Star and banner. (Gettysburg, Pa.) 1847-1864, June 04, 1847, Image 3

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Renovation of wormoat Land.
rout sarron or THE AMERICAN FARMER.
Laurel Fartorv, (Ma.) March 29, 1847.
• 14,11430111; I have frequent letters from
different parts of this State and Virginia,
se.iiips,tay experience as to die effects of
difflorent manures, particularly guano, and
of 'my success in renovating these worn
out the modus operands, &c. Now,
my arming operations being quite a sec
ondary consideration in my general busi
miss, I Minot spare the time from my oth
er ttecepations to answer in detail these
various communications, and therefore
have concluded to,gply to them generally
through your valuable paper, and hope it
Moly reach through this channel every one
. °tiny correspondents. -For to this paper,
and other agricultural publications, togeth
er With a natural fondness for the pursuit,
ant Indebted for whatever success I have
met with.
Yon know my whereabouts in this de
seri of old fields, gullies, and poverty grass,
and are well acquainted (as who, is not,
who has ever travelled from the city of
Baltimore to the seat of Government!)
with the total barrenness of the land gen
erally: I therefore need say but little on'
the general character of the land to start
with, and will begin by giving the reasons
for my first attempting, what appeared at
that time a Ilerculean task, the renovation
of these barren old fields.
Having been reared amid the green Beide
and lowing herds in one of the most fertile
regions in the State of New York, I could
not look upon the barren face of this coun
try without its producing a feeling of mel
ancholy. I came to the conclusion it
would never do for me to ,plant myself
down here with the expectation of making
ita permanent residence with such a pros-
Peet ,always before mc. I therefore re
solved either to change the general aspect
of the country in this respect, or leave-it.-
The &rater appearing the most feasible, I
matte the effort, and I have the satisfaction
to say that, as far as the vision extend.
irom•lay resideaca, I have succeeded.
This country, with all its faults, has re
deeming qualities. Favored with Heav
en's greatest blessings, universal health
and a never-failing supply of the purest
spring water, with a soil possessing .natii
rallithe elements of fertility, a_lmatinitul
rolling surface covered with clamps of
tretariWitleb, for richness and variety of
foliage, and beauty of proportions, for
landscape or lawn purposes, cannot' be
surpassed in the world, it is not indebted
to Heaven for its liirbidden appearance,
but to that reckless system of cultivation
too Alittaii(i:ti round in incosi " Of the
Boathein States.
'There arer two ways, Mr. Editor, of 14-
learning these old fields ; one I see recoin
mended frequently in your very valuable
worle;,that is to sow broadcast over the
laud some five bnshels of ashes with 'il
'bushel of plaster per acre, .to be followed
by ploughtagin of green erops,ler,e. Now
ihis may suit with some latitudes, but it
will not tkliere, where a gruel northwest
wind afte`eirtrest in November will sweep
,thp fence corners every particle. ot
vegetation front the face of these old fields.
The labor alone which would be required.
in the ploughing and reploughing &c. on
this"method, would, if hired out by the
i i
414 AO iv. 1 upou some public work, par
chain, as enough to do in one year what
would rat ire five years to aecoaplish in
thie'sloill iiiethod.
;Another plan is to go at it Taylor fash 7
ion, and Afp tho thing right up. As an ex
wnside of thisliater plan, I will give you
site resultf en experiment made lust year
upon one of these "old fields," and I taka
this mere . y because it is now fresh before
.nie, having just finished threshing out the
crop grotin upon this field, and not be
cause it showa.any more favorable results
7 .
i other experiments of which l'
have me uremia.
,1 pure! eel last last year an addition to
my faros !of 365 acres of land; on this
trees tker was one lot which lay iu upon
thertands I had already improved in such
manner as to injure the appearance of the
whole, In the spring of 1840 I resolved
to mike' inattack -upon this old field ; and
to satisfy myself still further of the cost
4f.iiiieh improvement, I had it surveyed
and platted by a regular surveyor, and
found the contents to be 27 acres, out of
which them was, taken, for a house, lot,
' and road, one acre, leaving twenty-six acres
to,bertultivated. This field was tenanted
out In the" year 1845 to a very worthy
Idien; l who cultivated it in corn, and I have
hiq ward that the product (and I am sure
sopereett who saw the crop growing will
overthiah of questioning the amount) was
twent.pave bushels of nubbins, or less
titTlillelmshels of corn per acre. This,
by,the way, is about the character of many
ot4t'! h iti this neighborhood.
In March, 1840, as soon as the grounds
woolitiSo to haul over, I brought out the
rightlare of toy.resources, my flying ar.
hihttr i ela. ' the way of mule teams, loaded
ft iiirikklll *ow my manure heap, and
.4,841. 4 mak, r tiliocharge upon my greatest
ina k ilka washed and gullied side hills.
"-% *Nita thiek and strong. I
obi t
lhaii thtAtti phsigitit, end flushed the
. jlinig np deeply. following in the
*Or . parot with the unbend plough.
1 OWS*l l lllOt MI my other forcer, In the
shape of leached ashes, (which coat, de.
livered on the ground, 1110 per hundred
bushels.) and spread over the Whole, ina
mired parts end all, at the rate of 100
bushels per acre, pulverizing the ground
and mixing well with the harrow. Sowed
21 bushels oats per acre, harrowed again—
sowed one peck of clean fresh clover-seed
per acre, and followed with roller. This
was all done in the right way and just at
the right time. After the oats were wWII
up, I put the finishing stroke to the whole
battle by bringing up my corps de reserve,
in the shape of guano. The fine" moist
day, all spots that appeared Its hotelmen
missed in the spreading of soltia,' or sp.
peared weak, tireased aver with about
200 pounda guano, mixed with one bushel
plaster per acre, to the amount of about
two acres in spots, and spread over the
whole field plaster at the rate of one bush
el per acre. Ton say perhapp this is
going it rather strong, Mad
,requites more
capital than can trourally:he commanded
by the moot 'of bier fotmars. -, Them are
are very few, however, - who have not some
hilt dozen or More *wade," cobs eating
, every year, soapynothing
aboui the hot/ : and, hottrA cattle, Which
might be dispnied'of in some way to raise
10100, which 'odd improve permanently
ten acres of land with leached ashes, or
they might bornivt *lOO for twelvemonth.
with almost certainty or returning it
from the litereascd product on the first
crop, as you shall !tie by the following re
sult of the abnve siperincent.
I have just finished threshing out and
-cleaning tap, - -1,l1? -- bushels of first- rate
Oats. grown up& this field of 26 acres—
on avenge of 451 'bushels per acre, and 4
no Chester County land ever presented a
finer coat of grass. This year it wilt be
cut for hay. and I would not thank any
man to ensure me two tons per
Now for the. figures :
2600 bushels ulses,
80 !wagon baid.mucm.on sd d places ao 00
_pounds guano 8 00
58} Laurels mod osta-40 23 40
54 humid, closet seed. • 32 0•
Ploughing, amodia& hirsestirqg 100 00
' Cesare.
1,217 bushels oats, 40 cents, worth now
in mead 48, • • $4BB 00
Puente bat year Ibr my mach cows 00 00
Strew in sbancisneei•an offset for threshing, 4to,
i isl.
Mr. Editor, what is is land worth low
(the luiprolininithli - of hichsiost nnifirng)
inure thin hives
,when it would produce
but fi ve busheli of pen corn per acre 1
Why, if there was melt to go to the
credit - kide Of the neennti t the improve
mentxdonet itieradd in y estimation be
cheap, dirt cheap. This field, with; Judi-
Cheat cultivadoci. is now - permanently sett-
proms 1 sae vho. * itY.MOMY.Ymixe' ex
perience in theltame kind of treatment. '
I am frequently asked, "how do you
bring up those old wcim-out lands so quick
ly ?" The answer is found in the above
example. ,
-I have tried guano, and almost every
kind .of manure, in almost every way, and
hive 'always found them to pay well when
qui enough on—stable manure, leached
ashes, and guano--pretty much in value
414 n )
as I have named them.
Will the improvement 'these w moot
lands,pay I is a questi a I am frequently
asked. .1 have every reason to believe
they will. 1 commenced the improvement
of the place I now 'vs on in the year 1838.
At that time I ' d not pasture 'sufficient
fur one poor -w, and have followed it up
evezeiece, giving it just as lunch of my
individual attention u could lie' spared
without without injury to my other ttrore
legitimate business, 'and in fact just 'as
much as was necessary to relieve the mind
from the.barasaments of s more perplex
ing. occupation. The resale is, that, in•
stead of not having one spear of green
grass to refresh the eye or tickle the palate
of the poor old • coir, or one single 'oasis
in Ail Idesert4 did &Ida tal resort , to in
dte hot summer months,'l have now hun
dreds orittira Of An fitiproied gas' sex,
and hive cut during the pain year her
enough to keep. and keep 744 seventy
head'of horned cattle. thirtp ! aire head of
muhts and, horses, being 5t44 6 4-thlrteg the
year. Night before the last, Wham my.
house was shook to the serf foundation
by the raging elements (without, I sat' by a
cheerful fire .nod listened to the rider of
the pitiless storm of snow and rain against
the windows; it was a cheerlul refection
that, out of all:Mx . stock, duns was not
one. even to the suckling calf and pet
lamb, but was shelteral fittlla its fury, in
warm and comfortable stables, and were
ruminating upon beds of clean straw.
I sat dean" upon the spur of the mo
ment to 'write you a short letter, partly to
answer sundry communications on the
subject of farming, which I really could
not devote the time to reply to in detail,
and partly from a sense of duty that every
man owes to the community in which he
lives to give the result of his experience,
and let the community separate the wheat
front the chaff by their own good judg
I am fearful the perusal of this will be
found tedious. Should it be otherwise,
having cleared away the brush and started
the plough, I may at same leisure moment
give you some further pickings from my
memoranda of experiments, and perhaps
a description of some of my stock of De
von. and Durham's, of which I have a fair
specimen of the purest blood in this coun
Let all new beginners keep in view 'the
following axioms in fanning: Drain your
lands well ; plough deep and at the proper
time I pulverize the soil well by ted
ploughing, harrowing, and rolling; put on
plenty of manure, no matter what it be—
every thing in that shape you can scrape
up, buy, borrow, or beg ; do not spare the
seed, 'and be prodigal in grass seeds; be
careful and ascertain, by observation, the
proper time and proper manner of putting
them on the ground, (for one is as imFort
ant as the other,) and old Zags: himself is
not more sure of success.
The questioacinay be asked what I do
with so many mules, herself, and horned
cattle ! They all produie something- T
mules are employed in hauling wood, the.
to a population of about two thouistid
saute here and hereabouts, and in hauling
for the factories and shops, and work on
the farm. The horses, watt the exception
df a fair liir private nee, belong to persons
connected with 'the works, and supplied
flum my loft. The homed cattle supply
in part the cities of Baltimore and Wash
ington -with pure frerdi ,milk, Bent both
ways from my dairy, via the rail
Thelildiiiabiisiment still in Ma'
tion at
Ten per Cent. Cheaper than can be aeld
in any other Manufactory in the U-.
-niied ! Yeeiet I
TIIE subscriber having very much en
larged his Coach Lace Manufactory,
and haring. now in his employ most expe
rienced and skillful workmen, takes this
method of informing his old easterners, in
Philadelphia, Baltimore and Pittsburg, that
he is prepared to accommodate theta with
most beautiful and 'well selected patterns
in the
line, which cannot be surpassed inelegance
of style and finish. Raving made arrange
ments regulaily to receive the newest and
teat patterns, lie feels no hesitation in
• ying that no other establishment in the
country can compete with him, either in
beauty of patterns, durability of workman
ship, or cheapness of material. It is scarce
ly necessary to designate the different va
rieties of Lace made at his manufactory,
and it is only necessary to say that ALI,
and EVERY kind of Lace, Cord, Tassells,
&c., &c., are always being made and kept
on hand ; and it is only necessary for
purchasers to order any and every kind,
and they will promptly complied-.with:
May 14, 1847.-31
- $260 00
80110,0 R 0011111 TI.
$473 80
ROBERT G. HARPER, ieasurer of the Ho
rough of Gettysburg,from the sth day
of May, 1946, until the 3d day of May,
1847—both daycindaded. •
To-balance of duplicate for 1808, in
bamis of J.Dlen z, '
Do. do. for 1840, in hands of
Q. Annitrong,
Borough and Road Tax assessed fu
Stall Rent,.(Markerhouse,)
Cub rep eired for mile of Engine-house
(York ptreet,)
Do. do. (High street,)
Money obtained on loan,
4'l';li3pe due Treasurer at last set-
By ordmis paid aid as follows
Holding Borough Election,
Wm. Gillespie, Rent of Engine-house,
2 years and 10 months,
Joseph Slentt, nigh Constable,
George -AeCarr; do.
Sheriff of Adams county, for Engine
Property on Middle-street,
. Wm. Simpson, Baltimore, for Suction
Joseph Trostle, hauling do. from Balti-
Dukebart & Co. Ho.. and Hauling,
Henry R upp, Expenses and repair of
Ge 9. Little, repairs to Engine-house,
J. G. Frey, painting Engines.
C. W. Hoffman, Hose Reel, &e.
Daniel Baldwin, enmities opening Al
Henry Chritzman. opening alley, re
moving stable, &v.
Thomas M 'Creaky, surveying alley,
Hugh. Denwillid, for painting Town
Clock, &c.
J. Mathias, replaying do.
Armstrung,Strest and Boat Com
misaronsr,' '
Do. - Fees and,Relesses,
8. H. Buehler, money paid fin remo
ving Engine,
8: Wither**, Auctioneer,
8..0. Hi Printi , g,
K. A.'Buehler„ do.
D. J. Schreiner, do., he.
H,Witherow aid others, special Con
.1. *gar—balance due him as Collee-
Henry Little arresting vannuots,
R. W. M*Sherry, merchandize, -
H. tell. do.
J. A. Thompeins. stone and gravel,
-110. hauling, &c.
J. B..M*Pheraon, stone,
George Swope, dn.
Conrad Snyder, do;
'John slretz, ' d "`
J. Brinell, do.
George Trestle, timber,
Peter WOitz, hauling,
Thomas Warren, gravel,
Was S Hamilton, work done for the
.Gen Crltritlasonser, do
V Haar, do
darn' Demur,
C W Hoffman, do -
DavirPM'Millaa do
Peter Hoffman, do
Samuel M'Creary, do
C H Redding, do
Michael 'nay, do
Peter Lutz, der
Henry Rine, , do .
Henry Chiler, do
George Codori,.. , do
Jr & E Little, do
C S Swope, do
E Hanaway, do '
M Etter, do
Adam Foutz, . do
J Piercy, do
T Frazier ' do
Burgess and Council,
Clerk and Treasurer,
Balance in hauls of I f• Meaty
Do q . ArMiamair
Do J Bowan, •
Do Treasuier, _
1847, May 2. The Town Council of
the Borough of Gettysburg do certify that
they have examined the items which com
pose the above account of ROBERT G.
Honig., Treasurer of said-Borough, for
the year ending this day, and 6nd them
correct; and that there is a balance in the
hands of the Treasurer of Twenty : five Dol
lar: and Ninety-one Cents.
?resident of Council.
, eopir - Nay by Treanwer.--A eonsidereble Aihnbet
of the orders in the above account were for servi
ce" tandemd in previous run.
May 14, 1811.-34
Inr AS just received, and is now opening'
GOODS as has ever been offered to the
public in this place, and will be sold at the
very lowest prices—among which are
Cloth*, Tweeds, Cswideneres,
Summer Cloths, and Veinings,
with almost every other article calculated
for gentlemen's wear.
ei'The Ladies' attention is
particularly invited to a selec t ion of beautiful
%Q,OEtt . o
Plaid, Striped, and Plain Silks,
Glaglituss, Lawns, mug. Detains,
with almost every article in his line of
business. Please call, examine, and judge
for yourselves.
Gettysburg, April 9,—.8t
4 • it ...._
7-,• ..
I n , 0, t
...,.......- 41
_ _
. .
ESPECTFULLY informs his friends
KIL. awl the public generally that lie has
n. • on hand a large assortment of TIN
W RE of every description, which he
wil sell at moderate pricos—all warranted.
Persons wishing to purchase at low rates
will do well to call before purchasing else
HOUSE SPOUTING will be made
and put up at 124 cents a foot.
00-An Apprentice to the Tinning.
business will be taken, if application. with
good recommendations, be made soon.
One between 16 and 17 years of age will
be preferred.
Gettysburg, March 12, 1817.
I ..g. 114 1111.111Nia1m . ..
THE undersigned has connected with
his Coachmaking Establishment .a
larle Smith shop, and is prepared to do all
kinds of
including ironing arriages, Buggies
Wagons, 41. Ile would those who
have Horses to shoe, that he has in his em
ploy first-rate hands, which, with his per
sonal attention, will enable him to give en
tire satisfaction to all those who may favor
him with a call.
$27 Oli
Corritige En.; y .14vrir at.
(warranted) will be promptly made to or
der at all times.
IrT.All kinds of REPMRLVG dune,
both in Wood and Iron, at the most redu
ced prices.
Thankful for past encouragement, the
subscriber solicits a continuance of patro
nage, and invites his friends to call at his
Esuiblishment in IC°. west Chambersburg
street, a few doors below Thompson's
Gettysburg, Feb. 6, 1846.
10 37
10 ' 0
OtII 18
41,422134 P tP itta712142,
ItETURNS his grateful acknowledg
ments for the very liberal patronage
which has heretoiJre been extended to
him, and takes this method of informing
his friends and-customers. and the public
generally, that he still continues the CAB
INET-MAKING in Chambersburg street,
at his old stand, where those wishing . first
rate Furniture can be supplied on the
shortest notice.
2 00
1 00
7 00
2 37
3 110
, 537
) 62
1.1 72
15 87
1 76
I He has also, in connection with the Ca
binet-making, commenced the CHAIR
MAKING, and is prepared to furnish
those wishing Chairs at as reasonable rates
as at any other establishment in the place,
and of se good quality, made of the best
materials and by one who understands his
his business.
'(0 All kinds of produce, and 'wither,
will be taken in exchange for Furniture,
and theliigheet market price given.
j' COFFINS will be made at the
shortest notice, and all orders promptly at
tended to, as usual.
Gettysburg, March 19, 1847.—tf.
5 3:7),
18 25
31 r
1 oo
4 00
3 00
1 96
19 62
1 50
11110 ESPECTFULLY informs his friends
_ and the public generally, that he has
removed his Clock and Watch Establish
ment 'from Taneytown, Md., to Gettys
burg, at the stand,lately occupied by Jo
seen. MaTutee, deceased, where he will
be pleased to wait upOrtall who may , favor
him with their custom. lie will keep on
hand a general assort , -
meat of •
CLOagtif I 0 .47
, -
AND ' '
20 25
11 00
4 81
1 62
1 00
30 00
39 00
16 19
29 95
380 61
. 95 91
112105 014
which will be sold on the most reasonable
terms. Clocks, Watches, &c., will be re
paired at the most reasonable prices, and
warranted to gifte entire satisfaction. Hav
ing been engaged in the business for a num
ber of years he hopes, by industry and par
ticular attention to his costontera, to merit
a share.of public patronage. •
Gettysburg, Oct. 9, 1848.—tf
!I% HE attention of the Ladies is directed
••• to the'very handsome assortment of
White Goods, (plain, plaid and striped,)
unusualy large, at the Cheap to ore of
W. & C. RUTillt AMT.
farkF ail the remedies recommended, in late
MI/ . years, for the cure of CONSUMPTION,
Coughs, Colds; Asthma, Bronchitis, Lieer Corn
plaint. Spitting Blood. Difficulty of Breathing,
Pain in the Side abd Butastaalpitation of '
the Heart, Iniluenilli, Croup, Broken
Constitution, Sore Throat, Ner-
von. Debility, and all disea
. sea of the Throat, Breast
and Lungs:
None has beets found o CUITIIN and
MINT in it. curative w t egjaver these,
so general
and often fatal dices , an the abuse prepara
tion. The Compoun Syrup' of Tar and Wood
Napthi Is an unparalleled remedy. In addition to
the healing power of Tar-4be virtues of which,
in affections of the lungs, is universally acknowl
edged—there is coMbined.with it in this prepara
tion the active principles of some of the most car=
lain Tonic Vegetable Pectorals, which unite to
make it the most valuable medicine ever offered
to the public for the cureof the diseases for which
it is emplos ed. so that it never fails, if taken in
time, to produce the intended eflect-
Among the testimonials to the value of the a.
hove medicine. are several froin distinguished phy
sicians of Philadelphia. Read the following Itom
Dr. Young, the eminent oculist :
Philadelphia, Jan. 18, 1847.
Having used in my practice, na well 'sin my
own family... Thomson a Compound of Tar
and W°nd /CaOut," 1 howencrttaiitatiot in saying
that it is the heat preparation of the kind in use
for persona suffering from Consumption, Coughs,
Colds, and all aflhetions of the Throat, Breast, kc.
so prevalent at this season of the year.
152 Spruce street.
Bead also the following from a man who will
at any time corroborate its statements,
TTThe following nattier! per*ins have hearsay).
pointed .40;usior Adams County Wm W I'ax•
ton. Eaq:'Meneral Agent for Adams county; J A
Thompson and I) Ziegler, Gettysburg; Dr. Wm
11 Stewart, Petersburg; Henry Myers, New Chea
ter; Henry Mayer, Abbuttstown ; Daniel Com
fort, Straban township; Abraham Kit g. Hunters
town; David Blythe, Fairfield; T 1' Wierman,
Arendtaville; Wm Morrison and Abel T Wright
liendersville; Dr. 1) Mellinger, East Berlin ; Ab'rn
Scott, Cashtown.
Philadelphia, Dec. 4, 1847. Sept. 131 18.16.—tf
Penetrated with a deep sense oT gratitude for
the benefit experienced by the ine of Thomson's
Compound Syrup of Tar, and that others who,
like me, have languished through years of affliction
and suffering, without being able to find a remedy
may know where it can be obtained, 1 voluntarily
make the following statement.
About four years since, after being affected with
.a siolent .left upon .me a troublesome awl
severe cough. Whilst the cough continued, which
was whit scarcely an, intermission during this
long period, larignage tails to tell what I have suf.
feted from debility, pains in the breast and side.
night sweats, difficult expectoration. oppressed
breathing. and in fact all those symptoms which
mark a severe pulmonary affection. The relief
occasionally obtained by the discharge of the mat
ter which ob•trocted the healthy action of my
system, but increased my fears. us the purulent
matter discharged was frequently streaked with
During this time I was under the treatment of
several physiciann,and took ninny of those preps
rations recommended an serviceable in the cases
of others. Iv* without relief : and I at length cane
eluded that a core in my Cane was hopeless. But
how agreeably changed is DOW my opinion!
have uned for shout three weeks Thonison'n Com
pound :syrup ul Tar. By the use of ere brut le my
cough has been rehental and my system reinvigo
rated. and by continuing the use of it up to this
time. I am sat wind that my complaint is entirely
removed and eradicated.
R. REARNVY, 4-I`2 S. Seventh St.
try This invaluable remedy is prepared only by
Angney k Dickson, N. E. Corner of Filth and
Iten streets, Phtladelphia, and can be had ad.
following Agents :
S. S. rornry, Gettysburg.
11..lingney, Carlisle.
D. P. Lange, Hanover.
Price 01 largt bottles SI.IH). 13ewan.-ul 'mita.
tioti.! [April 30, ISt7—ly
Stanton's l xt'rual Remedy,
its now universally arttpowledged to be the
IN ALL! BL E EMF:Dy for Idieurnatisni,
spinal 'affections. continctions or the muscles, rose
throat and quinsy, issues. old ulcers, pains In the
back and chest, ague in the breast and lace. tomb
ache. sprains, lonises, salt Orman, burns, croup,
trotted feet, and all IIefVOIIIIIIISPRSYS. The Zr
photo soar rss which loss at feuded the application
o t ti lts mo s t wood& r fat iiirdirinc In curing the most
severe rases al the Ihar,,efit disease salmon e named.
and the high corriorroos that Mine been bestowed
upon it, w herever it has been introduced. gives
me the right to call on the ofilo tel to result at
once to the only ?rawly Au! con be ether! in,.
ILI - File tut:owing letter iron, Edmund M Blunt,
Esq. whose name has been rendered immortal an
the author of the Coast Pilot, and Sc. era l other
Nautical works, is the must reliable en idence of
the great value ot the celebrated External Remedy,
Runes Liniale.l.
" Sing Sing, July '23, 1545.
George E. Staunton. Esq.
rear 9.r :—For more than India century I have
guttered by Itheumati-m. A few momhs since in
consequence consequence of that disease which
sticks closer than a brother. I tell and injured my
side. inducing my applying Hunt's Liniment, nom
which I had immediate relief ; consequently feel
ing an attack of my old companion, I applied it
to the part affected, which at. once removed it.—
As a law compels all ship-masters to carry a med
icine cheat whilst at sea. none should go without
this, as I think one bottle for external parposes
worth all the medicine they eari carry. ;Aim may
me this communication at your pleasure.
Very respectluily of.sztti,
A gentleman of high standing in the society of
Friends, speaks u follows of the great remedy,
hunts Liniment:
Aim-aide llth mouth. Ist, 1844.
Georg, E. &aunton,
Eaiermed Friend :—Thy letter of the 20th ulti
mo is received. In my reply I would any, that I
have been troubled with a lame knee tor.severil
years, during a h,ch time it has dibtrefeled me mach.
I procured a bottle of Hunt s Liniment at thy cote,
early last spring, and I have used it ircely, and 1
can that since that time 1 have had little or no
trouble with my keel. A friend, to whom I sort
a bottle, .informs me that it was of great benefit
in a rheumatic affection. I have no hesitation in
recommending it to any person needing an eater.
nal remedy
Bedford, Sept. 4, 484.1
TO George E. Staunton,
Ste--Cometime since- I over-heated-myself in
working, and in a short time the calf of my leg
broke out in pimples. uhicli by scratching became
fever sores of the worst desciipetop , The irritation
and swelling was so great that I could not nut
day or night; J uteirone bottle of your Liniment
and lam entirely well. I was also nlfected by a
swelling in my groin from the same causes, and
the application of the Liniment relieved me at
once; and I most confidently recommend it to the
public aeon lava' uablo remedy.
This Liniment is sold at 25 and 50 cents per
bottle by all the principal Druggists and Minch
Orders addressed to me at Sing Sing, N Y, will
be attended to. G E STANTON, Proprietor.
Wholesale .Agents—Headly, Phelps & Co 142
Water street, Rushton & Co 110 Brorulway, A 11
& D Sands, corner Fullowand William, A spinwall
80 William street, New York; Cuthbert & Weth
eeill 16 Smith Second, Philadelphia.-
AGENTS.-Baniuel H. Buehler Ar.
8. Fotney, Gettysburg; Abraham King,
Hunterstmon ; E. Zack, Pinetown ;
cob Hollinger, Heidlersburg Hollinger&
'Ferree, Petersburg, ( Y. 84; Jacob•Anlii
*baugh, Hampton' Geo. S. Ben t
1 • May - 7, 1847. • •
Varpish I ilintiphavt
THE subabriber has just received and
has for sale a new supply of first
quality COACH VARNISH—aIto a lot
of superior Paint Brushes sk Sash ibols.
_ • ' H. .
Gettysburg, March 5, 21347.,
. 0f GIES, ikc., of good and substantia
make, can bo had at the Coach Establish
went of the subscriber, in Gettysburg.:
Gettysburg, May 20, 1846. - .
3111131E42111L1 1 11110 - 11HL_IINN
FOR SSLE .17' 7711 S OFFICE.
Protection against Loss by
RUDE "Cumberland Valley Minna! Protection
Company," being incorporated by ad Act of
the Legislature, and fully organised and in opera
tion under the direction of the following Board of
Managers, via: T C Muller, James Weakly, D W
M'Cullough, A q T A M'Kinley, Philip
Spangler, Samuel Galbraith, Samuel Tritt, Alin)
King, (Adams,) Jobe Zug, Samuel Huston, J T
Green, J Bear—call the attention of the.mhabitt
ants of Cumberland lad Adorns counties to tbe
cheapness of the rates, and the many advantages
which this kind of insurance has over any other.
-- Ist:ltvisry person insured become a member
oftbe company and takes part in the selection of
officers and the direction of its concerns.
21.1 For insurance no more is demanded than is
necessary to meet the expenses of the Company,
and Indemnity against losses which may happen.
3d. The inconvenience of frequent renewals is
avoided by insuring for a term of five years.
4th. Any person applying fur insurance must
give his premium note for the cheapest class at
the rate of fire per cent., which will be $5O on the
1000, for which he will have to pay $ fio for the
years and al 50 for survey and policy. and no
more unless loss be sustained to a greater amount
than the Ponds on bind will cover, and then no
more than a pro rata share. 'These rates are
much cheaper than those of other companies, ex
cept such as are incorporate( on the same princi
'P. C. MILLER, Freaidcnt.
A. G. Mracca, Secretary.
For the cure of Ikprailes or Liver Com
plaint Dyspepsia and Sick !lead-Sche.
1411IIIS remedy has been for several years
ployed by the proprietor in his practice, on a
very large scale in 3lonongalia, Preston, Harrison.
and Randolph coon tier, in Virginia, besides sever
al other places, and having been attended with
the most happy effects• he has been from time tti
time solicited to take such a coarse as would give
it a mole extensive circulation with a view to les
sen the amount of human suffering. Aware of
the tart that many nostrums have been palmed
upon the public, he hesitated tor set et al years, un
til thoroughly convinced that the above medicine,
if properly used. w ould not tail to effect cities in a
great many instances, and even to alleviate those
cases which ore quite incurable.
Symptoms of 0 thseased Lir, —Pain in the right
side, under the edge of the ribs, increased on pres.
sure; sometimes the pain is in the left side; the
patient in rar ely able to lie on the left ride; some
times the pain is lelt under the shoulder-blade, it
frequently extends to the top of the shoulder, and
is sometimes mistaken for a rheumatism in the
right arm. The - stomach is affected with loss of
appetite and sickness; the bowels, in general • ate
costive. sometimes alternating with lax, the head
Is troubled with pain accompanied with a dull.
heal° , sensation in the hack part. There is gen.
erally a considerable loss of memory. accompan
ied with a painful sensation of haying left undone
something nhich ought to hate Ven done. A
slight dry cough is sometimes an attendant. The
patient complains of w eariness and debility; he in
easily startled, his feet ur# cold or burning. and lie
complains of a prickly sensation of the skin; his
spirits are low: and althosigh he is satisfied that
exercise would b e benetietai io him, yet he can
scarcely summon 'np toritiole enough to try it
In tact, he distrustk every remedy._ !". met nt of the
above symptoms Tend the disease, but ca-es hate
ed la
ocrurr heir le • of them existed, yet exami
nation of The bor , l, after death has shovrt the liver
to have been ex ensively deranged.
Thin in to terrify, that having been associated
with Dr. Mlaitte in the practice of medicine ror
nearly van and 1.1 half years. I had many opportu•
'mien of witnessing the grunt effects nt his Liter
Pills. and I believe they hate cured and retuned
a much larger proination at !liedlbaltSe3 of the liv
er. than I hate known cured and I'd eyed by any
other (Oil rns! of treatment.
Oliver Morgan, M. D
Dec. 7. ISI6.
Mr. .IPl,ane's Liver Pills
This is ill Cern ty that I have been afflicted 101
nix yearn with the Liver Complaint. and applied
to physicians. obtaining temporary Wirt
On hearing of Dr. M Lanes Liver Pills I obtained
and used tWO hnleS. I now feel almost telly re
stored to Itealth—Tbe Liver Pills have given me
surprising relief. S. ILA V near Pittsburg.
0b,,,,....75; 0 n e are genuine without a fac simi
le of the proprietor's signature. Pirpared lot the
proprietor by .1( IN ATHA N KIDD A• Co. W hole.
sale and Retail Druggists, No. fill Wuod at. Pitts
N. 13.--Inonler that there may be no mistake,
be particular and a k for M Lane a Liver
(LYThe above medicine can be haul of the fol
lowing agents:
S. 11. Buehler, Gettysburg ; J. Lower,
dlrendlaville ; J. & C. WIC night, Ben
dersville ; J. S. Hollinger, Ileidlersburg;
lloltzinger & Ferree, Peteisburg ; Jacob
Aulobaugh, Hampton; J. 'F. Hildebrand,
E. Berlin ; Peter Aliekly . , , Nummasburg;
Win. Bittinger, sibbolisloten ; Coulson &
Co.•Wholeaale Agents, Liberty st. /Ida
more, Md.
Feb. 26, 18.17.--tm
SA DS' SA RSAPA 1111.11. A.--1 I pail is the
choicest blessing heaven can confer on
man, in comparison to which all worldly
treasures sink into nothing and insignifi
cance. The roval robes of princes cannot
compare with the ruddy hue of health.—
Thousands suffering from diseases that
have reduced them to a total wreck, might
by proper treatment and the use of the
right medicine, entirely regain their health.
Diseases having their origin in vitiated se
cretion or inflammation of the mucous tis
sues, chronic rheumatism, sciatica or lum
bago, scrofula, king's evil, salt rheum,
biles, barber's itch, and similar diseases,
will be safely and effectually cured by the
use of Sand's Sarsaparilla, which has been
used ih many thousands of cases with
complete sucsess.
for For further particulars and conclusive evi
dence ofits superior efficacy, see Pamphlets, which
may be obtained of agents gratis. Prepared and
sold, wholesale and retail, by A.B. & 1). Sands,
76 Fulton street New York. Sold also by ap-
pointment of the Proprietor, by 8, H. BUEHLER,
Gettysburg, Pa. Price $1 per bottle. Six bottles.
for 116. (April 30,1847.
Dr. Cullen's hadtan IPtgelet.
ble Spertik, .
FOR Female Complaints—is ono of the
most valuable medicines in diseases
common to Fenntles, ever offered to the
public. Diseases arising from weakness
or other causes, are removed in a few
days. We have heard-runnbers of 'fe
males say they would not be without this
medicine, if it could not be had, for any
price. Certificates 'of - await, in pamphlet
form; may be had atm - agents gratis.
Dr. Cullen's Indian-Vegetable Remedy...
Da. < Panacea
Do. du Pile Remedy.
Dr. .4ppleton's Remedy for Deafness.
Rowand'a Magic Lotion.
These Medicines are prepared and sold
by the proprietors, Rowan & Walton, 376
Market street, Phßadalphia,"and can be
had in Gettystfurg at the Dreg Store of
Jan. 15, 1846.—tf
PEA Nlll4l l -1,1:. ,LBERTS, A-1„.
MONDS, of'the beet qualit
to bo had at the Confeationary of
D L; lILN 'S
dirERSONS afflicted ith Scrofula, . cvil
Cancer, Erysipelas, Old Sores, Ulm', Tot
ter, Mercurial Diseases, or any other comidsints
arising from impbrities of the blood, are rectiest
ed to read the following testimonials, in proof of
the wonderful properties 01 the above nomed mod-
GENTS.—It is 110 W six month* since my
youngest child, a daughter, had a cutane
ous affection s which made it, appearance
over its entire body. It was a ease of
Hereditary Tetter, and so virulent was the
disease, that we wished, in case it could
not be speedily relieved, that it might be
soon laid in its grave. At this stage of the
disease my sister-in-law called upon you,
to advise as to the best preparation of Sar
saparilla that could be procured, as an al
terative ; when you recommended the use
of Dr. Collings Indian Vegetable Panacea,
and I am pleased to say that the good ef
fects of the medicine were perceptible
when it had taken but a few doses; and
by the time we bad used one single bottle,
the disease had entirely disappeared, and
from that time there has been no re-ap
pearance. I really feel. thankful to yow
Air having recommended the Panacea in
this case, for I feel confident that had not
the disease been arrested, my child would,
ere this, have been the tenant of the cold
and silent tomb. Respectfully yours,
It6r - 04 & WALTON. Joi n t P. Rees,
Phila. Dec. 9 1845. 85 N. Seventh St.
Philadelphia December 10, 1845
Mr. 3. T. ROw•rn.
Dear Sir,—At your request I cheerful-
ly give you an account of the wonderful
cure effected upon tme by Dr.. Cullen's In
dian Vegetable Panacea. At the age of
fourteen years I had upon my right knee
a White Swelling, which stiffened the
joint, and caused some seventy or more
pieces of the hone to come away in the
sores, and which was temporarily relieved
by thl remedies, but not entirely cu
red. At ti es sores would again break
(Th l
out, and bec the so distressing and painful
that I could get uo rest night nor day. In
this way it continued till last spring, when,
having witnessed the extraordinaryeffects
of your Panacea, as an alterative, upon a
a daughter of mine who was using it for a
elirouic4ilense, I concluded to make a tri
al of it in My own case; the result has
been an entire cure. lam now sixty-sev
en years of age, and have suffered fifty
three years with sores. I cheerfully add
~, v testimonial to the many others that I
• v
have heard, of the cures performed by your
celebrated Panacea.
Thomas Ifidlon,
4UO N. Third Street, Alderman Seventh
Ward, N. L.
To whom it may concern.—This may
certify that my Odd, almost from birth *
was afflicted with Scrofula, which covered
most of its bodies with sores; and that for
eighteen months, though commonly under
medical treatment, nothing afforded relief
till I was induced to make a trial of Dr.
Cullen's Indian Vegetable Panacea. The
attending physician, on witnessing itsgrood
effects, recommended its continuance ac
according to directions, and by using a
single bottle of the Panacea, the child was
apparently cured. It is now about four
months since the medicine was discontin
ued, and I hate no doubt but the cure is
complete. Y ours truly,
_ .
w.k 111 & W A LTOrl
De d. !hi";
Mr. J. T. Rowdou—sm,—sometime
last Spring I was so unfortunate as to get
the "Jackson, or Barber's Itch," by shar
ing after some one affected by that trou
blesome and obstinate disease. You
cannot hare forgotten the swollen and
irritated condition of my face at the time
you recommended "Dr. Cullen's Indian
Vegetable Panacea:
I have now the pleasure to inform you.
for the benefit of all who are similarly af
flicted, that the use of a single bottle of the
Panacea Cured me entirely. You may
well judge of my gratification at such a re
sult, as 1 had so often known the disease
to continuefor years under thi usual mer
curial remedies. (Signed)
Phila. Aug. 5 1845. 7'. L. Sander*,
Pledge Office.
Ye learned ones (gibe "Healing Art;' if ye can
an far overcome proterrsional pride melons, a med
icine which ye know not how to compound', ye
may preserve many valuable lives which will cr
!bemire be sacrificed. Will ye not prescribe it
If it shall not accomplish all we claim for it after
a fair trial, according to directions, we will pot..
lish en account of its failure in any three papers
in the U. States at our own expense.
And here we say, without the fear of contra
diction, that we have not found a ease of Ferofula
or other disease for which we recommend the
naves, which the medicine hen not speeuily ar
We have at this time a multitude of patients un
der treatment, all of whom are doing well. A
mong them is one of CANCER, which was pro
nounced by physicians beyond the reach of
cal assistance, but from all appearances will ba
cured in a few months.
3:rThe above valuable medicine is for sale
wholesale and retail, by Messrs. Rowan and Wal
ton, Proprietors, 370 market street, Philadelphia
and by the followingligents:
- Samuel H. Buehler, Gettysburg, Pa..
C. A. Morrie, York, Ps.
N. N. Robinson, Baltimore, Md.
Aprll 23, 11347.—tf
Shovel Cul/We/ors -
CAN be had for Cumberland township
at C. IV. lIOVFMAN'II Coach-Shop,
Gettysburg, Pa. Please call and see them
and judge tor yourself.
Gettysburg, May 29, 1948.
igHAWLS of every description can be
" had very cheap at W. dr, C. Ruthraure
Cheap Stope in Chamberaburg street.
May 7.
Is published every Friday Bvening, in the
County Building, above the !Register
and Recorder's. Oftes, by .
• Tjams s•
it paid in advenc,e or Within the year, ,$2 per
Amine—if not 'd within the year, 02 50. No
paper disiont .all a ges are paid
except at the option of the Editor. Single copies
61 cents. A taftnre to notify g discontinusnest
will be regarded as a new engagement
ofderrtinwansto not exceeding a square inserted
th ree ti me s for gl--every subsequent insertion
25 ceets. Longer ones in the same. proportion. .
All advertisements not specially ordered for a Or
in time, will be continued until forbid. 'A liberal
reduction will be made tothose wistrisdvertise by
the year.
Job Printing o! all kinds executed neatly mod
promptly, and on reasonable term.
l A it erban d ousiunicatioila to the Editor; (ex
cepting such u contain Money or the nunesi of
new subscribers) must be *Oll7 PAID, 41 0,1 1 / 1 11r to
ecure attention,
Jbu Alaiket z,t