larYraetteustitig to ever3o,ooo,was brought urby - nliewsur of mounted artillery, ail horses, three abreast, to each gun. and of sappers arid-mitters ; and then came the Waste Wagons and the Ironton Bel the greatest sight was the marching of the bones attached to the different regi. 'Amts. They seemed like machines. Von •think it 'strange,' no doubt, and yet 'tic no less .strange than true,' that every horse la watching kept perfect time with hisfeci • With Ow music. I never saw soldiers on faot•tle it hetter*indeed not so well ; for when a quick lively tune teas played by die Music, wry horse commenced a trot, anstkept op tho same uniformity of step as litihike when on a walk. And then to see thaw homes on a wheel by companies and in double order, coining round with this joisitision of a compass describing a tikes! It exceeded any thing I ever int .: zighted.' "Mier the whole army—for the imperi al is organized as an entire and die. thiet army—had passed in review before the gmperor, the infantry left the field, mid thenavalry remained in full possession of it end went through some evolutions.—! Pm the Caucasians came at a full run down ; the field and then the other regiments in siMeeision. After this the whole body ollidoned themselves at some distance op. ',trite the Emperor in close order, and at , g'gisen signal half of this body, over 15,-, 000 horsemen, started,on a run and and. daily hatted a few feet in advance of the Emperor, preserving as they halted the genie compactness and the same perfect front which they had before starting. A few more evolutions, which I hare not time to write about now, finished the re view of the day—a day which has dine much to impress on me the remark of Na.; poloon,that with an army of Russian sol., tiers he would conquer the world. "lie spoke of the soldiers, not of the officers, of whom he had not a high opin ion. The Russian soldier is a mere ma chine. and has not a thought beyond his church and the Emperor ; and for both he believes it his duty to live or die. Most isf the army is composed of serfs or slaves, and the pay of the soldier is only shout threktlollars per annum. lie is fed upon 'a mien bread and a kind of soup, and up 000nt_cgreatpc_day he is given meat luta luxury. The pay of the Russian of. firers_ is also very small. A lieutenant gete but five hundred rubles per annum, which is a little more than a hundred dol lars; a captain seven hundred rubles, and a colonel two thousand rubles. Ton ask bow they live ? The officers generally have a competency beyond their pay ; some few there are who have not, and their condition is worse titan the soldier's, for the latter is provided with a uniform, and jg. Ca d at the expense of the Enver* . • •"I finish this my Idler by dayfiflit, and yet it is ajfer lea o'clock. M. rhe sun doe* not set here at present until 9} P. M." rROM SANTA, FE The Rights Conferred by Gen. Kear trey notacknoirledged by the Government.. --The St. 'Allis Republican,_of. 17th emotions the reception in that tit thee — arrival the thy before, of letters from Santa Fe to the 27th May. This -date-is-not •later than the last provionely-se. calved, but some of the intelligenechrought irrattiki One of the letters-quoted by-the itiiiiihri6an states that— •On 'the - 22d of May, Col. Price dis mvired that there were instructions from the War Department, which had been re egiisi by the last mail brought by Mr. Boggs, directed to the Colonel eommanil ing in Santa Fe, in which it was annotine edthat the President refused to sanction *cciofAhe arts of General Kearney; so far asi they confer any rights upon the citi 11*' of the territory of New Mexico, as elOtiis tit the United States; and General Is.estmey, or the officer commanding, was directed not to permit to be carried into ef- Feet such part of the organic and statute laws of the territory as confers such rights: On the strength of these instructions, Col. Prier officially demanded the release and rentisithin of sentence of Antonio Maria t;onvieted of treason against the 'government of the United States. The ac cused was thereupon set at liberty." Gen. Pierces Command was to march front Vera Cruz to join Gen. Scott on the 10th instant. The train was the largest ,Tel sent into the interior. consisting of .three thousand five hundred men, guarding orie'ilidlion of dollars. It is composed of 'the.9th, Col. Ransom ; a detachment of the 14th and 3d, Lieut. Col. Hebert, , ; a deiitehment of the 12th, and companies of the I Ith infantry ; Cap tains Duperou and Fords' Companies of volticaurs; two of the Pennsylvania vol. a detachment of artillery, with four pieces, and a large detachment of ma rhies. The trains will be front five to six miles in length, and it is expected that it trill have some eon diets with the Guerillas. Rebellion in California.—The Wash ington .correspondent of the New York 'lournal of Commerce" writes that there "is a letter in Washington received by the Western mail, with the startling intelli geneirthat the Mormon regiment and Mor . mon *eiders, in California, have risen and rebelled against the American government, as established there, taken possession of the country, and established an indepen !thintglivernmentoftlicir own. There may be some foundation for the minor. The Morraorts, prior to the origin of the Mexi ' Can war, had designed to establish an cm ipirelin California, and taken some steps towards .the enterprise. C 0... Beerta.—Thie gallant officer do clued accepting the office of Colonel of Ste new regiment of Illinois volunteers. vow pearly full. He has also declined the Nitiatit* ofkred to him by the Secretary 'oefr Wit s of a battalion or veteran Illinois ,41gtlWgre. The mond Regiment 111 ississippi Rifles liusettufferedlrighfully from disease. When the rivitymt `was. mustered into service, it itteluffiog officers and men, 884. IN/ whole cumber, according to the la intst temme, amounts only to 331. •-llike editor of the Portsmouth (Ohio) *ltoihisom who was captain of a company ist tles hit Ohio regimeat.speaking of ticp ,'llikkiNtilibies letter to the Ciueinuati Sig *4 -l eryi t— • • 4110aneetalished fart that General Tay-1 hr *a • Whig,4aut and out ; and certainly iwon kl not (or should not at ! ) totoceiring a little assistance Lasokboos in placing hint at the ; Of nor Goverinwat." rie nowt 14,111,R5,.—(; elierd Taylor, Ifille oshl, will wriW no mon. letteromr ails ,: ors to hilituiries relati%i- to hos opinions • neon partirialer 4titlects 01 `hate polie) . GEN. SCOTT AND MR. TRW The Nee/Work Courier and Enquirer has an article on affairs in Mexico reflect ing with great severity upon the course of the Administration with regara to General Scott, and particularly is the matter of the Trist Mission. In the course of the article the Courier says : .:It is a fact, which the Union will not) question, that Mr. Trist, under the instriic- I tions of the War Department, sought to! conclude an armistice with Mexico, which should prevent our army from advancing upon the Capital for a certain period.— That interval of security might, and un doutedly would, have been improved by the enemy in preparing for resistance.— Gen. Scott would have been paralyzed for weeks,—unable to make any movement ;1 .deprived of reinforcements and supplies; —doomed to stand still, inactive, nod with-1 a small force gradually dimished by sick ness, until the foe should have marshalled its hosts and prepared its batteries for his reception. And all this was to be done' without his consent or even knowledged hut in such a way as should throb . upon him the whole responsibility for any die• aster which ensue. Ile was solicited to forward to the government of Mexico, a sealed packet,ignorant of its contents, but of Course responsible for any proposititm it might contain. “The trick was worthy an Executive who acquired place and power by an ar- , droi:, two faced falsehond, and who seeks to preserve them by intrigues and decep-1 tions still more culpable, because still MOM deliberate. It. was: foiled. kowev.a.by_ . prompt sagacity and firmness of the Gen eral, upon whom the attempt was made. But the same result is likely to be attained in another waY. tra - en:Accitt could - tug I be seduced into an agreement to stand still, he has been deprived of the power to ad-1 vance ;—and so the Mexicans have been perniitted to make further preparation fur resistance ;—by die simple failure of the Government to send on reinforcements at the time they were promised." Tint WAR AND VICTORMS..--It is a fact worth remarking, that. although onr ar mies have been invariebly victoriousm the war which the Adtaieisiration is *aging, the Ailtuinititreff has &tea moat signally in'every battle it has ti►uglit. It einnmenced the witefrith a majority of nearly sixty in Cengressi and sin gle election, carried on in different States, the changes tire so groat as to exhibit a majority now against them—the elections iu Virginia and New Hampshire having rendered a Whig majority in the next Congress certain. This fact proves that the people are fully eisposed to prosecute the war into which the, country has been forced, out of respect to its own honor, but tcr punish with its displeasure those who needlessly plunged us into it. Had the war been one which lite people colanta.4 ranted, the victories of onr armlet would have given increased respect and confi dence to the • Administration under which they were achieved. - But-theipeople take the vietariewto - themselves, and give- that Administration credit:for nothing but the, war. fiNitsbekk—Ainercan. A LETTER FROM SANTA ANNA The Pittsburg Commercial.lournalgives. the translation of wiener said Air havebeen written hyllentit - Annaio Mr. Polk, imme diately after the disastrous defeat of Cerro Gordo. The editor does not say by what means the original was placed in his hands, but says that the letter . will, "speak for it self." Of course, there can be no doubt of its genuineness. The Mexican chief tain is indignant at whithe terms the per fidy of Mr. Polk's Generals, SCOTT and . TAYLOR. in frustrating the schemes so shrewdly planned by himself and, r. Polk at Havana, and undertakes to remonstrate with his friend the President upon the im propriety of keeping these peadions Gen erals longer in the service. To prove their perfidy, he goes into a minute detail of his intercourse with "Rough and Zack" from the time of thelatter's'sppearance on the Rio Grande up to the affray alleluia Vis ta, and complains bitterly of Zack's utter disregard of the "sass" fitruished by Mr. _Polk. Disgusted with the obstinacy and perfidy of Gen. Taylor, so fairly brought to view in the batde of Baena Vista, the Mexican chieftain comes to the - conclusion tlytt Zack cannot be familiar with the wish es of Mr. Polk and his government, and turns to Gen. Scott. who had just arrived at Vera Cruz. After referring to the Bu ena Vista matter, his excellency goes on to say. "I hurried from the scene of this misfor tune, resolved to give this bloody North American time to certainly receive your commands. After waiting a long time, could not learn that he had, and I conclu ded that he must be either privately hostile to the personally, or bent' on thwarting your Excellency's peculiar plans of "con outing a peace, --and its lie had not "Three Millions about him," I resolved to address my next and future operatioas in front of Gen. Scott. Be, being more recently come from the seat of govetnment, would be mole likely to be in possission of your Excellency's private rietvs 4. and having got into "hot water" at home, about "a hasty plate of soup," and a "fire in the rear," I could not doubt he would be in a more suitable frame of mind to "fork over," if he had ' the money, and was in a hurry for his din ' neit'or patch up a peace if he had the au thority, and did notlike a "fire in the rear." Besides, from the estimate, evidently a very low unc, placed on his abilities by your Excellency—who has in seemingly perfect good faith with toe, endeavored to supersede him by appointing the great Senator Benton over his head—l indulged the hope that he would be us easily dispo sed of as a "hasty plate of soup." Accordingly, your Excellency will per-1 ceive that the resistance made at Vera Cruz to the General Scott of Soup, was but - enough to vindicate the honor of my country. But I gathered a large force 'to meet him at Cerro Gordo, and taking what I considered to be an impregnable position, ordered out some skirmishers and proceeded to unstrap my leg, and take my dinner. But did I get it? Your Ex cellency, I had almost said, "all but the din ner;" but that Would have been incorrect, since my leg—the honorable memorial of myslefence, in 1838, of the Castle of San Josh de Ilea—remained to be taken with the dinner, and nothing remained to me but—desert! Blood and thunder! Your Excellency, this General Imo no more no foot of surrendering than your old Rough and lark, and Vitt! 01 111% glittering epati• letter, he would just as soon (if not a leetlo rather) fight as eat, in culpable disregard of the "hasty plate, of soup;" and lam al most tempted to protest, if not against your Excellency's want of good faith, at least against your rash indiscretion in confiding the management of this war to generals who are hostile to your plans of waging it, and opponents to your nioasuCes of nation. al policy. Pardon, mc, your Excellency, if I speak warmly. But, sir, I feel deep ! ly. I have heard nothing of the three mil lions since they were placed at your "dis posal." I have seen nothing of a disposii tjein on the part of your generals or sol diery (who do not know or will not tell when they are beaten) of their purpose to yield me ground enough in action for that . platform of victory from which alone, as your Excellency was well informed; lean or dare treat of wow, or consent to receive the ..Three Millions" we had agreed upon. My - Naffed - grim - te; -- fitir would have your Excellency hasten: to bring about the state of things necessary to precede negotiation* for owe; and, as a firsVitepinaa mo•Demoetatic Generili to Contend andlrett with. •, - • But let come w hat may—whether I con tinue •to fight, or have another chance to eat in repose before the enemy—l will not forget the kindness which passed nua, through your bloody Gulf Squadron. The remembrance of that will endure to me as long as I love my country and am faithful to her intercom and honor, in defence of which I ant resolved, If need be, to lay down my life and lose 'tether leg. My children shall be taught to lisp the name of Polk, evenivhile they curse all North- Amerienns.- and --especially old - Rough and Zack, and that glittering "take in" General Scott of Soup. ~And if you cannot send me Petnocratic Generate to contend with, men to whose love of coun try and kindness to myself, I can trust, at least receive the assurances of all coosid: oration and esteem for YOU rielf - all the same. God and Liberty. ANTONIO LOPEZ Da SANTA ANNA. Rio Frio, May 23d, 1847. A C HANCE FOR A FORTUNE-415000 Rr.- ivano.—The above reward will be paid upon the production of legal proof that the following named_gentlemen have either. sopa or sons-in-law in our army in Mex. ico, James K. Polk, President of the United States, James Buchanan, his Secretary of State, Wm. L. Marcy, his Secretary of War, J. Y. Mason, his Secretary of the Navy, Cave Johnson, his Past Master General, Robert J. Walker, his Secretary of the Treasury, Nathan Clifford,his Attorney'Gerieral. As these gentlemen, the President and his Cabinet, involved up in the war with Mexico, the country is deeply anxious to know how many, of them . have sent their sons or sons-in-law, to fig ht the foe; and as much. difficulty has beat - - experienced by the people in learning the facts, the a bove reward has been offered, in (lopes of eliciting the troth. The evidence may be filed with C. B. Cole, President of the late Democratic Convention, and upon his air tifictie--iii-at, such evidence has been furn ished. showrug that each of the before men 1-tionettleuiteman has . - either a son or a son-in-taw in the arrny, the _abovereward will be-paid by the WHIGS OF GEORGIA., PosTscetrr.—Editors friendly to the cause of knowledge, will please circulate the foregoing. Georgia Journal 4 Messenger. Before the Washington Union can a dopt Taylor, it says it will require him to define his position. It is more than Polk required of Santa Anna ; he went him blind =as they say out West. Polk may think, however, with the author of Hud b rasa"— "Bore the pleasure's just as great Of being cheated as to cheat'— And he certainly_ ought to know, for he /we experienced both pleasures. • [New lork Tribune. MORE AtotaxAvtos.—The New York Sun proposes that the Government of the United States shall purchase Cuha, and seems to consider itself an authorized agent tottettle the terms. • It says : “Cuba is in the market for sale, and we are authorized by parties eminently able to fulfil what they propose, to say that if the United States will offer the Spanish goy ernment one hundred millions 'of (loners Cuba is ours, and that with one wieek # a no tice, the whole_ amount will be raised and paid - over b y the Inhabitants Of the Island. One week is all they ask, if our Govern ment will only make the offer (or them to act upon, and which Spain is ready to ac cept. This is no vision, but a fixed fact, of which we have seed, and now hold the most undoubted proofs.” Only one week to raise and pay over one hundred millions of dollars. Their finances must be rather flush 'at the pres. ant time. . PROBABLY. unicevaity OF THE HISTORY OF A FORMlU'Raene—The Lower Sandia. ky (Ohio) Democrat says: About two miles from this village ova land known as the "Kerr Tract." there is an ancient mound, circular at the base, about 39 feet in diameter, rising ovally to a point which is surmounted oak stump, probably originally two feet in diameter, which is almost totally decayed from age. A few days since some boys dug into the . mound; and nearly under the stump, at the, , depth of three feet, a skeleton was found, but portions of it in a fair degree of preservation. Near the head was found two stone hatchets, an arrowhead, a stone pipe, and—far more singular—a lot of plates, apparently isinglass, which are covered with tines and hieroglyphics of different and beautiful colors. The colors mid workmanship betoken a more advanc. ed and entirely different state of the arts than has been heretofore discovered in re mains of Indian tribes. Some of the plates were destroyed, but there are fifteen pre served. They are circular, oval in shape. and about seven inelies,by ten in size. A pipe -bowl, beautifully finished from stone, was also found, the bowl of which is near ly round, rises from a base, on the bottom of which are the figures 1401. Measures have been taken under the s upervision of sonic intelligent citizens farther to explore this singular mound. There is little doubt that these plates contain the history of some former race that has inhabited this country and farther discoveries will be a waited with impatience. S • Wt is reported that a boy in Visinont grows so fast that his clothe'', are too short before they are put On, and-he has lately grown three inehes through the crown , of his hat. THE NEXT HOUSE OF REPEEsEN TAIIVES The Union car predicted with cond. (knee there would be a Democratic ma jority in the next House.of at least 16. New York voted,giving 23 Whigs instead of the 14 which the Union allowed, and straightway another estimate was framed, making the majority 10. This estimate and the actual result in the States that have since voted are as follows: Uniow's estimate. Atha/Insult Loom Lwas. New Hampshire [vacancies] 2 y 0 Commatient I 0 Virginia. 12 8 Total, - - . 15 • 8 . , Thieera a ties diartmee of seven in the number, of Locos, and {net counting as a Whir„,tha Independent elected in New Ilamittibire,) a difference of 13 in.the re tertlolflowthtir, whicirwortld exedra/ by 3 the estimated majority of 10; and to this should be added the two members claimed from Wisconsin. making a 'clear Whig Majority - of Er. The following is the Union's estimate for the States where elections are yet to beheld : Whigs. Locos. Wine tracancios] 0 4 Rhode Wend tracaucy] I. 0 Marykid 4 2 North Carolina Alabama Mimissipli 141 m -tackyKe Teimeaspe Tow* ~ Virginia jritatneyl Alteidx elected Thu i aumming - up 'howl that unless the Tniotr-can frame another estimate the Whig' must have a majority. The New York. Express makes the same esiimate that we have made, except that it counts. Iwo Whigs from New Hampshire. [Richmond Times. LYNCH LAW IN l'Exss.—A correspond= ent of the Evening Post, writing (roan Rusk county, Texas, states that there had been several horrible tragedies enacted ini . tire itligiihoiing couniies Withinillie past : month, which have created considerable excitement in the public mind. After no- tieing the poisoning of the wedding party ; in Strirdby totifftf, and the' escape of Wil-! kinion from the. "regulators," the writer! says— I "The next rase occurred in Cherokee i county, about twenty miles north west of; us.. this was the murder, by a , fellow named Jones of his wife and chil d The The': bodies were found in a shallow ere •, coy- ered with logs and rubbish. A all the! circumstances tended to fix the guilt upon 4 Jonets;he was .closely guarded by some ofl his neighbors, who started to deliver him I into the custody of the law. I did hear that the magistrates refused to take cogni zance of the matter, and left him in the handl of the mob ; at any rate, the only! law put in operation was that of Judge Lynch. Jones, after being several times, ! temporarily suspended, confessed the mur der of his wife by choking her and striking' her with his Asst. He was immediately i hung ; his father and brother, who were both present, interfering no further than! merely to request that he should not be executed till they had got ont of sight, and that they might have his body for burial. The wife *as very young. They had been married a litte over a year, and the mur- 1 1 der was committed very near the spot , I where lie had "stolen" her, it being a run- away match. i The third affair took place in Shelby 1 county, a week or two ago. It was, very briefly, this; The she off of the county I levied upon a certain mare, notwithstand ing the repeated asseverations of the own er that he would shoot him down on the spot if he shotild attempt it. The instant ' he laid his hand on the bridle the owner fired Ind the sheriff fell. On the evening of the third day following the latter died:: and early the next morning a party of twelve men proceeded-to the jaiL'llfoktotien the door, took out the murderer, and, without further ceremony, hung him on the near littlank jack." . THE LOUISVILLE MYbTERY A few days ago, a youug lady walked into a clothing store at Louisville, purcha sed a suit of clothes (as she alleged) for her husband, and then walked out. Not rawly minutes after this transaction, she she was seen in the neighbood of the store in the very garments sh e d . had purchase fur her husband. Curiosity Will excited —the police Were on the qui vitte—but the young lady some how or other, could not I be found. The Cincinnati Herald thus solves the myetery u We have at lest found out the secret of the mysterious lady who . was the cause of so.rouch speculation at Louisville. On Wednesday, as we were informed byres. . - pectable authority, a drayman ` tin Main street, near was accosted by a young gentleman, who asked him if he.' knew where a certain person lived, men• tinning the name of a keeper of a house of ill fame. The drayman said that he did. Whereupon the young gentleman offered him five dollars if be would show him the house. .He did so, and on arriving was requested by the gentleman to walk with him up stairs, which he did.' • When up stairs, the stranger asked-for Mary She came down, when he announced him self as her brother, whom she bad not seen for years. Quite a talk ensued when Mary asked for her sister and family. The supposed young gentienian announced himself the sister, and opening his vest proved it. Thereupon ensued tears show ing a world of natural affection, which was too real for doubting. The couple then went out of the house, and taking the Pitta burg packet left the city. The diivuised sister had learnt the condition of the one here, and had assumed this disguise that she might safely gain admission and induce her to leave. She took the drayman with her that she might run no risk of personal danger," What more touching illustration could be furnished of a mister's love 1 CAPTURE OF Sz..tvzits.—A London pa per records the qapture and destruction of Brazilian bifealled the Tres Rmigos, to notorious armed slaver. This vessel had made several successful trips, and on her last voyage landed at Bahia 1400 slaves. She was seen on the coast by the steam ship-of-war Devastation, and chased ashore Where she was dashed to pieces by the breakers. The crew escaped. . The same vessel recently captured an American brig under Brazilliati colors, with 529 slaves on [ward, hound to Rio. A WILD MAN.—'rlic Ilalifax (N. 8.) Herald of the 7th instant contains the fol.' lowing ingulat mirati•ia- Considerable interest has been created within a few days past, by the arrival in this city on Thursday last of a wild man, who had been discovered in the woods at Cape Breton, la a state of nudi tyr—For the shrift time this strange indi vidual has been in the poor asylum he has received numerous visits, and although in a condition of complete barbarism, be gins to.afford encouragement that attempts to civilize him may not be altogether hope less. He is both deaf and dumb, and his appeaqinee is - extremely . haggard. He re mains &Irally whether awake or asleep, in slAitting position. ' His , skin je..,eonsid sidtirably shrivelled, froth - constant expo. sure to the weather, and his wlude,deport. meat resembles more an inferior animal -than a+amen being.- -When foal iir offer: . ed him he seizes it, and pressing it to his mouth with both bands, devours it raven ously, He is remarkably fund of salt, which he eats in large quantities. The Ann steps towards civilization have been partially successful ; he having learned the use .of a spoon; end to a limited extent al!. lowed his body to be covered with light wearing apparel. It is said that the pa rents of this singular character emigrated some years agoeo Sydney, from Scotland; days to range the woods at . pleasure, he ac quired a habit of leaving his parent's resi dence for a number of days: at a time, un til compelled, for want of food to return home ; and on the death of his parents he toolcurthiq abode in the forest altogether, until the time of his capture. ROYAL SQUABBLES.—The Paris corms pondent of the Courier Wes Etats Mis, writes that a good deal of fun is made in. the faMily of 'Souls Philippe about a do mestic quarrel between Prince Albert and her Britanic Majesty. We translate the story which, whether true or false, is a good one : "Having been invited to a fete, the hus band of the queen received perinission s to go, with the injunction not to fail of re turning by midnight to the conjugal domi• id: But having, Eke suilfered the fatal hour to pass, the prince found the doors of the apartment which he occupies with his august moiety closed ngainst him. Ile called no answer. Ile entreated : the same silence. Filially becoming im patient, he returned to his carriage and drove to Clairmount, where he went to bed and slept as well as any loan could wish. On waking he sent for the Duke of Wellington and said to him : "Will your grace do use the favor to see the Queen for me, and say to her, that I take very little pleasure in her joking. She is Queen, I know, and in public I am only the first of her subjects ; but I claim to he King in my bed chamber, and if that is not to her taste, I shall take my leave for the Conti nent." The old Duke, who had been charged with such missions before, went to her Majesty with the message. She was _terrified at the idea that a husband so fondly cherished and so strictly tyranized over could escape from her, and ordered her coach and went to Clairmount, where the entente cordiale was established to the satisfaction of all the World." A C moos lhaTti.—The Trenton News says Sunday evening an interesting child of IVilliam S. Iluntchinson, of this city, met its death in a singular and extra ordinary manner. The mother had care fully laid her infant to sleep on the bed, up stairs. placing chairs in front to pro tect it against the chances of rolling oft At the foot of the bed stood a Bureau, a few inches from the rail of the bedstead, which was deemed sufficient protection in that quarter; and with these ample guards the child was left for about an hour, while the mother attended to her household af fairs below. On returning to look after her infant she found that it had Slipped down, feet foremost, between the foot of the bed and the bureau, where it was hang ing with the back of its little head against the bureau and its chin rtp4ing oif the rail of the bedstead. Life wits already extinct. No noise had been heard by any of the family. and it is probabler that the dqath struggle was very brief." Tits Cm or Borrat.o.—The most stri king characteristic of Buffalo. is its vita commerce. It is literally choked up with shipping—with sail vessels, canal and steamboats. One would suppose, to be hold these, that there were enough to car ry off, at one load, the produce of the fields of a whole State ; when, in fact, there are not , ennuglt to- do the business required of their'. In the laatlwo months there have arrived at Buffalo, as tables show, over one million of barrels of flour, two mil lions of bushels of wheat, and corn in 'a mount almost beyond calculation. Riding along on the railroad,J saw an almost end less line of canal boats taking this immense amount of produce on tide water. May all the starving millions soon feel the re lief it ought to give !—Corr. Bost. Altos. A MEDICAL HINT TO Mothers.—A mod ical correspondent attributes the high shoulder and the lateral' curvature of the spine. which frequently disfigure young fe males, to *he shoulder straps of their dres ses rest* below the shoulder and on the muscles of the arm, instead of being on the shoulder, 'Allah compels the wearer to be constantly. hitching her shoulder to keep up the dress„,an action that results in a forcing up gibephoulder, a distortion _of the chest, and tiMttintl curvature of the spine. He also states that from this dan gerous practice and the consequent expo; sure of the chest to cold. inward tubercles are formed, and not unfrequently consump tion is engendered. . - Mrs. Freniont [wife of Col. Fremont and daughter of Senator Benton] left Wash inton, a short time since, with the famous Ail Carson, for the purpose of travelling under his protection, for eighteen hundred miles, to a point where she has agreed to meet her husband. Here is a wife worthy Of the young hero of the Rocky. Mountains. CAUTION TO CONSUMERS OF CAMPIIINE• —A German woman, in Baltimore, was biulty burned on Wednesday evening of last week. by the bursting of atm of Cam phine oil. She was in the kitchen, and attempted to fill a burning lamp from the can, when the oil caught fire and bursting the bottom out of' the can, enveloped her clothes and the furniture in a blaze. Her life was ,saved by tearing off her clothes.. Persons cannot be too careful witliciim phine or spirit oil. WHAT JT COdT.—The Viol; of President Polk to N. York, says the Tribune, bled the municipal treasury to tho tuna of four thousand dollar, ! Thu dills of the Astor [louse wore IGRORANCE or TIM LAW.—It is said that the Court and Lawyers of Carlisle were lentirely ignorant of the law against kidnap- ping, passed by the last Legislature, at the 'time the riot between the slaveholders and the colored people took place in that town. Professße hl'Clintock of Dickinson Col lqe informed those engaged in the riot, a.thiaxistence of the law, and this caused the whites, in a measure, to stay their hands; For this information an effort it. now making to have him indicted, and we shall soon see whether slavery is para mount to law in this Commonwealth:— The law alluded to, effectually protects the elave--it gives him liberly the moment i he sets foot upon the free soil of Pennsyl vania, if he resist the action of his oppree -or; the elave-cateher. Let this' fact be made known to those interested:—Oda- . ware Republican. • - Poortmr - SLATras.—A • latter - dated BUf- - falo, N. Y. July 22, says:-"The train of cars that arrived last evening from Albany, brought a snug little family of nine color ed persona, all fugitive slaves, under the care of an agent of the Abolition Society, who was proceeding from Boston to Canada, to set them free. Upon inquiry, I find that the number of such occurrences are much more frequent than we of the middle States suppose, and thatothey are matters of but little noticehere. 'rho agent .• • • utgl . , an , I should suppose, from the peculiar chimcteristica of his dialect, has not been long in this *country." TKRRIBLIC TRACIEDY.—.A. mob of six or eight men - attaeked the house of a man,na ined Menick, near New Albany, (Indiana) on Sunday night, and the three first who entered were felled to the earth by the oc cupant. Jos.- Davis and another) , name unknown,. wegq instantly killed, and a third so injured that he cannot survive. Men ick then surrendered himself to the civil authorities. No SOR QUARTERS:A Highland er, whose regiment, having been surround ed, had cut their way out with the broad sword, with the loss of half their number, being the last in retreating, and highly cha fed, was stopped by a forward Frenchman returning from the pursuit, who charged with his bnynnet, but soon finding the dis advantage of his weapon, cried out "quar ter !" "Quarter _ye r' said Donald, "by my soul, lie one nine to quarter ye, maim, e'en be contentit to be cnt in ma i l ' making his head - IV - itom . his shoulders. A child wis born last week, about eight miles north of this place, which had two well formed heads, both set on one body. The faces of these two heads were perfect ly natural, and even quite handsome, The spinal bone of the neck united a little be low the shoulders. The two windpipes i united in one, in the breast where they 'eame together. In all respects except the extra head the child teas naturally It died in the act of being born, and centred also the death of its mother.—St. Joseph Regi.rier. "THISAVORLD MUST DX PEOPLI:D. " —The wife of Mr. William Tinker, a fisherman in New York, presented hint on Thursday, with three little female Tinkers. A Mrs. Dunn, of Detroit, recently presented her loved and loving lord with three little "hums. L Mrs„.B. F. _Cannon, of New Sa lem, on Thursday night. presented her husband w ith four small Cannuns.—Penn sykanian. HORRIBLE Deem.—A disastrous finale to a plundering expedition, occurred on Friday night, in die vicinity of Commerce and Fifth street, Philadelphia. A fellow, detected by a border at the Merchant's Ho tel, in an attempt at burglary upon some stores in the rear, precipitately fled and took refuge in an out-house, through the floor of which he fell, and was smothered in the filth. Attention was first attracted to the spot by his cry of murder. Upon the recovery of the body it was found he wave black man named Joseph Dildson. INSULTING WITNESSES IN COURT.—Among the matters presented by the Philadelphia grand jury of the July teem, is that of the unrestrained abuse of witnesses by mem bers of the bar in court. The grand jury consider this license calculated to abridge the dignity of the court and to interfere with the proper course of justice. a A VOICE FROM KENTUCKY I have been afflicted with dyspepsia in its aggravated form for three years past and found no relief until I used Dr. G. Benj. Smith's Improved Indian Vegetable Pills. After using six boxes of said valuable pills. lam entirely cured. They are a general remedy. J. K. Leeman. ?aducah, Ky., Nov. 19, 1945. e can certify to the above facts. Dr. Smith's Pills are universally esteemed in this vicinity.. - Hodge, Livens ¢ Co., Merchant's. At the request of Dr. G. Benj. Smith's agent, we cheerfully state that we visited the office of Dr. Smith in September last. while in New York, and found him to all appearance carrying on a very extensive business with his Indian Vegetable Pills. The extent of his established would aston ish any one not initiated in the 'mysteries of the pill trade.—Louisville Journal. p' The g enuine Pills are for sale in Gettysburg, by S. H. Buehler and S. S. Fbrney; in Hunterstowa by Abraham King; to Petersburg by Mrs. Fuller; in Cashtown by Mrs: Duncan, and in Hal9p• ton by J. H. Rulebaugh. July 9,1847.-4 t. ' Sudden changes from very hot to chilly weather, are unfavorable to healtlCiiirit is a fact universally admitted, that heat and moisture are powerful agents in producing disease, and that constant dry and mem wet weather are most favorable to its gent oration, it does not signify what we call it, it may be ague, it may be billions fexer, it may be yellow fever, it may be dysentery, it may be Rheumatism, it may be bronchi tie, it may be cholic, it may be constipation of the bowels, it may be intimation of the bowels, it may be inflamation of the sto mach, it may be a nervous affliction, but still it is disease, and a disease curable by the BRANDRETH PuLt.s, because they re move all impurities fromthe body, all that can in any manner feed the further progress of the malady, no matter how called t thus these pills are not only the most proper medicine, but generally the only medicine that need or ought to be used. 117• The K ermine lirentlreth's Pille can be hallo the following Agents— J. M. .S'ievenson 4• Co.,.—Gettynburg Jno. B. McCreary,—Petersburg. ilbrahans King,—llunterstowll A. Melhrhuul,-41thottstown. David Al. C. While,—Hampton meSherry 4. Thak,-I,ittlentown. Duncan,—(•amlttowu. Juha June 95, ISt?. Jury List--.-Augustikra l .. , GRAND JURY. . Gernany.—Jonathen C. Forrest, Samuel Berlin. Ephraim Swope. Strahan—Armstrong Toughinhatigh, Samuel W. Hoffman, William Black. Harniltonhan—Jac?b Raffempergin., Samuel Co lman, of W. Boiough--Williain Wisotsks7, Latimore—Franklin L. Myers, Hoinilton—Binonuel Kuhn, R. H. Hutchison, Union--William Weikert, Menallen—G. W. Rex, Adam Sower; Nsu rgi Wright. ' ' • Mountplessant--Peter Welker; Goo. thipautk. Reading—Henry A. Picking. Berwick—MichaelBla le. Huntingdon—William Patera. Franklin—George Shalmly. Conowago—Lhisid Wert& Freedom—William Scott. GENERAL JURY _Condwago: .Fraucis -Littley Levi Kindigy , Jacob Germany : George Behriver. ' Menallen: &mei Byaktr, Samuel Diehl. Mountplcasant Christian Hessler, John' Blair, • Lewis Long. Stniben : Semi F. Neely, Henry Hoffman, Fred erick Forney. , Franklin: George Pitter, Daniel Heintshenan, Charles Mickley, Samuel Brady, John Chamberlain. • Union : Daniel Gelselman, Ignatius Sneezing:en Reading : Henry S. Hildebrand. Mountjoy : George Musser. Hami I.9nburt.t_liickutel.—Hestriug,losephiburtin. er, Hugh Culbertson. Latimore: Levi Lippy. Cumberland : George Quinn. Borough: O. R. Buehler, Henry Welty. Berwick: Joseph H. Henry, Jacob Slagle, David M. Myers. Tyrone: William Yeatts. Huntingdon: William Webb. . Freedom: James M'Cleery. TRIAL LIST. Nathaniel llosweilth Thbrotia Flemming Gilliland ea. Samuel Witherow and T. C. Miller. Joseph Kitchen rs.. Peter Deardorff's Admirer. Ann Beltler vr. Dr. David Study. Commonwealth of Pa., use of Joseph Ouster, vs. Anthony Storm and Dr. Wm. Hornbeck. Catharine M'Knight vs. Peter tetudsbaker. Val. Ulrich. (Wanlien of John Daughter va. J. & Potent. 6 James How vs. Executor of Philip (lump, dec . & Frederick Quickel vs. George Fidler. Andrew Stock and Wife vs. Peter Hoffman. Neal M'Callion vs. Henry Houck & Casper My- David Ziegler vs. Agnes Walteroyer, Henry Har man, and Andrew Hockey. David thimble, Trustee of H. Rickenbau,;h Francis Fisher. FOR ♦ novNivex.. Citation against Thomas Claipheal Mvniving, Executor or Wm. \Veakly, deceased, and tho. answer thereto. Rule upon Thorns/ Craighead, EXCCINICT of Win. Weakly, deceased, to show cause whyett at tachment should not issue to lino. David Kendlehart vs. Oscar Letshaw. July 30, 184 J, Will be published in Washin gion,. D. C'., on the Seventh of December next, No. One of The United States Reporter, hOly Journal of Go% onunent, Legi.lative ant t;eneral Nevve THE subscriber is now enabled to announce the cum plet ion of his ariangements .lot the establishment of a well organized and Indepenileist Journal of News at the Seat of the General to eminent The le:sling teat ufre ol ••The United States Reporter" will be the following I. Early intelligence of 'the movements of the various Departments of theGovemnient, in refer ence to Domestic affairs and to the Foreign tida- Gone at the country, will be given with scrupu lous fidelity. Possessing peculiae facilities for ob taining information. the ••Reporter" will be ena bled trequently to communicate, exclusively, in telligence of the most important character. It. The serbatim 'Reports of the Proceedings and Debates of the U. States Senate, which the proprietor is bound to furnish daily to that body, in accordance with the terms of the contract inane at the close of the last session of Congress. The arrangements now made will at once lully wine to the Senate of the United buttes an authentic and complete record of its debetes; and to the peo ple—in a greatly enlarged degree—the benefit of sea of readers, will thus be kept fully mid syste matically informed of domestic legislation in all sections of the AT. States. V. Early intelligent, of all important move ments in the Legislatures of (heat Britai• and France will be communicated by every steamer from Europe, through Reporters in London and Paris, who possess peculiar facilities fur obtaining information. VI. The General News of the Day will beeps:, en in a condensed form, with italnstry aad anen tiun. ' Such is • brief view of what the "United States Reporter" is designed •to be. All the plum and arrangements bare been sell matured, sad the hope is confidently cheraed that the "Reporter" will prove itself en energetic. industrious. dignifi ed, and perfectly independent journal. It will have no party views—no Political bias. The pro prietor, lw the terms of kis contract with the Senate of the U. States,is bound to the condition that "the paper shall contain no political discus sions except the debates." It will he a vehicle of wrier, not the organ of any set of oplcioos. The grand aim of the subscriber is to establiah at the seat of Govermzumt a faithTfitand pmempt reporter of all sorts of intelligence—a responnbis agird, on which the politician, the buirineu Man. the manii lecturer, the mechanic, and every one interested ii the affair') of Congress and the Government, may rely at all times with Implicit confidence. It is believed that the establishment of nth a reliable Journal of lenelligence, on terms which place it tvithin reach of the greet maim of: the people, at the commencement of what promises to be a most interesting and eventful period in the history of Congressional proceedings, will be re garded with favor by all cluaee of the eommuni ty ; And, having thus stated bis objects, the sub. scriber respectfully solicits a liberal and general support from the enlightened public of the United States. ss AMES A. HOUSTON. e Stenographer to the Senate of the U. States. The oUnited States Reporter" will be printed on a large and handsome sheet, and issued every morning, except Sundays, at the rate of $d per an num; singk copies 2 as. In connection with the daily paper, there wilt be lesued trom the lame establishment, • THE MIRItOR OF COPIOXESS. This publication will contain enclittively the reports of the proceedinp enddirtatiot elk. Con gross of the U. State* It A ill b r neaps 'semi weekly, in en elegant quarto forms; fliTeighoot the sessions of Congress. Mi.will be trlosistsed to subecribers et the rate ortwo dollars for the lonia session, and one dollar forth. ghost session, It is believed that this great notional work will deemed indispensable in the library of every pub lic institution, politician, sad professional vase, throughouetbe country; end that it will be re garded by the great mess of the people as the very best p olitical test tarok for their own instruction and t hat of their,chiklren. InewrierAnnooncsocar.--Throughent the session of Congress, Extras will he issued train the &Nit) of the "United States Reporter," c o nfui l u ng the reports of all such debates us may possess par ticularly exciting interest. All subscriptions and eemniunicetiom to be postpaid and addressed to ..J. A. liocsTea, 11. S. llepOrter, Washington, D. C." • July ao, Ibl7=l-tnic PADDY O() EASY and his iviG. ey, by Uarlton ; Knight olOwynne. by Lever, and a host of other new Books, just,ree,eived and for sale at the sign of the ""Big Book.' 7111142112 et BAD OIL , ...4. I OETTTISIB 1111,1166. Friday Evening, July 30, 1847. FOR PRESIDENT, GEN. WINFIELD SCOTT. CITY AGENCY —V. B, Esq. at the corner of Chesnut dr,Thirtiotreet, Paidsdripkis; 160 ffinatu street New York; end 8° " 91411 " "w -eer of Baltimore and Calvert street; Babinoarr 7 o -and E.W. Cies, Esq;Sim Building, N. E. Corner Third Is Dock sts.and 440 N. Fourth at PhiJad'a are hatanthnrisriAgents for welting Advertise • meats and Butiecrlptions to the" Star" anti collect ing and raradiginglor the same. • WHIG' CANDIDATES: FOR 00VRRIVOR. VE - N. JAMES IRVIN. roa CANAL COMMISSIONER. JOSEPH W. PATTON. VOR SENATOR. WILLIAM R. SADLER. • TOR RiPREERNTATIFIC, WILLIAM McSHERRY. FOR covristesloNza, 'JACOB KING. • TOR AUDITOR, AMOS W. McGINLEY. FOR DIRECTOR, - - THOMAS—, ' . volt TRICASURICR. ItOBERT G. HARPER. Ctr. For Delinquent Patrons ! dS IMPORTANT. Urns enlargement of our paper has drawn more heavily on our purse than we anticipated, and we are compelled to call upon our patrons to relieve us from the difficulty. 'There ii a large amount on our books o due us for Job Work and tiubacription which it would give us mach, plea*. ure to see •"squared oil" The_ amount against each subscriber may seem trilling, and for that reason remain unpaid; but it is of drops that the ocean is made, and a kw dollar* from each of our subscribers will in the s F gregate ! malice an amount of some iniportang . to us. 'chose of our patrons who have already paid up, will invert our thaidis, while those who have not;we feel assured wilt camas ihe pewit ••!ttx:' as it. is the. first they have been troubled with since our connection with the ••tit Lir Money tuay be remittal to us per mail, at mu risk. ••A San Cara. the daughter of a respertable clealcvniam of I kitty shore,. oar, taken into custody at Philadelphia. on Wednesday, as a vagrant. `.f he had sadly departed from the path of virtue." We find the above iiantarsph going the rounds ef the press. It is founded on an article which appeared in a late number of "Meal a Saturday liazate," and lias about as much truth in it as the masa of the infamous stories that are regularly cooked up by the "cheap" City parent., to gratify the morbid motes of theirreadoes, and sustain their reputation as °pop la r" journals. Gettysburg has no such representative in l'hiladelplna as that charged in the above paragraph. THE UNION AN I/ GEN ERA L SCOTT Notwithstanding all General r3corr's precaution to provide against a 'lire in his rear, while com batting the enemy in front," it recurs that be is to Ite made a - victim of the Administration and a scope-goat by which to relieve itself from the odi "um of oflie t al buntlets--st least so far as Mr. Polk and his agent* can accomplish the purpose. For some time past occasional murmutings of dimwit. isfaction eu the part of the Government organ am! insinuation.' of negleet of duty by high officers. gave Indication of what was to be expected from W Administration that hesitates at noiracrifice. and shrink. from the use of no means, however dishon orable, to screen itself from merited rebuke, or car ry into execution its ambition.' pr;ects. The as sault was commenced by the Washington Union on Thursday last with the following paragraph: »We deem it probable that if _Mr. Bu chanau's despatch had been tntiernkted to the Mexican Government inunediatdy al ter fAe.kanie q/' CIIIRRO GORDO, we should Itave had peace before this period. Why it was not so transmitted is a grave ques tion; bat we nndertake to assert. con - slendy, that this was not the faullt of Mr. Triet. On the contrary, he did every thing in his power to have it forwarded through General tScorr." It was evidently intended in this paragraph to charge General &err with the Whim of Mr. That's negotiations, and throw upon his shoulders the reapeasibility of continued hostilities. Unfor tunately, however, for the Union, its battery is si lenced alter the find discharge liy the National In- Wilder. in this wise : "The battle of Cerro Gordo occurred en the lath April ; at that time ..Mr. Bu chanan's despatch" was scarcely written; it is dated in this city on the 16th of April, only two days before the battle ; and Mr. 'Pater, who conveyed it to Mexico, arrived at Vera Crux on the 6th of May, and at Jalapa, General Scott's Headquarters, on the 14th of May. How then could the General have forwarded a despatch ..itn• teediefely after the battle ofe ERRO GORDO" Which did not teach hint until nearly a needs after that battle?" . Of teem that finishes the matter so far as this charge. la contented t we ire a little curious to )know in What quitter operations will next be aim. inerteed. Between Pear and 'rheum, Preddent Pith seri to be driving. a hard bargain—and with about ea much seeress u did his friend Banta Assiai• :.1310144=110thtfteVebilMtieNt taus Che w hes a letter tiro AdjtAaat A. Vf.-*Wieretearg, hayed Meaterey, Illth of Jaste.— With refenatee to the &tee wilier Geo. Taylor, end the fp s eateaerwleted ewer:wale, Alto. tent Atisettang writes as Alilows: 431ers. Tailor misers toot* he Inv:less than 3,000 seta now under his emantan t l, htehadAtif those at this point attest, - SOMA bait this hie intention to mem to. 'erudition LatitPeteei aseoelailittiafeable t end he aloe aimed atelhet he *in pornitint, *turn to eter-flattelin Septimither twee, libeler dome is a treat! soododed by, Pit Alma pr 1100 item R :Seastoest, of Haiti! elope, in &Setter to the Nirscirtik Vouort; wows g l is ac ii. Tarte* as the Wing CM* didatefer President. • IF Thar sodden ehangwin this weather dazing the past week gnome to have extended som e in Ness .Yock, on Tueaday, number , " o f persons Winn seen on the linnets ohlthed Whit& dean. RATHER SHARP.—filhe following Wee giv en as a toast at the Ceitbrairen 'of the Netiensa Annivents7, on St. Ran* island, in the Siide of tooth Caroline t So gentk in peace Aleihindea smiled, While in hank? be shone,* terribly grim!, [child, 'l'hal the emblem they `raved on his Aida we* a With a thunderbolt pineed in hie innocent hand, Oh, Ts' tett l so long as such Minister. wield Yowl umgmtleent arm, the /lune emblem will Jo; For while they'te in the 0111111 f 11, nuJ you in fk ld t 'We bait. 1 , 01 iu than, and data der you! THE AIINT--lio detuae . "mtertgenos haw been mine! from Gen tiarrr airier oar last; indeed, it is loweitur a Reenth slave the hot direct acivieee S . m his Ireolloasters were received. On the 30th oirjone he was Ail et Podia, &wailing the ninfeereoliego which had k and were to Wee Tent Coo. der &wends Coheelolea, Ail- law, sod Piano. L. i isseragsaciu, say, bas his reeebrol flow the city of Moir% where so mach asxisty seemed to oat ia mud to the torwiloos of Gm Seri; as in din noun . The Repolirresso, phial ia do Capital, states • al Jane des. Elestt alkd a carnal 'twee to crsairle tie .spotty of as ad aims wpm the capitol, at whicA finusel aaate meat was detenaiweil ea. The isateaseut, howev er, is Popped is he hatter:set. as mar malice' lowa Geo. Sao are is days lam sad it is not proba ble that the enemy weak' he amme m emiliar with his opanatioria this swelehea. The nusoursitniab the Ardirmitsfiaiimos of the sr- ray are very corammiand agreeing as to tie point that the prospects for peace an as far teased as ewer- One account lays that the Mexican Canons lame declined the peace o&is of out Gasenswole. mid Irsollw4 oat to treat under any condition% wide another Meta lions a seafitras between ones of the neat pow ireful Motion Stara fan die repass of resistiOg any teeny that the Central &menorah abould dare to reoehaie. Evetytiiiif wan genet at but amounts thing Gen. Taylor's fine of operation,. The troops at Buena trite. 2,00, sou in need health. and un der Gen. Wooreconunand, prenteerioat rapidly is the Wehool of a soidarr:' Smi. Taylor was rill at Wawa Bnrinp, quietly waiting the areal of these men&weentenie en °hen pnanised and alwaye. delayed. He desire' dto go fonnni or back. On the 26th ulttinso Can. Woof braised notice of an intended attack by Gen. Vakiscia, who was stationed at San Lois with S,AOO regular troops. Our men made preyssiathest to give their viMors a warm welcome, but after advancing to within 60 or $0 mike of Oakillo, the enemy Apia fell hack. The flan lonia papers at die 6th init. date that oor army marched from Puebla for likely of Met- On. but after amertsisin — lig the fates they would have to contend with. rammacrinaseleed again to Puebla, without routing to an commitment with the Meti rans, although batik was offered at a paint distant 2& mike from &reify. - Wes -is- ten improbable fur bend; Gem Isom will never turn tack when once on the march—ern though the opposing time hr “40A00 reliant fleikent. - as stated. The annihilation of Gen. Scott's army is herald ed as certain--they prociarni it impossible for him either to advance to ortsrat. Tlhi■ is erstaitily cheering news for the Menieens, and would be cc ry sorrowful for us if we could be rank to believe it ; but our faith is to, straw to allow any rairgie imps as to the safety and triumph of mu army to occupy oar thoughts. [?The funeral orremosies in Kona of Col. M'Kee. Lieut CoL Clay„ and the.ll.liir Kentock,. Milennarbo fell It Deena Vista. mune oti Frank fort, on Tne:olWint: iineWe;Mr of from 15,000 to 20.000 !wrangle. Henry Clay and the orphan children of his lamented *ow were among the chief GEN. SCOTT.—The Localism ownwrondent of the Baltimore ran. Writing from Washington, in retinrnee to the difficulty 1.-tuera Gem. Scott anii % r. Trig. thus comgliasirms the Hem of Cer ro Gordo: ----Gien.licott may "Ital.* a atie o•llkwar nth, bid he is a seri great captain: it is our ino de4„opinion that he has not nos,. as a %ivories and scientific portal. has equal in the world--and junior require* us to airluaimirdge that all the hopes and sioas i -soinurtiposoa. a. far ate thissi-arcre truly &ended oci_bals weaa_fiar maths( his eider and The great and - &Wad management which be exhibited in Ida internaluse sitb :be clergy and the people." GEN. TAYLOR AND UR._ WAR---- 7 The -Dentin-ratio Adrenal... a Lanahro paper printed at Baton Roane, the naribrace of Geo. Tattoo, water troopanwaßy than lien. Taylor was owe. end to the apaosannat allrwaro es ea plums geteueds,* Rad that laKlibulus — the war lei& Mex ico nold sad asiglit 41iii4 Sera aemdod^ Is INS **OS be MICR - 14 Wit* Orly- The Union will have to ihhhigiNgi Zak' is dr lie of "Madras Whigs" .The Cincietaitahapipre peedirar that dies ink viral be untvenrally eamil by the Iredetril awes. per% in Agri andar. . suit.fteir eyalorma aware mow adninaltb." Nohow II as auseissi' to there as 'Vet deedinhate wawa sad printed thenewher .tinessrapaby,"---therfaier. Our neighs. in peen* the abeam paragraph, tenet hare bad ia flaeinewa'a L.lOllll Federal nan-Weergpigishy jswb hhb wow his "'Wend idottar" . crud haearaerai Mr. hiallien as the .deartairete Wrisbinpara" 1 or I Plohnbly tier of Charingliganwikut Si* ie of. finned that lead be heal is diayeafthe Sear Mien, be would hare liesOrii Tirry!" M.41N18.-71t g Carimities mici naitsii Ow* Bitomealiir . A Waileurd Whig Caikerstieil b iiiminsiie _____ for Priiiiiieut Ind Vice STATE ELECTIOSS--Thefeileteker &Mee hold their dottier rest seek: Eeeekr. loblt- Ea, tifiatais,' Bliirouei Mikarm. w Elosekri the 2d; :girth Tememtee. to Thew day the sth of A "• ,1 . • rrt "U. 4ilalk- se in Vida. Tbe Use 4011iiiiftwok RICH.—The Lototoes :ids of Jelly j by Polk •:sa ' w .eltaiii -1 alio Sur his valor Ina gin at Ciaietieolioaerilier if do JIM& row wain, so teel i viii taig ata aid ataato 'l3ilie Loathe Peace Society' bat alilmmied mestatiole, not *sly to oar eine goveemeeat Od that of Mati* bat as that Walk miaiitry toad to all the laming meeho of irattiPc. Pkairrs for • vas* tinsimsimm agar amarat wi l Mesa" stator a goseral aelogothi . t alga& aoleetatetao far war as ANS eapeasaii; its seaway i al area. OrRIVI.IIIOO Cairn, glgi. INS hesseet eitlllr..Wiegaie it the Heim Dietriet helm The .antral cirreetet elf deism lathe 11:7Time Gamma lattbents Moab r Piulade& ranee el itteas sad St. Mei dam% true work by tibettiag ea Smoky miltiatat kat sad destraytai. The awe sidle rasemme may SONS at Wadi mese monad bylammamm. The eommegation bad bees irmaimiat M Meat Minuses preying is the cattatmpia, ad ibe mac aw bed left the buadieeramly >t meaftemt Hid We mot bees tie came . a raelamoiltialy-lams et life alight area 'easamill. tar 'The oast of the Washiogith Vahan asks the Whigs what 'Any expert to aorampikek by their sonorous Taylor saurtingse hellfire says ;be aid man's tenusity atoms to he aired se great us that ofSaata Anna, who deopaorherl a women_ ger to Gen. Taylor in the honest mooed of the bottle of Berta Vista, to insphe -what horaturd." A littk , girl !Talking in the cemetery of Pere la Cliaise, at Pa,* and reedieß one after sonsiber the praise* upon the wombs of itbauor who slept be neath, suddenly exclaimed. ...Wei whine they bur all the .inner.:" THE ADMINISTRATION AND THE WAIL—The views ore& Doniplum in relation to the war am calculated to produce a deep irrigation throughout the country. The Colonel says that if our Government had properly supptarted Gene rals Scott and Taylor; and placed at the disposal of each 'of theme officers 20,000 men, they, would me this have enbdued the whole Mexican Power ; in other woeds, the war would have been termina ted long sine°, and we would now be in theen joyment of all the blessings and repose of peice... Why, then, has the . Cherenuneed hesitated to die' dame dutyl _Why has it protracted the war, and thug unneciessmily and wantonly induced the expenditure of millions of treasure, the shedding of rivers of blood, and the sacrifice tnroh of live. ? The War, in , thelanguags of some of the beat and ablest officers of the army, has not been prosecuted with effit4einey,' because the Govern meet has negtectedtofurnish reinforcements. The brilliant victories of Gen. Taylor have been robbed of half their influence by the criminal apathy and indifference of the authorities at Washington.— The triumph at Cerro Gordo was greatly impaired for the same culpable reason. Gen. Taylor has been compelled to linger for months at 2itontarrey, and Gen. Scott for weeks at Puebla and itaneigle husband, and all for want of reinforcements. The conduct of the government in this matter has been infamous. It has cruelly trifled with the safety and the lives of trur own troops, while it has revived the courage and hopes of the Mexi cans, and thus protracted the war. The public indignation on these points is nearly universal, and confined to niapatticular party. "'The two di vision, of our army under Taylor and Soot; have been cruelly, nay, wickedly abandoned, either to inglorious inactivity or dangerous peril, and lan guage of censure too strong, cannot he employed upon the subject True, the Washington Union, roused and goaded by the complaints of the pram and the people, is endeavoring to shield the Ad ministration, by affirming that our many in Mexi co has already been largely reinforced. The ab surdity of such an apology may ho duly apprecia ted when we remember that at our last accounts Gen. Scott had been anxiously and impatiently a waiting reinforcements for weeks, and that rep to that time not a solitary t regiment had arrived at lwq. however, = —A correspondent of a gentleman in Philadel phia, writing from Centre County, hen communi cated the following facts respecting Gen. ta•tres conduct in two particular instances, which must increase the public estimate of his worth. and make a favorable impression on the mind of every man capable of admiring ssenertMs action. We, are well modified that the publication of ouch in cidents is by no means agreeable to Gen. tarts —be is truly one of that class of men, who "41/J good by stealth and blush to find it fame." but the virulenoetvith which he has been Retailed as dose, selfish, niggardly, an oppressor of the operatives in his employdent, an g.fron Mandel with an iron heart," du., entitle the people to be advised of the PACTS which refute these calum nies. and to have him presented to them in hi. true light as a liberal, generous, warm-hearted and dis interested man. His conduct with regard to the Cadetship at West Point shows that he is disiti tutu of that quality of rupvtasm or a disposition to bust relations, whether tit or unfit, into public °lli a*, which is so common to politicians. Scarcely had Gov. nhunk settled himself in the chair of State before be elevated his brother-in-law; John K. Findlay--a very moderately endowed lawyer at Lanctracr—to.the Ben' of the District Court at Philadelphia, thus prostituting his high station to the proniotton gird eirrielibient of wiemßessof tit own family, instead of employing litsidtertial patronage fire the public benefit. We nVisoi in the contrast presented by Gen. !swim to ,Citich at potum.—York Reorstilicuit... . "Gen. Irvin was called upon by hii lath er in hie last illness, Lome few years ago. Ito write his will. The Genend, whisker. , his father's situation and pmerty well. and deservedly had MS Onftnetrin the fullest extent, proceed It to i tilviltelro pro perty. which you know was large.iniong hiss. tildren, which Inv- did-WW I - 16 4kuguat good judgment, and after rending it aver to his kther, he expressed himself sauteed-- bat one thing. said the old gentleman, you have forgottemp,and that is your own share. The General explained:pea he had ituoug#i already, and requested his fothersoiriee himself no concern about hint, and an it passed. The wilLin his bandwetting is bled in our Register's office,: and abant the facts which I hate stated very briefly:. them can be no doubt, for I know them to be tree. As you say. this voluntary re linquishment of considerable eosin is a rare Whence of true liberality. , I could give you other insitantA'Ehis life which show this was in keepini with his character, but I suppose • it is 44i110c- , wary-. - but there is one that t will , 4 When be note in Congress there wed) swisppoint- ' *seat t. Cadet at West Palm in his gill. Two of his relations, one aysepheiv. were very anxious to be appointed, but they be ing able to live without it and beinfilas re lations he passed em by, and g o it to t e the son of a poi man. who h large family without influence." ---' l. - --- ‘' DESERTING —The 4ittehury A a • , beeofoco paper, printed in 11 .. lead county, has heeled down the Littlish and Logipgarth Bag, heretofore Beeline at the hewd of dab miliaria! columns The "Milteeloe" in a Ilu- War to ilia defictiwo,eays that "disunion and dia. matialllailßoa pavan in every township* the exam i 07.7 4iiiitiVtaittiu T* 4 1:400040 41 " Alicia: ire "c 'fret the e eets or the Ta rifa' 1846. Erne depredations of the Indians upon mtrains" bound to Banta Fe, mai returning to the Q. Easkes, are becoming as serious as they are Ewe vent. On the 26th ult. a train, escorted by a oempany.of troop' under LietelJUNl, was attack ed by some three or lour hondradqndiarta. Five men were lod in the encounter, and six otimee wounded. The WashinstnnUnionstateathatthe Government is abort adopting uieient nears to prewar( these depredation hereafter. 1170 t the 22d inst. a Kr. Wx. Boor, of Bar risteug, fell from Otte of the piers of the bridge now in proems of earetioe over the Ousquehanses, in Oboe of the one destroyed by the freshet ,hr the *prism - 41846, ind was so much injured as to curse his death on the following Burnley.- FOUND Dtt►D.—An Friday last, a Mr. Shale. lock-tender at (:lark's ferry, was (bond dead on the Clark's ferry bridge.— It is supposed, that while in a a state of in toxication, he climbed up to the upper part of the bridge on to some loose timbers to sleep, and while asleep rolled off. His neck was found to be dislocated, and his hat upon - the timbers above. GIFT FOR. THE WAEMINGTON MON VMENT. —A gentteman by the mime of Morgan, lately deceased In New York, has left the sum of fifteen thousand dollars 5o be ex pended. in the erection of the Washington Monument. Roc" The FLOUR MARKET remains quiet, with but little doing. Some few sales were made on Wednesday at $5 75, but mostly at $5 50—for fresh ground. Good to prime red Wheat $l.OB a SLI7 ; do. white $l2O a $1 28 : white and yel low Corn 7 a 76 cents ; Oats 45 a 48; Rye 75 cis. • - MARRIED, "Ott the ltth inst. by the Rer. E. Mr. B . W. Ri car, and Miss daughter of Mr. John Butt—both of C township. On the 18th ins t. by the Rer.-Mr Lu Tawas of.B•gbaore, and Mir ,Sesnat.ait, of Abbottotown. DIEII, On Friday hue, Witatax Hoke, in Jeci 1). Danner. Emift,9 l- titiklAtc 44 On the 20th Wet. in New Oxford, eat daughter ofJohn Esq. I r To.lrs 8110 X F 077.'0131TZ1 THE 133 FOR TUB FART WEER, The follotring Books wane been r Graham's Magazine for August 4 2 i Godey's 1,6 Columbian " Counterfeit Detectors " 1' Gen. Taylor's Rough and Ready, I' Crockett's, and Farmer's Alman I 1848. D And anil all Diseases of 44e Stonnich and Bawds. DYSPEPSIA,' or Intigestion land its consequences.—Aninnitient!Profes sor says: ultchietly arisei in perains who lead either a very sedentiry or tiregular . life. Although not regart*l as a fatal di sease. yet:;if any bring on in curable Melancholy, Jaittlice, Madness, or Vertigo, Palsy, and Ap i pleity. A great singularity attendant on Its, that it may Alt lll -OfteraliClLWaiiltc_.,lllMloll Of time without any reinisam of the symp toms. CAUSES.—Grief antkuneauineset of mind, intense study, profue evacuations, excess in venery, excessiv use of spir itous liquors, tea, tobacq, opium and other narcotics, immodaral repletion, o ver _distention __of the sonlach, adeti cieney in the secretion f die bile or gastric juice, exposure to old and damp air, are the chief causes of his disease. SYMPTOMS.—Loso °appetite, nau sea, heart-burn, acidity ary foetid eructa tions, gnawing of the when emp- side, costiveness, eltillinessfinguor, low ness of spirits, palpitations,ind disturbed sleep. TREATAIENT.—nn.V LLE N' S VEGETABLE LOA/POND has nev er failed in affording irrime4te relief and a radical cure for this diseasi Principal Office, No. 77 j. Eighth et., east side, Philadelphia. Fopsle in Get tysburg by S. S. )RNEY. Juiy 30. 1847.—1 y ArkONFESSION of John ‘,_,) the murder of the For also a Report of the trial and Haggerty, to be had at Kelle. of the Bigi Hook. GE'.I. I TYSBURG TIDOP. You will prude at the hi)* of J. L. Grass. in fluntersinwni 4 Saturday the 14th of August nest, at 10 flock w. x. By order. J. T. I'ELTY, M. S. July 30. AMER ' LAST NOVEL; tus ;ell. or of Charles the 2d," an Ltisrfeal Ro mance—for sale by Keller Ka, sign of the Big Biol. -)!1 G F. e?iti G r, - ddti ß o lt na ' rs ' o p poz l4il t st receiv. tlt teVgi tki t 11% /mono If RICO /011 1 MUMS ORO Dontestie Matins, Ticking 4 . PlaieSi'Ginghanis, Cas! 1 \ __Voids, Drillings, sinells, Fancy Cassini &c. Arc.. all of which are to i 'ces to suit the times. ..pi judge for yourselves, and please, sAll.we take please , the Goods. .f s-- ,%;,' ' Gettysburg. July 23.-1-44 • O 1 » the very him quality d different Alnvors, can be had.? times, at WEAVER'S Confecthme ' Chambers burg street. Families s p a *. ' , lies will be supplied with any des' ' 'EI tity, at the shortest notice. CAKE ONFEC 'MONS of MI kigds alway hand, and will be furnished to ordef reasonable terms. J (1 Gettysburg, July 23.—1 f r NO 1, 1„90 .. ,- ..-....L.- ...- - 1 - ETTERS of Admisis IA Estate of ELIAS AAA East Berlin, Adams couniy, ins been granted to thesuksc in Paradise township, Yeti isitereky giiim to all perm said estate Westland setth out delay, and those hstvitn skid' estate, are requested same, properly4uthentim meet.. JOHN JAC( July IL ilgy k WATCHES, E g it will be cleaned and shortest notice, at FRAZ Waieb Establishment; in July 16, 1847. Whoever wants a TI(IE-P1 tJAINF be accommodate iiIRAZER'S Clock ,• bailment, in Chauthersbu burg. next door to lir ;.!1 Store—where new I . hOur and 8 day CLOCK received from the City. best manufacture, and wit Give us a call—theY will 1) July 10, 1847. 'OE A N UTS,HII.,RTS, JO/ MONDE, 4:0.,,0f th hest qualy to he had at the Cooteetiortry of C. AV.AVER. A Chance for Farmers Two Valuable Farms for Sale In Adams County. THE undersigned, desiring to give up the Farming business, will sell at Private Sale, his Property, consisting of TWO VALUABLE FARMS, situate in Freedom township, Adams coun ty,- Pennsylvania, adjoining lands of Wil liam Scott, John Neely, John Stewart's hake, Abraham prise, James M'Cleary, David Bosserman and George Irvin ; ly ing on the.road leading from Gettysburg •to Nunemakor's Mill, about 8 miles from Gettysburg, 8 miles from Eromitsburg, 13 trout Fairfield, and ti from ~ B ig Marsh Creek." The Farms adjoin each other. One of them dontairts - • - - - • Mr. 'LINDA Id son or ec r, eW- More or less, on which is erected a large Jo T.WO-STORY 1 ' BRICK HOUSE with a °able Back Building ; a large Stone Bank Barn, 82 feet front ' . Wagon Shed, Corn 'Crib; Wash House , Carriage House, Shop, a new Patent. Cider. Press. with other out-buildings; a thriving QROMULD. 834 trees :. also a large number MCof other Fruit-trees on the premi ses ; three never failing wells of water con venient to the different buildings. ' About 40. acres are good Timberland, enelo sed in good fencing ; about 60 Acres of the very best Meadow land ; the balance cleared, under good cultivation—the fen cing being mostly ehesnut, inexcellentor deC. TheTtitin is - hid out - in fleta — Tlo ' from 12 to 16 acres, there being no waste land on it. Tho other Farm, adjoining the above, • conniata of more,or less, on which .are.ereeted a large new TWO-STORY lju BRICK DWELLING ! a doule Log Barn, with shed irtgaltarouttd_;_Wagonpled :Cum. Ceiti • largeffity Sheds; Wash house ,• with oth er outbtolditigs ; two wells of -never fail ing Water, one near the door of the dwel ling, the other convenient to the Wash-* house; a thriving young - it VatifiltdiakaDgo of di ff erent kinds of Fruit.— There aid about 33 Acres of good "unberlantl, about 55 acres of Mead ow equal to any in the county; the bal ance cleared, with cheanut feucingotod in a good itate of cultivation, _ The above Farms are among the Moat ing conveniently located, and under the very best cultivation. Pettier's desirous of entering into this Fa - tin - Mg busineas, wijf lindnobetter opportunity tensvest theirenv .Purchasers desirous of seeing the premises, .will be shown them by the sub scriber. residing on the firstdeseribed Firm. Tattms..—One half CAS!) in hand, and *lw balance in six annual , paymenti. . Pos session will be given immediately, - ilium the terms of sale _being complied with.-- Persons wishing to purchase aro request ed to make early application. DAVID SHEETS. Freedom tp., Adams co. July 9.---11 - --- stiMirtit IAL ggerty. for -y family ; nvietion of nes.sign N pursuance of sundry writs of Lende- L 'Hod and .nolitis Venditi.mi Exponas. issued out of the Court of Cottonton Pleas of Adams county, and to nie•directed, will be exposed to public sale on A.Caturdoyllte 7118 .qugue, 1847, at 1 o'clock. P. M., at the Court-house, in the Boronglt of Get. ts•sburg, the following Real Estatei A Tract of Land, situate, in..s.louutpleasaut thwaship . Adniut. county, adjoining hinds of Egbert Eckert, Peter Smith, and „okhera. containing-J.6 , ACRES, more or. lose, ori which, ere is , rected a Ilstory Log DWELLING HOUSE a Log Stable, With a Thresh- .. 1141 ' ing Floor ; there is ari' excellent we ,of, Water near the dwelling ; also , a variety of Fruit Trees on the premises. About 10 Acres of title kind are cleared and state of cultivation; the residue is covered with young timber. Seized and taken in execution as the estate of Peter friedl. Also, arks, and Velvet A Tract of Land, old at pri- II in anti •ti cannot situate in Huntington township, Adams county, adjoining. lands of Thomas Ste phens, John Sadler, John Collins, and oth ers; containing 40 ACRES, more or lees, on which are erected a 1 14 story log Ihruse. AO with a Spring" of Water near the " door. There is also an orchard of and Trees upon the preniisie. 'flatt ed and taken in execution as The estate of Robert Nickel. Execeurr or the estate of Willitun Nickel, dececased. • FirPorigiau perchaslac prep/sty at Sheriff's idle, will have to pay tee per end. or the purchase money on the day of of sale. B. SCHILIVER, Sherif. Sherif'. Office, Gettysburg, July 16,1847. ; 5 to showing =NE fr HEREBY GIVEN. That applies tion'vrill be made the.undersigned and Others, to the next Legialature of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for the incorporation of Compel ' under the name and style, Or intended name and style, Of THE B*RLIN SAVINGS INSTITUTION, capital Fitly Thousand Dollars, designed as an office of discount and deposit; and to be located in East-Berlin, Adams coun ty, Pa. David Mellinger, John Dellone, William Wolf, George Schwartz, • J. .J. Kuhn, J. H. Aulabaugh. Charles Spangler, 'Barnet Hildebrand, George King,' Isaac Trimmer, George H. Binder, Abraham Trimmer, John Diehl. David Hollinger. Jnne 25, 1847.-6 m r i lion ot the 'A • :,. la of ti ' aaav . o' 1 , r•res T ' 4_17, a icei Itt obl4 to i IMMO lith. r , - Milagittt asen i tle 4, tot We' $. Aititti al/ ki ." paired, Atha "8 loci & icy sburg. I • EMI , .71 1 .1tlisterls Obetnattst, FOR the cure of external .Sores, Scrof, ulous affections, Liver Complaint, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Pains in the Chest, 'rumors, Diseases of the Skin, Piles, Corns: Rheumatism, &c., &c., for sale at the Drug Stote of lxy callinE at Watch Estb .treet, Gets teltler's Uig keautifula4 aye just ben hey are rate ovarrana. sold cheap S. 11. BUEHLER. Gettysburg, June 26.-0' DRY GOODS ! DRY GOODS ! Ella GOODS of every description can m-or be had unnstially low, in Chambers burg street. immediately opposite Heagy's Cabinet Ware House. 212 4CRES, Sea Ga autato. NOTICt W. Sz. li. RUTURAUFF WATCHES, JEWELRY, h. * 1.1 THE Subscriber offers ( "4144' 0 ~,_ to the trade, or by retail, '7O a large assortment of the . i 1 ' l', following articles, being -' all of his own imports ,- -,-; Ilb. - " — ti on . -- - or manufacture. Buyers of goods in this line are invited to examine tl.e assortment, and orders are solicited, with the assurance that every ef fort will be made to give satisfaction and in sure a continuance of custom. Gold & Silver Lever Watches of ordinary quality Do do do of superior finish. Du do do A iichors & Lepines. Silver double cased English and Swiss verge Watches, with light medium and hravy eases. Gold Jewelry in all varieties, fine and common. Silver Plated, and Silver Wares. Musical Boxes, playing 2,4, 6, 8 and 10 tunes. Gold and Silver Spectacles. Diamond Pointed Gold Pens. Mantel & Office Clocks, in gilt and other trines. Watchmakers' Tools and Materials of all aorta. • Fancy Articles, Fancy Fans, Steel &vide, &c. Having every facility forobtaining goods on the most advantageous terms, corres ponding inducements will be offered to pur chasers. • JOHN C. FARR, 112 Chesnut at. Philadelphia. July 18, 1847.-8 m 41,* EOr T.lllb 0 le .r G ESTABLISHMENT. 7 , 11 E subscriber would respectfully in s form thereitizens of Gettysburg , and sioinity,- and the public generally, that he has oped a Tailoring Establishment, In Beath Baltimore street, in the room oc cupied by Daniel Culp as a Chair Ware room, a few doors Booth of the Post Office rairereire - wilt - srrall - times be happy to ac commodate those who may patronise him, assuring them that he feels himself able to make a first-rate FIT. His charges will be as reasonable as at any other establish ment in the county. Country produce taken in exchange for work. He has madearnngements to receive the New York 4- Philadelphia l'ashions. quarterly ; and will therefore be prepared to make garments in the moat approved styles' TBAIAB J.. C U LP. TO , THE AVFLICTED ! Compound Medicated Candy. 10-0-11-.the.Ctire of Colds, [soughs, Spit-. 12 --Sing of inoud i -llronchetis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Pains and Oppressions of dui breast,- and all other Pulmonary complaints, and-other digestive which have a tendency tip produce Consumption. It serves also as. au effectual clearer of the This Candy is entirely a vegetable pre . • 4.llllelti ngredientei being, lombound, ild berry, Sarsaparilla, :.Eleeampane, Liquorice, Flax seed;lCelliitf Was, Prickly Ash, &c. and will, if taketrin time, relieve .ifib system from those distressing afflictions that tend to Consumption • One great advantage in this valuable medicine is its cheapness, the public not being imposed upon by the enormously high prices which are generally exacted for. Patent and other medical Preparations • Elacli package Contains, direction*. Call sod try it ! 1 :Prepared and sold at the Confection and :Variety. siore.of ~the Subscriber in-Iltest I s c ij rk ourastistms stpirart. t 1 Incsibil Mitt dour to Ttimpson's Ho tel. It can also ins had at the. Drug Stores Of S. D. Dustmen, and S. FORNEY.. loc:T^The subscriber as usoul continues his fishery, and, is prepared to supply parties at the shortest notice, with choice onkel, &c. . C. WEAVER RD.OIMS COUNTY, SS. • ...,Tl'heConuraipauledtkofPennayl granite, to the Sheri, of .qd. ants Couhty, Greeting : . Wo committal you that you attach •JOHN DUPllol2N:ltite of your Cougty. by all and singular-ids good And °tattles, land and tenements, in wltbse hands or 'possession soever the same may be, so.that he be sad appear before our Court of Common Pleas to be holden at Gettysburg, in and for said County, on Mil 16th day of August IVX,i—thero to answer Elizabeth Jodon in a plea of Debt on Note not exceeding Two Hundred Dol lars. And we further command_ you. to summon all persons, in whose hands or possession the ma id goods and eitattles,lands and tenements, or any of them, may be attached, so that they iota every of them - be-and appear before the said Court at Gretlyeblirl Atte lllth,tlay of August next, ,;6 . 11 be objected against them. and abide the judgment of the Court therein. And have you then there this !felt, --Witness Wm. N. Irvine, Esq.. Preaidein Judge of bur said Court at Get tylbarg; this Nth 'day of July, A. D. 1847. A. B. k Proth'y. Prothemotary's office, Gettysburg; July 23, 18t7. et NOTICE. 1 . 3 AN away from the service of the sub kV scriber, in the latter art of May butt, OUST3VUS HENRI, an indented apprentice to the Coach-smithing business. All persons arc hereby warned not to bar bor'said apprentice, as the law will be en forced against any so offending. Two Cents, but no thanks, will be given for his apprehension and return. C. W. HOFFMAN July 23, 1847.-3 t Jewelry, Watch-C uards, W ATCII Chaim, Keys, Spectacles, &e. &c. can always ha had at the Clock & Watch Establishment of ALEX. I..RAZER. July 16, 1847. tf INNER AND GERMAN SILVER VI PENCILS, VIOLIN STRINGS, dm, of beet quality, can always be had to the Fancy Store of C. WEAVER. April 10, 1840. BIItDSELL'S PATENT STEEL Shovel Cultivators fl AN be had for Cumberland township V) at C. W. Ilornsstes Coach-Shop, Gettysburg, Pa. Please call and see them and judge for yourself. Gettysburg, Ma • 29, 1040. TAKE MOTIVE. T"Eltubseriber having associated with him in the Mercantile Business his brother, would respectfully ask all persons indebted to hint to call and make imme• Aar payinrstf. WM. RUTIIRAIIFF. Dr. J. Lawiellite - 10411, — . ertmocom Derr" RESPECTFULLY offers Igloosl services to the cifteetteMO• tysburg and surrounding comer", prepared to attend to all eases usually en trusted to the Dentist., and hopes.-100 strict attention to Dentistry alone, to towable tri please all who may see fit to entrust their teeth in hie hands. Office at Mr. irCeelea Hotel. Gettysburg, July 23.--tf _ D. .31 1 C4)NA11611Ms Attorney nt-Leno, • ft RICE in the S. W. earner of the' I/ Public Square, one door Wee of th• Arnold's Store, formerly occupied es • Law Office by John M'Conasigby, dec'd. lie solicits, and by prompt and Willful at... tension to busin?.ss in his professioe, it will be his endeavor to merit, confidence Mid patronage. IWCossuctuy wiH also attend e romptly to all business entrusted to him as .9gerl and Solicitor for Paletsfi entf Pensions. Ile has made arrangement,. through which he can furnish very desira ble facilities to applicants, and entirely re lieve them from the necessity of a journey to Washington, on application to him per sonally or by letter. Gettysburg, April 2.--tf LAW PARTNERSHIP.- T II ,F; undersigned hiving formed $ 1 partnership for the practice of and Law, will attend the Coups of York and Adams, and niturvisitthe neighboring coon : - ties if desired. Office in York street. Get; tyaburg, between the Bank and Public Of fices, where one of the firm will constant ly attend, and where communications will receive prompt attention., JAMES COOPER, It. 0. 111'CREARY. June 18, 1847.—Gm L. 911" NOTICE Ars, REEDS (Of Carl 44,) _ 1 REST N ' l S his regimen; MitiliftietOrgi and informs them that he has made arrangements to continue topractireas caul in the Courts of Adams county, under the new regulation of the times for holding them. - Jan. 30, 1840. ff ALEX. IC. S'l' V Eft t , I .4 TTORNEr dIT 1,4 W, ivricp: in the Centre Square, Notth ' I L J r of the Court-house, between Smith's and Stevenson's corners. Gettysburg, Pa. THOMAS M 9 CRAFIARY 4 ,, AT7'OR.VEY A T LAN% OFFICE in the Souttpeast Cornet'id the Diamond, between A.B. Kurti's Motel and R. W. M'Sherry's Store. • Gettysburg, Dee. 12, 1845.-11 _ 111F:310VA L. ir H. REED has removed his Lair 011 . Office to the room one door East of Mr. Wattle's Hotel, 21111 immediately op posite Dr. Horner's. April 0. 1847-Ix. Perfumery, Soap, ERFUMERY. SOAPS, FANCY ARTICLES.' TOYS, Sze.: ter solo by April 10. 1846 ,!/ M. & C. ItUTHRAUFF hare re ceived a very large . assortmept of FANS, from 3 eta to $1.25. 1)R . VERMIFUGE Promptly ['pd. WOT rn, ro MI almost intrailite' Pligo substantiate the above fact many headlight ehic of testimonials rozuld be addured, out of which the:following me ',elected, from trulitidealei of standing and veracity. indeed, it is confident. ly alarmed that each new trial of the powers of this remedy will hav e an additional tendency to widen, awl confirm its tame, and that if it were universally knot., it and itiffuted mei. the U. Swea t it would save not 10.5 tliait many hundred', if not thousands 01 lives annually. CEItTIFIC.VI Es I do certify that a vial of Dr. Nl'Laries Anieri• can Worm Specific expelled fit e hundred and two whole worms, and pieces that would haver slide sixty mole, from a boy of John Lewelling.whieh r if laid in a straight line, would have most prat*. bly measured the enormous length of nee handled yard. JOSIAH JACKSON, Owner of Water Forge, and other %mita, Menen" galia county, Va. 'lbis is to certilv that I pnrchased from Holmes & Kidd a vial of Dr. 31 Line's Anderican Worm Specific. and gave two doses to a boy of mine about three yet, of age. Ile passed fully half a pint of worms. 'I be quantity was so huge! wait really alarmed, and called in several of any neigh bors to see them. Hail this story been related to me, I could not have credited it. without being an eye-witness to the same. My child's . health ini prosed much alter. SAM L MORRISON, Merchant Tailor. Wood at., Pittsburg. Hear Medical Testimony. From tiols,!!ftr Physician, Dr. G. S. Smith, Sipa . tit h, Ohio Mr. J. Kidd—Dear Sir: I have used in my practice Dr. NI - Lanes American Worm Fpecifrei and have often witnessed its efficacy in expellieg worms from the syirtem. A patient of mine, • short time ago, gave • vial of the Worm Specific to a child and in • abort time climax& et 4* worms were expelled. Dr. A. P. orvell certifies that he hu frequent-, ly used the Specific in his practice, and with ler. varying success, it never failing to expel from 2. to 150 viorms. A child of mine passed one-third of a pint of warms With one vial of Dr.l . l.4ine's Worm Spas, cilic. It is truly a surpriiiing medicine. T. litrukhorse, Prebles townsbip. Surprising effects of Dr. At Lane's Worm pecific. On Saturday Feb. 7. 1845, Mr. James ;licher& son called at the office of J. Kidd h- Co. sad malt the following statement : A child of mine had been very sick fee some ten days; we had given her purgative onedicine but it had done uo good. Our of our Haigh; cathirin and said that it was worms that wild.- stroying the child, and of the same tilos spoke of the wonderful etrects she had witnessed fee= Dr. M•Lanes Worm Specific in that neigh We procured a vial, gave one teesPanifil, the child discharged 12 large wolves. 1 worn 4- nother teaspoonful. which brought away 16 ammo in all 88 worms. As a duty I owe to yea semi fib; community I freely make kaolin thew beta. Illy , child is now well. What is very temarbible,tion Worm Specific expelled the WOTINIS alive i• *WA fourboors after I gave the asedieiae. _ _ N. R. Be particular to inquire for Dr. M . Litt . / American Worm Specific, or name Veteldheill:' t Prepared for the Proprietor by J. KIDD *eh Wholesale& Retail Druggists, Welallit. 117 The above medicine eau le had of thaii 411 lowing agents: S. ii. Buehler. GdirOWS 1 . 1 S 118= rendiavilk ; J. At C. Wake , dersvith ; J. S. Hollinger ; , , Holtzincer As Ferree. Pdersolit Aulebaugh, Hampton; J. E. Berlin; Peter kliekly,Mmemaistrip Wm. Ilittinger..o6oUrtearre; COW Co. Wholesale Agents, Liberty at. more, Md. 15 1: --Oa ur w...A.,111412/11