Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, September 03, 1847, Image 2

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    mated to the dignity of shopwornan, she
is looked upon rather as a true friend than
anything else. But oven in the sunshine
of happiness she never forgets that it is the
"goOiess:.", .she calls it, of the biker
and his wife which has saved her.
Alas! for tho rarity
Of Christian charity
How often would a generous trust save
the sorely Tempted!
FROM EU ROPE—Bread:clop Still
Dosono+The .new steamer Gundalquiver
trrivell nt New York (ruin Liverpool on
Boudoir morning the 29th ultimo. Bread
stairs joy still down ill' prices; the liar-
Tight 1'4'10(4: " • -
N alibmisimis of tlssgreatest importance
to dm e.ommercial community. There is
Illftlidtheilittiticial - Crisis in England, and
beierittirifylortensive failures have taken
Pletirt Ettistees of &Write ore down.
The total amount of the liabilities of the
N i
olurdrmk whose failures have been re
poKtfittflt - the' Corn . Exchange, London,
durittitte hitt tressuic, was estimated at'
11178011F;000; or abeitt $0,500,000.
iiitighliett the history of Europe there
ditteillaist4td itiLiihar exnmples of so many
iiiltlifiglifilititi'.4llteatening to resign their
difiglieritts , "air.the present moment. No
ligiVeriattili'three of four potentates tire de
:il ise rime: intention s o f
ritlbrile A rlibt ir ft (litter and authority. The
autuerat of Russia intends to return to Italy.
4 1 4111tirrifittOof Orange talks of resigning
iffill'erttrum of Rolland. The King of the
veas affected in the same way.—
'P QtatiOn: hf Npain has expressed her
tloterniinntion to :Antic:fie her
ftflrht4leetiont4 for the English. Irish and
firaiith. - ikironghs are now concluded.—
liPhurevina yet a few of the counties unde
cided/4,- The Liberal party has pined 411
Itletedh - irhich gives Lord /teasel/ 98 votes
• Grecit - - riitirtality prevails this year- in
dine a siiitiog the peasants and the lower
bbositis. • In the thstriet el %Vadewiz,aboat
40400 . persons hare died within a short
. ,
v . In introduelog a report of Mt...Cc/Lep
loPegethot cope May. -the N. Y. Courier
ille'kes tliefolldwthg truthful and eloquent
tiotts-i' • . •
„..„•..I.lpiex CLAY can have little to king
.fiff„,if, a people's love and honor-
hu f , cu p happittess. What has•the
,..tho ;hp world, to give him equal to the
Owing 'nonage which ever burns in the
*pas, of thousands of enlightened free-
Rts,..n,,wutl, which at the breath dins elo
ilempesi leaps into a blaze What hadeed
jealth,f Such treasured mutinies mak,ii
it wealth fiCen! paltry. Office ?..
The tresident's chair! W haldistinction
wpe(il that yield which he has nut already,
and what responsibility impose, whiclOie
h.fti.gigit already more than borne . ? Who
904,44 to, be touched at Mr ;
g l op, in ;he fact that he, a private citizen,
gymhqut an army, without a navy, without
ameptahle'a tall, was met at every. stage .
„progress with manifestations of
Wing" ql which a President, a King, or,
Ift.faupertir might feel proud I. .4enpe
ipP. Kings, and Presideats meet no such
inin4estattons, unless they are much more
than firmicrers, Kings, and Prtwidents.--
I, Itut simple Ilenry Clay, without
ipn die meanest office in his gift, and
Niltiugut.the slightest probability that he
Will ih • aVe, ' and hundreds of his Weill=
- .... ............. writ. virhola+
iiiii'dtentay vie to do him honor. Wharie
more glorious than this within the
idtik atu patriotic statesman's ambition?
'' Tlie' New York Expiesi narrates the
rill'Ot'ititeresting hicident in connexion
. • ,
yrmlt ,cottflagration of Mr, itirkhant's
sitabllishmetat in Cathari Of street, on Thy rip ,
dity'ttrenitig: - ' •
"Sp sudden and quick was the spread' of
?VILMA. that Mr. K. and his ruddy cline
very nenr Peing destroyed by them. 'Oriel
of daughters, Miss Margaret Kirkham,
It'oitittlitly col about nineteen years ofsge
WirOt emnitiefl. ' after being severely burnt,
lit JO:10g from the fl - eirth story . front 1
'iond6Wrial the room in which she slept.—:
lettitni* s o me moments a scene of the 1
hiiiii• ilitrilling and agonizing interest to'
aid, it:ho ,bad assembled in front of the !
!Mining Minding. The fourth story, though
itihtt Wltirthe rest of the edifice, has very
ilthill attic iiiindnws. At one of these Miss
Vijapkiiied, shrieking in alarm, the fire
ldhittrylAtind her and the smoke pour-1
lift'Otit'erierber head—no ladders had yet
il'hitieiVtitid destruction seemed inevitable !
•i•-iilid_trictl at first to escape the flames, by !
*MA the had been already severely burnt,
got out on the sill of the window, but it
wits efident she must soon perish there,
iticl' the''cry was raised for her to jump;
giber voices, among which, by this time, ,
Wairtriat of her father, exclaiming "not yet.
waii,2 moment till we get ready fir von." i
fefeather bed was instantly Formed, Irutd !
titioiiithiee feet from the groomd by six
kalrint beans, who were in great jeopardy
&giant might fall upon and injure one or
licrifeer them,, but they heeded not and ea
rial hot 'for that: Dv this time Miss Kirk
hahi; TO' escape from the smoke and flames,
wait - then Compelled to let herself down,
and was awn hanging by her extened arms
l'iditti the Window. "Jump now," was the
iii. - 'Vast numbers of persons had now
assembled and were lookers on the agoniz
ifirsiiiiiZ The young lady soon let go
'hold from that'dizzy height of upward
7 tl6' het; and in an instant was whirled
rd ihe sidewalk. The heart of every
'son In that multitude started in thrilling
`4,dpa'ent and suspense. doubtful as to her
- tiV. •In a'rew moments the cry was rais
*Aitte is safe," and three hearty cheers
'aiiittlip . , which made the very welkin ring."
...littirsatoa FLouits.—The flour made from
.the'stent *beat this year appears uncom
ssurisly:finee auvribed to the filet that the
sreianninplisd demand for bread-stull's during
iturinstirdieshas thrown into market the
Mll , ltuud, 8 41 Mat the usual custom
kittg 444 with new wheat, grinding it
OW , -
, /cutting it to market as new,
. y.diminisbed if not entirely pre
.:,, Pm result necessarily follows
. , asiiiint is supplied fur the moat
Piwt with *tut! 4 1Srirsd from new wheat
mobtowieskstore, which is infinitely I:sweet
ie and better than what has been termed
$!' l W 4 t (4) fluor yearsr
ju & "it A M
4 :SCII •
011:11Z e rtisr.iu t : Tent a pretuiunt
Or the best original tragedy in
'abbil be written by an A
4thmin; to be trubmitted before June
sW"1140 itoNist presenkaliby *bat
*lto theintbille as a
..40.. Ate' ton
Vialnlttel.o6o •
[From the :car Orleans Picayune of August 20.]
The' Steamship Galveston arrival yes
',entity from Vera Cruz,' having touched
at Tampico, Brazos and Galveston. She
left Vera Cruz on the 7111 instant.
By this arrival we are in possession of
adviccs front Puebla to tho 6th of August,
just one week later than we had before re
ceived. The news is important.
General Scirrr was still at Puebla on
the oth instant, but the army was to take
us the line of march the next day for the
city of Mexico. General Twig's divis-
II ion leaving on the 7th. General Quitman's
on the Bth,General Worth's on the Oth,
land General Pillow's on the 10th. Colo
. eel Chiltls remains iu command at Puebla.
General Pierce arrived at Puebla on the
oth instant. He lost not a single man on
his march, notwithstanding "another so - .
acre battle with the guerillas." . .
The most agreeable news by.this arrival
is the escape of Major Games and Passed
Midshipman Itooxrui from thecity.of Mex.
ico and their safe arrival at General Scott's
Headquarters. They Were PtCOUeßet 11134
under parole at the time theYileft• Me**.
The particulars will be !found iwthe Utters
below front M. Kettdolte,- Hie ; letters
mention an affair botwoliwCaptene Mort,
of the rifles, with hiscommana ande-Mex•
Man guerilla party, in:whit:4l4e latter. was
entirely mutedr.--
From Vera Cnta v too, the , news is
portant. The train•vrhie.h left Vera Crux
the evening of the Bth instant had been at
taehed about tweelpfoor Miles from Vera
Crust indeed , attacks auntnenisettehtmtly
after leaving that city. The escort of.: the
train was wader, -communed of Major
'Aux, of the oth infantry Colonel-VW.
sox being dowh with :yelkovisfevet. 'Ma
jor Lally, had been early attacked by. , the
guerrillas ;. traL. neintoreentents eof e, several
commies, imumenition. dte. had.) beet;
dispatched...tot his wohiatance from Vein
Cruz. lit the. chimes winch hatl been
made upon it .sisuistheeent two.: captains
from the Virginia * line had been wounded
iOaldwiell .and. Cummittge--.
who'were to be sent hack to Vera Cruz.
Major. Lally writes that he was to adrenal
the neat day to the . neat watering •phoce,
and- groped to he joists' by-, roisferoeinents
before he reached the 'National
Stame.soliettadwiefelt *bent , hie advance,
as this is the smalleethain which has left
for liCinte „lime lee •Generd Sonar's .camp.
The last arrival from VeracCroz (three
days later)lioretitiTit of
his March:which is oonsideredly the Pies:
yune's correspondent as a favorable sign.
It is with deep regret that we announce
the death of Cojonet Louis D. Wilson,
distingaislied and gallant son of North Car-
Mina. who. was to have commanded the de
tachuuntL...But•M violent attack of fever
arrestedhisared fUndly-teratinated
in his lame - 6W death. - • •
Editcwisfec4nNergA3lu:e of the Plespute
kthisitt, Mexico , Arailor o .7, 1847.
Integkence has just been received that
Captain. Ruff, with a squadrou of cavalry,
has given , the guerillas a severe - drubbing
at San Jean de los, Perm. General P. F.
Smith, learnlng-orkititrlirriyar at Ojo de
Agna that a , party of these gentlemen of
the road had. a rendevm.t.sMir at the former
place, dietiatelieti Captain Ruf with onlers
to surprise them if _possible.. The .e.tpe
dition, was euccessful in every way—the
guerillas, were surprised, before they bad
0 4, .....7•457 , 44 , •411NYtui1r1irnte.arrYhr 01
~ Or
stone houses adjoining.' • Into these our
men at once charged, the Mexicans recoil
ed in dismay, and after a short struggle
were entirely defeated, with a loss of be
tween thirty end forty killed and some fif
ty womided. A priest and cure, suid to
have been in some wily . connected with
the gnerillii,. were taikitik prismiert. Such
it the reporter the present current
probably learn' more of it before
I close this bum ,
ultagett; about Whose im
prisoriniern tio'much has been avid. has ta
keit the libertyof reheatin g himseif—in
plain' - English:he - him estitliieiffrod the ci
ty of Meaico;'aildligi i irtrived here in safe
q. Ile was not on parole at the time, but
at large'in the, capital under it bond With a
money penalty - not to break his Wands.
Learning that the'American alieeri , Were
to be removed and that there
was nu probability of his 'being, elt.ehanlled,
he started off the night tbuianla Chalet)
Loke in a boat. Arrivingthate, he started
on horieinick throbgb the mountains With
a guide, and, as above stated, jot through
in safely. lie reports that Salmi 'Anna
has not so many Milt as has boon hated
—that he has iaul more than 15,000 who
are well armed and well organized: Per.
haps he did not know that' Valencia_ had
arrived with reitiftweements- from San
Luis. • W. K.
Strzien,AreviT 5, 1841.
Gen. SMITE( has returned with hie Nil.
gatle, and the report that Oen.
sleep to-night at Ainosque, and will arrive
here to-morrow. - The account of
thee adventure with the guerillas at Sao
Juan de los ];.lanes is fully confirmed.—
No less than forty-ihree of the enemy were
killed, a great number were wounded, all
their arms were destroyed, and their flag
brought off. The. two padres who were
taken prisoners in the church, and who
were supposed to have some connexion
with the guerrillas, have since been releas
ed by Gen. Smith.
I have alreadnmentioned the successful
escape of young Rogers from Mexiao,—
Last night about ten o'clock Majfir GAINER
came in, passing safely through the entire
Mexican lines. I t seems that, on Monday
last, all the American officers wore ordered
to the headquarters of Gen. Lotnbardini,
and were there told that they must pre
pare, in twelve hours, to move to Toluca.
All (Willem, save Majors Gaines, Borland,
and Capt. Dailey, gave their paroles that
they would proceed to that place; but Ma
jor G. distinctly told Lombardini that his
parole was at an end; that he did not ask
for its renewal, nor should he accept it.—
On Tuesday morning the officers, with the
three exceptions above named, started in
the stage for Toluca,and on the same night
Major Gaines, accompanied by a trusty
Mexican guide, set out for this place, and
after being once in the hands of the gueril
las, and running many narrow risks besides
succeeded in coming through in safety.—
He informed Lombardini distinctly, thro'
the interpreter, brother of Ahnonte; that he
should not give his parole for Toluca, and
anticipated being arrested and put under
guard at once; but not thinking probably
he would attempt to escape, he was allow
ed to depart. The sequel is knoWti.
Major Gaines' thrall than Santa Anna
hid about IMO° tolerably well uniformed
and drilled men, toWhich nuniber Muer be
added.* rabble of undiseiplined:reernits,
1 01144 andpieked Up every w ay, imd ving
' little strength to the army. The main de
fence of the Mexicans—that upon which
!they most rely—is at the l'enon, and at
this point they have placed snipe of their
best cannon. Santa Anna himself is de
scribed as being in a greater dilemma than
lever. The jealousy and obstinacy of his
!enemies prevent his openly avowing him
!self iu favor of peace, and he is shrewd e
-1 nought to know that the next battle must
result against hint. Thus his own down
' fall is staring hint in the face, turn which
way ho will, and he is now awaiting same
revolution of Fortune's wheel to extricate
himself. His utter downfall would seem
inevitable, did not his past history afford
abundant evidences that he has risen above
every species of reverse; and so fruitful
is he in expedients that he ma still. rise
triumphantly from the whirlpoo lofdifticul•
ties by which he is surrounded. 1,
Since I commenced .his .lettor,ew.
Scott's orders,,Otr the - ntatelt - .ef tiM4ituty
have been issued,- .The, dirition of Gen.
Teigge 4..to_nteett , no. Astlight:y; 08 . 70
ilalL.,*4 Or: (lon. Quito's°, on the Bth,
Gen. Worth on the 9th, and Gelb Pillow
on the 1n,., the
.ages time. Col.
childeretneinein. Pueltls aq,tnilitsiy anti
civil.goyerner, owl .cept. Pe , hart
WWI" IPWOTA9I4- Whi10,7P114011,11 garri
son, in addition to the 'sick and fluent. who
are nottulltoning, • left :behind,—
gest,. Sew hiNself will .prqbafity Stetson'.
Fiany,Gen, Quitman's
.ditisi4e, and.- the
entire army will concentrate et.ooine-pelef
this sjdo ,pf the, capital. , U. W. If,
Aviti-or 6,'1847
• General Pierce strived this rnornfni, his
men, 'though much jaded and travel-worn,
nuking . a most soldierly , sppearntree. The
oth ieeptientin Nett , Eng
land reginient coMmancled by Col oriel Ra
sonv—attraduni rmich attention from the
crowds • aisembled to see the new loges
- Netwithstamilng all the stories told in
the Mexican papers, it teens that General
Piette'his brought his ccitunuind through
without loosing a man, and With het three
or four wounded: ' He was attacked sev
eral dines by guerilla'parties, yet by prompt
ITIONSMISi succeeded in routing ihem on ev
ery Oecasicith
finish this letter in haste' and late at
night. To-morrow tnorningGeo.Twiggs
Moves - With his ma' [have already
stated. Reports continue to come in that
large bodies of the enemy are moving in
this neighborhood, and just now we hear
that from 800 to 1,000 guerillerns, who
have been dogging General Pierce, were
seen this afternoon of El Pinal. The
coming fortnight will come to us' burdened
with news, and whether it be of peace or
war to the kife, I shall give you the intel
ligence as early as possible. G. W: K.
By the Steamer Fanny, at New Orleans
onthe 211' - ultimo,litier advices from the
Rio Grande have been received. A most
lamentable State of things is said to exist a.
long the route to Monterey, for want of
a proper force on the road, and robberies,
murders, RIP crimes of almost every kind,
were being committed without restraint.—
On the oth of August, a scouting, patty of
Texanti, commanded by gtiptain Bay
lor, fell in with a body of Mexicans and
were all killed but three. The party
hail visited two rancheros, and some goods
and prOperty that had been captured from
the train were found secreted in the houses.
The property was retaken, the dwellings ,
Kibe.,stnitv....brret..aritLr - valltsrtri9s9C4:
Was returning to the' main 'road Wherti'he
fell in with a large Mexican force, some
pOO, who charged upon hinrand killed all
theparty but three, who escaped b'y
into the ehapparral. Several trains
had alsci'been attacked on their route up,
anti some e 0 or 40 pack mules been cut
off from each.
About two o'clock in the night of the
12th instant, a party of twelve Americans,
mounted, armed and equipped us our 'vol
unteer cavalry, rode into the rancho of So;
Beene, about eight leagnestlistant from the
City, the inhabititnts of which are in daily
intereimrse with us, a nd'under the pretence
of searching for arms, entered the dwel
lings and perpetrated outrages ofevery im
aginable kind. 'fhe limn were abused arid
forced to flee from their house; the wo
men'Wettilmatitid, their jewelry and 'rink=
etisbliten frotn } them, and every dwelling
robbed of what mine) , could be found.—
Several other ranchos were visited by this
par* during' tile same night, but die in-
Illthltains • were fbrewarned of their air :
pioach. and Bed tti the woo& with 'every
rideable they possessed.
A few days previous to these occurren
eats a, similar bud; or men, - eotalucted by
two blexiCaes,.visited the rancho of La Ja-
Ow, and perpetrated like. and even worse
:Colonel Davenport had been informed
of these out r ages, and was using proper
measures to ferret out the offenders. When
ascertained it is to be liomtdo poniohnient,
fa ;their eriottw hlo l eted urla
Letters from the Brazos indicate that
(Inners! Taylor's intended inOventent on
in'9f been . abandoned: The'or
dens fat the :drier* Of the urge ujiwaitl
tititilrhed been sevelided.'and it was' iv-
toted it the Mita *that a" minsideroble
body of troops from the Gm of ofienttions
00 the 'Rid Gnitukt Were shortlyto endiark
for Vera Cruse to join General Econ.
Grir. Tivt.pi.--There is reason 'to
douht the correctness of the nimori recent
ly put forth, of Gen. Taylor's intended
movement on San Luis Potosi. 11re know
that the Government has
. given no such
,nnd have no opinion in favor of
such a movement. It is not very likely
that Gen. Taylor would undertake it upon
his own responsibility.—N. Jour. Corn.
al Inteltigencer publishes a statement,
drawn from official documents, showing
that more than EIGHTY MILLIONS
OF DOLLARS have already been appro
priated towards defraying the expenses
of the Mexican War. And judging from
the experience of former wars, we are safe
in saying that the unsettled claims upon
the government, growing out of the war,
will at least amount to half of that sum.—
So that the expenses of the war, thus far,
amount to about one hundred and twenty
millions of donors. One-tenth of this sum
will eventually have to be paid by Penn
sYlvania..incieasing her debt about twelve
millions of dollars.
COL. CHARLES A. MAY, the hold Dra
goon who distinguished himself at the bat
tle of Palo Alto, has been appointed to take
epininand of the Carlisle Barracks' of this
State. The &Nut Cokonel paosted through
Herriithrug fist - weak, on hl. way' to 'the
new post aesigned
[From the National Era.
The:particular aspect* . of the Slavery
question are at this time so momentous,
and so general is the agitation in the Slave
States swakenetkby disdissiotts of the Wil
mot Proviso, that oar readers trill under
stand why we devote no much space to the
politics of the South. Of the articles selec
ted from Southern papers, some are taken
from Whig, some from Democratic, some
from No-Patty journals.! ',' 1. :
The "Charleston, Mercury," for weeks
past; has given great prominence to the
snbject:or 51EVery i lad BO deOln 4 •.The
leading Oriente' has' been Con intions--:
k is
union' ARA alganixatitut Of , the
.ye : States
in support r o( Slavery, and in opposition to
the Prefitio.'` i Alitte number contained tut
edittittal feat Col Omits 'long, entitled,'"Tlfd
Wilmot:Proviso is Abolition, Aggressive,
itevalutioneryotini subversiv the Con
stitution and is guarrattfiell .to. the Slave
holding.Stites.' The truth is, the discos
sion is eiontlueted by the ' , Me rcu ry !' with'
. ability,. tact, Energy, and . tenacity of
pUrpose, which the press on the . other side
or the question would do well to emulate.
We have seldom seen sb much energy end
talent expended in a bad cense. And the
etects of this constant and powerfel pre
sentation .of what that paper chooses to
represent as the grievances of the citizens
of the slave States; are Mil nifestin the tone
of the Southern press. _
But we must again call attention to a
decepthaa yolich the "Moreury"Und its
associates are continually practicing upon
I the Southern people. When they de
-1 nounop assaults upon Slavery, they desig
nate- it by the general tide, "Southern In
stitutions;" when they define the nature
of the ,Wilmot Proviso, they speak of it
as excluding from all territory acquired by
!' the treasure and blood of all the States of
41 the Stes of the Union, citizens of
one-lf o f f those States ; when they refer '
i ti* the
mile • pr oposed at the North, of se : .
, leciing a,l'resitlential candidate 'pledged to
the Wilmot Proviso, they proceed on the
' assumption that the Northern States are ;
about to,attopt the policy of excluding ev . -
cry Southern man from office. Examine ,
the, extracts front the slave State journals,
presented on our- first page, and you will 1
Ann this deception running through them,
all. "Slavery" and "Southern Institt-"
tiona," 4 Slaveholders and cititzens of the I ,
South," the "South and Slavery," are used
by them as convertible terms. In ' this
way, die People of the_South are shame-.I
fully imposed upon in relation to the Beta
timentsaod purposes of the people of the
North. a bitter sectional feeling is aroused,
and they, arc united in.opposition to a mea
of national policy, which bears upon
the States and the citizens of the States, of
all sections, with entire equality, proposing !
to secure to all equal righteand equal priv
ileges.. _
By an article in andliter part of this pa
we demonstrate that the slaveholding
class constitutes not more than a twen- '
tieth part of the actual voting population,
or of the - whole number of Electors of die
Utllbli. In the slave States, they consti- -
tote, numerically, in proportion to the ,
white population, no larger a body. than !
the aristocracy of England in proportion
to the people there. It is true, that this' '
non-slaveholders of the
_south are prejudi
ced against the blacks, and generally op
pose their emancipation, upon the soil, on
account of apprehended peril and inconve
nience to themselves. But they know,
ibEY Mtge Ma very ; ' %flit, A liiiire vii= '' -
, augment the gains, and contribute to the
I aristocratic self-complacency of the slave.
holding caste, the commonwealth, as a
whole, sutlers loss, and they themselves
are overshadowed, paralyzed, rendered un
comfortahtb. Now, we can easily under
stand bow. holditig such sentiments as
they do, in fear or greater evit they should
oppose all attempts to abolish forthwith
this, system from which they sustain so
much injury—but ive.cannot understand
why they are anxious to fasten it upon
new territory, already consecrated to free,
dont. The territory proposed, to be acqui
red is in the same latitude in which lie the
States of which they are eitizeos: The,
soil is rich, the .climate and prbauctions
are adapted to their conetituitun - end hab
its. One would..think that 0011 the pco
' pie in the Union, they, the non-slaveliold
ing citizens of the Solidi, would not only'
be willing, but would struggle for such ter
ritory to be kept free from the poise which
has sat upon theirs like 'sin incubi:lS—so
that they, too, might - find a suitable home
ihr thetneelvewind ehildren, where Freed
om and Equality should be perpetual and
universal. Whist do they want ? BelieV
ing'ShiVery a gorse, constantly sundering
the tenderest ties, tie escape from Its bale
ful influences they would yet diitiable the
Union . ; rather than ticluded from
now territory, already free' ThiS is med.
ness, without even the logic of madness.
We'catutot believe that the fieCyle of the
South are represented fairly by the Press . :
That pitiverflil Organ has fallen under the
eontrOliaf the tutus; caste, the Slave Pow
er, which reeognisei no - interest in the
elave,States, but tilleverY;' no, Citizen's thete
but stareholders.' We doubt believe that
even all the slaveholders are justly repre
sented bythis ertlinide'Of the Press' in be.
half of Slattery; but the hnit 'despotiaat of
the caste is 'too' Strang' for individUal'inds-
Pendettiel. ' ,•• ;" •
The view of the queetion we are now
pt esentingliat teen been inilated upon in
this piper, butwebatre yet to see the that
attempt to obviate fame.
'The' reader Mast bear'teith us while * we
dwell upon tt
' - Ones is a Republic of thirty Stated-4f:
teen free, fifteen Clerchoiding—.milted un
der a Federal Caletitutittn, which was
adopted, as declared in Its 'preamble, to se
cure the blessingi of l o ttittry.' Thsi nia 7
tire population of the free' States, amount
ing to ten millions, is' hostile to, slarery,
regarding it as a great moral, social, and
political evil; the large majority of4lie
citizens of the slave States, amounting to
five millions, regard it in a similar light,
though opposed to any violent or external
interference with it Where it exiats ; a few,
too insignificant in numbers to be named,
advocate it as a blessing ; ono twentieth
part of the voting population of the coun
try, or the one-hundred-and-sixtietli part
of the whole, composes the total amount
of slaveholders, not a few of whom, also,
regard the system with no favor.
This is a fair statement of the case as
it respects our own country.
Suddenly, we are on the point of ac
quiring a vast new territory, in which.
slavery has been abolished by law. To
guard against the insidious, unlawful're
institution of the evil, it is proposed that
Congress shall pass's declaratory act, pro 7
Whiting the revival of slavery in said ter
ritory. introdnetion would keep out
emigranti from the free . States, containing,
as we have seen, ten millions of thee tier r PROCLAMATION.
opular= of -the country ; it wocriei keep'
out to a great extent emigrants Irmo the
non-slaving mass of five natiltons in the lITHEREAS, in and by the act of the
Slave States, or tempt them them to involve. Vif (:corral Assembly of this State, en
themselves in a system which they Amon '' tided ' , lin Act to regulate the General E
unlventallyAdmit to be pregnant with evil; Imams at this Commonwealth," enacted
it frotdd betel bee to the a im o f , on the "24 day of July, 1839. it is enjqined
perpetual slay weie b er i n - set : o at sae le give public Notice °fine/aloe-I
more than the re .h tm i ne d yn d imu i ra h , toss to he held. and to enumerate in such
part of the whole foopolaitim of the amour- Hedge. what "eels ate to lie elected: 1
tr y ; " g ame b ene f i t to them wilehl b e BENJAMIN SCHRIVER. Sheriff of the
merely pecuniary and teisposszy. Camay of Adams, do. therefore, lutreby
On the other hand, its atelosiosa would give this PUBLIC NOTICE, to the Elec
leave o c f ree s r mw ey e t , b e ar m e d asen of th e aid County of Adams, that a
,Olken . ' Tgatt libetateitenen tuna GILIEILIL ELECTION
ived of ru m ont ar in iumhzilow boldas irlf uesit . the M' impimmik oirds. Sonah, mai be. held in the mid County, on the
cuutatunaltand , beep m a Qtly l i me of *et tnii Totanihity of-Octeilbelr'tatit,
the slaveholdimf eines Glow bsodeni Sind (THE 12TH,)
twenty-five thousand, who Lye Wray es the semen' diaricts composed of the
too well to part with theirsboreo, and earn ilillaarlar.. . irmlibirt. viz :
tweiisimoi k! t ho e u t o rrw i rkgb re „m r . - AMMER &MK DIMPRIMIE r eolB,lllBBlli of , the
ize tor—by fire labor. I llanizeiertkeirdnerg. and the Township
Now, ire ask. every soberaindal imen.tareevalvidzsd. et the Courthouse in Get
how doei• the Wilmot Proviso iamb es,: ilabo:L- . ' ' •
wrong ~_•
ass ...
,of . the Bomb? mem IS Second Distrietecoorposed of the
iiad, 'Z' it
tk ,'";i ybody ?
__what lion. Tamar* of may. at the house now
abridge—what interest, injure I! Eddie* ,i ocenpial by Joseph Barker, in the town of
•i t m Law, all yee b are A m pl y mid-- ,Lizdezenavi. a the Township of Germany.
the heritage Of freedom bespaauhed wes t la the Third Di a llizi. malvand of that
by our father!, shall not be impaired; the of die tennethip of Berwick not in.
i itticution -of c om m un i on. a n i m a i n chided la the 13th District. at the house of
its preamble to be the esonaiion of the Jabs Alden, Esq.. in the town of Oxford.
blessings of Liberty; atoll be Sonia" an i 'hi the Fourth District composed of the
I the rights and interesaof mut sae-glare . Tiownships of Latimore and Huntington,
' holding ecrenteen minims of Athenian : al ___a Lanz 4 .. : W __
_Haul Chialis""V in liar
' citizens. shall prevail against the chino of t la'aviiir of iziiangwa•
; one hundred and twenty - rive daussondl in she Yid' District composed of thel
Islaveliolders ; in other wards, de rem, townships of liamiltonban and Liberty, at'
; Republic of Freedom shall be goverm N I by i the pada School-horse in Millerstown.
the will of the majority, is, opposites oppeo to In the Watch
,District. composed of the
t i set w m— Township of Hamilton , at the house nowl
Ithe haughty - demands of a petty
This is a ecitntesos sense view. b does E by George Bentzel• in the town;
,not repo] the question in a sectional fight., I
Ilt embraces in its 'elope all sections oldie i, lo doe Seventh - D4triet, composed of the '
konnorlry, all the States equally--in a won/ ~ zetenethip of Menace. at the house of I.'
the greatest good of the greatest natabee.' save Yawt is said township.
;We should greatly prefer the anaint-:. le the Eighth District composed of the
1 no x at l on o f s o the glutei of blesiro, bit, moreshipef 81trabalL, at the house occupied
' if only a portion of her territory is to be by Jahn N. Graft in Hunterstown.
acquired, the principle of the Wilmot Pro., la the Ninth District composed of the
vise must be its fundamental Law ; d oe • Township of Franklin. at the house now
this Government, this quion, the p eople occupied by Henry Hartman. in said town-'
of all these State.s. might as well
A la the oath of complete Ammons ba the ' la the Tenth District. composed of the
Slaveholding Qfigarehy atones; for whet.. township of Conowago. at the house of;
ever they' may be in form, they arof i s • Jobs Bean-. in AFSherrystown.
fact be its veriest slaves. ;In the Eleventh District, composed of
the township of Tyrone, at the house of
No MORE TrAarroev.—Tbe Richmond - Soloed Sadler. in Ileidlershurg.
Whig concludes an Article upon the soh— 6 the Twelfth District, composed of the
jeet of the Wilmot Proeiso, and the data- sow DA, of Mountjoy, at the house of
Mrs_ Lasater, in said townshin
gervit threaterts to the stability oldie Ulan, La the Thirteenth nth District. composed of
. with this admonition: t h e township of Mountpleasant, at the
_ .
" "It is for every lover of the Uniess—lor Armee( Anthony Smith, in said township,
every, friend of his country--forrvery use srmate at the moos mites, the one leading
born American, to resist the intuitionism from Oxford to the Two Taverns, the oth
of more territory into the Union- Let Sim er from Ilunterstown to Hanover.
make up his mind to stand by the Enion„.; la the Fourteenth District, composed
and to submit to receive no !Iliadic* will oldie township of Reading, at the public
bring its continuance into dormer. Lair Sebool-house in the town of Hampton.
the Trojan horse, this fatal gift of Ilesimm- In the Fifteenth District, composed of
territory is fraught with danger and death:" the Borough of Berwick and that_part of
like the unwary Trojan., [et es not break Berwick township, ONLY, included with
down the wall and admit into the citadel. in the Goad:ill limits, to wit: begining
Let us repel it, and those who Mier is us where the Hanover and Petersburg turn
as. Then and then only eon we be safe: • pike crosses the York county line, thence
thereand then only will we have dose our 'along said turnpike to the place where the
duty to the Union, tootmeirms, aced so mots. rod from Berlin to Oxford crosses the
kind in general, whose hopes ass wrapped sold surapike, thence along the said Oxford
up in the success of our great experiment?" mad until it intersects the new road from
Gem. illsunineres farm, on the said Oxford
AN INvines - r AT TUE &SITE/ Or Merl - mod. mid thence along said road to the
basis, wi th his ( 41 .'" York county line, near David liullinger's
mond, was hotly cngag" . .4 , idi the elsesOlF , saw mill, thence along said York county
giaiduti„rott• the
a r.smt i tt i
.. . I mire and. k P s A
.1: t - r* a i rbertunimr : Pub
se o
A miotstown.
mounting, placed himself in the inaidie of In the Sixteenth District, composed of
the street. There. in the hire of the ere- ' the Township of Freedom. at the house of
my, amidst the thickest of their firm he Nin.sniss Morita. i n said u,wna
coolly drew from a case. suspended abent i n the s eventeenth District, composed
his persona spy-glass, wish w hiebsitallsate the Township of Union, at the house of
adjusted it to a proper focus. he Faamaird Enoch Lefever. in said township..
to reconnoitre the Mesicesshostesy. time and places will be elccled
lug satisfied himself as to the information one Governor;
he sought, he shut up the glass. seummed
One Canal Commissioner ;
it tulip case, and. approach*. Ca. Davis.
said to him: »Sir. the enemy hianbet two Ose Senator;
pieces, and by making a detti . tar to the rieku
you ran take them in lash." "And mato
the devil are your' "I, sir, aro Major
MANSFIELD, of the Corps of gragisverni."-
"All right come on boys r responded tee
Colonel. The battery was sewn eufiridL
A CAPITAL Anstoovaa--Pirofeasie Ritr-". , One Director Of the Poor. •
lee, who is now in Italy, says that, neress-'t And is and by an act of the General As
ly,alten he was in Venice, as Airsevirani sootily of this State, passed the 2d day of
captain and an Englishman met at dreamer. Jade. In% it isdirected that the IN SPEC-
You are an American, sir ?" said she TORS and JUDGES be at the places of
Englishman. their District' s on the day of the General
reckon I am," retuned the taparie. Eketian aforesaid, at 9 o'clock in the fore.
' , You have the name of being good war- -noon, or do and perform the several duties
rims .T' a required and enjoined on them in and by
'Yes," said the Yankee, ..ere shoot "i the same Act.
pretty well." ' Axon—ln and by virtue of the 14th Sec
-. But how is it you are so assists so ; , ties side act aforesaid. every person,
make peace with Mexico ?--this doss Roe cies* Joosioes of the Peace, who shall
appear much like spunk." hold any eine or appointment of profit or
'You are an Eriglialmses r ineeiroge.: snow yonder the Government of the United
WO the Yankee. Sours. or of this State, or of any city or
'Yes,"'replied the Engfishoran. lawirpocased district, whether a eommis
' said the Yankee...lAm% Latour '..siliecd othiser, or otherwise. a subordinate
what our folks have offered to do with o same er agent, who is, or shallbe em ploy.
Mexico ; but, stranger. jest teal yen meg oil maw the legisikEstive, executive orJudi
eves. we eared aol rimy depiantewst of this Skate, or of the
make peace with you . I Eased Stales. aro( any city or ineorpora-
This hinnetleustat the Eagfilinnow aeti led lissariet, and abo that every member of
the whole table in an uproar of landers. Csegmess. and of the State L eg i s k iture ,
and of the Select or Common Council of
may City, or Conunissioner of any incur.
priared Comet. is by law incapable of
Mang or cxereisiagat the same time, the
nice or appoisone n t of Judge. Inspector,
its Clerk of any election of this Commiln- 1
mew sod that no Judge. Inspector' '
doer officer of soy so & electiod shall be
obiplde to ay ofiee InfieVien voted for.
dad be it Lathes directed. in Red by the
act of the General Assembly of this State
aissesoll, detour, of the JU DGES of etch
ofthettdiennatirsstriessaforeiaid, who shall
haw she clionprof the certificate of the
meelmer of votes which shall bare been
~game fie each candidate for the different
offices then and there voted for . at their
tftmrelfive thetriew, shall meet on the third
day their tie Illeetioe. which shall be on
/NBlfilitizatuse.fird of October aforesaid, at the in the Borough of
Gruysloan g . then and there to make a fair
meat and certificate of the number of
rates which shall have been given at the
! dames! dibtrict . s in the county of Adams,
filzmpersonor persons for the offices
It is stated is a letter hem WalliSrons,
by a correspondent of the Balfisase
that Col. Thoaras 8.. Bemis is pespariew
hi; Memoir' of 'nifty Years is the Sea
ate of the United antes, with telleirdess
on the meet fairness ikassames of dos
Marriage snits some people e,—
they. tire only when out orst, as she anrimat
priming! walked back to his, ellagino, oleo
liberated, bem - noW hs mold sot eqoy Sias
self in a state of emaiteipstiew. At Ted,
Pi.; latilY We see that a Mr. T. Ilifiseimm
was married to a Mrs. Wilk'. The iside
room has now bees married foe diem. is
3n his 88th year, and made his own eartal
27 year. ago. The happy bride has had
four husbands, and is about Wk.
IVlAturu, in Pawtucket, 312115... M dim
18th ultimo, by the Re►. Mr- Raley, Mr-
James P. Jenks to Miss Meows Abel;
Mr. Job Almy to Miss Mary A. Abell;
and Mr. 11. Augustus Kendall to Miss Re
becca P. Abell, all of Pawtnket, Massuebas
setts. The three young brides - are tbt
the daughters of Mr. Robert Abell of Paw
tucket. It is a most remarkable iUeillesst
to record the marriage of three sinters
one evening.
A man, named George Seeliirger, ensue
to his death in Philadelphia, on Toesday
evening the 21th ultimo, by stranglabtiow,,
from a piece of meat lod g i ng in hi s &b aron , :
while eating his supper.
Millions of small green frogs bare ap
peared in St. Lawrence county, N.
They cover the road from Pianoforte or
Cumberland I lead, and thousands are meth&
ed by the wheels of passing wagons.
O. Represeztative in the State Leg
One Comity Comenisssioner ;
One County Treasurer ;
One Auditor; and
Shnners 01fitor, Getty %ham, ?
tketerrebte 3, 1847. S
11 RS_ SHULTZ respectfully informs
her friends that she is again preps
rod io receive
"and will be pleased to furnish every requi
site acrommodation at her residence on the
South West Corner of the Diamond.
Gettysburg. Aug. 2U, 1917.--3 t
LE'T'TERS " elf Administration on the
state of Pxt ytr
ARTMAN, late of
m il to if to w ns hi p, Adams county, deceas
ed, having been granted to the subscri
ber, residing in the same township, notice
is herebylgicen to all persons indebted to
said email!' to call and settle the seine with
out delay, and those haring claims against
said estate are requested to presenttito
same,properly autbentiestpd, Aor, sods.
dient. ''.lAeoll 'HARTMAN, '46 4 1r.
Aug. 20, 1847.-6 t
• •
LA tate of Puttee filmoshhtteof Ranting
ton township, deceits - 4, haring beengrant
ed to the subscribet, - reiddingieHttetir on
township, Adams ceintihe yes
fibtido a y
callan 9 fri I i
tate to d pay id:
awns, without de
lay, and those having claim. ate &sited to
present the same, propetilaitthelatielteti,
for settlements ' ' •
JOHN . FR.ftZER,'Ner.
Aug. 0.-60
" !ia N'
ch F th ERE
o very bestlsty; erent
II flavors, can be..had, at all times, at
WEAVER'S Confectionary in Chambers
burg street. FanOliee,and Parties will be
supplied with any desired quantity, at the
shortest notice. OAKES and CONFEC
TIONS of all kiiidsidWays Ott hind, and
will be furnished' to order on reasonable
Gettysburg, July 23.---tf •
Dr. C,lleses
NI)IAN Vag/liable 'Piles Remedy, is a domes
tic preparation , which has bees used with sa
tire success for many frets. Witt ihijaternal
medicine, it has a decided peeteretwe over otakursati
applications, which 'rebut palliatives and not ea
re tives. 'lbis medicine acts upon the disonsed
parts, producing healthy action and a perwiewas
tl...rSold, wholesale sod retail, by. ROWAII &
ir LTO X , Proprietors. a%O Market street, Phila.,
and by S. H. BUE.'HIJER, Gettysburg; • W I///k Rit
tinge:. Abbot tstown ; Lilley do Riley,Oskinl, and
T. Cooper, Franklin tp. , (Au5.6.'47-1y
Jewelry, Watch-Guards,
It/ ATCH Chains. keys, Speetaples.
w &c. &c. can always be had, at the
('lock & Watch Establishment of ,
(Jr. (Vines Indian Vegetable 'Sperffie
For Female Complaints.
IllS meilieice is fast taking the plate of eve
ry preparation heretofore used for *leases
arising him Weakness or other evisses. All fast
is necessary to secure this medicine •phieet la the
Diiinestiz Practice of every family,arturii such a
medicine is needed, is a trial. It speaks fill itself,
is innocent in its operation, and au tidally can a-,
ise from its use at any time.
IL r For sale, wholesale anti retail. by Pamirs a
& W 1 LM N. Proprietors, 311 T Market M. Phila. awl
by S. II 111` EII Gettysburg ; W. 'Winger,
Abb. - Atom% n ; Lilly & Oxford, and by T. J.
t'ooper, Franklin tp. [Aug. 6, t y
• •
es, WATCHES, of all kinds,
L e 2 will he cleaned and repaired, at the
shiniest wive, at FRAZER'S Clock tll..
W intik Estnidishment, in Gettysburg.
July 111, 1847. tf
1111 M. & C. RUTURAUFF hire re
• reived a very large aaeortatent of
FANS, trom . :3 eta to $1.25.
Dr Ltlivreine
13 EtiIIEUTFU 1,1. Y offers hie proles
stunal services to the citizens of Get
tysburg and surrounding country. 'He is
prepared to attend to all cases usually en
trusted to the Dentist, and hopes, by *Uric,
attention to Dentistry alone, to be able to
please all who may see fit to entrust their
teeth iii his hands. Office at Mr..lrCest's
Gettysburg, July 24.—tt.
rII E undersigned having formed is
a partnership for the predict of 'thi
Law, will attend. the Corals of Ifterl, stria
Adams, and also visit the neighboring cony
ties if desired. Office in If ink iitreet, Get
tysburg, between the Bank and Public Of
fices, where one of the firm will tallithim , -
ly attend, and where enmnronientiMit will
receive prompt attention'. •
June 19, 1847.—em •
(Of Cartisk).
PRESENTS his respetui while Arius&
and inforrnsilmni that he bum lathe
arrangements to con ti nee us minis, as usual
in the Courts of Adams comity, seder thw
new regulation of the times kr'Whiles , -
them. : .
Jan. 30, 1846.
.Bitorney of • ;
OFFICE ib'' die S. W. dottier 'dr' the
Public Bgtlere, onit , draii`WEd
Arnold's ' Store, 'formerly- osidtprded SA
Law Office by Jelin M'Cona4l4,i'doe'd.
Ile solicits, and by prompt and fitiihfld at=
tension to holiness in hi profriniott;lt'irill
be hie endeavor to Merit; eontidencie and
D. MVormuotte tathrad ,
promptly to ill :blighters ettuMated: Mit
as ot Tent add. MeilcOlor 'Palen?* lei&
Pennons::*o' l , itrangittheniSP
through which he ettlifitrailh very-deittif4
ble facilities to'appliesnur.'ind Sit
hero them•frtlattbe net:Malty
to Wailhington.ort applibatiolf tO
sonally Or by letter. f" .
ettystAirei April S.—tf 41. )4W
THOM AS I 2C•ltAPpolrfi
. 471'61UVRY' Tl.Asitv..
OFFICE in the ftomh.eieltlVerseeni
the Diamond, between A..Wigan%
Hotel and R.M. M'Elheri3en Snore.
Gettysburg, Dec. 12, 1845.=4
' • REMOVAL. :
drH. REED bas removed hie:lark
..Offiee to the room one tloorßiukkonf
Mr. Wattle's Hotel, and immodietely.lar•
posits Dr. Horner's.
April 9, 1847-Iy.
'tiN l
OFFICE in the Centre aqnants) ll _94l
of the Court-house, between, 4121/40
and Stevenson's corners. •
Gottyabur . , l'a.
MANDSOME Mahogeny-rtaned•aok•
JIM ing Glasses can he had cheap YE"P"
ill1031?&R . & BA,FfNEII3%
,Tet iditorlrEi B U R G.
14 , Wy. 4 Kvefling, Sept, 3, 1847.
inTIAAPENCY.—V. B. Pomona, Esq. at the
titre at eissthat ,& Third street e Pkiirsde !phis •
1004blespesa sasest,New o yorkt end . flauth•east cal
meet .Baltinuare entailreit rtneetl•fridtime
in& EnWeedilia; , Esq. gen E. Comer
Third &Mock su.sikri 140 N. Founh st. Philad'a
are our authoriied.glreatsfor,reesiviig Advertise
ments and Subscriptibits Ili the Plitar"and collect
ing wie rersiipads fort he same.
' r to '0 vas oarptwoß.
145firettv.v. PATTON.
ton syNAT.O4,_
ILLIAM sAnt.T.a.
`• iron ctommismornic,
~,.Irujeros o f Adana. County,
REMEMBER, That Jams K. Polk mom
042, and approved the British Free-trade Taritt
.111148, by which . American Industry must he
brought into ruinous competition with foreign pau
per Labor.
RENEMWER, That James K. Polk, by usurp-
Pi 4 4 1 41111nni-d ' cleanteclitY.the_corititution to Von
grew item, hes involved the country in an UN
NECEPIRARY WAR, waged fin the dismem
liarinkit'of • ester Republic, and the propagation
of American tilavery.
RRNEMBER, That Janes K. Polk gave m
aid to the rommender of our squadron in the
4 3.141fn0t '4,stnid the PASSAOk OF SAN-
T:1. AN. orroltExico, by which act the
broken end dhpicited Zoldiery of the enemy were
furnished i L
rilit o a favorite and popular leader.
REMEMBER, That James K. Polk exerted
himself to the auntie' TO DEGRADE GENE.
2 1 eon , & TAYLOR, by repeatedly urging up
on Cohgresa the apPeintment of aLicutenant Gen
eral to suPeisede them both.
REMEMBER, that James K. Polk, by with
holding the requisite supplies of men, has, through
out the entire ea minnigh, cm ba roamed the event t ions
of theie olTierta, and furred them to engage the en
emy under desperate odds.
REMEMBER, that Janice K. relk's olliciul
organ, the Washington Union, ir:rommended
Dust V. , taw • • ho ---A CRUSADE A
THE. EsrAuusitim RELIGioN
auil that the trunpies of Religion
thisecrateel and pillagod, to procure means for
carqing as the war. •
REMEMBER that James K. Polk, in the true
spirit of .hlark-cackaik , Forleniliate, CHARGED
TREStiON upon all who dare to speak of these
thing., or call in question the merits of his
il~lA~tiell.. 7a
ItENIEMI3ER, that lamer' K. Polk warmly
argod upon the last Congrem to lay a revenue tax
ot SO per twat. op TEA AND COFFEE, and
that t►e liasion fiercely denounced (boor member.
et "the party" who refused obedience to hie Et-
REMEMBER ALSO. that the lam horof peo
County Convention, whirl; rallnl upon you to
.your suffrages for Mr. So uNK, APP RO E
of anthem acts of Mr. PaLa by adopting the ful
lOvritrg reankrtion:
Resolved, That the cannon pursued by .I.tors
R. Tout, 'durlierr his truly trying administration,
TION; anti; hat hmestY, ability and 6111111( . 0.P
the prosecution of the present war,
lii witligtanaing the opposition he meets vihh in
the resieral party, entiomtly entitle him to the ea
tetiu and sulatixation of the American people.
• ttrrhu eillevaing - are the - resolutions iiinani
en"ouel,y adopted by the Franklin county Whig
Carprontiou in regard to the State Senator;
• Whereas, it la admitted that the county of Ad
air• leetitltled to •the Senator for the ensuing 3
years, and hawk/tele selected as her choi.m for that
at.tdoe,' , Wit.t.i.tx It. 14 A D LRIt, Eli., a practical
farmer, and a gentleman well I/milliard to discharge
the datferi el - the office. Therefore--
Perirtottl;:Thst this Convention does hereby rat
ify.and oontirm the nomination of Wm. It. Sadler,
Rl4, We Atkin/ county, as the Democratic Whig
caninitite for Deflator, and pledge him its undivi
Res• •That the appointment of benatorial
Obelfivei* be dispensed with in the present rase,
eh& thit the Secretarien of the Convention be di
verted to transmit to.the Conferee* appointed in
Adams county a copy of these resolutions.
.9 8 „_ 111 °T CASE.—The trial of sundry in.
furtielpailoll hi the ear
-4111 ertNitia InOught to 'a close on Saturday eve.
'7 4 lte jury wpre outunill Sunday, when
fkirp; r fiet: ryi „ agreed upon, it. actrrsllo Prof M'-
ar tux If the charges alledged against him,
.and CONVICTING twelve of the twenty-eight ne
'Smell rho shad Iwo illidiCted. The trial excited
'much littered. ,
mr'Bra Crud is to-day's paper, it will be seen
'thitt' lite Rea Ilet,4ltai Of tim Watington
ltirrlabutg, Nat amp of the HAlleghtmy
't;a'ae, 4 " '
ai4a "0;4;1 1 4, ow Mood. to
itZ; tWot i 1 llj Vi;•0 house ji oon4itletkay .
aeBlfratie s iram and the 'may mat enured
aNmattaiiag everrieqcritite attenticm..
"SOP rgl l4 Mai"; 0 1 144 , Whie ' the title ore
Aetto*ntlk emnferelPer 4 0 9 1 5 b being eetikliehed ai
IfouNtiontk, fa, or Mr. J.'.• 1.. aptsrts,Somerly
of this plebe.. The first numbibt. romitige-of
rn !nterning and optrited journal.
I.,taroikkiw g . 4 .ll the t Whip of iEloyiier
01 1 00 11 1!+ Di* #1 0 4144 , woo lataly..bala at aslil
Eserintnisioreptobletraveries.of strong resolu
tioniteisiagekind /Oise* el 0011. Boorr's nom
-01/1111.1/4/Mf P 4 l l llloimpria-erisplimentary - to
G t. t r f o Z if t !Ill' . I %Ve 4 " I
rises it 0119
. 1001} ilia_ 'Sene of
611 iAliii*Ii"" i i • Oilai**ko, isiornit
114 il l itinilirll l # 4 :"in an
able . . Or , ut. ,, 0 . 0 , iL ,.., L ecl a t...
. ~ • ---,
eley the advice. from Yerallprea, it will have
lama sena that Pasoan, tishawent enemy °m a m a
- S ir
' anittnirpitiest af pesos, Ina Sneelenisil in tin
' . 'iltiAtitie.` • ?fie 'titCpeti alionnd in *peen*
- P 101:Ortiaires *Mel will 'result iron
141 1011111016.114 this jointure of alfaini. The New
t °d e e " ban has a tong levies , of the fanner re.
ILVißtirlintillanti Mini and Paredes in Mexican af
'Nillqillili*inf'to the ciOnclusionthst Paredes will
' 11 4 1 .P. 1 010 1 1 1 fAti cspital. If he so Weeded, lie
MOM Matntscii it before General Salt, who was,
MOthilln; In peirression of the capital by the 20th
ANP* Ilut he will proceed to, the wealthy
and poptdoui Stares of Jalisco. Litterctaro, and
Onantrinall,' sad there ho will, no doubt, succeed
In sallying • strong force, which will give our (len
insJs no little trouble.
papers of Saturday last contain the intelligence of
the sudden decease of this distinguished Statesman.
Although a prominent and leading member of the
Locofoce party, his eminent abilities and social
virtues, while they seenred,for him the confidence
of his political friends in an eminent degree, clud
lenge tbs respect of ail partiss. • lie capinal its as
apoplectic fit, hi the bed year ofthr age, at his res
idence inCanton;Bl.LawreurWeethity;New York,
.tm Friday morning: Few men have closed a
,long and active, political 1* With' so enviable a
reputation. No' waived the Onhernatortil honor
of his native State and was for many yet* its
representative in the United Stites - Senate. .111 ev
ery public situation be discharged his duties with
honor' aryl_ ability; The New .Yerit: TriMute;
• -
noun his dixasear, retinues.
• „ „,
"mr. vv ;mum ,
s- ammo at this moment is a ca
lamity to the American people and to the puma of
uulversat freedom.' Aroused at length to the ag
chinations at Baltimore and the calamities into
which that success has plunged ibis country, be
was among the first of hie party to determine that
a barrier must be interposed to its farther usurpa
tions. The Wilmot Proviso owes more to, Silas
Wright than to any other man. He was the soul
and centre of the influence that held so many of
his party ;needful through the While of last win
ter. He would almost certainly have been the can
didate for President next year of these who deem
professions of Democracy not it tomP,teble with
resistance to Slavery. Now that ho is gone, we
fear that the spirit ho did ao much to animate will
die with him, and that Northern Democracy will
subside into its old attitude of servility to the most
rapacious-demands-of - Shmery,' - The prospect- le
gloomy indeed." - •
the country, both North and South, is devoting un
usual attenhon to the discussion of what will in all
probability resolve itself into the "Great Question"
of the next Congress—the recognition of the Wib
mot Proviso principle in the admission of new ter
ritory into the Union. There is but one way in
which the issue can be staved off, and the Union
saved the fearful shock it must sustain in its deci
sion—a prompt and firm expression by Congress
against the admission of any Mexican territory,
free or not. Rutif there must be a dismemberment
of the Mexican Republic and annexation of its
territory to our own, the friends of freedom—North
ern men especially—will be expected to meet the
great issue necessarily arising out of it, in the spirit
and determination °leasers iN. On the preceding
page will he found an article under the bead of "De
ception," to which we invite attention, as present
ing a calm, logical common sense view of thesub
ject, which can scarcely fail to commend itself to
dies good sense and patriotism of every northern
citizen. _
ALARMIED.—Gov. SHUN x and his "next
'friend," Jesse Mitten, have started on an elec
tioneering tour through the State. Last week they
were to have been in Berke county, where - the
symptoms of disaffection were becoming so marked
as to excite serious fears for the long sustained and
much boasted Locofoco ascendency in that region.
With evidences of disaffection and premonitions
of coming defeat staring them in the face from all
quarters, no wonder that our opponents are becom
e° ilespernie. or that that their presses should teem,
as they do, with vindictive assaults upon the Whig
candidates. It it the same gains that was played
last &IL
GEN. KE E Y and suite arrived at St. Lou is
on the 25th ult. from California, having come
through in CS days. When the party left Califor
nia. the provects were peaceful. Col. Fli. , lollT
returns with Gen. Kearney under arrest for dieo
bedirnee of orders, and will be tried by a court
MORE *FROOPS.--The Preaident has, made
axon for fire morn additional regitnenta of troop.-
-two from Kentucky. two from Tenneseee, and
one fmat Indiana. • Why was it not done long
miner, instead of detaining Generals Score and
'l'n r Lox for Month,. At Puebla and Monterey, and
rempellitrz them to remain inactive for want of
the requisite forces!
rtrThe Washington Union is bitterly denounc
ing the officers at Vera Cruz for permitting Pt aE
DE% to 1)11115 into itlexieo, but eutys nothing in re
gard to Mr. Polk's opnas'l to SA 71IT A AnxA.
ID"The NVhigs of Lebanon county, at their late
County Meetina,..reaulved to support no candidate.
for the Presidency who will not pledge himself to
administer the Gosemment in accordance with
Whig principles. Revolutions were also adopted
favorable to the nomination of Gen. Scott NMI com
plimentary to Gen. Taylor and Meant Irvin and
o:"Gen. TAT Loa has written another latter...—
ft is addressed tolhe Clarksville Democrats, Ten.:
ncasce, and re-affirms his unwillingness to serve
as the candidate of "a party." He says that huts
no "politician," and has not cad a vote since he
has been in public aerviee.
rO"J. N. G. Lissousx, one of the publishers of
the Harrisburg Union, end the State Printer * , died
at Harrisburg on Saturday last, in the 45th year
of his age
03" The Locofores of York Courity have nomi
nated Mesas. til:ll'We F. Carl, David , F. Wiliistni,
and Thomas Grove for the. Legislature.,
Ern ii said that two Locofbeo tickets will be
in the field next year—atones M Dsixes and
Lord P XXXXX lIITON against JANINA K. POLK and
Geh. SANTA ANNA. There Can be Mk dodit
that the latter will run well.
The Whigs of Philadelphia have nominated
Joss Swirr, Esq. for reelection M the caw 'of
The Whigs of the Cumbeiland Congressional
district, in Maine, have appointed Mr. P. Passim-
Div a delegate to the nett Whig Natkitud Con.
sention. They ip fora bold easottion of Whig
principles and Whig mums.
rri•roa I.l.Pzint, formerly Etplot of iin;
Compiles. is on'the Locofooo Legislative ticket for
WRIT NEXT.,--The following specimen of
folly we copy ,from the last Virginia Free ;Pier,
whom it appeara is an advetisemesit, Opted by
sundry persons as a Committee of Arrangements:
o. sr.,-41hanoute Tribe, N 0.9, willwdebrate
the introduction of dm haproral.Order 41 Red . **
into the Valley ofVirgin4, at Winchester, on the
let sun of* 2,41 seven suns, Corti Moon, 5807,
(Saturday ihe llth day of :Srptember sita4 by Pro
cession and other ceremonial', . ' .
HOME JOERHAL-ThiS extrellsnt 'out*
amtinues to bold its post, where Mamma Mortars
Ilk Watts promised to plat:elk it die haat of Eft
erartgewspaper puldpiationi; end,we arepleaued
to learn from the last nwpber that the largely in
creasing demand in It gives: evidence that its su
periority is duly appreciated by the leading pub.
lie. As the 'edition of the "Urinal ° has lately
been increased for the express accommodation of
t r subscriber's, a favorable opportunity is now
presented to such. as desire to euhtcribo for it. It
is printed in the folio form, on largo and superior
paper, on a new clear type, obtoinwl expressly for
the purpose; and is, in its whole arraogeMent and
details, a most favorable specimen of the best ty
pographical skill of the country.
'Penns *2 per annum. Address Messrs., Moa
ars & Wards, 107 Fulton street, .Nctor York.
WORKS.—The statement of the new Collector
on the public works lusted at Pittsburg, Omni
that although the number ofbosts puled flbsiithi
opening of navigation to the let of August this
year is 765. lees than last year up to the saute pe
riod ; the tonnage is 3,692,306 lba. mote; end the :
tolls near ten thertuand donate morn : than
were doting the whisker bet year I Wheals the
u;stiveidablo in4sirce from these fiefs! Whitt
but that the State, under a hound= Canal Board,
'has been plundered systematieedly from a quarter
'to half sl milliber of dollars a lases! Mertes
the robbery been, disetivered and ritedted f - By
the election of setae M. Pe*sn, the Whig Canal
Commissioner, lame prelim* at delisted cam.
isilekteltitery reforms indllinelit return&
our &ate le s witnessed strange aightll quit,
, yeass lathe management of pu blic Worker—
We have seen men go into the public employ
penniless, at small. salaties;end hr the course of.
the posbessee of fund' to enter hoptly into spec-
Medea business. We have aster employees, whose
wages were set deism it a I ,110 or f 11,00 per day,
voluntarily leave their Situations, and live sub
eqttently on their Minns like very nabobs. We
have seen the prate encumbered by , debt and its
citizens Utz-ridden, until endurance at most ceased
to be a virtue, and we have seen at the same time
our public works losing money when-under loco
foco control. But as soon as there was an infu
sion of Whig snail and Whig honesty given to
to the Canal Board, the aspects &mall change.
the weds become profitable, and while the number
ofboats passing has deireased 25 per cent., the
tonnage and toils of the present season have alrea
dy exceeded those of last year.
Will the people need prompting to apply the
proper corrective, which they smemenced last fill I
Will they require to be told that • Whig Canal
Board will prevent future frauds on the public
work; when they see what has already been ac
complished by the election . & Mr. - Powert We
think not. (live the good old commonwealth the
services of Pow an and Parrot( as Whigs, and
Mr. By arra, who, though opposed to us politically,
we belire to be an honest and conscientious pub
lic officer, and we need have no shadow of distrust
concerning the payment of the State interest, and
a surplus of available means towards the creation
of a sinking fund for the eventrud liquidation of a
portion of the principsl.--Monk Americas'.
rirThe Washington Union is writing articles
headed "Coalition of Whig Leaders and Mexican -
Chieftains." The Union is unwise in choosing
such ■ tide kir its articles. It compels the rrader
to remember that the only coalition which has been
entered into between a political leader in this coun
try and a Mexican chieftain, was Polk'slamous
coalition with Santa Anna; by which that chief
tain was permitted to pass into Mexico, and slaugh
ter, to , the best of his ability, our gallant troupe--
Jassy Eres. Jour.
UTTfie Whip of York, through a committee,
invited Mr. Ctrar to nigh York on his homboritd
II Hon. TANKS CoOriiit Will Wdilreall Mai .
meeting of the Whigs of Union county on the 14th
Cam" r. HL'CRAN►3 his written a proftlavery
letter in which he takes ground against the Wil
mot Proviso, intended to secure the political sup
port of the South.
As. the funeral :flpeession of a young
girl was moving through New Orleans on
the 17th ultimo, the horse. which was
drawing the hearse, started offat full speed.
The coffin was thing on the banquette, and
the body rolled out..
The New Orleans La l'atria has adviees
from Campeachy to the 15111. and Merida
to the Bth. w information of a simultane
ous rising of the Indians iu various points,
and the massacre of the whites. It would
appear it is a plot that has been in contem-
Onion Many years, on the part of the In
dians. The conspiracy km _numerous
ramifications, and a vast deal of mischief
has already occurred. It had not yet been
suppressed. though some advantages had
been' gained over them, and one of the prin
cipal leaders taken and shot. All the white
and mulatto men, together with the women
and. children of Tepich, were murdered by
the Indians.
BEEP` CATTLE.--There were 580 heed of
fered at the &ales on Monday, 434 of which mold
at $4 50 asB 25 pet 100 Its. net. These prices
show an advance.
HOGS.—The supply of Hogs is small. Sales
at $6 50 a $7 00—an advance. -
FLOUR.—The Flour market has been dema .
sad by the European news per steamer Gaud&
quiver. Sales to-day °Nome 500 bids. new How.
and street, at $5 50. There are rather more *el
len than buyers at these figures, which bore in
some bo:M
GRAIN..L - Vheat has declined 6 to 8 cents
per bushel since the steamer's arrival. Sales to
day of some 10,00 bushels at $1 05 a $1 10 for
good to prime redly and $1 15 a $1 18, for white.
Family fiour white is worth $1 25 a $1 90. Sales
of white and yellow Corn at 70 a 73 cents. Oats
801 49. Rye 21 cents.
PROVISIONS.--uPriees of Beef and Pork re
main unchanged. Mess Beef is worth 14 to 815
No. l 13 a $13.50; and Prime 10 a $10.50.---
'll4di Nti . 15.50 a $lB, and Prime 12 50 a $13.-
50. Bacon id moderate demand. Good Shoul
ders scarce, and some improvement in prices; they
are selling at 7i a fl Cents, and choice lots at 8 a
81. Sales of Eden at 91 cents, ifidlif choice de
scriptions at 10 cent!. llama at 9 a 11 eenta.—;
Sales of laid .191 (*stain bbls. and 10a ll'eeithi
Air kegs.
Oti the 15th ultimo. by the Rev. J. Chick. Ur.
Join% Chinon and Mee Mesa Craetrarrna.—
both of York county.
On the Mlii ultimo, by the atunn Mr. Iseur
►a HOPIPILVI and Ni. Cetreanins A. tittuve--
both of thie wanly. •- . ,
At. Buena Vista, near Covington. Kenleedty. on
Tuesday the 1111 alt.,-by the Rev. E. Lounebeug,
bVasatata LAVILILSCA, Seq., of Gummy empty.
Ohio, and MU. Manateurr..E. Rename, daughter
of Senntel Bantry, Eno, otßkoomneld, !mycosis
ty Pennsylvania, (formerty °tibia plum)
On t e6thetJune , tiat, MIC &MANUA Kmz.
wiib of Mr. Joie% Kuntz, 414' Reeding tennithip, in
44th year of her sign'
If you wish to be astonished,
Clothing k . Variety Store, 7-
XTEXT door to Komi's! Hotel, where a
very large and beautiful assortment of
for fall and winter use, has just been re
ceived from the city. The goods are of
every quality, from common to the finest
Dress Clothing, and having been purchased
under very favorable circumstances, will
be sold astonishingly cheep. Persons
who wish to clothe themselves in good,
substantial, and fashionable clothing, for
little or nothing, will do well to give him
a call.
Gettysburg, Sept. 3,1847.—1 f
8 L Unita : . il'a gi DB Vo
augolooN Dmanewr,
vuILIA ? e" at Mr.'!. A. Teoreeorett,
V V Gettysburg, from the lath to the
25th of September. • Sept. 3.
'llkAllegheny. House,
280 AILMENT IT. PPILt . D[LPnt~.
Tits subscriber (lite of the
Washington Holel,'Harriaburg, PC) *lbw'
this method of, Mformipg, his old friends
and the public generally thabhi VtirMit
the above named, HOTEL.t , 'The Howl
is airy and domibrtable, *aims been it*
tensittity , altered' 'Mid ibzprOell. and ' thee
prOprielar hOPM,Ibk struh attention to bit 1 4
Mess, and a proper care ('or, coOttert
his guests..tamerit andasosiva s shore if
-- puM%-patrimarre — ilheileuse4
very, conVianiMitTor the Travelling Pubile,'
being only two; dpfirs above the "Sartisf"
burg and Pittsburg Depotdol, tire
minutes walk or the. Baltimore aul
log Depots. Stabling mulched to the pre..
mien. Terms *1 per day. • - 2
E. P.IIIJGHES, Proprietor.
Sept. 3, 1847.-4 '''
Watehe.s, Jewelry, &c.
WATCHES, lewelry & Silver Wttd
may be had wholesale and retatr,"
guarantied- betterOm tha pri*thatkat may
other store in Philadelphia, at (late Mello!
lea Le Huray's) N 0.472 North 2nd street,,
h i bbove Arch, Philadelphia.
WATCHES; ill kinds, fine, meal
um and low qualities, among which are
Gold levers„ Bill Jewellid,
I.eploes • '
Quartiers Imitation,
Silver Levers, full Jewelled,
(41n line
JEWELRY, Diamonds.. Gold Chains.'
Gold Pens with Gold & Silver Holden*
Pencils; 13reastpins, Ear and Finger Rings,
Bracelets, Cameos , of Shell, Coral _odltio—
va, with giery Other4vvieh .
the richest and most fashionable patterns.
SILVER WARE,platc, orks,Sp9curs
Cups, acct, of standard Slyer. • •
PLATED WARE,' Castors, Calm BR :
kets; Fans,: Vises, 'Cird Ottaini and otinir
Rich Fancy Goods in great variety. , 1
Wholesale Buyers will save money by
calling here before purchasing.
ocrKeep thiii advertisement am,' ca)l,,lr
No. 72. You will• be satisfied the goods.
are really cheaper and better titan are of
fered in the city. ' For sale low,. hand-.
some pair of SHOW CASES, suitable
fur Jewelry, or Fancy Store, upply
Sept. 3, 1847.—1 y
. Feathers ! Feathers !
From 12} .to 45 dentr :pee Founds
sterer and General Furnisher, , No.
415 Market St. above I lth, North side,
opposite Girard Row, Philadelphia, where'
may be had at all times a large assortment
of Beds and Mattresses, Curled Hair and
Feathers, Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads and
Looking Masses, together . with ell other ar
ticles in the above line of business at the
very lowest Cash prieeit.
N. 11. Goods warranted to give satis
Sept..% 1847.-3 m • - •
CAME to the farm of the subscriber in
Alountpleasant township abput the last
of June, a RED BULL. No particular
marks shout him ; is about. 3 years old.
The owner is desired to prove property,
pay charges, and take him away. ' •
EAVID 812015011.
Sept. 3.-31.
N 0 ~ICL
ANUMBER of notes and accounts,on
various persons, duo _th ItORERT
W.. M'SIIERRY, have been tint into my'
hands tp be collected and applied toarAirds
the Payment of judgments against the said
M'Bherry. All persons, therefor% know
ing themselves indebted to him by note,
book account, or otherwise, will please to
call upon the subscriber and sittisfy the!
same without delay. Loot ißdulgsnee .
cannot be given, as the subscriber, has , been
directed to proceed to collect the debts and
pay the judgments in his hands • Such of
the notes and accounts of Mr.' M'Shrry
as aro not. in his hands, ate ,s in 'the hands .
of Messrs. Sievaxsos and eo,
August 27. 1847. • • 8t
1 0 OIP 0
. .
g - AErrysLome No. 124.L0. , el'O.
Ulf eilebrate their second Anni
versary en Friday the '11(h of Septembet
nexi;* with a public precessiOn lit the rega
lia pi' the onlet.. Brother I'. (),'
rare Fpn, of l'hiladolphia. witl,be present
and deliver an Addriov. .frlistec Loges.
are reapeethly invited to be preeem — agiO %
participate In th'iliffrCisell, Orem , -
elan will 144 804"masvli Wit vitre near
the town, where seats; will be 09vi4e1 tet,
the Ladies.
WILT. Rem., , lii J. Smuts,
A. B. Ktrwrs, 0.
lI.D. J. Glut.t,alipts,
iseoz CuLs!, 'R,' l), Asinon,
H. fignarrupt. Taos. , WARREN.
WIE. WiscirenclV.
amintittee of 4rtantenzent.
Gettisbrirg, Aug. 0.7, 44841 1 .14;, , „ ,
tittAr,:BODICS , :;..;:.7.
"VrPintsPitvediS a emY"
abiCIC and SW* Pr4 l B;:4he
`• 2 410 day kw-aocumulatinulargetortunes
rapidly by large profits has paiscak '
you want a Bible or Theolivlcalqtook„iii
Ilytan'BOok or 'Prayer Book. OlMetlical
or Law,,Bomke ttl 13ookloBIVOgakes or
Travels; as =Album or an Annual; a colt ,
Book or'Book of Poetry, a School Book*
or •
.a Istorol—ofgl at' KURTZ'S Cheap
BoOkritore opposite the Bank.' " Puri.ha
sera are requested to call and examine his
stock of Goods (all of which being fresh
and new) before purchasing elsewhere.
Thankful for the very liberal patronage
already bestowed he respectfully solicits a
continuance of the same.
P. 8. Particular attention paid to order
ing Books. New Books receiving weekly..
Dra GOODS of every description can
'be had unusually low, in Cliamb4s
burg street, immediately opposite Ileagy's
Cabinet Ware Douse. ,
'.IT kunzie
N purseanie 'of nn Order of the Or
phans' Cdurt of Adams connty, ;the
subscribers; Administrators of the Estate?
of Kinttrsao HoLuriona, late of Latitnore
township, deceased, will expose to public
Satorday Ihf 2d day of Ottober,
on the premises, the
*Sabi?' 7 •
Y; -t
of said. Lath im , raiim o
1 44 1 444 Iraqi of qacoritil
Wiigitiv • Eicieo. anti ••9
111 1,PmaPi AWL 00111A1PAPC, ;.; ;
`mgrs or ldei' Pa *TAY,' 'h Tat-
oriii-ti-tiiiii"kßl4 3 a
ft] a
X f 15164.16 t
• iatikilin,er
dookdo, .10oik rigi4WA,
Th,coottiogiViPoil.:l"l l 4C Vitet)igri "AV
the Alsoo)
ire two thriving wens on palming ;
;also two wenglift conve-
Alfa ig4 9 e ti°4f,",shei 0 0% Ithtle: kiiVlh
A 4140 , pr0p,01* *
0,9r.,1an4 eqyffeo r
Ttlete' le . ••ebowr'eufldisiie)yr: of
gdow. r:' A! part , offtluo4and I.
' itibd,r• find is•tieder , toed eubiloittioo:l
There are "tin 'lke pteinieet a monbeitsti
iiii4r'fittfiegliptinge of rimer.
jare-The'sbete Ptiopoittil with: be • *DM
.entire, oaiva tato' separate tratiat rirmey ber
deemed thostideintegeous: ';.'reerne , idide•
knowh on the vicri! of fare by ,
- - I '. IAGOVIClii31111110Eiti")'
$4O to $lOO
25 to ,411'
20 to 30
/2 w.,
,t , , --, , ,-'. „.I:ll.vidki r drip i sdor4l , ',',l
. 11f: the, COiViri WtriatrufoxpatOkr
-4461244 Urt 4an1-.4t..,.:Z)
—I, ,-.;;',": ..., r.,.;) - vi;• .1 41 ' , 711. .1 / ., !1 . " : 1
JErfkiiit,i'.(sj, ( o . )l4„°:giigialliefeitri
Cotlin,y, tie ,- . 4lklipuTillieill,' . s,filiiAii! '.'ilr 1?Ifi! ,
minor cliilcbjeiintitikthaiw B. Pil iit, ah
cemfml, Imo, j ot'. 510i,iiploy ) town s ifl ili ti , :ill
nipose to public 140 mi ~ .., : '
4 . 'ntitareapti4e 244 kV 91.,59 1 c el' , I
s@ , l o'clockerJ R., on Ihnprotnioes e nkllntlo
Mtorkst of amid :Miaow hr the , valuablge : LI
c:‘ •1 -1 1 4 , ik! ,111 .111111 ,1
of said deeoasedliiitosts in Mcintitjoyissiat
ship; Ai}sorsvounty,i , 1 1 / 4 4-
front l'l!aucithui4; , r adjoining , '
lands of Silas M.' Homer t iPetott , lainaol
aritl otlitifsi •
s s ( 1 - •••• 1 17' . 4 /1.1
iii • • •A‘uP,449f. Li
trtoveli-kissonwi isth are *seated, a AVNtri
'lt Agri, ivekthdtboard
I •i .
HaErszl4 ,, A)
g n rd al V og
tig; a tig a . •Iterbit I
Wutgr conyenjent tots cloor—also thri
vidgoyiblink OrtdiaVdrettrithS , ptilm4,l444
Form is well titnbereili, bss , a leuar,
cien4 of good bleadO w j.ttad t is,.utider eft
cellent•cultivation. •i, •. • ,
1 ...A I. 8 0.. , ' 'i
`'' 'At - "kiln - %AXE . visas, •'.. a; :•; i ,,,
will he exposed ti; stile on. thi3 premisek
the interest of the 'hid minors in ti Tram or
0 , Yi r owi•iallal • i "
containing 5 Agee rl llr e ,QUe ll i•
titivate in said loaWnslllili A • ACII
joiug lauds of Sitar M. ll,ortter, Gpore
!legit.. and Ong% i ,;, 1
Mold T 1 ~,,
to,/ If the property be Vol as share, tuf..NTsk• ,Atiumbinco wil (Aka
given and the 'rerms made i knitei.l; AR A%
Jaya sole v ity ... •,1 , 7,„.,.,
kiAiNSAIP:I4.OI/lilibiZo*to • i,..„
• ,IJACOP 11 4FriEliSilLutkvi,
. • .. 17 ; - - -. : ,P1401:4444h?' 1 •I i
BY, Ali -U 4 OOl-IWAre--g- , 414-4 1 -.. 1 44Nia , C. k r
l'Aug. /(1.,k81,741-4 u L , ~' es -_ ii • r j ~,:
10-The loterom or lenry` alt.iliptitw,
itertita atonva 0 818 4 14 VjliAbkointti44, -, •n I
4 11
A VALI, Etifvuot-.
~ 411./. p4./c . , i i.
~ .., ..,;., ,.. . 4, .04 r,,:..,
E t
,L.: 1 .i..„...,,,fiu,,,,..i.j/_
WAX 4 ' PP exP9sed 19,0 1 1 11 . 1 4," PY„,,
circles ,itif , the grpinins'.. %.( 4 ? V
MOP'. etPuglYv94 4Yaitiri,iqm rVgg Owl
of Neptenibe, next, nt the house of ,Atriioy
srsttatiefestmal, in Mountpleasant town
ship, Adams county. the following vilunt
hie Real gep !--
iit p.i ebrit*.f i tid de
tus -
qeed-t-io *
. . ..
or Tra . et of . Land, ajtusite fip .kkojplen
abft tOlnail i efigl the d
aniain 1 4, 7 • ),, it r - • 0,1 ie-lerfl)9
7 4,
.40,411,1 , " Wi''OULAIF , Wr. MILO/ 40%..?
more pries". On', which it; NreCtegbq t
tory AVaaater-boardnd; ,
1[10170 ) 1EL a r . :11,1 1 3
Vt r erof'Wii _
ivith'it'Venso P.
gont alack'd it.finiii" OW.r . -
diluoktho 8_01');;"
and an exdadent,OrolAani, 1 9 04 ncr:
t"Sircii.l3*iViiiinetii AV c '#. .
.the'littsptit'iY Wititiiiiiftftidb6 so 11#
add' 'Wilda iitetsilsindez' int/ ' fiat ' ilI lie
'hide S'` •'• ." •"' •
• yri L 'l 24 l l4 37 l4, llll n Aditi'F:' ! "
l ot ii i tiA e I ) tvial it , o 5
5- .i s t,i 2 trrif, mg. -5 ,If7iit
S TOW Reit , .8100 ,
Vll , ll it
, e P 14141.4. .‘ f r if
T0.C711610 , bd , offerod , at th 4 bik , i3 i s„ ai
ellierWitralioeso of the +subscriber,
lir tit. Botough , ofaGettymburgion Frid ay
the - 17th dayoPftili tkrif nther n=6l'.
.S MIN ts'%l
• .*NiemOitedle dilliamobibi,‘lviil he vs ,
'eu.r., Bale to .commeocil o'clock, P. M
iAuglist4o4l347. • ta
TIIE subscriber has from twenty-five
to thirty., thousand trees in his Nur
sery, .READY GROWN for!this fall' and
next spring's planting-, comprising .n large
amount of Apple and Peach, together with
a general assortment of all the finer fruits ;
also -various kinds ,of shade and ornamen
tal trees, which he will sell either at retail
or by the thousand. Persons wishing to
procure trees forpluutieg; or to sell , atain,
.can be., accommodated any time after tlop,
25th of Octolwr noxt. • ).
. , WM. AtrltlOth'.
August 27, 1847.-21 u
Cheap Watches' and. Jimplry
Dill Jewelled Gold Le- -re
very for $4O, war.
. ranted by •
Jacob 14adocaum I It, -
No. 246 Mitittliernet i Phil- r ~
adelphle, who \?)6. •••••
. AS gonsiantly an hand a larke nasort 7
ix, went of Gold and Silver Watches,
at the following low prices.:
Full Jewelled Gold Linen', $4O l
Silver zit 00
Gold Lepinee, Full Jewelled, 80 00
flame' I.epinew, ' 15 00
Silver c,laarticrs, • ~1() and to po i
with a large assortment *of Fine lewelry,
quch as Ear hinge, Finger Rings, lireast
Pine 'Bracelets, Gold and Silver Penciti,
Gold - Chitin', Ate. Has tdso dn hind a,
.cortitilbte assortment or patent stid plain
Watch Glasses, 51ain Springs, VeOges, 1)1-
Os and Benda , of every description—in
act, At cqtuplor,ssaortmcpt, of \ VAtch in a;
keep toots and Watch materials, to which
.he would'call tIM tittentionfOr the C.oiiiitr),
a'rtatle.,t 'Theses wishing anything nt Mb"
akicsie lifie.pttrilt' find it to their lady:Mt:lga
to clan axarnino hia fusel(' 'bolero' ptir
clssitt elittarhertg.
Phihtdelphia, Avg. 6,1847.—0 m
rink ProwJuin Wilting Ink.
YrAt - § Ink has fora long while become
.JL - . eitatbtifhed, a 8 National article, and
.Ute , follelWlngenalitedniele
i tora4ility.,pr4ve its merits in don, direction:
' . .IfoiLeo of; Representatives,
WU:king/an ity, Feb. 24, 1813.
i'slBl44kbat,lbave used the Ink, during
tho peasant ignition of Congtese, intinufae.
Itured by Joseph E. llover, Esq., of Phil•
adelphia, and I have found it to he an ar.i.
Vgiurroeil 111 ;VIP
tshoirost, h. C.,
rot!' 44. 1843.
'nag Ink has been
.glituber last, and
t'4kf Clerk.'
t ' retttattit.6
WIIIIDesiI Illustrate its Vattle •
- .Ceinnne:4crrleining broken ' , Mina, glass,
'iimr:werisiloa have . - eried'the article' anth
fbun/,icurbe nertellermr
For Sale, Wholesale and Retail, at the
I Iritoufaccedrii, 81NOI,
i lapposite Cheery;Citrekit;lPblllitibi phia, by
fli at)
-- Menefee tu re r.
airrFor salJWELhili K g at 4he store
a 9f I+III,E.R.
4 August 1 t—P - "
AT • r_,t% LAY
di the , 0 3 :71'5 tin it:h u .d,.., /
i t no 1 4 18Alr'ALlit$ittt . , - eda . e ) r i b l tia t t ri l
11111103 . 61141, ,
4448 0
,*ilver,L e aver do. 7 jewels, 1181)U' F
Silves *IAA Igt:IMOM 00
Sileiti9B43 l 4illortWallteltuniks%.l -,,
LainV e llovngt,milinsigtati ,t
yeid th _din er en
•Fituiltittsi4:lptidtticlles, 4`1,/ ~ j! 75
Goldßrienleteilvsitr unitive trmini ! 8 'SG
..tetihtteffltoldithumiksil//frestriat,l' , :d.,4ot,
Gold Finger Ringsill7 emit) $8 ov&tchl
PiaaseP.4 4 46lo. iiiktgettpriem4erstrat
244' u Other articles-, ittirporlloriv
odds warranted to be what , ther die teohl•
-On handl:4oMß o,aidliddiblikeilLettiir
Lepin4 c4ivirtiers, lower etiortritla iu
bode prieesenaltic, , +owl 101 Dein 4 itild&witr . r.etrwloa 19cirt.Atfl
....,,i,il-,fri ci;,,rir,
`ilia4argeat sad .c,hr esil Slovak
I . r. O • ';... fr , eit..tiouLoarnit Bforn
A"-: • waTatif'° /
4:- ', L •
11 0! Itaqc4 ll ioo 9
;11. re t LA LrulAr
• • k.- ' . thtivd e fe r tict'
tloW Lever_ ~, fall owelted,- carrel
~-,,,g 9301x ) e
. 11 a4O 00
44gtit r r 11 i -11311 t. zr AT,
th vv: v tu we led, ~..
~ .
1 "bp
i 1 ,i Ham ti .t.,, .1 #0,4111 3 0,
0 idorairriiiinabloric Int 9 Li! r
, qilditypi t . ) 111 i! lin ''.'• fl M'l 31i , 0,40 b ,
eihadein l ioo4o4lkolicol ~, b,,,,,,,, ~, b :4410 1 , ,
denr, . ~..„i .
me .
. ~ Atrii,.: ..',,,,,- 7 , a , i ,,, t o ', "I In
SAAR . ' rootiviiiiiiipilikka UM (1! All i 1
ilitll:1 1 . 1 . )111 r I i . 71 r.:C • ifi '. f! a'ill,l}4 11! igir
l'uniltilliverT lv. , NA, )e nett ., I , i)4l 50
DiVion4llol l Ageiffidlffftt :,'.: ,t • r
x4f1 4 %,""0MA1. 1 .015 111 94fti9 6 , 1 41.101 rt , tit .14r?
i1q054P116/OPSOOtatt 6111Plrrrintitceai.i
timatot 41,1 411114111 ft NA1ritr,51749.9 t. iPO 914 *to r
4 1 8triP134844i90 1 3tbliPltig4APit'Yorkprieteei
gold end silver LeversOittpincsottui Muir.,
tits watches, still moat cheaper ,sktan the
~sbovsprices. -A call will be sufficient to
powassalpersbaient.4hatl this Ili the plate
aiip4 govdtvind elkospiarticlem .::Ali goods
• *illitprnik ta bbe - w.hit Alley. tire sold . fort'
Orilenmirent Alt.estaintry,rtllle,tutilly attend-
PE 40*.tr. "1911.1,4,katt , and Silver bought for
blahs; reitakeie tin exchange. All kinds of
IWlldcliSat teptdscd!stal :warranted to keep
~ 00stscit 41Lalti; • ?011 3 ,, ' t
I ! ,' ATNiak(l , hilvt a:splendid gold intlepentb
FOlCtstuxtods:Wnteh fur truing horses, .Aisti,
GilltsanitGalvonised,3Vatches, for traders'
'Asterssal goOds.etfali kinds .tu my line, at
-on Lk ',,t ,, ; ~;.LEWIS-1,411)UM US'S. ,
, • t y,fitchi ; Aloe k s , i k u,l. 0 e . wel ry stole, No, .11:14
Market St., ablne 1 I Th. n , ith side. Ph ihz_
~ P loloo4lelpliio, Aug. 6, 1$ 17.-7111
~ .
i lyg CUES .MIYELR Y;,.. &e,.
. .. „.
..,,, -2., . Tp.p.: Subscrjbcr, offers
- sr:-
to the trade ,or by . roail l
_ ' •, .11 a large assortment of the
i . ! Yc following ariieles, being
-.: ':' :1. all of his own import:i
:4111..... - 2 ..- thin or manufacture.
Buyers of goods in this lino are invited
to examine' the assortment, and orders are
solicited. with the assurance that every ell'
fort will be made to give satisfaction and in
sure a continuance of custom.
(iota & Silver Lever Watches of ordinary quality
1)o do do of superior finish.
• do , to: Aucharsdr,
Silver double cooed English end .miss wOrge
Watches, with light median; knd'heuvj scuses..,
Gold Jewelry. in all varieties, Jinn au& entwine*. e
Silver ;Plated, and Silver Wares,
Musical Boxes, playing,:, 4,6, 8 and 10 tunes.,,
(101 d and Silver Spectacles.
I)ianitind l'ointed, (fold Pens.
Mantel tt. Office .Clocks, in gilt:rind other frames.
Watclunakers"loola &nd Mutetrals of *II Mills.
Fancy Articles, Fancy Fans, Steel Heeds, lire.
n‘terlaiinility forobt4ifilug griodp
on MO, .4041 4 rati4l,goome
Pawl jUg iritluctoricits,wiUbc,otrerei.l.(l)
etiesers.. JOllll V,' lf,{lltP ,
112 - Chesnut si,..ilsituilajihia.
July 1121,.1011,-6m
fli OTl
at th
after me
The a
the caw
'The account of mori.c.i t trfue, Executor tithe
last will anal testament of tlisalaitigtoutier, deed,
The Guardianship account of, GuirspAMti
sec, Guardian of Jeremiah Sheds. '
The account of Jacob Pits', iiihtirigaiiiitortirible 1
estate of Catharine'PlunkarY sheet/sib t , nr!!! aver ,
The account : olX!etectitinsib F t s,ettuitmlf 4 11itst
will and testament pfpeorzeteofft . if ,
The account oOlichaki Nil r, Allm
je honk tiori of firSiti.Fialf,"-dtebluet." '."" / a/
The account of Michael Burturr, rfirinliiiiipillor
do bolds non of George Parr, doccApeA. ~
The account of Janice Cover, AlintiiiiiMest
the estate of Itifinliiin,il74eadeti: 't`' : '''' `(t!4' d"
'flirt &rut trititt titnthuikuntref ibmstritriP4 W#lol . lt,c 1
Ad mi n istrutor of tho iwtAte {hogs V le il l d *
i p
', The accourtt.of ...G.F9rB" Pi? ec.T B trie k tt
with the will annexed, or Gent Are ' .
• The iiceoniit'itf Ir.' W2Xt 12.4 , hiitelWaiiKel
Administrator of John IfOffitnnst disestossdpestib
'tell by John Elder, Admitqatßttupl!",. It 04 : 1 0 '.
,W. Kohler, deceased.
The account 'of"Ginitge'DitkrA4fitiniairsittirellP' ''''
(he estate otlilittibetir Dick, deectinetl, • ...--.,:,..7.-41 r ..'
..' litofteSount 0 1140. 1 k+ 4 .iskis4 4 ± l 4 o 49lllfT or
the estate of Frederick 411) . der , qVcc"Fd• . t ~ .t
The account of Jollies Diekson,ltrehle2X!eth
tor of the Itist"tvllfittirtAttinterit i • of Merv'lttirl44!•
hurt, deceased. ......::.•:...`..::.:.": ..;,;..V:...
The aecottil and final nreouitt of .I . thrtSteitr,
Executor of the laid will and tetititheni ireffq
titrintiur, deceiVd. r. - ' " r '
• The nottnnit of Hrnty Enniet trod fiettio:Ntatt7r
let, Adroiuistnitinn e4talu
tlerenseti.„ . . „
The nerinint tohi. : t3c'ectiior
estate of Elizalrrtfiltlilli•e„ ... ilet4ol4l4. 3 '” ,;,)
ROBERT COHE I III4 - -Eklyisfed
Reginter ' e (Mice,
1847. Gettybburg.
tibruld 27.,
4 ,4 •-! " WI 4 'apt
ay.':7' •
'7l;f • .
. •
4 . C. • •
, ." 'fin,
(friire herd it Oily*
tysburn, in, and for
'the County of Ad
.arirts,o4gittafith d a y
of Aup4t, 4. D.
IA4V. ' ,
iintn irenakir7.
Prcf;nlent,nnd lii Al!nnei?t;e, Judgel, diC., opOipr t „
picibr having'lleen 'inTellt ' , of '
41,J, service of .tvrule Ortritteiliat n fOriMerei
Court, , on all the .heira anti
.lftgig• ,
.representatives .§"riy,iler.... t o,C.
app'ea'r at this rotirts fir acceficePte:''
fuse to take:the Esta te•of the Ifni&
cesisod, , ac Ate valuation made.. theteaf,ortiL
they, ; being, giverally t etillectin,opeq,equut,,,,
and„ . rnaliing,no answer;
. whereupontfte
colirt grant a tinle on all ilieheirs . arflegia
rep - reiefileivtii of the'liaiil
tleuksetl,4d•Wit ittliftn;:t(mid . ow) feta -
Snyder, ~ Convall Snyder, - I,larbara, wh% iv •
rine intermarrie d with henry, Sw,eiter,
flirilititfi 'Wfth - Cleorite 14616 i; ' '
(161 , 4 mitildreit of 'twinned li . Sayder k
'!who was i wenn rried,wth Philip S ,
'to be ant) appear at an Orphans' Court to he
heitf-iit'fleiiy-Aur ilabrriffk;*
itembCr hem; to dhdw ounce why 'the
Estate - 004e said doccusod ithoull4
,n5ll, he
lPultl,/grecabir to dig inlvOtuto haws of,cltitt,
CorninoilwOlti). Notice to he given to
ity, /mato 'briett' as reside oat or
iA daniti county, by publication in one:news.
PAnorirt Gctlyotpirg,a aopytit' w hich 'hall
he forjapied by laid directed to the
ur,- • ''• ' •
1 ,`,4rl"...W4Vlt'.B.:l•llsllLTONVelerkdl
I " ~.
. _-.5 4 1,t1.1 7 :i'1 , :....:,..—.... r!: ~ .7 . ...!71'.1 . 111
;44 1901M1.V ,09 (i4Vje./ JS,,, 13 ,; r
t ..,
( ~.:. , ) 7 7i Cf! , ° ' ?" 11 P1 . / Y r ult .l l-/ n f- 1 3 ,-e,l,Vi r
~/ t,' .vit,,titf, to life.Viefir,4 4q, L .
l' , , i a,il3 COunly, Greqinif i., ~,,,,
4V (7 ennui - tam!
, you tlokt l y , ftti
nti l iot i 6Y1'31 . ' Lift i'l I Olt N, late O'f`your
(Ai iii,irllff'ill h - tal i3iligtitnr hiti'granftlintil .
eltinhtd,iluatt-nnth teit'emantii;'itr , % abstain'
hesdavtr,.possetisititiituever the 4;19)C 411411,31
• heintsl.lll,Nl,l4etght yail uppßttf, Ir fora,,ikv,„,
Court of (Ammon Pte.! to be holden at
1 C4AilYttb li i i 4; ' la' ait tl ' for ' sa I 4 Cott a t'Sv, - olii' .
,l'fie :TOOL 'Way^ (Or''..flitig, hat' itext•i;llll4.b.llY"
answer Elia'nbutit loth:twin a pine -of PAW i
inn.Aintomot,e)ieeetling ',l,!trn A 41044.001,0
,b37,,, i A.ttd ‘ye ; fornicr
,vinatattil,, ), , 'titi,,;9 1. ,,,
„stontnott,ial p,,soos t in ' iviogo h a l it e o r
,p ! iilit;.;4lov, ilic!i:ii(i edotla aitd Chafthitaafiths
,attil'hitieltreato, or•aityr'''llf! - thew may' bier '
I Attorhell, si iliut tiny nod every of theta,
- :lle.,anth, appear : l)efry the tqiitt 4:0tt9,, 0.,
(..4itttyaittrg the, 1611,1 (lay 0(' August :uyit, ,
lb :LILA wer 'with stein lie ut , jvosit . tigaiti'st .
tiltitti. :hill abide tile jodipoigi Cot ILO. Ciiiirt ''
:therein: ;And hare , you. Aunt . .the vat this'
writ. NVitness Win, N. :Iryhto, I;iiiii.4
Pce:titleli l t Judge of our sant Court at Gmt
tysburg, lillB :I 2tli dot- of i ll4,'A'.il. i iifft.
," ' •• '. • 1t..'11. ii:Vit'l'Yi, PrOthWP
e , t,..101, 4 1
-,4:23, I s 17, it 5
. . One Cent Ileward'l 7, „ „.,,sd .
R A .ti N ,, , , ,,, br ,,,,,,a, , ,,.. ,l l) ; ii init . i t i b i e nti s i ub n ae it r il itsetr ido mad f
. .' .
apprentice to thet3.ltoe-endiing,,
:•,, ,by th e name of IQI,1 Q 1, r.. Nytir
' Aim. 'Mil thii'd":VppicillriiVis"
t,: nhotit . 1 . 8 'or 19"yearsroc tipti‘i
4, - . iis u bold, impuilunt • arid .foro:i
• ~ 7C !-• n?ircl boy.: and to .aottatilailnesr
thereoll will pay OK! ,übov e rety a rd, :I iif ,
his apprehension, hut will give no than 11. .
for his retail. — A ll'pertions l ut'e hiti y
witritid not in harbor .or mist said bri3l,4w)
I will enforce the law ImainSlLkieni. ' , if,, ;
,Plf..TFilt L0N1,4
oleasant tp., Augn. 27.,=3t
j . nisi . oppl t- 1
111RE.II); GIVEN. '
tioti will ix, moth by the MelereWlied
and other's; to the mixt LegislattitYPeillie .
Commonwealth of Pen !illy Lyon iitri
incorporation of a Company ; „tipilmi
name 011(1 style, or intemisd name 14
style, of Tut Bent.lNSAvlikOls
eapltal Fifty Thousand Dollsiti; !Amap':
as an °Men of 4liotimnink aKtiglisliPsiil44lllB4.
to be_ Neßted, i i i .,aol P ( !ki 4 /..4 4 14 4 1V15r‘
. . ,
4 /enilo l " 4ll4 V l4
J. ilL.Aoistnnigliiami•
flk',orge , Jsime irnsAng.
-kin* 211, 18471.441nt ;o' , l I‘ .
lA/ hiivi ftel 'time ied of
•userMunollit otigoitaliaidit
PA R Ak401.4 4shicik wo grill bq
044)w ua Avi.n G t
may 7: .W* 41; V..14,V 11 70 1 .,Virr, •
, at I,