern,) to purchase my interest for 422,750,1
beaides agreeing to pay my share of the
debit; then owing by the concern. Some
time after making the purchase, he discov
ered that the (Avner was very much involv
ed in pecuniary difficulties, and that it
would Most likely involve himself, and
prevent hint from paying for the property.
He expressed a wish to sell out, but did
not succeed in getting a purchaser. I ad
vised him to go on and do the best he
could. The next year his partner failed,
and from that time Mr. Patton carried on
the works himself under many difficulties
and embarraiements until the fall of 1835,
when he failed. I then stated to him that
if he would pay me a balance of about
$450 of unpaid interest, I would - take back
the real property and release him entirely
which he was then not able to do.
He paid while he held the property, the
yearly interest on the: purchase money ;
(excepting the $150) $2,750 on account of
the principal, and a portion of the debt
due by the concern when he purchased.
His personal property was sold for the
benefit of other creditors, and the real es-'
tato was bought by me at Sheriff sale for
about boiler thousand dollars less than
he was to pay inc for it. In 1830 he paid
me the balance of interest al the time'
he faired, and I then told him I would give
him a release at any time he wished. It
appears that as the judgments were still
unsatisfied, he thought it necessary to re
turn the amoral t of twelve thousand dollars,
in his statement of liabilities, although 1
never intended asking hint to pay it.—
Mr. Patton was young and energetic, and
easily led to embrace an opportunity, as
he and as I thought it, of rising to the 'world.
Unfortunately it turned out very different
ly from his expectations, when he entered
into the concern. Mr. Patton came to
live with !no upwards of twenty years
ago. a young man, and assisted inc in car
rying on my Iron works, milling and farm
ing for several years. / can state with
pleasare that I never had in my employ
ment a .17/0/3 With Whom I w as b e tt er
pleased, and 1 cheerfully give my testimo
ny as to his industry, sobriety, integrity,
and qualifications for business. -
C•IILIVLE, SEPT. 7, 1 84 7
This is to certify that when Joseph W.
Patton failed, I was liable for him to the
amount of about two thousand dollars, from
whiA 1 was relieved by the sale of his
personal property, with the exception of Voter* of Adam's County,
about sixty dollars, which he paid me REMEMBER, That James K. Polk recorli
some years after; and although differing mended the REPEAL OF THE TAMP OP
in my political opinions, with Mr_ Patton. t tst-2, and approee4 the British Freo•trade Tariff
I consider it due to him to say that his.. a vi m , by which American Industry must be
conduct towards me was highly honorer-
with foreign .
ble. WM- 310011E—' • • 9, Labor.
REMEMBER, That James K. Polk, by usurp.
Mita.Eits-rows, Scrr. 6,
ping powers delegated by the Constitution to Con.
When Jos. W. Patton failed in dusiness
he was indeeted to the firm of J. IL Pax- alone. 11 " involved the country in en UN
NECESAARY WAR, waged for the diadem
ton, & Co., about eleven hundred dollars_
He made several payments on account, Gel-mint of a sister Republic, end the propagation
amoun ling to about NINE HENDIIED DOUALA. Of Merkan Slavery.
and leaving the, balance unpaid of two hurt- REMEMBER , T hat
„fames R. Polk pro or..
dyed dollars. knowin g that the means of AM* to the commander of our squadron in the
paying his debts was to be acquired by his Gulfwx to obstruct the PASSAGE OF BAN
personal exertions, I think he merits PRAISE ••
TA ANNA INTO MEXICO, by which act the
for what he has done rather than CEMSICCE
I•sokeri and dispirited soldiery of the enemy were
because he has not been able to pay all. ,
with a
J. D. PAXTON. '" popular leade r.
REMEMBER, That James IC Polk exerted
ADAMS Cors-rv, Barr. 7. I..ltrt. himself to the utmost TO DEGRADE GENE.
This is to certify that when Jos. W.. SCOTT do TAYLOR, by repeatedly urging up.
Patton failed in business, he was in my on Congo**. the appointment of a Lieutenant Gear
debt for hauling wood. That he made, nal to supersede them both.
payments at different times, on account, i REMEMBER, that James
K.Polk,by wi th .
both before and since he took the bene fi t holding the reounite supplies of m
n,has, through..
of the Bankrupt law, u arm. Inc wntme
ant the entire campaign, embarrassed the operation.
' lof these officers, and forged them to engage the en-
(713- desperate
Satre xN BB ens, Suter, 4. 1817 .REMEMBER, that James K. Polk'Xal
This is to certify that when Jos. W. i omen. the Washington Union, recommended
Patton failed in business, he was largely in 9that the war be converted into A CRUSADE A.
my debt. That since he has made me; GAINST THE ESTABLISHED RELIGION
frequent payments, amounting altogether OF MEXICO, and that the temples of Religion
to about FIFTEEN HUNDRED DOLLARS- One Ib e d eteeta t e d an d p ill age d, to procure means for
or two payments was made shortly after I ca mg on t h
he received the benefit of the Bankrupt REMEMBER": " that James K. Polk, in the true
Law. He is still considerably in my q spirit of blark,eockade Federalism, CHARGED
debt. I have always had confidence
TREASON upon all who Mire to speak of these
Mr. Patton's disposition to pay
his debts
in question the merits of' his admin
whenever he would be able to do so, and or cal
that confidence has been strengthened by , " ndian-
REMEMBER, that James K. Polk warmly
the fact of his making rayncwrs WHEN
NOTHINO COMPELLED HO S TO DO SO, atT urged upon the last Congress to lay Arevenue tat
RIB OWN IIONOIt AND flowery. ; dm) per cent. on TEA AND COFFEE, and
PAUL MARTIN. , Out the Union fiercely denounced those' weathers
of *the party , ' who refused obedience told" Ex.
Snirreasscato, §arr. 4, IsCr_ 1
cycellen's orders.
This is to certify that ins. W. Patton, ay". as roc 1110.1[1111111111 THISt iptaat , '
was about sixty dollars in my debt when REMEMBER ALSO, that the late Lomfoeo
he failed in business. That about two or
County Convention, which called upon you to
three years after, when I was prevented by
bad health from attending to my business, r24 scur sUirragee t r . Mr.
these acts o f Post by adopting the
I sent my account against him to a friend,'
to whom HE ram THE FULL AMOUNT_ Al- regpluti°l"
thOngh ditenng from Mr. Patton in my
tin T tin hat h th is e trucTetrypiunnnindelibnY: lieu
K. Mix
political opinions, I deem it dire to him to : MEETS
dins certify to his HONORABLE CONDUCT To- ; TION; and that the honesty, ability and annuals
WARDS PL. . 1.. K. DONAVAN. :he manifests in the prosecution of the present war,
- , hodmithAtanding the opposition be meets sithin
'atericssiscss, Sere- 4, 1347. ? the Federal party. eminently entitle bun to the air
This is to certify that when Joseph W. i tneal and a amirati'M of t he American people.
Patton received the benefit of the Bank-. E.
rapt Law he owed me fifty dollars. That was thrown` into a complete glnont last
since he made me several ; payments until', week, and the business men were shocked,
the whole, (with the exception of one doh-' ; by the announcement of the stoppage of
lar,) has been paid ; the last payment be - the extensive firm of Prime, Ward & Co.
ing made on the 21st Febnrary, 18-16 - - It is supposed that their liabilities amount
I may add that I had been offered forty to $2,000,000 ; and it is said that $600,-
dollars for my claim but refused it. befiey- 000 were offered them if they would
ing in the honor and honesty of Mr . Pat . on, but they declined it. It is said that
ton he would pay whenever it was in his the failure of Giles, Son & Co., of Eng- . •
power. I have mil been disappointed. 1 . land, and others who were heavily indebt- •
have generally voted with the Democratic : cd to the New York Firm, occasioned the
party. . JOHN BUTTS. 1 ,toppage .
. - - Maar Ass rVIIINACE, Sari. 4, 1447. I CATTION TO THE LADIES.—A lady (says
I d o cert i fy that when J oseph W . p a ,.. 1 4 , the Syracuse (N. Y.) Journal,) visiting at
: one of our first families, who was assisting
ton received the benefit of the Bankrupt
L inx be was cons id era b ly i n my Anbt for: in making arrangements fur a wedding
coaling wood. That since then he has „Jpartv, a few days since narrowly escaped
ma d e me three payments on account, and ; death by tasting the oil of a !moods. • Rav
ing uniorked the vial and mcrely touched
I have confidence that Mr. Patton will "
pay me the bale nee whenever he ma y be ablelthe cork with the tip of the tongue, she was
to do so. DAVID BAXTER. I suddenly seized with violent spasms and
. 1 . severe pain, which continued for nearly
twenty-four hours, notwithstanding the tit
most efforts of the physicians.
- FIiASWAM Corm, Sarr- 4, 1417.
This is to certify that since Joseph W.
Patton received the benefit of the Banl.-1 Running away with another man's wife
rapt Law he has paid part of what he owed ' is now called ..stealing female clothing,"
me, and I rely on Mr. Patton's promise 1 ° as decided at Pittsburg. A man uassed
pay me more whenever he can do so_
Taylor was arrested by the husband of the
woman (Mrs. Davis) with whom he had
p 4 „„ u „, , tic ,. 7. 1 , 47. eloped from Detroit. The husband, fail-''
This is to certify that when Joseph W.' mg in reaching him by any other process,
Patton received thebenefit of the Bankrupt brought him before the Mayor charged
Law he was indebted to me. That since with larceny in the taking away of his
then, about two years ago he pa i d me f ir m wife's clothes, lle was brought before
dollars on account, and that he has nixie 4 Judge Lowrie on a writ of habeas corpus.
me another payment since; about one !MU His honor, after hearing the evidence,
of the debt being paid. postponed his decision for two days, when
MATTHEW MOORE_ ihe remanded the prisoner to jail to await
i the requisition of the authorities of Michi-
THE IlLsiimoNzovs Denocascv.—The l an on a charge of larceny. 'Phis is bring-
Muncy Luminary gives ratheran amusing I tug the stealing of hearts down to the tin,
description of the Lycoming County Lo- : romantic reality of stealing clothes.
coloco Convention which met at Williams- . _
port last week, which furnishes another LGETABLE CURIOSITIESI.—The editor
evidence of the "union and harmony" ea- „
of the Advertiser, Rochester, New York,
isting in the Locofn en- ranks. and the e says: "We were yesterday shown climb
thusiasm that prevails in tarot of "Old of an apple tree which had upon it, within,
Skunk.” The Convention, it seems , com the space of seventeen inches, no less than
menced a regular "knock down and drag aialy-fire apples. They were placed to.
out tight," with "ground and lofty tumblirm on the stick like kernels upon a corn-cob.
by the whole company." and afforded con- ; Yesterday we saw a cucumber which beam
siderable amusement to a large number of an- The length is three pet, elevenine&
good-natured Whigs,
w h o had been at- es and a fraction. Also, a branch of a
peach tree about two feet long, which bore
tracted to the house to witness the sport.
The first speaker who addressed the meet- lixf.rthree Peaches!"
I Onb
ill " was a /Mk " balm y ," as. the s ' avit is ' RESULT.—Jo in W. Miller,
and his remarks were as scorchin g
i to
of a party of Calithumpiaus who set out
Shunkites as they were amusitm-
to insult a young tnarried couple, in Hemp ,
Whigs. He pitched into "Old o
Hunker- hire ts. we county. Va., was drowned by falling
ism" like "a thousand of brick."
into the North ri ver , on the night of the Las
that "Shank leas a d—d rascal. and Irvin -
would beat hint !" This alarmed the
nst ' The party were tired upon, and in
Shunkites, and they called for another or - ' their hasty retreat this accident occurred.
ator, who made his appearance; but the DREADFUL Arrant.—A dreadful affair
first speaker was determined not to yield' took place at Patterson, New Jersey, on
the floor. The scene that cow ensued Wednesday week. Two men, father and
beggars all description. Both orators took son, named Campbell, had a severe guar
off their coats and went on, as the Lami- rel., during which the former attempted to
nary says, like two mad bulbs--tirst one take the life of the latter. The son, to MT
speaking and then the other--all the whil e cape from his father, took to the river, but
the house in a perfect storm of shouts.", the father pursued him, and both getting
laughter, noise, and confusion worse con-1 beyond their depth, and not being able to
founded—until finally one of them snack swim,aunk together in a watery grave.
some one in the crowd, and a GENERAL f
MELEE ENSUED. This is a faint A NEW ARTICLE OF FOOD has just bons
time of seenes which Locofoco meetings discovered in Algeria, which, it is said,
constantly exhibit. lithose speeches could ' promises advantageous results to wank*.
only be reported verbatim, it Ivor:hi furnish , It is a species of moss, suitable, ao04:014
a rich specimen of Locolocoism as seta• to an article in the Boston advertiser, for
behind the curitiin. the food of beasts and men.
Gov. SIIUNK. remember, has been in of lion. Geo. H. Norris., rennin's' tm Tint
flee thirty years, and has received in that diana member of Congress,. distil' 14.1 W
time over $70,000, or more than 82,331 a vale. Ky.. on the sth inst. - Ho nu
year! Yet the people are called upon to rd to Congress as a Whigortsd - prastilt 6--
give him $9,000 more. What has become. ready debater. After the &kenos or*:
of the boasted -Ocinocrtti , '• doctrine , . of Tyler. he abandoned the W hicperty aid
-Otto Term," anti -Rot.toott to (lifter'" • trigutiA among the ••Corporal's Gaud.",