Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, July 02, 1847, Image 3

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    A It I C 11 1 LT It IL E.
God of the rolling year !, to thee
Oar songs e.hall riae—whoe bounty pours
In nakyri goodly gift. Milk free
And liberal liind• onr autumn stoma"!
No firstling of our docks WP slay—
No soaring ailluds of Moons° rise;
But on dce-hallthsedahtino We lay
• Our trataftd lioarts in sacrifice.
tkrize-on thy hrnath, the bp of Spring
Wrishenpc4l with many a blooming flower;
4,14 nutting Summer joyed to bring ,
Fhn aim-shine and the gentle shower;
And Autumn's rich luxuriance now.
The ripenin4 seed, the bursting
,And'goldenit f, and laden hough,
The fulluoss of thy bounty mil.
Na mental throng, in princely dome,
• Hero simian rittenord's behest.
But many a Eiir and peaceful home
Rath won• thy peaceful dove a guest ;
No rusts of palm our fields; adorn ;
myrtle shades or °Lange bowers ;
Hut rustlin; meads of golden corn
• • And hal& of waviug.gmhamm cam.
in thy care, the laudecapecoer
Otic flocks and henie'rreturely stray:
• No tyntit , rnser villains our store;
' No tuthleercrobber rends away; '
&wee trokrancie withering shunrcr
Nu fall siuroon with poisonous breath ;
not burring suns, with' baleful power,
- Awake the 'fiery plagues of death.
A'ral here shill rise our, songS to thee,
Wherelengthened vales and pastures
And'streams go singing wild and free,
Beneath a blue and smiling sky ;
Where ne'er was reared a mortal throne,
Where erowitcdOppressor never trod:
Here, at the throne of Heaven alone,
,Shall man, in reverence, bow,to GUI)
From the Fauncis Book.
WORK FOR 41_10
Iliamkstvia.—As this will be Abe first
businsis.Vreciniring attention, we' would re
marh; 'thin_ thy' 'grain should Wherever
practicable, iii every instance, be cut be
fore it bee/nines dead-ripe, and for three
reatoN: 'first, because much is lost by
'shattefing; secondly, because the straw is,
tvlien cut under such circumstances, much
more nutritious and:better relished by the
stock ; and Il l y, because the soil is
. _ .
thereby relive( from a source of great ex
- •
Cuts„,l'his,ris mach asany other crep,
delights in cleanliness, add exuberates most
under the genial infltrence of a warm sun
and a moist and well stirred earth. Let it
be our object then, to keep the sash
a condition as that it will, at all times, be a
ble to derive the greatest degree of benefit
from the rain as it may descend from heav
en, and be in a condition to drink in the
rich sources of food to be found in the
tnosphere and night distilling dews. In
preference to wasting your time and
strength, in making mound-like hills around
your corn, let it be your object to keep the
earth open; in preference to delving the
earth with the plough, and thereby cutting
up and injuring the roots of the corn, let it
be your pride to keep its mouths open by
the free use of the cultivator, from this pe
riod until you lay by your crop. And we
wish you to bear this in mind, that you
can do no possible injury to your corn by
working it in dry weather, provided you
use the implement just named, but on the
contrary esseutial service.
Ilev Atetso.--As soon 25 your grass
is fully in blossom, and before the ripening
1 ' of the seed, you should cut it: and in curing
your bay it should be your object to dry it
without exposure to the rain, and as little
as possibld to that of the sun. A. half day
in swarths, with good wind and tutor-will
be enough, when it should be cocked.—
Ilay cured in this way is greener, more
frsgrant, and we need not add, is eaten
with much greater avidity. in stacking
your hay do not omit to sprinkle a peek. of
salt over-every ton of it. ,
MILLET.—TIIOSB who may apprehend
a shortness of provender to carry them
through the coming winter and spring,
may aril themselves of sowing millet up
to the 10th of this . month, provided they
manure well to ensure prompt and condo
ned growth to the plauts. It bears the
drought well, but cannot bear a stinted diet.
Ilucawit EAT.—In [hitt grain the farmer
has a resottece to eke out his fodder and
hay. If cut when in blossom, properly
dried and stacked away with a peck of salt
to the ton, it will make a hay which will
be well relished in winter by his cows and
working oxen. Though not as good as
clover, herds grass, timothy or millet hay,
it is better than that cut from salt marshes,
is au excellent promoter of milk, and if cut
and mixed with bran or meal of any kind,
will prove a highly nourishing food. For
grain it may be sown any time up to the
10th of the month. If sown with this ob
jeet, as soon as cured the grain should be
thrashed out and the straw packed away
as above directed for cattle proveuder.—
For boy. or for ploughing in, it may be
sown as late as the 20th of the month.—
Whether sown (or either purpose, it Would
be well to sow a bushel of plaster to the a
rils. While the plaster would promote
the growth of the plant, it would tend to
maw*e the condition of the soil.
Ottoatsao.--The hogs should be turned
into the orchard to eat up all the decayed
illtireks it May fall. and in doing so destroy
linStiaila4Atureulio iu their embryo state.
ti, s tw ItsMS of the Peach trees Alumld be et
sinitml, all worms removed, and t h e roots
punted si ith a mixture of salt, sulphur and
fish *LOW alrxt the body of the tree as fit
up es row (*a teach. Strew a mixture of
t rem shit awl 1 saltpetre three or four
Met stssoti the stew.
/UDE Democratic Whig voters of the
county of Adams are requested to
assemble in their several boroughs and
townships, at the placo of holding borough
and township elections, on
Saturday the 3rl day of .htly next,
at three o'clock in the afternoon of that
day, and select TWO DELEGATV.S to
represent each township and borough in a
hereby called to assemble at the Court
house in Oettysburg, on
Monday the sth day of July next,
at 10 o'clock, A. M ~ to settle candidates for
the several offices to be filled at the ap
proaching election.
The committee ask their fellow-citizens
to attend the township meetings mutter
ously, and urge it upon them as import
ant.; as well to •secure united action, as
that tho "YOUNG UAW)" may main
tain her position among the unwavering
Whig counties of the State.
t it.. SMITH,
Juue 11, 1847. County 11.7insmitter.
N accordance with the wishes ofiAtu
j merous friends, 1 offer myself as a can
didate for the Office oeCOU N TY TRAM
WRER, and respectfully. ask the nomi
nation for that Office at the next regular
Whig County Convention.
Gettysburg, April 23, 1817.--_—tf
N compliance with the request of a num
.' her of friends, I respectfully present
myself as a candidate for the office of
COUNTY TREASURER and solicit the
nomination at the next Whig County Con
May 7.
T the suggestion of a number of
AL friends, I offer myself as a candidate
for the office of COLPAIT TREftU
REP, and respectfully ask from my broth
er Whip a nomination for the office at
their regular Convention.
Gettysburg, April 1641V7.—tf
FNCOIIR AGED by the suggestions
of numerous friends, I hereby an
nounce, myself a candidate for the office of
COUNTY TRE3SURER, sebjeet M the
decision of the Whig,Couttty Conrentitin:
Should my political friends deem me
worthy of their confidence, and elect me'
to the office, its duties will be promptly
cud faithfully dischaiged,
Gettysburg, April 23, 1847—tf
Just recite ed at
Chambersltswg street,
I::M=',C3I3IIR€I. P,
THE subscriber' respectfully : informs
his friends and the public generally
that he continues the Tailoring business at
his old stand, in Chamhersburg street,
where he may at all times be found, ready
to accommodate all those Who /Dily want
garments made. He has just received the
last New York
isecili=246ll l llo
and he promises all who may fairer.bina
with their patronage, that he will give tbem
entire satisfaction, both as regards 'the fit
and workmanship of all garments entrusted
to him ; and at as moderate pr!cds at 04
can be obtained anywhere else. , hogs
by strict attention to business andlvdesire
to please, to merit a continuance of public
patronage and support. "Cr, Country pro
duce taken in exchange for work.
April 16, 1847.-4 m ,
X 1 ir raszonixc
THE subscriber would respectfully in- .
form the citizens of Gettysburg and
vicinity, and the public generally, that he
has oped a
Tailorin. a Establishment,
In South Baltimore street, in the room oc
cupied by WOO Culp as a Chair Ware
room, a tit w doors South of the Post Office
where he will at all times be happy to ac
commodate those who may patronise him,
assuring Aim ,qui 4 he 7eell,birusolf able to
make a first. rate 'Pit 11 is charges will
be as reasonable as at any other establish
ment in the county. Country produce
taken in exchange for work.
Ile has made arrangements toreeeive the
New York 4- Philadelphia Fashions,
quarterly ; and will therefore be prepared
to make garments in the most approved
styles. ESAIAS J. C ALF.
Gettysburg, May 14.—tf
• _ .
• >'
TIIE undersigned has connected with
his Coaclunaking Establishment a
large Smith shop, and is prepared to do all
kinds or
including ironing Carriages, Buggies,
Wagons, 4.e. Ile would say to those who
have llorses to shoe, that he has in his em
ploy first-rate hands, which, with his per
sonal attention, will enable him to give en
tire sat i4action to all those who may favor
him with a call.
Carriage dir Buggy Springs
(warranted) will be promptly made to or
der at all time 6.•
1,-.TPAII kinds of REP.4IIIING done,
both in Wood and iron, at the most redu
ced prices.
Thankful for past encouragement, the
subscriber solicits a continuance of patro
nage, and invites his friends to call at his
Establishmeut in 1K73. west Chambcrsburg
street, a lew doors below Thompson's
Betty burg, Feb. 4, 1846.
Neatly hexpeditieuily executed
7'111: -5"/%IR" OFFICE
c~~~ h 1
11AV IN 0 succeeded •in_ whipping the
Mexican Armies at Vera Cruz and
Buena Vista, and now designing to march
against the city of Mexico to meet the en
emy under the walls of their own Capital,
the subscriber would imitate their exam
ple by waging war against Rags and Na
kedness, and he has accordingly recently
visited the city of Philadelphia for the
purpose of purchasing a stock of
which he can sell at prices so low as to
enable any person calling at his establish
ment to clothe themselves from head to
foot, at asloneohing low prices—his mot
to being "quiel: sales and small profite, r ,
My stock embraces the largest assortment
of Ready-etude Clothing and
Timor zeztatg
ever offered in this country, has been se
lected with great care, and having been
purchased for cash entirely, will be sold
Cheaper for Cash,
than they have ever• before been sold in
this place. In professing to sell cheap
er than ever, I wish it to be distinctly un
deistood that Ido trot Mt se because it has
become fashionablefor purehasersto make
such announcements ; I am bincere, and
only ask a-visit-front-those wishing to
purchase to convince.them of its truth.—
Among the Nock will be found COATS
of Fine. Black-::Cloth, Habit Clothe Albe
rtine, Tweet', Caohmerette, Caseinet, Lin
en, Check and Gingham;Sack and Frock
enitts 3r.a.=7;:tinli;P:ANS, if The Fan
-ey Cashmere, Cassinet, Linen, Cord, 'and
Cotton,- 7 -faney Milers and styles. Also,
VESTS, Fancy Cross-Bar, Silk, Satin,
Cashatere,Merseillessindeassinet. Also,
Shins, Bosoms, Collars, Cravats, Hand
kerchiefs. Men's Lasting Gaiters, Suspen
ders, Gloves, Stockings—in fact every
thing belonging: to a gentleman's furnish
ing line ; all of fashionable cut and mate
rial's, and as well made as can be made
anywhere. Also on hand a large assort
ment of fancy and useful articles, Pins,
Needles, Thimbles; Jewelry; Perfumery,
,Shaving Apparatus, combs, Penknives,
'Rough and Ready" Hats, do.
I bite also-for sale a lot of Boo Ts.&
SHOES, made in this county, a lot of
IRON, and a lot of Calfskin, Sole and Up
per Leather, which will be sold uncom
mon cheap, as I wish to clear of the-stock,
Also; on head' a Mtn, Rockaway, two
second-hand Bugkies, a second-hand Car
riage, new and old Harness, which I will
dispose of at extremely low prices.
111CPThuse-wishing-BARGA4NS 'will I
remember to call at the old-established VA
RIETY, frI'ORE - ,--riest- door -to- !Cutts'
Hotel, and immediately opposite the Bank.
P.'B.—l have justreceived an additional
lot of goods purchased at auction very low.
Gettvaburg, April,3o, 1847.
RESPECTFULLY ihforms his friends
and the pnblie generally that he has
now on handalarge assortment of TIN
MARE of every ,description. which ho
will sell at mollerate prices—all warranted.
Persons wishing to purchase at low rates
will do well to callbefore ptirchasing else
HOUSE SPOUTING will be made
Bind put up at 12i cents a foot.
i:3-An Apprentice to the Tinning
business will be taken, II application, with
goof] reeomntendations, be made soon.
One bet Ween 16 and 17 years of age Will
be' preferred.
Gettyiburg, March 12, 1847.
The extraordinsry and well authentica
ted cures wrought by the celebrated Sugar
Coatetl•Pills, or Dr. Sinith's Improved In
dien VegskablePills, have naturally drawn
puldie attention to them. Perhaps in the
history of Medicine, frogs the time of Hip
pocrates to the present day, there is no ev
idence of 4, 41a1C411 compound obtaining
equal celebrity in so shorka time, There
was never a medicine recommended by
such high authority as Dr. Smith's Pills.
Besides their great curative properties,
(possessing as they _do, such astonishing
curative powers to. open all the natural
! , imitif i ef - the body, viz.: the LungS; Kid
, Skin and Bowels,) they are, unlike
ail other pills, extremely pleasant, being
coated with sugar, and as they do not gripe,
nor produce nausea, or any other implem
ent consequences, they.have become very
popular for Dytipepsia, Headache, Costive
ness, Bilious Complaints, Foul Stomach,
Fevers, Worths Want of Appetite, Impu
rities of the Blo od,: Obstructions and Fe
male Complaints generally, Colds, &c.—
One of the most influential and benevolent
ladies in New York, Mrs. S. A. Gould,
Matron of the U. S. Naval Hospital, says
"there is no medicine within her knowl
edge so well adapted to the numerous ail
ments of mankind, as Dr. Smith's Sugar
Coated Pills." She especially recom
mends them to ladies. Read her certificate
in the pamphlet.
ItcpThe genuine Pills are for sale in
Gettysburg, by S. If. Buehler and S. S.
.tbrney; in Hunteratown by dbrahatn
King; in Petersburg by Mrs. Adler; in
Casittown by Mrs. Duncan, and in Hamp
ton by J. IL slulebaugh.
June 4. 1847-4 t.
THE subscribers have on hand a very
large stock of .ST ONE COAL,
which they will dispose of low by the sin
gle bushel or otherwise, at their Coach
making Establishment.
March 12.-3 m
GIES, &c., of good and substantial
make, can be had at the Coach Establish
ment of the subscriber, in Gettysburg.
Gettysburg, May 29, 1846.
'NOT" cm.
having abandoned his home, notice
is hereby given to all persons interested not
to trust him on my account, as I will not
be responsible for any debts of 11jR con
tracting. JESSE D. NEWMAN.
Mountjoy township, June 4.--31
Spring & Summer Dry Goods,
ilium( received from Auction, at J.
JUJ ROSS HOOVES', No. 411 Market
Street above 11th St. opposite Girard
Square Philadelphia : such as mous. de
laines, from 12 1-2 to 18 3-4 cents, ging
hams, new style, 18 3.4 to 25 cents,-yard
wide lawns, 12 1-2 to 18 9.4, white mulls,
bishop lawns, tarlotons, jaconetts, striped
and plaid muslin from 12 1-2 - to 25, rich
and glossy alpacas from 25 to 37•Aic-kingsl
tlanels, diapers, Ate. Shawls of every
style from $1 to sl2..Calicoes, from 5 to
12 1.2 c,- of a superior style, hosiory and
gloves, men's and boy's linen, cotton and
woolen stripes and plaids, from 10 to 200.
Tweed, Cassimere, all wool, only"3ll'ind
31 cis. Black, Eng.' and - rrencllol6ths
from $2 to *5 per yard. My assortment
of muslin. and linens are not tobe .
sad, either in cheapness or variety, in this
city.. Muslin& at 1440,12.14 yards
wide, 37 1-2: Cotton and wool ingrain
carpets.from 10 to 50 cents. Matting 25
to 87 1-2 cents. • • •
N. B. Purchasers are recpstAed to call
and examine for thernselvea bet* buying
perelsewhere, n
ee. and they will save at least 25
Phila. April 9.-3 m
Feathers! Feathers !
Cheap for Cache . -
alerer and General Furnisher, No.
415 Market street, above Eleventh, North
Side, opposite Girard Row, Philadelphia,
where nniy, be, had at all times a larr as
sprunent of Beds and Mattresses, Ceded
Hair and Feathers, Chairs, Tables, Bed
steads and Looking glasses, together with'
all other articles in the above lute of bus
iness, at the very lowestprice for Cash.
N. R,.-All old• work repaired with neat
ness and despatch.
March 26, 1847—(3m.)
it EAlf 0 Pd/ L.
LIDOMUS has removed his Watch
- ta • Watch-Tool and Material Store,
from Nov 333 S. 4th street, where he hes.
on hand a large assortment of Gold and
Silver ,Lever, L'Epines, and Plain Watch
es, with a complent,.assortment of Tools
and materials, such as Lunette, Patent and
Plain Glasses, Mainsprings, Verges, Hand
Dials, etc., of every description; to which
he has added a complete and splendid as
sortment of JEWELRY, consisting of
Earltings, Breast Pins, Bracelets, 'Cold
Chains, Keys, etc. which he will guaran
tee to sell at the lowest New York , prices,
Wholesale and Retail.
N. B.—Country Merchants, and others
visiting the city. are invited to call & exam
ine his stock and large assortment at No.
246 Market st, below Bth South side.—
Orders from the country promptly attend
ed to.
Phil 'a, April 9----Pan. 22-6 no
di the Philadelphia Watch and Jewelry
No. 9d, North Second street, corner of Quarry
Gold Levet Watches, full jewelled,
18 car. cases, 645 00
Silver Lever do. full jewelled, 23 00
Silver Lever do. 7 jewels, 18 00
SilVer Lepine do. jewel'd, Ist qual. 14 00
Superior Quartier Watches, 10 00
Imitation do. aot warranted, 5 00
Gold Spectacles, 8 00
Fine Silver Spectacles, 1 75
Gold Bracelets, with topaz stones, 350
Ladies' Gold Pencils, 10 carats, 2 00
Gold Finger Rings, 37 cts to $8 ; Watch
Glasses—plain 12 cis ; patent 18; lunet
25. Other articles in proportion. All
goods warranted to be what they are sold
for. 0. CONRAD.
On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers,
Lepinee and Quartiers, lower than the a
bove prices.
Dee. 4,1848.-1 y
The Chsapest Cold and Silver ;reaches
Gold Levers, full jeweled, 445 00
Silver Levers, full jeweled, 23 00
Gold Lepines, jeweled, 30 00
Silver Lepines, jeweled, 15 00
Silver Quartiers, fine quality, 10 00
Gobi watcheii,.plain 15 00
Silver Spectacles 1 75
Geld Pencils, 2 00
Gold Bracelets, • 4 00
A large assortment of Gold and Silver
Hair-Bracelets, Finger-Rings, Breastpins,
Hoop Ear-Ring, Gold Pena, Silver Spoons,
Sugar Tonges, Thimbles, Gold Neck, and
Fob Chains, Guard Keys, and Jewelry at
equally low prices.
locrAlli want is a call, to convince cus
tomers. ' •
Ali kinds of Watches and Clocks re
paired and warranted to keep good time
for one year. Old Gold and Silvarlutuilit
for Cash, or taken in exchange.
I have some Gold and Silver Levers, at
still cheaper prices titan the above.' A lib
eral Discount made to dealers. Call and
see for yourselves. • '
For sale, Eight-day and Thirty-hour
Brass Clocks, at
Watch, Clock, and Jewelry Store, Pio. 413 j
Market St., atones I I th, north aide, Phila.
Philadelphia Se 1: 4, ' 'tf
Nata l of CM latest Style,
fI . AN be had at the Hat Establishment
IL) of J. J. BALDWIN, in South Bal
timore street, a few doors above the Post
Office, and next door to Wampler's Tin
ning Establishment, TEN PER CENT CHEAP
ER than at any other Hat Establishment in
town—embracing line Nutria Beaver,
1116 Fine Fr, and Old Men's Broad
brims, aud a good assortment of
~, Men and Youth's
all of which he is authorized to sell low
for cash or country produce, if delivered
pc:73.1'11 ssubscAiber has also on hand a
lot of silk and mole-skin Hats, of his own
manufacture, water proof, for. $1.50 to
J. J. BALDWIN, .figent
Gotitsburg, March 10, 1847-3 m
rilllloSE persons who have engaged
-m• to furnish the Subscriber with
JVOOD, on account, are requested to de
liver it immediately at his Foundry, other
wise he will expect the money. Those
interested will please attend to the above
Gettysburg, April
WM. & C. RUTHI:CAUPE have re
ceived a very large assortment of
FANS, from 3 cts to 11.35.
First Premium Writing Ink.
From Dr. Hare, the celebrated Proles
ergo( Chemistry in the University of Penn
Philacielpina, Oct. 11, 1843.
"Dear-Sir—Having tried your ink, I
will thank you to send the another beide,
as I find it to be .excellent. •
lam yours, truly,
- - From Dr. I,octre, of Cincinnati, distim
griished fur his numerous scientific re
'silted: Col. of Ohio, Cincinnati,
Jan. 17, 1844.
4•llaving used Illr..llever's Writing Ink,
I am satisfied that it is the bad which has
ever come to my knowledge, and especial
lyit is eacellipit for .the mike( ,the Biagi
ens, and will not corrode, them, even in
long use. JOHN LOCKE,
Prof. of Chemistry."
Mover's Adarriouothse Ceineut.
From a well known ecientific gentleman.
"Philidelphia, Feb. 27, 1848.
"Mr. Joseph E.-111arer--=Sir A use of
your Cement, and some practical teats of
its superiority, hailndneett me to recom
mend it to others as an invaluable article for
mending China, Glass, or Cabinet Ware.
.^^'112:1111 6 13E141. MORFTV.
Analy tie Chemist."
For Sale, Wholesale ant) Retail, at the
Manufactory, No. 87 North Third Street,
opposite Cherry Street, Philadelphia, by
lic7•For sale in Gettysburg at the store
of 8. 11. BUEHLER.
May 14, 1847.
4111. P. Lill OA'S,
O n ILVER MEDAL awarded for the best
17 pictures aver exhibited. Strangers
visiting the city should call and examine
the various specimens of colored Daguer
reotypertiatid. P. Simons' Gallery ; and ,
those wishing likenesses, may rely upon
receiving perfect satisfaction in every res
pect. Whole families can be grouped to
gether, which forms a most invaluable .
keepsake. Miniatures set in bracelets,
Medalions,, Breastpins, &c. An , assort
meat of the above Jewelry, selected f or
the purpose, always on hand. Examine
and then decide. Materials used in the
Art for sale, at the lowest rates.• Instrtic
nom given by letter or personally. All
communications must be poet paid.
- - M. E. SIMONS.
No. 179 Chestnut Street.
Opposite the State House, Phila
April 30, 1847.-3 m
Compound, Medicated Candy.
volt the Cure of Colds, Coughs, Spit
ting of Blood, Bronchetis, Asthma,
whooping Cough, Pains and Oppressions
of the breast, and all other Pulinonaty
complaints, and other diseases which have
a tendency to produce Consumption. It
serves .also as an effectual clearer of the
This Candy is entirely a vegetable pre
paration, the principal ingredients being,
Horehound, Wild Cherry, Sarsaparilla,
Boneset, Elecampane, Liquorice, Flax
seed, Iceland Moss, Prickly Ash, &c. and
will, if taken in time, relieve the system
from those distressing afflictions that tend
to Consumption.
One great advantage in this valuable
medicine is its cheapness, the public not
being imposed upon by the enormously
high prices which are generally exacted
for Patent and other medical Preparations.
Each package contains directions. Call
and try it!
Prepared and sold at the Confection and
Variety store of the Subscriber in West
York street, one square from the Court
house, and next door to Thompson's Ho
tel. It can also be had at the Drug Stores
of S. 11. 111UEULSR, and. S. FORNY.Y.
ar:rThe subscriber as usuaL continues
his Bakery, and is prepared to supply
parties at the shortest notice, with choice
cakes, dcc.
FASHIONABLE Barber and Hair
Dresser, has removed his 'Temple'
to the Distiond, adjoining the County Buil
dings, where he can at aall times be found
prepared to. attend to the calls of the public.
From long experience he flatters himself
that he can go through all the ramifications
..of the Tonsorical departments, with such an
infinite degree of skill as will meet the en
tire satisfaction of all who may'submit their
chins to the keen ordeal of his razor. He
hopes, therefore, that by attention to busi
ness and a. desire to please, he will merit
as well as receive a liberal share of public
patronsgr. The sick will be attended to at
their private dwellin,ge.
•Oct. , tf.
rrotectioto'imainst Loss Os
"Cumberland Tilley Mutual Protection
Company," being incorporated by an Act of
the Legislature, and Iblly organized and in opera.
Lion under the direction of the following Hoard of
Managers, via ; T C Miller, James Weakly, D W
M'Cullough, A G Miller, T A M'Kinley, Philip
Spangler, Samuel Galbraith, Samuel Tritt, Ab'm
King, (Ailanis,) Joha Zug, Samuel Huston, IT
Green, 4 Bear—call the attention of the inhabit.
ants of Cumberland and Adams counties to the
cheapness of the rates, and the many advantages
which this kind of insurance has over any other.
lat. Every person insured becomes a member
of the company and takes part in the selection of
officers and the direction of its concerns.
2d. For insurance no more is demanded than is
necessary to meet the expenses of the Company,
and Indemnity against losses which may happen.
Itil. The inconvenience of frequent renewals is
avoided by insuring for a term of five years.
9th. Any person applying for insurance must
give his premium note for the cheapest class at
the rate of five per cent., which will be $5O on the
1000, for which he will have to pay $2 tio for rive
years and $1 50 for survey and policy, and no
more unless loss be sustained to a greater amount
than the funds on hand will cover, and then no
more than a pro rota share. These rates are
much cheaper than those of other companies, ex
cept such as are incorporated on the same princi
ples. T. C. MILLER, President.
A. G. MI r.r..s a , Secretary.
ivrThe following named persons have Veen ap
pointed .dgrots for Adams County W Pat
ton, Esq, General Agent for Adams county; J A
Thompson and D Ziegler, Gettysburg; Dr. Wm
It Stewart, Petersburg; Ilenry Myers, New Ches
ter; Henry Mayer, Abbottstown ; Daniel Corn•
fort, Straban township; Abraham King, Hunters
town; David Blythe, Fairfield; 1' 1' Wierman,
Arendtsville ; Wm Morrison and Abel T Wright
Bendersville; Dr. D Mellinger, East Berlin ;
Scott, Cashtown.
Sept. 13, 1840.--tf
VIANDSOME Mahogany-fram'd Look
s ■ ing Glasxes ran h 4 had cheap at
( 1 ) F all the remedies recommended, In late
years, for the cure of CONSUAIPTION,
Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Liter Corn.
plaint, Spitting Blood, Difficulty ul Breathing,
Pain in the Side and Breast, l'elpitation of -
the Heart, Influenza, Croup, Broken
Constitution, Sore Throat, Net•
sous Dankly, and ill diaea•
sea of the Throat, Breaft
and Lungs:
None beeline found mote CILIT/lIIN and
waxy in its curative power over thew, b 0 mend
and often fatal diseases, than the above perora
tion. The Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood
Naptha is an unparalleled remedy. 'lb addition to
the heelingpower of Ter—the virtues of which.
in affections of the lungs, is universally acknowl
edged—there iu combined,. with it in this prepare.
lion the active princlities of Wine of the most cer
tain Tonic Vegetable Portents, which unite to
make it the most valuable medicine ever offered
.to the public for.tbe cureof the dinettes for which
it is emplo3ed, so that it attar fails, if taken in
time, to produce the intended effect.
Among the testimonials to the value'of the a
bove medicine, are several from distingubhed phy.
skims of Philadelphia. Reid the following from
Or. Young, the' eminent oculist :
Philadelphia, den. 18, 1847.
Having used in my practice, as well as in my
orSrfathily.'"rhitneon's Compound Syrup of Tar
and Wood Naptha," I havens:, hositatior. in saying
that it is the best preparation of the kind in use
for persons suffering from Consumption,Coughs,
iced., and all affections of the Throat, Breut, he.
so prevalent at this season of the year.
Whl, YOUNG, 2d. D.
152 Spruce stmt.
Rata also the following from • man who will
&Tiny time corroborate its statements.
-, Phihdelphia,thre. 4, 1547 , •
Penetrated with a deep 51:11111411 of gratitude for
the benefit experienced by the use of Thomson 's
Compound Syrup of Tar, and that others who,
like me, hare languished through years of affliction
and sullering, without being able to find a remedy
maiXitow where it can be obtained,lrohuttarily
make the following statement.
About four year, wince, after being affected with
a violent cold, it left upon trie a troublesome and
severe cough. Whilst the cough continued, which
was with scarcely an intermission during this
long period, language fails to tell what I hare suf.
fered from debility, pains is the breast and side,
night sweats, difficult. expectoration, oppressed
breathing, Viand in fact all those symptoms which
mark a severe pulmonary affection. The relief
oceseionally obtained by the discharge of the mat
ter which eb.tructed the healthy' action of my
system, but increased my hare, as the parident
matter discharged was frequently streaked with
During this time I was under the treatment of
several physicians And took many of those preps
rations recommended as serviceable rii the cases
of others, but without relief : and I at length con
cluded that a cure in my ease was hopeless. it sit
how agreeably changed is now my opinion 1 I
have used for about three weeks Thomson's Coro-
pound Syrup of Mr, By the use of one bottle my
cough has been relieved and my system reinvigo.
rated, and by continuing the use of it op to this
time, lam satisfied that my complaint is entirely
removed and eradicated.
R. KEARNEY, 242 S. Seventh st.
IrrThis invaluable remedy is prepared only by
A ngney & Dickson, N. E. Comer of Fifth and
Spruce streets, Philadelphia. and can be had of the
following Agents :
S. S. .Thrney, Gettysburg.
~,, .Ingney,
D. P. Lange, Hanover.
Price of large bottles $l,OO. Beware of imita
Lions! • (April NO, 1817—ly
Stanton's txternal Rentedly,
%F. now universally acknowledged to be the
INFALLIBLE: RENIEDY for Ilbeumatissn,
spinal affections, contractions of the muscles, sore
tioroat and quinsy, issues, old ulcers, pains in the
backend chest, ague is the breastatid face, tooth
ache, sprains, bruises, salt rheum, burns, croup,
frosted feet, and all nervous diseases. The trusses.
plpso swcre.s which has attended the application
of this most tatmicrful tardieiste in curing the most
severe cases of the different diseases above named,
and the high earonisioss that have been bestowed
upon it, wherever it has been introduced, gives
me the right to call on the afflicted to result at
once to the osiy remedy that eats he relied on.
East Berlin, Pa., May 28, MEL
Dear consider it my duty to express
my sentiments, in behalf of your invaluable med.
icine called /Isint's lininartit.,
I have for some time past need the Liniment
in my practice, for various diseases, and feel sat
isfied, from the success attending its application.
that it merits all that can said in its behalf.
I consider it one of the best rzterival rewerher
I have ever used in cases of Tinter, Ringworm,
Salt Rheum, pains, bruises, cuts, swellings, &c.
The cheap rate at which the articles is to be
had, places ft within the reach of all. It should
toxin the principal external rewedy of every family.
Hampton, 4dains Cs, Pe ! May 29, 1841-
Dear Sir—l feel boomd to the afflicted to give
publicity to the.extraordinary effects of your in-
valuable Exteinal Remedy, called Hunt's LW
My daughter, a girl of twelve years old, had
been afflicted with While Swellings, in one of her
legs, directly below the knee;
„plait, for 'eeriest
months. during which time hie sufferings have
been excruciating and deplorable. I called no •
Physician, who, during frequent visits ' made use
o( every means in his power to arrest the fell de
stroyer, but all without effect. The leg continued
swelling, until it opened, finming various din-
Freebie ,ulcers, rendering amputation net.essary
unless hiltnediate relief be bad. Fortunately, how••
ever,co the fi rst day of December last, your agent
havnglieen in our village, and bearing of the euf ,
brisp of my daughter, he sent me one bottle of
your Liniment, the use of which alone, thank God,
has not only arrested the further progress of the
disease, but has cured the leg potbelly, removing
all pains and swellings, and restored the.leg to Its
!proper use.
I am under many obligations to your kind agent,
who thus, by one bottle of your invaluable medi
al:" saved the leg of my daughter front empire
tbs. Your Liniment should find' its way inter ev
ery family. MOSES PHILLIPS.
May_ Mk iscr.
OW N th e undersigned, citizens of ilamptoskays
acquainted with Moos Phillip', and know him to
be a man of truth. and that the facts as set forth
in his certificate, are corze&"
This Liniment is sold at 25 and 50 cente per
bottle by ail the principal Druggist* and March
Orden :Admitted to me at sing Sing, N Y, will
be attended to. GF. STANTON, Proprietor.
Wholesale .agents—Hoedly, Phelps & CO 143
Water street, Rushton & Co 110 Broadway, A B
& 11 Sands, corner .Pulton and William, A apinwall
86 William street, New York ; Cuthbert & Weth
erill 76 South Second, Philadelphia.
AGENTS.—SamueI H. Buehler & S.
S. Forney, Gettysburg; Abraham King,
Hunterstown ; 7.uck, Pinetown ; Ja
cob Hollinger, Heidlersburg ; Hollinger&
Ferree, Petersburg, (Y. S.) ; Jacob Aula
bough, //amplon; Geo. S. Bentzel, and J.
S. Hildebrand & Co., East Berlin.
June 11, 1847. [Dee. 2-Iy]
Shovel Cultivators
CAN be had for Cumberland township
at C. NV. liorFmitiv's Coach-Shop,
Gettysburg, Pa. Please call and see them
and judge for yourself.
Gettysburg, May 20, 1940.
THE subscriber having associated with
him in the Mercantile Business his
brother, would respectfully ask all persons
indebted to him to call and make imme
diate paynirul.
For the cure of Hepaiiies or Liver, com
plaint Dyspepsia and Sick Read-ilihe.
GrpHIS remedy has been several ye-to em,
41 ployed by the proprietor in bus prielice, on
very large icale in7donongal ia, Preston, Hai limn,
a coonties, in Virginia, besides Rever
e' other lace,p and hiving been attended : with
the most happy effects, he has been IMat time to
time scilletted te sdch a courgette` Would give
it a more extensive circulation with a view to let
sen the amount of human auflbring. Aware of
the fact that many nostrums hare .hrin
s palmcd
upsn the public, he hesitated forme/dud years, un
til thoroughly convinced that the above medicine,
if properly ami,vrould net-fall N ell et arise to •
great many instienees, and even to alleviate those
canoe whit:him, quite incurable.-
Spepteau tie diseased LiereA-Pain in the right
side. ander,ths edge of the ribs, increased.** trea
sure; 'email** the pain is in ‘he left side; the
patient it melt oble to lie on the left 00: Polite
times the - pain Is felt - underttar voiseesider.blathr, it
frequently extends to the top of the shoulder, and
is sometimes mistaken for a- rheumatism in the
right arm. Th. stomach ill'affected with loss of
appetite and sickness i the bowels; in general, are
costive, sometime/ alleithditag with lax, the bead
is troubled with pain acconsPanied with a dull,
heavy Sensation in the back part. There is gen
erally a considerable loss 'of memory, accompan.
led with a painful sensation of having left undone
something which ought to hate been done. A
slight dry cough is sometimes an attendant. The
patient complaint of weariness and debate). the Ix
easily startled, his feet are Cold or burning. and be
complains of a prickly s e nsation of the skin ; his
spirits am low; and although he is satisfied that
exercise would be beneficial to him, yet be can
scarcely summon up ftlittJe enough to try ito-
In fact, he distrustirit — ery remedy. Several of the
above epaptems attend the disease, but nose have
occurred where few of them existed, yet exami
nation of the body after death lour shown the liver
to have been extensively deranged.
. This is to reit*, that baying bents atenrlated
with Dr. lit'Lane in the practice of medicine fin
nearly two and a half years, I bad many opportu
nities of witnessing be good effects of hia Liver
Pills, and I believe they hare cored and relieved
■ much larger proportion of the diseases of the liv
er, than I have known cured andlelleved by any
other course of treatment.
Oliver Morgan, M. D.
Dee. 7, t 836
Mr. M'Laree'e Liver Pills.
This is to certify that I hare been afflicted for
six years with the Liver Complaint, and applied
to different physician's, obtaining temporary teller.
On bearing of Dr. htLarte'S Liver Pills I obtained
and used two boxes. I now feel alenait lolly -re
stored to health—The Liver Pills bane given me
surprising relief. S. DAVIS, near Pittsburg.
Observe-Olone aremenuing withmn a far simi
le of the proprietor's sliellimmn- Prepared for the
proprietor by JONATHAN JUDD A Ce. Whole
sale and Retied Druggists, No. SO Wood at. Pitts
N. 8.--lnander that tlenr may br so mistake,
be particular and ask ifcrr "Dr. Mtanies Lite/
tTThe shove medicine m be had of the tot
S. H. Burbler, Gellyaberrt ; J. Lower,
Atrendtaville ; J. & C. INlEnight, Ben
deraville ; J. 8. Hollinger, firilierabwrg;
Holtainger k Ferree, Petersburg; Jamb
AulebauFh, Ilampion ; J. T. Hildebrand,
E. Berlin; Peter Mickly, illinenneeburg,r
Bolinger, ilbbotistoris; Coulson k
Co. Wholesale Agents, Liberty al. Be ti
more, 111 d.
Feb. 20., I 547.--41rn
For Consumption, coughs, Colds, Eton-
chitis, Asthma, C'Youp. Whooping
Cough, Spilling of Blood, Sure
Throat, Pains and Oppres
sions of
. the Breast, Dtf
ficulty of Breathing,
and all other-di
senses of the
Hew] the following Certificate of Fere performed
by the ine of Roar's Experforoad and salt if yos
will lunges neglect your tough, a dosht ita eaten-
Bakimer, March 12, 11147
Mr. hit V. Rem
Dear Sir—About three weeks op my wife
caught a severe raid, which troubled her a geed
deal and gate her greatsae ; she pawed
a pest massy articles which won rearenniended
to her by her Mends, hed_vritheral virteiviog the
benefit horn any of them • her cough was getting
worse every day ; her a ppetite was lien failing ~
and to sleep was inspoisible: the pleas in her
breast and side became so severe that that she
had to go to led, and my friends advised me to
call in a Physician. thought 1 weald mill in
the store when you were engaged and see if 11
could net get something that Winall relieve ler,
when yin gave me a bottle of year Expectorant,
assuring onetime it would can her, she commen
ced taking it that sight, not, however, without
great apparition en the part of some of hes
friends, who said it was any sone. “Quark
Medichte," and would do hoe mew harm
than good. • But 1 ileterwriaof totaiteyear adri ft ,
sad *ow let ail know OM Rank I item taking the
drat dose she felt easier, though citable b sleep
on aearairt of the quantity of phlegm that loosen
ed and would almost choke her, but which she
could spit op with but little dilliscritn the follow
ing day she continued it sottonlaif to the direc
tions, and that time, for the Sept tine for needy
two weeks, she enjoyed* ge•d light's rest sad by
the time shed finished the bit bottle, she was
entirely cured. Make what am of tido you' think
proper, for such ap invaluable wadies should bor
made known to the Aided every Wiese. .With
best wishes for your success, •
I remain youre he.;
CAUTION 1 !I' Beware of ..Counterfeits and
Spurious Imitations. See tbaube initials "A4l'
are as tbe seal : also ory WrWoe Miewritimr on t e
wrapper cotes& bottle, vrithobt which none iv gen
uine. Prepared only by James F. Itow,Druggist,
%WIWI* Md. MYFor' ale In filliPboT by
SAMUXI. H. BUEHLER, and La Millasrserw . by
G. W. MAGI".
May 28, 1847.—if
&RAWLS of every description can be
had •i , •ery cheap at W. do O. thithritill'a
Cheap Stope in Chanthersburg street.-
&c., of best quality, can always be, had at
the Fancy Store of C. ;WEAV ER', g,
April 10, 1846.
M E have just received a haedsoe
assortment of plain and fringed
PARASOLS, which we'will be
show to all who favor us with a Mit
May 7. W. & C. RIUTHEAUTT.
Is published every Friday Evening, in th•
County 'Wiling, above the Register
and Recorder's Office, by
le paid in advance or within the year, $0 pal
annum—if not paid within the year, $2 bO. to
paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid—
except at the option of the Editor. Single copies
21 cents. A failure to notify a discontinuance
will be regarded as a new engagement
Advertisements not exceeding a square inserted
three time* for st—every subsequent insertion
26 cents. Longer ones in the same proportion.
All advertisements not specially ordered fora giv.
in time, will be continued until forbid. A liberal
reduction will be matte tothose who advertise by
the year.
Jab Printing of all kinds executed neatly and
promptly, and on reasonable tenets.
Leners and Communications to the Editor, Wl
ceptkng such as contain Money or the names Of
new subscribers,) must be tort rsee, In ordet to
secure attcration.