Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, September 10, 1847, Image 1

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et4imlla eve , vomit. .tra .si • • aaa■l.
• • COTT4 I .I9Er SWUM
• .•
I IL gi rk 4 t,ge dPot :
-• entidatrovith bet • ebeerAil Wheel,
aro M ewes* a tong, tbm the young bird,
Which, timid, near the threshold sought for seeds,
Pamela on:jts likd foot, end mien' its head,
As If listen. • The rejoicing bees
Idsetied In throngs amid the woodbine cups
Tit Alf the lattice clustered. A clear stnram
IP lima leaping from its sylvan height, and poured
Ando ppon the pebbles, and the wind's
Which gently 'mid the vernal benches played
Their idle freaks, brought showering blossomi, down
Surfeiting earth with.sweetness.
Bad I came
From weary commerce with the heartless world ;
But whoa 1 ift upon my withered cheek
My. moithieNiture's breath, and beanl the trump
Of te t e hismts at their honied mil,
• :win& feeralri. sod amok 4
l odor Went flowering trees
_A - Ild_tent i ett..ltieitta4„htt,MOstbf
Whei mild slumbering innocence,
And on, that young , maternal brow the labile
Of Mote Adieu which do purify
Aid ream* the soul, I turned me back
in &dome, and with added strength, to run
gjmewkimcw—di ng a thanklid prayer ten
i Mint° ehownl ma some brightAints of Hear
fere on 'earth, that I might salbr walk
And Inner embed sin, and ewer rice
From earth to Heaven.
kV* kin 4 1 01911..billiPin all the
mirth keep sikth before hint."
The Lord is on his holy throne,
• • He sits in kingly state ;
Let those who for his favor seek,
In humble silence wait.
Your sorrows to his eye are known,
Your. mutat motives cleat
It neeslolb not tbe pomp of words,
To pour them on his e,.r.
Dotti Death thy - bosoin's cell invade I .
Yield up thy dower of gam :
Ewell, the world's wrathful billow high
how down, and let it pees.
Pram not thy purpose on thy God,
Urge not thine erring will,
Nor dictate to the Eternal *rind,
Nor doubt thy Maker's Mill.
. True prayer is not the noisy sound
That clamorous lips repeat,
But the derp pirate of a soul
That claspalehovoh's feet.
.Sveiry thing that is high is not holy;- net ev
sty desire pure; uor _all that is sweet, good , ; nor
eve thing that is dear to man, pleasing to Oud."
—Tuonss A KFArIIII.
Might we but view the shore
Of this dim world, as from Heaven's hill it gleams,
pow should we blame the tear unduly ',lied,
And tax the truant joy ! How should we see
,Amu d, our own mistakes:—the lowly tomb
(Hour test idols blooming thick with flowers
-Such as the seraph's bosom bears above,
And. the steep Old where we have madly blown
Ambition's victor-trump, with storm-clouds c rove n'd
'Cu wreck the unwary soul : wealth's hoarded gold,
poverty;kteraal and the meek prayer
Of him who knew nut whore to lay his head,
An - heritage or glory.
. _
Each desire
redlte them satiate heart
is gorged with richnesn, sows it not the seeds
Of triettness there i—while he whose only rest
Was on a opear.point, who might ask for bread
'Only to find a stone, gain'd he not thus
A mansion in the nmaranthine bowers
of love divine I
Prosperity, alas!
is often hut another name for pride,
And selflahneas, which scorns anothet's tarrsr
While our keen disappointments are the food
Of !hat huMility Which entereth Heaven,
Finding itself at home. The thins we mourn
Work our eternal pin. Then let our joys
Be tremulous as the Mimosa's loaf,
And each atilietlon with a *emus smile.
Tle welcom'd in itt the heart's open door,
As the good patriarch met his wonted guests
And found them angels
.4I looked, and, behold, • door ass opened in Hove
•a."—R toss, TT, 31.
It seemed not Its • dream, and yet I stood
Beside Hyven's pte. Its mighty valves trete
4nd upwards, from earth's tribulation, came
soul, whose purport, signed in Calvary's blood,
Prevailed Around the golden threshold's verge
I tier the dazzling of celestial wings,
Thronging to wekome it. The towering form
Of an srchaogel bore it company,
To Ogre throne. Sort on my ear their loom
+Serenely wafted by ambrosial gales,
Fell like rich ramie.
• "Whey ethre didd thou pass
Weeping along thy pilgrimage" inquired
That audam earaph.
!Thorns beset my path.
I sought and found not. u I obtained and niourn'il.
I loved andiciit. I4atitittle and Hate
Did libel their aeipaM tooth iipon my dune. -
My vesalth tnith„wing. • litlanted node of bike,
Awl army bloseonted.".
But the risen from earth
Rake* to au* that high etchtingel's glance
Biatdrowpviiird with mile*, as though it asked,
'lila thy Micky id deeper root,
Thohlikf-bora Paul, tot' whom the Boa of God
Roared to b. crucified I"
- 'Bo when I saw,
`Or ihiminiiadi iw, tkattwan in Heaven might dwell
litaprooitnnat miaow, I payed to look
Ihnknyon. IkAtilkowoljaf Aria *A O&
Eeol►Wining with italtonty, and whose beams
Ate e y orx *OW, and lo bow
With *Wanes ; that no tear '
has hialdow bathed *toed the snow
4441001r0). lii Diu? AND infita.
tro wirti : .i p t Z But 'yet • sole= rhe ,
4 ills motive lighted ha& ,
Houk ena aad did'ooal dmh tike
VOA Sato Pk* amboolvad, laud stud till death,
Init lc/ NIA 4 41 01,4114 p the scroll of law
No "in t c4 44 11 Bot still 7 0 4 hol7 man
WA Wog Jed litlK‘riPstlife 4 01 1 Wpm*
Irrivorobls sadwitit meek prayer
Pittman it,lo be re&thid - ht nom*
Nothing, tlldi diaries doth brood
,a 27 thy, thou lowavorowa'd bride,
i meotois sigh Which treat that ruby lip
scope, as if to meek ornas *am' •
Apia breaths 1
'Mole! mute! 'ltspassinissiTs*
.Like Mortkaancy all. And yet, tww t a ;
Yilltbkiileap trust, with Which a maiden ewe
Ik e di of earth, peroliares ber all of heaven.
Jute • mogul's band, the confidence
lyiq whieh she turns in every thought to him,
tmore then brother, end her next to God,
' i O r sayer yet been shadowed forth in sound,
lidd in language.
80, ye voiceless pair,
iaiilisa hi hope. For ye mit , build as firm
Irdiiiieent altar in each other s hearts,
ASI sib* the auashine through the clouds of time
ilie,nheerrily,es though the pomp of speech
herald forth tho decd. And when ye dwell
MO?' flowers fadu not, and death no immured
Heat power to Never more, ye need not mourn
The oar sequestrate, and tho tuneless tmguo,
For there the atonal dialect of love
la the We breath of every happy soul.
F l D
, A
K 1
Yesterday a German boy led his teed
and blind father from the wharfup through
State :street to the Capitol Park. From
Ateir appearance it was evident that they
ad just arrived from the Faderland hod
were seeking a home in this country, to
which all exiles flee. Sorrowing and in
firm, the aged parent suffered his cheerful
son to guide his tottering steps. Time
had dealt severely and frostily with the one;
the other it seemed to touch only to invig
orate and adorn—the blossom of the Spring
with-tha---ripened- 'fruit-of-the- Autumn.
Under the shade of a large tree, the boy
seated the old man on thArallirig, and wi
ping the moisture flemhis face, sat down.
He then - took - as well-worn book kom
his pocket, and as the venerable man drew
nearer to the youth, he read to him the
Words of Life from the New Testament.
Alone, far from their native land, and far
from their kindred,those exiles worshipped
God in His own Temple.
.The numerous bells yere then inviting
the citizens to Church. A fashionable au
dience 'was coßecting in a fashionable
House of Worship. Wealth and beauty
were there. The Matron and die Maid
condescended to devote a few momenta of
a Sabbath morning to slander or to sleep.
noes the listening_ Cashier tremble for his
securities-orfirrhis soul! - Can the-meek
and devout man in the pulpit bring his
hearers, to realise the folly of this world or
the next
Does - the man of half a million, with
white neckloth and cadaverous cheek, tr&)
boasts of saving all that he pionhea—does
he realise the source or destination of his
wealth t—are not his descendants already
chewing the scanty cruet of penury and
wants--when winter chills, and the rude
winds pierce their tender frames, as the
miser counts his warm and sordid treasure,
orlaughs mechanically at an unappreciated
jest, are they not destitute of a garment that
he is too penurious to bestow f
Front these reflections we turned again
to the Pilgrims in the Park. They were
kneeling on the turf, with their faces rest
ing upon the.railing. The exiled Patriarch,
with one hand raised towards Heaven and
the other resting on the head of his boy,
nub st prayer !-Albany Journal.
The flower beheld the star above,
And longed to reach ita airy love,
But kmited in vain. A dew drop tell
Into the rich and fragrant bell;
And then the ajar was imaged there,
As though it dropped from upper air,
And glancing down from heaven lyid come
To ace,: on earth a kindred home.
Ile had learnt a moat useful principle of
ife, which was to lay nothing to heart
which lie could not help, how great soever
disappointment had fell out, (if possible.)
to think of them no more, but to work on
upon other affairs; and some, if not all,
would he butter matured,—Life of Sir
budiry Nod/a.
Who is there that did not love souse
in his youth 1 Who is there in whose
vision of the past there does not sparkle up
from every picture of childhood, a spring
or a rivulet woven through the darkened
, and turn woofof first affections liken thread
of unchanged silver,' How do you inter
pret the instinctive yearning with which
you search for the river-side or the fount.
air in every scene of nature—the clinging
unaware to the river's course when a tru
ant in the fields in June—the dull void
you will find in every landscape of vvhiCh
it is not the ornament and the centre
For myself, I hold with the Greek :
ter is the first principle
.of all things : we
were made from it and we shall be resell..
ed into it." [Willis.
A flower dp but place near thy window glass,
And through it no image of evil shall pa,s.
Abroad must thou go! on thy white bosom wear
A nevem, and doubt not an angel is there
Forget not to water at break of the day
The lilies, and Mon shalt be fairer and they.
Place a rose near thy bed nightly sentry to keep
And angels WWI rock thee on roam to sleep.
Suicide is not to fear death, but to be
afraid of life. It is a brave act of valor to
comma death;; but, where life is more ter,
rible than death, it is the truest valor to•
dare to live; and herein religion has taught
us a noble example, for all the acts of Cur-
Perhaps after we have seen the actual
world, and experienced its hollow plea
suures, we can resign ourselves the better
to its exclusion; and as the cloister which
repels the ardor of our hopes is sweet to
our remembrance, so the darkness loses
its terror, when experience has Wearied
us with the glare and travail of the day.
How sweet a thing is love of home. It
is' not acquired—it is a feeling that has
its origin elsewhere. kis born with use
brought from another world to carry us on
with joy in , this. It attaches to the hum
blest heart that'ever thrtibbed.
Oim of the most important of female
qualities is sweetness of temper. Heaven
did not giveio wdeien insinuation andper
suasion in order to, by surly; it did not
make them weak in enter to be imperious;
it did not give them *sweet voice to be em
ployed in scoiding.
More failererare attributable to efrorte
misdirected then to the leant of exertion.
Marriage either gets rid of your devils
by the preascce• of se angel--or else h
supplies their phieb with one whs:we name
le Legion,
The real . value art any 'thing cannot be
known, till, like-the ore Ishii% Is hied by
fire, it comes out either draw,.
Coitenasspint'Snrici,ee the Onfillell;lnli
int, but solitude is die /abed atrial*
Poems' is the beeutrof idetkilistinet
mm the beauty of things. •
Mat is but a vapor full of WOO%
- -Mt cuts a caw, sod dime be `moo
ItztrA Prairie du Chien paper says
--"A: singular custom prevails among the
Sioux Indians ; whenever a white man bee
resided among them for the space of one
month, he in required to take unto himself
a wife. The chief of the band, amongst
which he is, at the ejel-4 his time, comes
to him with a young - and handsome squaw,
whom ho must espouse and protect accor
ding to their customs, or leave the country
, ,
, .
[Preet'ilie Philadelphia Sea
TALES Ot rzmALE HEitomm.—, steer was thirshe Pu h t. r #
hetrust irt God ''' . SHOCKING CASE OP TORTURE.
From a volume bearing the above title,
The, following sketch of a case of
ailed out to .
tress to this colloq ). now c
which contains not only the stories of ins- Heinrich, who fro
. is window as
cut the Child's throe before her eyes if she
rare, which may appear as incredible as it
ny of those heroic women whose names
still persisted in her refusal. Poor
i true in all its particulars :
A short time since a lady who moves in
have become historic, but commemorates
the highest circle, of sceiety id this city,
ment. The death o the
chen a heart quailed at this horriblethreat ,
the more strictly domestic trials and tri- but only for amo .
~, . het thought she had reason . to believe' that a
umphs of others whose exploits have been child could be no gain to them, wrote
colored girl, employed In herds m yas a
donteetie, had patted intrictes email anti
confined to the region of humble and pri- own death was certain if she edmitted the
assailant, and her muter, too, would be
vats life, we extract the following story of ties about the hdttsei, One Morning, the
stanch domestic heroism : robbed. She had no reason either to putts
lady drew' from'the Illiiladelphia sank file
MILLER'S MAllits. - life of the child. It was to risk all agaimit
pose that her compliance would save the
sum of SIM in Mut finectollst Aotes, and
the rest in Civet. She eirelblly wrapped
and she resolved to hold out to the . ~ ~ ,
i•Near the hamlet of UdOff, on the banks nothing,
le from without re- atone - •
the last, though the sl um
of the Rhine, not far from Bonn, there yet
his threats. saying
stands the Mill which was the scene of the newel . . that Melte would chief, and r pinned it Inside the
following adventure:ld the child, '
hot open theLdo9r-1- 18 11—'1111-- kill -. —— ' Main ther - ita
stun of het dress ; which she
ll ettelfitily
rdrabe,anttptil ri het dia.
"One Sunday morning, the miller and s?' , iidillen set firs to the mill over her he'd. r k
abille„ and proceeded to look after her
his family set out as usual to attend err- hthisehol d .
I put my trust in nod,' was still the poor
gitr . s answer.
down Several hours elapsed, when, all at_ once.
vice at the nearest church in the village of
In the meanwhile - the ruffian set
Heasel. Mating the mill, to which ther she bethought herself of her tiVentii-tivo
combUstibles to carry out his threat. - en re e l , ; o p :. tindahtleremthless halite, ascend
dwelling house was attached, in charge of the child for a moment to look about m i t`
dollars, which she had laid upon het im
his servant ruaid, Hanchitn, a bold hearted
th'search he discovered a mode of enter- .
sec- girl, who , had, bjen some time in, his
.e i ed to the chamber to get it ; bat it was no
vice. The youngest child, who was still ing the mill unthought of by Hanchen. ~
where to be found.
"That black jade has stolen the money,"
too little to go. to church, remained also un- was a large aperture in the wall communi
cating with the great wheel and the other
der her care.
anoint ejaculated the suspicious woman.
"As Hanchen was busily engaged in pre-. _ .. -
mac/11 "U °I. t4a mill: end was She then hOlefied to the landing or
paring dinner for the family, she was in- entirely unprotected, for it had - never been
s v tairs, and called out at the top of her
terrupted by a visit from her admirer.— contemplated that any one would seek tb
Heinrich Builder, he was an idle, grace- enter by sodangerousan inlet. Triumphant ""'
eHetty I Hen) , I come here,.you black I
less fellow, end her master, who knew his fmy." _
a .__ t
ada thi nati s dis feei rov iv er r y t . ha_paa he returned to tie the t _ 1
charaeter well, had forbidden him theliiitiri — et " 11
ened daughter of Ethiopia was Mt the
but Hanrhen could not believe all the sto- its escape, and then stole back to the aper- /1
rues she heard against her lover, and was
lure by which he intended to effect an en• "
sincerely attached to him. On this occa. trance. The situation of the building pre- *"""
„ What did you do with the money, you
Mon she greeted him kindly, and not only vented Hanchen seeing anything of this,
got him something to eat at once, but found but a thought had meapwhile struelt, her,
black imp '
, " no
the devil f" "
nine in the midst of her beanies, to sit 111 was Sunday, when the mill was never I didn t take no money, replied 'the
s i Siwork; if, therefore, the sails were set little girl, trembling from head to foot.
down and have a gossip with him, e Will you tell me * lie, you !frizzy I I'll
while lin motion the whole neighborhood would
he dud justice to the fare set before hen.— learn you ! Walk into the nursery thete."
know that something triennial was the mat- .rhe little
As he was eating he let fall his knife,e loch girl obeyed the will of her
ter, and het master especially would haat
he asked her to pick up for hint ; she play- ,
~,., mistress, and presently both were in that
fully remonstrated, telling him she feared, en 'me to know the meeithi g ef an y ti. '"' nursery. The girl was snripped of.
strange eleth
from al l she hail heard, he did little enough so ing from head to foot;
and the 'Matteotti,
"Beings!! her life accustomed to the ins
work. and ought at least wait upon himself; i c h ines o f with the fury of a maniac, itearided her
of the mill, it was the work of a
in the end, however, she stooped down to back with the thin end of a eowskin.
pick up the knife, whence the villain drew
moment to set it all in motion—a brisk
Tortured to Madness, the'girl Made say
breeze, which sprang up at once, eel, the
er .
to disparate , thoitgh vain. attempts to
a dagger from under his coat, and caught - (lying.
The arms of the huge engitte
her by the nape of the neck, gripping her sails " 'limp frttm rho window, to escape the lash
whirled round with fearful rapidity; hie
throat firmly with his fingers to preventt of her cruel tormentor, Filially she said
great wheel slowly moved on its axle; the ,
her screaming; then, with an oath, he de- she stole the money, and, being afraid that
smaller gear turned and creake d ; and
sired her to tell him where her maste rshe would be found out, threw the'silver
groaned according as the machinery came Clown a well, and put the notes in a rat
kept,bis money, threatening to kill her if
1 into action; the mill was in full operation.
hole in the vault. The rat hole was seareh. i
shedi iia-money,
did not comply with hisdemand. The ,It
moment that the
ruffian in
surprieed and terrified girl in vain attempt ; ' " himself ed hut the notes could not be found.
trader had succeeded in squeezing
ed to parley with him :he stilt' held he ; ' I he husband now arrived home, a ri d,
i through the aperture in the wall, and get: ~
tightly in his choking grasp, leaving her no I tin _ himself safely i i lodged in the interior of a fter patiently hearing the statement of af
other choice but to die or betray her mas- 1 8 falre, spoke, at first kindly to the littlegirl,
the great drum wheel. His dismay,
she told him a -different story. He
ter. She saw there was no hope of soft-
ver, was in d escr ib a bl e when he began to
ening him or changing his purpose, and became vexed, and applied the lash to her
e he whirled about with its rotation, and
with the full conviction of his treachery, q tivering hack.
blood ran freely,
found that all his efforts to pot a stop to the
all her native courage awoke in her bosom. I *and the sufferer implored for mercy. She
powerful machinery which set it in motion,
Affecting, however, to yield to what was I was afraid to - deny the theft ; but her ob
,or to extricate himself from this perilous
inevitable, she answered him, in a resign- thiracv in telling so many lies to hide it
situation, were fruitless. In his terror he
ed tone, that what must be, must; lv if was a matter of surprise. Night at last
en e - I uttered shrieks mut .imprecations. Aston
he earned off her master's gold,*lie must ; came, and ii young man, w rein rive of the
ished at the noise, 'Linehan went to the
take her with him too; for she coeld,nev- family, returned to supper. He was made
[spot, saw him (-aught like a rat in his Otl n
er stay to hear their suspicions and re- . acquainted ti trim the Clog. and lie thought
trap, from which it was no part oflter plan ' of a
proaches, entreating at the same time, to plan which would bring thedehropient
lierae in.
relax his grasp of her throat, tor she could to She knew he would he
frightenedto a proper sense of her duty. After they
more t h an h urt i f he kept with-hardly speak, much less do what he bidhad taken their evening repast, he ascend- 1
in his rotary prison w i t h out any
her, while he held her so tight. At length ~ , rash at- .l ed to the room where the half naked, bleed
tempt to escape, and that even il he Decamp
he aas induced to quit his hold, on her re- i girl was imprisoned, and asked her 1
insensible he could not fall out of it.
minding him that lie must lose no time or whet she had d une with the solen money?
"In the meantime the wheel went round
the family would be returning from church. "W hy," said the crying child, eI threw'
' and round with its steady, unceasing me-
She then led the way to her master's bed- part down the well, and gave the note, to
non; and round and round he went with
room, and showed him the co ff er where poor woman, who lives over the Way, in
it, while sense remained, beseeching Han , a _ ..
he kept his money. "Here," she said, street. •
.when with entreaties, proinises and wild
reaching to him an axe, which lay .in theA messenger was dispatched, but the
with ;impotent threats, which were all equally
corner of the room, "you can open it women had been very sick for three weeks.
' disregarded, till by degrees feeling and per
this, while I run up stairs to put all my ! and she, as well, as her attendant denied
cepti,ni failed hiin, and lie saw and heard
things together, besitlea the_money a u !! knowledge of receiving the money.—
/ have Ino one. He fell senseleas at the bottom of The
saved since I have been here." young man took a bed-cord, and ma
i the engine, but eve , then hie inanimate king a slip.knot on ono end, put the noose
,••••Completely deceived by her apparent , body coninued to be w hirled round as be
around:the girl's neck, and said
readiness to enter into his plan*, he allow.; fuze; for t Hanchen did not dare trust a
er to leave the room, only exhorting i pearancee in such a villain, and would not
P . ',Come along! you black devil, you!
you shall be hung."
her to be as quick as possible, and was int- venture to suspend the working of the mill She followed after him, like a Adel) ens
mediately absorbed in his own operations; ; , f
or stop the mill gear and tackle from run- ing to slaughter ;; and whilst' he wee' fast.
opening the bog, and then disposing I oing at their fullest speed.
ening the rope to the handrail of the stairs,
meanwhile Hanchen, instead of
of the money about his person. In the At length she heard a loud' knocking
at preparatory to pitch her over, elle said:
going uP A t
door •-and flew to open it. It was her
I_have but one request to make,"
stairs to her own room, crept moldy along , master and his family, accompanied by .. what is that r, r eplied the pretended
several passages till she again reached her I several of his neighbors, all in the utmost hang man,
master's chamber. It was the work of a , excitement and wonder at seeing the Mill ei ny, lbw you tom let me am op ,
moment to shut and bolt the door upon sails in full swing on Sunday, and still
prayers bcfore I diel" .7
. .. 'r
him; and this done, she rushed out to the 4 more so when they had founirthe poor This unaffected easponee operated very
outer door of the mill to give the alarm. I
••••• child lying bound upon the grams, "who,
The only being in sight was her master's however, was too (embed to give them feelingly upon the nerves of the young man
and he relinquished his undertaking. , t heir) boy, a child of five years old ; to him !any account of what had" happened.—
Some dine after on the same eveeing, it ,
she called with all her might,•eftun, run to Hanchen , in a few words, told ell ;.- and -
meet your father ac he comes from church; . then her spirit. which had s ustained her d _ men.
ties thought expedient to send for an *is
tell him we shall all be murdered if does 1 through such scenes of terror, gave way '' The worthy functionary : Caine„
, and heerd the complaint, but there being no
not come back." The frightened chd i uncle r the sense of safety and relief, an d pliable evidence that the girl was, really
did as she bid him, and set oftiuunin,g on she fell fainting in their arms, and was gu ilty ' refused to send her to p l a sm
the road she pointed out. with much difficulty recovered. 'rite ma-
The next morning, the lady of the house .
Somewhat relieved by seeing that the - chinery of the mill was at once etoppeti. resoleed to proceed to the Mayer to,arde
child understood her, and would make her , and the inanimate ruffian dragged from his his advice on the subject, and, intaking
case known, she sank down fora moment dreadful prison. Heinrich, too, ,was her walking Om (Mat the- wardrobe, chi
on the stone seat before the door, and, full , brought forth from the miller', chamber. discovered her handkerchief. with the, nue
of conflicting emotions of grief and thank-land both were in a short nine .sent bound ney in one corner, dangling front the part
fulness for her escape, she burst into tears. 1 under a strong escort to Bonn. sthere they
r t where she had pinned it the day beforeo-e.
But at this momenta shrill whistle wonted ;soda after met the reward ofthipt Crimea. Her visit to the Mayor was dour** sus.
her attention: it was from her prisoner,' The story of this exttaordittary act of vended. ,
Heinrich. who, opening the gratAd window i presence of mind ,, concludes by,,ttellitig," Thus, it will be s e e n that a poor little
above her head, shouted out to some ac- Idle' Hanchen, thus effectually eurixi of her friendleu colored girl, honest :se the /UP,
complimi 'without to catch the chdd that pine.hant for her unworthy suitor. lemma which darkened her, akin.,
we s li ms' lop
was running away so a r, and to kill the i eventually the wife of the BAlittes eldest cured todeade--prompted to admit herself
Hanchen look around in great eon. and thus lived all her tir e iiNke scene g irl
alarm, but
to bet a thial . 4•Piadliaed to tell many lira ter
to r saw no one. Th 9 child still of her imminent danger and happy ,pe o ng. d ie di eme l of the .
delis. 9 mooey•—and
she hoped th ttn...*th all his might., and enince-14ndenpaper. ~, a n. wo, by a wuman whou eimeteel poen
at t was but 'a false alse elarplasm
doe in emiete: MO whosageneral.charse
excite her fear and otereclizie her resole
ter for pietycithettid,..4l least stave
non ; when, just as the child reached a
hollow in the next field, (the channel of a ma fur
her m adopt less objectionable mew ,
natural drain,) she itaw a ruffian start , up' themdm honesty and tretb.
from the be ter the drain, and, snatching up
the child in hie arms, Mallen with hint to
wards the mill, in accordance with the
direction, of hit weotopliee. In a mo
ment she perceived the full extent of her
her danger, and formed her plan for nose
ping it.
"Retreating into the mill, she double.
looked and bolted the-door, the only appa.
rent entrant* into the building, every other
means of °belong access -being prevented
by strong iron gratings fixed up against all
the windows, and then took her post at the
tipper easement, determined to await pa
tiently her master's return, and her conse
quent delivery from that dangerous posi
tion, or her own death, if indeed inevitable
—for she was fully resolved to enter into
no terms, and that nothing should induce
her to give up her master's property into
the robber's hands. She had hardly time
to secure herself in her retreat, when the
ruffian, holding the screaming child in his
arms and brandishing a knife in one hand,
came up, and bid her open the door or ho
would break it down, adding many awful
oaths and throats; to which' her only an-
Loyiuto.-4t is death in Lapletid , toinarrY
a ma iffwithout her parents' consent; where
. fore if one bear an affection for a tnaid, up
on the breaking thereof to her friends, the
fashion is that sday is aOpointed for her
frietuls,to behold - the two partieiteen a tnee
together. The maid I. alloWedlo startle*
the advantage of a third part of the race, so
Mit it is impossible, except waling of her
self, that she should be overtaken. If the
maid outrun her suitor i the tointeria ended,
1 it being penal . for the man to renew the
mention of merriage. But if the virgin
hath an affection for him, though at first
running hard to try the truth of his love,
she will (without Atlanta's golden ball to
retard her speed) pretend some easuality,
and make a voluntary halt before she come
to the end of the race. Thus none are com
pelled to marry against theirown will; and
this is the cause that in this country the
married people arc richer in their own con
tentment titan in other lands, where so ma
ny tukced matches make feigned love and
real unhappiness.-11iller's Worthier.
PRETTY Women kiss one another upon
coming into a room, hermitic it is a grace
ful custom; they do the same on going a
way, becatifie they are delieitt.dteloi . c
of one another.
'TIIII , 14111144—A-Far superior
,to the men, both physically end intellectu
ally; are the , *omen of Lime: Nature has
lavishly endowed them with many of her
chtetieest gifts. In figure they are usually
slender and tither tall, and they are espec
ial,' remarkable for small, and elegantly
formed feet. Their fair faces, from which
the glowing breath of the tropics banish%
every trace of bloom, are animated by large,
bright, dark eyes. Their features are pleas
ing, the nose being well funned, though in
general not small, the. mouth invariably
adorned with two rows of brilliant white
teeth, (the women of Lima clean their teeth
several times a day with the root called
raid du dientes; literally, a root for the
teeth, of which they keep constantly in
her pocket,) and their long black hair, ar
ranged in plaits, falls gracefully over their
bosom and shoulders. Add to all this a
captivating grime of manner and deporment,
joined to an exceeding degree of gentleness
and amiability, and it will be readily admit
ted that the Limona is a noble sycimen
of Agnate lovlirtc.:.-1 7 chi Mi./1141i J 11-c u.
el, in Peru.
. .
trtete the is.iationsi kis. A PEW "REGULAR ,col;:sTt r AM CE
The Attorney ;General of , the State of
Louisiana has _ prdnotinced the Declaration
of Independence ..`a . hrititbuli" and Caleb
Culhint, hits of 'Massachusetts, has Made
the dienortiry anfinanced in his Pourth of
IttlY l iaratinn;liih General Arista's garden,"
that the Revolutionary War was not a war
for Liberty. That such'were not the views
dr the men of the Revolution, seems suffi
ciently manifest Ono of the evidences of
their idea of the nature and hearing of the
Great Declara nun, is to he found in the
. proceedings of a meeting held in BliddleFex
county, New Jersey, on the 4th of the 1011
tnontli, 17d3, the first nnitibersary of the,
signers of that instrument, after the close ofi
the. war.
''The meeting took place in the township
Woodbridge: Gre:o p'reparations had
beeti Made ; an ox was roasted, and large .
numbers 'assembled to partake of it. and
'to liitedto tha orator of the day, Dr.l3louin
field, the father of the late Governor Bloom
field, Of New Jersey, At the appointed !
dme:the (Muni mounted the platform, folJ
lowed by, all his slnvee....- 6 .urieen in number,
seven. Of ,witom took 'place on his left, and
seven on his eight. while he addressed the
Rillitddernktbeststile4tSlevery.....At the I
close Of his speech, he turned to his slaves,
atatkag that.. inasmuch as we, as a nation,
had declared ell. men equal. he could not.
consistently, hold slaves. “Why,' asked i
he, tsehrtuid.,these.4 my fellooNvitizens. he
held iu.boadage t :.From this day they life
free!? :
/a the , midst oflthe'applaitee which fol.
lowed. the, Doctor,ealled up to him one
somewhat advanced yearsit *Hector,'
said he. “when your
self, you MC entitled to a maintenance front
my, property. When dnycni suppose you
will need that maintenance 4 4 ' ,
The, delighted negoiteld up his left hand
ked.with.itio sight ..-dritarAs !Ina. across the
middle idiot ofihis linters : , k.Neher, mas
on, neher. so lottg s soy of dose fingers
araleft , abase-desecjitori!,
"There;fellottsisitikees,'' said the doc
tor, "you see that 'liberty -istiosdear to the
man of *solos atria' Yentos;m#. l A.
rho air' Yangr-seith , apphinse; - and the
(tom pan y : sepia ated4 ithnet w suggestiott
fron‘.any. ohs .thut.iit *mulch belan net of i
patriotism to lynch the , ghat! , Doetor MN a
his fanaticism. How it would have fared;
however, ‘r,ith'anme Caleb Cushing ofthat ;
day, irsue. a character is Stipplahle,jhad
he undertaken to show thet , 0411144 on; that
occasion that the war through, ) which they
had just passed ait not a stragglefol. Lib..
arty, and that th e' beelaration aif s ThtleP i tilij
deuce was niereli'floaTtilliOroe4rie,4
ve r y (itteitlottidile. 'VS SAliiii)44,,Wwa
would ipso that cif
the commander ofehe MasasiChusetts, regi
went in Cleneral tirilloyaN ite l selcnient:
Matamoros. tam' Iroithrit
Die IN' "
Jusike inna/oto. What do ynn know
abOUt Wadleigh t s Sicefittrih,meeting,
Wilt now al abOnt it ; !taint no
iseidt.l nee*. „ •
Then 101, i all;atient it; thalk
just What' vie *4O to go o ,
tOitnes!..-: (Sprat:oog kis head.) Well,
the lo,?otufiheslorit . t,of it is, John_ Wad. ldlgh
istard7W.Or. ' Dig . man; that is he
works Mighty hard 'doing .nnthing—and
that's the hardest work there is done. It
will•make,efellerpleep guider. than pop.
pey leaves.. , gaitai 4 .lo,lo reason Wad
leigh wt uld , naturally Mt a very, sleepy
curt of peksom, L. Well. - the ; westher is
setnititoes, naterally considetablo warm,
and .f l arttop.Moody'scarmons Is sometimes
rather heavy:dike. .
.Intlise.„;StOrii , Stop .rpfleetions
upon Parson Moody,: that is nut What
yen_ i were called here, for , . 1
Mitten. I 40 cast reflertions on
P4reOns. I was tidy telling what
I kqpw about iI,O)M Wadleigh'e sleeping' ill i
meeting; And its my,iipinion i . especially ;
in WaFm..ivoitiker,.that earinnhe that are, end two, hours, king, naterally
have a tendency—
Justice, Stop, stop, ILI ( If you re-'
pia any .9r, the.set reflections on Parson
1 4 0 .44 again. eonttnit YOu Jo the cage,
for contempt of court.,,.
I don't cast nd reflections on ;
Parson Moody. I was only telling what'
'I knowebourJohn Wadlegh's sleeping
in meaning.'..'
,khottke. Well go oh and tell us all a.
bOutthat4 You weren't called here to tea
'tify. abcitit , Parson Moody.
• Witnesse That's what I am tryinit. to
doe if wouldn't keep patting me out.
'kutt its any opiniiiti, in warm weather,
folk, is considerably apt to sleep in meet.
inverpecially when the sermon—l mean,
'especially when they get pretty tired. I
know - 16nd it pretty hard work td get by
seventhly and eighthly in a sarmon myself;
tint if I once get by there, I generally get
into a kind of waking train again, and make
Out to weather it; But it isn't so with
Wadleigh; I've generally noticed, that if
he begins to gape at seventhly and eighth
ly, it's a gone goose with hint before be
gets through tenthly, and he has to look
out for another prop for his head 501110•,
where. for his neck isn't stiff enough to,
hold it up. And from tenthly up to six.'
teenthly he's as dead as a door nail, till
the amen brings the people up to prayer*,
and Wadleigh comes up with a jerk, just
like opening a jack-knife
"I FEAR, ". said a country curate to his
flock, "when I explained to you, in my
last charity sermon, that philanthropy w*
the love of our species, you must have mis
understood me to bay specie, which may
account for the smallness of the collection.
You will prove, I hope, by your present
contribution. that you are no longer labor
ing under the same mistake."
rgitENOLOOY...--A lady, disbeliever in
the science, asked a learned phrenologist.
with the view of puzzling him, "What kind
of people are those who have Destructive
peas and Benevolence equally and late
developed T". Nrad.mi, an
tiwy, who kill with kindlicsi-."
A TOUGH STORV.--VII uncle ultra is
in the habit sometimes of "'stretching Ake
truth .; a vicious sort of prOPOWAY
front which the test of the fatuity are "kW'
larly free. We heard him tell Snentkss,
rather severe tale one day last week; which
we have concluded to give the workia l .
"When I lived in Maine," said he. 4
helped to bread up a new pieee of ground;
we get the wood off in the winter, and
the spring We began tai thinlabf plough.;
in on t. It was so consarned rocky that
we had to get forty yoke of °lan to gnu
plough—we did, faith—thud 1 held dist
ph - nigh for rude than a week--I thought
I eliduld die. It e'en a'iniist killed mei I
van. Why, one day I was holdin'i and
the plough hit a stump, which motored
nine foot and a half through it—liard, and
sound white Oak. The plough
and I was going straight through the stump
when I happened to think it might snap
together again, 801 just threw in v feet out
and I no sooner done this than it snapped
together, taking a smart hold of the seat
of my pantalooons. Of course, . was
tight, but 1 held on to the plough handles;
and though the teamsters did all they cooldi
that team of eighty oxen couldn't tear My
patnaloons--- , ,nor cause rite mint : go lel
grip. At last, though, atter letting the cat
tle breathe, they gave another strong pull
together. and the old stOmp came up ahout
the quickest; it had tiionstrons long roots
too. . Let me tall you—my. wife made the
cloth for them pantaloons , and I haiut worn
any other kind since."
The only reply that .Snooks made tbr
this wati-- , 4should have thought it wool♦
have come hard on your suspenders.",
A Touon Southern paper tells
the following Mlluuchausenish sibry, which'
if "not bad to take," is certainly hard h
digest. We have swallowed some tough
'um; in our day; but the author of this could
give ad anaconda "siS;" and then duo*
him into "fits." Where's Sin Hide? • '
“Alutty years ago fi settler in Macon,
started. one day on a hunting exeundetr i
,after travelling-about half the day kil
led a noble bear. Hethen threw the bear
and gun Over hie shoulder and started ham !,
ward.. After. Walking about Tour miles he
bettanie , Vert much' fatigued, and concluded
to take an hour's rest. He dropped Heitirl
I owthe ground, laid his gun hy the side of
the bear, and retired' to . a log some fifteen
artvrenty , steps off. and laid hint down to
App. After sleeping about half an tou'r
lig awoke, and was startled at thaliet a. le./
rociotte panther between him end hie gainer
What 'Wait 'he to do? Ile could not get
htirgilit 'for the panther. Ihft the very en=
eigy land frenie of dtUtpair, he stetted tit
hia-494114.4ttet.the benst-in his speing.
The hunter, ran his arm down the throat of
the panther, through and through
caught him by the tail—gave it a heavy
jerk, end turned the bcasi wrong side out!
If any ()four cotemporaries doubt this story.
let them tell us so. • We've got the pwi
WATERM LOlsi V7RAOlkiftitY,-- 4 1101.
much do you ask fur that melon t" said, Sp
cuter draper looking chap, of a sturdy darky,
who was mounted on a cart hefOrs OS of
the principal hotels in Philadetphia,,ir day'
or two since.
'Tor dis big no why, notssa, T tacked
he's wuf tree levies, I does."
'is it ripe !"
"0, yes, masszt; he ripe, situ. I plum
um dough if you has so."
With that the dorky out with Os, oldo
Jack and was making the first inciaiifir in
the' melon, when it gave a long,deep,pills4
ring "oh r'
AVltat do you stop for "fluid the gen t :‘
"Bless aud ! 2 tot I heard him holler"
I did."
Come, come. cut away and see It it *
lie gave another poke wiifir hie knifN;
nod this time this atelciii shriakett
morder ! yow kill um !."
Before the last wor' was nut, the tnelim:,
went lumblieg to the airouno.o 4 l,utie eide
of the cart, and the tiarkv on the otiter,i l W:
lowing, "0, the herd ! 6, de I,Ottl ub Rub.
en' !"
Picking himself up, he ball( serarelbled.;
half ran a few paves from the eart, aud,
ing to behold the fragments of the melon.,
continued, "Wltcw, die nigger neber sums
dat. Clar to God, it holler murder?" while -
Wyman, the celebrated ventriloquist, *alli
ed quietly away amid the shunts end mew
of the by ata odors.— Trerttoh New:
Goo) It L.:Toni...4—A humorous young'
man was driving a horse, which was in the
habit of stopping at every house on thetautt
side; passing a country tavern, where:Weri
collected together schne dozen coumeydien;
the beast, as usual, run opposite the door
and then stopper', in spite of the yonkr.
man „who applied the whip *id)
his might to drive tfre horse our the . Mon .
on the porch commenced a hearts 14414
and some inquired if he won't' that
horse t ~ Y es," said the young Mini, "huf:
cannot recommend him, as lie once be...
longed to a butcher, and stops wheneVer
lie hears any calves bleat." 'fists orost4 o
retired to the bar in silence. . • , .
CLOSE QUARTS:mg.—I ran tell yeti a NW'
ter story than that," added the Chrptain.4
felt. pretty considerable frisky, one'day.thut•
I went Op the' lightning rod. hend covet; :
hand, as high as the vane. 1 had a
rate prospect op thete--ho it sith all. At
thunder cloud came over, and h saw It
going to strike the steeple, and ihinks
myself; if it hits me I'm done sp.
got ready and when the crack eame.lp
a leap Up. let the lightning• strlkt and'
down; and then caught hold *pi • 4 " '
TRIM TRA*SLAIIO,I%.....ThiII pusage
ticero's second oration against Catsiiiii;
excepit, evasit, enputt," has befolV
thus happily rendereil—s4hs's gnus. kW* •
cleared out, he's cut stick, he/ abitileitiltilk.
11117 . Pat." said t Yenken . ' Jai :
man who was digging in his arnian t
you digging out a bats in MO MOWS 11017.
"No." says Pat. "I am tiling out MI
ear th and lAsvoig thielmte.*
74 1
- , 714-.,131
: - .T .. 7 4 trAp.„* 4 4
vislf . P"