Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, September 17, 1847, Image 2

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    Irellettnitnients-4 think it AVII one of the
Duke Col Duckinglialn in Henry Vll's
Chapel. It stritek me so forcibly that I
believe thavelretaiusd it,
Dublin non improlnin
Incertus morior non perturbstus; .
Doe eentide,
Denevetentiesinte, Otunipetenti.
Doe Dothan
Aintercro mei!
The glory of London are its parks and
greens which conipose nearly avhird of
this vast city. Too much cannot be said
in praise of these. They are beautiful, no
ble! I have had far more gratification horn
them than from anything I have seen of
or brick.
Thia too may be said to the credit of
that 4
tritt and probably t ish
t e hea t
the LP:t pav ed,
watered and
the beat drained city in the world.
New destination of Gen Taylor's force—
%Advance on San Luis Potosi Counter-
By the arrival at
,New Orleans on the
tlth inst. of the steamship Telegraph, from
Ara,sos on the Ist inst., the Commercial
Times has received important news from
Oen. Taylor's headquarters, and several
Military posts on the line of the Rio Grande.
It appears that the plan of the campaign
has been cntiruly changed front What was
understood to be the arrangement here,
some weeks ago, viz : the simultaneous ad
itireree ut generals Scott and Taylor on the
cities of Mexico and San Luis respective.
ly. No advance is to be made by General
'Taylor, and' no greater force will ho kept
in the valleyof the Rio Grande, and thence
to Sultillo, than is necessary to keep open
the eotnmunication.
The • editor of the Matamoras Flag, of
which we have numbers to the 28111
speculates thus on the recent change of the
models operandi of our military plan:
"The grand base of all future operations,
•-is-intOndetl-to be established at the city of
Mexico, where Gen. Scott now is, with a
force sufficient to make a demonstration in
--nydirecti on iyiwhicht i !may ire necessary.
Scott at the capitAWith our
troops posted at Quaretaro, Guanajuato,
F.acatecas, and Guadalajara—this north
eastern border firmly in our possession—
New Mexico and California ours, and all
the parts of the country paying us tribute
—4lexieo will be as completely in our pos
session as it ever can be, unless it he an
nexed, and we may begin to speculate upon
the-results which are to follow, from the
occupation of the country by the Ameri
can arms."
The Commercial Times says :—How
far the recent intelligence from the capital,
when it arrives at Washington, may ope
rate on the cabinet towards a still further
• change,: may be -conjectured. We step
pse that the troops now embarking at the
Brazos for Vera Cruz, will he ordered to
-suspend their march instanter, to await
the issue of the negotiations which may
be now pending. • -
• --- \Nye take the following summary of mil
itzry news front the Flag of the 28th ult.,
Ott+ we. find to agree with an order of
Gen. TrylOr'a, dated camp near Motnerey,
Aug, 18.
—The Indiana regiment, Col. 'Gorman,
and the Ohio, Col. Breugh, under Brig.
Gen, Lane—the Massachusetts regiment
Col. 'Wright, and the 13th regular infantry;
Colonel Echols. together with Capt. Dens 's
- battery, under Brig. Gen. Cushing—will
proceed immediately to Vera Cruz.
Gol. Hays' rezas regiment is also or
dered to Vera Cruz. It has not yet made
its appearance on the Rio Grande. but it is
looked for daily, and will probably arrive
at the Brazos before the other troops have
Gen. Wool's command, to remain
Saltillo, will consist of the Virgin ia, North
Carolina, and 2d Mississippi regiments of
_Volunteers, and Major Chevallie's three
companies of Texas Rangers.
A correspondent of the N. 0. National,
writing from the Brazos, Aug. 29th, makes
the whole force now en that line 9.400.-
0I this force, it takes 5,568 fur garrisons,
escorts. &c., leaving but 3,832 to proceed
to Vera Cruz.
Some ten or a dozen eases of yellow fe
ver are reported at Brazos. and several per
sons have died. The fever originated of
board vessels from New Orleans.
Van. Taylor will probably leave Mon
terey on a visit to his family in Louisiana,
before the first of October next, unlass the
War Department should send despatehes
in - - the meantime, rendering it impossible
for him to absent himself from the army.
The rainy season has fairly set in, and
a plentiful shower drenches the earth every
THE CONQUEST OF lillixteo.—The
itor of the Democrat, in avowing himself
in.favor of conquering and annexing all of
Mexico, has merely adopted what is now
understood to be the, object of this war
And the cherished purpose of the Admin
istration. k After protesting that the war
%fee not waged fur conquest, the editor of
the Government organ has at length grown
bolder than he formerly was, and declared
that if we do not subjugate and annex Mex
ico the war will prove an "utter failure,"
whin the victories we have gained will
only render us ridiculous in the opinion of
the world. Other locoliieo editors. like
our neighbor of the Deinderat, emboldened
by the example of the Government editor.
buve taken the same ground, until it can
scarcely be doubted that it is the intention
Or a large proportion of the I,ocofoco par
tyy bring into this confederacy all of
Mexico, ,with all the vile, ignorant, and
lawless population, amounting to seven or
Rigftt utillions of souls This intionous
Scheme of conquest and appropriation, of
national wrong and robbery—the moat
magnificent, wicked, and Heaven-defying
scheme that ever disgraced a Government
inure..sting to respect the principles of lion
wittill justice—is gaining ground alarming
in high and low Locofoco quarters, and
it muintet longer be doubted that a hot and
perilous struggle
.will be made to accent
' Ask it.
::. We know that the magnitude of this
scheme will cause many persons to doubt
whistler it is serionsly entertained by the
,kaltolubitration. We do not pretend to say
that Mr. Polk has all along had his cupid
. lir axed on tuck an enterprise. although
there are many circumstances which
strongly sustain the supposition that it has
iOnkbeen secretly entertained by the Ad
mtmtiottion: Our rulers begin to despair
oftwiritgiug Mexico to adopt the terms they
wisb - her -to seoept, and being unwilling to
ntlitiquish soy portion oh the conquests
asado by our armies, have probably con
- OWell that the best method will be to con
tests *WO the territory and hold milit a ry
Satitsapatisaii tuna :he people of the
110110Celittee can be hallooed to favor the
-4 of of the whole pf Mexico.
It has been often gliestioned whether
Gov. Skunk has any principles, so cau
tious is he in expressing any opinion upon
a mooted point that invokes the welfare
of the community. But if he is unwilling
to expose the views entertained by hint,
we have them shadowed forth by his sort
in-law, the Hon. Charles Brown, in his
speech et-the. Reading demonstration.—
The Journal says :
In the course of his remarks, Mr. Brown
took strong grounds against the charter of
any banks, no matter how imperatively de
manded by the wants of the business cool
monity. lie also expressed himself or-
*FENCE. In relation to the Tariff, he
remarked that he was OPPOSED to the
act of 1842-1846, or ANY OTHER
TARlFF—thus taking decided FREE
TRADE GROUND. He was also op
posed to corporations for whatever pur
pose erected ! More agrarian doctrines
we have never heard propounded.
We presume that Mr. Drown, being so
nearly allied to the Executive, was out
expressly to shadow forth the views of
Gov. Shook ; and from any thing known
to the contrary, ho did it faithfully. The
people of Pennsylvania, therefore, who
are in favor of enconraging .mittnifacitUres
which afford a home market, and give em
ployment to the POOR OF ALL CLAS
SES, can see the views entertained by Gov.
Shook, and the policy that will govern his
administration in case of his re-election,
and "govern themselves accordingly."—
Harrisburg Telegraph.
per Labor. '
THE BANiKRIIrt LAW.—The Locos are I REMEMBER, That James K. Polk, by usurp-
attempting to show that this was entirely , ping powers delegativiby the Constitution to Con
a Whig measure. In the Journal of the { gross alone, has involved the, country in an UN-
Pennsylvania Senate of May 23, 184Q,'it 1 NECESSARY WAR, waged for the inimicm.
will be found that Messrs. CAn , UncogAN , ' berment of a sister Republic, and the propagation .
MILLER and KINOSSPRY, Democrats, vo
! of American Slavery.
ted for resolutions in favor of a Brankrupt i REMEMBER That J amesl' Polk
, t
Law. In Niles' Register, volume 57, , - • - - .4ot . -
page 428, it will be seen that JAMES Be
, Gulf not to obstruct the PASSAGE OF SAN
CHANAN and GARRET I). WALL spo k e in ;
TA ANNA INTOMEXICO, by wh ich act the
favor of a Bankrupt Bill then helbre the
broken and dispirited so ldiery of the enemy were
United States Senate ; and volume 58, i
furnished with a favorite and popular loader.
page 283, that Messrs. Movt.Tos, Nos-
LAS WRIGHT and Youso, all Democrats, : 'hiniscltte the utmost TO DEGRADE GEN&
voted for it on final passage. M.kirris Vas SCOTT & TAYLOR, by repeatedly urging up-
BUREN, too in a letter dated September ion Congress the appointment of •Lieutenant Gen
it'll°, addressed to a New York commit- cml to ruperode them both.
toe, and published in Niles' Register, vol- I REMEMBER, that James K. Polk, by with
none 59, used this emphatic language : I holding the requisite supplies of men, has, through-
"I gave my vote for a general bankrupt Law,
and an equal urgency now exists for Patch a law.
I would unhesitatingly have co-operated in the Last
wesaion of Congreaa in the passage of such s law."
The RAIT. Mr. MOFFAT delivered a lee
re on Friday evening of last week in. the
Tabernacle in the city of New York. The
Suhjeet of the reverend gentleman's dis.
course was the Mexican war, and he too:
the popular Locofoco ground in relation to
it. Ile announced himself in favor of an
nexing all Of Mexico, het mountains and
valleys, with all die delectable population
that roam over diem, to the United States.
His patriotism is much more comprehen
sive than discriminating. We do not know
whether he is in favor of slaying the eight
millions of people that inhabit that minim,
rv, or of eating them up, or of converting
them ' into Republicans anti exemplary
Christians. Like other rabid annexation
ists, he has not probably made up his mind
as to what should be done with the men
and women, the olive-colored beauties, the
murderous rancheros, the Indians, the
half-breeds, quarter-breeds, three-quarter
breeds, and the infinite variety of other
breeds that mark the form in that doomed
country. Some of the Locofocos are for
sweeping them from the earth with ruth
less and unsparing slaughter, while others,
far more merciful, are in favor of amalga
mation, absorptions, and modifications, the
effect of which will be greatly to puzzle
future genealogists, and to produce a mix
ture of blyod more perplexing than the
mixture of tongues at Babel.—Lonistille
ly "Democratic" doctrine is gaining friends
every day. A number of the leading
"Democrats" in the State hold to it, and so.
in fact do all but the office-holders, and
their teols and wire-workers. The attempt',
to break down the one term principle by
the re-election of Governor Shank, cannot
and ought not suceceed. Ile has already
been in °Mee more than TH I UT Y'
YEARS, and drawn from the treasury the
enormous sum of SE'I'ENTY THOU
SAND DOLLARS. This is "pap" c.
!tough in all conscience. So think the
Whigs and so think a very large portion
of "Democracy," and unless we are great
ly mistaken the nest election will prove
that so think an overwhelming majority of
the people of this Commonwealth.
—. • I can be . diatorted by misrepresentatiqn or exagger.
"AA D AND COM rottic"-,-While Whig' anon into any thing like a charge against the
Generals and Whig Voltintrers are defend- ' 'Whig candidates. Every thing is laid under con
ing our National Honor in Mexico, and
trying to conquer a peace, the Washington tribution ; all means, fair and foul, it seems are to
be resorted to, to ward off,
ittee if possible, the expect-
Union, Mr. Yolk's petted, pampered and
pensioned organ. is cheering the spirits of ed disaster. The Locofoco State Comm s
the enemy by telling them almost daily busily
indicting epistle after epistle to the faithful
that part of our
people sympath i se w i th ; throughout the Stet the L .. oce . feco P is
them. Who can doubt that 'Past-Dictator made to teem with the most vindictive assaults up-
Santa Anna would long ago have abandon-I ,
on the character of our candidates—while the
ed the war as a loosing- game, had not the mails throughout every portion of 'the State are
Union constantly whispered.‘aid and corn- crammed with extras, and circulars, and docu.
fort" in his ear. Tell Santa Anita that the meats, containing the most bitter invectives a-
W higs are the Mexican party, and he will gainst the Whig party, and urgent appeals to the
say that Scott, Taylor, Worth, Cadwala- ; "d emocracy " to rouse themselves to a sense of
tier, Wynkoop, and others have had a fU- ; "the iminent danger that threatens the party in the
anus way of showing their sympathy. ' Old Keystone Mate." The ghcsts oflong forgot
. [ Y6.lh 3iirlerieun ' ! ten and antiquated issues--" Alien and Sedition
THE Moumoss.—A passenger from the Laws," "Blue-light Federalism," .New England
Upper Missouri informs us that the Mor- , Treason," "National Bank," "Buckshot War,"
inns are in a flourishing condition, in . 'Gettysburg Tape worm,' are summoned from their
their new location on the fine lands of the graves to assist in the work of arousing the luke-
Pottuwatamie purchase, on both sides of the warm and. deterring the mutinous. But all, we
river, above Council Bluffs. They have apprehend, will not dot The people of the country
planted immense fields of corn—to the ex- -have suffered long enough from Locofoco misrule,
tent, it is estimated. of 30.000 acres—am e yand have long enough been insulted by the sense-.
other grain and produce. .They hav
.! less slang with which the Locofoco leaders sought
built, also, a town, called -Winter Quar- i to dupe and deceive them, to be affected by these
ters," which already contains a population : d espera t e tri c ks o f d esper a t e „„ , „ hers, otherwise
of some seven thousand souls. This town
i than to regard them as the convulsive efforts that
is entirely picketed in. It is represented
s characterise the lust struggles of the doom
that the Mormons are on friendly terms i always
with the Indians, whO rarely molest them, ,«1 victim : and the nest election wilt give evi
nithTigh they are accused of occasionally 1 deuce of a "Storm" still more disastrous in its et
stealing cattle.-9. Louia.Republican, I feels upon Locofocoism than that which last Octo
iher made so sensible an impression upon its lead-
SCF:NKti AT THE Got.Lows.—The negro '
boy who murdered his master near Flein- I
ingshurg, Kentucky, was executed at that C3Tho Locolocos of Franklin rodnty have
place on Monday week. The Flag says nominatetrthe Hon. Loges J. KEN NEDI, qa the
there was an immense crowd of people victim to be sacrificed in the Senatorial contest in
present, which pressed forward to the gal-this district.
lows "amidst laughing, jeers, and awful ! number ---- ofArticles,intend ed for to-day's
ful oaths." Alter the execution, drunken- !
I paper, have been crowded ant by the Army news
nese. and fighting became the order of the.
and advertising patronage. ,
day, and before the corpse was cold, trials
for fighting were being held in the Court/ [The. warnewi was expressed for the Bel.:
house. timers Sun in 6 days from New Oilcans.
$l7lOl k. 0
Frlda3Sept. 17, 1817.
' •
CITY AGENCY' —v. B. P•LME.R. Esq. at the
corner of Chesnut /kr. Third street, Philadelphia :
SO Nassau street Nrir Fork; and South-earl coy.
ner of Baltimore and Calvert street. Baliinnere—
Rad E.W. Clan, Isq. d on Building. N. E Corner
Third k Dock sts.and ,t.lO N. Fourth st
are our anthorizedAgents for rerei‘ing Advertise
ments and Subscriptions to the"Stnr — and collect.
ing and rereipting for the same.
Voters of Adams county,
REMEMBER, That James K. Polk Teem-
Mcniled i -the REPEAL. OF THE TARIF OF
1842, aid approved the British Fire-trade Tariff
of 1846, by which American Industry must be
brought into ruinous competition with foreign pau-
out the entire campaign, embarrassed the operations
of these officers, and forced them to, ngage the en
emy under desperate odds,. -
REMEMBER. that . lames K Folk's official
organ, the Washington Tliiiiii, — iecomniendeti
that the war be converted into A CRUSADE A
OF MEXICO, and that the temples of Religion
ho desecrated and pillaged, to procure means for
carrying on the war. - . • -
REMEMBER; that lames K. Polk, in the tree
spirit of black-cockade Federalism, CHARGED
ITREASON upon all to speak of these
things, or call in question the merits of his admin.
REMEMBER, that Junes K. Polk warmly
urged upon the !pat Congress to lay a menue tax
of 20 per cent. on TEA AND COFFEE, and
that the Union florally denounced those members
of "the party" who refused obedience' to his Ex
cellency's ordeal.
A AR Tar 1111‘211/111111/k Tntaa TIIVNGS,
REMEMBEIL,AWdOv that the late Locofoe°
County Conventhin, which called upon you, to
mat your suffrages for Mr. Surrtn, APPROVED
of all these acts of Mr. Poaa by adopting the fol-
lowing resolution:
Resolved, That the course pursued by' J•111C11
K. PUCK, during his truly Irving administration,
TION; and that the honesty, ability and fie:num
he manifests in the prosecution of the present war,
notwithstanding the opposition he meets with in
the Federal party. eminently entitle him to the es
tcem and admiration of the American peoplo.
11j - To correct a false impression which, we
understand, exists in some portions of the county,
it may be proper to state that the law providing
that at clectioneln Adams county, the candidates
for the several offk-es ahas voted for on one
sheet, dit NOT pass at the last session of the Leg
islature. It pasted the House near the close of
tile &lesion, but Oiled in the Senate in consegpernee
of a want of time to act upon it. The Xicketa
will consequently be cut sport, and deposited, as
heretofore, in separate poxes.
I Ur Nothing gives surer or more satifactery v.
idence of the political prospects in this State than
the exceeding bitterness and despenoion in which
the canvass is conducted by our opponents. Like
men conscious of the critical danger in which
they are placed, they eagerly clutch at every little
trifle, connected or not with the great issues legiti
mate!), belonging to the present contest, which
snuuul exerch.:,,,ronnected with the closing. of the
summes Session of Pennsylvania College and the
Theologieal . Seminary, came off during the past
week. 'rite press upon our columns precludes
say extended notice of the several performances,
On Tuesday afternoon. the beautitul }lull erec
ted by the Limean Association was dedicated in
the presence of a number of spectuters, Rev. Dr.
Meatus, of Baltimore, delivering an interesting
and entertaining Address.
On Tuesday night the Alumni of the 'theologi
cal Seminary were addressed by Messrs. Mrs Lu Alt
GYkIIART and BEALL 741.8citaceitsa, the former
selecting as his theme "The Reformation in Italy: ,
and the latter "The Obligatiousof Scidnco to Rev
elation." Rev. F. W. CONRAD, of Hagendown,
delivered the Anniversary Address---hls theme
"'lite duty of Improvement in hesehing the Gos
On Wednesday afternoon, Ro e zwr Tr lAA, Esq.,
of Philadelphia, delivered the Annual Address be
fore the Literary Societies; of the College. For
nearly an hour and a half the Speaker enchained
the attention of his auditors with an able and elo
quentaway upon the influence of "Commerce," as
illustrated in the Mabry of Civilization. In the
evening the Alumni of the College were addres
sed by. A. R. BTIVIVIROM, of this; place, on "The
Duties and Responsibilities of Educated Meri."—
A correspondent has kindly famished us with a
notice of the exorcises, which will be found below.
On Thura.lay the Annual Commencement excl..
eiassiook-place, Orations being- delivered in the
following, order:—"Latin Salutatory," by Wm.
H. Witherow, Gettysburg, Pa.; 'Providence in
the History of Nations," - by J. K. Putt, of Harris
burg, Pa.; •'Quisque sue !Mime caber," by J.
A. Brediflawe, of Lexington, N. C:: "The Bunt
ing of Moscow," by Win. ItYriotria, of Baltimore,
Md.; "Greek Oration," by P. W.. Braun., of
Baltimore, Md. ; "The Natal Character," by
Luther E. Albeit, of Hanover. Pe, "Ancient °m
edals," by Ihnrid J. Eyler, of Werneehoro% Pe.;
"The Dignity of Labor," by Jacob •H. 'Heck, of
Chankbandan..l....Klktology,7..... by. :Reuben- A..
Fink, of Middletown, ; '`Etniedict Arnold," by
Edwanl G. Fahnastock, of Gettysburg, Pa.; •Free
4adey.nt lidan.".. by . Chest&
tel, of Smithburg, Md.;• "The Fall of Palmyra,"
by M. W. Merryman. of Baltimore county, Md.;'
"Thomas' Cluilmeis." by Peter Raby, of Marion,
Pis.; "The Mariner's Compass," by Henry .1,-
cobs, Waynesboro', Pa.; "Rstroapect of a Cen
tury," by Mark Posey, or Juniata county, Pa.;
"Valedictory," by Abraham Smirk, of F?nitlin
county, Pa.
The demure( A. H. was ronknod-on the gop
hers of the graduating class, and that of A..
Bee. Peter Anstatt, Oscar F. !kosher, Esq., Jo-
seph B. Bittinger, Joseph P. Clarkson, Rev. Tho
m= W. Corbel, Rev. hileheel Meld, 'Ramp J.
Fahnestock, John M. -Macfarland, kelmT.- Monk
Res. Orme A, Nixdorf!, sod lbale,hf. Etehmuck
er, members of the Class of 1844.
The ettentire during the week were etteontie
flied: With - nnute-brthe-littydn-A-stectriation, the
Brame Band of Getty, Lodge, and theMagentown
Brame Band. r Excused.
DAUGERREOTYPES.—In another column found a 'card by Meilen. M'Etttsr.Jand
Tuestrion, who hare opened rooms in this place
ihrthe purposer of taking DavernsertymLikesses.
The following paragraph in regard to the skill of
those gentlemen appears in the last Shippensburg
µValley Spirit"
- "We think it due to Messrs. M'Elroy
& Thompson, who . left this place on Sat.
urday, after operating here for about two
months, to say- that no one could have giv
en greater satisfaction to the patrons
re the-art,or-left-behimiAtim-better-
tus. They were overrun mut - Customers
during their sojourn in this place, and if'
their "luck" bears any propottion to their
skill, they will have "enough to spare"
wherever they •may go. They allow no
picture to go out of their hands that is not
perfect in every particular. Their like
mules have a lively, life-like appearance,
instead of a dull. chimney-corner look, so
commonly seen in Daguerreotype pi Lures.
We recommead them to the patronage of
the public, wherever they may chance to
go, and bespeak for them the kind and fa
vorable consideration of our brethren of
the - presit lhmtighuurthe length and breadth
of our republic."
ANOTTIEBy reference to oar averaging
columns, it will be eeen that Mr. FineritOCK has
alen.opened tangtoOK the obOvoPPrlPP.O...t4Ar . et
Seorra's.. If itny of our citizens. WI to secure a
good picture of theme:lves or frintals, it will not*
be fin want of an opportunity.
Me. Enteral I,,,Thit. &ander elthe.Libmsry
. .
Exercises of the, past week, with the growing
tared in our Literary :Institution, twidenced by
the presence. of.thelunusually-largeiCtiaientee that
have been in attendance throughout the exincimes,
cannot but be moat gratifying to the friends of
Education. Pohl" been-my privilege to-witness
the - poifermances connected with similar occasions
not only of this but othatinstitutions, and I Coal
entirely warranted in saying that I have attended
irew' at which the exercises, tut a whole, were char
'interlard by equal interest or more ability. It is
not my purpose to inflict upon your 'readers 'a
lengthy review of any one, much less of all the ex•
erases, to which it has been my pleasure to listen.
It has become so common, and so matter-o(-course
a thing, in such notices, to be all compliment to
the performer, that they axe with good reason pe
rused with distrust by the reader..or at least receiv
ed with a measurable degree of allowance.
Yet I may he excused in remarking the sincere
pleasure with which I listened to the chaste and beau
production of the gentleman wno addressed the
Alumni of the College on Wednesday evening—a
pleasure in which I inn sure all who were present
must have participated. It has become so custom
ary on these occasions to servo up learned and. e
laborate dissertations, that the main object, or what
ought to constitute the main object, of these Alum
ni conimunings, is almost lost sight of, and the
Anniversary divested of its chief interest. To this I
style of periMmunce the Address of Mr. Srsv EN.
sob furnished a marked and most agreeable con
trast. The response to the important inquiry as
to “What are the duties and responsibilities of ed
ucated men t" could not well fail to be eminently',
practical, and suggestive of interesting and impor
taut propositions, And in discussing these, the
discriminating observation, sound judgement, and
conortvative sentiment, of the speaker were en
forced in a beauty and energy of style, that com
mended the Address . to the warm approbation of
the auditor. I must not omit a reference to the
Music with which the exercises of the evening were
accompanied—furnished, I believe, by the Haydn
Association, and the Gettys Lodge Brass Band.—
Of the music by the Haydn Association I need
scarcely speak. It has so frequently contributed to
the interest of these literary festivals, that it may be
sufficient to remark that in its performances on
this occasion public expectation was altogether
realized. The opening and closing !deco; by the
Gettys Lodge Brass Band were toast beautiful,
and performed with a skill which scents estrum-di
nary in view of the Cwt that the Band has been
in existence but little more than two months 7 --
With two Associations in our midst, capable 'of
furnishing music such as that of Wednesday night,
no wonder that there was some expression of sur
prise at. this folly, of sending abroad for. and int
potting that which could have been equally well
furnished at home, . KAPPA.
VEEMON"E—The Election in Vermont has
resulted, as usual, in the n turn of a Whig major
ity to both brandies of the Leek!store. There is
no election of Governor by the people, in conitia
queue., of the large number of scattering votes.—
The veto iv unusu ally small, but little interest
baking. been manifested in the election.
The Election in Maine to* place on tut Eton:
day instead 9f 'H0w1...) , week, as annouiicail in our
but. The election iv for Governor, Legielattue,
and four monikers of Gong-mu.
lumbia Spy says that Mr. StmrsorOhas launched
a handsome boat on the Pennsylvania Canal,
which, with true Pensylvania pride, he has '
ened Ober our late distingtiislied fellow citizen, T.
Srav ENS, EN. ninfutuutentoration of the prowl
nont part played by the gentlemen to whom it
otves its patronymic, upon . the common school
question, the Thadessa Sevens is decorated with a
landscape sketch, by Hunt, representing a pleas,
sandy situatml country• school house, with a troop
of incipient citizens playing about it—apparently
obvious of the birch and the foolscap, whiohdoubt
i less reign within. A merry group are they, and
) much, very much do they owe to the exertions of
Mr. Stevens, for the privileges they are now on-
TEE BEGINNINCI.—Now that the Europe.
an !amino has passed away, and prices been min
ced under the, assurance of good : rinveah ha
rems, the blessings of the Locator:o Free -trade Tat
-111..4f-1846-ars begimring.tcr-dtmeleputhemsatvem
The importations at Nertlfotit, during the. Month
of August aloes, snesanan the export's shout
000,000.1 Leaving out of view the important
fact that thesseight millions of dollamworth of im
ports mutt supplant just that amount of Ameri
can prothictions, 'the reader is requested ie
'lnember that at this rate we shall get in debt to
Etz;dpa, itt tinojeltr, $100.0110;0150. - How long
will him before Nation h Bankruptcy cornea 1
Nsw OaLuaxs.r—Tlie 'Yellow Fever
rages to en alarming extent in the above
et tho the "~olTowTng pie=
tune of the city '
4, With so much sickness in every di
3inti w 4.6 • t
all Whose means or ocenpatimmi enable
them to seek a healthier spot, die distant
readers may readily imagine that New Or
leans presents a sail and gloomy aspect.—
The streets are almost solitudes, business
nearly_ ntirely suspended, and peopii
meet to converse on scarce-any other topic
than the visitations of theepidemic. Mean
while it is-consolatory to reflect that char
ity, as well public as private, is making
'saliva-and unremitting exertions in behalf
of the unfortunate . Few even of the poor
est die neglected or forlorn. Few succumb
to the disease without having been pla
ced under
_proper medical advisement,
and having received everfcare and - cow
fort that can mitigate the pangs _ofdissolu
---Tee NEW Caor—The whom coop of
the United States for 1847, is supposed to
be the largestitver harvested in this coun
try; and yet. it is raid that not 50,000
bushels have reached the market. Atother
seasons about half a million of bushels are
in the market by the first of September,
but: it. is .etherwise now, The Farmers,
we presume, expect an advance, and are
holding back therefore; but if they pay
some little attention to the Foreign news,
they will come to the conclusion that groin
Inuit/WI, at least 30 per cent, before next
harvest, as the Foreign demand is supplied.
• GEx. 'Scores Pacrnartox.—When
Gen. Scott was in this city, on his way to
tho,seat-of-vrarifte-was frequently Interco ,
gated by curjous persons as to his plans
and designs. But the old General was
generally as close as an oyster. There
was, however, one purpose of his which
he made no effort to conceal, and that was
his determination to be . in the Capital by
the Ist September.
,shall dictate
peace to them in their Capital. on the Ist
of September, 1847'." 'The old General
is certainly shaving it very cletie, but we
believe he will redeem his proMise.—N.
O. - 11-elta.
DR. HENRY ONDIERDONE, who resigned
the Episcopateeffenasylvonia a few years
ago, and who was suspended front the ex
ercise of his functions, on a charge of too
freely indulging in the use of ardent spirits,
will, •we understand; be most iikely 're
stored to Bishopric*, by the convention
alsititio Sit; the evidence beingthat he has
entirely abstained _during the intervening
time. We hear, farther, that a Church
will , be erected for him by some of the
Episcopalians of Philadelphia.—N. Thrk
4. 64
ltiiportont from Gen. Scott's Army
Contreras and ( hurubuseo.
Told Defeat of the Illexicuns—Mexican
Loss nearly 9,000, including 13 Geni
rah and 3 ex-Preeidents--Snierican
Lou 1100 in killed and wounded-,.
Armistice and Negotiations.
By the arrival . of the steamship Mary
Kingsland, at New Orleans, on the Bth in
stant, full details were 'received of two im
portant and decisive battles between the
Ameriran and Mexican arms, within a few
miles of the city of Mexico, Werondense
the annexed summary from the Picayune.
From a map and plan of the battle-fields
before us, we note that they are called the
battles of Contreras and,Churubusco—so
called front the field works of the enemy
of those names. The victories were deci
sive, but as far as we can judge from 4 has
ty perusal of a portion of our letters, the
proposition for an armistice was made by
Ceneral Scott—probably at the suggestion
of the British embassy. The report hith
erto given that the city of Mexico was at
our mercy, appears to have bean unfounded.
Should peace not follow from the nego.
tiations now pending, another battle must
ensue, the enemy having a force of from
fifteen to twenty thousand men yet left.—
But the road appears to be coin pletely open
to us, and the city is only two and a half
miles from our encampment.
Our victories have been purchased at a
vast Joss of valuable life. Our entire loss
in killed and wounded is short of eleven
himdred; that of the enemy is not well
known. Ilis loss in killed alone is believ.
ed to be fully equal to our entire loss, and
it is estimated that at least 3,000 prisoners
were taken. The number of wounded
was not ascertained, but is supposed to be
very large. General Scott himself receiv.
cod a wound in the leg he'loW the knee, but
from the manner in which Mr.• Kendall
speaks of it, we are left to hope the injury
is a slight one.
[Editorial Correapondonro of the Pleaviinc.l
l'Actrn A ro, (near Mexico,) Aug. '22, 'l7.
The celebrated Archbishop's Palace of
Tsenbayo is now °erupted by Gen. Scott;
And a portion of the army, after twice de
feating she enemy in two of the hardest
fought battles of the war, are quartered im
niediately around him.
s On the 14th instant a reconnoisance
Made byTol. Duncan having prove) that
a road for artillery- and wagons could be
cut off . from 'Chaim to San Augustine,
General Worth's division moved on the
afternoon of the 15111 in that direction:-1
General Pillow followed the next morning;
at the same hour General Quitman broke!
up his encampment at Buena Vista, a
small hacienda between Vienta de Gordo
va and Ayotla, and immediately General;
Twiggs was in motion from the latter
place. By this move a new line of oper
ations was taken up on the southern and
northwestern side of the city of Mexico,
and the strong works of the Pcnon and
Mexicalaingo, upon which Satita Anna had
bestowed such immense care end labor,
were completely timed. •
On the 10th of
,August, General Worth
marched as far as the hacienda of San
Gregorio, beyond which it was found that
the enemy had cui up and ditched the mis
erable trail along which the artillery and
wagons were obliged to pass. He would
.have,.went to Santa Grua, another haMen
da a'league further on, had not an order
Contikup-from Genentl•Soott-4444•1ten14. 7
It seemed that General Twine had.inet
large force of the enemy drawn front
of him near Ghalco, as if with the. inters=
',lion of 'disputing his advance, cutting him
off Nom the main hodrof the army, and
perhaps bringing ,on a general . action.—
Getierel Twiggs .promptly - ordered some
of the heaiier gene to be unlimbered, and
after a few discharges the enemy was dis
persed, with the loss of five or six killed,
but the demonstration made by.the Mexi
cans,. as I.have before said, caused, a halt
e_nertd. rl It!Cd. klisionlefti re Italf_a.
day'i march was made.
- At 8 o'clOck on the morning of the 17th
General Worth resumed his march, his
row and rocky lanes along which carriages
had never passed before. The tilling up
of the ditches caused some little delay.
but by 8 o'clock the advance was in eight
of Santa Ctuz, and the spires and domes
of the noted capital of Mexico could be
discerned in the distance. The obstructions
in the toad, of which I have spoken, were
obviously of recenteonstruction—evidence
that the enemy had but just gut wind of
our approach, and that. Gen. Scott had
completely stolen a march upon Santa
Other than the ditches,and rocks which
had been rolled down from the precipitous the advance of Ceti. Tviiggairot_half a mile Ito
bill-shre;no oppositiOn - was made , - 0 th e- yond the latitlr village, before a attling fire of
musketry announced that it was actively engaged
advanen of-Generol WOrth until Ito had
with the outposts of the enemy, ihd the heavy
-hod reached a - point in the road not fur booming of cannon now gave token that the noted
from Santa Cruz-eibut now a scattering 2.1 division had fallen upon another strong Work.
iire was opened upon the head of his ea- But a few mintntee more and it trentenihtlisfl
timnby a force stationed at advantageous ring to the right, and immediately in the main
positiuna above the road to the left. The rood front San Augustine to the capital, made it
. • evident that • OCil. Worth's division was actively
ettetny was quickly dispersed, however ; engaged.. He had completely turned the *iron.
by Cot. PP. F. Smith ' s light:battalion and i works of San Antonio, but while doing so the eif
theluil artillery under Major Galt. As . etu r a id abandoned the place with the loot of dwir
the division neared the .hacienda of La I heavy guns, and had fallen back upon his second
Noqui the advance was again fi red upon. and stronger lino of works. It wsa now at the
but-again the enemy's pickets were driven commencement of the battle, about one o'clock
in the afternoon, and sum such a rattling of lire
in, without loos.
arms has seldom or never been heard on the eon-
A turn of the, road beyond La Novia tinent of Americo, atTompenied with such boom
brought the .
Plena" village of Sun Augur- ' ing - of tirtiiiery ; and this' was - continued over
tin in sight, and after two or or three light I two hours and until the wieldy waslully routed
skirmishes, in w hi c h t h e Mexicaliß hod- , from every point, and until those Who were not
two or three lancers killed and nturwountl- killed or taken prisoners werr-in- full flight for
ed, our troops had quiet possession of San the city.
The di ,, :owna
orpen.. Twig , and w ort') were
- A :n e llitill; ' - thir -0 :nly inn - thtring -1116-644 at Witc.e . 74.l - a - iii.,l, -- 11iiTriiiiier - dilWilitireft alit)
was one man, a soldier of Smith's light stronghold of Churulmeco, and Cie latter with the
battalion, who was wounded front a corn- i batteries at the bridge : anal in the meantime Gem
field near Xochimilee. shield'sbri f mk—the New York and South Caro.
At 7 o'clock on the morning of the 18th,
Gen Scott arrived at San Atignstin, and at
10 o'clock Gott. Worth was in full march
for the city of Mexico by the main road.
Majors . Smith sail Turnbull, Capt. Mason
and other engineer officers, were sent in
ad vance, supported by Capt. Blake's squad.?
ran of dragoons. to reconnoitre, as it was
known the enemy was in (circuit or,.near
San Antonia. The party, when within a
thousand yards, was fired,npon from a Jit
tery, which was masked by trees, and the
first ball from a 12-pounder instantly killed
Capt.Thornton,Of the 2d Dragoons, besides
oeverely wounding a guide, Jonathan Fitz
w alters.
These recennoisances were conlinn4
throughout the 18th, the reconnoitering
.parties occasionally becoming involved in
skirmishes with advanced parties of the en-,
emy, but without any important results,
except ascertaining, the practicability of
.turning the strong batteries at San Antonia,
by a road round it to San Angel. The
Mexicans were seed in great force at Con
treras, and at a council at night it was de
termined to- attack them on the following
day. . .
: Ware going further, it may be well to
state that the city - of ,Mexicolies about nine
miles nearly north of San Augustin.--
Sarr7Antonia is about three miles in the
same direction, while the point occupied
by Gen. Valencia, near Coutiers, (lir he
had command at at that place, is at least
three wiles in a straightline and in a direc
tion nearly. west.. It .was ten 'miles the
way many of our troops had to march, for
you cannot imagine a more rough, uneven
and jagged surface,
At eight o'elocit on the
,morning of the
1804 the biiteries again opened ou•Gen.
Worth's position at the hacienda near Sun
Antonia, the balls
through- the
walls and tilling the rooms with fragments
of plaster and broken furniture. Shells
also burst in the air over the building, and
the pieces dropped among the men station
tioned in the rear. So hot was the lire
that the troops were obliged to gain shelter
behind the building, but still (lid nut give,
up the position. About U o'clock the di
visions of Generals Pillow and 'l'wiggs
were ordered to advance in the direction of
Contreras, and by. I. in the afternoon were
in plain sight of the enemy's batteries and
within range of the heavier guns.
The Brigade cif•Gen. P. P. Smith teas
ordered to advance directly towards the
enemy's works, while that of Col. Riley
moved.towards a small village to the right,
with orders to gain the main wad, and
thus be enabled to cut off any .reinforce
'moms which might be sent to Valencia
from the city. An incessant tiring of can
non was opened upon the advance of Gen.
Smith, and'soon the rifles were engaged in
skirmishing with the pickets of the enemy
And driving ihent in.
The 12-pounder battery of Capt. Ma
gruder was pressed forward with all speed,
ms-was also the rocket and mountain how
itzer battery, now commanded by Lieut..
Calender. .of the Ordnance Department.
Aa soon as they could gain a position they
opened upon the enemy, but were so much
exposed to a tiro from heavier guns that
they were soon silenced. Lt. Johnson, of
the Ist artillery, but attached to Magrtaler's
battpry, was mortally wounded, while Lt.
Callender was severely wonlided in both
At 3 o'cloel the brigade of Gen. Cad wal
oder was ordered out to support Col. Riley,
heavy reinforeements being seen on their
way out from the city, while (=en. Pierce's
brigade was sent to sus lain Gen. Smith.
The firimr '
from the batteries of the enemy
continued incessant, while from a hill out=
Side of the range of their guns, the' s p ec t a _
die was most grand and imposing.
At about 4 o'clock, Gen. Scott arnvnl, and see
ing the immense strength of the Mexicans, at
one(' ordered Geo. i.hirld's brigade from San Au
guatin—a part of Gen. Quihnan's command—to
the right to support Riley and Cadwalader, and
prevent, V possible. a juncture of the forces coming
out from time ci'y with those of Valencia. Until
night had fairly closed in the fire from the enelny's
'battery did not slacken—it had been a continuous
roar for nearly sic hours. Gen Scott retired to
.Augustin about eight o'clock, and in the midst of
hard rain which luid just commenced falling.—
Generals Twinge and Pillow came in about 11 .
clock, wet and completely exhausted. It was im
possible to use horses on the rough and exceeding
, • broken ground on which they had been opera
tine for, neatly 12 boors.
Not anticipating the immense strength of the
works iirtlurefitiniy, or the almost iheurmountablo
dilliculties of reaching them, it had been at first
thought that the butterica would betaken at a dash,
and that the troops would be all comfortably quar
tered in Sun Angel for the night; instead of this,
a lingo portion of them were compelled to bivouac
without blankets, in the midst of at pitiless rain, and
on the ground where they could not oven stretch
stienemlvott out. Early on the morning of the
20th, Gen. Worth was ordered to move with a
ottitirditithilonittlaihrit Mir:ti
the Keno of action it Contreras, to aid in the at
tack upon Valencia, for to fined this position was
deemed indispensable. A few dfichmgcs of can
non Were heard about 7 o'clock, and alietoy rat
tliog,of musketry, and some-erenelnd Bust In the
distanee they had seen large mass of Modems
in iblifillight towanhi the city; but few ileiann:d
that the , batteries at Coutrontehod been Smiled
and carried. Yet so it Wee. Con, Scott himself,
accompanied by Cop.:Worth, started for the mane
of action, when they , were met by Capt. Alison.
with the. joyful intelligence that Valencia had
been completely routed e abort. bot,terribile
...The AtticLupott_his .141 11 ed by
Gen. Smith, .and resulted in the capturea - IS
pieces of artillery, some 1,500 prisoners--etnong
them Guns. Blanco, Garcia, Mendoza; and the
-notorimm- 8411; -all. ther-ammunitiMi .rsnd Lamp.
vtimpromote dm rAtthrl r • • r • •
escaped fled, was strewed with muskets. No less
than 700 of the enemy, among them many officers,
wdre left dead on the field--the number of wound
ed was undoubtedly far greater. I hare nu time
now•to enlarge or continent upon qua well plan
ned and brilliant achievement, but reserving a
morn full description -for seine-other time, .must
pan on to other exciting °yenta. ' •
'llm works at CoUrreres completely in the pow
er of the American army, Gen Scull at Otter or
dered Clem Worth to fall back upon Skin Anninio.
to turn and capture that work, and then to push
on towards the capital by the main road, while the
main body of the army under Gem Pit;
low, Smith, Pierce and Cadwalader, moved on to
ward. San Angel and Cohoysan. Scarcely had
lina volunteers—together with the 9th, 12th atut
15111 regiments of infantry under General Fierce,
were hurrying onward from Cohoysan to attack
the hacienda. Soon, they too were engsged, anti
now tile battle became general. The enemy had
ever twenty piety', of cannon, all In admirable po-
sition. and served with more than ordinary skill,
while but few of the guns could be brought to bear.
ille battery of Uspt:Frank Taylor, It is tow, is
peneda well-directed Ike upon Churubusno, but
so exposeA was his situation that it suffered most
terribl,y,,bollt io efficerkand men.. '1
To describe thesfleree conflict, evemll9W thet two
()aye have elepeedoter4Mtgive.,ent account of the
part taken by the different regiments, were Wpm-
Bible. From the opening of the strife up to the
time the Mexicans were entirely routed and in full
flight for the city, was one continnotm roar of reel
non and musketry, accompanied by the loud shouts
l'of the" victors as some now vantage wounZ wai '
•gaincd; and , high above the din rose a dense col
umn of smoke, at times completely shrouding the
'lite strength of the enemy at this battle is known
to have been 46,000 at least, many say 20,000,
and in a position. of uncommon strength. . Opp
sial ;0 them were about 6,000 Americatut,, jaded
sli m
and broken don ertarcheiltut countenintirchert,
and by iialissinit before the stronghold Of Con
treras and San A ie. At Churubinto, the
Mexicans themselves asy, Banta Antlifinintitand
ed in person, but that be let early. - 'The noted
battalions of Hidalgo and Victoria, and of ludo
pandencria4--the Palms, or young
expected-nearly of due tllP
itel,--frorn- Whom so Muth was expeeted- - --warly
all fled Without firing a gun.
. In,the different winks (but mostly in the church)
taken be Gen. Tvihrgs, nearly 2,000 troops were
captured. Among them were - Gen. Eincou, who
commanded in person, Gen. Array', lately Presi
dent &Unita°, and Gen. Arevalon, seals° Col.
Gorestesoi formerly Minister at Washington. Gen.
Garay was captured near San Antonia by Gen.
Worth, - and several' influential officers, among
them, Col.Nimmon, by Gen. Ithields,at the haci
enda: but gm most - important rapture of all, WIN
the entire Foreign Ilattalion, mostly made up Of
deserters from our own army, with their common
dir, the notorious Riley himself. They . are all
now under close guard, and I trust will be strictly
dealt with.
The loan on our side has Allen most heavily
upon the South Carolina and Now York volun ,
leers, the oth Infentry, end Smith's light battalion,
attached to Worth's division, and the batteries of
Cupta. Magruder and l'aylor. The Sonth Caro,
line regiment was nearly cut to pieces, losing 137
nut of 272 men with which it went int., action.—
The lat. Artillery has antlered severely in officers.
The Mexicali accounts acknowledge the loss, in
killed, wounded and prisoners, of no less than 13
generals, (among them, were three ex-presidents)
and forty live pieces of cannon. One of our offi
cers says that we have captured more ammunitun
then Gen. Scott has treed since he has been in the
country. G, W. K.
Tun AIIMISTICE.—After the battles, an
Armistice was concluded between the two
Armies, for the purpose .cf giving the Mex.-
inn Government an opportunity of receiv
ing propositions for pence from. Mr. 'nisi,
Tho articles of the armistice provide for
a suspension of hostilities within 30 leagues
of the Capital, to continue us long as nego
tiations may he pending, or until the com
mander of either army give formal notice
of its cessation. In the meantime neither
army to commence any new fortifications
or military works for offence or defence,
onto do any thing to enlarge or strengthen
any existing Works or fortifications. Nei
ther briny . to advance frone its present posin
tiOn. 05, to receive reinforcements. Ali
prisoners of war in the lauds of the Mufti,
cans to be immediately exchanged for un
equal number of prisoners in the hands of
the Americans. MI 'American 'citizens
Previously expelled from the Capital, 41
have the privilege of returning.
By Last - Night's Mail.
Cominenced--The ,News
'Plie'Washingion Union states that the
Government has received letters from Mr.
l ory of the important intel
lige from Mexico. The victory of
pi i
cotr was decisive, and the city of
Mexico at hie mercy, when, in compliance
with suggestions from the British, M inister
and prominent Mexican officers, a suspen
sion-of hostilities was proposed by Gen.
Scott. We learn, generally, that the last
battle (indeedithe only one of conseqUence
after Gen.. Scott left Puebla) was the
hardest fought and the bloodiest which has
tak en place in all this sanguinary war.—
It commenced on the 10th ; continued till
night; iind iitni tenoned in the Morning.
Valencia'adivision was finally vanquished
i n th e4ne ntlig,mith the loss of all his a r - .
tillery, seven , - hundred killed and Wound
ed, and three thouiand prisoners. ••
The &ORM tinder Santa Anna, consist-,
in of between 20 and 30,000 men, of his
own iron end the levy ert masa of the
city of Mexico, was engaged by 5,000 men.
under the brave Worth, who, after an olw
adnateltettle of long duration, a-large part
Of it bayonet to bayonet, finally achieved a
comPiSte Victory over the immense Mexi-
Mni host, which broke and fed, some into
the eity,and large bodies elsewhere. The
AlktiittAltiP...timparato afternoon.
battle was 6,000 killed and wounded ; and
our own loss, We griiiie to say, was near
ly 1,000 men. H .
The Mexican, : army was well supplied
with artillery strongly posted, but it was
all captured. Neither their artillery, their
numbers, nor their desperate resistance
could . Withstand the valor of ,our'troops,
directed by die able and skilful dispositions
of tho brave and veteran Scott, whose name
is associated with so many well-fought
fields in the annals of our country.
The rumors as to II e probable suc
cess integottaitiotware very condletiag - ,
some affirming that it was progressing fa.
vorably, while others expected little
.front it.. _ ,Gens. Quiunan..Peraifer _ Smith._
to 'mat the Mexican commission, among
wiiich was Ex-President Herrera.
Gen. Scott's wound was occasioned by
a grape shut, which struck hull on the out
side of the leg, below the knee, and gave
gim so little pain at the time that be said
nothing about it; but it has sluice caused
hint much uneasiness.
An Illinois paper, commenting upon Lord
Palmerstrin's speech on repudiation, says,
the people or that Suite are prepared to li
quidate their liabilities by fightiag out the
whole fourteen millions at six cents a day.
The wrath of Suckerdom is rising.
gang. of.villainit attacked the house of Mr.
M. Bean.- at Troy, Now York, on Sunday
night. They met with a Warin reception,
and one of their number, named Jack 13oar.
man. was shot by Mr. Bean. The gang
did not wait for a second round.
Sudden changes from very hot to chilly
weather, are unfavorable to health, and it
is tt fact universally admitted, that heat and
moisture are powerful agents in producing
disease, andthat constant dry and constant
Net weather are most favorable to its gen
eratiOn; it dews not signify what we call it,
it may be ague, it may be- :billions fever, it yellow fever, it may be dysentarv,
it may beAtheatinatisrat,:it. may be bronchi
tis, it may be cholic, it , may be constipa
tion of the bowels, it may be inflammation of
the bowels, it may be inflammation of the
etimnsteh.. it may he a nervous alliction, but
still it is disease, and a disease curably by
the BRANDRETII, because they re
move all impurities from the body, all that
can in any manner feed the further progress
of the malady, no matter how called ; thus
these Pills are not only the most proper
medicine, but generally the only medicine
that need.or ought to be used.
Ttie gontiac Brandratla s I'lll► con be had of
the foilowing Agents :
M. Stevenson 4• Co..—Geitysburg.
.qbtalsain King,—Uunterstown.
A. Merartand.--Aithottstown.
David Dire, fflitc,—llampton
huncan,—Pitshtowu. •
_John floke,—Fnitlieid.
September 1701347: .
•SAND'S SARRAPARItS.II will remove and
permanently cure diseases having their or
igin in an impure state .0r the blood and
.depraved condition of the general conatitu
4ion,,vizz Scrofula or King's Evil in ita
-various forms, Rheumatism t obstinate cu
maneous Eruptions, Blotches, Biles. Pim
ples or Pitstolea on the face, Chronic Sore
Eyes, Ringworm or Totter, Scald Rend,
enlargement and pain of the bones and
joints, stubborn Ulcers, syphilitic symp
toms, dimness arising from an injudicious
use oflllereviry, female derangemenfs, and
other similar complaints.' ' , •
.11,tmatoks, February 4, 'B4l'
4. B. &aids do.--Gentlemen: I have
timed your Exuma. of Sarsaparilla 'since
its introduction into this city.' It gives me
pleasure to state I hate foiled it to be the
best.preparation of. 014 valuable, 'article
nofVlbrulliti." 'With mtiell ienpect,Yours.
• lonia Vfintrttrint,
. •• IlTForfortherp,articulars nd coed ficive
a deem elite superior eilleacyeto Patripitlets,which
..snliy be obtained qtalle9la Pet* l'wersit. .and
1101 a. WhOleVile anti retail, :by A, tIA b. slulds,
16'r ruitcin stredt"NOW YOSk. EQlit 1011,0 Tly ap.
r o cket the Ptintrietor it ft LIE HLER,
• firm Pa.' Price $t per bottle. Six bottle*
: fo
September' 16, 1847.
111110 1 01411 lIALTIMONC !WV 'OF ilVit!ltlMAti
BEEF CATTLE.—Thero 1;vem.920 howl 'of-
, feted atth. tificaltet qu Altmtray, 650 of which sohl
oit,s4 00 a- t 55.75 por 100.41w,,wot i .UnssoptiO0s
show g decline.
.111:109.--.4fah30!of 1 40 #44 4 19 6 ..4 0 b"fil7 00
good demand.
FLOITR.—The roiir market id Without change.-
45a10s today of some2oo kblalnoo, on !ehtn*o, at.
$5 95, at which figures wrowaL other- smaller lots
were talon. At the.olosejt was offend,freely at.
ss' 25, and refused. - • •
GRAIN.—The receipts of Mt hinds of Grain
are light. We Mao soma law wiles today of good
to'pn'Fne reds, at $1 09 and $1 01, and Ordinary
'to good'•at 95 cis. and 91 Oa.. eon cir white
whoa if $4 10 a $1 I's, and family astuivime.
al'sl 15' asl 20. Corn its dull, With ewe or
..Iwhitnat 611'85 rte. (saute lots lower) and tycdlow
at 84 a 85.eenta. Oata'36a 40 cents." Ilye t7O
- #.15 aelitni - -
'PRQ-VlllloNB.—There is in epeeist change
'ln'note in this market. We quote Mess Pork $l5.
$ll6 o'grid at $l2. u $l.l 50—a rale of
'5O balite - 1k Printer at $l2. Prime st $l2. Mess
filiserhetd at $l4 a $14'50 ; Na. 1.:112 a $l2 50.
Baron is in good requent ; sales of shoulders at
8 a B+' rents, for good to print° parcels, nail k a
,tif for choieo' tots ; - sides at 0 a 9 t cent.; and
'hums at 10 uII cents; hog rolind ecnni. A
Hale of 290 ke.rts lard at 11 cents ; Ells. are icortli
1.1.1 and 10.1 cents, as in quality.
On T n e,„d a y eveninc, , the 14th inst . „'in
phis, by lice. Mr. BrilillOrtl, 1)r. CLAYTON A.
CO we I LI., of this place, (late one of the irsidont
Physicians of Philadelphia liospital,) and Miss
Ora, daughter of Dr 4 Arnold Naudain, of Phil
On the 31st ult., by the Rev. Lloyd Knight,
Wrr.ueM Witsrso, (formerly of Gettys
burg) to Miss Louts• C. ULckt—both .of Perry
county, Pennsylvania.
On the thttitud, by the Rev..L Ulsich, Mr. Joint
Onove and Miss itailiANT Bwitutso.--.41 of Pe-
DIE . D .--
On the lath ineh in New Vhlater, .NSCIIIOI44
Taegu in ninon. Eeq. aged 71 yearwandtiononthic
On the 4th Rcwliag tovnueiklilt.
tont, aged about 76 years. ,
On the Bth inM. Hama °navies son aid?.
Jacob A. 'Myers, proprietor of .Xilood Intent Poeta
ry t in Huntington tp.. aged yearn.
Wood! Wood !
flell'A 'few cords of good
tummy worn wanted at this office,
in payment of subscription. • ••
Sept. 17, 1847.
Goods selling off at Cost
TILE undersigned ' having determined
I . to withdraw from the mercantile bus
iness imitire - difitidY; hilVe - retttie - ed [fie pncc
of - their gdotts,inid - now offer them at
The stock is largo, select, and fashionable,
and embraces every variety of goodh usu
ally found in a Dry Good Store, including
CIA*, Castimeres, Cassinels, Calicoes,
' Nadia de Lades, illpaccus, Bombay- ,
tines, Silks, Muslim, Thread,
Cotton, & Lisle Edgings,
Ladies' Fancy 4rlieles, &c., &e.
As it is our intention to close up bitsi
ness immediately, persons wishing bar.
gains would do well to rail without delay. '
p:p All persons indebted to the Firm
on. Book Accounts arnicaueSletl. Jo_ make_
Terrrerrotrortefcm: th. r,:i. of f, .
rice, as otter that date, our books will be
placed in the hands of a proper collecting
officer. Those having claims against the
Firm will also present them lin. settlement.
WM. 111./TIII2A
CHAS. 111.JT1112AU7,
Gettysburg, Sept. 17, 1847—t1
Mr Books and Accounts have been
placed in the hands of my brother CHARLES
RIrTORAUFF, who is authorized: to make
collections on my aceouut, Yho4o who
are indebted to me will please cull end
settle 'With him on or before the 131/i of
Oelotter next. Those having claims a
gainut me are requested also to present
them for settlement.
Gettysburg, Sept. 47, 1847.
1; ILL exposed to public sale, at
11 -‘ the Tannery of Jossnm BAUGIIERi
POuntaindale, Adams county, Pa., on
Tuesday,-ihi 16th day of_ Xovcnibcr,
Six Horses, Horse Gears,
one of them a broad wheel Road - Wagon,
the other Bark Wagons. Also, two pairs
of Ladders. The .horses are exeelllent
team horses. Sale to commenc at 11 o'-
clock A. M. ,when the terms will be made
known by BAUGHER & CO.
Sept. 17, 1847.—ts
ESPECTFULLIC inform the Ladies
11A, and Gentlemen ofGettysburg and
its vicinity, that they have taken rooms,
for a few weeks, at Kurtz's Hotel, (third
story) where, with the best apparatn4 ex•
tent, and materials of the fittest quality, they
are fully prepared to execute
Dagoorreotype Ellienemmes,
of all sizes, la a style not to be surpassed
by any other waist in the country.-
Likesses of children, as young as two
years, taken in exquisite style:
Family Groups taken in splendid style
and nt moderate prices:
Miniatures of deceased persons can be
Miniatures made, without regard to the .
state of.tbe weather, between the hours of
8 o'clock, A'. M., and 5 P. M.
Gettysburg, July 10, 1847.—1 f
Only $1.50 for Me Gest colored Arguer
w nounce to the Ladies and Gentle
men of Gettysburg and its vicinity, that
lie Inie taken rooms, for a few weeks, at
Mrs. Shulti's Boarding House, (South
east corner of- the .Sivare,) where, with
the best apparatus extant, and materials of
the'fluest quality, he'll prepared to execute
• . Daguerreotype Likenesses;
of all sines, in a style not to -be surpassed
by any u thei artist in the country.
Likenesses of Children, as young as two
years, taken in exqufaite style.
Family Groupastaken in a:splendid style
and at, moderate prices, ,
Miniatures nt Accessed persons eau be
Miniatures made, without regard to the
state of the weather, hetween the hours of
8 o'cleek, A. X. and,ts P.' N.
Vettyshima, Spin. .17, 1 47,
Wool) “Itoon
foe the defivery,of F OR.
.17 TY CORDS or WOOD . (llkkory
and Oak) will be received by the Board of
SchOol Hirecto.ra 'did Borough Cd'Oet.
xyaburg, between this'enb tho 1011 i flay ,of
October. By order of the Hoard.
H. J. SCHREINER, 'ficy.
- Sept. 1841.-3 t
Notice_ to School Teachers..
1111rrING of,the School filire'etors
I of Fronlain.townehip will bo,
-Crlltto on' Saturday the 2d of October
next, for tho purpose, of receiving inopo l
eels inretnrloying l'enciters to take charge
Of WO &limit, of•ettid
By order f)f the llofirt1; 1
F. DIEIIL, Seey. •
Sept. l9, 1847.--3 t• : • •
VIVRE attention of the I.l4lies directed
to the very handsome easortMent of
Whit& Goode, ptaiti m; stripotl,)
untionitly large, at the (:1 o!,11 I!4,iit• u(•
• IV, & C. lit;'ll.lltAUFl..
runt Subscribers have the pleasure of
I . announcing that they have completed
their arrangements fnr running a
between Gettysburg and llaltiinore, via
Litilestown, Westminster and Reisters-,
town. Awentitely new line Of superior
and elegantly built „.,
MOUS' V -111-s--..
love been put on the route, which. togeth
er 'with trosiy and accorrtmotlating drivers.
they feel assured must give entire satilifac
lion to the Travelling Public
:;1, - Prfte run . 4 3 4W 64 C
(Sundays excepted ' ) leaving hegolarly at
7 o'clock, A. M. , • . • ' . '
'JOHN L. TATE '& Co. '
September'l7, 847.
Seasitos 9 B Exterlcia Rensetfyi
its now universally acknowledged io be the
01i INFALLIBLE REMEDY for ithetnallsm,
spinal affectiims, contractions of illy Mattes, gore
Cornet and quinsy, issue,,, eld taseri, firtbe
haekantLehast,.ague.iiithii.butait ao'd fok 4 ;_tecith..
ache s aprams, bruises, salt bUttlll, MOO,
frosted feet, and all nervous disease's. The !time
phont tigress which hat atfendedlhe - appligatioh
of this most wonder/is/ meditine ih airing the Most
severe crises Of the different'disiaks abort:named,
swathe high encomiums that have been bestowed'
upon it, wherever it has been introduced, grans
me the right to call on theatflirted to resort et
once to the only remedy thee can be relied ci n; •
Tte' faculty unite, in recommending the eels-
Grated External Remedy. Hunt's Liniment:
The followi letters from the highly eminent
Physicians who have been attached to-the Mount
Pleasant Slate Prison for many years, is the best
evidence of the value of thistelebrated Liniment :
Sllffi SING, DlScaximilt 26, I (-16.
Ms . Daus, :--1 received your note of yester
day, asking my opinion of Munt'e Liniment, as
prepared by Mr. George E. fitenton. Knnwia§ its
recommend it to you as a safe Eternal Remeay,
and, in my opinion, the best Liniment now in use.
, Very trot/ and nrbp . rtkoll'i l f ( 74# , A hiAN
CoI. Pierre Vikp Cortianclt,Gr:oto:n :11Roor . . -
1 fully onenr in the abOveiniinion:
YONICIOITT. 1,10(11A ST I I. 11.34;1
Era :—ln reply So your latter I would say that
have used . your External Remedy, called Hunt's
Liniment, in my practice since you made ne ac
quainted with ilifeoinposition, atui nnhesitaringly
say that' I belteve it to be the best External'Rem
edy now in use for the complaints Inc which you
recommend it. Yours reepectfollv,
• BENJ. D. 31ILLER, 34. D
Gm:malt E. STAVTON, Egg.
Frorn'the New York Sun
Among the mass of woithless articles and hum
bugs that are poured forth at the present day up.
on the country, it really refreshing to find surne
thing-of real - praCtical - utillityrilgrrnethittg'slitiple.
speedy, anti effectualits.operation:and at the
sane lime free from those injurious efreets which
generally attend powerful temetlieZ. Lin
intent prepared by George tztanton,oNing Sing,
though it has been butt a short time before the
public. has already obtained the confldenee, not
only °roar most wealthy ulna influential citizens,
but ouir most eminent physicians.' aeknoWl
edge it to be a sovereign balm for tunny of the
ills that flesh is heir to, soothing the aching rabb i
and by its genuine stimulating influence, banish
ing disease from' the system.
This Liiiinfent is sold at .15 and $0 crints per
bottle by all the principal Druggists and Merch
Orders addressedto me tri Sing .ging, N Y, will
be attended to. (.1 E STAN TON, Proprietor.
11 1 14alt.tale• Ageuts—lioadly, Phelps &Co 14f1
Water street, Rushton & Co 110 Dioadwity, A Et
& D Sands,eorner Fulton and William, Aspinwall
80 William street, Neer York; Cuthbert & Weth•
erill 70 South Second, Philadelphia. ,
AGENTS.—Sainuel Buehler & S.
S. Forney, Gettysburg; Abraham King,.
Ilunterstown; . uc k , Pinetoten; Ja
cob Hollinger, Heidlersburg; Hollinger&
Ferree, Petersburg, (r. S.); liteob.Atlla
baugh,liamptors; Geo. S.Bentzel, and J.
S. Hildebrand & Co., East Berlin.
June 11, 1847. [Dec. 2-Iy]
Compound Medicated Candy.
LI Olt the Core of Colds, Coughs, Spit.
ling of Blood, Bronchetii,: . Asthnia,
Whooping Cough. Paine and PiopresitiOns
of the twreast, and all -other Pulmonary
complaints, and other diseases which have
a tendency to produce Consumption, It
serves also as an effectual cleat* of the
voice. •
This Candy is entirely a vegetable pre
paration, the principal Ingredients being,
Hore-hound, Wild Cherry, Sarsaparilla,
Boneset, Eleramparte, Lignorice, Flax
seed, Ireland Moss, Prickly Ash, Le. and
will, if taken in time, relit:Ye the system
from those distressing afflictions that tend
to Consumption. •
One great advantage in this valuable
medicine is its cheapness, the public not
being imposed upon by the' enormously
high prices which are generally exacted
for Patent and Other medical Preparations.
Each package contains directions. 'Call
and try it ! •
Prepared and sold at the' Confection and
Variety store of the Subsiriber "in West
York street; one • square from 449.0iitirt
house, door twThiniiipson's . Ho
tel. It can also be had at the DragEfores,
of E. H. Boutitta,
1111.7 1 111V"iiitieiciibei is' penal' continies
his Bakery, and IS prepared
.o'. Supply .
parties at the shortest notice,,with choice
- f 0. WEAVER.'
.1.),..,t.4...m..0::N1)::: - ..T9 , N,5;p - .4
c , s; TITTON.
E7I,4I.BIIIONABtr. B arber anfl flair
Wesser,.ltas rernov 4tiemple •
to the Diamond, adjoining the County Buil
dings, where, he can at all times be found
prepared to attend to the calls of the public.,
Front 'lO4 tiperieuce he flatters himself
that he can go through all the ramifications ,
of the Tonsorical departments, with such nn
infinite degree of skill as will meet the 'en
tife satistitetion of all who mayMtbmit their
chins to the keen ordeal of his, razor. He
hopes, herefore, that by attention to busi
ness and a tlehire to: please, he will merit
as wall as reecho. a liberal share .6f public'
patronage. 'Nita sick will be attended to at
their private dwellings. , , • ,
iElet, 10. - - -,tf
• -
F'the very beet quality, and different,
JP •tlavors, can be had, et all times, at.
WEAVER'S Confectionary in Chambers
burg street.- Faakilies and Parriez a ill by
supplied with any desired quantity, sit the
shortest notice.. CAKES and coNFE{I
- o.`. all kinds always on hand, awl
will be larni,hyd to order on. reason: Me
Ucit} sUurg, Juiy . •
IL . %. D IS :2 g
N OTICE is hereby given to all Legs
atees and other persons concerned,
COUNTS of the dere!ised persons herein
aftek mentioned, will be presented at the Or
phans' Court of Mains county, for confir
mation and. allowance, on Tuesday the
21st day of September next, viz:
The account of Andrew Polly, Administrator of
the estate of Joseph Mathias, deceased.
The'acrottnt of Danirl Griffith, Executor oftlie
lost:isill and testament of Elizabeth Stoulier, dee'd.
Onardianahlp account of George L. Sehti
ver, Guardian. of Jeremiah tiltectm
+be 4torount,of.Jacob Parr, Administrator of the
natato of G!ti t iarine . ,Plutikart, deceased.
the account of Peter Stine, Executor of the last
mill atullestiniaiit of George Stine, deceased:
The account of Michael Bucher, Ailininiatratot
de bonito non ofJacob Parr, deccaaed.
The account of Michael Bucher, Administrator
de bonito non ocgcouir,Parr p. deccased.
The acceitni of emee Cooper, Athilinhitratoi of
the - oitete of Jain Irvin, deceased.
The first and St* occoo nt of Hanson T. Wright,
Administrator of* estate ofTljoit. Might, deed.
The ace.oung of .
. 9ssrrt Hick; Administrator,
with the will a- ' irrivileniidt, de...a.
r t
The account o ON. Kehler, now deceased,
Administratc:& 4lllOrgtan,4lestita•ed,.eihib
lied by John, Ailkliw*Attor of , ,the Amid F.
W. Koehler, " - •• • '
The acorsok of ‘ileant Dick , .4dminiatirator of
liwestate of Elitabite. ttell, ilocosial: ' ,
Titi'iiiii,hot Or ihwidlShj , def, ii,hilinlOitine
!Ili iotliie ofFrOdottelt illoyder, dooewid: '.
• , •The tweimat: of•itimeo Dickson. &WWII•Swop;
ham• . lowwill and-teetented oF-Mov,---bock*
. ..
diaaawal4 - --..-•-•••• ~,. a•••• -,-. ..,- '. ..),
ThAtioklord Ilkiiiniehirteedtillt of iiiinvfliAnour,
•Ewietittii of the ~Iset will and liototieneof Iletri
'Btehosrvileoosied. ,:,... r, . , •• 1 !T,
. _ . ... . _ 1
!rho itcocitiOlta,f4wal Emlet athd P d e alr 4 1 ; 1 1
let, Ailteaftlittfitota, ; of the estate of Jpon Bail
The odeoont Of fliiinOel 'liiihr, Executtir of the
:What (if Ellutioth - Milleri &teen& • , • ' '' '
ROBERT COBRAE, &rider. •.•.t
aigiorlfgrioell Gett7.o ll sl ";' 't
!Wil# 2 7) 1847.
- -
loV i atclies, - 4,evvelry, , -
wiewelrylr. Wate ,
may be had wholesale and pftsll %
guarantied NOW for th e i p4oe thanilAny
oliter.alamiLlUndnlpillas At (14tO•Pitchlt•
Ws La:li utr'arNtrAfft '
hiabove Arch, Philfiltilphia.
• WATCHEN, • all kinds, firte,.medi•
mu and Jew qualities, among which are
Gold tovots, NH leer 'ailed, *4O to $lOO
"Lopuses 25 tb
Quartiors In '42141;14, 5
bilvor LOemo tr!to PO,
" Lepina4 , 12 to :18
Quintioia finis ' 9 to \ 'lO
JEWELRY, Diamonds, Gold Chains,
Gold Perla With Gold di Silver Hell
Pencils, Breaatpins, Ear artidfinger ,
Bracelets, Camees•of Shell, Oohal and La
va, with every other artiele 61.Iewelry of
the richestita'rriost fashiormble pitternel
• fitILYER W*RE,Platir;Forks,Sphonty
Cups, itte.; of Standard
PLATED WARE, Caritrirs,CakeDaw- ,
ken; Pena, Visa", Card Ordres turd other,
Rich- Fancy 'Goods in great' variety. '‘ - j , •
Wliblesale Buyers will salveAntrnerbY
calling here before purchasing. - " r - :
licrPlceep this advertisement and mill at
No: IV You it'll]. be satisfied'the goods
are really cheaper and better than are 'of-'
fared in the 'eity-: For - sale - lo*, hand;
801110 pair of SHOW CASES; 'strittible
fur 'Jewelry or Falter apply •as
Sept. '3,
.1847.-1 y
Feathers I Featheril
ii•om to 45 -Vents-per-Pound.
CHEAP FOR Cast/,-,
wiTin - EsAtg - Arrultrrmt:'
E sterer and 'General Furnisher ,
415 Market L. above ,• ,Is,lortWeide,
opposite Girard li - oo,Philideliltii4 . viliere
may be had at'Atillnes;a hite esiortmeni
of hells and Miattrasies, Otrled 'lraq and
Feathers ' Ghairs, Pedsteseti'and
LookingGfasies.toigetheiVidt alltilber
tielea in the 'aboveline of baldest at the
very'lowelt Ca'sh'Pfices,
N, B. Gonda _warratuA to give esti*.
factiPli• t 1 t)
Sept. 2, 3t1 4 7.-3pt, ,
S HEREBY GIVEN. 'Chat, , afplica-
I tion will be made by the undersigned
and`others;tts the next 'OVA e
Gositnonwealdh;or Pennityryniiiii forr A the
,illeorporation, of, aCoisetta„tttid ~
name ;and style , or intended name. a
style, of Tua BitaitauSavivies liernatralcia,
capital Fifty
.Thousand Dollars, designed,
ge an office of disconnt end 'deposit; and.
to'belocatedin Easit 7 J3erliu, Adams '*n•••
David Mellinger. Johnellogs,•,: •
IVilliani- Wolf, Georgeßehvrarta,
J. 3. Xohn, Atifablingfr, ,
george Xing, ' Isaac 'rrintiner,,
George ,Li. Binder, Abrahant•Trimmer,,
_John - Diehl, • David liellinger, •
jnne 25, 1847„--Oin ; •
Nklioeiver wants a 'FirsVrAte
Tinuta-PlEotna' , ,
AN' be accommodated by at
FRAZERVI Clock*, Uratch &tab
peat dobr Elbettitir'e' Drug
Btore—,where a new lot of Ipeantlll4,:24,
hour apd,B day 01,OCK4littwejiiarbrAm:
*tired fr om , the City. They are 'ef , the
- best mattefsetnre and will beowarranted.
Give tall—they will be sold ebear.i .
July 18 0 1847. ' ' ' ,if :
r )
,bi . the premiseeof the subsea
,, ',tier in Ar4herriatowa, Adam's camp
I sto w
about the last :e August, a red end .
-whith spotted Cow, with R 1101 Ch CU; out
of the right ear, still about five or six years
old. The owner is desired to prove pro
perly, pay charges, and take . per away:
. .
Sept.'lo, 1847.-3 t
Jewelry, Watch-Guards..'
11 . 17 ATCH Chains, Keyes . Spectacles,
w &c. &c. can always be had at the
Clock & Watch Estahlishnient of
Teachers. Wanted.: ,
H E School. Dirsotors of Tyyono
'township, Admits County, will meet
at the Noise of Santee! Sadler; id, !lei&
lartibiggi On the fast gollirday, of Septem
ber to employ Teachers. to take charge
or the schools of said Wwship., •
EZIII Airtrltß,..,srey.
Sept. 10, 1817.-0 ' ^
r),l WATCHES, of all kinds,
will lie cleaneii anti repaired,. ftt the
a °Hest notice, at FRAZER'S Cloiik &
Watch Establillonero, in Gettysburg.: •
"Jill> , 10; 1817." . tf
t e ll A N DSO Al E Mali ogany-friOn'd Look
;.,ri Gf:,,pron caii•tai liail;tiloints'itt
May 7. W. oi.. C. Jai . 111 RA UFF'B.
S daily expected, and as soon as reeeiv
ed will be made known through the
medium of the press. In the mean time
the public curiosity in this neighborhood
can be occupied in examining the extraor
dinary supply of
Ready-rnade Clothing,
for (all and winter use, just received, and
for sale at astonishingly cheap rates, at
in Gettysburg, immediately opposite the
Bank. The stock has been purchased
with a view to the season. and embraces
every variety of Gentlemen's Apparel,
such as superfine Cashnicret and Cloth
Drrtes COATS and CLOAKS; fine and
superfine- Tweed Coats ; Cassinet do. :
plain and fancy Cassimer, Cloth, Tweed,
and'emiliinet PANTS; Silk, Satin, Cas
siMerei Cassinet, Plain & Fancy VESTS;
Boimms, Collars, Cravats, Hand
,lierv.higs,'Suitpenders, Gloves, Stockings,
,kigetheli with every thing belonging to a
gentleman's furnishing line. Also a large
variety of
Jewelry, 'Spectacles,
,Perfumery, Pen
-100F* Ocnnbs, Shaving Apparatus, Per
eitiliti-Dialt-shadi3s, Umbrellas, Violin and
%Aar Strings, Needles, Pins, &e. Sze.
'A 130 1 a few CLOCKS, which will be sold
low, Mi-twiah to clear off the lot. ' Also,
sotne'eheap home-Made Carpets.
Coach-makers will find among my stock
a lot, of Coach-Lace, Canvass, Curtain
Frames and Knobs, Fly-nets, a small lot
TrOn, several Buggies, several sets of
New. Harness—all of which will be sold
very 'cheap.
4 hlrgeotis having been•purchased under
farorietlseillunietanctut., and having deter
minedliostdOpt the clash and one-price sye
tem:lnitt>ty4oo.linglil hereafter, I am one
bleditat *O'er. them at lower prices than
IllKAlllTlfkrethi4lo 4o ha PP p.trrhatind in
this plane., Al ask iir en examination el
ray , goods, whiebl shall be pleased mallow
10 purchaeera MAU
• • , :iii:4I.ARCUS,VANIPSON
~ T Allegheny House,
abhseriber (lota of the
Washington AoXil t - j - jArtisburg, Pa.) takes
.this methotl'otAtiformiarhis old friends
artdh% poblle Oneially diet he has taken
the above named, 'HOTEL. Tho House
1 16140.11 a 6iiitifortable, and has been ex-
Ititetied and improved, and the
iltiptietur l idiPet strfet attention to bus
' ness, add a peciiier care for the comfort of
hi, guests; to Merit and receive a share of
gaßraa t troliitge. - The House is situated
eetiViiiffeaf liar the Travelling Public,
cifily tWo dOoes above the Harris
hurilintt:Pitusterg-bepot, and within two
Mihittei walk of the Baltimore and Read-.
ingl)epets - ''Stithling attached to'the pre
mises: lrettnslOt - per day.
' HUI . 3I{ES, Proprietor.
RE MO VA. L. -
11P sAits
hi, frieUde and,ctistamers that he has
removed his , 1-- - 1
.--„ - • " 71
to the .
teem formerly occuirietf bYtVu•
Veit;, lieeetieed,
IUIAY; in 'Billiniere street. whito
he will be pleased to' attefid to the ohiers of
ail who to have work done 'up In
tishiOnable style, . anti' at lairlate's. kr.
raagentente hat:e"heett, Made tq receive' the
:..4160141114 irlittlik l .9l l 4
from Pidlidelphialutd , Plow York, SO ; that
cuitemeho cue kelp ",on having their gar
menta_mademLaitt moat aPPITIVedOVICH.
• liZreoutualt Produce will , Ink taken in
eiellatige Ifot,wtisk.
lAletlyshurg, Aug. 20, 1847.-4 m
• E37411 1 i„0t, 44nainistrati on on the
Estate of Rows HARtiIIAN, late of
Auallton 4ownship.A4ituas county,deceas
hirifig.hattargranted to the subscri
ber; 'residing in the same .township, notice
is hereby givihr -too& persons indebted to
said estate to call and setdeihesame with
out delay r and those buying claims against
'Said estate ere ; „ requested to present the
,same, propetly authenticated, for settle
:Aug. 20, 1847,--8t • ,
or. Oulleo' a, itiClian'6oole . Specific
•-• Far Fininals,COmplalnts.
'.VlHSldadittice ix.last.taking the place ',reve
-1 iltiteremtchtkok belngoforic amid Ter- diseiples
ariikum frial,Weidoess oF, other ssuses. tint
•t in
is to erne this med ic ineßp acethe
Dolorltm Tarries Of °Very family, when such a
tilediirie is needed; is. a 'lt speaks forliselt,
islanixteat inittroperatioti, and no injury can a
ise from its use at any time.
tErF,or sale, Wholes* And retail, by ROW,'
WAVVIACPPOIiridkrA. 4204 Market at. Phila. and
§4l,l3UFAlLF4t,OAtysburg'; Wm, Bittinger,
Wbbditstshoti j Lilly & Riley. Oxford, and by T.. 1.
Cooper, Franklin tp, , - [Aug. 0, '47-1 y
..;,11111161111114.A. NURSERY'
RUIT TREES, of all kinds, (milted
2"iit the root,) can be' had of the 'sub
scriber oh reasonable terms. Please call
and ; judge for yourselves.
• Gettysburg, May 20, 1840.
Perfumery, Soap, Re.
. ARTICLES, TOYS, &c.,for Halo
• C WEVER. •
April 10,.1844.
vvILL be made and put np by the
subscriber, Who will attend prom pt
ly ardent, and !yen' reasonable
teririaM, chit c bti procured at any establish
Gettysburg;; March 19.
• • •
ouLn call the attention of persons
V i 9 the stock of GRO(TRIV.S,
which are now opened; at tliMr Cheap
Stote immedizitely opposite Divitl
Cabinet 'Ware House. Call and examine
for Yourselves.
May, 7, 18 t 7. , '
&c., of bet tpiality,,can always be had at
ranc:l> Store or" ' `C. WEAVER.
Aped it.), 1846.
viT ILL be exposed to Public Sale, by
!" order of the Orphans' Court of
Adams county, on Saturday the 25th duy
of &Menthe, nest, at the house of A NDREW
SMITH, deceased, in Mountpleasant town
ship, Adams county, the following valua
ble Real Estate of die Heirs of said de
ceased—to wit :
or Tract of Land, situate in Mountpleas
ant township, called the Mansion Tract,
containing about
1.16 eacoma“l - 6 ,
more or less, on which is erected a two
story Weather-boarded
withan excellent Well of Wa
ter, with a Pump in it, convenient to the
door ; also, a Stone Bank Barn. There
aro on the premises a good Weaver Shop,
and an excellent Orchard of choice f ri th.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M.,
when the property will positively be sold,
and when attendance and terms will be
made known by
By order of the Orphans' Court.
August 20. is
kek PA' F' ABJi
N pursuance of an Order of the' Or
phans' Court of Adams county, the
subscribers, Administrators of the Estate
of SAmom, llorrixotm, late of Latimore
township, deceased, will expose to public
Sale, on
Saturday the 2rl day of October,
at 10 o'clock, A. M., oil the premises, the
of said deceased, situate in said township,
adjoining lands of Uenrge. Deurdortt,
Liam IVright. Isaac Ori,st, and George
Darman, and containing
165 ACRES,
more or less, of Patented Land. The
provements arc a
Sin v Log House,
'" • a double Log Barn, with two
Threshing Flours atmcbcd, together with
the usual necessary outbuildings; there
are two thriving Orchards on the premises ;
also two %veils of good water, one conve
nient to the House, the other to the Barn.
A large proportion of the land is covered
itil± i)
CM : with
There is also a sufficiency of
good geudow. A part of the land is
limed, and all is under good cultivation.
There are on the premises a number of
never failing Springs of water. '
irrThe above Property will be sold
'entire, nr in two separate tracts. as may be
deemed most advantageous. Terms made
.knowii on the day of sale by
' -• ' '" • ,fidininiirrivers. '
By The COurt—Wm. B.llAmwros,,Clerk.
Aug. 20, 1817.--nl
Blf virtue of no order, et 01108 order,
; the Orphans' Court of Adams
county, the subscribers, Guardians of the
niinOr Children of ANDREW B. MILLER, de
4ernied;late' of Mounijoy township, will
eipostilit public sale, on
Saturday, the 25/h clay of Se/11(1)11;er,
at I 0 1 1010 a, P. M., on the premises, all the
interest of said Minors in the valuable
waid.decoased. situate in Mounijoy town
•dhip, Adams county, Pa., about 2 miles
from-tlia Two Taverns, and adjoining
lands of Silas M. Horner, Peter Linard
- and others, containing
too ACRES,
more or less, on which are erected a two.
Story, weatherboard ,
a one-story Log Back Build
ing, a log Barn; &e. There is a well of
water convenient to the door—also a thri
ving young Orchard on the premises.—
The Farm is well timbered, has a
ciency of good Meadow, and is, under ex
cellent cultivation.
will ho exposed to sale on the premises
the interest of the said minors in a Tract of
containing 5 Acres more or less,
situate in said township, and ad r
joing lands of Silar M. Horner, George
Flegle, and others.
tavlithe property be not sold as above
it will be RENTED. Attendance will be
given and the Terms made known on the
day of sale, by
By the Court—Wm. S. HAmliaom; Clerk.
Aug. 20,1817.—ttl
7•The Interest of Henry .Saltzgiver
in the above estate will also be sohl.
CO U li ' r If,
rrHE subscriber has from twenty-live
to thirty thousand trees in his Nur
sery, READY GROWN for this fall and
next spring's planting, comprising a large
amount of Apple and Peach, together with
a geueral assortment of all the finer fruits ;
also various kinds of shade and ornamen
tal trees, which he will sell either at retail
or by the thousand. Persons wishing to
procure trees fur planting, or to sell again,
can be accommodated any time after the
25th of October neat.
August 27, 1847,-2m
Dr . f'isitetalg
frrNDIAN Vegetable Piles Remedy, inn (lorries
tie pa l mation, which has beeu used with Ca.
tile succe>s Jri many yt:ars. Being an' huernal
metl cite, it ha 4 a decided preference over outwanl
ipplicationa, which are bur palhatk en 'and not-cu
ratives. This medicine ante upon the di.4eaneil
ports, producing healthy action and d yr! mourn/
cure— ! -virsicu w► waaann•com niquso
11.?$.01il, wholesale iriel • retail,. by ROW A 74 14
i.Teisr, - Praptictore Marleet street,. Phila.,
loot by S. 11. 111111111.111, t;eirystourg;
iSigei, AOptIPINI:.LiII6. itiley,,Orr
12. J• Cu.) 0. ,
‘VIIE BE AM; in atitilitfthelett of this . .
Hem:rill Asterablrof thhOhtte, en
titled "A n Act to reit-Mate the Gauctialc
lections of this Coonnonivealth,." 'castle
on the 2d day of July, 1839, it iseakdittal
on mi, to ivirimblle Notice of Siettkiiir
lion to be told. and to . enumerate - fit 'Such
Notice, w ' t (Moors are to-be-clewed: 1
'BENJASI N SCIIIIIVER, - gherittif the
; 1
County of Adams, do, Aerating, hereby
give this PUBLIC NOTICE, tothogles7 ,
tors of the said County of Adams, that e
will be held in the said County, on the
Second Tuesday of October;fftficf, •
(THE 12TH,) "
at the several districts composed of , the -
following Townships, viz : . • • •
In the First District, composed of the
Borough of Gettysburg, and the TOwnship_,
of Cumberland, at the Court-hOutte lit (let=
In the Second District, composed °law
Township of Germany, at the housellow
occupied by Joseph Barker, in the town or ,
Littlestown„ in the Townshipof Germany.,
ln the Third District,' composettof dist
part of the township of- Berwick net .'in=
eluded in the 15th District, at the haute of -
John Miley, Esq., in the town of Oxford.
An the Fourth District composed of the
i Towitshi )of I• t' re and Huntiiigton;
I Is ..i ono . .
-at the house of William Chronister,.ift the
, township of Huntington.
1 In the Fifth District composed,of 'the
1 townships of Hamiltonban and Liberty, at
1 the public School-house in MillersMwn.
In the Sixth District, compoSeterif ' the.
• Township of Hamilton, at the !mode now
' occupied by George Hemel, in the town
of Berlin.
_.:, ... , ...
In the Seventh District, composed of the
1 township of Menallen, at the hOuse of 1-
i mac Yount, in said township.
i -In the Eighth District composed of the
township of'Strahan, at the house oveupled
by Jacob Grass in Ilunterstown.
In the Ninth District composed of the
1 Ttivenship of Frooklin, at the house now
.' occupied by floury Harunau f in isitliesiirit—
In the Tenth District, composed ail*
township of Conowago, at the house
John Busby, in M'Sherrystown.
In the Eleventh District, composed of
the township of Tyrone, at the house of
Samuel Sadler, in ileidlersburg. t,,•
In the Twelfth District, composed of the
township of Mountjoy, at the house of
Georgri Snyder, in said township. '
In the Thirteenth District; coMpOsed of
the township of Mountplessant, at the
house of Anthony Smith, in said township,
situate at the cross moat's, the one leading
from Oxford to the Two Taverns, the oth
er from Iluntorstown to Danover.
In the Fourteenth District, composed
of the township of Reading:, at the public
School-house in the town of Hampton.
In the Fifteenth District, composed of
the Borough of Berwick and that part of
Berwick township. ONLY, included with
in the following limits, to wit: begining
where the Hanover and Petersburg turn
pike crosses the York county line. theiwe
along said turnpike to the lance where the
road' from Berlin to Oxford crosses the
said turnpike, thence along the said Oxford
road until it intersects the new road from
Gen. Mummert's farm, on the said Oxford
road, and thence along said road to ,the
York county line; near David Ilollinger's
saw mill, thence along said York county
line to the place of beginning : at the Pub
!lc School-boost: in Abhotstown.
In the Sixteenth District, composed of
the Township of Freedom, at thu house of
Nicholas Moritz, in said township.
In the Seventeenth Distriet, composed
of the Township of Union, at the house of
Enoch Lefever, in said township.
Rt which lime and places will be. elecleg
One Governor;
One Canal Commissioner;
One Senator;
One RepreseLtative in
islature ;
One. County Commissioner.:;
One County Treasurer; ,
One Auditor; and . .
One Director of the Poor.'"
And in and by an act of-the.DennralALs
sembly of this Stnto,,passed the 2d 14y of
July, 1839, it is directed that the INSPEC
TORS and JUDGE'S beat theithacei "Of
their Districts on the thy of the General
Election aforesaid, at 9 o'clock in tha t fore.,
noon, to do and perform the severer duties
required and enjoined on them In . 'and by
the same Act.
ALSO—In and by virtue of the 14th Sec
tion of the net aforesaid, every person, ex
cepting Justices of the Peace, who shall
hold any office or appointment hfprofit or
trust under the Government of the' United
States, or of this State, or of any city or
incorporated district, whether a commis
sioned officer, or otherwise, a subordinate
officer or agent, who is, or tJiallbe employ
ed, under the legislative, executive or juni
eiary department of this State, or of the
United States, or ninny city or incorpora
ted district, and . also that every member of
Congress, and of the State Legislature.
and of die Select or Common Council of
any City, or Commissioner of any incor
porated district, is by law incapable of
holding or exercising at the same time, the
office or appointment of Judge, Inspector.
or Clerk of any election of this Common
wealth, and that no Judge, Inspector, or
other officer of any such election shall be
eligible to tiny office to be then voted fur.
And be it further directed, in and by the
act of the General Assembly of this State
aforesaid, that one of the JUDGES of eadli
of the different districts aforesaid, wrioshall
have the charge of the certificate of the
number of votes which shall have been
given for each candidate for the different
offices then and there voted for at their
respective districts, shall meet on. the third
day after the Election. which shall he on
on Friday the 15111 of October aforesaid.
at the Court-house, in the Uoroogh of
Gettysburg, then and there to make a Fair
stateMent and certificate of the number of
votes which shall have been given at the
different districts in the county of Adams,
for any , person or persons fur the' Offices
Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg, to
Septknaver 2,48417.
DRY GOODS - ! . ifltY 'COODS !
not , " (-10(?1 ) 14 or e verygeertiption tin
our be bad unusitutiv low. lir Chambers
biirg smu4 isainediate,ly oppooo44l4Agy's
ICabinet Ny u r e.' lloulf. ~.
May 7. - ' Ir.' 4 C, Attrl'i,'lTAPrit
t. , -,...24 a..... .
lkik/ ii burs mat rettivethe hi to
7 7 'anintrinent of' Olaiti pa- , ' i
PAltit#oll, whiele* WM kil:
, r.-shovtlto All "winiftiotati<
1 31ay 7. W.,. &.U, AUTO OTC
, ,