Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, July 02, 1847, Image 2

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    CONORENM, .11'1V 4, 1770
.By the Noltiresentritives of the U. Motet of
ilinerica ii Congre; s as.vembled
WHIM ittplir course of human events,
it becomes necessary for one pe mle to dis
solve thopolittealbands which have connect
ed them withanother, and to assume among
the Payers of the earth the separate and
vinel station to which the laws of nature
and of nature's GOd entitle them, a decent
respect/or the opinions of mankind requires
that they should declare the causes winch
impel thole to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident
--L-that all men are created equal ; that they
era endowed by their creator with certain
inalienable rights; that among these aro
life, liberty, and the pursuit of lmpiness.
Thatoo secure these rights, governments
are instituted among men, deriving their
just power from the consent of the govern
ed ; that whenevtir any form of govern
ment becomes destructive of these ends, it
is the right of the people to alter or to abet
4i4t-it,--aml to institute a new government,
laying its Inundation on such principles,
and organizing in such farm, as to them
shall seem most likely to effect their safe
ty and happinesS. Prudence. indeed, will
dictate, that gdvernments long established
Should not be changed for light and tran
sient causes ; and accordingly all experi
ence has shown, that mankind are inure
disposed to suffer, while evils are suffer
able, than to-right themselves by abolish
ing the forms to which they arc accustom
ed. But when a long traih of abuses and
Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same
object, evinces a design to reduce them Un
der absolute - despotisin, it is their right, it
is their duty to throw oil. sudk government,
and to provide new guards for their future
.Bnch has been the patient suf
ferance of these colonies, and such is now
the necessity which constrains them to al
ter their former systems of government- 1 —
'l'4e history of the present king of Great
Britain is a history of repeated injuries and
usurpatioes, all having in direct object the
establishment of an absolute tyranny over
. .S . tates. 'l'o prove this, let facts be
bablOiled to a candid world.
Be !MS refused bis assent to laws the
most wholesome and necessary for the
public, good.
Ile has forbidden his governors to pass
lawsof hutriediate and pressing importance,
suspended in their operation until
hit assent should be obtained ; and when
sn suspended, he has utterly neglected to
mend to Omni.
lie has refused to pass other laws for
if - re — net Untmodation of large districts of
people, unless those people would relin
quish the right of representation in the le
giSlature—a right inestimable to them, and
formidable to tyrants only.
lle has called together legislative bodies,
'al Places unusual, uncomfortable, and dis
tant from the depository of their public re
cords, for the sole purpose of fatiguing
them into compliance with his measures.
lie has dissolved representatives houses
repeatedly, for opposing, with mattlY firm
ness, his invasions on the iights of the
Be has refused for a long time after such
dissolution, to cause others to he elected ;
whereby the legislative powers, incapahle
Of annihilation, have returned to the people
atlnrge,_ for their exercise; the state re
maining, in the mean time, exposed to all
the danger of invasion from without, and
convulsions within.
lie Itas.entleavored to prevent the pop
ulation of these states; for that purpose
uhstrueting the laws for the naturalization
of foreigners ; refuting to pass others, to
encourage their migration hither, and rais
jog the conditions of new appropriation of
He has obstructed the administration of
justice, by refusing his assent to laws for
etemblishing judiciary powers.
Wilms made judges dependent on his
will ahme,•for the tenure of their offices,
Mid the amount and payment of their sala
rieis. •• • • • • •
,He has erected a multitude of new obi:
ces. ;Ind vent hither swarms of officers to
ltarritia f eur people and eat out their sub-
lie hail kept among us, in times of peace,
stand* aruues, without the consent of
our legislatures.
Ile hasinfected to render the military
independent of, and superior to, the civil
power: , - . ._
'ilikas.combineil with others, to subject
.ucto.ajorisdiction, foreign to our etinsti.
Haien, and unacknowledged by lair laws
giving his assent to their acts of pretended
legislation i
..For .quartering large bodies of armed
*mops amoug us:
Fur - protecting them by a mock trial,
from punishment fur any murder which
the should commit on the inhabitants of
illese states :
For euAtitigoff our trade with all parts
orthe world:
For. imposing taxes on us without our
• Fur depriving us, in 'many eases, of the
benefits of trial by jury :
For transporting us beyond seas, to be
tried (Or pretended offences :
For abolishing the free system of Eng
lish law in a !trig - boring - province, estab
lishing - Therein an arbitrary government,
and enlarging its boundaries so as to ren
der it• at once an example and lit instru
ment for introducing the same absolute rule
into these colonies :
For taking awas• our charters, abolish
ittpfur moot valuable laws, and altering
(undated:ditty the forme of our govern
*wits :
• For suspending our own legislatures,
sod dectsrmg themselves invested With
poster . to legislate for us in all cases whal e ..
110 has abdicated government here. by
declaring us out of,his protectiou, and wa
ging,esar against us.
He has plundered our seas, ravaged our
imaittOsurat our towns, and destroyed the
lives of our people.
illstia k et this time, transporting large ar
was of foreign mercenaries, to complete
din stvorha err deatb. desolation, and tyran
ny. alrewly begun, with eireurattances of
ontelty and perfidy, scarcely paralleled in
the woes imarbernea ages, and totally un
*o4l %hit head of* civilised nation.
ll* has consuittued our fellow ritirens
taken captive on the high am, to bear
arms againet their country, to become the _= _
executioners of their friends and brethren, THE GUERILLA WARFARE.
or to fall themselves by their hands. The U. S. steamer Mary- Kingland,
He has excited domestic insurrections ! Capt. Davis, arrived at New Orleans on
amongst us, and has endeavhecd to bring the 17th inst., from Vera Cruz the oth,
ou the inhabitants of our frontiers the mer- and from Brazos the 13th inst. She brings
eiless Indian savages, whose known rule of ;more details of the event that has lately
warfare is an undestinguished destruction happened in that part of Mexico, viz; the
of all ages, sexes, and conditions. attack on Col. M'lntosh's train.
In every stage of these oppressions, we ! ATTACK ON 'I'HE RAIN.—We
have petitioned for redress, in the most, learn that the whole of the immense train,
humble terms : our petitions have been under the escort of Col. M'lntosh and 800
answered only by repeated injury. A men, proceeding onward to the headquar
prince whose character is thus marked, by I tent of Gen. Scott, were attacked by a
every net which may define a tyraot, is :guerilla party at a point just fifteen mites
unfit to be the ruler of a free people. I beyond Santa Fe, a village eight mite from
Nur have we been wanting , in attention ; Vera Cruz. The moment the attack was
to our British brethren. We have warn• made on the head of the train, the dragoons
ed them, from time to time, of attempts charged on the enemy and dispersed them.
made by their legislature, to extend an tin-' After a lapse of a very short time, the Mex
warrantable jurisdiction over us. We Mans again made their appearance in seem
have reminded them of the circumstances ingly overwhehning numbers, at least 17
of our emigration and settlement here.— , or 1800 strong. and opened a fire on sev-
We have appealed to their native justice oral pains at once. Ilene a considerable
and magnanimity, and we have conjured number of pack nicks fell into the hands
them by the tics of our common kindred,l of the foe. from the extended line which
to disavow these usurpations, which would I had to be kept up, on the march, owing to
inevitably interrupt our connexions and the narrow defiles through which the-train
correspondence. They, too, have been t had to pass.
deaf to the voice of justice and eonsanguin-1 Col. M'lntosh, afters rather seyiire con.
ty. W e must, therefore, acquiesce in the I test, succeeded hit,beating off . the sesailante,
necessity, which denounces our separa- and then flirtifiee himsalfbehind anger's,
tion, and hold them, as we hold the rest ofl deeming it imprudent to continue on•wlth
mankind—enemies in war ;—in peace, out a reinforcement, particularly requiring
friends. I artillery. An express reachen the city on
WE, therefore, the representatives of the; Monday, the 7th tall( ., in the evening, and
United States'of America, in general con-1 on Tuesday-morning, Gee. Cadwallder
gress assembled, appealing to the Supreme' marched to hit relief, with a sectibodeteil-
Judge of the world, for the rectitude,of our t ed from ihwilowitter batteryi 1D guns
intentions, do, in the name and by the an- tached to the Veltigeur regiment under
thority of thegood people of these colonies, Lieut.'. Blakely and Cochrane; four cow
solemly publish and declare, that these uni- Oanies Ilth regrtnent„ Ander Col. Ramey ;
ted colonies are, and of right ought to be.i one company of the 9th and one of thelth
free and independent sates ; that they are Infantry, and company K, ofll4,Dregoone.
obsolved from all allegiance to the British Twenty accompanied.
crown, and that all political connexion be
tween them and the state of Great Britain,
is and ought to be totally dissolved ; and
that as free and independent states, they
have full power to levy war,conclude peace,
contract alliances, establish commerce, and
o do all ether acts and Milli; which inde
!modem states may of right do. And for
to support of this &aviation, with a first
reliance on the pnovetion of Divine Pm,.
hience, we mutually pledge to each other
our lives, our fortuues, and our sacred hon-
THE ANTI-(hMIN° LAWr•-4)111 yester
day, the Ist of July, the law pained at tile
last session of the Legbilature for the sup
pression of gaining withili the Common
wealth, went into effect. . Its provisions
are oldie most stringent nature, and though
we have published the law in full; a refer
ence to its provisions now may be useful
as showing the liabilities which are incur
red by a violation of them. Persons Who
keep any apartment Tor gambling purposes,
or knowingly Buffet it to be used for gamb
ling, are liable, upon conviction, to a - tine
of from $5O to $OOO. Any person exhib
iting the implements of gaming, (*engaged
in gaining for a livlihood, is liable* upon
conviction, to imprisonment in the t eni
tentiary front one WSW /rears fieie
of $5OO. Any person inviting or persuad
ing another to visits place used for gaoling
purposes, shall, upon conviction, beheld
responsible for the money orproperty lost
by such persuasion or invitation, andftued
from $5O to- *500... Einnsmarr power is
given to police officers to break open doors
and make arrests whet* there le any sus
picion that gambling is carried on, audit is
the duty of all sheriffs, constables and pros
ecuting attorneys, to inform upon and pros
ecute offenders against the not; nder a pen
alty of $5O toll3oo s •
—On Monday last at Covington, Ky. a
man named Joseph Fisk, was instantly
killed, and C. A. Littlefield and 1.. M7er
seriously injured by the premature dill=
charge of a cannon, in firing salutes in hon.
or of the arrival of some of the Kentucky
volunteers. Mr. Fisk was blown into pie-
ces, his body being nearly cut in, two, and
his limbs and entratla torn into fragments.
Mr. Littlefield, who had charge of the vent
hole; had his thumb blown of', and Mr. L.
Myer his right arm. On the following
day two others were killed in the same
way. •
Tssittaut Tnentosa • groati.—Three
Persons Xilletl by Lighbling.—,The house
of Mr. William Mathews, No. $8 Wilder
street, just north of Tonawanda. Railroad,
was'struck by lightning on Monday night,
the fluid entering the chimney on the gable
end of the house, mid thence passing down
ihe,stove.pipe. throtegh,the opening in the
stove door. In consequence ol the warmth
oldie night, the featherbed had been re
moved to the floor, near the stove, and on
which Mr. Matthews, his wife, and daugh
ter Sophia. a little girl about 10 years of
age, lay sleeping. As the fluid left the
stove, it passed directly across the bed,
killing the husband and wife instantly,
and then made its way through the aide
of the house. The daughter lived un
til about 3 o'clock, vomiting considerable
blood at times, but leaving no perceptible
injuries upon her body. The parents
were slightly burned. Another daughter,
Emma, slept in the same bed, or beside it,
and escaped uninjured.
The two sons of Mt. Mathews slept in
the chamber above, and being awakened
by the shock, called to their parents, but
received no answer. They immediately
ran down stairs and discovered the bed on
fire. On extinguishing the flames they
found their parents lifeless. —Rochester
1 4( certiser.
Murder on the Plains.—The St. Louis
Beville of the 22d inst., has late intelligence
from Council Bluffs, by Major J. Miller,
Indian agent. The YusatmA Sioux In
dians were threatening to murder all the
Mahas and Ottoes, as well as the whites
at Council Bluffs, and were approaching
with a large war party. The Grand Paw
nees were also very hostile to the whites.
A party of the Grand Pawnees had at
tacked the Oregon emigrants, and demand
ed a parley. They told the whites they
wanted presents, which they must have,
or they would attack them. The emi
grants gave them some presents, with
•With which the Indians were dissatisfied,
and demanded more.
The emigrants then prepared to defend
themselves, but could not succeed in gatlk
oring in their stock. The Indians thereup
on fell upon the cattle and killed more than
fifty head, besides taking a number of hor
ses. They were still following the trail
of the emigrants. Two men belonging to
tho return government train had also been
The fruit crop is ao abundant in New
York, that the farmers are at a los; as to
the best means of preserving their trees
against the evil ef f ects of too great bearing.
battle ed the National Bridge between
Irmo the New Wee= Debi, JUDO 204
The following highly important intelli
rnce vras comm i micated to us by Lieut. Floyd and Mr. illiams, of the 2d Penn
sylvania Volunteoe, who came over in the
steamship Galvehtnn this morning.
On the Bth, a smell reconnoitering party,
together with soma citizens and disbanded
soldiers, in number about 160, with 76
armed men and 30 mounted, left Puebla
for Vent Crnz. 7 1'his party was under
command of Capt. Bainbridge, of the 3d
On leaving Jalapa, and getting near Cer
ro Gordo, this party was• informed that it
would not be prudent to go through the
pare:airthere weiviabout 4000 Mexicans
in the chapparel along the pass.
Previous to this, the officers who had
gone to the rear of the train were fired at
from the chappand—at the mouth of the
pass the party was organized and marched
through Without meeting an enmity—arriv
ing at the bridge that evening. Whiten
they were bivouacking on the other side of
the bridge, being so fatigued that they were
.unableito Tarnish a _guard, they--were in
fortned that - some persons were barricading
the bridge. A guard was then stationed
between the bridge and the encampment,
to prevent the party being surprised. At
this time' signal lights on the ridges and
cliff, were _distinctly seen. Before day
light a scouting party was sent out, and al
so ft party to clear the bridge, whiCh was
done without any opposition.
The main body of the party then passed
over the bridge, every thing appeasieg j . . 0
be safe, all danger being pasi.
Lieut. Williams and Mr. Frazer were
sent bask to bring on the train nn the other
side of the bridge. Just as they were
entering the bridge, a party of twenty-five
Mexicans appeared on the bridge and fired
several vollies on them. The Wagon matt
ter it'd four others, who were passing on
the 'bridge, were fired on and the whole
five killed, and the wagon was captured,
which, however, was of no great value.
'After the fire had ceased, a party of lan
eers appeared on the bridge, and seemed to
be preparing to charge, but seeing that
Capt. Bainbridge's party were preparing to
receive them, wheeled their horses and gal
loped off. Bainbridge pursued his march
in good order, followed by 400 or 600 foot
lancers, who hung upon his rear and flanks
for four or five miles, but at a respectful
distance. Thus hemmed in, this little par
ty primed its way, until it.nrrivete where
Col. M'lntoeh had encamped with hie
large train. The Mexicans who had at
tacked Bainbridge's patty were the same
who had compelled Col. M'lntosh to huh
and await rem foreemenu. The party re
mained that night itt Mlntosit's camp, and
during the whole time the Mexicans kept
ups continual fire on the camp, approaching
with the greatest boldness very near to our
On the next day Capt. Bainbridge's par
ty resumed its march to Vera Crux, being
joined by Capt. Duperu's U. B. Dragoons;
who were sent back to get their horses.
This company, with its gallant captain,
had behaved very handsomely at the at
tack on M'lntonit camp. Ibdeed it was
generally admitted that Col. ikl'lntosh's
command was saved by the gallantry of
Duperu's party. Bainbridge's party con
tinued their march to Vera Crux, where
they arrived in safety.
In the mean time Duperu's party hav
ing a long return train to guard, and being
threatened by a large body of lancers, halt
ed at Santa Fe, where they were charged
by a greatly superior force, which they
gallantly repulsed, killing many of the-en
emy and suffering no loss themselves. It
was said, however, that some of our wag
ons were cut off, and the drivers were ta
ken prisoners.
Capt. Duperu arrived safely in Vera
Cruz, having lost three killed and three
On the day Capt. Brainbridge left M'-
Intosh's camp. Gen. Cadwallader had ar
rived with a force of eight hundred men,
and two howitzers. The two commands
were then making in all about six
teen hundred men, with two howitzers,
under command of Gen. Cadwallader, and
pushed on towards the National Bridge.—
Gen, C. occupied the heights commanding
the bridge, from which the enemy had fired
on Capt. Bainbridge's party, where he
was attacked by a large force of the Mexi
cans posted on the ridges and chapparal,
and some hard fighting was carried on for
several hours ; the Mexicans losing more
than oneitundred men,and Gen. Cadwalla
der losing some fifteen killed, and thirty or
forty wounded: •
The Mexicans were repulsed, and the
bridge was successfully passed by Gen.
Cadwallader, who was on his way to Jal
Sirice the above was written we have
learned that in the affair between den.
Cadwallader and the Mexicans at the Na
tional Bridge, the company of Lieut. Blake.
Iy, of the newly raised Voltigetirs, with
two howitzers, charged the barricades and
swept them with a new charges from the
howitzers. On passing through, however,
Lieut. Blakely received a heavy fire from
the enemy on the ridge, which commands
the road, by which he sustained a loss of
one killed and four wounded—thdLieuten
ant himself being wounded in the leg.—
They also lost several horses. The heights
Were then charged on the right and left of
the road, and gallantly carried—the enemy
flying before them in great confusion.—
' When Gen. Cadwallader hid passed-the
bridge, he was attacked by a large paCty.tif
guerillas, who kept up a continual. tire on
his men fur a long 'distance. At Cerro
Gordo; it was thought, frOM reports of
hearing firing, that the enemy had made a
slam: in great nimibersohough.:no ippre
he:miens were entertained for the safety of
Gen. c Callwallader's command, which; was
-moving in a bold and steady manner, the
only way to deal' with thu Mexicana.—
Capt. Gates' company of third dragoons
were sent by Gen. Cadwallader to the
rear to reinforce the guards of the train.
Who were attacked by. a large. force of lan
cers, which they. repulstil with considera
ble Ides. • •
There is much sickness in Vera Cruz,
but very little in the Castle.
The estimated loss of Col. M'lntosh's
party is aboutll4o,ooo. For miles quirt:um
to strewed with empty boicesitnd bacon
sides Which had been captured by the en
The garrison at Jalapa has been broken
op , tiYilrder of Gen. Scott. and all the•siek
randlevertonent stores have been sent to
Parole Castle, aothat this line of coma mil
cation is entirely closed.
General Scott has ha a road opened
from Perote to Tuspan, romwhich, in fu
tut*. all our stores, and m will be sent in
pr. Terence to the old road. The success
of the attack on M'lntosh's command has
given great confidence to tke guerillas, who
are swarming in great numbers through
theecituttry r itnd-sttacking alf - our-parties,
large or stitall.
There are about tfloo men encamped at
Vera Crux., _Gen. Shields was at Jalapa,
and was about to leave for the United
States, when he received an order from
Gen. Scott to join him at Puebla.
There are no preparations to defend any
point between Puebla and the Capital.—
All the odds and ends of the army are col
lected in the oily, about 20.000 in number,
but poinly armed and of misererable mate
• I
There was a small pronunciamento at
the•city of Mexico, which was easily put
down by Gen..llustarnente. , It was got up
by factions-of the populace party, and of
Gomez Pada' . party. :Mir cry was,
down with Santa Anna, but the President
ad interim still maintained his power and
Gen. Bravo is in comreond of the army
at the capital.
Gen. Scott was at Puebla at the last ac
counts. The editors of El Arco Iris had
received dates front the-capital 2d of June.
Santa Anna had a second time sent in his
resignation of.the Presidency ; Congresii
had not, however, up to that time, accept
ed it; he had also made a formal resigna
tion of his office, as commander-in-chief of
the army, which,-like his resignation of
presidency, remained in abeyance, Con
gress not having acted uplift dither. • Re
po and five other Generals; whose names
are not'given, have been• arrested and seal
to the different States for confinement.
The gallant Capt. Walker has commen
ced his work of *retaliation on the guerillas.
On the morning of the Ath inst. he tailed
with his command from Perote, on an ex
pedition of some distance into the interior.
During the expedition he succeeded in
capturing 19 guerillas and an Alcalde.—
lie has employed them iu cleaning the
streets and sinks.
Gen. Scott at Rio Frio—Deputation from
the Capital—Propoaals for peace relat
ed by Gen. Scott.
(Frond the Mobile Herald and Tribune, Jane 21.)
The Steamer Jas. L. Day arrived at N.
Orleans, from Vera Cruz, on Monday
morning 21st. She left Vera Cruz on the
afternoon of the 16th inst., touching at
Tampico on the morning of the 17th, and
Brazos St. Juge on the afternoon of the
Her news is one day later, and we are
indebted for it to the Delti office.
The main interest excited by. this arri
val, says our slip, centres in the report
communicated to the Jas. L. Day by Mr.
Clifton, the pilot of Tampico, who board
ed her on the 17th, off that city.
He stated that they were in daily expec
tation of an attack from the Mexicans, who
wore reported to be 1600 strong in the vi
cinity of the city.
On the niglat,of of the 12th inst., a dem
onstration was 'made by the Mexicans in
Tampico, to rise. The American author
ities, however, having timely information of
the contemplated movement to suppress it,
if attempted, called out the troops, who lay
on their arms all night. 'There was then
no demonstration of revolt made.
On the I6th,i4t, a party of Mexican
Lancers attacked the outposts at Tampico,
end drove the sentinels into the city.
On the 16th, a, party of Rancheros at
tacked the pilot station, and were greeted
by the disehatge from half a dozen pus
keno, when they retreated.
The barque Mary, of Baltimore, put in
to Tampico on the lath inst. for supplies
and repairs. She was bound for Vera
Cruz with two hundred volunteers, which
she landed at Tampico.
The most important part of the intelli
gence brought by the arrival, is the flatter
ing prospects of peace.
,Capt. Wood; of the Jas. L. Day, informs
us that information had been received at
Vera Cruz before the Day left, that Cons.
Scott and Worth, with the main body of
the army, had advanced as far as Rio Frio
without opposition, and wore met at that
place by a deputation from the capital with
proposals of peace.
The exact tenor of the proposition was
not known. They were, however, of such
a nature, that Gen. Scott refused to accept
them, and was determined to push on his
forces to the capital, and front the deep
anxiety felt by the new Government (if the
term government can be applied to any
party or power in Mexico) to stay the
march of our forces on the Capital, it was
thought that further concessions would be
,Pen. Scott before he took his
his line of march from Rio Frio.
train came down from Monterey, that
brought us news from that place up to the
Slat ult., the guard arrested at Ceralvo a
Mexican who had become notorious for
his thefts and murders. Upon being ex
amined, enough was elicited to order his
immediate execution. The condennied,
up to the moment of his sentence, main
' tained a dogged silence. When he found
that his hour had dome, he grew quite
quacious, and taking out his flint and steel,
he lit a cigarretto, and coolly pulling it, he
walked out into the plaza to submit to hilt
fate. Six soldiers were selected as execa
dotter& -rho mexioair woo Vet - turned'
from the platoon, but he reiolutely'object
ed, and wished to look death in the face.
With an eye unblanched he saw the dead
ly weapons raised, remarking that he had
only one life to lose, while he had taken
forty. In another instant lie sprang for
ward a eurpse,.oue ball penetrating his
head, three others his body. Upon exam
ination of the papers found on the dead
body, it was.discovered that the iirotier of'
the notoritsuaVaiutles was the.victint just .
executed.N. 0.. Nat ions/,-19th inst.
The Washington.correspondent of the
BaltiMore Sun, understood to Irs Mr.
Grund, the Administration apologist, pays
'the following -kilt compliment to Gen.
Scorr, in a recent leter upon the difficul
tleaiaid to have - arisen between that offi
cers and Mr. Tritst, the government agent :
"Whatever the powers of Mr..Trist may
be—whether they refer only. to the begin
ning or to the conclusion or negotiations--
Gen. Scott has thus far given ample proofs
not only of hiii great generalship, but also
of his talents as a skilful negotiator. The
changes 'wrought in the opinions of a high
ly respeeiahle class of Mexicans—the cler
,lty,.-the annihilation of the war spirit—the
frank avowal of a preference for peace in
pliblie,Miii - itir . otigh the press, of as intelli
gent portion of the Mexican people, are
his work : and whether he had instruc
tions to do all' this, or did, it at the sugges
tion of his own mind, much credit is due
hint for the manner in which he has done
'it ; and it is, therefore, easily comprehend
ed why he should still be -.considered de
jure as he is de facto, the principal nego
tiator for peace. General Scott is a very
popular man with tlic Mexicatio,.and. us
commander in chief, - who at any lime can
appeal to his cannons in proof of the cor
rectness of his assertions, is certainly-ti
most proper channel of communication
with the enemy."
pleasure, on Saturday, of a brief visit from
our old friend and poetical contributor,
Captain G. W. Patten, of the 3d Infantry,
who, et the battle of Cerro"Gordo, 'bad the
whole otitis left hand, except the forefin
ger and thumb, shot away by
,a canntin
ball. It was a plunging fire, and after thus
wounding Captain Patten, the ball struck
a rock, which it broke into fragments, one
ofwhich cut down and wounded the Sec
ond sergeant of Captain Patten'scompany.
While Captain Patten was yet in the
field, holding With his right hand the arm
of the shattered left, Gen. ticottrode slow
ly by, "under a, canopy," to use Captain
Patten's expression, "of cannon balls."—
Seeing a wounded man, and supposinghim
to be a soldier, he exclaimed, sleeking his
pace, "There isa brare soldier badly wound
ed I fear;" and then being on WE
.cer that-it.was-Captaiw-Pottenrihe-Gener
al halted, and called to Captain I'., to in
quire the nature of the wound, hut in the
roar of the battle he was not heard.
Captain P. spoke with enthusiasm as
well of the calm and soldierly bearing of
his gallant commander, amidst the thickest
and liottrist of this murderous cannonade,
as of his ready sympathy with, and atten
tion to the wounded men and eflicers.—N.
Y. Cour. and Enq
the volunteers whii was at the reduction of
Vera Cruz, reports that thirisg the bom
bardment, Gen. Scott, riding along the A
merican line, and seeing Bomb of the sol
diers raising their heads above the embank
ment, to get a view of the destruction in the
city, called out familiarly--}Better take
care there! Some of you will get your
heads knocked off before you know it! '—
uHadn't you holier take rareof your own
head, General?" asked one of them. "Ay,
they make Generals so easy, now, it isn't
much odds if one of them should get killed,"
replied the General.
GeN. TAYLOR.—It was recently stated by
some of the newspapers, on the authority
of letters from Mexico, that, for several
months, the Administration had treated
Gen. Taylor with entire neglect, not even
replying to any of hie communications to
the War Department. The editor .of the
Washington Union put forth what he in
tended his readers to understand as a deni
al of this statement. We sow assert what
we know to be true, that on the 2d of April .
last Gen. Taylor had not, for jive months;
received a communication from the Gov
ernment upon any subjeee'whetever..With
a single exception of a communication
from the Secretary of War scolding him
for his letter to Geu. Gad:teal—Louisville
Journal. ".
The Xenia (oo.)Torch Light publishes
a letter from a •returned volunteer, who be
longed to the St. Louis Legion, from which
we extract the following anecdote::
One night during the four days' rain, I
was standing sentinel; half leg.deep in the
water. It was st_ night net easily forgotten
—such sheets Of vivid; lightning, such
bursts of loud thunder, such roaring groans
of wind and rain. I never before experien
ced. It was 81/ dark as, renew, in Green
River cave. About two o'clock in the
morning, I heard a spllihing along in the
water, and hailed.. It graved to be Capt.
Salisbury, officer of the day, and Lieut..
West, officer of the grand rounds.. After
passing me they found 'the next sentinel
but one engaged in earnest conversation
with himself, in whichlte appeared so in
terested that he did not hear them ap
proach. They had the curiosity to listen
to the soliloquy :
"Yes," said he, "when I voted for Jas.
K. Polk, had I known it would have led to
this, I'd have seen him to the d—l, and
Texas sunk first. Bat after the war was
brought on I was ashamed to let the whip
do the fighting, and stay at home and be
taunted by them. I was obliged to come
fur consistency's sake, but if I had you
here, James K. l'olk"—here he uttered
an a wfuliniprecation upon him—"l'd blow
you through," and he brought up his musk
et to take aim, as ilhe would shoot sure e
nough. At this moment the giand rounds
made a noise and were hailed rtcrnly with—
" Who comes there 2"
"James K. Polk," was the reply.
"Advance, 13 1 —n you, and give the coun
tersign, or pll blow your brains !"
The officers told the anecdote die next
day to the company with great gusto.
WYNCOOP, of the first Pennsylva
regiment; has been appointed Governor of
Perote, by Gen. Scott, and Lieut Kaerehor
of the same regiment, has been appointed
Postmaster of that place.
The pure philanthropy and benevolence
which have characterized the life of this
distinguished gentleman, arc sneered at by
the opposition press, as being the °mune
thins of selfishness and Wady ambition
—withodt giving any evidence of the at
or any .50. prove die thargth
they indulge in enscrupuloiiilly impugning
the motives of his benevolent acts. l'his
is unfair, ungenerous and unchristian. It
bears the semblance of a disposition to
condemn, right or wrong; and partakes
argely of that school of politics, which
can perceive nothing right in a Whig,
while every act emanating from a locofoco
4ource, is a subject of,lautlation. Against
this mode of defatitation, andlhis.apecied
1 of abuse, we:most emphatically Otter, our
Protest. - NVe are not of the' bchool, who
believe that "nothing gond can come out of
Nazareth"-:--neither will we over be found
condemning virtue for vice's sake. I
How fur Gen. lrvin's benevolence enti
tles him to the confidence of his fulloW
citizens, they are the competent judgeso---
They will decide the question for them
Had the mere gift of fifty or one hun
dred!and fifty barrels of flour to the star
vinepoor of Ireland, constituted the only
benevolent action of his life, then; perhaps,
there might have been some ground for
impugning the motive of the gift. But the
pathway of his whole life is adorned with
the richest flowers of Christian benevo
lence, which stand out in bold relief to
mark his onward course. His acts, in
this respect, are not like angels' visits, few
and fat-between," but dot his whole pro
gress from. his first entrance upon the
stage of manhood.
this fact, not only
famishing Ireland, but the whole country
aroundhim bears witness.. Ask the inhab
itants of Gentry county, who has estab
lished their churches : who has aided in
settling her pastors; who has contributed
;to di • dissemination of intelljgence among
! her .ouch ; who has been one of the fore
!iii si aiid most conspicuous in the benevo
• lit enterprises of the day j And there
I will be but one response—Gen. Irvin is
the man, who has furnished his substance
for these 'objects. without stint and without
reward. Ile has not been a standing sti
pendiary at the door of the treasury, to
consume the hard.earned substance of the
-toiling millions." He has been and still',
is a contributor to the general fund, out of
which his competitor has drawn his liveli
hood, to the tune of 150 dollars per doy ;
services as Clerk of the House of Repro.
sentat:ves during the session of .1842.-1
The benevolence of Mr. Shunk in appro-;
printing $71,000 of the hard-earned money
of the people to his exclusive use, within
the last twenty five years, when contrasted !
with that of Gen. Irvin, can be easily and'
no doubt will be thoroughly appreciated!
by his constituents next Oetuber. But!
as we !were saying, the benevolence of;
Gen. Irvin is not confined to home chari
ties. It is wide-spread,, heartfelt and deep ;
disinterested and continuous.
Not only his immediate neighbors and
"kinsfolk according to the flesh" receive
'-the!evidence of his open hand ; but the in
terests of others "far dr feel its animating
and cheering influences.
Abut a year ago. the Rpv. Mr. Wilson,
a Presbyterian missionary to China, return-;
ed to this country after a lengthy absence,
bringing along a native youth fur the per- I
pose of being educated and instructed, in
the learning and religion of the Christian,
that lie might be qualified to return to his!
native land—qualified to disseminate truth
and cultivate science among the far o,ff
isles of the sea." The youth was with-;
out friends, and without funds. No one
seemed ready or willing to undertake the
expense of, his education. Application
was made to Gen. Irvin. The appeal I
was not in vain. Suffice it to say, the :
young man is now a pupil, at Gen. Irvin's
sole expense, at Lafayette College in this
State, where it is expected he will con
tinue for a period of not less than five yearsi f ,'
until he shall have acquired a thorough
English education. Facts like the above
are numerous, and require no iteration, a
mong those who know Gen. Irvin. They
are only now adverted to, for the purpose
of dispelling the malignant slanders, which
are circulated by his political opponents,
to injure him, in those districts of the coin
monwealth. where his private benevolence
is not as well understood.—Har. Tel.
GEN. TAYLOR AND THE Paissusancy.--
The Cincinnati
_Signal publishes a letter
from Gen. Taylor, received by ;lie editor
in reply to one alluding to the mo vementa
in favor of his nomination for theTresiden
cy, The following paragraphs occur in
the letter :
From many sources I have been addres
sedon the subject of the Presidency, and I,
do violence neither, to myself nor niy posi
tion as an officer of the army, by acknowl
edging to you as I have done to all who
have alluded to the use of my name in this ex
alted tmanexi on, that my services are ever
at the will and call of the country, and
that I am not prepared to sar that I shall
refuse if the country calls me to the Preai
dentist office, but that I can and eliall yield
to no call that does not come from' the
spontaneous action and free will of the na
tion at large aid void of the slightest agen
cy of my own..
For the high honor and responsibilities
Oswalt an aloe, I stake this occasion to
say, that I hove not the slightest aspiration;
a much more tranquuil. and satisfactory
life, .after the termination of my present
duties, awaits me, 1 trust, in the society of
my family and particular friends, and in
the occupations most congedial to my
my wishes.- no case can I permit my
self to be the eandidatrof any party or
yield myself to party-schemes.
By a letter in the Philadelphia Ledger
of yesterday, we learn that a locofoco meet
ing, urging the nomination of Gen. TAY
LOR for the Presidency, was held in liar
risburg, on Saturday night last. The Han.
Wm. Dock presided, assisted by Messri.
Peacock, Zimmerman, and others. The
lion. Simon Cameron introduced John M.
Read, and Richard • Vaux, who addressed
the assembled crowd. A central commit
tee to further the object of the meeting was
ordered to be appointed by the meeting,
and resolutions were introduced and pass
ed highly lauditory of Rough and Ready.
From this Taylor demonstration we may
judge that the Locofoces have conic to the
conclusion to repair the injury they have
done the old hero, by nominating him for
the Presidency. The movement is , no
doubt, concerted and well understood, by
the wireworkers of the party, and we may
safely anticipate sonic other demonstration.
Those editors who have advocated a no
party candidate (and according to the Har
risburg “Intelligeneer," they control all
the "leading Whig papers of the Union,")
in a short time will find themselves advii-
rating a Two parts' candidate. Next week
we expect to see the Intelligeneer and U
nion joining hada. and both hurl:ming for
old Rdligh and Ready, %lide oth e rs, not
so well satisfied of the policy of the move
ment, on account of their ignorance of the
plans, will kick traces and read the latter
out of the party, not knowin g that the Mar
ty, has sold itself to the hero 01 Buena
The locofocoa are convinced that 'Tay
lor's military success .give him great
influence with those who follotiv the dazzle
.of a soldier's feather any and every where,
and hence their determination to join in
the wake, to break down the lines of party,
so thatswlien all is confusion; they can in
the general' melee . secure. olive %limn
solyea and potahlialt.a patty claiming all the
intelligence and virtue of the land as bras
done in 1828,—Yoax ADV.
CANINS Sauacrry.—An instance of an
imal, sagacity ipid humanity unequalled in
our remembrance, took place before - our
door on Balnrday. An unfortunate dog.
in order to make sport for some foola had
a pan tied . to his tail, and was sent off on
his tralels towards Galt. It reached the
the village utterly exhausted,and lay down
before the steps of Mr. Young's tavern,
eyeing most anxiously the horrid 'annoy
ance hung behind him, but unable to move
a step further, or rid "himself of the tor
menter.. Another dog, a Scotch colley,
just then came up and seeing the distress of
his crony, laid himself down gently be
side, and, gaining his confidence by a few
caresses, proceeded to gnaw the string by
which the noisy appendage was. attached-to
his friend's tailoind at the conclusion of a
bout aquarterof an hour's exertions sever
ed the cord, and started to hie legs with
the pan hanging from the , string in his
mouth, and after a few joyful capers round
his friend, departed on his tmvcls,‘ in the
highest glee at his success,-Canada paper.
Posses.—WhatA. is the difference be
tween the_course of BKNX.DIRT ARNOLD, in
granting a free,PASS to Major Andrti, (the
British Spy,) and JAMfill K. Pout, in do
ing the same thing for Santa Anna, the
Commander-in-chief of the Mexican for
A son of Erin,just arrived in this land
of plenty, being in want, ventured to solic
it a little aid from a person whose external
appearance seemed to indicate that he could
easily afford IL Ile was, however, rudely
repulsed with a "Go to 11---1." Pat look-
ed at him in such a way as to fix his atten
tion, and meekly replied, "God bless ye're
honor for your civility, for ye're the first
gintleman that's invited me to his father's
house since I came to this land."
TIME To PASS IT.—The farenous Dr.
D.,of W—, having inadvertently preach
ed one of his sermons for the third time,
one of hir parishioners havtt,g noiired it,
said to him after service, "Doctor, the ser
mon you preached us this morning, having
had Mice several readings,l move that it
now be passed."
feeling has been developed in Philadelphia
by an assault on G. W. BARTON. Esq., a
distinguished lawyer in that city by a wit
ness whose evidence Mr. Barton had com
mented on with much severity. The
young man who the amen is a
clerk in one of the wholesale mercantile,
houses in Philadelphia ; he is respectably
connected, and bears an unblemished rep
utation. Being called to the witneststand,
his evidence bore hard upon Mr. Barton's
client, to remedy which that gentleman in
arguing the testimony to the jury, indulged
in the most bitter denunciation of the wit
ness and endeavered to break his character
for veracity and integrity. Upon the ad
journment of Court, Mr. Semi, the wit
ness thus assailed, smarting under the
scathing review of his testimony; under
took to redress himself by chastising Mr.
Barton with a cane while leaving the Court
house. Smith was - iminediately arrested,-
Will committed to prison by Judge Parson.
and subsequently admitted to bail. The
case has excited a good deal of feeling in
Philadelphia, the result of which has been
some newspaper controversy, and a deter
mination on the part of Mr. Smith's friends
to test how far a lawyer may be priveleged
to assail the reputation of persons brought
into Court as witnesses.
suffering relieved by this invaluable prepa
ration is without a parallel in the history
of medicine. Thousands have been resto
red to health by its healing and regenera
ting efficacy, who were considered p swim
reach of remedial means, as various cenifi
cates heretofore published abundantly es
tablish. It has received the entire appio
bation of many practitioners in, this and
other cities, and its rapid growth in the es
timation of the public has placed it beyond
the reach of detraction or the efforts of
competition. Diseaset which arise from
impurity of the Mood or vitiation of the hu
mors generally, such as Scrofula; or King's
Evil, Rheumatism and Incipient Gout, salt
Rheum and other cutaneous diseases Fe
ver Sores, Internal Absclisses; Fis tulas.
painful Affections of the Bone', 'Chronic
Inflammation of the Kidnbyst; Female De
rangements, General Debility and Prostra
tion of the System, are all removed by its
use. •
• • Mirror further particulars and conclusive eti
deuce of its superior °Matey; see Pamphlets which
'may be obtained anent* 'retie. • Prepared sad
sold, wholesale aarl retail, by A.D. & D.. Beridr,
7$ Fulton street trew York. Sold also by sp.
ppoointmeot 01.11se Frotwieb.r. by 8.11. 01701,E.k.
Gettysburg, Pa. Price 01 per battle. Six bottles
for $5.
June 18, 1847.
Sudden changes from very hot to shill .
Weather; are unfavorable to health..and It
is a fact universally admitted, that heat and
moisture are powerful agents in producipg
disease, and that constant dry and conftwa
wet weatherare most favorable to its gen
eration, it does not signify what we call it,
it may be ague, it may be billions fever, it
may be yellow fever, it may be dysenlo7o
it may be Rheumatism, it may be bronchi
tis, it may be cholic, it may be constipation
of the bowels, it maybe indentation of the
bowels; it may be indentation Of the eito
mach, it may be a nervous et:diction. but
still it is disease, and a disease curable by
the BRANDRETII PILLS, because they re
move all impiirities from the body, all.that
can in any manner feed the further progress
of the malady, no matter how called t, dins
these pills are. not only the most proper
medicine, but generally the only medicine
that need or ought to be used.
lirThe genuine Brant - troth's Pills esn be had ei
the following Agents:—
J. M. Stevenson ¢ o.,—Geitysburt.
Jno. B. MeCreary,—Petersburg.
dbraltant King,-11nnterstown. •
11. MeFarland,—Abbottstown.
David M. C. Insite,—Hampton
Mc Sherry 4. nnk,—Littlestown.
Mary Duncan,—Cashtown. -
John ifoke,—Pnirfield.
June 25, 119.17.
Friday Evening, Evening, July 2, 1847,
:GEN, JAMES utva,
Ann 4.64/ENNO iteweV, B.I I MA ma, Esq. at the
corner of Magnet & Third street, Pkiierkiphis :
160 Nassau IWO War York and Soutle.east cor
nier of Ealtlanore and Calvert street s Esitiesore--
and N.W. Coto, PA.Sun_l9lldinit, N. E.Comer
Third & URl,.te and 4 , 10 N. Fourth et. Philed'a
are oatitithorhuidA gents for receivinn Advertise.
meats asedSubecriptioas to the "Star" and collect.
liqr,stadieraipting for the sane,
for For Delinquent Patrons I wr:ZI
rirThe enlargement of OUT paper has drawn
more heavily un our purse than we anticipated,
and we ire compelled to call upon our patrons to
relieve ua from the difficulty. There is a large
amount on opr books due us for Job Work and
Subscription which it would give us much pleas
ure to ose ;4quareil off:' The amount against
each subeeriber may seem trifling, and for that
reason remain unpaid; but it ie of drops that the
noun is made, aryl a few dollars from each ofour
subseffifert will in the aggregate produce an
amount of some importence to us. Those of our
pmerims who have already paid up, *ill accept our
thanks, while those who havenot, we feel enured
will excuse the present "sox," , as , it. is the first
they have seen troubled with since our connection
with the "Bess,"
Vir Mobil may be remitted to us per man, •t
oar risk. •
"Ate "lithe w fOrlh - 6 Cainpaign.
jThe Oubernetorial campaign Is about open
ing, and as it plunders to be one ormore than u
sual interediand importance, veer propose to furnish
the "Seta ace Ilswirms,"until after the Election
copies vale forearded for $5, or twenty-five co
ies for MO. Seed sa your names witft the mon
ey, sad we will give you more than an equivalent
in Starlight. Will our Whig Mends mention
this to diets neighbors, and thus assist in doing
oerviosire the gaud cease
Eir The Election an Saturday hurt, to .deter.
mine the prepriety dprckaaing the "Old Acade
my" for Common School propeses, resulted in a
decided negative—the vote being 6 for purchase
4 1 64154 aiiinst pirchture. ItiMed scarcely be re
marked that the decision had nothing to do with
the merits dike School sperm, or with its popu
larity among our cilium.
GODEY'II LA Tly'S ROOK, for July has two
humorous Illustrations d•ropmeenting some, Mr.
Caudle going ot to public dinner with great
pomp an mum , and the same gentlemen
retu gat midnight looking like a pad dog, and
efeeediairthe peetiMg of his wife,Mimi sibs in the"
next room miming/et wrath and preparing to pour
it out hot and strong upon his muddled head."—
An elegantly mica"! Fashion plate, Cottage &-
Morns, &e. make upliie illustrations, numbering 23
in all. Tko.fifeniry contri)l4, as usual, are excel
is also on our table. The
* cutbellishments are,
...Sugaring, 011; 1 °Noy ,Island," and.• finely fin
ished Taahlon One. •Min Russell, Mn. M'Don
add, Ron J.' N. Danforth, T. 8. Arthur, Mrs. Si
gauntry, Mrs. Ellett, Mrs. Osgood, and other ex
cellent writers, contribute to the contents, and fur
nish a good quantity of very readable matter.
from the Delaware county Republican will answer
for Otero ports r--"Rvery now and then GOOD
Willis who perhaps have never given a dollar
for sucription, or in any manner contributed to.
ward the support of their
.. .county paper, come up
for officer, and ask for .the honors and profile: of
the party, whose press would never have had an
'existence had it' depended on such arrive Whigs
as they for it. sustenance. It always goes hard
with vs to work for the success of Whigs such
as them."
A PLAIN QUESTION.—An exchange paper
re Larks: "If • servant open a door in the still of
midnight and give admission to • murderous bar
lest, lo he odes guilty as the Alain who inflicts
tbe blow I lf, then, Mr. Polk Wised • pass to al
low Santa Anna to creep through our blockading
squadron, and pia admittance to Mexico to head
the artakont oat enemies, and murder our citizens,
who M mew guilty—who most our foe—. Polk or
Mama Azusa I"
A VICTORY.--The Cleaveland Herald gives
the fotionhag beautiful incidents* having occurred
i n Nut city during the recent rote on the Lionise
, quetdon: saan,•whom appeenince gave evi
dence Skin he wore tetotaler, was surrounded by
a Rusher of the flume sett," who ware urging
biro to *At far License, and a License ticket was
vat in his hand. Hie We eon wand his way
dunes% ellserowd, and putting* no lawman tick
et In itht **thee hand. laid, “Father, veto this
tithe►-4k is the right was," and be kap dose to
Min and! be saw that ticket go into the loalla4xos.
liwboy was happy--M had wan a vkiery."
' ° .oNr."—The „
graph op thet the Loceftnw Toylor booth* in
.61111tPleits as llaturthry hut, resolutions introduced
• -4-• the listhe sPettei4ine skit Uenestruirrit"• othe op•
4 con. 't/diziroh, `wited diem 4'.
.410140 otkritilea. 8.04).1 th at the pro.
"WWI elittel* the 'officers and 'published.
110 '6 wed 4icuoitb , say diet thii has`giseft inset of.
_the }Reads of Bhunk, and • wthereel ehe
*nll4l 1 10 1 ‘ beoBwo twisted between the elitink
.sod 1114144611 fi lm d om
Liowl7l . A 81
eitirrsc, lite of
5401 1 * Arm t. , i gvtAlor . ,o oBuf Otc l 44init.
He wee st4casel to the, I Ith Regiment U. 8., In-
WAtI:4BY, alive o w e e f a p ai a ; egret
. Ids liaceeuse
(MN. SPOT? AND MR. TRlter.--Letters
from the . Anny speak of a rupture between Gen.
Psitt end the Clerk of the State Department, Mr,
Tria, who Nu been sent to Mexico as a sort of Gen.
"albino to control matters transpiring there. It
is Mid that Mr. Trial, in the exercise of his mon.
std pbriary civil and military powers, addressed
holther be' Gen. &int directing him as to what
move he must make with his troops. Gen. Scott
alk exactly comprehending the wisdom or propri•
fleY of theme directions, took occasion to mould the
Geveraareat agent that Winfield Scott wan the
eataatatidiair *Meer orthe a f mien. Some, cartes.
• poodcat• calmed, oopiee . of which have been for.
warded to the War Depaitnebt.
• _
13r - the Locofosto Lees!Marc of Now Hemp.
Ado has adopted Ramotutione against the equita
tion Of any new Plata territory, and in fs%or of
• IrViloot /*ravioli:4
FEDERALISM.—The Locofoco State Central
Committer her issued an Address to the People
of Pennsylvannemocracy in general and
Federalism in particular. Hailing from an Erse-
Wive Committee appointed by the Convention
which placed in, nomination Mr. tilevac, we took
up the Address expecting, of course, to find some
reasons assigned why that gentlemen should be
chosen over Gem leers u the individual most
fitted to fill the gubetnatorial chair. And after
wading through a mime twaddle about
"Democracy." and" Federal isim,"and •!Whiggerj,"
err -"Toryisets,"—the pertimmey,of which to the
momentous issues new sewing the eountg, and
the singularly beitutithl • and classic stile with
ois enforced, might', be well Wads* to drew
forth a smile fiord thd merit tyro itclatka
totters—altar threading .out way through this .
queer. MOM of official balderdash, covering some
two-third, of the. entire Address, in search of Mr-
Stunk's name—would you believe it, reader 1—
we did find it To be sure, it was only owe, and
that way. down at the tail of the document, as
though the Committee felt somewhat ashamed of '
the diminutive 'paws" of their candidate, or the
exceeding flimsiness of his claims upon the suffra
ges of the people, and were solicitous to with
draw his Excellency', cause from a too bold and
searching scrutiny.. But then is not the assurance
given that "to his firmness We ate greatly indebted
foc the prevention of many bad measures during
the last session, wit'W; the Federalists were in the
ascendant 1" And after the profound dissertation' ,
on Democracy and Federalism by which this assu- I
mhos is preceded, can any one doubt the strength
of Mr. Skunk's claims, or that the hesitating will
now go to work with minds fully "made up" and
"perfectly clear I"
Occasional portions of this remarkable document,
it is true, might be calculated to start , seam nab
givings as to the aim of the writer in his allusions,
by way of illustration, to the , past history nf par
ties in this country. For instance, when it is af
firriffd that during the last struggle with Great
Britain, while the "Democracy" rallied so Imam
-ethnically to the support of Mr.. Madison and the
War, the "Federalists," with equal real and pro
portionate bitterness, espoused the cause of the en
emy and denounced the war,—one an easterly
help calling to mind that the chosen champion of
that same Democracy was Herat Mar, that it
was ars voice which caused the Halls of Congress
to ring.with the soul-stirring appeals that nerved
timid hearts to a bold assertion of American rights,
and then sped with such eleetric thrill throughout
the eniire lind to revive the drooping spirit of our
armies and prepare. them for those glorious a
chievements which have consecrated to immortal
ity so many of our bettle.fields—battlOfields, too,
closely blended in honorable association with the
names of Harrison, Sant, Gaines, Taylor, Wool,
and other gallant chieftains, now the pride and ,
boast of the Whig party. Nor can one help re
membeing with how much determined bitterness
Mr. Clay, Mr. Madison, and the War, wore assail
ed and denounced by Messrs. Buchanan, Wilkins,
Taney, Wall, Read, and othere—expounders of
Federalism in 1812, but high priests of Democracy
in 1847. And in remembering all this, it may not
be at all surprising that some misgivings should be
started as to the real design of the author of this
Mille People otrenrisylyania," or that
some should Imktold enough to believe that 110000
reminiscences of this kind must have been float
ing through the mind of the writer when he pen
ned this paragraph:
"There is no fact which goes further to
establish guilt than that of the aceinied
changing his namei3o, that he may not be
known. This the Federalists have done
over and over again until many of them
have persuaded themselves that they are
nut Federalists."
The Protection of American Industry against
ruinous competition from foreign pauper labor, by
a judicious Tariff of duties on foreign importations,
is also characterized by this loge Committee as a
Federal idea, illiberal and contracted, and unwor
thy the countenance of a Democratic people. It
may charitably be inferred that the letter of Gen.
JACKSON (whose naine .— is invoked throughout the
Address as "authority" so often as ordinary argu
ment faits to establish the desired point,) to Dr,
Coleman, of North Carolina, dated Washington,
April 26, 1824, had not come under the observa
tion of the Blomberg of the Committee; and a s
they promise another Address shortly, we respect
ful commend to their attention the following ex
tract from that letter as a text with which to com
mence their next effort:
WAiniNoTorr, April 28, 1844.
I will ask what is the real situation of
' the Agriculturalist T Where has the 4-
trierican'farmer a market tor his surplus
produce 1 Except for cotton, he has neith
er a home or a foreign market. Does not
not this clearly prove then whether there
is too much labor employed in agriculture
Common sense at once points out the re
medy. Take from agriculture in the Uni
ted State. six hundred thousand men, wo
men and children, and you . will at once give
a market for more breadstuff. than all Eu
rope now furnishes. In short. sir, we have
been too long subject to the policy of Brit
ish merchants. It is time we should be:
come a little more Americanised, and in
stead of feeding paupers and laborers of
England,feed our own. or sloe, in a short
time, by continuing our present policy, we
shall be rendered paupers' ourselves. It
is, therefore, my opinion that a careful and
judicieus tariff it much wanted to parbir
• national debt, and to afford us the means
of defence within oursetvea, on which the
safety of our country depends ; and last,
though not least, give a prom distribution
to our labor, which , must prove 'beneficial
to the happiness.' indepriodence, Oa Wealth
of the community. I am, sir, very re
spectfully,•yonv mast obedient servant, '
to loam fimat the, Carlisle papers that this gentle
man, who was ,o injured in the tete riot,
at Carlisle, died: vary suddenly in that place on
Friday morning last. His principal injury was in
the-knee, by which he was detained at Carlisle and
confined to his room. On the evening before his
delh, he Was apparently well and in good spirits,
and conversed with his family and ac
qUaittlanees. The next morning, between three
and,Nur o'clock, he awoke and alarmed his fami
complaining of a difficulty of breathing. Med
ical aid was immediately called in, but in a short
time he ceased to breathe. It is thought the im
mediate cause of his death Was an affection of the
heart. The corpse was conveyed to the late real.
dence of the deceased at Hagerstown,and interred
in the presence of an unusually large concourse of
It is scarcely necessary to state there was no
foundation for the absurd stories put afloat in re
gard to another outbreak at Carlisle in consegitence
of Mr. trANNTOT ' S death, the arrest and imprison
ment of prof APCLI arum:, Are. The only dc-, monotration made at Carlisle was in the shape o
a public malting at which very appropriate reso
lutions of condolence with therelatives and friends
of the deceased were adopted—scarcely pn allu
ion being made to the pre% too. riot.
LICENSE LAW.—The Supreme Court of
Delaware hare decided the law passed by a recent
Legislature of that State, authorizing the people
of the several districts to decide by vote whether li
cense, to sell intoxicating liquors should be grant
ed or not, ONCONITIVUTIONAT. The decision,
however, does not affect the merits
.of the law as
applicable to Temperance. The lion. Joss M,
CLAITOX was retained by the opponents of the
law, and in his argument took the position link•
although the Legialature had the right to pass a
law restraining, or even prohibit*, the tratlick in
intoxicating liquors, it , could not delegate such a
pivilep to the people; the power to legislate hiv
ing been conferred by the Constitution on the Lep
'dilator*, it was its duty to pass laws absolute in
their proviritina. And not lore them to go into ef.
itch or not oil the eontimpuie# of a rote fof the
pesiple twouldng in a particular Manner. • This per
'Won woo sustained and'the law ruled uneonetitn;
done! tsj . the Court-+4 majority of whom are tin
tire Iriendi 'Cr the `anise, the 'Chief
hunice (Mr. Booira) President of the Dela
ware, State Temperance Society.
It h "'pint sops ofliteirekeepers in Ches
ter county, in this State, wirere the popular: vote
hasl3sen spinet license, intend test* the consti
tutionality ot the law, and haveietained Mr.
ton, with other eminent counsel, to argue , the
question. Should a similar decision be made by
our Courts, it will, of course, only change the di.'
realm of the Teenpuras effort. Instead of rusk
int that. the people be Privileged to put a stop to
the traMe by a direct poielir vote, they' will art
the Legislature itself to do . work.
N l
aortal :Convention is to be held t Chipgo on
Monday next, to be composed of le gates from
almostall sections of the Union, in favor of the
improvement of our Lakes and Rive It will be
recollected that Mr. Polk bed - se vetoed. the
Bill which appropriated *bout $1.500,900 to those
purposed, .prefinting thin raillioni shoddier wuated
in carrying eat, and desolatioli, and crime, into
the midst of • neighboring Repuirlic; the prop°.
led convention will be composed of all partici,
THE WHOLE OR NONE.—Tom Marshall,
one of Mr. Polk's officers, ht - hito - 'Teeth at New
Orleans, advocated the entire subjugation of Mex
ico, declaring that "though that country had the
name of a Republic, the term was I misnomer, the
Government being but an endless struggle betiveen
a haughty hierarchy and a military despotism, the
sole object of both partied being to trample under
foot the rights grit people, by lebOrre meamithey
were temporarily elevated to power."
THE TARIFF.--The Lancaster Intelligence,
(Locofoeo) in an article on the present high prides
of breadstuff' makes the following admission
"We, nor the Demot;ratle party, never asserted
that the Teff of '46 would naive the price of flour
to its present value,—which is only temporary,
caused by the fearful and distrasing famine in
Europe, and the uncertainty of cropsin this coun
try. This ' is a consummation not looked Mr or
desired by any penam." • -
I t The Magnetic Telegrph if,nee riy . coraple ,
tad between Columbia and York: Witte finished,
the latter place will be in telegraphic eammunica
don print Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore and
larPresident Polk and suite are mill prosecu
ting their tour through Near England, proper hon
ors being paid to them in all the towns through
which they poss.
ro- A very large fleeting of American Mechan
ics of the City and County of Philadelphia was
held in Independence Square on Monday lest to
adopt .measures for the protection and advatem-.
ment Of American Industrial intermits.
10■ Tai . 1171311 ♦ID lAlt
Ma: EDITOR :—I am gratified to perceive from
the variouscomritunications which have been pub
lished in the columtli of the "Star" and the "Sen
tinel," that the Whig voters of Adams county are
awake to the importance of the approaching nom
inations of suitable candidates for Senator and
Representative. It is right that they should take
this interest, and discuss with becoming freedom
the relative merits of the different persona named
for these offices. For one, as a friend of Wis. R.
&ours for Senator, I court the strictest scrutiny
with regard to the man of my anion; the mote
familiarly he is known the better herein be liked.
I have known him long and well in all his rela
tions, domestic and social, political and religions,
and in all he is without spot or blemish. He isa
man of whom we might well be proud as our Sen
ator at Harrisburg. In this, his own section of the
county, he is proverbial for his integrity end man
ly independence of atiracter, fbi hie intelligents
and sound lodgment, for his political firmness, and
for his linear and' anabinisive - piety: No man
'stands higher with his neighbors than-he.`, No
min is more deservedly popular than he in the
section of the county in which he resides. He
would receive a gloat flattering support at the polls.
He is well and favorably known t i ltroughout the
county, and his name would be a tower of strength
to the Whig ticket. As iegards his fitness for
Senator, there-can be no kind of doubt about it
I have the most favorable opinion of the talents
and acquirements of Mr. flarsait, his competitor
for the nomination, but I yet tudeolitstingly strum
that as the representative of the agricultural coun
ties of Adams and Franklin in the State Senate,
I should much predw an temillt=6llMent Fee'
on, such as Mr. Sadler, io a s teamed •
scholar and es able • lawyer as kfrAmyeer. I
have heard .Mr. Sadler oftea 'enouglt to know that
he can ,
ad 'AN)eetiiiith
ness and precision-4o' knOw, indeed, t h *t he is
naturally a very able dttimitter. It sent to flakrlr
bun, 11l rteranteele will alwaysbe found ready
and able to t'attead to the Womb of conetitu
ento •Ma has travelkd extensively through Penn.
"ayivimita and ls familiar with the great interests of .
taps State. He hes never been an ofilee-imeker,
and but once an offics-holder, (Auditor,) which
dace, I biota, Was confined upon him without his
solicitation, and bemuse, in making up the ticket
that yes, it was found necessary to give his end
of the county something. He has ever been a
warm and steadfast supporter of Whig men and
measures, and has never faultered in his devotion
to the party with which he is identified. His con
nexion is ono of the largest in the county—and
who knows a Sadler that is not a good Whig 1
When other distrkts have wavered, Huntington
and Latimore hatle stood firm. They have been
the first to rally to the support of the favorite can
didates of other townships and miens in the coun
ty; and now
,that they are, in turn, entitled to
something, and put forth Wx. R. BADLNIII as their
favorite candidate for Senator, they feel assured
that the gallant and liberal Whigs of Adams coun
ty generally will acquiesce in their choice and e
lect Sadler delegates to the County Convention.
[o:7lt may be proper to stale that the above
Communication was intended for last week's
Star, but dicf come to hand until after the paper
had gono td prem.]
jThe PRESS on which the "Star"
has been printed is offered for sale. It is a
good Ramage, with iron bed and platim
is in good order, and will be sold sow.
Letters to the editor, post-paid, will be
attended to.
The 1"0.111/f Guard Hi Mahan
A very large and interesting meeting of the
Whigs of the Borough was held last 11104 at the
house of ]axes M'Cose, to make arrangements
for choosing delegates to the County Convention,
L IL MT , Edq. being In pre char, sad
Messrs. R. S. PAXTON and L
iag ow Ocautsiiede• Although called for papoies l
not cnhaanly eliciting moth interest it WU the lar-
Pptßeelelih *r dell that. we moped el / 11 Willif
ever seen auelabkd taimher• the:
mating convened sinew the norninatiors a the ll*
of Marcie Convention, it wee deemed proper to res.
pond to tiwectbseofilattotreentioa,end famish
each en erapreedoe of ormalment: as should give
semusirce tb our political Melds risromdusd.the
State, that, as usual, dill it war in the Young
Guard. Accordingly, alter attending to the buti
nest AS Which the ineeriturhad been railed manli
er, A. R. Sear , Esq., roes, and slier a few
appropriate remarks, moved that the meeting bead
dresa63 by tba Him. Jaen Coma.
Mr. Oaten it once reopexhiLiod Ger 'soma
time enchained par attention alb* meeting by a
eerie. of able and alequern 'smirks upon the mo.
amnion" issues now agitating rite country, and Om
great'-importance:of the Approaching Electiar,
wadi was to decide whether political wet, in
thielileate,•Arfer -the futureurbeiong to the Wh
or the Democrats. If the decision of the people
at the lest alictionasould beafirmed at the
we might, said Mr. Cooper, confidently anticipate
the lemmata iticendency of our principles ; aid
as the cinusguettee oC uc9r escatderoy, the Amen
of a new era, and i - fur pPier eerier - tot the top
mot/wealth. Success was et' present within, our
reach. To secure ii,witia,svedr. of less difficulty
than it had ever,biree brim "; or Probably would ev
er be again. The public mind bad been fully a
wakened to the mischievous tendency oldie Pli
4..etthezemocratic party as developed and pee,
thud by the men It hadeleve,ed to power in 1844,
both in the state and national prrernments. The
abandonment of nreetibres Ibtibirproteetion of the
laboring claws rsthe aesurription of powers by the
President unauthorized by the Constitution ', and
dangerous to the rights and interests of the peer
. plej .. the waging of aWm fiire conquest, st the ei
pertse of the liver of , thousands of the beet and PM.
vest of the land—all have had their share in dee.
troying the emdidenee of_thp people in the integri-
ty of the leaders of the dominant party.. And And nee:
'said Mr. Oooper, when want of confidence in the
wisdom of their - tennis's and the fidelity of their
patriotism had undermined their power, was the
time for the Whip to strike. New was the time
to retrieve the dieasters of former years—to lid
prove the victory of last year and render It peters.
nent. Every thing was now propitious: The
public mind was aroused. Our candidates were
booed, &OM: well-tried Whip. Glen.4welst.
our candidate for Governor, had the evidence ell
whole life to offer in proof of the soundness and
fidelity of his principles se a whig, and of his integ
rity as manjuid citheiC, He bidalways been
• consistent end seldom advocate of those - mertz
sures of policy which comprise the practical creed
of the Whig party, and which were alike essential
to the prosperity of the country' iu the integrity
of its constitution, His opponent,. kr.-Etausra,
was the advocate of measures antagonist to hie,
and adverse, as he (Mr. Cooper) believed, to all
the leading interests of the country.
Mr. Cooper had not' time now to examine the
annual and veto messages of Goy. Shunk and
show note them how injuriouely the policy they
-disclosed must prove to the interests of mechanical
and agriculturallabor, but said he would take some
early opportunity to do it. Re had nothing to say
against Mr. Saone as &private ciliate t his integ
rity he had merrier heard impeached, and in his ad-
Mil relations he was a kind and amiable man. - But
in these respects, he was in no wise 'aped* to
Gen. Irvin,whow kind's". rued ;humanity were
avouched by acts Which spoke for themselves—
acts which could witfal t o CrinMernd him to the
support of the generous ' and Pod wherever they
were to be found.
Mr. PATTON, our candidate for Canal COMMIS.
'loner was not km worthy of , the support of the
Whig party than Gen. hats. Me Wan an hors
els, intelligent man, practically consement with the
.duties of the office for which be had been nomina.
ted. There were few men in the Commonwealth
'More "deservedly popular than /DOM W. PAT.
sox.; and none more worthy -4)1 them/and so tini,
serially entertained for him by those who knew
hint beat. To support theft Math candidates as
ours, involved no sithatee in the: part of any
Whitt—and Mt. Cooper appealed to his ftiende
by all the considerations of attiehment" and devo
tion which they had so often manifested for him,
to to DO% IRVIN and Mr. - PATTON an Mn.
eel and cordial. support. Adams county must not
falter in to the Whig cause; and he
felt mewed that no true son of hem would mr
desert the standard of the party, or disgtace the
name which
. sbahad earl* by het naolute stead=
Weft nwentbiing that of the "Young Guard" of
thitalio: which •had so often turned ate tide of
war on the baahafields of Eurigia•
Mr. Coopers remarks were eloquent throughout,
and elicited boot the meeting the warmest demob.
apilhatar. Afterbeiluid concluded, the
following Resolutions were unenimowdy adopted:
Reiolved t That we, the, neighbors and
personal friends of the Hon: imams Coors*,
cordielly:, respond to the .noutiomion of
Gen. Jamas Invis for the . Office of Gover
nor (tithe Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia: and pledge ourselves to our Whig
brethren throughout the State to use every
honorable effort in our power to secure his
Resolved, That we, in like manner.
cheerfully respond to the nomination of
JOSEPH NV. PATTON, the Whig nominee
for the office of Canal Commissioner, and
pledge ourselves to give him a zealous and
cordial support.
The Hall has now been opened; on Monday
the Ticket to be supported by the Whigs of this
county will have been completed, and then every
man will he expected to roll tip his sleeves and
go to work ; and our brethren throughout the
State may rest assured that although overruled in
in their preferences for their distinguished fellow
citizen as the candidate of the party, there will be
no faltering in the men who compose the "Young
Guard!" With their gifted leader, they will ..fol•
low the Whig standard into the thickest of the
fight!! and be found, as heretofore, battling in the
front rank.
FROM THE ARMY.—There is but little ad
ditional int e lli gen c e from Verger= by last night's
mails. The N. Orleans Picayune says that the
most contradictory rumors prevailed in the city of
Vera Crux in regard to Gen. Scott's movements.
There Is no confirmation of the rumor that over
tures of peace had been made to Gen. Scull by the
Mexicans, and the Picayune is inclined to doubt
"he otory. The partial success of the attack on .
Col. train has gi‘ en courage to Hie
Guerillas, who are now organizing in numerous
bands along the entire route from Vera Cruz to
the Capital.
Gen. Taylor - woe dill at Monterey. A Mexi
can express rider has been intercepted near awns
Vista, on whore person were discovered a variety
of papers indicating an intention on the part of the
Mexicans to surprise and recapture agitate. One
of the Arkansas cavalry WWI murdered by two
Mexicans, who in turn were murdered by a party
Of Maier', together with about a dozen other Mex-
Jeans. Outages of this kind are becoming very
U. 8. GA 'ETTE.--This obi and well-esti&
Oohed journal awed its oeptrate existence on Wed
nesday lad; Ite msprieter, Mr. Cllllll ms I, having
dispoited eltheestabliolupsnito Maws Gala sir &
McMaster, of the North American. The two
papers am bantelter to. be united ender the title of
40 The Not* American and U. 11.. Gazette." It
veilitsrerte °Moe most valuable papeis in the ceun
irr The FLOUR MARKET is not
very lively. ..Botne few sales were made
on Wednesday at ISO 69, but mostly at $l3
60. Market dull and but little doing.—
Good to prinie red Wheat $l.lO a $1.20 ;
white and yellow Corn at 83 a 86 cents ;
Oath 45 a' 48; Rye 85 cts.; Cloverseed
$4 50; Ffaxseed $1 40; Beef Cattle •O
to 118 00. Hop $5 50 to $6 25.
. ..
_ __
. Qp the 24th of Msy, by the Rev. J. G. Wolff,
P\ gir
' -..• Mr. guise ?mums, end Miss Mier Asir HA.N
''e Wh i psy- r -both.of th ‘ ls county. --' ' '' -
' On the 21st init. by the Rev. Mr. Diets, Mr.
‘Oortirenijaitith of Germany tp.
On Thursday last; In Abbottstown. F. W. Kass
ups, Esq., Editor of the Abbotudown Intelhgen
ear, sged shout 60 years.
On Wettatedsy week, Mr. A lIIRAHAX Kt:NT
ism., of Oermany,tp., aged 89 years.
Economy Is Wealth!
COWP.AN 4.N 11 . K ING
HAVE just received from the cities of
Philadelphia and. Baltimore, a new
and handsome assOrtment of
Ready Nide tloAiiag,
of various qualitiesouid the aunt fashiona
ble style of make; the stock, consisting , of
Costs, Pints.tiod Vesta, forgentlemen and
boys' wear. Also, now opetilng large
assortment of , ,
NOW %let*
of every variety of 4 oho apd deacription.
In offering our stock..olinnule to-the..pube
d o , wie. deem it unnecessary to ..make a
call for "more men," or raise the cry of
Hsrar," for the-purpose: of drassinuancit
don, but wouhl respectfully *leave to
say•to the
_public generally, that by giving
us a call, at the Nortiptoest corner ofthe
Spam Sniiih's corner), ere will nen
goods as chimp sr the cheapest, living
purchased them entirely Tor. cash. Deem
ing it useless to annmeseto-thoastiokowti
cot the matter short,> by "lying our stip
plyis full t and all.we ankle aeall to
r lit dud
hand, itugistaii of
harnritered and ralledi‘ 81' E EL: c all
kinds, Strap and - Ataidd
Neils and Horseshoes;
Hardware CedarWare' &c
00 0 Also, st all times, will•be" foLoil >t
full supply 'of - the best
Family Flour, reed, 4v. lkoc•
Gettysburg, July 2,1841.-3 t
IJIr cis., Gotley's Lady's Book, for July,
25 eta.. Captivity of Dapoieon ,at St:4le.
lena, by Month°lon, Napoleon and hie
Marshals, by Headley, Watibifilltio 4"
his Generals, by Headley. Pictorial Jon
'than. Courier aml,N. Y. Bun, each 1%1-2
etc' Lithographs, a variety—Ananias a
general assortment of stationery. Also,
all the late publicatiene of the day—for
sale by . Kuwrzi..,
July 2.
RAN sway from the serviei of the cab.
scriber, on Saturday evening last, an
indented Apprentice to the Tailoring Bus
iness, named NATIIAPIALICIIIIIG_ Six and
a fourth rents, but • no 'thanks, will be giv
en for his apprehension sad return to the
J. 0. BAKER.
a Gettysburg, July 2,1.847.-4 k
price •i 215.*epproved by Fow
ler and Wella,designedespecially for lea ru
ersishotting-Ahe exact location of all the
organs of the- brain, fully developed, which
will enable every one to study the science
without in instructor—the most simple
and yet- the most perfect ever invented,
with all the Phrenological and Physiolog
ical Books published by Fowler & Wells
—for sale by
IN pursuance of an order of the Orphan's
Court of Adams county, will be offer
ed at public outcry, upon the premises, on
Wednesday the 14th day of July next,
the REAL ESTATE of Tnolans Wulawr,
late of Tyrone township, Adams county,
deceased, consisting of a
Zi? cil IBM 0
sitnnte in snid township, adjoining lands of
Allred Harman, Solomon Starner, and oth
ers, containing
110 JeRES,
more or less, one third upland and partly
timbered, the balance good arable land,
with a proportion of meadow and bottom.
The improvements are a double
Spring House, a double Log
Barn, with sheds attached, and there is a
never failing spring 'of water near the
house and a young and thriving Orchard
on the place.
Sale to commence at I o'clock, P. M. of
said day. Attendance given and •terms
made known by
fly the Court,
' VJx. S. llssitt.tow, Clerk.
June 11, 1847.—ts
RESPECTFULLY informs his friends
and the public generally, that he has
removed his Clock and-Watch Establtsb
ment from Taneytuwn, Md., to Gettys
burg, at the stand lately occupied by Jo-
SEMI MATHIAS, deceased, where he will
be pleased to wait upon all who may favor
him with their custom. lle will keep on
hand a general assort
ment of
ES, 1
which will be sold on the most reasonable
terms. Clocks, Watches, dtc., will be re
paired at the most reasonable prices, and
warranted to give entire satisfaction. list..
ing been engaged in the business for a num
ber of years he hopes, by industry and par
ticular attention to his customers, to merit
a share of public patronage.
Gettysburg, Oct. 0, 1840.-4
UMIDDLECOFF has just received
• another lot of
which will be odered at very reduced xi
ces—cotnpriming, in part,
Fast Color ilimlder Prints, for 0/ cents--
worth 12/ ;
Fast Color French Latencfor 121 cents*--
worth 25;
Cloths, Tweeds, irasiimeieti,
Codringtons, Drillings, Cottonades,
117 titilltt'd ) 23lISVLeta v ILlAittaa
Caps, Bonnets, Utnbrellas, Parasols, Par-
:mulcts, and Sun Shades
11:/ - All decidedly Cheap—arid mailing chic -Lll
June 18.-4 t
--, -
fERS of Administration on the
Estate of JOSEPH RIFE, late o
Franklin township, Adams county, de
ceased, having been grunted to the sub
seriber,residing in said township, notice is
hereby given to all persons indebted to
said estate to call and settle the same with
tut delay; and those having claims against
said estate are requested to present the
lime, properly authenticated, tor settle
ment. •
SHE Account of W. Elms, Com
111,,Joilke of Nifwat.t. Jorem a lunatic,
inialkeiwpreaented to the Court of Com-
Itn:Ht. Pleas of Adams county, and the
court has appointed Monday the lilthday
.01.404ttatneal for. ,thu confirmation and
allowance of :laid account.
A. B. K U wrz, Froth' y
Oil e,
Ciettp4girg, June IS, lb-17. 5
Fk:"HEREBY •'GIVEN. That applicu•
tion will be lnade by the undersigned
and others, to the next Legislature of the
Commonwealth of Pcomaylvania, for
incorporation of a Company under the
name and. Style, or intended name and
style. Onus Maw; SAVINGS INerrru•rloN.
capital Fifty Thousand Dollars, designed
wen office of discount and deposit; and
to be located in East-Berlin, Adams coun
ty, Pa. . ..
• ;Pavid Mellinger, John Dellone,
yr whin Wolf; George Schwartz,
J, J. Kuhn, J. H. Aulabaugh,
chitties Spangler, Barnet Hildebrand,
Goorge King. Isaac Trimmer,
.9porge 1-1: binder, Abraham Trimmer,
Doha iphl. ... David Hollinger.
Inn, 25, 1547.-8 m
4 , ll l 4ilixterh• Obe in( pal,
FOR tlie, cure of external Sores, Semi.
ulous affections, Liver Complaint,
Quinsy, Sore Throat, Bronchitis. Pains in
the *Nauru, 'Diseases of the Skin,
Curtis. Rheumatism, &c., &c., for
sale at the Drug Suite of
Gettysburg; June 25.—ti "
"ruin undersi g ned having formed a
partnership for the practice of the
Layi,' will attend the Courts of York and
Atiaine, and alsovisit the neighboring emm
desired. Office in York street, Get
tpaiurg, between the Bank and Public Of
ham, where one of the firm will constant
ly attend, and where communications will
receive prompt attention.
June 18, 1847.-8 m
023:1131:131 2il4e3atrUt
Ninth street, near Chains'', Philadelphia
will be iemoved in ■ few weeks I—Open from 9
A. X. till 10 r. m. Admittance 25 cults.
Children, half price.
THIS is the largest Chinese Colection
in the world, and the only one in
the U. States. It consists of upwards of
sixty figures, of the size of life, represent
ing the Emperor and his highest officers,
in their splendid embroidered Satin State
Dresses; the Empress, and other Tartar
Chinese Ladies of high rank ; Gentlemen
in their residences ; merchants in their
stores ; Judges in Court; l'riests, Farm
ers, Mechanics, of all kinds; Professional
Men, Soldiers, and all other classes of so
ciety, just as seen engaged in their differ
ent occupations in Chino ; even to the
beggar. in his tattered garments, soliciting
Also, several hundred Chinese painntings
among which are portraits of some of the
most distinguished men in China; views
of cities, villages, temples, pagodas, thea-
tres, vessels of all kinds, marriage, fdneral,
state and religious processions ; and of A.
griculture and Manufactures, such as tea,
rice, cotton, silk, and porcelain.
Also, numerous models of temples, pa
godas, Theatres, Stores, Houses, and ves
A lagre collection of beautiful Ivory, tor
toise shell, sandal wood, ebony, bamboo,
and atone carvings, many rare and costly
specimens of porcelain, and a great num•
ber of other articles,
In addition to the above. are TWO NA
COSI'I3I ; one of whom is a musician,
and sings hinese songs, accompanying
himself on his curious instruments, sere.
ral times during the tiny and evening.
June 23, 1817. it
#l , Oll l
• •
Nurser/to Datsfisf,
RitSPECTFULLY offers big proles.
siottal seriires to the citizens of Get.
tysburg and surrounding country. He Is
prepared to attend to all cases usually en•
trusted to the DiotzlST, end hopes, hy strict
attention to Dentistry alone. to be able to
*llse all who may see fit to entrust their
teeth in his hands. 011 ice ethic. M'Cosh's
May 16,
OILHER'F informs hie friends,
and the public in general, thet he
has formed a permanent partnership with
CL.9 YTON corrolLL, A 9.0.,. 0., late
one of the resident Physicians of the Phil•
adelphis Hospital at Illockley,
Gettysburg, June 4, 1847.
ALEX. H. itTfr V 110 bUltio
O FFICE in the: Centre Sqnare, Korth
of the Court.hotme, between Smith's
end Stev,eneon's corners,
Getiyeburg, Pa,
.47:7'ORNAT L. 9 W.-
'TICE in the S. IV corner of the
tj Public Square, one door West of G.
Arnold's Store, fornietly occupied as a
Law Office by Jowl M'CONACOHY, Esq.,
deed. He solicits, and by prompt and
and faithful attention to business in his pro
fession, it will be his endeavor to merit
confidence and patronage,
071), 141'CutfAtotiv will also attend
promptly to all business entrusted to him as
Agent and Solicitor for Patents and
He has matte arrangements, through which
he can Anthill very desirable facilities to
applicants, and entirely relieve them from
the necessity of journey to Washington,
on application to hint personally or by
Gettysburg, April 2,1847.
O FFICE in the South-east Corner of
the Diamond. between A. B. Kurts's
'lntel and R. W. M'sherry'e Store.
Oettyaptirg, Dee. 12, Is4s.—tf
11E1110V A L.
ir 11. REED 69 removed Ilia Law
.11 . Office to the room one_door East or
Mr. Wattle's .Hotel, and iMmediately op•
posite Dr. Horner's,
April 9, 1847-Iy.
.. mit 'am am X:110 9
(Of Carlisle,)
IiIItESENTS his respects to hisfriendi
Jr and informs them that lie has made
arrangements to continue to preetire as usual
in the Courts of Adams Nullity, tinder the
new regulation of the times for holding
Jan. 30, 1846. tf
A Commentary for the People.
jwOW publishing. the ECLECTIC COMIVIEN.
TAR Y on the Bible, from the "collie of
Henry and Scott, and above one hundred other wri•
ter a The w ork is pi inbil on fine raper, and with
large clear type. It will' be completed in 24
parts. of tin pages each. imperial Segall of which
are now steleotyped. It will be beautifully illus.
crated by accurate views of sciiptiral scenes, de
signed expressly to embellish a Crmrmeotary. aed
executed by the most eminent artists. Tables
and charts are If.aqvi-e added, where necessary
for purposes of illu-tration, and the whole coMpri•
sing as valuable a serif!s of illustrative eaginvings
and embellishments. m has eter been united in a.
ny similar work. It may lie u-ed with any edi•
tion of the Bible. Will be published seniimonthly
al 25 cents each lnrrt. .
Tho design of the Committee of the London
Tract Society. under w bu>e supervieion the Eng
lish work wan prepared. has been to cotes that
ground where all evangelical denominations Meet.
and to mike a plain and practical exposition of re.
ligious truth mid duty.
This work is based upon the commentaries of
Henry, and Scott, and more thmi one hundred Loh.
er Writers in the various departnients of Biblical
Literature; the most important observations of
these eminent divines heis t( quoted, constituting
a digest of the most vahluble results at which the
learned men of all ages have arrived. in their crit
ical study of the Iloly scriptures. Iteletence has
been had to the wants of sundny School teacheis i
and of trundles engaged ire the systematic study of
the scriptures.
Perhaps there never was a juncture of time when
true religion more greatly needed a sale-gnard a
gainst aitaclo which are both boldly and insidi.
misty aimed at her vital principles; perhaps true
religion was timer in a more perilous position ne
tween open enemies and pretended friends ' than at
this pirticillar min.; ; and solely never wan it
rime incumbent than now, on es Cry true friend of
her holy precepts, every conscientious matter of
houee•hord, every anxious parent. guardian and
protector, to be provided with the antidotes to the
poison, which in so unscrupulously scattered a
broad, or an argument against each dangerons fal
lacy whirl' is plopounded to the injury and detri
ment of that religion, which in the'faithlel oracle
of the Divi-e Creator, and the best exponent of his
The object of the compilers has been to provide ,
a commentary compact fit size, moderate in price,
and suited to christinue of every station, Mil SIM
"The family Into whose hands this week comes
have in their possession a ewe of Bibheal imitate
and practical Instruction of more value than gold,
The republication is a great undertaking, VW ir l lf
hope it will receive an .1.
Obsee ver.
This commentary has enjoyed an SIXISSOrdinIS ,
ry popularity as a practical exposition of God's
word. It tinders from any oilier, presenting the
best evangelical illustrative and practical torn
meats which the editors IJI eta able to select from
the beat echolare, on each pas..age in course. The
text being omitted, it is enabled to present a vast
amount 01 learning ill It small pace.' Ihe sour
ces from which it is compileti utford a perket
guarantee fif its soundnes.v, both of doctrine and
imerpretati . while the advantage of hiving the
opinion ‘..f di erent r9mtuelltillors is apparent and
very great." . EruevliAt.
"We regard the Eclectic Commentary, 'how in
course of publication by :I,lr. Shannon, as esppeecial•
ly desers log the patronage of Yrots•etant Christ•
ions. Its cheapness. beautiful finish of mechanl•
cal workmanship, and its comprehensiveness. em•
bracing, as it does, the cream of all the ablest crew
meotaries. all entitle it to very high considers•
tion."—CAduriari Parlor MogaziNs.
We hare received the moat favorable notices
from many distinguished clergymen of vicious de.
nominations in this country, and also from ate re•
ligious press, which cannot be insetted in ft news.
paper advertisement on necount of their length«.
they will be found on the cover of each Itelt. .
I 18 Neese street; 14.1forik.
• ~* Bookietiers sod agents supplied
et trine ittUr
ulle prices: The numbers. aft ps
will b i sent by teflon to any put el itte theiteil
litotes, by reanittieg the Amount tois r llse,elletlebi..
the time of .leedinit the outer, "
June IL 1841-121
11110 E A .-NUTS, riLovitTo„.
.morvris. ko., of she besj, taluy
to b e had at the Voaferli9Nllo7 111 .