. THE ! cou rt OLD PLOUGH Let UNNW",iik who may of the battle fray, And the deed; that have long since past— Lskthentehant in Tailor ofihe tar whole days Am upetti*lkk Win* Out. : I would Tender to, thaw. all tlw worship you please, L poQW hoottit them even uow, Ilut.N4siwsAU mom Imp my heart % full gm - Teals Iguittofthe goold o►d Plough. tbetiiitthetheltott i s that iti musir float r~lril bright aMI giittering hallo, armorous twirl or the hair's bright curls ROMA - lIW 14iouhler of beauty falls— BIS #lll7r to awl thn sung from the tree Aud t tho tiocitattd blossoming bough 0, Owe mst ',yr oda which the rustic garb' Am ha follows the good old Plough. ThMrtiowjeamnd the 'wow as it cornea ra k ing From the ploughman's hnry thtoat ! DidtfU; hunter's shoot ever yet give out To the brown Woods a merrier note! Tho' he followed no hound yet his day is crowned Withu triumph as good,' trow, As though gnittaria -het& at' his Feet layllatal, , butted of the good °hi Plough.. . • Full tisk, there he that we laity ace With Anil hollow pride, Vt'hallitifaillightnitn'a tot in his humble tot # . 4 1 a lir OrnfUt look deride; YetriAitather take, aye. a hearty shake , !into his Itaraltltsu to wealth I'd bow— For the honest grop of that band'. rough, clasp. kiathilhatatilitthe good nlit Plough. 'All honk" : ha then to these good old men When at last they are bowed with toil Their warfare then o'er, why they battle no more, For they ve conquered the stubborn soil— And thitkE I*llifeaeh'wesitame Lie sitrartati ipol-nrcirvite4l4lw. vidsealacenv With a'laureli crown to the grave go ilmait ,Like bursa SOWS of the'rod old Plough. Froniihr Fanner' Bait *IRK FOR AtIMIST. IiARVVITINO.-With the exception thr late 041194 youhave, wisps aware, not only cut bet,secured alt yoUr gra in, pod grass. .So, therefore; i,truty, ly ha "treasury to jog your memory u to these, and with, that view we would to mind you that both should l,e cut beford they = &Ante dead ripe; 'Aruithi*lttbili is sued by ailing . thein - earlY,'inthe pre venticin from shattering, a source :of veil loss to farmers, and against which 24 . ** . dent men should guard.. • . • . . tso.--.The seenceyou get 'your %Oita thrashed and cleaned, 'the bitter:, clienee *ill you stand of being, able init. : . ♦ail' yourself of the rising of ihe, inar)tct. FAI.LOWINO.—AS soon as your harvest shall Imre, been Atecured it will be tiotefor yes to. begin to plough your fields for fall sowing. Your Rye, it should be your ob-1, ject to - get ln ltr orptettitmi, and - thpreflinc' if you do not intend to sow in corn-fieldi, you hare but little time to delay. • Our IN via, in ploughing,ls that you go as deep as your teams will allow, whether the grou • lie, pioughed be a cluget-leyot • trkt fi eld; as we think there Mi no 7 re demoninrable than ilitiLiktt „..* deep pWsturage always tends to promote healthful vegetation. Should the ground deetheetl for your fall grain be an old fieldii utikeithetied with a grass carpeting, tie would, by all means, recommend that it receive two ploughings, the first to be very deep, so as to completely bury all weed-, seek," and the second shallower; each ploughing to be followed by harrowing.— , 1 (hound appropriated to either Wheat or Rye cannot be too minutely pulverized—, it eerves to fructify the earth by extracting' ftwettrein the atmosphere, and enables the pleats totake good roote before frbet—the • latter *it% a matter of importance alit ett. trenches the plants against freezing out. TiMiVny.—Get yoor grounds ready fur sowing Timothy seed, and remember that 1 you cannot make the filth too fine, us-no thing re.mires it more, or will better pay', for labor thus bestowed. Besides good ploughing and thorough harrowing, reeol- . kik that, unless your land is strong and rich, manure is essential to ensure a good crop of Timothy, In seeding a peck and a half to the acre should be taken, as by to-' king a sufficient quantity you fill your land with timothy plat ts . instead of leaving room for weeds; clean meadows will be the con sequence. If the field is infested with bri arerroot them out thoroughly—this is the month that it can be dune with the shiest proSPect of killing them. If the meadols anr wet; they should be ditched or drained,- as tweet herbage will not 'grow on such mile, .01 all months in the year this is the hest adapted to draining , and ditching. Therefore, attend to it at once. .Poirstrose.---Give your- fall potatoes their heti . wiiikitig i do it effectually ; leave neither woods nor grass behind you. Itelkittrr•This is the . season when the fii *dose egg-deposites in the nostrils of skilik*:, - 16 * prevent them, get equal quan tiliecut alt and tar, mix them together, notllthikelt in a trough where the sheep aisiSsinameetut to it. In seeking a lick at theialt; they still smear their noses, and tilnltertift *barrier against the approach of the di s t° their noistrilt, and sane them 4 , froiv consequence; or worm in the hew , 'Tausut be e xamined m fur in ~ imeetai and the latter exterminated. If a & Ai 4 • iiipt ft!, Ow% oil end fixed upon ii'. 441(*iii'tiestroy, eery insect Irktlt ' ''''' ' ill ii ly so ci -b ,.,, „ pap u nag t am Oils *tau kmmla are fetal to thlraeliiieoliemitit Itibe. • Haring attended Zitloll 4o % pato the bottles of your trace , * imixnues of soft soap and dour of rut: that: , . BOROINIFORBINANGE. Be it ea:feted by thr Town Council of the Borough of Gettysburg, said it is here by ena cte4by the atahorittrof the sante: tclxcriofi Ist. That - it shall and may be `lawful for any person or persons, at any time between the eighth day of July, 1847, and the first day of September, 114(7, and tietween the teeth day of June and the first day of September in each year thereafter, to kill any dug,hiteh or slut, which shall be found, within the period aforesaid. running or going at large in any of the streets, lanes or alleys of the borough of (-legs burg;, and for every such sere ice in killing and burying said dog, bitch or slut, the persOn so killing and burying the same •.,shall be entitled to receive the sum of Fifty Cents, on due proof thereof, to be paid tcy the owner or actual possessor of such dog, bitch or slut, if he or she can be ascertain ed—to be collected as other Borough penal ties of like amount are by law recoverable; and if suehuwnero ractualpossessorcaunot be known or ascertained, then the same shall be paid out of the Borough Treasury, on orders drawn in the usual Planner ; and., in addition thereto, such owner or actual ' possessor shall, on due proof of %helm% and actual conviction thereof, forfeit and pay a fine of five dollars fin? eyery Mich of ' fence, to be collected as siMilat'penalties tire by law recoverable; the one-half 94. said fine or penalty to go into the Treasuq, ry of the BorMigh, and the other'half to the use of any wenn Who way proadetite for the ; same..:.- . • Start& '2 n; And be it fiirther Cow -1 ed by the authority aforesaid; That any person in or about 'whose premises any such do bitch or , slut, shsil harbor, and .0108 iir."7"."7", frown harbor, and frequent his or, her premisesha bituallY; shah he considered and held as the *ewe!' owner thereof, for • the purposes-of this' rdinance ; and such fact.--4 satisfac torily shown, shall be sufficient evidence twoharge such person or persons with the penalties hereinbefore provided. Enacted Jkly 8, - 1847. - I.' D. NV-PHERSON,- President. Attest:—.R. 13. HAUPtilt. Clerk. - ~Sx-t~kft-Y~.EkfE~&~il~ ts Just re4c'ect • g, !}:t BXKER .TIRARING EST3LISIIMEN Chambtiotesrg strtet, ciP i Trin9ii#3 4 3. P subseriger respectfully informs his,frictids and the .public generally that, he Continues the Tailoring business at 'hie stand, in Ohamlmrshurg street, where . he may at all timei•be found, ready )o accommodate all thoie who may want garments made.; Ile has just received the last SOW ata.7l2oaWalo and'he promises • ill who may favor him .withlbeie patranageohat he will give them 'entire saisfactinn, both as regards the fit 'and werkmanship of alkgarinents entrusted to him.; and etas moderate prices as they eau be obtatned anywhere else. He hbpes by strict attention to business and - a desire to please, to merit a continuance of public tronageand support. err Country pro , duets rokon tax rocrthoogo for work. J. p. BAKER. .April 46, 1847.-3 m A Commentary for-the People. iloW publishing. the ECLECTIC CO ti M EN TALLY on the bible, from the erotic. o Henry amlBcois, and above one hundred oilier wri ters. Toe It urk is p int.d on tine palter, aid with large clear type. It Hill be completed in 14 parts, of bit pages/sub. imperial By 0, all of which are now reieotyped ski stilistoe bealatifully ides tmted by accurate views of *capture) scenes, de. signed expressly to embellish a Commentary,and 'executed by the moil emliient, artists. Tables and charts arotiltiiwlei idled. whettruttessary for purposes of illustintion,ind - lhosnhole edlnpu sing as valuable a aeries of ilhutnitiye engreyitots and embellishments. as has ever been united in a ny similar work. It may be used with any grit. Lion of the Bible.; Will be published semi motstilly at 25 cents each part. The design of the ,Committee of the London Tract SoeietV, under whose supervision the Eng lish work yeas ystereutd, bits been to cover that ground where alfmrangelicai dendminationsmeet: and to make a plain and praetiodexposition of re ligious truth end duty. , _ ..--- This work is based upon tie commentaries ciL r , Henry mind r cutt, and more than 'one hundred nth er renters in the vartioda demtrtments of Biblical I Literature ; the Most iMportant °herniations of ' these eminent donne" being quoted, constituting a digest of MS; mitt vet wable reedy; at %Inch the learned men of all ages have sailed, in their crit ical study of the Holy scriptures. Refetence has been had to the warms 01 Sunday Sghool teachers , and of families engaged in the systematic study 0 r 1 the scriptures. Perhaps there never was a juncture of lime %hen true religion more greatly needed a saistsguard a gainst attacks u hich are both boldly sod Milli., ously. - aimed at her y•ifiritriiielpfr it ; pertiapslnie religion was never in a more perilous position ne. toeen open enemies and pretended friends, than at this particular crisis ; and surely twice Was IP more incumbent than now, on every true frtond of her holy precepts, every cortscientieuit mater of a house-he'd. every anxious parent, guardian mai protector, to be provided with the antidotes to the poison, which is an ileac. upuluusly scattered a broad• or an argument sanitud each dangerousial hay which is propounded to thialninry and detri ment of that religion, wbieh is the faithful oracle of the Bosh e Creator, and the best exponent df his I will: ' The object cif the compilers has been to provide a roam:moat) compact in size, moderate in price. and suited to earistians of every station, rank and denominatton .The family into whose hands this work comes hare it, their pusseerion **toren, Biblical acieuee. and prsrt,cal instruction ol more saluithati gold. The re publication is a great underteking, and we hope it will mama an adequate support.”—N. T. Obsei ter. _ "Phis commentary hss enjoyed an extraordina ry popularity as a piaetteed exposition of God's %void. It differs from any Miler, presenting the Beet evangelical illustrative and practical com ments which the editors acre able to select from the hest scholars, on each passage in course. The text being . onotted, it is enabled to iiresent a vast amount or learning in a small space. The sour ces Isom it -is compiled afford a perfect guarantee alto soundness, both of doctrine and interpretation while the advantage of haying the option of different commentators is apparent and very great. - -N. P. Erangehst: 'We tepid the Eclectic Commentary, now in course of publication by Mr. Shannon, as esperiel •ly deserving the patronage of Protestant Christ ians. Its cheapness, beautiful finish of mechani cal workmanship, and its comprehensivenesecem brae ng. as it does, the cream, of all the ablest com mentaries. all entitle it to very high consid,era• tion."-r•Chri s stion Parlor Magazine. We have received the most favotabla notices from many distinguished clergymen of varioustle: nominations in this country, and also frein the re. ligious piers, which cannot be inserted in a newt ' paper ad% ci thpment on account of their length— they will be found on the cover offset) part. HMO:RI T. SHANNON. • 118 P:8•1411 street, N. York. 0 ..• Booksellers and agents supplied at the rep- War trade •prices. The numbers, as publi s ahed. will be sent by express to any part 01 the United i States- by remitting the amount for the tante, at the time of osmium the rrolvr. I June IR. 1947-11. t 0. E. BUEHLER 1 - 10 Es PEUTIIII,LY informs his friends ft and the public gentrally that he htia now on hand a large assortment of 'T/11' 11.1 RE of every description, whiih.'he will sell at moderate prices—all warranted. Persons wishing to ptirehase at low teller will do well to call lteforti Intrchattlitg - blse- Where. • • HOUSE S'POOTiNG wslr, lib made and Out - tip itt 121 - • - irzrAn Apprentice Tinning hominess will be takeit.ilemilittififon, with good rCoommendatione,..fixt made soon. One betwitionto 21417103 re of agitt-wili beprefeer4 Geitirabiti March 12.'1047. lig min 00000 MIXTXD GENE; BUTT' k TAYLOR AVING - succeeded in *hipping the Mexlean Armiee at. Vera Cruz and Buena de.signing 'to march agaftst the city of Mexico to meet the en -ettytittierffit valti - oftheie.owapiutl, the subscriber would imitate their exam ple by waging war against Rage and' Na kedness,and he has accordingly recently visited he cit of Philadelphia for the purpose o pure asing aa or o . • READY.MADE CLOTIIING, hich he can sell at prices so ow as to 'enable any person calling at his establish ment to clothe themselves from head to foot, at astonishing low prices—his mot to being "Quick sales and small profits.— Nly stock embraces the largest assortmentof Ready-made Clothing and 3 C .0 1 2 * (eVtZ ttl , we • ../i) evi;toirered iu this country, has been se- VeCreilr — tiith Peen iurelissecl for cash entirely, will be sold Cheaper for Cash; than they have ever before been sold ini this place. In professing to sell cheap er than ever, I wish it to be distinctly un derstood that I do not do so because it has become fashionable for purchasers to.inake such announcements ; 1 am sincere, and, only ask • a visit from „„titiase wishing to purchase to convince them, of its truth.-- Among the stock will be found COATS of Fine Black Cloth, Habit Cloth, Alber tine, Tweed, Cashmerette, Casainel, Lin en, Check and Gingham; Sack and Frock Coats, &e..—Also, PANTS, of Fine Fan py'Cashmere, Cassinet, Linen, Cord, and Cotten,—fancvenlors and styles. Also, VESTS, Fancy kiross-Bery — Silk, Satin, Cashmere, Merseilles and Cassinet. Also, Shirts, Bosoms, Collars, Cravats, Hand kerchiefs, Men's Lasting gaiters, Suspen ders, Gloves; Stockings—in tact every thing belonging to a gentleman's furnish ing line ; all of fashionable cut and mate rials, and as well made as can be made anywhere. Also on hand a Inv, assort ment of fancy and useful articles, Pins, Needles, Thimbles, Jewelry, Perfumery, Arrnyntvio, Comb., PO &IL lIIV es. .Rough - and Ready" Hats, &c. I have also fur sale a lot of BOOTS & MIPS, -made in ibis county, a lot of IRON, and a lot of Calfskin, Sole and Up per Leather, which will be sold MICA/111- mm cheap, as I wish to clear off the stock. Also, on hand a new Rockaway, two second-fiend Buggies, a second-hand Car riage, new and old Harness, which I will .pose of at-tziretnely low- prices. 111 Those wiahing BARGAINS will remember to call at the old-established VA RIETY STORE, next door to Kurtz' afid inimediately opposite the Rank. -- MARCUS SAMSON. ' Gettysburg, April 30, 1847. BLACIESMITHI NG. THE undersigned has connected with his Coaclinfiking Establishment a large Smith shop, and is prepared to do all kinds of ' imAlassnivrr,waro, including ironing Carriages, Buggies. Wagons, 4'e. lie would say to those who hare to shoe, that he has in lid em ploy, ftrat-lrate.,hands, which, with'hht Per sonal attention, will enable him to give en ' lire aatiefttation to all those who may favor itim with a call. Carriage flr Mtge Npritecti warm' led) will be promptly made to or tier at all times. ScrAll kinds of IMP:WRING done, both in Wood and Iron, at the most redu ced prices. Thaakfid for plum eneouragement, the subscriber solicits a continuance of patro nage, and invites his friends to call at his ,Establishment in to'? west Chambershung street, a few doors below Thompson's Hotel. C. W. HOFFMAN. Oetly4biirg, Feb. 6, 1846. PENNSYLY,ANIA. COLLEGE. rirng Committees appointed by the 11 . Trustees end Synods are reminded that the regular Examination of the Clas ses in Pennsylvania College, will com mence on Monday,..quguat 2d, and con tinue during the whole. week.. The public generally' re also invited, to attend. The following is the programme of the exercises: Monday. The preparatory Deparunent will be ex amined from 9 a. at. until 12 la., and ' from . 2 r. a. to 5 Ir. u. ,Tuesday. 9. Junior Clam—Greek. 10. Sophomore—Mathianatics. 11. Freshman—Latin. 3. Sophomore—Greek Teatunent. 9. Frarhinan—Algebra. Wed . day 9r . Junior—rvidences of Chriatianity. 10. Sophomore—Rhetoric. Junior—Logic. - rreshmah—Greek. -Sophomore—Mathematic. Thuray 9. Junior—Optics. 10. Freshman—Modern History. 11. - Sophomore--Archmology. 3. Freahman—Geontetry. 4. Senior German Clam, Friday 9. Sophomotio—Latin.' 10. Junior---ChembarY & Meteorology 11. Junior German Clara. 3. Junior—Rhetoric. 4. Freshman—Cuasical Literature. Satuniay 9. Sophomore—Greek.. 10. Junior—lAttim PROULAMATION 7 4 c4 ,, 17 I.! i llß e F E A s S q. p th r e esi l d l e o l i i i t . o r th u e . s e N e; l rsa - i Courts of Common Pleas, in the counties composing the 19th DistriCt, and Justice of the „Courts of Oyer and Teintiner, and General Ind Delivery-, for the trial of till capital and other offenders in the said dis niet---amt Gummi: - SmiusEß and"Jahis IVPHiverr, Esgsi; ludgerof the 'Courts of Common Pima, and General Jail Delivery, for thntrist of all capital and ether offend ers in; thecounty, of Adsms—have is:uid their pniteOpt, bearing date the 21st day of Aprils •In the year of our :Unit% . • • thoniamii*ht hundred inid forty-six, and •IP 111 1 1411.11k.tg.d t for holdi ' a Court of Coin-, 1 i llnod'l9oWrtie '' - 1404, of 'the 'll ) Slco..and General Jail Delivery, 'and Courtin( Oyer and Terminer, at Get-. ' tylibtlit, of - Monday - the - it)th 'day - Of ..12ii• - • gnat tiest4-', N 01 4 , 1 69 HEREBY GIVEN 'ro diTi all '." .01 the ' Peace , ' the "Comber tiiiss , lig' *Ain' the' itaid County of Athscrui, di* theY" be thiw . and there in their, roper . peinons, with their Mills, Records, Inquianinq, Exaininadons and other Re membifinn.s, to do those things which to their of and in thit tielialt appertain to be dittu,,and also...they who will prose 7 cute a,githst the prisoners that are or then li shall it the Jail of the said County of Adams aul to be then and there to pros "ecutc ' et them as shall be just. BE AMIN SCHRIVER, Sheet,. Sheriff'. ~ Gettysburg. 11: 1847.3 t « ) Ili ft mit.is Ett-..tialtio N roncE is henby given to all Lep /11 atees and oilier persons concerned, t at the: iLOMINIS7'IIATION AC. COUNTS of the leceased persons herein after mentioned wil be presented at theOr plians'-.o*urt of Mama county, for confir mation aid allovance. on Monday the 161 h day of .thigni next, viz: The aceonnt of Joshua Motter, Admin istrator with the rill annexed, of Lavinia deeeasec The Recount o William Wanly, Isaac Weagly and Verge Weagly. Executors. or the htst.lo am Umlaute* of JOllll Waag ly,deeeased. The account i Jacob Sanders, Admin istrator M . the este of Alexander Ewing, accessed. The account i Jesse Little, Administra tor of the estate.f Andrew Little, who was Administrator °Ann Little, deceased. The account - if George 11. Binder, Ad tninistrakor of he estate of Charles A. Fronk, decease, Thu account f John Wolford, Admin istrator of the state of Abel Walker, de- The account& George Robinette. Ex ecutor of the-la will and testament of J cob ShoIL-domed. The accounal Andrew Lohr, Adminis trator of the este of Jacob I,uhr, 4eceased. The account& Henry Myers and JOhn B. Hoffman, kecutoo, of the last will and testament of Irnhart Hoffman, deceased. The semi' of Moses Lockhart, one of the Executor of the last will and testa men( of Jati.eLockliart,'ideceata. " The scrod of John- Dickson, Jr., one 1 of the Execurs of the last will and testa ment of join . Lockhart, deceased. The seems ofJaines Cunningham, Esq. Executor of te last will and testament of James IV list, deceAseil. • ,qII.F..ItT COI.IEAN, Registrr. Register's 011iViettysburg. tc July 1f4&17. C 11E-1 P WATOIES & ZLIWELRT At the Philalphia Watch and Jtu•eivy No. 913, Northerond street, rorner of Quarry Gold Lever 'atches, full jewelled. 18 car. car, $45 *OO Silver Leven). full jewelled, 23 00 Silver Lerero. 7 jewels, 18 00 Silver Lepinilo. jewel'd, Ist qual. 14 00 Superioriers'Watches, 10 00 Imitation of warranted, 600 Gold Spe cs, 8 00 Fine. Silver lectaelgs, ~ 1 75 Gold Bracel, with topaz stones, 360 Ladies' Goleencils, 16 carats, 2 00 Gold Fini Rings, 37 cts to 118 ; Watch Glasses—pls 12 cis; patent 18 ; lunet 25. Otherrtteles in proportion. All goods warralal to be what they are sold for. 0. CONRAD. On hand, One Gold and Silver Levers, Lepines and partiers. lower than die a bove prices. Dec. 4, I ds.—lv - ' ell - 1 CHEI WAT( 'HES ! The Cls.ape Gold and Silver .Wati.hes .. IN lajiini s lil4. Gold Levers all jeweled, $45 00 Silver Leverdoll jeweled, 23 00 Gold Lepinee.eled, . 30 00 Silver Lepin 4 jewelid, 15 00 Silver Qua nio, fine luality, 10 OO Gobi wetchemplain 15'00 Silver Spectates , • 175 Gold Pencils/ 2 00 Gold Bracelei ,--, 4 00 —FAO ON KAND..... , • A large aidrusient of Gold and Silver llair- raceleil Fix ger-pigs, Breastpins o lloop ar-Riir. Gold Pena, Silver Spoons, Suga Fonges Thinibles, Gold Neck,abd 4„. Fob haute, t turo i. i xe ca y u s :to an c d on i v e in vr c e e lr e y u a s, t ti r equal rup s.. . II . lkinds w atches and -Clocks -re. . a nd 4 . led to keep good time 1 5-cif. ' Gold and Silver bought .., 11, or a in exchange. 1 e some , and Silver Levers, at eager /nit than the above.' A lib isnionst pods to dealers. Call and f yourselies. • 0 sale, Ekht- { lay and Thifiy-hour s locks, a ' .EWIS LADO . MUS'S ket St.. Dove 1 ids, north side, Phila. r a , er Cleek,arid Jewelry Store, 1 , 41.413/ ' delphia,t3ept. 4, 1840. tf Arsx spoirriNG ILL be lade and put up. by the -subseribr, who will attend pronipt- II order, and upon as reasonable • .can bqprocured at any eittablish n the eosity. FE°. E.' BUEHLER. tysburg,darch 13._ _ . . i _ . & ~ .i.RUTIIRAUFF x OULD all-the attention of persons IV to the stock of GROCERIES, whi are not opened at their Cheap Sto immediafly opposite David Heagy's, Cab et Ware louse. Call and exatnur for arselves. ' y 7, 184; 6 , 1 wLs of every description can be .ad very char at W. & C. ltuihrauff's Chop Slope ii( hataberphorg Flrcet. Sl6ll ONS, DdIGURRICEOTYPJST, ILVER MEDAL awarded for the best 1.71 pictures ever exhibited. Strangers visiting the city should mill and examine the various , specimens of colored ,Daguer reotypes, at M. P.,Sioxons' Gallery; and those wishing likenesses, may rely upon Yeceiving perfeet satisfaction in every res- peel. 'Whole families can be gmuped to gether, which forms a most invaluable keepttalte: Miniatures set in bracelets, Medalious, Breastpins, &c. An assort ment tirthe above Jewelry, selected for urpose, always_on hand, Examine. and then decide. Materials used in the Art for sale, at the lowest rates. loottne lime given by letter or personally. All communications must be post p*itL M. E. SIMONS, ' No. 170 Chistnut'Street , , Opposite the State House, Phila April 30, 1847.-3rn HOVER'S First Premium Writipg Ink. 14m Dr. Hare, the celebrated Profes-ol sor of Chemistry in the University of Pcnu sylvania : Philadelphia, Octi 11, 1843. "Dear Sir—!laving tried ~your,init, will thank you to send me another as 1 find it to be excellent. 1 um yours, truly, ROBT. HARE." Prom Dr. Locke. of Ginciminti, distin guished fur his numerous scientific re searches : "Med. Col. of Ohio, Cincinnati, Jan. 17,•1&14. "Having used Mr. Ilovee's Writing Ink, I am satisfied that it is the best which ha • ever tome to my knowledge, and especial ly it is excellent for the use of the St . eel Pens, and will not corrode them, even in long use. JOHN LOCKV., Prof. of Chemistry." 11loyeeN Adamantine Cement From a well. known ,:eientitie gentleman '•Philadelphia. Feb. 27, 1846. "Mr. Joseph E. Hover—Sir: A use of your Cement and some practical tests of its stiperionty:iiasinauced ine to recom mend it to others as an invaluable article for mending China; Glass. or Cabinet ‘Vare. CAMPBELL Niolifyr. Analytic Chemist," For Sale, 'Wholesale and Retail; at - the Manufactory, No. 87 North Third Street., opposite Cherr Street. Philadelphia, by JOSEPH E. HOVER, M.lllllfacturer. lic7 . l'or solo in Gettysburg at the store of S. 11. BUEHLER. May 14, 1847. DIAMON q'ONSOII S. IL. TIPTON. FASHIONABLE Barber and Hair Dresser, has removed his "Temple' to the [Lamont',adjoining the County poll dings, where he ran at all times be found prepared to attend to the calls of the public. Front long experience he flatters himself that heeingivthrongh'all the rainftleations oldie Tonsorteal departments, with sue h an infinite degree of skill as will meet the en tire satisfaction of all who may submit their chins to the keen ordeal of his razor. Ile hopes, therefore, that by attention to busi ness and a desire to ple ase, be will merit as well tie receive a liberal share of public patronage. The sick will be attended to at their private dwellings. Oct. 10. tf Protect &ohs ogreitist ALoAs /Vs re. HE "Cumberland Valley Mutual Protection lac , Company, - being incorporated by an Act ut the Leeiblature, and fully organized and in at:ela tion under the direction of the follou n g Board of Managers, via: TC Miller, .11.1 Me t, Wetikly, 1) %V M'Cullough, A G Miller. T A IWKinley, Philip siatngle , . Samuel Galbraith, Samuel TUG. Aka' Kure. t Adams.) John-'Lug. t ,, atrtviel Hutson: J T Grern. J the *Gillum' of „the inhabit. ante of Cumberland a , d \darn• counties to the cheepneen of the rates,-and the litany advantages which this kind of insurance ha , oter any other. I at. Every person insured lx•ennies a member of the company and takes part in the selection of officer, and the direction of its cum erns. 2d. For iusurance no more is demanded than is necessary to meet the expenses of the Company, and indemnity against losses which may happen. 3d. The inconvenieneg of frequent renewals is 'avoided by insurin g for a term of line yet rs. 4th. Any person applvir.g for insurance must give his premium note for the cheapest class at the rate of five per cent., which will bessso on the 1000, for which he will hat pay PQrw'li v e years] and $1 PO for suriey and policy. and on more unless loss be sustained to a greater varmint than the fends on hand will cover, end then no tuore — than a pro rata share. These rates are much cheaper than those, of other companies, ex cept such as are incorporated on.the same princi ples. • T. C. MILLER, President. A. G. Mt uten, Secretary. IrrThe following named persons have been sp. pointed Agents for Adorns County —Wm W Pax ton, Ear', General Agent for Adams county; J A Thompson arid D Ziegler, Gettysburg; .Dr. Wm it Stewart, Pelersbuig ; Henry, blyers, New (-hea ter; Henry ilayer. )bbottatnwn; Daniel Com; forts St n tpwnehip; Abraham King, Hunters toWn• , +Sid Blythe. Fairfield; T 1' Wiegman, Ate' ' lle • V. Mullion and Abel T Wright i Bender* ti Pr. D Mellinger, East Berlin ; A b'm Scott. Csaitoun. • Sept. 13, 1846.—1 f SAND'S SAItbiIPARILOW—..The , amount of suffering relieved by this invalutiblerprepe , ration is without a parallel in the history of me4iente Thousends lure been resto red to healt hy its healing anti regenera ting efficacy, who were considered peat the reach of remedial means, as various certifi cates heretefore published thundamly es tablish. It has' received the esttreappro bation of many prantitioners in this and other eities, and tts sapid growth in the es, timationlif the public has placed it beyond the reach of, detraction or the, efforts of competition. Diseases which arise from impurity of the bloodor vitiation of the hu mors ge.nerully, such as Scrofula or King's Evil, Rhenmatiem and Incipient Gout, Salt Rheum and other •cutaneous diseases; Fe ver Sores Internal Abscesses, Fistulas, painful; Affections of the Bones, Chronic Inflammation of the Kidneys, Female De rangementi,-General Debility and Prostra tion of the System, are all removed by its use. fErFeir (notify particulars and conclusivp evi dence alto sops eflieacy. see Pamphlets, which may tie obtained of agents gratis. . Prepared and sold. wholesale and retail, by A. 8.& D. Sands,- 76 Fulton street New York. Sold also by ap pointment Of the Proprietnr. by S. H. BUEHLER, Gettysburg, Pa. Price $1 per bottle. Six bottles for $5. June 18, 1847. I iiiTeTiiiOn of the Ladies is directed 111 - to the very hindsomo assortment of White °odds, (p1841,04d-Ind striped,) unusualy lairis'afthe Cheap tBore of Wt. & C. RUTHRAUFF4A HANDSOMEMahogiany-fram'd Look H ing Oaxaca fban be had cheap at 1 1 41:1v 7. W. tk. C. It 1:111 itA txrs. THE AMERICAN REMEDY. TIIOSISOYS COMPOUND SYRUP ur TAR AND WOOD NAPTIIA. ((i) r all the remedies recommended, in Iste year., for the cute of COIVeCAII7I()N, Coughs. Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Liver Com plaint. Spitting flood, Difficulty of Pain in the'Sidtiatid . Broast,'Patpitation of the Heart, Influenza, Croup; Broken Constitution, Sore lbroat, Net. vows Debility, and all disea• sea of the grease and Lunge: ' 4 , :one has been foinicPrnom clial•AlS and rXIINIA• Nene in its curative power over thebe.,fro general and alien fatal diseases, than the slxivi,preporit. tion. The' Compound Syrup of Tar und Wood Ilaptha is an unparalleled remedy. In addition to the healing power of Tar—the virtual of which. in affections of the lungs, is tativersidly acknowl• edged—there is combined with it in this prepaid. tion the active principles of some of the most ter. taro Toole Vegetable Pectorals, which unite to rnke it the most valuable medicine . ever °Rica to the pubkic for the cureof the diseases for which it is emplo3ed, so that it near pits, if taken in time, to produce the intended effect: • „Apirng tholeatimotthas to ale One M the o bore inb.7icind. sre several from distinguir /led PhY sicians cd Itiladelphia. Read The lollotrit lona Dr. Young, the eminent oculist : Philadelphia, Jan. 18, ISI7. Baying used in my practice, as well as in my own family."l homsou's Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Nuptha," l hace.no lit,itatior. in saying that it is the best preparation of the kind in use for personirsutfering stool Consumption, Coughs, Co:ds, and all affections of the Throat, Llrettt,ikie. so prevalent at this season of the year. WAI, YOUNG, M. D. i 152 Spruce street. Reath also the following from a man who will at any time corroborate its *lint ernent mos . '. WONDERFUL CURE. Philadelphia, Dec.'4, I 5.117 Penetrated with a deep sense of gratitude for the benefit experienced by the use of Thomson. Compound Syrup of Tar, an that others who, like me, have languished through years at affliction and suffering, without being able to find a remedy maj.knale-where it can be obtained, I voluistsrtly make the following statement. About four years since, alter being affected with a violent cold, it left upon me a troublesome and severe cough. Whilst the cough continifftil, which was with scarcely an intermission during this long period, language fails to tell %%kat I base suf. fered from debility, pain* in the breast and side, night .sweats, Alidicult expectoration, oppressed breathing, and in fact all those symptoms uliich murk a skiver« pulmonary affection. 'the relief occasionally obtained by tileil,orliarge of the mat ter which ob muted the hediliy action ut sty bystenwhot itierenspl as the purulent matter ilischaivd \\JS Ir