Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, July 23, 1847, Image 3

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Take in the proportion of 20 double
holler elm loads of marsh mud, mould from
tart sikieds, scrapings from the roads, or
earth fibm the fence corners, 10 bushels
of as**. 19 bushels of soot, 10 bushels of
powdered charcoal, 2 bushels of salt, and
100 gallons of urine, either animal or hu
man, mix the /Wile w.tll together, form it
into pie, and let' it remain for four weeks.
At theexpiration of this time, turn it well
over, end as you do so mix in with the
mass 1 bushel of plaster. This done,
spread evenly over every acre of your or ,
chard 'lO double-horse cart loads of the
mixture, and plough it in about three inch
es deep, takingeare not to lacerate the roots
of the trees in so doing—then harroulihe'
Whole °vet; and compress the earth by,
running a roller over it.
To make an orchard boar well and pro ,
duce good fruit, it is just as necessary to
mannte and cultivate it, as it is to manure
and cultivate any other crop which is
grown, as every crop of apples, peaches or
pears, that is grown, extracts from the soil
certain portions of the mineral and nutri
tive. manures, which must be returned to it
by artificial. means to keep the soil in a
Piefieztuate of fertility to yield a good crop
of fruit. As the roots of fruit trees pene
trate the earth Much deeper than do those
of grain and grass :rope, the presumption
is that as the field of feeding of the flamer
is deeper titan the latter, that they may not
require attelt frequent manuring ; but it
must n'OtAiei keen - Med that they, therefore,
do not require any. An'application op
loads of compost, such as we have name
would answer every fourth or fifth year. .
The body of the trees, however, should be
washed every year with a weak solution
of potash, say I lb. of potash dissolved' in
2 gaileiti. s of ift into—Kir be painted with a
mixture; composed in the proportion of 1
gallon soft leap, 1 lb. flour of sulphur, and
I pint of salt. _ _
Neither Whea t ; Rye, Barley, Oats, or
any tifilitignuis crops, should be grown in
an orchard. . Potatoes, Turnips, or any
Other root crop requiring row culture said
manUrifigt, may, with decided advantage,
be ciil4V-ated therein, provided care - be
servedin the preparation of the soil and
subsequent suitnre of the crop, not to in
jure the roots cd• the trees. With such pr . , „.
eau tiou the cultivation of thasoil Kill port
of infloite benefit, as each stirring of the.
earth will increase its capacity for' attract
ing and condensing the enriching gases of
the dews and atmosphere, increase the'
feeding resources of the trees, and, as a
consequence, improve the size and quality
of thelfrait.---Ameriews Farmer. ,
New Roars SD OLD Tam.—Thu New
Light:id farmer mentions the fact theca:le
editor of that juutritil, basing some peer,
trees en quince stocks which were dying,
took adOzen pear stocks, two years old,
and partially removed the earth from about
the roots of six of the most sickly looking
trees, so as to titske room for the roots of
the young Pear stocks, placing one on each
of the opposite sides of the old trees. The
tops of the young• stocks were cut off by a
drawing stroke, making the taper about
”lI'D inches in length, as for splice grafting.
A horizontal cut was then made through
the bark of the tree just above its junction
tvithke . quince, and then an upward inci-
Illon in the bark of the desired length. E.
Hough o f the bark below the, horizontal cut
was removed to prevent its offering any
obstruction. The bark was then raised by
carefully passing a t h rre coraered wedge
up the incision. The tapered point of the
stock, prepared as above, was_ gently
crowded up till it felt firm in its place, and
Was bound up firmly with matting. The
corgi was then carefully covered over the
roots;and heaped up four or five incites a
hove, the,pleee of operation to exclude the
air. • The • result was highly satisfactory.
The . tries are entliely renovated. Those
on which he did not operate, (lied. W here
trees are girdled sbout the roots by mice in
winter, They may be saved in this way.
flueeme.--Innoculations may be made
any time from June to October, provided
the cuticle, or bark, will peel. If the ope.
ration be performed towards the end of
June, or commencement of July, and ran
be used in trimming the branch into which
the bud is put, the latter will commence
growing in ten or twelve days, and a foot
or more of growth be gained the first year;
the process of increment and induration,
or hardening, is consummated before the
advent of told ; but in most, if not all ea
ses, when thi bud is put in in September,
provided it sprouts, it will be so tender it
will be easily wimer-killed.—Maine (Jul.
tielmicw. • •
. is
pear ietteethise delicious and healthy rege
tablite will be in our market. The first that
coo* into market usually mend a good
price. ned,henee the tem tion to be ear
liest ist the market indu some to take
tomatoes from die vine -bile green, and
empties them to the sun until they turn red.
'MOM atits treated, however prepared in
yeekint, they are pernicious, and will hurt
dock* 01 O. olotnach.
, 4 .llllaimaai at itatimata--A piece taf Opian3
dif*Orm Ott ehent#l, is a pint
ilomearsidoswed Aiwa at awe, ii I
caw far vieettaz 111 iherseti."
Economy ho Wealth!
M ee :
c nd Baltimore, a iti es
s e o w f
and handsome assortment of
Ready Made Clothing,
of various qualities and the most fashiona
ble style of make, the stock consisting o
Coats, Pants and Vests, for gentlemen and
boys' wear. Alsti, now opening a largo
assortment of
840air.4 4 :..tiO:Es.o.
of every variety of size and description.
In offering our stock of goods to the pub
lic, we deem it unnecessary to make a
call for "more men," or raise the cry of
"war," for the purpose of drawing Atten
tion, but would respectfully beg-leave - is
say to the public generally, that by givi
us a call, at the Aorth-west corner of the
.Square, ( Smith' a corner), we will sell
goods as cheap as the cheapest, having
purchased them entirely for cash. Deem . -
ing it useless to eanmerato thiartieles, we
cut the metier short, by saying our sup
ply is full, and all We ask Is a call Op and
Also, constantly on hand, a large stock o
2il di. :Zit it ciPAt:
hammered and rolled, STEEL of all
kinds, Strap and Round. Iron, all sizes,
Nails and Ilorseshoes, - -
Hardware, CedArwlire, &c.`„
IK7' Also, at all times, will be found a of , the best
Family Flour, ,Feed,
(Lettysburg, July 2, 1847.-3.1
Irk MIDDLECOFF has just received
Vs another lot dr
which will be offered at very reduced pri
ces—comprising, fo Part,
Fast Color Madder Prints, for 6 cents--
wofth 121
Fast Color Preneh Lasent,for 12i cents—
worth 22;
Cloths, twteds, Castimerea,
Codriugums, Cottonades, Ste.,
4Crt:Wp (=Via Rip , ILtIO, 'l2
Caps,ponnets, Umbrellas, Varasols, Par
asolits; and Sun Shades':
BT All decidodly phiestould nothing else ! _En
- 1 have been afflicted with dyspepsia is
its aggravated form for three years past and
found prindieffintil I .ueed , Dr. G. Benj.
Smith's impryed 'lndian Vegetable
After midi tux boxes of said valuable pills,
lam entirely cured.. They are a general
remedy. J. .K. kailaft.
Paducah, Ky., Nov. 19, 1845.
We cart certify to the above facts. Dr.
Sinith's Pills are universally esteemed 'in
this vicinity.
• -Hodge; Givernr 4- Co., Merchants.
- At - the request of Dr:G. Benj; Smith's
tont, we cheerfully state that we visited
the office of Dr. Smith in September last,
while in New York, and found him to all
appearance carrying on a very extensive
busittees.with. his. Indian Vegetable Pala.
The extent of his established would aston
ish any one not initiated in tho mysteries
of the pill trade.—Louisville Journal.
Icy *The muting . rills. are for sale in
Gettysburg, by ,IS Bugler and S. S.
Ibrney ; in Hiniteritowit - by Abraham
King; in Petersburg by Mrs. Filler; in
Cashtown by Mrs, Amara, and in Hamp
ton by J. H. Atdebaugli.
July 9, .1847-4 t.
anAlo rd
ILADONIthiI 14min:flowed his Watch
gj a Watch-Tool and Material Store,
from No. 33 5., 4th street. where he has
on hand a Wore assortment of Gold and.
Silver Lever, L Epines, and PlairiWatch
es, with a complete assortment If Tools
and materials, such as Lunette, Patent and
Plain Glassett, Maitivrii*, Verges, Hand
Dials, etc., of every description, to , which
he has added a complete and splendid lit
sortment of JEWELRY, eatisiatinCel
Ear Ringo, Breast, Pins, Braielets; Gold
Chains, Keys, etc. which he will guaran.
tee to sell at the , lowest New York prices,
Wholesale and Retail.
N. B.—Country Merchants, and others
visiting the city, are invited to call .& exam
ine his stock and large assortment at No.
248 Market_ at, beloirstilth, South
Orders from Moismutry•prompdy attend
ed to.
Pliilad'a, April9h—(Jan-22..6a.]
CZINMEM 12T113211714
Ninth street, near Chestind,Philaddpida,
will be removed in a few - weeks! !--Open fkom 9
•. la. till 10 r. mi. Admittance 25 cents.
. _ Children, half price.
TIIIS is the largest Chinese Coleetion
in the world, and the only one in
the U. States. It consists of upwards of
sixty figures, of the size of life; represent
ing the - Emperor and his highest officers,
in their splendid embroidered Satin State
Dresses ; the Empress, and other Tartar
Chinese Ladies of high rank ; Gentle Men
in their residences ; merchants in their
stores; Judges in Court; Priests, Farm
ers, Mechanics, of all kinds; Professional
Men, Soldiers, and all other classes of so
ciety, just as seen engaged in their differ
ent occupations in China; even to the
beggar, in his tattered garments, soliciting
TliE subscribers have on hantla very
large stock of ST ONE c*() A 1.,
which they will dispose of low by the sin
glo bushel or otherwise, at their Cosch
making Establishment. '
March 12.--8 m
GIES, &e., of good and substantial
make, can be had at the Coach Establish
ment of the subscriber, ih Gettysburg.
aburg, May 29, 1840.
RAN away from the service of the snb•
scriber, on Saturday evening last, an
indented Apprentice to the Tailoring Bus r
Mess, named NATIIAS SLENTZ. Six 80d
a fourth rents, but no thanks, will be giv
en thr his apprehension and return to the
Gettysburg, July 2. 18
Just rcclw•cd at
Chambrrsburg street,
TILL subscriber respectfully informs
his friends and the public generally
that he continues the Tailoring business at
his old stand, in Chainbcrsburg street,
where he may at all times be found, ready
to accommodate all those who may want
garments made. He has just received the
last New York
. 4 4.102111.14MPCie
and•he pro Mises all, who- may- faVor-bi • •
with,their patronage, that he wilt give them
-swirl satisfaction, both as regards the fit
and workmanship of all garments 'entrusted
to him ; and at as moderate prices as they
mut be ebtatned anywhere else. He hopes
by strict attention to business and a desire
to please, to merit a continuance or public
patronage and support. ea' Country pro
duce_taken in exchange Tor work.
April 30, 1847.-3 m
. •
rirllE undersigned has connected with
—A, _his Coaclunaking.Establishment a
large. Sinith_sho p.andds prepared to do all
kinds of
including ironing 'Carriages, Buggies.
tc. He would say to those who
have Horses to shoe, that he has in his em
ploy first-rate hands, which, with his per
sonal attention, will enable him to . give en
tire satisfaction to all those wh - o may favor
him with a call.
Carriage A' Bugg - xi Springs
(warnintod) will bo promptly made to or
der at alf times.
('All kinds of REPSIRING' done;
both in Wood and Iron, at thc'most redu
ced prices.
Thankful for past, encmtragement, the
subscriber solicits a 'continuance of patro
nage, and invites his friends to call at his
Establishment in pcj.. west Chambersburg
street, a few doors below Thomposues
Gettysburg, Feb. 6, 1840.
ESPECTFULLY informs his friends
1.4., and. the public.generally that lie has
now on-hand a large assortment -- of TM'
MIRE of every description, which he
will sell at moderate prices—all warranted.,.
Persons wishing to purchase al low rates
will do well to call before purchasing else
HOUSE SPOUTING will be made
and put up at 121 cents a foot.
K9'All Apprentice to the 'finning
business will be taken, if application, with
good recommendations, be made soon.
Oaq,lretween 18 and 17 years of age will
be preferred.
Gettysburg, March 12, 1847.
BAVING succeeded in whipping the
Mexican Arnlies at Vera Cruz and
Buena Vista, and now designing to march
against the city of Mexico to meet the en
emy udder the walls of their own Capital,
the subscriber would imitate their exam
ple by.wagittr.war spinal Rags and Na
kedness, and he has accordingly recently
.visited the city of, Philadelphia fur the
purpose of purchasing ttStock of
which he can sell at prices so low as to
enable any, person calling, at hie establish
ment to clothe themselves from head to
i lex
foot, at astortishing low riceshis mot
to being "Quick sales an mall profita—
bly stock embraces the t assortment
of Ready-made Clothing and
• - TAIWir GCVOS& -
ever offered in this . country, has been se
lected with great care t and having
purchased for cash entirely, will be sold
Cheaper for Cash,
than they have ever before been meld in
this place. In professing to sell cheap:
er than ever, I wish it to be distinctly un
derstood that I do not do so because it has
become fashionable for purchasers to make
such announcements ; I am sincere, arid
only ask a visit from those wishing to
purchase to convince them of its truth.—;
Among the stock will be found COATS
of Fine Black Cloth, Hakrit-Oloth, Alber
tine, Tweed, Cashmerette, Cassinet, Lin
en, Check and Gingham ; Sack and Frock .
Coats, &c.—Also, PANTS, of Fine Fan
cy Cashmere, Cassinet, Linen, Cord, and
Cotton,—fancy colors and styles. Also,
VESTS, Fancy Cross-Bar, Silk, Satin,
Cashmere, Merseilles and Cassinet. Also,
Shirts, Bosoms, Collars, Cravats, Hand
kerchiefs, Men's Lasting Gaiters, Suspen
ders, Gloves, Stockings—in tact every
thing belonging to a gentleman's furnish
ing line ; all of fashionable cut and mate
rials, and as well made as can be made
anywhere. Also.on hand a large assort
ment of fancy and useful articles, Pins,
Needles, Thimbles, Jewelry, Perfumery,
Shaving Apparatus, Combs,- Penknives,
'Rough and Ready" Hats, &c.
I have also for sale a lot of BOOTS &
SHOES, made in this county, a lot of
IRON, and a lot of Calfskin, Sole and Up
per Leather, which will be sold uncom
mon cheap, as I wish to clear off the stock.
Also, on hand a. new Rockaway, two
second-hand Buggies, a second-hand Car
riage, new and old Harness, Which 1 will
dispose of at extremely low prices.
p''l'hose wishing BARGAINS will
remember to call at the old-established VA
RIETY STORE, next'Aioor to Kurtz'
Hotel, and immediately opposite the Bank.
Gettysburg, April 30, 1817.
liVa7 11EREA 8 the lion. Wm. N. IR-
V visE, Esq. President of the several
Courts of Common Pleas, in the counties
composing the 19th District, and Justice
of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer, and
General Jail Delivery, for the trial of all
capital and other offenders in the said dis
trict—and GEOROS Slimeasa and JANES
Esqs., Judges of the Courts of
Common Pleas,find General Jail Delivery,
for the trial of all capital and other offend
ers in the.eounty of Adams—have issued
their precept, bearing date the 21st day
of April, in the year of our Loan one
thousand eight hundred and 'forty-six, and,
to me directed, for holding a Court of Coin
mon Fleas and General Quarter $O l 4 OllB
of the Peace" and General Jail Delivery,
and Court of Oyer and Terniiner, at Get
tysburg* on Monday the 11311► day of Au
all the Justices of the • Peace, the Coroner
and Constableb within the said County of
Adams, that they b . e"then find themin their
proper persons, with their Rolls, Records,
Inquisitions, Examinations and other Re
membrances, to do those things which to
their offices and in that behalf appertain
to be done, and also they who will prose
cute against the prisoners that are or then
shall be in the Jail of the said County of
Adam% and to be then and there td pros
ecnte against them as shall be just.
Sheiirs_m co , o euyi b urg ,
July 9, 1847. 31
1131121W11% KOZTAM
NOTICE is hereby given to all Legg
ateea and other persons concerned,
that -iIte—ADMINIST-RdITION de-
COUNTS of the deceased persons herein
after mentioned will lie presented at the Or
phans' Court of Adams county, for confir
mation and allowance, on Monday the
181 h day of august nest, v iz :
The account of Joshua Motter, Admin
istrator with the will annexed, of Lavinia
M'Nair. deceased.
The account of William Weagly, Isaac
Weagly and George Weagly, Executors
of the last will and testament of John Weag
ly, deceased.
The account of Jacob Sanders, Admin
istrator of the estate of Alexander Ewing,
The account of Jesse Little, Administra
tor of the estate of Andrew Little, who was
Administrator of Ann Little, deceased.
The account of George H. Binder, Ad
ministrator of the estate of Charles A.
Fronk, deceased.
The account of John Wolford, Admin
istrator of the estate of Abel Walker, de
The account of George Robinette, Ex
ecutor of the last will and testament of Ja
cob Shot deceased.
The account of Andrew Lobr, Adminis
trator of the estate of Jacob Lohr, deceased.
The account of Henry Myers and John
B. Iloffman, Executors of the last will and
testament of Barnhart Hoffman, deceased.
The account of Moses Lockhart, one of
the Executors of the last will and testa
ment of James Lockhart, deceased.
The account of John Dickson, Jr., one
Of the Executors of the last will and testa
ment.of James Lockhart, deceased.
The account ofJames Cunningham, Esq.
Executor of the last will and testament of
James Wilson, deceased.
Register's Office. Gettysburg. to
July 18,
The Ch. twat Gold and Silver Watches
Gold Levers, full jeweled,
Silver Levers, full jeweled,
Gold Lepines, jeweled,
Silver Lepities, jeweled,
Silver Quartiers, fine quality,
Gehl watches, plain
Silver Spectacles_
Gold Pencil
Gold Btacilets,
A large assortment of Gold and Silver
Hair-Bracelets, Finger-Rings, Breastpins,
Hoop Ear-Ring, Gold Pens, SilverSpitous.
Sugar Tonges, Thimbles, Gold Neck, and
Fob Chains, Gaard Keys, and Jewelry at
equally low prices.
11:3" Alll want is a call, to convince cus
All kinds of IVatches and Clocks re
paired and warranted to keep good time
for one year.. CH& Obld'aiia Silver bought
for Cash, or taken in exchange.
I have some Gold and Silver Levers, at
still cheaper prices than the above. A lib
eral Discount made to dealers. - Call and
see for , yourselves. _
For sale, Eig,htmlay and Thirty-hour
Brass Clocks, at
Watch, Clock, and Jewelry Store,' N 0.41.34
Market Bt., above 11th, north aide, Phila.
Philadelphia, Sept. 4, 1898. 1f
diterhe riguadeohics Watch and IF l° O7.
No. 96, Notth,Seeead toasts' of Quarry.
Gold Lever 'Watches full jewelled,
18 car. eases, - ' 949 00
Silver Lever do. full jewelled, 29 00
Sillier Lever do. 7 jewels, 18 00
Silver Lepine do. jewerd, Ist qual. 14 -00.
Superior Quartier Watches, 10 00
Imitation do. not warranted, 5 , 00
Gold Specuicler, 8 00
Fine Silver Spectacle's, - , 175
Gold Bracelets, with topaz stones, , , 66
Ladies' Gold Pencili, 16 cicala; 21*
Gold Finger Rings, 87 eta to $8 ; Watch
Glasses—plain 12 cta; patent .18; lunet.
25. Other articles in proportion. All
goods warranted to be what they are Sold
for. 0. CONRAD.
On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers,
ILepines and Quartiers, lower than the a
bove prices.
Dec. 4,1846.—1 y
I.ORUIT TREES, of all kinds, (grafted
in the root,) can be had of. the sub
scriber on reasonable terms. Please call
and judge for yourselves. "
Gettysburg, May 20, 1840.
WE have just' received * handsome
assortment of plain Sind fringed
PARASOLS, which we will be pleased to
show to all Who favor us with a call. •
May 7. W. & C. RUTHRAUFF.
SHAWLS of every description can be
had very cheap at W. & C. Ituthrauft's
Cheap Stopo in Citautbersburg street.
•••-ALSO 0,11
First Premium Writing Ink.
. From Dr. Hare, the celebrated Profes ,
sot of Chemistry in the University of Pettit
Philadelphia, Oct. 11, 1843.
'a/ear Sir—Having tried your ink. I
*rill thank you to Bud me another bottle,
u I and it to be excellent.
From Dr. Locke, of Cincinnati, distin
guished fur his numerous scientific re
•ibled. Col. of Ohio. - Cincinnati,
L 844.
“Having used M. Hover's Writing LiZ
I am swished that it is the best which has
ever come to my knowledge,and especial
ly it is excellent for the use_of.the_Steel
Pens, and will not, corrode them, even in
long use. JOHN LOCKE,
Prof. of Chemistry.”
Hevetos Adamantine Cement.
Fronfawell known scientific gentteman.
"Philadellihia, Feb. 27, 1840.
"Mr. Joseph E. Hover—Sir: A use of
your Cement, and some practical tests of
its superiority, has induced me to recom
mend it to others as an invaluable article for;
mending China. Glass, or Cabinet Ware.
CA_ MPBELL moitnr.
Analytic Chemist."
For Sale, Wholesale and 'Retail, at the
Manufactory, No. 87 North Third Street,
opposite Cherry Street, Philadelphia ' by
_ Manufacturer.
OC'For sale intiettyablirg at the store
May 14, 1847.
ar. Si4IO. I VS,
ILVER MEDAL awarded for the best
►J pictures ever exhibited. Strangers
visiting the city should call and examine
the various specimens of colored Daguer
reotypes, at M. P. Simons' Gallery ; and
those wishing likenesses, may rely upon
receiving perfect satisfadkion in every res
pect. Whole families can be grouped to
gether, which forms a most invaluable
keepsake. Miniatures set in bracelets,
Medalions, Breastpins, &c. An assort
ment of the above Jewelry, selected for
the purpose, always on band. Examine
and then decide. Materiala..used in the
Art for sale, at the lowest rates. lustruc
tiont given by letter or personally. All
communications must be post paid.
No. 170 Chestnut street,
- Opposite the State House, l'hila
April 30, 1847.--31 n
Compound Medicated candy.
rp °it the Cure of Colds, Coughs, Spit
r ling of Blood, Bronchetis, Asthma,
Who Oping Cough, Pains and Oppressions
of the breast, and all other Pulmonary
complaints, and other diseases which have
a tendency to produce Consumption. It
serves also as an effectual clearer of the
This Candy is entirely a vegetable pre
paration, the principal ingredients being,
More-hound, Wild Cherry, Sarsaparilla,
lioneset, Elecampane, Liquorice, Flax
seed, Iceland Moss, Prickly Ash, Ate. and
will, if taken in time, relieve the system
from those distressing afflictions that tend
to Consumption.
One great advantage in this valuable
medicine is its cheapness, the public not
being imposed upon by the enormously
high prices which are generally exacted
for Patent and other medical Preparations.
Each package contains directions. Call
and try it!
Prepared and sold at the Confection and
Variety store of the Subscriber in West
York sweet, one square from the Court
house, and next door to Thonipson's Ho
tel. It can also be had at the Drug Stores
of S. 11. lIVERfLER, and S. FORNEY.
liCr•The subscriber as-usual continues
his Bakery, and is prepared to supply
parties at the shortest notice, with choice
cakes, Sec.
*45 00
23 00
30 00
15 00
10 00
15 00
1 75
2 00
4 00
ASHIONABLE Barber and Hair
I: Dresser, has removed his "•Temple'
to the Diamond, adjoining the County Buil
dings, where he can at all times be found
prepared to attend to the calls of the public.
From long experience he flatters himself
that he can go through all the ramifications
of the Tonsorical departments, withsuch an
infinite degree of skill as will meet the en
tire satisfaction of all who may submit their
chins to the keen ordeal of his razor. He
hopes, therefore, that by attention to busi
ness and a desire to please, he will merit
as well as receive a liberal share of public
patronage. The sick will be attended to at
their private dwellings. ,
Oct. 10. tf
Protection against Loco by
ow HE "CutnberNed Valley Mutual Protection
Company," being incorporated by an Act of
this Legislature, and fully organized and In opera-
lion undertbe direction of the following Board of
Managers, viz : TC ' James Weakly, D W
4pCullorgh, A Milky, T
tilmiler,fetriurd Galbraith, Sitiiiierfistt, Ab'm
nt!, (Adems,) Abu Zug, Samuel Maston,l T
Green, J be attention of the inhabit
ants of Cumberbilid end Adams count* to the .
cheapness of the rata, ind the trimly advintsges
which this Uinta insurance harrower . ouriother.
Ist. Every Verson insured becomes a member
of the company and takei main the selection of
officers and the direction of its concerns.
21. For insurance no more is demanded than is
necessary to meet the expenses of the Company,
and. Indemnity against losses which may hippest.
3d. The inconvenience of frequent renewals ie
avoided by insuring for a term of five years.
4th. Any person applying for insurance must
give his premium note for the cheapest clan at
the rate of five per cent., which will be $5O on the
1000, for which he will have to pay 149 50 forfive ,
yawl and $1 40 for survey and policy, and on
more unless loss be sustained to a greater amount
than the funds on hand will cover, and then no
more than a pro rata share. These rates are
much cheaper than those of other companiel, ex•
cept such as are incorporated on the same princi
ples. T. C. MILLER, President.
. A- G. Miscast, Secretary.
LETThe following named persons have been ap
pointed ilgenta for Adams County :--Wm W Pax
ton, Esq. General Agent for Adams county; J A'
Thompson and D Ziegler, Gettysburg; Dr. Wm
R Stewart, Petersburg; Henry Myers, New Ches.
ter; Henry Mayer. Abbottstown ; Daniel Corn.
fort, Stroban township; Abraham King, Hunters
town; David Blythe, Fairfield; T,T Wierman,
Arendtaville; Wm Morrison and Abel T Wright
Bendersville; Dr. D Mellinger,East Berlin ; Ab'm
Scott, Cashtown.
Sept. 13, !W.—U.
HANDSOME Mahopny4ram'd Look
ing Glasses ran he had cheap at
M a y 7. W. &C. RUTHRAUFI,"B.
I am yours. truly,
lETThis invaluable middy is prepared only by
Angney & N. E. Corner of. Fifth and
Spruce streets, Fliiladelphia, 110 can be , had of the
following Agents:
8. Arney; Gettysburg.
R. dlngney, Carlisle, •
D. P. Lange, ilauoyer. '
Price of large bottles #l,OO. Bowan' of imito
tionsl [April 30, 18 17--1 y
'Shovel evellivagoris
Cl4' be had for Cumberland township
at C. W. HOFFMAN'S Coach-Shop,
Gettysburg, Pa. . Ploatte ealland sue them
and judge for yourself.
Gettysburg, May 29, ANIL-
THE subscriber having associated with
him in the Mercantile Business his
brother, would respeCtitilly ask all persons
indebted to hint to call and make it/ton--
Wale papient.
Stantota 7 s External Refiletly,
ITS now universally acknomiedged to bo the
da. INFALLIBLE REMEDY for Rheumatism,
spinal affections, contractions of the muscles, sore
tnroat and quinsy, issues, bld ulcers, pains in the
backend chest, ague in 44 breast and face, tooth
ache, sprains, bruises, salt rheum; burns, croup,
frosted feet, Ind all nervous diseases. The friars,•
phant enema which has attended the application
of this most wonder/el medicine in curing the most
severe cases of the different diseases above named,
and the high 'amnion's that have been bestowed
upon it, wherever it has been Introduced, gives
me the right to call on the afflicted to resort at
once to the only remedy chat can be rdird on.
East Berber, Po., May 28, 180..
Dear Sir e —l consider it my duty to express
my sentiments, in behalf of your invaluable med.
icane called Hanes Liniment.
I have fov some time past used the Liniment
in my practice,forrarions - dniessesomd feel sat ,
iatied, hoar the succors attending its'application,
that it merits all that - can be said In its behalf.
,I consider it one of .the best external myelin
I have ever used in cases of Tatter, Ringworm,
Salt Rheum, pains, bruises, cuts, swellings, &c.
The cheap rate at which the articles is to be
had, places it within the reach of all. It should
Corm the principal external remedy of every family.
Hampton, 4/fitior Co., Pa. May 2t), 1547.
Dear Sir—l feel bound to the afflicted to give
publicity to the extraordinary effects of your in
valuable External Remedy, called Hunt', Lini
My daughter, a girl of twelve years old, had
been afflicted with White Stivifiege, in one of her
legs, directly below the knee joint, for several
months, during which time her suflbrings have
been excruciating and deplorable. I called on a
Physician, who, during frequent vialte, made use
of every means in his power to omit the fell dm
stroyer, but all without effect. The leg continued
swelling, until it opened, forming various disa
greeable ulcers, rendering amputation necessary
unless immediate relief be had. Fortunately; how
ever, on the first day of December last, your agent
having been in our village; and hearing of the init
borings of my daughter, he sent me one bottle of
your Liniment, the use of which alone, thank Lind,
has not only arrested the further progress of the
disease, but has cured the leg perfectly, removing
all pains and swellings, and restored the leg to Its
proper use.
I am under many obligationi Mid ibemi.
who thus, by one bottle of your invaluable medi•
eine, ea% ed the leg of my daughter from amputa•
hon. Your Liniment should mud its wsy into ev
ery family. AIO:. , ES PHILLIPS.
.21), 1847.
.We, the ender-iria - citizens of Hampton, am
acquainted mall Mow. Philima, and know him to
be a man of truth. arid that the lacts as set _forth
M his certilic,ate, are correct. -
This Liniment is sold at 2S and SU cents per
bottle by all the principal Druggists and March
Orders addressed to me at Sing Sing, N Y. will
be attended tu. G E STANTON, Proprietor.
11710/erak Agems—licradly, Phelps & Co 142
Water street, Rushton & Co 110 Broadway, A B
& I) Sands, corner Fulton and William, Aspinwall
en William street, Nrin York; Cuthbert &
erill 71 south Second, Philailtlphitl.
AGENTS.—SamueI 11. Buehler & S.
S. Forney, Gettysburg; Abraham King,
Ilunterstown; E. Zuek, Pinetown : Ja
cob Hollinger, /iriiiieraburg; Ilollinger&
Ferree, Petersburg, ( V. S.) ; Jacob Ante
baugh, Hamp/on; Cco. S. Benizel, and J.
S. Hildebrand & Co., East Berlin.
June 11, 1547. [Dee. 2-1 y)
(Fil , all thh remedies recommended. in late
WI years, for the cure of I..7liNr•UAll'llt)lN.
Coughs, Colds. At.thina, Bronchitis, Liver Com
plaint. §pitting Blood. Difficulty of Breathing,
Pain in the Side and 'Breast, Palpitation of
the Ersart, Inflenza, Croup.- Breloon
Constitution, Sore Throat, Ner
o. viols Debility, and all disea
ses of the i - hro.t, Breast
and [slings:
None has been found more CasTans snit wail•
isiocr in its curative power over these, so general
and often fatal diseases, than the above prepara
tion. The Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood
Naptha is an unparalleled remedy. In addition to
the healing power of Tar.—the virtues of which,
in affections of the lungs, is universally acknow•l
edged—therd is combined with it in this prepara
tion the active principles of some of the most cer•
tain Tonic Vegetable Pectorals, which unite to
make it the most valuable medicine ever offered
to the public for the cure of the diseases for which
it is employed, so that it never fails, if taken in
time, to produce the intended effect.
Among the testimonials to the value of the a
hove medicine, are several from distinguished phy
sicians of Philadelphia. Read the following trom
Dr. Young, the eminent oculist :
Philadelphia, Jan. 18, 1817.
Having used in my practice, as well as in my
own family."Thospipois Compound Syrup of 'i.e
and Wood Naptfiii, l l have no bevitatios in saying
that it is thi'licstlreparation of the lined in use
for personsowtreriug, fF otn C - • ption, Coughs,
Co!dscattid sills& 'clk"Mih — iffi(d, oavEreast,Arc:
so prevalent 'at Otis seasolvt year,
15'2 Spruce street.
Read also the following from a man who 'will
at any time corroborate Its statements.
Philadelphia, Dec. 4, 1847
Penetrated with a deep sense.of gratitude for .
the benefit experienced by the use of Thomson's
Compound Syrup of Tar, and that others who,
like me, have languished through gamine!' affliction
and suffering, without being able to find a remedy
may know where it can be obtained, I voluntaiily
make the following statement.
About four years since, after being affected with
a violent cold, it left upon me a troublesome and
severe cough. Whilst the cough continued, which
was with scarcely an intermission during this
long period, language fails to tell,whati have suf.
fered from debility, pains in the breast and side,
night sweats, difficult expectoration, oppressed
breathing, and in fact all those symptoms which
mark, a severe pulmonary affection. The relief
occasionally obtained by the discharge of the mat.
ter which obstructed the healthy action of my
system, but increased my fi90,11, - 1111 the purulent
matter discharged was frequently streaked with
During this time 1 wail under the treatment of
several physicians t and took many of those preps
ratiosui recommended as serviceable in the cases
of *them but Without relief :and I et lefigth con
cluded that ion* in my ease was hopeless. But
how - agreeably changed is now my opinion I - 1
have used Rm . about three Nreeke Thomson's Com
pbtilid Syrupitlsi By OW use Of one bottle my
cough bus been relieved raw my system reinvigo
rated, and by continuing the use ofit upto this
timc,jtutt satisfild that my complaint, is entirely
removed and enubcateil. •
R. "VARNEY, d 42 S: SeVenth at.
'arms to an ainuost incredible
arm° substantiate the above fact many hundreds
lAN. of testimonials could be adduced, out of
which the following are selected. horn individuals
of standing and veracity. Indeed,lt is tonfident
ly affirmed that each new trial of the power; of
this remedy will have an additional tendency to
widen: and confine its lame, and that If It were
universally known and digit:o4rd over the 11. Stares,
It would save not lees thl‘ many hundreds, if
not thousands of lives annually.
I do cerlit'Y that a vial of Fit. N'Labes Ameri
can Worm Specific expelled five hundred and two
whole worms, and pieces that would have Made
sixty more, frorn a boy of John Lewelling, which,
if lard in a Straight. line, 'Would have most irobs
bly measured the enormous length 'of one hundred
Owner of Water Forge, and other works, Morton
galia county, Va.
This is to certify that I purchased from Holmes
& Kidd a vial &FLano's American. Worm
Specific. and gave two doges to a boy of mine
about three yore of age. He petard folly half a
p'.nt of worms. The quantity was so large IWU
really alarmed, and called in several of my neigh.
hors to see them. Had this story been related to
me, I could not have credited it. without being an
eyo.witness to the same. My child's health im
proved much atter. SAW/. MORRISON,
Merchant Tailor, Wood at., Pittsburg.
Clear Medical Testimony.
From a regular Physician, Dr. G. S. Smith, Sun.
fish, Ohio.
Mr. . J. Kidd—Dear Sir: I have used in my
practice Dr. Stleinies American Worm Specific,
and have often witnessed its efficacy in expelling
worms from the system. A ,patient of , Mine, a
short time ago, gave a vial rif the WorifElpeclfio
to a child and in t abort' time - nrovaido of 05
worms were expelled.
Dr. A. I'. oryell certifies that he has frequent
ly used the Specific in his practice, and-with un
sarying success, it never failing to expel from 'TS
to 150 worms.
A child of mine passed onstbiril of-• pint of
worms with one vial of Dr. JULane's Worm Spa.
cific. It is truly a surprising medicine.
T. 171 ukborne, Peebles township.
Surprising effects of Dr. 111'1.ane'r Fronts
• .reewlikitissday.Fabe7,lls46, Mr. Jaunts Richard
iron called at the•otfiee ofJ.Kidil & Co. and made
the following statement :
A child of mine had been very sick for some
ten days; we had given her purgative medicine,
but it had done uo gond. One of our neighbors
came hand gala that awn..worms that yrumle
stroying the child, and at the same Rini spoke of
the wonderful effects she hail witnessed from using
Dr. Nl'Latie's Worm Specific in that neighborhood.
We procured a vial, gave one teaspoonful. when
the child discharged .l large worms. I gave a
nother teaspoonful, which brought away in more.
in all 88 worms. As a duty I owe to yoli and the
community I freely make known theme tarts. My
child is now well. What is very remarkable. the
Worm Specific expelled the worms nine in about
four hours after I gave the medicine.
N. B. Be particular to inquire for Dr. M . Lane's
American Worm Specific, or Patent yeimifuge.
Prepared for the Proprietor by .1. KIDD & (or.
Wholesale& Retail Druggists, Wood at. Pittsburg.
ELrThe above medicine can be had of the fol
lovtinF agents:
S. H. Buehler, Gettysburz ; .1, Lower,
.9rendtsville ; .1. & MiCtlight, Ro!-
derarille ; J. S. Holliager, Ileidlerabitrg:
Holtzinger & Ferree, Pet ershar# : Jacob
Aulehatigh, Hampton; J. T. Hildebrand,
E. Berlin ; Peter Miekly.Muntniasburg;
Win. lintinger, Abottstoton; Coulson &
Co. Wholesale Agents, Liberty at. Balti
Feb. e,
Ibr Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Bron
chitis, Asthma, Croup, WhOoping
Cough, Spilling of Blood, Sore
Throat, Pains
ilons of the ea
Brst, By
*ring of Breathing,
and all other di
seases of the
Read the following Certificate oft ore performed
by the use of Ross's Expectorant and say if you
will longer neglect your cough, or doubt its aim'.
Baltimore, March 12, 11447
Mr. JAS. F. Ross
Dear Sir—About three weeks ego ally wife
caught a severe cold, which troubled her a good
deal and gave her great imagines*: she prepared
a great• many articles which were recommended
to her by her lriends, but without receiving the
benefit tram any of them ; her cough was getting
worse every day ; her appetite was test fai ling
and to sleep was impossible: the palls its :her
breast and side became so severe that that she
had to go to bed, and my friends advised me iv
call in a Physician. I thought 1 would tall in
the store where you were 'engaged and see if 1
could not get something that would relieve her,
when ?ott gave me a bottle of your Expectorant,
assuring me tEat it would cure her, she coalmen
ced taking it that night, riot, however, -without
great opposition' on the part of some of her
friends, who said it was only some °Quack
Medicine," and would do Ler more barns
than good. But I determined to take rim advice,
and now let all bum the Result I From taking the
first dose she felt easier, though tamable to sleep
do account of the quantity of phlegm that loosen
ml and would almost choke her, but which else
could spit up with but link difficulty; the
ing-day she continued it according to the direc
tions, and that tient; for the first time for nearly
two weeks, she enjoyed a good night's rest and by
the time she had finished the first beMe, she was
entirely cured. Make what use of this you think
proper, fm such an invaluable medicine should be
made known to the afflicted every where. With
best wishes for your success,
I remain yours he.,
CAUTION ! Beware of Counterfeits and
Spurious Imitations. See that the initials''J. R''
are on the seal : also my Written Sievatere on the
wrapper preach bottle, without which none is gen
nine. Prepared only byJames F Ross,Druggist.
Baltimore Md.' 11.1 For Ale 'in Geelyalborg by
SAMUEL H. BUEHLER, and in Miiterstuutts by
May 28, 1.847.—ty •
fr non persois whiv have engaged
'a. to furnish the Subscriber with
irOon. on aceount; are requested to de
liver it immediately at his Foundri, other
wise he will expect the money. Those
interested will'Pleese attend to the above
Gettysburg, April
Is published every Friday Lvgting. , in the
Countyßuildsng, above thF Register
and Recorder's °lice, by
Ir paid In advance or within the year, $1 yet -
anuunr—if not paid' within the year, 611,
paper diseontinued,until all arrest ages are paid...-.
except at the option of the Editor. elipgle copies .
tt cents; A failure to notify a discontinuance
will be regarded asp new engagement
Advertirsmiersts not exceeding a 'muftis inverted
three times fur sl—every subsequent investioe
25 cents. Longer ones in the same proporti on .
All advertisements not specially udered for u
in time, will be continued until forbid. A literal
reduction will be nude tuthuse who arivertieeLy .
the year.
Job Printing of all kinds executed iiratl lad
promptly, and on reasonable feints.
Laura anill'uniNissiimuliums to die (fIX.
ceptiiig such as contain Money sir the mimes el
new sabcciibeir.) must be, eusx iota, as ender to
secu se attention..