Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, June 18, 1847, Image 1

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b. A. trOix.o,F,,tptycolz AIID PII.O,PRIETPIt
NY 111/♦ 111111111
Dark and gloomy was the hour,
'And Freedom's fires burnt low;
For twenty days had WAsatirovoir
Re"Ped *tull the fcm
And lan wery giddied feet were hare
- , a
• • •
As Barron the Doisware. •
- .Rearm wren fainting.through the laud,
And patriot blood tan cold i __
The stricken - inTly scarce retain'd
'Fino' thousand men all told;
While the British armilleam'd every where
- From the Hudson to the Delaware.
P• . .
rig and stormy came the night,
, moat gidef roused. his men :
brave contraries, up and strike
.."F9r P 4 l4 o m._.,_ottee. mein
*Foe the lion &epoch in his lair
"On WI left , bank of Delaware."
the darkling river's bide,
- tanner it'ivintry sky,
limn that weak band, fortoA and few,
Wein up the patriot cry,
O. land of Freedom, ne'er despair!
Weli die or cross the Detrwato,"
How the strong curs dash the ice
Amidst the tempest's roar! •
And how the trumpet voice of Kam:
- Rallteheenthem to the show!!
Thus, in the freezing midnight air,
These brave hearts emitted the Delaware.
In the morning, gray.and
The shout 'of battle rose;
The_chief led heck his valiant 1110 n•
With a thounind captive fee";
While 'Vivant) shook with the cannon** Ware
Thiat told the news oe'r the Delaware."
(From the Columbia Magazine for Mnv.
The Man that killed his . Neighbors.
h is curious to observe how a man's
aPirintal state reflects itself in the people
and animals. around him—may, an the - very
garments, trees, and stones.
—;;;- "Itenberfiriforry the
nekiliborhood where he resided. The
very sight of him produced effects similar
to a Hindoo Magical tune, called Rang,
which-is said to bring on clouds; storms,
and earthquakes. His wife seemed lean,
sharp and uncomfortable. The heads of
his boys had a bristling aspect, as if each
hair !stood on end with perpetual fear.—
The cows poked out their horns horizon
tellty,.as soon as he opened the barn-yard
gates:. The dog drop i ,...i his um between
his logs and eyed him askance, to see
what humor he was - 1m The ell looked
wild and scraggy, and had been known 'to
rush straight up the chimney when he mo
ved towards her. Fanny Kemble's ex
. pressive description of the Pennsylvania
stage-horses was exactly suited to Reuben's
poor old nag. “His hide resembled an old
hair trunk.". Continual whipping and
kicking had matte him such a stoic, that no
cunt of blows could quicken his pace,
Tut chirruping could chanse the dejected
drooping of his head. Alrtis natural tan . -
gunge said, as plain as a horse could say it,
that he was a most unhappy beast. Even
the treason Reuben's premises had a gnarl
ed and knotted .appearanee. The hark
wept little sickly tears of gum, and the
brinches grew awry, as if they felt the
continual discord, and made sorry faces at
each other behinititiii Owner's back. His
fields were red with sorrel or run over
with mullen. Every thing seemed as hard
and arid astir, own visage. Every day
hemmed the town and the neighborhood,
because they, poisoned his dogs, ittidlitoned
his hen*, and 'shot his cats. 'Ciontional
h pits inv,oltred him in so much expenee,'
that he. lied neither time , nor stoney to
spend in the improvement of his farm.
• Against Joe Smith, 's poor laborer . in the
I(eBghtkwhood, he had brought three suits
saceettaion. Joe said he had returned a
apatie.ite hadborrowed, and Reuben swore
he had not: He sued Joe. and recovered
damages,' cot Which he:ordered the Sherifr
ft) Jos, io his wrathicalled
owituller, and a curse to the
deighliorhood. > These remake were soon
repeated to Reuben. He brought an `
tttSy~f~y'l be recollected twenty-Ave
cents. Provoked at the laugh this oeci
slotted; bar ivatthed 'for/bele plea by, and
iltlitt) dee urietthim, se s nMit ipg furit;tielth *
.4 . 4U* al old swindler aeino Will Y 914 r'
mkorgikiptrAc is , more contagioue.thmi the
Phipm. ' -- aleekevsnt home add aeolded.bis
hfitiid little - Jitter et" ttiniAtibkild
ife 4 14,1tM1 , ,145 - optfoititelo ktieW WhXyit
iftel' ReabpTO
nog 'War Ifinoi dead by p0 4 :4
1 3#010,00111WOr actfOW
Odium( Joe Smith and not baiiiitable to
istftelthiiiiiiitY or the ishitge of a dog
antirier, - he , tpak hie roveggeby porsoning
a ' i e j,i l4o 4 ) , bidonglog to Mrs. Smith,—
''tttta bad game went,oe, with mutual
,setnrriment and loss. • •Joe's temper grow
#Rifri,,T4 nmre,vintlictive, and the love of
ItAittli pre; his troubles at the , grog shop
kora/at& upon him. Poor Mrs. Smith
teried,wdd said it was all owing to Reit-
Ibia ' for a better-hearted man nev=
ati 'mid than her Joe, when she married
Such was the state of things when Sim
eon ,Green purchased the fartu adjoluipg
# ' .4bell'e• The eelreAhatt been midi
neglected, and had Cauelit thistles and
. .
andtpullen from the neighboring, ficilds.- 7
But Simeon was a dilligent man, blessed
by nature with a healthy organization end
a genial temperament ; and a wise and
kind, education had aided nature in the
perfection of her goodly work. '. . 4
His steady, perseverance and industry
soon changed the aspect of things:. on•the
farm. River mud,' autumnal. leaves, old
shoes, and old bonea,were all .pat in re=
quisition to assist in the production of use
and beauty: .'Thetreei with brandies pru
ned, and bark scraped free from moss and
inseete, seen looked •clean and rigorous.—
Eieldi of grain waived where wet had
rioted. : .Persian lilacs bowed gracefully
over the simple gateway. Michigan roses
covered half the `house with their abund
ant clusters: Even the rough which
- • doorstep, r
forme the oorstep. was edged gol
den:. •
mass. The sleek horse, feeding in
clover, tossed his main, and neighed when
his muter came near ; as mnch'lliv - to win '
"The world is all the pleasanter fur having
you in it, Simeon Green !" The old cow,
fondling her calf under the great Walnut
tree, - walked up to him with a urines;
friendly face, asking for the sliees,ciff sugar
beat he was wont to give her. Chanticleer,
strutting about with his troop of plump
hens and downy little chickens, too
trouble to keep out of his way, but 11 . 'd
his glossy wings and crowed a wel me
in his very face. When, Simeon turned
his steps homewanl, the boys threw their
ea ps and ran, shouting, "Father's t;oming !"
and little Mary went toddling up to him,
with a dandelion blossom to place in his
button hole. His wife was a woman of
few words, but she sometime; said to her
neighbors, with a quiet kind,llif satisfac
tion, "Everybody loves my husband that
knows him. They can't help it."
Simeon Green's acquaintances knew
that he was never engaged in a law suit in
him-lice-Httnthey partliLted - thatlib would --
find it impossible to avoid it now. They
told him his next neighbor was disposed
to quarrel with people whether they would
or not.; that:helms like John Lilburite,lif
whom Judge Jenkins said, "If the world
was emptied of every person but himself,
Lilburne would still quarrel with „Ithn,
and John with !Aherne." . .
"Is that his character ?" . said Simeon.—
If he exercises it upon me, I will soon kill
in every neighbornooa tnere are mni.
video's who like,to foment disputes, not
from definite intention of malice or
mischief, but merely becauSe it makes a
little ripple of excitement in the dull stream
of life, like a contest between dogs or
game-cocks. Such people were not slow
in repeating Simeon Green's remaik about
his wrangling neighbor. "Kill me, will
he r' exclaimed Reuben. Ile said no
' more ; but his tightly compressed mouth
had such a. significant -expression that his
dog dodged him, as-he would the 'track
of a tiger. That very night Reuben turn"-
ed his horse into'ffe high.;wn_y, in ihopes
he would commit some depredations on
neighbor Green's premises. But Joe
Smith, Being the animal at large, let down
the bars of Renben's •own cornfield, and
the poor beast walked in, end feasted as he
had not done for many a year. It would
have been a great satisfaction to Reuben,
if lie could have brought a law suit against
his horse but as it was, he was obliged
. .
to content himself with beating him. Hie
next exploit was , ta_shoot Mary . Green's
handsome.chanticleer, because he stood cut
the stone -wall and mired, in the imint
joy of his heart, two inches , beyond the
frontier line that bounded Oct contiguous
farms. Simeon said he was sorry for the
poor birth and Berry because his ••vrifti and
,10tetl the pietty ereattge but
otherwise, it was great 'matter. He
had.heen intending to builds poultry yard,
With a good high foot% that hit hone might
not annoy his neighbors ; and now he was
admonished to make haste and do it. He'
would build them a shug warm house to
roost in ; they should have phmty of grav
el and oats, and room to promenade back
and forth, and erow and cackle to their
hasn't's ' ebotent ',there they could . aojoy
the' IlleelveS, sod be opt of harm's tray.
..8141,Ae0bet0344,134 'a tiagreer of in,
genuity: and persovarenee which„ might
• •
have produced great reeuip , for Mankind,
had thiiie fieeti ditvoted to eoihe
mare noble Elt:resP
A PoPE‘tra:irlikjik.gMdinl very
properly 'watched oret allriendly arm in..
to Simon •Gtemit'a prAaMint WhetiMr
i d OHO 'Mitre "hal! a
but it hatipened . that the awheogieg
bough +ate imbrepabondot feu it, and glow-
eel with a, richer ,hrio. itten the whet'
boughs. •One day, little Gporge 9Feen,
as ho went whistling along; picked , up a
pear that had fallen' luta
den.. The .instani .he taeolied-:it,,he fglC
something on the hack 'of hie neck liko the
sting of a wasp.' It waiiiettben
whip, followed by such a storm of angry
- -
words that the poor child rusted into the
house in an amity of terror. But thin ex
perhnent failed also. The boy was sooth-
ell by his mother, and told not to go near
the pear tree again;' and there the "matter
- r -
This imperturbable good , nattire vexed
Reuben more than all the tricks imd taunts
he met front others. Evil.etrorts he could
understand, and repay with compound in
terest; but he did not know what, to make
of this perpetual forbearance. It seemed
to him there must be something contempt
uous in it. Be disliked Simeon more than
all thereat of the town put together, be
cause ho made him feel •so uncomfortably
in the wrong,-and dithrot-aifordifiniTthe
slightest pretext for 6 11)phi:int. It woo
annoying to see everything , its his neigh
bor's domains looking . so happy t and pre.-
smiting sneh,e
,bright contras' to ; the y oS
lorupess Of his own- When: di* wsganp
passed each other on the road, it steamed
sa it Sitneoree; horse-tossed hie headltigti6
er, and flung out hilt mane, as' if he knew
ho was going by Reuben Black's,-old nag.
He often said he supposed. Green covered
his house with roses and hdneyenekles, on
purpose to'Shame his bare walla. But he I
didn't care—not he! Ile wasn't going to 1 ,
be fool enough to rot hie boards' with such
stuff. But no one resented his disparaging
remarks, or sought to provokehim in any I
way. The roses smiled, the horse neigh.
ed, and the calf capered ; but none of them
had the least idea' that they 'were insulting!
Reuben Black. -- nen the dog had no
malice in his heart, though he did one
night chase home his geese, and bark at
them through the bars. Reuben told his
master the next day; he swore he would
bring an action against hint if he didn't
keep that dog at home; and Simeon an
swered very quietly, that he would try
and take better care of him. For several
days a strict watch was kept, in Lopes
Towzir would worry the geese again, but
they paced .home undisturbed, and not a
solitary how-ow furnished excuse for a
The new neighboi
ira_not .00ly di
quarreltug ! but they occasionally made
positive advances toward a friendly rela
tion. Simeon's" wife sent Mrs. Black a
largo basket full of very fine ehetries.--,
Pleased with the unexpected attention, she
cordially replied, "Tell your mother, it was
eery kind - other, and I am very much obli
ged to her." 'Reuben, who sat . smOking
in the chimney corner, l i stenetl to this
message once without any impatience, et.
cept whiffing through his pipe a little f a st.
r aim tarm cs man pip e
gym.. sm.
boy was goingout the door, and the friendly
words were repeated, he eiclaimed,"Don't
make a Tool Of,yourtelf, Peg. They want
to give us a hint to send a basket of our
pears; that's the Upshot of the bush:tees.— ,
Yonmay send 'em a basket. when - they
are ripe ; for I acorn to he under:obligation,
especially to yoursmooth.tongne
Poor Peggy. whose arid life hadgeen for
theitionient refreshed with a little dew; of
kindness, admitted distrust into her boscitn,
and the halo.that radiated-around the ripe
glowing cherries departed.
I,leLlung stun. this advantiiidgood
neighborship, some laborers employed by
Simeon Green, passingsver a bit of marshy
ground, with a heavy team, stuck fait in a
bog, occasioned by a long continited rain.—
The poor oxen were entirely unqble:to ex
tricate themselves, and Simeon ventured to
ask assistance from his waspish neighbor
who was working at a short 'distance.--
Reuben replied gruffly, "I'ye got enough
to do to attend to my- own business." The
c,ivil request that ke—might he , a4lorrecl to
mkt bib oxen and chains for &few moments
being answered in the same surly tom
Simeon silently walked off, in tiesrdli of a
more obliging neighbor.
The men, who weoe left waiting with
the patient, suffering oxen, scolded about
Reuben's' ill nature, and :said they hoped
he would get'stack in the same bog him
self. Their employer rejoined, "If he
does, weitv' ido eau duty and help' him
out." "There's such a thing as being to o
good natured," said 'they. I ' Itoubei k i
Black. takes ,the notion that Peoftul.
afraid of him, , it makes. • him trample, on
them-worse 'than ever." • • •
"Oh, wait a While," said Mr. Grseetr,
smiling.. OW kill him I:4lpiv lungs
Wait and seal' him:"
It happened soon 'lifter that Abadan:trig
(aim did Ilia' fast ih thp Mine tni, l o tNp
WPF 11 1 4 ! 1 . 1 h ll /1-)Rutir4,
from neighboring- field. snd gave dime,
tionethit 4he whin , and Adiains should , be
immediately conveyed to his assisiancli--
Tho men laughed, ithiaok theirheads i aqd
said it wi' s good enough tbr the
are in a bad situatton,:iteighbor.'t , said Si*
meon, us he of alongside of the found
ered team. -"Hut my men are coming with
two yoke of oxen, and E I think we, shall
soon mintage to help you out." "You may
take yinir oxen back "again," replied Wu.
ben quickly. "I don't want any 'of your
help." In a Very fiiendli tone, Simeon
answered, "I cannot consent to do that, for
evening is coining on, and you have very
little time to lose. It is a bad job at any
time, but it will be still worse in the dark."
"Light or dark, I don't ask your help," j
replied 'Reuben. emphatically. "I would j
not help you out of Abe bog the other day
w hen you asked I n c." ,•The trouble 1
_ . .
•-' 7 '
had in relieving my peonexen teaches me his Utter ristettiehimmt, tiewym pat °tit
to sympathize with athefti in the sitme'lit- Set °elite head,and fie44lliiro say "Good
uation. Don't let unwell* wordSabeui it, fellow:" . - ~' •• ~' ,• , ,
neighbor., It is imposeible ,for me to , go Simeon Green wee Girton magnanimous
home and leave lOU here in the bog, Nal to repeat to any one that hie quarrideome
night com i ng o n ." • : ~' • . neighbor had confessed himself: to blame.
The team; was atiutl,(loWit'nitl, aid Site- He sturdy_ smiled mita said. tolls iiit
eon and his plitll4l)iailly,iWighOgii,vii4- "I thoVirw6 ofitsdiki l iltiti i k er .Ivile. : '
big ilr thanks. Whettieuben went Mame 1 4esi'srlo -- did, eo* - Peitt ~ i 4 gnat dec.
at night, heves tinsetudly thoughtfideee ltrirme. . Mben ba heardtot dm idvsntures
Alter smoking a tibile x hi deep contemn- id.'the. mink, - be „Rids "Sim 'Gremeor s
'platiOn, heletitlYknOOst r the edict from flab I • Whet tie fliritnatio bet% hrtelked
his pipe:. and 404,,w,14;.4'edgb„ ePeg,ighp. vary big about killing follue . if they 'didn't ,
ieon. .Green Green hate killed -nee fi!t eWhat, do meintltheitria and QV. lint he •dOn't up•
you mean." said lii ''fif*'' dropping. bee Tar -# kirse al'ltntdi apirit as a werm . ! '
:lnibiliti vittli I - flitili r rifilitiiiii:• " Too -
~pit ylif:P#l*!l7l46 trod "P°"',
know aiS4 hkgoi, 1 . : r
....411...c0 - ~, ll i o i,iiik". l 4-._ITP---V; RV . te4intainperate
'lritrianed.heflaid he, walk i k ill , me, , rtr- • 4-1 40 1 - I . l lultrilisoussi tal. at hunt nobody
plied Reuben ; - "and be lees done it. r: The would , employ . him. • About 'a Year after
other day he asked me Whelp his Meth out llib inemnribleineidentOf the weder,Atielott,
Of the flog', and I wit higi iliiid ennifiTiin r!,6* litoli)'fiiiplif,":iaiii*lugesolB!2
I attend
to tnY etin htfarrn 4 a- " To - daii,lni . -* P 40 1- , *ciAd.nnt ettilititek the eir
' team etuck fast in the Saw log. and, he ;Ministanee to any,,onelee bis wife; .and
!came with two yoke of mum to drew ittritt. they both had 'mum - for, lituTeeting - *ha s I -
I trait sort of ffilraMed in have him lend MU , 1 -164 was the e i thief- ;17:he u e tt ' u.,'#.",ffie
I t a hand. se I Wit! Mini 10 not *ant ii4', l 4! !r °ll6wlri g ' an oY4"o, l . l4 P i t,..4finßi V'
' his help ; blithe aneWe.4.lße . tas • pleaer peered in the newspape r o r eon, t,`'
ant as if nothing contrary bad•ever Karmen. • • "Whoever stole a -, ,of blare on Fil
!ed. that night was tomineOn, and he 'wee t h Y ro u b LlTh n tl. o t e iith that erthe the .P= ln alnld n ia .
not willing to l eave me le 'the mud."-r care ; alb to be his Nand. , i f , peverey
"lie is a pleasant-spokenman, abd aiwey . e miow, hi m t o this f a me m o p e em isam a r
' has a pretty, .word to say to the hopper- :will keep the whole , . transeetioti•,te item,
His wife seems to be a nice nitighbriely , * ld." fftVilet, o h l iek le t! le _ 1 7 1 1 1 :4er o
body, too." Reuben'-made no tnsWerT !el.nmivzo Y.. .. . ,
~...• ~ ~ f oring. peace,ot mind. i • . „ .
hut , "lief lil ls ditaling aw,re, he re e n lk4 This siogtilar advertisement of Coulee
"Peg, you know that big ripe melon down .
excited stgood deal of r emark..-:Therraritare
it the bottom of the garden, yen May as.,
well carry it over there i Much debate 'Whether or, not the"thief
n the morning."-
. would avail himaelf • Of the frfrindly ofille.
His wife said she would, without asking
.. ,
ow a getetileatti ir , he
him to explain where Holier there" was. Sonic said he would .
did ; for it was manifestly a trestle pitch . .
But when the morning Came, Reuben ,hi6i. but heiihn had; cesen 4440-
walked back and birth, ~and round "and licnteetdried aula havvi , hliw) that limi,-
round, with that sort of aimless activity att ,Mu lni , D ir er magi a nd h e k ee p a li t si.
oftenmanifested by hens and by fashicimw maul Green was hove nrint to satrap for
'VC' Idlers, -- *fie 7iet reinlesa."and don't efirfollow.etaateme ' - :`',".. : '
know what to run afiit; . : - At length the ' A' few highte itterwsitli, a' thuidlt . et4 ,
~• , •
cause ()this. uncertein movements wartcar was heard at Simeon's-door, jam' us ihe;
plained, "I guess I may AA wit carry tiii f a mily li ver , fetitiok : e yest4:::l4loto ;the,
melon myself,and thanlrlith Whit! n'abk (YAP iipi;ned;TOCSiniiii i vii r ' seeniOn
In my flurry down th in the marsh: I 'ii' s i ep with a ioido,l':hi f li t! p i " , his f,hpAt.
didn't think tO say th ere et i t_. wait obliged to Withelikraising hie ltyttecke eitikie4 l llW
him." • • . • thimble tone, "there bMnOttithefse biek t.
He towardatbagardette and Milltietin,''''Where Shill rittitthellPP*4
hie wife stood at the doer, With odd hand eissr a l t a'inoMen't? till I 4,i 10 4 00 , ,
no her hip and the other slia ng e sun Roam w s., ' t
from bp . eJ"-:.t.-" , "1- " "------","4.-"14 rre pu • ,--
l i
dre in lino inuton Green's house. It was Mir' me how it' happened:' We will ' s
the most remarkable incident that had ever • whai can be done fee y0n 1 ,,, i
happened since her marriage. She could Mrs. Grc e m . know that, Joe often went
hardly believe her own eyes. Ile Walked bungryi and had becomeaectiethmed lathe
quick, as if afraid be shOuhi99t be. shlY stimulns of nun. 'Shit thereto e Inietted
to carry the unusual impulse into action if to' nevil,fiarleolfete,,'Siii hrn#o/rebt th
'he stopped to reconsider , the question.-- c l os e t seals •
cold meet 'aiid, a pie, ~, , ,
When he found himself in Mr. 'Green"s w hen th e y,„ tne n m it t o m t he h ent . e h e
house,. he felt mitiimely
. awkwartf, ilia said t' "I , thought you might feelibetter frit
IListneil te,say, "Mi ) e.i•Greee, ltey to
_a a hide
melon my wife sent you, , end we reckon ' j et ; ti t en tnlhi a b ee * . ii ' iiivaßA ))/F, /1, , 1F1 00
it's a ripe one." Without manifesting any not ipeak. He leaned his head against
surprise at such unexpected courtesy: tit t h e c hi mney , an d aikkii it tomeniv e epi nee
friendly matron
,thankedblat and invite h e said, l a a oie t, t,,il yo f e i4.... Z_ ll'' ,
him to-.sit down. But he -moo& phi 'rL , pit . Iris' the Beet . time Letter etekoutyr
with the latch of the deer . , and, without thing..and L hava,felt retpbattabeatitiql
raising his eye' eSjd,"3l4. be . 1 1"trf Grew' don't know haw 41 ie. , ' 1 dicht'ilthlett Mai
ain't in this morning! • •,, • '' I aliould'ever'bornertlige'wtat 1 1 #0:, .1111 i
“He is at.the pump, and .- will be in di- -ttieet te',ieerrel4 l 4,;,,o44 , 0:41444
reedy,” she replied ; and before her words tinewrbegen , to,go doweitilli osesCitkiodY
Were aliekent 'the honest man ' warke_ d ip , wkieka, You ere( the•firit insn .
with a liege as fresh earl M i te '
'iltue that his ()bred 'me a
hopping hind: ' ill
morning. He stiMPO riflhi uP 10 Reuhssl , Wite is feeble, and inYCliilt4rilliiiikniff.."-
shook his hand eordiallyoind veld, "I gm
glad to see you, neighber.'' Take a chair ; You have sent them many a Meal, Vied
blest u IVand yet II dile dee , kides dem
lake a . ehair ' - - -
. . '
„. VtAr *caging to kellthilit I thW frafehatibe
..Th aa k you, I can't stpp,- mimeo nen- i' could 0 •
1.; Au i tlill r,fli,i t 4 yeti! ! *r.
ben • He pushed his hat Ise one shirk rub- 4: • • . it
,i i. t hi, Ai s ii , ono A evAlr - Aegerve
bed' his head, looked ort of the window, t h e nu n. o f thief," . ~ ~.. -,,i,
and t rl
hen Mid:'suddettly4"if ily edieptir , , „p. i t he , the; laid; myillifend," said Si ,
ate effort, "the Aim is,'Mr: Green, I didn't theee; pressing, his healilondy. serhoi e ..
behave right about lime men."
Fret efialfremainbet'rirein.putrielvee. .`Yost
{ 'Never Mind, never mind__," replied Mr,
d make up loin time.-- . ,
...„,., . are young, an ,can •
Green. "Perhaps I ablikflakinte the belt oentai now,;give Ines yoremist thatyou
again some of these niiity days. If I do. I
- ' ''''-"" W ill net drink
'diet' of intoxicating !t
-oken know whom - to 01111111/004" . -,-‘-‘,
„ • ' iniql,For a sear , '.o p ' 4,t A), i lii iti ; Y yo ut o -
RWhy , you. see, said Reuben still much
mormw, at good wages. Mary will see
confused, avoiding Siinreys mild, 'clear to . 1 , . 1 y elm y . the,
ening . ,
ore, "P111,4°0.01° T te 'g ht ° o ;l 4 °F°: ,r4 Y e q Perhaps' we may 'find same eMployment
ugly., If had always lied w Alehmi g h : to'r iis,pm,als: ' l've !"'Y °an least , you are , 1 , libuthe,! , halulT! I": pink . Alp I Itpflell, Hot, eat a bit now, and'
am." , r ' ' '''
' ' l'''- " L ' , drink s ome, hot coffee., .It will keep you
' , ,"aet Went we Must tiic t'i' l'" 1° et h ers
t o 'efitstinA to drink 'Anything stronger
A w ri a ,,, w e e.wa . n v i ee ' llie tre la k L bl itio tt L m ' us*l l,na ' tei b t i n v ed td-it l i • glit. YoifWill find it hard to abstain
--- . ia
- --
--- 41 -7 7 - 777 MI st ' 4 . ; bet 'keep up a brave heart
sii. 'T have Wined bYsfatiienee' that if • ..4.
fie atiri•itake of your wife and children, and
we speak kloilafords wekesiskind echoes. it , will ,
soon become
When you feel
If ire try to 'make nth , 1, 1:4-0 1 6..,,,, ii . the need-Of - coffee, tell my Mary, and she
them iv th'ira l idi'i'in NI` aITY'e r l 4' ' ' '''ll"lie' ' ' ''t to you "
....i I let' tiiapini g ii4 li o nik 'V .1 1 ,Y'a g i ves I , : •
o f r, Ihri ' it ill
ham you --- -can, tle ~ .. .. T . " 4 0 e tried , to eat aud drink, but the food
round 'll" time. "Whl) limos I ' iiiitt ,.... i16 ; 1113 : 4 seemed to choke him. He was nervous
Mr; 'Meek; liters try:
i ~„. , :l nd: „. " . ..,t h! '". ." `"° ()_ 2 ' and excited. After an itieffectual effort to
qt.;," / Y, i 'l l. ici l ! 4 L '1 ‘,•.,,"tt i r, 1 1 1° 7,,°`1" 1. ! r 7 144m,c'se himself, he laid his head on the
wftieir,,..-t iirr,e'llrikh.ifu's" pt , eery FftP!FC t IP J 74w, and wept like a child.
P lee ' m PM l i k e ''/I wiii .t, P r r" Y° ll ' 4 ;we .After a while, Simeon persuaded him to
scions free ' ' the ' erne "'''''''' '`. ' 'I blithe his head in cold water ; and he ate
They went into the orchard together, end diank with a good , appetite, When ,
and friendly chat dimwit& Reuben at bis _
eerie W vite rehired biome, he made to him_ I
he teem away, th e kind-hearted host said
. atist
ne remarks'ebout his .tell ; ; tor , be could ,
"Ifre to do well, Joseph, rind you shall
not, as yet, summon still. lent o f always find a friend in me."
soul to tell his wife Math° had eonfeseed 1
Il'he poor fellow pressed his hand. end
himself in rho wrung. 4 site stool behind replied, "I endetatand now how it is you
the kitchen door, iu readuess to shoot Mr.
I kill bad neighbors."
Green's dog fin- having larked at his horse. 1
.1 He entered into Mr. Green's service
He now fired the, cornetts into the a ir , anti
1 the next day, and remained in it many
put the gun away into ' the barn. From '
that day henceforth he never sought for I Y ears, an honest and faithful man...___
i .,_____._. .........
any pruteat to quarrel with the dog or his 1 Flour ii selling n California at $lO per
in:tater. A short time ater, Joo Smith, to! barrel!
, 41 , 444,,t04,f
vrr.rf Atrof ,')
, ,• •
air writ.. . ' '
i s ,Iptsrl--rl! in,* • ,
• 'SRO Ourgrufb,Plll,glorthonite, .
'!Whsle Osurauttfutesuatioa freshly yet
',Aegnelba imam toms • t
seam IC: the free and gladsonie life
In those early days we lad;
With n , teeming ial berieathpur feet,
And a smiling heriein o'erhead
Oh, the *wive of Mb danced merrily,
And had . joyque
, flow,
In the days' when we were pioneers,
Fifty year!' ago !
The hunt, the about, the glorionschme,
',rho captured elk or deer ; •
The tamp, the big bright tire ; and then
The rich and wholesome cheer;
The sweet sauna sleep at dead of night,'
By our esnm.tire blazing high—
Unbroken by the wolf's long 'howl,
• And the panther springing by.
Oh, merrily permed the time despite
Ourwily Indian,foo,
. the,days when we were Pioneers,
,• r Fifty Pews ago.
'.:''We' shunn'd not latter wilts. 'twos doe,
We wrought with right gotta ;
And for the homes we won Cot them,
Our children hien us still.
net.ermit lives, but oft
In !oda conreWie,rnet ;
ITO flies of lore'terre kindled then
"That hum on warmly yet.
; Of4"pleastatuly the Roam of life
; .Pursued its constant flow,
Il the days when we were Pioneers,
Fifty years ago.
We felt that we were kalow.mon ;
'We; felt ire were a band
fmatainesil here in the wilderness
By Neaten , a upholdingluttid.
"`And wheir ',the solonin Ifabbath came,
Vegathered in the Wood,
Ahd !Weil 'up our hearte in prayer,
OtSI the onlrgood;
,Ogr.thinples then wore earth and sky ;
None other did we know,
OW When - we Were Pioneers,
I' : .yoanrogo. .
-Our VORA life was rough and rude,
A6l dingerieloserlus roun d
Litt iitb'amid
the green old trees,
,ir'ti . t . i‘enlom sought and found.
oft through our dwellings wintry blasts
rush with shriek , and moan ;
••:1 . Pe tho4iiii they Were but frail
tiny, warp our own ! •
Q, (*Nam! manly lives we lod
. Mid verdure or mill snow,
; ,1 11-OVlSb3 3 l.llketl„ll , were Pioneers.
• - But now our course of life is short';
.And es from day to day •
Werb'evehtl4r on with halting step,
fitinting by the way,
Another lan4 More bright than this
• .• To ow dies ePPPeirel
Attkint l qur way to it we'll soon
• "Again be Plotter?, ;
Yet,, whip? , we linger, we may all
A • hackwaid. glance throw
,To the day w hen h we were Pioneers,
• .
FR , Her! KM,
. INna the 'cruicinitati ebronjcle
'l.o"rAtti r rtOS IJAEr.6IIN.E.
hi - Oreek - ChrlatiouTd
ours of the Jordon. . •
' .)
nabilran, Ltn.‘63,, Are. 1840
).f , Deiiiig the night the camp of the pil
;rime, 71 ,.a theatre of licentious fevelry,
*u4 wire. resembled the ancient celebri
lioßa e( the Grecian Mysteries than an as
aembh, of Christians. The present race
of 01:,eekz retain almost all the manners
iiadUstome of . their Pagan ancestors, or
rather the vicious part of them, though bap
tized with Christian appelations.
At '2 tielock, A. at., the soldiers roused
ttrerowd, and in half an hour afterwards
they were nil on their march for thejiver.
W permitted them to precede us nearly
an hour, mid then followed them leisurely
on our horses, observing the scene. The
full moim:wasshedd(ug its mellow radiance,
over Philp- and mountain, affording just
l c
light es ugh to bring into view the whole
eurnau ding landscape, yet leaving every
thing in that kind of gloomy indistictness
that ren efed still more dreary the savage
desert waste around us—the blaze of large
torches of burning pine, carried by per
haps a hundred soldiers at intervals amongst
the multitudes, extending some miles in
advance, and the glare and flames arising
from piles of dry thorny shrubs, set on fire I
along the road, threw a melancholy light
over the fearful solitude—the shouts of the
pilgrims—the noise of their animals—the
frightful screams of hyenas, jackails and
other beasts of prey. roused from their
lairs -by our untimely intrusion—the .
hour, the place, mid historical associations,
all awakened sublime emotions, and' left
an impression on my memory that no
time can efface
The plain of the Jordon, on the west
side of the river, is here, I think; sheet ten
miles tvidd: Mul, with the, exeeptien of
some small spots, of verdure around the
fountains, is a perfect desert, producing
only a few lentleis thorny shrubs, and here
and there a' thistle, seeming . ae die earth
could chug futilt - these two eleMentv Of
the priMal Mae where nothing else can
115 r. ,,
ireetlx across the river here is the
plain - of_Moab; on which , the Israelites
pitched their tents previous to their inva
sion of the promised laud ; and from some
mountain eminence shove' Balsam est.
claimed, “From the top of the rock I see
`,'~'~b'~~(),~.LARS Pnx11~1C(I71~. •.,,
.lllittAtnd from th Chills I beholdliiiii. • Ilt4
iiiodly'isrethy tents, 0 Jacob, and thy ta
bernacles, oh Israel." The plain is per
hape.three miles in width, and looked a
little, more verdant than that on the weit
;site or the river. I looked„anxiously*.
long the inouniain ridge back of,this plain
for some eminence higher than,
that I could fix upon as the ancient rie
'ph; but in vela. The whole sitipmkt pti
sents a uniformoutline, with scarcely, an
indentation. The summit where thelatie
prophet built his seven altars anti-repaired
to curie Jacob, and' to ,w hich ltloseiVang
-sequentli aseemletttir view dieheritage'er
hie people, was probably some peekhelow
the general ridge. ' •
The' pilgrims reached the river just at
the dewn,ofday, and' all Plunged into it
with as muchliantic fanaticism as the , pa r
'gon Ilindoos do into the Ganges. IVith
some difficulty I made my way, on my
horse, up to the bank of the river, - whole I
could obtain a full view of the bathent.---
'Pliere were, perhaps, more than a thousand
in the water at once, men, women, and
Atildien, a part
a little cloth:lig mi
'there, and the rest entirely naked ; thrust.
Ingthemselves under the muddy f100d . .-1
Mothers would plunge their young infanta
under :the. water, perhaps half a dozen
time! in quick Succession, until life wee
'exthict. And men and women, whosefee
ble.ind tottering limbs had to be support
ed in going down the steep bank, rushed
into the river with the supleness arid 'itri
pitutishy of youthful swimmers ; and' the
blind and lame seemed to forget their"infi.C
, mines in the delirium of funatacism, I
had not sat in my place three minutes
when I saw one of 'the thoughtless multi
tude borne down the stream by . the,truiPm-
Mitts current, to return no more.
The frantic crowd east , a momentary
glance towarils the drowning man, and
then resumed their orgies as' hefore.l - :,lnn
little time another, and anuther, shared his
.ittt 4 !..;:and afourth, a woman, was instant
ly killed, near the river, by falling from n
camel. No efforts were or could'be made
by the friends of the drowned moo to re
cover, their bodies; they must return to
camp in another hour, and thence to Jo-
ruaalpm on the following morning, and
leave them to be devoured by wild be:ens—
.hon have floated to the doa•
vAtachore.o , ,nt
Leaving this scene of fanatacism and
death, we made our way down through the
dust to the mouth ;6i- the riverc The jor
don at the place of bathing. is, I think, a
bout fifty-five yards wide; the biinks are
Ittleast ten' feet high, and it rune with an
iltneiti irresistible 'current 7 It is skirted
on both sides with trees and small shrubs,
principally willow, deep green and luxuri
ant, presenting a delightful contrast With •
the frightful desert bordering it. As leap
proaehes the sea it becomes somewhat wi
der • and at the mouth a small .delualtais
been formed, and it disetnbogues . itself
through two cbannt•l each perhaps
eighty feet broad. Some three or four
miles above the mouth of the river, and from
thence down to the, sea, we saw :large
quantities of drift wood, thrsown out
quarter of a mile or more from therstr4ain,
showing that the Jordon still overliowilts
banks. as it did in ancient, tinaes—u fac,t
thattravellers have questioned. Thu plain,
over which we rode between the ford .irritl
the sea, was covered with a fine into
which our horses eunk at every xteal half
way totheir knees. A thin crust had been
'4oft on the surface by the late rani, and
die ,hole district resembled a bed of loose
asll4'which had been wetted by a alight
shower and gnickly dried, in the sun. No
the least tremor vegetable existence appear
ed over, die wide expanse of many calms..
We find the foll9wilig liMirt-touchiug slarypiP
the Pittsburg Commercial Journal:
It ryas a few days after the news of the
battle of Buena Vista—the very day ' that
the mail brought the official list of killed
and wounded—we were seated the
lice, reading over the names with a od-cu
riosity, seeking out those with which we
were of old familiar. 11I'Kee we relearn
bored well—he was in the When W' . !'
knew him. But he married, left ther4r
vice, engaged in business, and at the open ,
ing of the war resumed the epaulettes as
pelonel of a Kentucky Volunteer 14'14
went. Brave fellow l—tioue braver ,fell
on that bloody field. ,
Wu were sorrowtully enough , engsgedby
these thoughts when a young. Wdmin' ert;.
' tercd the office. When a e Say 'Yotit*,
we wean under thirty. She .had. us . innedl
hand--a by the hand beautiful littlecroloso
aboyt qtree years old. Both , it/other and
child, Ar such no 'one could: doubt: to be
their relationship, who observed their test=
tires, Wore dressed with'extrdlne netttOtios.
though all the little elegaiteit4 dOCKIF,IIO4
were bestowed upon the child..
We just looked over the top. of thit , p,i ,
[ter to note these particulars;
been directed us by the Clerk;
foryrsul to our desk. • %AN.-
.We handed her a chair. lingi.4o4 '
endeavored se well argot tVid is:l4o4#
her very apperent asinitien. welrerieiietimo
what at a Imo account Curdte
i rrri~.t ;i ~)il~".