Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, August 06, 1847, Image 3

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[Prop the YilaxAnchusetta Ploughman
,Tl.te„we of this fly are usually ten in
number, brown, and about the size of a
brass pin's head. 'l'hey are most com
monly deposited on the body of a tree,
close to the surface of the earth, and the
fly prefers to lay her eggs on trees that are
surrounded with grass and weedS, where
hi tlinting 'arc better protected from the
sun, the storms, and from other toracious
animnitted:heings, than they would be in o
pen, initiritted orchards. In such shaded
and ilielterecl situations, the bark of trees
iq !flop moist and tender, and the young
white serums enter more easily than in
bark constantly exposed to the weather.
lln regard to the best method of destroy
ing,tbese eggs, or the young
_worms that
ecorrisqrom them, there may be some dif
ference of opinion among those who have
attended closely to this subject. We have
urgently recommended a wash of strong
lye before hatching; or, at least, before the
worm can bury itself under tho bark.—
This.should be applied in July; and as
the whole trunk need not be washed for
this particulue purpose, a swab will soon
wetlitlY treett near the roots, where the
IVOtTEIO are. -
Leached or unleashed ashes, placed a
round, the wanks, are en effectual relief
from the borer, And it is probable that
fine land, or 'sandy loam, would stifle the
young worms and prevent any considera
ble progress into the body of the tree; for
the worm •.in boring, must have air, and
room, too, to back out the chips that she
cuts with her auger teeth. •
Sind piled around the trunk of an old
tree that is surrounded with grassor weeds
will have.a good tendency to prevent any
depoiit of eggs on the trunk ; and wohave
before intimated to our readers a wish that
some of them "Would try the effect of a
bushel of sand, or of sandy loam, around
old trees by the side of walls, or in grails
Every one who knows the English Haw.
thoto,'kheiva how much it suffers in this
latitude with the heat of our midsummer
sue, Beautiful as it is in early spring, it
uptallybecomes, after the month of July.
so brown and clingy, in its foliage, as fre.
qiiently to present the appearance of a
dead rather than a lire fence.
.Having a fine line of this hedge on one
of the boundaries of our premises,.and ob
serving that did borer was commencing
his attacks upoh portions of it, we applied
in April, 1815, a pretty plentiful dressing
of sip along the whole line of liedge;and
inunediately, about the base of the thoin
stems. The application was strong enough
to kill the young tufts of grass, that were
growing here and there Along the roots
of the hedge. The hedge itself was great
ly luxuriance by it. But what
most surprised' us was this : The spring
and summer of 1845 were perhaps the
divot and hottest ever known here.—
TreCs and plants of every kind suffered
greatly. For the first time within our
remembrance, since the hedge was plant
ed, it .remained in healthy and green ver
dure' through Me whole season till ati
tainn. We attribute this solely to the ac
tion of the salt, and cannot but think, there
fore, that it must be one of the best ali
ments, when the soil is naturally too dry,
far any tree or plant, provided the tree
and plant to be grown there is one that
will bear salt.
.A.-dry soil is one that from its -texture
his tno little capacity from moisture.—
Cotatiton salt has an unusual capacity for
attracting it.
This is probably one reason why the
plum tree, which loves a moist soil, thrives
so Well tiller the application of salt. •
Bros ex VINES.—Bugs on squash and
pimpkin vines are caught by placing shin
gles, or bits of board, near the plants.—
Early in the morning, you will find the
large black and the small striped bugs un
der these boards, where they gather at
night and are protected. Take up one
board in each hand, bring the two in can
tad, where the bugs may be crushed by
robbing them together.
Sprinkling the vines repeatedly with
ashes, plastrr, and such matters, drives the
bugs away. Charcoal dust, lime, ashes,
and all such remedies, have a good tenden
cy to keep off' the intruders.
FARLinis.--Toads are the ve
ry beat protections of cabbage against lice.
Money !skilfully expended in drying
land draining or otherwise will be return
ed is aft int ple interest.
lriitsber cut in the spring and exposed
Mt the weather with the bark on, decays
nonlik sooner than ifeut in the fall.
Experiments shoi apples to be equal
to *looms to improve hogs, and decidedly
preferable for kmding cattle.
Wild onions nuy be destroyed by cul
tivating turn. ploughing •nd leaving the
liold in its ploughed state all winter.
. 101 other vermin are kept away
finis pais by a sprinkling of gestic when
pmetift the sheaves.
Settette#Avesil is a eertaie ewe for the
Wet it ratilemike. Aft& it inttrnally
11l gitilttia47.
Cori iimat ebeeW Dever be greyed very
kitNibige the tiebeeee of it.
• IMO* fat man 4 , * doable the
itteleatetit *tier that taw ones ha'e.
Chance for Farmers
Two - Valuable Farms for Sale
In Adams County.
TIIE underNigned, desiring to give up
the Farming business, will sett at
Private Sale, his Property, consisting of
situate iu Freedom township; Adams coun
ty, Pennsylvania, adjoining lands of Wil
liam Scott, John Nee1y...441m Stewart's
heirs, Abraham prise, James M'Cleary,
David Bossorman and George Irvin ;
on the road leading from Gettysburg
ta Nunemaker's Mill, about 5 miles front
Gettysburg, 6 miles from Emmitsburg,
from Fairfield, and 1.1 from "Big Mitreh
Cre'ek.'"l'lle Farms adjoin each other.
One of them contains
more or less, on which is erected vi large
_ •
with a Double Hack Building; a large
Stone Bank Barn, 82 feet front ; Wagon
Shed, Corn Crib, Wash House, Carriage
House, Shop, a new Patent
• Cidor . Press„
with other out-buildings ; a tiwiying
• ;,•-•. ORCHARD'',
•' 334 trees ; also a large number
of other Fruit-trees on the premi
ses ; three never failing wells of water con•
venient to the different buildings. About
40 acres aro good Timberland, enclo
sed in good fbncing ; about 00 Acres of
the very beat Meadow land; the (balance
cleared, under good cultivation--the fen
cing being mostly chesnut, inexeellentor
der. The Farm us laid out in fields of
front 12 to 16 acres, there being no waste
land on it.
The other Farm, adjoining the above,
conflate of
sea attamata.
more 9i leas, on . which are erected a large
a double Log Barn, with shad
ing all around ; Wagon Shed; Corn Crib;
largellay Sheds ; Wash House ; with chit•
er outbuildings two wells of never fail
ing water, one pear the door of the Awel
ling, the other-convenient to the Wash- .
house; a thriving young.
if of
different kinds of Fruit.—
There are about i 5 Acres of
goo ' tmberlait, about 55 acres of Mead
ow equal to any . in the county ; the bal
ance cleared, with chesnut fencing, and in
a good ituteof cultivation.
Ilielbcire Punts are — atnong thelatost
valuable properties in Adams county ; be
ing conveniently • located, and under the
very: Lest; desirous.
of entering into . the Failing business, will
indriobetter epportunityteinvest their-cap : .
ital. Purchasers desirous of seeing the
premises, wilLbe shown them by the sub.
Scriber, residi tigon the firstdeseribed Farm.
Tassa.=-One half cash in hand, and the
balance in , sik annual payments. Pos
session will be given immediately, upon
the terms of sale being complied with.—
Perseus wishing to purchase are request
. eittii mike eitiry:iipplication, '
Freedom tp.,- Adams co. July 9:---tf
IN pursuance of sundry writs of 1 radi
tioni and Nies rendilioni Expoaas,
issued out of the Court of Common Pleas
of Adams county, and to me directed, will
be exposed to public sale on Saturday the
7th of hugust, 1847, at 1 o'clock, P. M.,
at the Court-house, in the Borough of Get
tysburg, dip following Real Estate, to wit:
- A — Tract of Land,
situate in Mountpleasant township, Adams
county, adjoining lands of Egbert Eckert,
Peter Smith, and others, containing 16
ACRES, more or less, on which are e
rected a story Log
a Log Stable, with a Thresh
ing Floor; there is an excellent well of
Water near the dwelling; also a variety
of Fruit Trees on the premises. About
10 Acres of this land are cleared and in a
state of cultivation; the residue is covered
with young timber. Seized and taken in
execution as the estate of Peter Peiedt.--
A Tract of Land,
situate in - linntingtim township, Adams
county, adjoining lands of Thomas Ste
phens, John Sadler, John Collins, and oth
ers, containing 40 ACRES, more .or less,
on which ate erected a 1 1-2 story log
Dwelling Denie,
' t ilt with a spring of Water near the
door. There is also an orchard
of Fruit Trees upon the premises. Seis
ed and taken in execution as the estate
of Robert Nickel. Executor of the estate
of William Nickel, dereeased. . •
lAr Perilous purchasing property at Sheriff's
sale, will here to pay Int per rear. of the purchase
money on the Jay of of sale.
• B. SCIIRIVER, &trip
Sheriff's Office, Gettysburg,
July 16, 1847. Is
ID AN away front the service of the sub
111A. scriber, in the latter part of May
last, GUS7:IVILS HENRY, an indented
apprentice to the Coach-smithing business.
All persons are hereby warned not to hat ,-
bur said apprentice, as the law will be en
forced against any so offending. Two
Cents, but no thanks, will be given for his
apprehension and return.
110 ESPECTFULLY informs his friends
IN and the publiC generally that he has
now on hand a large assortment of TIN
{TARE of every description, which he
wilt sell at moderate prices—all warranted.
Persona wishing to purchase at low ralea
will do well to call before purchasing else
HOUSE SPOUTING will be made
and put up at 12i cents a foot,--'- -
lcrAa "Apprentice to the Tinning
business will be taken, tl application, with
good recommendations. be made soon.
Ona between 18 and 17 years of age will
be preferred.
Gettysburg, March 12, 1847.
Dr. J. Lawrence Dili,
• syßoigoN morisT,
R P 7 1 : ( 7 7i111.Y,0 friTs his p iifes Bo:l9c.ee4loiheei sieo
and surrounding country. lk is
prepared to attend to all cases usually en
trusted to the Dentist, and hopes, by strict
attention to Dentistry alone, to be ablo to
please all who may see fit to ontrust , thoir
teeth in his hands. Office at•Mr.ltreosh's
Gettysburg:, July p 3.-1 1..,
•I% E undersigned having formed a.
11. partnership : for the practice of 'the
Law, will attend the courtS:of Yorkiand
Adams, and also visit the peighlinringeouw,
ties if desired. Office in York street, Gott
tysburg, between the Bank and Public Of
ticeiri-whertr-one brill° firm will constant
ly attend, and whCre communications-14M
roceiv,e prompt attention.
June 18, 1847.-8 m
(Of Carliale,)
ESE NTS his respects to his friends
and informs them that he has made
a nit ngemen ts to continue to practice as usual
in the Courts of Adams county, under the
new regulation of the times fur holding
Jan. 30, 1846.
UFFICK in the Centre Square, North
of the Court-house, betwekn Smith's
and Stevenson's corners. •
Gettysburg, Pa.
gIiFFICE in the South-east Corner of
‘-JF the Diamond, between A. B. Kurtz's
lotel and R. W. M'Sherry's Store.
Gettysburg, Dee. 12, 1845.—tf
11, REED has remored.his Law
or. Office to the room one door. East of
Mr. Wattle's Hotel, and immediately op.
posit° Dr. Horner's,
April 9. 1847-Iy.
• attorney at Law,
OFFICE in the S. W. corner of the
Public Square, one door West of G.
Arnold's Store, formerly occupied as a
Law Office by John Ill'Conaughy, dec'd.
He solicits, and by prompt and faithful at
tention to business in his profeasinn, it will
be his endeavor to merit, confidence and
y—D. Al'Coxstrotn• will also attend
promptly to all business entrusted to him
as Agent and Solicitor for Patents and
Pensions. He has made arrangements,
through which' he can furnish very,desira
ble facilities to applicants, and entirety re
lieve them from the necessity of a journey
to Washington, on application to liniPper
sonally or by letter.
Gekysburg, April.2.—tf
A Commentary for the People.
wo' publishing, the ECLECTIC CO 3I 51 EN
TART on the Bible. from the works of
Henry and Scott, and above one hundred other wri
ter". The is ork is printed on fine paper. and w itl,
large clear type. It will be completed in 24
parts, of Si) pages each, imperial Svo, ell of w hick
are now stereotyped. It will be beautifully illus
trated by accurate views of scriptural scenes, de
signed expressly to embellish a Commentary. and
executed by the most eminent artists. ;fables
and charts, are likewise added, where necessary
for purposes of illustration, and the whole comprr.
sing as valuable a series of illustrative engravings
and embellishments, as has ever been united in a
ny similar work. It may be used with any edi
tion of the Bible. Will be published semimonthly
at 25 cents each pot.
The design of the Committee of the London
Tract Society, under whose supervision. the Eng
hsh work was prepared, has been to cover that
ground where all evangelical denorninatione meet,
and to make a plain and practical exposition 01 re
ligious truth and duty.
This work is based upon the commentaries in
Henry and Stott, and more than one hundred DM
er writer, in the various departments of Biblical
Literature; the most important observations of
these eminent divines being quoted, constituting
a digest of themoet valuable results at which the
teamed men of all ages have arrived. in their ens,
ical study of tbs. Holy &Opiates. Reference has,
been had to the, wants 01 Sunday School testi:4v,
*nth( families engaged in the systematic study, of
the scriptures.
Perhips there wirer was ajtmetruse of time when
true religion more greatly needed • tarn-guard a
gainst attacks whieh..are both boldly and insidi.
ouslraimed at her vital principles; perkspe true
religion was never in,a more perilous position be
tween opetrenemies and pretended friends, than at
this particular crisis t and surely never was it
mare incumbent thin now, on every true friend of
her holy precepts, every etudefetitious master of a
houge-tred, every anxious parent, guardian 'and
protector, to be provided with the antidotes to the
poison, , which is so unscrupulously scattered a
broad, or an arigninent ',giblet rich dangerous fal
lacy which it propounded to the injury and detri
ment of that teligion, which is faithful oracle •
of the Divine Creator, and the best exponent of his'
The object of the compilers ban been to provide
a committal compact in size, moderate in price.
and suited to ehristiane of every atation, r rank hat
"The fintify into'whosebands this work ecutuel
have la their possession a storeof Biblical seience
and practical instruction of nwreysive than gold.
The re•pubiicatipb;is a greattinderldklng, and we
hope it will receive an adequate support.":—N. Y.
"This commentary he. enjoyed an extraordina
ry popularity as • pmetical expbsition of ;Gorklik
It differs from any other, presenting the
best evangelical illustrative and practical pions-'
menu which the editors were able to select from
the best scholars, on each passage in course. 'The
text being omitted, it is enabled to present a vast
amount of learning in a small space. The sour
ces from which it is compiled afford a perfect
guarantee of it■ soundness, both of doctrine and
interpretation, while the advantage of having the
opinion of different commentators is apparent and
very great."—N. Y. Evangelist,
"We regard the Eclectic Commentary, now in
course of publication by Mr. Shannon. as especial
ly deserving the patronage of Protestant Christ
tans. Its cheapness, beautiful finish of mechani
cal workmanship, and its comprehensiveness. em
bracing, as it does, the cream of all the ablest com
mentaries. all entitle it to very high considers
tion.--Clirhition Parlor Magazine.
We have received the most favorable notices
from many distinguished clergymen of various de
nominations in this country, and ulsn front the re
ligions press, which cannot be inserted in a news
paper advertisement on accountof their length—
they will be found on the cover of each part.
118 Nassau street, N. York.
•„' Booksellers and agents supplied at the reg
ular trade prices. The numbers, as publistied
will be sent by express to any part of the Unita,
States, by retnittieg the amount kettle same, at
the time of sending the order.
' June 18, 1847-12 t
&c., abort quality, can always he had to
the Fancy Store of C. WEA VER.
April 10, 1840. . .
WIIEREAS the lion. W. N. lit
viris. Esq. President of the several
Courts of Common Pleas, in the counties
composing the Inch District, and Justice
of the Collator Oyer and Terminer, and
General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all
capital and other offenders in the said dis
trict—and Gnonon Shut-site and JAIIIIM
M'Divirr, Esqs.,.Judges of the. Courts of
Comnton Pleati, and General JancliretY.
for the trial of all capital and other'offenth
cis in the county of Adants--;:hatt issued
their - precept, bearing date the net day
of Aprd, in ;the 'year of ' our
,Loan one
thousand eight hundred and forty-six, and
1 1 to me directed, for holding a Court of Com. :
IneurPrge'aftirGenend guar* Sessions
of the PeaCe 'stud General Jail Delivery,
and Court of, Oyer and Terminer, at Get
tysiturg, on Monday. the HA day of .02u—
all theJUsticee of the Peace, the Coroner
and Ciinitatileirwithin the said County of
Adame;thit they he then and therein. their
FP* 1 1 ,1911ni. with their Rolla, Records,
inquisitions, Examinations and other Re
membrances; -thnsethings which to
their 'offices and' in that behalf appertain
to be done, and also they who will prose
cute sigitinet the prisoners that are or then
shall he in the Jail of the said County of
Ashunseandole be then and there to pros
°cute. againet them as shall he just.
sheriff's Office, Gettysburg,
July 9, 1847. 3t
1J1102123111 9 5 N0t20,129
NOTICE ix hereby given to all Lege
/ • item, and other persona concerned,
COUNTS of the deceased persons herein
afterr mentioned will be presented at the Or
phans' Court of Adams county, for confir
mation 'arid .allowance, on Monday the
1614 day of '.qtrArtist next, viz :
The account of Joshua Metter, Admin
istrator with the will annexed, of Lavinia
M'Nair, deceased.
The account of William Weagly, Isaac
Woagly and George Wesigly. Executors
of the last will and testament of John Weag
ly, deceased.
The account of Jacob Sanders, Admin.
istmtyr .of the estate uf Alexander Ewing,
The account of Jesse Little, Administra
tor of the estate of Andrew Little, who was
Administrator of Ann Little, deceased.
The aimoubt, - of George H. Binder, Ad
ministrator of the estate of Charles A.
Fronk, deceased.
The account Of lobo Wolford, Admin
istrator-.of the estate of Abel Walker, de
The account of George Robinette, Ex
ecutor of the last will and testament of Ja
cob Shell, deceased.
account of Andrew Lohr, Adminis
trator of the estate of Jacob Lohr, deceased.
The account of Henry Myers and John
B. Hoffman, Executors of the last willand
testament of Barnhart Hoffman, deceased.
The account of Moses Lockhart, one of
the Executors of the last will and testa
ment of James Lockhart, deceased.
The account of John Dickson, Jr., one
of the Executors of the last will and testa
anent of James Lockhart, deceased.
The account ofJa . tnes Cunningham, Esq.
Execuun of the last will and testament of
James Wilson. deceased.
Reg uteri Office, fietlye.burg.
July 16,1847.
wamcnts & JEWELRY
A Me Philadelphia ll'aleh and Jewelry
Store, ••
No. Ad, North Second street. corner of Quarry
Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled,
18 car. cases, 8.15 00
Silver Lever do. full jewelled, 23 00
Silver Lever do. 7 jewels, 'lB 00
Silver Lepine do. jewel'd, Ist qua1..14 00
Superior Quaiiier Watches, 'lO "00
Imitation do. not warranted, 5 01
Gold Spectacles, 8 00
Fine Silver Spectacles," " r 75
Gold Bracelets, with topaz stones, 350
Ladies' Gold Peneils, HI carats, 2 00
Gold Finger Rings, 37 cis to 118 ; Watch
Glasses—plain 'l2 eta; patent 18 ; lunet
25.- Other article. in proportion. All
goods warranted to be what they are sold
for.• 0. CONRAD.
On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers
Lepines and Quartiers. lower than the a
bore prices.
Dec. 4, 1848.—h-ly
The Output Gold and Silver !Patches
Gold Levers, full jeweled, •45 00
Silver Leiers, full' jeweled, 28 80
Gold Lepitics,jeiveled, - 30..01)
Silver.Lepines, jeweled,. ~._ 15 00
Silver Quartiers, One quality; 10 00
Gola watches, plain, . 15 00
Slier Spectacles 1 75
Gold Pencils, g, 00
Gold Bracelets, - 400
— bR'pAND—
large assortment of. Gold and Silver
Hair-Bracelets, Finger. Rings, Breastpins,
`Hoop' Ear-Ring, Gold Pens,Bilver Spoons,
Sager Tonges, Thimbles, Gold Neck,and
Fob chains, Guard Kepi, and Jewelry at
equality low prices.
, ill=7"Alll want is a ca t to Convince eas
terners. , ,
All kinds of Watches and Clocks re.
paired and warranted', to,, keep good lite'
for one year. • Old Gold indlgilver bought
for. Cash, or taken_in exchange. •
Limy. loins Gold atalAellifer Lever., at
still cheaper pric,es thad theabove. A lib
eral Diacount made to dealerk. Call and
see for yourselves.
For sale, .Eight-day .and Thirty-hour
Brie/ Clocks, at • .
Watch, Clock, and Jewltry Store, No. 413
Market St., above:llth, north aide, Phila.
Philadelphia, Sept. 4, 1848. ' tt
Wll4, be made and
.. put up by the
subseribei, who will attendprompt
ly to all orders, and upon as reasonable
terms as can be procured at any establish
ment in the count?".
• Gettysliurg, March 13.
the o wou the attention of
to e of) ga; F g
which are now opened at their Cheap
Store immediately opposite David fleagy's
Cabinet Ware House. Call and examine
for yourselves.
May 7, 1847.
WM. & C. RUTIIRAUFF have re
eeived a very large assortment o
FANS, from 3 . ets to $1.25.
.71. I. SI•7IOXS,
SILVER MEDAL awarded for the best
pictures ever exhibited. Strangers
visiting•the city should call and examine
the various specimens of colored Daguer
reotypes, at M. P. Simons' Gallery; and
those wishing likenesses, may rely upo
receiving perfect satisfuetion in every res
pect. 'Whole families can be grouped to
gether, which forms a most invaluable
keepsake. Miniatures set in bracelets,
Medalions. Breastpins, atc. An assort
ment of the above Jewelry. selected for_
the purpose, always on hand. Examine
and then decide. Materials used inlthe
Art for sale, at the lowest Tates: Instruc
tient given by letter or personally. All
communications must be poet paid.
-. M., E. SIMONS,
No. 170 Chestnut Street,.
, Opposite the State Douse, Phila.
April 30, 1847.-3 m
First Premium Writing Ink.
From Dr. Hare, the celebrated Profcs
sorof Chemistry in the University of Penn
Phil:adelphia, Oct. 11,1843
"Dear Sir—Having tried your ink. I
will thank you to send toe another bottle,
as I find it to be excellent.
I am yours, truly,
From Dr. Locke, of Cincinnati, distin
guished fur his numerous scientific re
• "Med. Cul. of Ohio, Cincinnati,
17, 1844.
"Having used Mr. Hover's Writing Ink,
I am satisfied that it is the Gest which has
ever come to my knowledge, and especial=
ly it is excellent for the use of the Steel
Pens, and will not corrode them, even in
long use. JOHN LOCKE, -
Prof. of Chemistry.:
Ilicrreem Adamantine Cement.
From a well known opientitie gentleman.
"'Philadelphia. Feb. 27, 1810.
...lir. Joseph E. hover—Sir: A use of
your Cement, and some practical tests of
its superiority, has induced me to recom
mend it teitulters as an invaluable article for
mending China. Glass, or Cabinet Ware.
Analytic Chemist."
For Sale, Wholesale and Retail, at the
Manufactory, No. 87 North Third Street,
opposite Cherry Street, Philadelphia. by
1111:'For sale in Gettysburg at the Store
of S. 11.
May 14, 1847.
11,1r4 ACKS lITMINN. •
rr ICE undersigned has vonnerted with
his Coaelunaking Establishment :1
huge Smith sliop, and is prepared to do all
kinds of
including Carriagrs, Buggirs,
Wagons, 4.c. Ile would sac to those who
have Ilorses to shoe, that he has in his em
ploy first-rate hands, whir h, with his per
sonal attention, will enable him to give en
tire satisfaction to all those who may favor
him with a call.
Carrittge it finery NprittpS
(warranted) will be promptly made to or
der at all times.
kinds of REP.IIRING done,
both in Wood and Iron, at the most redu
ced prices.
Thankful for past encouragement, the
subscriber solicits a continuance of patro
nage, and invites his friends to call at his
Establishment in west Chatnborshurg
'street, a few doors below Thompson's
Gettysburg, Feb. 0, 1846.
ASHIONABLE Barber and Hair
- Dresser, has removed his ..Temple'
to the Diamond, adjoining the County Buil
dings, where he can at all times be found
prepared to attend to the calls of the public.
From long experience he flatters himself
that he can go through all the remit cations
of the 'ronsorical departments, with such an
infinite degree of skill ae will meet the en
tire satisfaction of all who may.submit their
chins to the keen ordeal of his razor. }lit
hopes, therefore, that by attention to bnii:
ness and a desire to please, he will merit
as well as receive a liberal share of public
patronage. The sick w ill be attended to at
their private dwellings.
Oct. 10. tf
foroleeltou °fulfill Loss by
- Ft re , . •
WEL UF."..Cumberland Valley Mutual •Protection
gals— Company," tieing incorporated by an Act of
the Legislature, and fully organized and in opera.
tion under the direction of the following Board of
Managers, viz: T C Miller,
James Weakly, W
M'Cullough, A G Miller, T A MKinley, Philip
Spangler, Samuel Galbraith,' Samuel Tritt, Aliso
King, (Adams,) Joba Zug, Samuel Huston, J T
Green, J Bear.—call the attention of the inhabit.
ants of Cumberland and Adams noontime to the
cheapnestof the rates, and the many advantages
whick Als kind of Insurance flyover any other.
L'very person insured becomes a member
of the company and takes .pert in thewelection of
officers and the direction of its concerns.
2d. For insurance no more isilewaruled than is
nienlifiry tro Meet the expenses ofthe Company,
rind indemnity sophist losses which may happen.
3d. The intWfivenience of frequent renewals is
avoided by insuring for i tarp,of five yeare.
pr ti
4th. Any person applying ,Gorr anee must
give his premium note for•the ebea 01 class' at
the rate of flye pstr cent., which will $5O on the
11)9 0 ; kir Which be will have to pay $2 SO forfive
years and $l. SOltiriuriey and policy. and on
more unless lose be 'Detained to a greater amount
than tlys funds on band will cover, end • then no
more than a pm rata share. These rates are
much cheaper ihah those of other companiel, ex
cept such as are incorporated on the same princi
ples. T. C. MILLER, President. •
A. G., Secretary.
(I:7The following named persons have been art
poinad Agents for Adams County :—Wm W Pax
ton, Esti,
,General Agent for Adams county.; .1 A
Thompson and 1) Ziegler, Gettysburg; Dr. Wm
R Stewart, Petersburg; Henry Myers, New Ches
ter; Henry Mayer. Abbottstown ' • Dahiel Com
fort, Stratum township ; Abraham King. Hunters
town; David Blythe, Fairfield; T T Wierman,
Arendtsville; Wm MOrrisen and Abel T Wright
Bendersville ; Dr. 1) Mellinger, East Berlin ; Alirn
Scott. Cashtown.
Sept. 13, 18.1111—tf
" IIAWLS of every descriPtion can le
had very cheap at W. & C. Ruthntuffs
Cheap Stope in Chambershurg street.
!HANDSOME Mahognny - fram'd Look
ing• Glasses can he had cheap at
May 7. W. & C. RUTIIRA INFS.
OFj•iiaalili t he remedi e s
hec li cure r o e ; TN i e. ( l, l 7li l l li i .; Zs !
Coughs, Co ' Ids, Asthma, Bronchitis, Liver Corn
!taint, Spitting - 411*60d, Difficulty of llresibip4,
Pain in the Side andEreast, Palpitation of
the Heart, laminae, l:roup, Broken
Constitution, Sore Throat, Ner
vous Debilitv;and all dines-
sea of the throat, Bread
and Lungs: ,
None has been found more CZILTAIN and FILIMA•
wirer in its curative power over these, so general
d often fatal diseases, than the above prepare
tiori. The Compound Syrup of Tat' and Wood
Plaptha is an unparalleled remedy. In addition to
the healing power of Ter.-the virtues of which,
in affections of the lungs, is universally acknowl
edged—there is combined with 'it in this prepare.
tion the active principles of some of the moat cer
tain Tonic Vegetable Pectorals, which unite to
tnako s ik the moat valuable medicine ever offered
to the public for the cure of the diseases for which
it is employed, so shin it never fails, it taken in
time, to produce the intended effect.
Among the testimonials to the ynlue of the a
bo% e medicine, are aeretalfrorn distinguiihed phy
sicians of Philadelphia. Read the 10110Alibg from
Dr. Young, the eminent oculist:
Philadelphia, Jan. 18, 1847.
Having used in my practice, as well as in my
own family,"Thoinson's Compound Syrup of Tar
and Wood Napthn," I have no liesitatior in saying
that it is the best preparation of the kind th use
for persons suffering from Consumption, Coughs,
Co;ds, and all affections of the Throat, Breast, he,
so prevalent at this season of the year.
132 Spruce street.
Read also the following from a-men who will
at any time corroborate its statements.
Illiladelphis,D4/C, 4,1E47.
• Penetrated with • deep sense of gratitude for
the benetit experienced by the use of Thomson's
Compound S.yriip of Tar, and that others who,
like me, hwye . languished through years of affliction
end '=' , ldretinewilltput being able to find a remedy
may know where it can be obtained, I voluntarily
make the following statement.
About four years since, alter being affected with
a violent cold, it left upon me a troublesome and
severe cough. Whilst the cough continued, which
was with scarcely au intermission during this
long period, language fails to tell what I have suf.
fered trout debility, pains in the breast and side,
night sweats. difficult expectoration, oppressed
breathing, and in fact all those symptoms which
Rork a severe pulmonary atlirtion. The relict
odeaslonally obtained by the discharge of the mat
ter which rib-nutted the healthy action of
system, but itirreased my teals, as the purulent
matter dischatged .6% Us frequently stieaked with
During this time I wan under the treatment of
several physiciauA. and took many of those previa.
rations recommended as serviceable in the rases
of others, hut ttithout relief : and I nt length con•
eluded that it core in my case WAS holletePA. not
how agreeably clhinged Is now my opinion! I
hove wed fur dam three week• Thomson • (into•
pound Symp'ol Tar, By the nee rd one bottle my
cough has belitn relies ed atm my sybtern reins igo•
rnted. and by continuing the use of it up to this
time, I am satisfied that my complaint is entirely
removed and eradicated.
It. KEA RAF Y 'III: S. Seventh at.
11.7 - This invaluable remedy is pmpnn•el only by
Augury .1c Dickson, N. Corner of Filth and
Sin lice , stirrers, Philadelphia, and den be had of the
Pollute ins Agents -
S. S. Forney, Getty burg.
11..9ngney, ('arlisle.
D. P. Lartr,e, Hanover.
Price cat large. bottles 11,01 1 . Renate of imita
tine-! Isl I y
Stantonls erstal.fiC Med y,
1111 W 11141, 01,111 y ilektlOMl , 4,lll In be the
IVA I.I.IIiLE It ' , MEDI' for bliefimattrm,
spinal affections, contractions of for muscles, sore
turoat and quinsy. issues. old libes. pains in the
b,n•k and clitsi. ague in the hteast and tare, tooth
ache. sprains. binises, salt rheum, burnt, croup,
hosted feel, And all nervous dIACA,CS. The tr to. ne.
nit soar.. tt hich hal , attended the applicatom
of this most wonder-1:g! mrderine in curing the most
severe cases of the ditrereut diseass s alms e named,
and the hi4h rnronrunrr that have been hestoff rd
upon 1, ',slime, er it has beets introduced. ftites
nie the light to call on the 011100! to lesolt at
once to the only remedy that can be relied us.
East Barbi,. Pt., May 2b, 1847.
Dear sit,-1 consider it my duty to express
my sentiments, in behalf of your invaluable med
icine called hunt'. Liniment.
I have for some lime past used the Liniment
in my practice, for various diseases, and leel sat•
Irom the succeas attenti.nt; its application.
that it merits all that can be said in its behalf.
I consider it one of the best external remedies
I have ever need in cases of Tester, Ringworm,
ttalt Rheum, pains. bruises, cute, swellings, &c.
The cheap rate at which the articles is to be
had, places it within the reach qt all, It Amid
torm the principal external remedy of every Ineptly.
lialtlplON, 4.411/1111 Cu., Pa. May 211, 1847-
Gm). E. birtistsrrots,
Dear Sir—l feel beund to the afflicted to give
publicity to the extraordinary effects of your in
valuable External Remedy, called Runt'. Lini
ment. _ • ...
My daughter, a girl of twelve years old, had
been afflicted with While Sorelhap, in one of her
legs, directly below the knee Joint, for several
months, during vvbielr - time her sufferings have
been excruciating and deplorable. I called on a
Physician, who, during frequent visits, made use
of every means in hie power to arrest the fell de.
strayer, but all without effect The kg continued
swelling, until it opened, forming various disa
greeable ulcers, rendering amputation necessary
unless immediate relief be had. Fortunately, how.
ever, on the first day of December last, your agent
having been in our village, and hearing of the suf.
borings of my daughter, be sent me one bottle of
your Liniment, the use of which alone, thank God,
has not only arrested the further progress of the
disease, but has cured the leg , perfectly, removing
all pairis and swellings, and restored , the leg to its
proper use.
• am under many obligations to your kind agent.
who thus, by one bottle of your invaluable medi
cine, saved the leg of my daughter from ampere
lion. Your Liniment should find its way into ev
ery family. MOSES PH ILL! PS.
May 29, 11147.
4 We, the untie/Mined, citizens of Hampton, are
apquainted with . More and know.hitFi to
be a man of nigh. and that the facts as set forth
in his certificene,nze correct."
This Liniment is sold at B 5 and 60 cents per
bottle by afi thitr i inc:wal . Druggists ,end Merch
chants. - ,
Orders ad* to me t Y
Sing Sing, N , will
be attended to. '. G E ANTON, Proprietor.
Wholesale ilgents—H ly, Phelps & Co 142
Water street, Rushton & Co - 110 Broadway, A li
& 1) tasted', eerner Fulton and William, Aspinwall
80 William street, Nese York; Cuthbert & Web.
erill 7fl South Second, Philadelphia.
AGENTS.—rSamuel U. Buelirer & S.
S. Forney, Chtlyablirg ;. Abraham King,
1 - hmterstown ; K. Zack, 'Pinelown i Ja
cob Hollinger, Heidlersburg ; Hollinger&
Ferree, Petersburg, (F. S.); Jacob Aula
baugh,Hampiont Geo. S. Bentzel, aid •J.
S. Hildebrand & Co., Nast Perlin.
June 11,. 1847. • [ Dee. 2-Iy]
. .
RUIT TREES; of all klode, / g row
Jr in the root,) ean be had of tire sub
scriber on reasonable terms. Please call
and judge for yourselves,
Gettysburg, May 20,1840. '
• Perfumery, Snap,
ARTICLES; TOYS, &e., for sale
April 10, 1840.
emus to an almost eurralibk
IirEILO substantiate the above feet many hundreds
Ple.. of testimonials could be add uor d , out of
which the following are selected,tronvindividoals
of standing and veracity, indeed, it to confident
ly affirmed that each new trial of 10,04ware n , of
this remedy II 'have an liddift 6 harlitadencx to
widen and confirm ite huh., and Witt if it were
universally known and diffused over ihiCP.States,
It. would lave not less than many husidaegt f .if
.not thousands of lives annually.
de certify that a vial of Pr. At'Lattee
can Worm Specific expelled five hundred and Iw o
whole worms, and pieces that would have made
sixty moll:, from a bey of John Levrelling,whicb,
if laid in a straight line, would have most *obit.
bly measured the enormous length of one hundred
Owner of Water Forge, and other works, Mouon
galia county, Va.
This is to certify that 1 purchased from Holmes
ele Kidd a vial of Dr. M*Larir's Amerind Worm
Specific and gave two dotes to a boy of mine
about three )ers of age. He passed fully half s
pint of worms. The quantity was so large I was
really alamied, end called in sevensi of my nejgh
hors to eee them, ..,. }lad this story been related to
me, could riot have credited it, without being an
eyewitness to the same. My child's health im
proved much atter. - SAM'L MORRISON,
Merchant Tailor, Woad st., Pittsburg.
Hear Medical Ttatintotry.
From a regiiiiiilliysician, Dr- bmith, Sun-
fish, Ohio.
Mr. J. Kidd—Dear Sir: I hive used in my
practice Dr. 51'Lane's American Worm Specific,
and have often witnessed its efficacy in expelling
worms non' the system. A patient of mine L a
itiort age; gave si - visit or the Worm'Specific
to a child and in a short time upwards of 65
worms were expelled.
Dr. A. P. oryell certifies that he has frequent
ly used tire Specific in his practice, tind with un
varying success, it never failing to expel from uS
tot 50 worms.
A child of mine passed one•third of • pint of
worms with one vial of Dr. :WLane's Woim Spe
cific. It is truly a surprising medicine.
T. Illarkhorrie, Peebles township.
Surprising effects of Dr. lir Lane's Irons.
On saforday Fell. 7. I 54,5, Mr. James Richard
son called at the office of J. Kidd t4.i (M. and made
the tollowing statement :
A child of mine had been very sick for some
ten days; we had given her porgutiVe medicine,
but it hail duhe no good. One of Our h e ighb oss
Caine in and said that it was worms that .wais de
straying the child, and at the some time spoke of
the wonderful effects she hail WilineSbell from using
Or. NI Lane's Worm Specific in that neigh(iorhood.
WP procured a vial, gave one teaspoontill. w hen
the child &whinged 41 large WOlina. I gate -
t lie r traspoomul. wluch brought away It; more,
in all 50 NA ono, As a duty I owe to )00 and the
comumnity I purely make known these facts. :My
child is now Hell. What is v ery let:lark:adv. the
Worm Specific expelled the worms alive iii about
four hours alter I gave the medicine.
N. 11. Be particular to inquire tor Pr. :WLane's
American IVorni Specific, or Patent Vet mifuge.
Prepared for the Proprietor by .1. KIM) it : cu.
Wholesale& Retail Druggists, Wood at. Pittsburg.
Ur The above medicine can be bed of Ilse lel
lavt irig agents:
S. H. Buehler, Gettysburg : .1. Lower.
.Irendtsrille J. & C. ArKniglit. Beni,
tlersrille ; .1. S. Hollinger. Ihiillersburg :
lloltzincr tQ Ferree, Petersburg: Jamb.
Aulehanvh. Mtn:Mori: J. T. Hilebrand,
B. Berlin : Peter Miekly, Monmashurg :
Wm. llotincer, MAW :down ; Coulson &.
Co. Wholesale Agents, Ltherty at. Pohl
to ore, Md.
Feb 20,
For Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Bron
chitis, .Isthow, Croup, Whooping
ough, of 111 nod. Sort
Throat, Pains and Oppres
bloom of the Breast, Dif
ficully if Breathing,
and all other di
seases al the
Read the following Certificate of l ure performed
by the use of Rotes Expectorant and say if you
will longer neglect your cough, or doubt its Airs-
Baltimore, March 12, 1
Mr..Tas. F. RC/FPI
Dear Sir—About three weeks ago my wife
caught a severe cold, which troubled her a good
deal and gave her great uneasiness: she prepared
q great many articles which were recommended
to her by her friends, but without receiving- the
benefit from any of them ; her cough was getting
worse every day ; her appetite was taut to ling
and to sleep was impossib'e: the mos in her
breast end side begrime so severe that that she
had to go to bed, and my friends advised me io
call in a Physician. I thought I would call in
the store where you were engaged and see it I
could not get something that would relieve her.
when you gave me a bottleof your Expectorant,
assuring me tLat it would cute her, she commen
ced taking it that night, not, however, without
great opposition on the part of some of her
friends,. who said it was only sonar "Aleut.
Medirine,' and would de her more hams
than . good. But I determined to take pion adviee,
and now let 01l know the !Molt I Front takirig the
first dose abs felt easier, though unable lo 'sleep
on account of the quantity of phlegm that loosen.
el and would almost choke her, but which she
could spit up with but little difficulty; the tallow—
ing day she continued it according to the direc
tions, sod that time, for the first time for uteri,
two weeks, she enjoyed a good night's rest and by
the time she had finished the first bottle, she was
entirely cured. Make what use of this you air&
proper, for such an invaluable medicine should be.
made koown to the afflicted every whims. • With
best wishes for your success.
I remain yourr*e.,
CAUTION I!I Beware of Counterfeits_ and
SilllfilXll Imitations, See'that the initials ',I. F. R"
are on the seal : also my Written .itief ain't os die
wrapper oreach bottle, without which none is pis'
nine. Prepared only byF ltbers,Druislit.
Baltimore- Md. Lc For sale. in Glues/nog by . .
SAMUEL H. BUEIILER, and in 4/illerstasen by
May 28 e 1817.--;.1 y 4.
ILV E -have just received a ihandsome
V assortment 'of plain and fringed
PARASOLS, which we will ho pleased to
show to all who favor es with a roll,.
May 7. , W. &C. RUTHRAUFF. •
fr U 1 'attention of the Ladies is directed
11 ,Ale very handsome. assortment , of
Whiie Mods, (plain, plaid and etriped4
unusualy large, .fit. the Cheap thlore,of-
W. & C. nurtiwrr• -11
Is published every Friday.Rveningsin the
County Building, above the Register'
. and Recordees..o)la, by
Is paid in advance or within the year, Sel re,*
annum—if not paid within Alm yeer;lll2 50. No
paper discontinued until all arrearagee arc paid,—
except - it ... the optfon of the Editor. Single copies
61 cents, A failure to notify a discontinuattee.
will be regarded as a new engagement
adpertiustepts not exceeding a equine inserts&
three times, for $l-every sub Sequent insertion
25 Cents.' 't .onger ones ra the same psi' tion.•
All advertisements not spechilly onlrlrtl lily a Ric •
irritwns, will lie continued until forbid. ,A literal ;
scifuction will lassitude tuthoes who ailveitise lip .
The year.
Job Printing of all eXtrlltell itratly an; :
proMptly, and. on reasonable [califs.'
Leiters and Coinstunirvtions to the Editor, (eX
eepting such a* contain itloney in the nan en rib,
new subseribeit..) must be runT Ir.* In : t it van tu.
',Mtn altentioik,