BuEiiiAi,zbrrent AND.pßoPiurrolt VOL, 1V11L,40.1 [ tom the Notional Era THE AMERICAN MECHANIC. :a:V*llkm' !AA Ass t. Lj Ufitlune:ll;n hand, Thou of thaatidwart arts and fearless eye ; " 4 itiairon hand on higl Lift i l ottoltrnoW i— n 'Thin anti undinnted "land/. n . ced Bast tkapu of gems, TO - tie n t:li the temple of thy glonous thought— Thotthist tbaJewos.vf Web thy tilittd has wrought. Richer, than trynhuna Thou art our God's high priest, Standing hefona prat Nature's mighty shrine; _ For the whole world the glorious task is thine, To spread the eternal feast. • Even like the Hebrew chief Stillest then the rock, and from Its deep Mysterious heart, the living , waters leap, To give the earth relief.. Might, atnong 'ti kind, Standest th ouonin of to ll, Midway Between the earth aad heaven, all things to sway By thy high-vrorkfi; mini!! . Thou rand dile* itathetnearth. - - And from its mighty eaves bring forth pure gold ; Thou can't unwrap the cloud. in heaven rolled, Thou Oast the stonny sea Chained to thy chariot wheels, 'and the wild -w in& Obey the o'erruling intellect that binds Their rushing siring' blithec. • Thou caned hid Thought go forth Upon the electric' pinitins of the air, And thmugli the opposeleas ether thou coma bear Thy words from South to North. Thou canoe now lands create, Where wave no mastery owns ; And thawing distance of opposing zones, Cann thou annihilate ! Lilt up thy hand to heaven ! Spread thy toil sceptre o'er the sea and latid : Thou host the world intrusted to thy Instl— Zarth lathy charge is given ! THE EXILE, AT REST PIT PIIIMPONT. • MN falehion &lAN) along the Nile, Ilia host he led through Alpine mown, O'er Morteowa rowan, that 'hook the while, His eagle flog unrolled—and froze. Here sleepa he now alone ; not one Of all the kinga whom rrowila he nave, Nor sire, nor brother, wile nor eon, nave ever seen or sought his grave. Ilere . sleept be now alone ; the stir That led him on front crown to crown Huth sunk ; the nation{ from afar ()LW, *0! faded and went down. He sleeps alone; the mountain cloud That night hangs round him, and the breath Of morning scattem, is the shroud That wraps his martial form in death. High is his couch; the ocean flood Par, far below by storms is curled, As round hint heaved, while high he stood, A stormy and inimitsfatit world. Hark! comas there from the Pyramids, And from Siberia s waste of snow, And Europe* fields, a *Mee Unit bids The _worklihr_ awed to mount him The only, the perpetual dirge, That's heard here, is the sea-binl's cry, This - mournfill munintrof the sow, cloud's deep voino.lho winds low nigh. SOLRMS Titemorr.—We see not, in this life, the end of human actions. Their inthicure never (lies. In ever widening circles, it reaches beyond the grave.— Death removes us from this to an eternal wink]. Time determines what 411 be OW condition in dial world. Every morn ing when we go forth, we lay the mould ing hand on. our destiny, anti every even ing when we have dime, we have left a deathless impress upon our character.— We touch nut a wire but vibrates to eter nity., Not a voice butreports at the throne vI fiery-utak - think " of these things, and let every one remember that, in this world; where character is in its formation date, it is a serious thing to speak, to act. Akineideut of the Late War. HY JOSEVH R. CHANDLER. "My father," said Mary, "may not think himself called upon to be as particular a bout ,what concerns the public charities, corporations, or intlifferent individuals, as lie is, and is bound to be, in what concerns the respeebibility "of - his own family." "But if I aratu ire wealth by lawfuhneana" "henry, father never asked that you ahould be wealthy. lie thought it proper, and makes it a condition of our marriage, that you should have Boole respectable bou illon,. since yon have not wealth." ' • "And your father is right," said henry, "hut how sin I to get clear of the odium of snYinnerY prize, I cannot ace nor guess." eh:whams:lu will dream it, though," said Mary, archly. "I can dream or nothing but schooners, brigs, and ships," said Henry. "Oh! if you only owned a good vessel." staid Mary."l do not know but father would almost forgive its coming as a prize." "A pride to a privateer," said Henry, "hut 40 a prize to a lottery." , henry wandered ',dim it towards the vitarves and unoccupied yards. The war Allowed of little ,or no work' among the ship‘touildert. • ' ' l i tAliall of a fine' briN lay at the Wharf. tlsha`,o44 keen launched a year, and there was •ttitt'S ,Itk.Parrhase . her. 1 , 0 ,w m to, Au may fe.it privateer. ..1*,1140,... said henry, "what is ! that vessel worth 1". - ""She is worth twenty thousand dollars," .said the owneii. "S'he cost, that us she is; .and she *ill hi." ' i'vi4i thousand the very.hour Pezaila ' fa rad . " . . um "Would you like money for her at a cask_priee I" • : •,, ' , t , - "Nothing ', woultklbe ,inc,F,B. acceptable; kat there are net UM ilmusting dollars in 'th'e nnunteY! , , •• "lifri.- 11olutes;" . saidlioury.....l lave a coOttlission to tithil, and, as %nu &now I ;alai net touch - of a businescoan, I • meet ark you to consider a propoiillo whiehot am'about to make to you, and to answer • ens eXiliicitlY. ' ! ~ . "Let sus : hear the proposition." • ~ ."I:. will give •you ten-thousand dollar. for the'brictif , she now lies." I•Anil the time of ptilment r “Witliin forty, days. You cannot want the money scouter.. , l'lto river is frozen over, and you could make no use of the cash before iliallime.” Mr: Holmes tufned to Bradford intisaitl, "You know, Henry, that lam aware that you have net the means of payment, and al so, that you are not a person likely to be ruiployed as an split in this business, and yet I iu,.,i t:1 ileu ill your word.- Ileary explained fully to the ship own er the state of his :drat., and exhibited'to him the lottery ticket, NO, 5, 4,:3, 2. • 0 BM: 4- said - Mr.Homes; "then, may be some mistake about the matter, or some failure or the lottery, by which I shall love." Henry explained his 'motives and. wish- , es, and in too hours be held in his hand a bill, of sale of the brig Helvetii's, which, as the papers were not obtained, he immediate ly re-named Mary. The condition was 1 , that Henry was to hold the vessel for forty ; days, and if, within that iiine„lie Ebouldi pay 310,000 she Was to be his ; if not, An , was to revert to Mr. Holmes, who, in the meantime, held the ticket as a sort of col-1 lateral security. The bill Of sale, as I saw it, bore date the sth of February, 1815.-1 Henry felt like a new man. henry felt like a happy man. He was a ship owner, in a place where that character was a port of aristocracy. He went _day, after day to look at his brig, wishing for the time to i pass away for the prize to be paid; but he I said =thing yet to Mr,-Carver.- - - One evening, while Henry was talking with Mary, she asked him what he intend-1 ed to do with his weasel, when tha. forty days were up. "Rig her, bend her sails, and then sell her, or send her to sea." "Why; Henry, it took the whole of the ticket tobuy the hull and the standing spair. and it will an half as much more to rig her and find canvass ; and, besides that, how could you sell for more than Mr. Ilohnes could l" If eniy hesitated. lie had not thought of that ; but lie did not doubt that it would all came right . yet. henry was sitting, the next day. on the quarter rail of his brig, looking at the masts, well covered with snow and iite, and think ing of the better appearance she would make when the rigger had done his duty. At length, he felt the hands of Mr. Holmes upon his shoulder. "Henry." said the latter. "I am sorry to have bad news to tell you. Read that paragraph in the Boston Centinel." Cormacrion.—The ticket which drew the highest prize in the Plymouth Beach Lottery was . 4; 5. 3,2, and not as our compositor stated last week, 5,4, 3, 2.- IVe understand that a gentleman of wealth in the southern part of this town is the for tunate holder." "Whanto yon say to that. Henry"' "Only that the old gentlemankwill not now say that I have the wages of gambling." "No. nor will he give you the,crAllit of be ing a ship owner,' said Mr. Holines..-- " You hive been unfortunate s Henry, and I am *really sorry for you," continued Mr. Holmes, changing his tone considerably, I"and regret my own loss, as I hare need of the money; but a+ you cannot pay for the brig,' you had better hand me ihe bill of sale, and let us deagroijO Henry drew from his pocket the precious document, and, while he examined it from top to bottom. he said ta Mr. Holmes— " This affair has been to me like a plea sant dream, not only on account of my as pirations for Mary, which you are acquaint ed with, but day after day I have Celt a growing energy for business—a sort of out reaching of the mind—a determination.! with such a noble beginning, to proceed ! cautiously, but steadily, toll') what I ought to have begun years since. Then. Mr. Holmes, as the bill has yet some days to run, before I can be.chargeable with a vie lation of my contract, I will restore it to" my pocket-book, and, if I cannot dream as I have done, r shall not at least be awa-1 kened too Suddenly." Mr. Holmes of course consented, as he' reallyladno right to claim the vessel un til the forty, days should have .expired, and Henry went up to . tell. Mary of the torn I his luck hail taken. Though Mary respected her father too much to feel pleasure m Ilenry's new pos session. yet she loved Ilenry too - melt ftitli to feel deeply grieyed at his bitter disap pointment. "The dream." said Henry, doubtingly "that dream is not yet come to pass." Some days after that, there was, as Usual. a gathering at the post office, at Some dis tance from the ship-yard. awaiting the ar rival of the mail. The stage, at the usual hour. drove up, and,thiariirer said, is he handed tbeinail-bag intrii the house 'l guess there's better news icKlay than .41mve brought since the great victory on the bakes.'.' "Another rietory, , Mr. Woodward?" "No, not =Other vvetury, but PEACE! " '*Cun you tell me,", said totlapper look ing young gentleman, as he slipped from the r ,stage, "where Veen 'And Mr. Holmes, the owner Of the brig Helvetins ?" ' "Mr.llOltnes lives on the Hill, goo der,", *as the reply', "but It is thought fie does not own the Ilehretius now." • "Has lie sold herr "Yeti." . " 1 OW sorry (or that. Who, is the own= . . . "Mr. Uradfurd, the young msn ,whoin you Bee reediug the newspaper.", The tittanget stepped into the ,house, and inquired of 'Henry whether he would 4(111 the.brjg. lieury i,104 be xgeplAl clwerhalky pan `IA what prica?':— ; 4.41 ihe • peace? pricer' "Stage ready! said- Mr. Woodward, dm driver, • , • "We will ride over to the village," said Henry,"and converse-on the matter as we go along' • • ; Henry soon emerged from the . Maga coach, mid hastened to Mr. Carver s. • loYou look cheerful," said Maly. • !:.1 have drawn another prize.' !...!Not another I hops. "Yes and a large one. ' lhave sold the brig for twenty.thousand , dollare ur a Bona t6n House, and I am to be in Plymouth at four o'clock, to get my pay at the bauk." "Ilut the.brig was not/ yours, Henry.— Surely you aro not deranged. You could not hold her after the mistake of the prize was corrected r wilier() is just where you arc mistaken, 111,try. There is a bill of sale which al lows forty days from date fur the payment. Say nothineo any ou'i," cried llenry,-1 aill u id.t I :it. p.- _ PA. IRMA Y EV "What's the matter with liehry?" said Sirs. Carver, ass he entered the rootti. "Has he drawn an o'llier prize'?"'' "igness not, mot her;" - saidiVl*; "only dreaming again, p erhaps." At nine 'o'cloc k, Henry arrived from Plymouth with an aceepted drift for ten thousand dollars; in favor of Mr. Holmes; and a bank book in which jte had credit for an equal sum. And the Irig Mary made some of the moat profitable voyaget that were ever projected in Boston. So me years after that, ltverity-five at least. as I was riding into Plymouth,' with Bradford and his grand-daughter, I refer red to the anecdote, and the conclusion that "luck Was everything." - I "There may be something in luck," said he, "but the nova which I gathered whilej I held the ticket, with the belief that I had the prize, the resolutions which I formed I while sitting and gaziiig at the lofty spars of my brig, and the confiding virtue, the filial piety, and the perfect love of May, did all for tee, and I should have been rich without the brig. So you see itivas.liope, contemplation, woman's virture, woman's I piety, and woman's love, *that made me I what I am. And let inc add, friend C.,1, that you and I owe more to woman than! the world credits to her. Let us, at least, I do her justice." EXTRAORDINARY INDIAN CITY The New - Orleans National, in its sketch of Colonel Doniphan's late remarkable ex pedition, gives the folloring The Navajo Indians area waxlike people, have no towns, or houses, or lodges ; they live in the open air or on horseback, and are remarkably wealthy, having immense herds oft horses, cattle, and sheep. They are celebrated for their.' intelligence and good order. They treat their women with great attention, consider them equi)s, and relieve them from the drudgery of menial work. They are handsome, well made, and in every respect a highly civilized people—being as a nation of a higher order of beings than the mass of their neighbors, the Mexicans. About the time (Jul. Don iplian made hie- treaty, a division of his command was entirely out of provisions, and the Navajos supplied its wants with liberality. A portion of the command re-. turned to Cuvano. Major Gilpin's com mand, together with Col.- Doniphan, went to the city of the Sumai Indians, living on thelpo tiscow, which Is supposed to be a branch of the Geyla, made a treaty off' peace between the Sumais and Navajos, and then returned to the Rio Del Norte, These Smolt!, unlike'llie Navajos., live in a city, containing, probably, 6,000 in habitants, who supurt themselves entirely by - agriculture. Tile city is one of the most extraordina ry in the world. It Is - dividedinto tour solid squares, having but two streets cros sing its centre at right angles. buildings arc two stories high, composed of sun-burnt brick. The first story pre sents a solid wall to the street, and is so, constructed that each house joins, until one-fourth of the , ;eity may be said to be one bolding. The second stories rise from this vast solid structure, so as te'designate each house, leaving room to walk upon the , roof of the first story between each build ing. The inhabitants of Sumai enter'the second story of their buildings by ladders, which they''draw up at night, as a defence' against any enemy that might be prowling about. In this city was seen some thirty Albitio Indians, who have; no doubt, given rise to the story that there is living in the Rocky mountains a tribe of white aborigi- - nes. The discovery of this City of the Su nni willafford the moat, curious specula-, lions among, those who 'have searched in vain fUr a city of the Indiana who. posses sed the. habits.and the manners of. the Az tecs. Nu doubt. we have here a rate liv ing as did that people, when Cortez.enter ed Mexico. it is a remarkable fact, that the Sumaians have, since the Spaniards left the country, refused to have any inter course wittillie modern Mexicaue, looking upon them as ay lured - Or people. They have also,driveu frotu among-Ann* the priests and other dignitaries, who former ly had power over them, and resume d ha bits and manners of:their own ; their Great Chief, or Governor, boing,,the civil and re ligious head. The vottutry round Art city of Sumai.is coltivated.with a great xlesi,of tare,. and afrords food not only , for the in habitants, but for large flocks of 'tattle and sheep BLITZ, Tux Hunsuct.—ln order the bet -ter to understand • the Yollowing.joke, it ehokild be known thitSilmorßtitz is a cel ebrated ventriloquist and 'magician. In the - toms. 'of hitr travels, Signor Blitz was standing one day in front of a hotel, watching the movembnts of La clumsy Irishman, who was attaching some horges to a coach. The'ideaocetirrod to him to haviit little sport. Tile Irishman brought out a -fresh knesc,..and was to put on his hammy, when the L before supposed dumh,beast steel:mad oha , ••would-not start on his journey until. limbed, his oats."— Pat started back, astbunded at she 'speech from the horae, l and recovering a f hul from his 40:inist9pn1aiiifliKikiiii to brute full is thefacl;he Vitclainied; "An' do Yen PreteinlttiattY l y6te.have't had ,yer potation!" " )" "Not a' single !replied:llM tone. • •r ~h, Pat hehl up his hand iditthazoment;ind cried, • "Yena bloody 4iar, so yet,tool) for Jemmy Duette gave you a peck if she:had au orrt." ' ' StiU. the. horse . flatly . -denied his- having the oats, and Pat,greatly incensed, rushed intit,the stable, crying ...Jemmy Poogle.! an' bas Billy had no oats this inontingl'Y ."Shure he's had hie peek." 00! the lyiog divil .tt' he awearst,ho ha'n't had the bloody one, at !'! „ -The twinkle of his eye told bow inueh the ventriloquist enjoyed the joke. Bets are the blockead's ursument, The only logic he can vent, • ilia minor and hie Major— 'Tie to confess your head a worse luscstrettor than, your purse, , 1 o 11‘212 , 41 %%Ilk e.aaer. "FEARLESS AND PR >, J. *4O From the ft Era. refused them ,utterance Far belew, the 1 L„„ ; ,,„‘ „ I fh , „- qi.,, , „ . ,,,- 1tt,,,,„1, bright rivers Wept along & thousand spark t.'.6l;uti ve. uhf - Star „'f; M'lr iva ! ling ripples, glaneingizthe sunbeams, its I_Long.and..fiescely..had 'warier *pths mocking-their ;burning thirtit, raged between two tribes.* Shia , West, and tempting them ie Seeks watery grave. From the shores of Lake'. Mic ' to the Bet pride forbade. Sooner linger on, en -1 banks of the Illinois, step by,it 'the in - during , the torrers pf starvation, till death vadetltribe'h m ad•coentled.for. es o f amid mew to t h e ir relief, t h an that th e ir n .1 their wives and' children, sine ~ burial' 'hated enemies should triumph. Never places of their father& t .and att, triune , should the scalps of the Illinois grace the pliant, invaders Sped onward in' their wild wigwatnief thin kme. ' M tiesiahad lived,' career, leavingtehind theethe Odder- so would they. die. anetunmegilde to the ing ashes of the Wigwam and th ' - noted last. •Proudlsl as the savage worrier:upon forms of helpless infancy andle old his funeral pile disdains: to glut the malice age, fainter grow the hopes - or I ,:feeble of hie . foes by betrayal of fear or suffering. but gallant band, of successful 'r Wide. so did that devoted. bend upon the .desert Already had the last village bee ," leg, rock - nerve themselves to endurethe pantie and what was once the peaceful. e of of death by starvation. , Whew spent end many happy hearts was now ' - illy of feeble, their voiescrefused •to , chant the , smoking ruins ; the dismal ho tir the deeth song. with one mighty • effort, they 4 0 wolf alone broke the fearful at as Of , raised the werutrhoop.. Fierce, but brief,. the dark forest, which had so la , tuttl- was thnery.....thetrAturiph of ride evoke.- ed with the happy sounds of life, ; venge over physical suffering.: , ' ' The Illinois, once a numerous itOpotv- ~,The startled foe seized the tomahawk, erful tribe,elaimed as their•huntingstedh_ de - and replied in loud deffrince. It was in the beautiful prairies and gently 'Allogieg vain. ,No sound, Watt heard from the cli ff : hills croyned with Majestic Tam* that : si lently, as-the -shadows. steal -sicress , the strafe! . )rich lexuriance'fremitlut shore landscape, at eventide the warriors passed of Lake - Miehigan in the hanits44 thilMis away. . ~ , . • rissippi. In an evil hour, the Pottilwetre The wolf howls for. her mate from the mica, a tribe inhabiting the eastern reit' dark rock, and the' liaatheome, bird of prey of Lake Michigan, stirred up by th citst circles above them. There are • hone to i Inc of the red man, °Fire Water," r im- bury them. They arc the last of their race. i f agined wrongs or to glut a savage Ode s% for 1 ' , M. L. IL blood, waged a • war of extermination a- N. B. About fourteen years ago, the wri gainst the Illinois. ; ter first heard of the Starved Rock, from a Driven . .b aek we rtl, still .6ereely-nii4etul. , ..frieml-whe-hed perefrased--11 itigfor each font of soil they clot nnel es linois river, including its site. He had the gift of the great Spirit, the reemainia often climbed the rockY cliff, where stone of the Illinois, vanquished in battli, yet at row-heads and human hones still attest disdaining to surrender meekly toiheir 1 the truth of the leading facts upon which I foes,like a stag at bay, stood bones* the. this sketch is founded towering bluff of their own riifer, glaring upon their surrounding foes, in all the im potence of revengeful despair. Bud - Only, with a cry, they spring forward, see* the cliff. and Tar above 'their foes, ring opt, the shrill war cry of defiance and death. Alas, short is their triumph. The wily sonny sees and at once secures his prev.; tbeiliff Jaands insulated on the banks of thornier, rising full a hundred feet.abeve the surface of the water, and towards the iand.iti,s4e accessible -save at one paint. On elr..e.fYi side were the besiegers, with the deadly arrow pointed, and the tomahawk uplifted. Close beneath the cliff lurked the canoe, with iis_murderous occupant, ready Whir pale the desperate ,pretch w,ho, maddened ' by thirst, in .a mamma of(frenzy should fling liiinselWdlong into the cool waters Lencailt Night came. Weary and exhausted, the besieged lay down on the barren ma+ I The twilight dewfell - 86111Y on -- titeir lug bmws,_and the cool breezeplayinittisid their dnrk locks. an wstaillfti . - ed upward in the silent . watelps of that fearful night, and faith feebly strove to lift the dark pall that slut wdowed 'the future. ! Somewhere beyond those sutra lay the, happy hunting-grounds which their lath- era trod, and to which their wives and lit tle ones were beckoning them. Fierce' j memories of the dark strife, even the deep, burning fur revenge, were now forgotten,' and as a dream had passed. Its wild hopes,' its burning desires, its dee,ds of darine were remembered no more. , SloWly 'from their, nidst rose an aged chief. II qq white, hair gleamed in the WAR sunlight, like the' the -1 mission row o ar ve 'ry eye Aras enchained; thedeep,hreathing of the warrior alone broke the stillness:— Igloartiful as the sopadof the inullied'drum or the wailing of the autumn wind, rose! the chant of the death song. The owl an-' swered ken) her lonely nest, and from the eehoing cliffs the sad wail reverberated a long- the shores of the river.. . The aged warrior sang; . and, as memory retraced years of his life, with kindling' eye he re- I counted the dbeds of daring he had done i! 'When the Illuioir, numerous a., the buffalo on. the. plain ,. I held all the neighboring tribes in awe-- w hen their warriors were swift of, foot and cure of hand—and while the deer I and paather and bear were en easy prey, their' war cry echoed through the forest! and the scalps of their enemies were in ev- ! ery:w.igwsm. Triumphantly fling the song of the 'chieftain, and quick ai thought the vanquished warriors sprang' to their felt, I fiercely brandishing 'the battlb ale above their - heada, and Yelling the war whoop. I As the last faint echo sighed acmes the bosom 'of'the Waters, a plaintive mean, like' that of the turtle dove.ttnainard from die dePths of the neighboring wood; A , noble brave,' whet,- after joining' _in the. exulting wad wboo e , kid thrown itimiself-despair in& upon the ground, rose,and bending elerly,forward,listened to the- faint cry. Agaid Wives . heard. -'The warrior sprang forward; and , had' not , his intention been mien; and - a' strong: ann prevented; he had thrown himself headlong from t the cliff, to find death or deliverance in the waters be neath. 1- in the 'mirild uproar antlFonfusion of the attlink-npon.the last ifillitgenflthe young matron had. eseepeti , With her child • from the horrid massarre.•.and,-coneenling heivelf imite:Dareat,- had follonred-for.thies on shoNsitil iiitha:pursuemeo r d dmintrau edi stibstating , open wild fruitt'ond 'bearing her - child in. her silts, .anddiving only in. the hafseilltat• bon: traktiorawould yet triumph, otltiatehe.ithdultValtare, his Wei -•,' She hattitiaced them - no; .the fatal rook. mitt With woinats'a tone anther heart, nnorving her ietible.arnr. at tempt hitpal' untoti • .Etileistijirea , theatitamo lettfenOtabostim 'of the weve:a fight canoe glides within the shadow of the , opposite bluff:T. The:meth, er sat with her child.'‘entioustr moving the.fraikbark ,7ancl.aa.f.,,rored hy an over hanging tree,Atolint, oust p.N•tly ,aCIOSf the stream, the warrior on the cuff lcapul boldly- out: jilt° the, water. 'The whizzitg u trawl& flew, Aleath-w it1;:1 1 NI cry the - Warrior lea from the dark waters, .thett .eank into 'their depths, aul role n 9 more. At the same moment, clear ing her 'child to herbreast,. the mothrr sprang,froto the canoe. and `' tuned a grate ,with her)warrior husband in the bosom of the ~ p lacid river. \ Again the death song rose from the ft.- gktives on the rock; and when the niori, 'ing broke. it brought no hope to them.— ; The noontide sun heat fiercely on ;he r tlifobbitig Lios, and 'licit- parched 'llrs 'XING JULY 30 tB4l [ Front the Haute Journal. CONTE,MPLATIOI.II. sir sr, a. wit two.. - . ~ They are all np—tbe innumerabl e , soma. And hold their place in hekeep. My eyes hare been [ Searching the pearly depths thruugh Which they Like beautiful creations till I feel [aping Aa if it were a new and peefeet world. ' Whiting in 'Wadi for ildravord abed. To breathe it intamotion. There they t.tand, ~ Shining in order, like a living hymn . , Widtienli light;awaking it the itiOntii Of M em orestial 'deem, end limiting Him ' ' ' ' Who made them, with the harmony of spheres, ' • I Would I had an engle's e or to list ~ • . That melody. I would 'bat I might. float • -Up-iat that boundleaselomentowakfeek - ' h a ravishing vibrations, like the puije . -- beating in heaven ! My spirit ii *Mat '' -, 1 For muaie—rarer music ! 'would hatho _ • My soul in a owner aftinsisphore - ' • . Than this; 1 long to mingle with the flock ~: • . Led by the "living waters," end to stray . In Age "green.pastutW or the better lentlLL., - . ~ Whirn - wilt thou break,, dull fetter;. .Wh.or shall I Gather my wings and like a rushing thetiO, it ..,.._ Etbetish. onward; star; - 26 .- lider,:•n ] llrititi heriVen !" Thus ;nutted Alethe. She was one to whoni :'' Life hadlean likis Me-witeditetaf a dam • i:i iOf an untnebled sweetness. She Was born ot'a high race, and lay up . on the knee, With her soft eyes psrusing listlessly • 'file fretted roof, or, on Mosaic floon, Grave at the tesselated aquaria inwrought With mends curiously. Her childhood Pineal Like fiery—amid mountains and green hautmi-:- Trying her lit le feet upon a lawn Oil/civet esenness. end hiding florets - - In her sweet breast, 10 if it were a Stir And-pearly.viltar. to cruvh jbearise an. Her youth—oh! that waq queenly ! he was like A dream of poetry, that may not be Written or told--kekieeding heatitiftil I ' And so eame.wershippari; aml-rank boweitlown A n d breathed upon her Intattgerings with the breath Of pride, and hound her forehead ger/volley With dazzling scorn,.m ,n! ova unto her step A majesty--RX if she trivi,tlM ace. And the'prood waies..unbidden, lifted 'het! And 40 she grew to *oral* --hermarwitrok • ~ .., Strong an a monarch's signet, and her hand , .. The amlqion of 0 kingdom. ' ,Froth all this Turned her high heart Wonky l - ' She hada Mind, Deep, and innuertal, and; it eronla n01i#411... • . .. ., , . On pageantry. She thireted for a spring Of a serener element, end drip& Philosophy. and fol. ei little While ' ' ' she was nlinyed,—till, preecntly. it turned bitter within het end. iferstritit Strew • • ...i ' • Faint for undying water. -Thou she cmne - i To the pure fount ef kloth, a nil it athiret No niore— save " vihen the feyer_oftlie.rviirld Falleth apon her, she will go sometinum, ' ' • Out in the starlight quietuesa, and breathe A holy aspiration after hisser'. . . . • DISCOVERY OFA . p i InULAR RACE 9'F , . . The Christian Obierver, of Calcutta, ' gives a notice of a singular rare of people, !called the Cathies, who inhabit , a part of Cuzerat. They are worshippers of the , sun, as are the adoring Parsecs. 1 I hese people are supposed by some to "be the ancient Cathies, who, in: the time of Alexander's_ invasion s ` oecupiedia, por- I tion of the Punjanb, near ckip eptdieence of the Jive rivers. Among the- Catbies there are notlistilictione'rifeaste s lletiiiles i priests, they have ah official clasi of per r sons, called barbs, Whir,possosa authority 1 t almost equal to. that of the brilids,' They become security lbr the,phyMent of debni, the conduct of individitals who have mill ' behaved, and theapPearattee Oppertienti in ! tientilirgactiotid, either civil Or criminal.— iChtibe eameternis, they' conduet travel leis and caravans Through dielricti infested with robber-a s -0i iiCit state of war. It a , troop of predatory! toile appear. the barb ieunituands them to retire, and, brandishing this dagger, he takes trinileinn bath. that `if they plunder the person under his pro lection,, he will stuff himself to the heart, and' bring upon their heads the guilt of • shedding his bleed. '''' Sqh is the veneration in which he is held as a person of celestial origin,'and , such in the horror at being the cause of his death, that the threat in, almost every in situare deters them from making the medi tated attack, _ and the party is allowed to pass on unmolested.? • The religion o (*these people cons is ts o f lit tle else than anadoration of the intn.. 'They invoke' this object of, their worship before commencing any great undertaking ; and if a plundering txpedition 'be Successful, a portion of the money stolen is consecrated to the service of religion. They have but one sacred building- 7 a - temple, situated near Thaum, iledicated to the Sun, and containing an image of that luminary.— The size of the Cathies is above the aver age, often exceeding stx feet. The wo men aro tall, and often handsome; gene rally speaking, modest, and faithful to their lordii. The Cathies have no restrictions of any rrirt regarding food or Pvt.TE, THE FRENCH ,REVOLUTION, Thefollewing history of:pi - P(4;7, front a rontinued article called the "Dreamer and the Worker," in Jerrold's Magazine, states the causes and results of one of the most important'periods in the history of the ,world, with great clearness and fairness too; and the facts there stated are so often referred to that they thould be familiar to• every One , . . --- , . . t erne Main Objett of the 'Preach Revo- i unchecked, together with the ,powr t0 0 , 70r Mitten;' continued Archer, was to obtain ' enslave Spain, Italy and Poland, and, ,iii . , **o a Constitution. The slavery' and misery I reinstate a heap of petty German prior Oritia'peOple had lasted for. ages. The ; The , 'l'llree Days' in paris destroyed Alta, ! principle of all these ware with France ' - s Annie* Relitlutioir - twhich France aid -1 What a comment on. physical force ! The 4,l,)tiii ,ii - riiiiiii: of several f'rench au- , ' il'tore, heroes of the "Three Days' had themoial l iorS, anda famine, all combined to arouse their' . to reSistince. A weak , government,' force of the nation on their side; they, were 'rind - ten - athainited - rrehequer; favored tlicl the spiritual sons of the coon who took the attempt. They rose in rebellion : they f 1 - 3astile, and first °hulloed a Constitutitin." _took tliApastile by storm': nll their efforts I ----------- wereeuccesstnl, and they obtained a Con / SPECTACLE . A BRILLIANT stiention regularly agreed to; and settled by , the King.- "-A • - number of the princes of i A RF.VIEW AT ST. PE'I'ERSBURG, the blood nobles; and the great landed pro- I A brilliant spectacle, and one not often proprietors, who were ruined by this poll. 1 seen by an American, the nnnual 'review uluus movement, emigrated, the greater 'b y /),„ F .,„ . n rof the Russian Imperial , . number of theta coming to England—most ' ~.; • ,""*. ' r° Gnarl, at St. Petersburg, numbering seine UnfOrtunately thus honored by theirchoiee. 1 . • These princes and nobles shortly begun to I stxty•thousand men, i 3 thus described in a intrigue With (fiends in.Frauce, and event.; letter in the New Ilaven Register: . , lully :with the Xing, with a view to their I . st le .....r.. En:MAURO, Jura, 1847. .return, sad-to bring About die old state of ' • "Every year this review takes place at ttkislp. , , Viset - plut awes - discovered. The "the Imperial City, preparatory to the ' people. arose in !literal. and iodignation, parmre of the troops Mr their summer seized the King ;.he • was. found. gutity,and quarter. For about four hours I had decapitated._ l'he King'se son (Me Daus a good view of the magnificent sight, plain) wee lluPtisteledr!ueddiett there; but' and my hurried pen will fail to give you. the We* brothers vamped. England his- lan adequate description of its exceeding mg received moat of.the refugees, appeard splendor. When I arrived upon ihe ground , to.have thought:herself_ bound ..to espouse the troops had already began to march..., , onnecause,; 7o o, any rite she espoused the The balconies and windows of the public, - eauselklegilltostlY-tWI 4 - viol right nein" buildings and elegant private residences :the cause, el l eottaintional liberty and the (surrounding the, field were filled with la- people, . 1 ea.YEllnlood 441 ,his; :Pet let i dies and gentlemen , and the sides of the us- place the,full• weight upon the . right tield itself covered with a • dense mass of eh°eltlen" - I , JA wee'liol'the eel of the ;Lug - men, women, and children. On one side Wok 4 1 ° 0 0 ,0 4 -4 0 41, :1be: klogliolk I cry no" of the field a 'tore olis tent was pitched oroatelltt the Prime Mhtke,lerlften Pllt- - "' upon a raiseeplai l forin ' tor the Empress, •The ' wer° 4ll T- w 'et: 4l4 o -°1 .the cause of and before her Majesty and the Emperor ~. and , , kern/amp -andspotispro; , and Austria, I the troops were to past hi review. The -Prussia.,and.,Upssia:,joitted Englund, and panorarific view of the whole field'you'can their 'combined arwittO Marched .to the readily ' imagine} was btautiful. limit to French,freatiera toplace the legitimate sue- the review itself of this great body of 80,- ettalor tat'lho - delsePtlateir Kiel?. .upon the 000 troops, who, in purl only, compose throne of Friume,.,rolitoriug . the 'muter or- the Gar'lle lmperiale of the emperor Nich der of lltiek'4.4 o Opposition le the colleti• Mae, and who are distinct from the main ''‘ tenet'. Ttie,Fretteb people, became furl- 1 army of Russia, which I believe numbers ous staffs inteifereiteo Mid hcatility.; I repulsed • their •ittsatiant,.tetaunt fennel-1 -suknaeLasie.m . '4111.' '; Lt ' theY I near: one million rank and file ° "The foot soldiers, infantry principally, ottelY - ' --- e------ • -- - *Poo- them , i, end first pastied in review, marching by - pla 441Y!fstuttnud71.44'°“4"u1‘ ,19vele° mous of companies, containing, patter, ;tieltrY - 7, - .. -- ...7.7... - ', - ~,- „ -,L. ... ~..., . ..., -.-„ . ~,, one hundred and fi fty men each; and id . . , ..pii ,,,,, tie ttlliPPtit.Pe/e°h et Mlle time ? " doable order. As ml,' Feveral platoons aE \...,,. ‘ 4 ,4apoileon .. 110W ' came into the, acne ; rived opposite the Emperor, the peenlifr ' as in artilleirofffeer. The allied irmiini !Russian hurrah' went up the whole length ineretmed, end• continuetUtheienttacks up- ,of the line making the, welkin ring. The ofi the-French frontier. , .The French in-': soldiers were all picked men, tall, athletic:, tiuuetl to, defendihemselvos; Napoleon land every one of them with a heavy black rapidly rose to the first command, and was mustache, They moved with mathemat= continually victoriMni.. tie *Oy e ilie ival precision. and Whether on a slow or hinnies from thkfrinttittr,ind ptilinuld some , quick march, seemed like pieces of ine of their . into their 'ono- countries; .' Ile phallism, and their muskets not varying; conquerndltaly,'PetuntinAind;Apstritt...lle it teemed, an int.ll, either in the height or 1 subjugated.kinge,nad;zimiterpra,and alieu , inclination given to them. 0( all this made traatiee.of i peact i %spl t: them. ' . , 1 tnarphing I have seen, and I have seen 'the t•Out Witt this iteeoutif lot/ all his hive..., American, Frenell, Ituteh, and ,Pritssitth.. owns ; "Triat t ril,ii irrarl"r" .74- M ''''''' -.:' ''''' rtiiii - dlers, none will at all compare with the , ;Nrt!' '''t"totne ofliiiiiiiia'intst terite with : Atmeian• The uniform of the infante), a i al in d att a tt ear a e,fit a o aa n aeata l taya tem , ;,Was blue and red, not unlike our militia i n .ardes.kuthatorty,. tab, s a minta ft a hi e uniform in Connecticut. It was about grpoltp„Alnglaed ;-,....11n, e n eig i yi set at two hours before the laden try had pageant us )1 ahyethat i way soeqectually, had his in review, and then ramie cavalry, advane s,fati4n iniei.ieetletl. ttnetfie .r e w as ' j n e ex lug in double order. by platoons' of sixty case for hit in'enalint 'Of Egypt'atid St: bit- horses abreast; and here was a sight that .. a liis o i,..,4o, t hwa an i temettt be blues wars beggars description, and • wltieli, w limit re :Continued, the taltiOnl WO of "Ealltaoll call it, seems like a .magnitieent vidititi. r i-, neutrally, I .htratne. ;tenanted 'pima the First came a company, of Caucasian Prin preno„ a n d N ai - t.c ila ne haul i' wee ,,, - ,,i f on d et's, mounted untie black, coal black fieiy of his luirrlil,iiena Of *leer, ti ikielled ' s!6reds° frith long manes , and tails almost •hi m ci n -to-tdi mig t v „ i4 hi t i f i nt ir 16 dn. sweepitik the ground. The Canetisitris .lltree his Continental tlystem upon Russia.. were dressed in a red garment fitting close- Lk t am , i l i a.eaormatta atiny ; : re vwei and ly to the skin.and over this a finely wrought rum threatened Itim on, all sides • ~,t o a „. • steel chain armor covering the entire hodY cordingly, the emperors and Kings whin r fell from the head loosely over the neck he' hid etibilued,' ill•bitilated their treaties ' and shoulders ; Nein their feet they wore a end allied thetnaelee.a - with England against kind of sandal, and upon their legs leather !din." . , ~ le gins, similar to those of our Indian War , . 't Wes thin the lioly:4llianeer' ,' , . t num; across.- Muir backs they ea r a Yes.; yOu uly,Wolla r sic o ta q aa s e o4. IMO with yell tilled quivers i in their This pious cam ei ttat i cinoupppr w t 4 mugh ., bands a carbine, a InPin their girdles the oat„,by t h e pr o d igal ;, ,Ve t alth a F„ is i au d , savage looking yaghtigalm. l'hey were ' (" wa d ky .. t h e , nuoy m etwir j„d„, tfy an d a tierce though handsome looking .set of akio of our 4i ,„ b4 , 44 . 0 , pim a . „ 4 ) „ t o a d felloWs, Next (tome the„ Tartans, epee oll,by the sysady,alor oitetr,sultliere, am their wild-loitkina, fleet little horses, lite' .t ., atup ti a t iqt l , t h,,,f ioa k, ve - c o mm. o f , N apo . , horses, all or them, carrying their necks. t aaniall a , pl a a a j, p logiAtoop hits Eight forward and their heads high up in' die nonisstity Aißqn , 0 4 yrenrif.torolle, in d e _ air, ;mil' snuffing the breeze, or 6, ?/ poirorm.. ,f once o( the people. . Thu grand ~error, of was, the line of heada, us if thq, viii.4 . ill '. Napoleon, and chief cause of ilia reverses, ,drawn up by pulleys. T h e custinnis:Bl Mesta' atid. fall, won jus 4oserticto or, )tho I the Tartar soldier.ie a blue free!: iiiiniiikil , prarmi fof lihipay.,and Feller rispresem, ..with silver, and akind of. skull cap: htii . mi .tationApcm, which he had risen, Not , ton-' with fur; in his hand be Curries a ~ ioiir, end or which he mats upon lite head ;tent .with Intuit /annoy the greatest the emperor.of . tba earth, he was yet tint:leas . between the ears or his horse. Then ea,toe Welly' himself with those who were burn , the Lheeetirr LaneirB, splentlid . dirking seith,growna iu their, cradles and.o make ; men, dressed In , white ea t isimere, .with .hi a . qwn . a by re i sn ey ... ,t te g e at tary , 11, cal , ! . heary and highly polished: . Watts ' ,brinijt heeause, being the man of the pramle, who' ' plates and brace helmets roman:Med II) , were devoted to him, he allied himself ; the U ll l' l3 ' l 4 l eagles, all moutlied,upogtrost with the, kings wipe, feared end hate dline." ) ; 91eghot heroes. Regiment' after regiment e.a.na did England, besides lighting_ rue, passed by, each „regiment Witli;difteitill . all-these things, pay for them also f" I,culered horses. and the borseirin'eacif Ire !•She fought for them all, and paid fur gituent so will matched in sire, form, , so i l the greater Part. First, she Tough, agit i os t , or, and indeed every respect, tioh-Wdes , the establishment of a Constitution in tingilisli them each .inel braided in hie - n - Mice, (the Artie principle of the French mane his number upon a small Plate, The , Ikvoltationi and the statistical estimate uf , , Lancers are all picked men, and are of tha • ' the money we expended in that war ( rum 1 Russian army, the armee!! being o(tinble 1703 to t h e peace .of Amiens in 1802, a- j,birth; and, were it nut for, the diffinit, 1 Mouets to upwanls of kir hundred wad colored . penitants they earry. upoeltlieir sixty. millions. .11' we add to this th e mu ., lances anti the 'Niter of the . liorsef l int i r* ney borrowed to inuititain the prodigality, 1 regiment could be distinginSited ifrellf,dp 1 and the interest upoit. this in thirty y ears ,' other, so nearly like s ilia they. AlYet the I it Will more , tlian double the 811111 4 first ; Lancers-came the hoperial.illiteilM in mentioned. Next, our out to support the. !their uestuine (tired, with highfur eaps,ollll • principle , of Divine Right and Freileli .1•4!. mobllted ' ovary one upon white ettleds,° — gitimatty. against Napoleon, *cost! emir.' This regiment, it is said, it the favorite-los mous suing, murk:above one thousand I.ffierill of the Empress. Then eale o4ll4 ° ! millions. Again' wu Itad to borrow out.: Imperial Carbineers. thimintal .0u Work ' ney—and again conies the interest upon "diaries, and dressed like dor .I.aliment, Alit. I - • the deht—l um alr,liti to say how m u c h.--,l4"eptikat-their_lielmeteand brosoto . - . !The gross amount however, of the ex- were of steel highly polished. Folle'etllF -• penile to Englan d far exceed s IWO,thou-'these came the Coseieks,theit Windt ,atel 8111111 maintain." . currying their heath higtrin the air. :110 t ar "But what have we gained by ii-? -- We .tiresa C of the uttattlka is Oteilltf t . ,, , as Englishmen, are u ailing to pay as well the TUflila, which I hive 4 °P ) _,_,,,. . as to tight, for airy good, to our country. ih,i4l!" Weallon hi aimed shillrittlotttit . ...„, ' or the world. V itat.hms been gliilell ?" i.'' '• " • • • s . r • 0 "N 0111111 4 ,. `tltt 'Tlirre 1"),,e.' in France ..'I he re ar aim. , Unmet.** body of ibliv. ' TWO 'DOLLARS PER AMID% , 01, I NEW SERIES=-=NO. 10: defeated all the intended results, both in, principle and practice. They remOria, the French Constitution, whieh had beeq sought by the French RevolutionOlur)r destroyed then, and forever. the principle, of Divine Right and Legitimacy;.and they, enabled the French people to choose . 04 own King. Our monstrous national debt, is our only result." "And the rest of the Holy Alliance r, "The only result to Russia, Austria and, Prussia, was the restoration to their mate despots of their ancient Oettpottegh-,