,Aftipt few minutes conversation, we Alliteeibrethhe reason in the fact that she was a relative ofa soldier in Captain.--- , --'s company of artillery. This corps had been engaged, and, we remembered, had satire& very severely. She had been in formed that the list o f the killed and woun ded had arrived, and she had called to hear some intelligence of his fate. 'Site wished us to read over the names. We again took up the paper end pro ceeded to comply with her request. We shall never forget the expression of that woman'a features, as we read. Her agony was terrible. She was not unhandsome ; but her hum became ghastly pale, and her eyes looked unutterable despair, as she fixedthem upon the child, who was play- . ing with a newspaper and laughing joyous ly its heedless innocence. Her lips were colorless, the perspiratiOn On her forehead, and as she lifted her hand 'to wipe.the large drops away, we could sea - - itiremiding as though palsied.. ••• The presentiment of evil had already almost broken her heart, we laiew that The relative must he n very near one: ' She bad avoided giving us her name, and so soon as we found the list, appaling ly long, which comprised the easualities of the designated corps, we began to read. We tlid not know when wo would reach the fatal name, if at all, and nt eath indi vidual we looked enquiringly in the. wo man's face. She said nothing. however, for some time, and we began to hope that: the namelVaii not down, when we read, "John—, sergeant; Such a scream ! It was the wail of a broken heart. Only one—and then still as death. That cry was ringing in our ears for a month. , 'We immediately ran towards her, but she arose from her chair, motioned us her thanks, and without a word left the office. We had read to her the announcement of her husband's death. We did not do much service in the of fiee that day. The next morning, happening down on the wharf, we saw the woman and her lit tle girl, going on board the Cincimistt packet. She recognized us. and we sp. to her. She was• s erushed completely. —r She had grown twenty years older, in as many hours. She Informed us that she had resided with her husband in N. York. That she was originally from the West, and on his corps being ordered to Mexico, she. determined to repair to her friends, and await the conclusion el the war. She had heard of the battle. and knew that Captain—'s battery was engaged ) and on her arrival in Pittsburg, had been di- reeled to th e Journal Ace for further in formation. She arrived the very morning after the receipt of the list of killed and wounded. • Are bade her good bye. She continued. her route to her girlhood's home, now des elate, as was all the world, to her, and..we to our daily business, a sadder man,' in The little incident recorded above, wait recalled to our minds on Saturday, by rending in a Western paper, the notice of the death of "Mrs. Sur.th—, widow of John—, a' soldier, , killed in the bidthreif Buena Vista." 2 • It was our acquaintance—there could be no mistake. She had grieved herself to death forte husband. We have often beenjalletripon. au bit;" sinew of a similar - nature by the wive" of officers and soldiers, but none of Alen! ev flAklL2tbeWftelifllle at Buena Vista. • LATEST FROM MEXICO. ➢7: theirtFtxl at NitirOrkettaß on tint of the 7th, of the stesunship-Vne Orkitss, the Com matt:ha Times received full files of papers, and zegular . correspendeure up to the time of her mil. initrom Vera Cruz, which port she kit Op theist *Stunt. Vcat. Curs, May 31st, 1847 :;The city is alive with rumors from the interior, not one of which, however, takes a okapis that in my opinion, justifies any "degree of confidence. "'Report, by way of Orizaba, tolls us that 'Banta rev is - atilt — the . Presideatiat ehaie,—that Valencia is commandepin-chief of, the army , and old Nicholas Bravo, is governor of the State of Mexico. Juan Airlifts, whom you may remember as the Senora robber, and friend of Santa Anna, is said to be rapidly approaching with ten thousand of his Indian retainers in arms, and is expected to extirpate the Yankees. utterly. The poor felloOi "will not know what is the matter with them" if they once getwithin reach of Worth's or Twigg's j bull dogs. Tile - Yellow fever, el vonato, as it should be called, is now getting really serious amongst us. 'Thirteen cases terminated I tidally yesthrday; and to-day already I have heard of the death of three individuals whom I personally knew. • June Ist—Our reports of Herrera's election prove to have been premature, to say the least of it. Santa Anna is at the Capital in much less discredit than we have , beep lead to believe, and in the full exer- ' cise of the functions of his office. Upon hHtarrival he proposed to resign his seat, but contrived matters so as to have his proposition rejected. •An election' will take place on the 13th inst., when it is hoped Ilerrera will be chosen ; but. Santa Anna's creatures are too numerous, and his position now too favorable for the con trol of the required interests, to permit me to indulge in such u hope, in any 'degree ceatailentiv. 14 ,expresses an intention to fortify the tows. it least with a large ditch and etn hiektieht; and to place a force in the city etitudde of keeping off the Americans.— Foe those purposes he demands four hun dred thousand dollars, and has impressed all the horses and mules that can be reach -541. A letter from a well informed German merchant of the capital, to his brother in thia city, says, that Knita Anna luts within likaaaftwal a forts of near ten thousand num, besides flume on their way under Al tfes, earl he will soon have an army atnat►d him capable of annoying, if not se vioatly opposing Gen. Scott. is tiny probable that the people of the oapitat am about as ignorant as ourselves sat *Om subjects, and although I treat their ',Wilms with respect, I do nut adopt them. Samba Anna evidently gives an importa t iCe - 116 nievemeni, to which it it not suoitled. and it is doubtful whether he will Ips* * leinfineembit from this source of 2 :.Wes thousand wen. Valencia and Bravo es; Ye rViitipleti their rt.tipeCtive it '''ireanntistde. No &terbium whatever, has taken Idnershilfitabhist ; on the contrary, the peo ellslo4 01:1111441,1 NMI Ctillithlr, pieltroigi with their couquerers. hit Italia i* vine brisk Communication with the sea coast seems only to ho requi red, to brit* all r4ht "Vain. Generals strott andAVertit 'tvera boils at Puebla when the courier passed through that , city. • Yours, very respectfully, IzinteKron. r _ LATEp r goat 813 AZOS. letteresitoielis were received at lii. Orlcate on the evening of the sth instant, from the Brawn. Col. Jack Hays was at Palo Alto, with his regiment of Texas Rangers, described to be s body of remarkable hardy men.— He Was waiting for orders to march to the camp of Gen. Taylor. Col. Doniphan was at Parras. The patting scene (says the Picayune) between' . the Mississippi regiment' end Gen. Taylor, we are: told, was affecting in this extreme. As the urea marched by him to return to their homes, overpowered with a recollection of the high deeds which en deared them to hint and, with their demon strations of respect and alTeetibn, he at. tempted'in vain to address them... With tears streaming down his furrowed cheelpt r i all he could *ay was, 44iio on boys—io oa -I can't speak." The steamer Mcl.aos had just arrived from Tabasco, having left there the U. S. bomb-brig /Etna, and reports 7 that the Mexicans, having mounted several pieces of heavy cannon at different places op the.' river below Tabasco; they would be de fended in case of an attack, by .at _leastil 3000 troops. It is belieied that Critruno-,, dore Perry was preparing suotheriexpetli4 lion, to sail for Tabasco in four :or five' days. • The Portia went up the Alvarado, river as far as Ilacotalpan, a fine town, contain about nine or ten thousand inhabitants; . the U. S. bomb-schooner Mahoneese was lying there to protect the inhabitants l who, were in dormant fear of being ittaeked by the rancheros, said lb be iitioutfiire or sit hundred strong, within . tee miles of the walls—who threaten to ilestmyi int only this town, but every town and village which should fall into the possession of the United States. , • When the Portia leltailtiVarado, the news was confirmed of their being a party of rancheros about fitivi'brindred strong, with- , in three leagues of ihe,plale.. It is believ ed. hoWever, by our people, that Afore is very hula ilauger of,.their_attichlog that place, as there are three gun-boats and a steamer, which iould lay the town in ashes in aboutiesiminutes; 'although there is no garition or soldiers in the place. FelerifEß.fßOM .ARMY Jrrieal of •ti Train of Two Hundred IVagona at Jedapafrom Vera Cruz. es. cowed ifw Cap4,-tralker and hie Men—, :Mack on thi Train by Pinchtros, and their IV7ealltitCapt.Walker, fe. fr. In the Now• (Weans mewl of the .Bth inst., we find full panic' Wars 'istthe news Saul 'Vera, Cram and the Bravos; air brought try the 'leant ship N. Orleans. ' • • - ° General Skeet left.lahipa on'thef3lsl for Puebla. at the head of a hurt body of troops. aritlarrived it Penne on .the 28th. A letter from Vera o,rux, sin the In says he'irt new in Puebla. The same let ter, speakill of the deelensicin of the Pres idency by Santa Anna, save Gen., Herrera is the next prominent cattaidafe--tfic elec tion will take place on the 15th inst.—:Gen. Brava, the eommtinder.in-eltief of the for. cisinlitellteriur, has resiped--Cougress, Cr ace icatfif gtiverifeitent, - W bie`n remov. ed to a smallplacecaouth of thi city of Mexico--they are (unifying a •hill a few courier represents the city is in a most beautiftil state of confueion, , ' Gen.Twiggs, with his tine division, sr rived it Puebla on the ifith, and would fprac the vas of the 'anny in the contempla ted advance on the Capital. It was reported that Gen. Scott would enter the Capital, at'the head orthis force, on the fifteenth of Jdne. The Delta says:--Our correspondents. whose leuets are to the 23d ult., from Jai ape, all represent Saida Anna To being en gaged in fortifying Rio rtio with a large force. Pen. tleott, is , pushiug mitt meet him with Oval hue* Ere.thie the, battle has ocCuired, and the last °tbiae to the entry of our, armzißto the eapitsdarill ~„ , Gen. Shields continues to recover. It was expected he would leave Jalapa about the sth instant, fur Vera Cruz, on ; his way to New Orleans,. Gen. Cadwallader arrived 'at Vera Oral on the tat inst.. with nearly two:Pietist - a troops--he will start immithattly 'With them to reinforce Gen. Scott. : Among these troops are a,purticul or lltst4l4.Tha goons, the. Voltigeture. and the 1p ry. (en. La Vega is at Jalapa otillis rinds. We regret exueusektoleertilthet rriek tics prevailed tar a. grant, emem et Vera Cruz. There were 49 deaths thrs day , of the departure of the Neiv Gileaas, sad 1500 to 1800 were in the HottPital however, included :the wounded and4itheisl —those that had been cent from Cerro Gordo. , , _ . . ,•, Paoarrer or pgAcg.—the Nprleans gulletin says: We saw's letterbY'the hug arrival, from an officer in Oen. Scott's ar my, and whose situation was highly favee• ahle for obtaining correct -igrortnalion which said peace would shortly be wade. Correspondence of the N.. 0. Delta. JAL IPA, May 21, 1847 Eds. Della.-1l train of 200 wagons rived yestehlay afternoon from Vera Cruz, and proceeded this morning, in company with Gen. Twigga' Division, towards Pu etill and the City of Mexico. Capt. Walker's gallant kind of mounted men accompanied the' train. and during tIM journey had two skirmishes with superior force of Mexican lancers or robbers. The last took place at Santa he, at an early hour in the morning of Wednesday last, which resulted in the Complete route of the enemy, over 200 in number, who had -10 killed and many wounded. Our men kid several wounded, but non,t 3 dangerously. The 2d Dragoons, who were first attacked by the Lancers, while reposing in slumber. had six killed and eleven wounded. Walker, in person, pur sued the wretches, as well as the darkness of the occasion would admit, captured six prisoners, who were handed over to the dragoons, and almost instantly shot dead. Capt. Walker has 180 men, only 100 of which are mounted. They are a fine body, and their gallant coomnander is now "the lion" of r lalapa. There are further items from Gen. Tay lor's army, but very little of importance.— The Massachusetts regiment had started for Montere►•. Lieut. Colonel Wright has been elected to the vacant coloneley Major Abbott chosen Lieut. Col., and Capt. Webster Major of the regiment. A speedy movement by Gen. Taylor tutratils San Luis was still anticipated.— The rtonattukr of Colonel Voniphstt's force was•J+ily expected ut THE NEXT BATTLE GROUND.—The last news from Mexico reported that the Mex icans were fortifying Rio Frio, on the road to ther'eapital, and that General Scott would probably have another fight at that place. A gantlemun who has travelled through the country, and is familiar with this pass, des scribes it us much more formidable titan that of Cerro thirdo. !Aloes throughlift mountain with a steep ascent, and for near- Hly three miles the road, with high and rug ged sides, ia only sufficient to admit the passage of 'a single wagon at a time.— ['here is no possibility -of turning it. and no tootle of attack, except by a direct movement through the was,. Tite.pissis about 36 miles from the capital and Rio Frio (Cold River) - supplies the city with water. Not withstanding these difficulties, we have no doOht that if the Mexicans Make a stand again, (fen. Scott will find a way to penetrate the puss and drive the enemy again before him. Attxr Itsveronceurvrs.—The Wash ington Union says: itt calculated that pearly 7.000 regu lar*, old and new raiment.. will soap-rein force the main army via Vera Crua r —of Which betiteeit 3,000 and 3,000 doubtless have/ arrived.** Vera' erns in April and May s and of the nisidne,a large propoition will reach that place *k is supposed, by the **We viJune. • . .-!--.l4..Taaitisiar—Woulen.-...,-Amoncit the leetwited at Cerro 0.0010,.-stay,, Kendall, .was one stout Illinois , map", named Ford. WO the one of whose haul appeared to have been genital linty by a he)tvy cannon ball. Oneo(unt besteurgeons. Dr. Wright. went .up to-6e poor fellow when his time Came. find to,uty ,aspniskinent commenced clip- Ring the Shatter* rct i o tts of his. face.jaw and ear; whieh'stil hung to him, and alter -*anis ' , dressed the .wound es well as air 'commences would admit. I say wound ; it was worse than a wound, and ktietteriP tkin of it . would be too horrible. Two or three days since, when nearlya month had pasetkr awry,met Di. Wright here in the streets of Jalapa, and asked him how long the man in question lived. If I ever was astonished in my life, it was when he told me that he was still alive, and, what •was more, that he was well and hearty ! A portion of his fate, his jaws on one side, and his ear, are gone. but the man will soon be strong enough to shoulder his mus ket again, and is said to be mord , anxious than ever to hare another turn with the Mexicans. . Conniouß ~.-The, ‘ Freentan'sJournal," n Catholic newspaper, conducted under the sus piens of the Bishop of New York, in noticing the church plundering suggestion of the Government organ, says : "The Washington "Union," of the I I th inst., has broached a 'project tmworthy of Yore re e age, and 'still' mo' tmworthy . of our Government, of which it is sometime/real,- ed the °maw-4i is nothing more nor less than a pmposit to turn 00 war against the priests and the religion oral unfortunate ,eountry." • lanurrasix yo Vouncrscas.—Mr. Ed wards, - of the' l'eusion Office, writes to ace. Jones, of the U. S. Army, that no tioldier discharged before the expiration of bie termaf enlistment, on his own applica tion cud On Ai* special benefit, is entitled tcr tepid or acrip t under the 9th Section of the aet of the llth of February, 1847. This is the opinion—of the Secretary of War.. • THE WAY OW THY TRANSGRESSOR 15 naso.—Francis Sassier, who, as we learn from the Wyoming (Pa.) Record escaped from the jail of that county, on the 22d of January. 1845. under sentence of death rdsr.,al Robert Atkinson, was recognized at Buena Vista in Mexico, by Luttier'Adkini, whe'resided in Wyoming county at the time' of Batssler's trial and escape. Gen. Wool took immediate uteas urea to place the convicted man in the hands of justice. Bassler was acting in the capacity of teamster, having got with the Dliuoialans domewhere in Texas. Tea Coyne Haavnirr.--From every quarter we hear of the promising condi tion of the growing 'wheat. crop. Occa aionally'there is a note' of complaint that the crop here or there'has been wlnterAil led; bet the 'POWS of the death is never zonfirtned. The truth is that the crops, as a general thing wore never more prom- Uhl. • With even a tolerable crop, the en tente! quantity of Need which has been put In, both of wheat and Indian corn, will pro tlgee n:greater quantity of breadstuff's than Our countq has„ever seen before.—Nat. /itietligeneer. • Homusu*,-311. Robert Wilton, an aid respectablecitizen residing near Deerfield, Ohio, met his death in 'the fol. ;hiring horrible hianner : He had been en gapprd on 'his Perin id burning , bnutkand trees; a tree that had been fired fell across hi:14144, bolding ; him , feet. And, there he was heldin that, iron vice, with no` let inaniar telmaihis'shrieks, nor hand to help. -yet the Num crawling' slowly to hirside, first warming, then blistering, and rossilY Ozillag the vitals. .When discov ered! he Was needy consumed, and it was difficult to recognise in the crisped mass Of detacited.bouttit r eby irate - 07 r humanity. ilsaviror correspondent writingfrom Michigan to the , New York :Evangelist says :—"A field of Sixty acted was harireeted in two days as follow's4 .: . machine was drawn into the field by sit. teen horses, gUided by as many oys as necessary. On the front of the , um, chine a msn was stationed to adjust the forks and circular knives to the height of the wheat, which was easily and rapidly thrown back into the machine. No more watt . seetyf it, until another man. in ,;the telt , part f the machine was seek tying up 1 1 well till d sacks of pure grain, in perfect Oder for the flouring mill. This huge Machine, of the beet wheat, harvested and bagged three bushels in a minute: -7-1 A FARMER'S BAOMETER.-A writer in the Georgia Farmer gives directions for making a cheap barometer, to aid in fond.; ling, the weather. lie takes a stick three feet long, and attaches to the butt end a phial, full of air of course, and corked tight. The stick is then suspended in a horizontal position on a pivot, where it will readily turn, say on a thread lied near its centre. When the storm is coming on, the air outside is lighter than that within the phial; of course the phial sinks, and indicates a change in the atmospheie.— Such a barometer may be made in taw minutes, and sonic of our philosophic far mers will incline to have barometers of their own manufacture. Woo 13ioi t—A. Miss Thompson, of Lowell, Mass. advertises her readiness to marry any respectable man, from 25 to 30 years old, who may offer !Oilmen: From the North American, June I I, 1847 THE CARLISLE RIOT. Tho Public Ledger of the Bth instant contained an'extract front the Hagerstown News $n regard to the recent alive case at Carlisle, Which is calculated seriously to ihjure the reputation ore wrist worthy and exemplary`citizeng du bornMonwealth ; and which ; as we learn Uniiii — itithriiitte sources, is false in almost every particu lar. 'rho truth is, the laws of the State in regard te.the•reoapture, of, fugitives were broken through entirely by the slave-takers and their legal advisers ; the latter, 'it lip. pearst having no knowledge of the act-pas sed at the last session of the Legislature.— All the interest of Professor McClintock in the matter was simply this : He was accidentally passing the Court-House, and entirely ignorant of what was going on within, when he was informed of the case, and invited to go into the court-room by a gentleman of the first respectability in Car lisle., After the hearing was adjourned, ho inquired privately of the . Judge as to -the law by which the alaves were held, and whether the act of 1847 had been adherbd to, when he lbund that neither the ledge nor the liewyers had seen the law. He al so protecut 1141egtot who was, do far an ,he - knew, and as the msn said, doing no thing, and who was seriously threatened by a white man (polite offiemr)--sometime before the riot commended=-with the at semen 'that if he did .nothing and was in jured i ,he .should be redressed by the law. ,All ihe proceedings of Professor McClin tock were perfectly legal, and were intend ed tp preiptit a riot, not to exhite That he obeyed the dictates of humanity, and desired to see the laws of Pennsylva- Dia vindicated on the soil of Pennsylvania, , is not denied . by his friends; but this; in stead of being a disgrace, is an, honor to him. ' Advantate has been taken of the circum stance by certain persona, in an attempt to produce an excitement among the students _at the College against the l'rofessor, but it has signally failed. As soon a s s the facts were'fully known, the students assembled it a body, and instead of "demanding the dismissioai" of the professor, as the Led ger story has it, they passed resolutions highly complimentary to him in every, re spect: The time has gone by, when it was a crime for eennsylranians to assert and uphold the supremacy of their own laws, or to aid the oppressed by all legalimeans. For the statement of facts herein given we have the highest authority in Carlisle. EIMAcIrrION or TILL.—BUW long tho Itunp of conversation holds out to hum between two per sons only, is curiously set down in the fallowing passage from Count Gonfallione/thaccount of his impniattunent: "I am an old man now ; yet by fifteen years my soul_ - is yotfngcr than my body ! Fifteen 'years I existed, for I did not hve— it was not life—in the self-same dungeon, ten feet square! During six years I had cotnpanion ; during nine I was alone ! I never could sightly distinguish the face of him who 'shared my captivity in the eternal twilight of our cell. The first year we talked incessantly together! we rela ted our past lives, our joys forever gone, 0ve6,,,1nd over again. next year we communicated to each other our thoughts and ideas on all subjects. The third year,. we had no, ideas to communicate; we were beginning to loserthe power of reflection ! The fourth, at the interval of a month or so, we would open our lips to ask each ?AFL egst ibat tile we formed i s portion of mankind. The fifth we wire silent. The sixth, he was taken away; I never knew where, toexecto tion or to liberty; but I was glad when he was done; even solitude was better than the dim vision of that pale vacant face.— After that I was alone, only one event broke in upon nine years' vacancy. One day, it must have been a year or two af ter my companion left me, the dungeon door was opened, and a voice—whence proceeding- I knew 'not—uttered these words; "By order of his imperial majes ty, I intimate to you that your wife died a year ago." Then the door was shut, and, heard no more ; they had but flung this great agony in upon me, and left me alone with it again." ' ACCIDENT.—Mr. Tobias Kauffman, on Saturday last, while engaged in putting on the "rubber" of his wagon, about a mile from this place, met with a most painful accident. It appears while standing on the lever, the wheel caught his.foot and threw *hint thready ander the , wagon, fulling with the left foot under the right thigh. The wheel rased over thithigh obliquely, causing a compoundiraetnse of rr, and very seriously injuring the left ifoot. • Mr .K.'s escape from having botklow entirely cut.ofr, ap- pears almost miraculous, considering the enormous weightlwhich passed over them, the wagon weigh 9,000 lbs., and laden.: ed - with five tons ore. Notwithstanding the 'severe injurie we understand Mr. K. is in a. fair way t recovery_.—Columbia 1 ,. NOT ,RICOVERAOLE AT • swain, having been suit in the court of by , t one in a court of law ' 'ior .the• teeovery of a dollar* and fifty, cents, entry. which he had pe in "happier days ' as destined to be-equial; the jury rendered a vet , efendant. The beaus Ives accordingly. Love Tones Law.—A disear unsuccessful in h men; lately brou.; in Massachuset dug. *tied Att l constitutional cur en to The loved but in this suit be ly_tinkrtunate, f. dint for ,the fair will govern them The election of the. State of conclusively tha their judges and peals by somel, tns from a large part rew York; show pretty , the locos haittelected erks of the court of ap• 000 inijotity. ✓ As -77u leading ord.! Agricultural Gazette, plittyinent of ateath m editoriare favorable, !re docile and less cost r man or horse. Eve. (toughing involves the . linear miles, by 500 They calculate the l every ploughing at 01 ,000,000 on as many PAnicara sr 8 de 'ot ittie torttl.l May 8, IS di ilia 1 Farming, to which considermg it a in 1) power than ei rykloo acres of pasiking over 1,01 -consumers of fog saving by steam per acre, or 810 acres. There passed ti last week, forty-n on their way to liberated 'by a Mr. county, Va., who pay their expense otigh Washington, Pa. e emancipated Slaves, )hio. They had been 'ochran, of Hampshire ad given them $5OO to .:fun ervr-W. m.—The Warrenton (Virginia) Times f Saturday last says:— "That the cut-won still continues its dep redations upon th, corn. Many persons have replanted the corn fields twice, and i f Will have to du- a" third time„ Upon strong land the c r may yet be . a good one, but it is too I e to make niore than half au one where he land is thin. Carr}. --We notice in the papers inti mations that the wheat erop will be a poor and our own limited observation leads toLa 'similar 6nclusion. But we do not bellive'that the harvest will be mail. A vaatlyrgreater amtnibt of grain.tiras sown lailt;tumil, than war sown in the previ. oak ar ; and the' new dematql from n• biriad forhiliati corinvintaied the farmers to turn up en extraordinary amount of earth for that grain. Bo far all looks well; and it is probable that lig who s.giveth the former and the latter rain," will again bless , our country with that abundance which has enabled her to bless the sufferers of other nations..--U. S. anzelle. Nair Wnavr.—.A load of new wheat, raised on the plantation of D. IL Stuff, Esq., near Columbia, S. C., was said in that place on the Ath inst., at *1 12% per bushel. It is said to be a very superior article. The harvesting has already commetieed in som portions of our southern country, and the accounts are generally favorable. , , • FATAL: ACCIDENT .—On Thurs d ays last, as a train of cars was passing through our borough. a deaf and dumb boy, named le hard, about .7 years of age, was run over and instandy killed—severing his head from his body* and cutting off o9c, of his arm,.—York Rdvocale. DONIPIIAN'a Contsaue.--This band of noble fellows have been constantly on the marsh' for eight months, and have been without tents since last fall, nor have they &awe? single: dollar of pay, since- they have been in the service. A portion of Lids command, at the last advices, had reached Sahillo, after a severe skirmish with Indiana, seventeen of whom were kil led. Capt. Reed was wounded in the skirmish, and several horses killed. The extraordinary end .well authenticii ted cures wrought by the celebrated Sugar Coateil,Pills, or Dr. Smith's Improved in ' dian Vegetable Pills, have naturally drawn ' public attention to them. Perhalis in the history of Medicine, from the dine of Hip pocrates to the present day, there is no ev idence of a medical compound obtaining equal celebrity in so short a time. There was never a medicine recommended by such high authority as Dr. Smith's Pills. Besides their great, curative properties, (possessing as they do, such Astonishing curative powers to open all the natural drains of the body,,vizi : the Lungs, Kid neys, Skin and Bowels,) they are, unlike all other pills, extremely pleasant, being coated with sugar, and as they do not gripe, nor produce nausea, or any other unpleas ant consequences, they have become very popular for Dyspepsia, Headache, Costive ness, Bilious Complaints, Foul Stomach, Fevers, Worms, Wont of Appetite, impu rities of the Blood, Obstructions mid Fe male Complaints generally, Colds, dr.c.L— One of the most influential and benevolent ladies in New York, Mrs. S. A. Could, Matron of the U. S. Naval Hospital, says “there is no medicine within her knowl edge so well adapted to the numorous ail ments of mankind, as Di. Smith's Sugar Coated Pills." She e'specially rocoM= mends them to ladies. Read her certificate in the pamphlet. ift'The genuine Pills are for sale in Gettysburg, by S. 11. Buehler and S. S. Forney; in Hunterstown by dbraham King; in Petersburg .by Mrs. Fuller; in Casino wn by Airs. Duncan, and in Hamp ton,. Dr. Culkn's Indian Vegetable Panacea is the greatest medicine now before the public. Persons who are afflicted are re quested to read the advertisement in an other column of this paper. l'here is no fiction about it. Ce)(.o.Aligbi'f l l . ..o'.N Democratic Whig voters of the county of Adams are requested to assemble in their several boroughs and Idwnships, at the place of holding borough and township elections, on Saturday the ad day of July next, at three o'clock in the afternoon of that day, and select TWO DELEGATI.I4 t o represent each township and borough in a COUNTY CONVENTION, which is hereby, called to assemble at the Court house in, Gettysburg, on Monday the sth day of July next, at 10 o'clock, A. N., to settle candidates fOr the Several offices to be filled at the ap proaching election. The committee ask their fellow.citizens to Attend the township meetings numer ously, and , urge it upon them as import ant; as well to secure united action, as that the mYOUNG GUARD" may main tain her .position among the unwavering Whig counties of the State. • R. smcni, D.- M. SMYSER, R. 0. HARPER, JAS. RENSHAW, JOSEPH HAMMER, WM, OARONER, A. R. STEVENSON, June 11, 1847. Counq Cormuitiet. COUNTY TREASURER. N aceordanco with the wishes of nu merous friends, I offer myself as a can didate for the Office of COUNTY TRE.4- MINER, and respectfully ask' the nomi nation fur that Office at the next regular Wing County Convention,. JOHN FAHNESTOCK. Gettysburg. 44123, 1847.—tf N compliance with the request of a num j ber of friends, I respectfully present myself, as a candidate Tor the office of COUNTY TREASURER and solicit the nomination at the next Whig Calmly Con - vend,. GEORGE , LITTLE. May 7. • , A T the suggestion of 'a' number of A friends, I offer myself as a candidate for the office of COUNTY Ti1.E.480: PEE, and respeetfullyask from my broth. er Whigs a nomination for the office at their regtdar Convention. - ROBERT G. HARPER Gettysburg, April 16, 1847.—a 1 - 1 A NCOUR AGED by the iuggestiona ilj of numerous friends, I hereby an nounce myself a candidate for the office of COUNTY TIRES SURER, subject to the decision of the Whig County Convention. Should my political friends deem .me worthy of their confidence, and elect me to the office, its duties will be promptly and faithfully discharged. THOMAS WARREN GellyBburg, April 23, 1847—if TO - ATS, Moleskin awl Silk, a itiperigy article-only $3121 1 for MO!ask - in, and 111 75 for Silk. For sale at Kurtz's Cheap Book store. Spring & Sunlmer Dry Gonds„ in k Al IN received from Aucdon e at J: ROSS 1100PES', No. 4111 Market . Street above 11th St. oppoitte Girard: Square Philadelphia: such as loons. do, Ulnas, from 12 1-2 to 18 34 Cents.; gintr Idaus,new style, 18 ,3-4.t0.25 cams, yard trida.laWns, 12 1-2 to 18414 ? whitamulls, biehoP lawns, tarlatans, jsid6lolll, - ; itHped and plaid muslin from 12 14 to 25, rich and glossy alpacas from 25 to a 7, tickings, flanals; diapers, &a. Shawls o( every style from AU to $l2. Calicoes from sto 12 1-2 e';' - of a superior style, hdaiery and gloves, men's and boy's linen, cotton and woolen stripes and plaids, from 10 to 20c. 'Tweed., Cassimere, all wool, only 25 and 31 cts. Black, Eng. and French Cloths from $2 to $5 per yard. My assortment of muslin and linens are not to be surpas teed, either in cheapness or variety, in this city. Muslin. at 8, 10, 12 1-2 : 3 yards wide, 37 1-2. Cotton and wool ingraiu carpets from 10 to 5(1 cents. Matting 25 to 87 1-2 cents. .N. 13. Pirchasers are requested to call and examine for themselves before buying elsewhere, and they will save at least 2¢ per cent, Phila. April 9.-3 m Feathers! Featpers ! Cheap for Caah. than they have ever before been sold in this place. In professing to sell cheap er than ever, I wish it to be tlistinttlr un &mood thiii tdo not do se hecitture it has become fashionable for purehaseriro make such announcements ; I 'am sincere': and only ask a visit from 'holm wishink to purchase to convince them of its truth.— Among the stock will •be found COATS of Fine Black Cloth, Habit Cloth, Alber tine, Tweed, Cashmerette,_Cauutthet, Lin en, Check and Gingham ; Sack and Frock Coats, &c.—Also, PANTS, of Fine Fan cy Cashmere, Cassinet, Linen, Cord, and Cotton,—fancy colors and styles. Also, REMO WI L. I VESTS, Fancy Cross-Bar, Silk, Satin, LADOMUS has removed his Watch Cashmere, Merseilles and Cassinet. Also. Watch-Tool and Material Store, IShirts, Bosoms, Collars, Cravats, Hand kerchiefs. Men's Lasting Gaiters, Bullpen from No. 33 S. 4th street, where he has d on hand a large assortment of Gold and tiers, Gloves, Stockings—in fact every Silver Lever, VEpineti, and Plain Watch- thing belonging to. a gentleman's furnish es, with a complete assortment of 'Fools ing line ; all of fashionable cut and mate rials, and as well made as can be made andataterials, such as 'Lunette, Patent and anywhere. Also on hand a large assort- Plea Glasses, Mainsprings, Verges, Hand Dials, etc., of every description, to which ment of fancy and useful articles, Pins, he has added a complete and splendid as- Needles, Thimbles, Jewelry, Perfumery. scirtment of JEWELRY, consisting of i Shaving Apparatus, Combs. Penknives, Ear Rine, Breast Pius, Bracelet', G o ld 'Rough and Ready" Hats, &c. Chains, Keys, etc. which he. will eaglet). I have also for sale a lot - of BOOTS 4:. tee to sell at the lowest New York prices, SHOES, made in this county, a lot of Wholesale and Retail. IRON, and a lot of Calfskin, kioleand Up- N. B.—Country Merchants, and others Per•Leirther, which will be sold mucous visiting the city, are invited to call & exam- mon cheap, as I wish to clear off the stock. ine his stock and large assortment at No. Also,.on hand a new Rockaway, two 246 Market at, below Bth South second-hand Buggies, a second-hand Car- Orders from the country promptly attend- riage, new and old Harness, which I will ed to. ' dispose of at extremely low prices.. Philad'a, April 9—[Jan. 22-6m.] 110' Those wishing BARGAINS will remember to call at the old-established VA -. NOTICE RIE'PY STORE, next door to Kurth' To Country Merchants, Storekeepers, and Hotel, and immediately opposite the Bank. the public-in general. MARCUS. SA )(MON. P. S.—l havejust received an additional lot ofgoods purchased at auction very low. Gettysburg, April 30, 1847. REDERICK G. FRASER, Up.hol -12 _dem. and General l'urnia4er. No. 415 Market street, above Eleventh, North Side, opposite Girard - Row, Philadelphia, where may be had at all times a large as sortment of , Beds and Mattresses. Curled Hair and Feathers, Chairs, Tables, Red steads and Looking glasses, together with all other articles it the above line of bus iness, at the very lowest price for Cash. N. B. All old work repaired with neat ness and despatch. March 26, 1847—(3m.) THE Subscriber takes this' 'Method to • inform_ all_whom it,psy...lakur. , that he intendLigkeep at -libt,ol4 Eats..' tidied 'Stand,'N'ii. 382,11forket street, a first rate assortment of all kinds of 'NITS or fidlP'S, suitable for the Country Trote.— Feeling confident from hia"cipe rience and practical knowledge of the bus iness in all its various branches, that he will be able to render general satisfaction tom. 10E - 7..Country Merchants would do well to call and examine before purchtuiing of his inure noisy competitors. • • * All hats warranted to retain their color. Hats from $1.25 to $4.00, of the latest style. JOHN CONWAY. No. 352 Market street, strove Eleverth,scritb side . Philadelphia. January 22, 1847. • CHEAP WATCEES & JEWELRY JIl the Philadelphia Watch and Jewelry Store. No. 9d, North Second street, corner of Quail'' , Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled, 18 car. cases+, ,„ 4145 00 Silver Lever do. full jewelled, 23 00 Silver Lever do. 7 jewels, 18 00 Silver Lepine do. jewertl, Ist qual. 14 00 Superior,Quartler Watches, 10 00 Imitation do. not warranted, 5 00 Gold Spectacles, 8 00 Fine Silver Spectacles, 1 75 Goliltracelets, with topaz stones, 358 Ladies' Gold Pencils,•l6 carats, 2 00 Gold Finger Rings, 37 cta to $8 ;.Witch Glasses—plain 12 ma ; patent 18 ; hmet 25. Other articles in proportion. All goods warranted to be what they are sold for. 0. CONRAD. On hand, son* Gold and Silver Levers Lepines and Quartiera, lower than the a 'hove prices. • Dec. 4,1840.—1 y CHEAP WATcHES ! The Ch. aputt Gold and Silver Watches - 7N PHILADELPHIA. Gold Levers, full jeweled, 1145 00 Silver Levers, full jeweled, 23 00 Gold Lepines, jeweled, 30 00 Silver Lepines, jeweled, 16 00 Silver Quartiers, fine quality, 10 00 Gala watches, plain 15 00 Silvet Spectacles 1 75 Gold Pencils, 2 00 Gold Bracelets, 4 00 • -ALSO ON NAND.-... A large assortment of Gold and Silver jfair-Bracelets, Finger-Rings, Br ins, 1-loop' Ear-Ring, Gold Pens, Oilier Spreins, Sugar Tonga'', Thintbkno, Gold Neck, and Fob Chains, Guard Keys, and Jewelry at equally low price?. 11CrAllt want is a call, to convince coo lonian; All kinds of -Watches Mid - Clocks re , piOred and warranted to keep good time for one year. Old Gold and Silver bought fur Cash, or taken in exchange. I have some Gold att# flilver Levers, at Still cheaper poses thin AS above. A lib- . end Discount made to dealers. Call an4l see for Yourselves. -L For sale, Eight-day and Thirty-hour Brass Clocks, at LEWIS LAtomus , s Watch, Clock, and Jewelry Store, 1V0.4191 Market St., above I lth, north Md., Phila. Philadelphia, Sept. 4, 1846. TIN R. CULL EN ',S VEGETABLE IND/AN dig, SPECIFIC for Female Coniplaipts.—This medicine is fast taking the place of ever} , prepar ation heretofore used for diseases arising/row weak ness or other causes.—All that is per. eeeee y to se• cure this medicine a place ip the Domestic Prac tice of every family, where such a unedicineis needed, is a trial. • It speaks for itself—is innocent in it, operation, and WO injury can arise lion* its use at any time. abovo valuable medicine can be bad in (act tysburg at the Drug Store of 8 . U. at:EULER. June 11, IS47.—tf soalrEirjr.foXll 040 • GENS. SCOTT k TAYLOR n AIING succeeded in whipping the 1111 Mexican Armies at Vern Crux and Buena Vita, and now designing to march against the city of Mexico to'meet the en emy under the walls of there ow,n Capital, the aubseriber Would imitate their exam ple by waging war against Rags and Na kedness, and he has accordiuglx recently,. visited the c 4 ,of -Philadelphia Stkottni purpose of purchasing a stock of READY.MADE CLOTRING, 4 which he can sell at prices so low a/ to enable any person calling at his establish ment to clothe -themselves from head to foot, at astonishing low prices—his mot to being "Quick sales and small profits:L-- My stock embraces the largest assortment of Ready-made Clothing and 1141102" 00011:14 , 0 ' ever offered in this country, has been se lected with great cart, .and having been purchased for cash entirely, will be sold Cheaper for Cash LATEST NEW YAK FASHIONS - Just reeked at J. G. BAKER'S TAILORING EBTaLISHMENT, si mt. GETTYSlitrita, PA. rip H E subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public generally that . he continues the Tailoring business at his old stand, in Chambersburg street, where he may at all times be found, ready to accommodate all those who may wont garments made. Ile has just received the v et New York • 01,103230019 @ aiiilhe promises all who may favor him with their patronage, that lie will give them entire satisfaction, both, as regards the At and workmanship ofall garments entrusted to him ; and at as moderate prices as they cin be obtained anywhere else. Ile hopes by strict attention to business and a desire to please, to merit a continuance of public patronage and support. 10- Country pro duce taken in exchange for work. J. C. BAKFR.., April 16, 1847.-3 m • ME Jr T.l/l& 0 sei.ra ESTABLISHMENT. TIIE subscriber would reariectiblly id form the citizena of Geo urg and viciqity. and the. public genera ,- that-he has oiled a Tailoring Establis hment, _ In South Baltimore street, in the room oc cupied by Daniel Culp as a Chair Ware rbom, a few doom South of the Post Office whore he will at all times be Nappy to ae cominiidate those who may patronischimi assuring them that he feels- himself able IP make a first-rate FIT. His charges will be as reasonable as at any other establish• meet in the county. Country produce taken in exchange for work. He has matte arrangements to receive the New York 4 PhiMde4notia Fashions, quarterly ; and will therefore be prepared to make garments in the most approved styles,. • ESAIAS J. CULP. Gettysburg, Mey j4--tf ' • Larisr azinitr.tL. Date, of the latest Style,, , CAN be had at the Hat Establishment 'or J, J. BALDWIN . in South Hal , timbre street, a ferielgit's abort the Pone Often, and next door to %turtle?' Ilk ning. Establishment, 'TIM PER 0118:111101100. xathan.at any, other Hat,Establialentat“ toreb--embracing JTna Aktnin ...600110. Fine An., and 0kLifin44,47010 1 % brims, and a good assiituf ' gpit,l4- ' 'Afin and Yotraire' '' 1, ' strasageat alaffisti , ail of which he is authorised tat.‘ool.ll* . .... ~ _ . f9rJevoli, or country , produee,Aortvitorn‘ 4: -. ionon*#,y. ' . ,141A,01Vil'i, Jtelit,.. aMtioburg , M u sk O. 180 , -1 ,_ IToTsd ~. RAN away Rom the service of thee 4% eeriber, on OK) eth of 1041rOla dented colored boy named Tmontrae Ithlruk Nieuote, Whe public alto ocotirtyed Doi to harboK , said Viottols• sil; out a qvattra ceps, bot no thanks, will b e m i x " 1. 9 r h i* , a'plirehensiou end return to the eubeeeiber t lIAUVHER. Fountaindalo, May 2t4--3t riloßAcoo, snuff, segara, utholitt, T male and retail, at Kurtz,'" clot* Book 6tiatoi Frid# Evening;June 18, 1847. FOR grENi 'WINFIELD, SCOTT. wits(' bAxoyDvric -rOlt-GOVZRK°R (lEN.JAILES IRVIN. FOR cow, 4.xaginestoriBa. JOSEPH, W. PATTON. CITY B. Prrasrt. Esti.'st the coiner oFCliesnot k Third street, rhilldelphid : Inn Nassau greet' New York; and Louth-east cot 'ter of Baltimore and Calvert street. Bolliniore— and E.W. coiei Esq.Surt Building, N. E. Corner Third & Wtek4t4,aqd 440 N. Fourth st. Philad a are ou t au tlorizedA gents for receiving Advert he meets andSoscriptions to the "Star" snd collect ing and i#l4lfitipx for tb, same. 1 73 -For Delinquent Patrons IMPORTANT. - . rirTheenlargement of our paper has drawn more heavily oil our purse than we anticipated, arid we are compelled to call upon our patrons to relieve us from. the difficulty. There is a large amount on our hooks due us Srfi Job Work and Subscription which it would give us much 'pleas ure to see "squared or' The amount against each subscriber may seem trifling, and for that ( r reason remehr.unpaid; but - it is of drops that the . ocean is made, ands few dollars from each of our subscribers will in the aggregate produce an amennt of eome lybportanee to us. These of our patrons who have already paid up, will accept our thanks, While those who have not, we feel assured will *scum the present “sinx." as it is the first ttngiurrehrentrtnbled with wince our ronnertion with the "8r tar." rit.reittry may he remitted M us per mail, a orir ri4k. The "Star' , for the Campaign. j'i'be Gubernatorial campaign is about open lug, and as it promises to be one of more then ° anal Want and importance, we propuer to tinuiela tbi 'Hire& 41‘11 IiANNiU, ' Moil after the Election for FIFTIi GENTS IN ADVANCE! 'Twelve copies will be lierwanted fur $5, or twenty-fii.e cop ies for $lO. Bend on your names with the mon - ie.y,sall ore will give you more than an equivalent in tinier-light Will our Whig friends mention • this lbo their neighbors, and thus assist in doing servioe kw the 'good enuw ! VirA MEE'rING of the IVliig County Coinmittee is hereby called to be hold in Gettysburg on Tues day ne.rl, (22d June) at I o'clock in the afternoon of that day—afull attendance is rciltrestetL It. SMITH, Cludrman. L 1" W e have bccu rettursted to elute that the rumor put in circulation that Wm. M',•.ta Kali I. MN., wilt not be a candidate Car nomination to the Hotwemif itepreaentatives: is -incorrect. Mr. M'- Sherry kht the hands' df his friend., and, as * good Whim, will not shrink from the discharge of .luty in any pow that may be **signed him by bin political friend". APPOINTMENTS by the Board of School Director, fur the b?mugh—J.l.l.. likovr n, to IW e;;lie.;4;r;:if School 'fax for the etrrreut year, and A. D. Illetut.me to be Treasurer. SONS or TEMPERANCE, con. carted With the Division It'this platie, t 'amtle a public display on Monday afternoon last. marching through the streets in the regalia of the Order, the procession proceeded to Mt. James' Church, where the Rev. S. W. Harkey, of Freile , rick, delivered an able and eloquent speech to an nuturually crowded audience. Thu procession numbered upwarila of 100 perocliew, including irp resentetives from neighboring divisions. .-- The Her ... lin 'Brass Dead was present on thooccasion, and handsomely acquitted itself. PONTOPFICE LAW has' been construed by 4101110 individuals so as to warrant the sending of transient newspapers free of portage. The iTnion says that this arises from en error in punetuteSt the pamphlet edition of the laws., lntrade ' newspapers are subject to a postage of three mitts prepaid. The Postmaster General Instructed the Postmasters to forward, without the limpryment, all papers sent hum the office of THE LOCAL PAPERS.—The Philadel phia North American, a thorough-going Whig paper, and one of the very best political journals in the country, in noticing the recent improve nient. in this paper, thus speaks of the imminence of supporting local paper!' :—"Wheu the country pries receives adequate encouragement, it in a sigh that the renown which is advocated is in a healthy condition. We have ever impressed it upon our Whig friends of the interior as their.fing duty, to *import their-local papers; -that duty perforaisel, We shall be pkeervl to place them on our daily or weekly tista But we doulotthefitleiiiy of that man to his port, priscipki who is claim minim or har wenn in osetorribingt to the mew of hie county ad. meriting Mort prioiripies." We hope our very many ' , ceders, who are not subscribers, will profit by the hints here thrown out. SUDDEN DEATH..--Mr. DesJAIIIIN 187(11' AIR, of Hamiltonban towhship, while returning from Mrs. Myers' Mill, nearTairfield, on Friday ereuinx lad, on horselmck,, was, together with his horse, *dandy killed by the killing of a large hickory tree. The deceased was about 10 years of age. THAT PABB.—Tlic Union calls Oen. Santa Anua dui *lli Of the Whig.; but the Union must not papect to pest °tits damaged goods on its ad. venrltipt. The Executive of the 11. States sent Saran Anna to Mexico to head her titmice, and with the intentipn that he should do so. If that intake ofplifter has turned oat a bad speculation. the Got oranntainust, not hope to evade hempen by twutaparent a trick as the organ at rucnlrat pla,s; , at `What the ExtMutive could ipWrashit 1t0e: ht Whig/Nita Anna to get %Mkt° to 144baidte, we have never been it elforei it kik** *hick the 'Goyim- Petelitlet/4 tk .l ll ll od to !Al, ane! vrbdch we was ,Pefii l, 94 l P3l ol4l ° l4 ; Witit‘notiraeuolive4lo Mende of the Athinin 16trat4040 Ala it was blllOr'-a. incankate;dthalYatiVel still a blunder. Bat they 4 0 tat &Sim; 41,7410 pot lay allot was hoped Or Hilbefond fines ,14, Plow, we de, ndt4itactee to ,1 4 0q1 0 11 01141 41' of the ainnt!ttra /1,144 avail At Iti meant l' and in itqa 44100 5 714 mg" mqm ilan fie& &Ina Anna to ditentetieek—Zres. •" rilektigist siny tinte, 11111 f il;;Ahihems Jwar• IT,lsMlll:Mr#4ll. 4 r4il4oo was arwailirair weary diva AN" PlePiratiqn for the greet bstUo of mOnena Vista," .'Democratic Cown, sorer/your **opinions of Mr. Polk, wee wa ploy!d hi eisseving the oW Hero for his doings et- Monterey, Will they attempt to justify it before ItIPM41)1 GEN ) IRVIN, AND 1118 TRADUCERS.— Our attention has fain and again been directed to the unmanly and. dishonorable species of war fare in which most of the Loonfoco evlibr of this fitrite have so freely indulged While canvassing comparative claims of Gen. illY/S and Mr, Finest( upon the support of the people as candidates for the Mlle* of Governor, and Wale surprise eilmtled Rua we shenll.l have so audit/y:4y refrained from -.noticing the amsuitoiofivilyand reckleady made upon the PrivateAfutracter of our candidate. We Wray as well Ireiv state; once foe all, that we have but little Wile for this kind of poNtical controversy, and must excused for not descending with - those Mho wage it into an arena where no rules of hon or obtain, and where misrepresentation, deception, and detraction constitute the recognized and only weapons of disputants. - Nor-does the character of our candklate - mon - re that it should thus shield ed from the malignant rundulta of wrecklees parti zan assailants. Gen. lava. is too well known throughout the State, and his name too honorably identified with that-which is honest, and noble, and good, to suffer in it contest of this kind, even though not an arm be raised to wanl offtliave can ed shafts directed agMinst his well-earned fame. A diserbilnating and honestoninded people wiU rea dily discover in all this well-plied and systematic personal abuse, an illolisguised anxiety on the part of our cl)ponents to blind the public mind, to the true issues in the present campaign, and to avoid, if possible, a too rigid scrutiny into the pol icy and official misdeeds or their recognized lead- As to the,objections urged against the political views of our candidate, and the charges ariving out of his Past public career, we shall in duo time pay our respects to them, and show them to be as entirely Mifountled as the aesault on his private character has been malignant. In the mean time we take pleasure in transferring to our column. the at:next:4l manly paragraphefrom the I.lrilen Times," a respectable and ably conducted ',emcee° journal, as an honorable exception to the general tone of the opposition press, and a deserted rebuke to those engaged in this disreputable work of de• traction : Tura CAsto.to.N.—We are sorry to ob serve in several democratic papers, an at tempt to injure the private character of the opposing candidate for Gdvernor, by fool ish and absurd stories about his manner of living—his occupation as an iron master— his bad treatment of his hands, &c., silt of which we feel certain will injure instead of benditting the democratic cause. Gen. lawns does not belong to dur party, hut that is no rOson why his private charac ter shouhpfe atttacked. His character as au upright, honorable and lair man is well. known at home, and although we differ widely in our political views, yet we will not degrade our columns—as we have been urged to do---by giving publicity to such groundless and ridiculous stories as we have alluded to. We profess to be governed by principle, and to have some worth contending for. Do not let us, there fore, tacitly confess we have none by de scending to low and vulgar abuse of pri vate character. nor by attempting to raise prejudices against any particular snrsuits in life. All branches of legitimate business ' in this republican country are honorable if honorably pursued by the persons enga ged therein.—Union Times. With ttvh or three except ona all the leading Whig Journals in Penor y lvania hare expreamed t! eir preference for Cen. t r n on the Whig minli.late for the hA Hut one feeling ex ists in the Whig mitan in tiin, Knee. Every both gerealt With "a perfect lotalcarad" for OW Zack.— Hargishrtre hildligrnter. The magnifying powers of friend M'Cranr's organ of vlatOfr . M11441.11Nt imiwcwod very consid erably of late, even beyond the caPactity of Poodle's disciple, who was accustomed' invariably to "see double" when summing up the numerical strength of the "defenders of the faith." Certainly, wa have 10N 1 11 110 ' evidence Of the decided preference to which allusion made, as influedeing "all the lauding Wltirlournida in Pennsylvania, with twoor three exceptions," and as evincing "hut one feeling in the Whig ranks in this Sate." The impression given us by an observation of the nu; inemus expressions of popular sentiment through out the titate is verrdifferent from that of the In telligeneer, end we feel quite natured that, were delegates appointed to the Whig NatiMial Con vention at the present time, the voice of Pennsyl vania would be for Wismaim Bcorr. 4V - At an examination of candidates for the. post of Assistant Surgeon in the U. S. Navy, at Philadelphia, in April last, nearly 200 applicants were examined. Seven of the number received appointments, among whom Mr. WV. F. Bills, a gruluate of the Medical Department of Pennsyl vania College, stands No. 1. 17e'The A nti-tilavrry Mate Convention, which met at Harrisburg on ThUraday week, Nominated Dr. I. F. I. tailor 1, of Waaltington county, for Governor, and M. 1). 'Nun ♦a, of Philadelphia, fur Canal Commisaioner. t? The New Orleans papers publish a letter from Santa Anna to the El Republicano (a paper published in, the city of Mexico) in which the wooden-logged hero insinuates that his friend, the President of the United States, must have been rather green for ever having believed that he in tended to act the traitor towards Mexico, or to be, come the agent for bringing about a peace between the two countries I tiirThe Louisville Journal kits the nail on the head in the subjoined paragraph : "It appears now to bo Mr. Polk's plan to set up a government in Mexico by the bayonets of our army with which to negotiate a peace. The great dillicutty is, that, before Pentium act up a government in Mexico, his own government in the United States will be set down. 17The Mexican banditti are making sad work with the couriers end scattered parties of our ar my. Scarcely an arrival is 'announced et 'New Orleans from Vera Cruz, without the ihtclligance of some new murders. 'Among the last, we notice that of CoL Soirees, of this State, who lett Vera Cruz with despatches from Gcn. Scorn He was waylaid on the road near the National Bridge, auti murdered, together with his mot ThAt NationarJuhilee of the Borts of Tem perance in Philadelphia, on Trait) , last, was .a, splendid pageant. ihmmeenterives were in Mien. dance, from ahead tunny State in the Union. The number of pursoni in procesidon was ("thrusted at 12,000, while , large numbers were unabie, fibM the fatiguesfirairel, to Ml in line. Theprooeiiion was ihur heirs In Pawling over the designated route, niter whit* It. rarlited to Wo4!allitoo' 2, Pleletto lies, the ,onition, Weer/14e havingtiimrt: unexpectedly called to Ohio, in con. Sequence of the dangerous *nee of his teethe', den.„Oser, of .Ohio, was prevailed upon to take . iiisplaCe and deliver an a , dcln* The entire Pto•• !mediums passed of f without accident or, difficulty of any kind. le Piitsburg intuits!. 'Mies that Dr. &melt wettings has resigned the Presidency ofJolrerson College, at'Cannonsburg, Pa. His place km be supplied by the Rev. Dr. Milan, a gentlemen well and ravonAly known An hie lectures ort.tu rope. THE CARLISLE RIOT.—As war expected, the recent disturbances at Carlisle have furnished $ convenient text to the pro-Slavery presses, from which to pile& doleful lamentations over the in security of property, daily becoming mom Intenti ons by reason ofthe high-toned Anti-slavery prin ciple so rapidly diffusing itself throughout Northam legislations While some few of them .teem with bitter denunciation, of what they are pleased to term the qui:Wear and"unconstitutional"leghla that Of Tittmaylvania. Is aina.sing to observe how effectually self-intereit, passion, anil prejudice will blind men to the plainest distinctions between right and wrong, and give to every thing a chame , ' lion hue, to be shifted and changed as the merest caprice may iv-Oily,. These mime editors:, who just 'noLaffect such a "holy hormr" at the•firet symptom oTpopular tumult, and make their pens indite bitter word, and gloomy predictions over this attempt of a few ignorant and oppressed color ed people texescue a brother front cruel and hope lose bondage, in somewhat of the wine feeling that taught our father, to believe "resistance to tyran ny Use first duty of man"—these same editors, but a fine years slitnecleAlted on, with oold indiffitrenee, if not with epproving smiles, when mot-law reign -ad tarketne wherever an Anti-slavery lecturer da red to open his lips, and life was declared by SoUthern hot-spurs to be the forfeit for a too bold assertion of human rights. The burning and de struction of Pennsylvania Hall by en excited mob can be justified and extolled as patriotic and com mendable, while a petty disturbance, occasioned by an attempt to rescue human being. from threatened slavery, is demented as a lamentable and portent. 'tons aymptem of insubordination; the mutilated body of Loy &toy le permitted to s'nk into its grave with scarcely a whisper, of censure upop the raw... - derma of the lion-hearted champion of freedom, who sought to make men of slam, while all is con stentation and alarm at Thu "daring outrage" of no attempt to resist "respectable" slave-dealers in their efforts to make stares at men. A singular people we have to deal with in this boasted land of civil and religious liberty. In a previous column will be found an article from the Philadelphia North American in regard to the disturbance at Carlisle, and Prof. M'Cias- Theleil participation in them, which, we have as surances from the very beat authority in Carlisle, contains a correct statement of facts. In addition to the facts there stated we notice a card in the pa pers signed the southern students connected with Dickinson College except four, about 90 iu Manlier, acquittillg Prof. M eLI STOCK from the charge preferred against him of an improper inter ference in the riot, and affirming their entire con fidence in him as a man and a teacher. C - YA COLLISION, between the steamboat Chesapeake and the schooner Porter, occured on Lake Eric, on Saturday last, by-which Its) schoon er was almost instantly sunk. Her crew was ta ken on board the Chesapeake, but this vessel also went down before reaching the shore. At this critical juncture the steamer Gen. Harrison hove iti view, and rescued thirtyllve of the passengers. There were 45 passengers, together with the crew, oil board, of whom 8 are known o to have been drowned. The vessel is entirely lost, not e ven a passengers's trunk being saved. Celt is said that the Hun. DAN/ has joined the :Sons of Tompennice. IrrThe collections in the 11. States in favor of Maud, amount thus for, it is estimated, to more I=l tEr Hon. A IllOrrT Low•awrs , of Mutton, has given a. donation of $50,000 to Hanord Univer- (0"• An Infidel CoiT.inion is now in session in New York. ("risnies Crawford was sentenced, isst week New York, for stealing two jackets, to esl. 11w army re - Gen. PJ LLOW has published a defence of. Lis proceedings at Cerro Gordo. COMMUNICATIONB TO TOR MOTOR OP TRX STIR& BANNER Having understood that a citizen of Ucttyshurg was circulating a report through the county that 'Wsr. R. aAmr.aa would not be a candidate for the State Senate; that an arrangerntint had been made with him to deeline the nomination for Senator, and accept it for RePreamtative; and that D. M. Sit visa was to bc a candidate for the Senate, Wm.. R. Sintsu for Representative, and Wx. M'Surcri was not to be a candidate at all--1 feel it a du- ty to st a te that it is not correct, and without roan dation. WM. R. SADLEM is and will he a canal date for the nomination of State Senator, (Asti Norm's(' stas,) in the Convention. And a bet , ter man—one whose views are MOM clear, judg: moat more sound, and principles more pure and honest, we have not in the county. I deem this-as nothing more than justie.e to him, that the erroneous statement should be corrected. We ask the free and independent voters of Adams County to nominate W. It. SAI/LIM for State Senator;-and-with his name on the 'ticket with Irvin and Patton, we will tell a tale on the second Tuoaday of October, that will speak well for old HUNTINGTON. OUR SENATOR Ma. EDITOR:—From a communication which appeared in the last "Sentinel," I Perceive the question of who shall be our next Senator from this District, is about being brought before the people. lam glad to see a move on this subject, and as one of the old soldiers of the Whig party of tliis county, I ham taken the liberty of sending you my views on thelatject, and of suggesting the name of a gentleman for that office, who, I think, will scarcely have the shadow of an oppo sition before our County Convention. T he gen tleman to whom I refer, is Dsenst M. SXT.ZX, Esq., of your town. His name and experience as • legislator will at once recommend him to every man in the county. Such it man is needed at present in the State Senate. There is scarcely a doubt that Gen. Irvin will be our neit Governor, and that Maj. Patton will bo elected Canal Com- Missioner ; this being the case; it behooves Ad ams County to be represented M the Senate by one who his had some experience in Legislatire bodies, and one who den Mistain the new admit"; iettation by his . eloquemn and experienot—one whe can originate, protect and, defend the interests of the Whig party. , Mr. Smyeer ,represented 140- people, of thin county lb, two successive years in the Manse of RepnesentativesofPrmnsylvanisond he was then acknowledged.* he , alb mod eloquent debate/ in dud body. Arid, by Miguel &mom of the Whigs was alk . rieed'to be the leader ofdtirparty in the House. Let ns, this retare, nominate him as 'our candidate 'fbi Senator, ands 414v . 0pl for it, not a county in the Commonweal ,can boast of it more ccorapetent and. mote enorgelie . 4epreestits. live than the "Young Guard." , When IMY this, tot rim _le understood correctly. I moan no die. psragsment to any other man who is spoken of fur that office, antlyarticularly so In regard to the fa vorite of the "Sentinel's" correspondent, .!llunt ington." Mr. thetas has always been a favor ite of mine, and he is acknowledged tol4n ex cellent and intelligent man, a sound , and would no doubt make a good Senator ((( :Mist when this is admitted, it will also be allowed that he lacks that experience in legislation which is so n Presser). at this peculiar time. Important nt anent will no doubt arise at the next meeting of the Sen ate, and it requires an old and experienced deba ter to meet the "old stagers" in that lady. Mr. Sniper is. Anon and admitted to excell almost any other Mau in thrt Btale le' debate, and of coitad wig be able le . awry, measures ,widebit roverAi bi; impossible Iballer to amilplieb. • Thom ate _my siteura /midis sal;Met., /believe them 'oho taarect. I may be wrong, boirease, hasty concha. dons, mkt if the people of the county, through their Conventhrth deem Mr. Stadler more .ettrofie. tont to represent them in that body thin Mn stey. ger, and nominate him, no man will give &Wittily , er and more hearty aup'porchiWst thintour hum ble servant from good old Ms. B esa4a.—We observe s &cout] unicatio in the 4 80titinel! ottlxi 14th last, signed "11 • intitofti" In relation, to ; the Utinaination 'of imAi l dates for the Senate mud the. House of Represen= tatives, which, among other things, alludes to newer add to have been itut in dreulation, admit ah arrangeowitt had been- made with him, (MW Bsutaa,)' to deelirte the nomination for'ftemiteit, and accept it for Repretientative ; and that 1). M.' ax TEM was to be the candidate for the Senate; Wm. R. BADLIS for Representative, and Wx. M'Elasawr waist,: to tt'bes randidite at all." Now, sir, we feel authorized to contradict this rumor, and say that Wx. M'Sdiaair will be a candate for the °miriade* of Representative.— What the author, "Hinitinghnirminmt by garb ling his article in the manner ho has, so as to make it stood unintelligible, we are at a loss to know, unless ho wished it to be understood that Mr. M'Sherri Seas not a candidate. Mr. H . has alai left his readers in the dark as respects the meaning of this singular communication. Although Mr. M'Auguai has not asked that his nomination he'urged, yet he wilt, if nominated, egeept it, and be thankful to the Whigs of Ad-' ams county for the honor conferral, and endeavor to till the station with that dignity of character and honesty of purpose which so much distinguith him. There is no man we would rather ace on the ticket than Mr. M'Sit mil r, as we believe libiguai illeations are such as to enable him to discharge the duties of the station with credit to himself and honor to the country. He has always been warm ly attached to the Whig cause,—has inborn! for it earnestly and faithfully, and in our °pinta' would be an honor to the county aful his eisustitu ,ents in the Legislature. Again, Mr. M'Saimar is a host within himself, and we can assure you and the convention through you, that with his his name old Genuany and Union will gives good account of themselves. Let the report be contra dicted—let justice be done him, and we will come sip to the mark in the spirit of those determined to triumph. With him we are and will be perfectly invincible. GERMANY 84 UNION. ' FROM THE ARMY.—The annexed letter from a yyung friend, an officerin Capt. ilarnanl's company or Voltigeurs, now under orders to join Gen. Seaver, reached ua last week-take our pa per hiltil gohe to' press. It Will ba Vettbeleisi be read with Interest by the friends 4tite wittert'.* Correspondence of the Shrewd • PALO ALTO. (1 4 i4111;) MiTll,lB4t. flan Eta was deeply grieved to hear this morning ofthe death of my friend end' fellowsoP, dier, JOAN PATTON)+, one of theyoung mewhito enlisted with me at Gettysburg. He died on Stir urdaY last,altec e protracted dine* of about six weeks. He bore his afflictions with. a 'patience and moral-fortitude that is seldom equalled under the trying eireunistanciminwhreh be was placed. lie suffered front dysentery, compticawd with eth er disease. For some time he lay in-the same tent with me, (I being sick at the 'gun° time). I did all that was In my power to make him com fortable until ho was removed from here, about a , vook.affo, to the Hospital at Matamoros, where he died. I deeply regret that I was deprived of the privilege of paying the last tripute of respect to his mortal remains, but I feel assured that he was interred in a decent and becoming manner...— Poor follow; they have laid him down to sleep in a strange land, far from his native home, where np friend can look upon his grave and drop 'a tear of heart-felt affection. I sincerely sympathize with their parents in the ken of so dear a soft; but let them derive consolation from the thought, that by his own natural good consolation and manly de portment, ho had won the esteem Of all who knew him. We were all in high spirits in consequence of rumor finding its Way into ramp that we were to be diawlvarged and sent home in let than a week. It ma laughable to : see the poor l kilowa t wow faces had been drawn down and sharpened by dis ease, until it gave them the appeanume of the most sanctified saint that ever took upcus itieuteif the respungibility of forgiving 'dna, their chiesertwling up to their proper places, and smiles occupying the place where just before Was seen the ghostly look of despair. 113tu all these blight antkipatious e( home were soon dispelled by an girder reaching us to proceed to Vera Cruz,. I believe tajoin'the gallant Gen, eiturrr and aid hint in 'taking the city of Mexico. Three cheers for that ! we will have a chance at old ...Cork- Leg n :let, and his yellow; skinned followers. I sincerely hoperthat the little band that started front Gettymberg may 'come off id flying colors, mid give their Mends at home no reason to be eshrimeel of them. I would not give one oc i!ennsylvanitea good Houston° filtOn for ail 'Of iHeileo and Texas that , There yer.goen, and If the 'ulterior ii not teo . re imuditing than this portion of it, lift:. Polk could not lave been a very good judge ibel& else he , . would not have.sont au arety here to fight for, it. It has not rained hero for chi,- nonitie irti the ground is cricked openitem eighteen' ineites throe feet deep. it la literally pare* up, and the not sun is rendering the ovine oat of our'fat ?elm. eyiviuda b'hoys, equal to a tallow elutridlrry, ; But hover fear ; there will be enough left pf them to satisfy them Lilaputian Mexicans. The PenneYt vanians are the finest looking and MOO spirited men that I have alert hero, and well represent the - State ftme which they, comeAlglatu4ortilto 'oh! Keystone, and old Adams in piationlae. • I wish I had some way of sending the Litiniiirt Association someOfthet&wild uvannhintitand nico6di eurloint insect& There are spideri 'here ax big sr youi thrt, and their bite is instant dee% to, man tielbthie: Theniitte callo Trelreeksid 'land , me of a datt brown' n color. ' Seveini, have been caught In 4W , lentil ; they (WIWI in at 'night ; and my opinion is. . that tboy tug. iseissucll Ina ought to be ex , sn 3 Plnnitts4d. Vitrre 441 4PhitooAiatt Out ore to tom t (4 7 her Vera are Capt. Bamanrei Capt. Iliddlea, Capt. Reward's, Capt. Edwards', end Capt. Church's, dike Voltiginia, and'the 11th and idittiegitatenta of banal. When we get there; dote will be something walls writing about. you will hear' hum ma again. Farewell. W. I. M. AT VERA RUZ.—We note that 'OA °Apar L6l avAtit about 2,000 bit lu ding Copt. Darnard's company, had arrived at Vets Crua on the lot iust., and intended pushing on immediately to join Uen. &Arm , STUPENDOI.IB. ILINDEItTAKINO.—T he cut ling through of of the Isthmus of Suez is at last determined upon.. I. Egypt is made a neutral State; her independence amid sentrality are guarantied, by the Porte, J iance England and Austria. 2. Prussia, RhWsbl, North America, and powers 'of the Second rank, are invited to recognize - this zrutrality; '3. Euglated is to tiny the. ne cesSarV land at Suez t and 'the canal ,itsplf pifoltecidisTrrined EngrandlOgether.- AN Execution re Ktiviicist.—Wm. H. fltepier, a young mail 17 years of age, wad-executed . according to' seifitette, 'in Greenbush, Ky., on the , iSth , inst., for the ponder of his mother. Nearly five thou. kandoreiine assembled ain slitineikthe el*. Bing scene, , and, strange as it may appear, full doeiludftif them: Ideas lediedht.ili4es, , . too,' appose ridy , lit teuptactabilityf livid^ high breeding. ~.., . .,, , ~ , r,,, .1“, ••1 •R-.. 1.,/: ..,NLAVII,OkrmAPARAL-4 , 77-The it mown, of eufferinglidiened by this invaluablekcirepa. 'ration is !idiom s parallel in the history of medicine. Thousands have been resto red, tit. hoitillt , hy,<4, heelinciand-sigedima-. 1 44,CfrIetteT , who *Om clat444 , 4PAit, . i kw tea lila of remedial means,'" arnets eerd , - caw/ Ileretefet:eiiitt,i)irited , *KV es ittkilieft,i , it has rece”eiriihP a pp p. bationof Many liwlitior!pl, M.Atia.,l4A4 ethervities, Mal Lb r apid groll4.*WiaigtB' iimation of rho public• hamilaced pt,h4qcut( die reirit. of)istracticio ac t dig efforts cif dompelition• 1 ".Discases which arise from impuisty of the liloial or, rilfllio,niof tly)4pu mon/ gerieraliyestmh as Sprefidabr, • if.inK a lf Evil, RhMunatism entflneipiedaold.;,A3 t. Ahearn and oihtir eutaiteous diseases, Pli• ter Sores, Internal Abscesses, Fistulas, painful Affeetions of the .B t eeel, (ample inflammation of the Kidneys, Female De : , raekterients, General Debilaty. and Prod's tkon of the System, are all removed by its : use. ( ' ' ' i'--.4"i! ..: !I. r iir ORANKLINL I a=zm:l IKTFor further particulars and 'conclusive esi• donee ofits superior albytsciissee PatqpWeyAske) rutty he'obtnined Of tigehts eratis..!POPsted sold; .wholesale Sad - retail; by 111.11:ii 7tl Fulton street New—York.„--tiolkolo,dry pointruentsittherrli - • " Ti Gettyiburg; Pa.. Price $1 per bottle. §ix boitleft lor P 5. hine la, 1847: •" • The PI9P,K MLRKET is infe7 live ; buyers offer $ 50, but holders *ink erally prefer waiting fur fartheradvines front Europe. Some males made at oFf, 50. (60d to prime xe4 Wheat 0;05 White and yellow Corn at .1.i2 a *1.13; Oats 00 a- 02; Rye,*l.2otl,Clovtifffed *4 50: . Pra4sesel-fl 403 Beef $0 tti ,*B'24. Hoge *0 00 t 0 ,40,.0U. •••• • • •• •I) 1E . • Qn the 13th nit. Mr. Itte'niii.ta bottnown, tigril 83 tosnt, 9 inentisinniti l 9 On tin. Oth inst. in Abboustown, afters .Itingilla neat' Eta lIA a Ora,: wife of hfr..r.alioilown: 10 PRINTERS. Tho PRESS- on which tittr“ftti" luts.been printed-is offered for sale. It ista good .Ramage. ,, with-iron bed a a • is in good order, and will be sold, Letters to the editor, poet-paid, ill attended to. AIOII,E NEW itIOODSIr:. D MIDDLECOPF ' h juit pscfiiygif art 4r Iphof FRESH GOODS ) , -which will be offered at very reduced pri ces--eornltirialng, Fait Color Madder Prints; for lit ceriti4 vtordi 124 • ' • • Fast Color French Lawns, forl2l , entto:-4. worth 25;' • • • Cloth's, Tweed", Casslntelres, Codringtoris, Drillings, Cot l tonades, W)Ci - On/u @aVgitiolOßo, Caps, Bonnets, Umbrellas, Parasols, Pq r asuletto, and Sun Stigt ;, Ex . All decidedly Ci . 1e51 7 11111111 tlo9liXli 441 l. „ 40 June 18.--ft 7 ag"'An Address upon Tem. perance will be deliveted before tfie Main Total Abstinence Society'? of Gettysbuit by the Rev. R. S. MACIAY, in the. Cori. 'tense, THIS (Friday) EVENING, at fi o'clock. As as interesting diseourse may be exeected, the friends of the cause, c itivil the citticusgenrellY, ate invited tp attend. • P. M • 0 0NAPG1 1 ) 4. =AN. June 18.-It . BOOKSI BOOKS 41 KELLER, KUETA'S PACilp '1)0940/T v OPPOSITE TEE /ONE, 1111711 ERE may be found Bonka - on w w Theology, Arcdiekger LaVVI C/ 08 ,Mi• cal and,School--with ail the recent publ4 , cations of the day. Just give me a call, and l'nt sure you woninieji; tiuiric.sules and Antall patina is the wa...y, I'do it.' June 18.—tf Pictorials, 4th of Jaly.:. 1 1 1 11 E Dimble Pictorial gaturday Couri er and 'Brother . Jontithith—price . 12 cents` -for sale at lteller'Ktirtz's: • NOTICE, rfrilE Account of WIS.: Coin, 111, znittee of Nitursurlovcx, a linuttk, has been presanted. 10 cokirt,prPOp. l Ilion Pleas or - Atlanta i0un107,1.414"11i Couit has appointed - itfonAty the 1131Adtry' of August next for :tlui eonfinuatlon'iind allowiace of said aOtount. ' ' '" • • A. B. KURTZ, Protley.,' Protlioaotary's fatties, Genybtmeg,June i5,1841„5 • '•• 35 LAW . PART.NERSIIII''. E Ondereigne4 having formed a 'partnership for the practice of the will attend tbecourts of York and, Adonis and alieol/sit the neighboring coun ties if . &sired: or* in turk street, Get tyelnol, between Ike - Bank and Pnblie Of fices, where one of 'the fitlyi will constant ly at . tenA (TO where conintunicauons will r4colve prompt attention. JAMES' COO)PER, IWCREARY. June /13 1847.-6 m Flower Seeds. Ist:try& -eelebrateid P OWER E D S,'lklargivklety and bea quality, received and tor attlei)y ' ' S. H. DUETLER., March 6; 1847. Gettyabat PEA NUTS, FIL.SEILTS„ 11101 4 11Cia, &c., of the.beat quality to be had at the ConfeetietierY of WM. k C. IifTEIRAUFF `IL/ 0 ULD call the at tenth:ma:if persons !IF to the stock of GROCERIES, which .are now opened at . their Cheap Store immediately opposite David Heagy's Caltjnet Ware House. . Call and examine for voutlires. . • • . flay 7, 1847. • • , NOTICE. LETTERS of Administewihm on the Estate of JOSEPH RIFE, late o Franklin township, Adaini ',County,' de. 'ceased, having been granted to the sub scriber, residing in said township, notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to 'said estate to call and settle the same with out delay, and tllosmhaving daitus agniust said custate are requested to ptesent , the Amino, properly authenticated,, tor settle. went. ;,. PETER MICKLEY. .1L jidner, ::111114!21.—tat ' . . . TA' * E 1 4 i t)T 1 c t:. Tth >ik t ubscriber havipg.assoCifeil ivitli ) r ttimitiiiie Sfekantile Busine§s hill i ? iii: w?o . l . regpectfully ask all persons tbteil t o um ' to 'eall'and make imine _. g e paymv.. , , , '•". NVV. 'RutitnAr rO. . t4i.t i::' .• • • , . . IEr:FI OLLA. NURSEIRY. PA. jF.II 'l 4 l i fittft'illail kitids,•ro a 'rta ; iii. e root) can be ,hati of'iLe sub ieriber o iiiiiionlitileilayMc ' 'Ph3aso' tall iii anti'itt ' for yotirselves:''''' ' 1; • , •! 7 • C. Wt"If9tFICON:' lteffiSburg Mity1W10111: ' " ' ' f. ti .. TUE PAMPII MT" L AIWA •• ' IPtlic last session 4fthellLegislature It,. bite been tbeeived , itt'tfica Priithotio itaffitiffice. and tiro reitafterilistrlbution. ,TlitisOtititled krreceivo theni will call on ,the undersl#rledd -, •r - • ..; •ii -.; - , I. j ' ' ' .);' A. 11 . . KIIKTZ; 'Proth'.y. Pnitioiotoroi/offic44'4"llbtl'il ''' ' " ituicitlVlNlT,l).••• •i• • . a •,,‘ .. at 1 IMl;thr sale ,a Ers . sta6 ()ex r: ye t e t • -, I Afirtd ;.89n, CHARLES NE WMA N, I IV-Lhavintahatnionast,hstv home, ponce( sitembygivearStoCallparpotilkirltertuptiatiot 'to trust him on,my ALeilAtiniv ss not im:ro4lMlsible for say .debtlair,bis eon • trlwting. JEW: D. , ,NIRW.hIAN.: Idopoijoy gap 603E1[4,11 4 , otilidli Phsti6md;'4le • !Sinnott' `iind‘ - ifigsi'pekeet arttrieinP theirowth - hnd preservation of the Hair, for Ira& lit:tuna's Cheap 'Book Store— pricerillit eta. , 1-' l ' .11 • 11 11 ,94qk • 4e11124"4 irqqfPgr.sll.oAitiirtp,4 PeAßlNVAirena Risley's # the Quakers'parderts,A.York i anditos sale at the Drug' Storn,ol., _ s. H. fIUEitLER. Gettysburg, Mimi 11;t1141. • M:1111041t O.' , RIJTHRAUFF heve re labivedirelveryillergwoubortOront of l'itNS'll , otir a etc to ,s,! .25: • , M43iffrir—q ' .. 1 : ' T • NOUIS, SPOUTING 111171141 i be , m ade end put up byr the ll' , aubatiriber,,wtib will attendprompt li , tn. „gal ordera o and upon air reasonable tempo as can be srociarcd at any establish 'tient, in Abe .eountyv 43E0v RUEIII.I3It. Gattiaburgr Abireh 4.4 l ,aminculary, for the People, Nr OWtiiibkistdarthe ECLIZTIc COMM EN. ' TAFT"; ore the Bible,; from the woiket of lictbry NO-8e:44 ihoint one bundled other Item p orkmi l printed °shoe paper, and it ith lariPti flair i tyjta. It will be completed in 24 parts, of tit) pages each. imperial Bvo,all'of'which trrd now itetebthileilz i It iiill''be beautifully illus. listed+ by secante views of scriptural scenes, de igno oomph, to Baibellish 4 Commentary, and ;rioted ,t 1„ the, roost eminent artists. and chifits are 'fifteen's. m ,addpl, ahe necessarl lliSstratjek end the whole cothpri ping as valuable a serieworlthisfrative engravings and embelliOnl4nit ghat Oct heeds 'tatted in a nqq similar work, , It mit fie pied with any 'di lion oftite Bible ; Will be laihluibeil at ;25 tants each'pait: " ' $ - &titian erY %V Coattail*. 'of the Linden Watt Sticietly shwistrahhearisepervirdat the'Dig: Has stork mrshittenttniA b u,betq tllO , COMINg. ittoueolierbeeet,fdl,yrtrolF4l,4emeneinti t t,ipniun s et. * lt ll° •t ua l ce f).1 , 2 oVnific4, l trigf"tßO re- t li "ohs 'truth au utr. thri iebilifa YtiebJ int t ecialMentliffeti or etirnek thew one' hulldrall'Orb - ' 'ter •wititerr ini stint exclaim illepartnrontir iar Bibittalt titteretetaii the erefti 14141(04 0 tralaurgalirt• tin% enneent iltyinpli ling sealed, constitu tive arligeat of. (h. moist Taluable , 1 . 1,( icli the bieWied filth ore' hisksitnr4d, kat biddy of the froly'Seriphires. ''R'effeteitee has bailie bad to the nrairot4l *outlay edam' neithere, pied orApitiow_rtAtukinitveskoonsite .4,413% of tbeeetilltetett., .1, .r • ItgliikpstliensaliveT sesscinneuire Vi hen ,true tebg,df robot greatly ottedeil a safe-gitant a gaintt ithselis Witictr'sfilt both boldly and Mali - oultylivinsed saber vitaliptieeiplest (*Aspe true religion wee nerer,ini,learn perilous partition 0.1..1 mete open enemies and pretended. frisnilsolbealt,, ihisAtsr,tplier arieliuwat =yell *wee it mcinrincumbent iban,nkw, on nyesy !MA (head of her Poly precepts, eveit s conscieafiolie mater' nt's haullbhold, every animus parent. gifardian and protector, to be paividta , lri4 OAP *Weiss to the poison, whictwis- , soteenserseittectitterea broad, or an argument 'pine t each dangerous lacy/Wads 1 1 1 .00p64(adetildthaliajantaiiiiNatt nu . '" th4tifelliapts*hieti lathe fain& Ont o%theAiri • R, tor, anti the brio expolsent el; Willi) I )-• TT' ' ,111101.gbject p( the r rOmpilere has besato ‘ proviae camaavary errtpiret 111 site,Vet* In price , audituinAtopitrugsans of ever y` i:mailstak and "x , 4 101 04 0 11. , nlhe firmly hits %hose handed& aprheames belealit(tbeit passeeden a store of Biblical science and psarticial imitroktiocrof mere vilbeaban gold. l'he re publication is a great undertaking, and ire hope* will. receive na taisqu.!ta suppart: 4 -11 , ..Ti - e tlii s tatibinentory bee Voyed an eictreo;rtina. ry , popularity as a practic ext;osition of • c;011's won!. ''it differs from any Other, presenting the best araligatiesi illustrative alai practical corn. Inentwathich the, editors were able to select from the taest achoiars, on each passage in course, he text being omitted, it is wielded to present a vast amount of learning in a null space. 'I he sour ces • Isom nhich it is compiled afford a perlect guarantee ohm sounders,, both of doctrine and interpretation. while the advantage of having the opinion ot 3111ferent commentators Jul apparent and very grcat.'"—/V. I:lunge/Ist. "We regard the Eclectic Commentary, now in comae of publication by Mr, Nhantion. as especial. ly deserving the patronage of Protestant Christ ians. Its'clienpness. beautiful finish of meehani- cal workmariship,.and its compieliciisi‘eitess. em bracing: as it does. the cream of all the ablest com mentaries. all entitle it to Cr%y high consideru tion."—ChriaMin Purkir ilaguziNt. We have received the nrn..t favorable notices fiom many distinguished elerg)nien arious de nominations in this country, and also from the re. ligious press, which cannot be inserted in a news paper advertisCritent'on account of their length— they will be found on the corer of each'part. ROBERT T. SHANNON; , l lK Nassau street, N. York. °„' Booksellers and agents supplied at tine reg ular trade. pricus. The nunthers, as puhlished, will be sent by express to any part nut the United States,'by remitting the amount for the shim, at the time of sending the Order. June 18, 18.17-12 t • • AN APPRL'NTICIE Will be'taken at titin Office Wit/tined/ale. ,applitsatiott be.noulo. (Inc front 14 to Lt; yearn:of age would be preferred, ' REAL ESTATE FOR BALE,. pursuaneettf an oider thoo Cpuil.of Albans mini?, 6tter ed at public 'outcry; opon the** on Iredpeed4`tfit 14th cloy of Jitlyaseg: The REAL ESTATE of Tama. Willi nor, late of Tyrone township, Adasns.County, deee.is;d, conniating of a situate in said township, adjoininglands of Alfred Harman, Solomon Starner, and oth• ere, containing 110 WICRES. more or less, one third upland and panty timbered, the balance good arable land, with a proportion of meadow and balloon. The improvements are a double vr: LOG DWELLING . HOtiSE, " Spring House, a double, Loy Barn, with sheds attached, and there itia 'never' failing spring of water near the house and a young and thriving Oichani on the place. • • Sale to cotnmence at 1 o'clocti; P. 211, of said day, ~..Attendance given lOW Atlas made known by - - 'JANSON T. WR1G1137 0 ,, , 4dminivirator. • By the, Court, Ittitraietc, Cle4, June 11, 1847.--Ia TO CONTRACTORS. PROPOSA litl - - wilt lie - reeeivedr, before 6 o'clock. P. M., on Noito`day the 20th inst„ at the house of A. B. Kurtz, in the borough of Gettysburg, for tlttforce lion of a now house, of worship : , f ; 1_ Plans wilbbe exhibited and informatints given to coniractors at any time . provioini. A.' 11. ICUR'fZ, H, JIAUPT, Brillang C.kiiiCHHVOCIC, G. CULP, Cotniie . e. M. BALTZGIVEH, - June 11. 11147.'—td . Et.r.crioN NOTICE. fir "IIE School Direetorw of the Baronet of Gettysburg hereby give neat:A l -it: qceortionce:iritb zt.roso)ti Public Meeting on Tuesday 148,4 . that election ivill he held at the in the . Borough of Gettysburg,' on 'swot: de ! / the 201 h of June next, for the perpdetf 'of debitling whether the Board shall' Wavy.: ilmrizoil to purchase the "Old Iteadetny'!. for the purpose of converting it into l t ub- Jic Schobls. . _ The'eleetion will he held between 'the holies orlo A. M. and 6 P. M. of said day, and.proper officers will he appointed and tickets prepared for that purpose. By order of the Board, 11. J. SCHREINER, 'Neey. • Gbttysburg, April 7, 1847. TO ULACKSIIIITIFIR TE subscribers have on hand•s'veiyi large stock of ST ONE .COAL, which they will dispose of law by thesina ; gle bushel Or otherwise, at their coach making Establishment. " DANNER & ZIEC4L - ER. March 12.=—Irt • WOOD WANTED. Virath s F.: persons 'who have engaged IL to furnish the Supscriber with WOOD, on account, are requested to. de liver it hum/At/W . O at his Foundry f othei- Wiie will expect ate money. 7,'hoio interested will please attend to the above promptly. THOMAS.LWARREN. Gettysburg, April 2J.—tf MEDICAL CARD. • IR. GILBERT informs his friends, and the public in general, 'that he has formed a permanent partnership with CL.I3YTON .4. 604VGILL, Al. D.,late one of the resident Physicians ofthe . Phil.. adelphia Hospital at Hinckley. Gettysburg; June 4, 1847. 04114 DENTISTRW. DR. .1. LAWRENCE HILL A),- r, FIX/ RESPF ECTULLY offers his-proles sional services to the citizens of GeN tysburg and 4 surroundi tog country. Ho hi prepared to attend to all cases usually erti trusted to the DrwrisT, and hopes, by strict attention to Dentistry alone, to be able to illgase Mt who may see tit . to entrust -their tettliinitishands. Otlice at Mr. M'Coster Hotel. . . May- LAVVIVOTICE Ant lguolorfaiimm_ (9/ ca r (i.yte,) Pkgs'EN TS ,h is respects to his friends and "infor ms them that he 'haumatle ariartgernAtisto continue toprsetice as nernst it iie fitnins-of Adams county-, under the new regulation of ,Cite times for holding Jan 30, 1840. ALF •X. N V .14:1% , . 41'TORNEI 42" LAW,: • ,•,---,1.- OFFICE in the Centre Sqnste, North of the Court `house. betwten Smith's and §tevensen's corners. 9ettyshurg, Pa. LOP 111 ICON A IU-G-111.1r-ti ATTORNEY AT LAW. /OFFICE in the S. W corner of An, Public Square, one door West qf Arnold's Store, formerly occupied as a Law Office by ions; . 11Peoszstmeer; deedt lie Solicits, and by prompt and' and faithful attention to busmess in his pro, fession, It will be his endeavor to merit , confidence and patronage. KT D. M'OoNsttenv will also attend promptly to all business entrusted to hint as Agent and Solicitor for Patents and Pensions. He has made arrangements, through wbfeit he can furnish very desirable farilities let applicants, and entirely relieve them . from the necessity of journey to Washington, on, application .to him personally or; by etter. Gettysburg, Aril 2,1847, THO 11 A S ‘III 9 C E ; ATTORNEY' AT LAI*. grAFFIV 13 in Abe South-emu CpnlfYrOi 'iur theßiantond, between A. B, /Curteilk tfolel and It. W. 111 ' 811 tTLY'si Gettysburg; De& - _ • It INISICIVAIN. I H. HegH hay removed •) ()Ince4 to the room uite unit' Ettat . tit Mr. Wattle'it !fwd. unLI: immetfiately. posite Dr. flamer**. • .orf-41 ~: