Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, August 20, 1847, Image 3

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In all Maims been written on this sub
ject in this country, we have seen no re
commendation to melt and strain it. Vet
there ... Mtn be no doubt that this process
proves effectual. We have often told our
readers that thorough working is necessa
ry to exclude the buttermilk, and leave the
butter pure. We have told them that it
has been kept sweet for years without a
particle of salt, by separating entirely the
impurities that are found on churning the
cream. But this is not always an easy
matter. 'Washing with pure water is the
beat method that we have practiced in this
We have often asked the question, why
we should not boil the butter that we pro
postrto keep,-as we boil the fat of the hog
for lard, and the fat of cattle and sheep for
tallow t.
It is well known that lard and tallow
will keep sweet for a year without salt.—
And who can doubt that butter may be
kept as long ? On examining a recent
publication, which we noticed in one of
late numbers of the Ploughman--"On the
food animals, by Robert D. Thompson, of
Glasgow,"—we find the following re
—The cause of the tainting of fresh butter
depends upon the presence of the small
quantity of cutd and water as exhihited by
the preceding analysis. To render butter
capable of being kept for any length of
time in a fresh condition, that is, as a pure
solid oil, all that is necessary is to boil it
in a pan till the water is removed, which
is marked by the cessation of violent ebul-
Mien. By allowing the liquid oil to stand
for a little while, the curd subsides, and the
oil may then he poured out, or it may be
be strained through muslin, into a bottle,
or cut out by means of a knife or cheese
gouge. This is the usual method of pre
serving butter in India, and also on the
Continent; and it is remarkable that it is
not in general use in this country. Bot:
Bed butter will thus keep for any lengthof
time, and is the best form of this substance
to use with success."
To our own taste, melted butler ismpre
agreeable han any that has been kept in
firkins, unmelted. And frowy butter is
rendered more palatable by melting at the
time of using it. Why not melt it before
it changes ?—Masaachusetts Ploughman.
SUMMERING M sxuaz.—Notwithstanding
all that has been said and written, showing
fresh that manure immediately applied tci
the land, or such as is preserved in tanks
or - under cover, or by a mixture-411.i
iar earth, is la - least four times the video of
that left in the barn-yard all summer c -
posed to sun and rain, wasting its richness
in the air and drenching its fertilizing salts
away ; yet many fanners still believe, or
act upon the principle of belief, that ma
nure is like cider, growing better with age;
and thus their dung is kept in the yard till
August or September, a great nuisance to
all around, and a sad loss to the growing
We are all well aware that rotted ma
nure is considered indispensable - for ,cer
lain crops. and therefore, many say they
prefer to sustain the loss of its rotting to
the inconvenience of using it in an un
fermented state. Let those whothus think,
consider, that when manure has become
rotted, it is then mere humus or vegetable
matter. such as decomposed leaves of trees.
straw, hay, cornstalks, muck,turf,peat, road
and dirt scraping, which may be had on
every farm to answer the same purpose as
the rotted manure. how many farmers
let all these substances go to waste, thus
subjecting themselves to a double loss--a
depreciation in the tralue of their manure,
and a neglect of the' vegetable matters on
their premises and around them.
Peon %R.—Plough up your ground in
tended for corn in the fall of the year,
as deep as you can; let it lie till spring;
at the opening of spring, when the frost is
entirely out of the ground, give it a good
ploughing and harrow it down. It is then
in good order for preparing to plant. Take
of leached ashes, two-thirds, and of ground
plaster, one-third ; mix them well togeth
er, and follow the droppers, and put as
much of this mixture on the seeds as you
can grasp in your hand and cover it well
over in tho usual way. The corn will
grow up finely sod retain a strong, vigor-
Ous growth and geeon color, and stand the
' drought much better than upon the strong
eat euluire. The writer of this having
tried the experiment for two years, has
filly tested its value.
,Paarmrem 01 SEED WHEAT. -Mr.
4 9 41 4 4, 4 1 Whitney, a wheat grower of
Tmakotidge, Vermont, speaking of prepac
k', wheat for sowing, says :
“1 hare of late been reading respecting the
pre talon of seed wheat. Sonic use salt
aattialla, but in different ways. I practi
ted using malt and lime for that purpose
itlealaint 30 years, but in a different, and
Ithistk, a better way titan I have seen de.
mit*. My method was this :—Take,
aar one bushel of wheat, put it into a tub,
and take from, two to four quarts of well
silaelted lime, and one-half pint of salt, put
pt to a kettle with water sufficient to
t the wheat. Boil it until the salt is
41iiiintieet7, Then turn it on the wheat while
boilistg—the hotter the better—stirring the
Atliont.continually until all is besmeared.
D 9 nut pour in so much as to have it stand
• is She hottitwit of the NW, Lath stand from
1141114*Iflanallithuotatirring—then sow
_ k Meallible remedy for smut,
wilt inerratw the product enough to
pas all the trouble and expense."
Compound Medicated Candy.
FOft the Cure of Colds, Coughs, Spit
ting of Blood, Bronchetis, Asthma,
Whooping Cough, Pains and Oppressions
of the breast, and all other Pulmonary
complaints, and other diseases which have
a tendency to produce Consumption. It
serves also as an effectual clearer of the
This Candy is entirely a vegetable pre
paration, the principal ingredients being,
Mire-hound, Wild Cherry, Sarsaparilla,
B(okt:et, Elecampane, Liquorice, Flax
seed, Iceland Moss, Prickly Ash, Sm. and
will, if taken in time, relieve the system
from those distressing afflictions that tend
to Consumption.
One great advantage in this valuable
medicine, is its cheapness, the public not
being imposed upon by the enormously
high prices which are generally exacted
for Patent and other medical Preparations.
Each package contains directions. Call
and try it !
Prepared and sold at the Confection aid
Variety store of the Subscribei in West
York street, one square from the Court:
house, and next door to Thompson's Ho
tel. It can also be had at the DrugBtores
of B. H. Bassist, and 8. rollithrf.
subscriber as Willa continues
his Bakery, and is prepannt So supp)y
parties at the shortest notice, whit choice
cakes, do,
Harvest Home Temperance
THERIE willbe a Harvest Home Gath
ering of the Friends of Temperance
throughout. Adams Couuty, in , the Hurl
terstown Church, on the 8d Scrturday oh.
210) of August nett. All the local Soci
eties of the County are invited and expect
ed to be fully represented on the occasion.
The undersigned appointed by the Coun
ty Convention held in the Hunterstown
Church, on last New Year's day, a Com
mittee of Arrangements, would call upon
all...the friends of this great and good Re
form, to be present at :this 'Gathering, to
mingle in rejoicing over a moral Harvest,
"bringing their shaves with them."
Interesting Addreie s may be expected
from gentlemen secured for the occasion.
ARM T. WRIGHT, Committee
D. NIXON AUGHY, Ansamn't
X 4 ig 7411GORIMG
THE subscriber would respectfully in
form the citizens of Gettysburg and
vicinity, sad the public generally, that he
Tailoring Establishment;
In South Baltimore street, in the room oc
cupied by Daniel Culp as Chair Ware
rOom, a few doors South of the Post Office
where he will at all times be happy to ac
ximmodate these who may patronise him,
as them that he feels himself able to
make a first•rate FIT. His charges will
be as reasonable as at any other establish
ment in the county. Country produce
taken in eichtinge for work.
_Halumemdearrangements toreceive the
New York 4- Philadelphia Fashions,
quarterly ; and will therefore. be prepared
1111 to make garments in the-most approved
styles. ESAIAS J. C U Ll'.
Gettysburg, May . 14.—tf
FINDING still a considerable number
ofuneettled accounts for subscription
to "THE STANDARD" on my Books,
and wishing to have them settled, I here
by request all those who are indebted to
-tair-fadateriptionoulvertising, or job
work, to call on Jon. 11.,..DANNtR, Esq.,
in Gettysburg, for that purpate, op or be
fore the-the 18th day of - August hut:, as
after that time suits will be brought against
all who are in arrears.
Aug. B.—at
The Commonwealth ofPennsyl,
crania, to the Sheriff of Wd
• 1 ems Comity Greeting:
We command you that you
attach JOHN DUPHOKN, late of your
County, by' all and singular his rood and
chattles, land and tenements, to whose
hands or possession soccer the same may
be, so that he be and appear before our
Court of Common Pleas to be holden at
Gettysburg, in and for said County, on
the 101 h day of August next—there to
answer . Elizabeth Jodon in a plea of Debt
on Note notexceeding Tiio Hundred Dol
tars. And we further command you to
summon all persons, in whose hands 'or
possession the said goods and chattlesdands
and teileinents, or any of them, may be
attached, so that they and every of them
be and appear before the said Court at
Gettysburg the 18th day of August next,
to answer what shall be objected against
them, and abide the judgment of the Court
therein. And have you then there this
writ. Witness Wm. N. Irvine, Esq.,
President Judge of our said-Court at Get
tysburg, this 12th day of July, A. D. 1847.
A. B. ku RTZ, Proth'y.
Prothonotary's Office,
Gettysbure. July 23. 15.17. 5 6t
Dr. J. Lawrence Hill,
ESPECTFULLY offers his profes-
I_IL sional services to the citizens of Get
tysburg and surrounding country.
prepared to attend to all cases usually en
trusted to the Dentist, anti h22es, by strict
attention to Dentistry alone, to a ble to
please all who may see fit to entr
teeth in his hands. Office at Mr. 31'Coank .
Gettysburg, July 23.—1 f
r HE subscriber having associated with
I him in the Mercantile Business his
brother, would respectfully ask all persons
indebted to him to call and make imme
diate payment
MONDS, Ate., of the beat quality
to be hail at the Confectionary of
Gettysburg, Aug. 8, 1847.
lij i glAWLS of every description. can be
.. ` 77 had very cheap at W. & C. Rtithrtm ire
C heap Slope in Chanibershurg street.
30000 .)?lIX 111-:IXTED
IIA \IN(' succeeded in whipping the
Mexicanll Armies at Vera Cruz and
Buena Vista, and now designing to march
against the city of Mexico to meet the en
emy under the walls of their own Capital,
the subscriber would imitate their exam
ple by waging war against Rags and Na
kedness, and he has accordingly recently
visited the city of Philadelphia for the
purpose of purchasing a mock. of
which- he can sell at prices an low as to
enable any person calling at his establish
ment to clothe themselves from head to
foot, at astonishing low prices—Ais mot
to being "Quick sales and small profits.—
Mir stock embraces the largest assortment
of Ready-made Clothing and
evetr offered in this cointro, has_ been se
lected with great' care. and having been
purchased for cash entirely, will be sold
Cheaper far Cash,
than they have ever before been sold, in
this place. In professing to sell cheap
er than ever. I to be diiitinctly un
derstood that I do not do so because it has
become fashionable for purchasers to make
such announcements ; I am sincere, and
only ask a visit from those wishing to
purchase to convince them of its truth.—
Among the Stock will be found COATS
of Fine Black Cloth, Habit Cloth, Alber
tine, Tweed, Cashmerette, Cassinet, Lin
en Cheek and Gingliam Seek and Prock
Coats, &c.—Also, PANTS, of Fine Fan
cy Cashmere, Cassinet, Linen, Cord, and
Cotton,—fancy colors and styles. Also,
VESTS, Fancy Cross-Bar, Silk, Satin,
Cashmere, Merseilles and Cassinet. Alsd,
Shirts, Bosoms, Collars, cravats, Hand
kerchiefs, Men's Casting 'Gaiters, Suspen
ders, Gloves, Stockings--in fact every
thing belonging to a gentleman's furnish
ing line; all of fashionable cut and matt
rials, and as well made as can be made
anywhere. Also on hand a large assort
ment of fancy and useful articles, Pins,
Needles, Thimbles, Jewelry, Perfumery,
Shaving Apparatus, Combs, PettiiniVet,
•Rough and Ready" Hats, &c,
_ _
I have also for sale a lot of, BOOTS &
SHOES, made in- this county, a lot of
IRON, and a lot of Cilfskin, Sole and tip
per Leather, which will be sold uncom
mon cheap, as I wish to clear unite stock.
Also, on hand a now Rockaway, two
second-hand Buggies, a second-hand Car
riage, new and old Harness, which I will
dispose of at extremely low prices.
110 2. Those wishing BARGAINS will
remember to call at the old-established VA
RIETY STORE, next door to Kurtz'
Hotel. tied immediately opposite the Bank.
Gettysburg, April 30, 1847.
D ESPECTFGLLY.informs his friends
IA and the 'public generally that he has
now on hand a large assortment of TIN
WARE of every description, which he
will sell at moderate prices—all warranted.
Persons wishing to purchase at low rates
will do well to call before purchasing else
w here.
HOUSE SPOUTING will be made
and put up at 121 / cents a foot.
Gettysburg, March 12, 1847.
THE undersigned has connected with
his Coachmaking Establishment 'it
large Smith shop, and is prepared to do all
kinds of
including ironing Carriages;- Buggies,
Wagons, ,te. He would say to those who
have Horses to shoe, that he hnkin his em
ploy first-rate hands, which, With his per
sonal attentiou, will enable him to give eti
tke satisfaction to all those who may favor
him with a call.
Carriage gr ,BitArgy Sfirits(s
warranted) will be promptly made to or
-1 er at all times.
11:7',1k11 kinds of REPAIRING done,
both in Wood and Iron, at the most redu
ced prices.
Thankful for put encouragement, the
subscriber eolieits a continuance of patro
nage, and invitee his friends to can at his
Establishment in Kr west Chambersburg
street, a few doors below ,Thompson's
C. W. 1 - IOFFMAN.
Gettysburg, Feb. 6, 1846.
ASHIONABLE Barber and Hair
Dresser, has removed his "Temple'
to the Diamond, adjoining the County Buil
dings, where he can at all times he found
prepared to attend to the calls of the public.
From long experience he flatters himself
that he can go through all the ramifications
of the Tonsorical departments, with such an
infinite degree of skill as will meet the en
tire satisfaction of all who may submit their
chins to the keen ordeal of his razor. lie
hopes, therefore, that by attention to
ness and a desire to please, he will merit
as well as receive a liberal share of public
patronage. The sick will be attended to at
\ theii private dwellings.
Oct. 10. tf
RUIT TREES, of all kinds, (grate(
r, in the root,) can be had of the sub
scriber ot► reasonable terms. Please cal
and judge for yourselves.
Gettysburg, May 20, 1849..
Perfumery, Soap, Sc.
ARTICLES, TOYS, &c., for sale
April 10, 1840
A Commentary for the People,
0 1 1..‘ A ' i a t ish n th l' on the i c ui l i . i l i t' , l.. f ECT 1 C rom I Mthe 01
r‘i . '
Henry and Scott, and above one hundred other wri
ters. The work is printed on tine paper. and with
Iryge clear type. It H ill be completed in 14
parts, of 80 pages each, imperial svo, all of which
lire-now stereotyped. It will be beautifully illus
trated by accurate slew- of scriptural scenes, de
rigned expressly to embellish a Commentary, and
executed by the most eminent artists. Tables
and charts are likewise added, where necessary
for purposes of illustration, and the whole compri
sing as valuable a series of illustrative engravings
and embellishments, as has ever been united in a
ny similar work. D may be used with any edi
tion of the Bibk. Will be published semi-monthly
at 25 centaeach part.
The design of the ,Committee of the London
Tract Society, under whale supervision the Eng
lish work was mewed, has been to cover that
ground where all evangelical denominations meet,
and to make a plain and practical exposition of re
ligious truth and duty.
This wet* is based upon the commentaries of
Henry and Scott, and more than one hundred oth
er writers hi the various departments of Biblical
Literature; the most important observations of
these eminent divines being quoted, constituting
1, digest of the most valuable Twits at which the
learned men of all ages have arrived, in their crit
ical study of the Holy Scriptures. Reference has
been had to the wants of Sunday School teachers,
and of familial engaged in the systematic study of
the scriptures.
Perhaps there never was a juncture of time when
true religion more greatly needed a safe-guard a
gainst attacks which are both boldly and insidi.
early aimed at her vital principles; perhaps true
religion was never in a more perilous position be
tween open enemies and pretended friends, than et
this particular crisis ; and surely never was it
more incumbent than now, on every true friend of
her holy precepts, every conscientious master of a
housahold, every anxious parent, guardian and
protector, to be provided with the antidotes to the
poison, which is so unscrupulously scattered a
broad, or an argument against each dangerous fal
lacy which is propounded to the injury and detri
ment of that religion, which is the faithful oracle
of the Divine Creator, and the best exponent of his
The object of the compilers has been to provide
a commentary compact in size, moderate in price.
and suited to christians of every station, rank ana
"The family into whose hands this work comet
have in their possession a store rd Biblical science
and practical instruction of more value than gold.
The re-publication is a great undertaking, and we
hope it will receive an adequate support."—N.
"This commentary has enjoyed an extraordina
ry popularity as a practical exposition of Gotta
word. It differs from any other, presenting the
best evangelical illustrative and practical com
ments which the editors were able to select front
the best scholars, on each passage in course. The
text being omitted, it is enabled to present a vast
Amount of learning in a small space. The' SOD f
ces front which it is compiled afford a perfect
guarantee of its soundness, both of doctrine and
interpretation, while the advantage of having the
opinion of different commentators is apparent and
very great."—N. Erase/fist.
"We regard tae Eclectic Commentary, now in
course of publication by Mr. Shannon, as especial
ly deserving the patronage of l'rotestant Christ
ians. Its cheapness, beautiful finish of mechani
cal workmanship, and its comprehensiveness. em
bracing, as it does, the cream of all the ablest com
mentaries. all entitle it to very high consider*.
tion."—Cbristirin Parlay Maga:int.
We have received the most favorable notices
from many distinguished clergymen of various de
nominations in this country, and also from the re
ligious press, which cannot be inserted in a nevi s
paper advertisement on account of their length—
they will be found on the cover of each part.
Cttd'Nassan street. N. York.
•; Booksellers and agents supplied at the reg
ular trade prices. The numbers, as published
will be sent by express to any part of the United,
States, by remitting the amount for the same, at
the time of sending the order.
June 18, 1847-12 t
And and all Diseases of the Stomach and
YSPEPSIA, or Indigestion and its
consequences.—An eminent Profes
sor says: "It chiefly arises in persons who
lead either a very sedentary or irregular
life. Although not regarded as a fatal di
sease, yet, if neglected, it may bring on in
curable Melancholy. Jaundice, Madness,
or Vertigo, Palsy, and Apoplexy. A great
singularity attendant on it is, that it may
and often does continue a great length of
ime istithont any remission of the Symp
CAUSES.—Grief and uneasiness of
mind, intense study, profuse evacuations,
excess in venery, excessive use of spir
itous liquors, tea, tobacco, opium and
other narcotics, immoderate repletion, o
ver distention of the stomach, adefi
ciency in the secretion of the bile or
gastric juice, exposure to cold and damp
air, are the chief causes of this disease.
SYMPTOMS.—Loss of appetite, nau
sea, heart-burn, acidity and fectid eructa
tions, gnawing of the stomach when emp
ty, uneasiness in the throat, pain in the
side, costiveness, chilliness, languor, low
ness of spirits, palpitations, and disturbed
er failed in affording immediate relief and
a radical cure for this, disease.
Principal Office, No. 77 N. Eighth at
east side, Philadelphia. For sale in Ge
tysburg by - /3,._8. FORNEY.
July 30, 1847.—1 y
I have been afflicted wit!) dyspepsia in
its aggravated form for three years past and
found no relief until! used Dr. G. Benj.
Smith's Improved Indian Vegetable Pills.
After using six boxes of said valuable pills,
I•am entirely cured. They are it general
remedy." , J. ..r. Leeman.
Paducah, Ky., Nov. 19, 1845.
AVe can certify to the above filets. Dr.
Smith's Pills are universally esteemed in
this vicinity. ' •
Hodge, Givens .1 Co., Merchants,
At the request of Dr. G. Benj. - Smith's
agent, we Cheerfully state that we visited
the office of Dr. Smith in September last,
while in New York, and found him to all
appearance carrying on a very extensive
business with his Indian Vegetable Pills,
The extent of his established would aston
ish any one not initiated in the mysteries
of the pill trade.—Louisville Journal.
IlcrThe genuine Pills are for sale in
Gettysburg, by S. H. Buehler and S. S.
Forney; in Hunterstown by dbraham
King; in Petersburg by Mrs. Puller; in
Cad own by Mrs. Duncan, and in Hamp
ton J. 11. dulebaugh.
J y 9, 1847-4 t.
r j ETTERS of Administration on the
I Estate of ELIAS JACOBS, late of
East Berlin, Adams county, deceased, hav
ing been granted to the subscriber, residing
in Paradise township; York county, notice
is hereby given to all persons indebted to
stud estate to call anNettle the same with
out delay, and those having claims against
said estate are reßuested to present the
same, properly authenticated, tor settle
Jul 16. Ow
WM. & C. RUTIIRAUFF have re
ceived a very large riasortment of
FANS, from 3 eta to $1.25.
ill be published in Washington, I). C.,
on the Seventh of _December next,
The United States Reporter,
A Daily Journal of Government, Legislative and
General News.
TMIRE subscriber ie now enabled to announce
the completion of his arrangements for the
establishment of a well organized and Independent
Journal of News at the Seat of the General Gee.
unment. The .leading features of "The United
States Reporter" will be the tollowint. •
1. Early intelligence of the movements of the
various Departments of the Gorernment, in refer•
core to Domestic affairs and to the Foreign rale
tions of the country, will be given with scrupu
lous fidelity. Possessing peculiir facipties for otr.
mining information. the "Reports!" wili,be ena
bled frequently to communicate, exclusively, in•
telligence of the most impoitapt character.
It. The verbatim Rejiorts of the Proceedings
and Debates of the U. States Semite, which the
proprietor is bound to furnish dailysto that body,
in accordance with the terms of tit, contract made
at the close of the last session of Congress. The
arrangements now made will at once fully secure
to the Senate of the United States im authentic
and complete tecord of its debates; and to the pea
ple— n in a greatly enlarged degree—the benefit of
the experience, sagacity, and statesmanship of
that body to which they'have ever looked with
solicitous and respectful regard. '
111. The Proceedings and Debates in the House
of Representatives Will also be given, with full
ness, impartiality, and the utmost promptitude.
Eachsday's record will completely made up,
and appear in the "Repdger" next morning.
IV. A Synoptical V law of the Proceedings and
Debates of all the State Legislatures will be regu
larly given. Members of Congress, and all clas
ses of readers, will thus be kept fully and syste
matically informed of domestic legislation in all
sections of the U. States.
V. Early intelligence of all important move
ments in the Legislatures of Great Britain and
France wilt be communicated by every steamer
from Europe, through Reporters in London and
Nil., who possess peculiar facilities for obtaining
VI. ,The General News of the Day will be itiv
en in a condensed Conn, with industry and atten
Such is a brief view' o 1 what the "United States
Reporter" is designed. to be. All the plans and
arrangements have been call matured, and the
hope is confidently cfieridied that the "Reporter"
will prove itself an efiergetic, industrious. dignifi
es!, and perfectly independent journal. It will
have no party views—no political bias. The pro
prietor, by the terms of his contract with the
Senate of the U. States, is bound to the condition
that "the_ paper shell contain no political discus
sions except the debates." It will be a vehicle of
news, not the organ of any set of opinions. The
grand alinftstthe subscriber is to establish at the
seat of Csniernment a faithful and momptkeporter
of all sorts of intelligence--u respetudift agent, so
which the politician, the business man; the manu
facturer. the mechanic, and every one interested in
the affairs of Congress and the Government, may
rely nt all times with Implicitvonfidence.
It is believed that the establishment of such a
reliable Journal of Intelligence, on terms which
place it within reach of the great masses of the
people, at the commencement of what promises to
be a most interesting and eventful period in the
history of Congressional proceedings; will be re
garded with favor by all classes of the communi
ty ; and, having thus stated his objects, the sub
scriber respectfully solicits a liberal and general
support from the enlightened public of the United
Stenographer to the Senate of the U. States.
The" United States Reporter" will be printed on
a large and handsome sheet, and issued every
morning, except Sundays, at the rate of p per an
num ; single copies 2 cts.
In connection with the daily paper, there will
be issued from the same establishment.
This publication will contain exclusively the
reports of the proceedings and debates of the Con
gtess of the U. States. It will be issued semi
weekly, in an elegant quarto form, throughout
the sessions of Congress. and will be furnished to
subscribers at the rate of two dollars for the long
session, bnil one dollar for the short session, It is
believed that this great national work will be
deemed indispensable in the library of every pub
lic institution, politician, and professional man,
throughout thf country ; and that it %sill be re
garded by the great mass of the people as the very
best political text book for their own instruction
and that of their children.
111 ,, ItTANT As:tun:se KKK r --Throughout the
session of Congress, Estrus will be issued from the
office of the "United States Reporter, - containing
the reports of all such debates as may possess par
ticularly exciting interest.
All subscriptions and communications to be
postpaid and addressed to "J. A. HoesTos, U. S.
Reporter, Washington, D. C."
(tr , all the remedies recommended, in la
WI" years, for the cure of coNsummrioN
Cdughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Liver Com
plaint, Spitting Blood, Difficulty of Breathing,
Pain in the Side and Breast, Palpitation of
the Heart, Influenza, Croup, Broken
Constitution, Sore Throat, Ner
vous Debility, end all disea
ses of the Throat, Breast
and Lungs:
None has been found 114,011? CILIT•IN and PCRMA•
:MIT in its curative power over these, so general
and often fatal diseases, than the above prepara
tion. The Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood
Naptha is an unparalleled remedy. In addition to
the healing power of Tar—the virtues of which,
in affections of the lungs, is universally acknowl
edged—there is combined with it in this prepara
tion the active principles of someof the most cer
tain Tonic Vegetable Pectorals, which unite to
make it the most valuable medicine ever offered
to the public for the cureof the diseases for which
it is applaud, so that it never fads, if taken in
time, to produce the intended Oat.
Among the testimonials to the value of the a
bove medicine, are several from distinguished phy
sicians of Philadelphia. Read the following from
Dr. Young, the eminent oculist:
Philadelphia, Jan. 18, 1847.
Having used in my practice, as well as in my
own family,"Tbomson Compound'Syrup of Tar`
and Wood Napths," I have no hesitation in saying
that it ii the best preparation of the kind in use
for persona suffering from. Consumption, .Coughs.
Colds, and all affectiontof the Throat, Breast, &c.
so prevalent at this season of the yriu.
152 Spruce street.
Read also the following from a man who will
at any time corroborate its statements.
Philadelphia,Dee. 4, 1847.
_Penetrated with
_a ,deep sense of gratitude for
the benefit experienced by the one of Thonnon's
Compound Syrup of Tar, and that others who,
like me, have languished throuh years of affliction
and Suffering, without being a ble' o find a remedy
may know where Wean be obtained, 1 voluntarily
make the following statement.
About four years since, after biring_affected with
a violent cold, it left upon me a troublesome and
severe cough. Whilst the cough Contjatied,whieli
was with scarcely an intermission during this
long period, language fails to tell what I have suf
fered from debility, pants in the breut and aids
night sweats, difficult expectoration, oppressej
breathing, and in fact all those symptoms which
mark a severe pulmonary affection. The relief
occasionally obtained by the discharge of the mat
ter Which obstructed the healthy action of -my
system, but increased my fears, as the purulent
matter discharged was 'frequently streaked with
During this time I was under the treatment of
several physician's, and took many of those prepa
rations recommended as serviceable In the cases
of others,
but without relief : and I at length con
eluded that a cure in my case was hopeless. But
how agreeably changed is now my opinion! I
have used for about three weeks Thomson's COM.
pound Syrup of Tar, By the use of one bottle my
cough has been relieved and my system reinvigo
rated, and by continuing the use of It up to this
time, I am satisfied that my complaint is entirely
removed and eradicated.
R. KEARNEY, 242 S. Seventh at,
gg"This invaluable remedy is prepared only by
Angney& Dickson, It E. Corner of Fifth and
Spruce streets, Philadelphia, and can be had of the
following Agents
S. S. Forney, Gettysburg.
R. Angney,
• P.'Lange, Hanover.
Price ol large bottles ,i,(11). Beware of imita.
awn! [Apia 30, Ibl7-1y
Stanton's External Remedy,
ices now universally acknowledged to be the
a INFALLIBLE REMEDY •for Rheumatism,
spinal affectious, contractions of tbe muscles, sore
threat and quinsy; issues, old ulcers, the
back and chest, - ague in the breast and face, tooth
ache, sprains,. bruises, salt, Thiokol, burns, croup,
frosted feet, and all nervous diseases. The trium
phant success which has attended the application
of this most wonderful medicine in curing the most
ermine cases of the different diseases abose named,
and the high meantime that bare been bestowed
upon it, wherever it has been introduced, gives
me the right to call 011 the afflicted to resort at
once to the only remedy that can be reliedon.
Last Berlin, Pa., May 28, 1847.
Dear Sire—l consider it my duty to express
my sentiments, in behalf of your invaluable med
icine milled .Ifansdei Liniment. • -
I have for. some—time peat •ustat-the Liniment
n my practice, for Vatiolla disease•, and feel sat
sfied, from the Success attendoselts application,
hat it merits all that can be said in its behalf'.
I consider it one of the best external remedies
I have ever used in cases of Totter, Ringworm,
salt Rheum, pains, bruises, nuts, swellings, &c.
The cheap rate at which the articles is to be
had, places it within the' reach of all. It should
form the principal external remedy of every tardily.
Hampton, Adams Co., Po. May ta,
Dear Sir—l feel bound to the afflicted to give
publicity to the extraordinary effects of your in.
valuable External Remedy, called Hunt's Lmi
My daughter, a girl of twelve years old, had
been afflicted with Iffhinc Sire/ limes, in one of her
legs, directly below the knee joint, for several
months, during which time her sufferings have
been excruciating and deplorable. I called on a
Fhysician, who, during frequent visits, made use
of every means in his power to orrest the fell de
stroyer, but all without effect The leg continued
swelling, until it opened, forming various din
greeable ulcers, rendering amputation necessary
unless immediate relief be had. Fortunately, how
ever, on the firstday of December last, your agent
having been in our village, and hearing of the std.
ferings of my daughter, he sent me one bottle of
your Liniment, The use of which alone, thank God,
has not only arrested the further progress of the
disease, but has cured the leg perfectly, removing
all pains and swellings, pod restored the leg to its
proper use:
J am under many obligations to your kind agent
who thus, by one bottle of your invaluable medi
tine, saved the leg of my daughter from corpora
hon. Your Liniment should tind its way into ev
ery family. MOSES PHILLIPS.
May 211, 1847.
"We, the undersigned, citizens of Hampton, are
acquainted with Moses Phillips, and know him to
he a man of truth. and that the facts as set forth
in his certificate, are correct."
This Liniment is sold at 25 and 50 cents per
bottle by all the principal Druggists and Mereh
Orders addressed to me at Sing Sing, N I*, will
be attended to. G E STANTON, Proprietor.
Inolesult Agents—Hoadly, , Phelps & Co 14'2
Water street, Rushton & Co I In Broadway, A B
&DSands,eorner Fulton and W intern, Aspinwall
Stl William street, New York; Cuthbert & Wells
erill it) !otith Second Philadelphia.
AGENTS.—SamueI H. Wielder & S.
S. Forney; Orttysburg ; Abraham King.
Hunterstorn ; E. Zuck, Pinetoten ; Ja
cob Hollinger, Heidlersburg, ; Ilollinger &
Ferree, Petersburg, (F. S.) ; Jacob Aula-
Hampton ; Geo. S. Bentzel, and J.
S. Hildebrand & Co., East Brrlin.
June 11, 1817. [Dec, 2-Iy]
Protection 'against Lass by
Fe re.
igruutiE-cumberiand, Valley Manta! Protection
Company, - being incorpointerl by an Act of
the Legislature, and bully °reached and in opera'
twit under the'ilirection of the falio s leg Pisani of
Managers, viz T C Miller, James Weakly, 1) W
M'Cullough, A G Miller. T A IWKinley, Philip
spangle', Samuel - Galbraith, Samuel 'lntl, Abin
King, (Adams.) John Zug, Samuel Elusion, J
Green. J lieu—call the attention of the inhabit.
ants of Cumberland and Adams counties to the
cheapness of the rates, and the many advantages
which this kind of Insurance hus over any other.
Ist. Every person Maltreat becomes at member
of the company and takes part in the selection of
officers and the direction ni its concerns.
21. For insurance no mole is demanded than is
necessary meet the expenses of the Company,
and indemnity against losses - which may happen.
:tit. The inconvenience of fieipient renewals it
avoided by insuring for a teini of five years.
4th. Any person applying for insurance nine
give- his piemium note for the cheapest class at
the rate of five per cent., vi Inch wtiiie on the
10(10, for which he will have to pay $.1..50 for tire
years and $1 .4 for survey and policy. and on
more unless loss be Suatained to a greater amount
'than the funds on hand will cover, and then no
more • than a pro rata share. These rates are
much cheaper than those of other companies. ex•
I eid such as are incorporated on the same mind
dies. T. C. MILLER, President.
A. G. MILLI'''. Secretary.
arThe following named persons have been ap-
pointed algenis for Adams County :—Wm W Pax
ton, Esq. General Agent for Adams county ; .1 A
Thompson and H Ziegler, Gettysburg ; Dr. Wm
Stewart, Petersburg; Henry Myers, New flics•
ter; Henry Mayer. Abbottstown ; Daniel Corn
fort, Straban township ; Abrahlsm King. Hunters
town ; David Blythe, Fairfield; T T Wiettnan,
Arendtsville ; Wm Morrison and Abel T Wright
Bendersville; Dr. 1) Mellinger, East Berlin ; Ab'm
Scott. Cashtown.
Sept. 13, 1846.—tf
01 1 .1liiisterlx Gist net tot,
FOR the cure of external Sores, Scrof
ulous' affections, Liver . Complai nt,
Quinsy, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Pains in
the Chest, Tumors, Diseases of the Skin,
Piles, Corns, Rheumatism, &c., &t., for
sale at the Drug Store of
Gettysburg, June 25.—tf
ate., of beat quality, can always be had at
the Fancy Store of C. WEAVER.
April 10, 1846.
WE have just received a handsome
assortment of plain and fringed
P ARASOII4, which we will be pleased to
show to„:41 who favor us with a call.
r11:11-8 attention of the Ladies is directed
• to the very handsome assortment of
White Goods, (plain, plaid and striped,)
utitinnaly large, at the Chesp•tBore of
Ii published cony Friday Etiening,in Ike
Couilty Building, above the Register
• and Recorder's Office, by
Vault a.
le paid in advance,or within the year, $2 per
annum—if not paid within the year, $2 50, No
paper discontinued until all arrearagee arepaid—
except at the option of the Editor. Single copies
61 cents. A failure to notify a discontinuance
will be regarded as anew engagement
Advertisements not exceeding a square inserted
three Limes for sl—every subsequent insertion
25 cents. Ilin : ier ones in the same proportion.
All advertisements not specially orderedfor agiw
in time, will be continued until forbid. A liberal
reduction Will be made tothose who advertise by
the year: •
Job Printing of all kinds executed neatly and
promptly, and on reasonable terms.
Letters and Communications to the Editor, (ex
cepting such es contain Money or the mimeo of
new subscribers) must be ruse Iltb e in order to
secure attention. '
Promptly ape!. I):,.frlit4 SO u. a / mot
'lumber l •
aro 0 substantiate the above fact many hundreds
AA... of testimonials could be adduced, out of
which the Toßowinkete 'elected, Com utdlYiduals
of standing and veracity. Indeed, it is confident
ly affirmed that each new, trial of .tbe power of
this remedy will have an additional tendency to
widen; and confirm its fame, an,4,thet if it wets
universally known and diffused over the U, Slates.
it would save not less than many hundreds, if
not thousands of lives annually.
I do certify that a vial of Dr. M'Lane's Ameri
can Worm Specifitexpelled five hundred and two
whole worms, and !deceit thai s lri have made
sixty more, from a boy of JohnLewellinglabich,
if laid in a straight line, would have most ;dribs
bly measured the enormottelengtb of one hundred
Owner of Water Forge, and other works, klooon
., galia county, Va.
Ilia is to certify that 1 purchased from Holmes
& Kidd a vial of Dr. Nll.rine's "interim Worm
Specific. and gave' two doses to a Vey of mine
about three yen of age. Ho passed fully ball a
pint of worms. The quantity was sio large I was
'really alarmed,aod called in severe of my neigh
bors to see them- Had this story been related to
me, 1 could not have credited it, withont being an
eye-witness to the sarne. My child's health Wl
proved much alter. SAAPL MORRISON,
Merchant Tailor, Wood at., Pittsburg.
Hear Medical Testiniony.
From a regular Physician, Dr. G, S. Smith, Sun-
fish, Ohio
Mr. J. Kidd—Dear Sir: I bays used in my
practice Dr. M'Laue's American Worm • Spscifici
and hare often witnessed its efficacy in-expelling
worms from the system. A patient of mine, a
short time ago, gave w vial of the Worm Specific
to a child and in • short time upwards oi, 13.5
worms were expelled.
1)r. A. P. oryell certifies that he hits frequent
ly cued the Speeific in his practice, and with in,
varying success, it never failing to expel from 25
to 150 worms.
A child of mine passed one-third of • pint of
worms with one vial of Dr. AllAne'll Worm Spe
cific. It is truly • surprising medicine.
T. Biarkberne, Peebles township.
Surprising Teas of Dr. 111' Leme's Won..
- Specific.
On Saturday Feb. 1. 1845, Mr. James Richard
ton called at the office of J. Kidd & Co. and made
the following statement :
A child of mine hail been 'very sick for same
jen days; we had given her purgative medicine,
but it had done uo good. One of oar neighbor.
came in and said that it.was worms that was de
stroying tbeelild, and at the same time spoke of
the wonderful effects she had Witnessed from using
Dr. M'Lane's Worm Specific in that neighborhood.
We procured a vial, gave one teaspoonful, when
the child discharged 12 large Invites. - Lgave a
nother teaspoonful, which brought away 46 more,
in all 88 worms. As a duty I owe to you and the
community I freely make known them facts. My
child is now• well. What is very temarkable. the
Worm Specific expelled the worms alive is about
four hours after I gave the medicine.
N. B. Be particular to inquire for Dr. IWlrnie's
American Worm Fpecitic, or Patent Tenniloge.
Prepared for the Proprietor by J. KIDD k Co.
W holeari le b. Retail I)reggrata, Wood at. Pirtsbutg.
(13 - The ribute medicine can be had of the MI
lowing agent.r.
N. IT. Buehler, Gettysburg; J. Lower,
.9rendtsville ; .1. & C. M'Xnight. lieu-
derstille ; J. S. Hollinger, Heidlersburg
liolizinger At Ferree, Petersburg; Jacob
Aulebaugh, Hampton ; J. T. Hildebrand,
E. Berlin ; Peter Middy, ilhitioneathirg;
Win. Bolinger, "Ibbottsinuna; C 5114.114110-&
Co. 'Wboleaale Agents, Liberty at. Balti
more, Md.
Feb. !10,
Indian Ii getable Panacea.
INA perleneed the rztrmmliumy efficacy of
your Dr. Cullen's Indian Vegetable I antlers upon
my own perron, a leeling of gratitude or your
wiludeloil Incm cry, and a desire that pier Med
icine's should he ki.utt n and appreciated by the
has Unloved me thus voluntarily to gise
yeti an account or my care, hoping that others
who may bean ontoritinate as 1 have been. may
be induced to throw melodies aside and site your
Panacea a fair trial.
In February, INV:, a lump or turner font ap
peared upon the spine orally right lea , . and anoth
er on the. Inner part of my breast Rear the Junc
tion of the ribs; they increased atonally until the
eutly part nl Julie, about which time they became
very painful. In July the tumor OR the left leg
rircaarrn and became a twining vote, extending
twit until it was half the : rise of. a men's hand,
and had eaten into the hone, and one or two 'mai
ler ulcers appeared below the uncle. :lly physi
c= and others pronounced it Scrofula. Up to
this time every remedy used gave no relief; the•
leg continued to yet worse; &trine the emly part
of August my sufferings %ere intense. I neither
went to bed or slept regularly for nearly two
weeks, being compelled to set np, with my leg
supported on a choir. About this time my FOR
brought home with him from Cincinnati market
one of your circulars, which bail bees thrown in-:
to-the wagon. I read it, -and knowing tome el
tire signers to the Certifieate of the env of Mr.
Brooks, and believing from my knowledge of their
characters that they would mot ked their name*
for the purpose of palming en imposition upon
the public, 1 concluded co try what Opp it would
have upon me. On the 20th of Atigitill procu
red the first bottle. commenced taking it accord
ing to directions. and in foor hours the rain was
so much relieved that I fell asleep and enjoyed that
greatest of blessings, a few hours repose. I con
tinued using it until the 18th of August, when 1
:mind myself re much better that I went to Cin
cinnati to your Agent, Mr. Darenhour, with whom
I made arrangements to take 20 bottles, provided
he would guarantee to cure me. Be "steed to do
so, and gave me the privilege,efirtorping abort of
the 20 bottles,-whenever I considered myself well.
1 now felt encouraged, and continued to no it un
der Mr. D's instructions, until I had taken 12 hot-
ties, (osing no other medicine whatever.) when I
found myself entirely well ; the tumor on my
breast having softened. it opened, came out, end
was healed op when I had taken it er 7 bottles:
will here observe, that for many years I bed
n troubled with a kind of dry Toter, which
g fly annoyed me, particularly when heated br
in bed ; I have telt nothing of this 'inns ta
king .nr medleibe, end have no doubt that my
syitern fs now entirely firifront dinar"; my gen
end health never having been better. A•
On the 3d of Deeember I again called oh Mr.
Danenhowei. I then pronounced myself well sad
offered to give him a Certificate to that 4104
which I promised in tend him in a few days. A
few days thereafter, however, while tilling Wogs.
I hurt the same leg badly. ia centetputrico of
which I postponed giving the proMited
este, wishing thoroughly to teat the perimuiency
of the cure. I nuw used nothing bet the Hatt
simple remedies for fresh wounds, act found my
404 per fretly healthy, and in rho naval time fop
such ems my leg healed. fiullieleat time has s.
lapsed to convince me 0101 am now a sound man
end that I have been cured by your Paratea alone.
in AMA. I have every confidence in its virtue,......
Persons desirous of obtaining further particulars.
can be •nrstified by calling at my sesidenee. at
Muddy Creek, Hamilton county. Ohio.
Personally appeored before me, the aubserlber,
mayor of said city, Davin 101 MAX, who, being
sworn, deposes and says that the facts sit forth it
the foregoing statement are true. In testimony
whereof, I have hereunto set my name, linden**
tie Corporate Seal of the said City to be sabred.
this fourth day of March, 1847.
• • H. E. SPENCER,. Mares:
Sold, wholesale and retail, by Rowans &
yarr,-Preprieters , 370 Market street, Philadelphla,
and by the following Agents:
S. It. Buehler, Gettyablirg.
Wen. Billinger. Abbottatewah
Lilly lk Riley. Oxford.
T. J. Cooper, Franklin tp. ,
August G, 1b47.-2m