PROSECUTION OF THE WAR The ; lexatidria Gazette, in thc.annexcd article; exhibiis in its true chOsiettir the Consistent imbecility, which has marked, the course of the National Admiuistration iu the prosecution of the war with Mexico : The Washington Union says, "that it is the out(' determination of the Government to prnsecute,the war with all possible en ergy and vigor" until peace be obtained.— , Our gallant sultliers tight with energy and vigor, whenever an opportunity is atforde i ll them, but as to any energy or vigor on the part of t he. Administration in its manage most of the war, we have yet fur Me first time to see ii, save on paper. In the very first war message of Mr. Polk, on the 1 Wu May, 1816, hu invoked Congress "to place a:O , -the disposition of the Executive the means of prosecuting the war with vigor, & thus hastening the restoration of peace." Two, days after, Congress placed at his disposal tiny thousand volunteers and ten millions of money. On the Ithli of June following, Mr. l'olk stated his determina tion to prosecute the waroviguropsly," and asked, in order that "no contingency should be permitted to occur in which there would be a deficiency in the Treasury fur the vigorous prosecution oldie war," that "au thority be given to issue Treasury notes or to contract a loam" This was granted. All the men and all the money subsequent ly asked fur have been granted, and. all the messages of Mr. Polk reiterated the determination of the Administration to ,proseente the ‘vur with all possibli.:lnergY and vigor. Notwithstanding all these pro fessions, and notwithstanding the fact that Congress had granted all the supplies of men and money asked fur, (except the Lieut. General,) the war has never to this day been • •proi.eeuted iigormisly," in the sense in which the Administration journ als use that term. Our troops have done all that brave men could do, but they have always been left by the Administration with such limited means, both men and supplies, tin& they have never, in a single instance, been able to follow up their victories as they might have dune had the Administration perform ed its duty. So far froni - adopting or en. couraging a "vigorous prosecution" of the war, the Administration appears to have done every thing in its power to prevent it. Instead o f retaining and employing the volunteers raised by General Gaines, at a time when their service would have proved of more importance probably than at any subsequent period of 'the campaign, and • when they could have been employed un der the act of 13th of 31ay, 1840, they were disbanded. Subsequently thousands of volunteers who offered themselves have been rejected, and it is but a few weeks since the services of a company raised in Wilmington, Delaware, were refused, al though both General Taylor and General Seen are well known to have their hands tied for want of troops. The Union sonic weeks ago published elaborate statements showing that by the first of July General Scott would be at the head of 20,000 men, and General Taylor at the head of 10,000 men ; and yet, at the last dates from Gen eral. Scott, his force did not exceed 8,000 effective nvsn, including the garrisons at Jalapa and Perote, while only about 3,000 were on the march from Vera Cruz to re inforce him ; and General Taylor had only about 5,000, including every man bearing arms from Brazos to Buena Vista. Thus has it ever been ; and while the President has authority to employ (regulars and vol unteers,) something like 80,000 men, we doubt whether at any one period since the war commenced we had one-fourth of the number in the field. With these facts star ing us in the face let us learn more from the,Administration or its organs about "a vigorous prosecution of the war." . . POLE AND SANTA Amis.—There can not be found in the history of civilized na tions an instance of fatuity so gross, or treachery so wicked or immorality so glar ing, as the admission of Santa Anna into Mexico. by' order of Polk and his advisers. Ii they believed that he would assist in pro moting a peace, that result has shown what all wise men foresaw and all limiest men predicted, that they were defeating the ve ry end they hoped to accomplish; if they meant that he s tumid do ivhat he has done, gather supplies, levy recruits and organize armies to iesist our progress and slaughter our citizens, they were guilty of the most horrid treason ; or if they proposed that he should slur up disorder and invite re bellion among his own unhappy country men, they violated the first principles of international morality,and inflicted a wound upon the American name which they can not heal, and established a precedent at the consequences of which humanity shudders. Viewed in any aspect in which their apol ogists have placed it, this act is damning to the Administration ; and wits them no other cause of objection—unfortuntitely for the people there aro thousands—this of itself - would be sufficint reason why ev ery just and upright man should labor to secure their overthrow. It is well, perhaps, for the immediate rescue of the goverment - front the 'hands of those who have outrageously abused it, that this.fully or this crime—in - its- bat construction it partakes of the - nature of both—should have been committed. It is well, perhaps, that the recklessness of pro fligate rulers, after plunging the country into an unnecessary war, should haveltal to the eonimission of an act which has no parallel its tho annals ofnational turpitude, because the mural sense of the nation has been roused by irto the necessity of in stant and simple vindication ; but still the theek'of every American tingles at the thought that the destinies of the laud have inxin committed, even temporarily, to those who would thus betray them. [North Stneriam. In the most fortunate event, the triumphs of the battle-tichl are truly deplorable. A French lady once said to the Duke of AVellington, 'a great victory must be a glorious affair." Madam," replied he, "I eunceive it to he the most deplorable cat astrophe that can possibly happen, except * grest.durrat." The expericuce of one man. who had been witness to so much blitirkshind, is worth all the. preaehings of all the Peace societies iu the world. Dinh then must ho the responsibility to :God. to mankind, and to history, of that Governor eat which, either upou slight provocation or for the mike of adding to its territories, or for any other than a most ortutrolling reason, plunges a people into this fearful state. (Richmond Whig. Winn MAX SUL IL—There is a law in 11,14aaeari kw selling vagrants at public atm. italkitlighest bidder. A man named Jokiallowterit, grey in 'wittily, was sold oat state Sist uIL. to Mr. Joseph SW% tetpekt of a limy stable. He was 4 1 00001 101. HOW et* was indifferent to dirt soot tigthion stoned hian. GUN. IRVIN AND HIS SLANDERERS The unostentatious charity of Gen. la riat is one of the brightest traits in his character. lu a rough canvass of a politi- Cal campaign, it would perhaps have been the best policy to leave untold the recital of his many generous acts. Buthis friends and supporters are so truly proud of his private worth, that many incidents have found their way to the public press, the promulgation of which, we are confident, Gen. ham would have avoided, could he ha ve controlled it. Among these acts 41)6- vatc munificence, we copied one from the Pensylvania Telegraph, which was to the effect that Gen. lam.: supported at his sole expense, at Lafayette College, a Chinese youth, who was studying for the Christian ministry. IVe arc always in the habit of recording such devils, wherever we meet them, as they are an honor to human nature, and little did we think that, party malignity would endeavor to distort or falsify the libel. The Easton Argus, a violent and scrupu lous Locoliico paper, published at Easton. where Lafayette College is situated, im mediately contradicted the story—said it had made inquiry of the officers, and found no suck youth there; but admitted there had been one last winter answering to the description, and still denying that he had been supported while there by Geti. him This article front the Easton Argus having found its way into Centre county, .the Bellefonte Whig felt called upon to enqiiire into its truth. lo the course of his inqui ries he was referred to Rev. JAPE LINN, the Presbyterian Minister at Bellefonte, who gave the following farts. .„ In November last, the Rev. Win: Chet , - ter, I). 1)., Agent of the Board of Education to the Presbyterian Church, addressed a letter to Gen. Irvin, informing hint of the arrival of a Chinese youth in this country with the Rev. MG Wiloonf,of his. &slim to have an education.---of his high charac ter as a youth of piety and good natural abilities—and the strong prospect of . fii 7 tare usefidness, held out if he should se.; turn to his native India as an educated and enlightened Christian Minister. We in sert an extract of the letter referred to: "It will PC4ill3 *75 *year to educate is young nian fur the Gospel Ministry; and my object in writing, in the second place, is to propose to you to place in the hands of the Board of Education 575 a year, until his education la tiomplehrdOrrhieh will be from sto 7 years. !rowed mimetic!' the gospel in India. he will accomplish threefold more than any American missionary, and he sitstaimal while engaged at his work, at leant at half the ex= penile. • I knoW no thought that would be sweeter to your heart when called to lay yourisead on that pillow on which every head must rest • and every eye ho closed, thin that, though dead, you will speak through the lips °Cone preaching the gospel in lands when] the paths of life are unoccupied and unknown." This aPPeASO...beautifullrantltosiching.- ly made, found a ready response in Gen. Irvin's heart. Hd handed the letter to Mr. Linn requesting him to inform Mr. Ches. ter that he would furnish the • required means for the young mmes...educatitul-- Mr. Linn accotdiitgiy wrote to that effect, and on the 14th of January last Mr. Ches ter answered that letter; and as the answer is short, we ropy it, as satisfactory and conclusive evideneeepon the subject. Philadelphia. January 12th, 1847. "Rev. and debt have delayed allawerilig our truly kind and acceptable letter, until my re turn from Easton. Dr. Vaa Itenssalser aigi my self returned laat week from paying a Pastoral visit to the young meniinder the cam of the Board, of Education, at Lafayette College. - White engaged in that wok' we saw sad conversed with Adam James Irvin. We round him all that Di. Wilson had represented him to he.. 1)r. Van R. and my. sell thought out.Pf ..FigAtil--thirtr-7-908 w conversed with on the subject ot,personsl piety not one appeared so well as this young man. He is the fins scholar in hiaclews. • • He appears humble, meek, docile, and I do bops that Gen. le. vin will eoe that 00d has uusde him the instrument of raising up an alto and Esittitid minister of the New Testaneent; • • Please to my to Gen. Irrin that the time he desiptatta to pay the Pit, either May or Juno, will be acceptable to tie as any other put of the year.—We have no prcilmenee. I baps he will consult his own convenience as to the time Yotu's truly, WILLIAM CHESTER. The first yearly payment of 1175 was paid to Mr. Linikby Generallrrin in June and the acknowledgement _of it will be found in the "Presbyterian" of the 17th of July, ult., among mionies received by the Doanl of,Education._l - junB_2ll .follows.: "Bellefonte, Ventre scholarship, $73." In the whole proceeding _Gen. Irvin re-, quested that his name should cut be made known, not desiring to beat all public in the business, and it found way into the papers without he ;lightest agency or wish on his part; but having been brought before the public, and its correctness denied, it seems no more than proper that the truth should be told. CAN SIIUNK se &wrap t Is a question often asked, and we know of no better • - way:ef answeringlit, than by copying the folleWirig paragraph from the. HarriebUrg Argus, one of the two locolheotiapeka pub 7 lisbed„ Harrisburg. We extract from • the Argus of Febniary 17. • • "It should not be forgotten thatin- 1844, Governor Shunk succeeded by a meagre. majority of four thousand votes. The Democracy were then - They marched up to the polls as one man, and only saved themselves "by [he sin of their teeth." But the condition of things has changed materially since that period. With out inquiring into the cause, it is aufficient for us to know that the party from bring united hes &Tows di:ow:tut. THEY CANNOT ACT IN HARMONY AND IN CONCERT will! THE PREB— EXECUTIVE AS THEIR LEA DER. Without that harmony and colo rful of action, the majority of 9,000 in 1844 noel, as a matter of course, dwindle down to a majority in 1847." Mr. Polk, a little more than a year ago, was furious because Mexico would not re ceive an an ambassador from the United States. She was filling to receive a com missioner, but he swore that she must take an ambassador or nothing. Since then, however, he has found his war so trouble some that he has sent to her Senor Mocha and Mr. Tried, who arc not only not am bassadors but are less even than commis sioners. lie is fast .climbing downwards' in his pretensions.—LouissilleVourrud. Tnt: Masons or Wsit.--A Massachu setts volunteer, writing to his friend at N ewburyport, gives the , following illustra tion of the horrors of war: ""One of the most horrible sights I over saw was when we passed the dead men's road, as it is called, where the train was cut oft last spring, a few days before the battler Of Buena Vista. There were men's bones, 'rotting carcasses of men, cattle, and !torsos strewed thickly around, with here and there an ann, skull, Ate., with nothing to proteet them but the deadly stench aria ng from them." MORE LETTERS General Taylor has addressed a letter to General PeterSkenSmith,of Philadelphia * in relation to his being a candidate of the Native American party. The letter hi da ted July 6th. Ile says: • "Upon the points alluded to in those re marks, and to which member s of the Na tive American party require assent from those whom they favor for the Presidency, I can only say with all candor, that if elect ed to that office it,must be by the sponta neous will of the people at large, and with: out agency or pledge on my part in any particular. If I ever fill that high'offtee. it must be untrammeled with party obliga tions or interests any Itind,and under none but those which the amstitation—and the Aitrh interests of the nation at large most seriously and solemnly demand. "I do not desire the Presidency. and on only yield thus far my assent to be cunsidered a candidate in the same pro portion in which it is desired by the peo ple. irrespective fparty." In relatidn to a set of yes' °lotions adopt ed in May last, by a meeting of the 'Whip in Nottingham district, Prince George's county,, Maryland, approving of his course in condricting the war with Woxico, and at the same lime nominating him for the Presidency in 1848, General Taylor sends the following hitter: Mod Qmartete Jruty of Orespatins, j Camp netarrilouterry, Mesko, July 1847. 5 My Pear Sir:—Theriesoluttons recent ly adopted by a meeting of the citizens of Prince—Gleurges. county, Maryland, for warded to me by you, have been, with your aecoinpanying letter, duly received. • Throughyou I wouldvespectfully_return to those kind friends my deep and sincere thanks for the very high honor and Ilene testimoniali pf approval which they have conferred upon me. If thegood people of the nation should so greatly honor me with elevation to the Chief Magistracy, I shall, by all zealous endeavors and to the best of my ability, strive to serve them, and maintain the best and highest, interest of the whole country; yet. though I feel impelled to yield to the call of the people at large, I should hail with pleasure their determination to confe; so great a gift on some eminent statesman. Be pleased to accept, with acknowl edgeniettesr and those whom you represent, the warm good wishes and regard of your must obliged servant, Z. TA Y kUlt. Major General United States Army. WlLu►x_HalL, Aquasco, Prince Georges county, Md. Tug Faisnos.--The York Republican thus handsomely alludes to the conduct of the Friends toward the suffering people of Ireland : “We - were struck on looking over • than a column of closely printed matter in therPennaylvania Inquirer, which contain ed the acknowlegements by the Central Re lief Committee - of the Society of Friends in Ireland, of the remittances recei v ed front this country to aid in staying the ravages of Famine in that unhappy island, with the contrast which it presented to certain other prOceeding now going on throughout the world. It seems that ,we have contri buted £14,576 175., or about 872,880 in cash, in this charitable work, besides up wards of sixty thousand barrels of corn And unal..wheatiod rye _lour. peas. and beans, and boxes of clothing. Of all these contributions, from every quarter of the Union, and from all religious denomina tions. the Society of Friends in Ireland,by an unsolitated and by no means prearrang ed movement, were constituted the almost era to distribute them among thesuffering, destitute and starving victims of hunger and disease. What a noble, compliment ! What implicit confidence!. It was sent to the Friends. because they were fully reli ed upon as impartialas regarding no sect or party—as caring nothing for the distinc tion of Catholic and Protestant—as know ing no other eleimthin that of calamity and affliction, and recopitzing that, whenceso ever it might proctitild. Their strife was nel„with weapons of death on the battle ., Itut with railuntia_the _ . 'hovels of the poor against the gaunt send Famine. They sought not to inflict wound - m angle flesh ad crush 'bones with iron balls. broadswords and bayonets, but to feed the hungry—cloth the naked, and allay the burning agonieiof the fever stricken. Here was true glory !" THE CHAWCI6II OF BaTmx.--"At Water loo," said Napoleon, •d ought to have been victorious. The chances were a hundred to one in my favor. Bus Ney, the bravest of the brave: at the head 42,000 French men, suffered himself to be delayed a whole day by some thousands of Nassau troops. flail It sot been for this inexplicable inac tivity, the English army would have been taken flagrarde delitio; and annihilated Without striking a blow. Grouchy,‘witti 40,000 men, suffered Bulow and Blucher to escape from him; and;finally, i heavy shower of min nude the ground so soft that it was impossible to commence the at tack ai daybeeit; — ll - witheett - able - to cow mence early, Wellington's army would have been, trodden down in the defiles of the forest before the Prussians could have had time to arrive. It was otherwise lost without resource. The defeat of Welling ton's army would have been peat:coke re pose of Europe, the recognition of the in terest of the masses, and of the democra ey."—lffontholon's History. , BRAZIL.—Tho National Inteiligencer has reason, by the information of private advices, to believe that affairs between!Bra zil and the United-States, are in a more delicate position than they had until lately supposed, and says : Though we have reason to suppose that the instructions by the Executive to Mr. Tod have been framed with a laudable purpose to prevent a collision between the two countries, our private information leads us to suppose that it will not be a very ea sy matter, the authorites of Brazil being in a high state of exasperation. It may be so far excited by what has passed as not to listen to reason. We are not disposed to doubt the disposition of our own gov ernment to avert this collision, if it can do so by an reasonable effort. A DISCIPLE OF RONGE.—We notice that it is stated that one I/r. Kock has arrived at Washington. Ile is a German, and a disciple of Rouge. Ile has come here un der the advice and counsel of Itongc.— Ilia object is to establish a sort oreatholic Church at Washington, independent of the See of Rome, ,and it is the purpose of Mingo to send out a minister or two into foreignnations generally, preaching the the Catholic faith entirely independent of the head of the Church at Rome. COL. Z. PRATT'S TANNERY lIIINT ' S MERCHANTS' MAO/LEINE for Au gust is anintcresting number, and rich in commercial information/ Aniong the ar ticles is . a account of the Tannery of Mr. &nom( Pnarr, at Prattsville, in the State of New York. It is asid,tobe the largest establishment of the kind in the world. The following extract will furnish some idea of the immense scale upon which it is conducted : "The Prattsville Tannery, as we haii said, furnishes one of the most striking ex amples of individual energy ited enterprise which oureountry, fruitful as it is in such examples.' affords. A little more than twenty year ago, the district of country in which it stands was a perfect , wilder ness. Although just back of the well known Catskill range, and not more than teirty-six miles from the banks of the Hud son, the great thoroughfare of our interior trade, the depth of its hemlock forests, - the solitude of its mountain_ glens, and the flashing of its tumbling brooks, bad been explored only by thefout of the hunter, and were as little known to the public as the slopes and vaUeys of the Rocky Moun tains. In 1824 fiol. Pratt visited this dis trict, and will, with unerritkg judgement, at once decided upon it as the proper loca tion. With a man of Col. Pratt's energy, from the conception of a project to its ex ecution is but a single step. With such men to will and to do is the same thing.= In less than nicety days he had a tannery erected and ready to commence operations. This tannery is an immense Wooden building, 530 feet in length, 43 feet in breadth, and twit stories and a half high.— Within this area are contained 300 vats, with conductors to draw the liquor to the pitinp,itifording about 48,040 cubits feet of room for tanning purposes. A large wing, 40 feet by 80, extending over the stream, contains twelve leaches; six of which have copper heaters, each 28 feet lone. The cubic contents of the leaches amount to a-1 bout 12,000 ket, and also the bark lon, through which; in the course of the year, passes more than ail' thousand colds of bark. The mills through which it is ground are cepoble of grinding over a cord of bark per labor ; and it has connected with it a pump of sufficient capacity to de liver 1,000 cubit feet of "ooze," or water charged with tanning, in thirty minutes.-- The beam-house contains thirty vats, equ v :dent to 7,640 cubic feet. It has connect:- ed with it three hide mills, for softening the dry Spanish hides, and two rolling machines, capable of rolling 500 sides of leather per day. Outside of the building, but connected with the beam-house by an under-ground communication. are eight stone sweat-pits, with pointed arches and flues. The pits are of the most approved size, being in area ten feet by fourteen, and in depth eight feet, with a spring of wa ter at one corner. The labor employed, directly or indirect ly, may be set down at two hundred men daily. The ramified branches of business and trade that it fosters, the comfort, refine ment, and intelligince of which it becomes the centre, and its final influence upon the growth and populousness of the surround ing district,cannot be too highly estimated." A STRUGGLE FOR FREEDO3I,—.—TIIO Met err I.urniecrV gives the following account of a slave who recently passed through that place on his way to Canada: - He wirfrom Louisiana ; and ho has been three months in performing his pil grimage journey, with nothing but the riv er for his guide, and in a land of enemies, the greater part of the way, ready to seize and return him to his prison house of bon dage. He is about 25 years of age, and this is the second attempt he has made to gain his freedom. The first was made some years since, which proved unsuc cessful, as he was re-captured and taken back; when be was put to work again on a cotton plantation, with ,a heavy bar of iron attached to one of his legs. This was worn by him for years; when. supposing that the spirit of manhood oar crusted in him, it was removed. He still cherished in his bosom a desire for liberty and when an opportunity offered . : readied to make another desperate 'Wort to gratify it. lu this he hag been successful. CKNTHAL RAILROAD.....—The Secretary of the Commonivealth 'Of 'Pennsylvania has issued a proclamation, in which, after re citing the provisions of atract of the gene-- ral Assemby. passed at the session of 1840, entitled "An act to authorize the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company to construct a railroad through Pennsylvania, in a dr. motion from. Baltimore to the Ohio river at the city of Pittshurg,!! he declares the said act to be null and void. This settles the question - as to the char ter of the great Pennsylvania railroad.— The Secretary says further, that ..satisfac tory evidence has been furnished to him that one million of dollars on aceount of the stock subscribed has been . paid into the Treasury of ' that company I and also That- thirty-miles el -said-vat heed have been put under contract for construction, and that one-kalf of Abe -portion so put under contractis at thi - western tenuiiiiis of the said road, commencing at the city of Pitts burg andante:tiling eisiviardly.': . • STILAN Heo-Carattun.:-,The contractors on the Bay State' mills now hoist their brick and mortar by. steam. A small en gine is stationed in.the.lower story of the mill, to which isiappended an endless chain running from the engine to the floor upon which the workmen are . engroged. To the chain the hods of brick and mortar are fas tenedbxn hook, which is firmly affixed to the hoir. --- On arriving at thetop the ten ders take the hods from the chains and and carry them to any desired part of the building. A man stands near the engine to take off the empty hods as they approach the floor by the downward side of the' chain. The labor of about twenty-five 1 men is saved by this i ng enious invention, which was first Julep to this purpose, we understand, at Lowe I last summer.— Lawrence Courier. DEATH AND CULPABLE NEGLECT: Oa Friday evening last, Mr. Jacob Allison, who was engaged, during the day, in deliv ering some wood at Eree 'Talk, on Baltimore and Susquehanna Rail Road, was discovered lying along side of a fence, almost insensible. Thinking that Mr. A. was intoxicated he was removed to a stable close by, where they permitted him to re main. About U o'clock at night they went to see what had become of him,' when he was still there. In the morning they made another visit to the stable, when they dis covered that the man 'had died. By all means the deceased should have been ea red for, when they paid their first visit, in, the evening. Mr. A. was in easy circum sdhees, and the owner of two farms, we understand.— York ddrocalc. CANADA.—The Prstilence.—The Iris h famine fever has evidently assumed a pest ilontial or epidemical form in Montreal and- Quebec, where the people aro paying dear ly 154 British misgovernment in hellrid. The Quebec Gazette of the 2d inst. states that the Rev. Mr. McMahan, pas tor of Pt. Patrick's church there, had an nouneed 60deaths among hie rongregalion alone in the previous week.. There hid' died on ship-board, on the passage front Great Britain to Quebec, over 2,500 immi grants, in Grosso Isle Hospital, 1,500, on board ships at Grosselsle 750, and in Mon-- treat, Quebec, and sheds, &c., over 8,500 tnor . e; in all, 84150 deaths, besides the pes tilence carried through Canada, destroying the clergy, physicians, nuns, benevolent householders, crews of boats,ships, &c.— Over 70,000 have reached Canada from Europe this year, and of those, some 5,000 are yet below Quebec. In all, 200,000 must have been added to the potitilittion of North America from Europe since the Ist of Januarytast. • The deaths in the abortive efforts at re volt in Ireland, in 1798 and 1803, were few when compared to the famine fever caused by the rapacity of Irish Landlords. The barque Naomi arrived lkom Liver pool, same day as the YorkAire, had 334 passengers ; and of these 78 had died at sea, 104 were dying of the fever—while the Martingale, from Hamburg, brought 160 passengers, and there were none sick or dead. One ship, the Agamemnon, from _Liverpoool, brought 640 passengers, a whole village at once. At Montreal, 202 immigrants had died at the miserable sheds, near the swampy grounds, during the past week, and 05 more of them in the city. A BON-NOT OF THE POPE—The Ro mans of the present day, like their progen itors, are the greatest lovers of art in the world, even that of dancing. That of Fan ny Euler electrified them, insomuch that their enthusiasm provoked a subscription which produced the sum of 12,0015 francs, which sum they converted into a crown of gold, which they wished to offer to the ob psetof their idolatry. They, however, recol lected that there was at the Quirinal a map whom they preferred to Fanny Elsaler.— They went to find him, saying: "Most Holy Father, if it does not displease your Holiness, we desire to give to Funny Els sler a crown of gold u'llich we have here." "Give the crown, then, if it amuses you," replied the good Pius, laughing. "I would merely observe that your gift is not logi cal." "Why, Holy Father?" "Only on this wise: I thought till now crowns were made for the head, and not for the feet!" Notwithstanding this the Romans offered their crown of gold to Fanny Eissler ; but the same day they sent to Pius IX a thou sand crowns for his suffering poor. A FISISLLE ARMY.—Mr. Duncan, an Af rican traveller, presented a 'paper at a late meeting of the Royal Geographical Socie ty, containing an account of a recent jour ney into the interior of Africa, 400 miles, where no European had ever been. Ile was kindly:treated by the King of Deliomy, who promoted his views. Among other things, Dr. Duncan gives novel details of this king's military establishment. His body-guard consists of upwards of 6000 women, armed with muskcis, short sabres and clubs. This guard is also officered by women, and the officers are selected principally on accountuf their height 'and bodily dimensions, corpulency being abso lutely essential ; so that, in fact, they are 1111 persons of considerable height. The present Parliament of Great Brit ain is one of the few that have lived out their natural term of seven years, it being rarely found that so long a time passses without a ministerial crisis ofsome kind to necessitate a new appeal to the people.— During the seven years just completed, howevef; we have contrived . not only to pais the greatest scheme of modern times —the introduction of free-trade—without resorting to the election booths, but have actually accomplished it by the voice of a Parliament elected under Sir Robert'Peel's banner fur the express purpose of resisting the innovation.—eor. Corn. Adv. Chloride of Soda is said in the London Lancet to be an effectual cure for a burn. An attorney, in attempting to put out the flames that had attacked the curtains of his bed, got his hand burnt 'and blistered, but - not broken. He sent for a couple of quarts of the lotion, four ounces of the sol ution to a pint of water, had it podred ent into soup plates, wrapped his handsin lint, as no skin was broken, and so kept them for some time. Next morning he was so perfectly well that only one small patch of bUrns remained, vet an hour had elapsed before the application. It is added that the same remedy is sufficient to heal scalds and a black eve. MURRAIN AND DEATH.-A' correspon dent at South Gardner informs us that Mr. Luther Gates, Of Sterling. week before last, lust fire valuable oxen and two cowc by a disease which some suppose to be the mur rain. He assisted a physician from Fitch butg,-who"was examuluithiflatiiii - of tirelf death, and from a alight scratch on his thumb contracted the disease, which car ried him off suddenly. The physician, and another person who assisted, him, it was famid,caught the disealicbut it yielded to seasonable medical attention. This has produced some exeitement in , that town. Mr. Gates was buried at midnight on the day he died.—TVerrester Transcript. Ace trixter.-4 little daUghtei.. of 'Mr. Otis Lawrence, of Lydon, Vermont, in' re turning from school called at a house for the purpose of ascertaining the timeof day, when finding the people absent, she placed her hands on the window silk raised her self from the ground, and put her head through the window, that she' might look at the clock, when the window fell upon her neck, causing her death before she could be discovered. A DEATH PENALTY.—The Legislature of the State of Louisiana have declared it optional with the jury to have persons who aro convicted of murder, either capitally punished in the old way, or imprisoned for life. The jury, in the only case that oc curred since the passage of the new law, decided on imprisonment in preference to hanging. Houses WiTh CAST IRON PRONTS.—The Cincinnati Commercial is informed on good authority, that a block of three story buildings is to be erected in that city, the entire front to be of cast iron I The plates for the sahie are already being cast. Tani ;ro TineLAsT.—A few woeke ago a woman in Cincinnati was seen taking her drunken husband home on a wheebar tow. THE SHITNK-MEN IN CONGRESS A Correspondent of the Ilarrisburg In telligencor, writing from Union -town, Fay ette county, gives the following statement of „the course pursued by the political Mende of j!raticis R. Shunk during the last `session of Congress. "A bap is known by the company lie keeps.i' Mr. Shenk is affected by the . conduct of his friends ; and to vote for him involves an apProhation of the measures which they favored to cast reproach upon General Torten—to vomits the purposes of Southern Slave-hulders—to prevent the bounty of our Republic being intended to starving Ireland, and to -tax the necessa ries of the poor, while they refused Pro tection to the Industry of Pennsylvania:— Loco/ore Voles. Ist. The Shunk-men in Congress voted unanimously . for Farren's amendments to CENSURE GENERAL TAYLOR, *or to defeat the vote of thanks Ithogether. [See Journals.] - 2d. The Shunk-men, as a party, voted against the WILMOT PROVISO, and by their votes defeated it;, Several of th em having changed their votes to accomplish it. [See Journals.] ad. The Shunk-men, as a party, VO TED AGAINST THE IRISH RELIEF BlLL—against , half a million to' save our Irish friends, their wives and children, from starvation, at the same time voting thirty millions to wake war upon Mexico. [See Journals.] 4th. The Shunk-men as a party voted in favor of TAXING TEA AND COFFEE, and at the same time votettagainst increas ing the duties on iron and coal. [See Journals.] • • -- What will the, friends of General Tay /or—the friends offfrredem--the friends of the Irish—the friends of theTennsylvania Iron and Coal-4he lovers of Tea and Coffee, say to such men, and such a party? W ill the people—the hottest and indepen dent votes of Pennsylvania sustain a party, who as such, have voted to censure instead of thanking Taylor for his glorious victo 6es-7-who voted millions for war and nut a cent to save u brave'antl' generous peo ple from starvation—who voted against liberty and in favor of slavery—to tax Tea Slid Coffee and against protecting I ron and Coal ? Will the people of Pennsylvania next fall countenance a party advocating such prin ciples and supporting such infamous and ruinous measures? These Men cannot —they dare not deny these charges. They are sustained and proved by the Journals, and they know .it. They are challenged to the' scrutiny; They. are not meet -it: NEW . LOCOPOCO DEFlNlTlONB.—Democ racy—llolding public office thirty years, and receiving seventy thousand dollars of the people's money. Federal -Rriskictusy---Earni t ig a compe tency by private iffterprize, frugality and economy. Toryisns—Figliiing in is war one believes might have been avoided. .Patriotiam—Louding the wisdom of the President in commencing a wur on his own hook; and denouncing as Tories all who refuse to do the same thing—taking care at the same time to keep out of reach of the Mexican batteries.—Doykslown LATEST PROM GENERAL SCOTT.—The following is an extract of, a letter received in Washington from an intelligent officer of the Government at Vera Cruz, and pub lished in the Union: Vera Cruz, July 23, 1847. .41 was in hopes by this ,time, there would be something definite, or that we had arrived nearer peace; but as yet no commissioners have been appointed, and the _government have removed to a place further south. They will make a show• of defence at Mexico, but General Scott will march in. Our last dater from him were to the 10th instant. He was then to move on the 15th ; and if he did, he must now be in the city: General Pillow and Cadwallader ' and all the train, had reached him, and his number was 12,000. I see no other .way or prospect of peace than for the pence party [and it is compo sed of the most wealthy and the better por don of the community] to form an anti- Santa Anna and anti-monarchial pdrty, un der the auspices and protection of the A- Aterieep Army ; and by the time this new vernaiiiii Well and firmly establts e , and finished' its negotiations with us, it will gave gained such strength and popu larity as will enable it to withstand the other parties combined. Cantons CIRCUMITANCE.—One of our Chester County farmers, [says the Village Record,] who. keeps a small _dairy, was annoyed for sevetal weeks by finding that one of his cows was regularly milked from day to day In a most mysterious manner. The milk-maid would find her work done, and no way to account for it. Suspicion, we suppose, as it general lit such cases, began-icilasten epos-honent-peeple-in-the neighborhood; for sure it was that some active agent must be engaged in plunder ing the cow of her milky treasures. At length the secret vas discovered. ~A pig five or six months old, web discovered in the act of sticking the cow, which with great docility submitted to the operation. We have hetud of similar cases—of pigs sucking cows; but believe the 'ln stances are verr.rare. One in particular, in which a shoemaker was suspected of milking a neighbor's - cows; but the repu tation.of the honest man was afterward! triumphantly vindicated by the discovery that it was the shoemaker's pig. • MORi►Ls Or Mem HAMPOUIRL—There is now living, in one of the chief towns of New Ilainprhire, a woman who -has had ten husbands, all of whom are now living upon the best of terms with her and each other. The wonian is highly respected Among her neighbors, who sec nothing to censure, but much to approve. ,Strange as it may, appear, an action for bigamy could nut bo sustained against her. , VISITOR/J.—Hon. James lineltanan t Sec rotary of State, and 1-Knoi 'Walker, Esq., the Prosiddn's - private Secretary, arrived Poi t Old Poi t on Thursday morning last, in the steam r Georgia, from Baltimore.— The Ile . Cave Johnson, Post Master General, i also there. CARAT CROP 01 COMC.--The Alexan. dria Gatet to says that a recout letter from the lion. IL L. Ellsworth, of Indiana, for merly Commissioner of the Patent Office, states that ho has 1000 sores in corn, from which be expects to make 55 bushels to the acre. Only iinmagine 55,000 ,bushels dem one Carat ! Will be published in Washington, D. C., on the Seventh of December next, No. One of The United States Reporter, A Daily Journal of Government, Legialiative and General New,. THE subscriber is now enabled to announce the completion _ of bas arrangements for the eratabliebinerit of a well organized and Indeprodeot Journal of News at the Seat'of the General Uov moment. The leading folu twos ot ""lhe United States Reporter" will be the . 1. Early intelligenat of the movements of the various Departments of theGoireinnient, in iefer ence to Domestiq affairs and to the Foreign t o o tieing of the country, will be given with se t up s Pannesing persaluse liellities gait taming information. the "aelotftr" bled frequently to commuoieste, exeiresively .t , ram teillgetwe of the most linpoltant ehatrltteE IL The verbatim Reports of the Proceedings and Debates of the U. Stater Senate, which the proprietor is bound to furnish daily to that body. in accordance with the terms of the contnict made at the close of the last sessioo ofVongress- The arrangenwnts now made will at once fully secuie to the &Mite of the United States an authentic and complete record of its debates; and to the pm ple—in a greedy estarged degree-4h* hentfit of the experience, sagacity. and statitsminaldp of that body to which they have reVer looked with solicitous and respectful regard. 111. The Proceedings and Debater in the House of Representatives will also be gives, with full ness, impartiality, and the utmost promptitude. F.ach rs record will be completely made up, and apir in the "Reporter" next moraine. IV. A Synoptical View of the Picreeedinge and Debates of all the State Legislatureswill be regu larly given. Member* of Congress, and all clas ses of modem, will thus be kept fully and syste matically informed of domestic legislation in all sections of the U. States. V. Early jotelligen4 of all important move ments tirthe - Lestritatittie alifeatlTritain . and France will be communicated by every weenier from Europe, through Reporters in London rind Paris, who possess peculiar facilities for obtaining information. • , VI. The Genera l News ot the Day will be elv en in a condensed tom, with indnatry and atten tion. Such is a brief view of what the "United States Repartee' Is designed .10 be. All the plans and arrangements have been a all maturand the hope is confidently cherished that the "Reporter" will prove itself an energetic, industrious. dijgalfi ed, and perfectly independent journal. It will have no party views—no political bias. The pro prietor, by the terms. of tab contract' withtbe Senate of the 11'.•Stater?,iii bound to the condition that "the paper shall contain no politleafilisiesi sions except the debates." It will be a vehielebf sines, not the organ of any set of opinions- The grand aim of the subscriber is to establish at the seat of Government a faithful end prnmpt reporter of all sorts of intelligence—a respouribk ogees, so which the politician, the business man, the maw lacturer, the mechanic, and every one interested in the affairs of Congress and the Government, may rely at all limes with implicit confidence. It is believed that the establishment of inch a reliable Marna' ni Intelligence, en terms which place it within reach of the guest masses of the people, at the commencement of what prousisesto be a most interesting and eventful period is the history of Cnngteuional proceedings, will be re genial with lavorby 444/04, 4 of the smarissuai• ty ; and, having thus stated his objects, the sub scriber respeetfully solicits a liberal and general support from the enlightened public. of the.Usuted States. JAMES A. HOUSTON Stenographer to the Senate of the V. States. The "Uni tea. States Reporter' will be primed oat ■ large and handsome sheet, mad- iiisued every morning, except Sundays, at the rate pi per an num ; ni, copies 1 eta.. • • - - In connection with the daily paper, there will be Muted from the same establishment, *rm.: NllltßOlt OF CONGRESS. This publication will contain exclusively the reports of the proceedings and debates of the con guess of the U. States. ft will be issued semi weekly, in au elegant quarto form, throughout the sessions of Congress. and will be furnished. to subscribers at the ante of iwo d. , ltan for the l oan session, and one dollar Lir the short session. It is believed that this great national work will be deemed indispensable in the library of every pub lie institution. politician, and professional UMW. throughout the country; And that it will he re- Carded by the great mass of the people as the very hest political text book 'for their own instructioe stud that of their children. IM r .IITAWT A INNOVNICIIMINT —Tbraitghost tior session of Congress, Emenswifl be issued ire" the ntlice of The "United States Reporter," containing the reports of all such debates us may possess par ticularly exciting interest. All subscriptions and communications to be postpaid and oldressed to -J. A. Hoemrost, t., S. Reporter, Washington, 1). C." July 311, 18.17--true SETTLE UP ! FIN DING still a csmaiderable Rambes of unsettled accounts for-sebseription to "THE STANDARD" on my Boob , . • and wishing to have them settled, I here by request all those who are indebted to me for subscription, advertising, or job work, to call on Jost. B. Barnes. Esq.. in Gettysburg, for that purpose, pa or, be fore the the le/A day of August inst., as, after that time suits will be brought Spirit all who are in arrears. JOSIAH T: H. BRINGMAN. Aug. 13.—.11t 111 - 'lt it l Ai 40; Ef` ABIJIB UM ENT. 7subscriber would respectfully. io- I form the citizens of Pettysburg sad vicinity, and the public generally, that he has oped a Tailoring Establishment, • In South Baltimore street, in the room oc cupied by Daniel Culp as a Chair Ware• room, a few doors South of the Post °Seer where he will at all times be happy to ac commodate those whn may patronise hi*, assuring them that he feels himself able to make a first-rate FIT. His chargel will be as reasonable as at any other establidi. meat in the county. .Courary produce taken in exchange for work. He has made arrangements torecerve the' Nita York Philadelphia Aglow. qtnixterly ; and will therefore be'prepared to make 'garments in the most epproved styles. ' ESAIAS .1. GULP. Gettysburg, May , N'OTZO2, ADAMS'COUNTY', SS. -- r TAeComenonseetifthePesoisiA' ' • vans°, to Me Siell'af _ ems County k OrettinSt t We aotemeail you that you attach JOHN DUPHORN, leta f of - your County, by all and singular his good and ()battles, land and tenements, in :whose hands or possession soever the game may be, so that ho be and apperii 4 before our Court, of Common Pleas to be holden at Gettysburg, in and for said County, on the•l6lli (Illy of Sugsod next...Abera to answer Elizabeth Jodon its a plea of Debt on Note not pxceeding Two Hundred Dol. Lars. And we further command you to summon all persons, in whose hands or possession the said goods and oluittles,lands and tenements, or any of them, may be attached, so that they and every of them be and appear before the said Court at Gettysburg the 10th day- of August next, to answer what shall be objected against t h em , a nd abide the judgment of the Court therein. And have you then there this writ. Witness Wm. N. Irvine, Esq., President Judge of our Bata Court at Get. tysburg, this 12th day of July, A. D. 1847, A. 11. KURT 4, ,f'roth'y,- Prothonotary's 1/nice, • Getlybborg,,ltily 23, 1b47.S §t ZgAili 18i1D131112 -Friday Eveding,,Aagast t 3, -1841 FOR PRXBIDENT. GEN. WINFIELD SCOTT. q l / 4 Tr ADENC &&&&& , Esq. at the gorge, of Chesnut & Third street, Philadelphia; 421-Armin street Neer lea& outd Southeast cot ° Baltimore loaf Careen street, Baltimwe— surd C 411114 Esq. Sun Building, N. E. Corner ;Third & Dock sts.ard dati N. Fourth st. Philad'a grit cur aiithariaadAgants for receiving Ad vertise- Meats sad Subperiptions to the "Star" and collect hi Nod euraiptiagior.tha same. - WHIG CANDIDATES. FOR OOVRRNOR, GEL JAMES IRVIN FOR CANAL commissioNza. JOSEPH W. •PATTON vol MINATO*, WILLIAM R. SADLER ,OR REPIUMNTATqIt, WILLIAM • MeSIIERRY FOR COMMISSIONER, JACOB KING. - ' FOR AUDITOR, AMOK' W. McGINLEY FOR DIRECTOR. THOMAS McCLEARY. FOR TRXMIORMR. ROBERT G. HARPER a:r For Delinquent Patrons ! IMPORTANT. rirThe enlargement or our paper has drawn more heavily on our purse than we anticipated, and we are compelled to call upon our patrons to relieve es from the difficulty. live jolt, large amount on our hooks duo us for Job Work and filuboetiptkin which it would give us much pleas ure to see Nquated off." The amount against each subscriber may seem trifling, and for that reason remain unpaid; but it is of drops that the ocean is made, and • few dollars from each of our auhseirtlers will in the aggregate produce an amount of weer importance to us. Those of our Wriest who have already paid up, will accept our thanks, while those who have not, we fret assured will excuse the present "nes," as it is the first they have been troubled with since oursonnection with the “Se•a." UP - Money nmv be remitted to us per' mail, at any risk. THE COURT.—Our acknowledgements are due to those of our patrons who have so promptly and cheerfully responded to the above "dun."— l'kere is, however, a largo amount still in our books, due for Job work and subscription, which, no doubt, Liu; hew left unsettle.] in many instances for want °fan opportunity to remit the amount duo. To all such a conveniout opportunity will be furnish ed during the approaching Court, which will com- AMOCO ite sittings on Monday the 16th instant.— Thera who, eanuot make it convenient to call in person, eim .avail themselves of the opportunity to remit through pardons atttending the Court. There is will '•some room" on our subscrip tion list, and we should be pleased to enroll "a few more" good WM% as subscribers to the "Star."— Stormy times arc ahead; the Congressional, Leg islative, and War doings during the coining win ter wilt undoubtedly he unusually interesting, slid every one, who feels interested in the titian% of the country. should provide faiqiniself some W(1111111 iiprOUgh whirl he may be regularly kept informed cif matter* and thaws as they transpire. CA If P-MEETING.--A Canq►meeting, under the auspices of the Methodist Eisiscoitod f_lhurch, mill be held .M 1 the land of Mr. TII MIT LIG, about 2 suites south of tins place, between the F.nunits. burg and Tarrytown multi, commencing on Fri- day the 20th of Aug. inst. TEMPERANCE MABB MEETING.—The friends of Temiusvranre have in view a Harvest !lease Celebration at Huntentown, to-morrow one week. the 20th met. It is hoped that there will be ■ large'attendance from the ditfbrent societies in the county. The following delegates have been appointed to repreeentthc Union Total Abstinence Bociety of Gettysburg: George Arnold, Dr. D. Gilbert, Rev. H. 1.. 'laugher, Rev. R. 8. Maelay, Wm. W. Paxton, D. M'Conaughw, Esq. New. E. V. Gerhart, George Wormier, lA A. Buehler, Rev. Dr. Bclnneker, Rev. Dr. Wesson, Col. 8. 8. M'Creary, Prof. M. L. Stoever, Prof. M. Jacobs, It. G. breviary, Esq. John Hemmen, Rev: D. Keller, Dr. C. A. Uowgill, k4olohios Powers, Wm. Boyer. THE COLUMBIAN MAGAZINE, for Au gust, contains contributions :roan "Fanny Yarns- Ire Mer. Gigourney, Mta. Butler, Mr.. Osgood, Min Bloarman, Mr. Inman, and ahem, and is il- Thatnue.l with two handsome Engravings, a plate of iaideloua, and a piece of Music by Mils $low • w is Drury Cornwall's "Thou shalt ahl_g to me." The Cohanahlan continues to hold a high rank a mong the monthlies, and merits a generouiu support. $3,00 per year, or two copies for $5. Ormsby and Hackett, 116 Fulton street, N. York. COIL7NTERFEITB.—The Philadelphia Led ger says that well executed counterfeit *5 notes on the Batik of Middletown, Pa , are in circulation. Mee notes pn the Mechanic's Bank of Newark, Asa, $3 notes on the Marine Bank of New Oediorriorbith ran be eerily detected, on account ofitiseir bad Pulliam. MA,NOVER RAILROAD. —A mind Mum igenting oftioae friendly te this project, is to be held h Itanortr, on asfand t t the 28th inst. Diatin italetted apokao, it ix init, grill be present, and 44140 84 4 811 1 ,An Men ! 7taiss Coop ea and D. M. exxssa, E q., of this place. Tint PorTSILIMIIIIOIIIIIIIIUL has ordered reitele +don 5 4e *filch ontberized Postmasters to receive lotiectit of teio neittpapent and draw upon the Poet , Jerkin e. paper es published, to be Aseentitui6ll;: ' ' Cs 4 The teteniditOofivetetion of the donned ProtestantDotehrtrol:Oennan Itofornied Church. es in the United Wake, - aromnbled In Heading on IrethWislay TYWlrPhilitt"&hat. of Wawa*. burOtev. /7 /*: 04* of "Isaelphito, Hoth Theodore Freeliusbaxiish 9f New Jersey, and :otter rlietillOOKA 4 *a Ir#htr AWiatiH, were te be in etterulryt Cr: Mbr. TAAL ikohnian, lit ei N i ro w ea l town. .44,La '"fteeM eountl, Pa., ha now keding a inannneals deer aildelini tidied from a calf, and kisaitt, Ito be ihel,gresi.brer mied lo imt Ida weight being abont 4,000 ;wand& }le ia'9 liam,....inehee to length, and animates round the "hew ti frets Wye", and is tli (not awes 'tke hatinthes t , . ' • larerti‘iinppitpd porpgraph froth the SUOMI (Locofoeo) AittericAt phoornui an honorable eon' trait 110 the - Libe of of the opposition masts, in tletlieillusionsto the gUtiemelbiiat candidates: "Against the private • panicle,. of either Oov. blilank or Gon. Irvin, no honorable inan will may one word They are talk men--anilwe are pleas ed to see it--of character end high standing.— (ien. Irvin, though a Whig, wa attow to lbo a Jibe's) initialed and honorable man." MR. POLK'S GENERALSHIP.—The' Phil adelphia/fernerylranian, in one of those tonntount able moods ofeonrblaive joeularity which have re-, e own dyer rave and solemn print, rev produced hoot the Richmond. Enquirer a most atro cious burbler, spat Mr. Polk—the publication of on any'ordinary grounds orptrtinut sanity, it is difileukto account for. "Do justice to ill l" 'fine exeelaims the Enquirer, Mid then proceed' : "The Whigs have not done common justice.** the President in the promentkm of 'hie war. It should be constantly kept before the people, that JANIS K. Pose is the eommander-in-chieforthe army and navy of the United Matta: and that he has devoted all of his energies to the discharge bf his high duties, with an' eye to the interest and honor of the conntry--and hu proven himself a trustworthy commander-invehieE Is it not dis• graceful in his political enemies to revileztid belit tle him, when the trot of the world ere looking on with admiration end estoeistanent at the wisdom and I . fforccatt vvitil k which his plans are laid, and the promptitude, energyand surmise 'with which they are executed'!" It is true enough, says our cotemporary of the U. States Gazette, that "the Whigs have not yet doom common justice" to Mr. Pour.; but that they are fully determined to do so, the Enquinnt may rest assured. The year 1848 will see "cent moo justice" executed upon the culprit, to the sa tisfaction of even this insatiate satirist. We agree also, that "it shinilealffiffllntly be kept before the people" that James K. Polk is commander-in-ebief of the Navy—in which capacity he suffitred our fleet to barnacle itself for months in the Gulf of Mexico, end ordered it to give free passage to the blockaded port to the only man who ought to have been kept out; anti that he is also commander-in chief of t r ite Army, in which capacityhocedered General Taylor to fall back upon Monterey before the army of his friends and protege, Santa Anna. But it was nor "James K. Polk, commander-in chief of the army and Navy," who captured Vera Cruz,—who gained the heights of Cerro Gordo,— who made glorious the days of Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palms, and Buena Vista. With none of these achievements had the "ecommander4n-chief" any thing to do; hut, while they were going on, he and his venomous ministers were safe in their cabinets at. Washington, concocting schemes for depriving Gen. Taylor of his troupe and sacrifi cing him and his brave volunteers to the enemy; or mourning over the defeat of their plans to dis grace Gen. Scott on the very field of his glory, and commit the fortunes of the war and the honor of the country to broken- do* political hacks and huck stering desperadoes. Such were some of "use plans," at which the "rest of the world have been looking on with admiration anti astonishment." THINK OF IT! The expenses of Mr. Polk's administration, for the lust three months, were $22,475,505—being at the rate of ninety millions per annum. Think of it! A QUltTaa MILLION 0/ DOLL: 55 ■/LST Erin( DA 5, because Texas was unnexedlind Mr. Polk wanted the glory of a war ! Think of it, vo ters! before you resolve,whom to support fur the next President. Think of it, Pennsylvanians, be fore you determine to support for re-election a Governor, who approves of all Mr. Polk's official and unconstitutional arts ! FROM THE SEAT OF WAIL.—No defi nite intelligence has been received from Scare's division of the Army since our last. The New Orleans papers contain a nutuber of &inflicting rumors in regard td, the "appointment of peace commissioners," lie'" failure of-negotiations," the "adt since of Gen. Scott upon the capital," &c. but none o( them scent to be Lased upon authentic ads icon. The last and most important ruiner appears in the New Orleans National of the inst. to the effect that GEN. SCOTT ENTERED THE Ulf Of al.p.xico on the 17th of July, after a severely conte,ted struggle with a large Mesielin force, about eight miles this side of the capital, commanded by Santa Anna in person. Our loss is put down at three hundred killed and wounded. the slaughter of the enemy having lwen immense. As soon as the battle was decided, the civil au thorities came out to meet Gen. Scott, and forth with offered terms of capitulation, which were ac cepted. This important news reached New Orleans by a Mexican courier, a passenger in the steamer M assachusetts; but subsequent arrivals from Vera Cruz and Tampico make no mention of the intel ligence, so that there is reason to infer that there is a mistake somewhere. The ,Lid authentic ad vice' from Gen. Scott left him at Puebla awaiting the arrival of the reinforcements under Oen. Pierce, with which it was understood he would commence a forward movement on the 15th ult. If so, it is not probable that ho redid have marched 87 miles, (the distance from Puebla to thg capital,) fought s severe battle, and entered the city ,by the 17th—the day upon which he la said-tatty° marched into the capital. The length of time that has elapsed since the last receipt of official advice' , from Gen. Scott, and the numerous and conflict ing rumors in regard to his movements, very nat urally gives rise to a great deal of anxiety to hear something definite and authentic. A few more days will settle the matter. If a battle has been fought, that it will prove to have been a triumphant ono for our arms, the achiever:tents at Vera Cruz and Cerro Gordo leave but little room for doubt. Gen. Ts Loa was at Walnut springs, near Monterey, still awaiting the arrival of . reinforce. merits, when, it is confidently stated, be will ad- vance on Ban Luis Potosi, and from thence to the city of Mexico. The health of ell the troops is good at Ealtillo, Monterey, Ceralvo, Mierand Mat amoras. This remark applies to those recently arrived, ea well ai the more acclinlated. Taylor's whole command at the present time is a bout 7000 men-.not more. Of these, Gen. Wool has with him at Buena Vista, 2900, or thereabout; there are immediately under Geri. Taylor, at Mon- terey, 800 ; at Meir, Gently° and Altamonte, there are about 8800. It is said that b - oth dotterels Taylor and Wool aro anxious to move ferwerd;but that . Wore the the former gives the word, he demands that a force , of 40,000 Wiest, all equal to active-service, be pla cad under! his eotimind;—say 8000 men to ad vance with him, and 2000 men to man his garrisons, 13" It will be recollected that some Steaks slice a Tset,ott meeting aseembledin If:Wrist:um Font pose4 of aproseotativee of that portift of the 1 1 : 4 egineo putt' known aa the Canaan or Muhl= enhurg branch. The cliental Corresponding Committee": then appointed met in Harrisburg late week a "Wept nawsinres hPilarry out the end ottheir appohnniad. Judge Iswie, of Lanose , ter, offered the following resolution, which*** u nanirnowdy adopted : • • • Resolved, That it be .kmennmeeded k) the Peo ple of this' , ContnionWealth 'to saaanble' in Hass ,Meeting at Harrisburg, on the 24th day of Septens? bet Reit, (thd amnia:any of the victory of Mon terey) to adopt push, utrusures as may be deemed .pweraprolhole the' ;erection of General &Ka A• wtr TAT toe to the Preildeney of the United States. On the other hand, the ihnoo-pure, true-blue poo , tion pf tJre party---of whom Hr. Polk is Chid, and Mr.'Rltchle DrilWergeant—glance dark suspi cion upon ell these, demonaniationa in favor of old cZack," and soon inclined to denounce the move n:ent as rank rebellion, end the actors in it aa tad ton, to the "llentoenwy," Mr. (folk bag amides that the laurels of this war, intended. for his own brow, shall tv worn b; political ti 04, WHIG ECONOMY.—The Whig triumph in Pennsylvania last jail, says-the rork Advocate, proved a greet blessing lit One COmnitittir' °abb.— The State Imptovensontiliold a handsome reve nue--the taxes are collected ' Sind 4,e , fIY 'Pre' elated, and t h e abed tiiiaon 'thie. °Y . Whig Le, gislature mired - theits &dia es, which sa vings, by the neon'' timbre)! mineivinent;c4:lohn, Hanka; have proved ample tti pay offs Leedom lam of s2oo,ooo—the August intereat of $9190,000, and leaves a surplus of 1 0825000 jn the Treasury. These are &Cresol* of Whig rule. The peoide eat see that &Crateful* of the State are sufficient for all punkas ; and it was only lo- glow misrule Which had eppreisul the Keystoie foi years. If the people desire the good went to go' n, they must iota for Mfg measures and whig men, and elect Gen. J*xaa fats Governor and Jos an W. Parros Canal Commissioner, when the work will be completql, and' the, State, purged , of her plunderers. • "On the first of the present inonth the interest on our State debt was paid at the Hank of Penn sylvania, Philadelphia, and we learn that a sue. plus of three hundred thousand dollars males in the Treasury. Many of the Federal pipers are crewing over this Tact, as the result of "Whig man agement," when in truth his owing exclusively to the excellent system of economy adopted by the State Administration prior to the election of John Ranks as State Treasurer, and which is still ad hered to with the utmost faithfulness. It bin no. torious filet that since the commencement of the present Administretion our State has assumed a proud position—meeting her liabilities honestly and to the fullest extent. This, we need scarcely repeat, is the result of the sleepless watchfulness which characterizes the Administration of FUAX• cis R. Suess." 8o rays our neighbor of the "Compiler" ; and yet the editor can scarcely have forgotten that al-! most the first official act of Mr. Sa pus, afier his In troduction into the gubernatorial dhair, wee& Mei sage to the Legislature affirming the inability, of the State to pay t h e interest on the State debt, and recommending that the State Treasurer "be directed sox to pay the February instalment I" The representatives of the people, however, pos. messed of a little more State pride than their chief executive, and determined to preserve the integri ty of the State's obligations, indignantly spurned the degrading p r rcitition of Gov. 8111:NK, and gave him to undel d, in plain words, that the February interetitusiiit be paid. It mu paid, and that, too, but a few weeks after bris Excellency de clared such a thing impossible. When Judge Kassa entered the Treasury De partment, in February last, it was found necessary to borrouir2oo,ooo to meet the deficiency that had occurred in the State Treasury, during the admin istration of his Locofeeo predecessor, Mr. Snow den. Hy the financial ability of Judge,D.Orts in the Treasury Department, and the rigid" economy of Mr. Powsa in the board of Canal COM rahusioners, the State has been enabled not only to meet the Au g ust interest without any more "bor rowing," but to pay off the $200,000 debt incur red tiering Mr. Snowden's- administration, and leave A BALANCE OF $300,000 IN THE TREASURY ! In the face of facts like these —facts which the records of the State will authenticate—the Locofe co press, with the view of bolstering up the waning popularity brit weak and profligate Administra tion, unblushingly affirms that the "proud position" of our State in "meeting her liabilities hone•tly and to the fulle , t extent," "is the result of the sleepless watchfulness which chanwterizes the Administra tion of Fe Am. is It. Hat:llK !" NIGIZE EVIDENCE—The Harrisburg Tole says that the Editor during last week, had u convenuition with a distinguished gentleman, for merly:4li Pi liPer Ow army, with _Gen. Taylor, aniT;itho has teen personally and intimately as with him for a great number of years, and who assured him that he has a perfect knoi►l edgo of the General's political character. He sta ted that Pen. Taylor was a "Whig, • whole Whig, and nothing but a Whig:" that he was op posed to the annexation of Texas: and opposed to the war with Mexico, believing that it could have been avoided with honor and safety. He stated further, that he was opposed to the further exten sion of slave territory : and in favor of a protective tariff. 1.d7 . 80nw few Locofore editors are still busy with the effort to dupe their readers into the no- tion that the recent high prices of breadstuff* miss attributable, more or less, to the operations of the Tariff of 1846. The 18untrury American,", a Lo cofoco paper, notices this class of astute politicians . as follows : ...Those editors who were Silly enough to ascribe the high price of grain to the tariff of 184113, will find some trouble in explaining its sudden Wl. We have Uniformly contended that the tariff ques tion had nothing to do with the prices of grailf., and that 11090 but 0111A9OUVES would make use 9f such an argumont.." A PAIR OF uPASSES."—Probahly no two PASSES aro so famous in our history as those given by Arnold to Amin., and Polk to Santa Anna. To show how much affinity the last has for the first, we copy both: alraolirs Pan ttl .Andre Head Quarters, Robinson's • House, • Sept. 324.1, 17130. Permit Mr. John Anderson to pass the Guards to the White Plains or below if he 'chooses, he ba ing on Public my direction. B. ALNOLL), M. Genl. Palk'. Post to Some Awed. The Commander of our Narsl forces in the Gulf is hereby directed not to obsfitict the pum g p °faults Anna and Suite to Mexico, should he do. sire to return thither. JAMB K. POLK, President. May 16, 1846. THE PROSPECTS.—Thu York Republican copies a number ofextraets from papers end letters from different sectioni of the State, all of which in dicate a determination on the .piart of the Whir to give their candidates for Governor and Osumi Commissioner an enthusiastic end triumphant sup port. 'rho Republican says Altai "our political Men" seem to be very, 1 1017 tisteFedlisd charge - their duty at the "approachhice*on..— The spirit which animals. them does not icad .to empty display or loud and noiay clamor, but it Is fixed, firm and deep, resolved upon a faithful ex ercise of the Right of and an united start to piste Pennsylvania. in the firths_ of 'her true friendit Such is the tenor of all the intelligence which we receive nom the amend Counties'of the State. • Wherever the Widga hive held their reg uliimeetingai they havd been tiumeriatt attend+ ed and solimited hr the hest Spirit, while die '4 , sembiagss of the other party have been dullitid, and 'Oxfam., and in miny'ii stance. very few 1131 1 1 Washi n gton, eorreepondent of the N. Y. Herald zeont4ons a report now prevalent. and doubtless not without foundation, tffit the pliant Gen. WORTH has proteatedlgaistat sorving aa the subordinate of Generals Pillow and Qutemar, Mr. Polk's new officers.' , — 4 -- r ACCIDINTALLT CnpiiCT.—The Washington Union oldie nth ult. in publidting the Southern' news r by sonic oversight alio wed the following truth to be copied into its tolunins—KieneralTaylor still at Walnut Springs, quietly awaiting the arri• voi of those tsinforventerits so opts proosurd sod A.LIOII TS 01J.4 VW." AID AND COMFORT,--We perceive by the late New Orleans papers, that liberal extracts con tinue to be copied into the Mexican papers from the Federal prints in this country. This fact is distinctly stated, and may be useful as a matter of future reference.--Cartisk V.bunker. Certainly, but why complain that Mexican pa• ion copy extracts "from the Federal prints in this country The great leader of the Federal party in this country, Mr. Pots, posed the greet leader of the Federal party in Mexicts Dog 84X7A Au sal, into that iinpublio, and peeled him at the head of the Mexican Army, to fight against such Ameri can Whip as Tay*, ScoltAisy, Ringgold, and others—why, then, should not the Sayings of such kedend papers as support. this Federal President "be copied into the Mexican papers?" • Me/Pore's DMZ'S 1t•. 7 -Mi Pollt's medicament with to the war (jays the Nashville Banner) is very much like that of another unfodunate wight who wig run off with ar by a hems. Ile mounted him of his own word, with the intention of show, ing off--of cutting • dash. Jut the charger could not be managed, and ai he swept by at the top of his horse's speed, some sympathising friend called out to him tole." of! His reply Was, ~ H orn tarsi /hi go whew I saw worse/iv load oar' 4 rirThe Whigs.of Bolas County assembled * mass meeting in the borough of Reading last weeks to make anangemonis for the fill election. Reso lutions were adopted in favor of Gee. Taman ust the Whig candidate for. President. Tho Locofocos held a meeting on the next day, and voted dome resolutions in favor of the old Hari. THE ELECTIONS.--The returns from the recent Congressional Elections, a. far as received, are favorable ~te the Whig cause in almost every instance--favorable even beyond our moat sanguine expectation*. Annexed we give' snob results as have been determined by the returns.— In KENTUCKY, where the Washington Union looked for a Locofoco triumph, in consequence, of *fledged divisions in the-Whig ranks, the Whi? have carried eigld out of nine Distrieta, leaving one (the MI) to be 'heard from. 'the' following mem bers are returned : 1. Liars Boyd, L. 7. Duncan, W. 3. Todd, W. ' 8. C. B. hforeheed,W ir. 'Ayiett Bucktier, W. 9: L. M. Cox, W. 6. Tholmoon, W. 10. Major Gaines, W. 6. Munk W. ' Thompson, in•the, and (taints, in the 10th. are Whig gains. - if the 243 'district, which - mut give 700 Whig majority, remains true, Kentucky will return but a single toeofime to Cengreas!-:- Last Congress, the delegation stood.— Whig 7, Lo cos 3. . INDIANA-The delegation from this Statoin the last Congressif:ittood-8 Locos, 2 Whigs.— The returns of the recent election give the follow ing result ineigfit out of the ten districts: I. Entbroe. W. 5. W. W, Dick, L. 2, T. J. Hardy, L. 6. D. M. Dobson, L. 3. J. L. Robinson, L. 7. —Thompson, W. 4. C. B. Smith, W. 9. Jno. W. Cathcart, L. Embree (Whig) beats Robert Dale Owen in the Ist district, which gave Mr. Polk 1972 majority.— a Whig gain. The Rth and 10th districts not hcanl from. • NORTH CAROLINA..—Last Congress the delegation stood—Whigs 3, Locofocos 0. The following members are now teturnotl: 2, N. Boyaen, W 7. .1.1. M'Kay, I. 5. —Venable, L. 8. it 8. Donnell, W. G. —Daniel, L. 9. —Outlaw, W. Donnell, in the tqli, and Outlaw, in the 9th, are Whig gains. No returns from the Ist, 3d and 4th districts. • • A L AD A MA.—Nothing definite except from the middle district, which ref dune r it, • Whig golf'. Hilliard, Whig, is also elected. VIRGINIA.--The special eloctien in Vleia to supply the place often. Ditoisoom.a, Xed, has resulted in the choice of Meade, (Lore,) by 'a bout 200 majority over Dollirm, (Whig.) This district gave Mr, Polk about POO majority, and yet we notice that the Loco:ixo press announces the result as a "Great Democratic Victory!"- Verily, Locefocoism has learned, in thew latter days, to "be thankful for small favors," Or The Whig gains in these elections render it certain' that there will be a Whig Majority in the next Rouse of Depresientatives at Washington.. ANOTHER SIGN.—A' resolution was offered last week at the Cheater county Locokoco meeting in favor of General Taylor fertile Presidency, and almost sisenirnovudy—only twe'Voting for it—toted down This is a pretty good hint of the lore the Locos have for old Rough and Ready. • larThe Philadelphia North American stye that on Saturday loot two millions aspect. pawed Over die Harrisburg railroad 0110...tiray to Mexico, via New Orleans. 4 KIDNAPPING.—Two individuals named Geo. Watts and Edward Miller have been arrested in Baltimore, charged with kidnapping. free colored woman, named Mary Whiting, from Chambers. burg, Pa., and selling hers, a slave to Hope H. Slitter. PARDON.—Governor Shrink has pardon ed Bill WOod, alias Captain Hessington, a pickpocket notorious to the police. - . . • ioKrark A SPLENDID LOT OF Alai% AT SHEEN'S SALE. A SPLENDID Lot of STORE, Goons its now being oteied at SHERIFF'S ,SALE, the -Store- of RoBzRT.VILIVPSNIKRAW in Gettysburg, and will .continue during the whole of the Court...week, (commencing' on' Mondaf next)...-liitr•Goods are oflhe moot tonabje and superior kind, -and consist',of every variety of . . • CLOTHS, CASSIMERES; ' 7 Castanets,' Silikloodkt Detail* da/Paetti: CiallatAdaVol4lo. Swiss, .009k;a4Mie/1/11u544, Crape, • ; • Gingham, *cf. • - , In fict, every variety of' the most elegant and fashionable assortment of ‘_ ger onst will , be offered~ for ante SELECT ARTICLES have been . expresBly kept back for the Court week.' Persons desiring of laying in a cbmplete Stock of 'itsuillineir, Wall Si, Whiter Goods, Will dowell to attend this icr On Monday at noon, a splendid Buggy and harness, will bo offered at Sheriff's Sale, at the Court House. - . B. S.CHRIVER, .91terffir. Sheriff's Office, Getty burg, Aug. 13, 1847. prThe FLOUR MARKET is still dull. Some few sales were made on Wednesday at $5 87 a $6 per barrel. Good to prime red Wheat $1.22 a $1.25; do. white $125 a $1 28; white and lbw Corn 66 a7O eta. ; Oats 35 a 38 ; Rye 70 cm. • On Thunder oven* last, by Rev. Sir. Taney hilly. Ms- 14 v tiCk:ixol and Ass us Zsci. aft, ,m'lk , c'f **Fe*, . . DIED, on the 24th tilt: Mr. r iteax WErnarissa,of this rounty, aged 78 rent.' On the 27th ult.; near Abbottatown, Hamm, son Qi Mr. Jacob thrisehnes. aged 4 years and 9 months. . On Friday the 6th of August, Mrs. Csatsrr 4sa MA X NA, Wire of M r.111(011M•Elpf. delsedMa r 'df Carroll county, M., (fornieriir of Adams coun ly) aged 70 years,' NEW PERIODICALS AT HILLER ICURTVB BOOKATORE. nUSSELL; a - Tale of the 'Reign of Et Charles 11---by G. P. IL James, Esq., 25 cents : The. Duke and the Cons in—by Mrs. Grey, 25 cents; O'Sullivab e is Love, and the History of Paddy Go-Easy, anti his Wife Nancy, 25 cents; Combe's Physiology, 75 cents; Life 'of Gen. Tay lor, a New end Beautiful Edition, finbly embellished, 50 tents; Mexico and het Military Chieftains, 50 cents ; Knowlenn's Horse Farrier, 25 cents ; The Secret Tri bunal—by Dumas, 25 cents; Greatest Plagne of Life, 01 cents; 10 First No's. of ombey & Son, 25 cents ;. Almanack !Or 1848 ; The Mince Pie and Idle Hour Book—being Regular Countenance Distur bers ; John A. Murrell, the Land Pirate, 25 cents. -- August 13. Flrst Prenditan "Yrlllng Lek. TIIII3 Ink has furs long While become established as a National article, awl the following testimonials Troia Washing ton City, prove its merits in that dimctiont Muse of Representatives, trwhiniton City. Ab. 24, 1843. I state that I have , used the Ink,.during the present session of Congresc, manufac tured by Joseph E. Hover, Esq., of Phil-, adelphia, and I have found it to be au arti cle of most etedlent quality. JOON WHITE, Smaker Ifoust.f Representatim. Patent qjfire, Washington, h. C!, February 23. 1833. SlR—Your Black Writing Ink has been used in this Office since October lasti.and is entirely approved. I am respectfully.," J. W. HAND, Chief Clerk. Mr. JOSEPH E. 'Lovett, Philadelphia. • llos•er►e Adatnalatine Cement. The following from,BleknellNitbporter will best illustrate its value: "Mr. Clover inenuficturei. , Jlllnnumtine Cement" for joining btokeh china; &c.; we have have tried the article and found it to be excellent." For Sale, Wholesale end getsil,..atilui M anu fctory, No. 87 NortlisTiiiird Street, opposite Cherry Street. Philadelphia. by JOSEPH E; HOVER, • Manufacturer. • tFor sale in Gettysburg et the store. of • S. H. BUEHLER: - August 13, 1847. '• • Bm The largest and cheapest Stock ~. OF GOLD AND, SILVER **-7- W a taUVatiagfe. Plain andrancv Jewelry, ix poiLaniii:isil, - _ Whoksalo and Retell—No. ‘ 3 ' l6 ` C ' . 4131 Market street. .., Gold Leven; till joiroUol, 18 carrot 4 cams, gold dial, , t $4O 00 Gold Lqunes, do. do. , $26 to 80 00 tillrerLoroni, full jewelled, , , , , _ .21? 011 Silver Lepinelhjewelk , d, 13.00 Silver Quartier Watches, oplehtlld quality, 9 00 Silver imitationQuartiera, - 5 00 Second hand Gold and diffiet•Wateta: at prices from - to 25 00 Gold Pencils, 176 to 2 00 Gold Braccialo, with topes and other sets, 3'50. Puri Silver reaspoonii, -• 4 GO Dhnitond point Gold Pena, with pew Cif and solid silver huklata, only ' 1 46 Gold Chains, breast-pins, Anger-rings, ear. rings and Jewelry of every description, at the lowest Phibdelphia or N. York prices; gold and silver °Levers, Lepines, and Quay. tier watches, still muck-cheaper than the above prices. A call will be sufficient to convince purchasers that this is the place to get good and cheap artiefee. All goods warranted to be what they are sold for. Orders from . the country punctually at:a.utl= eti to.. Obi Odd Fidfillsec, be!;04, 11 .9r cash, or taken in exchange, MI kinds,of watches repaired and warranted to keep eiwrect time. • • N. B. 4.hoe a spleudid gold independ ent! ow% watch for. tinting horses. Also. Gilkiiiid-Gadvenisied - WitChoss.fer-icaders' use, and goods of all kinds in my line, at LEWIS LADOMIJO'S •• Watch, ,Clock, and • Jewelry Store, No. 41.34 . Mark* ft,,;111*,..11,114 PgrtMid44 W h its. Philadelphia, Aug, 0,1111470-4 m - Cheap Watches' and lemeelrp ll