Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, August 27, 1847, Image 3

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    [Coretinwed frogs the first page.
!MOO: 0 *d Ways; " but I alraort broke
her heart Sometime', Molly."
"Well, ette, loves you yet—and you are
very Sorry for what you have done, and
so-•-wo shalt be happy, oh, so happy r
The prigotiet glanced about his cell, and
his brow tens contracted with pain.
"I kould where we arc Jemmy, for I
have looked in here before, and it is better,
a Neat deal better than hiding in the woods.
lam glad they, let me be with you--I am not
afraid here, !Or you are good now, and just
us sorry ‘ tr being wicked as ever yOU can
lie., We will live here always. Jemmy,
if they will let us, and then we shall always
he good. , Don't cry, Jemmy . I wish you
would fix my head a little nearer your
elieek.:;-:there, so—now kiss me and I shall
du to . sleep."
How ilifterent that sleep from the one I
had admired a few days earlier! lint the
child was fur happier now.
Perhaps the strong interest excited by
the aceideitt to little Molly might have op
eratip4 in Jem White's favor, quite as much
as his own simple, unobtrusive penitence,
hut popular sympathy folldwed him to his
cell, and remained by his side during the
trial. Bo true and heartfelt was this sym
pathy that there was a general elongation
of countenance when he was condemned,
and.' universal, and, for a moment Immo
trollable applause when he was recommend
ed to mercy. As some palliating dream
stancesearne to light during the trial, it was
net :difficult to obtain a pardon for Jcnt
White. arld I am sure no one at Alderbrook
regrets the exercise of clemency in his be
half. To be sure his trial has been of on
ly sit mOuthie duration, but he is so gen
tle and kind. and withal so sober, and in
dustrious, and contented, that every body
places entire coofidenee in his re.
formation. Bold, brut Jem White has be
come etrangely like his father; and the
good mild man goes about, calling on every
body (for honest Jacky knows that he has
a friend in every boi' , at Alderhrnok) to
rejoice with him, for he is more.blest than
any other mortal, while his simple heart
eolith; inure than ever with gratitude to
God and love to man. As for darling little
Molly, She is one of those guileless crea
tures often doomed—nay, not doomed—so
blessed, I should have said, as to live for
the tent of 'others. Iler bright lice has
grown thin and pale with suffering, but
there is a sweeter smile on it than even—
and when Jemmy carries her in his arms,
as he does every Sabbath, to the village
church; she tells how glad film is fiir the av
eideut which has et ippled her, because it
has given her such a dear resting place.—
Molly will probably never be straight again,
perhipashe never will walk, but she smiles
at the prospect, and talks cheerfully oldie .
wings which will be given her in Heaven.
Dick Holman, alarmed by some rather
hostile demonstrations on the part of Felix
Grim and a few other determined spirits
of the neighborhood, disappeared from a
men us on the day he was set ntslibertyi
and has never since honored Alderbrook .
with his presence.
is.saitl that a gentleman who has, du
ring the last year, exported apples to Lon
don, to be retailed at a shilling sterling a
piem, has obtained fruit of the largest, di-
Menelaus and finest quality by the .Ifulltrsr;,-
itit method: In the first plarei-her tater;
particular care to keep his apple trees free
of all worms. caterpillars, and other de
structive inieets; after having 'bestowed
them in suitable soil and reared them ac
cording !At the moat approyetl_ntetfiud of
cold va tiekt. • •
After the apples are eel, as they aro - el./0 7
ing to Maturity. he judges whether th
are too numerous for the rapacity,.of
wee to bring to maturity. or for its branch
es to sustain. should the fruit come to its
its motel growth. lieu, by means of high
step4adders, vionstructed so as to sustain a
person among the higher and lower branch
es of the tree, without at ali.depeoding oo
the body or branches, he causes the surplus
to be carefully picked off, selecting the
most 'unlikely specimens and from thoins
part* of the tree where diminutive frOit is
usually found.
But, whether the number of apples on
the few or many, he in no case,
permits a blasted, gnarly or wormy speci
men In remain; believing that their being
severed Will leave more of the energy of
vegetntion ;and production, to be afforded
by the parent tree to the remaining fruit.
This is the, prineipls involved in his
method, which, by his experience he has
found leg Atirely successful, prerhising
alwaxe s that his orchard has been grafted
with the largest and most delicious. fruit;
Thee is reason in the theory thatdecayed
or unpromising fruit, when left on the tree,
rotas' the fairer specimens of nourishment
thattlicy would other wise claim, and, hence,
dimishes the size and quality of the latter.
It is true of animal life, and why not of veg
tablet that the sources of depletion being
rein rid, the strength and vital energy of
ths,pritnltive system is promoted,
Xftiltodstfours has experimented on the
sunk :principle. to improve the size and
qldlity: of grapes. The luxuriant vines
w iih iltoot 'beyond the settings of the
gragigkezdtatist the energy of the parent
roMIIIIIIII4 and diminish the size and quali
ty isfiturisalt. His remedy is, carefully
to Vs if those verdant shoots before
tittiatiit robbed the fruit of the nourish
ntept,Fwqttired to it to unturity.—.V.
roiktrissr Aftekerriie.
leaves IT \Natal. tt-LTlaa:-.31r Noble, of
DeWoman, ilea ,14411 the tvlali‘e oth antoges of
T op thiUts nine it a y apart, anal
to the wane way. The soil
4141,00mMi WWI respect' went. precisely
elikra, g( h. eras i 4 bushels ova the *Ain
Ismil.'ss4 4,11, swells "bilis&
Tutogal roaxtoo.--The larrot hum in
TIMINIA oaidtl ao that of Judge Meech, at
Matollomo i dipat Woo magi of 8 udinoon. A cor
moid.l yam► lmo bap a•oi it. soya this yew he
ippookoillo4l Mitte4 and cut 1000 woo of
Iv, !camp as* 'beef% and au now over
44* Old et mot da**. A few days ago be roll
00111*PoOlio laolonit,no dal outs or $2460.
itoolkupw .1111114 ~am 140$ baoholo et .ryo.
diMNMiirimhy Ins rig sa a bt ,
Ai** wt Now is 14*.rs 1 , ! them
T ,
The largest and cheapest Stock
AF IMia tiNICAKII' 0 9
(rt Piaui and Fanty Jewelry,
IT( FaiLaszLrasa.
116. . , Whu 4l ss 3 l i o
3 a la u lt d ct ß e et t sil t — . No.
(Sold Levers, full jewelled, 18 carrel .. .
ease, gold dial, $4O 00
Go'd Lcpines, do do. $25 to 30 00
:sitter LeNTIII. full jewelled, 20 00
thiver Lepinem, jewelled, 19 00
silver Quartier Watches, splendid
Silver imiLition Quartiers.
second hind bold and Silver Watch
es, at all prices, from , $2 to t.. * 5 00
Gold Pencils, l 7310 *.OO
(lel(' Bracelels, tt ith tapas and other
vets. • 3 456
Pure Silver l'einipnotiori', • • 4NO
_ . _
Diamond point Gold Pena. win►ry'.
ell and solid silver holders, rot*: -- 1 14
Gold chains, breast-rim, Onor Fee"
rings and Jewelry of every:descripnoit,,st
the lowest Philadelphia or N.York prices;
gold and silver • LeierW. LiPP I OO/4 an t Quar
tier watches, still much cheaper than the
above prices. A call will be sullitiettlt to
convince Purchasers. nut this .is !the place
to get good and cheap articles.. _Mir!!
warranted to be what they .are std for.
Orders from the eotuftrk suend.
ed to. Old Gold mind 4ilvet .booght for
cash, or taken In exchange. All kinds of
watches repaired.sod , watamqted-. 101 --knaP
correct time. • : .
N. B. 1 have a apletidid gold independ
ent seconds watch for, dining horse*. Also.
Gilt and Galvanised ,Watohee, for traders':
use, and gontlitot alkignita to me line. at
LOvrs tAtlatUfErS
Watcli, Clock, and Jes4l7 Stoop. No. 4131
Market St- tab4vs , I lA. nsith midi. Phila.
Philadelphia Atig..11,1547.--7tn
THE Subscriber offers
or • ."..° ill the Aide; or by retail,
• a large suartment . of the
• • 4 .i following being
' otitis own impoitit
tion 6r ntanufatture . .
Ddyttrs of goods in this line are invited
to ekamine the aisortment. and orders are
solicited. with ilie"ifiknranee that every ef
fort will be made to give satisamtion and in
sure a ennibittatiO nt'eustom.
Gehl a Silver 4Aver'Viliteles'ofordimtry . gtiality
Do de - -- --- de •-• of superior finish:
Do to id Anther* & Lepines.
Silver double cased Dogfish And Swiss verge
Watches, With light medium and heavy eases.
Gold Jewelry kt all rprittsina c Ina and common.
Silver Plated: and Watrei.,
Musical Beam pigpe; 2,4, E,,0 and 10 tunas.
Gold and Hilierl4:pectaelna. '
Diamond Painted -
W . 4 - Oak* Vlockain irilt and other frames.
Watslunakcie Tools end Materials of all aorta.
Fancy Atticles, Filmy Fans. Steel geode, &c.
flaring every facility forribtaining goods
on the mott advantageous terits j _ corres
ponding,inAnceinents willlteotTered*pr-.
chasers._... JOEN C. FARR,
'-- • ' "112Thetnut at. Philadelphia.
July 18, 184 .---Orn
Cheap; Watches and Jewelry.
AN Jewelled OWL e:•,_ . 7 '
veer for 0,, war- i.• •
• • ranted bg
i • \ tri ,
Jarcib , Lndlosmine ,
No. uiticadicimmet, Phil-'
' • t ‘* l ,"'::
taiellibia, who \` l lb`' - --
.1 , 41 constantly on hand a large assort
ment of Gold and Silver Watches,
at th e fidtowi og low prices:
Full laerelled Udd Lovers, $4O
.., Silver . • 23 00
Gold Lepives. Fullleweilea, Ito uo
trayer Lepinel, -.1 16 00
Silver gaaniers. ' 50 and 10 00
with a large meorttviene of Fine Jewelry.
'such as E* Ring's, •Fingai Rings, Breast
Pins. Bracelets; Gold and Silver. Pencils,
Gold Chain', &c. Has also on hand a
entnplete ssitirtnisol of patent and plain
Watch 9laseeri.,.Main Springs, Verges, Di
ale and 'Janda, of • every 'description-.--in
fact, a teunplete assortment of Watchma
ker's tools end Waich materials, to which
he woUld call thrilinention of Country
Trade.' Tfiose wishing anything iu the
above line, will 'find it to their advantage
to rail and examine his stock before pur
chasing risen Ile,re.
PhihidClidtii, Aug. 0, 11847.-146
Pieta lirepastssiee *trlting,
rirli i tigink has for a tong while become
eatablielted se,a.Nistional article. and
the following testimonials crow •Natihing
tori City, l .e Its nieriis in that direrOon:
Howley" Represetilatioes,
Trashingion,Cku. Feb. 24, 1843.
I state that t hire used the luk i ,during
the pnsieut session of Congrese, manor:ie.
tured hjriiffiseplil44,
atlelphia, awl I havc!outut it 101 l aa. tira
de of must ittoLity.
Smoker, Ramey Repforedtaaro.
Paient 14'
Fihrtiary 24. 1844.
Sin—Your Illack Writing Ink has' helm
used in this Office since October lait, cud
is entirety npproviredi ' I
1 am respeet(uUy.
Y. W. !ELAND, C'tiftf,e/rrk".
Mr. Josapn £. Phitade/pkia. 2-- -
The following front liieknell'a Reporter
will best alustrate its value:
~~Mr.lloi•er niatiufactures , e.Vatuanline
Cement" for joining broken china; glaap,
dte.f . We have have tried the , article , and
(build it-to be excellent."
For Sole, Wholesale and Retail, at the
Manufacture, Ko. 87 North Third Street,
opposite Cherry Street, Philadelphia, by
1t..7•F0r sale in Gettysburg at the store
of 8. H. BUEHLER.
August 13. 1847. Gni
.11 (he Philadelphia Watch and Jacek!!
No. fhl, North Second etreet. corner of Quarry
Gold Lever Watelies, full jewelled,
18 car. cases, 645 00
Silver Lever do. full jewelled, 23 00
Silver Lever*do..,7 jewels, 18 00
Silver Lepinc do. jewel'd, let qual. 14 00
Superior Quartier Watches, 10. 00
Imitation do. not warranted, 5 00
Gold Spectacles. 8 00
Fine Silver Spectacles. 1 76'
Gold Bracelets, with topaz stenos, 350
Ladies' Gold Pencils, 10 carats, 2 00
Gold Finger Itings,37 eta to $8 ; W3teh
Glasset—plain 12 eta ; patent 18 ; lunet
25. Other article, in proportion. All
pods warranted to be what they are sold
for. O. CONRAD,
On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers,
Lepines and Quartiers, lower than the a• '
hoer prices.
Dee. I, 130.--1%
ME 9117
30000 j7E.A . Ira wi'T ED
1 . 1 AVING succeeded in whipping the
II Mexican Armies ut Vera Crux ant
Buena Vista, and now designing to march
nankin the city of Mexico to meet the en
emy under the walls of their own Capital,
the auhacriber would imitate their elem.
plc by waging war againit.Rags and
Itedness, and be has aceordingly, recently
visited the city of Philadelphia; fur the
purpose of pureliasintsotrich, el,
which he can roll at prices an low as to
OFVu'ilagillit A tenOlieh
mem 'to clothe themac 'es from head to
foowatarteniehieg low
to being "Quick sales and sissallprotits.‘-:
Mrautek‘entlimecia the lupin assortment
of Readpenadn Clothing and'
Sian 64241:49 • -
ever offered% this country; his been se
lected with great care s . and hiving been
purchased for ctish' entirety; will be sold
Cheaper for Cash,
. , •
thim.thpi 'ha . ever
, been.sold
the :Place. In prefeseing to sell cheap
er than ever. I wish it to be distinctly un
derstood that I do not de so becauke hips
beconie fashionable for Purchasers . ,to Make
such an ; nonneementa am sincere; and
only" ask . ' a '-visit from, those wishing to
purchase to convince them of its trutho--
Among the stock - will 'be foetid COATS
of Fine Black Cloth, Habit Cloth, Alber
tine, Tweed, Cashmereite,, Cassino. Lin
en. Check 'Oa Gingham Sack. nmPtrock
Coats, PANT.4. 4 of Fine Fan
cy Cashmere, Cassino, Linen, Cord, and
Cotton,--faney colors and styles. Also,
VESTS, 'Fancy Cross-Bar, Silk, Satin,
Cashmere, Minieilles and Cassine I. Also,.
Shirts, Bosoms, Collars, Cravats.' Hand
!welders: Men's Lasting Gaiters, Suspen
ders; Gloves. Stockings—in fact every
thing helonging no a gentleman's furnish
ing linal all of faqhienable cut and mate
rials, and as well made as can be made
anywhere ! , Also on hand a large assort
ment- of lancy and useful articles, Pins,
Needles, 'Thimbles, Jewelry., Perfumery,
Shaving Apparatus, Combs, Penknives,
'Rough and Ready" Hats, &e.
1 hare also kw sale a lot of BOOTS at
SHOES. made in this county, a lot o
IRON, antra lot of Calfskin. Sole a n d Lip
per Leather, which will be sold uncom
mon cheap, as I wish iotlear oirthe stock.
Also, on hand--e -new -Rockaway, two
secimiWuittil Buggies, a second-hand Car
riage, new and old Harness, which I will
dispose of at extremely low prices.
- StX-Tlause „w ishing. ,BARGAI NS
remember to call at the old-established VA
RIETY STORE, next door to Kurtz'
Hotel, and immediately opposite the Bank.
Get tvibiril. I — p - ril 30, 1847.
G. E. B.
inforins`his friends
and the public generally that he has
now on hand a large assortment . of T.IN
W. RE of every description, which he
will sell at moderate prices --all warranted.
Persons. wishing to purchase al low rale*
‘f'4lA9 welt to, gait before purchasing else
HOUSE SPOUTING will be made
and put up at 12i. cents a foot.
Gettysburg, March 12, 1847.
THE undersigned has connected with
• his Coach making Taitardishment a
late Smith shop, and is prepared to do all
kinds of -
including ironing Carriages, Buggies.
Wagons, ¢c. He would say to those who
have Horses %Attie, that' hthasin his em
ploy first-rate hands, which,,with his per
, onaluttention, will. enable .hicO to giTe
tire satisfaction So all those who may favor
him with a call.
Corriege oir SPrit'.o4l!
warranted) promptly made tO•or
er at all times. • ' '
licrAli kinds of REPAIRING done,
both in Wood end Iron, at the most redo
prices.— -- • •'
Thankful for past encouragement, the
subscriber aolicitit a continuance of patro.
ungr.s And joyful' his &lends to call at his
s tablish :neat in 0:7. west Clittaberihurg
sweet, ictear doors • below Tn•ipscitt's•
Hotel; ..• • • • •
Gettysburg, Fob. 0, AIM& ' • .
DI A MO N 11 144011501 t
FASHIONABLE'Barber and Heir
Dresser, h emored hit “Temple''
to the Diamond pining the 'County Buil
dings, where h-,, at all .tinier be (Mind
prepared to attend to the calls of the public.
Front long experience he flatters himself
that he can go through all the ramifications
of the Tonsorical departments, with such an
infinite degree of skill as will meet the en
tire satisfaction of all who may submit their
chins to the keen ordeal of his razor. He
hopes, therefore, that by attention to busi
ness and a desire to please, he will merit
as well as receive a liberal share of public
patronage. The sick will be attended to at
their private d wellings.
Oct. 10.
rRUIT TREES, of all kinds, (grafted
in the root,) can be had of the sub.
scriber on reasonable terms. Please call
and judge for yourselves.
Gettysburg, May 20, 1846.
• \
Perfumery, Soap, Ire.
ARTICLES, TOYS, &c., for oak
%pH 10, 1810
illtd and all Diseases of the Stomach and
YBPEPSIA, or Indigestion and its
consequences.—An eminent Profes
sor says: "It chiefly arises it, persons who
lead either a very sedentary or irregular
life. Although not regarded as a fatal di•
cease. yet, if neglected, it may 'bring
curable Melancholy. Jaundice, Madness,
or Vertigo, Palsy, and Apoplexy ! Avon
singularity attendant on it is, that it utay
and often does continue a greatlengo of
time arfthout any, retnission of,the symp-
CAttilE§.—Grief anti uneasiness of
mind, intense study, profuse evacuations.
excess is venerY, excessive Pie of ipir
itous Name; tdbaeeo, opium' and
other nareoties, immoderate repletion,'
ver dietention of the stomach, *deg
ciency in the secretion of 'the bile 'or
exposure to coltrand damp
air. are the chief causes of this disease.
SYMPTOMS.—Loss of appetite, noo
ses, heart-lsurn,, acidity,, and fond eructa
tion*. gnawing of the stognach w!gen emp
ty,. uneasiness in the, throat, pain in the
side, csmilitenese. chilliness, languor, Ipw•
ness of spiting, palpitations, and distufbecl
er ing-- immediate relief and'
a radical cute for this disease.
Princip`al Office, No. '77 N. Eigh th et.,
east aide, Philadelphia. For sale in Get
tysburg by S. 8: FORNEY.
July 30, 11947...,
Compound Medicated Candy.
LION the Cure of Cords, Cougha, Spit
: tirig of Blood, Bronchetie, Asthma,
Whooping' Cough, Pains and Oppressions
of the breast, and all other Pulmonary
complaints, and other diseases which have
a tendency 'to produce Consumption. It
serves also as an effectual clearer of the
This Candy is entirely a_vegetable pre-.
paratiofi, the principal ingredients being,
Hore-hound, Wild Cherry, Sarsaparilla,
Bodeen!, : ,Elecampane,
seed; Iceland Moss, Prickly Ash, &c..and
1?ilL if taken in time, relieve - the system
from those distressing afflictions that tend
to Consumption.
One great advantage in this• valuable
mediFinels its cheapness, the public not
being imposed upon by the enormously.
high prices which are generally exacted
for Patent and other medical Preparations•
Each package contains directions. Call
and try it!
Prepared and sold at the Confection and
Variety Store of the Subscriber in West
York street, one square from the 'Court
house* and next dour to Thorripion's
tel. It can also be had at the Drug Stores
of S. H. Buituxua, and S. FORNEV.
"The subscriber as usual continues
his Bakery, and is prepared to supply
parties at the shortest notice, with choice
cakes, &c.
A Commentary for the People.
mr OW publishing, the ECLECTIC CONIM EN.
TARY on the bible, from the works of
Henry and Scott, and alio% e one hundred other w n
iers. The work is nits don fine paper, and %sob
large clear type. It will be completed in 24
parts, `do pages each, imperial Ss o, all of hich
are now stereotyped. It will be beautifully illus.
trated by accutane views of writ tura! secties, de•
signed expressly to embellish a Commentary, mid
executed by the most eminent artists. Tables
and charts are likewise added, where necessary
for purposes in Mint ratio n, and the whole comma.
sing as v aluable a series 01 illustrative engravirigi .
and embellishments, is has e'er been united in a
ny similar work. It may be ured with any edi•
Lion of the Bible. Will be published semi.tuunthly
at 25 cents each part.
The design, of the .Committee of the 414 5
Tract Society, under Whose supervision the Eng
lish work was preptireil, has been to corer that
ground where all evangelical denominations meet.
and to make a plain and practical exposition of re
ligious truth and duty.
This work is based upon the commentaries of
Henry and Scott, and more than one hundred oth•
arlChlteririn - the Variolis departments or Biblical
Literature; the most m !ant observations of
these eminent divines being quoted, constituting
a digest of the most valuable mantis at which the
learned men of all ages have arrived. in their ern.
leaf study of the 11 . 615- ScApturi-s. Reference has
been had to the wants of Sunday school teachers,
add of families engaged in the systematic study of
the scriptures.
Perhaps the're never tvgienjun.c t u of ti when „
true religion more 'prefix 'needed a 'Aire-guard a.
gnioat attack] Whick .1111„ bithTield3ll7.and insidi.
molly aimed at her vital principles; perhaps true
religion was never in a more perilous position op.
tween open enemies and pnuended friends, tliantit
thin 'particular crisis wed surely never , wee it
more ineumbent than now; on every true friend of
her holy precepts, every eonseentious master of •
househo!d, aviary anxious Parent, guardian fluid
protector, to , be prev,ideti with the antidotes knobe
poison, iAllich is so unscrupulously scattered A
broad. or en argutrent egainst each dengemtis Jai.
laey Which is prppounded to the injury end darn
memof that teligion,:whith is the faithful erects
of the DiVine Creatorjand ihe best exponent tef his
will, • 7 •
The objeet of the emapilerehaebeeh to proVide,
,a commentary compact in size, moderate in , price. •
and' 'Wed, to christiens 01 every station, tank and .
oThe family into witgaie &Saeinevnlicentnen
'have in theft peon:akin gamete tat. Biblitill'seidrfre
and porticel instvomiantiof ewe value than g01d..,
The republication is a Prat uodeftakii ,qtd, we
,hope it g irill receive an - nderpuitesupPrirt."—tr.
This cothlhenjge issierijoyettsVextrilordirls.
ry poptliwity as a practical exposition of God's
" °lll '' •it diger' frompay alha Pretelning lb
best egaretaliCal illnit rtttvg, and pijneynli coin-
mints which the eilithrs acre able to Select from
the best *cholera; on ideli moist, in Comae. The
text being omitted: it' is enabled trY presents vast
amount o( , Teeming firtihrrail spare: Vie sour.
ces, from which , it je , elentgiltkitegrnrClifOrreeo
guarentea of its seundoegeo both pc ; dectrine,and .
interpretation while llittvaninP of t
opinion Ot different 'coirorietilii re. 'apparent ind
very great.'-.LN. Y. Zeireirliat.' • '''”
.Wr regard the E.cleietieleontinentittl, notv , in
coursed& publical ion Air Mr. Shannon; as ea peen&
ly deserving the patronage of Protestant-Christ
tans. Its cheapness. beentifulbSnish of. imeehanir
cal workmanship, and iticompreheneiVenesi. em
bracing. as it does, the cream of all the ablest enro l
mentaries. all entitle it to veryr high considers.
t ion."—Chriatiare PartortMagazine.
We have received thamost favorable notices!
from many distinguished men of various de
nominations in this country. and ids° from ihe re•
ligious press, nhich cannot he inserted in a neWs
paper advertivement,pn acCount of their length—
they will be found o'h the eover of each part.
is Newton street, N. York.
•.• Booksel l ers and agents supplied at the reg
ular trade prices. The numbers, as published
will be sent by express to any part of the United,
States, by remitting the amount for the same, at
the time of sending the order.
June 18, 1847-121
MONDS, &c., of the , beet quality
to be had at the Confectionary of
Gettysburg, Aug. 6, 1847.
SHAWLS of every description can be
had very cheap at W. & C. Ruthrauff's
Cheap Slope in Chambersburg street.
Trill be published in Washington, D. C.,
on the' Seventh of December new,
The United Stitte4 Reporter
A Daily Janina' Cif Government, Legishitive 'and
• . 1 . 011,111111 i Newi.
THIZ inbactiber ie now enabled to rinteibcie
lb, gorapiation of Mears Sc for Out
establishment of a °Welled end lekteedea!
Journal of 10eiell'at thd Scat or thwGenbial - CoV•
entment. The leading features cd
States Reporter'? will be the tenoning:.
4. Early intelligence of the enovemeede eirJhrt
variourDepertments of thiGovernment, in refer
entv'to DometiVit'airairs geld to the roielgn tell
bona 4f the downer, Will be given iwitb'eettpell
lowelidelity...Posseesing peetehar facilities foe okci
t nielefr.let9PrOoP•Ale.',l l l , P4rhse' weil ofna
liledTrequently fo communicate, exclitWely, in
telligence brim/Most intik:thin% Iharacter.
Tlns rubel:A Reports of thel Prateidlnp'
an Albs* of the U,lfliateei berme. wbicb the
proprietor re botind,tokernish etaily,te that body,
in accordance with the loons of the coot mei:nude
at the close of the hat eirsairm of 'Nutria. "The
arcangerneatenbw made will at one:: folly mute
to the Senate of the United States an authentie
andsomplete record of its debates; end to theiwo
ple—n a greedy enlarge' degree—the benefit of
the experience, sagacity, and statesmanship of
that body to which they have ever looked with
solicitous and 'respectful regard.
111. The Proceedings and Debates in the Hone*
of Representatives will also be given, with full
ness, impartiality, and the utmost promptitude.
Each day's record will be completely made up,
and appear in the "Reports , '" next morning.
IV. A Synoptieel View of the Proceeding:rand
Debates of all thee:tate Legislature trill be regu
larly given. Members of Congreus, and *II elan•
see of readers, will thug be kept fully and syste
matically informed of domestic legislation in all
sections 'of the U.'States.
V. Early inteliigence of all important move.
menu in the Leg.slaturea of Groat Britain and
Franca will be communicated by every steamer
from Europe, through Reporters in London 'and
Paris, who possess peculiar facilitiesforobtaining
VI. The General News of the Day will be 'iv
en in a condensed form, with:industry and etten
tip n. ,
Such is a brief view of whet the" United States
Reporter . ' is designed , to be.t, All the plans and
arrangemeatn have bign wen matured, and the
hope is confidently cherished that the "Ileportei",
will prove itself an eiiergetiegindustrioug dignifi
ed, and perfectly independeC journal. it will
have no party views—no political bias. The pro.
prietor, by the' terms of his contract with the
Senate ot the U. States, is bound to the condition
that "the paper shall contain no political &scut-.
'ions except the debates." It will be a vehicle of
arum, not the organ of any set of opinions. The
redid aim of the subscriber is to establish at the
seat of Government a faithful and prnmpt reporter
of all sorts of intelligence—a responsible agent, on
which the politician, the business man, the 111111111 ,
tact urer . the mechanic, and every oneinterested in
the affairs of Congress and the Government, may
rely at all times with implicit confidence.
it is believed that the establishment-of—snob •
reliable Journal of intelligence, on terms • hich
place it within tench of the gteat merles of the
people, at the eommenvement ot what promissino
be a molt interesting jar eVentfol period in the
history 'of Congieesional proceedings, will be re
garded with favor by , all classes ot the communi
ty ; and, having thus stated hill ( ) N ON, the sub
scriber respectfully solicits a liberal and general
support from the enlightened public ill the United
States. JAMES. A. HOUS'T'ON.
_ .
Stenognipher to the Senate of the U. Stotts
.. The!'Unireil -Stares Reporter" will be 'tithed or(
n large aiik handsome sheet, and issued every
morning, except Sundays, nt the rate of Sfi per an
num ; single copies 2 cis.
In connection with the daily paper, there will
be issued from the name establishment,
This publication will contain exclusively the
reports 61 the proceedings and debates of the Con
gress of the V. Slates. It will be issued semi
weekly, in an elegant, quarto form, throughout
the sessions of Carves& and will be furnished to
subscribers at the rate of two dollars for the long
session, end one dollar for the short session. It is
believed that this great national work will be
deemed indispensable in the library of every
lie institution. polltrean, and professional man.
throughout the country; and that it will be m
onied by the great, mass orate people as the very
best political text book for their own instruction
and that of their children.
IMP .lITArr A NNOUNe ZZZ !I Z --Throushout the
session of Congress. Ertras will be issued I rom the
armc .. .iir . the "United States Reporter, - containing
the repoilii of all such debates as may possess par•
ticularly exciting interest.
All subscriptions and conimnnications to be
postpaid and addressed to A. Hocirros, AT. S.
Reporter, Washington, D. C."
(ere ell the remedies recommended, in lot
' years, fur the cure of CONcUMPTION,
Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Liver Com
plaint. Spitting Blood, Difficulty of Breathing,
Pain in the bide and Breast, Palpitation of
the thrift, Influents, Croup, Broken
Constitution, Sore broil, Ner
vous Debility, and all disea
ses of the Ybrost, Breast
and Lungs:
None has been found Those elevens and reams-
NeXT in its curative poper over these, so general
and often fatal diseases, than the above propane
tints. • The Compound Syrup of Tar ant
Naptha is an-unparalleled - remedy. lu addition to
the healing power of Ter—the virtues of which.
in affections of the lunge, is.universally acknowl
edged--there ie'combinederith it in this prepara
tion the weave principles of some of the most cer
tain l'onie Vegetable Pectorelt, which unite to
make it the moat valuable meoietrie ever offered
to the public for the cure of the dileasee for which
it is emplo‘ed, so , that it weer jails, if taken in
time, to priluce the intended effect.
Among the testimonials to the value of the a-
Aeive medicine. antsevetal from digtinguLhed phy
sicians of Philadelphia. Read the following from
Dr. Young, the eminent oculist ;
Philadelphia; Jan. 18, 1847.
Having need' in my practice, as well as in my
own family,"Thumson's Compound Syrup of Tar
and Wood Naptha," 1 have no hinditatior in saying
tacit is 'the beat preparation of the kind In me
far persons suffering Atom consumption, Coughs,
Co:ds, and all affections of the Thrust, Bressidlic.
so prevalent at this season of the year.
„,,, . SOUNG,,M. D.
.J 52 4puge street.
Rea!, atm the totto*ina' from a mon' who wit
at any time . thrnitioratt its statements. —
'•• !phis, Dec. 4, 11347.
Penetnitett with a deep tense of gratitude for
the, hernia; experienced .by the use 01 Thomson's
CompOtolli,h,yrup of Tar, and that others who,
like me, hive linguisfied through years of affliction
and stinting, without Whig hind to thul a remedy
mayinsow *hire' it tam be *bud tied, f voluntarily ,
Mate Mx fe•iiovring statement.
About fokr years since,Olc.bffity' af f e c ted
violet cold,it , reit upon me klicubleloite• and
severe cough: Whilst the cough eontlimed,attnil
wire, with scarcely art ,Intermissima during-.this
longrld perlod,-m
/enge,fitill to tell nbut I have stir
fefront debility, Obi In 'the bretun and side
night sweats; difficult 'oppreieeti
breathing, and in fact all those iympttima which,
murk a severs pulmonary erection. The relief
oceasionally.obtaimal by the Measure of the map
ter which obrtructed ..ihe healthy, actkw of my
system, but increased toy' retire, as 'the purulent
matter discharged Was frequently stmaked -With
Stood. . • •
During this time was under the treatment of
several physiciAps,and took many of those prepa
rations recontmended es serviceable in the cases
of others, but without relief : and 1 at length eon.
eluded that a cure in my case wes hopeless. ,But•
how agreeably changed is now my opinion! 1
have used fur about three weekaThomson's Com
pound Syrup of Tar, lty the use of one bottle my
cough has been relieved and my system reinvigo
rated, and by continuing the use of it up to this
time, I am satisfied that my complaint is entirely
removed and eradicated.
LETThis invaluable remedy is prepared only by
-Angney f.c Dickson, N. K Corner of Fifth and
Spruce 'treats, Philadelphia. and can be bad of the
following .Agents
S. S. Forney, Gettysburg.
R..lngney, Carlisle.
D. P. Lange, Hanover.
Price of large bottles Fl,OO. Beware of irnita
tient! - (April 30, I bt
R. KEARNEY, 24*S. Seventh st
Stqn,fpn's Extfr±loo
univeraeltifacknowledied to 10, tint
INFAtLIIILE kebtET/Y for Rbeamansm,
apineriliebtiooe, eamtritetiette of the Miiolear,'eore
tiintot nod quinsy, isenee, eld miner; minim the
baibunci Mottita thou , bream and fees, ;with
ache, "Aids; bruises,' mitt Amend, Vuoli, croup,
twisted tart, and all' nimbi* Tlid ti 4 iNei•
pAinatewreave-whieb itaii anemic& the iipptieatien
oi this meet wwwierfed newliehicin twins the most
giver* mises,of the. ditereat thiamine Above nen*,
rind the earoniewis 'that hare hen bestowed
upon it, Wherever it bail been introduced, eves
me the - right to mill on the ajlided to revolt at
once to tbewalp ramerio riwic gee be retied on.
East &ribs, PstMay 28, 1,847.
Gro'.'Enefstricroit, " • '
Deer 'consider It my duty to express
m 7 matiments, in behalf of your invaluable med.
icing called Heat's intnnent,
Mays for 11011110' time past used' the Liniment
in my practice, for Ticino' diseases, and feel sat.
lolled, trona the 'MOM@ attending its application,
dint OitlFrits,all that can be sad in its behalf.
I consider it one of the best eller:sal remrifiq.
I beide ever used in cuff of Tetter,
dal) Rheum, pains, bruises, etits,'Swel tinge, &c.
trihe'cbrap rate at willcb.tbe articles is to be
bad, places it within the reach of all. It shouk)
torm the principal external remedy of every ramify.
Nonrynon, „adorns Co., Pe: May 29, 18411-
Geo. E. 5TA11.1111 . 031,
Dear Sir-.I Teel bound to the afflicted to give
ptiblicity to the extraordinary effects of your in
valuable External Remedy, called Hunt's Lini-
NY daughter, a girl of twelve years old, had
been afflicted with Whits Swellings, in one of her
legs,. directly below the knee jinni, for several
months, diking which time her sufferings bare
birtm reerneiating and deplorable. I called on a
Physician, who, during frequent visits, made use
of every incept in bis power to rarest the fell de
stroyer; but all without effect The kg continued
swelling, until it openeit, forming various dim.
greeable ulcers, tendering amputation necessary
unless immediate relief be had. Fortunately, how
ever, on the first day of December last, you r agent
having been in our village, and hearing of the auf.
kilns+ of my daughter, he sent me one bottle of
your Liniment, the use of which alone, thank God,
has not only arrested the further progress of the,
disease, but has cured the leg perfectly, removing
all pains and swellings, and restored the leg to its
proper uie.
I am under many obliptions to yout kind agent
who thus, by ooe bottiv of your invaluable me - 1i
eine. saved the leg of my daughter horn antrum
limo. Your Liniment should find its way into en
ery family. NOSES PHILLIPS.
"We, the undersigned, citing), of 1141Implon, ate
acquainted with Motes Phillips, and know him to
be a man of truth. and that the lads as &et forth
in his certificate, are correct."
This Liniment is sold at 25 and 50 cents per
bottle by All the principal Druggists and Nerch
Orders addressed to me at Sing Sing, N Y, will
bearterided to. G E STANToN, Proprietor.
Wholesale .?gents—Rondly. Phelps k Co 149
Water street, Rushton & Co 1111 11loath% ay, A B
& D ssedeivorner Fulton and William, Aspinwall
SO William street, Nero York i (*whim. t & Weth
erell 7r.1 -oath second Philadelphia.
AGENTS.=:Siinuel 11:Buehler & S.
S. Forney, Gettysburg; Abraham King,
Ihnsterstown; L. Zuck, Pinetown ; Ja
cob Hollinger, Heidlersburg ; Hollinger &
Ferree, Petersburg. (Y. S.); Jacob Aula
baugh, Hampton; Geo. S. D'nizel, and J.
S. Hildebrand & Co., East Berlin.
June 11, 1847. [Dec. 2—ly]
Proftelion nynl►nst Lofts by
uffurr. "Cumberland Valley Mietud Protection
Company, — being incorporated by an Art of
the Legislate' e, and fatty orgarized and in °rela
tion under the direction of the tallow. mg Heald of
Managers, viz: T C Miller, James Weakly, 1) W
:11rullnugh, A G llilier. T A Kinky, I brltp
Spangler, Z•amttel Galbraith, Samuel Tifit,
King, (Adams,) Jahn Zug, Samuel Huston. J . 1
Green, J Bear—call the attention of the
ants of Cumberland a, d Adams counties to the
cheapness of the rates. and the many ark a nt,,ge,
which this kind of insurance has over any other.
lat. Every person insured becomes asurnibei
of the company and takes part in the selection of
officers and the direction 01 its concerns.
2d. For insurance no mote is demanded than is
necessary to, meet theespenves of the Company.
and indemnity against Inane, which may happen.
3d. The inconvenience of frequent removal+ is
avoided by insuring for a term of tiv
4th. Ariy person applying fur insurance most
give his premium note for the cheat est class at
the rate of live per cent:, vv filch n ill he f..:.nt on the
1040, for which he will have to pay V.') f,O fur live
years and St !O for survey and policy. and on
more unless loss be sustained to a greater amount
than the funds on hand will cover. end thin tin
more than a' pro inta share. These rates one
much cheaper than those of other companies. ex•
(apt such as are incorporated on the came priori
dies. T. C. At I LLER, Yrebident.
A. G.Mll.lmt. Secretary.
UTThe following named persons bare been op.
pointed Apra, for AidanniCounty —Win W Pax
ton, Esq. General Agent for Adams county; A
Thompson and D Ziegler, Gettysburg; Lr. Win
R Stewart, Petersburg; Henry Myers, New I bet
ter; Henry Mager. Ahbottstnwn ; Daniel Coin•
fort, Straban township; Abraham King. Hunters.
town; David Blythe, Fairfield; T T Wiermen.
A rendtsville; Wm Morrison and Abel T Wright
Bendersville; Dr. D Mellinger,Eult Berlin ; A b m
Scott, Cashtown.
Sept. 13, 1846.—tf ,
etrattisterlx Oho twit vt,
FOR the cure of external Sores, Scrof
ulous affections. Liver Complaint,
Quinsy.. Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Pains in
the Chest, Ttimors, Diseases of the Skin.
Piles. Corns. Rheumatism, &c., dr.c., for
sale at the Drug Store of
Gettysburg, June 25.—tf
THE subscriber having associated with
him in the Mercantile Business his
brother, would respectfully ask all persons
indebted to hint to call - und make imme
diate payment.
Ate., abort quality, can always be had at
the Fancy Store of , C.-IVE'AVER.
April 10. 1840.
T4P. utte4tion of the Ladies directed
to the very handaome assortment of
NO'llite Goods, , (plain plaid and striped,
eriusualy largo, alifili ' Cheap tScire of
C . 11.11THROFF
. .
,• • "
IS published every ffiriday the
County Building, abore f the Register .
and Recorder's Office, by
- Toxins.
If paid in advance or within the year, 02 per
annum—. if not-paid within the year, 162 50. • No.
paper discontinued until all arrearegee ere paid
except at the option of the Editor. Single copies
6} cents; A failure to notify &ditcontinuanite
wilt be regarded as a new engagement '
4drertisententa'n6texeeding a square Inserted
three times for sl—every subsequent insertion
25 cents. Longer ones in the same proportion.
All advertisements not specially ordered for a giv.
in time, will be continued until forbid. A liberal
reduction will be made tothose who advertise by
she year.
Job Printing of all kinds executed neatly and
promptly, and on reasonable terms.
Letters and Contenuntrations to the Editor, (ex
cepting such AM contain Money or theitemes of
new subscribers.) mur t be rosy LI in. iu order to
secure attention.
•• ~„
I n di al . 'lege r4ssete4teir
Mir ESSRS. Wit ND &IVA LO ON— }raving
AS& saperieprett the exlreordMaiy-ofgegy of
your Dr. Cullen's' , Vegetable i vi&oiik pOn
my own person, a feeling of gratitode for
wonderful discovery, and it dug/4414i 'yotil , grild..
kiwis should be known and 'appmehittidby , tbd
publk, km induced tne.thur colentattlyisir kwi
you an account of my can., hoping they nthelea
who may be so unfortunate es l hove beiin,isnot
be induced to throw ineJudice aside and'eteint a t
Panacea a fair trial. ' '''• ' '" •''
In February, 1846, a lump Or tOnlOr
peered npon the spine °troy rightleKtedidecilllf
er on the lower part of my breast . pear tMlane
Hon 95115 ow ; slit. iperiteled `ralladl{jitrdlll the
early pert of June about which time they became
very painful. In July ttie tumor on the left leg
u r.c a area and became e rtmninisom, extending
itself until l was half thesiiie`of a' hand,
and had eaten into the bone, and anew two amid . .
ler ulcers eppeered bilow,the eerie ~IdriphYolc
lan am! others pronounced it scrofula. Up to
this time every, remedy used.gain P 9 relief; the
leg continued to yet worse; during fllatierly part
of August my starlings acre intense. I neither
went to bed or dept Angularly, for nearly two
weeks, being compelled to.set up, with my leg
supported on • ebair. , About Ilia time my son
brought home with him from Cincinnati market
one of your circulars,' which hadlL4lll.4lfoVrn in
to the wagon. I reedit. and knotilng some of
the signers to the Certificate of the care of Mr.
Brooks, and behavior from my kterteletigi of their
characters that they would mg lend their names
for the purpose o 4 palming en imposition upon
the public, I concluded to try 'what 'Feet it A 4 mild
have upon me, On the 20th qf Atteyst I4„procu
rcd the Brit bortlereonitrieticedlakilig'd accord
ing to directions, end if four hour s Wait
so moth rented that Idellaeleep and 'eloped that
greatent of blessings, a few hours revue, I Con
tinued using it until the 219th of Aticest. )Il(ben I
found myself en much better 'that I went to Cin
cinnati to your Amine Mr Dauenhoor.witherhom
I mode ariangemelits to take 9)) bottles, pr 'dell
he would guarantee to cure me. , Ilestere
round gave me the privilege of stopping eh of
the 20 bottler, whenever I considered myrelt neell.
I now tilt encouraged, and eontioned to bee it on.
der Mr. D's instructions, until I had taken 12 bee
tles, (using en other medicine whatever.) when I
found myself entirely well ; the tumor on my
breast having softened, it opened. eame*out, and
was healed op • hen I had taket.6 or • I.bottles.
I will here observe, that for many years I hid
been troubled with a kind of dry Triter, which
greatly annoyed me, particularly Yr hen heated or
warm in bed ; I have telt nothing of this settee to
king vain medieibe, am! have era doubt that my
system is now entirely free firm diocese, my gen
eral health net en haring been better.
May 29, 1b47
(n the 3d of December I again called on Me,
Danenhower. I then prononnced myself well mad
offered to give him a Certificate to that effect,
which 1 promised to send him in a few days. - A
less- days thereafter hoverer, ss bile killing begs.
I hurt the same leg badly. in eonsequenee,
which I postponed giving the promised Certif .,
cote. wishing theroilghly to teat the permanency
of the cure. I now used nothing bet the Canal
simple remedies for frer.h wands, and found-any
flesh pecertly healthy. and in the renal time for
inch rases my I• g denied. Suffeient time has e
lapsed to cons-in.-0 me that I am now a sound mars
and that I hove been cured by your l'anneea alone.
In short. I hare every confidence in . its
Persons desirous of obtaining limber par' iridorsi,
ran he. erntiferl by calling at my residence. at
Muddy Creek, Hamilton manly. (Thin
CITF or CI ArIN ,, A7I. SS.
Personally appeared before me. the sobseriter,
mayor of said e , ty. DAVID K loamy, mho. being
sworn, d eposes and says that the fuels set forth in
the foreeoine statement are true. In test more
wheterd, I hate hereunto FP , my name. nee soured
the Corrurrate Feat of the said City to he slxed,
this fourth day of March. I P 47.
11. E. !•PENCER, Mayer.
Sold. holesale and m 1 ,61. hy Row ore & Was:
- wt. Proprietor'.. 1111 Market street. Phrlattelribia,
and by the lollott ire Agre e ?, •
N. Ritehler, - Gettravnre.
Wm. Billinger. Al4ottPtovrre.
I.i//t 4 Riley. Oxfam.
7'. J. Cooper, Franklin tr.
Angturt 6. 1547.-2 m
f l DR . AP.-4-LANE 'S,
Pillory!ly expels Us,•u i 0 uti aismost irnnlilJs
y nob tr
0 substantiate the Rhose fact tunny hissidamle
of testimonials could be adduced. out of
which the following ate selceterd.linsa stalividuats
a *taxiing nod ‘eiticity. Indeed, it is cutifidouta
ly affirmed that each new trial nl the powers of
this remedy will have ow additinsal teodeney In
idrn and confirm its tome. sal that II it stets
Ind% emilly know n eft cr , et the V. sudo',
it would sate not less than ninny Iliondstils, if
not thousands of lives sanstilly.
I do certify that te.ial of 1)r. 7.ll'Laine's Amer,.
rim Worm Sperifie expelled ll%e hoodrett and 'IVO
whole worms. wol piers tbut nt 1111 hi%e made
mole, from a boy of John Levell,ns.obtels.
iflaul in a attnittbt line. %mild have Merl Plebe
bly mearated the eaoinewo length et one Ihtieulogol
yard. " 3OSIA)I JutrvAlly.
barter of Water Forge, said otherwmks, Moorni
gobs county. Va.
'lbis is to eV tify thtithwrchsiied Qom Holares
& Kidd a vial of Dr. - ..VTL•ne's Americans Weans
Fpeeifie, and gave two doses to ahoy at salve
about three yam of sip. Helmeted tally ball a
pint of warms. Tbe inentity- was so lmge Irk*
really alarmed, and culled is several of my
hors to see them. Had this story !nen related to
me, I could not have credited It. withont being an
eyovvitness to the same. My thild heillittri
proved much alter. : 4 AM L NOM - • '
Merchant Tailor, Wood st.. Pittebtailt.,
Hear Medical Testimony.
From a regular Physician, Dr. ti.. S. t Nadi, :111*-
Mr. J. Kidil—Dear Sir: I have toed its try
preerire Dr. M•Lane's American Wont t•peeiti.,
and have often witnessed its etheary its expelling
wotnie ftom the,syrtein. A patient of mane.*
short lime ago, give, *viol of the; Worm dpecific e
to a child and in a short time upwards.of r 5
worms were expelled.
Dr, A. P. orvell certifies that he has frequem.
, y
rived the '4 , s...title in his practice; end:with eh.
varying success, it newel failing to. cep! from 25
to 150 worms,
A child of mine passed • onolhird of a pit.t or
worms with one vial of Dr. M'Litnes Wetm filel
cific. It is truly a surprising median,.
,T. .131arkburne, (*WI s township..
Surprising efegi of Dr. ArLartesli grin
On Saturday Feb. 1.1b45, Mr. James lie:lh*
son celled at the °lke of J., Kidd & CO.,sesiltenglin
the following statement
A 'child of mine' hod been city sift* ilailtd
ten days' we %NU/liven her partputviFinedifinei
but it-had dope uq good. Ose al mu ailighbara
mime in 04 mid. that. if oaf wienilev
straying the child, and at threagele
liniornderful , effectaahabail*Latmeedfft,rinf
ttp 4 V . Wolnl OPeriNtbe titirittiiltnrynon;
• PriNgtred * vial, giver am teassoelfaloirban..
the cblld diechanted 42 law weans. dove n•
notherteaspeorded, which Mee& awa1411 1 1114114 -
in 088 worm.. As a duty owe to pm SW the:
c9 O - 1541 4 1 4 I freely melcolumwa 4brewfacte..Aly.
Dow well,. What M ray, sentarkablei thei
Worm Specifm expelled dm worms alive la abash
runt hours &nevi gars the medicine. •
N. B. p e rg ou tse to inquire for Dr. M' Uwe' ;
American Worm Spathe, or Patent Vetenikllik
Prepared for the Proprietor by J. KIDD it kirk
Wholesaled, Retail Druggists, Wood at. Pittallegg,.
EirThi. above medicine can be bed of the fol
lowing agents:
S. H. Bnehler t Gettysburg ; it,Ttower,.
Arendisville ; d. & C. M'Knight.
dersville ; J. S. Hollinger, field's's...sirs
Holtsinger & Ferree, Petersburg ; Jlatois
Aulebaugh. Hampton; J. 'B: , liildasratfd..
E. Berlin; Peter Mickly,.//futtnessabgeirp,
Wm. ilittinger, dbbottatoton ; Coulion tit
Co. Wholesale Agents, I,iburty et.. laid-.
more, Aid.
hth, Ohio