Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, July 09, 1847, Image 3

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Ittirgeoti Dete
lIESPECTFULLY offers his profes
sional set•vices to the citizens of Get
tysburg and surrounding country. lie is
prepared to attend to all cases usually ste
mmed in dm Dittrisr, and hopes, by strict
attention to Deetistry alone, to hie able to
please all who may see fit to entrust their
teeth in bigheads. Office at Mr. M'Cosh'e
May 15. tf
R. GILBERT informs his friends,
and . the public' in general. that he
has fbrmisd I permanent partnership with
ode of the resident Physicians of the Phil
adelphia Hospital at Blockley.
Gettysburg. June 4, 1847.
ALEX. EN:. lob,
OFFICE in the Centre Sqnare, North
of the Courthouse . between Smith's
and Stevenson's corners.
Gettysburg. Ps.
D• 111 9 CONAUGHY.
FFICE in the W coinerr of the
UV Public Square, one door West of G.
Arnold's Store, (rowdy occupied as a
Law Office by JOHN NrCONAUOIIIY, Esq.,
dee'd. He solicits, and by prompt and
and faithful attention to business in his pro.
fession, it will he his endeavor to merit
confidence and patronage.
00 - D. WCONAUGHIr will also attend
promptly to all business entrusted to him as
Agent and Solicitor for Patents and
Ile has made arrangements, through which
he can furnish very desirable facilities to
applicants, mid entirely relieve them from
the necessity of journey to Washington.
o n application to him personally or by
I otter.
Gettysburg, April 2,1847.
IFFIOE in the South-east Cornet ol
IL' the Diana's', between A. B. Kurts's
Hotel and R. W. M'Sherry's Store.
Gettysburg, Dec. 12, 1845.—tf
11. REED has removed his Law
Office to the room one door East of
Mr. Wattle's Hotel, and immediately op.
posite Dr. Horner's.
April 9. 1847-Iy.
WI&11131111 .0 MD ip
(Of Carlisle,)
11DRESENTS his respects to hie friends
IF and -informs them that he bast made
arrangemen ts to continue to practices, usual
in the Courts of Adams county, under the
new regulation of the times for holding
• Jan. 30, 1846. tf
A Commentary for the People.
,c..v OW publishing, the ECLECTIC COMM EN
TART on' the Bible, from the works of
Henry and Scott, and above one hundred other wri
ten. The work is prints don fine paper, and with
large clear type. It will be completed an 24
parts, of so pages each, imperial Svo, all of which
arc now stereotyped. It will be beautifully illus
trated by accurate clews of ac I iptural scenes, de-
signed eerily...sly to embellish a Commentary, and
executed by the most eminent artists. Tables
and charts are likewise added, where necessary
tor purposes of illustration, •ud the whole comprb
sing as valuable a series of illustrative engravings
and embellistments, as has ever been nnited in a
ny similar work. It may be ured with any edi
t ion of the Bible. Will be,published semi•mootbly
at 25 cents each part.
Ihe design of the Committee of the London
Tract Society, under whose supervision the Eng
lish work was prepared, has been to cover that
ground where all evangelical denominatisnsmeet,
and to make a plain 41111 practical exposition of re
ligious truth and duty.
This work is based upon tie commentaries of
Henry and rcott, and more than one hundred oth
er writers in the various departments of Biblical
Literature; the most important observations of
these eminent diviner being quoted, constituting
a digest of the most valuable results at which the
learned men of all ages have arrived. in their ant
teal study of the Holy 'Scriptures. Reference ha,
been had to the wants of Sunday School teachers,
and of 'amities engaged in tire systematic study of
the scriptures.
Perhaps there never was a juncture of time when
true religion more greatly needed a safe-guard as
gainst attacks which are both boldly and insidl
*Ludy aimed at her vital principles; perhaps true
religion wan never in a more perilous position tie
tween open enemies and pretended friend', than at
this particular ousts ; and surely never was it
more incumbent than now, on every true friend of
her holy precepts, every conscientious mater of a
house-bold, every anxious parent, guardian and
protector, to be provided with the antidotes to the
poison, which is so unscrupulously scattered a
bioad. or an argument against each dangerous lab
lacy which is propounded to the injury and detri
ment of that religion, which is the faithful oracle
of the Divine Creator, and the best exponent of his
The object of the compiler* has been to provide
a commentary compact in *iar.moderate in price.
and suited to christians of every station, tank and
'rho finally into whore haimils this work conies
have In their possession a slope of Biblical science
and practical instruction of mote value than gold.
The republication is a peat undertaking, and we
hops it will receive en adequate support."—N. Y.
- Chit commentary has enjoyed an extraordina
ry popularity as a practical exposition of God's
e ->sold 1m difers from any other, presenting the
lost.setsunmslical illustrative end practical corn.
eta which the Odors time able to select from
the heel scholars, ort each passage in course. The
text being omitted. it is enabled to present a Vast
amount of Nitirning in a small space. The sour
ces from which it is compiled afford a perfect
guarantee edits soutainass, bath of doctrine and
iaterp retadon. while the advantage of having the
oniaion of different commentators is apparent and
very gresd."—X. Y. Erungdist„
"Wa regard the Eclectie Commentary, low in
scores of publication by NIP. Shannon. as especial
ly denervint e lh; petronageof Protestant Christ
ians. Its e was, beautiful finish of mechani.
*al Orortmawatisp, and its comprehensiveness. em
bmieipg. ea it dews, themes= of all the ablest corn
mom**. aft amide it to very high considers
tionisistiiia Parlor ingoriwt.
We bare Raised the most faro:able notices
frog Mang distinguished elentymen of various dm
atteetoatlett ht thus country, led also from the re
/Woken Met which cannot be inserted in a news.
part talvinidenseest on account of their length—
they *VA be timid on the ewer of each part.
116 Nassau street, N. York.
Booboo(*to sod agents supplied at the reg.
War mobs prism, The ambers, a* published,
H all be wit by upshot to any part et the United
ttlihses by testaties the amount toe the IMMO, at
tbo +kWOhlklllt
Asa 10.1e47—,15t
- - - - -
MONIM Ate, of the beet quaky
N he WM the Cotakvitehhry of
"N pursuance of an order of the Orphan's
Court of Adams county, will be offer
at public outcry, upon the premises. on
Wednesday the 14th day of July next,
hate of Tyrone township, Adams county,
deceased, consisting of a
2 4.1 Za art 9
situate in said township, adjoining lands of
Allred Harman, Solomon Warner, and oth
ers, containing
110 .ICRES,
more or less', one third upland and partly
timbered, the balance good arable land,
with a proportion of meadow and boltdm.
The improvements are a double
Spring House a double Log
Barn, with sheds attached; and there is a
never failing spring of water near the
house and a young and thriving Orchard
on the place.
Sale to commence at I o'clock, r. x. of
said day. Attendance given and terms
made known by
By the Court,
- Wu. B. HAMILTON, Clerk.
June 11, 1-847.—te
30000 wrirEx lIVIXTED
AVING succeeded in whipping the
11. Mexican Armies at Vera Cruz and
Buena Vista, and now designing to march
against the city of Mexico to meet the en
emy under the walls of their own Capital,
the subscriber would imitate their exam
ple by waging war against Rags and Na
kedness, and he has accordingly recently
visited the city of Philadelphia for the
purpose of purchasing a stock of
which he can sell at prices' sti low as to
enable any person calling at ids establish
ment to clothe themselves from head to
coot, at • astonishing low prices--his mot
to being "Quiek sales and small profits.—
My stock embrace* the latteilassortment
of Ready made Clothing and
- VA= 0.0)01:40.
ever offered in this country, has been se
lected with great care, and having been
purchases' for cash entirely, will be sold
Cheaper for Cash,
' than they have • ever before been sold in
this place. In Rrofessing to sell cheap
er than ever, I wish it to be distinctly un
derstood that Ido not doer) because it has
become fashionable for purchasers to make
such announcements ; I au sincere, and
only ask a visit from those wishing to
purchase to convince them of its truth.
Among the stock will be found COATS
of Fine Black Cloth, Habit Cloth, . AJber
tine, Tweed, Cashmerette, Cassinet, Lin
en, Check and Gingham- Sack and Frock
Coats, &n.—Also, PINTS, of Fine - Fin
ey Cashmere, Cassinet, Linen, Cord, and
Cotton,—fancy colors and styles. Also,
VESIII, Fancy Crpss-Bar, Silk, Satin,
Cashmere,Merseilles and Cassitiet- Also,
Shirts, Bosoms, Cellars, Cravats, Hand
kerchiefs. Men's Lasting Gaiters, Suspen
ders, Gloves, Stakings—in tact every
thing belonging to a gentleman's furnish
ing line; all of fashionable cut and mate
rials, mud as well made as can be made
anywhere. Also on hand a large assort
ment of fancy and useful articles, Pins,
Needles, Thimbles, JevOilty, Perfumery,
Shaving Apparatus, Coaibit, Penknives,
.Reugh and Reedy" Hats, &c.
I have also for sale a lot of BOOTS &
SHOES, made in this county, a lot of
IRON, and a lot of Calfskin, Soleand Up
per Leather, which will be sold uncom
mon cheap, as I wish to clear off the stock.
Also, on hand- a new Rockaway, two
second-hand Buggies, a second-hand Car
riage, new and old Harness, which I will
dispose of at extremely lob prices.
Ilr?Those wishing BARGAINS will
remember to call at the old-established VA
RIETY STORE, next door to Kurtz'
Hotel. and immediately opposite the Bank.
P. B.—l hive justreeeived an additional
of Ofgotslitlitfeetilik,d'al suction very lei!.
Gettysburg, Aprit 30, 1847.
lEWERS of Administration on' the
A Estate of JOSEPH RIFE, late o
Franklin township, Adams county, de
ceased, having been glinted to the sub
scriber, residing in said toWnship, notice is
hereby given to all pentane indebted to
said estate to call and settle the same with
out delay, and those having claims against
said estate are requested to preient the
same, properly authenticated, for settle
Ada.' r.
May 21.-6 t.
T HE Account of We. Ettis, Co.temitten of Nswett. JOYCE, a lunatic,
has been presented to the COurt of Com
mon Pleas of Adams county, and the
Court has appointed Monday the 16th day
of August next for the confirmation and
allowance of said account.
A. B. KURTZ, Proth' y
Prothonotary's Office, Z • ,
Gettplurg. June 18,1847.
Tsubscribers have os hand a very
large stock of STONE COA L
which they will dispose of low by the Silk
gle bashel or otherwise, at their Coach
tusking Establishment. -
GEES; &a., of good and substantial
make,. can be had at the Coach Establish
ment se the subscriber. in Gettysburg.
Gettysburg, May 29, 1946.
Keller Kurtz's.
GRAHAM'S Magazine, for July, 25
ete., Godey's Lady's Rook, for July,
25 cis., Captivity of Napoleon at St. He
lena, by Montholon t Napoleon and his
Marshals,. by Headley, Washington and
his Generals, by Headley, Pietorial Jots
athan, Courier and N. Y. Sun, each 12141
eta. Lithographs, a variety—besides *
general assortment of stationery. Also.
all the late publications of the day—for
sale by KELLER
July 2.
ESPECTFULLY informs his friends
tik. and the public generally that he has
now on hand a large assortment of TLV
IGIRE of every description, which he
will sell at inode&te pries --,all warranted.
Persona wishing to purchase at low rates
will do well to call before purchasing else
where: -
ROUSE SPOUTING will be made
and-put up et 12k cents a foot.
'II I C7"AN APptent.loB to the Tinning
business will be taken, t 1 applieatiod, with
good recommendations. be made soon.
One between 18 and 17 years of age will
be preferred.
Genysburg,lklarch 12, 1847.
Just retired at
Chasibirsburg tired,
THE subscriber respectfully informs
hie friends and the public generally
that he conUnues the Tailoring business at
-his-old etanth -fir 4Thamberstmrg street,
where he may et all times be found, ready
to accommodate all those who may want
garments made. He has just received the
last New York --
to digl/113MQFP Ste
and he promises all who may favor him
with their patronage, that he will give them
entire satisfaction, both as regards the fit
and workmanship of all garinents entrusted
to him ; and at as moderate prices as they
can be , obtained anywhereelae. Jie hopes
by strict attention to business , and a desire
to please, to merit's continuance of public
patronage and support. p::7' Country pro
duce taken in exchange - for - work. •
April 16, 1847.-3 m
- HE subscriber would respectfolly in
form the citizens of Gettysburg and
vicinity, and the pbblic generally, that he
has oped
Tailoring Establishment,
In South Baltimore street;in the room oc
copied by Daniel Culp as a Chair Ware
room, a few doors South of the Post Office
where he will at all times be happy to ac
commodate those who may patronise him,
assuring them that he feels himself able to
make a first-rate FIT. His charges will
be as reasonable as at any other establish
ment in the county. Country produce
taken lit exchange ler work.- -
He has madearrangements toreceive the
New York 4^ Philadelphia Fashions,
quarterly ; and will therefore be prepared
to make garments in the most approved
styles. ESATAS J. CULP.
Gettysburg, May 14.—tf
_„. „ - -
rtr HE undersigned has connected with
IL his Coachmaking Establishment a
large Smith shop, and is prepared to do all
kinds of
including ironing Carriages, Buggies,
Wagons, 4.e. 'lie would say to those who
have Horses to shoe, that he has in his em
ploy first-rate hands, which, with his per
sonal attention, will enable him to give en
tire satisfaction to all those who may favor
him with a call.
Carriage .1" 1171iggig Springs
warranted) will be promptly made to or
er at all times.
7'All kinds of REPRIRING done,
both in Wood and Iron, at the most redu
ced prices.
Thankful for past encouragement, the
subscriber solicits a continuance of patro
nage, and invites his friends to call at his
Establishment in pz7. west Chambershurg
street, a few doors below Thompson's
Gettysburg, Feb. 6, 1846.
rib ESPECTFULLY informs his friends
1.11, - arid the public generally, that he has
removed his Clock and Watch Establish
ment from Taneytown, Md., to Gettys
burg, at the stand lately occupied by Jo
tiara MATHIAS, deceased, where he will
be pfeitied to wait upon all who may favor
him With their custom. He will keep on
hand a general assort
ment of '
Ciso OAS, - 14
which will be sold on the most reasonable
terms. Clocks, Watches, Arc., will be re%.
paired •at the most reasonable prices, and
warranted to give entire satie leen on. Hav
ing been engaged in the business for a num
ber of years he hopes, by industry and par
ticular attention to hie cumoment, to merit
a share or public patronage; 4;
Geittyabuyg,-Oat. l&4o.—tf
, .1 25—aWproved by Fow
ler and - W` Us, designed especially for learn
ers, showing the emit' location of all the
organs of the brain, fully developed, which
will enable every one to study the science
without an instrueton—the meat Arimple
and yet the most perfect ever invented,
with all the Phrenological and Physiolog
ical Books published by Fowler it Wells
—for sale by
July 2.
HAND 311ZitS,
Nally & expeditiously executed
-Spring elummer Dry Goods,
111 AMY received from Auction, at J.
ROSS HOOPES', No. 411 Market .
Street above 11th St. opposite Girard
Square Philadelphia: (=hits mous. de
laioes, from 12-1-2 to 18 3-4 cents, ging
ham., new style, 18 2:4 to 25 cents, yard
wide lewni, 12 1-2 to 183-4, white mulls,
bishop lawns, tarletons, jaconetts, striped
and plaid muslin from 12 1-2 25, rich
and glossy alpacas from 25 to Irtickings,
flanels, diapers, &c. Shawls of every
style from ill to $l2. Calicoes from sto
12 1-2 c, of a superior style, hosiery and
gloves; men's and boy's linen, cotton and
woolen stripes and plitids, from 10 to 20c.
Tweed, Cassimeve, all wool, only 25 and
31 cm. Black, Eng. and French Cloths
from $2 to 15 per yard. My assortment
of mualins and linens are not to be surpas
sed, either in cheapness or variety, in this.
city. Musline at 8, 10, 12 1.2 : 8 yards
wide, 37 1-2. Cotton and wool ingrain
carpets from 10 to 50 cents. Matting 25
to 87 1-2 cents.
N. B. Purchasers tire requested to call
and examine for themselves before buying
elsewhere, and they will save at least 25
per cent.
Phila. April 9.-3 m
Feathers! Fen Shirrs!
Cheap for Cash.
sterer and General FUrnisher, No.
415 Market street, above Eleventh, North
Side, opposite Girard-Row. Philadelphia,
whore may be had at all drams a large as
sortment of Beds and Mattresses, Curled
Ilair and Feathers, Chairs, Tables, Bed
steads and Looking glasses, 4ogether with
all other articles in the above hne of bus
iness, Ili the very lowest price for Cash.
N. B. All old work repaired with neat
ness and despatch. I
March 20, 1847—(3m.)
JLADOM US hasremoved his Watch
• Watch-Tool and Material Store,
from No. 33 S. 4th street, where he has
on hand a large assortment of Gold and
Silver Lever, L'Epines, and Plain Watch
es, with-a complete assortment of Tools
and materials, such as Lunette, Patent and
Plain Glasses, Mainsprings, Verges, Hand
Dials, etc., of every description, to which
he has added a complete and splendid as
sortment of J IVK LRY, consisting of
Ear Rings, Briast Piiisißracelets, Gold
Chains, Keys, etc. which he will guaran
tee to sell at the lowest New York prices,
Wholesale and Retail.
N. B.—Country Merchants, and others
visiting the city, are invited to call & exam
ine his stock and large assortment at No.
246 Market at, below Bth South side.—
Orders from the country promptly attend
ed to,
Philad'a, April 9—[Jan. 22-6m.]
At the Philadelphia Watch and Jewelry
• Store,
No. 96, North Second street, corner of Quarry
Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled,
18car. cases, $45 00
Silver Lever do. full jewelled, 23 00
Silver Lever do. 7 jewels, 18 00
Silver Lepine do. jewel'd, Ist qual. 14 00
Superior Quartier Watches, 10 00
Imitation do. not warranted, 5 00
Gold Spectacle's, 8 00
Fine Silver Spectacles, 1 75
Gold Bracelets, with topaz stones, 3 50
Ladies' Gold Pencils, 16 carats, 2 00
Gold Finger Rings, 37 eta to $8 ; Watch
Glasses—plain 12 cts ; patent 18 ; lunet
25. Other articles in proportion. All
goods warranted to be what they are sold
On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers,
Lepines and Quartiers, lower than the a
bove prices.
Dec. 4,1846.—1 y
The Ch. aped Gold and Silver Watches
Gold Levers, full jeweled, $45 00
Silver Levers, full jeweled, 23 00
Gold Lepines, jeweled, . 30 00
Silver Lepines, jeweled, 15 00
Silver Quartiers, fine quality, lO 00
Gold watches, plain 15 00
Silver Spectacles 1 75
Gold Pencils, 2 00
Gold Bracelets, 4 00
A large assortment of Gold and Silver
Hair-Bracelets, Finger-Rings, Breastpins,
Hoop Ear-Ring, Gold Pens, Silver Spoons,
Sugar Tonges, Thimbles; Gold Neck, and
Fob Chains, Guard Keys, and Jewelry at
equally low prices.
IcrAlll want is a call, to convince cus
All kinds of Watches and Clocks re
paired and, twranted to keep goal time
for one year. Old G'oldand Silver bought
for Cash, or exchange.
I have some Gold and Silver Levers, at
still cheaper prices thin the above. A lib
eral Discount made to dealers. Call and
see for yourselves.
For sale, Eight-day and Thirty-hour
Brass Clocks, at -
Watch, Clock, and Jewelry Store, No. 4133
Market St., above tith, north side, Phila.
Philadelphia, Sept. 4, 1846. tf
Hats, of the latest Style,
Cl_ AN be had at the Hat Establishment
k.) of J. J. BALDWIN, in Booth 'Bal
timore street', a few doors above the Post
Ofrice i. tind next door to Wastspler's Tin
ning Establishment,:rmi PER CENT CHEAP-
Ea than at any other Hat Establishment in
town—embracing JTne Nutria Beaver,
Pine Jr,u and Old Men's Broad
brims, and, a good assortment of
Men and roiale a
all of which he is authorised to sell• low
for cash or connuy iii iltioe; if' delivered
ICrTh esnbamiber has also on hand a
lot of silk and mok4kin Hats, of his own
manufacture, water proof, for 411.80 to
• J. J. BALDWIN, Agent.
. Gettysburg, March 19. 1847-3 m
WHOSE persons who have engaged
to furnish the Subscriber with
WOOD, on 'account, are requested to de
liver it immediately at hisToundry;other
liise he, will expect the moneY. Those
interested will please attend to the above
Gettysburg, April 211.—tf
VW M. & C. RUTHRAUFF have re
ceived a very large assortment of
FANS, from 3 eta to 81.25.
R E.II 1 0 P 4 L.
-Ai1.60 ON HAND
First Premium Writing Ink.
From Dr. Here, the celebrated Profes
sorra' Chemistry in the University of Penn
Philadelphia, Oct. 11, 1843.
i'Dear BW—Having tried your ink. I
will thank you to send Inc another bottle,
as I find it to be excellent. •
I am yours, truly,
From Dr. Locke, of Cincinnati, distin
guished for his numerous scientific re
"Med. Col. of Ohio, Cincinnati,
Jan. 17, 1844.
"Havinesed Mr. Hover's Writing Ink,
I am satished that it is the best which has
ever come to my knowledge, and especial
ly it is excellent for the use of the Steel
Pens, and will not corrode them, even in
long use. JOHN LOCKE, -
Prof. of Chemistry."
Unver's Adamantine Cement.
From a well known poientifie gentleman
"Philadelphia, Feb. 27, 1846.
"Mr. e loseph E. Hover—Sir: A use of
your Cement,
: and some practical tests of
its superiority, has induced me to recom
mend it to others as an invaluable article for
mending China, Glass, or Cabinet Ware.
Analytic Chemist."
For Sale, Wholesale and Retail, at the
Maitufactoril, No. 87 North Third Street,
opposite Cherry Street, Philadelphia, by
7Fcrt. sale in Gettysburg at the store
of .. H. BUEHLER.
May 14, 1847.
ILVER MEDAL awarded for the best
CI pictures ever exhibited. Strangers
visiting the city should call' and examine
the various specimens of,eolored Daguer
reotypes, at M. P. Simons' Gallery ; and
those wishing likenesses, may rely upon
receiving perfect satisfaction in every res
pect. Whole families can be grouped to
gether, which forms a moat invaluable
keepsake. Miniatures set in bracelets,
Medalions, Breastpins, Ste. An assort
ment of the above Jewelry, selected for
the purpose, always on hand. Examine
and then decide. Materials used in the
Art for sale, at the lowest rates. Instruc
tion' given by letter or personally. All
communications must be post paid.
No. 179 Chettnut Street,
Opposite the State House, Phila
A pril3o, 1847.-3 M
Compound Medicated - Candy.
}1 OR the Cure of Colds, Coughs, Spit
ting of Blood, Bronchetis, Asthnia,
Whooping Cough, Pains and Oppressions
of the breast, and all other Pulmonary
complaints, and other diseases w h ich have
a tendency to produce Consumption. It
serves also as an effectual clearer of the
This Candy is entirely a vqgctable pre
paratign, the principal ingredients being,
(lore-bound, Wild Cherry, Sarsaparilla,
Boneset, ElecamPane, Liquorice, Flax
seed, Iceland Moss, Prickly , Ash, &c. and
will, if taken in time, relieve the system
from those distressing afflictions that tend
to Consumption.
One great advantage in this valuable
medicine is its cheapness, the public not
being imposed upon by the enormously
high prices which are generally exacted
for Patent and other medical Preparations.
Each package contains directions. Call
and try it!
Prepared and sold at the Confection and
Variety store of the Subscriber in West
York street, one square from the Court..
house,"and next door to 'Phompson's Ho
tel. It can also be had at the Drug Stores
of S. H. BUEITL£R, and S. Fovisr.
The subscriber as usual continues
his Bakery, and is prepared to supply
parties at the shortest notice, with choice
cakes, &c.
FASHIONABLE Barber and Hair
Dresser, has removed his “Temple'
to the Diamond, adjoining the County Buil
dings, where he can' at all times be found
prepared to attend to the calls of the public.
From long experience he flatters himself
that he can go through all the ramifications
of the Tonsorical departments, with such an
infinite degree of skill as will meet the en
tire satisfaction of all who may submit their
chins to the keen ordeal of his razor. He
hopes, therefore, that by attention to busi
ness and a desire to please, he will merit
as well as receive a liberal share of public
patronage. The sick will be attended to at
their private dwellings.
Oct. 10. tf
Protection against Lou' by
RICHE "Cumberland Valley Mutual Protection
Company," being incorporated by an Actor
the Legislature, 'and fully organized and in opera
tion under the direction of the following Board of
Managers, Via: Miller,
James Weakly, I) W
M'Cullougb, A G Miller, T A M'Xinley. Philip
Spangler, Samuel Galbraith, Samuel Tritt, Abrn
King, (Adams,) Joh* Zug, Samuel Huston, J T
Green, J Bear—call the attention of the inhabit.
ants of Cumberland and Adams counties to the
cheapness of the rates, and the many advantages
which this kind of insurance bas over any other.
Ist. Every person insured, become* a member
of the company and takes part in the selection of
officers and the direction of its concerns.
2d. For insurance no more is demanded than is
necessary to meet the expenses of the Company,
and Indemnity against losses which may happen.
3d. The inconvenience of frequent renewals is
avoided by insarin g for a term of five year!.
eth. Any mum applying for insurance must
give his premium note for the cheapest class at
the rate of five per cent., which will be $5O on the
1000, for which he will have to pay $2 50 forfive
years and $1 60 for survey and policy, and no
more unless loss be sustained to a greater amount
than the funds on band will cover, add then no
more than a pro rata share. These rates are
much cheaper than those of other companies, ex
cept such as are incorporated on the same princi
ples. T. C. MILLER, President.
A. G.11111.1.1e, Secretary.
lITThe following mimed persons have been ap
pointed dgnsts for Adams County :.—Wm W Pax
ton, Esq. General Agent for Adams county; J A
Thompson.and D Ziegler, Gettysburg; Dr. Wm
R Stewart, Petersburg; Henry Myers, New Ches
ter; Henry Mayer, Abbottstown; Daniel Com
fort, Straban township; Abraham King Hunters
town ; Avid Blythe, F airfield ; T T Wierrnan,
Arendtsville; Wm Morrison aad Abel 1 4 , Wright
Berukersville ; Dr. D Mellinger, East Berlin ; Mint
Seott, Cashtown.
Sept. 13, 1846.—1 f
HANDSOME Mahogany-fra m ed Look
ing Glasses can be had cheap at
artY all the remeslievi recommended. in late
Niir years, for the cure of CONPUItIPTION;
Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Liver Com
plaint, Spitting Blood, Difficulty of Breathing,
-Pain in the Side and Breast, Palpitation of
the Heart, Influenza, Croup, Broken-
Constitution, Sore Throat, Ner
vous Debility, and all '
mits of the Throat, Breast
- and Lungs:
None hes been found more CLITAIN and PICRICA•
NIENT in its curative power over these, so general
and often fatal diseases, than the above prepara
tion. The Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood
Nsptha is an unparalleled remedy. In addition to
the healing power of Tar—the virtues of which,
in affections of the lungs, is universally acknowl
edged—there is combined with it in this prepara
tion the active principles of some of the most cer•
fain Tonic Vegetable Pectorals, Which unite to
make it the moat valuable medicine ever offered
to the public for the cureof the diseases for which
it is employed, en that it never fails, if taken in
time, to produce the intended effect.
Among the testimonials to the vatne•of the a•
hove medicine, are several from distinguished phy
sicians of Philadelphia. Read the following Isom
Dr. Young, the eminent oculist:
Philadelphia, ha. 18, 1547.
Having used in my practice, as well am in my
own family,“Thomson a Compound Syrup of Tar
and Wood Nsptha," 1 have no hesitation in saying
that it is the best preparation of the kind in use
for persona suffering from Consumption, Coughs,
Cords, and all affections'of the Throat, Smut, /be.
so prevalent at this season of the year.
WM. YOUNG, M. 1).
102 Spruce-lit reef.
Read also the following from a man who will
at any time corroborate it. statements, -
Philadelphia, Dec. 4,1847.
Penetrated with a deep sense of gratitude for
the benefit experienced by the use of Thomsmis
Compound Syrup of Tar, and that others who,
like me, have languished through years of affliction
and stiffeiing, Without being ible to find I remedy
may.know where it can be obtained, I voluntarily
make the following statement.
About four years since, after being affected with
a violent cold, it left upon me a troublesome and
severe cough. Whilst the cough continued, which
was with scarcely an intermission during—this
long period, language fails to tell what I have suf.
fered from debility, pains in the breast and side,
night sweats, difficult expectoration, oppressed
breathing, and in fectall those symptoms which
mark a severe pulmonary affection. The relief
occasionally obtained by the discharge of the mat
ter which obstructed the healthy action of my
system, but increased my fears, as the purulent
matter discharged-was frequently streaked with
During this time I was under the treatment of
several physicians, and took many of those prepa
rations iecommended as serviceable in the Cases
of others, but without relief and I at length con
cluded that a cure in my case was hopeless. But
how agreeably changed is now my opinion! I
have wed for about three weeks Thomson'a Corn•
pound Syrup of Tar. By the use 01 one bottle my
cough has been relieved and my system.reinvigo
rated, and by continuing the use of it up to this
time, I am satisfied that my complaint is entirely
remolded and eradicated.
R. KEARNEY, 242 S. Seventh sr.
113 - This invaluable remedy is prepared only by
Angney & Dickson, N. E. Corner of Fifth and
Spruce streets. Philadelphia, and can be had of the
folio% ing Agents :
S. S. Forney, Gettysburg.
n..9ngney, Carlisle.
D. P. Lange, lianovei.'
Price of large bottles $l.llO. Smote of imits
lions! [April 30, 1151 7-1 y
Stanton's External Remedy,
S now universally acknowledged to be the
INFALLIBLE. REMEDY for Rheumatism,
spinal affections, contractions of the muscles, sore
throat and' quinsy, issues, old ulcets, pains in the
back and chest, ague in the breast and lace, tooth
ache, sprains,, salt rheum, burns, croup,
frosted feet, and all nervous diseases. The trium•
phone *Kress which has attended the application
of this most wonderful medicine in curing the most
severe cases of the different diseases above named.
and the Ugh enroniunis that have been bestowed
upon it, wherever it has been introduced, gives
me the right to call on the afflicted to result at the only remedy that can be relied on.
Etta Berlin, l'a., May 28, 1847.
Dear Sir,-1 consider it my daty to express
my sentiments, in behalf of your invaluable med.
icine called Min's Linnuroi.
I have for sonic time past used the Liniment
in my practice, for various diseases, and feel sat
isfied, from the success attending its application.
that it merits ■ll that can be said in its behalf.
I consider it one of the best external remedies
I Wave ever used in cases of Tester, Ringworm,
Salt - Rheum, pains, bruises, cuts, su ellings, &c.
The cheap rate at which the articles is to be
had, places it within the reach of all. It should
form the principal external remedy of every family.
Hampton, Adams Co., Pa. May 2t, ISO-
Dear Sir—l reel booed to the afflicted to give
publicity to the extraordinary erects of your in
valuable External Remedy, called Hunt's Lull
My daughter, a girl of twelve years old, had
been afflicted with While Swellings, in sue of her
legs, directly below the knee joint, for several
months, during which time her sofferiags have
been excruciating and deplodshle. I called on a
Physician, who, during frequent visits, made use
of every means in his power to arrest the fell de
stroyer, but all without effect The leg continued
swelling, until it opened, forming various dim
greeable ulcers, rendering amputation necessary
unless immediate relief be had. Fortunately, how
ever, on the first day of December last, your agent
having been in our village, and hearing of the suf.
faring, of my daughter, he sent me one bottle of
your Liniment, the use of which alone,thank God,
has not only arrested the further progress of the
disease, but has cured the leg perfectly, removing
all pains and swellings, and restored the leg to its
proper use.
am under many obligations to your kind agent,
who thus, by one bottle of your invaluable medi
cine. saved the leg of my daughter from asepso
non. Your Liniment should find its way into ev
ery family. MOSES PHILLIPS.
May 29, 1847.
"We, the undersigned, citizens of Hampton, are
acquainted_with Moses Phillips, and know him to
be a man of truth. inid - that the facts as set forth
in his certificate, sie correct."
Thii Liniment la sold at 25 and 50 cents per
bottle by all the principal Druggists and March
Orders addressed to me at Sing Sing, N Y, will
be attended to. G E STANTON, Proprietor.
Wholesale Agents--lioadly, Phelps & Co 142
Water street, Rushton & Co 110 Broadway, A B
& D Sands,corner Fulton and William, Aspinwall
86 William street, New York; Cuthbert de Weth
erill 76 Sobth second, Pitilodelpkia.
AGENTS.—SamucI H. Buehler &.S.
S.. Forney, Gettysburg; Abraham King,
Hunter town; E. Zuck, Pinetoum; Ja
cob Hollinger, Heidlersburg ; Hollinger &
Ferree, Petersburg. (1. S.) ; Jacob Aula
baugh, Hampton; Geo. S. llentzel, and J.
S. Hildebrand & Co., East Berlin.
June 11, 1847. [Dec. 2-Iy]
Shovel Cu/Mel/ors
CAN be had for Cumberland township
at C. W. HOFFMAN'S Coaoh-Shop,
Gettysburg, Pa. Please call and see them
and judge, for.yourself.
Gettysburg, May 29, 1946.
THE subscriber having associated with
him in the Mercantile Business his
brother, would respectfully ask all persons
indebted to him to call and make imme
diate prtOnrnt. .
For the cure of Hepatites or Liver 'Coup
plain! Dyspepsia and Sick Ilead-fiche.
uTpitiis remedy has been for several yenta em
ployell by the proprietor in his practice, on a
very large scale in ?donor galia,Preston, Harrison,
and Randolph counties, in Virginia,. besides sever•
al other places, and having been attended w i t h
the most happy effects, he has beta from tim e to
time solicited to take such a course as would g i ve
it a more extensive circulation with a view to les
sen Om amount or human suffering. Aware of
the fact that many nostrum. have been Wo o d
upon the public; heleiatated tor leveret years, un
til thoroughly convinced that the above medicine,
if properly used, would not fail to efeel sums ill
greet many instances, and even to alleviate those
cases which are quite incurable.
Sympronis of • itimeased Liver.--Pala in the right
side, under the edge of the ribs, increased on pres.
sure; sometimes the pain ie in the left side; the
patient is rarely able to lie cm the left side; tom'
times the pain is felt under the shoulderibleide, it
frequently extends to the top of the shoulder, AO
is sometimes mistaken for a rheumatism in the
• right arm. The stomach is afflicted with 145E4
appetite and sickness ; the bowels - , in . general. we
costive. sometimes alternating with la*, the heed
is troubled wit§ pain.sccompanied with a doll,
heavy sensation in the back part. There is gen
erally a considerable loss of memory, aceompan•
ied with a painful sensation of having left undone
something which ought` to have been dose. A
.light dry cough is sometimevanattemdant. - The'
patient complains of weatineu and debility • he is
easily startled, his feet are cold or bunting. wad be
complains of a prickly seasationgf the skin; his
spirits are low; and although WM satisfied that
exercise wnilld k4eaciod .to-hLa44eilia can
scarcely summon up fdrtitude enough to try it.—
Tit fact, he distrusts every remedy. Several of the
above symptoms attend the diseess,but room hive
occurred where few of them existed, yet exami•
nation of the body after death has shown the liver
to have been extensively deranged,
This is to certify, that haying been associated
with Dr. M'Lane in the practice of madietne for
nearly two and a half years, I had many cppects
nities of witnessing the good streets of his Liver.
Pills, and I believe they have cured aid relieved'
• much larger proportion of the diseases of liv
er, than I have known cured and relieved by any
other course of treatment.
Oliver Morgwn, M. I)
Dec 7,183 fl
Mr. .111! Lane's Liver Pills.
This is to certify that I have been dieted for
six years with the Liver Complaint, and applied
to different physicians. obtaining temporary relief.
On hearing of Dr: WLane's Liver Pills I obtained
and used two boxes. I now feel almost fully re
stored to health—The Liver Pills have siren w
surprising relief. S. DAVIS. near Pittaburc.
Observe—None are genuine without a fae.simi.
le of the proprietor's signature. Prepared for the
proprietor by JONATHAN KIDD h Ce. Whole
sale and Retail Druggists, No. 60 Weed at. Pitts
N. B.—l norder that there may be so velstake,
be ps rticularand ask for "Dr. 15I'Lasere Liver Pills.'
Erns° above medicine can be had of the fol
towing agents:
S. H. Buehler, Gettysbur ; J. Lower.
.11rendtsviik ; J. & C. M' K nigbt, Ben
derstille ; J. 8. Hollinger, Heidlersburg
Holtzinger & Ferree, Petersburg; Jacob
Aulebaup, Hampton; J. T. Hildebrand.
E. Berlin; Peter Mickly,Ahnennesbwrg;
Wm. Bittinger, .9Mo:utmost Coniston &
Co. Wholesale Agents, Liberty at. Balti
more, Md.
Feb. 26, 1817.-6 m
For Consumption, Coughs, Colds. Roos
.llsthina, Croup. Whooping
Cough, Spitting of Blood. Sore
Throat, Pains and Oppres
sions of the Breast, Dif
ficulty of Breathing,
and all other di
srases of the
Read the following Certificate of ( ore performed
by the use of Ross's Paptwaresse and soy if you'
will longer neglect your aloes; eedoobt its dim
nakiwort r Mardis 12, 1847
Mr. JA!. F. Rose.
Dear Sir—About three weeks ago my wife
caught a severe cold, which troubled her a good
deal and gave her great uneweiress • she prepared
a great many articles width were neementended
to her by her friends, but without receiving the
benefit from any of them ; bet sough was getting
wove, every day ; her appetite was fast haling,
and to, sleep was impossible: the mini I. her
breast and side became so severe that tint she
had to go to bed, and my friend. advised in to
call in a Physician. I thought 1 email mill is
the store whew you were iregapd mid see if 1
could not get something that would Mime her,
whew you gave me a bottle of your Expectorant.
assuring toe tkst it would, cure her, abs foremen
red taking it that sight, not, however, without
great opposition os the part of some of bee
friend., who said it wee some- "emelt
Medicine," and would do her mote limn
than good. But I determined to takeyear advice,
tied now id an know tit Rends I' from taking the
first dose she felt noier..tiough tmahle to goer
on account of the quantity of phlegm that loosen.
ed and wield almost choke her, bat which she
could spit up with but Mile idllealty; the follow
ing day she continued ie aircordiag ter the direc
tions, and that time, for tie first rime fel seamy
two weeks, she enjoyed* good sight's rest and by
the time she had finished the first battle, shit wee
entirely tend. Make what as of this you think
proper, for each an irevaleable medicine should be
made known to the selected army wham. With
best wishes fee yaw success,
1 remain yours it,
CAUTION! II Bewared Coseterfefts and
Spurious Imitations. See that the 1.11 9
are on the seal : also my Write% Signature ea the
wrapper of each bottle, without which near is giv
nine. Prepared only by Jima. F..Roas,Dianist.
Baltimore Md. in-For sale in Ganyaleag by
SAMUEL, 11.'BUEHLER, and in Miller:Own by
May 28, 1847.-1 y
faHAWLS of every description cao be
had very cheap at W. & C. Ruthraurs
Cheap Stop. in Charnbersburg street.
&c., of best quality, can always be bad at
the Fancy Store of C, WEAVER,
April 10, 1846.
W - -
E have last received a handsome
assortment, of plain and Rifted
PARASOLS, which wit will be pleased ttk
show to all who favor us with a call. ,
May 7. W. &C. RUTERAMPT•
L published every Iliday Bonsing;in the
County Building, above the Register
and Recorder's ope. by
1r paid la advance.or within the 112 ell
annum— if not paid within the 7e.4112 6 9* PM
papa discontinued until all iirmatages are pald.—_
except It the Optlat abftbrltditor.. Single tepid'
6* cents. A Milan to notify a illseenthinemen
will be regarded as a new immanent
.AdvertistintollO not exceeding ostjuare inserbol,
three times for .I—every subsequent insuralas
211 cents. Longer one. in the same proportion..
All advertisement,' not specially irdered for iglu.
in time, will be continued until forbid. A liberal
reduction will be made totkose who advertise by
the year.
Job Printing of all kinds executed neatly gait
promptly, and on reasonable terins. „
Loners and Communiratione to the Editor, (en
cepttng such as contain Money or the names el
new inibucribert , .) must be POST 1110, in order tin
secure attention.