AGRICI•I.TI'RAI.. The Seasons. lore the lenghing, blooming firnlNG. The lively month of May ; Whey woods end fields; end mountains ring • 4'is Nature 'e gale day. I lore the withering Acrvis nr, too, • With its sere and yellow leaf; When 111 •round us wears the hue • Of nipping, chilling death. I love, too, stern old 14'1 , tyra's time, With his cheerful blazing hearth— ' With the laughing song and merq thyme WM the time for social mirth. Suva° lovely, calm, king Belemsa's dsy,• With the ben of the humming het, As trorn dower to flower she wends her way, The Be sus, the Sevoiss foe Me! The Farmer's Cried. Ve bell 'e in small farms and thorough cultii , atiou. The soil loves to eat as well as its owner and should be nurtured. We believe in large crops, which leave tho laid better than they found it—waking both the farm and the farmer rich at once. We believe in going to the bottom of things and 'therefore in deep ploughing, and e nough of it—all the better if with a subsoil. We believe that the best fertility of the soil is the spirit of industry: enterprise, and intelligence; without this, lime and gypsum, bones and green manure, marl or plaster; will be of little use. We belieue in good fences, barns, and good farm-houses, good stock, and good orchards. We believe in a clean kitchen, nfmt wife 'in it, n opining piano, a clean cupboard dairy and conscience. We firmly disbelieve - in &utters that willbotimprove, in farms that grow poor. er every year; in starved cattle; in far mers' daughters unwilling to work; and in all fainters who are ashamed of their vocation. Monterlizur.—The Editor of the A merican Farmer, in answer to a letter of a correspondein, who complains of mouldy milk. says:— The cabs* of milk and cream becoming mouldy; arises fiat, from the heaviness of the sunoephere in cloudy weather, second ly, at the want of ventilation in the milk house, All such houses ehonld have win dciws facing each other at the four points of the Compass, which windows besides glass sashes, should be covered with fine glitme-like wire, the upper glass sashes to be so arranged as to be lowered so as to admit ingress and egress of wind, and thus encourage a current of air, to be at all times passing through the house to carry off and prevent the damp • vapors front' settling down upon the milk vessels. ' A German journal states that the appli cation of galFanism has been made in Austria for preserving trees from the rava ges; of insects. The process is simple, con slating only in placing two rings, one of copper and the other of zinc, attached to gether, around the tree ur - Any in sect that touches the copper, it is said, re an electric shock, which kills it or causes it to fall to the ground. —Boosanzatturs.—A French nurseryman sajirthareitiausted tan bark spread on the se - Ause around the roots of' gooseberry bushes, is an effectual remedy fur caterpil lars. A =dead of the bark is amply suf ficient for the largest garden. ROOTS roe CNITLE.--Carruts, parsnips and beets may be sown any time in June, if your manure is well prepared. It should be so fine as to be incorporated with the soil. Platte the manures on the furrows and harrow thoroughly—harrow on the very day of planting, , that you may have as few weeds u possible fur the hoe and the fingers. Yourrows or drills may be fifteen inches apart—and your drills may be made into hills, if yeti have courage enough to cut down the pretty looking plants that stand:, too thick. This labor is done with the hoe cutting across the rows. When your plants are all in hills you will have but little thin ning or hand weeding, in case your ground was well prepared and suwed.—Mass. Ploughman. DAIRY UTENBILS.-All dairy utensils should be scalded, rinsed, and dried every time therttre ..used... Glazed pottery is not considered desirable for milk and and cream, as the acid contained in them acts upon the glazing, (which is generally -an-.oxide of lead.J and Converts it into an active poison. Vessels made of wood are preferred by many to any others,,for .this purpose; although they are liable to be come tsiuted with the acidity of the milk, in which cue they can be thoroughly cleansed by boiling; and when this fails, a little esheratus added to the boiling Iva ter will neutralize the acid. The vessels must afterwards be inutteisedfei;ltro or three days in water, w hiel{should occalsioti• ally be changed. Milk vessels may be wade of maple, white ash, hickory, or white. pine. TMt TAXASIA PROPERTY OP LANCAS- Tat Vows-v.—The real esuite and all oili er mule property of Lancaster county-, aroonfing to the 'twat uieenial assess emu; rammuts to $2111,101t,454 00. Ontusati Vounitt.--About 8,000 Ger man miasaine, in a body, are now on AbitSs wiy to Gee of the counties of sneiswis, the whole of which moiety themol. Gay *a weepy. The alines* rani, 40it1 ettesher, lauded at hittaitouwac, Will ow** es the 7th inst. 14roillirsiimajoi 44 Pito;o of work *MOO' 441 4,4 6 /*".4 DA.VID HEADY, ViIllll,MoLd Ala =Hag RETURNS' his grateful. acknowledg ments for the very liberal patronage which has heretofore been extended to him, and takes this method of informing his friends and customers, and the public renerally, that he still continues the,CAB -INET-M AXING in Chambersburg street, at his old stand, where those wishing &st rata Furniture can be 'supplied on the shortest notice. CHAIRS! CHAIRS '. Ile has also, in connection with the Ca binet-making, commenced the CHAIR MAKING, and is prepared to furnish those wishing Chairs at as reasonable rule" as at tiny other eitiblishmentin the'placi, and'of •its gond gliality,.made of the- best materithrand by one who Understands his his Wiliness. • • - .0 1 41( kinds Uf 'produho,, and lumber, wiltbirtaketrio - wiffhorign for - Furniture; and the highest market price given. Kr . COFFINS will be made at the shortest notice, and all orders promptly at-, tended to. as usual. DAVID. lIEAGY. Gettysburg, Mardi G. E. BUEHLER RESPECTFUL IN informs his friends end the public generally that he has now on hand a large assortment of TIN trdme, of every description, which he will sell atmoderste prices—all warranted. Persons wishing to purchase al low rates Will do well to call before purchasing else where.. HOUSE SPOUTING will be made and, put up at 124 cents a foot. izrAs Apprentice to the Tinning business will be taken, if application, with good recommendations, be made, soon. 43ne between 10 and 17 years of age will be preferred. Gettyaburg, March 12, 1847. NEW CLOCK AND W-AT--Cll ESTABLISHMENT. • _____ "ILEX. FRAZFR .ESRECTFULLYinforms hisfriends .111.1....5uil the publicienerally, that he has removed his Clock and Watch Establish ment from Taneytown, Md., to Gettys burg, at thelstand.lately occupied by Jo- BEIM Ms-rnaiig, , deceased, where he—will be pleased to Wait upon all who may favor him with-their custom. He will keep on hand a general assort went of, , • n' l A "11 D Ci . . 4) which wilkbe sold on the most reasonable terms. Clocks, Watches. &c., will be re paired at the most reasonable prices, and wa rnm ttd to give anti re satisfacti on. Hav ing been engaged in the business for a num ber of years he hopes, by industry and par dealer attention to his customers, to merit a share of public patronage. Gettydburg, Oct. 9,18.10.---tf 11LACESMITHING. 'THC undersigned has connected with his Coaehmaking Establishment a large Smith shop, and is prepared to do all kiudslof BLACM.B3IIIITIZILISG, including ironing arriages, Buggies, Wagons, ,te. He would sayto those who have Horses to shoe, that he has in his em- ploy first-rate hands, which, with his per sonal attention', will enable him to giveren tire satisfaction tonal those who may faror him with a call. Carrioge Iffirggy (warranted) will be promfitly made to or der at all tiMea. • • J..A1l kinds of REPAIRING done, both in Wood and Iron, at the most redu. red prices. Thankful for past enco ragement, the subscriber soli& onttnuance of patro nage, and i nes his friends to call at his Establishment in tom west Chambersburg street, a few doors below . Thompson's Hotel. C. W. HOFFMAN. Gettysburg, Feb. 0, 1840. 1 1 HE attention of . the Ladies is directed 0 - • to the very handsome assortment of IVltite Goods, (plain, plaid and striped,) unusualy lair', at the Cheap tBore or W. & C. RUTHRAUFF. Dr. Cullen's Indian Vegeta ble Specific, F OR Female Complaints—is one of the most valuable medicines in diseases common to Females, ever offered to the public. Diseases arising from weakness or other caus e s, are removed in a few days. We have heard numbers of fe males say they would not be without this medicine, if it could not be had, for any price. Certificates of cures, in pamphlet form, may be had of the agents gratis. Dr. Cullen's Indian Vegetable Remedy. Do. do. Panacea Do. do. • Pile Remedy. Dr. di`ppleton's Remedy for. Deafness. Remand's Magic Lotion. These Medicines are prepared and sold by the proprietors, Rowan & Walton, 370 Market street, Philadelphia, and can'be had in Geityaburg,at the Drug Store of • S. H. BUEHLER. Jan. 15, 18411.—tt IDEA. - NUTS, FILBERTS, A-L MONDS, dic.; of the beet quality to be had at the Confectionary of C. WEAVER. SAND BILLS, END 309 !IMMO OF !TRY DESCRIPTION ?Natly Ii eiNditiously executed T "S!'F.111" OFFICE. Spring & Sllllllllll' Dry Goods, ALLY received from Auction, at J. j_j ROSS 11001'ES', No. 411 Market Street above 11th St.. opposite Girard Square Philadelphia: such as mous. de laiiies, from 12 1-2 to 18 . 3-4 cents, ging hams, new style, 18 3-4 to 25 cents, yard wide lawns, 12 14 to 18 3-4, white mulls, bishop lawns, tarletons, jaconetts, swiped and plaid muslin from 12 1.2 and:'glossy alpacas fgam..2s - toll7, tioaings, (lane's, diaper., doe. Shawls .of every style from $1 to 812. Calicoes from 5 to 12 1-2 c, of it.superior style, hosiery and gloves, men's and boy's linen, cotton and worded stripes and plaids, from 10 to 20c. Tweed, Cassimere;all wool, only 25 and 81 eta. • Black, Eng. and French Cloths from $2 to .5 per yard. My assortment of muslin and linens are not to be surpas sed, either in cheapness or variety, in this city. Muslins at 8, 10, 12 1-2 8 yards wide, 87 1-2. Cotton and wool ingrain carpets from 10 to 50 cents. Matting 25 to B'7 1-2 cents. N. B. Purchasers aye rtrquelited to call and examine for themselves before buying elsewhere, and they will save at least 25 per cent. Phila, April 9.-3 m Feathers! Feathers! Cheap for • Comb,. FREDERICK G. FRASER, Uphol . dieter and General Il4rnisher, No, 416 Market street, above Eleventh, North Side, opposite Girard Row; Philadelphia, where, may be had at all times a large as sortment of Beds and Mattresses, Curled Hair and Feathers, Chairs, Tables, Bed steads and Looking glasses ' together with all other articles in the above line of bus iness, at the very lowest price for ('ash. N. B. All old work repaired with neat ness and despatch. March 26. 1847—(3m.) REMONJ L. - LtIFOOMUS has removed his Watch 110 * IVatch-Tool ,and Material Store, from No - . 33 S. dth street, where he has on hand a large asportment.of Gold end Silver Lever, L'Epines, and Pjant Watch es, with a complete assortment of Tools and materials, such as Lunette, Patent and Plain Glasses, Mainsprings, Verges, Hand .Dials, etc., of every description, to which he has added a complete and splendid as sortment of JEWELRY, consistiMllll Ear Rings, Brews} Pins, Bracelets, GAI Chains, Keys, etc. winch he will guaran tee to sell at the lowest New York prices, Wholesale and Retail. N. B.—Country Merchants, and others visiting the city, are invited to call & exam ine his stock and large assortment at No. 246 Market at, below Bth South side.— Orders from the cointry promptly attend ed to. " Philad'a, April 9--[Jan. 22—Om.] NOTICE To country Merchants, Storekeepers, co the public in general. THE Subscriber takes this Method to ._1 Inform all whom it may concern, that he intends to keerat his Old Estab lished Stand, No. 382, Market street, tv Aafirst-rate assortment of all kinds of SPATS A' Cal I" S, suitable for the Country Trat!e.— Feeling confident from his expe rience and prattled knowledge of the bits= iness in all its various branches, that he will be able to render general satisfaction to all who may favor him with their cus tom. 11:7PCountry Merchants would do well to calf and examine before purchasing of his more noisy competitors. . 1 . All hats warranted to retain their color. Hats from $1.25 to $4.00, of the latest style. JOHN CONWAY, tio. 382 Market street, above Eleventh, south side Philadelphia. January 22, 1847. Gin CHEAP WATCHES & JEWELRY lit the Philadelphia Watch and Jewelry Store, - No. 9d, North Second street, corner of Quarry Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled, 18 car. cases, $45 00 Silver Lever do. full jewelled, 23 00 Silver Lever do. 7 jewels, f 8 00 Silver Lep* do. jewel'd, Ist (pal. 14 00 Superior Quartier Watches, 10 00 Imitation do. not warranted, 5 00 Gold Spectacles, 8 00 Fine Silver Spectacles, 1 75 Gold• Bracelets, with topaz atones, 350 Ladies' Gold Pencils, 10 carats, 2 00 Gold Finger I.ings,37 cis to $B,; Watch_ Glasses—plain 12 cts ; patent 18 ; lunet 25, Other articles in proportion. All goods warranted to be what they are sold for. 0. CONBAD. On hand, some Gold and qilver Levers, Lepines and gunners. lower thaw the a bove prices. bee. 4,.• 1840.-1y CHEAP WAV HES t The Ch. open Gold and Silver !roaches IN PRIM DELPIII."I. Gold Levers, full jeweled, *45 00 Silver Lefers, full jeweled, 418 00 Gold Lepines, jeweled, 80 00 Silver Lepines, jeweled, 15 00 Silver Quartiers, fine quality, 10 00 Gold watches, plain . T 5 00 Silver Spectacles - 1 75 Gold Pencils, 2 00 Gold Bracelets . , • • 4 00 -..-ALSO ON HAND A large airsortment of Gold and Silver Hair-Bracelets, Finger-Rings, Ereastpins, Hoop Ear-Ring, Gold Pens; Silver Speou, Sugar Tonges, Thimbles,' Gold Neck, and Fob Chains, Guard Keys, and Jewelry at equally low prices. 'ir2-Atit want is a call, to convince cut towers. All kinds of Watches and Clocks re paired and warranted to keep good time for one year. Old Gold and Silver bought for Cash, or taken in exchange: I have some Gold and Silver Levers,- at still cheaper prices than the above. A lib eral Discount made to dealers. Call and ace for yourselves. For sale, Eight-day and Thirty-hour Brass Clocks, at - - LEWIS LADOMUS'S Watch, Clock, and Jewelry Store, No. 413 i Market St., above 11th, north aide, Philadelphia, Sept. 4, 1546; . if Flower Seeds. ISLEY'S celebrated FLOWER JUL $ E E D 8, a large variety and bee quality, received and for 'sale by S. H. BUEHLER. aburg, March 5, 1847. • v E have just received a handsome assortment of plain and fringed PARASOLS, which we will be pleased to show to all who favor us with a call. May 7. W. &.C. RUTIIRAUFF. noviays ; First Premium Writing Ink. Prom Dr. Hare, the celebrated Profes sor of Chemistry in the University of Penn sylvania: Philadelphia, Oct. 11, 1843. "Dear Sir-Hav ing _ tried your ink, I will thank you to send ine another bottle, as I find it to be excellent. I am yours, truly, ROM'. HARE." From Dr. Locke, of Cincinnati, distin guished fur his numerous scientific re searches• "Med. Col. of Ohio, Cincinnati, Jan. 17, 1844. "Having used Mr. !lover's Writing Ink, I am satisfied that it is the bear which has ever come to my knowledge, amtespecial ly it is excellent for the use of IthesSteel l'ena, and will not corrode them, even in long use. JOHN LOCKE. Prof. of Chemistry." forer's Adamantine Cement. From a well known scientific'gentleman. "Philadelphia, Feb. 27, 1846. "Mr. Joseph E. Hover ' -Sir : A use of r _ out Cement, and some practical tests of Its superiority, has induced me to recom mend it to others as an invaluable article for mending China, Glass, or Cabinet Ware. CAMPBELL MORFIT. Analytic Chemist." For Sale, Wholesale and Retail, at the Manufactory, No. 87 North Third Street, opposite Cherry Street, Philadelphia, by JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer. 11EPFor sale in Gettysburg at the store of S. 11. BUEHLER. May 14, 1847. Natigpal Daguerrian Gallery and Pho lographers' litrnishing Depot: WARDED the Me Oat, Four. First Ak. Premiums, and Two Highest Hon ors by the Institutes of Massachusetts, New York, and Pennsylvania, for the moSt beautiful colored Daguerreotypes and best Apparatus ever exhibited. Ro.' Portraits taken in exquisite style, without regard to weather. Instructions given in the jtrt. A large assortment of Apparatus and Stock always on hand, at the.lowest cash prices. New York, 251 Broadway; Philadel phia, 136 Chestnut at.. 805t0n,.75 Qom; and 58 Hanover streets ; Washington, Pennsylvania Avenue; Petersburg. Va., Mechanics' hall ; Cincinnati, Fourth and Walnut, and 178 Main Street; Sara toga Springs, Broadway. June 15, 1846.—1 y - - TO THE AFFLICTED ! Compound Medicated Candy. FOR the Cure of Colds, Coughs, Spit ting of Blood, Broncilmis, Asthma, Whooping Cough; Pains and Oppressions of the breast, and all other Pulmonary complaints, and other diseases which have a tendency to produce Consumption. It serves also as an effectual clearer of the voice. This Candy is entirely a vegetable pre paration, the principal ingredients being. Hore-hound, Wild Cherry, Sarsaparilla, Uoncset, Elecampane, Liquorice, Flax seed, Iceland Moss, Prickly Ash, &c. and will, if taken in time, relieve the system from those distressing afflictions that tend to Consumption. One great advantage in this valuable medicine is its cheapness, the public not being imposed upon by the enormously high prices which are generally exacted for Patent and other medical Preparations. Each package contains directions. Call and try it ! Prepared and sold at the Confection and Variety store of the Subscriber in West York street, one square from the Court house, and next door to Thompson's Ho tel. It can also he had at the I)nig Stores of S. H. Btriaixert, and S.FORNEV. lIIQ"'The subscriber as usual continues his Bakery, and is prepared to supply parties at the shortest notice, with choice cakes, &c. _ DIAMOND TONSOR S. R. TIPTON. F ASHIONABLE Barber and Hair 9 Dresser, has re ved his "Temple' to the Diamondoidj min the County Buil dings, where liti can I times he found prepared to attend to the c Hs of the public. From long ezperience h flatters himself that he can go through all he ramifications of the Tonsorical departments, with such an infinite degree of skill aswill meet the en tire satisfaction of all who may submit their chins toile keen ordeal of his razor. He hopes, therefore, that by attentibn to busi ness and a desire to please, he will merit as well as receive a liberal share of public patronage. The sick will be attended to at their private dwellings. Oct. 10. , . Protection agestaiait Loiss by Fire. gigUP. "Cukiberland Valley Mutual Protection Company," being incorporated by an Act of the Legislature, and fully organized and in opera. tion under the direction of the following Board of Managers, viz: T C Miller, James Weakly, D W M'Cullough, A G T A M'Kinley, Philip Spangler, Samuel Galbraith,'Samuel Tritt, Ab'm King, (Adams,) Job* Zng, Samuel Huston:3-T Vireen, J Ileac—call the attention of- the inhabit ants of Cumberland and Adams counties to the chairmen of the rtes, aid the many advantages which this kind of insurance has over any other. let. Every person insured becomes a member oftbe company and takes part in the selection of officers and the direction of its concerns. 2d. For insurance no more is demanded than is necessary to meet the expenses of the CoMpany, and Indemnity against lasses which may happen. 3d. The inconvenience of , frequent, renewals is avoided'hy insuring fora term of five years. 4 th , Any Pepe's applying for insurance must gin his premium note for the cheapest class at the rate of five per tent., which will be $5O on the tOOO, for which he will have, to pay 0 30 for nee years and 50 for 'survey and policy, end n 9 more unless loss be sustained to a greater amount than the funds on hand will cover, And then no more than a pro nta shire. These Yates are much cheaper than those of other companies, ex- cept such as are incorporated on the same princi- T. C. MILLER, President. - A. G. Miami, Secretary. - ITTThe following named persons have been ap. pointed Agerkis for Adams County :—Win W Pax ton, F,sq. Berland Agent for Adams J A Thompson and D Ziegler, Gettysburg; Dr. Wm R Stewart, Petersburg; Henry Myers, New Ches ter; Henry Mayer, A bbottstown ; Daniel Com fort, Straban township ; Abraham King, Hunters town; David Blythe, Fairfield ; 1' T Wierman, - Arendtiville ; Wm Morrison and Abel 'l' Wright 13endersville ; Dr. D Mellinger, East Berlin ; Ab'm Scott, Cash town. Sept. 13,1846.—tf ILVER AND GERMAN SILVER 17:3 PENCILS, VIOLIN STRINGS, &c., e s cheat geality, can alwaya be had at the FtintY Store of C. WEAVER. April 10, 18401 1)n . VERMIFUGE. Arogrorty opts Worm, tow n almost incredible 114/0 substantiate the above fact many hundreds 114 of testimonials could bcrAdduccd, out of which the following are selected, ftorn individuals of standing and veracity. Indeed, it Is confident• ly affirmed that each new trial of the powers of this remedy will have an additional tendency to widen, and confirm its lame, and that if it were universally known and diffused over the U. Slates, it would save not less 'than many hundreds, if hot thousands of lives annually. I do certify that a vial of Dr. ItCLane's Ameri can Worm Specific expelled fate hundred anal two whole worms, and pieces that would have made sixty more, from a boy of John Lewelling. Which, if laid in a straight line, would have most proba bly measured the enormous length of one hundred yard. JOSIAN JACKSON, Owner of Water Forge, and other works, Illonon galia county, Va. This is to certify that I purchased from Holmes Kidd'a vial of Dr. IWl.ane's American Nva Specific. and gave two doses to a boy of mi about three yens of age. Ile passed fully half a pint of worms. The quantity was so large I was really alarmed, and called in several of my neigh bors to see them. Had this story been related to me, I could not !Inv, -redited it. without being an eye-witness to the /411110. My child's health im proved much alter. SA MI MORRISI/N. Merchant Tailor, Wood at., Pittsburg. Hear Medical 'Testimony. From a regular Physician. )r. G. S. Smith, Sun Mr. J. Kidd—Dear Sir : I have used in my practice Dr. M'Lane's American Worm Specific, and have often witnessed its efficacy in expelling worms from the system: A patient of 171111e.1 short time ago, gave a vial of the Worm Specific to a child and in a short time upwards of 65 worms were expelled. Dr. A. P. ory ell certifies that he has frequent ly used the specific in his practice, and with lin varying success, it never failing to expel from 2. to I :At worms. A child of mine passed one-third of a pint a worms with one vial of Dr. nt.ane's Worm Spe cific. It is truly a surprising medicine. T. Morkbernr, Peebles township.. Surprising Teets of Dr. Lurae's I! urns ~Sperifir. On Saturday - Feb. 7. t ta. Mr. James Richard son called at the office ofJ. Kidd s Co. and made the following statement : A child of mine had been very sick for sonic ten days; we hail given her purgative medicine, but it had done uo good. One of our neighbors came in and said that it was worms that was de stroying the child, and at the same time spoke of the wonderful effects she hail witnessed from 'using Dr. M . Lanc's Worm Stm‘cilic in that neighborhood. We procured a vial, gave one - teaspoonful. when the child discharged V: large worms. I gave a nother teaspoontol. which An-ought away 111 more. in ell 8S worms. As 111 ditty I owe to you and the community I freely make known these laces. My child is now well. %%lint is very remarkable. the Worm Specific expelftvl the worms alive in about four hours after I gave the 'medicine - . N. B, Be particular to inquire for Dr. M . Lane's American Worm Specific, or Patent Vedniftige. Prepared for the Proprietor by J. KIDD- & Co. Wholesale& Retail Druggists, Wood st. Pitti.bore. ILTThe above medicine can be had of the lid lowing agents: S. 11. Buehler, Gettysburg ; J. Lower, ; J. & C. NrKnialit Hen tkomille ; J. 5., Heidlersburg Holtzinger & Ferree, Prtrr.rburg. ; Jacob Aulebaugh, Hampton : J. T. niblebrand, E. Berlin; Peter Nliekly, .Ihtnimasimrg; Butinger, .4bbotlslou•n ; Coulson & Co. Wholesale Agents, Liberty st. more, Md. Feb. 26, i 8.1 7.-r. m ROSS' .EXPVCTORIMT, For Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Bron chitis, asthma, Croup,. Whooping. Cough, Spitting of Blood, Sure 7'h rout, Pains amt tr.pre)i- Sions of the Breast, Bill ficalty of Breathing, am( all oilier di seases of the PULMONARY ORGANS! Read the tallow tog Certificate of lure performed by the u,,e of Boss's Experturant and Pay if you %sill longer neglect your cough, or doubt its ellica- Mr. JAS. F. Rob% Dear Sir—About three weeks ago my wife caught a severe cold, which troubled her a good deal and gave her great uneasiness • she prepared a great many articles which were recommended to her by her friends, but without receiving the benefit from any of them : hecisougli was getting worse every dry; her appetite was last failing. and to sleep was impossilee: the pains in her breast and side became so severe that that she had to go to bed, and my friends advised_ me to call in a:Physician. I thought I would call in the store where you were engaged and see if I could not get something that would relieve her, when you gar e ore a bottle of your Expectorint, assuring we ttat it would cure her. she commen ced taking it that night, not, however, without great opposition on the part, of some of her friends, who said it was only some "Quack Medicine, - and would do her more harm than good. But I determined to take your advice, and now let all bum , the Result From taking the first ease she felt easier, though unable to sleep on account of the quantity of phlegm that loosen. ed and would rilitio.q choke her, but which she errokl spit up with but little difficulty; the follciw ing day she continued it according to the direc tions, and that time, for the first time for neariy two weeks, she enjoyed a good nights rest and by the time she had finished the first bottle, she was entirely cured. Make what use of this you think proper, for such an invaluable medicine should be made known to the afflicted every where. With best wishes for your success. remain yours &c..• C. WEAVER CAUTION !II Beware of Counterfeits and Spurious Imitations. See that the initials''J. F. R" are on the seal : also my Wrilien Signaturt on the wrapper of each bottle, without which none is gen uine. Prepared only by James F Ross, Druggist, Baltimore Md. al - For sale in Gettysburg by- SAMUEL H. BUEHLER, and in Illilkrstown by G. W. HEAGY. May 25, 1847.—1 y Q4LVER MEDAL awarded for 'the beat pictures ever exhibiied. Strangers visiting die city should call and examine the various specimens of colored Daguer reotypes, at M. P. Simons' Gallery; and those wishing likenesses, may rely upon receiving perfect satisfaction in every res pect. Whole families can be grouped to. gether, which forms a. most invaluable keepsake. Miniatures set in bracelets, Medalions, Breastpins, &c. An assort ment of the above Jewelry, selected for the purpose, always on hand. Examine and then decide. Materials used in -the Art for sale, at the lowest rates. Ituitrue dons given by letter or pernmally. All communications must be post aid. M. E. SIMONS, " ' - No. 170 Chestnut Street, Opposite the State House, Phila. - April 80, 1847.-3 m . , Perfumery, Soap, A te. , PERFUMERY, SOAPS, FANCY I: ARTICLES, TOYS, &c., for salo by 4 C WVER. April 10, 1846. DRY GOODS_! DRY GOODS ! DRY GOODS of every description can be had unusually low, in Chambers burg street. immediately opposite Heagy's Cabinet Ware House. May 7. W. & C. RUTHRAUFF number / CERTIFICATES bah, Ohio A RE:VIED Y Baltimore, March 12, 1847 CHARLES PASSWAY .?2. P. S 1410.478 DAGUERREOTYPISt, THE AMERICAN REMFDY THOMSON'S COMPOUND SYRUP or TAR AND WOOD , N A PTHA. rp) F all the remedies recommended, in Ist* years, for the curs of CONSUMPTION, Coughs, Ids, Asthma, Bronchitis, Liver Com pliant pitting Blood, Dialculty'of Briathink, P in the Side and Breast, Palpitation of the Heart, Influenza, Croup, Broken Constitution, Sore Throat, Ner vous Debility, and all diets- ses of the throat, Breast and Lungs: None has been found more CURTAIN and eaatsa• SINT in its curative power over these. so general and often fatal diseases, then the above prepara tion. The Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Naptha is an unparalleled remedy. In addition to the healing power of Tar—the virtues of which, in affection, of the lungs, is universally acknowl edged—there is combined with it In this prepare tion the active principles of some of the most cer- tain Tonic Vegetable Pectorals, which unite to make it the most valuable medicine ever offered to the public for the cure of the diseases for which it is employed, so that it steer fails, if taken in time, to produce the intended effect. Among the testimonials to the Nalue of the a bove medicine, are several from distinguhdied phy sicians of Philadelphia. Read the following-trom Dr. Young, the eminent oculist : Philadelphia, Jan. 18, 1847. Having used in my practice, as well as in my own family." Thomson's Compound Syrup of Tar and Wood Naptha," I have no hesitation in saying that it is the best preparation of the kind in use for persons suffering from Consumption, Coughs, Co . .ds, and all affections of the Throat, Breast, Bi.c. so prevalent at this season of the year. WM. YOUNG, M. D. •••• 152 Spruce street. Read also the following from a man who will at - any time' corroborate its statements. MOST WONDERFUL CURE. Philadelphia, Dec. 4,1847. Penetrated with a deep sense of gratitude for the benefit everienced by the use of Thoinsona Compound Syrup of Tar, and that others who, like me. have languished th ough years of affliction and suffering, without Lein lible to find a remedy may,know where it can be obildllel44yoluntarily make the following statement. About four years since, after being affecti4wih a violent cold, it left upon me a troublesome awl severe cough. Whilst the cough continued, which was with scarcely an intermission during this long period, language fails to tell what 1 have suf. lered from debility, pains in the breast and side-, night sweats. difficult expectoration, oppressed breathing, and in fact all those symptoms which mark a sever pulmonary affection. The relief occasionally obtained by the discharge of the mat ter which oh.tructed the healthy action of my system, but increased my tears, as the purulent matter discharged was Irequently streaked with 'stool. During this time t was under the treatment of several physteians.and took ninny a tho,e prrpa. rations recommended as ser%iceahle in the Canes Mothers, hut without relief and I at length con• eluded that a cure in my case was hopelcs , • nut how agreeably changed is now my opinion! I have meet for about three weeks Thomson's Corn. pound sytup of Tar. Hr the use 01 one b o ttle my cough has been relieled aunt my system reinvigo rated, and 'by continuing the me of it up to this time, I urn satisfied that my complaint is entirely removed and eradicated. It. KEAIiNFY. %?Il S. Seventh st IP - This invaluable remedy is prrpart.ll only by tnaney & Dickson, N. F:. Corner of Fifth and ""pruce streetA, Philadelphia, and can be bad of the following Agenta S. S. Forney. Gettysburg. Carlisle,- . - - I). I'. Lunge, Hanover. Prire of large bottles $1.1.0. 134.!,A ll' it imita !ions! [April :10, ISl7—ly Stanton's I:xterstal Remedy, lE= HUNT'S LINIMENT, vS now unisersally acknowledged to he the Ai IN FALLI 13LE REMEDY for It heumatism, -spinal alli.ctions, contractions of the muscles, sore throat and rpiinsy, issues, ohl •pains in the baok and chest, ague in the breast act tare, tooth ache. sprains, htroses, salt' rheum, burns, croup, hosted feet, and all nervous diseases. The troon• pliant starts, which hits attended the application 01 this most wonderful oterlirtne in cur ing the most severe cases of the different diseases abuse hamed, and the high eneoniume that have been bestowed upon it, wherever it hos been introduced, gis es me the right to call on the offloted to lesurt at once to the may remedy that fan be relied on. ID - The hillowing letter from Edmund M Blunt. Esq. whose name has been rendered immortal as the author of the Coast l'ilot, and - several other Nautical workeris tht, moot reliable evidence of the great value pf the celebrated External Remedy, ford a Liniment. Sing Sing, July 1545 Genre( E. Staunton, Esq. Pear Sir :—For more than half a century I have suffered by 'Rheumatism. A twov mon:hs since iii consequence asuisequence of that disease which sticks closer than a bruther„ lien and injured my side. inducing my applying Hunt's Liniment, from which I had immediate relief ; subsequently feel. ing an attack of my old companion, I applied it to Umtata affected, which at. once removed As a law compels all ship-masters to carry a Rust icine cheat whilst at sea, none should go without this, as I think one bottle for external purposes worth all the medicine they can carry: You may use this communication at your pleasure, Very respectfully yours, EDMUND M. BLUNT A gentleman of high standing in the society of Friends, speaks as tollows of the great remedy. Hunt's Liniment: Newrasth 11 th month, let, 1814 George E. Staunton, Esteemed Friend :—Thy letter of the r..foth ulti mo is received. In my reply I would say, that I have been troubled with it-lame knee for several years, during which time it has distressed me much. I procured a bottle of Hunt's Liniment at thfy smote, early last spring, and I have used it freely, and I tan that since that time I have had little or no trouble with my keee. A friend, to whom I sent a bottle, informs me thiif it was of .great benefit in a rheumatic affection. I have no hesitation in recommending it to any person needing an exter nal remedy. JACOB CatIFFEN 2edford, Sept. 4,,1§4. To George E. Staunton, Sza--;ometime since I overheated myself in 'Working, and in a short time the calf of my leg broke out in pimples, which by scratching, became fever sores of the worst desc tipt, on. The irritation and swelling was so greet that I could not rest day or night; I used one bottle of your Liniment and lam entirely well. I was also affected by a swelligg in my groin from the same causes, and the applicition - of the Liniment relieved me at once, i 'Did..Limit confidently recommend it to the public as an invaluable remedy. RICHARD MOSHER. This Liniment is sold at 25 and 50 cents per bottle by all the principal Druggists and March chants. Orders addressed to me at 6ing Sing, N Y, will beattended to. G E STANTON;Pmprietor. Inoirsate Agents—Homily, Phelps & Co 141 Water street, Rushton & Co 11.0 Broadway, A B & D Pands,corner Fulton and William, Aspinwall 86 William street, Nero York; Cuthbert & Wear 'rill 76 South Recent!, Phil., dolphin. AGENTS.—SamueI H. Buehler & S. Forney, Gettysburg; Abraham King, Ilunteratoten; E. Zuok, Pinetown ; Ja cob Hollinger, Heidkrsburg ; Hollinger& Ferree, Petersburg, (Y. S. ; Jacob Au's bough, Hampton; Geo.' S. Benizeli Berlin May 7, 11347. Varnish i Iliusries ! THE subscribeas just received and r h has for into a new supply of first quality COACH VARNISH—aIso a lot of superior Paint Brushes 4 Sash Tools. S. H. 13UE14ER. 6ettysburg, Alvah 15, 2E147. ECOND-lIAND COACHES. BUG 0 GIES, &c., of good and substantia make, can be had at the Coach Establish mont of the subscriber:in Gettysburg. C. W. HOVFMAN. Gettysburg, May 29, 1840. Mg UHL_ NW OF FARIOUN RINDS FOR SOLE .1T THIS OFFICE DR CULLEN'SI INDIAN VEGETA - Kt PANACEA ERSONS afflicted with SererOa. Kings Evil ir Cancer, Erysipelas, Old lEones, Melnik tri ter, Mercurial Diseases, or any other complaints arising front impurities of the blood, are request ed to reattthe following testimonials, in proof of the wonderful properties of the above neared med icine. READ! READI READ! t 1 HEREDITARY TETTER. Gmrs.—lt is now six months since my youngest child, a daughter, had a cutane ous affection, which made its appearance over its entire body. It was a case of Hereditary 'fetter, and so virulent was the disease, that we wished, in case it could not be speedily relieved, that it might be soon laid in its grave. At this stage of the disease my sister-in-law called upon you; to advise as to the best preparation ofSar saparilla that could be procured, as an terative ; when you recommended the use of Dr. Cullen's Indian Vegetable Panacea, and I am pleased to say that the good ef fects of the medicine were perceptible when it had taken but a few doses; and by the time we had used one single bottle, the disease had entirely disappeared, , and from that time there has been no re-ap pearance. I really feel thankful to you for having recommended the Panacea in this case, for I feel confident that had not the disease been arrested, my child would, ere Ilia, have been the tenant of the cold end silent tomb. Rbeptetfully )I:lure, ROWAND & WOittliN. John P. Rees, Phila. Dee." 9 1845. 85 N. Seventh St. WIIITE SWELLING. Philadelphia December 10, 1843. Mr. J. T. llow•ma. Deer Sir,—At your request I cheerful ly give you an accouat of the wondeilful cure effected upon me by Dr. Cullen's In dian Vegetable Panacea. At the age of fourteen years I had upon my right knee a White Swelling, which stiffened the joint; and caused some seventy or more pieces of the hone to come away in the sores, and which was temporarily relieved by the usual remedies, but not entirely cu red. At times sores would again break out, and become so distressing and painful that I could get no rest night nor day. In ibis way it continued till last spring, when, hating witnessed the extraordinary effects of your Panacea, as an alterative, upon a a daughter of mine who was using it for a chronic disease, I concluded to make a tri al of it in my own case; the result has been an entire cure. I ton now sixty-sev en years of ago, and hulte suffered fifty three years with sores. I cheerfully add my testimonial to the many others that have heard, of the cures performed by your celebrated Panacea. Thomas if 'dim 190 N. Third Street, Alderman Seventh Ward, N. L. SCROFULA To whom it may concern.—This may certify that.m.y_ rh ~samosit-frout-44411, was afflicted with Scrofula, which covered most of its bodies with sores; and that for eighteen months, though consianily under medical treatment, nothing afforded relief till 1 was induced to make a trial of Dr. Cullen's Indian Vegetable Panacea. The attending physician, on witnessing its good effects, recommended its continuance ac according to directions, and by using a single bottle of the Panacea, the child was apparently cured. It is now about four months since the medicine was discontin ued, and I have no doubt but the cure is complete. Yours truly, bow•se & WALTON I s.t • BARBERS ITCH Mr. J. T. RowAND—Sta,—Sometimo last Spring 1 was so unfortunate as to get the "Jackson, or Barber's Itch," by shav ing after some one affected by that trou blesome and obstinate disease. You cannot have forgotten the swollen and, irritated condition of my face at the time you recommended "Dr. Culieu's Indium Vegetable Panacea." I have now the pleasure to inform you, fur the benefit of all who are similarly af flicted, that the use of a single bottle of the Panacea Cured me entirely. You may judge of my gratification at such a re sult, as 1 had so often known the disease to continue for years under the usual mer carrel remedies. (Signed) I'hila. Aug. 5 1845. T. L. SanderB, Pledge Office. Ye learned ones of the 'limiting Art," if ye can so far overcome professional pride tense a.. icine which ye know not how o ea may presetve many valuable ir n tell will therwire he sacrificed. W• not p ctibe b If it shall not accomplish ale , claim .r it if a fair trial, according to d ctions, we ibir.uh lish an account of its faltu t pets, in the U. States at our own ..xpens . And here we say, with. .. feat, of contra diction, that we hive not foond a case of Scrofula or other disease for, which we reconimied the Pa nacea, which the roediciekbas not snowily ar rested We have at this time a multitude of patients un der treatment, all of whom are doing well. A— mong them is one of CANCER, which wu pro nounced by physicians beyond the reseed Surgi cal assistance,. but from all appiesraueas will be cured in a few months. • rerho above valuable medicine is fen sale wholesale and retail, by Messrs. Rowan wed Wal ton, Propnetore,.376 market street, Philadelphia. and by the following agents: Samuel IL.Buehler r Gettysburg, Pa. C. A. Morris, York, Pa. N. N. Robinson, lialtimoxv, Md. April 28, 1847.--tf BIRDSELL'S PATENT STEEL Shove, Cif ',Waters CAN be had for Cumberland township at C. W. HOFFMAN'S CoachnShop,, Gettysburg, Pa. Please canoed see theca and judge for yoUrielf. Gettysburg, May 29, 1046. - killAW LS of every description can be had very cheap at W. & C. Riebraure Cheap Slope in Chambersburg street . May 7. ' . THE STAR AND BONER h published every Aiday . &Wang , in SA County Building, aporlhe Rtgisier and Recorder', Wee, by, DAVID A. ~DIJEIII*ER. Lr 'paid in advance or within the year, $2 per annum—if not geld within the year, $2 Paper discoitinued until all arrearages sire paid... except at the option of the Editor. Fingle copies. 6} cents. A failure to notify a diseontiouance will he regarded as, a new engagement Advertiarrn mei pot exceeding a square Weeded three times for $l--every subsequent insertion 25 cents. Longer ones in the same-proportion. All advertisements not specially ordered fora giv. in time, will be continued until forbid. Ailiberal reduction will be made traitors who advertise , by the year.. Job Printing of all kinds executed neatly and --..„, pr pay, and on reasonable terms. / trus and Commutairations to the Editor, ( eg , rept ng such as contain Money or the names or new bscribers,) must be goal lath, in order to secure attention. Dt 111*(' LEA S, 3st) !flatlet St