AGRICIALIPURAI" RIPE BIZEAT) Bread made of wheat flour, when taken out of the oven, is unprepared for the sto mach. It should go through a change, or ripen before it is eaten. Young persons, or persons enjoying vigorous health, may bread immediately after being haken, without any sensible injury trout it; but a g ed or weakly persons connotand none eats cat Without doing harm to to this diges r , I tivC orgrns. Bread, after being baked, goes through a change similar to the eltriage in newly brewed beer,.or newly churned bin ter-milk, neither being healthy until after the change.' .During the change in bread, it contains a large portion of carbon, or un healthy gas; and imbibes a large portion oxygen or healthy gas. Bread has, accord ing to the computations of physicians, ore fifth more nutriment in it when ripe, than , when just out of the oven. It not only has Arturo nutriment, but im parts a greater degree of cheerfulness.-- Ile that eats old ripe bread, will have much g reat e r flow of animal spirit's, than he would were he to eat unripe bread. Bread, as before observed, discharges carbon and imbibes oxygen. One thing in 'connexion with :this thought shotild be particularly noticed by housewives. It is this, to let the bread ripen where it can inhale the ox'- yen in a pure state. Bread Will alvSays taste of the air Math - surrounds it while ripening ; hence it shindil ripen where the air is Pure. It should never ripen in a cellar, nor in a close cupboard, nor , in' a bed-Morn. The noxious vapors RI a cel lar or cupboard never shoeld enter into and form a part of the bread we eat. Bread should:be light, well baked, and properly ripened before it should be eaten. Bread that is several days old, may be renewed so as to have all the frealtheas and light -L 'less of new bread,liy simply pilling itin-. to 'a common steamer ober the fire, and steaming it half or three qoatitre:4_,An hour. Tho vessel under the steamer con, taining the water should nut be mute' thin half full, otherwise, the water may boil •up in the steamer and wet the bread; After the bread is steamed. itrahould be takes out of the steamer, and wrapped loosely in cloth to dry, and cool, and remain so a short time, when it will be ready tcebecut and used.. It will be then like told new bread.--American Farmer. TO PREPARE BONES FOWM,kNIPRE. As mills fur grinding bodes are- very costly, it is a great desideratum for the far mer to kndw he can diliciWise' pr picid theta fur his crops. By the folloWing pie method he can reduce them to a fine powder and' increase theirrehur fourfold "'rake MO pounds .of bone mid place them in a kettle, or in in old tub Unfit for -further use, or oven in a hollow scooped in the ground, - and made tight by tilting with clay. Next take from 30 to 35 lbs . ,. of oil of vitriol, (sulphdrie acid,) mixed with one-third to one-half its Weight of wa ter, and pour over the bones.. In a day or two the, bones will dissolve into a liquid paste, to which there must be added, by stirring. in,. wood ashes, or fine mould, /tor til it is of the consistency of thick mortar. Put the mixture tinder curer out of the way of rain, and in a few weeks it will be comesa light dry powder, which may be applied by the hand or otherwise to any kind of, land that may require it. In pre paring this mixture great care must be ta ken to keep the oil of vitriol front touching the clothes or skin, as it will burn them as badly as fire. . . oil of vitriol for this mixture must be of a firte-rare quality, otherwise it will require a greater quantity to dissolve the 'bones. The mixture answers best for' a turnip crop; but it' is highly valuable for other roots, as well as for grass and grain. It should be applied at the rata of 20 to 40 bushels to the acre, sown broad-cast on grass land in the spring, or on grain and turnip crops after harrowing in the seed. For . garden or field crops planted in rows or drills, as roots, corn, beans, peas, Ate. it may be_applied in the hills or rows at the time of sowing, or it may be afteiwarda sprinkled around the plants at the time of hoeing. 'CHARCOAL FOINPEACII TMICE.B.-..Mr. M. Cleveland, of Hartfonl, states in the Amer ican Agriculturii4, that having a favorite young Peach tree, the leaves of which were turning yellow, he removed the turf and soil near the roots, in a circle of about two feet in • diameter around the tree, and filled the space, to a level with the sur roundintsoil, with finepieces and dust of charcoal, which remained in the bottom of a boa. Th , •o result was surprising. 'l'he tree pt on fine healthy leaVes instead of the yellow *nee, and all other signs of sickness departed in 'a wonderfully short . apart of time. The tree again commenced growing,- and reatained perfectly !healthy until some years after, when it was .de• airoyed by die weight idiot crop of fruit assisted by a swat wind. !Cis worthy of note that this fruit. both iu quality and site, was is much improved as the appear ance of the tree itself. flostesti..--skeriter in the Genessee Far mer. nye be Itad ayiere of land on the et bowie, at_ da rk sandy Issue, so cow isletoly-ehe-ree with. sorrel as to cholas oqt saraisospring when. He ploughed The amdlilwass sole as lte /1111 , the wheat : 11111 mivik led wits wowed it with buck- wisest., ethic"' nomplotoly destroyed the aseirei. Nsete hes bete seen kr souse year. Jury List- 7 —August Term. GRAND JURY. Germany—Jonathan C. Forrest, Sainnel Berlin, Ephraim Swope. Straban—Armstrong Taughinhaugh, Samuel W. }Lohman, William Black. Hamillooban—Jacob Raffeneptazer, Samuel Co bean, oi . W. Wisotskey. Latirnotr--Fmultlin L. Myers, Hamilton—Emanuel Kuhn, R. M. Hutchieon. Union--William Weikett. Menallen—G. W. Rex, Adam Sowers, Nathan . Wright. Mountpleasant—Peter Weikett, Geo. Hagerman. Reading—Henry A. Picking. ' Berwick—Michael Slagle. Iluntinmlon—WilliamsPeters. I • Franklin—George Shakely. • . Conowago--David Wertz. Fmcdom—William Scott. ' • GENERAL JURY Conowago: F 111.1141 Liu* Lori . ictrtslig,, Jacob smith.. Germany : George Sehriren ISuouilen: Samuel Eyster, Samuel Diehl. Moutitpleasant Christian Hassler; Jahn Blair, Lewis Long. strwlnut: Saull F. Neely, lienry'llorman,Fred- erirft Forney. - „ . • Frai George Starer. Levi .Pitser.. Daniel Heintzlenian, Charles Mickley, Samuel Brady, John Chamberlain. Union i Daniel Geiselulan, Ignatius anestinger. fowling: Henry S. Hildebrand.' Mountjoy : George Musser., , , . . • . Hamiltonhan : Michael Herring,,Joimph Baugh. cr, Hugh Culbertion. Latiniore:' Levi LiMyy. • , • Cumberittrid : George Cluinn. Borough : G. B. Buehler. Henry Welly. Berwick t Joseph R. Henry, Jacob Blagle,-David 511. Myers. Tyrone: William Yeats. Huntingdon: WlUinin Webb. Freedom : James hlrCleary: TRIAL LIST. Nathaniel Bosworth vs. Thomas M'Kniaht. Flemming Gilliland vs. Samuel Witherow and T. C. Mil kT. _ Joseph-Kitchen vs. Meter Den;dcriff's Admirer. Ann 'Bilker Dr:Div - gaudy: Cominbreeeal h of Pe., use of Joirmh Caster, vs. Anthony Storm and Dr. Whl..Hombertt. Catharine bt'Kitight vs. Peter Studriwl - er. Glrich, Guardian of John Daughter vs. J. dr. L. Peters. • • James RUI , c. vs. Exce,utor.of PhiliP Group. deed. Predaihdr - Quithel vs. George tidier. Andrew Storlonnd Wife Iv... Peter Hoffman. Neal IrPCillion vs. Henty Houek'dt Casper My ' era. David Ziegler/re. Agnes Wallemyer, Henry liar man' and Andrew Hockey. David Gigabit:, Trance of - 11. RielenbaQh Francis Fisher. Citation against Thomas Craighead, surviving • Executor of Wet. Weakly, deceased, and the • °basset theta:4m; Rub upon Thomas iitangkiad, xecuter of Win. Weakly, deceased, to show' cause why an .at -• behment should not issue to hint. David Kendlehart vs. Oscar Latshaw. July 30,1847.- Ihtikrtittr KRA& CI_EORCE A RNOLD 'has just remit , eu aln additional supply of lan 1011 SRA /MOHO WHICH ARE rapsit .GROCEINUES, Domain l adtltn. , rukings, Cheeks, and Plaids. Gingham*, Calicoes, reket Cords, Drillings, Tweeds, Cas sitaetts, Fancy Cassinsw, /kn. •Sic., all of which are to be sold at pri ces to suit the times. Please call in and judge - for yours& vas. and if ,we cannot please, still we take pleasure in showing the. Goods. --'oettystrurg.-.1u1r23.-,-4-t Ma ORM, Ank F the very beat quality, and different flavors, can be had, at all times, at WEAVER'S Confectionary in Chambers burg street. _Families and Panties will be supplied with any desired quantity, at the shortest notice. CAKES and CONFEC TIONS of all kinds always on hand, and will A be furnished to order on reasonable terms. Geklysburg, July 23.—tf WOTICE. r E'rFERS , of Administration on the tA Estate of ELIAS JACOSS, late pt"' . East Berlin, AllBUlB county, deceased, hay. ing been granted to the subscribei, residing in Paradise township, York county, notice is hereby persons indebted- to said estate to call and settle the seine with out delay, anikthetto having claimsagainst said, estate are requested to present the same,• properly, authenticated; for settle ment. JOHN JACOBS, didm'r. July 10. Ow CrAMENESPO #.I,, • .o,'l • Dr. J. Lawrence 11111, 111180 . 110:4 DENTIST, RESPECTFULLY offers , his profes sional services to the citizens of Get tysbing and surrounding country.' prepared to attend to all eases usually en trustellao the Dentist, arid hopes, by strict attention to Dentistry, .alone, to be able to please all who see fit to entrust their teeth In his hands. Office at Mr.M"Cosh's Hotel. Gettysburg, July 23.—tf, • . 11101'1C% TS HEREBY GIVEN. That applies tion will be made by the • undersigned and othersoo the next Legislature of the• Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for the incorporation of a Company tinder the name and style, or intended name and style, of THE BeRLINSAVISOS INSTITUTION, capital Fifty Thousand Dollars, designed as an office of discount and deposit; and to be located in East-Berlin, Adams coun ty, Pa. David Mellinger, John Montt. . William Wolf, George &thwart; J. J. kulm, .1. H. Aulabaugh.' Charles Spangler, BarnetHildebrand, George King; , Isaac 'Primmer, George H. Binder, Abraham Trimmer, _ Diehl. ' David Hollinger Jnne 25, 1847.-6 m WATCHES,. of all kinds, z s a will bu cleaned and ropaired, at the shortest notice, at FRAZER'S Clock di, Watch Establishment, in Gettysburg. July 16, 1847. tf Whoever wants a First-rate TIME-PIECE CAN be accommodated by calling at ' FRAZER'S Clock & Watch EstabL lialiment, in Chambersburg street, Gettys burg,-nest door to Mr. Buehler's Drug Store—where a new lot of beautiful 24 hour atidli day CLOCKS have just been received from the City. They are of the best atfliducture, and will be warranted. Give us %call—they will be sold cheap. July 16, 1847. tf DYSPEPSIA, And and all Diseases of (lie Stomach and Bowels. DYSPEPSIA ; or Indigestion and its consequences.—An eminent Profes sor says: "It chiefly arises in peosons who lead either a very sedentary or Irregular life. Although not regarded as a fatal di sease, yet, if neglected, it.may bring on in curable Melatitholy, Jaundice;• Madness, or Vertigo, Palsy, and Apoplexy. A groat singularity attendant off it is,...tbst . lt_may and . often d . tts .estotint/.9:. a. ;rot. lenith - of ligueTitittlicit any remission Of ihe syrep toishs. CAUSES.—Grief and uneasiness of •mind, intense study, profuse evacuations, excess in venery, excessive use of spir itous liquors, tea, tobacco,- opium and other narcotics, immoderate repletion, o ver distention of the stomach, adefi cieft_in, the secretion -of the bile or stile juice, exposure to cold - and damp air-art thechiel causes of this disease, 'SYMPTOMS..,---Loss of appetite, nau. sea, heart-born. - acidity and -fmthrerneta tions, go wing the stomach when emp ty, Uneasiness in the throat, pain in the aide, costiveness, chilliness, languor, low net's of spirits, palpitations, and disturbed sleep.- ,„ I i ftgATMENT.—DR. ALLE N' S I'EGBTABLE COMPOUNDhus nev er failedin affording immediate relief and a radical cure for this disease. Principal Omen, No. 77 N. Eighth st. east side, Philadelphia. For -Foie in (Jet tyshurg by S. S. FORNEY. July 30, 1817.-1 y Sudden changes froin very hot to chilly weather, are unfavorable to health, and it is a fact universally admitted, that heat and moisture.are p•merful agents in producing disease, and that constant dry and .constan wet weather arc most filvorable to its gent eration, it tlooi . not signify what we call it, it may be ague, it may, be billions fever, it -may be yellow fever, it may be dysentery, it may be 'Rheumatism, it may be bronchi tis, it may be cholic, it may he constipation of the bowels, it may be inflamation of the bowels, it may be inflamation of the sto mach, it may be a nervou; affliction, but still it is disease, and a disease curable by the BRANDRETtI PILLS, because they re move all impurities from the body, all that can any manner feed die futther progress of the malady, no matter how called ; thus these pills are hot frinly The most proper medicine, but generally the only medicine that need or ought to be used. UrThe 01411 ill; Brandret Ws Pills can be halo he following Agentsl— J. Jl.• Stevenson 4-Co.,—Genysburg Jno. N. McCreary,—Petersburg. Arnhans Kenz,—Hunterstown. tllciirland,-- , Abbonstown. David M. C. filiie,—Hampton MS/Jerry fink,—Littlestown. Nary Dtincan,—Cashtowu. John Hoke,—Fairfield Jurie U.. 1847. • WATCHES, JEA ELRY, kc. THE Subscriber offers to the trade. or by retail, a large assortment of the following articles, being all of .hie own importa tion or manufacture. Buyers of goods in this line aro invited i n e x amine th e assortment, and cullers are so li c i te d. w i t h th e assurance that every ef fort will be made tO give satisfaction and in-, sure a continuance of custom. Gold & Silver Lover Watches of ordinary gamily Do do do of superior finial'. 110 do do Anchors & I.cpines Silver double caved English and SlVitlii serge Wattle*, with light medium and heavy caws. Gold Jewelry in all varieties, fine and common. Silver Plated, and Silver Wanes. Musical Dozes, playing 2,4, 6, Baud 10 tunes. Gold and Silver Spectacles. Diamond Pointed Gold Pees. Mantel .& Office Clocks, in gilt and other frames. Watchmakers' Tools and Materials of all sorts. Fancy Articles, Fancy Fans, Steel Deeds, &c. Having every facility forobtaining goods on the most adrantageous terms, corres ponding inducements will be offered to pur chasers. JOHN C. FARR, 112 Chesnut at. Phikuldphia 16, 1847.-6 m • LAW PARTNERSHIP. ILH E undersigned having formed a partnership for the practice of ,the Law, will attend the Courts of York and Adams, and also visit the neighboring coun ties if desired. Office in York street, Get tysburg, between the Bank and Public Of fices, whore one of the firm will constant ly attend, and whore communications will receive prompt attention. JAMES COOPER, B. G. M'CREARY. June 18, 1847.—0 m I .9W NOTICE. aro. 311011LJECIIIIMIX:1110. (Of Carlisle,) PRESENTS his respects' to his friends and informs them that he has made arrangements* continue to practic o as usual in the Courts of Adams county, under the new regulation of the times for holding them.. ' Jai". 80,1848. ; tf D, 3VCONAUGIIY, Attorney at Law, triFFIgE 1 0 Of S. W. corner of the 11,_, Public gquare, ono door \Veil of G. Arnold's 'Store, formerly occupied as a Office by John M'Conaughy, dec'd. He solicits, and by prompt and faithful at tention, to business in his pro Session, it will be his endeavor to merit, confidence and . 111*Coivsuonv will also attend promptly to all laminates entrusted to Min as R ifent and Solicitor for Painde and , Pensuma. He has made arrangements. through, which he can furnish very desire. Me facilities to applicants, and 'entirely here them from the necessity of a journey to Washington, on application to him per sonally or by letter. ' Gettysburg, April 2.—tf ALEX. It. STEVENt....OIII, ATTORNEY AT : LA W, OFFICE in the Centre Square, North. ` ll -F of the Court-house, between Smith's and Stevenson's corners. Gettysburg, Pa. T 110 111 AS 111 1 C ILE ARY L ATTMINEY u T LAW. OFFICE in the South 7 east Corner of the Diamond, between A. B. Kurtz's Hotel and It. %V. M'Sherry's Store. Gettysburg, Dec. 12, 1845.-4 REMOV A L, TH. REED has removed his Law el „s Office to the room one door East of Mr. Wattle's Hotel, and immediately op posite Dr. Horner's. April 0, 1817-Iy. N 3lllls,4llgill'i YOVlCialg OTICE is hereby given to all Legs. meet, and other perstms concerned, that the ADMINISTRATION AC- - COUNTS of the deceased persona herein after mentioned will be presented at the Or phans' Conrt of Adams county, for confir mation and allowance, on Monday the 16th day of August next, vis The account Of Joshua Matter, Admin istrator with the will annexed, of Lavinia ?Altair...deceased. The account of 'William Watley. Isom Weagly and • George Weagly, Executors of the last 'will and testament of John Weag ly, deceased. Th 6 account of Jacob ,Sanders, Admin istrator - or the estate of Alexander Ewing, deceased: • The account of Jesse Little, Administra. for of the estate of Andrew Little, who was Administrator of Ann Little, deceased. The account of George H. Binder, Ad ministrator of the estate - of.. Charles A. Fronk, deceased. The account of John Wolford, Admin istrator of the estate of Abel Walker, de ceased. The account of George Robinette, Ex ecutor of the last will and testament of Ja cob Sholl, deseased. The account of Andrew Lohr, Ad minis tra tor of the estate of Jacob Lohr, deceased. The account of Henry Myers and John B. Hoffman, Executors of the last will and testament of Barnhart Hollinan, deceased. The account of Moses Lock hart, one of the Executors of the last will and testa ment of James Lockhart, deceased. The account of John Dickson, Jr., one of the Executors of the last will and testa ment of James Lockhart, deceased. The account ofJames Cunningham, Esq. Executor of the last will and tee tament of James Wilson, deceased. • ROBERT COBEAN, Rtgister Register's Office, Gettysburg, July 18, 1847. Ej ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public generally that he has now on hand a large assortment of TLV If./IRE Of every description, which he will sell at moderate prices—all warranted. Persons wishing to purchase al low rales will do well to call before purchasing else where. HOUSE SPOUTING iOll be made and put up at 12i cents a foot. Gettysburg, March 12, 1847. & c, TIIIT HRAUFF WDULL) call the attention of persons to the stock of GROCERIES, which are now opened at their Cheap Store immediately opposite David Hoagy's Cabinet Ware House. Call and examine for yourselves. May 7, 1847. A Commentary for the People. IRtirOW publishing, the ECLECTIC C 05151 pi itIMI TART on the Bible, from the works DI Henry and Scott, and above one hundred other wri ters. ,The work is printed online paper, and with large clear type. It will be completed in 24 parts, of SO pages each, imperial Syo, all of which are now stereotyped. It will be beautifully illus trated by accurate dews of scriptural scenes, de signed expressly to embellish a Commentary, and executed by the most eminent artists. Tables and charts are likewise added, where necessary for purposes of illustratio ri, and the whole compri sing an valuable a series 01 illustrative engravings and embellishments, as has ever been united in a ny similar work. It may be used with any edi tion of the Bible. Will be published semi-monthly at 25 cents each part. The design of the Committee of the London Tract Society, under whose supervision the Eng lish work was prepared, has been to cover that ground where all evangelical denominations meet, and to make a plain and practical exposition of re ligious truth and duty. - • This work is based upon the commentaries of Henry and Scott, and more than one hundred oth er writers in the various departmenicof Biblical Literature; the most important observations of these eminent divines being quoted, constituting a digest of the most valuable •melts at which the learned men of allagechave arrived, in their crit ical study of the Holy Scriptures. Reference has been had to the wants ot Sunday School teacher* and of families engaged in the systematic study of the scri Inures. Perhaps there never was a juncture of time when true religion more greatly needed a safeguard gai nat attacks which are both boldly and insidi. °wily aimed at her vital principles; perhaps true religion ,was never in a more perilous position be tween open enemies and pretended friends, than at this part rc ular crisis ; and surely never was it more incumbent than now, on every true friend of her holy precepts, every conscientious master of a home-hold, every anxious. parent, guardian and protector, to be provided with the antidotes to the poison, which is so unscrupulously scattered a broad, or an argument against each dangerous fal lacy propounded to the injury and detri ment of that religion.which lathe faithful oracle of the Divine Creator, and she beat exponent of his will. ' The object of the compilers has bees to provide a come . nieMs*eumrotet rn size, moderate in price, and eui:ed to &nations , of every station, rank and denomination. "The fundy into alusenhands this work comes have ia their possession asters ot Biblics acienee and prarticsl instruction cd more value than gold. The republication is g giiat undertaking, and we hope it will receive an adequate support."—N. Y. Obserorr. , "This commentary hu enjoyed en extraordina ry popularity u a practical exposition of God's word. It differs front trey other, presenting the best evangelical illustrative and practical com- Menu which the editors Were able to select from the beet scholars, on eachiPassage in course. The text being omitted, it I, ambled to present a vest amount of learning In a small apace. The soUr. oss fram -which it is compiled afford a perfect guarantee of its soundness, both of doctrine and interretailon, while the'sdranisge of having the °Own ordidhrent commentators is apparent and very greet."—N. Y. Evangelist.. "We regard the Eclectic Commentary. now in course of` publication by Mr, Shannon, as especial-' ly deserving the patronage of Protestant Christ ians. Its cheapness, beautiful finish of mediae'. cal workmanship, and its comprehensiveness. em bracing, uit does, the cream of all the ablest com mentaries. all entitle it to very high considers. . tion."—Chrisriaa Parlor Magazine, We have received the most favorable notices from many distinguished Clergymen of various de nominations in this country, and also from the re ligious press, which cannot he inserted in a news paper adtertisernent on account of their length— they will be found on the cover of each part. HOBER'I"Y. SHANNON, rra Nassau street, N. York.. ••• Booksellers and agents supplied at thu reg ular trade prices. The numbers, as 'published will be sent by express to any part of the United, State*, by remitting the amount for the same, at the time of sending the order. June 18, 1847-121 . lrerfunsery, Soap, Pc. PERFUMERY, SOAPS, FANOY ARTICLES, TOYS, &c., for salo C WE:VER. April 10, 1840 ~11LALICIESMITHING. IHE undersigned has connected with hie Eosehinaking Establishment a large Smith shop, and is prepared to do all kinds of BLACICBMIIIICHIAG, including ironing Carrisgea, Buggies, Wagonos ,He would say to those who have Horses to shoe,that he has in his enp ploy first-rate hands, _which, with his per sonal attention, will enable him to give en tire satisfaction to all those who may favor him with a-call. Carrier/I' de / 1 1 1 ,1?/ SPrite# (warranted) will be promptly made to or der at all times. 1110'All kinds of REP.OIRING done both in Wood and Iron, at the most redu ced prices. 'Thankful for past encouragement, the subscriber solicits a continuance of patro nage, and invites his friends to call at his Establishment in p west C ham hersbnr_ street, a few "doors beloW — Thinnpson s Hotel. C. W. HOFFMAN. Gettysburg, Feb. 0, 1846. fi AMON]) TONSOR S. R. TIPTON. FASHIONABLE Barber and Hair Dreamer, has removed his "Temple' to the Diamond, adjoining the County Buil dings, where he can at all times be found prepared to attend to the calls of the public. From long experience ho flatters himself that he can go through all tbe isamifications of the 'fonsorical departments, with such an infinite degree of skill as will-meet the en tire satisfaction of all who may submit their chins to the keen ordeal of his razor. He hopes, therefore, that by attention to basi icas and a desire to please, be will merit as well as receive .a liberal share of public patronage. The sick will he attended to at their private dwellings. Oct. 10. • tf Protect ion against Loss by Fire. '‘Ciimberlnnd Valley Mutual Protection Company,' belts incorporated by an Act of the Legislature, end Aly organised and in opera. lion under the direction of the following Board of Managers, viz T C Miller, James Weakly, I) W M'Cullough, A G Miller. T A M'Kinley, Philip Spangler, Samuel Galbraith. Samuel Tritt, Ab'm King, (Adams,) John Zug, Samuel Huston, J T Greep, J Bear—call the attention of the inhabit• ants of Cumberland and Adams counties to the cheapness of the rates, and the many advantages which this kind of insurance has over any other. Ist. Every person insured becomes a member Of the company and takei part in the selection of officers and the direction of its concerns. 2d. For insurance no more is demanded than is necessary to meet the expenses of the Company, and Indemnity against losses which may happen. 3d. The inconvenience of frequent renewals is avoided by insuring tor a term of live years. 4th. Any person applying for insurance must give his premium note for the cheapest class at the rate of five per cent., which will beco on the lOW, for which he will have to pay $2 for for five years and $1 .O for survey arid policy, and on more unless loss be sustained to a greater amount than the funds on hand will cover, and then no vamp than a pro rata share.' :These 'rates are 'stitch cheaper than those of other companies, ex cept such as ate incorporated on the same princi ples. T. C. MILLER, President. A. G. MILL,a, Secretary. Erne - following named personr haVe been ap- pointed 4gcnis lor Adams County : Wni W Pax - ton, Ere.. General Agent for AilatA county; J A Thompson and D Ziegler, Gettysburg; Dr. Wm R Stewart, Petersburg; Henry Myers, New Ches ter; Henry Mayer, Abbottstown ; Daniel Com fort, Sul:than township ; Abrahapt King, Hunters town- David Blythe, Fairttsild ; T 'r Wierman, A rendtsville ; Wm Atairison and-Abel T Wright Bendersville; Dr. D Mellinger,East Berlin ; Scott. Cashtown. Sept. 13, 1846.—tf PROCLAMATION. ViT HEREVS the Hon. Wm. N. IR VINE, Esq. President of the several Courts of Common Pleas, in the counties composing the 10th District, and Justice of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all capital and other offenders in the said dis trict—and GEORGE SNYSER and JAMES M'Divirr, Esqs., Judges 8f the Colitis of Common Pleas, and General Jail Delivery for the trial of all capital and other offend ers in the county of ,Adams--have issued their precept, bearing date the 21st day of April, in th year of OUT LORD one thousand eight hundred - and forty-six, and to me directed, for holding a Court of Com, mon Pleas and General Quarter Sessions of the Peace and General Jail Delivery, and Court of Oyer and Terminer, at Get ysburg, on Monday the lath day of "Ju— rist next— .NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN To all the Justices of the Peace, the Coroner and Constables within the said County of Adams, that they be then and there in their proper persons, with their Rolls, Records, Inquisitions,,,Examinations and other Re liteMbentfeest to do those things which to ihtitr — ofEces and in that behalf appertain to be done, and also they who will prose cute against the prisoners that are or then shall be in the Jail of the said County of Adams, and to be then and there to pros ecute against them as shall be just. BENJAMIN SCHRIVER,Sherj". Bherilr's 0111 es, Gettysburg,j, -- - July 9, 1847. 5 3i CIIE4P 111171120112U3 & JEWELRY .dt the Philadelphia Watch and Jcwelck Store, No. 08, North Second . atteet, corner of Quarry. Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled, 18 cu. cases, *45.00 Silver Lever do. full jewelled, 23 00 Silver Lever do. 7 jewels, 18.00 Silver Lapine do. jewel'd, Ist qual. 14 00 :uperior Quartier Watches, , 10 00 Imitation' do. not warranted, 5. Q 0 Gold Spectacles, 8 00 . Fine Silver, Spectacles, .1 75 Gold Bracelets, with, topaz stones, 350 Ladies' Gold Pencils, 1,5 carats, 200 Gold Finger Eine, 87 . eta to ; Watch Glasses--plain 12 clis ; patent .18; lunet 25. Usher articles in proportion. All goods warranted to be what they are sold for. ' 0. CONRAD. On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers, Lepinee and Quartlers, lower than the a bove prices.° • • Dec. 4, 1040.—fly ISABELLA. NURSERY. GETTYOUVRO, PA., VIRUIT TREES, of all kinds. (grafter in the r 001,) can be had of ate sUb scriber on reasonable terms. LletteP cal cud judge for yourselves. C. W. 1100 MAN. Gettysburg, May 20, 1690. THE AMERICAN REMEDY. THOMSON'S COMPOUND SYRUP ar TAR , AND WOOD NAPTLIA. all the remedies recoronwded, in late pm= for. the eure or CONSUMPTION, Coughs., C old', Asthina,'Broochiffin Liver Corti.: plaint, Spitting Blood,Ditheulty el Breathing, Pain in the Side and Breast, knlyitaticei of - the Heart, Influenza, Croup, lirok yy Constitution, Sore 'Throe, Nei; woe Debility, and all disea ses of the,Thront, Brea" • • , and Lungs: , None has been found more cesTars and enema sot in its curative power over these, so general and often fatal diseases, then tbe above prepara tion. The Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Naptha is an unparalleled remedy. fiaildition to the healiog power of Tar—the virtues of-which, in affections of the lunge, is univenially acknowl; edged—there is combined with it in this prepare tiou the active principles of some_of the most cep . thin Tonic Vegetable Pectorals, which unite to make it the most valuable medicine ever offered to the public for the cumin' the diseases for which it is employed, so that it Never falls, if taken in time, to produce the intended effect. Among the testimonials to the value of the a bove medicine, am several from distingui.bed phy , sicians or Philadelphia. Aced the following ttom Dr. Young, the eminent oculist : Philadelphia, Jan. 18, 1847. Having used in my practice, as well as in my own family,"Thumson a Compound Sirup of Tar and Wood Naptha," I have no hesitation, in saying that. ii-is-tlasi-hea. peipaseSioni itislin• use for persons suffering from Consumption,Coughs, Cords, and all affections of the Throat, reast,&c. so prevalent at this season of the tear. WM, YOUNG, M. I). 152 Spruce street. Reed also the following from a man who will at any time corroborate its statements, MOST WONDERFUL CURE. Philadelphia, Dec. 4, 1847 Penetrated with a deep acme of gratitude for the benefit experienced by the use of Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tar, and that others who, like me, have languished through years of affliction and suffering, without being able to find a remedy may know where it can be obtained, 1 voluntarily make the following statement. About four years since, alter being affected with a violent cold, it left upon me a troublesome and severe cough. Whilst the cough continued, w hich was with scarcely an intermission during this long period, language fails to tell y% hat 1 have suf- Mred from debility, pains in the breast and side, night sweats, difficult expectoration, oppressed breathing, and in tact all those symptoms which mark a severe pulmonary affection. The relief occasionally obtained by the discharge of the mat ter which obstructed the healthy action of my system, but increased my leers, as the purulent matter discharged, was trequently streaked with Stood. During this time I was under the treatment of several physiciuns,and took many of those prepa rations tecummended as serviceable in the cases of others, but without relief : and 1 at length con cluded that a cure in my case was hopeless. But how agreeably slinfiged is now my opinion I I have used fur about three weeks Thomson s Com pound Syrup 0! tar. By the use of one bottle my cough has been relieved and my system reinvigo rated, and by continuing the use of it up to this time, I urn satisfied that my complaint is entirely removed Lind eradicated. K. KEARN E Y, $. Seventh st it3 - Thls invalnnble retnedrurprorafed titity'bf Angiley & Dickson, N. E. Corner of Filth and Spinet, streets. Philadelphia. and can be haul oldie folla.ming Agent.: S. S. Forney, Gettysburg. • B. lingney, Carlisle. 1). I'. Lange, Llattover. Price of large bottles $l,OO. Beware or imita. tionsl [April :to, tat ;—ty Stanton's Lxternal Mcuaedy, EINEM lIUN'I"S LINIMENT, S now unit ersally acknowledged to be the IN FA LI. IBL 1, Ia:MEDI' tor hlteumatisin, spinal affections, contractions ol the muscles, Wit tnroat and 1113111>y, I.,SUCS. old ulteis, pains is the back and cheat, ague in the breast and lace, tooth ache, sprains, bruises. salt Omani, burns, croup, frosted feet, and all nervous diseases. 'I Ite trmnr pliant se/cress which has attended the application ol this most : treader/id medicine in curing the most severe cases of the different diseasts mhos e named, and the high enroniumi that have been beetroot:Al upon it, wherever it has been introduced, gases me the right to cull on the apard to resort at once to the only remedy !hot can be relied on, CER I !kW:VI F Eag Orlin, Pu., May 28, 1847. Geo. E. STA V NTON, Dear Sir,—l consider it my duty to express my sentiments, in behalf of your invaluable met . mine called Hunt's Liniment. have for bowo time past used the Liidment in my practice, for various diseases, and peel sat iatied, from the success attending its application. that it merits all that can be said in its behalf. I consider it one of the best external tumefies I have ever used in cases of Tatter, Ilingwurni, Salt Rheum, pains, bruises, cuts, cm springs, &c. The cheap rate at which the articles is to be had,-places it within the reach 01 all. It should torm the principal Wawa/ remedy of every lamily. DANIEL BAKER, M. D. Hampton., rfdarns Co., Pa. Mey 1847- Gro. E. Smainvroti, Dear 'Sir—l reel bound to the afflicted to give publicity to the extraordinary effects of your in valuable External Remedy, called Hunt's Lini ment. My daughter, a girl of twelve years old, had been afflicted with IVAile Swellings, ni one of her legs, directly below the knee joint, for several months, during which time her sufferings have been excruciating and deplorable. I called on Physician; who, during frequent visits, made use of every means in his power to orrest the tell de stroyer, but all without effect The leg continued swelling, until it opened, forming various dial greeable ulcers, rendering amputation necessary unless immediate relief be bad. Fortunately, how ever, on the lint day of December last, your agent having been in our village, and hearing of the suf ferings of my daughter, he sent me one bottle of your Liniment, the use of which alone, thank God, has not only arlitated_the further progress of the disease, bolas cured the leg perfectly, removing all pains and ewellinp, and restored the leg to its proper use. I am under many obligations to your kind agent, who thus, by one bottle of your invaluable medi cine, saved the leg of my, daughter from ompaa lion. Your Linimenf should find its way into ev ery family. MOSES PHILLIPS. May 29, 1847. "We, the undersigned, citizens of Hampton, are acquainted with Moses Phillips, and know bim to be a man of truth. and that the ficts as set forth in his ceriiticate are correct." GEORGE FORtOR, JACOB DEARDORFF, JACOB AULABAUGH, WM. A. ALBERT, SOLOMON ALBERT, JOEL GOCHENOUR. • This Linimenit is sold at 25 and 50 cents ,per bottle by all the principal Druggists and Merck chants. - • - Orden addreased to me at Bing Sing, N Y, will be attended to. G E STANTON, Proprietor. Wholesaie algeorre—Hoadly, Phelps & Co 1.12 Water stteit, Rushton & Co 110 Broadway, A 13 & D eands,corner Fulton and William, Aspinwall $0 William street, Mw York % , Cuthbert & Weth- OM 76 Sarah Second, Philadelphia. AGENTB,---Baroirel H. Buehler & 8. 8. Forney, Crettyabiergy Abrahain King, Ihntlerstotfit; Zuole s Pitietotan) Ja cob Hollinger, Heidiersburg ; Hollinger& Ferree, Petersburg; ; Jacob Aula baugh.Hamptork; tied. B.llentael, and J. 8. Hildebrand &Co., Ziff Berlin. June 11, 1847. [Dec. 2-ly) 411 1 .1111ister's Meat went, OR tho mire of external Sores, Serer ! F ulous effeettons, Liver Complaint, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Pains in the Chest, 'tumors, Diseases of the Skin, Piles, Corns, Rheumatism, dm., dLe., for ,ruilo at the Drug Store of S. 11. BUEHLER. Gettysburg, June 25.—tf MYER AND GERMAN SILVER S PENCILS I VIOLIN ' STRINGS, &c., of best quality, can always be had to the Fancy Siore'of C. WEAVER. April 10, 16 10. orptim remedy bee been for several years em it played by the proprietor in his practice; on a very huge scale in Manongalie, Preston, Hai Hilton, and Randolph coonties, in Virginia, besid e* sevit . al other places, and having been attended ydrh the most happy effects, he has been tram titre to time solicited to take such a course ti I NTliad 11SO it a more extensive circulation with a yieert t o sen the amount of human sufferini. Aware the fact that many nostrums have been *W4 upon the Public; he hesitated tor eilVialat ;yelink, tat til thoroughly convinced that the thrive if properly used, would not' fail to erect elites lea great many instances, and even to alleviate those cases which are' quite:Wearable. i. Symptom of a diseased Liver.—Pain in the right side, under the edge of the ribs, increased on pies sore; sometimes the pain is in the left aisle; the patient is rarely able to lie on the left side ; some times the pain is felt under the' shoulder-blade, it frequently extends to the top of the shoulder, and is sometimes mistaken for a rheumatism in the right arm.. The stomach is affected with loss of appetite and sickness; the bowels, in general, are costive, sometimes alternating with lax, the head is troubled with pain accompanied with a dull heavy sensation in the back part. There is gen erally a considerable loss of memory, accompan ied with a peinfill sensation of having left undone something which ought to have been done. A slight dry cough is sometimes an attendant. The patient complaing of weariness and debility; he is easily startled, his feet are cold or burning, and he complains of a prickly sensation of the skin; his spirits are low• ' and although he is satis fi ed that exercise Would be beneficial to him, yet he can scarcely ' 1 4 11 1419n up fortitude enough AO try W— in fact, he distrusts every remedy. Several of the above symptoms attend the disease, but cases li ai e occurred where few of them existed, yet exami nation of the body after death has shown the liver to have been extensively deranged. CERTIFICATES This is to certify, that having been associated with Dr. Ill'Lane in the practice of medicine fur nearly two and a half years, I had many opportu- nities of witnessing the good efreets of his Liver Pille, and I believe they have cured and relieved a muclrlarger proportion of the diseases of the liv er, than I have known cured and relieved by any other course of treatment. Oliver Morgan, M. D. Dec. 7, 18 P 3 . 6% Mr. M'Leme's Liver Pill: This it to certify that I have been afflicted' for six years with the Liver Complaint, and applied to different physicians. obtaining temporary mite. On hearing of Dr. Ni*Litne's Liver Pills I obtained and used two boxes. I now' feel almost tally re stored to health—The Liver Pills have given me surprising relief. S. DAVIS. near Pittsburg. a/were—None are genuine without a fag-simi le of the proprietor's signature. Prepared for the proprietor by JO ATHA N KIDD & Co. Whole sale and Retail Druggists, Nu. 64.1 Wood st. Pitts burg. B.—loorderthat there may be no 'goisiiike, be particular and ark lor "Dr. INl'Laine's Liver Nib.' OJ - The above medicine can be bed of the tel lowing agenia : S. 11. Buehler, ffellyaburr, ; J. Tower, APlCnigtni"- ; J. S. Bollinger, Reidlrribuig - ; Holtzinger . 4z. Ferree, Petersburg; Jacob Aulehaugh, Hampton; J. T. Ililtlehrantl, E. Berlin; Peter Mickly, ilhanausaburg; Ilittinger, Mbottalmrta ; Coulson k Co. NVholesule Agents, Liberty et. Belli ;or", .31(1. Feb. I S ROSS' VXPECTORALIVT, A REMEDY . For Consumption, roughs, ('01d.,, Bron chitis, ':•lsilana, Croup, Cough, .Vittingof Bh.od, Sore Throat, Paths and Oppres sions of lhr Breast, ficulty of Breathing, and all other di erases of the PULMONAR Y ORGA NS! Resit the following Certificate of t ure performed by the me of Ross's Experforord Ned say if you will longer neglect your cent, or doubt its effica cy. Bakimor, , itlunb 12,1847 Mr. JAIL F. Ror■ Dear Sir—About three weeks ago my vi ife caught a severe cold, which troubled her • good deal and gave her great uneasiness; she prepared a greed many articles which acre recommended to her by her niends. but without receiving the benefit from any of them ; her cough was getting won° every day; her appetite was fast tai ling and to sleep wait impossible. the pains In her breast and Fide became so severe that that she had to go to bed, and my friends advised me io call in a Physician. 1 thought 1 would call in the store where you were engaged sad see if 1 could not get something that would relieve her, when you gave me • bottle of your Expeetortint, assuring me dal it would cure her, she cowmen ced taking it that night, not, however, .without great opposition on the part of some of,J;ier friends. who said it was only some •:Qgack Medicine," and would do her mere harm than good. But I determined to take your advice, and now La all know Ike Rindt 1 From taking the first rime she felt easier, though unable to sleep on account of the quantity of phlegm the loosen. ed and would almost choke her, but which AC could spit up with but little difficulty; the follow ing day she continued it according to the direc tions, and that time, for the first time for heatiy two weeks, she enjoyed a good night's rest and by the time she had finished the first bottle, she was entirely cured. Make what use of this you think proper, for such an invaluable medicine should be made known to the afflicted every where. With best wishes for your success. 1 remain yours he., CHARLES PASSWAY. CAUTION! !l Beware of Counterfeits end Spurious Imitations. See that the Initials J. F. R" are on the seal : also my Mines Signatertan the wrapper Meath bottle, without which none is gen.. nine. Prepared only by James F. Roni,Preggiat, Baltimore Md. Er — For sale in Gegtyllnerg by, SAMUEL H. BUEHLER, and in iliUrrahrwa lty G. W. HEADY. May 28, 1847.—1 y E lutvo just received a handsome vv assortment of plain and fringed PARASOLS, which we will be pleased to show to all who favor us with a call. May 7. W. & C. RUTREAUFF. fir HE attention of the Ladies is directed JR' to the very handsome, assortment of Whi Goods,Aplain, plaid and ,striped,) unusakty large, at the Cheap. Wore of W. & C. RUTHRAUVV. tAL/ M. At C. RUTHRAUF hava so calved a very large assortment of FANS, from 8 els to THE STAB ;;AND BANNER Is published every Friday ROeninpin the County Ari'aildfitg, above the Register ,and Recorder's Wee, by DAVID A. BUEHLER. . . it paid in advance or within the year, $1 rer ormolu— if not paid Within the year, $2 60. No paper discontinued until all arrearagem are peid—i except at the option of the Editor. Single copies 6i cents. A failure to notify a discontinuance will be regarded as a new engagement dfdrerrismicnts not exceeding a square inserted three times for Pl —every subsequent insertion 25 cents. Longer ones in the same prorortion. All advertisements not specially ordered for a giv , in time, will be continued until forbid. A liberal reduction will be made tothose who advertise by the year. Job Prinfing'of all .kinds executed neatly` and promptly,and on reasonable terms. Letters and Communications to the tdit or, (ex: coining such as contain Money or the name* of new subscribers,) must be roar PI to, in order to beg: ure attention.