Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, July 16, 1847, Image 1

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The , tilbwbtß luenttlibl lines were penned by a
daughitherief . iba lamented Gan. William Henry
Herthrou.— Weibank the fair author for this tti.
but* from her pen to one of the nobleit Onetime,.
anti these wont of encouragement' lo those who
airs mast WWI% in promoting it. Let all of her
Ref feelored speak, and act like her, and our del
egations will men be at the end of their labors.—
Warren Morning Star. • '
Go, worn the youth who gazes
On the wine-spp's ruby. glow,
That beneath the sparkling nectar
There luiks treacherous foe.
Atikkii4ho tly while 'reason
' Hzeitifher &tent gawky I
For, ware thtktuatif, to that dread foe
He'll fall an espy prey. .
, Will bless you in Ins name,
- Who ,
gawp hears the orphan's cry,.
And giants the widow's claim.
Alid rattly a wife rejoicing
'der hniband "lost and found,"
Will feel, at mention of your namit,
Her grateful heart mbound. • •
On with the glorious banner
Ofremprnittee and Reform,"
• break do** the haunts of Salmi !
His very "stronghold storm."
And nobler triumphs will be yours,
A ntorernduring fame
Then that width wreathes the PAmuf rota brow,
Or circles round his name.
We reed, nays Willis, the following, yearn ago,
in our nourh-thumbed ropy of old Herbert, and it littf,
been buried long enough in our memory to come
Uh agitia
, ktundays °Norm, think. when the ban 110-chime,
'Tie unsold annum, tberefum come not lute.
Ciod there dada blessings; if a king did en,
Who would nut haato, nay give, to see the show
In time of service, seal up both thine eye.:
And mead them to thy heart that, spying
They may weep out the stains tljy our did rise ;
Those doors hclug abut, all by the cam come in.
Let vain and busy thoughts have there no pan;
ChM* purged his kmpltyso must thou thy heart;
No that lOtiea God's a!mde, and to combine
With saints on earth, shall one day with tiwin shine
RELIOION.—Wo believe in-religion, but
have little respect for those whp merely
profess it, and prate about it. A long face
we always look upon as a mask, and gen
erally fear the character it conceals or dis
petual"hymn ofpraisc"—and we hare gen
erally found that men who possess honest
hearts never boast of their honesty. niul
those who really reverence God seldom
take his name upon their lips. Those
Who !trite their fellow meti, spend their time
and means in quietly and privately doing
them good, and not in making long pray
ers fur the heathen. We have no faith in
the piety of landlords, who eject poor ten
ants that cannot_payon rent -day, and send
poor devils to kid fOT debt. Religion is
deep reverence for God, and respect for all
his creatures ; it never oppresses the poor
wit-never envies the rich ; it can worship
the Creator as devoutly in the green fields,
as in the temples made with hands. It
looks upon the gloriousstars of night with
a holier devotion than upon the eves of
painual saints; and regards the whole uni
verse as but the transparent veil of God.—
The true religious man lives in a state of
unconscious prayer—when troubled and
sad he prays for rest, and when happy ho
asks'lpr gratitude and humility.
nne prayeth hest who loreth beat
All things both great and mall,
For the dear God who fovea! um,
He made and loved' all."
A NRCDOTIC OF H distinguish
ed philosopher was one (lay passing along
a narrow footpath which formerly winded
through a boggy piece of ground at the
back of P:dinburg Castle, when he had the
misfortune to tumble in, and stick Last in
the s id. Observing a!wilinan approach
ing, he civilly reque'sted her to lend him a
helping hand out of his disagreeable situa
tion; bat she, casting one hurried glance at
his abeeviated figure, passed on without
regarding his request. He shouted lustily
after her; and she was at lastprevailed on
by his cries to approach.
-Are na ye flume die Deist ?" inquired
site in a tone which implied that an answer
in die affirmative would decide her against!
lending him her assistaiMe. •
.• Well. well," said Mr. flume, .me mat-!
ter, you know, good woman, Christian 4
charity conbnands you to do good even to '
your enemies."
...Christian charity, there," replied the
woman., 411. do noodling for ye till ye turn
a Christian ‘'innrsdi—ye matte first repent
beide She Lord's Prayer and the Creed, or 1
thsidh LII let ye grofile thtre as I faund ye."
The skeptic was actually obliged to accede
,o the ~woman's terms, ere she gave her !
AlOgOje hitne.tlf used to tell the story
AFTER C111.711C11.—"Well, Laura.
we site a abort Sketch of the sermon.
sled* W3S the text r .
A'ol4 I don't know, I hare forgotintt,
hut, would you believe it, Mrs. V. wore
that Inirrid bonnet of bet's: I conld'nt
keep mp"eyes off of it all ineeting time;
sad Mitts wore a new shawl that Must
hive coatAfiy - dollors. I wonder her folks
don't 'see the folly of such extravagance—
andthere was Mims 11. with her pelisse—it's
astonishing what a. want of taste some peo
ple exhibit'!"
if you've forgotten the sermon,
you have not the audience; but which
preacher do yen prefer, this ono or Mr. A?"
"Oh, - Mr. A; he's so handsome and so
graceful;. what an eye ea whit a set or
teeth he has."
A young-Hoosier recertify visited' chit St:
Louis theatre. ••The•play was po t io ns ,
or the • Noble Shepherd. The Indianian
silently end earnestly noticed the pingreis
of the iday,:till Young Norval eotuitieneed
his speech With' -
I , lity name Ime.Norvil
' ()webs Orattiplaw Hills • - '
My father ked. him flOrk ‘
Aura *wain t Unlade omotant force
Nom to 'Owasso hie 4401:09
Alld keep Ne only son, wiry; at hour."
"Look here, young: feller," said the !lon
elier, in it loud and-enthitsiasiic tone, "look .
here, I'm darned it dad ditl'nt want to serve
me 'sackly the sante way. And he not
only went in for increasing the more, but I
hr spoke.of adding another story, to it.' I
a a r'it't again' to !twee my chance of a light'
ith' the yaller skins though."
The Vermont Patriot, under the head
of "Rising in the 'World," - has the sohjoin
ed remarks which contain some..ttsiii.hig
truths, which we commend to the attentive
perusal of our readers: •
"We saw it stated the other day, thit a
member of Congress, from Tennessee, was
formerly a Tailor, and the lnference to be
drawn from the statement was, that he had
risen from a, Tailor to a member of Con
gress!. - strikeis us that all such talk is
excessively deleteritnic to our republican
society. The result of it is to teach me
chanics that they areainferior to those who
get their living by their and-that 'hr
order to rise in the world they must aban
dOn their business and seek their bread in
some of the fashionable professions. The
4ruth of it is, however, that although the
learned professions are necessary, yet the
prdifuter; thdlneChhtiie, the great laboring
class must of necessity stand first and fore
most in the order of Worldly things. Now
pray, show . us a worthier man than your
Tailor, or your Shoemaker, or your Black-
smith, who labors honestly through the day
in his vocation, doing like a man, what he
finds to do—what, in the matter of making
clothes, patching boots or shoeing horses,
'it is necessary should he done. Can this
man rise from his business to any other
that he may follow,rui 3411erC means of get
ting ali vingt Your law prolesssiim, your
medical profession, your divinity , proles-
shin, so far as they are" used as thr means
of a living, to make bread and money out
of, what better are they; what higher are
they than your profession of Coat-mending, '
your profession of !torsi-shoeing, or your
profession of Shoe-making? Talk about
a thrifty, honorable mechanic riming to a
half-Starved pettifogger, whom society calls
a lawyer, or to a spiritual blind guide of a
divine, or to a maker of rotten-wood pills,
called a physician—bah ! rising!
We are no preacher of agrarianism.—
The learned professions are all right, prop
er and useful and necessary ; but whatgood
is to be, nay, whiit evil is not, accomplished
m lb, the Printer, and suck like, to under
stand that their business is lower than that
of the learned professions! Is it not bet
ter for them to know that their professions
are also necessary, and don it is the man
lineu with which they labor in the calling,
and not the culling, that shall bring: them
"consciences void of offence towards Clod
and titan," and entitle them to the consid
eration of worthy and honorable members
.01 4ucietvt
'Von Law teacher. and you teacher of
Religion, alld you Physician, you are all
necessary. The mechanic has no time to
; devote to anything more than the genrral
principles of your professions; he must
trust you in the matters you profess:4o
he does trust von ; but none of your airs.
gentlemen ! for the old shoemaker and the
jacket-builder are just as necessary as you
are. They need you. and you need them ;
let it he so understood then and so agreed.
ou know a great deal that they do not
know ; but they are up to you, fin they
know a great deal that you do not know,
and without their knowledge of s hoeina k
ipg, house-building, nail-making, and such
like, you would bo poorly off.
It ought to be said, however, to a por
tion oh the laboring people who are con
tinually crying - out against those whom
small demagogues represent to theta to be
aristocrats, that you often do very great
wrong when you hear such cries. Youth),
also, still greater wrong when you fancy
that every professional man feels above
you. IL is,. nine cases out of ten, more fill,
fancy ; for we tell you, and you must hear
us, in this matter, for we are defending you
now, it is all mere fancy. You will meet
now and then, a thing of starch and rattan.
who gives himself airs and turns up his
rinse at you ; but who made you a fool
that you should mind him! Do you ket
mad and feel envious toward your cock
turkey because he spreads his - wings and
strolls about you and fills your ears wio
his gobble ! gobble! gobble ! We tell you
that no !roe man ever feels above'irmyoth
er man. You fancy, sometimes, us you
stand in the door of your workshop, and
see a man ride by *ith a ruffle in his bos
om and a gold watch in his pocket, that he
is an aristocrat, and feels above you! This I
follows as a matter of course by no man
ner or means. The ruffle, the gold watch,
&c., may be mere matters of habit, of edu
cation, things to which he has been :teens
tomed from childhood, and which he thinks
as little.of as you do of your apron and
plain Dover unbleached.
l'he true aristocrats of the country are
the producers. It would be better, per
haps, if There were not so many who live
upon other people's productions. But a
class of this kind we must have, and so
long as the producers.feed them it is well
to allow the matter to pass without making
much trouble about it. There is a portion
of our population who understand their po
sition. They perform their requisite labor,
in their business, arc contented, happy and
envying nobody, loOking with green eyes
upon no other man's businsis better than
theirs. These men cannot rise from their
occupation to a seat in Congress. ' Their
position is already the highest in society,
These men are the noblest among them.
There is another class whofeel different
ly. They perform their part with gruluh.
ling; .full of envy and jealousy; .continnal
ly longing fur some higher employment,
and wishing they - stood on a more elevated
platform in society. 'llTriniiiiut I- '
yet the blame is nut always be charged
NAM ,thent.. 1i the.great
esi measure upon rinother;' - and The moat
perniclotm and conteiupible
ty. That ohms who are eituffutl'With,felge
notioarof dignity, manliness, and worth,
and 41M's - 60:always Mimpresatipcm their
childeett that' no Man can be a man who
gets' his living , hy any other than *ha ethey
are pleated to term the higher einPlor.
memo. They ere horrified at the idea of
their son falling in love, with shoemakers'
girls, and to allow tailors to ..set up" with I I
one of their daughters, would be a greater i
sin than eimintlnce at her death,. It a son
desire feutu ta,:te to be;:unte a mechanic,
GET Ty SEURG, PA.. FRIDAY. : .OENIN*G, JULY 16; ':.8.41.,..;t.
their eyes prritrude with horror, and this
vicious inclination must be broken or die
boy is ruined: He must be educated, sent
to college, tqadei something of! He is con
sequently pufto that forwhich he haw no
iodination, and the boy who might have
made a magnificent mechanic, is maniere - -
lured into a foolin the 'higher walks of life.'
We go for the utter extinction, root
and branch, of this most miserable class.
'ahoy are not fit to live. There is no such
thing as rising; except in honor and worth.
A man may commence life-filing saws.—
He files his saws faithfully. He is.a tem
perate, honest and worthy man, so much
so as it is possible forhim to be. By-ind
by, he finds he has a capacity to file other
things than saws ; and farther on; bypend
itirWith files he learns to make with tiles,
sill farther lie becomes a machinist, and
making, learns to improve and invent. He ;
takes out patents—becomes in his business
the most noted, practical t man of his time,
and his friends, to show their respect for
him,send him to the Legislature, to Con
gress, and forthwith certain fools talk of his
rising from a saw-filer to a member of Con-:
gress! Simply, his sphere of usefulness
was extended, and by just as much as he
lis leSs proud, more humble, more honest
and faithful, is he exalted, has he risen, and
no more. If people knew more of what
they call rising, they would give it another
name. Honnuany a man who has risen
to what the world calls the highest stations,
looks hack froM the topmost round, and
sees, that, so far as all the essentials oh
manhood are concerned, every step up has .
has been two steps down, and who would
not give all his high honors, if it were pus
sible for hint to rise to his old station of
saw filer.
It were better for us all to understand
this matter of profession and stations; to
know and believe that the man dignifies
the station, and not the station the man;
that to him who honestly and faith fidly
pertUrms his part, whatever it may be,
consideration, respect and honor arc due, I
and to teach the rising generation to trust
to these last, and not to DIM station, for '
credit and esteem."
same isupplies,ao he did his Owe seldiers,l
`and sent first to , the Austrian commander.:
and then to Lord' Keith,l6 : •inipply theta'
with provisions, giring Ides Wind and honor
that none of thnintheuld-Otothegarrisiin
They refusing to obe it y BMlegilest, he was
compelled, in self-dennee,M shut up the
miserable prisoners in sot h old hulks of
vessels which he anchored out in the port
I and then directed "a wholepark of artillerS ,
to be turned on them the moment the stifs'
',torero should break loose. :, • ;
The cries and howls °Nies() wretched
thousands atruck terrors to diclioldest heart
—and the muffled Sound omp c night and
day over theeity,' drew tears, of pity even
from those who themselves were perishing
with Carbine. Still Maitiktiti. '.ll'9llltl not.!
yield. A courier sent frooritonaparte had
passed by night through the English, fleet
in an open boat, and though discovered in
the morning, and pnrsued, IMd boldly leaped ' I
into the sea with his sword in his mouth , !
and amid the bullets that WO around him,l
he swain safely to the share.. Massena I
thus knew that Bonaparte Was on the Alps,
and determined to hold out, lo the last.- 1
But several days had now passed, and nol
farther tidings were heard of him. Many
of the soldiers in despair broke their arms,
and others plotted a revolt. In this despe- I
1 rate strain Massena issued a proclaniationl
to them appealing to their honer and brave
-1 ry, and pointing to the example of their of
ficers enduring the saint- privations with!
themselves. lie told them Bonaparte was
=Welting towards •the city and would soon.
deliveriltein:* But the weaffs. ITT - Sy sitet:
ed egos, and When nearly a fortnight had
passeTwitliotit the tidings, the last gleam,
of hope seemed about to expire. But sud
denly one morning a heavy tumbling sound .
was rolling over the Appenines, like the
dill report of a distant cannon. The joy
of the populace and soldiers knew nu
"Bonaparte is come," ran like wild, fi re
through the city. "We hear his cannon
towards Bocheta," they exelidined in trans
port, and rushed into each: ether's arms,
and ran in crowds towards thtt ramparts to
catch more distinctly the joyful sound.
. Massena himself hurried to the heiglgji
of Tanaires. Hope quickei .ti his steps as
the heavy sound broke on i le city, and a
gleam of joy shot over 'his c untenance as
larthought Tie should. be sated the mortiii-
The subjoined y'e'ti description of the horrors ' cane's of a surrender, lint its he stood on ,
of the siege in tieinni,during the time of the Italian
campaign, in the year ol InuO, is a thrillingsketch: I the rampart and gazed off in the direction
i of the sound that had awakened such ex-
Alassena was fairly shut in. ills army travagant joy in the hearts of the besieged,
of I s•s,000 men was reduced to 12 000.--, lie sa w only the edge of a thundercloud on
These, and over 7000 prisoners, were to ' the distant horizon; and what had been ta
be fed from the scanty provisions, Which I ken for the thunder of Bonaparte's cannon,
l ase city contained. After various despe. I was only the hoarse "inittierings of *the
rate and sanguinary but successful sorties, storm in the gorges of the Appenines !"
it became apparent that the whole struggle 1 The renetkon on-The soldiersand the pen.
was to be with f: int ine. : pie was dreadful. Blank melancholy and
lionaparie knew the distress of his brave ' titter despair settled upon every face, too)
general, and lie wrote to Moreau to accele- '
rate his movements, so that Massena could Massone felt that he must at last yield ; Mr
even of the loathsome bread on which they
lie assisted,
kept alive, there remained only two ounces
'That general," said he, in his letter to
Moreau, ..wants provisions. For fifteen to each man, and if they subsisted tiny lon
days lie has been enduring ' ger it must be on each other. But the in
w lilt his ("tit - detonable veteran did not yield until even
i sated soldiers, the struggle of despair." i these two ounces weregme, and even then
And, indeed, it was the straggle of des-; d e l aye d .
' pair. Napoleon doing, but too late, what I "Give me," said he to the Genoese in
could - be done. Ilis magnificent army the anguish of his heart, -give me only
was hanging along the Alpine cliffs of San two days' provision; or even one, and I
Bernard, whil,:t liaalleS was pouring victor'. • will save you trom the - Aastriati yoke, and
outs columns into the plains of Italy. But . sisv army the pain of a surrender." I
famine was advancing, as fast as I hey.-. But it could not he done, and lie who de
-1910 women ran furiously through the i served to conquer was compelled to treat
streets, ringing bells and calling for food.— with the enemy lie had so often vanquish-
Loaded cannon were ranged in the streets , e d . ..:
to restrain the maddened populace. The ) The Austrian general knowing his des-
corn was all gone—even the beans and mate condition ; demanded that he should
oats kited them. The meat was consum- surrender at discretion. Alassena, in reply,l
ed and starving soldiers fell from their 110 f. ' told him that his army must be allowed to
sea. These, too, were at length column- . marelt out with colors flying, with all•their
ell, and the most loathsome animals were arms and baggage, and not aS prisoners of!
brought and slain fir food. ' war, but with. liberty- • to fight when and!
Massena still unyielded and undaunted, ' where they pleased, the moment they wore ;
collected all die starch, linseed and cocoa, . out-side the Austrian lines.
in the city, and. had them made into breast,
which oven many of the most hardy sot- "If you do not grant me this," said the
dines could limit digest. But they subinited iron willed Massena, "I will sally krill
to their sutlerings without a murmur. On from Genoa sword in hand. Wit i eight
it being suggested that their general would thousand men 1 will attack your camp, nod
will cut my way through it ;" and lie would
now surrender— '' • . have done it too.
"He surrender," they exclaimed. "he i
Gen. On, fearing the action of such a
would sooner make us eat our boots." : leader the moment he should join Sulliet, i
They knew the character of the chief- agreed.
tain who had so often led them into battle, i to the terms if Massena would sur
render himself a prisoner of war. This
and held over them the sway of a great and . the old soldier indignantly reftised.
lofty mind. But the distress increased j It was then proposed the troops should )
every day. Wan and wretched beings' depart by sea, so as to join Stichet's corps I
strolled about the streets, and wasted with in time to render any assistancein the cam.
famine, fell dead beside the walls of the ) paign of Bonaparte. To all these propo- !
sets Massena had but one reply... I
Emaciated females no longer able to i "Takor.iny terms or I'll cut my way
nourish their iniallid, rosined about with ' through your army."
the most piteous cries, roachinF out their i Gen. Ott knew the character of the man
starving of spriugs for help. file brave ;he had to deal with too well to allow things
soldiers who had struggled for the pain to come trench an issue, and so granted'
mouth so heroicall y 'W ai nerale f ue , 11 " him Iskrown terms. When leaving, Miss;
wont atagiaring in the streets for want sena said to the Austrian General—
'of lin* l'he sentinels could up longer "I give you notice that ere fifteen days
stand at their posts. and were allowed to are passed I shall be once More' In Clenea",
mount guard seated. The most desolate
—and Ise was.
! cries and lamentations loaded the Midnight Thus fell Genoa, defended by ono Of the '
air, while winters als C3lllO the thunder of . bravest men that ever trod battle-field.—
cannon and the light of the blazing bomb. Nino Jaye after, the battle of Marengo was
as it hung like a messenger of death over , fought and Italy was once more m the
the, p.
city. "•. -,
.:•' I hands o f France. .
Added to all, rumors were a oat that . -"
- ---- .
the inhablianta were about to ro It and I AN INTELLIGENT E9G.
fall on the-army. _Still Maidens re 'tied / A correspondent (says the Hasten . Traveller)
unshaken. - Amid the dying and the dead. i has seat us the following good dog . oksi : 6
'he moved with • the nine calm and resolute 1 A gentleman, while diseussibg' he mer
mien he was wont to claamid the storm of i its of his dog, not long since,l r marked',
battle. .He could stand ULIMOVO.amid the,lthat he was valuke to go on erran s. As
ithock, j of armies, and could also. Meet, with- i an ffluistration of this petnt.lie,prtifa oy sc
out fear, the slow terrine of. famine. His • tested his Inuidkerchief behind 'Shen !him : ),
moral power was moregonteolling than the of the.sOfa, and. fit` the inn ,su 4* p uny
ceinnuoul belyelik•s'ltedisdained to reserve with b r it dog. ,r4ltiir ' walking' for , , me,
I .1i„
.tai himself,. ;harlot . Cheerfully i Minutes, hit titiildoilly stopped , ca d ti. 'd to
with them big dcmgersanilhis autferiugs.- his dog, 4 4 l'heie'lelt my ' handkerchief hit
hie, too,l'elt.the power, of famine on his . the inn, titiirWant,it'!"-r4iiog ne'Perliettlar,
Own nature. Day by dAy he feltbloo d , directions hi refecence to it. . The clegim
cOUrsa sluggishly through his veins, and 1 mediately, returned in full speed, and en
night by night he lay- down, gnawed by i tered the' rtYtne which his master, had just
Integer. His iron 'mute grew thin and his i tell: ' Hp went:drectly to the, sofa, but the
brow), cheek emaciated, yet his breve been thandkerehief was gonc. He jumped upon
beat calm and resolnte arerer. The eye,' tables, counters, ike., but• it was not to be
`that never blanched even, nt the cannon's seen. It proved that a frictsd had dispov
-naoutholoiv liurveyed the distress and wo ered it, and, suppojing that it had been left .
about him with the composure of one who,, by mistake, had retained it fur the owner.
is above the power of fate. But a new plot Tiger was motto beliffled of his mas
cause °lidera! arose: The 7,000 or 11,000 I ter's property the mast have it. He Ilew
prisoners grown desperate with famine, ' about the room, apparently much excited,
threatened every day to break out in open' in quest of the "lost or stolen." • Soon,
revolt. Massetta had furnished theist the however, he was "nos' the track"—he
Hl' +E lEU'ilUl` G+Eilt A.
nti J. T. II II ADI...F.V
scented it to the gentleman's coat pocket.
What was to be done t - The dog hut no
nielins of , asking verbally, for it,' and wail
not accustomed tit' picking , kens ; and,
besides, the gentleinan was client Of his
business with him. But Ti is sagacity
did 'not sager him to remain long in sup
pense ; he seized the skirt containing the
prize, and furiotudy tore it from the Coat.
and hastily made or with it, much to the
surprise of its tinitter. Tiger overtook his
inter, atid•re,tored the lOst Prtopeiy, re
epprobation, notwithatanding
he did it at thet expense of the gentleman's
A t a subsequent interview, the gentletricn
refused any remuneration for his turn gar-
Anent, declaring that the. joke_kas worth
the price of his coat.
The owner of this dog is now in busi
ness in this city and can vouch for 'lmmo . -
moult:as of this story.
[ From Ms Peariaylraisist hotirer.
There is an old man in our land—
A insn of niighty mind ; . t•- •
And he has served his country well,.
And toiled for human kind :
And ono who bettor loratouriands.
In south, we may not lied.
lie bath upraised his voice of yore,
And spoken words of might,
And roused the struggling hearts
.To.battle for titerightis• w •
And at his word, o'er Grecian bills,
Beamed atilt fair Freedom's light.
-libiaminviowithin-the hearts anion, •
Like lire were wont to glow,
And, trembling atilicir thundOr team
The giant Wioug bent low,
'neuth Judeali's trump, fell down
The walls of Jericho.
And he has given Ills first-born eon,
The glorious and the brave,'
An offering at his country's shrine,
'Co fill a patriot's grave—
As Abraham, at the word of God,
ilis host betoVett Doff Vie,
And through this widomprad, glorious land,
Where Freedom's shrine is reared,.
A life of nohlem deeds bath made
This man to all
And he is laved by friends, as wOll
As he by.foes is feared., -
Beloio Itis imuntrye- , --- ---
Asstuoil, amid the Forum's crowds,
.I . tim-of_Gtittoli,
With wound,' whieli ire -disdains to show,
With bearing proud and high.
And will ye, who have marked hie life, '
Ye who have grasped his hand..L.
Ye who luiveleit his thrilling words • •
Arouse the startled 1and—.......
Will ye beliold him iwynty midst,
Unmarked—neglected stand I
klonne for viduato he toiled,,
If ye forget his deeds!
Shame on you—if ye ha& that heart
WhiehatisawkithAlormit-bleedS-t 1 • •
Shame on you—if ye now refuse
The sympathy he needs!
On the third day after his departure from
Vienna, a ,horse-deader alighted at an inn
situated at- the entranee of a little town,
which, to alt appearance, was respectable
and quiet. Ile recommended his liorse to
the care of the landlord, dried his clothes at
the fire; - and, - aw - Hooves supper - was
ready, sat down to the table with the heat
and his family, who appeared to be decent
people. •
During supper the traveller was asked
where he came froM, and on his answering
from V iCtlall,•they were all anxious to hear
some news from the capital. The horse
dealer told them all he knew. The land
lord askpd him what business had taken
him to Vienna, to which' he toplied That he
had been there to sell some of the very fi
nest horses that had ever appeared in the
market there.
At these words the landlord rooked 'very
significantly at the young man who sat op
posite hint, and who appeared to be his
son. His expreseiveglance did not escape
the observation of the traveller, who,,how
ever, took no notice Oil ;
_yet ho very soon
afterward had cause to regret his want of
caution. Being in want of repose, he beg
ged the landlord aft soon as the supper was
finished, to show him to his room. The
landlord took a lamp and conducted the
traveller across a yard, into a detached buil
ding, which, cciutained two tolerably neat
rooms.. A tied was prepared at the farther'
end of the second.
As soon as the landlord had retired, the
traveller undressed himself, unbuckled a
a money-belt containing a considerable sum
of gold, and took out his.pocket-book i which
was full of Austrian hank notes, .
Having convinced himself that his mon
ey was right, he placed untles,hispik
low extinguished the light, and soon .fell it-,
sleep, thanking God, and all the saints, fpir
the success of his journey. lie had slept,
but, an hour or two when he was suddenly
awitketted by the opening of .the, wiodow
and intinediatily,fell the night air blow up
on him. • ' ,
Startled at this unforpaien circumstance,
the traveller raised himself up in bed,. and
perceived the head and shoulders of it man,
who was struggling to get into thir ittoin ;
at the same time he heard - the voitea
several persons who were stinking under
the window. • • i"
A dreadful terror seized our traveller,
who gave himself up for .lost; and sea - tee;
ly knowing What he did, crept. under the
bed as quickly as possible. A moment MI;
terwands a man sprang heavily into the
room, and staggered up to the bed, suPpor
dog himself against the Wa11. , • -
Confounded as the horair-ilealet, was, he .
nevertheless peri;eived that the intruder was
inebriatedohia circumstance however gave
lain little •hope; for he had probably got in
toxicated in order to summon up courage
for the contemplated crime; besides this the
traveller had heard the voices of persons
outside, so that the murderer, in case of re
sistance, could count upon the assistance of
his comrades.
But how great was his astonishment
when lie saw the unknown person throw
his coat upon the floor, and stretch himself
upon the bed which he had juat quitted !
A few montents afterwards he heard the in
truder snore and hi's term' began gradual
ly to give way to reflection although the
'.:::..ii, .'.' '......-.T.;7,:-..;
411Otti'afrair was - - quite fOcomptelionsibto
to him,
He was just pitparing to quit his hiding
place, in order tg awake the Inmates of the
house, and•ask another bed in place of that
trom which he had been so uncercinoni ,
°Oily expelled, when a new incident oc
He heard the outer done carefully open
ed, and on listeningy the sound of cautious
footsteps' reached his ear. In a low mo
ments; the door - or his room opened, and
two 'figures, those of the landlord and .his
son, stood on the threshold.
.lisep the lamp backl"muttered the fath
er in 'a suppressed voice.
..Whai have we to rear?" said the young
man : i!sie ure two 'against one besides
ho has only a small luau with him, and is
sleeping soundly : ,hear hearths snores."
..Do what 1 tell you;" said the ratheran
ggiiy : 1 !4.19 you wish to awake him-? would
you have his trios alarm the neighbor-
Want?" ,
The. helmet-dealer Was horrified with the
peetiets. "
the bed:sottirtiely daiing to breathe. The
ion Shin the dour after him, and the
_ two
wretches approached' the bed on tiptoe.
Anima:Ma aftetivards the bed was shook
'by a convulsive Motion, and a stilled cry of
paiitconfirtned the ruminating:, that the un
happy nth in the bed, had had his throat
'mit. After shalt pause,of•awful silence,
the'lifidloitl said:
661 t le over now t look for the money."
"I have found it under the pillow,", said
the sou; 6qt is a,leadteru belt and d a pock-
he mur e eye t •
Everythl mg now quiet, the trasel
ler crept from under, the bel, jumped out
of the window, and hastened to the adjoin
,lng town to ilifttrin,ltifeltulhorille . itif what
1- had - happened:
The, mayor immediately 'assembled the
ilitaryt-and in less than three-quarierO of
an hotit,lhe inn was furrounded by sol
diers whip bacrtieeti`ontinnunted to arrest the
murderers. The' whole seemed be.
tied in proftrund'sifeaae, bat on approach
ing the amble they heard'a
dtfi ' v wa " lirOVen in; and t fi e
latidkird mid his `Ai were 'teen busily dig-
grog a pit. As soon as the hitirderCra jaw
the horse-11 f, theyevtterecta cry oflidr
rot, bovcre their faees with their hands,
and Pell to theigrood.';
Thferwas neither from repentance nor
the fear 'qf puniihment, but they thought
they saw before them &ghost of the mut. ,
dared man, notwithstanding they 'heard
him speak. There was some Trouble in
eigivinehitthani to the 'contrary. ' They
were thenhound, and led to the out-houie,
where the hOrrible deed had ban commit
tedrontions to see how the enigma would
be solved.
The prisoners appeared tolerably col
lected, at least calm and sullen; but, when,
,on entering the room, they perceived the
body which lay on the bed, the son fell
senseless to the earth, and the fither, thieve
himself Uportit with loud lamentations;
ped the bloody corpse, and eaellairnhtl, des
My Boni oh my son ! 1, thy fattier, qui
thy murderer!'
The murdered man was,' iiilact,,th
youngest sots of the hoof,
‘'vni the only Teta - the young Maim . ..wand;
this night, instead of being , as the ratheiAnd
brother supposed, in his own fm4, hit; hail
gime out Secteily, and had burin eiironsing
with some of his companions at the
house. • •
Soon, be - roMing euffteiently inebriated,
and fearing hie father's anger irks appe a
ed before him io that state, he
peso the night in the demelied_oulaltons4
as fid had often done - before. Nis com
panions had accompanied hint thith'er, and
helped him to climb up to the window.—
The rest requires no other`explanation.'
Nor do we need to add, that thiontir
ilerans expiated their crime with their life;
and that the horse-doater,Athough saved
and again in possession or plundered
property, still sliuddets at thq recolleetioy
of that dreadful night:,
. .
I cannot expreis ihneolenthity and eMo
tion with which all I soe, ' in°the Italian
Mates; Impresses My tiiind Willi ri.gard to,
Anierimi. Here, on these treat: heard*
heaped with' the ashes; of *any civilize
' tions---Itere, where osfe'ntititinal existent*
after • *tether has been -kindled, burned
brightly,- and . been extingitishe&--here r
where-the fine Etruscan Nee was - ground
beneath the intn,ltedur Rome—Aere,where
the., deluge of Northern barbell - inn swept
the degenerate& Rowan Empire down;
here, where the huge , conception of
eel dominion took body in that great shush
supremacy, which. Is , vanishiag like the
ghost of • giant before the breath of • Al
mighty Truth, the immortal, universal eon-'
ipteror-,of these latter diyitef. the earth—
here, amid these stupendous memories and
thoughia, how often do I . muse. Upon that
wonderful world-beyond the Atlantie,:dmi
eked wijk,a mound:. wealth unparalleled :
the latest,horne of -Time, peopled by the
deseenden urof the freed t and wisest nations
,ou earth I,:nOt led through doubtful
twilight ages of barbarous savageness and
feudal sent ivilization, but borne like Pal
es frem the heed of, Jove, inheriting the
knowledge of all - previous times ; eudow
ed with the experjence.of all former nations;
whose heroic uge boasts of but one demi
god, Washington, Oh ! if wisdom and
virtue should yet by tiiiMs govern the COMP ,
Sels of that people ! if the consciousness
of their unexampled position, betokening I
a ministry of infinite importance in the
world, should ever appear tofitetn in all its
most majestic significance ; if the spirit of
that nation should ever lit the gigantic ma
terial proportions and iiicalcululde !Amite*
resources of t it country ; then, iii&ced, a
glorious Chr • tan commonwealth may
and that kin ti of God, for whose
corning all Christ's Tih veers daily, pray,
begin to manifest itself in the holy national
existence of a people who have made
Christianity a government. How much
these speculations, on the possible glorious
future destinies of that wonderful country,
are darkened by the mean a oh miserable
inatti*sta non of the present spirit of its
people I can hardly say : my perception
TWO DOLL/1 5 014p4,,,a
of one is equal to the other. And when
remember the tiod-gifted earth end sky. t
huge expanse of territory, the tangly d
climate, and soil, end produce, the free and
noble theory of government ; the free and
wholesome action of the spirits of men, the
marvellous rapidity of progrede, the por.:
tentaus mental and physical Activity at
work among all these mighty elements-1-
atuirtion, astonishment, disgust, dismay i
and fear and hope, my MOIL
till all resolves itself Had earnest fraying
that • Clod will save that people frcittl be-
coming by the light df their own giiiitgilkir
and greet promises, the despair Instead At
the hope of the World,-...iturny Kens4let
Iltalerd •
[ cilimtvgitealiti. ,
ks. terron :—.-1 hate been obeeming Mooing'
time with contempt rather then.with ettgert,4okfia
of the prodeetione, which feilhe pikteetelt dr (WM
have been issuing from lito braintioftedhldhe ern.'
'km and tvliennen, itrtinillutpe of printed sheets
and manoscripts, no donbtpUblished for the ben&
fit of the good citizens of tlettyskllrg end its ticki
ng, but in fact only serving es topice of gip for
old women and • nattminongere: 'Plisse produc
tions at that cstcited phi , at the ignurlUee and Wu ,
pitlify ahem: engaged in tile Idyl* id think time
they slicell'il have the preauMption to flue* before
en enlightened comintinity the retitle" of d Woreni
dittb i loing of their brains in the shape of stale plow
copied Witticisms, and ridiettlous itoriclerm The
littleneacof this behavior and the dontietbe attend
in); it was thrown, howeter, entirely into the back
Ittnind, fry the banners diadem of the alliki,
rip d the t nee Mums ofsuitte of the Mei n ti aticoM throWif
oft, wait freedmen° longer a unfree of ridicule bite
of anger. `rho first which Mado ifs appearance in
a printed feint, was the "'Porch," a name choker.
'either by sonic niiitalte, or pttrposely as i flare by -
Meath, of which the defects in their maiden aloft
night he Cote);:d. This seems to hate been eon
dileted by sarho of the town gentry, end no doubt
was a hit at the itehatioarof scene of !hest:Wen*
of the College, in Which they entirely failed. Now
we do not, by any lumina, wish to palliate or er e ;
one any ntlademeanar-ofetwients, but that ailed*
carioca speak in Iliadic according to his otin than=
ner, or That another ono Monet wear a torn coat
through town, without toeing essaifed by such d
vile, insignificant sheet is the "Torch," is almost
too bid, and calls for censure from Oen,' one pow;
sensing ono spark of the gentletodn Within him.—
Phis, however, might hate been passed oter in ate
lence and contempt, had it not been for die eum:
cession of two others of a similar ndtbre, one of
Which dids much Worse. To the otletitheria" end
its literary merits tvo 0111 refer presently;
.bet 0(
'kiloliterOne, the haute of which alone, at ono' .t
chows the dignity and groat:late of its editors, vial
Whit particularly to speaks This sheets in menus
SMipt form, was phelled Owlet the doors dehisce*
on the morning of the sth, end of cotlrae obtained
the circulation width its editorial owl/ dished. —d
The sheet itself is nothing bet it ties* Of imam in ,
dnuatione, indelicate piing, end, lit monk Owes, ek,
Onkel, vidger eipressions Ind sagingm fie pear
min at whom day &mew of slender could he /Meted
is left toMmelied, and even the innocent ire mien'
del titijnialy,Whilest die mole-hill faults end foible*
of wetly are Mt:toted by. the magic Ovand of thee@
mighty =wicking and arginteyed editors Mkt
rinottutitins d' eke, and expoWd to the nett of ell
ee-a -eubjeot Of. merriment and ridicule. Even
[ the ladies are hot left netenclica by this Mbomou*
1 sheet, Ida uniVerninted liberty is taken with their
names end made to :matter their selfish ends.- -
l i niketreinedo on thane Loth ttitgar Anise the mime
OM pdaluelallitt lui merit in themeeltes,. *tiled
' Mittlew of a private nature pint hlettahttegaildelid
reed tO Talkie tietec What object three poste'
(far We etininit say gentlemen) ran hate in Mat
ing such .0 pima a•e cannot imagine. !fault will
' It le to ensue rich; is be geliemlkr atgated by
the eumgirier* of such pipers, tve anafier, gal
hetet:ikon g'igninge way to M . (161101011 if, her ex'
mining initiate nunsuctioita and shit:tering hidiew
If they did it for the purpose of showing Whit lie.;
thi 'wit they PoncetiSed, they sec justly c'rirninal
end deserve to pro Iyarhed in the most Opproted
manner. *l'llus it is easily seen that tkereten he nit
palliation et defened which ran be otrered Ia emit
itchalt and they must be set down et g 'Cry toil
sfmniard indeed, and treated es-meting In al teryr
tow'citric cllf nuelety• As to Re literary Eden%) vire
I have tiotbkhito say, mid Will Indy midis° them, tr.
foetionaloly, to study fitrnt thetiondries mot leant
to spekconeedy, before; they attempt to itikr.....
We now come to the "Eleutheria." Wolk% fitic
.thing toisy as to its personality--it was kept with-•
in proper bounds; hut as to its merits eke a litera
ry production wo wish to say a kw wordi, and in
onto that wo may exemplify our point, we "41 t ake
the "ado to Premium' es an isianee.+iii Wiiieh'
both teaming end poetical genies shine priedini.";
neat. This matter-pima is headed "Originef Pa.
any," an assertion which, by the way, war tresksee
as it speaks for itself, avid proefsime wry' visiidyi
to an admiring world the origiriality of the' author'
and the beauty of some of hiepoeticalfitkii, ts • Lbm l
ten to What he says : .•
"To sing the beelines of sweet Freedromfe bathe
Afl nitre bends in one uniwmail sinthe ' •
Now, there are two things in tide inmate whithl
most hot he passed over ernermlited Xi hen Pro% .
smiled to oar minds a new Meg, worthy eolith:ok
sated up mid ramembered,—"Me bracelet, of Sweet' .
Freedom's name." • We must ecknovvlidgc that
thia is the first time we ever knew that "Yreellogiet!
hull anotlwr name thou its own, nag e( coding emit ,
not judge of his betenty, bet nether Ishii * wilt
have hard work Id obtaire for this Iketie On Chi*
thin name, especially me WY pretty Ws* hmiginted
it 'oust he. Their look at the metiers of these
two lines; are they not athrtetiblel- tits iiiik - .
what eircef the "maven:Mfg comment; lerelyrthweie. '
most have been "a screw bonne'` mane **Oa
hie parties( inachinorry, eteer' We cannot see' hoe:
that Imp was grrniarl out. ' then Kocithartlitill ,
lie hers thrown info 'Rio vett lima l
l ,
"The sun, moon, and twinkling stare eilrit4itilt' d •
A 6 '.
Proclaim the hand by Whelk they Wen: tiven."` . : '
ror oar part we are at le less Id collt*llU !Ilili;01 04
01 0 1 141 ,
act meaning of this stark', Onkel *11 4 ! ,t
to Ave idea of the anekton, ad .. t - 't.
myeholugy, —quit the alleaol a • .
.A. , . t .. --
„ I da oft noire - 411e sun!. 01, litt ~,,,,,. ~, ~.
intent ibis 14elnae he bate thee*, . .
~,,' lit ;
verse. linked tli, ides of 1100 HOW let*"'llelelleL
Htrnick us co fotribly that we , pumed hitt, NW Mot
10 trNeover hog! Iltut nperation, ono prasiibed, bit
could not tureetAl alai were Wield to ;Iva it 144
but At All cyeztte felt rather otoosunef to ,Chottit 414