--- D. A. Idjallp,:EINZOR 4.,...1 4 ,4RJN0P . 414/OR. .4, VOL XVIII,-13.1 Advertisement of a Lost Day. 11T gas. LT9I4 0. TIODURITT Lost! loot! lost! A gem of countless price, Cut from the living rock, And graved in Paradise,. ---) Bet round with three times eight Large diamonds, cleat and bright, And each with sixty smaller ones, 1411 changefid as the light. Lost--where the thoughtless throng ha 4:titian's males wind, Where trilleth (ally's song, Leaving a King behind: Tit to my hind 'twits given .A golden harp to buy, such as thn white-robesi choir attune To dustbins" minstrelsy. Loot I lost ! Ida! . I fool all search in vain; That gom of countless cost Can neer bo mine again; I offer no reward, For al( these heart•etrings serer, I know that beaven-entrusted gift Is reft away forever. But when the sea and land Like burning scroll have fled, I'll see it in hie habil Who jgdpetit quick and dead, And when of scathe and loss That man can ne'er repair, The dread injury meets my soul, What shall it answer there I Lilias Fanc. El= About five mites from A Iderbrook there in a handsome red school-house, with a portico in front, shaded by an immense butternut; white window-shutters, to keep , out rogues at night, but of no use fu.All during the day; and a handsome cupola, in which is a hell of sufficient power to be heard, particularly on thee still days, all *over the district. This specimen of archi tecture, being intended to serve the double purpose of church and school-house, is the pride of the little community ; and, indeed, it well may be, for there is not its equal in the whole country round. When the school-. house was first built, the neighbors all re solved to support a 'first-rate school ;' and, for many, years, they employed teachers who came well recommended, nod claimed a large salary. Squire Mason said no pains were spared, every thing was done this man could do; yet. somehow, no teach er seemed to give general satisfaction ; and so many left, either in indignation or dis grace, that 'the Mason school' gained the reputation of being the most ungovernable in die country. If truth must be told, this was not without reason, fur people who build new school-houses must, of course, listen to new doctrines, and must of the families in 'the Maso.u,districe had imbi bed somewhat extensirely the notions pre valent among reformers of die present day, who think that Solomon was only joking when he recommended the rod. At last, after some renegade youngsters had sum marily dismissed, with a broken head, a .dark, square-shouldered, piratical looking man, who, in a fit of desperation, had been chosen for his enormous strength, people became quite discouraged, and the princi pal men of the district, old Farmer West born, Deacon Martin, and Squire Mason, called a meeting to discuss affairs. Sonic proposed whipping all the boys around, -And starting a new school; others thought it best to shut up the house entirely, and i etbe :set the-youicr r Is to cutting wood ; while Deacon AI un was of the opinion that if some of t 'worst ones' could be kept at :home there could be no difficulty with the rest. Upon this hint others 'spoke, and the .meeting at last decid6d on obtaining,a fe •male teacher to take charge of the little 'ones; the 'big boys' being entirely voted .out. Noire Mason himself had a son who was concidered a 'rollicking blade,' up to all sorts fof mischief, and of the half-dozen :shock-headed Westborns, there was not! •one that had failed to give the former maa- 1 , ter blow for blow. Affairs were, however, now to assume a calmer aspect ; and the j meeting proceeded forthwith to appoint a -school corilsintree, consisting of Deacon 1 .Martin, whe.had no children of his own, .and was consequently expected to take a' great intrestie those of his neighbors, Mr. Fielding, a quiet bachelor of thirty-five or thereabout, and 'one. .or two others, who were selected for the sake of making the :numbers strong, and not for nny thing that they wereoxpeeted to do. The principal 'duty of the acting. ,plut Of the committee was to obtain a teacher; bur They were also to manage all other:affairs thereunto pertain ing. Luckily a lady had been recommended 'to Deacon Martin, during the preceding nu :tumn, as Al perfect prodigy ; and our school 'committee•laen, being quiet sort of people, ••who did not like ito quake 'unnecessary :trouble, aligner, superscribed... Wits !Alias /Algot,' was thrown into the post-office box, which, in due time, brought as favorable an answer as could , be desired. It was a cold, stormy morning in Decem ber, when the public 'stage-coach set down *be newiebool-mistress at the door of beaten Mietin's house. A'bu ndle of cloaks zuhi.bliekelit rolled from the oppn door hi lt, the•baeds of the good deacon, who was 696111014deepport; indeed almost to carry, .3M invisiblederminta.the house, where his geoedeme'stood -ready to divest at of'all u_ntlecetwaryiucumbninces.“. at finite large blanket witi removed, then Sniff and cloak, aitd yertiderral, hood and veil remained ; add 111* Martin could not help-cpajectur iihrhdeeprecicrus must be the nit which was bleated • with so much shell. The teak at Milling strings Ind removing pins being' atieomplisbed, e volume of flaxen singled descended over a pair of tiny white' 14044410 1 and a sat blue eye stole timidly iteniiiiisiiken ambush up to the face of AfrislMaitin, but meeting no sympathy there, it retreated behind the drooping lid, and little Miss Vane, blushing up to the -pret-pretty fl axen waves that just shaded her 1 ty smiled, and curtsied, and then I crouched hy'the blazing fife like a petted • ' kitten, Mrs, Martin retreated hind . , . , _ F .l D • , . • D D rily, and the deacon parted his lips, drew all older than the sehoel-mistress, and soy up his eye-brows, and shrugged his shout- oral others who were larger; and at the ders,`between astonishment and contempt. extremity of the room stood Alfred Mason; What! that child to assume the duties and a man in size if not in form, surrounded responsibilities of a school teacher, and, ! by the six shock-headed Weetborns, Bill above all, in such a school ! Why, Susan Blount, Philip Clute, and Nehemiah Strong, Itarman"could:put her out of the door with ' all school rowdies of the first water. Well one hand, and the very littlest boy over- I might they stare, for such a vision never master her. There sat the new school- :.met their eyes before;- and well might mistress, and there stood the deacon and I bright Lilies smile at the looks of ,won his dame, gazing at her perfectly speech- !der that greeted her at every turn. A less, when Mr. Fielding drove up to the !iimile, if it in a perfectly natural one, full door ; it being considered his especial duty lof mirthfulness and slightly spiced with to introduce new_ teachers, and particularly ; mischief, is the best of all passports to a lady teachers, to the school-house. Now young heart, and not a face was there in the bachelor had some very fine notions f the whole room but caught the infection, of tall elegant figures, and dignified man- i and answered with a bashful grin theitwin nevi ; indeed he had a rule for every thing, ; kle of the little maiden's eye and tl curl stepping, looking, and even thinking ; and, !of her lip. Oh ! sadly did naughty Lilias consequently, he was taken all aback when ! compromise the dignity of the school-mis his exe first lighted on the unpretending : tress, but what she lost in ono re pect was little school-mistress. Her figure was slight more than made up in anoth . Nabby V exceedingly fragile, and her face the Woods went about brushing t e slippery i ft nrperfection of infantile sweetness.• dried peas from the fl oor, lest he smiling This was all that Mr. Fielding had an op- Ifairy of n new school-dame should he'made portunity to observe, as she stood before their victim, as had been duly planned for him in graceful confusion, replying to his !a week beforehand ; and Philip Chits, firstformal salutation, and answering his'sfill'lglaneing at Alfred Mason for approbefieff,' more formal. question's ,about the weather, ; stepped awkwardly forward and put a the state of the roads, and the time of her t whole chair in the place of the broken one arrival. The bachelor, however, was con- 1 that had been stationed before the desk for fident that Miss Flute was a very incompe- the benefit of the new teacher, thus ma king telit - sehool teacher; and Miss Fane was himself the first to receive her cheerful quite as-confident that the bachelor was a salutation. Philip had never been known very incompetent beau. First, he gave 'to shrink before birchen,rod or cherry fer her what the little lady- considered an im- I ule ; but Lilias Fane, with her merry blue pertinent star.—as a school committee- (eye and face full of kindness and gentle man has' a right to do—then ho made a noes, half hidden in the mirthful dimples great ninny commonplace remarks, as a; which played over it—sweet Lilies Fane man that wishes to appear very dignified I was a di ff erent thing. She could not be will do; and then he desired to see Den- !looked upon with indifference, and poor con Martin in pri'Vate, as a man when he ' Philip twisted himself into as many shapes wishes to let you know that he is about to ; as a cloud wreath in a tempest, or a cap discuss your diameter should do. Poor 1 hired eel, and turned as red as the blood Lilies Fane ! with all her simplicity she I beets in his father's cellar. On passed the was not deficient in discernment, and she bright-faced Lilias around the room, nod \felt piqued at the manners of the people, 1 ding to one, smiling to another, and address particularly. Mr. Fielding, whose real su- : ing some cheerful remark to those who I .periority she instantly detected, despite of !seemed a little afraid of her, until she the clumsy awkwardness behind which he I reached the group over which the redoubt inadsged to hide himself.. So,tossing back : able Mason presided. By this time she her smolt' curls, and calling for hood and : had gained all hearts ; for hatrut she said shawl, in spite of all Mrs. Martin's entrea-; we when talking to the 'big girls,' as though ties to the contrary, she WAS half way to I she did't feel herself a bit above them ? the school-house before the gentlemen de 1 and had'nt she patted the heads of the cided that they could do. nothing less titan , younger one, with her pretty little hand, in I give her a trial. It was with the utmost a way which proved beyond the possibility surprise that the bachelor heard . of the of a doubt that she was a decided enemy flight of his bonny bird ; fur he was the Ito hair pulling ? Alfred Mason had seen greatest man in the district, and every:one lit all, and-to prove to the new school-mis was but too much delighted to gain his no-' tress that he was a little superior to the nee. He owned a fine cottage close by I Westborns & Co., he advanced three steps the .Maple Grove, with beautiful grounds I and made a bow as much like Mr. Field about it, and every elegance that wealth 1 ing's as he could. This done lin passed could command and taste dietaie within; j his fingers through his shining black hair, and there he resided, with his mother and ; twitched his sliri a llars, and elevated head a little nephew, in very enviable quiet. It 1 and shoulders ft-Co. - very manly fashion, WAS evident that his knowledge of the j and as though silm‘ fly resolving not to be world was thorough, and he had probably 1 aired of any Chi this side of fairy land, r,e),"? at some period of his life taken a part in though appear . ' shape g in the of Titania its tumult; but the irement of private herself. Bt ewitching,ro,guish, naughty life best suited him, ant had for several Miss Fa did bewilder him notwithstand-I years buried the most per t specimen of , ing ; for having always considered himself a gentleman of the old school lam among ' a rascally scape-grace of a boy, bound to the rural luxuries of Grove Co age. Here,', do as much mischief as he could, he sud hotvever, none of the punctilio n which denly found himself transformed into a he set so high a value were odti tl, for he i man, and a beautiful creature, with a child's', was too thoroughly a gentlem n to throw 1 blushes and a woman'samiles, asking hint aside the character whac behin the scenes, questions in the most respectful tone, ho-1 and all honored him fort ! forties ne t integrity, ping that site should be seconded by the as well as intellectual superiority. Mr. : young gentlemen before her in all her ef- Fielding had not n particle of misanthropy forts, and' insinuating Very gracefully and in his composition: so, notwithstanding a very sweetly how much The relied upon' secret merit of exclusive feeling, arising--them for success in her present underta- ! probably from a consciousness of possess- i king. The smile, the tone of voice, the 1 ing but little in commou with those ar,difnd ' manner, combined with the flattering ad- him ; he mingled with the people olLthe dress, weraperfectly irresistible; and Al neighborhood as though nothing but a cer- Fred Mason; after perpetrating another bow, Lain degree of coldness and personal digni- ' addressed a few whispered words to his ' 3ty prevented him from being perfect companions, and walked away to his seat. 1 equality with them, and he exhibited so His example was immediately followed much real interest in all that concerned by the whole school, and Miss Fatie was I their welfare that he possessed their entire left standing in the midst of subjects as 1 confidence. ' I loyal as any sovereign would care to reign When Mr. Fielding learned that the lit- over. At this agreeable crisis the door tle lady had gone oil alone he looked sur- opened, and it ma well be believed that in I prised ; but recollecting how bashful she every dimple of L ilias Fane's young face had appeared when standing in his august lurked a roguish smile, as her eye lighted ! presence, he at once saw the matter in a on Mr. Melding and Deacon Martin. TIM more pleasing light ; so calling on Deacon bachelor observed it, and he was the.least Martin to bestow his _burly corpus in the, bit in the world disconcerted, while the seat intended for pretty Lilian Fane, the' Deacon raised his eye-brows and shrug -1 two committee-men proceeded leisurely to- god his shoulders more emphatically than I ward the school - house. ever, but not contemptuously. If the two In the mean ante poor Lilias was trittk, i committee-non had been astonished before ing through the snow, her nether lip peat- :they were doubly so now, and it was with ing after the most approved style of angry a much more respectful air than he had at beauties, and her little heart throbbing with first assumed that Mr. Fielding saluted the a variety of contending emotions, none of little lady, and apologised for his previous , which were ;ideally pleatntrablei„excePt : neglect. the one excited by a little pile of silver I 'You have undertaken a very heavy task, which she saw in prospect—the fruit of Miss Pane,' he remarked in a tone which, her own labor. At thought of this she from the proximity of the 'audience on the brushed away the tear that aparkled on her.' seats, was necessarily low, and thus seem- . lashes, and, drawing up her . slight figure ingly confidential. with an air of determination, stepped bold- I Thoughtless Lilias ! she shook her head ly and decidedly into the portico and plac- ! and smiled.. ed her hand on die latch of the door. This I 'lt is a dreadful .respousible stati on; done, she paused ; the little heart, but a ~chimed in the deacon. . .. • moment before so resolute, fluttered tumul- - tuoualy, the head drooped, the eyes brim= med over, and the fingers extended so firm ly, now quivered with agitation. Poor Lilies lane ! whnt would she not have given to feel her mother's arms about her, and weep on her sympathizing bosom. Farmer Westborn, and Squire Mason, - and the rest of the school- meeting men were in earnest when they decided that the .big boys' should not be allowed to at tend school; but they had been in earnest a great many times before; so the boys know ,perfectly well what it meant, and were now 'on hand preparing:for the re ception of the new teacher. Little did poor-Lilias -Fano imagine -vvhat stout hearts awaited her entrance, or her courage would, not have' been prompt to return; bin the thought of home. her widowed mother, and helpless little brothers'ind sisters, in connection ,with the all-iinafortant ,lalarY; nerved her „ up, Again 414 erected her head and wiped away the tears, then throw ing open the door, she walked quietly - Ad' firmly . into the room. , What a spectacle 1. children of all sizes, from the little. amp ad chap, hardly yet from the cradle, up to the height orthe new school-mistress, and youths towering' far above her, in almost the pride of manhood, turned theii faces toward the door, and stood gaping in bilent astonishment. There were Susan'Her man; and Sally Jones, and Nubby Woods, MENI i A shade of seriousness flitted over the face of Litho!, and then she smiled again. 'Our school is considered a very difficult one,' observed the bachelor. apprehend no difficulty ut.all,' Lilies replied in a tone of gaiety. 'But, Miss Pane,' persisted the deacon, 'it is my duty to undeceive you as to the character of our school.' I Still the lady smiled confidently. `Very diffic.tlt to manage, 1 can assure you,' added the bachelor. Lilies glanced around the room with , a triumphant, incredulous air, as much as to say, 'it seems to me just the easiest thing in the world,' (dreaauey little gipsy ;) but sho did no_t_say it._ iter only mily-was-to beg the privilege of consultiq two such" able advisers should she chance to meet with unexpected difficulties. The deacon received the compliment graffiously, not probably, observing a touch, of sarcasm more discoverable in the dancing blue eye, titan in the voice ; but Mr. Fielding looked displeased, bowed stiffly, and, after a few formal- words, took his leave, followed by the worthy deacon. `• .1 shouldn't wonder,' remarked• Deacon Martin, after they were seated in the sleigh, 'I shouldn't wonder if this little Mies Fano made a pretty good teacher after all. It's 'wonderful that the children should be so orderly this morning.'" Mr: Fi4ding gavo his hcittl a twitch, GETTYSBURG, PA. FRIDAY EVENING, JUIA.II, 18 r ..FEARLESS AND FM." something between a shake and 'a nod, and looked knowing. It was evident could say a great deal if be chose. This non-committal movement is wisdom's fa vorito. cloak ; and so much in vogue is it, that it sometimes even passes - current when the cloak is - missing. Ivor that day at least Lilies Fane was happy. She smiled and was smiled upon. And she began to think it was just the pleasantest thing in the world to be the presiding __ emus ofsdch a filade, exercising uncontrolled power, dispensing sniiles and sunshine at will, beloved and loving. But her day of darkness'was to come. Scarce a week had passed before there were indi catioos of a revolt among some of her sub jects-and she was alarmed to find that there were ditliculties'whieh a smile and a loving word could not heal. At home, her dear delightful home, she had been taught to believe them a universal balm— oil for tho wildest wave, a hush for the deadliest tempest. But yet never was school-mistress idolized like darling Lilies Face. Even the hearts of the Westborns began to melt beneath the glances of" her barTming eye, and Alfred - Mason - was--her never failing friend and champion. Poor Alf. Westborn ! Sad was the reputation he bore in the district ; and nobody would believe he was in earnest when he behaved properly ; but he was in reality more giv en to mirth than malice, fonder of fun than real mischief—and lie could See no fun at all in annoying sweet Miss Fane. But she was annoyed nevertheless. not so much 11 4 y her pupils, as by remarks which were constantly reaching her concerning her youth, inexperience, and consequent inefficiency. It was said that she was a child among the children, and so she was, and how could she help it—the bright pet Litias ! Scarce sixteen summers had bur nished her fair locks, and her heart was full of childish impulses. It was said that she had no dignity of manner, and stood among her pupils as one of them—faults which she was too conscious of possessing. As Well might you look for , dignity humming-bird or a fawn as in Litias'Pane —the darling! She loved her pupils dear ly, and could not but betray her interest.— She had too many sympathies in common with them to stand aloof in joy or sorrow ; and in the loved a'fid the loving.were merg ed the teacher and the taught. It was even said that her voice had been known to min gle in the merry shout that sometimes arose from the school-room , ; and there must have been some truth in the report—for her pupils could not have the heart to laugh when she was serious. In truth, Lilias Fans was a strange teacher; though she may have taught the lore most needed— those heart lessons richer than all the theo ries of all the schools - united. In other lesson," shir-was capricious. She taught what she loved and that she fnade'her pu pils love; hut what was dry and difficult she passed ever, as in studying she had been allowed to do by her tdo indulgent ! governess. Yet she was unwearied in her ' efforts, and never thought of self when the good or her pupils was concerned; and so, despite the faults in her system of educa tion, her school made rapid improvement. But no degree of improvement was suffi cient to satisfy those. who detected these faults; and soon the war of words. ran high for and against the poor school-mistress, whose only offenceS were toifinuch beau ty, too immature youth, and a too kind heart. These things could not occur withoutTias Faso's knowledge, for her young friends, in tffeir mistaken zeal, re peated every word to her, and she (poor simple child !) was undignified enough to listen to their representation, and receive their expression of sympathy. They were all the friends she had. Thus passed one third of Lilies nine's term of service, in alternate storm and sunshine, till at last farmer Westborh took a decided step; and in spite of young shock-head's remonstran ces, removed all of his six children from school. Sad was the face poor Lilias Mule exhibited on this occasion, and all of her flock were sad from sympathy.-- Looks, some of sorrow and some of indig nation, wore exchanged among the elder pupils ; and the younger ones gazed in si lent wonder on the flushed face and tear ful eye of her, who nevertheless would now and then give them= - a smile, from sheer habit. .At last the day ended, and sad, and low, and kinder even than usual, were thmood-nighls of the, sympathizing grenp,Ats, one by one, ilief disappeared through the door till the poor little school mkitress was alone, and then she covered her face with her hands and wept. 'I wouldn't mind it, Miss Fane,' said a timid, but sympathizing voice close by her ear. 'How can I help it, Alfred!' asked Lilies, without raising her. head, 'Mr. West born must have a dreadful opinion of me, or he never—' Westborn is a fool! the meanest man—' 'Alfred 1' . .You don't know him, Miss Fane, or you would say so too. But don't cry any more--don't--come Over and see Mary— you have. true friends. Miss Fane—you —thery - -' and here Alfred steppe& short ; for, although particularly anxious 'to con sole Miss Pane, he seemed to be'sulrering under a most painful embarrarioneut.— The gentle, indeed touching tone of voice was not lost on poor Lilies; although there seemed to be some matron why she should not listen to it; for she - raised her head; and with more calmness than site could lave-been-expected to command, You e veiy_kind; Alfred, and I thank you, but—' understand you, Miss Fano,' inter rupteil the yOuth somewhat proudly, skied nese - should not be obtrusive. • ' 'No, Alfred, you mistake Me.., 1 prize the sympathy Of my friends but too highly; and it is gratifying I to know that all my pu pils, if no`others, are of the, number/ 'Yes 'they all are—yet-4dies--Mies Fane--' and Alfred stammered On, more embarrassed than ever. 'I can assure them that their kindness will be remembered most gratefully, and their friendship warmly returned,' added Miss Fano, with a gentle dignity, which prerentetl familiarity, while it soothed. Alfred Mason stood for a few moment . , irresolute, and Lints mounted. liTo yon in particular, Alfred, anti I deeply indebted: You have defended me in my absence, as sisted me in school both by your example and counsel ; and have performed the thou sand little services which' have eohtrilia ted thus far to make my time hereimorig strangers pass so agreeably.. I shalt never forget you, kind, generous friend that yoo are 1 And Mary too—my own brother and sister could not have watched more etirefully'dVeritly - tOffirort happiluYtiC. I have much to say to you of this, but ea s t now. Tanight I Ind* subjects of thought less pleasant, andlnutit be plOtie. 1' shouldn't _like to trouble you, Miss Fane, hut I came to tell you there. is to be a school-meeting to-nrght. Oh, Lbw I wish I was a man ! in influence I Mean, for tn I know that I bare a ateesoul; -- 'What is the school-Meeting for, 'Alfred 1' 'Oh, Mr. Fielding—cross old haehelorl —but I won't tell you any thing about it —it's too provoking.' 'I shouldn't expect any good from Mr: Fielding,' said Lilies, with an unusual degree of acrimony. • Why so exceedingly indig nant at him, when, if he had not sympa thized, he surely had done thee no injury, gentle Lilian. ! no danger of his doing good any where—though he ' says he pities the young lady—pities t Hot who do you think he wants to get in your place 1' Lilies stood aghast, for in all her troub les the thought of losing her situation had not occurred to her, and now they had ac tually planned her removal, and were about appointing t. successor. •Who, Alfred 1' she gasped tremblingly. Would you believe it, Miss Fane— that ugly, crosi, vinegar-faced Miss Digby.—it is too bad I At any rate they will rue the day they getherr herer. -- Minnie the mat ter, Miss Fano t you are as pale as death. 'Nothing—go now, Alfred—you shall tell me more to-morrow.' Well might young Lilias Fano turn pale, poor child ! at this intelligence; for at that very moment she held her mother's last letter in her bosom; and in that letter.had the fond hoping mother rejoiced over the bright prospects of her darling, celled her the guardian angel of the family, and hoped: that through her efforts Nimrod Might a gain be restored to their little home."And . ' .ouw to be obliged to return in dbigrace, disappoint the expectations of that doating parinit. r .and become a burden Where She should be a helper, was too much—more. than she could hear. Alfred obeyed her, and retired in sorrowful.,sileuce, and poor Lilias, pressing one small hand upon her aching head, paced the floorin a-bitterness:* of spirit that she had never felt before. We may be angels while love makes , an Eden for us, hut when we go out turning the thorns # wo find another spirit rising up, and learn alas ! that we ere not yet all meekness and purity. The disheartening lesson was embittering still more the spirit of Lilies, as she traced up and dowo-hei deserted room. But why should Mr. Fielding be so unkind ? how had she of fended him 1 These questions puzzled her most painfully ; and then, heavily and hopelessly came thoughts of the future.— What should she dot She was sure. of the sympathy- of good-natured Mary Mason; but such a friend was scarce sufficient for the exigency. There was no one to ad vise her—no one, who, acquainted with all the circumstances of the case, could say what was best; na one even who could be made to comprehend . her feelings. And she longed to pour out all her troubles in some friendly bosom. Once the thought of Alfred Mason crossed her mind, bulehe only muttered, blushing even then, 'kind silly boy!' and again recurred to the one grand question—what Mould she do ? In the midst of these rellexions, a footstep sounded on the threshold, and befdre she had time to wonder who way there; Mr. Fielding stood before, her. The surprise seemed mutual; but Mae, probably front her sense of injury, was the first to recov er her presence of mind. She 'crushed a whole shower of brightrrystals that were in the act of descending, elevated her head, and with a slight curtesy "was proceeding to adjust her cloak, when Mr. Fielding ap proached her. 'Excuse me, Miss Pane; for this intru sion; did not-expeet,tofind you-hove, but since I have, perhaps you will favor me with a few moments' conversation. .With pleasure. sir, in a proper place,' said Lajas. keeping down her anger With a_strong_effort. presume_Doactut Mar tin will he happy to see you. 'lt is you .I wish to see, Miss Fans, ilnd for that I shill Jiave,,no good opportunity at Deacon.Marthis.' • . 'Your communication must be of coast+. *pence; said Lilian, endeavoring to assume an air of carelessness. 'You are right—it is of some consequence to you, and so of course to your friends:, , 4Among which I am well aware that I have not the honor to reckon .01c. Field ing,' said Lilias, provoked, beyond e n d w • ranee by this counting ditplicity. The bachelor was evidently, the most impartur. bahle of mortals. The little 'maiden's eye flashed and her awoke were crimson indignation, but not °Amide of his face moved he neither looked ,soalused ,nor . angry, but in his usual tone replied, will not contend with you upon that , point, hliea Fane, for mere professione aierornpty things. However, it ill my wish to act the part of a friend. by you now. ' 'You will hive sti opportunity to exhib it your friendship in the school meeting t his evening; saittlilistr with 'it - ending hp, and, if I am rightly informed, it is your in tention to dO Strange to say, Mr. Fielding was not yet demolished; but with increasing sang livid he rePlield, ,, lf you had received less inforMation (him- injUdiMons. persons it might have been -better for you, and most 'assuredly would. haveisaved you much un happiness.' The.lady trotted her foot in vexation, for she knew his remark to be true ; mean time muttering something about even in judicious friends being preferable to the most punctilious enemies. "There I beg leave to dissent," said Mr. Fielding, with perfect coolness ; "hon orable enemies—" . "Excuse me; air." interrupted Lilt which information caused qUite a loosing all patience, "1 am not in a mood for . throughout the district. Alfred' discussion to-night s . tind you—it is almost Mason icked over he breakfairt table time for the school-meeting." when lieheard thenews,declared that itWas "The school-meetinghasbeen deferred." Mr. Fielding's work, and he ought to be "Deferred !" Mimi Fang's young face hanged, and chopped wood furiously all brightened, like the sky with an April sun- the rest of the day. flash; for Whatinirt not a little more time Some people thought it quite strange do fdr her I_,.atur s extended her hand in- that Miss Vane did not go home in the voluntary; while.i "forgive me," hovered stage coach, as she came, and there was on heicsiiiile-vheitheil lips. _ some little gossipping on the subject; bat d I rt week ; Mrs. Martin said Mr. Fielding hid' con and lathe meantime," continued Mr. Field-1 vinced her that his sleigh, with the'buffa ing hesitatingly; "it would—if I might— I lo robes, was much more comfortable", and if you would . but have confidence in my ;.safe, and had talked so much of the ineon motives; = Miss, Fine,- I -would venture a I veniences of stage coach travelling, that the piece oladvice.",_-. .. • I good .dame declared she should "be a "To.which ats bound to listen," said! feared of the ugly things all the days of Lillas.gailv ' and , I'Aing upon the adviser her life." a lace raaiatit , happineas, for the In the meantime the lady and . gentleman residte . hediuite restored her fal- were pursuing their way very sociably, if len 'aPirits. • • not very happily ; and Lilias found, to tier "Bouitilr' • finite astonishment, that Mr. Fielding. "Vrbnictioice, I Mean," said Lilies, with , when he threw off the school-committee 'sipile.'.'-iiilleirritederthe' bachelor quite man, and had no unpleasant point to gain. forgeithiit th at' angry. (such as telling a lady she is mistaken in . "Then Twill ^ talk fteely as to a friend— tier vocation) could be vastly agreeable.— attibteri - "itid Mr. Fielding spoke in a low He even went so far as to draw a picture tanef-etiiiiiiirtiVd- hie words - asthough the of her successor, the vinegar faced'Miss' ice might be beginning to thaw. "Your Digby, at which Lilies laughed so heartily position - must be a very painful one. You that she could not help wondering the next ' hive, I . knoiv, gained - all hearts, but themoment what had become of her sadness. ' judgments of triati*:are against you, and; Looking for sadness, or any other unwel the:prejudices Of more. You have many i come visitor, (vide the old adage,) is the professed friends, and they do indeed feel very way to bring it to your presence ; kindly toward you but each has some and so Mr. Fielding tidt himself called tip on to play the agreeable to an unusual ex valry to gratify, and there' is not' one a- tont ; and Lilias wondered how she cotild Moog - them in whom you can place im- be So happy, until she was obliged to ex plicit confidence."' ' plain the cause of her misery, just for the "I know it !, I have felt it all, only' too sake' f refreshing her memory. And then deeply, too bitterly' 'but whet mini dot Mr. Fielding was sad too—oh, so sad !--- Oh, IT .my mother ,ceuld , h ere !" and And then he said something in a very !ow ni overioe by the sudden revulsion "of feel- tone—doubtless to let tier know how much. ing, Lilias burst into team: •• , he pitied her ; but it must have been flak. , "Then go'to her, Miss rine, go to-nier- wardly done, foe Lilias blushed a great row—her disinterestedness you cannot deal more than when she was angry with doubt." • • him: Mr. Fielding blushed too. and "Nor ie there for deubtiri the ease both• looked as thought they were quite of another individniff,"ketoried Liliss,"in a ready to quarrel again. What a lucky cir -tone of tritternees,... - you cumstance that they did not arrive at this the merit Of dealingepenli,Mr; Fielding." Crisis before, for now Lilies exclaimed joy ' "You distrust ' Miss ously, 1 0, we are home !" and the sleigh drew up before Mrs. Fane's door. to save you pain that I recommend this It would be impossible to say whether coarse; and it was rii thaboici af indu- Mrs. Fane felt more gladness or surprise cing you. to withdraw that I persuaded at sight of Lilias; and the little ones gath then* to deter the Meeting . ,We . hive cred around her all claniorous' not fur coarse niitares; ere, you must not' bread.' but kisses. come in'tontact With • them: 'Allow me' to -- Mrs Fielding glanced from the noisy, adviseJ o u, and 'do nut erthiryout school happy group, to the pale, thin face of the again. • - - . . mother, and then around upon the scanty PO - OFLiliiie - Fhiidrth 7 e±fiet L 'iv - aii - affOtit' furniture, and, callous old bachelor as he her; and:flutter was, be felt as though his heart was swell getfree, ""Theti they intend . to dimities ing in his throat, and the moisture in his me 1" she asked' dettpoittlingty.' eye made him ashamed of himself. "If you give diem the oppertunltY;,lfear MG Fielding did not return that day, for they will. . '• his horse . had lost a shoe, which it was. • ' r Fielding? tri necessary should be replaced; and the next deserve thief" ' day there came a snowstorm, which only "Every thing that is good ' and praise- a madmah would brave ; then the third" -worthy; but a distriet school is not the day I do not quite know what detained' place for one Like yeti.. A..school teacher him, but it must li4ve been something of. Must not be too, serwitirwrositermustknow - importance, as lie was the last man in the• hoW endure,,to returnbuifetinge." world to exchange the comforts of home' "Qh, Mr. Fielding, Lammers iila not for the inconveniences of a village hotels nem.mery for tittehmOstetiehettobibad or without sufficient reason. On the fourth, heartlesa. I know what unette ute for the day, however toward night, lie was so for place— I have toolittle,climawumr-too tunate as to undertake his homeward jour tleltelf-tlepetidence-4ut I should improve nail, but before this lie was closeted a long am sore I,should. et leave my time with the again radiant Lilies, and.a.:- school until L am. obliged to leave it, as terward with her mother ; and he finally• perhaps even you via de me the justice to, quitted them, with a face so brimming over believe, I would , baste undertaken, it only 'with.-happiness, as to show—perhepe , -- neepsaity. Even a week is of .im- how glad he watt to.get away! portanee to me." Early the entitling spring the cottage. ,PI .have not . ait at liberty- to inquire down by the Maple G:ove had a new min your medic, bliss Fans, but I have fetters. dens, and another close by was purehased si* that it was no unworthy .one, and and fitted up tastefully, for a pale sweet younpartial Milureis intended, with.no dim; widow and her bright-eyed children, the , grace. ludeeil,", and there, was -so much eldest. of whoM Alfred Mason declares s. sincerity ha Mr. Fielding's ViVrtli that he vast deal prettier than her sister Lilies. did not think how warmly he was praiiing, "I have Witehedlour patienee, your in dustry; your -gentleness: and-Laweetnees, with Oink:mien • and it- is to the very qualities most a dmirable;' that your want of success may be traced." • "And so I-must go V! with a fresh gush of feeling, "My poor, poor mother 1 Indeed, Mr.Thlding--but ysiu must be-my friend, - midi.. will d 6 as you bid me i for there lirnisbody . in the world-to say just-what 1-ought tolls." Thetiseltelor wit/Mott itintreh sew ted as peer Lilias nee. Fresh interest seemed to be gathering around the school mistress, and yet he had too-much defies cy to press inqCrieiii. which at any other :time-would-neeMiropertinent-Therowiti however a better understanding between the selietitcommittee.that'and :the lady teacher ; -and to another half hour was paw erLin Conversation without a single angry wOrd, after which the two- emerged from the school. helium togethero''and taking a seat in , thersleigh; proceededlowardi, Dee con Martin's. " • • That night, bright Vett% Latta Fane, for almost, the. Aim time m 'her life, went to her bed . withlin 'len* heart, though caused, by a seeming trifle when: coinpa , red with ler other sources of sorrow.— .Nurtured in Mello Of luxury, made beg gars by thetleath of a husband and father, who was-an object of almost idolatry to a loving, helpless group; visited by Ms- I appointment. neglet and sickness. the lit tie-family had enntigled on and been hap py. They had stemmed the torrent to gether. But Mrs. Fane's exertions were wasting life. Lilies was the ehleSt child I and. her Only dependence. What could the delicate, fragile young girl do to be use ful?' Plain sewing yielded but slight re compense to fingers too little accustomed to its mysteries, and, in the retirement which Mre. Fane had chosen, ornamental needle-work found no market. True, Lil ies knew something of drawing and music; but she had never thought of either as a profession, and she felt conscious that tier knowledge of both was too superficial to turn to account. Little did Mrs. Fano or [Alias know of a districtschool.particularly in the winter, hut they knew that teaching was considered a respectable employment ; so the trial was made, and bitter to Lilies was the result. The next morning the children assem bled at the school-house as usual, but they were soon dispersed by the sad intelligence that Miss Fane had been called suddenly ; *f.rfri c! • —.. TWO DOLLARS PER)... INEW SERIES-40. 3. THE , MIKAMERIZER AND TrtE EXTREMA MAN.. -A• few years ago, before the rail road .companies between Albany and Buf falo, had provided the long and comfortable cars now used by the Mail agents and Liv ingston & Express, the messenger* of the latter rode in the passenger cars lust, like any body,' and of course encountered all sorts of characters. One of the. firm, whose love of waggery is well known, hap pened- to be going to Buffalo, and was seat ed quietly in the ear, when his attention was ditvc tcd to the conversation of two in dividuals opposite. One of these was, as it appeared, a travelling mesmerizer—a regular "professor of the science." He was _.dilating upon its rapid development —the wonderful phenomena it exhibited--- its astonishing curative power for disease , — the extraordinary discoveries developed through its agency. Finally he got upon his own superiority as a "professor,"--a congenial theme—and here he was at home. After narrating a variety of experiments some of them astounding, of courae-- , he spoke of the following with a gusto that was irresistible. Said he : "L.lst week I wits going through or or; the streets of this very city (Rochester.) and saw a tnan just ahead to whom was anxious to speak. Ile walked too fast for me to overtake him without running, so 1 just straightened out my right arm, concert trated my will, made a pass at hirn—ihus. and he stopped quicker than lightning." - "Wh-w h-wh-why mister, v-y-you don't call that m-m-'uch of a t-r-i-Ick, do y 417 "Yes, sir, I rather flatter myself.sirAist it was a pretty strong demonstration." "W-w-w-well, it don't b-be-g-in with wh-wh-what I once did." "Then you are familiar with the 'tektites ' sir, I presume," “ti-s-s-sonic.” -'w• "Might T enquire What was the base yea spoke of?" ' ~ • . ,' A9h, e-c-eir-idrtainly. Yllou stel: li-h-ha-ha-eapperted to be up here Itc11.111! tavia once in the winter. Cbriptingi dOwti ' to the c-'ars I saw a to-a-'an on 11.44, el a building, sh-'ovelling off snow I , prAitt` , soon his f-f-foot slipped and ttd-d- tteribel came; wh-wh-wh-'en he had 01044 hpit way down, I just made a prp-patut at bilu,, and it st-'opped him quiekir thin I c-c-c-'sme off with-o-Muthittkinftb* , ~ thing more a-bout it. If you site to Batavia, I wish 11 ' l ulu - Yoa w° l6l him down, for r prippre-sorne be 1).1644' 'anging there yet!"--Spirit gar Mufti' ' IV=Z=2,I y '~ .'.'jCl it ~~~ ~ t